#(( THANK YOU So much for the ask!! This was so amazing and fun to answer <3 I treasure when I get stuff like this ;v; ))
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deadhands69 · 23 hours ago
You Started It
Tomura Shigaraki x reader
Here's 76: “you started it!” Thanks for requesting this one @scary-grace and @shigarakislaughter I had other ideas but this kind of wrote itself so if you had anything else in mind, I can write another one [prompt from this list of three word prompts, feel free to send requests and I'll be working on them in the evenings over the next few weeks!] tattoo shop AU fluff Contains: mentions of needles, heavy making out and an implied suggestive comment (this is like pg-13), and it was clearly written by someone slightly shorter than Tomura so I guess mentally change the descriptions however you want.
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The neon green ‘tattoo’ light in the window flickers. It’s been doing that on and off for weeks now, driving you all crazy. Probably fixable, you think every time you see it happening but none of you remember to do anything about it when you do have a free moment. You make a mental note.
Right now is not the time though.
Right now, you’re gloved-up and coating everything in a disinfectant so intense you’re not really sure how it’s legally available to the public. The clock rolls over to seven pm, it’s a late start to your day but in the slow season you’ll take what you can get. Tomura in the adjacent station is halfway through another huge video game tattoo on his roommate. Dabi’s client is looking at their new tattoo in the mirror. The others didn’t bother to show up, having no one on the schedule.
“Are you using my bottles?” you ask Tomura, staring the answer down in front of him. 
“Grabbed the wrong ones earlier, just use mine.”
“Ughh,” you groan at him, grabbing his and spraying them with more cleaner than you’d typically use. “You better scrub those really well. Last time you used mine I found ink on them after.”
“I know how to clean,” Tomura rolls his eyes at you. 
“No dude, you're fucking gross sometimes,” yells Dabi from across the room while he bandages the tattoo he just finished. 
“Hey,” Tomura complains over his shoulder, “don't say that in front of my client.”
“Your client is Spinner. Doesn't count,” you laugh. 
“Hey, I count!” yells Spinner, while Tomura grumbles at him to stop moving. 
“You know what I mean, you know him,” you quip back while wiping down your station. “I've seen how he is in here, and this is work. There's no way he isn’t an absolute slob at home.”
“Hah!” exclaims Spinner, once more prompting Tomura to groan at him before the latter puts all of his weight over the former's thigh to force him to stay still. “No, you’re right. He’s definitely a mess at home.”
“I clean fine,” Tomura mumbles. 
You watch as Spinner winces slightly at Tomura dry wiping his leg in retaliation before continuing, “you are capable of cleaning fine, absolutely. But your bedroom is full of trash and takeout boxes at any given time. So no, I wouldn't say that you're clean.”
“I'm busy,” Tomura grumbles, eyes flicking in your direction to see your reaction. His face flushes behind locks of long white hair. It's pretty, but you've always wondered how he can work like that. This sparks a bickering conversation between the two of them regarding what constitutes ‘busy,’ but you tune them out in favor of the work you need to do. 
A few minutes later, everything is wiped, wrapped, and organized. With your station ready, you wait. Hovering just close enough to see the lines on Spinner’s leg come together. It looks amazing.
Watching Tomura work is fascinating. As much as you love making fun of him, he's good at what he does. He also has nice hands, you note, paying careful attention to the way they flex through the gloves he's wearing. Plus, he's cute when he's concentrating. His eyes squint and he bites his bottom lip every time he has to pull a long line. It’s a face you’ve memorized. You find yourself staring at him a lot. He probably notices, but you don’t really care. 
Shortly after you first started working here, he asked you out. And like an idiot, you said no. Not wanting to mix your work and personal life (even if he is one of the most attractive humans you've ever met in an ethereal way that makes you wonder how he even exists.) At the time, you thought it probably wasn’t a big deal for him. Making the assumption that he asks people out on a regular basis because every other guy here does (which is valid, because they’re all attractive and that usually goes well for them.) However, putting together everything you’ve seen and what Spinner has said about Tomura’s personal life, you don’t think he goes on any dates even if he easily could. 
You think about it a lot. Running through every outcome of how things would have been different if you’d said yes. How the date would have gone. If you'd still joke like you do. You love spending time with him. Sometimes you even wonder if he has any interest now that he's actually gotten to know you. 
Probably not you decide, trying to shut the thought out of your mind. 
Toga from the front desk brings your client back. Perfect timing for a distraction. 
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It's a little past eleven when Toga turns off the neon ‘open’ sign, dims the lights, and locks the door for the evening. 
“Have a good night!” she yells before exiting through the back door and disappearing down the street. Dabi left a few hours ago which just leaves you and Tomura still putting things away after cleaning up for the night. 
“Why'd you let Dabi tattoo you yesterday,” he asks while replacing your shared paper towel roll. 
“Because I liked the drawing he did and I wanted it as a tattoo.”
“You like my drawings too, you said so.” You nod. “So, why haven't you let me tattoo you yet?”
You didn't want to ask and be imposing or take too much of his time since he never offered to tattoo you, like Dabi who offered to trade, but more importantly: “Are you…jealous?”
“No, of course not,” Tomura says the words but his voice gives him away. 
“Oh. Well, I'd love to get tattooed from you sometime. Whenever you have time.” At the last minute you add sarcastically, “as long as you aren't too busy to clean everything before.”
He scoffs at you, walking around  the table to where your bottles are sitting (thankfully spotless, you note) on his tray. You grab two but he gets the third. 
“And for that,” he says holding it over his head, just out of your reach, “you're not getting this back.”
Okay. You'll bite. 
“Really?” you ask, trying to reach for it to no avail. Instead, you switch to using both hands to try to bring his arm down but he's surprisingly strong. You could tickle him but you aren't sure if he's ticklish. He seems like he would be though and he'd probably end up squeezing the bottle and spraying soap everywhere for you both to deal with. 
“Come on, give it back. You're so mean to me,” you pout but there's no real bite to your words. 
“You started it!” he retorts.
“Oh yeah? How did I start it?” you ask, still hanging off his extended arm. 
“By being mean to me first.”
“Fine then. Tomura, can you please give me the soap bottle back?”
“Hmmm. What are you going to do for it?” he smirks at you, flirting? Suddenly, you realize how close the two of you are standing. Your feet are firmly planted on either side of his worn red skate shoes, chests pressed together. 
“What do you want me to do for it?”
“I don't know,” he furrows his brow, “didn't think that far ahead.”
You try to shove him playfully but having just mopped, the floor is slippery. The two of you lose balance slightly before his free hand wraps around your waist to steady you. Your hands are gripping his shirt and you're close. Very close. 
His body feels warm against yours and firmer than you expected. You’re not sure why you thought he’d be bonier, but ‘toned guy who spends all of his free time playing video games alone’ isn’t a phrase that typically makes sense. Here you are though. In your surprise, you find your hands exploring more of him than you consciously chose to - running your fingers down his chest, around his ribs, and down the curve of his spine. In response, he wraps his other arm around you, bottle laying forgotten on the tray behind him. 
First you kiss his cheek, making tentative contact with his dry, but surprisingly soft, skin. His hold on you tightens as he exhales shakily. Slowly, you kiss your way across his face until your lips find his. They’re chapped, like usual, so you’re careful to not shove into him too hard. 
He isn’t.
His mouth moves desperately on yours. Kissing you passionately with force, like he’s trying to suck your soul from your body. You feel his fingertips digging into your shoulders, pulling you in as close as he can. Without breaking the connection, you push him a few steps back onto the table he just finished cleaning, climbing over his lap and straddle him as he lays back. He grabs your new tattoo on accident before immediately letting go at your slight recoil. Eventually, his hands find a safe place on your hips and yours tangle their way into his hair, which is also surprisingly soft for how messy he usually wears it. The two of you stay like this for a while, losing track of time. Not caring who can see you making out through the floor to ceiling windows as they pass. 
You pull back for air, opening your eyes to look down at him. He’s beautiful, even in the limited lighting.
He smiles up at you. His teeth are cute and crooked in a way that perfectly suits his face. You lean in again, kissing him with less urgency this time.
“Does this mean you changed your mind?” his lips move over yours as he speaks.
“Hmm?” you hum, too lost in the moment to figure out what he's referring to. 
“Am I good enough now?” you pull away fully to see his face. 
“What are you talking about? Good enough for what?” you ask, still staring at him in a daze. 
“To date you. You said no when I asked but you still seem into me. I figured you had a reason so I’ve been trying to be better.” When you don’t respond immediately, he jumps to more conclusions. “Is it the cleaning thing? Because that only happened once and I said I was sorry.”
“No, it's not that. It wasn't that. It wasn't anything you did. Uhm, that doesn't really matter right now.” You move a strand of hair out of his face, watching as he melts to your touch. “You’re definitely good enough,” you whisper, “what are you doing tonight?”
His mouth cracks open to give the most obviously flirty answer before biting his bottom lip for a moment and thinking it through. “No plans, but I’ve been working since two without a break so I’m not up for much.”
“That’s okay,” you murmur back, “want to get takeout and watch a movie or something?”
“Yeah,” he smiles at you again and the world spins. The two of you stand, grabbing your jackets to leave, and make your way out the door.
Tonight will be cute, fun. You’re not worried about the stray bottles you left between your stations. Or the few paper towels that didn’t make it into the trash can. You're not even thinking about the security camera footage that will inevitably be circulating between everyone in the shop before you both show up to work tomorrow.
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gingermintpepper · 4 months ago
hey I hope you’re doing ok!! For the ask game, 🌈? Also perhaps ☔️?💧, even?
Hello hello, thank you for participating ☆ Once again, I can't comment on whether or not this extract is particularly fluffy but I do think it's rather sweet and it's definitely romantic so I think it's good for filling out both 🌈 and 💧!! It's an extract from what I've tentatively dubbed my 'Women and Apollo' doc which is essentially just a big running document I have dedicated to exploring themes and dynamics between Apollo and the women he's been entangled with! This extract in particular is from my Melia section 🥰
The night is a cold sheet spread across her shoulders. She wakes in pieces; first, her flesh, bracketed between the raw heat of Phoebus' bare chest and the sharp sting of the night air's fangs, then her mind, pleasure's fleeting haze quickly swept aside by panic then worry then guilt. What would Kaanthos say if he could see her now, bare breasted and stained in a male-god's desire? What would Father? No doubt she would have to cede the seat of the temple to Kaanthos. How could a carnal woman serve the people after all? And her river - oh, her sweet river! Would his waters even deign to soothe her scales when she was so completely drenched in the scent of a sky-god?
