#otp; thick as thieves
dylanconrique · 4 months
absolutely gutted that we're most likely not going to get this scene from the book or something similar. 😔
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thesilverlock · 1 year
Girl- your art and your OC Jey Cleary is SO GORGEOUS I CAN'T- I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM
I know your OTP is Joey and Astral, so, I must ask, how would he behave or act around Dark Mist if he met him?? 👀👀👀
Would he hate Mist? Would he tolerate him??
And what is Joey's relationship with Eliphas and his previous obsession in reaching purity by removing all the chaos??
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THESE are also Super fantastic questions, thank you for the opportunity for me to gush about my boy and his antics with other characters 💙🩵✨ i’m so sorry this got SO long agshdj! There are doodles/art for your reading troubles down there too!))
- - ⟢〖 MIST 〗
So Jey’s whole deal is; Despite hailing from Astral World and being obligated to participate in their favor during the war ﹣ he’s actually the Son of Balance. His father, Protos, (the Heart of Astral World, as some called) was the guardian/overseer of the harmony between Chaos and Order. Before shit hit the fan in every conceivable way lmfao On top of that, Jey’s just.. a rogue and a rapscallion ahsgdhjs He never was keen on how black-&-white the war seemed, but relearning about the complete villainization of one half of a necessary energy was the final coffin nail. And that disagreeance is literally in his soul makeup! He was created in equal Chaotic Energy and Pure Energy. That balance is intermittently tied throughout him; He is meant to be the harbinger of Balance. Even Jey himself isn’t fully aware of how ingrained it is due to his own amnesia, but he does know obliterating all Chaos is not the answer, there’s something in his bones defying it. It’s a rather big plot point in his story that he starts to feel divided from the main crew because of this. Not Yuma﹣ Yuma is the only one backing Jey up at all ﹣but Astral. And it’s Astral’s rejection (spawned from the envoy's own rigid ideals and mission) that hurts Jey enough to push him out of the group for a brief period. ✨breakup arc woes✨
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. . . And this is how and when Mist finds him. They make an alarming well fit duo. Their personalities mesh, and they do surprisingly? Okay? To avoid overt toxicity in their alliance? Mist doesn’t get preached at to change, or to “join a side of the war”, or be force locked in his card, so he tolerates having Jey around. And obviously Jey can’t be affected by Mist’s number influence, and he's naturally domineering enough to counteract when Mist gets too... himself lmao. Jey has a Robin Hood type of suave and charm whereas Mist acts increasingly seductive and invades people’s space because he wants to intimidate. Jey knows how to beat Mist at his own game, which both intrigues and aggravates the Number. Like two people who know one another via a friend-of-a-friend, and go on this epic journey and end up unconventionally thick as thieves like halfway through the movie. ASDFGH
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Mist likes Jey’s assertiveness and darker side - the viability to resort to vicious methods and being such a rebel personality despite supposed loyalty to the world of “pure” ideals. Jey is pulled in by Mist’s unapologetic “take me or leave me” nature and his recognition of the hypocrisy regarding the war from both ends. And ofc the Number's unique brand of effortless beauty and free-bird, unaffiliated presence. Those two tend to, pretty universally, have a quick chemistry and natural connection. [ It’s also thanks to that natural connection that a certain lightbulb gets his first experiences dealing with an ‘unknown’ and green-eyed emotion. 😉 ] Also also, fun fact - if it could not already be told by these answers lol - These two are my second highest OTP, right after Goldenship (Jey x Astral /JeiAsu) ! I call them Pierceshipping. Since they have a lot of piercing qualities (particularly their affinity for bedroom-eyed stares and smirks) And because they each canonically stab someone through the chest.
I’m so sorry I ran out of space for the Eliphas portion of the question, I’ll have to return to that! ♡ ;v;
But TLDR; For a lot of the same reasons already listed here, Jey and him do not get along. Can’t always do much ‘bout it tho cause that’s their technical boss, gotta play civil or else Jey and boifren don’t get as many missions together :(
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laikaflash · 7 months
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
If I have to pick one right now: Siegfried/Salia. The "No one would touch his heart" line be damned, I'll get around to writing them in more depth. Thick as thieves, as they say. While I headcanon Siegfried with more than a few hangups (related to his mother's past and, later, just by virtue of having been Nightmare), I like to think he has it in him to warm up to someone, even if he might not be overt in showing it. Salia stood by him well into the events of SV5, and I am running with that.
The Schwarzwind side-missions in Libra of Soul were a boon, I tell ya.
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vacantgodling · 10 months
character headcanons ask game: hanzo if someone else hasn't already asked about him, or lucio if someone has. or both :D
i did hanzoooo (but i’m always down to do more pff) but i’ll do lucio cuz tbh i had to think about this a bit. what ARE my headcanons for my favorite frog boy 🤔
Sexuality Headcanon: this is a good question—i think for him it’s about the vibes—is he vibing with someone. tbh lucio strikes me as someone who falls in love with a lot of people in a lot of different ways; he’s always in love with someone or something. but at the same time i don’t know if the concept of being with someone is something that he’s truly thought out. he’s always on the move, always on the go, always living life to the fullest extent and in a manner of ways i think he just needs someone (or potentially plural) that matches his energy. might be poly-pan perhaps, i think that would work for him.
Gender Headcanon: nb masculine would be a fun headcanon for him tbh. i don’t know if i’m that pressed i just know he’s a dude lol
A ship I have with said character: i’m actually a pretty big bunnyribbit fan and when i’m not losing my mind over hana and daehyun (the real otp) then these two are always thick as thieves to me. just as i was talking about in the sexuality headcanon, i think hana just matches his energy. HONESTLY BIG BRAIN THOUGHT of hana, lucio, daehyun ot3 oh my god—
A BROTP I have with said character: in the same frame, the hana lucio friendship is chefs kiss but i think most people pair them as friends together. that aside, i think he and tracer are such cute friends!!
