#It got me thinking and also distracted me from the troubles of everyday life <3< /div>
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sunshines-legacy · 6 months ago
I figured I should finally get around to fleshing Sunshine out hahaha. thank you for making this! 1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form? Sunshine is an animagus actually! Or at the very least becomes one during her time at Hogwarts. Her animagus takes the form as a cat (very fitting), but she decided at some point to do the ritual again, ever the inquisitive mind. She wondered if she would get a second animagus form. She did! Her second form is, surprisingly, a dog!
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form? Sunshine is not displeased with her animagi forms--though she was perplexed by the latter--if she could choose what it was, she would choose a dragon since she adores the majestic creatures!
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite? Sunshine's favorite color is green, close-seconded by yellow. Green is her favorite because it's the color of nature. The trees, the grass, the moss. Especially the moss. (She really loves moss.) Not to mention the tranquility it brought. When surrounded by nature and subsequently that color, Sunshine felt such a calm that couldnt be replicated elsewhere. And yellow is a close second because it's the color of the sun, of joy and warmth. It's what she saw behind her eyes when laying on the grass mid-afternoon. It's the serenity that glazes her west-facing bedroom in the evenings.
4)in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one? Sunshine would probably feel averse to social media but once hooked, she's very hooked. She'd primarily use Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr. She may sign up for instagram but she's unlikely to use it, preferring apps that let you make text posts. Her twitter page is just a stream of consciousness. Just 24/7 what she's thinking. rip to her followers.
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc? I did not consult wand lore necessarily. I made a Wizarding World account for Sunshine and just answered what I thought she would answer with. And so her wand specs are just what it gave me. I based the physical appearance of her wand on a wand I personally carved irl. (so i could have a physical memento ofc ;p) But in her ref sheet, I just referenced her wand in game (which I based on the irl one so they're look pretty similar minus the wand handle)
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why? Sunshine is definitely not vegan and never will be. She's a huge meat eater and I literally have in her Toyhouse bio that she loves eating meat!!! Since she's a hybrid of a predator that eats meat, she really loves eating meat. Nothing could make her happier than a big ol' steak set in front of her. Extra rare!
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Yeahhhhh so I just made Hogwarts be at a college level as opposed to middle-high school. Not a huge reason to do this though except I didnt wanna get flamed for writing smut about underage characters. But now I can write freely! *twirl*。・:*:・゚★ (I'm still figuring out how I'll be tackling the 'late bloomer ancient magic' and the fact that I want Seb and Omi to have a pre established friendship. Wizard highschool?)
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Well I really love just sweet and loving characters that can be way badass when the time comes. Favorite trope and obviously she has to be in the most unassuming house to make it all the more shocking when she does something so 'out of character'!
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not intentionally? I can see how I may have subconsciously drawn from Steven universe but aside from that, I cant make any connections currently.
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Oh she definitely trusts them whole heartedly. 'Why would they lie to me?' She thinks the best of everyone and trusts them be honest and kind since she's honest and kind, why wouldnt they be? She's gullible and it doesnt take much to earn her trust. (But once it's broken, it's incredibly hard to repair)
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Yes, because she wanted to learning everything she could if it meant she could protect him. Even the darkest, worst possible spells a wizard could cast.
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Sebastian! Lets just say he's got that rizz. . . •-• (The rest is secret!)
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
Probably auguamenti or the silencing charm. Homegirl always dehydrated as fucckkk. And the silencing charm because she has enhanced hearing (and also autism) so she gets overwhelmed by sound the most intensely and frequently.
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
If I could change anything, it would be stopping Sebastian. Tbh I would give anything for the devs to add a "save sebastian" DLC for an alternate ending ON MY KNEES BRUH DEVS PLEASE 😭🧎🏼🙏🏼
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
Im not sure why i chose her appearance at first. Her hair was way less curly, her tail was much thinner as well as her body. As I developed her, I realized there was a significant lack of bigger bodies in the fandom and I wanted to change that. Make your own representation and all. As for if I'd change anything now, I dont think so. I'm pretty content with her current design.
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Sunshine absolutely adores Autumn! She loves dressing up for Halloween/Samhain and not to mention how beautiful the trees are, shedding their leaves. Another thing she likes about fall is the coming of the cold weather. She loves snuggling up by a fire with a mug of hot tea!
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Ravenclaw for sure! She has such a brilliant and inquisitive mind, always wondering how things work. She loves her Magical Theory class and pondering.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
She has a green stuffed bunny! She doesn't like to sleep away from it, she can of course but she highly prefers not to. It's a huge source of comfort to her after a grueling day of socializing and studying.
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
I dont know much about music genres in the late nineteenth century, however I believe she would enjoy peaceful orchestral music and also folk music!
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I love her hair! It's so so cute and her eyes! Gosh I really love most things about her! Personality wise, I love that she has managed to retain her childlike wonder.
mc ask/tag game!
my turn to do an mc ask! answer as you please <3 30 questions wow!
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why?
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Hello sunshine, would it be possible for you to write me some headcanons for my beloved Chuuya, Dazai and Atsushi? I was thinking about them having a fragil health s/o? Maybe they work an office job in the ada/pm and they somehow fall for the s/o? I hope this is no trouble and you have inspiration to write this. If you don't like this you can just ignore it. Thank you very much :)
Hi anon! Thank you for the request! So I’m assuming that when you say fragile health s/o is that the reader can get sick easily/overall very weak? I hope that I got the interpretation right, and I didn’t please feel free to send it in again so I can do it over for you. Reader is gender neutral, and hope you enjoy!
TW: Suicide (Dazai’s part, nothing heavy is mentioned, and it’s only in one line) and Abuse (Atsushi’s, nothing heavy is mentioned)
Easily Sick/Weak S/O with: Chuuya, Dazai, and Atsushi
Oh man, he hated this feeling. He already hated you even working in the Port Mafia (even though he was there too), but he hated it even more since you were weak physically
Don’t get him wrong, Chuuya knows that you’re a strong person through and through, but it was so easy for you to get hurt or sick working on the field, it honestly made him worried
What also made him worried was how he was falling for you and quickly. He’s an executive! He doesn’t have the time for romance, and what if (really when if because he wants you so bad you have no idea) someone decides to come after you because of your ties with him? It was already so easy for him to lose you now, he didn’t want to chance things and speed up the process
But, you were just...a really great person. You were determined, always kept your head up, didn’t take anything from anyone (you backtalked Mori once and still walked away with your throat intact, so that was a sign), and it didn’t help that you were really easy on the eyes (he couldn’t help it, you were already attractive, and those things were just icing on the cake for him)
Chuuya didn’t know how you could stand being in a stuffy office all day, so he always stopped by to check on some “information” for some “case he’s working on). It started out genuine, but then it became a daily occurrence, even on his rare days off. 
One thing about him is that he’s a true gentleman, he knows how to treat his partner right. Bringing lunch to you, flowers sitting on your desk for no reason with a random note (”Hope you have a good day”, “Saw these when I was out, made me think about you”, “These don’t even compare to how beautiful you are, inside and out”, etc.), driving you home no questions asked, even offering you his favorite bottle of wine to share
He knows that he’s being cheesy but he was pulling out all the stops just for you
He knew it was risky for you to be out all the time, so whenever he did finally ask you on an “official” date (you thought sharing his wine was a date but he said that he wanted to show you off, not just in the office), you guys were either in a fully reserved restaurant or at his place. Seriously the way his place looks was like luxury! Damn you knew his job paid good money but wow! This was better than going out honestly
He confessed when you went over to his house one night. It was a particularly rough day for you both, and you just needed some reassurance which Chuuya was happy to give. It seemed like he went on for hours, but really it wasn’t too long, and you were in tears by the end of it. When he ended it with, “anyone would be beyond lucky to have you (Y/N), and I wish it were me. I wish I would have the chance to show you how much I really do love you, words aren’t enough for me. I’ll take the chance if you let me, and I swear you won’t regret it. Be mine, (Y/N), I’ll treat you like you deserve, and you deserve more than the world.”
You both understood the risks that came with dating you, but he swore that he would protect you with his life. If you did get sick, he couldn’t be there for you during the day because of his work, but he made sure to text you every hour on the hour to check on you and as soon as he got home, it was caretaker mode until you both went to bed
He bought you your medicine, the fluffiest pillows ever known to man, I mean did everything and anything. The dude was loaded, money was not an issue obviously
Chuuya is a great boyfriend, and will honestly do anything it takes to keep you safe and happy. He loves you after all, and he doesn’t mind all the extra work that comes with it (he doesn’t even see it as work, just precautions, which still isn’t a problem)
He was not only worried about your health and safety, but also the fact that he was falling for you. Dazai was a very secretive person who didn’t like to show his true feelings, and he was scared of what he’s feeling for you. Him being attached and actually caring about people never paid off for him, as his past would tell you...
But here you were, being a bright, shining light in his cruel, bleak, dark world. He tried to keep his distance at first, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to you. You were so fun to be around, despite your condition! You always helped as much as you could in the office, being the first one to pick up on his work when he was too lazy busy to complete it and having reports ready for any meetings, even on short notice. You looked out for him, both as a coworker and as a caring friend, and he could tell
You even helped him annoy Kunikida sometimes, which just made you even more stunning in his eyes
He felt himself falling for you more and more everyday, finding excuses to stay in the office just to be next to you. “(Y/N), please don’t strain yourself my dear! Let me handle this for you, I would be a terrible suitor if I didn’t.” “Dazai, I just have to staple these- nevermind, thank you my knight wrapped in bandages!” 
Kunikida would of course hate this and drag him out every time, but all that it concluded in was Dazai whining and complaining about how it was so unfair that he was being kept from his “precious (Y/N)” and how they must be so lonely without him. It got to a point where Kunikida made a compromise with him: if he actually does some work and help on the field missions, then he can spend more time with you in the office
I feel like they forget that Dazai is actually crazy smart and most likely already knows the culprits to whatever cases that they are handling, and he was definitely waiting for this outcome. No extra work for him and more time with you. It’s a win-win!
When he does eventually accept that he was in too deep, he started to take his advances in a more serious manner (I mean he was always being serious but he was not going to hold back anymore). He’s a great listener, so anything that said wanted that was said in passing conversation, expect it to be on your desk with a little sticky note. You had a strong craving for something? What do you know, Dazai brought just enough for both of you to share (and he gave you the bigger portion of it). You want to go see the stars? Sounds like the perfect date night for you two!
That’s how he actually confessed to you, right underneath the stars. It was perfect, you guys were away from everyone, having an amazing time just stargazing. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this at peace, and you were to thank for that. He knew that while he was risking his life on a daily basis, but you were constantly fighting for yours. You couldn’t even go on a mission with how easy it was for you to get an injury you couldn’t recover from. But he had faith in you and in himself, that he wouldn’t let another person that he cares for perish in front of him. He made that promise to you, and that he would do everything in his power to keep it. He will not fail you
After that night, your dates were usually held at your place, and it ranged from cooking together to having movie nights. You didn’t have to spend money really, you were both fine in the house in each other’s arms. And if you did get sick, you thought he was clingy before, WHEW did it get more intense
You had to push him off of you too many times to count. What part of NO HUGS did this man not get?! You were already suffering, he didn’t need to either. He did try to make this a double suicide opportunity though, and you were not very happy
Was banned from cuddles for 3 weeks straight, it was pure torture for him
You were Dazai’s distraction from this horrible joke he called a life, and he was welcoming of you. He embraced you, never complained about your weakness or anything. You were someone that he can proudly say that he loves, and that won’t ever change
He was so nervous, so scared. He doesn’t even know how to look everyone in the eye, how was he suppose to admit that he started to like you more than a friend?!
Atsushi was in love with you, I mean he was in deep. He couldn’t help it! You’re just so nice, so easy to talk to, always there to give him a pep talk and just keep him in high spirits. It just wasn’t fair what hand life had dealt you. He wanted to spend time with you outside of the office, but due to your delicate situation, he was so scared to. What if the Port Mafia tried to strike and he wasn’t strong enough or quick enough to protect you? He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you died because of him. He wouldn’t be able to live-
So he tried (keyword: tried) to spend time with you at work. But with Kunikida on his ass about work, and Dazai being Dazai making his life difficult for his own amusement, made it difficult. Every time he got a chance, before he could even speak a word, someone needed him for something. If he did somehow had the spare time to talk to you, he would either choke or say something that he really meant but chickened out last minute and tried to change it (which was kinda your fault, you like to tease him sometimes too)
“So, um, (Y/N). I remembered that you said you liked that one takeout spot, so if you want I can bring you some back?”
“You would do that for me, Atsushi? Wow, it’s almost like you’re like my boyfriend!”
“Yep, I don’t mind! It makes me happy when you’re hap-w-WAIT HU-“
But besides that, he always checked on your whenever he got back from his missions (even if he was the one injured and bleeding), brought you back small trinkets or food, and always walked you home, not caring if it was out of his way
He hated that you were confined to the office majority of your time working, but he was worried that literally anything could and would happen on his watch, and he didn’t want to risk it. With Kyoka tired of watching him in distress and even Dazai showing a sliver of compassion for him, they helped him set up an inside date
But first, he had to ask you. Dazai wanted him to do some elaborate, over the top, proposal for asking you out (which Atsushi was pretty sure that he just wanted him to panic and embarrass himself) and Kyoka suggested that he gets you tofu (which he was also convinced that she just wanted some again). He decided that he was just going to have to suck it up, and do it himself. He has been through Hell and back, and if he survived that, then he could ask you on a date damn it!
So he finally got some courage, and directly went up to your desk. When you looked up, you flinched back. What was with the intense look in his eyes?! But you realized soon enough when he bowed and asked you to come over for a date. And of course you said yes!
The date was marvelous, and the poor boy was sweating so much you thought he was going to pass out! Whatever Dazai and Kyoka did to the place blew his expectations out of the water. Latern lights strung up along the walls, your favorite meals readied, little messages stuck to the wall made just for you, and the biggest/most comfortable blanket fort that you had ever seen. It sounded so simple, but one look into your eyes and you were overjoyed. He really did mean it that it made him happy that you were happy
He confessed with you snuggled into his side, so anxious yet at ease. Despite everything that he has gone through, you were brave too. You were stuck in that stressful environment, had a body that could quit on you after one bad day, yet you still encouraged him every day, every time you spoke to him after he’s had a bad day, or an encounter with Akutagawa. He was so convinced that he didn’t you, that he didn’t deserve anything good in his life after the abuse he endured at the orphanage. But you didn’t let him believe that for a second, and he’s indebted to you for that
He poured his heart out to you that night, and ever since, he’s been a lot more confident, both in his ability and in himself. You gave him that push in the right direction to trust himself more, and everyone could see the change (Dazai was pretty proud to be honest)
Dates after that were spent at his apartment, relaxing. Once in a blue moon, you guys would go to the arcade where he won you guys matching Tiger phone charms (he was a little embarrassed but he loved you and the charms too much to let it affect him)
If you did become ill, he would panic so bad that you had to bring him back down to Earth while hacking up a lung (not literally but it felt like it). He tries his best, he’s a little shaken because of how distraught he would get due to your fragile body, but he does care for you pretty well. If you need anything, he was too scared to leave you so Kyoka would be his go-to (with the promise of tofu afterwards)
(But don’t worry she’s a little worried for you too)
Atsushi knew he could never forget the horrors that he experienced at the orphanage, but you reminded him of the strength he had to not let it hold him back. He was your hero without a doubt, but you were his in the sense of how strong you really are, and how you didn’t know or believe it when he told you. You became an overall positive influence on his life, and helped him see life a little brighter and more meaningful. He loves you more than you could imagine, and he would continue to prove it to you in everything that he does.
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heyheyloki · 4 years ago
You That I Want
Sugawara x M!Reader
Word Count: 10,000+
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1. The Meeting
There was something about the school library that always grabbed your attention. It was quiet, peaceful. Those were factors, sure, but another plus was that people didn’t judge if one was alone or not in a place like that. It gave you comfort.
Being a first-year at Karasuno wasn’t something that got to you. It wasn’t like you didn’t have any friends or didn’t do good in school. In fact, you had quite a few friends, even some admirers, and you were a straight-A student. Nailing almost all your tests and quizzes that come around in any class. It was just that, at some points in your life, you needed to be alone. To not be bothered after getting hassled all day was something that gave you peace of mind to not explode on the spot, especially when it came to love-confessions.
There were very few people in the rather large area, but that just made it better for you. Most people after school tended to have clubs, hang with friends, or just go straight home. You tended to either sit in the middle of the place, if there were no more open seats, but if it was raining, like on a day like this, you’d tend to prefer the window seats. It was easy to calm down when you heard the patter of rain hitting the glass, and you quite enjoyed watching the droplets move down the window. It was captivating. 
You let out a sigh as you released yourself from the spell that bound you to the glass. Standing up from your seat, you moved around the library, wondering what you should take up for the time being. You didn’t want something too long, but nothing too short either. Something entertaining, yet informative as well. 
Before you knew it, you were searching around the sports section. You had some experience with sports, after all, you played football for a bit in middle school. It wasn’t something you enjoyed, hence why you don’t play anymore, but you were fond of sports itself. Your eyes lingered around at the spines of the books, your head leaning to the side a bit to read the text that was typed out on the hard cover. 
It wasn’t until you saw a book a few feet up on the higher shelf that caught your attention. It was something about a famous baseball player, the book seemed small enough to read before you headed home, and you enjoyed the sport. So, you reached your hand up, brushing the bottom of it with the tips of your fingers. You bit your inner cheek, it was obvious how close you were, but just lacking at least an inch or two on your height to get it without issue. 
Just as you were about to give up and search for some kind of stepping stool, an unfamiliar hand suddenly appeared in sight and grabbed the book you were aiming for without an issue. You paused for a moment, trying to understand what just happened. Though, your eyes were decided to the hand that appeared out of nowhere and followed it until it came back to its owners side. 
You stared with beady, unblinking eyes at the guy in front of you. First off, he was taller than you by that missing inch or two. He had a slender build, slightly thick eyebrows that matched that light-grey hair that sat on his head. He held kind, hazel orbs and wore a gentle smile while he gazed at you. 
“You looked like you were having some trouble,” he said in a sweet, honey soaked voice that snapped you back into reality. “Here.”
“Oh, thanks.” You hummed out as you took the book from the unknown boy. He did seem older than you, just by his demeanor, but then again, you didn’t want to make some kind of rude assumption. 
“Hm?” The unknown male hummed, his head leaning a bit on a tilt as he analyzed you. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you a first-year?”
“I am,” you said with a soft smile as you told the upperclassmen your name, bowing a bit out of respect.
He smiled and nodded. “My name’s Koshi Sugawara. I’m a third-year, so, if you need anything just let me know.” 
“Sure, thank you again.” You said once more before watching the young man give you a gentle smile and wave you off as he left. You couldn’t help but feel like you heard his name before, but you thought it was just a mistake. 
2. Gossip
It wasn’t everyday that you say’d in the classroom after school, but you thought a nap before heading home would be more appropriate here than anywhere else in the school. It was always loud in the gyms, and you felt rude taking a nap in the library. Though, with the classroom, most kids have left and the others that hang around try to get homework done quietly. Today, was a bit different however.
“Kageyama!” A voice yelled out. It was loud, higher pitched than most, but you knew who it was. 
You turned your head, strands of your hand invading your handsome features and along your arms that crossed over on your desk for a make-shift pillow. Your gaze locked on the two boys by the window. They were both first-years like you, obviously, but even with that fact and that you several classes with them, you didn’t know much about them besides their names. 
Shoyo Hinata, a short loud mouth who seemed to made up for his lack in height with his big mouth and Tobio Kageyama, he was quiet and reserved. He struck you as someone who was rather arrogant though. You didn’t mind them necessarily, but they didn’t seem like people you would surround yourself with. 
“What?” Kageyama asked the short, orange haired male. 
“Sugawara wants us to practice with Tanaka, you, and I tomorrow morning, isn’t that so cool of him?” Hinata said with a cherry smile.
While normally you wouldn’t bother with listening to the two, the name pulled your attention ever closer to them. It seemed like they were all on a sports team together, or at least a club. You weren’t so sure what they did, not like it mattered, but you guessed it had something that took quite some energy. After all, you knew Hinata as this guy with so much energy that he literally shakes in his seat. It was distracting, but after a bit you found it entertaining.
You wanted to listen in more, maybe even figure out what they all played. Though, before you could hear any more words that came out passed their lips your body flinched. The sudden touch of hands on your shoulders caused something of a quiet gasp to leave your throat. 
You eyed down the familiar face behind you that just held a proud smile like he actually did something funny. 
“Oh man, you should have seen your face!” You friend yelled out as he held onto his stomach, laughing. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?” You questioned as you stood up from your desk, eyes naturally drawing to you as you spoke. You knew where this was going, and honestly, you just wanted to go home.
“Relax, pretty boy,” your friend whined as he threw his arm over your shoulders. “Come watch the girl’s volleyball practice game with me!”
“Do I have too?” You asked with a deadpanned tone. You didn’t not like to watch your school’s team practice. It was just you didn’t have in interest in the girl’s volleyball team.
“Yes, you do!” He huffed out before dragging you out of the classroom. Though, before you left, you eyed down Hinata and Kageyama. Both of them looking at you with something foreign in their eyes. Something that both made you pissed off, and yet ashamed at the same time.
3. You Again
It was days like these, the rainy ones, that always caught your attention. Either that, or made you sleepy. Today, it was the latter.
You watched out the classroom window with droopy eye as your head was held up by the palm of your hand, elbow planted on your desk. Normally, your mind would be racing with what you should do after school, but on these days, your mind would be totally empty. In a way, it was peaceful. Though, on the opposite side of it, it also made you space. So much so that now, you sat in your desk, eyes still staring out the window with this distant look in your eyes while everyone else has either gone home or went to do their after school club activities. 
You came out of it a few minutes later though, so it wasn’t a big deal. But, you definitely would have been in that state for way longer if you didn’t hear someone call out a name. It wasn’t yours per say, but you didn’t exactly know who was talking. Well, you did, but you couldn’t ID the voice until you saw his face. 
That third-year from the other day. You remembered his name as Sugawara.
The way your eyes wouldn’t let go of him as he looked around your classroom like a parent looking for their child was something unexpected of you. It wasn’t everyday that someone could hold your attention for so long. 
After a second or two of not seeing who he was looking for, he noticed you. In that moment, his eyes widened with familiarity. “Oh, it’s you!”
You leaned your head a bit as he started to approach you, a rain coat over his normal school cloths that made a small smile flicker onto your lips.
“Yeah, it’s me.” You stated with a mischievous glance as you stared at the third-year. Getting a better and longer look at him now, he really did have a pretty face. Hell, he might even rival you for pretty boy award. Though, for you, it was that mole under his right eye that did it for you. 
“So you’re in class with Kageyama and Hinata?” He suddenly asked. It was odd to you how he knew those names, but then the other day completely hit you like a bullet. They were in the same after school club, of course he knew them.
“Yeah,” you simply put, remembering how he called out their names when he first walked in before you asked, “you looking for them or something?”
“Oh, yeah, I was gonna let them know that practice was canceled after school since they’re doing inspections on the gym.” Sugawara said with that same gentle smile he had on the first time you two met. “But I guess they’ll find out when they get there.”
You nodded before checking the time. It was one of those days. You seriously should quit, especially since you were a first-year, but it paid well and you liked your boss. Plus, it wasn’t like you had anything else to do. As you stood up and began to pack up your things you said, “I’m sure they’ll be bummed, but maybe they can practice at home if they can.”
“You heading home?” Sugawara asked curiously as he watched your hands carefully as you placed notebooks and pens back into your bag. 
“No, I have work.” You confessed as you slung your school bag over your shoulder. 
“Really? You are a first year, right?” Sugawara asked, it was obvious how much he didn’t believe you for a second. 
“I am, but it’s not like I’m in a club or anything.” You explained. “Instead, I work. It’s about ten minutes or so from the school by foot. It’s that little convenience store.”
You watched as Sugawara’s disbelief twisted into surprise, his chestnut orbs shining with knowledge before asking with confidence, “Sakanoshita?”
You nodded. “That’s the one.”
“I’m actually heading there right now, why don’t we walk together?” He asked with a bright smile that paled in comparison with the moonlight from a full moon. It really did take you a minute to compose yourself before responding with a calm and collected, “Sure, sounds nice.”
4. New Beginnings
For some, people can be lonely without being alone. You just happened to be part of that ‘some’ category. You were never left alone at school unless you were on your morning walks or hide away in the library after school. Today was no different.
You tried your best, really, you did. You wanted to get before they got here. You needed to get out of that damn classroom everyone knew you were in before they got there. You even packed up your stuff a minute before the bell, but sadly, that still wasn’t enough. As you took your first step away from your desk, a higher pitcher voice called your name with nothing but pure excitement and infatuation. 
You froze for a moment, pondering if you could just run and go home. Then again, if you did, it would be more of a pain in the ass than if you just got it over with now. So, you turned to see a group of three girls. The one in the front, waving at you, you knew since middle school. You didn’t have an issue with her but more so the two in the back who looked shyly away from your gaze with blush rising on their pale features. 
The middle girl ran up to you, her pitch black hair swaying behind her with a happy smile present on her features. “Hey! The girls and I wanna know if you wanna go watch the boy’s volleyball practice? I heard they started to really rise back up in terms of rank since, like, forever!”
“Oh,” you muttered out in surprise. It wasn’t often something shocked you anymore when it came to school. But you did remember when the Karasuno was considered a powerhouse school, hell, they even went to Nationals one year. Still, you had to say, watching the boy’s volleyball practice was not what you were expecting. “Sure, I don’t mind, should be fun.”
“Great!” Your friend shouted in glee before walking side by side with you, chatting up about what kinda team you were going to see. 
Though, for once, you didn’t notice a two pair of eyes that watched and listened to everything about the conversation you held mere moments ago. They both gazed at each other with unblinking eyes, complete shock filling up in their veins before both sprinted out of the classroom towards the gym. 
Both of them ran into people as they sprinted down the hall, sometimes forgetting why they were even doing this as they got into a race with each other. The ‘who can warn the team first’ kinda thing. They get yelled at here and there by both teachers and students, but that wasn’t going to stop them. For once, they were going to have spectators at once of their practices. It was a huge deal. 
When they reached the metal double doors of the gym, both grabbed one side and slid them open hastily. The rough and loud sound of the doors being pounded into the walls enough to make the guys who were already practicing completely stop and those who watched, like their couches and team manager, gaze over at the two first years. 
Kageyama and Hinata both took in a huge whiff of air before shouting out, “Some people are coming to watch us play!”
Dead silent. It was like each of their minds were lagging as they tried to process the information. Though, that didn’t last very long before they all screamed out, “What?”
“Whoa, Hinata, Kageyama, what the hell are you guys even talking about?” A second year with a shaved head who everyone refers to as Tanaka asked as he approached the two. 
“We heard a group talk about coming here to watch us practice today.” Kageyama explained as everyone else gathered around. 
“Awesome! What kinda group?” Nishinoya, a second year as well as the teams libero asked with a ditzy smile. Praying that some girls were coming to watch. 
“Three girls and a guy.” Hinata stated, watching as Tanaka and Noya started to freak out together about girls watching them.
“A guy, too?” Daichi, their team captain questioned. 
“Mhm,” Kageyama hummed. “He’s really popular among the first years. I don’t really remember his name though.”
“I see,” Daichi muttered before saying proudly, “Well, don’t let their presence distract you! Just practice like always!”
“Right!” They all screamed in unison. 
Only about five minutes later they all heard the door open. Some wanted to check out the chicks and figure out who this mystery dude was, but most were doing passes to each other. They had to focus on the ball. Still, that didn’t mean they couldn’t hear their voices. 
“I’ve missed this, yanno, watching practice games.” Your friend said to the group before turning directly to you. “You should really join football, I’d love to go to your games again.”
“Nah, too much work. Plus, I’m pretty sure the deadlines were last week.” You said with a deep breath, your eyes grazing the large gymnasium and focusing on the players. You didn’t know a lot of them, but you did notice two students from your class. 
“Oh, it’s those two.” You uttered out as you took a seat up in the stands. A girl on either side of you. 
“Who?” Himari, your friend, asked.
“Kageyama and Hinata. They have a couple of classes with me.” You said plainly, your eyes dancing before landing on familiar grey hair that made something break along your skin. It was odd, the heat that surrounded you. But you just concluded that it was nerves since he was a third-year. “Huh, Sugawara is here too.”
“Oh, him? He’s been on the team since coming to this school. At least, that’s what I’ve heard.” A friend of Himaris’ stated.
For some reason, you couldn’t put your finger on it. You didn’t know why, but you couldn’t help but focus all your attention on Sugawara. You didn’t know the guy that well, but you felt like he was a kind persona, at least from the few encounters you had with him. Honestly, you didn’t push away the idea that if you two were at least in one class together, you could be friends. Sadly, you were a first-year and you don’t play volleyball. Sure, there was lunch, but you felt it would be a bit rude to come in-between him and his free-time. Plus, he probably likes to hang out with the friends he already has during lunch.
You would have liked to stay in your head a bit more, but sadly, that wasn’t going to happen. At least, not with Himari at your side. 
The sudden touch wasn’t new, especially with her. You felt an elbow dip into your waist. It wasn’t painful, but just attentive. You let out a hum from your chest as you gazed up at some dark hues that gave you an ‘all-knowing’ and cocky look. 