How foolish she's been, throwing everything away just because of some sweet words and a pretty face. Maybe Kaanthos truly did deserve the temple after all. Maybe Melia didn't deserve such a treasure if she was so easily seduced.
She sniffles softly, slipping gently from Phoebus' loose grip. His heat wafts off his skin like the warmth of a well-tended hearth, it lingers in her bones as she kneels in the grass of this unfamiliar field. It makes the sear of shame dig that much deeper into her heart. Phoebus had listened well to her warnings. He'd carried her someplace far away from flowing water, somewhere distant where her brother's scrying eyes could not reach. The tears welling in her eyes finally fall as she turns this way and that, utterly and completely lost without a source of water to follow. How could she return now? Even she was not bold enough to have the man she planned to reject take her back to her father's house.
Stupid girl. Foolish. How could she have been so short sighted?
His voice is laden with sleep's husk, his arm makes little grabs at the grass searching for her shape. She swallows her tears and bids her voice to not betray her, "Here I am, my lord. You may go back to sleep."
The mildest furrow of his brow. When he turns his head, his hair flows like rich golden oil over the dark grass, "Come here," his hand keeps searching for hers, patting the ground, dragging long fingers over the dirt and frowning when he does not find her. "It is not yet morning, why have you fled so far from my side?"
Melia cannot help but laugh at his visage, clumsy and squinty-eyed, less the graceful gentleman who promised her a taste of change and more a bumbling kitten desperate for its mother's teat. She wipes her tears as quickly as she can muster, "If you but open your eyes, I'm certain you would find me."
He makes a grumbling noise, some cross between a boar's grunt and the crow's deep bellow, "Is this another of your games? I'm much too tired for games Melia." Finally, his finger grazes the edge of her ankle and like a child, he lights up, eyes still stubbornly closed but smile positively radiant, "Ah, there you are!" Diligently, he traces the shape of her leg with his open palm, measuring the smoothness of her calf, the swell of her knee, the broadness of her thigh, then he lays his head upon her, cheek pressed close to her stomach, heated back like warm coals against her skin. "So cool," he murmurs and kisses her stomach, throws his arm around her waist and nuzzles further into her skin, "Tell me when you've need of the water -" a dreadfully wide yawn interrupts him. "- I'll fetch it for you."
Melia finds herself laughing again, just a tiny thing as she runs her fingers through the thick waves of his hair. What is she to do now?
As for a fic idea I'd like to talk about since I don't know if I'll ever write it: Among the many, many, many things I'd like to write but probably never will, I really wish I could just sit down and write a story about Tenes and Hemithea. There's a lot of reasons why I have no plans to ever properly tackle anything regarding the Iliad - chief of which being that there's just too much information and the amount of research would be insane - but a lot of what I would potentially focus on have to deal with people and places Apollo loves and his inability to protect those things throughout the conflict starting with Tenes. I absolutely adore exploring Apollo's paternity in my writing and considering how fiersome Tenes was and how both he and Troilus would die protecting their sisters, I've just always wanted to dig into an exploration of their lives and connection with their father and how Tenes' death specifically would've affected Apollo. Like yeah, I know Troilus is usually the point of focus for such works especially because of the manner in which he was killed, but Tenes was also beloved! Also considering he was originally punished for being falsely accused of sexually assaulting his stepmother, I can't help but want to write his wrath when he realises what it is Achilles intends to do to Hemithea. Alas though, I don't think I'l ever get to do more than think longingly about it, at least right now lmao.
#ginger answers asks#ginger writes#thank you so much for the ask!#fun fact about priestesses - most of them weren't actually expected to be celibate and were often married but#specifically oracles of Apollo in early times were expected to be virginal as they were supposed to be dedicated to Apollo#since Melia was definitely an oracle based on what I've read about the Ismenian temple I ended up working a lot of purity anxiety into#her interpersonal conflict#by the by oracles of Apollo stopped being required to be virginal at some point since that role ended up being taken up by older women#Melia's whole Thing is a lot of fun tbh both from the perspective of like#a goddess who clearly had a lot of power in her own right considering how magnified her temple and worship was but who was still very much#looked after by her brother and father. I don't personally think Kaanthos was overprotective of Melia but I do think he took his job#of being her bodyguard very seriously#and considering most accounts of their affair say that Apollo just kinda yoinked Melia without telling her brother and father I don't blame#Kaanthos for resorting to extreme measures to get his sister back#Anyway it's another suuuper underrated relationship of Apollo's that I'm kinda obsessed with negl it's up there with Psamathe#which like my god why does no one ever talk about Apollo and Psamathe#I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO WRITE ALL OF THESE AMAZING STORIES Y'ALL PLEASE#PLEASE#Marsyas this and Achilles that#When are we gonna talk about the time Apollo sent a revenge demon to torment an entire town for the negligent death of his son#and murder of his girlfriend?#smh smh#apollo#melia#greek myth writing
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octoagentmiles · 2 years ago
Try list any Octo-Agents and think of an Episode you Think give them a Shining Moment
W O O F this took a while– I was thinking long and hard about this because there are SO MANY good moments and episodes 😅, and so many agents– it was difficult, but I’m happy with my answers 👀
Ranger Marsh’s Shine Episode is definitely The Monitor Lizards. I LOVE this episode, it’s one of my favourites in the whole series so far—not just because of the events in it, but as a concept. I LOVE the callback to the Great Swamp Search!! I watched the 2nd season blind, and seeing all these familiar faces was SUCH a fun surprise. It’s good for Ranger Marsh as a character, because it actually shows him doing his job as a Ranger, not as an Octo-Agent. It also reinforces the fact that he truly cares for and is friends with these creatures, even if they are invasive, and that he's willing to travel to check in on them. This is another episode that also proves (to me) that the writers know they’re dealing with an older audience for the show, and are more likely to delve into solid lore and continuity. This episode makes me really hopeful for more of that.
Natquik’s Shine Episode, WITHOUT QUESTION, is The Red Fox. Honestly I feel like I don’t need to explain why, but I will because I like talking ✨: Natquik is my favourite Octo-Agent, but overall we haven’t actually gotten that many episodes dedicated to him yet. The Red Fox gives us a close and personal look into what Natquik is like by himself (I love episodes where characters are alone 👀), how he deals with problems (by ignoring them until they get worse—which is interesting... *stares at Barnacles*...), and even hints toward his family, by showing us his family portraits, and leaving us wondering, “Where are they?” – There are so many moments I love in this episode, from when he first discovers the kits, decides to help them stay warm, rushes to protect Barnacles, to his bittersweet goodbye at the end. It’s all so perfect.
Tracker absolutely shines in The Missing Lake. Honestly, he shines a LOT in Above and Beyond, considering he never got his own episode in the main series, and was only in Operation Deep Freeze for two scenes. AnB has been really good to Tracker, and I’m so grateful they decided to make him an Agent. The Missing Lake sticks out to me the most, because for the most part he is by himself (and I’ve already mentioned my love for that <3), and unlike all his other episodes, we get to really see him be responsible and use his Polar Scout skills in action. He’s often portrayed as a follower, who just goes along with whatever he's told to do, but he takes charge twice in this episode: when he offers to help Rowan, and when he stays behind to save Buck. Love that for him.
Calico Jack. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Calico Jack....... I could talk forever about this funky old cat man. He doesn’t just shine, he GLOWS in every episode he’s in—but alas, for the sake of this post I will be focusing on The Harlequin Duck. I love the showing of his gentle parental instincts in this episode, and his singing; since we know he canonically has a theme song, that I headcanon he wrote himself. I think far too much, and often, about how he legit panicked when he realized the egg was missing. How his first instinct was to hide that fact from Captain Barnacles. He was terrified, having a full blown panic attack on screen. He apologizes to the mother duck with such genuine solace, and promises to get it back “On [his] honour as a pirate!” ...Which is extremely significant to me, considering Kwazii was the first character to EVER say the phrase: “On me honour as an Octonaut!” in The Flying Fish after Inkling’s book was lost – and of course as a final touch, I adore seeing him work with Pete to get the egg back. The way he tosses the egg in the air, fully trusting that Pete will catch it... they’re so in sync, just as pirate and parrot are meant to be ;)
Paani... I feel like there’s so much more to him than what we’ve seen so far, it almost feels unfair to assign him a “Shine Episode”. So, instead of highlighting a single episode, I’ll quickly talk about three that stick out (PS: you might sense a theme 🤣):
The Barnacle Geese - Uncle Paani. I like the “I’ll be my own uncle” joke, and the Edgar Allen Poe reference. I think Paani’s determination to help the chick (who doesn’t seem to want help) is nice to watch, and helps to prove his worthiness as an Agent—which is always fun considering his hesitance when Barnacles tried to recruit him in S1E1. In a way, this episode also makes Paani seem more like Barnacles. See my old post analyzing the show’s intro. (*Stares at the episode title* 👁️👁️)
The Arabian Camels - Take a shot of cocoa every time I mention my love for episodes where characters are forced to be by themselves. This one is especially interesting to me though, because we know that Paani was alone, for a very long time, before he met the Octonauts. He has no trouble working and getting by alone, and we get to see him exhibiting that, while being out of his element (a dry desert) at the same time; and that’s really cool.
The Lonely Frog - ...Y’know how they constantly make the Octonauts/Agents meet creatures with similar issues to them? Yeah. *Stares at the episode title.* *Stares at the end scene where he says “Kinda like when I met you guys!” before obnoxiously jumping into the lake, in response to Shellington+Peso saying “They never even knew each other existed before! [...] and now it’s like they’ve known each other all their lives!”* *STARES MORE AT THE EPISODE TITLE,,* *wonders how long Paani was actually alone before becoming an Agent...*
Pinto, where art thou? He wasn’t in S2 at all, which was a bit disappointing since we just saw him get an Octowatch in S1. I would’ve expected him to be pressing that button every chance he got, giving us a “Penguin who cried Octoalert” episode. But anyway,, The Curious Penguin is the PERFECT episode for Pinto. It shows his personality really well, and I love how his distractions and the things he learns and discovers help him to save the day in the end. I think Pinto (just like Kwazii) is a good portrayal of ADHD, and how he just needs to be in the right environment to succeed. Each time Pinto messes up or loses focus, isn’t because he was left alone and couldn’t be trusted—it’s because he was left alone and understimulated. So when he’s thrown into a sudden high-stakes situation, all of his focus hones in on the moment, and he’s able to save Dashi and Paani by himself.