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm. him and junkrat ig? but i just think all the junkers are useless to the story and i dislike all of them fr. so its less to do with the ship itself and more like general disdain for all 4 (yes i include the fucking hamster) of those characters and that sector of the ovw universe. shoulda never been made imo.
A random headcanon: i think his love of jazz music came from his father 💛💛
General Opinion over said character: i love him 🥺🥺 definitely the first character after hanzo and cass that i got attached to because he’s black and fun and sweet and has such good energy and also frogs 🥺 but i think the fandom does have a tendency to… dumb him down a bit. like he doesn’t get as much agency and thought as other characters do, which is ridiculous because he literally led an entire revolution for his people??? but people sleep on it??? he is very good natured tho but i think its silly to think he never gets angry or wouldn’t kick someone’s ass cuz he can and did. AND DID.
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Episode 4 thoughts
Also nikolais mum is really pushing the whole he’s legitimate thing isn’t she
“It would bring me some comfort to know that you’re with me” my kanej heart is being fed
Kaz just wanting Inej to be safe if he dies versus Inej just wanting to get revenge for Kaz if he dies
The patron Saint of brewers
We like to keep our expectations low!
Nina bestie don’t knock out Kaz
Also there’s no way we’re getting a soc spin off for crooked kingdom cause they’re using half the plotline
David’s little wave 😭I love him
Oh god David feels so bad about genya
Whoever I saw on here that called the sword a round of applause for you
So know nikolais gonna hire the crows right?
Mal calling Nikolai out on the third person
Nina bestie stop it. He’s probably just gonna kill you anyway
Can’t really blame Kaz for Nina not being loyal they’ve known each other a week
Yes Inej slay
This is how she’s gonna find her purpose
She’s not gonna get her ship at the end of this season is she? She might
This is when Kaz is gonna bring up his son ain’t it
See they’ve already used the plague thing so we literally cannot get a crooked kingdom spin off
Ahah that where the shiner comes from
Omg no not Jordie already having the plague when the sirens went off
Slay Kaz
Ngl kinda prefer when Kaz didn’t use his name cause then pekka was just being gullible
Calling pekka weak as if he’s not in love with Inej
Also shout out to whoever said Kaz was gonna use alby in every monstrous thing
Kaz saying all of this with blood running down his face really makes it
Nina and Jesper just watching this shitshow go down
He better get on his knees
ngl I kinda forgot they were being framed for murder
Omg yeah the bitch is dead
Ok but this means that he didn’t liquidate all his assets to free her
It also means they can’t really do six of crows either cause heleens the one who recognises them at the ice court
Thick as thieves, lol
Where was Inej in that scene with pekka though?
Shit okay vasily really wanted rid of mal
Alinas dress looks gorgeous
Slay Alina
Bitch you talking a hell of a lot for someone who gets himself killed
Also I forgot vasily proposed 😭
We love Alina wiping her hand on her dress
What’s actually in the grave though
Hahahahahaha alby
We better get the just girls scene in a flashback or something
My heart is beating so fucking fast right now
Wait hold up does wylan know about the stablehand?!
Jesus that is a big rock
‘If my mother was as put off by commoners as she claimed I wouldn’t be here now would I?”
Lol vasilys dead
Darkling honestly needs to die already
Genya smashing things as she deserves
I did not expect that to be the context of ‘I’ll destroy the only thing you have left’ and honestly im a bit disappointed she wasn’t threatening him
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jnrmanagement · 8 months
Multi-Factor Authentication in India
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Multi-Factor Authentication: Stepping Up Your Security Game In 2024
In today's digital world, our precious data is constantly under siege. Hackers, data thieves, and malicious actors lurk around every corner, waiting for the weakest link in our online defenses. While strong passwords are a crucial first line of defense, they're no longer enough. Enter Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), the superhero of online security, ready to add an extra layer of protection to your digital fortress.
What Is MFA?
Imagine a bank vault protected by not just a single lock, but multiple layers of security: a thick steel door, a keypad requiring a complex code, and finally, a biometric scanner for double verification. That's essentially how MFA works for your online accounts. Instead of relying solely on a password (the single lock), MFA adds additional "factors" of authentication, making it exponentially harder for unauthorized access.
Secure Key Management
One of the primary functions of HSMs is secure generation, storage, and management of cryptographic keys, preventing unauthorized usage and potential breaches.
These Factors Can Be Categorized Into Three Main Groups:
Something you know:This could be your traditional password, a PIN, or a security question answer. While not the strongest factor alone, it's still a basic hurdle for attackers.
Something you have:This might be your smartphone, a physical security key, or a one-time password (OTP) generated by an app. Having physical possession of the item adds another layer of difficulty for malicious actors.
Something you are:This is where biometrics like fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans come into play. These unique physiological characteristics offer the highest level of security, as they're nearly impossible to replicate.
Why Multi-Factor Authentication Is Necessary?
Digital security is critical in today's world because both businesses and users store sensitive information online. Everyone interacts with applications, services, and data that are stored on the internet using online accounts. A breach, or misuse, of this online information could have serious real-world consequences, such as financial theft, business disruption, and loss of privacy.
While passwords protect digital assets, they are simply not enough. Expert cybercriminals try to actively find passwords. By discovering one password, access can potentially be gained to multiple accounts for which you might have reused the password. Multi-factor authentication acts as an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized users from accessing these accounts, even when the password has been stolen. Businesses use multi-factor authentication to validate user identities and provide quick and convenient access to authorized users
The benefits of MFA extend far beyond personal accounts. Businesses that implement MFA for employee access can significantly strengthen their cybersecurity posture, protecting sensitive data and reducing the risk of costly data breaches. Governments and organizations handling critical infrastructure can also leverage MFA to safeguard vital systems and information.
Different Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Choices Cater To Mobile Devices
Enhancing security while offering varied benefits
One-Time Passwords (OTP):
Innovative applications generate OTPs, similar to traditional security tokens, sent via time-based SMS.