You gave her a deadpanned expression before grunting out, “What?”
“You’re staring.” She grinned. “One of the boys catch your eye?”
You could hear some saddened gasps from your other side, the girls Himari invited praying that they heard incorrectly. 
“Yeah, right.” You dismissed, waving your hand before going back to doing exactly what she suspected. 
It wasn’t until you turned back that you felt a cold chill run up your spine. It wasn’t pleasurable in the slightest, but instead it ran your blood completely cold. In that moment, both pairs of eyes locked onto one another, neither daring to stare away from the other. It was like one of those moments that made you feel like the other people alive. But at the same time, you felt your fingers twitch against your thighs your hands rested upon when Sugawara sent you a wide smile. A smile that was easily as bright as the blue sky.
You stood still until sending a softer one back and waving at the third-year down on the court. 
“Oh!” Himari uttered out as she stared between you and Sugawara, wondering what just happened before her eyes. 
Though, she wasn’t the only one. In reality, the team manager was wondering who you were until something devilish came to her. After all, she was in a need of another helper when it came to dealing with these guys and it seemed like you already had Sugawara’s attention. So, what could go wrong?
After the practice match the boys started to pack everything up and put the cart full of volleyballs back in the practice room where the boys also changed into their normal clothes. During this time, their team manger, Kiyoko, took her chance to grab you before you left and without watchful eyes. 
“Excuse me!” She called out just as you were about to step out of the gym. When you turned to her, she noticed you were a bit on the taller side, close to a lot of the guys on the team. 
“Yes?” You questioned, your school bag slung over your broad shoulder.
She wasn’t intimidated per-say, but rather desperate to find another team manager, especially before she graduates since she herself was a third-year. She didn’t want to leave her position not filled and leave the guys with her responsibilities after she leaves. And so, with a deep breath she asked straight-up, “Please, join the Karasuno Volleyball team as the new team manager.”
You blinked aimlessly at the girl, your hand gripping a bit harder on the bag over your shoulder. “Why? I mean, I don’t even play volleyball, let alone know anything about the game.”
“That’s okay.” She reassured. “I didn’t know much about it either when I first started out. You don’t really need to know everything about it to be the team manager. If you want, we can do a trail membership.”
“I’m not sure,” you said under your breath, any more words that you were originally going to say coming cut from the root as soon as Himari punched your upper arm.
It didn’t hurt, but it did grab your attention. When you looked down at her she said with a bright smile, “I think you should do it. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to make some friends.”
You stared at her. It wasn’t like you didn’t have any friends. Though, you did see her point. It would be nice to have some actual friends instead of being surrounded by people like the ones she invited today. After all, in reality, you really only had two close friends. Her, and another middle school friend who went to a different high school. 
You sighed, the breath relaxing even the most anxious parts of you. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
It was easy how fast the girl’s face went from hopeful to excitement. That wide smile that appeared in mere seconds was enough to prove it. Even more so when she suddenly grabbed your free hand with both of hers in a handshake.
“Thank you so much! I’ll come by your classroom tomorrow to grab you before practice starts!” She explained before leaving you in somewhat of a daze. Honestly, you were kinda wondering what you even signed up for in the first place.
5. Exhaustion
“Hello?” A voice asked. It was soft, and gentle with words. 
A small hum came from your chest as you squirmed in your desk for a moment before you lifted your head up from your arms that crossed over the other. You felt your eyes start to defocus before getting a clear picture of the figure in front of you. 
It was that girl from yesterday.
“Oh, hey,” you muttered in a groggy voice as you rubbed the corners of your eyes. “Is it that time already?”
She stared at you for a moment with a soft smile forming on her lips before nodding her head. 
You returned her action as you grabbed your things before grabbing your things. As she led you to the gym you were at yesterday, she introduced herself as did you. You learned her name as Kiyoko, already in the know about were she stood in terms of year level. The walk wasn’t that long before you reached the gym, everyone completely turning their attention to you both when you walked in. 
“So you found a new person!” Hinata screamed, his voice echoing around the large area.
You stood next to Kiyoko unfazed by Hinata at this point in the school year. It was easy to say that class with him basically nullified his loud antics anywhere else. Even in a space that echos. 
“What’s up?” Some of the guys asked as you watched a group of three jog up to the two of you, the sound of footsteps making it obvious. Though, when you turned your head, you noticed Sugawara, a soft grin making way on your features without your knowing. 
“He’s going to be joining the club on a trail basis as the new manager.” Kiyoko stated, gazing over at you as you noticed most of the guys were starting to gather around. 
You nodded. “I’m [Name], it’s nice to meet you all.”
For some reason unknown to you, whether it be god or fate, you felt your eyes immediately go to Sugawara and couldn’t help but wonder what his reaction may be. In truth, it worried you a bit if you were overstepping, but it wasn’t like this was planned. In fact, you were going to turn it dow after today, but being here now. Seeing that smile and hearing him say that it was awesome that you were joining on as team manager, it made you rethink your original choice. Now, you didn’t want to leave. Not at all.
You struck up a few more conversations with other members to learn their names and such, but after that was over, they went back to practice. You stood on the sidelines and watched over them with Kiyoko at your side as she explained the basics of what she does as manager. She even informed you of a trip that the team will be taking after the exams. It was a training camp sorta trip, so you knew that it was going to require you to leave home for a week or so. But, you weren’t complaining. Though, for the life of you, you couldn’t pick out the couch.
“Uh, sorry, but, who coaches the team?” You asked, watching as Kiyoko was about to explain before she looked behind you. Her eyes following something new. 
“He’s behind you.” She stated.
You tilted your head curiously before turning on your heel to eye down this coach of theirs. You had all these expectations in your head. You thought he was probably some old guy with loads of couching experience on his shoulders. Maybe even someone who has been around for a while and has the complete trust of the third-year students. What you didn’t expect was to know the guy, much less have him be your damn boss. 
“Shit,” you grumbled under your breath. “The hell are you doing here?”
“Huh?” Ukai hummed as he turned to you, a cocky smile moving on his lips that made an uncomfortable shiver run down your back. “Well, well, look who it is. What? Miss me so much that you actually joined the team I couch?”
“In your dream, old man.” You growled, trying to seem pissed as you desperately hid a smile. In truth, the dude was like this older brother you never got to have being an only child and all. “Kiyoko invited me on as team manager.”
“Really? And you’re doing it?” He asked in pure disbelief. 
You felt your blood boil in a way no one could ever pull off. Seriously, sometimes this guy does piss you off. “What’s that? Don’t forget who’s been takin’ care of the store while your ass sits around and watches a bunch of sweaty guys hit goddamn balls.”
“Ouch, you kiss your mama with that mouth?” Ukai asked with a snarky grin.
“I’m going to completely destroy you, old man.” You snarled, your foot stepping down hard on the ground as you rolled up your sleeves. You quickly jumped the guy, his hands quickly holding your closed fists as you two struggled to overpower the other. “C’mon! You wanna talk like that then I’m gonna beat your ass!”
While that was happening, the boy’s volleyball team didn’t hesitate to stop and watch the battle going on between their couch and new team manager. At first it actually looked like you two were fighting, but if one was listening in from the beginning or just looked at Kiyoko laughing at the sight, everyone knew it was friendly. 
“Didn’t know those two knew each other.” Tanaka said aloud as he stood around Noya and Sugawara. 
“He works at Sakanoshita, I guess he fills in when couch is here with us after school.” Sugawara informed his teammate. Those closest to the group, Hinata and Kageyama, now joining in. 
“Oh, yeah, I think you’re right!” Hinata stated. “I’m pretty sure I saw him working the register the other day.”
“Seriously? Now I kinda feel bad, I mean, with coach being here we’re kinda overworking the guy.” Noya expressed, everyone having that factor strike them like lightning. 
“Maybe that’s why every time I see him he’s sleeping.” Kageyama said. 
“Well, maybe now he’ll get to relax a bit since Kiyoko took him on on as the manager.” Sugawara expressed his hopes aloud. He couldn’t help but think back to the other day when he saw you barely even awake when he went to grab his teammates. First, he just thought you were exhausted that day. But now with Kageyama’s statement, for some reason, he felt a bit guilty. 
After practice, you hung around for a bit until everyone was at least going home. You would feel wrong to head home if everyone else was still here. So, you hung out with Ukai inside the gym for a bit before going outside to check on the guys. 
“You going to seriously do it?” Ukai asked, his voice with any teasing antics. He was serious as he could ever be. 
“Maybe, honestly, it feels way too perfect. But then again, fate always did love me. I mean, I got a job at your stinky ass place.” You said with a snarky grin as you watch anger fill in Ukai’s face. 
“Brat, and to think I gave you a raise.” He uttered out as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
You let out a quick chuckle, your gaze moving down at your feet before you said calmly, “But, seriously, I do like it here.”
It was quiet for a moment before you felt a fit hit your upper arm. It wasn’t as weak as Himari’s punches, but not that hard either. In a way, it was enduring. 
“Then join, you damned brat.” Ukai pushed, his voice confident to its very core. 
In that moment all you could do was nod at the guy before waving him off and head outside. It was way after normal school hours, in fact, the sun wasn’t even anywhere near in sight. Complete darkness. The only light allowing you to see was coming from within the gym and the moonlight that skinned your skin gently. 
Looking up, you noticed how much brighter the stars looked on this night. They were so bright that you could even make out a few tricky constellations without any issue. It was truly a blessing to see a night like this, and honestly, you thought for a split second that it could be a sign. After all, not a lot of opportunities like these come up. Who knows, maybe you could even get lucky and while traveling to Tokyo, or even at this very school, be able to meet someone who liked you and you were able to like them back.
In truth, it wasn’t a good feeling turning down girls. You hated it. Every time you got a love letter in your locker or someone asks you to meet them somewhere after class, you get sick to your stomach. It was almost like you were gonna pass out. The worst of it is if they cry though, that really twists your stomach. Most people here in this school, at least among the first years, call you a heartbreaker. But, it’s not that. It’s just, you can’t date someone who you know you’re never gonna like back. After all, they’re all girls.
You sighed, your head moving back down as you tried to control your upset stomach at just thing about that kinda stuff. Just as you were about to step forward and go check on the guys, a voice caught your attention.
“Hey, new guy!” It yelled. 
“Huh?” You uttered as you turned your head to the guys you knew as Tanaka and Noya. Both changed out of the clothes they had before. 
“You better join Karasuno’s Volleyball club.” Noya stated without a hinge in his cocky and weridly happy expression.
“When you’re around Kiyoko talks a lot, but don’t think you can make a pass on her! Got it?” Tanaka suddenly added on.
While you were distracted on them two, you didn’t even notice two more guys appear until their captain, Daichi, hit them both on the head and yelled out, “That’s not how you recruit him, you idiots!”
“I’m so sorry, they can’t help how stupid they are.” Sugawara suddenly stated, his head bowing a bit as en extra apology. 
“It’s fine,” you stated clearly. “And honestly, I kinda already knew I was going to be joining when I first walked in today.” 
In truth, it was because of what Sugawara said when he found out. But you seriously did not need to embarrass yourself or potentially weird these guys out when you just started to get to know them. 
“Really? I look forward to having you around.” Sugawara said clearly while the others just cheered in their own little world.
You couldn’t help but smile. Sure, you haven’t known the guy long, but he’s way too sweet for his own good, as well as your own. Still, as sweet as he is, you did not expect him to suddenly ask, “Are you heading home now? I could walk you, if you’d like.”
It was then that the cheering stopped and everyone, including the others who came back from changing themselves, went completely silent and watched both Sugawara and yourself. It was odd how much your body suddenly went hot even though the air was cool. It was odd at how much your body stiffened. Then again, no one has asked to walk you home in a really, really, long time. It was endearing, sweet, and completely shot straight through your heart, planting a seed that soon was going to grow into something beautiful over time.
“Sure, I’d like that.”
6. Good Feeling
For the next three weeks you have been staying after school everyday to manage the volleyball team at your school. In that time you’ve learned plenty of skills from Kiyoko on what she does for the team, and even made some friends. You knew you were friends with all of the team but you got close to Tsukishima, Kageyama, Asahi, and Tanaka. Though, the one who you got especially close to was Sugawara. You would help him practice anytime you could and after practice it became a habit to walk with each other home. 
You got to know him through those private walks the most. You learned his fears when Kageyama joined, since both of play the setter position and how he didn’t want to regret anything after he graduates. You understood him completely. You may not be a third-year, but if you were one, you definitely  would share Sugawara’s goals. After all, your last year in high school is special.
Today was the day before the trip to Tokyo, a trip that all the players were looking forward to. It was only a practice match, sure, but there was going to be a few teams from all over Japan joining in on this great opportunity. Including Nekoma High. 
As volleyballs few about the gym, everyone couldn’t help but notice a missing person. Not from the team itself, but one that usually sits on the sidelines, someone who watches over them and keeps their heads in the game. 
“Hey, he’s not here today.” Hinata said to Kageyama, their vice captain, Sugawara, couldn’t help but to overhear.
“Yeah, he left class in a rush after the bell.” Kageyama explained to the short stack of the team.
“Oh, I hope he’s alright!” 
“I’m sure he’s fine. C’mon, let’s do a few more sets.”
Suga could feel his lips twitch downwards for a split second, his eyes dulling as when he overheard. He really did hope you were alright and nothing was wrong whether is was home issues or personal stuff. He just hoped you knew that you could talk to him if you needed. 
From the sidelines, Ukai studied Suga carefully. He’d never seen the third-year so much in his head, honestly, it was both worrying and interesting to watch. Though, if he had to be honest, Ukai was just glad someone truly cared for you the way Suga does. It was obvious to him, maybe not to Suga yet, but he knew over time that it would. And hopefully, you felt the same way. 
“Sugawara.” Ukai called out. 
The grey haired teen whipped his head from the ground before jogging up to his couch. “Yes?”
“Try not to worry too much about [Name].” Ukai smiled, watching as the most subtle amount of blush edged on the tips of Suga’s cheeks. “I asked him to work at the shop today. After practice, why not pay him a visit? I’m sure he’d appreciate it.”
Sugawara blinked aimlessly, focusing way too hard on how his heart skipped a single beat. It was a weird feeling, but at the same time, he enjoyed it way too much in the moment.
Before he knew it he let a wide smile sneak up on him, happiness radiating out of every inch of his body before saying, “Sure!”
After practice, Sugawara was the first to rush outta there. It was odd to the guys until Kiyoko explained why he was in such a rush. Luckily for Suga, he didn’t hear all the friendly teasing the guys did while they all changed and cleaned up. 
The third-year student ran downhill, a gentle smile on his lips as the cool, nighttime breeze hit his skin. It was exhilarating, to say the least. It was weird to Suga, he means, he has been seeing you every day after school and sometimes even in the mornings before. He’s spent as much time as he could with you and yet, now, it was like he was seeing you for the first time in weeks. It felt like that, and hell, it felt good.
When he came to the doors, he stopped. Taking a deep breath and fixing his hair involuntarily, he gripped the bag in his hand before walking in. You didn’t notice him at first, probably thinking he was just another run of the mill customer that would just grab their things and call on you when needed. Though, that wasn’t the case this time and for once without you noticing his stares, he took in as much as he could get. It was like this desire that started to grow the more he stared, trying his best to capture this moment forever in his mind. 
You were sitting behind the desk with his look on your face as you dug your head into a book. You were trying to concentrate, Suga knew that, but the sleepiness that started to invade your body was bringing you to your breaking point. Your hair was a straight up mess, kinda like you just took a nap and didn’t bother to fix the obvious bedhead. Though, Suga couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. For some reason, you looked way cuter now than ever before. The realization making something close to fireworks explode within his heart. In truth, that good feeling he had whenever you were around was nothing more than emotions directed towards someone who he liked romantically. 
“Hm?” A hum questioned, the voice breaking Suga from his inner thoughts. He watched when he gazed up at him, your plain features turning into pure happiness at the mere sight of him. 
“Oh, Sugawara! Well, isn’t this a surprise.” You teased, your elbow coming up on the counter as you rested your head in the palm of your hand. A grin present on your face that didn’t look like it was going away anytime soon. 
“Hey, I didn’t see you at practice today.” Suga said as he walked up to the counter. “Couch told me that I could find you here though.”
“Oh, okay, well my shift is almost done so why don’t you keep me entertained for the time being.” You cooed out as your grin started to transform into a sly smirk.
Suga smiled, a chuckle leaving his chest. “I think I will.”
You nodded in glee until you noticed an unfamiliar bag he was holding. Inside looked to be a piece of clothing. You pointed down to it and asked, “Whatcha got there?”
“Huh?” Suga questioned before gazing down himself. His body flinching when realization hit him like a truck and place the bag on the counter before saying, “Kiyoko wanted me to deliver this to you.”
“To me?” You questioned before curiosity got the best of you. In a swift movement you grabbed the item from within the bag, your orbs blinking aimlessly as you held the track jacket up in the air. It was all black with the exception of white text on the back that read, ‘Karasuno Volleyball Team’.
“Oh, wow,” you muttered under your breath as you admired the simple yet meaningful item.
“Try it on,” Suga encouraged.
You were quick to comply with his request. It was an easy, simple fit that hugged your body well. It wasn’t too big nor was it squeezing your body. It was just perfect, and you weren’t the only one who thought that.
Sugawara’s lips parted, admiring you with that cheesy grin that took his heart for a roller coaster ride. In that moment he couldn’t stop his thoughts from escaping his lips, and before he knew it he said, “You look really good in it.”
When that last letter left past his soft lips, he froze. His heart racing at a million miles an hour, wondering if it came out in a creepy way, hoping you didn’t pick up on the affection that laced his voice. But more than anything, he hoped, prayed even, that you weren’t going to flat out reject him right here and now. Seriously, that was his worst nightmare
“Oh,” you uttered out. Your tone nothing but pure shock. You remained still for a moment before grabbing the end of your new jacket, your head moving done with a bashful expression that made Suga believe he was seeing things. “Thank you.”
Suga stood still, blinking aimlessly as he tried to process the picture in front of him. In truth, he thought he was only seeing what he wanted to see. Only hearing what he wanted to hear. But when he figured out that this was reality, that that was your actual reaction to his words, he was more than over the moon and the good feeling within him whenever he saw you became stronger than ever within that moment. 
7. Moment of Truth
It was the day of the volleyball trip to Saitama were a bunch of teams were going to go head to head in some practice matches to improve themselves further. Sadly for you, you had no idea that everyone was leaving in the middle of the night. Seriously, it sucked.
“This blows,” he yawned out, your body weak as you stood next to Suga.
“Did you get any sleep?” He asked in a worried tone, his gaze trying to understand why you keep doing this to yourself. 
“Not really. Maybe, an hour or two?” You questioned, your body starting to give out on you. Without hesitation you leaned next to Suga, your body pressing against his. You felt his body stiffen at your sudden touch, especially when you nuzzled your head into his shoulder. 
“Sorry, just give me a minute.” You muttered out in a sleepy tone that caused the grey haired male to hear his heart beat in his own ears. 
“O-Oh, it’s, um, it’s fine.” He stumbled to say, his free hand coming up to cup the back of his neck. 
He thought that he would be able to get away with this stunt, even with all his friends around, but he was sorely mistaken. It wasn’t like he was trying to hide it per say, but rather not bring his own embarrassment to the next level. A level that might catch your attention.
“Aw, look at you two love-birds.” Tsukishima snickered. “You could have least waited to get on the bus.”
Suga’s blood ran cold, his skin sizzling as if just dipped in boiling water. His chest grew heavy as if someone suddenly placed all of their weight on him without restraint. It wasn’t as if they knew his feelings, but it felt as if he had just exposed himself to not only them, but to the world. 
“Stop it, Tsukishima.” Tanaka said, and for a minute, Suga thought he was safe until the buzzcut fool blurted out, “Don’t be jealous that Suga got him and not you.”
“Yeah, right.” Tsukishima groaned in pure annoyance before getting on the bus. A few people falling in after him.
“Uh,” Suga uttered out as he stood still, wondering what he should do about the one on him that out small snores. Though, his problem was solved when Kageyama suddenly came around and shook your free shoulder lightly.
“[Name], c’mon, we’re getting on the bus.” The first-year setter stated as he noticed you stir into Suga before your eyes began to flutter open. 
“Hm? Oh, sorry.” You mumbled before letting out a loud yawn before following Kageyama side by side into the bus, leaving Suga completely alone in the cold night. 
He stood still, wondering what even just happened and hoping that the night breeze would cool down the side you leaned into that still burned to the touch. What was worse was that whenever the wind did come around, your scent hit his sense of smell like a truck, making it impossible to move. That was until he felt a hand grip onto his shoulder in a friendly manner. 
When Suga turned, he saw Daichi with a gentle smile on his face. 
“Why don’t you just tell him?” He suddenly asked.
Suga blinked aimlessly for a second, pondering if he should deny such a thing. But, he couldn’t lie to Daichi, not in a million years. 
Suga sighed. “I don’t even know if he likes me back.”
“Well, this trip might give you the opportunity to tell him. I mean, best to have no regrets, right?” Daichi asked, knowing he hit a nerve within Suga.
He stared at Daichi, his brain running back to his oath he made in the beginning of this year. It was silly of him to even forget it. “Right.”
During the first couple of days of practice you absorbed as much information about the game from both Karasuno and other teams. You took a fondess of Nekoma, they had this thing about them that you couldn’t quite pin. They weren’t that strong when it came to defense or attack power, but you felt like they were reading your every move. At first, you felt a bit bad since they were the enemy, but when you saw Hinata chatting up with the setter and Daichi talking with their captain, you ruled they were sorta friendly when neither are on the court against each other.
“Are we friends with Nekoma?” You asked Kiyoko who stood next to you on the sidelines as Karasuno played a school you didn’t pay much attention to. 
“We lost to them in a practice match a while back. If anything we’re more like friendly rivals.” Kiyoko explained.
“Gotcha,” you uttered as you watched the game. Everything about volleyball never really excited you, but when it came to these guys, they made it almost way more interesting than it should be. Though, your eyes couldn’t help but wonder over to the people who weren’t playing at the moment, but you mostly focused on Suga over the others. You knew that Ukai put in Kageyama as setter more than him, but you did hope that you would have the chance to see him play. If not, than at least cheer him up.
“Hey, Kiyoko.” You called out, the girl quickly turning to you with a questionable look.
“You’ve known Sugawara the longest, so, uh,” you mumbled. Honestly, this had gone a lot smoother in your head. You gazed down unwillingly, your sight focusing on your feet. “Do you know if, um, if he maybe as anything he enjoys? Like how Tsukki enjoys music. Something that makes him happy?”
Your sight flickered all over the place, your face felling way hotter than before. When you met Kiyoko’s gaze once more, she had this encouraging smile that made your heart come to a complete stop. Only starting back up again when she said, “Well, I’m sure anything from you will do the trick.”
“From me?” You questioned. The simple sentence making immense happiness surge through your veins that you couldn’t contain a cheesy smile that crinkled the edges of your eyes. “Okay, thanks.”
From then on, you asked most of the third years what they thought would be an appropriate gift for Sugawara, some even saying to just call him ‘Suga’ instead of his full last name. You took that into account, but you also took the idea of Super Spicy Mapo Tofu from Asahi. And while you did pick his suggestion, you tried your best to combine everything together to make him as happy as you could.
“Ukai,” you called out. When you jogged up to him you felt multiple eyes on you, both from the court and those not playing. 
“What’s up, kiddo?” He questioned.
“Would it be okay if I was excused for the rest of the day?” You asked, the question itself only sparking sadness and curiosity in those that you didn’t talk to before.
“Sure, just know that I’ll make you work overtime in the shop when we go home.” Ukai stated. He knew he couldn’t just let you off the hook without some kind of punishment, so he did the least problematic one he could think of.
“Thank you,” you said with a quick bow before leaving the occupied gym and heading straight for the cafeteria.
It took you a bit to get everything ready, seriously, you swore if you didn’t really care about this one guy than you wouldn’t even do something like this in the first place. You knew it would make him feel better, but at the same time it was way too embarrassing. It was like you were completely opening your heart, exposing yourself to him even though you had no idea his feeling. You knew he thought of you as a friend, but you seriously were clueless on everything else except your own feelings. Those were painfully obvious to you. 
When everything was complete, you took upon yourself to ask Daichi and Asahi for help since they were the only other third-years on the team. Plus, Daichi was the captain so he had control over everyone’s actions. You put it in terms that weren’t too embarrassing for you, just basically telling them that you set something up for Suga to cheer him up. Politely, you asked if Daichi would only dismiss him from practice and make sure he comes to the boy’s room, the area were the Karasuno guy’s sleep.
They thought it was really thoughtful of you to do something like that for him and agreed to be a part of your plan. After that, you just played the waiting game, hoping that the food didn’t get cold before he showed up. Lucky for you, Suga respects Daichi more than a friend, but as a captain and listened to his every word. It was around five minutes after you came back that he showed up.
You were playing with your hands before you heard the door open. You noticed right away how upset he looked to be kicked out, hoping that he would forgive you after he learned this was all your doing.
After a few more sets, he looked up. The sadness quickly washing away and replayed with pure shock. “Oh, I didn’t know you were here.”
“Hm,” you hummed. Your body soon rotating in front of Suga as he sat down across from you.
“I know you left, but I didn’t think you’d be here.” He expressed, his body leaning forward as he talked. 
“I wasn’t here for all that time.” You confessed, your hands quickly finding the edge of your shirt. “You see, I kinda noticed you were upset from not being able to play with everyone else so I, um,” you trailed off. 
You gulped hard, the sound ringing in your ears for a few seconds before pulling out a bowl full of Super Spicy Mapo Tofu. Your eyes flickered between the bowl of food and the awe-struck expression on Suga’s face.
“I thought I’d make this to cheer you up, a couple of the guys helped me out though.” You mumbled out, your hands starting to grip onto your shirt.
“Oh, wow, this is, um, really nice of you.” You heard him say. Normally, anyone would think he was just trying to be nice to spare your feelings, but the heavy set blush upon his cheeks that trailed over to the tips of your ears say otherwise.
“It’s no problem.” You trailed off in a shaky voice, watching from the corners of your eyes Suga’s face light up when he took the first bite. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride overwhelm you, sure you had cooking skills from being an only child, but this was the first time making that dish, so you were just glad you didn’t completely bomb it.
You two sat in silent for a few minutes, but truthfully, it felt like hours. You would try to sneak a few glances here and there just to get a look at his face. You found it absolutely adorable the way it was scrunch up when he got a good bite of your cooking. Overall, you just wanted to save the view but not be creepy as well. But, after a while, he stopped eating. The bowl that was almost overflowing now empty like a dried river. 
“That was great, thank you!” Suga sung happily, that gentle yet pure smile back on his features. It reminded you of when you two first met, but now just wider and more full of pure joy. 
“Hey, Suga,” you called out, your body leaning in. The sudden action, plus shortening of his name caused his body to stiffen. 
“Y-Yeah?” He stuttered, his eyes never once moving away from yours, even though he desperately wanted too.
You were ready. You had it all planned out. Just do it like you practiced. 
While those this did rush throughout your head all you could manage to get out was, “Want me to take that?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.” Suga replied, his hand picking up the bowl and handed it to you. 
A heavy sigh past your lips when you set the empty bowl over by the door, you would take it down to the cafeteria later. For some reason, this was harder than you remember. Maybe it was cause the last time the person asked you out instead of the other way around. They just made it seem so effortless that you thought for a second that you could do it too. Turns out, you can’t. 
When you came back, you stood a seat next to Suga this time. Both of you now sitting on the sheets he falls asleep on during nightfall. In truth, you had no words. The silence was filled to the brink with this tension that made your head lower, your hands playing with each other. It was like both of you hoped something would happen, but not doing anything to make that come true.
Though, in Suga’s case, his mind replied what Daichi had told him a few days ago. No regrets. Two simple words repeating over and over again. It was true, he didn’t want to have those. Yet, at the same time, he was nervous as all hell to even touch you, let alone start anything. Still, he knew he had to. He had to at least give it a shot, and if he failed, if you didn’t like him the way he did you, he would at least be content with the fact that he never has to wonder what could have been. Even so, his nerves were still all over the place, even if he did make up his mind.
“Hey,” he called out, his body leaning in a bit faster than usual, and when you turned to face him, both of you ended up butting heads. 
Both of you quickly moved your hands up to the sore spot, grunts of pain echoing around the only souls in the room. Suga was the first to recover, guilt swelling up when he noticed you in pain.
“Hey, I’m really sorry, are you okay?” He called out in a panicked voice as he unconsciously placed his hands upon your shoulder. Although, in the mists of his panic, he didn’t realize just how much focus he pushed onto you. 
Your eyes shot open when you felt your body start to move backwards, a small yelp coming from your throat as your squeezed your eyes shut and waited for the hard floor to collide into you. You groaned once it did, the pain now coming from the back of your head and front. You knew this was gonna probably give you a headache later. The pain pounded against your skull, but when you fluttered your eyes open it was like all of that pain was the farthest thing from your mind.
Your breath immediately caught in your lungs, fearful that you’d noticeably start to breath heavier than normal. Before your eyes was a clear few of Suga, his body on top of yours. His eyes were wide, shaky as if trying his hardest not to let his sight wonder. His hands were firmly placed on either side of your head, one of his knees between your legs. 
Both of you remained silent, processing what just happened the best you could. It was then, when you tangled together the events that lead up to this that you subconsciously slide your leg up, bending your knee. Your leg brushing up against Suga’s outter waist and thigh in a way that made him avert his gaze from you for a moment as he recomposed himself.