AND, because you didn’t say it had to be an Above and Beyond moment, I want to throw some love at The Oarfish episode from the main series. In this episode, Pinto no longer views Peso as “less” than an Octonaut, and is so excited to watch him do his job—it’s really cute!! His impulsivity is once again a positive thing—granted, it seems to annoy Peso a little, but when you think about it he kinda saved the day by being impulsive. He sounded the Octoalert without permission, which let the captain know to come back before their radio signal cut out, and by being unafraid of the “monster” and swimming outside, he was able to discover what the problem was so that Peso could help. He did good.
Pearl.... I love Pearl a lot, but I can’t think of one specific episode that comes to mind for her. I love The Pupfish because it introduces Peri to AnB, and I love how he teaches her how to tie a knot, so she can save the algae (and Glen). I like The Bison episode because it’s interesting watching her not doing something with algae for once, and The Pink Glacier because her and Kwazii’s dynamic was something I didn’t know I needed, but now I want more of (/p).
Ryla. Possibly controversial opinion: I liked Ryla in The Caves of Sac Actun, more than I like her now in Above and Beyond. I know she’s only gotten 3 episodes so far, but she’s really missing something. Sac Actun gave us lore on her right off the bat: she’s old friends with Dashi, she’s a skilled cave explorer, she’s spunky, she’s purple. AnB hasn’t given us much yet. So far her only shtick is caves, and that’s getting a bit repetitive. Consider every moment she has in Sac Actun as her “Shining Moment”, because honestly that whole movie is a 10/10.
Koshi,,,, she hasn't gotten that much yet, but I'm gonna say The Longfin Eels is her Shine Episode. I like the way she narrates the whole episode, because it's very in-character. Plus we know she’s literally writing about this adventure in her diary as she's telling it, as if it were a mystery book. She reminds me of narrators from 1920s film noirs, and that’s cool. Also! Honorary mention of the scene when she gets her Octowatch: I loved that for her <3
Min is below the cut, because my answer for her includes some very heavy SEASON 5 SPOILERS, including SCREENSHOTS:
All of Min's appearances so far are dear to my heart. However, my favourite has to be her own introductory episode: The Giant Chinese Salamander.
The Rainforest Rescue is another amazing episode for Min—she’s a wonderful character on her own, of course—but I think we can all agree that she and Inkling are very adorable together (no matter how you interpret their relationship).
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When Above and Beyond aired on Netflix, there was a lot of confusion around Min, from the younger audience and other fans who hadn’t seen S5. The Giant Chinese Salamander introduces Min with a 20-minute special; showing her in high-stakes action with Kwazii, bonding with the Octonauts, being an all-around Cool Person™, and a flashback of how she met Inkling when they were younger.
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She saved his life. He was thrown far inland by a rough storm, and was trapped until she found him. I honestly headcanon that Min partially (if not outright) inspired Inkling to form the Octonauts, and this moment could have literally sealed the fate of EVERYTHING we know.
But! Until S5 comes out, that's all I've got to say~ 👋💝
#i wanted to include screenshots for everyone's answers but there wasn't enough room and this post is big enough as it is 😅#so instead y'all get an essay jdhdjdks <33#octonauts above and beyond#octo-agents#about time i start using that tag lol#octonauts#am i going to one day make a giant analysis on cj in anb?? honestly maybe. there's so much there to talk about- i'm obsessed with him lmao#but it prbly won't be for a while#also. a message from future me when s3 is out: ''the natquik and tracker episode is amazing and a huge shine moment for both of them <3''#/hj#fun fact i started writing this post in an openoffice document xD i was comparing all the eps to try to figure out the best ones#long post#all paani's eps are s2 eps bc i rly wasn't sure how i felt about him in s1. but s2 solidified my love for him <3#hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think a barnacles and pinto episode would be really good. thats all#the curious penguin is also a good episode for teaching kids that it's okay and good to be curious and ask questions!! love that about it!#kwazii is peak adult adhd rep and pinto is peak child adhd rep. thank you for coming to my tedtalk. /srs#hhhhgggggnn i love the cats so much. if we ever get more baby kwazii content you'll never stop hearing about it from me#please enjoy this post. i worked Really Hard on it /gen 💞🥹#this post has been in my drafts for 50 years goodness gracious. take it away from me 🤣#bonus answer for paani: i really like the secret beneath the snow--#specifically the scene where he puts himself in front of gus to protect him from ''wolves''#like. yo. /pos#it felt like something barnacles would've done yk? and that's fun :))#i love min. i started writing this post before s5's english release got announced and i was talking about how i wanted anb#to give us more min and inkling content so we didn't have to wait 74363832 years to learn more about them xD#but now I'm SO EXCITEDDDD#. so excited for You Guys to watch S5#bc I've seen it already and have been living in a constant state of restraining myself from giving spoilers–#cough.#TAG LIMIT REACHED HDHDBSBSJWBSUDBSJSJDHSH
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two-person-job · 8 months ago
💘 heart with arrow — what's the closest you've ever gotten to confessing?
🌸 sakura — what's your favorite thing about them?
🌷 tulip — do you know their favorite flower? if so, what is it? if not, what flower(s) would you give them?
With any selfship ya would like <33
alexis asked about heart with arrow here!! <3
but thank you for the ask vivi!!!
🌸 — what's your favorite thing about them?
her passion. she's so full of life and love and beauty that shows itself in her passion for living and creating! by itself, it's one of the traits that I find most attractive in people, but with how much she shows passion in her daily life. i love that about her :)
🌷 — do you know their favorite flower? if so, what is it? if not, what flower(s) would you give them?
(I'm not looking up inazuma flowers because I think a real flower fits better) she reminds me of forget-me-nots. ive dabbled in the language of flowers, and I think forget-me-nots are a flower that represent love, but they also have a lovely name!! leaving a few forget-me-nots for her before I go somewhere for a while would become something like a tradition.
🌸 — what's your favorite thing about them?
his voice. sadly we have no voice acting in the game he's from (NOOOOO), but his voice is always described as sounding a little. strange. I find that to be very endearing and i love to think about how his laugh would sound :) (making him laugh is a close second tho <3)
🌷 — do you know their favorite flower? if so, what is it? if not, what flower(s) would you give them?
white astranias. in the game, your character's mom gives you a single white astrania. you get one the entire game, and you have to choose who to give it to. I think he'd keep it with him, like putting a picture in your wallet lol :)
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thesilverlock · 2 years ago
Girl- your art and your OC Jey Cleary is SO GORGEOUS I CAN'T- I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM
I know your OTP is Joey and Astral, so, I must ask, how would he behave or act around Dark Mist if he met him?? 👀👀👀
Would he hate Mist? Would he tolerate him??
And what is Joey's relationship with Eliphas and his previous obsession in reaching purity by removing all the chaos??
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THESE are also Super fantastic questions, thank you for the opportunity for me to gush about my boy and his antics with other characters 💙🩵✨ i’m so sorry this got SO long agshdj! There are doodles/art for your reading troubles down there too!))
- - ⟢〖 MIST 〗
So Jey’s whole deal is; Despite hailing from Astral World and being obligated to participate in their favor during the war ﹣ he’s actually the Son of Balance. His father, Protos, (the Heart of Astral World, as some called) was the guardian/overseer of the harmony between Chaos and Order. Before shit hit the fan in every conceivable way lmfao On top of that, Jey’s just.. a rogue and a rapscallion ahsgdhjs He never was keen on how black-&-white the war seemed, but relearning about the complete villainization of one half of a necessary energy was the final coffin nail. And that disagreeance is literally in his soul makeup! He was created in equal Chaotic Energy and Pure Energy. That balance is intermittently tied throughout him; He is meant to be the harbinger of Balance. Even Jey himself isn’t fully aware of how ingrained it is due to his own amnesia, but he does know obliterating all Chaos is not the answer, there’s something in his bones defying it. It’s a rather big plot point in his story that he starts to feel divided from the main crew because of this. Not Yuma﹣ Yuma is the only one backing Jey up at all ﹣but Astral. And it’s Astral’s rejection (spawned from the envoy's own rigid ideals and mission) that hurts Jey enough to push him out of the group for a brief period. ✨breakup arc woes✨
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. . . And this is how and when Mist finds him. They make an alarming well fit duo. Their personalities mesh, and they do surprisingly? Okay? To avoid overt toxicity in their alliance? Mist doesn’t get preached at to change, or to “join a side of the war”, or be force locked in his card, so he tolerates having Jey around. And obviously Jey can’t be affected by Mist’s number influence, and he's naturally domineering enough to counteract when Mist gets too... himself lmao. Jey has a Robin Hood type of suave and charm whereas Mist acts increasingly seductive and invades people’s space because he wants to intimidate. Jey knows how to beat Mist at his own game, which both intrigues and aggravates the Number. Like two people who know one another via a friend-of-a-friend, and go on this epic journey and end up unconventionally thick as thieves like halfway through the movie. ASDFGH
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Mist likes Jey’s assertiveness and darker side - the viability to resort to vicious methods and being such a rebel personality despite supposed loyalty to the world of “pure” ideals. Jey is pulled in by Mist’s unapologetic “take me or leave me” nature and his recognition of the hypocrisy regarding the war from both ends. And ofc the Number's unique brand of effortless beauty and free-bird, unaffiliated presence. Those two tend to, pretty universally, have a quick chemistry and natural connection. [ It’s also thanks to that natural connection that a certain lightbulb gets his first experiences dealing with an ‘unknown’ and green-eyed emotion. 😉 ] Also also, fun fact - if it could not already be told by these answers lol - These two are my second highest OTP, right after Goldenship (Jey x Astral /JeiAsu) ! I call them Pierceshipping. Since they have a lot of piercing qualities (particularly their affinity for bedroom-eyed stares and smirks) And because they each canonically stab someone through the chest.
I’m so sorry I ran out of space for the Eliphas portion of the question, I’ll have to return to that! ♡ ;v;
But TLDR; For a lot of the same reasons already listed here, Jey and him do not get along. Can’t always do much ‘bout it tho cause that’s their technical boss, gotta play civil or else Jey and boifren don’t get as many missions together :(
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shkika · 2 years ago
AAAAAAAA I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH!!!! Also every comic you’ve made. Chefs KISS!! Also love Ask moon blog! Wish she had some comfort :[. Knowing you, you’ll execute it excellently ❤️❤️❤️ Uggghhh I love your iterator designs sooooo much. Getting inspo from them <333 Also I hope you’re doin well!!
Sorry if I overwhelmed you 0~0;; I just think your work is very well done! Your skill shows <3
Ahhh GOODNESS!!! What's with everyone trying to make me cry?? I'm so so happy you enjoyed yourself thank you!