Utilizing a smartphone or tablet eliminates the need for physical tokens, reducing replacement costs for companies.
Biometric Authentication:
Leading smartphone manufacturers prioritize security concerns by offering biometric authentication options.
These features ensure that only authorized users access devices, yet each technique comes with its own set of pros and cons.
How Is Multi-Factor Authentication Implemented In The Cloud?
As businesses transition various aspects like data storage, communication, server infrastructure, and more to the cloud, IT administrators grapple with the challenges of departing from traditional on-premises setups. Ensuring secure user access becomes paramount in safeguarding sensitive data within cloud environments.
Major tech players such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services, Facebook, and Twitter recognize this need for heightened security. They've embraced two-factor authentication for entry into their cloud services, with some progressively expanding into more advanced multi-factor authentication protocols.
Multi-Factor Authentication For Microsoft 365
Multi-Factor Authentication in Microsoft 365 strengthens security measures for accessing applications on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices. Upon login, users receive a random 16-character token via the Microsoft 365 admin tool, initiating the authentication process. Afterward, users can set up additional layers of verification, including:
Call My Mobile Phone: Users press # upon receiving a confirmation call to log in via their mobile device.
Call My Office Phone: Similar to the mobile option, the confirmation call is directed to a separate line, such as a desk phone.
Text Code to My Mobile Phone: A code sent via SMS to the user's phone, entered into the Microsoft 365 login form.
Notify Me through App: Utilizing a Microsoft smartphone app (available for Windows Phone, iPhone, and Android) to receive and confirm notifications.
Show One-Time Code in App: Utilizing the same app as the Notify Me feature, a one-time, six-digit code is provided for login verification within the Microsoft 365 interface.
How Can Multi-Factor Authentication Enhance Security?
Heightened Security: MFA significantly raises the bar for security by requiring multiple forms of verification. This makes it exponentially harder for hackers to gain unauthorized access.
Compliance Adherence: In various industries, compliance standards necessitate robust security measures. MFA aids in meeting these standards, ensuring adherence to regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.
Versatility and Adaptability: MFA solutions are versatile and adaptable, allowing integration across diverse platforms and devices. From mobile apps generating time-based tokens to hardware tokens and biometric authentication, the options cater to different user preferences and security needs.
Implementing MFA: From Zero To Hero
The good news is that implementing MFA is easier than ever. Most major online platforms and services offer built-in MFA options, often with just a few clicks in your account settings. Here are some quick tips:
Start with the essentials: Enable MFA for your email, bank accounts, social media profiles, and any other platform where you store sensitive information.
Choose the right factors: Consider a combination of convenience and security when selecting your MFA methods. Avoid relying solely on SMS OTPs.
Educate yourself and others: Spread awareness about MFA and its importance within your family, friends, and workplace.
Stay vigilant: Keep your software and devices updated to patch vulnerabilities and maintain strong security practices.
MFA: Not Just A Buzzword, A Necessity
In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is no longer optional. Multi-Factor Authentication is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your online security posture, protecting your valuable data and accounts from unauthorized access. Don't wait for a data breach to wake you up - take control of your security and embrace the power of MFA today.
Remember, a little extra effort now can save you a lot of heartache and headaches in the future. So, choose the most suitable MFA method and strengthen your mobile security today!
JNR Management is best Multi-Factor Authentication in India
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gohnnyjuitar · 4 years
no tomorrow
Sometimes- when those old world blues get a little too heavy- it’s nice to unload onto someone you’re learning to trust.
Deacon / OC (Anthony Rosario)
Anthony had this piece of paper, this picture, that he'd untuck from his jacket pocket when he thought Deacon wasn't looking. He'd seen the vault dweller glance over it many times since they'd started traveling together, an uncharacteristic frown pulling at his lips and making him look older than he ought to. Deacon never pried, though. Sure, intel was his game, but some things just needed to be left up to his partner to disclose.
One evening, their travels cut short by an approaching rad storm, they ducked into a nearby building- some old clothing store, Anthony had idly commented- and hunkered down for the night.
Deacon filled the comfortable silence with idle chatter, spinning tales as he started a small fire that, normally, would have his partner in crime stifling laughter and rolling his eyes. When Anthony remained silent, Deacon glanced up through his shades. A brow arched when he saw the paper he was holding, green eyes wistful. He didn't ask, didn't have to. Anthony cleared his throat softly and looked across to Deacon.
"Her name was Patricia. Pretty blonde, hazel eyes. Sweetest, most stubborn woman I've ever met," he chuckled, then, "Patty, she was... Something else."
Deacon watched on curiously as Anthony folded up the photo and returned it to his pocket. He leaned forward, eyes downcast behind the flames that danced in the frames of his glasses.
"Met her during college, she was working on a degree for journalism and I was some dumb kid there on a sports scholarship. We were both at a party, my friend kept hitting on her and when she turned around to finally punch him, he'd ducked and she decked me right in the mouth," The laughter in his eyes was somber and it twisted at Deacon's heartstrings. "I had a busted lip and a nasty bruise for days. Must've been pretty charming, though, 'cause she wrote her number on my hand."
Deacon's legs moved as if by their own accord, plopping himself down next to the other man. A small smile was his reward and their knees bumped as if to prompt him into continuing.
"We dated through college, met each other's parents; the whole nine yards. She was real big on charity work, always fun to go out and watch her run things. She rang me after each of my routines during the games, too, and always told me how proud she was of me. I wanted- I was going to marry her. I had the ring and I- The bombs fell and I,' His voice trailed, catching. His frown deepened at the small flames before he continued with a shuddering breath, "I didn't even fucking hesitate. I booked it to the Vault, didn't even try to reach out to her or anyone. I'd signed us both up and I just- I left her."
Light flickered off the steady stream of tear tracks down Anthony's cheeks and Deacon furrowed his brows, equal parts concerned and surprised as he watched the other remove his glasses to rub at his eyes. He hesitated a moment, unsure, before resting a hand on the other's back, rubbing over the worn leather as he choked back a sob.