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” Suga apologized, his voice barely a whisper.
You remained silent, your lips slowly parting.
Suga’s eyes disobeyed his will, his sight falling on your lips that look so soft to him. “I should probably get up now.” 
Quiet. You remained utterly speechless. You wanted to speak, you wanted to say a lot of things. However, it was like your words were stopped in your throat before they could even pass your lips, much less move into Suga’s ears. 
After a moment or two of being in the same position, unmoving, Suga started to believe he was making you uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted to do. Screw his ‘no regrets’ phrase, it was one thing when it came to volleyball. Though, it was a completely other thing when it was you. Never in a million years would he ever want to cause you discomfort, even at the cost of his own feelings, he would stop his pining over you if you didn’t feel the same.
You were in your own mind for long that didn’t notice the look on uncertainty flicker in Suga’s eyes. By the time you came to it, he was slowly starting to get up, careful not to hurt you anymore than he had already. You didn’t know what happened, or what kinda demon took over but when you saw him backing away, you panicked. 
Swiftly, you moved your hand up and tugged hard onto his shirt. You heard a soft gasp from him, sure, but when you felt his lips touch your own, everything went deadly quiet. Both of you remained still, processing what was going on, wondering what the next move should be. 
Slowly, you released your grip from his clothes and moved that hand up to the back of his head, your fingers slowly intertwining with his soft locks. It was then that you felt Suga lead, his lips moving slowly against yours. It was gentle, soothing, and full of so much pent up desire that it almost made you escalate things.
His lips tingled a bit, almost like a spice. Luckily, you didn’t mind it and actually thought it felt somewhat good. You moved yours in sync with his as he started to grow more confident, you in turn starting to tug on the back of his hair. It earned you a few grunts that made butterflies start to invade your stomach and only made your over-worked heart beat even faster. You knew that the mischievous side of Suga was slowly working its way out, especially after the little stunt you pulled.
You didn’t care what he did, all you did care about was having him closer. As you had his hair in your hand, you started to but some pressure down on his head, signaling him to come closer, that it was okay. It didn’t take him long to understand what you were trying to tell him and quickly comply with your request. He carefully moved closer, both of your chests colliding as both of your hearts started to beat as one and ultimately deepen the kiss.
You started to get close to your limit when it came to oxygen, and while you didn’t want to end it, your need to breath was more important to you. However, you didn’t need to. Just when you were going to gentle push him away, Suga moved away from you, his cheeks on fire as his eyes glossed over with something that made you way more embarrassed than you already were.
A soft grunt left your chest before you moved your graze to the side, your entire face gradually feeling more heated by the second.
“Hey,” he called out softly. He didn’t have to explain what he wanted from you, you could hear it all in that simple, everyday word. 
Reluctantly, you met his gaze once more. This time, he was smiling. It was one of those smiles that showed so much admiration without the need for words or any other kind of action.
“I really like you.” He simply said. No hesitation. Not even a single fluctuation in his tone of voice. 
This alone made you smile like a kid in a candy store. For once in your life, you had gotten what you really wanted. It made you the happiest guy alive. 
“I really like you too, Suga.”
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rosecoloredwriting · 4 years ago
Best Friend Tings~
A/N: This idea came to me and then boom! This might be a whole series of headcanons i got so many ideas bro!!!! 
Summary: Sometimes in life having a best friend is better than getting a s/o 
Pairings: Izuku Midorya x GN!Reader(Platonic), Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader(Platonic), Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader(Platonic), Hitoshi Shinso x GN!Reader(Platonic)
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Izuku Midoriya
We can see from the show he didn’t have any friends before u.a(katsuki doesn’t really count)
So boy must have been lonely before ua like todoroki
He nerded out by himself, no one else to talk to other than mama inko
So meeting you made his life better
he’s up to date on meme culture too
You slide in one vine reference during a convo ONCE when you met and he responds back subconsciously with his own
Instant connection
Like lightning strikes and you both just do the spiderman pointing at each other meme
Vine might be dead but that won’t stop you
Both of you start turning into beams of light
He gets sparkle eyes when you both don’t stop with the vine references
Numbers exchanged and you both find out to be major nerds for certain shows
Late nights are spent sending each other memes/videos and the next day you both are holding in fits of giggles
When the dorms are put in place pure chaos
Yall are inseparable 
There’s a lot of sneaking around because guess what you’re doing instead of sleeping 
Or watching those Russian car crash videos
You go into a youtube deep dive at 3 am together
One brain cell is shared between you two ok
Deku squad are the vibes ok
Ilida can’t believe how 2 of some of the smartest people he knows can turn the exact opposite
“Ilida can you do us a favor? Would you be willing to run while holding us like balloons?”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Ilida me and (Y/N) thought of having Uraraka join us by making us float and have a rope tied around us with you running around!”
“As your class president I will not allow you to do such a thing-!” Cutting him off you turn to Izuku
“I told he wasn’t gonna say yes.” Sighing in disappoint.
“Should we try Kacchan?” 
“I’ll do the talking got it!” You leave behind a dumbfounded Ilida wondering why his friends can be so smart yet do such stupid actions.
Do not be fooled though
You call out izuku when necessary, you both may be chaotic with one another but like hell!!!! you’ll let him slip up because you’re besties and actually have brain cells(sometimes)
From the glare you’re sending him he feels like a disappointment because he caused his bestie trouble and worry
In conclusion: Yall are ride or die
Were talking the strength of the pillars of those temples in Greece
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Katsuki Bakugo
It kinda just happened before the classes eyes
Like no one gets how bakugo manages not to blast your eardrums everyday
He just somehow sees you’re genuinely trying to be friends with him and get to know him
At first, he thought you were some extra following him like the rest of Baku squad at first and somehow saw that you don’t see him godly or anything you just really enjoyed being around him
Slowly you both understand one another
He’s kinda scared cause I don’t think bakugo has ever been like close close with someone before
So it’s slow like his friendship with Kiri
Speaking of Kiri cause this is a package deal if your friends with bakugo
You both will just watch him when someone pisses him off 
“Someone tried to test him right,” you said while passing Kirishima a water bottle. Coming back from the vending machine.
“Yeah he did” he replies deadpanning at Bakugou’s antics
You may be mostly a duo but its also a trio sometimes
So when he gets captured there’s a 50/50 chance that he will come to you
you managed to get knocked out during the attack so seeing one another safe really just lifts the blanket of fear off
So when the dorms come in he will barge into your room and start up your console and play
This distraction won’t last long cause at some point he just sits there stuck in his head
He holds back tears but you just help him through
Really just strengthens your bond
From then on he comes to you and he’s very vague on details but you just comfort him
somehow you both from this experience learn how to read what the other is feeling
If you have something going on the perceptive as ever bakugo will see and somehow do the thing that just gives you a boost, he’s not either an intimate or verbal guy
He’s trying his best alright
The same goes for you in bakugo accept your just a tad slower and use your words instead 
Best friend soulmate ✨✨tings✨✨
One of your past times is either playing fighting games or just relaxing in his room
Like you both will lay on the ground, speaker blasting, taking turns putting on songs
Feeling the vibrations 
Its how the aggressive boy cools down/relaxes
Being angry all the time is tiring
One time you were in a room with someone as they insulted bakugou
Right in your face not only did you defend your best friend but you also whooped some ass that day
Conclusion: the best friends that just get each other 
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Shoto Todoroki
(If you’re an endeavor stan I don’t know what to tell you for this one)
Now hear me out on this
You find Endeavor hilarious
He is just the funniest person to you
Like just looking at him makes you cackle
So when todoroki fights midoriya and he used his fireside everyone was shocked because no one has seen him use it yet!!
But when you see endeavor on the other side of the stadium scream “SHOTOOOOO!” you burst out full-on laughing!!! WHEEZING IF YOU MAY!! Like do you not see his face
When he came back to the stands you just turned to him holding in a laugh
“Hey, Todoroki how are you so serious all the time with your dad looking like that all the time?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Don’t get me wrong he was pissed because like baby just had a mental breakdown but this type of comment is new to him
“Don’t you see how ridiculous he looks with those flames of him like damn. Of all the places! Why his fckin calves!!!!! Like what kind of egotistical man does that”
Todoroki hates his dad so you bashing him really opens up doors for you
Now to me, I think todoroki throws insults at everyone without even knowing himself
Like under his breath he will say a comment you will catch it and hold in a laugh
So you bashing his father made you an a+ in his book
And so the duo begins
Since todoroki does insult people without knowing you are there to be his audience
You will stifle and hold in giggles and laughs as you stand right next or behind him
Once he realized this he subtly increases the amount he says on the daily(These arent basic insults either but they aren’t harmful, plain fun ok)
One time your laughing got to the point Aizawa threatened to separate you two
But still, you helped cracked the boy’s frozen heart
Lots of hugs though cause the boy needs it
Once you’re close enough in the friendship you jump and hug the boy in surprise
Gets a little startled but loves the gesture cause guess what yall are besties
Opening his door, Todoroki meets the sight of you holding a pile of food. Ready for movie night. Quickly placing it down on the coffee table you jump and give him a hug. He stumbles a moment before he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Why are you hugging me? We saw each other all day.”
“Just thought you needed it.” Mumbling a thank you you go to the coffee table. The surface spilling with bags of snacks.
“I have my soba and more if you want any. I even got those candies you like.”
“Really! Thanks Sho-kun! I also got those chips you really enjoyed the last time. So you ready?” With a hum you both sit down opening the food you'll be eating for the rest of the night. Grabbing the remote Shoto hits play, the screen lights up to show the Disney logo.
Many movie marathons and binge-watching nights because you need to show him so much
When these hangouts happen you have hardcore munches together
You both will have a buffet of food because boy does he love his soba and you love to do to bring an entire pile and bag full of food
Just appreciates you and all you do for him
Will definitely sneak in really expensive gifts to you
Loves to watch Disney movies with you 
Conclusion: you are the best friend he needs, he wouldn’t have you any other way
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Hitoshi Shinso 
Both of you met in gen studies class
At this point, everyone in the class knew one another names and stuff and when word got to you of his quirk oh boy
He was minding his business sitting in his desk
Slightly wishing he was dead or wanting to vibe at home
But here you come strutting on over and say hi to him
He was kinda nervous cause everyone knew his quirk and just got all those villain comments
You just talk and say how cool his quirk is and he’s like ‘aw shit here we go again’
Instead, you just ask why he isn’t in the hero course
Like his quirk amazing for that shit
He’s shocked alright
So you both just stick together
You are his wild friend taking him on adventures as he complains saying he would rather watch a movie or do something
Low key in on your plans 
He trusts you with his life so don’t take advantage of that
Teases you on a regular basis
Is the type of friend where if he makes fun of or teases you 
You’re his friend
at the sports festival, you treat him to lunch because he deserves it!!!!
He made it to the last round
And fought MIDORIYA!!!
“You don’t have to do this you know.” Dragging Hitoshi around the food stands he tries his best to stop you from doing this. Even if it’s your treat he rather pay himself.
“Hitoshi I swear if you don’t just pick what you want for lunch I’m fighting you.”
“I’m being serious you don’t have too. I didn’t even win against him.” You come to a halt both hands on his shoulders. Looking him in the eye you reassure him.
“You may not have won but you made it to the 3rd round. Do you know how amazing that is! A general studies student made it that far! You did that! You showed everyone we might as well be just as good as the hero course students! As your best friend to, I must treat you for this accomplishment.” This time he grabs your wrist. Pulling you around until he sees a food stand that peaks his interest. A soft smile on his face happy to call you his friend and to have someone care for him like you do.
He is the reason why you're an insomniac now
When you blame him for your sleeping schedule he just says in the deepest and seductive voice “it was part of the plan”
Makes you want to punch that handsome face of his(but you wouldn’t you love the boy too much)
Sometimes you guys sneak cats in like your dorms just somehow manage to have cats in them
The fur is everywhere but their you fur babies
You both spend your time playing board games and sometimes inviting the deku squad cause Hitoshi has a pretty chill relationship with Izuku(plus their too social for their own good)
So things become waaaaaaaay more lively
Both of your social batteries though are completely empty
There is late-night cuddling though as weird as it sounds
when you take turns slipping in one another’s dorm you both manage to hug like it’s super platonic and just find it comforting waking up to one another
the bond so strong that you protect one another even when you sleep
Conclusion: the besties that mess around one another but are like this🤞
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k7l4d4 · 4 years ago
Wander Over Yonder Hypothetical Season 3/Sequel Ideas: Lord Dominator
Hello all, today I’ve decided to revisit one of the greatest, yet underappreciated, Disney Shows of all time, Wander Over Yonder. Beloved by many, with the creators wanting to make the show more than just a time-slot filler, the show was none-the-less ordered canceled by the Network, ending plans for the future, though maybe not permanently if Craig McCracken has anything to say about it. Anywho, this is my thoughts on what a season 3 for the show, or a sequel, could look like. Everybody clap your hands!!
I will detail how I think each of the known main characters would be like in Season 3/the sequel, starting with Dominator. Note, I will be basing this off of notes and hints from creators, but it won’t necessarily follow along with what they had planned.
Picking up where the show left off, with her marching off in a huff through the void of space (it makes sense in context), Dominator... is angry, stressed, and has no clue what she is actually doing. She’s lost everything, and the only things she has are the clothes on her back and some fruit she snagged from Wander’s gift basket to her. Dominator’s place in the story, to me, would mostly deal with how the loss of everything would affect her life and her status in the galaxy. She can’t just run off somewhere else and avoid the consequences too her actions anymore, as she presumably did in the past. Now, she has nothing but her brains and her fighting skills, which she will definitely need.
While most of the galaxy is content with trying to rebuild after her rampage, some of the more spiteful and thuggish personalities feel like laying into the intergalactic bully. In between trying to find her footing in the new galaxy, Dominator is often routinely attacked by mercenaries, bandits, and just everyday punks. While she at first enjoys the fights, seeing them as a nice breakup to her new normal and a way to distract herself from her problems, the nonstop barrage gradually wears on her, until she finally snaps and demands why “all you losers keep coming after me!? It’s not even fun anymore!!”
The answer she gets? Because they can. People in the galaxy, bar those who’ve been directly touched by Wander’s kindness and empathy, HATE Dominator, and have no problem with making her life more miserable than it already is because they can do so without repercussions. Most of those who are attacking her know they don’t stand a chance against her, and are just doing so because it makes her life more difficult, if only marginally. Despite her best efforts to hide it, the confirmation that people so deeply despise her that they are willing to get beaten senseless just to mildly inconvenience her is deeply rattling to the dangerous woman.
Dominator often runs into Wander, Hater, Sylvia and the rest fairly regularly, or at least semi-regularly, and gets sucked into whatever shenanigans are currently going on, much to her frustration. Hater often lords her losses over her, being obnoxious and overbearing about it all even when Dominator pummels him for it. Sylvia is slightly hostile but ultimately dismissive of Dominator, focusing more on whatever is currently going on and brushing off Dominator at every chance, much to her ire. Wander, much to Dominator’s continued surprise, is just as kind, friendly, and patient as ever, and while still attempting to befriend her, he often is less overbearingly attentive and in her face about it.
Due to not having to deal with Wander’s shenanigans being aimed at herself anymore, Dominator is more at ease around him, occasionally letting slip bits and pieces about her past and herself, though she’ll immediately double back and deny it, not that it ever fools Wander. To go along with the official plans, my theory is that Dominator didn’t have any particularly tragic backstory; she was just a lonely kid who had trouble connecting with others, not helped by her interest in less than savory topics, subjects, and hobbies. 
As she got older, and still remained isolated, Dominator grew more angry and aggressive with others, and when she saw that it not only made her feel better when she let her feelings out but that it also caused people to finally notice and pay attention to her, which filled her with glee. As she got older, Dominator kept escalating, looking for bigger and bigger ways to lash out, to get the attention she craved and release her pent up anger and aggression, not to mention her genuine enjoyment of destruction, violence, and so on. In the end, I believe Dominator never grew up from that lonely girl who no one paid attention to or wanted around.
I firmly believe that Dominator will eventually agree to Wander’s offer of friendship because, in the end, it’s all she ever wanted, people who were there for her, who cared about her, and so on. It’s helped by the fact that every so often she remembers the looks on the people’s faces during that final battle, the looks of tentative hope, empathy, understanding, and kindness. She won’t agree at first, or even soon. The wound is to raw and her pride won’t allow it. But she will eventually reach out, either on her own, or on one of the many attempts Wander will doubtlessly make to befriend her. I’d like to think it would happen around either the halfway point of the season/sequel, or at the three-quarters mark.
I am also a Death Star, that is to say Wander x Dominator, Shipper, but that has no bearing on what I think S3/the Sequel would be like.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years ago
95. you just witnessed me kill a guy and I have a really, really good reason for it, please don’t call the cops
Sternclay as a super/vigilante au? sfw or nsfw, please!
Here you go! This is NSFW
Content note: this fic contains mentions of murder, serial killers, knives. Brief description of a porn scene with implied dub-con (you can skip from the part where Barclay sees the TV to the next section break). But I included lots of fluff to balance it out.
This is the best hook-up Barclays had in years. Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome has done nothing but compliment him all night, from the fit of his shirt down to his kissing skills. So now that he’s facedown on the bed in this guys brownstone wearing only his boxers, he’s so excited he can barely think.
“Almost ready” a shcck of blinds dropping, “I just need to grab one more thing. Then the fun can start.”
“Can’t wait.” He sighs, shuts his eyes as his date moves across the room. Then the movement stops.
“Who the fu-”
Horrible, sticky warmth spatters the side of his face. Startled, he opens his eyes in time to watch his date fall to the floor, dead. Behind him is a figure in dark clothes with a tactical mask covering his face and a gun with a silencer in his right hand. A figure who has just noticed Barclay is awake.
In five swift, purposeful steps he’s at the bed, and Barclay doesn’t know what to do, whether to bolt for the window or knock the gun away or beg or, or or-
“Are you alright, sir?” The voice coming from the mask is calm and businesslike.
“.........what do you think?” Is the reply his useless brain comes up with.
“You look like you’re in shock. Which is understandable.” A gloved hand touches his face, “shit, I’m sorry, I was hoping none of it would get on you. Here, hold still.” He rifles through a pocket while Barclay’s mind drifts further from his body. Why isn’t he just killing him now? Is this part of some sick game?
“Turn your face this way just a bit” the back of his hand nudges Barclay’s chin, “good, thank you. I’m going to get you cleaned up, once that’s done I need to ask you to stay here until I’m finished cleaning up the scene. And also to not call the authorities for help when I’m out of the room.”
“Why?” Nope, okay, that’s it, that’s the reply that gets him shot.
“For one, you’re not in any danger from me. You were in danger from the now-deceased Mr. Martin, which is why I killed him.”
“I, uh, h-how can you be sure?”
“Let me show you” he helps Barclay up, guides him to the body, “you don’t need to look at him, just at that.”
He’s pointing to the boning knife clutched in the man’s hand. Barclay’s guts turn to sour milk.
“M-maybe he picked that up when he saw you?”
The killer shakes his head, gently guides Barclay back to the bed and, after a moment of studying the nightstand, pulls out the bottom drawer. It contains two more knives, duck tape, pliers, and seven, severed human thumbs.
“Oh fuck. What the fuck, what the fuck?” He whispers as the man closes the drawer.
“Mr. Martin is the Bear Butcher. I doubt you’ve heard of him, because that’s the name the authorities use among themselves while insisting that there’s no need to warn the public about him. He’s killed seven men, all gay and all on the bigger side; you would have been number eight.”
“I’m gonna be sick” He tips forward, feels gloved hands catch him and easily half-drag him into what turns out to be the bathroom.
“Wait here and do what you need to. I’ll be done in fifteen minutes, less if I can manage it. And, um, you might want to keep your eyes closed.”
Barclay has no problem with that order, though when the killer (his hero?) moves the body into the tub he discovers both the reason for the warning and that he does indeed have more in his stomach to throw up.
After an eternity of iron and bleach in the air and bile on his tongue, he’s helped back into the bedroom. The man hands him his clothes, turning his back as he dresses. He’s changed too, though the mask remains.
“I, I didn’t bring my car.” Barclay says weakly, knowing he won’t have the energy to walk home and the thought of getting in a cab or rideshare sets his nerves screaming.
“I assumed, since he wouldn’t want it being abandoned to lead to someone calling you in missing. If you’re okay with it, I can give you a ride home.”
Barclay nods. The man ushers him out the front door, pausing at the threshold for a final sweep. Then he pulls off his mask. Black hair sticks up until he smooths it back in a practiced motion, and blue eyes regard Barclay gently from a handsome face.
“It’s the Altima, right on the corner.” He says, folding the mask and tucking it into his pocket. Barclay gives his address, sits stiffly in the passenger seat as a pop station plays from the speakers.
“Do you want to change the station?”
“No” Barclay inhales fine, but the exhale comes out shaky, “jesus, how are you so calm?”
“Because if I’m trying to help you stay calm, I need to model the behavior. And, um, this isn’t my first time doing this, in case that wasn’t obvious. I’ve never had a witness before, for all the usual reasons and I’d prefer not to traumatize someone. But he went off his pattern and picked you up tonight, and I was not about to let him claim another victim.”
“Thank you.” Barclay doesn’t know what else to say. His adrenaline brain suggests propositioning the man in gratitude because it’s not everyday a hot mystery man saves your life. But the rest of him is well aware that if anyone touched him right now he might scream.
“It’s my job. Or it’s supposed to be.”
His curiosity peeks out from where it’s been hiding behind his sense of self-preservation, “What’s your name? Or can you not tell me?”
“It’s Joseph.”
“I wish we’d met under better circumstances, Barclay. Oh, here we are.” He parks the car, engine still running, “do you want me to wait until you’re inside to go?”
It should feel safe; it’s his apartment, his home above Amnesty’s new location, Mama’s own little house just out in the backyard. But his hand can’t make the fucking door handle go.
“Would, uh, would you mind coming up with me? Just, just for a few minutes?”
The man raises his eyebrows, but nods. Soon he’s standing in Barclays little kitchen, hands folded politely behind his back while Barclay tries and fails to start tea.
“If you want to just point to where things are, I can do that for you. You should eat something too, if your stomach’s settled.”
Barclay declines at first, but when his stomach growls Joseph moves through the kitchen--making distracting small talk all the while--not stopping until he’s assembled a plate of crackers, cheese and apples.
“Ooh, you got the good stuff.” He steals a piece for himself while Barclay nibbles a Triscuit
“Kinda a cheese snob; comes with the job.”
They talk about food and food writing until his plate is clear, at which point Joseph suggests he get ready for bed. Without being asked, he stays by the door as Barclay finishes getting changed and brushing his teeth.
“I, uh, I’m not really sure how to, uh, end this night.”
Joseph cups his cheek, “Lock the doors behind me. You don’t need to worry about anything else; you don’t owe me a thing. You’re safe. That’s what matters.” He smiles at him for the last time and heads out into the early morning light.
“Hey big fella, you’ll never guess who put in an order.” Mama clips up the slip from the table she’s working; Amnesty has been busy in the week since they opened here, so much so that she’s had to help with the crowds.
“Who?” Barclay flips the pancakes he’s watching, checks the bacons for tables 15 and 9.
“Your late night visitor.” Mama winks.
He turns, spots Joseph at the far end of the counter. He’s in a black suit, blue tie setting off his eyes, and his hair is fully slicked back. On his chest is a badge identifying him as working at the nearby FBI offices. He’s clearly as surprised to see Barclay as Barclay is to see him. He’s less surprised that Mama saw him leaving; she gets up early and her window faces his back stairs
“Hold on” Mama nudges him, “did he give you trouble? Because you look pretty off.”
“No, no, just, uh, didn’t expect to see him again.”
Joseph orders hash and poached eggs, and when Barclay sends the order out, he hands Dani a slice of cherry pie to go along with it. He peeks over his shoulder; Joseph is looking at the free dessert, smiling. Then he takes a bite and makes a face that’s borderline orgasmic. Barclay looks away before he drops a hot waffle on his foot.
Amnesty's restaurant closes at 3, and as Barclay is locking the front door, he notices Joseph waiting for him in an easily visible, well-lit spot.
“You know, I meant it when I said you didn’t owe me anything. Not even the most delicious pie I’ve ever eaten.”
“I give freebies now and then” Barclay smiles, “no rule that says I can’t give them to someone who did me a huge fucking favor. And, uh” he blushes, “glad you like the pie.”
“The whole meal was incredible. You’re a very talented cook. Would it be okay if I came back?” His expression is hopeful, almost nervous.
Barclay touches his shoulder, “Anytime.”
“So, uh, I’ve haven’t had a chance to ask but, uh, when you’re not working or chatting with me here, what do you do? For, like, fun?” Barclay leans across the counter as Joseph licks his form clean of meringue. Barclay’s gone through twelve different pie recipes in the last month just to see which ones the other man likes best.
“I read a lot, cultivate an extensive knowledge of old horror movies, try to make decent risotto in my apartment...oh, I play frisbee golf sometimes, I picked it up in college.”
“Any interest in seeing that new Godzilla movie? It looks terrible but in a fun way.”
“Oh yeah, I like what I’ve seen of the design they’re using for the kaiju.” He notices Barclays hand resting millimeters for his own. He runs his thumb along Barclays knuckles, “are you asking if I’ll go see it with you, big guy?”
“Uh huh.”
“I’d love to.”
“Holy fuck babe, when you said you were running out to get breakfast I figured you meant, like, McMuffins.”
“Only the best for you, big guy. Consider it a thank you for making dinner last night.” Joseph finishes laying out the donuts from “Holes in One” next to the plate of bagels and lox from the only place that Joseph insists does them right.
Barclay wraps his arms around him, tickling his cheek with his beard, “you’re fucking amazing babe.”
Joseph kisses him, coffee flavored and light, “So are you. Still want to play chess later?”
“Uh huh. Winner gets to blow the loser?”
“I like those terms, Mr. Cobb.”
It’s been like this for the last three months; evenings at the movies or tangled up in bed, mornings in sleepy hazes on the couch or out the eat, days upon days of Joseph spoiling, servicing, and just generally loving the hell out of him.
There are also the nights or, more often, early mornings, when Joseph returns steeped in grim satisfaction. At first he avoided having Barclay over those nights or going to see him the next day. Lately, they’re together so much that it’s unavoidable that Barclay will see the lethal edge lingering in his gaze or rub knots from his shoulders that he knows were earned in some darkened room where horrors had been playing out for weeks, months, even years. He doesn’t shy away from it; he loves Joseph, and that means seeing him clearly, though sometimes what he sees sends chills across his skin. Chills that feel less and less like fear.
They’re out for a walk around the lake, trading bites of gelato, when a question tunnels it’s way to the front of Barclays mind. He waits until they’re sitting on a bench far from any prying ears to ask it.
“What made you decide to, uh, do what you do?”
His boyfriend studies him, then sighs, “A number of things. Fear was the first one; you said you don’t follow true crime, so I’m guessing you don’t know of the Janesville Strangler?”
“He killed ten young women over the course of three years. He’s also my biological father. Michael Stern is my stepfather and, at my request, my adoptive one as well; my mom remarried as soon as she was sure my father couldn’t get out. He, he never turned any violence on me, but I suspect he used me as leverage with mom; she was a smart woman, I suspect she noticed something amiss but was frightened into keeping quiet. I was six when they locked him up, eight when she remarried. Mike is a gentle man, he did his best to raise me the same. But I, I never shook the fear that whatever drove my father to kill innocent people lurks somewhere in my genes.”
Barclay’s arm rests protectively across Joseph’s shoulders.
“I joined the FBI because I felt if I was able to turn whatever killer genes I have towards understanding serial murderers, I could use them to help others. Keep people safe. Ambition and skill moved me through the ranks quickly but” he sighs, “the more I rose, the more I saw how little was being done. How cases were mishandled, how if there was the slightest hint it was a cop or veteran doing the killing suddenly the case went cold, how a killer could pick off person after person and no one cared because the victims were the “wrong” kind of people. It came to a head two years ago; I’d poured all this energy into a case where the killer went after sex workers. He was prolific and obviously cruel, I fought tooth and nail for every resource I needed to track him. Officer Alex Brown was my main suspect, I was so close to getting a warrant to search his property and then they closed the case. Insisted the deaths were unrelated. I...I went up and searched on my own and” he looks at the sky, rests his head on Barclays arm, “lord almighty the things I found. I was right, I was right and I couldn’t do anything about it, he’d get to just go on preying on people and I couldn’t handle failing his future victims that way. I waited until he went on a hunting trip. Alone. Lots of things can happen to a man in the woods. And it’s hard to find evidence when his body just happens to fall near a coyote den.”
A little smile, one he tries to suppress, creeps up his cheeks, “I’ve never felt so powerful in my entire life. I decided I’d still try to play by the rules but that if I knew, for certain, someone was guilty and being shielded by either ignorance or malice, I’d solve the problem myself.” He looks at Barclay for the first time since he started his answer, face turning to shame, “I’m sorry, I, I should have given the short answer. I didn’t, I don’t want to upset you, or scare you but it’s hard not to given-”
“Joseph” Barclay carefully runs his fingers over black hair, “it’s not like I forgot how we met. I...I’m not under any misimpressions about what you’re capable of. I just wanted to know how you arrived at the solution you did. It’s, uh, it’s not what I’d choose for myself, not something I could do but, uh, I guess what I’m trying to say is that this isn’t going to push me away from you. And that it means a lot to me that you trust me enough to explain it.”