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honeysuckle-venom · 1 year ago
Hi Lior <3 What's your wrapped #27, 31, and 46?
Hey there! Thank you so so much for asking <3
27: Alleluia by Dar Williams
31: Are You Out There by Dar Williams
46: Ken Y'hi Ratzon by Elana Arian (note: this is a religious song in case that's a trigger for people)
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theangrypomeranian · 2 years ago
LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? So! When they're 20, Courtney and Alex get pregnant with their son Casey. Casey is basically his dad's clone when it comes to temperament, very sweet and shy and tends to keep to himself. He's a bright kid who likes to babble on about his interests. He looks like his mom, though, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He's also musically inclined like her. He taught himself how to play guitar at age 5 and likes to make up little diddies. He calls Courtney Mama and Alex Papa, and Gene is Daddy. When they're 26, Courtney and Gene get pregnant with their daughter Jean. Yes Gene chose the name lol. She has her dad's hair and her mom's eyes. She's very spunky and tenacious, not afraid to go up to anyone and talk to them. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She's also very charming and will use it to her advantage. But she's also very sweet and in tune with the emotions of everyone around her. She's constantly trying to make people laugh. She's a bit more socially aware then her parents. She's also musically inclined, to no one's surprise lol. She takes piano lessons and she and Casey write and perform songs together. Like her brother, she calls Courtney Mama and Gene Daddy, and Alex is Papa. Everyone loves the Papasian-Belcher kids and no one is immune to their charms. They get picked on a little in school for their family's dynamic, but their cousins defend them because no one messes with the Belchers. No one. <3
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active-mind-15 · 7 months ago
Mini adventures of the rakuzan team my beloved!! A question I've always wanted to ask is what chapter did you have the most fun writing?
What a difficult question 🤣
All of the chapters had their own individual charm, but I think the most memorable chapters I've written are between three of them, so I'll just list them and talk about each one.
Chapter 23: Thy Kingdom Come
I'm not even sure where I got the idea from. Maybe because I've seen cartoons where the characters tell stories and use each other as characters in that story. Or maybe it was harking back to my drama class days when we would sometimes do exercises where someone starts a story and then we go around in a circle adding to it. Either way, the day I posted it was my 17th birthday and I think I was riding off the high of being 17, so I just let my mind wander wherever it would take me.
I just remember having so much fun with the premise of that chapter, because the potential for the Rainbow fam to try and create a story and then completely mess it up the longer it went on just seemed so on-brand and I wanted to see how far I could take it. This chapter was especially memorable because the word count ended up so high when I wasn't expecting it to. I think I just really wanted the younger ones to be childish and do something goofy.
Chapter 24: I don't think I'm that obsessed
This one was another high-word-count chapter that I didn't expect to be so long. I don't even watch soap operas like that, but this chapter was drawing inspiration from this one soap opera I did watch back when I was 9. It was called 'A Second Chance' and I remember being introduced to it when my family was visiting relatives in Nigeria, and every time a new episode aired, we would sit around the TV and watch. I don't actually remember the plot super well, but I do remember getting hooked on the plot twists, and even long after that one visit, I would still ask my relatives for updates on what happened next.
Using that memory, I thought it would be funny to make a scenario where one person gets the rest of their family into a show and now they're all obsessed with it. I also did that irl with my aunt and cousins who came to visit back in the summer of 2010. They had never watched ATLA before so I got all of them into it and then we watched the entire series during their visit. That same aunt actually visited us last month and she was telling me that she still hasn't forgotten about ATLA and how good it was.
Chapter 32: Idiots on vacation - Fatal attractions
This is the most recent chapter I posted related to this fic, and it does not escape me that I accidentally went on a massive hiatus in the middle of my biggest arc (LMFAO), but I had a lot of fun writing this chapter because I thought it would be fun to explore how the characters would tackle an amusement park. The circumstances that drove them to Six Flags were really just a setup to have an excuse for a classic filler-type slice-of-life story you sometimes get with animes. Not sorry about that in the slightest, though.
I remember that since it had been a while since I'd gone to Six Flags, I did end up researching a lot for this chapter by going to the Six Flags website and reading up on the names of all the different rides and what they did. I even watched those YouTube videos where they would put cameras on the roller coasters so you can get a POV experience as to what they would be like if you rode it. I was very detail-oriented in a lot of ways (still am), so I wanted to really make sure it was accurate.
When it came to how the characters moved through the amusement park, I once again drew from my own personal experiences. My family had an era where during the summer, we would pick one or more amusement parks to go to and kinda just road trip to each one. It got to the point where we developed a rhythm for how we navigated the parks. We would get there around noon and start off with mild rides, work our way up to the big ones, and then go back to the rest of the smaller ones to cool off. In the evening, we would go to the game stalls and try to win prizes. So, this is exactly what I had the characters do in the chapter.
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Considering that this is very much a slice-of-life one-shot collection, most of the chapters are inspired by my own memories and experiences in one way or another. But these were the chapters I remember having the most fun with. Thank you for asking! (❁´◡`❁)
If anyone else wants to ask me something related to a WIP, please see the WIP list I made, pick one or more WIPs, and inquire about them through my inbox!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months ago
Hii i saw ur response on what adam n belle would tell their kids about how they met
but i was wondering what you think would happen to France in general? let me explain: do you think everyone would just pretend everything is fine and it goes back to normal? do you think part of the curse was if it was broken everyone (civilians) would forget those years during it? if France (and Europe in general remembers) would it ever be brought up or is it off limits?? like i wanna hear ur world building on this if thats alright 😭
oh it is MORE than alright!!!!!! this is my special interest, this is my favorite topic ever. you make me explode with love by asking this <3 SO yes let’s get into it:
okay, so, off the bat. let’s discuss the situation of “time.” i’ve actually already written a whole Thing about my theory on time, which i will link here so you can read that more in depth if you wish.
but, to summarize, my theory is that time under the curse is simply not the same as time outside of the curse. while it has felt like a very long time to the castle residents, i don’t think it has been very long at all on the outside. it seems as though the curse skews your perception of time, once you spend at least one night there. the easiest example of this, is that chip was cursed as an eight-year-old, and he remains one the entire time. i think the curse sort of elongates the perception of time, when in reality, it may have only been a few months on the outside. i could keep going, but that post i linked already does the elaboration for me, so i’ll try not to repeat myself.
my point here, is that because time is different, and because the enchantress essentially wiped everyone’s memories, i don’t think anyone outside of the curse (“civilians”, as you said) has any kind of idea that a chunk of time has passed without their monarchy and loved ones. the way they seem to be affected by it, according to jean potts at the beginning of the movie, is that they’re mostly in a blissful unawareness, but are left with an odd feeling that they’ve forgotten something. as jean says “i feel like i’ve forgotten something. problem is, i can’t remember what.” you eventually discover, that what he’s forgotten is his wife and son (as well as the prince himself.)
so! to try to answer your question, if i understand it correctly, i don’t think the civilians feel like there’s a period of time that needs glossing over, and that they have to “pretend everything is fine”! i don’t think they’re aware that something really happened. after the curse is broken, it probably felt perhaps like a deja vu (which is kind of what they experience when they walk into the castle during the mob sequence, when they say “this place seems… familiar.” “like i’ve been here before.”) when jean reunites with mrs. potts and chip at the end, he says “beatrice! i remember! i do!” even though before the curse was broken, he wasn’t too terribly troubled by the reality that he was, in fact, living in his house without his family. i would surmise that the civilians felt nothing more than that satisfying feeling when you finally remember the thing you’d been forgetting all day. like when a word is at the tip of your tongue, and finally it comes to you!
one thing seems certain about agathe, the enchantress, is that she is WILDLY powerful. it doesn’t seem like there’s any bound to what she can and can’t do. she was able to SEE into adam’s HEART? she was able to put PEOPLE into inanimate OBJECTS, and turn a man into a BEAST? AND she was able to ERASE MEMORIES? from EVERYONE? i know it says “from the minds of the people they loved” but it’s quite odd that we don’t see any letters or people coming to the castle, right? because, you’re right! what about all of europe? why isn’t anyone inquiring about the french monarchy?? i truly think agathe kind of wiped them from the map. just briefly. which is insane and also a little funny. i think this is just what agathe DOES though. i kind of perceive her as a twisted goddess of justice, or something along that line. because, inherently, what she was trying to do, was good. she saw an awful man with a great deal of power, entirely squandering it for his own personal pleasure, and she decided to shape him up! but she did so in a very twisted way. because that’s just her style. and i think she does this “for a living” so to speak. she roams the earth, finding assholes in power, and tries to teach them a lesson. and this was just her french prince chapter!
so, all that to say, agathe, in all her immense power, seemed quite capable of controlling minds and memories. it seems very plausible to me that she simply removed about 99% of the thoughts & memories of the monarchy (and any loved ones who lived there, if that was the case) and just left a single drop of memory left in them. why? i don’t know. maybe that was her limit? maybe she can’t FULLY wipe minds, but she can remove NEARLY all memories? and this, of course, affected belle and maurice too! they both see the castle in the woods as very strange, but certainly not the home of their prince. the thing about the way the curse affected people, to me, is that it just put everyone in a blissful unawareness. no one was wondering who was governing. nobody thought to wonder or care about it.
in the same way, when maurice and then belle encounter the castle, they didn’t consider the possibility that it was a royal estate. just a large one. and then, when the curse is broken, suddenly they (and all civilians) DO recall their prince. i think they were all aware of his reputation beforehand, because of tabloids and gossip and such. and, it seems much of the village was made up of family members/spouses of those who worked in the castle, so i’m sure rumors about adam spread to them very easily. and while maurice & belle did not have THAT connection, i think it can be assumed that they heard/read their fair share about the selfish prince who shirked a lot of his responsibilities because he apparently didn’t care enough about any of it.
and i think adam & belle discussed it a bit, after the fact. as memories flood back to belle’s mind, she laughs at how she used to roll her eyes at stories she would hear about their prince. and adam would probably feel all embarrassed about what belle has potentially heard about him, but she assures him that none of that matters anymore. she knows the Real him. and she kisses his cheek and he blushes and OH we’re getting off track!!!! back to world building!!!
okay okay okay SO to answer that second part of your question, i just don’t think it would be a “topic” at all! the only people who know what actually happened are the castle residents, plus belle, maurice, and all the spouses/family members from the village. but like i said in the ask you mention, i think they just get together and come up with a cover story for how belle came into adam’s life. because that’s the only notable change. from everyone else’s perspective, (across all of europe), they spent a few months with an odd feeling like they’d forgotten something, and then it “came to them” and they carried on. they don’t fully realize it’s the french monarch that they had forgotten. they’re mainly pleasantly surprised to actually hear from the prince and his council, happy to hear that maybe the lad’s finally matured and is ready to take on his role as king! (which, in my world here, he wasn’t able to officially take the throne until he was married. that’s just a rule i made up to explain why he’s still just a prince, and it also explains all the balls/parties inviting all the maidens. the advisors allowed it because it was under the guise of “trying to find a wife” — when in reality, adam was just looking for some fun times~)
so, the only actual odd part, is the prince’s sudden choice of woman to court. no one knows who this maiden is, what kingdom she is from, or how they met. it’s weird she’s not royal, or even from wealth!! so that’s the only cover story that’s actually needed. and sure, people still find it (and her) odd, but majority of them are just happy that the prince is finally behaving himself, so politics and business just kind of carry on!
