#gene x courtney x alex
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kabishkat19 · 1 year ago
My Fav Poly couples🖤
(Both Canon/Non canon)
1. Tulio x Miguel x Chel
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I think this goes without saying, this is the starter pack of Poly couple ships; the chemistry and banter alone.
2. Sour x Jenny x Buck
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These three self proclaimed outcasts caring about each other deeply; say no more
3. Gene x Courtney x Alex
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I just feel these three have potential and there’s no way Gene will end up in a conventional relationship.
4. Rey x Po x Fin
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Might get hate but I preferred this over the Rey x Kylo ship, this just makes my heart melt.
5. Scooby Gang (Not Scooby himself)
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This goes without saying; each one of these characters as chemistry with each other and it’s the 70’s.
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theangrypomeranian · 1 year ago
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thinking about them again ❤️
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nonbinary-hatter · 9 months ago
I'm back!!!
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burgerspeople · 1 year ago
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High School GAC Pack 💜
DM for commissions if you’re interested!
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 2 years ago
GAC pack - Texting? (I could imagine their group text being a little nuts 😭)
look at me!!!! i posted!!!!!
babs. thank you for this request. i feel like i grew so much as a writer from this. when i got it i was like "pshhh texting will be easy" i was so wrong!!!! this originally started out as like a 6k word gene & alex & zeke adventure and i hated it. i COULD NOT make it work. i was feeling so discouraged and i considered not doing it at all and then i was like. nobody is holding me at gunpoint to write it like this. and then i changed it and now i love it so much!!! so lesson learned i can stop writing something a certain way even if i love the idea (and i will definitely be recycling the original premise for something else)! okay i am running on like 45 minutes of sleep and a dr. pepper so that is all i will say ily byeeeeee
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twisting-echo · 2 months ago
i know that crossover ships are your while schtick, but what's your favorite non-crossover ship?
Well, of course I do, my lovely Anon! I drew a blank there for a second, but I do have more than one favorite. Let me give you a list of some fandoms off the top of my head!
1) Total Drama:
Gwen x Courtney (Gwourtney)
Cody x Heather (Codeather)
Ezekiel x Anne Maria
Duncan x Zoey
Owen x Kitty
Noah x Alejandro
Sam x Dakota
2) Sonic the Hedgehog:
Sonic x Elise (Sonelise)
Shadow x Maria (Shadaria)
Knuckles x Sara (Knuxara)
Rouge x Topaz (Roupaz)
Tails x Maria (Tailsmari)
3) The Simpsons:
Lisa Simpson x Jessica Lovejoy (Lissica)
Bart Simpson x Martin Prince (Bartin)
Alex Whitney X Rod Flanders
Todd Flanders x Donna
Allison Taylor x Hubert Wong
4) Care Bears:
Friend Bear x Brave Heart Lion
Secret Bear x Loyal Heart Dog
Oopsy Bear x Shreeky
Grumpy Bear x Tenderheart Bear
5) The Smurfs:
Sassette x Brainy
Sassette x Clumsy
Smurfette x Hefty
6) Bob's Burgers:
Gene x Courtney x Alex
Tina x Jimmy x Zeke
Louise x Logan
Twilight x Scorpan
Fluttershy x Discord
Rainbow Dash x Zephyr Breeze
Apple Jack x Trenderhoof
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Rarity x Thunderlane
Sweetie Belle x Rumble
Apple Bloom x Diamond Tiara
Scootaloo x Terramar
Spike x Ember x Thorax
8) Hazbin Hotel:
Emily x Velette
Charlie x Alastor
Husk x Angel
9) Gargoyles:
Elisa Maza x Goliath
Angela x Broadway
David Xanatos x Fox
Demona x McBeth
10) Kung Fu Panda
Po x Tigress
Po x Song
Song x Tigress
Po x Tai Lung
Po x Tigress x Song
Song x Tai Lung
Tai Lung x Mei Mei
Crane x Mei Ling
Mr Ping x Li Shan
11) Transformers Prime:
Starscream x Arcee
Bumblebee x Knockout
Knockout x Arcee
Ratchet x Optimus
Megatron x Starscream
12) Avatar The Last Air Bender:
Katara x Zuko
Sokka x Azula
Aang x Toph
13) Steven Universe:
Pearl x Greg
Amethyst x Peridot
Ruby x Sapphire
Honorable Mentions:
Bonnie x Toy Bonnie (FNAF)
E.B. x Bit (Hop 2011 Film)
Meena x Darius (Sing 2)
Izuku Midoriya x Melissa Shield (My Hero Academia)
Beetlejuice x Lydia (Beetlejuice 2)
Puss x Dulcinea x Kitty (Puss in Boots)
Luz x Hunter (The Owl House)
Cassandra x Panic (Hercules)
Dora x Boots (Dora the Explorer)
Jeri x Impmon/Beelzemon (Digimon Tamers)
Shaggy x Crystal (Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders)
Welp, that's all I got. If you were asking for canon couples, I'm sorry to disappoint you with my obscure tastes.