"Y'know what I think, boss? Bet she'd still be proud of you. Hear me out; you bend over backwards to help out strangers in need. Literally, physically bend over. I've seen it." A weak chuckle answered, and Deacon pressed on, "What you did, it was all fight or flight mode and it's done. Can't change that. I don't think she'd blame you."
When Deacon felt weight on his shoulder and the soft tickle of hair on his cheek, he tensed, only to force himself into relaxing for his partner's sake.
"I- Thanks, Deacon."
"Sure thing, pal. Now I can't wait to get back and tell Drummer Boy you got wailed on by a girl half your size."
Anthony didn't bother stifling his laughter at the offended look he received after swatting at the other man's arm.
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asterrification · 4 years
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Now and then I kept thinking about this precious fluffy scene. Which led me to draw them.
“You were jealous... of Dite?”
The king, the master of fates of men, before their eyes was reduced to a man, very young himself, and in love. Picking again at the coverlet, he answered, with his eyes cast down, “Wildly.”
The queen’s lips thinned, and her eyes narrowed, but even her control was not equal to the task, and she had to lift her hand to cover her smile and then duck her head. Her shoulders shook slightly as she laughed.
—The King of Attolia, @meganwhalenturner
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keensers · 6 years
Han × Lando. 11. Told you I would find one.
11. things you said when you weredrunk
“How are you drinking – that? How are you drinking that?”Han demands, waving his own very-blue drink in front of Lando’s face.
“I need it to cope with seeing your face again, you’re atleast three solar systems too close to me. Also, it’s delicious,” Lando says,taking another delicate sip of something that most closely resembles tar.
“That’s raava,” Han says, unnecessarily. Whatever, he’sallowed to say stupid shit, he’s just turned twenty-seven galactic standard and,as a result, has been awake for, oh, too many hours after a birthday heist gone moderatelysideways.
“Yes, Han. That’s why I’m drinking it.”
“Three shots of that could knock out a Wookiee.”
“Says you.”
“Says Chewie,” Han replies.
“Chewie’s not here.”
Chewie had rolled his eyes and made a preemptive exit whenhe saw Han see Lando at the bar, mumbling something uncomplimentary about Han’slatent masochism. He’s probably found the nearest dejarik table by now.
“He’s, uh, somewhere. He’d back me up,” Han says, optimistically.Really, Chewie only backs him up when it matters, which usually doesn’t includewhen he’s needling someone in a way Chewie would describe as ‘flirting, but formorons.’ “Anyway, aren’t you here to negotiate a contract, or something? Don’tyou need to be sober for that?”
Lando swipes at Han’s collar, landing on his sleeve andgripping onto it. He leverages himself up to glare at Han’s face from threeinches away, and Han has the bewildering realization that his eyes have specksof gold in them. “Listen, don’t fucking,” Lando says. “Don’t you fucking –mother me, Han, I’m completely sober and I already have a mother, and she ismuch smarter than you will ever be. Quit hassling me.”
Han isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders himself, but heusually isn’t so he’s used to it, and he knows that Lando can’t be that sober,because he pronounces “Han” correctly.
Lando is watching him with narrowed eyes. He’s still waitingfor a response, Han realizes. “So, are you here to negotiate a contract?Because maybe I should speak on your behalf, since I’m definitely more sober thanyou, since I’m not drinking raava–”
Lando makes a noise of incoherent rage, and then cuts Hanoff with his mouth, which is very soft, and extremely nice, and suddenly right there.
Han only spares a moment to think that this is probably themost graceless thing Lando has done in his entire life and feels brieflyvictorious, before he gets distracted by, well, kissing him back, because whenthe galaxy hands you a fortune, you’d better run away with it before anyonerealizes they ought to be chasing you.
“You’re the worst,” Lando mumbles. The raava on his breathsmells – not terrible? What’s with that? Of course Lando Calrissian wouldn’tever exude anything as gauche as bad breath.
“You started it,” Han says, only slightly dazed.
“I did,” Lando agrees.
“You gonna finish it?”
“Well,” Lando drawls. “That’s really up to you.” A wide grinspreads across his face.
Han knows that grin, can practically see the gears switch inLando’s head. It’s a grin that says Han’s already been cheated out of hisfortune, and running away with it was, in fact, a pipe dream from thebeginning. Sadly, it is simultaneously a very attractive kind of grin.
The game dawns on Han, then. “You’re not here for thecontract,” he says.
“I’m not here for the contract,” Lando confirms. “I was heremostly to drink in peace. But since you won’t let me do that, I could certainlybe here to do other things, assuming you aren’t about to pass out on thenearest horizontal surface.”
Han gives up. Chewie will find him eventually. “The Falconis five minutes away.”
“Well, then, Han,” Lando drawls. “Lead on.”
(In a turn of events that Han and Lando will both latervehemently deny, they don’t make it to the bunks because they both pass out on the nearest horizontalsurface; Chewie finds Han asleep on top of Lando on the couch. The only item ofclothing that has been divested is Lando’s cape, which has been folded neatlyand placed on the table.
Chewie snaps a few holos for posterity and blackmail, andlaughs all morning at the way Han and Lando stubbornly ignore each other overbreakfast.)
(from here)
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wackybuddiemewbs · 3 years
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Buddie Moodboard - Pearl Harbor AU
Teehee. It's me. Again. Just to send this ahead, I don't actually appreciate war or war appreciation, but... I get massive shipping feelings for my OTPs whenever I see that movie floating around. Y'all should know by now that I should not be left unsupervised, as this continues to happen for as long as no one stops me. Also, I'm totally tweaking times for my own evil purposes. And because I believe time does not exist. Prove me otherwise. Cheers!
Buck and Eddie are thick as thieves ever since childhood. Buck was sent to live with his uncle in Texas, as his parents don't seem to be too interested in their youngest son, so long he learns some discipline. Though Buck and Eddie do whatever they can to cause trouble, no matter what Buck's uncle or parents may have to say about that.