His boyfriend curls closer, “It means a lot to me, too.”
Black gloves on his throat, weight on his chest and when he opens his eyes it’s Joseph above him, steel in his gaze and between his fingers. He’s in a muddled dream version of Bear Butcher’s apartment
“Hi, big guy.” The thin knife slices up Barclay’s pants, “let’s get you out of these.”
“Please, please I-”
“Shhhh” Joseph kisses him, “I removed the man who threatened you. But you’re so handsome laid out like this, a victim just waiting for someone to make you scream.”
“Babe, I-”
“That’s not my name right now. Call me..” the hand no longer has a knife, is running roughly up his cock instead, “call me…”
Barclay wakes up still humping the mattress as he cums. Blindly, he reaches for his phone to check the time. It’s the fifth dream like that in two weeks, and they always leave him so horny he tries to get it up and get off again if there’s time. No such luck today; he has to be up in ten minutes.
He tries not to think about it during work, just like he tries not to think about it the rest of the time. Especially in bed with Joseph, his attentive, indulgent Joseph who puts all his organizational skills and professional practice at giving orders into domming Barclay so sweetly he stays in subspace for hours.
He’s still very much not thinking about Joseph gagging him so his screams don’t wake the neighbors as he climbs the stairs to his boyfriends place. Dani was a sweetheart and took care of his orders for him, so he was able to leave work early.
The T.V is on, volume up loud enough that he can tell what his boyfriend is up to before he even walks into the room. He fully intends to tease him for not being able to wait until Barclay was there to jerk off before hauling him into the bedroom. But when he sees the screen, he freezes.
A man in what looks like a cheesy camp counselor uniform is tied to the bed, his shirt stuffed into his mouth as a make-shift gag. Straddling him is a man in a black jumpsuit, knife near his hand and cock buried in the counselors ass.
“That’s it sweetheart, wiggle and try’n get away; you ain’t gonna and it feels so fuckin good when you try. This is what you get for leaving the window open.”
The counselor shakes his head, fear so palpable Barclay barely notices the fact the boom mic is in the shot. The killer pulls the gag free.
“Please, please, don’t kill meAH, ohgod”
A dark laugh, “I’m not gonna kill you, sugar. Thought about it, but when am I gonna find an ass this good again? Nah, I’m gonna take you back with me, keep you strapped down because you’re the, fuck, cutest goddamn specimen I ever caught.”
On the couch, Joseph tenses, cumming in the sleeve he’s using with a cry at the same moment the killer on screen cums and bends to kiss his co-stars tear-streaked face.
Joseph hits the remote, causing the T.V to go dark and reveal Barclay’s reflection.
“Shit!” Joseph leaps up, making Barclay yelp in surprise, “oh, oh thank the lord it’s just you….oh god how much of that did you see?”
Joseph drops to the couch, head in hands, “shit. I’m, I’m so sorry Barclay, I, I never wanted you to know about this habit, I’m sorry it’s awful.” The voice between his fingers sounds like it might cry.
“I mean, that wasn’t like a snuff film, right?”
“Those aren’t real.”
He can’t help but smile remembering Joseph’s rant on the subject, “what I meant was: those guys are just actors getting paid to do a scene like that, not some actually getting attacked.”
“Of course not.” Joseph looks up, horrified, “I’d never watch something like that. The, the whole reason I like this company is that they do horror porn under very ethical working conditions.”
“Then why are you acting like I caught you pissing in my coffee?”
“Does the fact I get off to this honestly not bother you?”
“I mean, people get off to all sorts of shit. Like, um, like” he twists the bracelet on his wrist, “like their boyfriend tying them up and threatening to make them scream.”
Josephs eyes widen. Then he shakes his head, “No. No we can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I...I never, ever want to hurt you that way. Even in a scene. I can’t stand the thought of you being scared of me, of turning these impulses loose on you. It sounds fun until I picture it and then it makes me ill. No, this stays firmly in my head.”
“Okay.” He keeps his reply soft to hide his disappointment. Joseph is still on the couch, refusing to look his way, and so he circles it and kneels at his feet to better rub his arms. He thinks about the images on screen. About Joseph, blissed out then suddenly shame-faced. Joseph, two nights ago, calculated and loving as he worked Barclay over.
No, maybe the kind of scene he’s been picturing isn’t for them. But he can think of one that is.
“What if, uh, instead of giving into the desires that freak you out we kind of rechannel them. Like, instead of strapping me down to torment me, you’re doing it to show off?”
Blue eyes meet his for the first time all night, “Say more.”
“Ready?” Barclay bats his eyelashes at Joseph as his boyfriend finishes double checking the tightness of the rope he’s using to tie Barclays arms above his head.
“Ready.” Joseph stands, rolling his shoulders and closing his eyes as he takes deep breaths. Then he frowns, “can you start us off?”
“Sure thing, babe.” He nestles his head on the pillow, “okay, you found me tied up like this. What’s your first thought?”
Joseph opens his eyes, gaze sharp, “That I’m so lucky someone left a handsome specimen like you where I could find him.”
Barclays cock twitches at being referred to that way, “You’re not gonna let me go?”
“Not just yet. You’re so perfect, will you let me make a case for staying here with me?”
“Please” Barclay whimpers as Joseph straddles him, knife in hand.
“I’m very precise, for starters.” He cuts slowly up Barclays boxers until he can pull the strip of fabric off. Repeats the process, lips a firm line of concentration, with his undershirt, “see? There’s not even a scratch. I have to be careful not to damage my perfect specimen.”
Barclay groans, rolling his hips. Joseph smiles, shifting so his cock rubs against Joseph’s clothed crotch.
“Fuck, Joseph-”
“Shhhh” a gloved thumb brushes his lips, “When you’re like this, my name is Sir.”
“Ohfuck.” Barclay rubs his cheek pleadingly in his palm, “Sir, please, please, untie me so I can touch you.”
“Not yet.” Joseph pats his cheek, scoots backwards on the bed, “besides, you’ll have lots of time to touch me once I take you home and make you my sweet live-in plaything.”
“Holyfuckingshit.” Barclay fights off a dozen tantalizing images of what that could entail to focus on their plan, “Sir? What, uh, what was the guy who tied me up going to do to me?”
His boyfriend settles between his legs, “He was going to take you apart.” He lifts Barclay’s right leg, “starting with these, so if you got free you couldn’t run. This tendon first” he kisses the back of his knee, making Barclay giggle. He pauses, then decides on holding both legs up at once so he can repeat the kiss on the other side. His lips move slowly down to his ankles, right side and then the left, before a final one lands on his arch, “he was going to cut here too. But not me” the kisses continue, “I’m going to rub them every evening so you’re never sore.”
“Fuuuuck” He sighs as Joseph straddles him once more, leaning forward so he can kiss and fondle his arms.
“He was going to slice alllll along here” Joseph’s breathing is picking up the longer he lavishes Barclay with kisses, “then he was going to take your fingers one by one” Joseph kisses each knuckle in turn, his free hand petting Barclay’s face and hair, “then he was going to commit a cardinal sin by mangling these” Joseph toys with his pecks, sucks happily on his left nipple for a moment, “what a crime that would have been.”
“Sir” it’s a whine as Joseph nips and kisses his way down to his navel.
He raises slightly, mouth just above Barclays cock, “and because he had no imagination, he was going to cut this wonderful appendage off. Which is not the treatment it deserves.”
“What treatment does it deserve SirrrrrOHfuck, fuckyes” Barclay pants as Joseph licks stripe after stripe up his cock. As Joseph licks and sucks him to a hard-on, he feels the plug slip from his ass.
“I don’t know what his plans were for that” Joseph sits up, undoing his pants and pulling out his cock, “but I know what mine are.” He pushes Barclays legs wide, works his cock in with slow, steady thrusts while Barclay tries to remember how words work.
“Shit, yes, god your ass is amazing, what kind of person sees it and thinks its for anything but fucking?”
“Nngh” Barclay clings to the ropes as Joseph’s thrusts quicken.
“Lord, I thought you were a perfect specimen before but I was wrong, you look even better taking my cock.”
“Fuck, fuck that’s hot.”
Joseph grip his thighs tight enough to hurt, “well, big guy, will you stay with me?” His eyes glitter, his hair is coming loose and falling across his forehead.
“YesAH, yes, ohfucksirright there” He didn’t notice Joseph changing the angle of thrusts until his cock found his prostate, “I’ll be so good Sir, wanna be a good boy for you.”
“Oh good.” Joseph’s smile goes wolfish for an instant, “because I would have had to do some very mean things to persuade you if you refused.”
Barclay cums at that, staining Joseph’s shirt with white. His hands knock against the headboard as Joseph fucks him hard enough to make him sob with oversensitive pleasure.
“You’re going to be such a nice plaything for Sir, aren’t you?”
“Good boyOH, ohshit, shit.” Joseph pulls out halfway through cumming, spattering it on Barclays thighs and balls. Carefully, he lowers his legs. Then his boyfriend collapses into his arms, panting and giddy.
“That, that was so fun. I’d say who knew but every time we fuck you show me just how fucking fun all this can be.”
“Aw, babe.” He goes to hug him and rediscovers the ropes.
“Ohshit, here” Joseph sets to work undoing his knots, “are your wrists okay? Not too sore? How about your shoulders?”
“They all feel fucking great, baby. I feel great. How could I not? I got you looking after me.”
Joseph smiles, “and out for you.”
“That too. Now c’mere, special agent, your next assignment is cuddling your boyfriend.”
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r3almellow · 5 years ago
MLQC Boys And The Domestic Life
I kept this as PG-13 as possible.  You guys know I can be a little...naughty with my HC’s but I know that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I try not to do too much. I apologize if you were hoping something else! Apologies for the typos and such! 
Warning: Slight Spoilers for those who know nothing about their backstories or current events!
Kiro’s life is crazy enough as it is, so coming home to you is a nice change of pace. No cameras flashing in his face, no overly excited fans, and no manager to hound him about what he can and can’t eat. It’s just you and him just the way he likes it.
Your boy is a gamer and will always try to pull you into whatever he’s playing. 
He will buy a lot of two player games just so you can play with him. 
If its a single player game you enjoy watching him play! He’ll even offer to teach you how to play!
Since he’s also a huge fan of comics he’ll talk your ear off about them! 
Bonus points if you’re a comic book lover and/or a gamer too! 
Will fall even more in love with you if you go out of your way to buy things he’s interested in. 
“I got you this limited edition Iron Man statue! Like it?” 
He’ll marry you right then and there! 
Kiro is very playful so expect tons of play fights! Tickle fights, pillow fights, and wrestling which...turns into....you know....
Kiro enjoys going grocery shopping with you. Of course he has to be in disguise in order to shop with you in peace, but he enjoys the company while he buys things that would get him into trouble with Savin. 
However, Savin has nothing to worry about when it comes to Kiro’s eating habits, because while you’re pretty lenient with Kiro and often him join his mischievous activities, you do a great job with following his diet routine. 
You’ll sometimes join him on his diets to support him. Its hard on you, especially when the sight of french fries makes your mouth water. 
“See, honey, drinking a protein shake isn’t so bad!” 
“But I want a milkshake, barbecued ribs and a nice juicy burger!!!!” Poor baby just wants to eat!
You’re normally the one that cooks mainly because Kiro never has time to do it himself and almost always settles for something quick or whatever his nutritionist shoves down his throat.  If he does have time off you both cook together. 
If Kiro ends up breaking his diet you join him on his workouts. Kiro doesn’t mind because there’s something about you being all sweaty and panting heavily that really gets him going. 
 “I’m sweaty and gross...” 
“What a coincidence?! I’m all sweaty and gross too! Lets take a shower together.” 
In the bedroom, Kiro is definitely a cuddler and it doesn’t matter who cuddles first as long as he can feel you against him. 
Because of his busy schedule Kiro becomes extremely needy. Both in the sexual and non-sexual sense. He hates being away from you for too long and calls you almost everyday while he’s away. 
He’ll be in the middle of rehearsals while FaceTiming you and Savin is like “BOY IF YOU DON’T STOP WITH THAT PUPPY LOVE BS AND FINISH THIS DANCE NUMBER I’LL...” 
If your relationship isn’t public yet, Kiro won’t do too much, but he will steal kisses when he thinks no one is looking. You two have been caught fooling around by Savin a few times, which always ends with him scolding you both. 
He wants the world to know how much he loves you and will continue to broadcast it until hell freezes over. 
Will put his fans in their place if they try anything with you. Your sunshine ain’t afraid to lay down the law!
Top 3 Pet Names: Miss Chips, Honey, and Cutie. Honorable Mention: Cookie
As you know, Gavin’s upbringing wasn’t exactly the best and seeing what his mom went through, he never wants to put you through that. 
This man practically worships you! You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a partner so he’ll do anything to keep you in his life and happy. 
Casual dates. Nothing too fancy unless its a special occasion like a birthday or maybe....a wedding proposal?! 
Aside from that, Gavin’s pretty simple and often lets you take the lead which you find infuriating since you want him to have some sort of input in decision making when it comes to little things.
Gavin is the cook of the household mainly because you think he’s the better cook. If you make such claims, Gavin will always say that he prefers to eat whatever you make.
In bed, Gavin likes to hold you tightly from behind with his faced buried in your hair. His favorite position is where you’re hugging him and he has his head pressed against your chest. Its easier to hear your heartbeat that way. 
If you stroke his hair while holding him then he’s a goner. He’ll be out like a light and you’ll just watch how adorable he looks sleeping against you.
Days where you’re both home are referred to as “Lazy Days.” You’ll sit around, do absolutely nothing, and enjoy each other’s company. You may wash Sparky after its gone through a full week of riding through the city, but sometimes the laziness is just too strong. 
Doesn’t help when Gavin has you in his arms. The entire day can escape you when you’re in such a comfortable position. 
As for PDA, this man doesn’t care who’s watching! If he feels like kissing you then he’ll kiss you and he’s all about hand holding. If you’re uncomfortable with such gestures then he’ll refrain from doing so.
Until you say otherwise, you will be getting a lot of affection out in the open! If people glare, then he’ll just glare right back and go back to loving on you. 
Being in love with you and not caring what people think isn’t a crime, right?! 
Obviously, he won’t do anything too wild, but Gavin can be a bit mischievous when he wants to be. 
He’s not as bad as Kiro in the cheeky department, but a lot of the “accidental” touches aren’t accidents at all! 
Always your protector. Is always up for kicking someone’s ass if they look at you funny. He’d go to jail for you or...at least make whatever he’s about to do look like an accident.
Clingy Baby #2!
When he’s gone for long periods of time, he clings on to you and never lets you go once he returns. 
Holding you in his arms while you’re trying to cook, casually playing with your hands as the two of you watch TV, and heated make out sessions that often end in a night of passion. 
No one would have guessed Gavin could turn into a touch starved crazy man. But could you blame him? The things he has to go through on missions really puts him in a mood. He needs your love and affection after a long mission. 
Prefers to spoil you instead of the other way around, but let’s you pamper him. He hasn’t been shown any form of affection since his mother died, so bare with him! 
Gavin has never told you this outright, but you’re the closest thing to a home he has ever had in a very long time. Wherever you are, he wants to be right by your side. 
Top 3 Pet Names:  Babe/Baby, Beautiful, and Angel
Victor loves taking you out whether its to nice restaurants or out of the country. 
Has no problem dropping thousands on you because you deserve the world. You’ll have to tell him to calm down with how much he spoils you, but he most likely won’t listen. 
Of course he’s not completely insane and has some level of restraint. 
Ever the professional, there is a difference between how Victor treats you at work compared to when you’re home. 
He always wants you to be at your best and doesn’t want you slacking off just because you’re with him.  
At home, Victor is a way more affectionate with you. The first few times he pulled you in for a loving embrace or a kiss, you had to do a double take. This isn’t the cold-hearted CEO who picked a part your report and verbally ripped it to shreds just hours before!
Victor does most of the cooking, but if you want to help him he won’t complain. Just listen to the directions he gives you and he won’t critique you.
He does appreciate it when you cook for him. Sometimes you’ll wake up before him just to prepare a nice breakfast and his heart just swells at the sight of you doing your best to make scrambled eggs. 
“Its a little runny, but edible.” Wow...thank’s, honey. 
Victor loves taking you to Souvenir so he can cook for you. Lunch dates and dinner dates are sometimes had there. 
Sleeping wise, Victor will entwine his fingers with yours and hold your hand over his chest as he sleeps on his back and you sleep on your side. He will never admit it, but he’s a big fan of being the big spoon especially after a night of intimacy. 
Will teach you French if you ask! Will sometimes tease you by throwing out random French phrases and if you figure out what he says he’ll give you a reward!
Your man is a workaholic! You sometimes have to convince him to sleep after he spends countless hours working. Even on his days off his eyes are either glued to his phone or his computer. 
He’ll be reluctant, but he’ll drop whatever he’s doing if you’re adamant about him getting rest or spending time with you.  
If he’s already in bed looking over paperwork you can just snuggle up to him to distract him from what he’s doing. Of course he’ll complain, but all of that stops the minute he wraps his arms around you. 
Victor isn’t one for too much PDA, but he will do small things. 
For example, you’ll be at a company event, he’ll squeeze your hand gently and kiss the back of it just to see you blush.
Speaking of events, you attend all of the banquets with him. Everyone knows who you are and who you’re with. They won’t dare try any funny business with you.
 There is a big part of him that likes to brag about you to his business associates. 
“They saved a dying company through hard work and determination, has to deal with me on a daily basis, and continues to persevere even when the odds are against them. They’re one of a kind.” 
Top 3 Pet Names: Idiot/Dummy, Dear and Darling(Victor normally uses nicknames when you’re in an intimate setting and very rarely) 
Ever since he was young Lucien has known nothing but hardships and just how cruel and twisted the world was. 
Having you in his life really changes his perspective on the world. Who would have thought that a man like him would have someone as precious as you in his life?
Your dates consist of art exhibits, aquariums, and picnics in the park. Honestly Lucien prefers private and more intimate dates with you. It gives him a chance to learn more about you and to really focus on you without the distraction of the outside world. 
You cook together and its pretty much a perfect balance. You learn different recipes together and think of it as a bonding experience.
You often visit him on campus for lunch dates and to work on whatever project you’ve roped him into. 
You’re not sure why, but his students practically adore you. You’ve heard them whisper about your future with the popular professor. Talks of marriage often fills the room whenever they catch wind of you being on campus for the day. 
You find it embarrassing, but Lucien only laughs off the murmurs of his students. 
They have active imaginations, but he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t think of spending the rest of his life with you.
Lucien is fine with PDA. He’ll hold your hand and give you gentle kisses. He’ll tease you a lot!! There’s never a time where he doesn’t have you blushing. 
He enjoys catching you off guard! Lucien will even go as far as to steal a quick kiss while you’re rambling about how much stress you’re under with work. 
Lucien’s favorite thing to do with you is to relax in a nice warm bubble bath. It only turns steamy 70% of the time but Lucien truly enjoys little intimate moments like that with you. 
When it comes to sleeping, Lucien really likes it when you’re sleeping against him with your head on his chest and he has an arm around your torso.
He also likes listening to your steady breaths as you sleep. There’s something soothing about how calm you sound in your most vulnerable state. He sleeps a thousand times better when you’re with him.  
Lucien appreciates how accepting you are of him despite the fact that he’s done a lot of harm in the past. 
You trust that Lucien will never hurt you and while he knows this, he sometimes feels like he has a lot to prove. 
Deceiving you is his biggest regret and if you continue to love him, Lucien will devote his life to making you happy.
Top 3 Pet Names: My Little Fool, Love, and Silly
Done! I really hope you like it! Want to read more of my stuff?! Please go to my MLQC masterlist here!
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perriewinklenerdie · 5 years ago
Hand in my hand (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hello, hello, hello! We back, how we feeling, fam? Everyone alive? When I say I got thrown into the writing pit after yesterday’s chapter, I mean I was *slammed* against the wall, not the first and certainly not the last time either. So, it is a rewrite of two scenes in particular, with my own twist and added touches cause I couldn’t help myself :D
Special thanks to my friend @strawberrwess for coming up with a line in here and letting me use it <3
AO3 link:
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @strawberrwess @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @bucket-harrington , @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements,  @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @daisy-ashton, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie
Enjoy! <3
The administrative office is strangely empty and quiet when they enter, the artificial lighting making the white of the walls and furniture even brighter. After making sure that they were alone, twice, for the good measure, Claire strode towards the desk, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of the screen. It was unlocked, there for the taking
“Is it bad that I was expecting that to be the case? Amateurs.” she muttered under her breath, causing Ethan to let out a laugh that he had to stifle. Claire sat down on the chair, clicking a few buttons on the keyboard, her eyes scanning the information before her. Ethan walked over to her side, putting his hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
“Let me, I’m more familiar with their system.” He spoke gently, their eyes locking for a brief moment when she stood up to make space for him, their faces in close proximity long enough for his thoughts to get swarmed with all kinds of images that threatened to overwhelm him and make him throw all this inhibitions to the wind and just reach for her.
Claire moved to the door, leaning against the frame, watching the hallway for anyone that might sink their mission. Meanwhile, Ethan took the seat and got to work. He combed through the files, looking for the name of the senator, but it proved to be more work than he anticipated, for his eyes kept straying to Claire. She was keeping guard, but more often than not, he felt her gaze on him, and found it incredibly distracting.
“Is there something on your mind, Claire?” he smirked, directing his attention back to the task at hand.
“I like looking at fine things, Ethan. That’s all.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking back towards the corridor. “So how often do you come here?”
“Very occasionally. I’m consulting on a research project with an immunologist which requires me to come by a few times a year, but I largely try to avoid the place.” Ethan answered offhandedly, his tone neutral for the most part, sparking up only when he mentioned his research.
“Because of Tobias?” after receiving no answer from him, she carried on. “Ethan, Tobias seems to enjoy messing with you.”
“Oh, he does. He messes with everyone, I’m no exception here.” He nodded after a moment of consideration, without delving into the memories too much.
“Even when you were friends?”
“Of course. After all, we were both troublemakers. But while I was direct with challenging my authority figures, he always was a prankster.” A ghost of a smile appeared on his face as he recalled his first med school year.
“Challenging your authority figures, huh?” Claire grinned widely, looking back outside to make sure they were safe before walking towards him. “Do you mind me challenging you, Dr. Ramsey?”
“No, as long as I get to challenge you too, Dr. Herondale, I don’t.” he looked up at her, electricity humming softly in the air around them. After a long, intense moment, he continued. “We had one particularly uptight professor with some… very outdated theories. Tobias swapped out his projector slides with rude drawings.”
“You draw?” she asked, surprised, laughing when he nodded.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Is there anything you can’t do? Actually, don’t answer that, I don’t think I want to know. Don’t burst the bubble for me.” Claire held her hand up, looking over her shoulder to check on their situation. “What kind of ‘rude drawings’ did you do?”
“What makes you think it was me?”
“Was it not you?” her eyebrow shot up in a question. He held his breath, fighting to keep a straight face, before ultimately failing and laughing warmly. “Thought so. So, what was it?”
“Some women and men in very revealing poses.” He admitted, his cheeks reddening slightly. Claire giggled, her eyes widening a bit. Nodding her head, she brushed her hand against his shoulder.
“If you ever need a model, hit me up.”
“I’m going to pretend I understood the last part of that sentence and accept your offer. Anytime, Rookie.” He mused softly, his hand moving to brush his fingers against hers, twining them for a short moment. Wordlessly, they spent the next few seconds, reveling in the quiet comfort of each other’s closeness. Eventually, they fell back into the everyday world, him going back to searching for the senator’s name on the long list of patients while she retreated to her previous spot by the door.
“Anyway, the professor did the whole two-hour lecture without one looking back to notice why we were laughing. Me? I always preferred calling him an idiot to his face.”
“Sounds like you.” she teased him, moving her weight from one foot to the other. “It also sounds like you two were having a lot of fun together.”
All he did was hum quietly, then his attention was focused solely on the task at hand. His smile fell as he sat back in the chair, confirming what they both were afraid of. “There is no Farrugia anywhere in the hospital. Are we sure June’s tip was reliable?”
“I think so… Could he be under a pseudonym? Would a hospital allow that?” Claire’s confusion was clear on her face as she walked over to him, leaning against the desk, folding her arms over her chest.
Ethan nodded, deep in thoughts. “It’s possible. But that means we need to figure out what a senator neither of us has ever met would use as an alias.”
“But it may not have been the senator who came up with the alias at all…” she trailed off, the gears in her head turning. Letting out a deep breath, she spoke up. “Okay, what do we know about Tobias? He would have been the one to admit the senator, and it seems unlikely he’d pick a name at complete random.”
“No, almost nobody would.” He agreed, leaning forward, resting his head on his hands.
“Can you think of any name that might have popped into his head? A relative, or friend, or-“
“Dwight Theodore Lewis III.” He stated firmly, a spark in his eyes. Claire shifted in her place, turning to face him more directly.
A smirk lit up his face when he recalled that piece of information. “It was the name of Tobias’s fake I.D. He kept it framed on his desk as a memorial to ‘all the good times’ they shared. He used it any time he needed to avoid getting in trouble.”
“Great.” She drummed her fingers against the surface of the desk in excitement. “So is there a Dwight Theodore Somebody the Somethingth in the records?”
A few clicks later, a file popped up on the screen and Ethan turned fully towards her with a wide and satisfied grin. “Room 734. That’s in the V.I.P. wing.”
“Kenmore had a literal V.I.P. wing?”
“There’s more than one reason I despise this place.” He muttered under his breath, sharing a knowing gaze with her. He opened his mouth to say something else when the voice of a woman reached their ears, indicating she was approaching them. They both froze, uncertain what to do. Not enough time to run and nowhere to hide, about to be caught.
With no warning, Ethan reached from his seat for her, his hand grabbing the front of her scrubs, and pulled her onto him. She stumbled, her knees hitting the chair, hands grabbing onto his shoulders to keep her balance. He looked up at her, eyes locking for a brief moment, and she couldn’t find a sliver of hesitation if she tried. His hands pressed firmly against her back, pushing her onto him even more, and with one, small movement from him, his lips touched hers urgently, like he couldn’t wait a second more, like he’d combust if he had to stay away from her.
The intensity took her breath away. Her heart stopped beating, only to pick up its pace the moment it came back to life, her head spinning. She twined her fingers into his hair, pulling on the strands to pull him closer, even though it was humanly impossible to do so. Their faces were as close as they could possibly be.
“Oh! Uh… Sorry!” the same female voice rang behind them, but neither noticed nor cared. Retreating footsteps were barely acknowledged, for they were far too gone. The lady closed the door to provide them privacy, making Ethan grateful, mostly because it allowed him fully sit her in his lap. He grabbed her by the hips and hauled her into the sitting position, her knees locking him down in the chair.
A soft sigh slipped past her lips when Ethan directed his kisses down her neck, moving aside his own lab coat, a bit too big and hanging loose on her body, then the material of her scrubs, to reveal the skin on her collarbone, teasing it lightly with his lips. Claire shifted on top of her, drawing a strangled groan from him.
Ethan stood up and carried her onto the desk, stepping in between her legs, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. His hands were running up and down her back, holding her in place, closely to him, while her fingers combed through his hair gently. Claire’s heels grazed against the back of his thighs briefly, preventing him from stepping away at the same time.
When the kiss finally broke, they were both out of breath and out of mind. He leaned away from her, with no enthusiasm, wanting nothing more than to dive back into her and never stop kissing her. Knowing that they both had duties to fulfil, he reluctantly moved back, though his hold on her never lessened.
“We should… We need to…” he panted as he spoke, his eyes darkened with desire. Claire nodded, grinning widely at how certain he was in all his movements.
“Room 734. Yeah.”
Her laughter ringed in the air as her and Baz ran out of the hospital through the main entrance, not daring to look back and see if Tobias was still following them. Just then, ever the savior, Ethan pulls up in front of them, slamming the brakes. He called out through the open window.
“Need a ride?” unsurprisingly, he was incredibly smug about it. Baz laughed, throwing himself towards the back seat.
“This is just like a movie!”
“My hero.” Claire giggled, opening and closing the door to the passenger’s seat hastily. She turned her head towards the building, just in time to see Tobias bursting out of the entrance. “Ethan, hit it!”
His foot slammed on the accelerator, the car speeding away, leaving Tobias far behind them. Looking back at his form that was getting smaller and smaller, she noticed his amused smirk. “Looks like this round goes to Edenbrook.”
She then turned back around, letting out a relieved laugh as her forehead fell against Ethan’s shoulder. He looked at her briefly, a soft smile lighting up his face. Claire leaned back into her seat a moment later, her breathing evening out.
“So, did our plan work?” he asked, relaxing when the tension left him.
“Like a charm. We should be expecting the senator to join us in the hospital soon.” She grinned, her heartbeat picking up when Ethan looked at her again, his eyes softening.
The silence was comfortable, a striking contrast to the adrenaline-driven events that took place just minutes ago. Ethan kept stealing glances at Claire, Claire kept on brushing her fingers against his, seemingly by accident.
“You two can hold hands, you know?” Baz’s voice rang from the backseat, causing them to freeze in their movements.