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dianadeadwing · 1 year ago
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This is a quote from the movie.
I dunno I like Gene x Peter Pescadero. Loud sweet boy + quiet unhinged boy, they both like music, the Belcher kids are into redheads, Pescadero rhymes with so many things, and their colors go really well together. It just makes sense.
For the record I love Courtney and am open to Alex (he needs more screen time) I’m not against Gene x Courtney, Gene x Alex, or Gene x Courtney x Alex.
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yoshi-self-ships · 22 days ago
I'm curious. Did Anon go out of their way to find my NSFT picture of Gene x Alex that's only posted on completely different sites only listed on my carrd and linktree? Or are they just mad that I'm shipping him with his male best friend and not Courtney or some other girl?
OR are they mad that I hc Gene as gender fluid due to his many canon moments where he talks about being feminine or other gnc things?
Anon, tell me :3
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babystepsofficial · 2 years ago
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koolmomma2000 · 3 years ago
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doodles ft. Too much jj and college au junk
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theangrypomeranian · 1 year ago
Courtney: Me and my boys gonna mess you up!
Gene: I rolled a one.
Alex: I rolled a one.
Courtney: Fuck.
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unclefathersantateddy · 2 years ago
Fresh meat/Cannibal Bobs AU,
I want the Wagstaff kids to also Be different in this Au so heres some Ideas for Alex,
Doesn’t Have Any Friends except Courtney.
Has O.C.D, he’s very organized.
his Shirt Almost fits on him.
His parents didn’t put him on a diet.
is Suspicious of Gene because Gene Stares at him For no reason.
Is into Gaming.
Isn’t physically active, like in the show.
Minor Depression.
His hair isn’t messy.
Oh I love this hello let's get INTO Alex Papasian! I am blazed and this has REALLY stimulated me!!!
Diving right in - Courtney alone? Or both Courtney and Gene? I really like the canon trio, but if your ideas are compelling enough to warrant only two of the three I'm listening with my eyes with open!
OCD, interesting! Tell me, what is it about Alex that sparks those ideas? I wanna know more so I can get a better feel! Organisation is a very Done presentation of OCD in media, could we flesh this out some more? Or if you have ideas stemming from this I'd love to hear them!
I have been informed 300lbs would be debilitating for a prepubescent boy, but 200lbs is plausible! A chomky boy who loves junk food and doesn't like exercise, it's giving Rowley (DOAWK).
Accidental crop top, love it all about it!
So, what stopped his parents from dieting him? What ideas do we have for his mother's Helf Kik personality, is it reversed? Ooh what if she now neurotically eats nothing BUT ice cream? Does that imply they now allow him to eat whatever/whenever he wants?
Oooh I could run with this one! Why does Gene stare at him? Is this a mini Hannibal x Will dynamic?
Gaming like canon, for sure!
In my country minor depression is called "low mood" lol fun fact! But I can absolutely see this tying in with Mrs Papasian's neuroticism!
What kind of hair are we thinking for Alex, long like canon but tidy? Buzz cut? I quite like the idea of him and Gene being the Same But Opposite, if that makes sense?
Two chubby boys who love their dorky fantasy games, but one is a literal messy greaseball whilst the other is well kept and tidy!
Love your idea! Please always send me them I'm love!!!
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nonbinary-hatter · 9 months ago
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Happy pride month everyone!
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tacosandtouchtanks · 2 years ago
I asked the ship question for Bob’s Burgers. Sorry, I should have specified.
No worries XD But I recently got an unclear question on another blog and did a whole thing about all kinds of characters and the person was like "I was only talking about the ship" so I figured I would ask XD I'll just copy-paste something from my main blog.
In before: These are just my ships! That doesn't mean anything. Also we still only focus on Zekina on this blog while all other ships are on a lower tear but worth equally! I won't judge any other ships! (except maybe TinaXJayJu bc they are our direct rival ship...)
Of course the OTP is
Zekina (Zeke X Tina):
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But here are two more I really enjoy...
Rudiese (Rudy X Louise): (I'm just a sucker for a leader and their second in command)
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Bob X Linda: (They are just so wholesome. Relationship goals.)
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I'm pretty simple about those things... but let me tell you a bit more.
I really enjoy the idea of Kathleen X Teddy because they were cute. Teddy has to relax a bit about it though.
I also have two crack-pairings for you because I think they would be fun and very chaotic.
Gale X Felix and Duncan X Jocelyn*
Just think about them for a moment. Both of those ships would be either incredible or so, so awful. But either way VERY interesting.
Now, if you wonder if I ship Gene with anyone... not really. I think all candidates for him are interesting: Courtney, Alex, Todd... but I don't actively ship him with any of them. So, he is a wild card.
*I also think Jocelyn X Tammy makes sense but I also think that they won't stay friends after school.
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 2 years ago
For ship bingo, how about the GAC Pack?
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hyperfixationheadcannons · 3 years ago
Another one that I’ve thought of a lot!
Gene is not straight or cis.
He used to date Courtney.
Also the roller skate episode was awesome.
So... I present to you...
Gene x Courtney x Alex
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