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sunshines-legacy · 6 months ago
I figured I should finally get around to fleshing Sunshine out hahaha. thank you for making this! 1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form? Sunshine is an animagus actually! Or at the very least becomes one during her time at Hogwarts. Her animagus takes the form as a cat (very fitting), but she decided at some point to do the ritual again, ever the inquisitive mind. She wondered if she would get a second animagus form. She did! Her second form is, surprisingly, a dog!
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form? Sunshine is not displeased with her animagi forms--though she was perplexed by the latter--if she could choose what it was, she would choose a dragon since she adores the majestic creatures!
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite? Sunshine's favorite color is green, close-seconded by yellow. Green is her favorite because it's the color of nature. The trees, the grass, the moss. Especially the moss. (She really loves moss.) Not to mention the tranquility it brought. When surrounded by nature and subsequently that color, Sunshine felt such a calm that couldnt be replicated elsewhere. And yellow is a close second because it's the color of the sun, of joy and warmth. It's what she saw behind her eyes when laying on the grass mid-afternoon. It's the serenity that glazes her west-facing bedroom in the evenings.
4)in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one? Sunshine would probably feel averse to social media but once hooked, she's very hooked. She'd primarily use Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr. She may sign up for instagram but she's unlikely to use it, preferring apps that let you make text posts. Her twitter page is just a stream of consciousness. Just 24/7 what she's thinking. rip to her followers.
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc? I did not consult wand lore necessarily. I made a Wizarding World account for Sunshine and just answered what I thought she would answer with. And so her wand specs are just what it gave me. I based the physical appearance of her wand on a wand I personally carved irl. (so i could have a physical memento ofc ;p) But in her ref sheet, I just referenced her wand in game (which I based on the irl one so they're look pretty similar minus the wand handle)
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why? Sunshine is definitely not vegan and never will be. She's a huge meat eater and I literally have in her Toyhouse bio that she loves eating meat!!! Since she's a hybrid of a predator that eats meat, she really loves eating meat. Nothing could make her happier than a big ol' steak set in front of her. Extra rare!
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Yeahhhhh so I just made Hogwarts be at a college level as opposed to middle-high school. Not a huge reason to do this though except I didnt wanna get flamed for writing smut about underage characters. But now I can write freely! *twirl*。・:*:・゚★ (I'm still figuring out how I'll be tackling the 'late bloomer ancient magic' and the fact that I want Seb and Omi to have a pre established friendship. Wizard highschool?)
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Well I really love just sweet and loving characters that can be way badass when the time comes. Favorite trope and obviously she has to be in the most unassuming house to make it all the more shocking when she does something so 'out of character'!
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not intentionally? I can see how I may have subconsciously drawn from Steven universe but aside from that, I cant make any connections currently.
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Oh she definitely trusts them whole heartedly. 'Why would they lie to me?' She thinks the best of everyone and trusts them be honest and kind since she's honest and kind, why wouldnt they be? She's gullible and it doesnt take much to earn her trust. (But once it's broken, it's incredibly hard to repair)
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Yes, because she wanted to learning everything she could if it meant she could protect him. Even the darkest, worst possible spells a wizard could cast.
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Sebastian! Lets just say he's got that rizz. . . •-• (The rest is secret!)
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
Probably auguamenti or the silencing charm. Homegirl always dehydrated as fucckkk. And the silencing charm because she has enhanced hearing (and also autism) so she gets overwhelmed by sound the most intensely and frequently.
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
If I could change anything, it would be stopping Sebastian. Tbh I would give anything for the devs to add a "save sebastian" DLC for an alternate ending ON MY KNEES BRUH DEVS PLEASE 😭🧎🏼🙏🏼
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
Im not sure why i chose her appearance at first. Her hair was way less curly, her tail was much thinner as well as her body. As I developed her, I realized there was a significant lack of bigger bodies in the fandom and I wanted to change that. Make your own representation and all. As for if I'd change anything now, I dont think so. I'm pretty content with her current design.
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Sunshine absolutely adores Autumn! She loves dressing up for Halloween/Samhain and not to mention how beautiful the trees are, shedding their leaves. Another thing she likes about fall is the coming of the cold weather. She loves snuggling up by a fire with a mug of hot tea!
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Ravenclaw for sure! She has such a brilliant and inquisitive mind, always wondering how things work. She loves her Magical Theory class and pondering.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
She has a green stuffed bunny! She doesn't like to sleep away from it, she can of course but she highly prefers not to. It's a huge source of comfort to her after a grueling day of socializing and studying.
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
I dont know much about music genres in the late nineteenth century, however I believe she would enjoy peaceful orchestral music and also folk music!
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I love her hair! It's so so cute and her eyes! Gosh I really love most things about her! Personality wise, I love that she has managed to retain her childlike wonder.
mc ask/tag game!
my turn to do an mc ask! answer as you please <3 30 questions wow!
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why?
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
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nikkento-writes · 6 months ago
It starts with a distasteful joke from Gojo. "I bet Nanami's pretty vanilla in bed, am I right?" He nudges you playfully as he sips on his lychee mocktail in the restaurant. Your boyfriend excused himself to use the bathroom and Ieiri went out for a smoke, leaving you alone with Gojo, who you met for the first time just a little over an hour ago.
You're shocked that he'd even ask such a personal question, especially since your relationship with Nanami is still four-months fresh. Unsure how to respond, you simply laugh, not answering. When he continues to stare at you through his blindfold, your smile falters. "You're being serious?"
He smirks, clearly egging you on. "I just can't imagine our little strait-laced salary man being very fun in the sack. No offense."
You're torn between changing the subject all together into something less inappropriate and defending your lover's honor. And unfortunately for you, as the anger inside you begins to bubble at Gojo's tactless words, you choose the latter. "If you must know, he's very, very fun in the sack." You cross your arms over your chest, glaring at him. 
He shrugs, the shit-eating grin still on his face. "I just can't see it. But as long as you're satisfied, that's all that matters."
"I am very satisfied, thank you very much!" you emphasize, cheeks hot now, annoyed. Before you explode on him, Nanami and Ieiri return, so you try to contain your rage as much as possible throughout the rest of dinner.
You intend to keep his outrageous comments to yourself, not wanting to start any unnecessary drama, especially with Nanami who is above this type of ridiculousness. But remembering Gojo's smug expression makes you irate all over again. That night, while you're cuddling with Nanami, you share the story. "So, Gojo said something funny to me while you were in the bathroom." As you recount the short conversation from earlier, you keep it light-hearted, laughing about it as if it doesn't grind your gears (which it does). In all honestly, your sex life with Nanami is amazing, and while it's nobody's business but your own, you can't help being bothered that certain people think otherwise. 
When you're done, Nanami doesn't respond right away, processing it all before he speaks. "Interesting." His voice is steady, though you can sense a hint of annoyance in his tone. "He's an idiot," he adds, holding you closer, grazing his lips on your forehead. 
You giggle, snuggling into his chest. "I know."
"But...you are satisfied, right?"
The waver of uncertainty in his voice breaks your heart and you almost regret telling him. "Of course I am! You know I am!" you answer confidently, peering up at him.
He kisses your forehead. "You promise?"
Grabbing both his cheeks, you smooch him on the lips. "I promise."
Gentle kisses soon turn into sloppy ones as Nanami rolls on top of you, surrounding you in his strong and muscular body. It happens quickly; the blanket is shrugged off, clothes are stripped and scattered on the floor, your legs are spread wide for him as he eats you out voraciously, proving how much fun he can be in bed. He makes you orgasm twice like this, getting it nice and wet for his hard cock, throbbing in his fist as he strokes it. “Ride me,” he demands, laying on his back, licking his lips while you mount him.
You oblige, sinking down on his cock slowly, adjusting to his size. “Fuck, Kento,” you whine, wiggling on his lap until he bottoms out.
“Feels good, huh sweetheart?” He traces your mouth with his thumb, teasing it.
“Yes. So fucking good.” You suck on his fingers, rocking back and forth on his lap. 
He fucks you like this, his feet planted on the bed, bucking his hips up into you at a steady pace. Suddenly, his phone rings, interrupting for a moment. He glances at it, his expression tensing, showing you the name displayed on the screen: Gojo Satoru.
"Answer it," you say, grinding on him with a wicked smile on your face. "Prove him wrong."
For a split-second, he looks at you like you're crazy. But something in him snaps, probably the same thing that made you so angry earlier. Sometimes, you just want to prove yourself right. 
He picks up the phone, putting it on speaker. Gojo's voice rings out. "Nanami, I feel terrible. I said some inappropriate things to your girl - "
"Fuck me, Kento," you whine, bouncing on his lap as he thrusts up into you faster, entire body hot and electric with pleasure. 
Nanami has the phone in one hand and the other that was just in your mouth playing with your clit now. Through labored breaths, he says, "Sorry Gojo, I'm a bit busy being an absolute bore in bed. Isn't that right, kitten?" 
He holds the phone closer to you while you moan your boyfriend's name, your third climax of the night approaching quickly. "Kento, Kento, fuck me Kento!”
Satisfied, Nanami sets the phone down on the bed, gripping your hips to pound up into you, the squelching of his cock pummeling into your wet cunt so erotic and lewd. “Gonna fill you up, sweetheart. Gonna breed this slutty little pussy.” Over the edge now, he shoots his load inside you, letting out his own husky moans. He hastily lifts you off him to eat you out one last time, his cum leaking down from your cunt onto his chin as he sucks on your swollen clit until you come on his face, moaning obscenities incessantly. Completely spent now, you pull off him to cuddle, kissing each other messily as you both come down from your high. 