“We don’t-“
“Why would you-“
“Oh, come on. You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried. Both of you are flushed, your lips are bruised, not that I have any idea or want to know when you two found the time to make out on a mission. So, please.” He laid it all out for them, then leaned forward, grabbing their hands and joining them firmly. “Commit to it, dammit.”
Ethan fought the overwhelming smile, tried to bite it down, but ultimately failed and just accepted it, his fingers tangling with hers. Claire nodded, catching Baz’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He winked at her knowingly, then sat back in his seat with a satisfied smile.
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oneirataxxiaa · 5 years ago
the girls of the team <3
so *cough* I struggle to write from a male perspective, and also it's pride month so try and stop me? these are all either mega gay or gender neutral.
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matching tattoos (different then Jaimes headcanons)
the arrow tattoo on your shoulder was usually what people noticed about you first.
it was a stark contrast against the colour of your skin, so it was easily spotted.
one of the reasons that, when your mother dragged you into a life of crime and villainy, you had to wear sleeves.
sleeves are for chumps.
you didn't really have a choice with the whole villainy thing, but you went along with it to please your mother.
after a little while, she deemed you a good enough fighter to present you to the light, who began to use you as a pawn, much like many of the teen villains that the light had under their wing.
you run into the team on a mission nothing after being brought to the Light.
You almost instantly die during the fight because your too distracted by the blonde teen with the arrow tattoo to focus on not getting your ass kicked by Robin.
When one of his birdarangs slices the sleeve from your shoulder, you begin to focus.
Only for everyone else to stop when Robin yells in surprise.
your tattoo is showing. The fight sort of slows.
the team was winning anyway, Icicle Jr is on the ground, held down by one of Zatannas spells, and Mammoth had been trapped in a metal shipping container by Superboy.
'that's not something you see everyday' Robin says.
but you throw down a gas bomb and vanish before Artemis can talk to you.
She isn't one to dance around stuff, she'll hunt you down to talk to you.
you've got an apartment to yourself, there's a knock at the door and suddenly there's this ponytail blonde chick in your apartment.
'do you have any idea how hard it is to find you? ever?'
once you figure out who she is, the two of you talk - without you gas bombing your way out of the situation.
the two of you start meeting up for coffee, then dates.
suddenly you wake up to Cheshire in your apartment asking about your intentions with her sister.
the same thing happens a week later when Sportsmaster gets wind of what was happening.
why does her family resort to violence so quickly? you've had to dodge three ninja stars and a baseball bat this week alone.
God help you.
Artemis is there though, to help you out and tell her family to calm the hell down.
you'd be fairly quick at jumping over to the team to avoid your mother. as always, Artemis is right there to help her soulmate out.
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danger meter
you weren’t sure how to react on the day your soulmates danger meter hit 10.
you were about fifteen when it happened. and you had no idea what to think considering no one anywhere near your age had anything over a 5.
life went on as normal as it could after that.
every now and again you would get questions about it, from friends or families.
about how your number is so high,  how dangerous your soulmate is.
as you get older, people begin to avoid you, stemming from the belief that your soulmate is one of the many chaotic villains that appear across the world.
you’re seventeen when you run into your soulmate during an attack in your home on Rhode Island. Living so close to happy harbour always seemed to attract trouble it seemed.
Theres screams and explosions from the street ahead of you, and fueled by curiosity, you run ahead to see whats happening. 
Only to have a block of concrete hurled in your direction.
It stops centimetres from your face, glowing a faint green before being pulled away and thrown back at the source.
“Are you alright?” a soft voice asks you, almost right away you realise this girl is your soulmate, and you can understand why the danger number is so high. 
Shes a hero, and a powerful one at that considering how she just saved your life.
“uh yeah, i’m fine” you stammer out and she smiles. sticking out her hand and introducing herself. 
one of the other heroes calls out at her, telling her to focus on the battle and make introductions later. 
She promises to talk to you after the fight, and suddenly your like a mile away and a ginger boy is giving you a mock salute before vanishing into a yellow blue.
not even twenty minutes later and Megan is there, happily reintroducing herself and asking if the two of you can hang out.
you ask about the danger number, yours in fairly low, but your curious as to why hers is so high. 
She explains her martian powers as best she can to you, but they are a little confusing for someone who has never been exposed to that sort of stuff before.
Megan is a little bit of a hopeless romantic, so she may jump too quickly into a relationship with you, assuming since you are soulmates that you have to be together.
It’ll take a little bit of talking between you two to understand what you both actually want in a relationship. 
Honestly and trust being one of them.
you sometimes worry when she goes on long missions and you’re not updated on her status. Nightwing likes to keep you in the loop, par a request from the martian herself.
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red string of fate
if there is anything more fitting with Zatanna’s abilities, its the red string of fate,
A endless blood red string that is attached and tied around the pinky of two individuals. only those two people can see their string, and it becomes tighter the closer one is to their soulmate,
You never really paid attention to your string. It never became taut, always hanging loosely.
You mostly ignored it to be honest.
rather focusing on your school work and trying to balance your work with Lexcorp.
you were just an intern there, but it could be a huge stepping stone to another career for you.
university is a bit of a struggle sometimes. so when you get a break from your work and your friends take you for a day trip in DC you are glad for a break from the workload.
visiting the hall of justice had always been a dream for you, something that was definitely on your bucket list.
so you are basically dragging your friends up the front steps.
as your looking around the exhibits, the string around your finger seems to be almost pulling you, then it's definitely pulling you.
towards two girls in casual clothes talking by the door.
one has brown skin with short hair and is taking rather loud.
the other, you have to take in a breath to realise how pretty she is.
and also the fact that attached to her finger is the other end of your string.
'hi' you seem to appear out of nowhere for them. Your soul mate asks why you suddenly are talking to them, and you raise your hand to show her.
she's kind of in shock for a second and rocket is just, living for it.
'ohhhhhh your soulmate! yes girl!'
she's really not helping your nerves.
you three chat for a little before exchanging numbers with Zatanna - as she introduced herself - and running of with your friends to the next tourist stop.
Zatanna basically tells the whole team when she gets back and they're all ecstatic for her.
you two text a lot since you're busy with school and work, and she's got this super secret job she can't talk about.
She ends up telling you later however when you two are much closer and she feels she can trust you more.
Zatanna would be the best girlfriend. if you're ever feeling down, she's right there to cheer you up no matter what.
she's got your back and you've got hers.
date night's aren't really a thing because of how busy you guys are.
mostly just hanging out in your dorm while you work on a project and she leans up against you, asleep. resting after a mission.
we love you guys
some more soulmate headcanons cause you guys made them my most liked posts!!
the next fic (unless I get a request) will be a Wondergirl one!!
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stopeatingwhales · 5 years ago
pirouettes x graham coxon
this has genuinely been one of my favourite things i’ve written, mainly because i adore ballet in general. i had a lot of fun writing this, so thank you ever so much to the anon who requested it x
Paring: uni graham x reader
Warnings: nothing :)
Word count: 2.024
Requested by anon <3
Usually, like any other dancer, once practice ended I’d leave the soft toned dance halls to rest at home until the next lesson landed upon us. Everyone would be drained, mentally and physically from the excessive training. Yet, on Fridays, the neighbouring day to the channeling weekend, I’d slip in some extra rehearsal alone - regardless of my own tiredness. Over the past few weeks, me staying behind became more periodic, it becoming a significant time where I could perfect any moves I had been struggling with before, without the fear of judgement by my classmates. Since everyone would commonly be exhausted after a couple hours of strenuous practicing, this deemed to be the time I could reach deep into the root of it all, one on one, learning the truth in why I adored ballet so much. 
Ballet was a skill; it wasn’t everyday you were able to find someone who knew how to balance themselves up on their toes, let alone 6 hours a day, doing arduous grand jetés and pirouettes consistently as choreography. It was a beautiful art skill, yet it resulted in tiresome after hours. Regardless, it was my life. 
Fixing my hands on the rail, I relaxed myself, breathing in as I crouched down to the ground. Rising back up, I exhaled. I locked eyes with myself in the mirror placed in front of me, studying my complexion before carrying on with my previous movements. I had smudged mascara underneath my eyes, along with a small spot of smeared lipstick bridged under my bottom lip. Today brought a tale of something rather hectic; I found myself morphing trouble wherever I set foot on. Getting into arguments with friends was something everyone had to endure at some point, but no one liked it. Especially when they slap you in the face. 
Nevertheless, I ignored the marks plastered viciously on my face, proceeding to cultivate my body in second. I inhaled once again, holding my stomach tight, my legs tensed. My eyes never left my leg, until the sounds of footsteps graced the silence in the room. I lifted my head up, forcing one hand on the light wooden rail as I gazed through the mirror to find who had entered. My eyes approached the sight of a man. Graham. I smiled. “Hey,”
He was sat on the light grey blocks stood by the door, used by dancers to sit down when we had our dance breaks. He reciprocated my smile through the mirror. “Hi,” 
Graham and I were close friends at the university. The school had a specific part dedicated for ballet, for those who desired for a career in the art - professionally. Him and I were both doing art, yet his wasn’t the physical kind. It was the courageous, detailed, rhythmic kind. He drew with such passion, but seldom thought of showing it to the world. All of his artworks meant something, it carried a message behind it. It might be the reason why he kept himself intact, rarely finding desire to show people his work, he was scared of showing people a side of him people never ought to have come across before. The wiring of him, his thoughts, his feelings. Perhaps that was why he always craved to show me anything new he made, he wanted to connect with me on a touching level. I suppose it made me special, but his art was the special thing. 
“How are you?” I giggled, confused by his quietness.
“Fine,” he answered, his lip submerging into his mouth. He had a tendency to do that, perhaps out of nervousness, regardless, it always made my heart soften for him. He wasn’t like most males you’d find waltzing around in this day and age. Graham was soft, down to earth, delicate to the touch. He was never the shouty kind; all our conversations were either fragile mumbles or cheerful chats. It made every memory cherishable, in the most touchable ways. “And you?” 
Most Fridays, after his lessons had come to a close, he would stop by the ballet halls and say for a while. Ordinarily, I would feel intruded; I wanted my own time. However, whenever he walked in, everything somehow got better. The moves I was struggling with became as smooth as ice. There was something about him, something unable to name, an aura, a warming feeling that pitted in my stomach - somehow pumping intense rushes of exhilaration to work harder. Whenever he was around, I was able to work to my full potential; when I was alone, it was simply a harmful distraction. The mind is powerful, in dark ways. 
I sighed as I turned my head, now looking at him. “Just practicing, as per usual,” I held my smile, my hand reaching up to my scalp as my fingernails brushed against roots in an attempt to appease myself. My head turned to the mirrors once again, where I was met with my shining reflection. “I hate how we have to tie our hair so tightly, I can’t focus half the time,” 
A soft chuckle echoed through the room, my ears subconsciously perking up to the known sound. His laugh was soothing. A laugh shouldn’t be soothing, it should be rasp, amusing, careless. It was like everything he did, everything he couldn’t control, was beautiful. His giggles sounded like birds tweeting a love song in the early hazes of summer mornings. Almost like calling out for someone, a significant other, in a drunken stupor of neediness. 
Graham didn’t say anything after that. Darting my head from the mirrors once again, his smooth pores reaching out towards me, nagging me for my hands to drift away from the metal bar and grip onto his nape, my thumbs reaching to his cheeks, caressing both of them in sync, counting every single pore visible to the human eye. “Don’t mind me, I’m just watching,” he said, his face resembling those starstruck from coming into contact with someone famous. I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded, fixing my body into a clean state before shaking my head - a hint towards Graham to begin playing the music. 
Once the music began pouring out of the speakers, I felt my body get lost into the music as I washed into every corner of the room. The feeling of Graham’s eyes following my every move powered me to keep pushing for my full potential during the dance. When I first started staying behind on Fridays, I thought that choreographing a solo with all the things I had struggled with previously would help strengthen myself as a dancer - and it did. Graham’s intensive stares and small remarks over how graceful my dancing was always helped me put my heart and soul into this solo; he was there, watching me, every step of the way. 
As the music came to a close, I fixed my body into a pirouette with my arms enveloped above my head. I exhaled strong, heavy breaths, my tummy still sucked in to help me stretch my legs out more. Claps were the only thing playing in the room now - Graham’s clapping. 
“Amazing,” he chirped, standing up from his seat and walking up to me. “You’re absolutely amazing, love,” he added, biting his bottom lip, once again. I felt an intense blush seep out of my cheeks as I dropped my leg and let my body relax. 
“Thank you,” I mumbled, reaching my arms out to engulf him in a tiresome hug. I was a tiny bit shorter than him, perhaps by two or three feet. He would always make fun of it, always reaching his arms out to space challenging me to reach high five him. It was continuously a nuisance to me, but a part of me adored being made a mockery of by Graham. Especially when I’d look down in annoyance and hear Graham’s silky voice turning soft. Aww I’m sorry love, you’re just so cute.
“What do you want to do now?” Graham asked, his head resting on my shoulder, holding the small of my back as he inhaled the scent laced in my hair. I felt his head shift around a bit, trying to get more hair in his face from my ponytail, but I pretended to ignore it - I knew he would feel embarrassed if I called him out on it. 
Releasing my arms from our short-lived hug, my eyes looked towards the mirror to stare at my body. My legs were coated with pale pink tights, so light you’d think they were white at first glance. The pink tutu I was wearing was the most noticeable thing about my outfit, shining more beauty in my twirls. “Want me to teach you how to pirouette?” I joked, yet seriousness was also prominent in my sentence. 
“Why not?” he replied, a short laugh escaping my mouth. “What? I want to learn how to be as pretty as you are,” 
His words were flying out of his mouth, to the point I was almost certain he wasn’t joking. He absolutely adored it whenever I did a pirouette, claiming it was the most gorgeous dance move to ever have been created. I felt his eyes on me, noticing my reddened cheeks. I continued looking at my body in the mirror, knowing that if I tried looking at him, I’d melt.
“Alright so, you need to straighten your body,” I said, my eyes trailing from my body to stare at him through the mirror. He was so focused, it raised a small beam to form on my face. “Then hold in your tummy so you can spin for longer,” I added, looking at him watch my every move through the mirror. He would occasionally turn his head to look at my body properly, just to make sure what he was doing was correct. 
“Then you just let yourself free,” I mumbled, beginning to twirl my body swiftly. I shut my eyes, absorbing as much as I could, the peaceful sounds of the air coming into contact with my body, sounding just like waves crashing against each other as I kept my body afloat, my weight feeling lighter than a feather - I was defying gravity. 
As I brought my spinning to a halt, I opened my eyes - welcoming the sight of Graham, gawking at me in admiration. I had now realised he didn’t spin at all. My cheeks shaded once again into a deep, crimson red, as I attempted to lock my eyes with him. Our bodies were frozen, our eyes speaking for us. We had never discussed what we were as a relationship, close friends was the label we always issued. However, his deep stare is telling me otherwise. It's a look of worry, intertwined with hope. He was asking me something. He was scared. I nodded slowly, all of this now making sense to me. We both liked each other, art being our stronghold, the force that brought us together. Yes, Graham, I like you too. 
He grinned widely, fighting the urge to run up to me and pick me up in his arms. “Wait, I wanted to show you something,” he said, rushing to his backpack lying next to the stool he was once seated on. He brought out his sketchbook - causing me to cock my head in curiosity, my legs wandering over to him to find out what he was trying to show me. 
“Here,” he said, shoving a drawing of a girl, pirouetting. Her legs were sleek, beautifully sculpted. The drawing was perfect - like any of his artworks tend to be - but this one was different; you could tell he worked on this for ages, as if the image, the inspiration, was emitted right in front of him. “It’s of you, I want you to have it,” he said, his palm scratching the back of his head. 
I couldn’t take my eyes off of the drawing. He drew something… of me? I felt my eyes well up with tears as my petite fingers grazed expensive cartilage paper. “It’s perfect,” I said, looking up to him, with loving eyes.
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years ago
Supposed Fiancé Part 2
Mob AU
Series Masterlist  
Al Pacino x reader, Robert De Niro x reader, also including Uma Thurman, Emilia Clarke and Rachel Weisz
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: tmurder, cussing,t talks of sex, someone getting shot
Author’s Note: Dude. I love writing this. I do. I’ve planned out two more parts so it isn’t super long but I really really love it and I really hope that you guys do too! 
I’m using the actors to play a role I have created. This is not based off of real life. 
(not my gif)
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You stumbled out of bed, understanding where you were the second you woke up which was different for you. You slipped on your high heels, cursing yourself for wearing them last night. You walked downstairs and the bar was already in full swing. You must have slept in a lot.
“Heya princess,” Bobby called, gesturing for the bartender to get you a drink. You held up your hand, shaking your head.
“I gotta catch a cab. I’m surprised Al didn’t come shoot you and leave a shitty calling card,” you said. 
“Stay for a drink. You slept in, it’s alright five.” 
“In the afternoon?”
“Yeah. You must not get a lot of sleep in the casino drug business they got you staying at.” You scoffed and looked out the window before deciding to sit down at the bar behind him. You took the glass the bartender offered.
“I try,” you said. “But thank you again for letting me stay and then not killing me in my sleep.” He chuckled and shrugged.
“I thought about it but I’d have an even bigger target on my head.” You hit his arm and downed the drink quickly.
“You like me. Admit it.” 
“If the NYPD can’t break me you sure as shit can’t,” he said. You stood up and hit his back once more. 
“Thank you. I’ll be back for a drink when my supposed fiance gets to be too much,” you said. He held up a hand, brushing you off.
“Feel free.”
You walked over to Rachel's house. She didn’t live far from the bar and you knew that she would handle this better than Al. You knocked on her door, a quaint apartment that you wouldn’t expect from someone in her line of work. Either way you were sure that she had a gun stash underneath the bed.
“Where the fuck have you been?” was the first thing she asked you. She ushered you inside. “Al almost sent out everyone to look for you.”
“Don’t tell him I’m here.”
“Where were you?” she asked. Wordlessly she poured you a glass of wine and you took it, ready for your second glass of alcohol. You needed it.
“I was at the bar.” 
She slammed her own wine glass down.
“I fucking told him!” She seemed to be elsewhere, thinking about how to deal with Al but then she looked back down at you. “Why did you go there?”
“It was an accident, honest. I just showed up and it was raining. I don’t want to talk about that though, I want to talk about me staying a few nights here. Just in case.” 
You knew that Rachel hated her brother. She knew that you knew that. Al hadn’t given her a thing except for a few stacks of cash and a job that she hated. She didn’t like to take lives in cold blood but she was damn good at it. She was just another hitman to her brother. She wasn’t flesh and blood at all.
“He won’t hurt you,” you whispered.
That was the only saving grace. Al would never hurt Rachel. He may not love her but he wouldn’t kill her, not while their father is still around.
“Two nights max.” You nodded.
“I’ll be out of your hair before you know it. You won’t even notice that I’m here, I swear.” 
Uma didn’t need to look very far into Bobby to know who he was and what he could do. There was no one in the city who didn’t know the extent of his power around here. He had grown over the years, just underneath Al’s nose. Something that no one had been able to do before.
That being said, she would have trouble finding a good place to kill him. He was often surrounded by people, people that were heavily armed at all times. Not to mention that he would usually have a hospital or doctor at his disposal at all times. 
Although Uma didn’t act like she wasn’t in love with any challenge. 
She stared at the bar from the cafe across the street. She crossed her legs, watching Bobby as he left. She had been watching him for a few days now and he did this everyday. It was the only thing he did everyday. 
He got lunch at the same place every day which was ironic because he did own a bar that sold food. Uma stood up and did her daily follow, just watching to see what kind of security he had around. 
She had her gun in her pocket for emergencies but knew that there was no need for it quite yet. Not until she had this whole thing down. 
If she made a mistake it would mean her head no matter how skilled she was avoiding men. 
Emilia was knee deep in papers. She had found mostly everything she could get her hands on about Al. Old prison time, things he had been released early for, things he was suspected of doing.
She even looked into everything that the locals had said about him. He had been gaining his money mostly from a large casino business he had inherited from his father. He was engaged to you, a past stripper who worked at a place she had busted a husband once. In fact she was fairly sure that she had spoken to you while she questioned people.
Everything was laid out in front of her.
It had all been handed to her in one file that landed on her desk in the middle of the night. She had no heart to wonder who had brought it to her. All she could think about was his hands and the people he had single handedly killed with them.
There were plenty of murders he was connected to by all his friends. In fact, there were over twenty different murders he had been in question for. No arrests had been made on those. 
The only thing he ever served any time for was some bogus drug charges. They were weak and he was out within the year. 
Nothing seemed to stick with this guy. 
Emilia looked up at her wall where everything was hanging up, connected by different strings of yarn. 
“Selling drugs out of his casino,” she said under her breath, “murdering people he or his friends disagree with,” she pointed to a few different pictures of dead bodies, their brains over the pavement, “and marrying a stripper he met a year ago.” 
She raised an eyebrow at that one.
“Marrying a stripper,” she whispered. She turned to the picture of you on the wall, a smiling picture that was gracious on the amount of clothes you had on in it. She hit your picture with her pen.
“Let’s see what he does at the wedding huh Vis?” she said, looking down at her cat. The cat got up and walked away and she laughed. “You weren’t invited anyway.” 
Bobby hadn’t seen you in a couple of days and he had expected you to have left his mind by now. Unfortunately he was finding you a rather worthy distraction. 
He was doing his regular things, running the business, changing routine, doing everything he would always do but now he was stuck wondering how on Earth he could get you away from Al. There shouldn’t have been a problem. He had promised himself to stay away from Al until he made the first move.
But here you were, a perfectly almost perfect woman stuck with a guy like him.
He tried to convince himself it wasn’t fate that you showed up at the bar. Maybe you were a mole. He had to think about stuff like that. Maybe you really were in love with the asshole from the casino. It would make sense.
He just couldn’t shake how much he wanted to talk to you. Hold your hips with his hands, share a bottle of bourbon together. 
Bobby knew it wasn’t worth getting everyone all worked up about but his feelings weren’t going away.
That much he knew. 
You stood outside of the casino. Al walked outside, no security, bold for him.
He pointed at you and you saw him almost reach for his gun but decided against it. There were customers outside. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the alley way.
“Where the fuck were you?” he yelled. “You think that’s okay? That you have the right to pull a fucking stunt like that? Leave for three days and my sister comes back telling me you stayed a night at the motherfucking bar?” he yelled, pointing at you, shoving you into the wall.
“What’s it to you? I figured you had enough with the prostitutes that crawl around our room that you might forget I fucking existed!” you screamed. He grabbed your arm and held your arm harshly. 
“He could have killed you.”
“He didn’t! In fact he tucked me in at night and gave me a kiss baby, how about that one, more of a husband than you.” 
“Did you fuck him?” 
“Did you fuck my sister?” You scoffed, throwing your arms up in the air. He let your arm go.
“No!” You raised a finger to his face. “I was a loyal fucking fiance.”
“Because when we get married you know you get half of my money,” he sneered. You shoved him, annoyed at him insulting your loyalty when it was all that you had. It felt worthless now. It felt wrong. It had always felt wrong where you were standing. 
You shoved him again and a bullet landed behind you, making you both jump. You jumped into his arms by accident but he pulled out his gun quick, looking around for where the shot had come from. There was another shot and you felt a sharp pain on your stomach.
“Al,” you whispered and he nodded.
“Sit down baby.” 
He sat you down on the ground and pointed the gun at the figure down the alleyway. 
“Uma?” he yelled.
“Boss,” she said, walking closer. He scoffed. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” 
“Protecting you from whoever was shoving you around! Who’s this guy anyway,” she said, pointing to you on the ground. In the darkness of the alley way she didn’t realize that it was anyone she knew. It was then she realized who it was.
“My fucking fiance!” he screamed. “You better get the doctor in the casino or else I’m gonna put two bullets in your neck myself,” he sneered. She nodded , realizing what she had done. 
Al kneeled down beside you and grabbed your arm.
“Helps coming.” 
You spit on the ground beside you.
“I’ll fucking live.” 
Part 3
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bubble-tae · 5 years ago
Cult: Part 2
Genre: Thriller, Yandere Themes, Cult AU
Pairing: Jungkook x OC, BTS x OC (sorta?)
Warning: angst, cult themes, kidnapping, probably other sacrilegious stuff, Stockholm Syndrome 
WordCount: 3.6k
preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | tbc...
Authors Note: thank you so much to @mikroparadise​ for beta-ing this part for me! you really helped me out so much! (literally helping me all the way up until posting!)
reposted from old account
It had been two weeks since he had last seen her in the basement, two weeks since he gave her the single lily from Taehyung’s garden. The flower had probably rotten by now and been swept away with the rest of the garbage. Jungkook had no idea that he would have to be away from her this long, each day an onslaught of housework while his one and only was under the same roof, locked away like a prisoner. He didn’t think of her that way. How could her, he had saved her. His hands felt the area next to him on the bed he lay on, wondering how many more nights would it be until she was ready to join him. Impure thoughts tingled in his mind, things only Hoseok as her nurse had seen. Jealousy burned in his throat before he swallowed it and let out a deep breath. They all had their jobs here, and besides, it was wrong to think of her that way. He hadn’t touched himself in days, afraid that impure thoughts of her would slip into his head. The idea of using her without permission made him feel dirty, but most importantly, he felt that if he did think of her like that, she would know.
Jungkook got up from his bed and made his way towards his window. He could see the backyard from up here in that attic bedroom; a small garden followed by fields of grass, a line of trees from the forest barely visible in the distance. When he was younger he would play in the fields almost everyday, venturing closer and closer to the woods, but never once setting foot in them. The woods itself didn’t scare him, it was the thought of getting lost in them forever that did. Namjoon told him they went on for miles, the town on the other side would take days to reach by foot. Not to mention the poisonous snakes that called those trees home. Jungkook thought of what it would feel like to have his blood turn to sludge and shuddered the thought away.
His hands methodically reached over into his night stand where he pulled out an old leather bound book. On the front printed in an old english style font were faded gold words that read “The Good Book”. Jungkook traced his finger over the cover and felt the grooves in between the letters before flipping through the pages. Though the book was old the pages were in great condition, the printed text only a little faded and the pencil markings of Jungkook’s father still legible. He flipped the pages until he came to the page marked with “Sola” at the top. A drawing of a woman with golden rays around her head like a crown was in the middle, her naked body wrapped in a thin sheet that barely clung to her body. Jungkook admired her beauty before dropping to his knees, looking out the window at the sun. His eyes burned but he did not look away as he repeated the same mantra he had said since he first saw Naomi. Jungkook felt the sun open up to him, light spreading over his kneeling figure, her electricity making the hair on his arms stand up.
“Mother Sola, I give my soul to her. She shall hold my life in both hands and do as she will with it, all I ask is that I am forever hers. Let her teach me the ways. Let her be the one. I have faith in her, Mother. I have faith.” He sat there for some time, letting the sunlight embrace the curves of his face until he felt that she was gone. He closed the book and returned it to its original place before making his way over to his wardrobe that was filled with plain clothes that more or less all looked the same. Jungkook didn’t go many places, and at home he tried to disappear into the background. He avoided trouble this way, and was ultimately seen as a good boy that did as he was told. He joked, only to himself, of course, that his job was to be invisible.
Once dressed Jungkook made his way to the door and grabbed the handle, surprised to find it locked upon turning it. He wringed it about to see if it was only stuck, but it didn’t budge. Namjoon always unlocked the bedroom doors at 7 am, and he never once had forgotten. Jungkook pressed his ear up to the door. There was a distant chatter coming from the kitchen that he couldn’t quite make out. Maybe all that time playing invisible had got him forgotten. When there was a lull in the conversation Jungkook knocked three times on the door, hard. The house had fallen silent and Jungkook knew he had been heard. He contemplated knocking again, harder this time, but was afraid to get punished further, if his locked door was Namjoon’s form of punishment for something. He plopped himself back down on his bed. There was nothing to do now but wait.
His room wasn’t particularly interesting, it was designed to be that way with nothing but the necessities. The only thing that made it identifiable were the carvings above his bed he had done one night after being punished for not sharing his dessert with Yoongi. He had felt sick with the chocolate cake in his belly, so he stood on his bed to carve a picture in hopes that it would distract him. The carving was of the solar system, planets surrounded by stars and swirls that not even Jungkook knew what they were supposed to be. When Namjoon saw it he was furious for a moment, but not even he could deny the beauty and wonder one has looking up at the sky, so he offered to buy him paint to bring color to his creation. Jungkook had joked that he could do it next time he got in trouble, but Namjoon didn’t laugh. He never did get him the paint like he said he would. Just as Jungkook’s eyes were beginning to drift closed, he heard footsteps coming up towards his room.
The pair of heavy boots made it to the upper landing of the attic and Jungkook could hear keys being rattled around, a gentle click as the deadbolt sprung back, then a smaller one as a second key was slipped into the door handle. Jungkook sat upright, finally fully conscious from his almost sleep, just as Namjoon pulled the door open. His face looked older than someone of 24, as if he hadn’t slept that night. It was the face of a troubled man, Jungkook knew that, but he also knew better than to ask. Yoongi stood behind him with an empty duffle bag, waiting for Namjoon to move out of the way, but his eyes were glazed over, as if he were still processing whatever was going on inside his head. Yoongi cleared his throat and Namjoon snapped back to himself, a more stern face taking place over his features.
“There’s been a hiccup in our plans,” Namjoon said as he made room for Yoongi to step through the doorway, throwing the bag on Jungkook’s bed as he did so. Jungkook looked at the bag, worried thoughts of Naomi running through his head, wondering if his prayers had not been enough. Namjoon stood silently, pretending not to notice the confusion and hurt on Jungkook’s face of being left in the dark once again.