And if that means stealing an old plane for a first flight, then so be it. Only the stars are the limit, if anyone asked them. After all, both share in the same dream: Becoming pilots and flying together. Thus, they enlist first chance they get.
Under Major Nash's command, Buck and Eddie soon become friends with Chimney, who is willingly kept from carrying out his duty by the higher-ups and confined to the kitchens more often than not, and Hen, who works as a nurse even though she'd have it in her to be a field doctor, if anyone had the guts to give a capable black woman like her a chance.
In the months that follow, the group grows near inseparable, despite Major Nash's initial insistence that this team is not a family.
Buck lets the group know that he signed up for the Eagle Squadron, an RAF outfit for US pilots to protect Britain from the Luftwaffe. Bobby supported Buck at the young man's insistence, knowing him to be one of the most capable, albeit reckless, pilots he's ever seen.
Eddie is shocked at the sudden revelation, since Buck didn't tell him about signing up in the first place. Normally, they tell each other everything. Buck explains that he felt "inspired" after receiving a letter from his parents, after years of silence. They found out about his plans of joining the Air Force from his uncle. In the letter, they urged him to give up on this "folly" and rather stay safe. They didn't want to him to get hurt or killed, or so they said.
"But I don't care. I fought very hard to be something. And I won't let them take that away from me ever again. I'm an outstanding pilot. I can help protect people. That's my purpose. So they won't stop me. No one will."
The revelations don't end there, however. As Eddie, Buck, and Chimney head to the local hospital for their medical exam, a nurse keeps following Buck around for some strange reason. Said nurse turns out to be his sister Maddie, who he hasn't seen in years after he was sent to Texas and she later married Doug Kendall.
Unfortunately for Buck, keeping around his sister just to catch up and thus getting a shot twice can actually knock you off your feet, literally. And so, a broken nose and much laughter later, Eddie takes the brave soldier back to base to tend to him. And to have some overdue conversation.
Ever since they were teenagers, they were unable to deny their growing attraction, their love, for each other. Though in their times and in the line of work they do, they do their best to keep it to themselves, or so they figured.
Eddie doesn't want Buck to go on that mission, but he vowed not to keep Buck from being who he wants to be, as that was something his parents denied him, making him feel like he was nothing.
They resolve to use the remaining weeks to spend as much time with their found family and each other as they can. The weeks fly by, and their time is up, come next day. Buck and Eddie spend the last night together at a secluded place, promising to meet again soon, only to bid each other farewell at the train station the day after.
While Eddie continues his training and expands his knowledge as a medic with the aid of Maddie, Hen, and Chimney, Buck tries to settle in with the new team overseas. He'd rather have Eddie by his side, sure, but he is also glad that his Eddie seems to be relatively safe back at base.
The two start to write letters, putting a future down in ink, once the war is over. Building a house, settling down, and beginning the rest of their life together.
The future is crumpled and carried away by the wind only a short while later, though. Eddie finds Maddie on the stairs leading up to the hospital one day, crying her eyes out. She holds a letter between shaking fingers. And she doesn't have to say anything for Eddie to understand that his whole world just collapsed at the weight of a single sheet of paper.
Buck is MIAPD. Missing in action. Presumed dead.
Dead. His Buck is dead.
All are shattered after they receive the horrid news. Bobby blames himself for having recommended Buck to the position. After all, he considered Buck more of a son than just a soldier under his command. Chim and Hen feel like they just lost a sibling. Maddie actually lost her brother. And Eddie? Eddie feels like he lost everything.
He isn't coping well during the months that follow. He starts to pick fights with fellow soldiers to somehow numb the pain of loss. But then he meets Shannon, and Eddie dares to think that maybe he can be there for her, in contrast to how he failed with Buck.
They marry fast when she winds up pregnant, and Eddie tentatively dares to be happy again. When Christopher is born with cerebral palsy, Shannon begs Eddie to quit being a soldier and find a more stable job. Eddie can't imagine quitting the Air Force. Too much ties him to this job. Shannon and he continue to fight and fight and fight. Eddie realizes too late that he's been putting too much on her shoulders when it comes to taking care of their son, so Shannon disappears without a trace before he can try to make things right.
And so, a single father with a disabled child, and a soldier refusing to give up his job even more so now that the fights intensify, Eddie feels like he failed everyone he ever loved.
Thankfully, his friends and family are there to support him, and somehow, they work out a system. Somehow, they are pushing through, together. Somehow, they are moving forward and one is getting left behind.
And then, one day, Buck is standing on his doorsteps, flashing the smile Eddie knows like the back of his hand.
Alive. His Buck is alive.
Apparently, Buck managed to save himself after the plane crash by navigating with the aid of the stars. But due to a nearly mortal leg injury, he was trapped in a field hospital somewhere in the middle of Nazi-occupied France. Thus, he had no way of contacting Eddie or anyone else to let them know he was alive.
Eddie doesn't much care, his mind is only focused on finally having Buck back. But reality settles in when Christopher starts crying, and it dawns on Buck that many things changed since he joined the Eagle Squadron.
Not knowing what to do with this revelation, Buck runs off, wishing Eddie all the best with the family he made on his own while he was gone.
Eddie drops Christopher off at Chim's and Maddie's to chase after Buck. He finds Buck at the Hula bar as he is welcomed back by overly enthused fellow soldiers, including Bobby, who is in tears upon seeing Buck alive.
After some teary hugs, Eddie tries to talk Buck into going someplace more private to have a talk, but Buck isn't having it. He is happy for Eddie, he is just not happy for himself right now. Because he fought to come back to Eddie, but Eddie moved on.
It's fine, it just hurts.