"Ahem." Gojo's voice startles you as you realize that neither he nor Nanami bothered to hang up the call. Horrified, the two of you wait with bated breath for his response, noting the suggestive ruffling in the background. "I apologize. I stand corrected."
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mssorceressupreme · 1 month ago
You Belong With Me | F.W
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: it almost felt like unrequited love to you, until you agreed to go to the Yule ball with George, causing his twin brother to get jealous.
Warnings/tags: jealousy, arguing, dancing in the rain, kissing in the rain (when's it gonna be my turn), mutual pining, fred longs for you <3, ending is soo fluffy
The cool autumn breeze swept across the courtyard as you and Hermione lounged on a stone bench, basking in a rare moment of calm amidst the Yule Ball frenzy that had overtaken the castle. The two of you were deep in conversation, discussing something far removed from the glittering event.
Hermione was talking about her fascination with ancient runes, her voice animated.
“I just think it’s incredible,” she said, her fingers tracing an invisible symbol in the air. “Languages so old they’ve shaped magic itself. Imagine being able to read something no one else in the room understands.”
You smiled, leaning back against the bench. “I’ll stick to words I can actually pronounce, thanks. Besides, isn’t it enough that half the textbooks at this school might as well be in a foreign language?”
Hermione laughed softly. “Fair point. But honestly, there’s something thrilling about deciphering mysteries.”
You were about to respond when Cho Chang appeared, her face lit up like a thousand fairy lights. “Guess what?” she exclaimed, plopping down beside Hermione, who immediately brightened at her arrival.
“What?” Hermione asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
“Cedric asked me to the ball!” Cho squealed, clutching her hands together.
Your grin mirrored hers. “That’s amazing, Cho! He’s one of the most sought-after guys in school. Everyone’s going to be jealous.”
Cho flushed with delight, her excitement infectious. “I still can’t believe it. He just came up to me after Charms and asked. Like it was nothing!”
The three of you giggled, and soon the conversation shifted to the ball itself—who would ask whom, what dresses to wear, and how the hall might be decorated.
“Have you two thought about who you might ask?” Cho asked, leaning forward with a curious glint in her eyes.
Hermione glanced away, suddenly absorbed in adjusting the clasp of her cloak. “I—I don’t really know yet,” she mumbled.
Your stomach twisted slightly at the question, though you kept your face neutral. “No one in mind,” you said lightly, though your heart was screaming a different answer: Fred.
The thought of him filled your mind, as it often did lately. His quick wit, the sparkle in his eyes when he was planning a prank, the way his laughter could light up the darkest of days. You could barely imagine him asking you, but the hope lingered all the same.
Cho giggled, oblivious to your inner turmoil. “Well, whoever you pick, you’ll have to tell me everything! It’s all anyone’s talking about in Ravenclaw Tower.”
The conversation drifted to Potions, which happened to be our next class, but your mind remained on Fred. Would he ask someone else?
The next afternoon, the library was quieter than usual, save for the occasional scratch of quills on parchment. You were deeply engrossed in your Potions notes when George slid into the seat beside you.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he said with a grin, tossing a book onto the table.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Shouldn’t you be off plotting your next big prank with Fred?”
He clutched his chest with a dramatic gasp. “Ouch. I’m perfectly capable of studying, thank you very much.”
You chuckled, turning back to your notes as he whipped out his textbook.
The two of you fell into an easy rhythm of studying, punctuated by George’s occasional quips and your amused replies. It was comfortable, even fun. Halfway through, he leaned closer, his tone suddenly earnest.
“So, the Yule Ball,” he started, tapping his quill against the table.
You looked up, curious. “What about it?”
He grinned, though there was something tentative about it. “Well, I was wondering if you’d go with me.”
Your heart stuttered. For a split second, you pictured Fred’s face instead of George’s, and disappointment flooded your chest.
But then you saw the hope in George’s eyes and felt a sense of guilt. He was lovely in his own right, and you couldn’t imagine saying no to someone so kind.
“Sure,” you said after a moment, offering a small smile. “I’d love to Georgie.”
He was one of your closest friends after all, how could you say no to George? Besides, at least you wouldn't be attending the ball alone. ___
Later that day, you found yourself in the Great Hall during study period. The long tables were packed with students working on essays and assignments, and the low hum of conversation filled the space. You sat with Hermione, Harry, and Ron, your quill scratching against the parchment as you tried to focus.
The doors swung open, and your heart skipped a beat as Fred entered, his presence commanding the room without even trying. His tie was slightly askew, his hair tousled in that effortlessly handsome way of his.
You quickly looked down at your parchment, forcing yourself to concentrate. But then Fred sat across from you, and ignoring him became impossible.
“Looking forward to the ball?” he asked casually, his eyes meeting yours.
You managed a nod. “Yeah, should be fun.” If you went with me.
George, seated beside you, grinned and announced loudly, “Right?We’re going together!”
The group erupted in congratulations. “So, you two, huh?” Ron teased, his eyebrows waggling.
You forced a smile as the attention turned to you and George. Across the table, Fred’s expression fell, though he quickly masked it with a laugh.
"You two? That'll be entertaining. Best put extra protection over your toes Y/N, George isn't exactly the best dancer."
The laughter around the table grew louder, students chiming in with their own quips and jokes about the Yule Ball. You tried to join in, but your focus kept slipping back to Fred.
Every time George leaned closer to you or made you laugh, Fred’s jaw tightened, his fingers drumming against the table in a steady, agitated rhythm.
George, oblivious to his twin’s mood, grinned and nudged you with his elbow. “You’ll see, Y/N. Fred might think he’s the charming one, but wait until you’re spinning across the dance floor with me. I’ll have you thinking I invented the waltz.”
Fred scoffed audibly, folding his arms. “Yeah, right. And she’ll probably need a Healer for her toes by the end of the night. Smooth moves, George.”
George chuckled, brushing off the jab. “Jealous much, Freddie?”
That struck a nerve. Fred’s head snapped up, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward. “Jealous? Of you? You’re dreaming, mate.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t act like it’s a crime for her to have a decent time at the ball.”
“Decent time? That’s rich, coming from the guy who can’t even sit still during dinner without knocking something over.”
George’s grin faltered, his tone sharpening. “What’s your problem? You’ve been acting like this since I asked her.” He asked, loud enough for only him and Fred to hear. But George, knew exactly what was up.
“Maybe my problem is you jumping in when you knew—” Fred stopped abruptly, clenching his jaw as if he’d said too much.
The table grew quieter as Snape walked by, making sure students were doing work without chatting away, a few heads turning toward the brewing tension. Your heart raced as you glanced between them, unsure whether to step in.
“Knew what, Fred?” George pressed, his own temper starting to rise.
Fred opened his book, a little too harshly, his voice low but laced with frustration. “Forget it. Enjoy your ‘decent time,’ George.”
Not long after, you all found yourselves immersed in studying.
Moments later, Fred tossed a note to Ron, saying “Get a move on, or all the good ones will have gone.”
Ron groaned. “Who are you going with, then?”
Fred didn’t reply. Instead, he rolled another paper ball and lobbed it at Angelina, who turned to Fred, mouthing "What?"
He asked her to the ball. He asked her to the ball. When she nodded in response, your chest tightened painfully.
You felt your chest constrict as you watched the exchange. He asked Angelina. The words echoed in your mind, drowning out the noise around you.
You buried your face in your parchment, pretending to be absorbed in your work, but Hermione’s hand on your arm told you she saw right through you.
Fred glanced at you briefly, his gaze almost apologetic, but you refused to meet his eyes. Instead, you leaned closer to Hermione, trying to block him out.
Whatever, you were going with George anyway, why did Fred matter.
The night of the ball arrived, and you met George at the entrance. He was charming as ever, complimenting your dress with a sincere warmth that made you feel beautiful.
“You look stunning,” George said as he approached, his grin warm and genuine.
“Thanks, and you look very handsome” you replied, offering a small smile as he led you inside.
The Hall was breathtaking, transformed into a winter wonderland. But as your eyes scanned the room, they immediately found Fred, your heart faltered at the sight of him with Angelina. He looked devastatingly handsome in his dress robes, his hair neatly combed, though still with that familiar unruly edge.
Fred caught your eye for a fleeting moment, his lips curving into a faint smile, but he quickly turned away. You forced yourself to smile and focused on George, determined not to let your emotions show.
“Let’s say hi,” George suggested, steering you toward his twin.
Fred’s eyes met yours as you approached, and for a moment, everything else faded away. But then he turned to Angelina, jealousy flashing in his gaze before he quickly hid it.
The night went on, the music swelling and laughter filling the air. You danced with George, smiled for the photos, and laughed with friends, but your heart wasn’t in it. Fred was never far from your thoughts, and you couldn’t stop glancing his way.
You sat at the table with George, Lee and Oliver, having some punch to hydrate yourselves after all that dancing.
Across the room, Fred’s gaze kept finding you, a flicker of longing evident in his eyes, though you never noticed.
When he wasn't looking, your eyes found him, and when you glanced away, his gaze found you.
You watched as he laughed with Angelina, something stirred inside you, wishing that was you. Around the room, couples were dancing happily, laughter echoing throughout the room which you drowned out.
You always knew you liked Fred, but this was the first time your emotions felt stronger than ever. You'd never dare admit it, but your heart ached for him, and tonight was the tipping point.
Turning to George, you excused yourself for some air, slipping out into the courtyard as tears welled up.
The first raindrops began to fall as you sat on a bench, cold air biting against your skin as your tears slowly spilled over despite your efforts to hold them back.
You didn't care about the rain; you just sat there.
Back inside, Fred’s eyes followed you as you left, a slight frown played upon his lips as he watched you scurry out.
“Go,” Angelina said softly, nudging him.
“What?” Fred asked, startled.
“She likes you, Fred. And it’s obvious you like her too, I see the way you look at her. Stop being an idiot and do something about it.” She chuckled.
Realisation dawned on his face, and without another word, he ran after you.
The rain was pouring by the time he found you. Without thinking, he took off his blazer and held it over your head as he approached. You looked up seeing a tall figure tower over you, holding a blazer over you.
He got soaked, but didn't mind one bit, as long as it kept you dry.
“Mind some company?” he asked, sitting beside you, now extending the blazer over his head too, leaving the two of you huddled under his blazer together.
“Fred, just go,” you said, not looking at him.
“Not a chance,” he replied, his voice soft. “You shouldn’t be out here alone. Crying, no less.”
You turned to him, your heart breaking all over again. “Shouldn’t you be with Angelina?”
Fred shook his head. “There’s nothing between us." He continued, "You do know that she has a thing for George, right?”