“Cops. Pack for a week, be down in 5 minutes,” Namjoon offered before turning to leave, taking Yoongi by the shoulder and hurrying out the door, leaving the air silent save from a heavy sigh from Jungkook.
* * *
It was 4:27 earlier that same morning when Naomi found herself sitting somewhere with her eyes closed. She didn’t know where she was, but she felt no fear, just the undeniable stillness that surrounded her. Her age was undefinable, feelings of past selves and selves yet to come filling her up, which was how she at least knew she was herself. There were memories that she hadn’t made yet stuck in her mind that made her head hot when she tried to focus on them. Upon opening her eyes she found herself cross legged in a field of bright white lilies, so open and full as if they just bloomed. It was easy to breath here, so much so that she questioned if she had ever really breathed before in her life. Naomi got up and danced to the sound of nothing but the wind, letting the sun explore her body with hot fingers as she hummed a tune she didn’t recognize. That’s when she heard it: the sound of a gun going off.
Her eyes snapped open to see she was no longer surrounded by lilies, but by the charred branches of a burnt forest, embers still floating around while the heat from the dead trees continued to pulse. She looked down at her own hands, both gripped to a gun pointing out in front of her, still vibrating from the shot she must have took. She was scared, not of the burning mess around her, not of the smoke clawing into her mouth and lungs, but of the unknown thing she shot at. The only thing she saw, a curious thing at that, was a leftover lily from her previous surroundings. There was a compelling force that drove her to this lily, so much so that she didn’t feel the hot ground burn through her jeans as she knelt in front of this flower, this flower that somehow, despite the odds, was still alive. Naomi dropped the gun, reached one hand out to the flower, inches away from touching it before the shots rang out again, this time not from her.
Time slowed down so much so that Naomi could count each shot as they went off. She counted six, but only felt three. The last one, the lucky bullet to the hunter, tore into the back side of her neck. There was no time to question how she was still alive or who had shot her, in fact the only thing Naomi could focus on was the damned white flower, now covered in spatters of her own blood. A loud scream erupted from somewhere, and it was only after she was shaken awake she became aware that the scream was from her own throat, still in tact as she felt around for a bullet hole.
“Naomi” Hoseok finally shouted out, hands on either side of her body, his eyes full of terror. Her screams subsided as the real world began to swim around her: the dimness of the basement, her tattered pair of men’s pajamas, her ankle cuffed to the cot she had called her bed for the last few weeks. Her eyes focused back on Hoseok’s, still full of concern,
“Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” she muttered out, mostly to herself.
Yoongi cocked his head to the side before physically shaking it out of his mind. “Forget your dream,” he began, “we gotta go.” He pulled rope and a black rag out from his hip sack and made his way closer to the cot, Naomi recoiled in defense. She had been mostly free to roam the basement this last week, with someone on guard of course, and had gotten used to her hands not being tied around her back, and had not been blindfolded since her first night (only gagged once on one of her restless nights). The thought of going back, even though it was only for a scrap of freedom, could have made her cry if not for Hoseok’s hand on hers.
“It will only be for a little bit, I promise.” Hoseok tried to comfort her. She gripped his hand back, and though it was a silly thing to think of someone who was literally keeping you chained up in their basement, she trusted him. Hoseok was, in fact, the one she had gotten the closest with. Though she told herself it was just for means of survival and she’d slit his throat given the opportunity to escape, she couldn’t help but wonder if they would have been some sort of friends given any other circumstance. Was it weird to be thankful for having a captor that at least made being down there more bearable? Sure he recited strange scriptures and prayed to gods Naomi was unfamiliar with, but he also brought her cosmic brownies after dark and picked up random books for her at thrift stores. I mean, if she was going to be kidnapped at least she got some Hostess and Orwell out of it, not to mention someone she could get the daily news from.
Naomi let out a shaky breath before turning her back to both of the men. She didn’t really have any reason to trust them completely, they could be taking her to her grave for all she knew, but she was beginning to learn that some things were worse than death.
Hoseok tied the ropes around her wrists tightly, so much so that she knew she would lose circulation soon. She surveyed the room she had grown familiar with before Yoongi covered her eyes with the black cloth. Without word, Naomi was listed to her feet, both boys holding onto either side of her as they guided her towards the stairs, warning her before she tripped. The climb was slow as Noami fumbled her way up the steps, she would have fallen if not for either of the boys.
“Stand here” Yoongi said when they eventually made it to the top of the stairs, a part of the house Naomi wasn’t familiar with. Namjoon was there, angirly whispering to someone before he realized she was there. He informed her that they would be relocating her, but she was hardly paying attention. There was a smell of meat and vegetables, a home-like feeling, and when she slowly grazed her feet on the floor and felt the grooves in between the tiles, she realized that she was standing in their kitchen. Someone pushed her down onto a stool by her shoulders, causing her to almost falling over onto the floor.
“All the doors and windows are locked. Stay put, it’s for the better.” Hoseok whispered in her ear, the procession of feet leaving the room, their footsteps fading into a quiet cold. There was dripping from a faucet nearby, her breath and heart following it in its natural rhythm as she began to think. It wasn’t even moments after the men had left that Naomi started to feel around behind her, her fingertips grazing over the edges of a cabinet drawer. She twisted her fingers up in an unnatural way, desperate to get the drawer open. She didn’t  know what she would find, but any weapon was better than none. She managed to open the drawer a few inches and sneak her fingers inside before a loud bump from the other room caused her to lean back and slam her fingers in the lip of the drawer. Naomi stifled her scream into a whimper, a cry threatening to break from her throat. When the house quieted again her fingers worked the drawer back open, feeling the top of its contents for something, anything. There were papers and pamphlets, cold bits of metal she presumed were screws, but nothing lethal, nothing that could injure any one of them. When footsteps began to draw closer she grasped at the first thing she could before shutting the drawer.
“Time to go.” This time it was Namjoon, his words cutting swiftly through the air.
Naomi’s heart leapt up in her chest, her skin prickling with anticipation. Maybe it was because of the way he spoke, maybe it was the fear of the unknown, or maybe it was because in her bruised fingers she held a small box. A small box full of matches.
* * *
Yoongi’s hands tapped the steering wheel in time with the music. The radio in the van was stuck on the oldies station, but he didn’t mind as much as the other boys did, it let him slip into a world of simple pleasures, one where he wasn’t driving around tied up girls in the backs of vans. Yoongi did his best to follow all the rules though he disagreed with almost all of them, like the one about stealing girls and making them some sort of weird prison wives. If he were to be honest, which he surely should always be according to The Good Book, Yoongi thought most of this was “a bunch of bullshit”. Of course there were no gods, no woman on the moon or sun that could possibly tell him what to do, but there was food, and a place to sleep, and he guess at one point it started feeling like family too. What was he to do? Leave his family when they started some sort of pagan ritual?
His eyes drifted to the rear view mirror where he could see a black outline slumped up on the side of the van. Naomi bound, gagged, and blinded, not to mention given a fun little blue pill that made her drool on the rag over her mouth as she dazed in and out of consciousness. Though it definitely was far from the worst thing Yoongi had done, taking girls always made him feel queasy. There was the chance of getting caught, sure, but every time he got away with it, he realized how much easier and easier it got. That’s what maybe scared him the most, the thought of doing this forever. Was this the price to get into heaven? Surely some of those amongst him thought that way. With every day that passed, Yoongi felt closer and closer to hell, unaware that hell, in fact, might be in the same van he was driving.
It was in fact that same tapping Yoongi had always done that rose Naomi into consciousness, before regaining some of her more important senses. It was no use trying to do anything this groggily so she waited, waiting still in the backseat for over an hour before opening the pack of matches behind her back. She took a match from the box and struck it against the box, lighting it quite easily. She held the flame up to part of the rope, but it wasn’t strong enough to light the ropes. Naomi’s heart began to beat faster, her plan crumbling in front of her. Yoongi turned a corner fast, causing Naomi and the van’s other contents to skid around. She skated against the rough metal bottom of the van, biting her gag to stop herself from yelling out in pain. Her fingers felt around for the box, but only felt a few loose matches that had been thrown around the cabin. She grabbed four of them and struck them against the side of the van, hoping to at least light one of them. One of them must have lit, because she felt the heat on one of her fingertips, causing her to drop the matches. She cursed herself in her head, feeling defeat wash over. Naomi was barely able to fight back the medicine anymore, sleep desperate to pull her back under. When she was sure she would pass out, she felt heat next to her. She stuck her hand out to see what it was, only to stick her hands directly into a fire that started in the back of the van. She pulled her hands back in a snap. There was no time for rational thinking anymore, Naomi shoved her hands back into the fire and bit back a scream. She held her hands inside the flame as Yoongi continued to drive.
Tears spilled from her eyes as she felt the flame against her fingers and wrist, a pain so hot it was cold, but still she held it. It took all she had left in her to pull her arms apart to break the burning ropes, her flesh flush up against it. They broke in a snap, causing Yoongi to turn around and witness Naomi’s hands free by her sides. He saw it now, the news reports if he got caught. He was alone. They’d call him a creep, that he liked to take girls. It couldn’t end for him like this, not if he could help it.
He slammed on the brakes, causing Naomi to slide forward as she started to untie the rest of herself. She saw now a stack of magazines in a small fire in the back of the van, and hurried to work on the ropes on her legs. Yoongi ran out of the driver’s seat and to the back of the van, flinging the doors open, but Naomi was already there. She kicked him in the face and he fell to the ground as she fell out of the van. Yoongi grabbed her leg as she scrambled over him and he pulled her down before throwing himself on top of her. They wrestled around on the side of the road for a few moments before Yoongi yelled out a barking “Wait!”
She hit her arms against his chest before he pinned them down.
“I said wait!” he yelled again.
“Why would I fucking wait?!” she said back, arms still straining against his.
“Let’s make a deal,” he offered.
“This isn’t a fucking game.”
“No, but I know a way you can make good from all this.”
Naomi stopped pushing against him and looked up at his twisted grin and pleading eyes.
“You just have to wait a little longer,” he continued.
“You want me to go back to being kidnapped?”
Yoongi let go of her arms and sat over her. “Yes,” he said unblinkingly.
Naomi squinted her eyes up at him before asking, “What’s in it for me?”.
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years ago
The Right One
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Genre: Frat/College AU! Bestfriends brother! Enemies to lovers!
Warning: Smut, Cheating, Violence, Drinking 
Pairing: Wong Yukhei x Reader
Word Count:  7.6k Moodboard by the lovely: @lovely-kpopp-blog
You had only ever met one man truly worth loving. Who would have ever thought it would be your best friends brother?
Starting high school is hard for anyone, but it’s even harder when you know absolutely no one there, due to being new. Majority of these kids grew up together, they’ve been friends for year and here you are, coming in, trying to be friends with people. The first few months were horrible. You sat alone at lunch time, when the teacher would announce a project that you had to pair up with someone for, you were left to do everything by yourself. You were always left to defend yourself from the typical high school means girls too. They spread rumors about you, locked you in the bathroom stalls, pushed you around during breaks from class.
Finally, the day you felt like you couldn’t take it any longer, they had smacked the books from your hands before kicking them down the hall and pushing you to the ground. The girls stood there, laughing and pointing at you as you fought to keep your tears at bay. You were angry, no not angry, you were furious. Just as you were about to stand up, and stand up for yourself you heard a loud voice from down the hall.
“Hey!” the voice yelled. “I’m so sick of you stupid cunts always picking on people. She hasn’t done anything to you, so back the fuck off" the girl snarls, offering you a hand to help you up.
The girls who had been bullying you, walked away looking rather offended. You were thankful she stood up for you, but now you felt like thing were going to be much worse for you. It was almost like she had read your mind.
“Don’t worry about them. I’ve got your back, and I’m going to teach you how to throw a mean left hook for next time" she laughs, dragging you down the hall to pick up your books.
“I’m Mina" she says, handing you your books.
“Y/N" you reply with a smile.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends, y/n. But you gotta toughen up" she says, nudging your shoulder as the two of you walked down the hall.
And she wasn’t wrong.
From that moment, the two of you had become inseparable. She also hadn’t been wrong about the group of girls coming back for revenge on you, and she had kept her word about having your back. The girls had tried to corner you in the lunch room as few weeks after the last incident. You smiled and laughed at the names they called you, not letting it bother you anymore. That just seemed to have pissed them off even more. When you shrugged your shoulders at the last insult, the main girl pushed you back into the wall. You had never wanted to truly fight someone, but Mina had been right. You needed to toughen up and now defend yourself.
Raising your fist, you swung before she had even realized what happened. You connected dead on with her jaw, sending her to the ground. She looked up at you with tears welling in her eyes as she ordered the two other girls to hit you. And that’s when Mina had come into the room. Even with all the kids in the lunchroom, surrounding the four of you, she managed to get through everyone and take one of the girls from you. Before the two if you had a chance to really do any damage to them, they both ran off with tears in their eyes. Their leader was still on the floor, holding their jaw. Squatting down, you look her in the eyes.
“Bully me again, and it’ll be worse next time. Understand?” you asked.
She scoffed before scrambling to get up and scurrying away. You and Mina quickly left the scene as well before any teachers came into the room and you got in trouble. Mina made the rest of the school year, and the years after that more than bearable. You didn’t know what you would do without her. The first time you had ever been to Mina’s house, you were quite shocked to know she had an older brother.
She had told you practically everything else about her life, but she failed to mention him. When you had asked her about him, she told you her friends usually became a disgusting boy-crazed mess when they were in his presence, so she tried to avoid having friends meet him or see him if she could. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to worry about that with you.
You honestly found Yukhei Wong to be the most insufferable human on the planet. His lack of care for anyone besides himself made you want to vomit, really. He was moody, only wanted to party, drink and do whatever he did with girls who just fell into his lap. You honestly were surprised at the amount of girls who just stopped by Mina’s house asking for ‘Lucas’. She had explained to you that Lucas was her preferred name. You made a point to call him Yukhei whenever you had no choice but to interact with him. Although, you would have to admit that the glares he gave you when you used his real name rather than his preferred gave you a small amount of pleasure.
As the years went on, your distaste for Yukhei grew the more you saw him around school, the more you saw him around Mina’s, and he clearly felt the same. You were always catching him staring at you, leaving a room if you entered it, but basically just ignoring your general presence. It was fine with you, you weren’t there for him.
One night, you had decided to spend the night at Mina’s, since her parents had practically unofficially adopted you, and the two of you were watching a few horror movies in the living room. You could hear her parents harshly whispering in the kitchen, or trying to whisper about how Yukhei had been behaving lately. Things had turned for the worst with him. He wasn’t really drinking or partying any longer, but his attitude towards his parents horrible, he didn’t listen, his respect for anyone was nonexistent. Your eyes, along with Mina’s had widened at hearing the words “boarding school" come out of her father’s mouth.
The two of you had heard them discuss it before, off and on but this time it sounded as if they had been serious. You didn’t know if they would actually go through with it, so you went to sleep that night thinking nothing would happen. You were woken up in the morning by a few loud crashes, yelling and some crying.
“Mom! You can’t do this. You can’t just ship me off! I’m your son!” Yukhei yelled, as he tries to fight his father off of him. His dad was dragging him to the car as his mom just stood there crying, mumbling that she was sorry and it needed to be done.
You would always remember the look on Yukhei’s face as their dad drove away to the train station. The look of utter betrayal would forever be etched in your mind. That was last time you had seen Yukhei Wong. Mina never really spoke to you about him, and frankly you didn’t care enough to ask her. After the two of you had graduated, she had been accepted into a prestigious school in America, while you had been accepted into the University of Seoul. You two still spoke everyday, face timed often and she was back in Seoul to see her family and you as much as she could be. She had always been the one to tell you whether or not a guy was going to be right for you or not. Usually when she met them in person she was able to tell if you two were going to click or not and you always trusted her opinion on someone. You had never been good a figuring out if someone was good for you or not.
But now that she was thousands of miles away, you were left by yourself. Which is how you ended up in some less than ideal situations. In your first year of University, you had the misfortune of catching well known bad boy, Im Jaebum’s attention.
The two of you only lasted maybe 4 months. Jaebum seemed to have thought he was far too good for you. He was so attractive, girls always wanted him, blah blah. You knew things wouldn’t work out very well with him anyways. He really only talked about 3 things; girls, his frat and drinking. You needed someone who could hold a conversation for longer than 30 seconds before getting distracted by a pretty girl with a big ass.
You stayed single the rest of the year. You were in your second year currently, and you were still single but living with a couple of girlfriends off campus in a nice little apartment. The three of you got along great, and all respected eachothers privacy. Especially when someone would bring a guy home. You either locked yourself away in your room or went to the library by yourself to study.
It was Saturday, and you had picked up a shift at the local café for the afternoon. Your shift was almost done and you were ready to head home, change into some pyjamas and binge watch a new drama that had just come out. Unfortunately for you, your roommates had other plans for you, and bum rushed you before you even got through the door.
“Hurry up and get ready" Soomi told you, excitedly.
“Why?” you groaned.
“We were invited to the NCT frat party!” Jisoo exclaimed.
You groaned. You didn’t really feel like partying tonight. Although, it had been a while since you had gone out and let loose. So maybe it wouldn’t actually be too bad?
“Fine. Let me get changed" you sigh, making your way to your room.
“Don’t be dressing all frumpy either!” Soomi yelled. You groaned again. There went your plans of being comfy. Thirty minutes later you emerge from your room wearing a tight pair of black leather high-waisted shorts with a cute white bralette. You had touched up your makeup, going for a more simpler look and tossing your hair into a cute messy bun.
“Girl, you look good" Jisoo smiles, grabbing your wrist to drag you out the door.
The three of you arrive, standing outside the NCT fraternity house. The music so loud in the house, you could feel the thumping of the bass all the way on the front lawn. People were littered outside the house, practically pouring out from the inside. A part of you was getting a little excited to go in now, wanting to enjoy the night. The three of you walk into the crowded house, smoke filling your lungs almost immediately. Jisoo is taken right away by a guy you’d never seen. Before you could turn to ask Soomi about it, she was whisked away by another unknown male, leaving you to fend for yourself. You needed to get drunk. You navigated your way to the kitchen with ease, pouring yourself a cup of whatever you could find, while also taking a couple shots. You were way too sober to be in a house full of extremely intoxicated people.
“Move" you hear from behind you, a vaguely familiar voice.
Spinning around, you’re met face to face with an older, surprisingly more attractive Wong Yukhei.
“Yukhei?” you ask, squinting your eyes to make sure it really is him.
“How do you know my name?” he growls, looking you in the eyes. After a second you can see his expression change from confused, to even more confused.
“Y/N?” he asks.
“It’s me.” You say, partially laughing.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, coldly. You can see his body tensed up immensely after he realized it was you.
“I was invited with my friends" you say, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you go to school here?” you ask.
“I run this frat, so yeah I do. I don’t really want to be wasting my night talking to my little sisters friend, so enjoy your night.” Yukhei says before walking away without another word. Still as big an asshole as ever.
Letting out a scoff,  you grab yourself another drink before moving yourself to the living room where majority of the people were. You scanned the room, trying to find one of your friends. They were no where to be found, you assumed they would be busy for a little bit longer. You tried to not be annoyed at your encounter with Yukhei, but you couldn’t help it.
Why had Mina never told you he went to your school? Why was he still such an asshole? You had never done anything to him, yet he hated you. Granted you weren’t a fan of his either, but at least you had a valid reason for your distaste for him. Yukhei on the other hand, did not, at least not that you knew of.
Standing in the living room, you begin to sway to the beat of the music. Letting his words slowly fade from your mind, you look around the room again but this time you locked eyes with someone unfamiliar. Messy dark brown hair, plump lips and beautiful eyes. You had no idea who this man was, but you were instantly attracted to him. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. He stood up, walking towards you but before he could reach you, you were basically tackled by your two giggling friends who dragged you away before you had the chance of meeting the handsome stranger.
You strained your neck trying to get one last glimpse of him before the two girls demanded your full attention while they explained their hookups for the night. You really did try your best to keep focus on what they were telling you, but unfortunately you were lost in your own thoughts about the handsome stranger. You thought about him off and on for the next few days. A memory of him would randomly pop up in your mind as you were trying to focus on the Literature lecture that was happening in front of you at the moment. You thought about his lips on yours.
How would he taste? You smiled as you dreamed, trying your best to keep his face in your mind always. You had yet to see the mystery man on campus that week, and so you did something that was rather unusual for you. You asked your roommates to attend another NCT frat party for the second weekend in a row.
“What happened that you’re not telling us?” Soomi asked.
“Nothing happened. You guys grabbed me before anything could really happen.” You sighed.
“I just like.. had very intense eye contact with a guy" you admit, groaning and shoving your hands in your head. That sounded completely ridiculous to you. The two girls looked at eachothers before bursting into laughter at your lame confession.
“Be ready to go in an hour” Jisoo said, still laughing as you walked away. As you entered your room, your phone began ringing. You pick it up, noticing that Mina was face timing you. Happily you answer and get her help on an outfit for tonight.
“Where are you going?” she asks, excitedly.
“NCT frat party” you hesitantly admit. “Like.. Lucas’s frat?” she asks.
“Yeah. I didn’t know he went here until I bumped into him last weekend. Why didn’t you tell me?” you question.
“Never thought about it to be honest. I didn’t think you were into frat parties.” She says, shrugging her shoulders.
“Normally I’m not. But I need to find someone I partially met last time.” You say. She begs you to tell her everything, and you happily oblige.
“Before I go. I’m going to tell Lucas to just kind of keep an eye on you, okay? I just want to make sure you’re safe"
“You know he hates me. He won’t care if anything happens to me" you say with a scoff. “But you do what you want. If it’ll make you feel better" you sigh. Immediately she perks up.
“Thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow” she smiles before hanging up. Once you’re off the phone, you quickly get dressed into the outfit the two of you had decided on. A pair of leggings with a tight black leather crop top that accentuated your breasts perfectly. Once again, arriving at the party, there was people everywhere. Maybe a few less than last time but who could really tell.
This time your friends hadn’t ditched you immediately, so you all went to grab a drink and a few shots from the kitchen before heading to the dance floor. It was more of a giant circle in the middle of the living room, but it was what it was. The moment you had started drinking, all reminders of the boy you had wanted to find faded away. You were instead enjoying your time with your friends, dancing to every song that played. Finally you had gotten a little to hot, and headed back into the kitchen to grab another drink. You weren’t paying attention and accidently bumped into someone upon turning the corner.
“Oh I’m so sorry" you say, looking up at the man you had seen last weekend.
“No worries” he smiles down at you. Your heart begins to flutter as you stare at his handsome face.
“Did you need a drink?” he asks, stepping to the side to let you through.
“I do. Thank you" you shyly smile, walking past him to grab a drink and a shot.
“My name is Johnny by the way" he tells you, leaning against the door frame.
“I’m Y/N" you respond.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says, moving closer to you. “I saw you last weekend. And to be completely honest, I’ve wanted nothing more than to kiss you since I saw you that night.” He whispers, still moving in closer as you back up until you’re against the counter. Johnny grabs your waist before hoisting you up to sit on the counter as he moves in between your legs.
“So y/n, what do you say?” he whispers, leaning in closer now. “Can I kiss you?” In that moment your breath hitches as you stare at those beautiful lips of his as they approached yours.
“Yes" you whisper. You had barely gotten the words out before his lips were gently pressed against yours. Johnny pushes himself against you a little harder, wanting you to open your mouth to deepen the kiss. You do so without hesitation. As Johnny slips his tounge into your mouth, you wrap your arms around his neck, trying to be as close to him as possible.
“Jesus Christ Johnny. Get a fucking room” you hear from a disapproving voice. It startles you, and your only reaction is to push Johnny away from you which startles him.
The man turns around, and of course standing there is Yukhei, looking even more unimpressed that you’re the one who was being felt up by Johnny in the kitchen. Yukhei lets out a small sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. You look between the two men as you slide yourself off the counter, while Johnny looks confused.
“Let’s go" Yukhei says to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you out of the kitchen.
“What? What are you doing?” you ask, tearing your wrist away from his hand.
“I told Mina I would keep an eye on you. And he is not someone you want to be fucking around with" Yukhei says coldly.
“You don’t even like me. So why would you keep an eye on me?” you ask.
“Who said I don’t like you? Maybe I like you too a little too much” he says, whispering in your ear. You can feel your heart beginning to pound.
“Just stay away from Johnny” he whispers before walking away. Before you had a chance to catch your breath, Johnny rounds the corner, sliding his hand around your waist.
“Would you like to dance?” he whispers. With a smile, you nod your head. Johnny grabs your hand and pulls you towards the dance floor. He has his hands on your hips as you move your body to the beat of the music. You’re in your own zone before you look around and only see one pair of eyes glaring at you. Yukhei.
You did your best to try and ignore the glares of Yukhei as you and Johnny were dancing. You were trying to enjoy the night but he was making it extremely difficult. The rest of your night, your eyes always seemed to manage to lock with Yukhei’s no matter how hard you tried to not look at him. As the night ended, Johnny asked to see you again. You said yes before giving him your number. Excitedly, you lay in your bed with hope’s of a message from him before you fell asleep. When your phone dinged, a smile spread across your face as you saw it was from an unknown number. It simply said ‘I can’t wait to see you again’. You fell asleep that night, with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face.
It had been a few months of you and Johnny together, and everything was going perfectly. Except when you were anywhere near the frat house or at school. You had gone all this time without seeing Yukhei anywhere but now he was everywhere. He was always glaring at you and shaking his head disapproving.
One night you and Johnny had gone back to the frat house after a date. You had left your phone in the car, so you told Johnny you would meet him in his room after you grabbed it. You walked into the house, only to be pulled to a dark corner by someone. Of course that someone was Yukhei.
“What the hell are you doing?” he snaps.
“Going to Johnny’s room?” you say confused.
“Why?  I told you to stay away from him.” He growls.
“Why do you care so much? You’re not my boyfriend. I’m just your sisters friend.” You spit back at him.
“You’re going to get hurt" he whispers.
“Just stop Yukhei.” You sigh before leaving him standing by himself. Your mood had immediately gone from happy to sour after being stopped by Yukhei. You were a big girl. Why did he feel the need to butt in with your relationship? Johnny made sure to take extra care of you that night. When you left in the morning, everything that Yukhei had said to you was no longer a thought. As you walked through the frat house your mind was only in one place, and that was thinking about your night with Johnny. The way his hands caressed your body. The way he used to tounge to make you cum multiple times. The way he slowly fucked you. You were finally happy. Finally with someone who was treating you right and making you happy.
The next week, school dragged on and on. You ran into Yukhei more than you liked, and he would always smile at you, which was odd. On Monday he ran into you in the café and offered to buy you a coffee.
Tuesday he was outside your last class, holding an iced coffee for you.
Wednesday he had texted you to see if you were doing okay. Mina had given him your number. She told you he asked her and said if she wanted him to keep an eye on you then he needed it. It was all very confusing. Out of no where he became a different man then the one you ran into in the beginning of the year. When you saw him your heart fluttered. When he texted you, you got butterflies in your stomach. When he said your name, all you wanted to do was blush. You couldn’t have feelings for him. You were with Johnny, and Yukhei was still the man who hated you, but maybe just less now. He was only doing these things because Mina asked him too.
There was nothing more too it. On Thursday you had gone over to the frat house, luckily you didn’t see Yukhei on your way in, only Johnny sitting on the couch, watching TV. You sat beside him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close to cuddle. Not even 10 minutes later, Yukhei strolled into the house, sitting down on the chair. Every few seconds he would turn his head and stare at the two of you, sitting there together. Finally Johnny had enough.
“Dude. What the fuck? Why do you keep looking at us?” he asks, pausing the TV.
“I’m not looking at you" Yukhei says, glancing at you one more time before getting up and leaving the room.
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Johnny asks, pulling away from you. You pull back too, shocked that he would even suggest something like that. Yukhei barely tolerates you, there’s no way the two of you would be fucking. Although you wouldn’t mind.
“What? No? Why would you even think that?” you ask, clearly upset.
“He’s always around you lately. Always staring at you. Seemed like there was" he says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Wow. Thanks for thinking so fucking highly of me Johnny" you snap getting off the couch.
“Babe. Wait.” He yells, still sitting on the couch. You left the house, and Johnny still remained on the couch. You didn’t see the figure standing in the kitchen window, wishing he could stop you to make it better. By the time Saturday had rolled around, you and Johnny had spoken since your small fight on Thursday. You weren’t going to let that stop you from having some fun, and you figured it would be best to talk to Johnny face to face to work it out.
You and the girls all finished getting ready and go to head out. You were wearing your deep red strapless dress, that just covered your ass. Your hair was tied up in a loose bun and you had on your black pumps. There was no way that Johnny could resist you tonight. There was no hesitation with the three of you arriving at the frat house anymore. You all had been there so often that it was practically like a second home for you. Walking in, your eyes immediately look in the living room for Johnny, where he usually is, but he isn’t tonight. You look in the kitchen, and he is no where to be found. A little worried you walk up to one of Johnny’s friends, Yuta.
“Hey Yuta, have you seen Johnny anywhere?” you ask.
“Yeahhhhhh" he laughs not looking at you. “He’s in his room, but he’s not alone” he half laughs, half hiccups. The moment those words came out of his mouth, your stomach and your heart sank.