Eddie won't back down, though, even if that means he has to pick a fight with Buck. He won't lose him all over again. Buck eventually relents, and the two go ahead to have a private talk in the same place they spent the last night before Buck left for Britain. Eddie reaffirms his feelings for Buck. He never stopped loving him. And he won't let him go now that he has him back. He won't repeat his mistakes with Shannon. He will fight - not against him, but for him.
"You were family to me since we were kids. Nothing will ever change about that. But family ain't family without you. I can tell that much from experience by now. And I won't have that again, so God help me."
Buck admits that he doesn't want to be anywhere else but by Eddie's side. To him, Eddie has always been his concept of home, and nothing will ever change anything about that.
"And I love kids, anyway."
The two share a first tender moment, but then all hell breaks loose as the Japanese launch an attack on Pearl Harbor. Eddie and Buck rush to the base to help.
Bobby is reluctant about letting Buck join in after they nearly lost him not too long ago, but he eventually has to let him go. Because this is who Buck is.
Though this time, thankfully, both men make it back to harbor alive. Sadly, that's not the case for many of their fellow soldiers and nurses working at the hospital at the risk of their own lives.
In the aftermath, Bobby is assigned to put together a team for a secret operation. Only the best are to be selected. And as much as it pains him, he knows the very best are also the ones closest to his heart.
Buck doesn't have to be asked twice whether he'd join the mission, though he hopes that Eddie will sit that one out. After all, he has a son to take care of, and no one has any illusions about it: This may very well be a suicide mission.
A very enraged Eddie refuses to be left behind again, reminding Buck that his life matters to Eddie as much as Eddie's life matters to Buck. And that both have since vowed to always do whatever it takes to be there for Christopher.
"So we keep each other safe and make sure we both get home to Christopher. That's final, Evan."
And so, they head to California for special training under Bobby's command, doing the best they can to find their way back home, even without the aid of a shooting star to wish upon...
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for the ask meme - derrick?
favorite thing about them: I LOVE A SAD MAN WHO NOBODY HAS EVER HEARD OF. uh same answer as tiana really i think there's a lot of space wrt derrick to explore the idea of legacy and who gets remembered in blaseball and who becomes a martyr and how you live being the wildly mediocre regular guy who replaced the star pitcher nobody knew was gonna die
least favorite thing about them: never got necromancied. smh
favorite line: that time he haunted ken and hit a home run that landed in a big bucket. again i say king shit
brOTP: derrick and shaq baybeeeee. they are best friends they are weird exes they are everything to me. derrick and bennett and tiana also though like all 4 of them being thick as thieves is so very meaningful. that's a whole found family right there! also sosa elftower and derrick being adopted siblings is so important derrick loves his trench fam so much
OTP: sebderrick...............but also s2-s3 mikederrick. i hold them both so tenderly in my heart
NOTP: look shaqderrick is fun to think about in theory but i think that always ends really badly for both of them. they are better as weirdly homoerotic friends ykwim
random headcanon: can't smile intentionally for photos, always looks like he's being held at gunpoint unless you catch a candid of him genuinely smiling/laughing without knowing he's on camera. which is easier said than done on account of he also has resting bitch face
unpopular opinion: i don't think dude liked a lot of the garages when he played with them. i think when other og garages like luis and ally started showing up in the trench derrick was a little bit [hissing like a territorial cat] but like as much as someone with no real voice could do that
song i associate with them: i have multiple derrick playlists lmao. classic j dies and goes to hell pt 1 and mr. invisible are like theeeee derrick songs to me tho
favorite picture of them: uhhhh prob this one i drew
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aondaneedles · 3 years
Bella Goth (all as well!)
Which one, my fake (the clone) or the real one? I'll just answer for both (and will regret this not even halfway through).
❤️: OTP
Of course I ship Bella with Mortimer. That's not even a question.
For fake!Bella, I think she's a free spirit. She needs to find herself before she can ever settle down. For now, I don't see her with anyone.
💔: No OTP
Um, anyone but Mortimer? But that's not true. I've seen her with Pascal and liked that. I don't think I have a NOTP for her...
Anyone who clips her wings.
🌈: Sexuality
Bella is straight, maybe bi-curious?
Fake!Bella is bi.
😊: Friends
Morty, of course, and the rest of her family. Bella is everyone's friend. You may have met her just two minutes ago, but she behaves just like you've already known her for years.
Fake!Bella befriends Erin pretty early on and they're as thick as thieves. She's also one of the few sims who really just... gets Nervous.
💀: Enemies or Rival
Bella has this larger than life personality that doesn't hate anyone. Or at least, you won't notice if she hates you. She'll always behave just as amicable as if she likes you. Dina was one of the only people who could see behind that facade and it drove Bella nuts.
The Beakers, no doubt. They'd love to get their hands on the clone, and while fake!Bella may not realise this, she senses that something is way off about them!
🐶: Pet or favorite Animal
Bella comes from a long line of witches. She is a cat person, 100%. But like... those ridiculously fancy, naked cats. They're just as high-maintenance as she is.
Fake!Bella has a pet lizard back at the gas station she sleeps at. She's named him Ziggy.
🌷: Flowers or plants they like
Have you ever seen a blooming cactus? They're kind of pretty...
☀️: Favourite Season
Winter, when everyone gathers together and all of the big functions are held.
Anything but summer.
🌧️: Favourite Weather
That's easy! Sunny weather for both!
🕯️: Favourite Aromatic candle
Bella is a big fan of exotic flowers. Mix them with anything that creates an interesting smell (like herbs, sea salt or something) and she's all over it.
Fake!Bella likes it simple, in contrast. Lavender is nice.
🥘: Favourite Food
There's nothing better than a homemade barbeque with burgers for Bella. They had an old grill they got out of storage a few times of the year and did a small family barbeque. Bella manned the grill (because Mortimer burns everything he touches). Michael and Dina used to bring salads (Bella would never admit it, but Dina's salad was actually quite tasty) and the kids played in the graveyard. There aren't as many family barbeques nowadays...
Fake!Bella is not too picky. Anything that fills her up is fine with her. Whenever she's got some money, she heads over to the diner. Their burgers are good.