“Then why didn’t you—” You stopped yourself, unable to finish the thought.
“Because I was too much of a coward to ask you,” Fred admitted, his voice raw. “George knew that, so he stepped in, he just needed to push my buttons that git. But it’s always been you. Only you.”
Your breath caught, and for a moment, the world stood still.
“I mean it,” he said, his eyes searching yours. “You’re the one I’ve wanted all along.”
Tears welled up again, but this time they were different. You laughed softly, shaking your head. “How did the wrong twin ask the wrong date to the ball?”
Fred chuckled, his hand reaching to tuck a strand of wet hair behind your ear. “Guess we’re both idiots.”
You leaned closer, and Fred closed the distance, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that made everything else fade away.
The kiss was as sweet as his words were, you tasted a linger of punch he drank from earlier, "Mhm, sweet." You giggled. He smiled into the kiss, before leaning back in for another kiss, removing the blazer from above so he could hold you closer to him.
Fred pulled you closer by the waist, holding you like he was going to lost you. "Merlin, you're the most beautiful girl to ever exist." He complimented sincerely.
You blushed, looking down, "Stop it..." you scoff but bit back a smile.
His inspected your face, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips, smiling as he did so. The look of love. And you into his, those warm hazel eyes you always dreamed of, finally looking at you in this light.
The soft hum of music floated through the night air, carried from the Great Hall to the quiet courtyard. The sound of a slow, enchanting melody was muffled by the rain but still audible enough to make your heartpace increase.
“They’re playing a slow one now,” he said, his gaze fixed on you.
His hazel eyes warmer than the rain, a playful yet nervous smile tugging at his lips. “Dance with me.”
You blinked, caught completely off guard. “What?”
“Dance with me,” he repeated, standing up and holding a hand out to you. Raindrops clung to his hair, the dim light from the castle casting a faint glow around him. “It’d be a shame to let a good song go to waste.”
You stared at his hand, your heart fluttering as you hesitated. “Fred, it’s raining.”
“All the better.” He grinned, his usual confidence creeping back into his voice. “Come on, Y/N. You’re already soaked, and we’re already out here. What’ve we got to lose?”
Despite yourself, you laughed softly, shaking your head. “You’re absurd.”
“And yet, here you are, sitting next to me.” He wiggled his fingers, his hand still extended. “Now, are you going to make me stand here looking like a git, or are you going to dance with me?”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t fight the smile spreading across your face. With a sigh of surrender, you placed your hand in his, letting him pull you to your feet.
The rain was cool against your skin as Fred tugged you closer, one hand resting lightly on your waist, the other still holding your hand.
You hesitated, unsure of where to place your free hand, and he chuckled, guiding it to his shoulder.
“There,” he said softly. “Not so hard, is it?”
The music from the hall swirled around you both as he began to sway, leading you gently. You stumbled at first, unprepared for the sudden closeness, but Fred’s grip was steady, his steps smooth and sure.
“You’re not bad at this,” you teased, looking up at him.
He smirked. “Told you. Miles better than Georgie.”
That made you laugh, and the sound seemed to light up his whole face. The tension from earlier melted away, replaced by a warmth that had nothing to do with the music or the rain.
The world around you blurred, the rain and the music creating a cocoon of quiet intimacy. Fred twirled you unexpectedly, making you gasp before pulling you back against him, his grin wide and mischievous.
“Show-off,” you said breathlessly.
“Only for you,” he replied, his voice softer now, his teasing tone giving way to something more sincere.
You looked up at him, rainwater dripping from your hair, and for a moment, you forgot about the ball, about Angelina, about anything else. It was just Fred—Fred with his warm eyes, his heartfelt grin, and his hands that held you like you were the only thing that mattered.
“Fred…” you started, unsure of what you wanted to say.
But he stopped swaying, his hand gently brushing a strand of wet hair from your face. “I meant what I said earlier,” he murmured. “It’s always been you, Y/N.”
Your breath hitched, his words sinking in like the rain soaking through your clothes. “Fred, I—”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “I just…I needed you to know.”
For a moment, you stood there, staring at him, the music from the hall swelling in the background. Then, without thinking, you leaned up on your toes, closing the space between you.
The kiss was soft and slow, rain falling around you as if the world had stopped for just the two of you. Fred’s hand cupped your face gently, the other still resting on your waist, pulling you closer. When you finally pulled back, he was grinning, his forehead resting against yours.
“So, how’s this for a Yule Ball memory?” he asked, his voice warm and teasing.
You laughed, your cheeks flushing despite the cold. “It’s perfect.”
“Good,” he said, spinning you one last time before pulling you back into his arms. “Because I don’t think I’m letting you go anytime soon.”
And as the rain continued to fall and the music from the Great Hall drifted through the night, you realised that, for once, you didn’t mind getting soaked.
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iconicstoner · 1 year ago
I read your love bites and apologies story and I was thinking something similar but opposite!! Reader loves the hickeys and can't get enough of them! Like reader is always covered in hickeys!!! Maybe there's a situation with reader's parents or something, and reader uses it as a way to rebel or something! Idk! Just do whatever you want!!!
If you don't want to write this, that's totally cool!
a/n: Thank you so much for this request! It was so fun to write and I hope you like what I came up with lol. I also am really glad you enjoyed one of my other stories!
marked up
gn!reader x jasper hale (smut)
words: 910
summary: you decide to rebel against your parents by letting Jasper mark you all over, but it quickly turns to even more than that.
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“Woah darlin’, calm down now,” Jasper tells you, keeping one hand in your hair. Your mouth is on his icy cold neck, leaving kisses everywhere. He doesn’t have blood, so he can’t get hickeys, but if he could then he would’ve been covered by now. He tried again to tell you to calm down, but all he could focus on was your warm breathe on his neck.
“You always cover me in hickeys, so maybe it’s my turn,” you tell him with a smirk. You’re sitting in his lap, the two of you on his bed, and despite the fact you’re looking down at him, he’s in full control.
  “You don’t like when I leave marks on you?” he asks, already knowing the answer. He gives that perfect smile that’s been burned into your memory. 
“I love it,” you whisper sensually in his ear. You hear a low moan in the back of his throat as he grabs you by the waist. He lifts you up and roughly places you down on the mattress below him. 
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna leave you covered by the time we’re done here. Everyone will know you’re mine,” he tells you. 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” you respond. 
“Why’s that?” he asks with a grin. You think back to the fight with your parents you’d had before you’d left home. You fell asleep without a shirt on, your parents noticed one of the hickeys on your chest, and they were not pleased. You assured them that it was fine. You still had amazing grades, great relationships with your friends, and your own hobbies, but they hated the idea you were having sex, especially not with someone they didn’t trust, like Jasper.
Jasper lifts up your chin, kissing you your jaw, bringing you back into reality.
“My parents and I are fighting about you again,” you say between breathy moans, “they think you’re a bad influence.”
“I am,” he said while slipping his hand under your shirt. You wanted to listen to his thick southern accent forever, hearing him call out your name in it. You tugged at his shirt, lifting it up. He quickly took it off, and you did the same with your own. Your chest was now exposed and he began kissing you all over. He left hickeys up and down your chest, your waist, your neck, everywhere. Anywhere he could reach your soft, warm skin he pressed his tongue to it. He knew neither of you would be satisfied until you were fully covered in hickeys.
He pulled away from you, slowly unbuckling his pants just to tease you. He unbottoned your pants next and pulled them off you, leaving kisses along your hips. He pulled down your undewear just enough to expose you and began to kiss you there. He licked your bare skin slowly, causing you to buck your hips with excitement. 
He moved back up to your neck, kissing and leaving hickies there again, but he kept a firm grip on your hips. His mouth trailed down to your collarbones, and left more marks there. You knew he was trying to tease you. As he pulled away to let you gasp for air you looked noticed a tent in his boxers, and you knew you craved him. He began to slowly grind against you, his hard pressing up against you in the most satisfying way, causing you to beg for him.
“Please Jasper, I need you,” you moaned out. He began to kiss and suck one of your nipples. You jumped in pleasure as he put one of his cold hands between your thighs, roughly spreading them open. He stopped kissing your chest, and began to kiss you. His tongue was in your mouth, his hard cock was rubbing against you, and you were in pure bliss. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed a few strands of hair out of your face.
“Oh darlin’, I’m not even done with my tongue yet,” he told you before moving back down between your thighs. He grabbed you by the hips and began to tease you with his tongue. He traced it along your inner thighs, causing your hips to jump again.
“Please, Jas,” you begged. You saw him smile up at you before begining to give you head. His tongue moved in the most perfect ways. He kissed and licked you everywhere, and you had never felt more pleasure. His hands were firmly gripped on your thighs, and his tongue moved swiftly. You let out shaky mones as your got closer to your climax, but his movements never faltered. Before you could even register the thought, you had already came. Your legs were shaking from the pleasure.
He sat up, brushing more hair out of your face. He wiped some sweat off of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was hard to tell if you liked him more gentle and sweet or rough and dominating. You sat up, resting in his arms. The two of you peacfully laid there, skin to skin, for what could’ve been forever. He shifted and got out of bed, having to force himself to let go of your hand. 
“It’s getting late,” he told you as he gathered both of your clothes. “You should get home before it’s dark, or else I might have to punish you next time,” he whispered seductively as he left a final hickey on your neck. 
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ilydeku · 7 months ago
izuku loves to talk about you during interviews
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- anything and every topic it will ALWAYS be about you
- the question won't even be remotely related to you and still izukus answer will revolve around "y/n, my wife!!" <3
- oh, the glint in his eyes, the peaking smile when he speaks about you, lover boyyy
- the media knows he LOVE LOVES you, they think it's funny for this big, confident, mighty hero to be reduced to sap when it comes to you
- it's like his whole personality is HIS WIFE
- the journalists lowkey get so SICK of him for this, they don't want to invite him anymore 😭
- but they kinda have to, due to to his status as #1
"Good evening everyone and welcome Hero Talk! Tonight we'll be staring someone you all know and love, single handedly the greatest hero of all time, Deku! Alright, Deku how are you tonight?"
"Feeling pretty good! This is one of my wife's favorite shows, so I'm even more grateful to be here. And how are you?"
"Oh, same old. Really, just living. Now, we wanted to ask you some fun questions. Let's start with this one. Why did you want to become a hero?"
"Wow, haha! That really brings be back to my youth. When I was kid, my biggest influence was All Might, and he miraculously became my mentor. He was a good hero, and a good man. I wanted to be just like him: fearless, persevering, saving people with I smile. I would beg my mom everyday to watch this video on the computer of him saving a bunch a people. I was really swayed by All Might. I wanted to become a hero to make an impact in the world. I wanted to save people with a smile too."