“He’s what?” You ask, trying to hold back your tears.
“Not alone" he says again, finally looking up to see who he’s talking too. “Oh shit. Y/N.. I’m..” he begins to say, his face dropping. You rush up the stairs, your heart feels like its going to beat right our of your chest. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t cheat on you. Taking a deep breath, you swing Johnny’s bedroom door open and are met with him on top of some girl.
“Are you fucking serious" you say, your voice cracking. You can no longer hold your tears back, you let them all spill as Johnny scrambles off the girl, trying to put some pants on. Your legs start moving before you even think of doing it. Your tears clouding your vision as you race down the stairs, you can hear Johnny’s voice calling out to you. You didn’t see the man at the bottom of the stairs, until you had already collided with him.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” you hear. Looking up you see the concerned face of Yukhei. Before you can answer, Johnny is at the top of the stairs calling for you. He races down, only to see Yukhei standing with you, his hands holding your crying frame. By now all the music had stopped, everyone focusing on the tension between the three of you.
“What the hell happened?” Yukhei snapped, his hands never leaving you. “It’s none of your damn business Wong. This is between me and my girl" Johnny snaps, coming down the stairs.
“I’m not your fucking girl Johnny. We had a small fight a few days ago and I came to make up with him, but he was too busy sticking his dick in some whore" you spit, the tears gone, now anger just coursed through your body.
“Seriously Johnny?” Yukhei scoffed.
“Stay the fuck out of this" Johnny snaps, looking at Yukhei.
“Baby please. Can we talk about this" he begs, reaching out to grab you. Yukhei tries to move you from in front of him, to behind him, unfortunately Johnny is quicker than he thought and grabs onto your wrist yanking you towards him.
“I’m going to talk this out, with my girl, without your presence Lucas. She isn’t your girlfriend” Johnny yells as you try to fight to get him off of you.
“Let me go Johnny" you cry, struggling to get out of his grip.
“Johnny, I will knock you the fuck out if you don’t get your fucking hands off of her" Yukhei snarls. Johnny stands there staring at Yukhei, he let’s your wrist go, never breaking eye contact with Yukhei.
“There" Johnny says, rolling his eyes. “The only reason we had problems is because of YOU" Johnny yells, pointing at Yukhei.
“You can’t stand that she’s with me and not with YOU" “I’m gunna to do it anyways" Yukhei says before clocking Johnny in the face, knocking him out cold.
“Are you okay?” Yukhei asks you. You’re embarrassed and hurt. He warned you that you would get hurt, but you didn’t listen.
“Is that all you want to say? You don’t want to say told you so?” You asked.
“No I don’t” he said, still looking concerned.
“Just let me go. This is humiliating” you whisper. You look behind you one last time before walking out the front door, and all you see is Yukhei watching you leave.
You lay in your bed for a few hours feeling hurt, betrayed and humiliated. Why didn’t you listen when Yukhei had told you to stay away from Johnny? There was no changing it now. You sighed as your phone buzzed for the thousandth time. Looking at it, they’re all from Johnny. Begging you to talk to him, pleading with you and then becoming mean and blaming you for his actions. If you had talked to him after the fight he wouldn’t have done that. You weren’t supposed to be there tonight. You weren’t supposed to find out. All you sent him was a nice fuck you. You opened up a new message, and typed in Yukhei’s name.
[1:04am] You: Thank you.
[1:06am] Yukhei: For what?
[1:07am] You: For standing up for me.
[1:10am] Yukhei: Anytime, Y/N.
You wanted so badly to ask him about what Johnny said. Did he really want you or was Johnny just overly paranoid? You decided to leave it alone, dreaming about literally anything else you could. The next morning you woke up to a text from Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour the night before. He asked you to meet for coffee and as much as you didn’t want to go, you decided to just to hear him out.
A few hours later you were sitting at a table with a remorseful looking Johnny with a black eye. The two of you has been sitting there for over 10 minutes without saying a word to eachothers. You were not going to talk first.
“Listen y/n..” he begins. “I’m an asshole. I know that. My behavior last night was unacceptable and I shouldn’t have acted like that" he says with his head down. “You shouldn’t have. I agree" you say. Johnny nods his head.
“Anything else you want to say?” you ask, waiting for an apology for the cheating. Not that it would make anything better but you still wanted to hear it.
“I was hoping you would give me a second chance?” he asked, looking at you hopeful. You couldn’t help but to let out a loud laugh.
“Are you serious?” you asked, still laughing.
“Well yes?” he replies.
“Johnny you CHEATED on me" you partially yell. “There’s no forgiving that" Johnny scoffs.
“Don’t be like that y/n. If you want, I’ll try not to do it again" he says.
“You’ll.. try to not cheat on me.. again? Wow Johnny, thanks so much. A true gentleman you are" you say, rolling your eyes.
“It’s because of him isn’t it?” he asks, looking like he’s just had a revelation.
“Who?” you ask.
“Lucas. It’s because of him.” He says.
“This is nothing to do with Yukhei, Johnny. It has to do with the fact that I don’t tolerate cheaters.” You spit.
“Yeah sure.” He scoffs.
“And even if I did get together with Yukhei, that would be none of your business. I’m sure he would treat me a hell of a lot better than you did" you say, grabbing your things and leaving him sitting there shocked.
On your walk home, you cannot believe the audacity of Johnny. How dare he think that was acceptable in any form? You pull out your phone on your walk home, seeing a text from Yukhei, asking if you were okay and if you needed anything. Your heart began to flutter, but you were still confused on why he was being so nice to you. He always hated you and now he didn’t? Things don’t just change that easily. And after the morning you already had, whatever he answer was couldn’t hurt you too badly.
[11:13am] You: Can we talk?
[11:16am] Yukhei: Sure. Come on over.
After you read that message, you changed your route, making your way to the frat house. Walking in the front door, you immediately see Yukhei in the living room. He stands up when he sees you, telling you to follow him as the two of you make your way to his room. You walk in, looking around his room as he shuts the door. Yukhei sits on the edge of his bed, staring at you, waiting for you to talk.
“So what’s up?” he asks.
“What changed?” You asked. Yukhei looks at you confused.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“You hated me for so long and the last few months have been so different. What changed?” you asked. “I’ve never hated you” he whispers.
“I always have liked you, but you always seemed to not like me so I just went along with it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “When I saw you the first night, I acted cold towards you because it seemed like what I should do. And then the next time I saw you with Johnny and I wanted to bash his face in. Feeling that haven’t felt in a long time cane rushing back. I wanted to protect you and have you be happy but you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
“That’s not true. I don’t hate you anymore, Yukhei. You seemed to have changed.” You say. “I would like to be friends"
Yukhei let’s out a loud groan. “I don’t want to be friends, y/n" he says, standing up. He starts walking towards you, until you’re backed against the wall.
“What do you want?” you ask, looking him in the eyes
“I want you.” He whispers.
“You’re Mina’s brother. We can’t do this" you breathe, staring at his plump lips.
“Tell me to stop" he says, leaning closer into you. “Tell me you don’t want this" he says.
“I want this" you say, closing the gap between you two. Yukhei’s hands are at your waist in a second, pulling you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss, slipping his tounge into your mouth. As your phone rings, you hear it’s Mina’s ringtone. You break the kiss by pushing Yukhei away, catching your breath before answering.
“Heyyyy Mina" you say, trying to act casual.
“What are you doing?” she laughs.
“I was just hanging out with Yukhei" you say.
“Oh. That’s weird" she giggles. “You better not be fucking my brother" she laughs.
“What? No, I would never do that to you" you say, as nerves float through your body. “I’m just kidding. I’d support you two if you decided to do whatever. Anyways, I was just calling to let you know I’m coming back in a few weeks and I can’t wait to see you!” she yells.
“Oh my god. I’m so excited" you exclaim.
“Okay, I have to go. I’ll call you later. Love you! Bye Lucas" she giggles through the phone. You hang up and put your phone away. You and Yukhei stand there, staring at each other, not saying a word.
“I better go" you say, quickly scurrying from his room. That entire week the two of you didn’t talk. Until Friday, when Yukhei had texted you to invite you to a party that night, as his date. He apologized for being MIA for the week, he had a few papers he needed to reach, and he figured you needed some time to think. You happily accepted the invitation, with the understanding that Johnny was not going to be around. The day dragged on, and you kept yourself as busy as you possibly could until it was finally time for you to get ready. You put on a cute and tight, yes casual dress and a pair of sneakers. You wanted to look good but also keep it casual tonight.
Your friends had dates so tonight you were on your own with the hopes that they might swing by later. Walking into the house you first spot Yukhei, leaning against a door frame, talking to some friends. He was wearing semi tight black Jean’s with a black shirt and a chain. His hair was slicked back and did he ever look good. Yukhei turned his head, spotting you almost immediately with a giant smile. You walked over to him as he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug.
“I missed you” he whispered.
“I missed you too" you said back. Grabbing your hand, Yukhei lead you to the kitchen, getting you both a drink. A few drinks and some dancing later, you had been feeling extra needy. You could feel Yukhei’s erection as you grinded your ass into him and it made you very wet. He spun you around to face him before planting a small kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, he looked down at your face, noticing a small pout.
“What’s wrong baby?” he asked.
“I need you" you whisper.
“What do you need from me?” He asks.
“I need your cock" you whine. In that moment Yukhei’s eyes went dark, his face serious. He grabbed your hand, leading you out of the living room, up the stairs and into his room where he locked the door. Yukhei walked towards you, licking his lips in anticipation. You had assumed he was going in for a kiss but instead he told you to raise your arms. You do as your asked as Yukhei reaches for the hem of your dress before pulling it over your head. Looking down he notices your lace bra and lack of panties.
“No panties baby? Naughty girl" he groans, reaching his fingers down, sliding them through your soaked pussy. Your knees almost give out in that moment Yukhei pulls away from you and you moan as he walks away from you. Yukhei gets on his bed, laying down.
“Ride my face baby” he says, licking his lips. You strut yourself over to the bed, climbing on before lift your leg over to straddle him, getting comfortable on his face. Yukhei pokes his tounge through his lips, placing it right on your clit. You grab your breasts as you start to move your hips, grinding yourself on his face.
“Fuck" you cry out, your hands moving from your breasts to your hair. You lean your body slightly forward, gripping Yukhei’s hair instead, as his lips now suction around your clit causing you moan even louder.
“You’re going to make me cum" you cry out, Yukhei rotates from using his tounge and his lips as you thrust your hips faster, needing this release.
“Don’t stop. Fuck" you cry out. Your movements slow down as your orgasm hits, tingling through your body, as you cum all over his face. Once you’ve ridden your high out, you get off of his face, laying down on his bed, feeling extremely sensitive. Yukhei looks at you while licking up your juices from his face. He stands up, undressing as quickly as he can before getting back on the bed, hovering over you and leaning down for a kiss. He slides his tounge into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him.
“I’m going to fuck you” he growls after breaking the kiss.
“Please do" you beg, needing to feel him inside you. Yukhei lines himself up with you before slowly pushing his thick, large cock into your pussy. You grip the bed sheets tightly as you try to adjust to his size. He gives you a few seconds to get used to the stretching, never having been with someone as big before.
“Move" you whine.
“Are you sure?“ he asks.
“Please move. Fuck me” you moan. With that Yukhei slowly begins to thrust in and out of you. You’re unable to keep your moans quiet and he picks up the pace eventually ramming himself into you harshly.
“Oh my god, your pussy feels so good baby" he moans, his fingers grip your hips tightly, sure enough to leave bruises.
“You take my cock so well baby" he purrs, moving his hand away from your hip and to in-between your lips, rubbing your clit.
“Fuck. You fill me up so well with your huge cock" you moan as he continues to play with your pussy.
“You going to cum again baby? Clench your tight pussy around my cock?” he growls.
“Yes yes I will" you cry out. Bucking your hips, you allow Yukhei to push his cock in deeper, causing you to slightly roll your eyes to the back of your head.
“Oh god" you cry out, your orgasm quickly approaching.
“Cum for me baby" he says, pounding himself into you. Before you know it, your orgasm hits you, coating your entire body, making your quiver beneath Yukhei.
“That’s a good girl" he grins, fucking you harder, chasing his own high.
‘I’m gonna cum" he whines, thrusting into you one more time before pulling himself out, coating your stomach with his juices. His head is thrown back as he pumps himself with his hand, milking every last drop. Yukhei takes a deep breath before looking at you with a smile. You smile back at him as you take your fingers to scoop up his cum, and put them in your mouth, swallowing everything. Yours eyes don’t leave his the entire time.
“Fuck you’re incredible” he smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
“Should we go get a drink?” he asks. Happily, you nod your head, slipping your dress back on while he gets himself dressed as well. The two of you leave his room, hand in hand as you walk down the stairs to rejoin the party. Upon entering the kitchen, you’re both met with an extremely intoxicated Johnny.
“Fucking slut" he spits, staring at your hand in Yukhei’s.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Yukhei growled, his body almost vibrating with anger.
“I called her a SLUT" Johnny yelled. Yukhei let go of your hand before pushing Johnny, causing him to fall over.
“Don’t be mad because she’s mine now. It should have always been me, anyways. You’re the one who fucked things up with her by being a piece of shit. But I should thank you for that because if you hadn’t, we wouldn’t be together.” Yukhei yells.
“But if you come near MY girl again or say anything negative about her, I will fucking end you" Yukhei threatens before taking your hand again and walking away.
It had been a few months since you and Yukhei had finally gotten together. Your visit with Mina went better than expected and she was extremely happy for the two of you, although she asked that PDA between the two of you was kept at a minimum in front of her. She had already started planning your wedding. Johnny apologized after a while, realizing he was in the wrong for everything. Now whenever he saw you two he nodded his head before walking away.
It took a while and few mistakes, but you finally had found the right one.
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ask-toa-hahli · 4 years ago
Part 3: The Torment 
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
Hahli’s head jerked up when she heard the sudden request. She was sitting on her knees in her side-garden as her head turned to see Gavla leaning heavy against the bamboo gate. The small Boggarak took advantage of this distraction to tug the rest of her rope toy out of the Toa’s grip, retreating with it to a more darkly clustered group of plants.
It had been just over a week since Gavla had started coming over to Ga-Koro nearly everyday. By now, the Toa felt  mostly comfortable enough to leave her to her own devices here and occasionally checked in on her. This however, was the first time the Av-Matoran approached the water Toa on her own accord, which Hahli was quick to mentally note. Already she was feeling excited over Gavla’s progress so far, but she attempted to keep her voice from sounding too eager.
“Of course. You can ask me anything,” Hahli replied.
Idly, Gavla glanced at a plant growing by the base of the gate.
“Well, everyone here mentioned that you’re close friends with some fire Toa.” She threw out in a rather straightforward manner.
Caught off guard with that remark, Hahli hoped her mask was blocking any hints of color on her face. While she was realistic enough to know that as a Toa her village would be talking about such private things, she still very much wished that they wouldn’t.
“Um… yes…” Hahli coughed and tried not to look away. “They’re probably referring to my friend Jaller, my team leader. He and I have been good friends since we were Matoran.” She explained, trying to be appropriately open and honest.
Gavla listened, she then reached down and started to slowly tear off small pieces of leaf from the nearby plant. “So then… how do you know if it’s real?”
The Toa paused.
“...What?” Hahli asked, unsure of where this was going.
The Av-Matoran began tearing off bigger pieces. “I mean, how do you know that he’s really your friend? How do you know he’s not pretending and faking it?”
This puzzled the water user; but she did her best to give a genuine answer. “I guess the best I can describe it… you see it’s sorta something you both know and feel in a way… Like I’ve said, I’ve known Jaller for a long while and we’ve been through a lot together, just like I have with my other friends-”
“But how do you know for sure? That they aren’t just doing it to get back at you later?” Gavla insisted as she shredded the last parts of the plant’s stem.
Hahli looked on at the Matoran perplexed. “...Gavla,” she said finally as she shifted and stood up. “Is there a reason you’re asking me all this?”
Absently, Gavla continued to snap apart the now pulled up roots. For a few moments she was quiet before she uttered a strong “No.” Pushing herself from off the gate, she then quickly trotted down the walkway back towards the center of Ga-Koro.
The Toa watched carefully till the Matoran was out of sight. She then began to ponder if Gavla had been asking anyone else those same questions.
“You guys can quit it!”
Hahli turned around as she heard Gavla’s accosting voice. It had been hours since she last saw the Av-Matoran and she was just in the middle of returning home with a bag full of fish.
“Gavla, what are you talking about?” The Toa asked.
“This stupid game of your’s and everyone elses here! It may be funny to you, but I already had it drilled into me before, I don’t need it again.” The Matoran growled.
Hahli just felt more confused. “Really Gavla, I don’t know what you mean-”
“Don’t play dumb!” Gavla nearly shouted. “I know you and everyone here is just pretending to be nice for now… I already know that I can’t have friends, I don’t need you to set me and rub it in again!”
“That’s not true,” Hahli immediately responded back, feeling troubled by the accusations. “Believe me, no one is trying to trick you.”
“No, stop it!” The Av-Matoran’s bat-wings started to twitch and fidget heavily.
Increasingly concerned, Hahli quickly dropped her bag and slowly began to approach the girl. “Gavla,” she said, her voice level. “Calm down, there’s nothing going on…”
“I said stop it! Stop pretending!” Gavla yelled as she backed away from the Toa.
“I’m not going to let you hurt me!”
“I’m not letting you do that again!”
“Gavla, stop.” Hahli interrupted with a loud stern voice as she grabbed the Matoran’s shoulders, keeping her still. Once Gavla’s sudden silence assured her attention, the water Toa bent down so she could be at eye level.
“No one here is going to hurt you,” Hahli relayed in a softer tone. “I promise you that you’re safe.”
Stunned, Gavla stared back at the Toa, her breathing starting to come down. “But everyone being nice…”
“Is because they want to be nice and because they probably want to genuinely get to know you.” Hahli finished with reassurance as she relaxed her hold.
Gavla hesitated as her wings finally stopped their sporadic movements. “...Are you sure…”
“You have my word as a Toa,” the water user responded affirmingly.
The sounds of the village now seemed to amplify around them as the Av-Matoran became quiet, her eyes were still locked on the Toa.
“Look, I know it’s hard, but I’ve known these Ga-Matoran my whole life.” Hahli continued on with sympathy. “If there’s one thing you can ever trust me on it’s this, no one in this community would ever do something so horrible and cruel like that… They- we just want to help you.”
Gavla remained quiet, her breathing returning to inaudible levels again. “...Okay,” she let out in barely a whisper.
Taking her hands off the Matoran’s shoulders, Hahli gave the girl a warm smile. “Okay then.” As Gavla continued to stand still, the Toa added “I’m glad you’re here by the way, I just want you to know that.”
The Av- Matoran gave half a nod as she turned to look back at the center of the village, Hahli didn’t move from her side, but left her to think over whatever she needed to for several minutes.
Then gently as she could, Hahli brought it up. “Gavla, if there’s anything you need to talk about… if there’s anything that you’ve gone through or want to go over-”
Instantly Gavla tensed and she shot a glare back at the Toa.
“-I don’t mean now, whenever you’re ready to,” Hahli interjected quickly. “I’m just letting you know that I’m here if you ever want to talk.”
Galva settled back down a little, her gaze turned toward the ground. She mumbled, “... I probably should be heading back home now.”
“If that’s what you want,” Hahli replied. “But you’re also more than welcome to stay a little longer if you’d like.”
Slowly, Gavla looked back up towards the center of the village, where giggling and laughing Ga-Matoran were getting on with their chores and talking about the day's events. She then eyed the entrance that led up down the beach. After some indecisiveness, her wings flapped and she headed in the direction of the gathered Ga-Matoran.
Hahli watched as Kai waved over to Gavla eagerly, bringing her into the group.
Satisfied, the Toa got back up and returned to the front of her hut to address the current issue of Iara pulling the still live fish all out of her bag on the ground.
She hummed a light tune as she started the task at hand, even as a spark of fire burned within her.
Mata Nui, whoever hurt that girl better pray that I never come across them!
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captcas · 5 years ago
Worth Fighting For
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Killian “Hook” Jones is a dominate up and comer in the UFC while Emma “The Savior” Swan’s career was cut short. When Hook’s manager moves up and the office brings in UFC’s youngest legend to keep him in check, will either of them be able to handle it?
read on ao3 // tumblr: ch 1/ ch 2
Saturday night brings their monthly movie/game night and Emma has never been more grateful for a distraction. Ruby and the Nolans will come over around 6 o’clock and Henry is practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. Tonight’s theme is Star Wars and this will be Henry’s official introduction to the series; at David’s insistence they’re starting with A New Hope and going release order from there. They’re also going to play Star Wars trivia which Henry will undoubtedly suck at.
Should be a fun night all around.
And it was, until Henry went to bed and the “adults” got to talking.
Ruby cracks another beer and turns to Emma, “So, Emma, you’ve got probably the coolest new job in the world and you haven’t said jack shit.”
She shoots Ruby an icy glare as David and MM stop bickering over whether or not Kylo Ren deserved a redemption arc to hear what Emma has to say.
Emma sighs, “It’s going alright. All the onboarding is underway and between the perks, benefits, and pay, Henry should be set for life.” She’s been fortunate to live off her winnings for the past nine years, being mindful of money and not giving into the lifestyle of frivolous spending many fighters take on, but -even her friends know- she doesn’t have a money tree.
The looks on their faces when she mentions Henry being set for life could melt 1000 Olafs. When she arrived at Ruth Nolan’s home at the age of 16, she never expected to find a family. Hardened by a life too lived for anyone her age, Emma assumed they’d be like every other foster home and use her for the money. To this day, she’s never been so happy to be wrong.
Emma’s not sure what twist of fate landed an orphan with such a great support system, but she’ll be forever grateful. David took to the “protective brother” role immediately. Soon after Emma moved in, he met Mary Margaret (fireworks and butterflies and all that mumbo jumbo) who introduced them to Ruby. They’re small, and maybe a bit scrappy, but they’re family.
She breaks out of her thoughts and returns to the present, “I will need some babysitting though; I’m required to attend each of my client’s Fight Nights. But overall it’s great, really!”
She hopes she squeaked away without having to mention Jones at all but the glint in Ruby’s eye tells her otherwise. “Ok that’s all fine and dandy,” Mary Margaret shoots Ruby an incredulous look, warning her to tread carefully, but Ruby ignores her and continues, “but who’s the client?”
David is giving her a protective father vibe, Ms is practically vibrating, and she's pretty sure Ruby is salivating. Emma sighs realizing she shouldn’t postpone the inevitable, “Killian Jones.”
Ruby practically drops her drink and Mary Margaret squeals, David rolls his eyes and turns back to the TV where SportsCenter has been playing in the background. Mary Margaret beats Ruby to the punch, “THE Killian Jones?! As in Killian “Hook” Jones?!”
Emma nods, standing up to refill the only slightly empty chip bowl in front of her. She knew this was going to happen and she wasn’t exactly looking forward to her friends thirsting over her client– client… right.
Ruby speaks next, “Well that is probably the best case scenario. Do you think he can get us tickets? Have you met him? Is he as gorgeous in person as he is on TV? Can we meet him?”
Emma, now glad she’s in the kitchen with space to breathe, is starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. She knows Ms can sense it and is unsurprised when she speaks next,“For Christ’s sake Ruby let her breathe. She’s probably only had her initial meeting with him.”
Ruby seems to get the hint and it doesn’t take long before Ms is in the kitchen helping Emma pick up the leftover pizza, “We’re happy for you, Emma. He’s a huge client for them, they obviously trust you to do a good job.” Emma nods in thanks and they both head back into the living room. Her sister-in-law’s warmth always calms her (and Ruby) down which allows David to jump in and change the subject to the coverage of some football player’s arrest on SportsCenter. Emma finally catches a breath and realizes just how lucky she is for the friend dynamic they have before settling in to debate if this James Spencer kid should still be eligible for the draft.
As she lays in bed that night, Ms’ words ring through her head. Despite the rollercoaster of emotions she’s been feeling, Killian is a huge client, one that was formerly represented by a namesake for the company. This re energizes her a bit and helps her fall asleep, actually excited for what's to come.
She wakes up Sunday morning and makes Henry some pancakes and declares it a lazy Sunday. Henry happily obliged, cuddling up on the couch with The Deathly Hallows while Emma threw on some shitty reality TV.
. . .
When her alarm rings Monday morning, Emma pulls her pillow over her head like some teenager from one of those Disney Channel movies.
It takes her a second to remember what day it is and why she’s up at this godforsaken hour.
Killian Jones. Right.
She audibly groans before rolling out of bed and getting ready for the day. Between her shower and breakfast she gets Henry up. School starts at 8 so he’s technically running a bit behind but he’ll make it on the bus in time… hopefully.
She’s pouring him a bowl of cereal when he comes out of his room zipping up his sweater and rubbing his eyes.
“Hey, kid. Coco Puffs or Fruit Loops?” He mumbles some semblance of what she thinks is Fruit Loops so she pours the bowl and slides it across the kitchen island. He smiles in thanks as she pours her own bowl and sits beside him.
“So today’s the big day?”
She didn’t tell Henry about her new client and when she spoke to the Nolan’s and Ruby, he was definitely supposed to be sleeping. “How could you possibly know that?”
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are and I’m not as tired as you think I am.” He yawns as if to punctuate his point.
“Uh huh, sure, kid.” He gives her a knowing glance and she realizes she’s not getting out of this. She runs her hands over her face and sighs, “Yes, today is the first meeting and I’m only slightly nervous to fu— screw this whole thing up.”
Henry chuckles at her attempted censorship (she never said she was a perfect parent), “You’ll be great, Mom, and Hook seems like a decent enough guy. I’m sure he won’t give you too much trouble.”
She stares at Henry a bit dumbfounded. It shocks her everyday how old he’s getting– nine going on nineteen for sure.  “Are you hiding some Weasley’s Extendable Ears in your room or something? Are you a wizard? Should you be at Hogwarts?” Emma is very obviously trying to derail this conversation but it works, setting Henry off about how he’s finally on the sixth book and explaining the concept of a horcrux.
Oh, her sweet summer child.
God, maybe he is old enough for UFC.
When did that happen?
She ushers Henry to the bus, promising him they’ll watch the sixth movie tonight if he finishes the book today and is to school on time. It’s only September and he can’t be late three times in the first month of school. She kisses his forehead and he wishes her good luck.
Sometimes she wonders how such a screw up ended up with the perfect kid.
After cleaning up the kitchen, Emma finishes getting ready. She jumps on the subway and finds herself at the office with a half hour to spare. She’s never early so she chalks it up to nerves and uses the time to prep for this meeting.
Over the weekend she received multiple emails from Gold’s team surrounding a possible spot for Killian on the card for the pay-per-view Fight Night in November.
A pay-per-view card. She did enough research about Killian this weekend to know that would be his first.
Emma feels like she’s been thrown into the deep end before being taught how to swim.
Go big or go home.
She did a lot of research about Killian and learned practically nothing. She knows he came here from London almost ten years ago and that his team includes his head trainer Robin (husband of now former manager Regina Mills), and three other men named Will Scarlett, August Booth, and William Smee (he’s really selling it with that whole Hook theme). Other than that all she found was his record and highlights. He’s 6-0 which is insane for only being in the circuit for a year and a half– fighters are usually limited to three, maybe four fights a year.
4 of his 6 are knockouts.
He’s good… really good.
Her thoughts are interrupted by a light tapping on the edge of her cubicle. She glances up to find none other than the man himself. She can’t help but double take.
Real professional, Emma.
She's only ever seen him in the ring, at the gym, or dressed up for a business meeting. She’s not sure what she expected, but a leather jacket and pants that fit him like his own skin definitely weren’t it.
He looks good… really good.
Emma snaps herself out of it, “Hi, Mr. Jones, just give me a moment and we can head to the conference room.”
“It’s Killian, love, please.” She notices he winces at the seemingly habitual pet name. Emma ignores the ring of disappointment that runs through her gut at the realization that it may not be reserved for her. “A conference room’s a bit formal, don’t you think? Let’s get out of here, Swan.”
He grabs her hand before she can answer. “Mr.— Killian. Is this allowed?”
He chuckles. “We can plan the meetings at our leisure,” he says the last bit in an almost scary imitation of Regina, “but even still, Regina and I never met in office. A bit silly for two people to take up an entire conference room, yeah? Come on, lass, try something new. It’s called trust.”
Emma rolls her eyes but follows along anyway. The elevator ride should’ve been awkward but Killian kept the conversation flowing by asking her preferred drink. “Coffee, tea, or smoothies?”
Despite the risk of sounding like a child, Emma finds herself being honest with him, “Uhh, I actually prefer hot chocolate… with cinnamon.”
He smiles brightly at her, as though her drink order was the most brilliant discovery this century, “Perfect, Swan. I know just the place.”
She was so swept up in his ambush, she doesn’t realize that this isn’t the cocky, asshat Killian Jones she sees on tv or at the gym until he’s practically dragging her across the street to a small cafe. This Killian seems genuine and carries this almost childlike excitement.
Emma tells herself she has no interest in learning more about this Killian.
(Emma doesn’t have to tell herself that that is complete bullshit.)
. . .
He can’t stop himself from beaming when she offers up her drink order without hesitation. Killian feels like a bloody teenager around her. He promised himself he wouldn’t feel this way again, but something about Emma Swan has completely entranced him.