☕: Favourite Drink
Officially, champagne. Inofficial, Bella is fuelled by coffee.
Tap water. If she ever had coffee, she'd be all over it, too.
🍦: Ice-cream Flavour
Something simple, yet elegant, like Straciatella. Bella loves the little chocolate bits in it.
🍕: Pizza Topping
Bella and Mortimer used to get salami pizza every Friday back when they were in high school. She's been craving it lately.
Once again, Fake!Bella is not picky. She's heard that pineapple pizza is a crime against pizza, though and steers clear from it.
🍟: Snack
Bella's favourite snack is frozen grapes. Very refreshing and sweet.
Fake!Bella's favourite snack is chips. Every flavour is fine, but the more savoury, the better.
🍿: Movies they like to watch
Bella is really into those old-school Hollywood movies. Movies like that just aren't made anymore...
Whatever's running on tv. Fake!Bella has a soft spot for those lifetime-esque movies though, where long lost family members are reunited and everyone gets a happy ending.
📺: TV Show they like to watch
Don't tell anyone, but Bella loves telenovelas. They are her guilty pleasure.
Fake!Bella has been watching soap opera reruns religiously lately. Erin showed her how to use SimTube, and she's been spending all her free time watching them. She's on Episode 2751 of "Days of the Cowplant" already!
🎵: Music they listen to
Classical music. Maybe a bit jazz, if Bella's feeling fancy.
Fake!Bella hasn't heard anything but the type of elevator music they play at the gas station yet, but she's pretty sure that that's not it.
⚽: Sport they like or play
Fake!Bella goes running sometimes. Just runs as far as possible. Until her lungs burn and she can't remember anything. It's freeing.
📚: Books they like to read
There's a library of classics in the Goth library and Bella has read most of them.
Fake!Bella has found a tattered copy of "The Great Simsby" behind the trash cans of the community pool one day and for some reason, it spoke to her...
🕹️: Video Games they like or Play
Bella doesn't do video games.
You can find fake!Bella at the arcades on a good day. She likes anything that has jumping and running. And she loves rhythm games!
🎻: Musical instrument
Bella knows how to play the piano and usually plays it to entertain guests.
Nothing yet. Maybe synthesizer?
🎨: Favourite Colour
Her signature colour, red!
Red, even though she feels like a fraud for wearing it...
👠: Shoes they like
Fancy high heels. Bella has ruined her feet years ago but she doesn't care. She loves how powerful and sexy she looks in it.
Sensible shoes. Who needs uncomfortable shoes, fake!Bella thinks.
👕: Clothing style
Fancy, elegant, yet understated.
Anything that she can find in the dumpster behind the clothing store. She makes sure to look put together, though. It's an urge she can't help.
👜: What’s always on their bag
Her lipstick. And a good book. Always carry a good book with you and you'll always be in good company.
A few coins, if she needs to buy stuff.
📰: Section of the Newspaper they read
The society section.
The celebrity section.
💻: Website they visit the most
Bella spends a lot of time on various fundraiser sites to look for a good cause to sponsor and fundraise for.
📱: Social media they use the most
Bella doesn't really use social media. She'd rather spend time with her family and friends in person.
Fake!Bella is addicted to SimTube. Not only for her daily dose of soap but also for conspiracy videos about aliens and the Elixir of Life.
📗: Favourite School Subject
Economics and Biology. Morty may be the genius in their family, but she was no ditz either!
Fake!Bella never went to school. But if, she would have been be super into P.E.
📕: Less Favourite School Subject
P.E. She wasn't bad at it, but she hated getting sweaty.
Maths. Her brain's wired weirdly and she just can't wrap her head even around simple maths. She usually just tosses money on the counter and hopes it's enough.
🎓: University they attended (or not)
Bella attended ALT, of course. She was in a long-distance relationship for all of it, as Morty attended LFT.
Fake!Bella was never college-aged.
🎒: University Major
Economics. It surprises a lot of people, but it really suited her. She has a mind for business. In another life, maybe...
I think that Fake!Bella would have ended up in philosophy due to being unable to decide which major to choose.
🔮: Something Random
Sometimes, Bella wonders what would happen if she were to disappear. Would her family be fine, or would they struggle without her? Of course, she wants them to be happy, but a not so nice small part of her wishes that they'd have trouble to move on...
Fake!Bella sometimes has random flashes of... she's not sure what she sees, but it makes her sad... a small girl with pigtails, a big house, a man holding a baby...
Phew! Thanks for playing, anon!
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baba-fett · 3 years
Hmm, for the character ask, Hardcase 😏?
P.S. love ya bestie!! Has anyone told you that you are looking beautiful today? 💕
Thanks for the ask!! I absolutely LOVE Hardcase.
and also thank you you are so sweet, hope you're having a lovely day 💗
favorite thing about them
He just is so chaotic; his energy is immaculate and I love how ready he is to jump into action.
least favorite thing about them
That we got so little of him:( I barely even registered him in his first appearance in season 2, then they developed his personality in season 4 just to kill him off.
favorite line
"Live to fight another day boys, live to fight another day."
Him and Fives handsdown. I like how Fives meets him on Umbara and they just become thick as thieves.
Since he doesn't have and romantic pairs in the show, I like the idea of him and some nurse who works with the 501st. She probably had to help him heal after an injury, and he developed a crush so he would show up frequently with different "injuries" just to see her.
I feel like he wouldn't work out with a Jedi romance.
random headcanon
He LOVES junk food. Especially after drinking at 79s. THe man will stop at every food stall on the way back to base.
unpopular opinion
Not really an opinion, and I kinda mentioned it earlier when I brought up how he and Fives met on Umbara, but I kinda like how the canon shows clones that have been in the same company/battalion introducing to each other. Because it's really realistic; they wouldn't know each brother.
song i associate with them
hmm this is tough, but the first thing I could imagine is that he would be OBSESSED with Low by Flo Rida. Like he would blast it all the time in the base.
favorite picture of them
I can't link It right now, but literally anything from him flying the Umbaran starfighters. His face is golden in that scene.