"That sounds really endearing, Deku. I remember All Might's reign. He wasn't number one on the top charts all those years for nothing. So, did you ever think you'd be standing as Japan's top hero?"
"Well, it was never really my goal to become number one. That was Kacchan's- Dynamight's. My dream was, like I said, to become a hero and save others. But I have to say, it really is a blessing. I'd like to thank my Mom, All Might, my friends, and especially my wife for who I've become. My Mom has really done a lot for me growing up: protecting, encourage, and just always caring for me. All Might has kinda been that father figure for me when my Dad was away. My friends have shown me what it's like to work together and really be part of a heart. And my wife? Haha...I can't thank her enough for all the times she's been right by my side, even before we were together. Nothing I can say or do will ever be enough to express how much she means to me."
"Mm. Quite the supportive group. Your wife sounds like quite the lady!"
"She is. She's wonderful."
"Moving on to the next question, do you use social media often?"
"Occasionally, yes?? My wife uses it regularly, posting about us when we go out and stuff. It's mostly for her family to see how she's doing. She handles most of my official accounts. She says it's to be more appealing to the public, and I guess to show that there's more to heroes on the inside?? I'm not really sure, but I trust her process. Although, I'd rather be appealing to her alone."
"The public will always interested in a hero's private life! Now, Deku, what is your ideal setting of relaxation?"
"My wife doesn't like places that are too crowded or noisy, so maybe a cozy day at the beach?- but early in the morning or in the evening when the crowds calm down. Maybe a movie theatre, but days after the movie is released so it's just us together. Actually, a lazy day at home together is great too! Cooking meals and watching a movie on the couch? Really, any place is relaxing if my wife is with me."
(am i questioning Deku's wife or Deku!?) "How scenic! Those sound very fitting for you!! How about any restaurants?"
"Not really. My wife really knows how to cook, it's amazing! I love her home-cooked meals, so there's no way I'd go out of my way to a restaurant. But if my wife is feeling it, I'll be sure to make reservations."
"(smiling warmly)"
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redeemingvillains · 6 months ago
the playlist - mattheo riddle
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summary: enzo overhears something about you he shouldn't have and when he tells his friends, all hell breaks loose.
word count: 1.5k
soundtrack: dress - taylor swift
a/n: just some fun, sweet and silly banter with our favorite boys! i made enzo italian? not sure if that's a thing. and i definitely took some liberties with italian, so please forgive me!
warning: the group is lowkey mean to enzo about his english not being very good; this in no way reflects my personal views about that. anyone that even attempts to speak or learn more than one language (esp english!) is amazing ♡
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"Alright, I've got another one"
Pansy's voice carried from your bedroom into the bathroom where you were curling your hair, getting ready for your girls' night. She was fiddling with your phone, playing music through your bluetooth speaker.
"Fuck, marry, kill: Blaise, Mattheo, Theo."
"What is the actual matter with you?" you responded, laughing. "I'm not answering that, none of them" you said resolutely about your best friends, even as your heart trilled in your chest at the very obvious answer you had in your head.
She laughed deeply, "Gods they would simply die. Any of them would be on their knees to marry you, I swear to Salazar... or fuck you for that matter."
"Ok, ok, I give up."
"Anyway, how are things with you and Draco?" you asked, looking to quickly change the subject.
A heartbeat. No response.
"Pans?" you asked, your ears listening intently for her answer before you became worried. "You okay?" you asked, concerned as you carefully set down your curler and peered around the doorframe to find her with a shit-eating grin on her face, staring at your phone.
"Pansy..." you said cautiously as you slowly approached her.
"I just found a very interesting playlist on your phone. 'M.R.'? Gee, wonder what that could be?" she said slyly.
Your feet started moving quickly towards her. "Nonono, nope that's not what you think –"
Now she was on her feet, running away from you. "Oh, GIRL, ohhhhh my goddddssss!"
"Give it back!" you shouted, lunging for your phone as she dodged out of your grasp.
"This is all Taylor Swift! Down Bad, But Daddy I Love Him, DRESS!?! I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!" she shouted as she scrambled on top of your bed and jumped up and down. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, please, Mattheo is going to lose his mind!!!"
"Oh gods, Pans, please, please you cannot say anything, not to Draco, not to anyone."
Her eyes flicked from you to over your shoulder and your heart dropped into your stomach as you turned to see Lorenzo standing in your doorway.
"...Ciao bellas..." he said hesitantly, eyebrows raised as he took in the scene in front of him, Pansy, out of breath, standing on your bed, you clambering up beside her as you were both shouting at each other.
"Uhh, hey Enz, what's up?" you said as casually as possible as you climbed off your bed.
"I'm here to borrow your potions textbook, you said I could?–"
"–Yes, gods, yes I did" you said, scrambling to search for it from the pile on your desk before brandishing it at him.
"Thank you bella" he said as he left, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Fuck how much of that do you think he heard?" you said, looking up at Pansy.
"Babe, he barely speaks English, you're fine" she said nonchalantly. "But as for me, you have a lot of explaining to do."
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Enzo made his way into the common room where the rest of his friends were gathered around the TV playing a video game as he plopped down onto the couch beside them.
"Where the hell have you been?" Draco asked without breaking his concentration on the screen.
"I was with la dolce e la piccante, eh, I needed her book" he said, using his affectionate nicknames for you (sweet) and Pansy (spicy). "Amico, she was talking about you" he said suggestively, his eyebrows wiggling.
"Yeah, what did she say?" Draco asked, his curiosity piqued.
"No, not you, la dolce, she was talking about Mattheo."
Mattheo had been sprawled in a large armchair with his hood over his head and eyes closed, but they fluttered open at that. Be cool he thought to himself, even as his heart raced in his chest. Enzo immediately registered his reaction and smirked.
"Care to share?" Theo grunted, jamming the buttons on his controller.
"She has music for you" Enzo said, his eyes never leaving Mattheo.
Mattheo's heartrate slowed.
"She sends me songs all the time, we have a shared playlist, Enz" he said, waving him off as he pulled his hood back up.
"No, no, it was not for sharing, it was a secret."
"You mean a surprise?" Blaise tried.
"No, no, la picante, she found it and la dolce was upset, it was a secret playlist."
Mattheo sat back up.
"A secret playlist... for me?" he asked.
"Yes!" Enzo said, happy to finally have gotten his attention and the message across.
Enzo's confirmation was met with some chuckles and ooohs and aahhs.
"Did you hear it?"
"What was on it?"
"I bet it was the same depressing alternative shit you two always listen to" Theo said.
"Shut the fuck up" Mattheo snapped back, narrowing his gaze at him.
"–It was Taylor Swift!" Enzo announced proudly, and four sets of eyes shifted to him, with three blank stares.
A pause.
"Ok, but like what era are we talking about here? Lover? Folklore? TPD?" Theo said and four sets of eyes shifted to him.
"What the fuck?"
"Bro, what are you talking about?"
"Am I supposed to know what any of this means?"
"Che cosa??"
"Taylor Swift is a fucking icon and anyone who says otherwise is either deaf or ignorant" Theo retorted before snapping his gaze back to Enzo, the video game in the background long forgotten now.
"Tell me exactly what you heard."
"Ehh, Down Bad, Daddy something something, and Dress" he said, nodding as he remembered each.
Theo's controller fell off his lap as he leaned forward intensely, eyes narrowed on Enzo, "You are fucking certain that's what you heard?"
Theo let out a noise somewhere between a howl and a laugh.
"Oh my fucking gods Matty you lucky son of a bitch!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Mattheo asked. He was sitting upright now on the edge of his seat and he could feel his pulse in his neck as he'd watched the conversation going back and forth between Theo and Enzo like a fucking tennis match.
"Dress by Taylor Swift? But Daddy I Love Him? Hellloooo???!!" Theo was cackling now, falling back on the couch, his hands on his stomach.
And then panic ensued.
"Put it on! Someone pull it up!" Blaise shouted, scrambling to his feet in search of his phone.
"Gods" Draco muttered, his hands on his head as he tried to process the information as tears streamed down Theo's face with laughter, and maybe a small bit of bitter jealousy.
Enzo looked around with wide eyes at their reaction, somehow more dramatic than the girls'.
"No!" Mattheo said finally, standing up and grabbing Blaise by the arm as he was frantically trying to find the songs. "All of you, just shut. the. fuck. up" he said firmly, his voice low and serious as he enunciated every word, causing each of them to stop what they were doing and look at him.
"This is bullshit, he doesn't even speak English" he continued harshly, gesturing halfheartedly to Enzo. "I'm not wasting my time with this shit, can we please just get back to the game?"
He sat down resolutely, picked a controller up off the floor and moved to restart their game.
The group exchanged quiet glances with one another before settling back into their places.
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Mattheo had been able to project a semblance of controlled anger the rest of the night, despite the sideways glances he received, but on the inside, he felt like a kettle full of boiling water, ready to scream.
He was fuming that Enzo repeated what he'd heard in front of everyone, furious at the way Theo laughed and annoyed at everyone else's reactions. His life, his feelings, and especially his friendship with you were private; it was none of their godsdamn business.
He also didn't like the idea that Theo knew your music better than he did, music was something the two of you had always shared with each other... since when did you listen to Taylor Swift anyway? And why was her music such a big deal?
He was tossing and turning in bed now, playing and replaying the evening's events in his head until finally he reached for his headphones, shoving them in his ears as he grabbed his phone. He needed to know, needed to understand why Theo was making such a big deal out of it. Theo's voice echoed in his head: "Matty you lucky son of a bitch!" and excitement and jealousy stirred in his stomach in equal measures.
It doesn't mean anything he told himself, tampering his expectations. The last thing he wanted to do was get excited, like one song was going to change anything anyway.
Dress he typed - tapping play.
Decent beat he thought, she's got a nice voice...
And then he hit the bridge.
Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend Only bought this dress so you could take it off
He had stopped breathing.
Everyone thinks that they know us But they don't know nothing about All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you –
He ripped his headphones out of his ears and sat straight up in bed, his hand falling subconsciously to his beating chest as he tried to catch his breath. He swallowed. He blinked several times, trying to register what he'd just heard.
I don't want you like a best friend?
Well fuck he thought, me either.
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🏷️ tagging a few of my beautiful mutuals: @girllblogging777 @draco-dormiens @dracosbabygirl8 @leona-hawthorne @noble-serpent @sectumsempraaa @reys-letters
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