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ghafawrites-archive · 7 years
“if anything happened to you…” poppy/jax oooo she says it v detached tho
He let out a bitter laugh, one that had not a single trace of humor in it. Her words sounded as hollow as they ever did and he ignored the burn in his knee as he pushed himself to his feet. He wasn't going to let a few bumps and bruises get him down. In fact, her words stung more than anything else. "Don't worry, princess, I won't let you down." 
Not that she cares. Not that she'd notice past the disappointment of losing a man with the skill set necessary to follow her orders. When he accepted this position in her life, he wasn't sure, but there he was. A dutiful soldier, just as he'd always been. Chained his father, chained to Poppy... He never had an escape from it. Maybe Mulciber was right about him all along; maybe all he was ever good for was being someone's puppet.
He wasn't going to admit it, though. He wouldn't let himself be that weak, wouldn't let her see him when he's down. If he had to be in love with someone who didn't even really see him, he could at least maintain his dignity. The wound on his shoulder radiated pain down his arm as he shrugged on a jacket but it was a pain that cleared his mind of all thought. "I'll be back out there before you know it. Promise." 
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terapsina · 7 years
After some thought I’ve decided I’m actually fine with there not being like an absolute moment where it’s clearly stated that Kamet and Costis share a romantic love story (even though their journey was absolutely the romantic sort). 
You know why?
First, because of the perspective the story is written from.
It’s written as an account of events that Kamet puts to paper with the intention of sending it to someone else. For a former slave just outright saying that he’s in love with Costis would be far too personal, hell it would probably be far too personal for just about everyone.
And second, because of the way these entire series are written.
I mean we know Eugenides has loved the Attolian queen since childhood, but during Gen’s account of ‘The Thief’ we never actually guessed that. And that’s because like for Kamet, Gen just never added that to his account of the events.
Actually Kamet puts a lot of stuff in that paints the picture of what Costis means to him (like for example referring to him as ‘my Attolian’ on one occasion and ‘my Costis’ later on another).
That’s not even touching on the fact that through the entire story they compare themselves to Immakuk and Ennikar on multiple occasions (who I might point out at one point share a happier version of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, I mean going into the Underworld to fetch back their other half because living without them was impossible? Exactly).
And the fact that Immakuk and Ennikar seem to share that view of the comparison (after all the Gods in this series tend to interfere in the lives of the people that are ‘theirs’ in some way) rather proves the point.
Also Kamet describes Costis as handsome at one point I think?
Hell at the end of the book he actually tries to take the full fall to protect Costis, which is huge.
Plus there’s the notable moment with Goddeker right after he figures out that Costis isn’t an escaped slave like him and Kamet, where he starts spitting out all those ugly insults and thinks that Costis has been lying to Kamet and promising him love.
And not once is there a line that would imply that Kamet doesn’t ‘see him that way’ or anything like it.
And anyway, this series follows a certain pattern.
The Thief introduced Gen, while The Queen of Attolia introduced his love story with Irene.
The Thief also introduced Sophos, while A Conspiracy of Kings introduced his love story with Helen.
The King of Attolia introduced Costis and Thick as Thieves DEFINITELY introduces his love story with Kamet.
(but I do feel that a future story should at some point confirm the relationship to make this feel complete)
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avatarpabu97 · 4 years
The other four Vice Captains
Here are my headcanons for who is the other Vice Captains and some random stuff I HC about them.
The Green Mantis
En Ringard
The man has ten younger siblings if he can wrangle them then he can help run a squad. Especially if your captain is Jack the Ripper. I like to believe that he's the only one in the squad who can keep up and control Jack's antics. ( I may actually ship these two together.)
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The Blue Rose Knights
Puli Angel.
Puli to me seems to have good leadership skills. Her squad trusts her enough to seek her out for help and Charlotte put a lot of trust in her during the Mixer.
( She and Gordon are my OTP)
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The Azure Deers
Magic Knight Grandpa! Yeah he's Rill's butler but I can see him being the VC because the Azure deers captain is so young. They need a responsible adult and Walter is that. I also like to Headcanon that he and Rill's Father we're both part of the Grey Deers. To me Walter comes from an Noble House that Barely exists and chose to be the Boismortier butler do to Humility and to watch over dear friends child.
The young mages of the Azure deer are well taken care of because of him and Rill encourages that he helps them the most because of Walters wisdom. Plus Father's day is a big thing at the Azure deer and he get all the love.
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The Silver Eagles
Rob Vitesse.
He is the longest serving VC of the Silver Eagles. Was the VC when Acier Silva was the Captain. She and him did a lot of combo spells with his wind magic. Acier was known as the dancing Princess of the Battlefield and sometimes Rob would use his wind Magic for the more Complex strategies with the Valkyrie armor. He's the reason for such a well oiled squad and many of the younger Mages are able to go to him on personal matters because we all know Nozel is in capable of it. Is the one who does most of the training for the Squad and has to often keep egos in check.
He is one of the few people who knew about the curse and kept the squad running when ever Acier was on maternity leave and when she died.
Was one of the few who refused to blame Noelle.
Acier and him were thick as thieves and were practical siblings. Comes from one of the lowest noble Houses so doesnt have a lot pull outside of the Magic Knights other wise he would have confronted the Silva's about thier behavior. Hates Acier sister because she knew the true extant of Noelle's abuse and she did nothing about.
Nozel, Solid and Nebra deeply respect him but when they fully acknowledge Noelle after the elf arc he gives such a Verbal smack down that he made them grovel for forgiveness on Acier's grave. Is trying to find a way to reach out Noelle for not being there for her but is extremely pleased on how the Black Bulls have raised her and how Merleonona has became het Mentor.
Couldn't be closer to the Silva children because thier father was Jealous of his and Acier relationship.
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