He finds himself fascinated with every part of her, including the small things, like the fact she takes cinnamon on her hot chocolate.
Once they get to the cafe across the street, Killian forces himself to dial it back. He can tell she’s guarded and as much as he’d like to be friends (more than friends) with the lass, he knows business has to come first.
It wouldn’t exactly be a good look for him if he ran “The Savior” out of the office on her second day.
Somehow he thinks he doesn’t have that power.
He’d like to. (Obviously not to run her out of the office, but he’d like his existence to mean that much to her.)
Bloody hell, he's being ridiculous.
They sit down across from each other at a small table by the window. He expects to start the conversation but before he can form a coherent thought she’s speaking.
“So, Killian. I’ve already received some correspondence from Gold’s team. I’m not sure how much time you usually take between fights and I know it’s already the end of September but…”
She’s rambling and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen anybody so adorable when they’re nervous.
Adorable is not a professional descriptor.
Killian Jones doesn’t want “professional” with Emma Swan.
“...Gold is hoping to get you on the main card for November 14th.”
Did she just say main card?
He chokes on his coffee.
“Main card, Swan? I’ve never been on the main card. Strictly early prelims…”
She eyes him suspiciously, “Usually that’s a good thing. Upward momentum and all that. His team is clearly impressed by your dominant record.”
“Is his team the only one impressed?” The flirt escapes him before he can stop it.  
Bloody idiot.
She doesn’t even bat an eye, “The entire league seems to be impressed, Jones.” Her tone tells him she knows what just happened but she shut it down immediately.
He likes a challenge.
Emma Swan may be his favorite challenge yet.
Emma Swan is off limits, but Killian will be damned if he cares.
. . .
Emma is surprised when Killian pays for their drinks despite her insistence that she can charge it to Mills Management. She’s also surprised by how nice he is.
She keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop.
She’s still waiting.
He’s definitely flirtatious, every other sentence being easily twisted into some sort of innuendo, but she can tell it’s a front. The little things he does like tipping the barista an extra fifty cents or holding the door for her, let on to the man behind the persona.
Well, and the fact he practically chokes when she tells him they want him for the main card.
He seems genuinely shocked that anyone would be impressed by him. His mask comes out almost immediately, another innuendo laced into his question. She doesn’t let him go there, shutting it down as quickly as it started. For this to work, she needs him the real him. Not the cocky MMA fighter who he used to catch the eye of UFC execs. She compliments him, and it’s beyond genuine. That seems to calm his nerves a bit as they move into social media management and he shifts into a professionalism she’s not entirely prepared for.
She’s not sure she wants professional Killian Jones.
Whoa, Emma, pump the breaks.
She shakes it off as she watches him take notes on what she’s saying about the importance of a lead up on Twitter and how it can set the tone for the entire fight. His tongue runs along the inside of his lower lip as he concentrates and she can’t help the overwhelming wave of attraction that hits her.
Like lightning.
It’s not just the tongue, (but that’s not helping) it’s his dedication to this sport and how he actually gives a fuck about what she’s saying. Killian never displayed even a hint of the deeply rooted misogyny that runs rampant throughout the industry. He actually seems almost humbled by her presence. The words escape her mouth before she can’t stop them, “Why are you actually taking anything I say seriously?”
Very professional, Emma. Way to instill confidence in your client. Smooth.
His head snaps up at her abrupt question and he looks confused. “I know you don’t like being called a legend, Swan, but you were a damn good fighter. If I walk out of this partnership with half the following and success you had, I’d call that a win.”
She’s stunned by his sincerity.
Brick. Wall. (She thinks she hears Pink Floyd somewhere in the distance.)
“And I suppose you think you know all about me from our, what, three conversations now?” She knows it’s snippy, that’s the point.
He stops typing and puts his phone down. “Pardon me, love, but you’re a bit of an open book.”
Emma scoffs, “Anyone with the internet knows I prefer people don’t call me a legend.”
“Aye, but do they know it’s because you feel too young with a career too short to have made an impact? That you feel choosing yourself, a life, over MMA removes all glory from your name?”
Emma is entirely shaken by his apparent ability to read her like a fucking picture book. (Does that even make sense? Do you read picture books?) Emma never had a formal retirement ceremony; gloves in the middle of the ring and all that. She had asked Gold to be taken off the roster and for a quiet exit and that’s what he’d given her. The public doesn’t know the real reason she left MMA, her attempt at keeping Henry’s life as normal as possible, but somehow Killian–
Brick. Brick. Brick.
“Let’s talk about Instagram.” She sees the disappointment sweep across his face, realizing she can read him pretty well too. That’s terrifying.
Way more terrifying than social media plans.
They keep it strictly business for the rest of the meeting. She’s startled when her stomach rumbles and she checks the time.
12:00. They’ve been strategizing for three hours.
She’s not sure where the time went, and when Killian asks her if she wants to grab a bite to eat together, she’s startled again by her initial gut reaction to say yes.
Obviously, she says no and makes up some lie about needing to get back to the office. He knows it’s a lie, she can see it all over his face. He doesn’t push her though, and she’s grateful. They set their next meeting and Emma’s heart speeds up, seemingly unaware that this is a business meeting and not a date. She shakes his hand and promises to have a full plan ready for Thursday before practically sprinting out of the cafe.
In three conversations Killian Jones has gone from asshat to… who knows. One thing Emma does know is that Killian Jones is off limits to the highest of ethical degrees. But what scares her most, is that she’s not entirely sure she cares.
. . .
As soon as he asks her to lunch he knows he’s pushed too far.
Actually, he perhaps pushed too far by letting on just how easy it was for him to read her, but lunch, well that was just asking for a brick wall. He runs his hands across his face, completely taken with someone he has no right to. She’s witty, smart, and could probably kick his ass— scratch that, could definitely kick his ass— but she also has demons, he can see them swimming behind her eyes. Demons that seem scarily similar to his, maybe not on the surface but definitely in their damage. Emma is raw and unapologetic; a real human being who is, for all intents and purposes, unimpressed by the suave persona of Killian “Hook” Jones.
She’s bloody perfect.
He’s fucking fucked.
Killian decides to grab a quick lunch from the cafe and head to the gym. He has a lot of pent up frustration and really feels the need to punch something. Thank god that’s his job. He scarfs down his sandwich, not realizing how hungry he was and jumps on the subway to the training center. He miraculously finds a seat and is able to scroll through his phone a bit. As he pokes around Twitter he finds an article announcing Emma “The Savior” Swan’s comeback to the UFC. He clicks on it, curiosity getting the better of him despite probably knowing the gist of the article.
He didn’t expect a timeline of her very impressive career:
2008: Swan joins the UFC with her Boston gym. Her debut match against Aurora Rose ended in a TKO. She’s back in action six months later fighting Ella Tremaine. She wins again, this time after three rounds by split decision.
2009: A dominant start to the year for The Savior with a first round submission against Tiana Dampier in January. She rounded out her year with another first round submission against El Oldenburg in May, and a third round knockout against Esmerelda Gringoire in October.
2010: Swan goes three rounds with Merida Baer and wins by unanimous decision. Swan wins again after three rounds by split decision against Megara Alcmene. The Savior’s final match is a KO against Mulan Fa rounding out her record to 8-0. Her next match, meant to be for the women’s title, was declined with no comment from The Savior.
2020: Swan joins Mills Management as a talent manager assigned to Killian “Hook” Jones.
Killian knew Swan was good, an early legend in her own right, but he had no idea she was this dominant. He also had no idea she left without so much as a wave goodbye. He figured he’d just missed the announcement seeing as it came well before his introduction into the sport. Against his typical moral code, he tries to google why she left but finds nothing. She knocks out Mulan Fa and then just stops being added to cards and fades away as new fighters take her place.
He knows there’s a reason for her secrecy and he’d be lying if he said curiosity was the only driving force behind his attempt to learn more. He finds himself wanting to know everything there is to know about Emma Swan; a deeper part of him aches for her to be the one who tells him.
He’s positive he can only dream of gaining that level of trust from her, but he has to try. Liam's words ring heavy in his ears, "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets."
He gets off at the stop closest to the training center and walks through the front doors, waving to Belle at the front desk before heading into the locker room. He’s fortunate to be on the UFC roster, allowing him to keep his training gear at the center and not have to worry about lugging it around with him. It also gives him the freedom to come here whenever he needs to let off some steam. He changes quickly and finds a treadmill to warm up. He jogs a mile and a half before picking up the pace. Killian’s in the midst of his runner’s high when someone steps into the machine next to him. He turns his head to offer them a small smile in hello, it’s not that big of a gym, exclusive to the UFC industry and a few friends of friends, so chances are he knows the person at least in passing.
Oh, Killian knows them alright, and he practically falls off the treadmill when he sees her green eyes blown wide.
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starstwinkleplanetsshine · 4 years ago
The Call of Resistance Chapter 3
I’m not sure if anyone is reading this, but I’m having a lot of fun writing it and wanted to get it out in the world! So here’s chapter 3 of The Call of Resistance! This is a fun, action-packed chapter so I hope you enjoy :) 
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Chapter 3: The Liberators 
I woke up as the light of the first sun came blazing across the horizon, wide-awake and not weighed down by my usual morning sluggishness. I had never been a morning person, and the past few months of late night meetings made this even more true. 
But this morning was different. 
“Whoa, have you ever seen the sunsrise before?” Lux, who had woken up with the Twins since he was a child, always made fun of me for my habit of sleeping in. I brushed off his remark, rolling my eyes, as I continued to walk into the kitchen and sat down across from him at the table.
“Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I want to be” 
“Then why are you up so early?” His tone shifted ever so slightly, but I picked up on it. This time he was serious, truly wanting to know. 
Wanting to know what I was hiding from him. 
Ever since he caught me sneaking back in a few weeks ago, he had paid more attention to my actions and was skeptical of nearly everything I did. Now I felt like I had to constantly be on edge around him, and I hated that. Lux used to be the one person I could relax and let my guard down around, and now he was the person I had to have it up for the most. It was the only bad thing about me leading the Resistance.
“I told you I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I figured I’d come join you, since what's the point of just laying awake in bed if I’m not going to be able to fall back asleep.” He nodded, and it seemed like he believed me.
 It was becoming too easy for me to lie to him. I used to never lie to him. 
“Well, so long as we’re both up, we can get to work early and then we can finish earlier than normal. Sound good?” He smiled at me, his big, sweet smile, and the pang of guilt from keeping secrets from him grew bigger, jabbing my heart. 
“Sounds great.” I returned his smile, and after a few moments we got up and began our work. I was hoping he would suggest that, because the plan was to attack the Storm Troopers later in the afternoon, when our informants from the city said they were the least active and off their guard. 
The whole day I couldn’t think of anything else but the plan that would unfold in just a few hours. I was unfocused and distracted all day, and Lux repeatedly called me out and asked what was the matter. Each time I came up with some different excuse, but each time I sensed he believed me less and less. 
“Nova, I don’t know where your head is today.” I looked up from where I had been staring at the sand, my mind entirely on the plans for this afternoon. I didn’t know when I had zoned out, or for how long I had been staring.
“Sorry, Lux. I guess I’m just tired.” He shook his head and came over to finish repairs on the Vaporator I was working on. Suddenly he stopped and looked me right in the face, something that always took me by surprise. Lux was soft spoken, gentle, and non confrontational. But whenever his deep brown eyes locked on mine, with that too-familiar intense, determined gaze, I knew he was about to say something he didn’t want to, but felt he needed to anyway. 
“You’ve been acting really strange for the past few months, Nov. I’ve tried to ignore it, but especially the past few weeks, after you came home super early that one time, you haven’t been...you.” 
I couldn’t hold his gaze anymore and looked down at my dust-covered boots. His stare, however, held firm. 
“You’ve been lying to me.” 
My shock must’ve shown on my face.
“Did you really not think I wouldn’t know? You’ve been like my sister for almost half my life, and you really thought you could just lie to me so easily?” 
My shame rose so quickly I could feel my face redden. 
“I don’t know what you’ve been doing, or where you’ve been going, but it hurts that you aren’t being honest with me and that you don’t trust me enough to let me be a part of your life. I miss you. I miss how we used to be, before you got all distant and secretive.” 
If I was honest with myself, I knew I missed that too, but the words caught in my throat. All I could do was stare at the ground.
 Lux and I were never silent together. 
“I didn’t want to bring it up like this, but I needed to sometime.” I knew I should say something, but I couldn't. 
After more silence, he spoke again, clearly frustrated and upset with me, “I’m not gonna scavenge today. You can go without me, or not, I don’t care.” He began to turn back to the hut, but only got about half way before he turned around. “Are you really just going to stand there? Are you not going to say anything?!” 
I had never heard him yell like that. I had never heard him sound so angry. And hurt. It cut me to the heart, and I felt like I had fallen into a deep hole that I could never get out of. There was now a divide between us, a chasm that had never been there before, and I wondered if it could ever be crossed. 
“Lux, I’m sorry. You’re right, I have been keeping secrets, and I have been distant.” When I finally mustered up the courage to look at his face, his burning eyes made me feel even worse, and the cut deepened. 
“Why?” With a simple word, he turned my whole world upside down. He asked me the one thing I hoped with everything I had he wouldn’t, the one thing I knew would blow everything up. 
There was more silence. 
So much silence, as I wrestled with how to answer him, and as he waited for me to speak. 
“I can’t tell you.” I broke my own heart with those words, and I can only imagine what I did to him with them. 
I wouldn’t know, though, because at that he turned and stormed into our hut, but not before I caught a glimpse of his eyes. They had turned icy. Stony. Cold. So full of anger and betrayal that I hardly recognized them. The sound of him slamming the door that echoed across the desolate landscape shocked me out of my suspended state, and I was left staring at the spot where my closest friend stood moments ago, before he turned his back on me. 
But really, I had turned my back on him first, weeks before, months before. It would've been so easy for me to be angry at him right back, to say he was overreacting. But I couldn’t. I knew the fault was mine, that I was the one causing the rift between us. To Lux, the most important thing in the world was honesty, and I betrayed that. He knew I did, but even worse, he didn’t yet know how. And that made it even worse. 
But I also knew I couldn’t tell him the truth, I couldn’t risk it. He didn’t agree with the Resistance, he never had, and I didn’t know what he would do if he found out there was one on Tatooine, and I especially didn’t know what he would do if he knew I led it. This was just another sacrifice I had to make. 
I sat down where I stood in the heat of the blazing suns and cried. 
Time passed without me realizing it. My tears had been dry for a while, my face was being burnt by the unrelenting suns above, but I just sat there trying to make sense of the mess my world had quickly become. My mind was a tangle of thoughts about the war brewing, then flashes of Lux’s outburst, scenarios of everything that was going to take place that afternoon, then again, Lux. 
If I wasn’t worried enough about our plan, going into it without a clear head made me even more apprehensive. Just when I wanted time to slow down, it seemed to move quicker than ever, and before I knew it, it was time to head toward the closest thing to a city you can find on Tatooine, Mos Eisley, where our plan would be put into motion. The whole walk I went over the plan again and again in my head. I told myself that everyone knew their positions and their designated roles, we went over that in detail at our meeting last night. 
Our informants told us that most of the Troopers congregate in one of the local cantinas around the same time everyday, and that would be where we strike. One by one, members would file into the cantina pretending to be patrons, all spread out and inconspicuous. Then once given the signal, they would fire on the Troopers with their blasters, careful to avoid anyone else in the room. Almost the rest of our group would be stationed outside the cantina, ready to fire upon any stormtroopers that flee. I organized a small group to disable their racers and speeders so they couldn't escape and get intel to backup units, if there even were any in close enough systems. Most importantly, a few of my most trusted members and I would sneak into their makeshift headquarters and destroy their communications systems so that they can’t alert any nearby First Order Starships of what is happening. Going over it to myself, walking towards the place where the plan would take form, I realized how many things could go wrong. 
There was so much room for error and potential disaster despite our best efforts to come up with an air-tight plan. The only thing certain was that it was too late to turn back now. As the bustle of the seedy city center of Mos Eisley came into view, one thought began to boom in my head, over and over, louder than my worries and fears about what was about to take place. A phrase I remembered my parents teaching me and using when I was younger. The phrase my mother spoke to me with her last breath, right before I felt her hand go cold and limp in mine. They told me it was the battle cry of the Rebellion, and it signified hope and an ancient, sacred power that ran through the whole universe. I didn’t know the words came out of my mouth until I heard myself speaking them, almost as a prayer out to the galaxy, and to my fellow Resistance members who were getting ready to fight for freedom. 
“May the force be with you.”
I walked into Mos Eisley with my head held high knowing that when I walked out of it nothing would be the same. 
There were so many people milling about in the grimy, dirt streets of the city center, much more than I thought there would be. I tried to see this as a positive thing, that it would be easier to blend in this way. But it also worried me, since I didn’t want any civilians to be caught in the cross-fire of what was sure to be a firefight. I tried to shake this thought out of my head as I continued forward, catching glimpses of familiar faces. Other members of the Resistance. We would make brief eye contact but made no other indication that we knew each other, no one wanted to tip anyone off that something suspicious was going on. I saw people get into their designated positions, and I knew the time was getting nearer. The first part of the plan was the trickiest, and most dangerous. 
And it was about to begin.
“Hey!” A large man pushed me from behind, causing me to stumble forward and spin around, locking eyes with him. “You’ve got some nerve showing your face around me!” Isaary Sinwor was a valuable and trusted Resistance member around my same age, he was tall and strong, and most importantly, he had a flair for the dramatic. This meant that everyone was in position and ready. 
The plan had begun. 
“I have nerve?” I shouted back at him, as loud as possible, “If I recall, you’re the one who sold me faulty parts!” I pushed him away from me forcefully. Two more Resistance members joined the fight, one woman, Baillee Fulred, and one man, Kamdeon Stoyar, who pretended to try to break us up. We needed to make as big of a scene as we could if we were to get the attention of the Stromtroopers that patrolled the area. The two of us kept screaming back and forth at each other, and the other two kept struggling, as we slowly got increasingly more violent. I began to worry that this plan wouldn’t work when three StormTroopers came around the corner straight toward us. 
I took a deep breath and readied myself for the interaction. 
“Break it up!” Yelled the Trooper on the right side, but we ignored him. They advanced quickly, calling out for us to stop fighting, and they became increasingly more agitated as we ignored them. Finally, they reached us and two of them grabbed Isaary and I aggressively by the arm, pulling us apart. The other pointed his blaster at Baillee and Kamdeon to stop them. We struggled as they kept barking commands at us, and that was the key. 
“Okay trouble makers, we’re going to have to settle this somewhere else.” They were taking us in for questioning and to try to settle the dispute, and as they marched us away towards their headquarters Isaary and I shared a brief knowing look.
We were one step closer. 
I could feel the fear rise in me as we entered the First Order headquarters flanked by StormTroopers holding blasters to us. Little did they know, we all concealed our own weapons as well. There were not many Troopers in the building, at least not that I could see. It was clear our informants were right--they had gotten lazy. After months on Tatooine with nothing to do but stir up trouble, it seems they stopped taking their jobs too seriously. 
They were about to learn that was a mistake. 
But despite this, and the fact that all of us knew how to fight and defend ourselves very well, the nerves within me continued to grow more and more. Kamdeons cough brought me back to reality. That was the signal. 
We had to act now. 
Quickly, Kamdeon knocked out the Trooper that was holding the blaster to him and Baillee, while the rest of us whipped out our weapons. The two other Troopers were surprised, but quickly sprung into action. Isaary began to fight one of them and quickly disarmed him, while I turned to the other one. He fired his blaster and barely missed my side, and instinctively I fired mine. 
He was down before I even realized it, and I had to push the reality of what I’d just done out of my mind. 
By the time Isaary took care of the Trooper he was fighting, Baillee was at the end of the hall, motioning to us that the coast was clear. We quickly and quietly followed her, knowing that more Troopers would be after us soon. We had to find their main communications room, and while we had a general idea of where it was, it still took a while to locate it. We encountered a few more Troopers on our way, but each time we took cover and fired at them until the coast was clear. We had a couple of close calls, but so far we were successful. Finally we reached the room we were looking for, and I knew it would only get more difficult from here. I looked at my team one more time.
“We do this together. We stick to the plan. Clear the room, disconnect the servers, get the hell out of there, and blow it into the sky. Ready?” They all nodded and I took a deep breath. 
Again I whispered to myself, “may the force be with us”,  as I swung open the door, ready to fight. 
Before it was even fully opened my team was already firing at the few Troopers stationed inside. I began to fire as the room became chaotic and loud, a mess of energy and heat from the blasters flying around. Suddenly I heard a loud cry of pain next to me, and I turned to see Baillee on the ground, clutching her arm. 
“I’m okay! I just got hit in the arm, I’m okay.” I was thankful her wound wasn’t fatal, but this did complicate things. After a long couple of minutes, and more close shots than I was comfortable with, all of the Troopers who were in the room lay on the ground. I looked around and saw that our whole team was still intact, a little battered and Baillee with an injury, but we were all left standing. 
“Close the doors and make sure no one can open them.” Isaary quickly closed the door and figured out a way to lock them from the inside. I walked over to Baillee, tearing off a piece of my shirt as I did. I knelt down to tie it around her injury, and I could tell she was in a lot of pain. “Baillee, can you still shut down the servers?” 
She nodded slowly and I helped her up and over to the main control panel. She began typing away quickly, as if she hadn’t just sustained a blast to her upper arm. I was impressed by her ability to push away her pain. 
Suddenly I was struck with the realization of how we had made it this far: our resilience. Growing up on Tatooine forces you to be hardened, and to have skills that beings on other planets wouldn’t need. But here, you had to fight everyday to survive, and it made us strong.
For the first time, I truly believed we would be able to pull this off. 
“Done” In a matter of minutes, Baillee had cut off any chance of the Troopers communicating with anyone off-planet. “And it doesn’t look like they were able to send any transmissions alerting the First Order of our attack. We’re in the clear.” I could feel our morale soar, as Kamdeon hugged Baillee and Isaary beamed at me, and I returned his smile. “They can still communicate with each other for now,” She continued, “but that will end when we fry this place.” 
“I think we should get out of here soon, we’re about to have company” Isaary pointed to the security cams which showed a group of almost ten StormTroopers headed our way. 
The sense of fear came back.
“Well if everythings ready, then I’d say it's time to make some noise.” The others smiled as they moved towards the door. As I turned from the screen a medium sized book caught my eye, with the words “Information” on it. I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into my bag, thinking it could be valuable to us. 
“Ready?” Isaary questioned as he stood by the button that would open the doors. I looked around to the others, Baillee nodded and Kamdeon raised his blaster. 
Silently, the doors slid open to reveal an empty hallway. I was suspicious, but we cautiously made our way out of the room. Isaary was the last to leave, as he planted the explosion device that would destroy the building. I could hear him activate it, and then he closed the doors, quickly sliding between them, and caught up.
“We have three minutes or we’re going up with this place.” This made us move quicker, all the while wondering where the Troopers that we saw on the cams were. 
As we were about to round a corner, I got a nagging feeling that I couldn’t shake, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I held out my arm quickly to stop my team, and held a finger to my lips. Quickly, I handed everyone small pieces of dried Dewback skin to shove in their ears, as I demonstrated. They were confused, until they saw me take out a small device out of my bag. I had taken it from Lux’s farm before I left, just in case. 
They all recognized the old gadget that moisture farmers used to use to disorient any Sand People who would try to come to their farms and damage Vaporators, or worse, and they knew why I had handed them the odd item of Dewback earstoppers. When activated, it emitted a sound so loud that it caused pain and confusion to anyone who heard. The only thing thick enough to block the sound was Dewback skin. Once I knew the other three were safely protected, I activated it and threw it around the corner. I motioned for them to go as I faintly heard the high-frequency sound, accompanied by the sound of screaming and clanging of metal. My plan had worked, the Troopers dropped their weapons and would be easy targets. We came flying around the corner, blasters blazing upon the incapacitated Troopers, and took out every one of them. Once I knew the coast was clear, I picked up the object that had saved us, switched it off, and stuffed it back in my bag. This way, hopefully Lux wouldn’t notice I used it. 
I didn’t know how much time we had but I knew it was getting close. We began to sprint toward the doors we came in, firing wildly at any Troopers that crossed our path. Finally the door was in sight, and I felt a surge of success. That's when I heard the scream.
“NO!!” I heard Baillee’s voice cry out. We all turned just in time to watch Isaary crumble to the floor, a blaster hole in his chest. Instinctively, barely even looking, I shot my blaster at the head of the Trooper who killed him before he even had a chance to revel in his victory. 
That was the first time I had killed without feeling remorse. 
As I began to move towards Isaary’s body, Kamdeon had to drag me away. 
“We have seconds, Nova! We don’t have time!” 
I couldn’t even protest, I was in shock from the loss. I kept my eyes on the body of Isaary, the man who had become my friend over the past few months, the first of many of us to give our lives in the fight for freedom. In my mind I knew we would suffer losses today, but it was so much harder now that I was staring that fact in the face. 
I didn’t realize tears were flowing down my face until I felt the warmth on my cheeks and felt a few drops on my hand. Eventually Kamdeon brought me back to reality, and we all sprinted out of the doors just in time. We kept running and didn’t look back, even when we heard the explosion behind us. I could feel the heat on my back as I ran. And then I heard the blaster fire. 
They had seen the signal. 
The second part of our plan had begun. 
I had no way of knowing what was going on inside the cantina. Once we reached it, we joined the other Resistance members who were assigned to wait outside and take care of any fleeing Troopers. I could see the group of people who were disabling their speeders, and there were even some standing at the main entrance to the city, ready to ensure none could get away. I was proud of them for thinking of that and taking the initiative. It let me know everyone was taking this seriously, and desperately wanted the plan to succeed. 
All at once, Troopers began to run out of the Cantina and the firing began. There were screams from civilians running away in fear and confusion, and blaster fire whirring by, seeming to come from everywhere. Some Troopers ran for their speeders, only to find them destroyed, and then they were immediately shot down by the members waiting for them. Everywhere I saw white suits of armor dropping to the ground, as well as some Resistance members. I had to try to ignore the pain and feeling of guilt that plagued me when I saw my brave friends make the ultimate sacrifice. 
Running towards the edge of the city, I saw a Trooper desperately try to use his comms to call for backup from the nearest Star Destroyer, only to see him throw it on the ground in frustration when he realized that was now impossible. I quietly thanked Isaary for his sacrifice, for I knew the only way this plan would work was if there was no way for the Troopers to let anyone know this was happening. I then saw that Trooper fall to the ground at the hand of a Resistance member at the edge of the city. 
And in that moment, I knew we had already won. 
The fighting seemed to last for hours, but in the end it was all over in just one. It ended as quickly as it had begun. Suddenly the blasts just stopped firing. We all slowly looked around, blasters still raised and ready, but the only StromTroopers in sight were lying dead on the ground. Our members on the perimeter quickly ran to meet us, and said that none of them saw any Trooper get away, and no starship had taken off, as that would have been very visible in the open, blue sky.
I almost couldn’t believe it. We actually did it. 
But our victory came with a steep price. After the initial celebration of our victory, we all broke away from our hugs soberly, looking around at our friends who didn’t survive the fight. 
There were too many of them. 
With tears brimming, we gently gathered their bodies and organized for a burial to take place. Slowly, cautiously, people began to peek out of their homes and hiding places and step into the streets, silently taking in the carnage and the reality of what just took place. 
Then suddenly, one by one, the clapping began, which turned into cheering, and before I knew it, everyone was approaching us, the “brave Resistance fighters who rid the city of evil”, “The Liberators”. They began to hug us and shake our hands feverishly, thanking anyone with a blaster in their hand. I had no idea the beings of the city felt this way, but it appeared that everyone was suffering under the heavy hand of tyranny, and now they were finally free. 
Seeing everyone celebrate, a new light in their eyes, almost made all that we had lost worth it. 
We reveled in our success for a while before we turned to what we all knew needed to be done, but no one wanted to do. Some people who lived in the city offered us carts that we could use to carry those that had fallen out of the city so we could have a proper burial ceremony for them, and we thanked them as they helped us move our dead.
By the time we had moved everyone to a reasonable distance into the vast expanse of the desert, the twin suns had already begun to dip below the horizon, and the darkness was falling fast. We built a large bonfire quickly, and those who didn’t began to dig the large grave that we would soon lay those who sacrificed everything to rest in. Those who still weren’t working scoured the area for large rocks and stones so we could build a structure at the gravesite. I needed to ensure that this spot would always be remembered and revered.
Once all the preparations were complete, we began the solemn task of moving the bodies into the newly dug grave. I had never heard the desert so silent. The only noise that could be heard was the occasional sniffle as everyone cried silently, or the sudden loud sob of one of the survivors looking at the face of someone who was their friend. 
We all leaned on each other for support, and there was something healing about going through this experience together. Once everyone was finally laid to rest, one by one people began to turn to me. They were waiting for me to say something, but I felt that I was the least qualified to speak at this moment. It was my fault we were even having a funeral. If it weren’t for my plan, no one would’ve died today. But even though I knew no one saw the situation like that, I couldn’t shake the guilt.
I wondered if I would ever be able to. 
Drawing a shaky breath, I looked at the faces of the crowd and let my thoughts pour out of me. 
“I want to thank everyone here for your bravery and courage today. Thank you for choosing to stand for freedom and for what is right, when it would have been so much easier to hide in the shadows and keep your head down. 
“Because of you, every single one of you, the Resistance is one step closer to bringing down the First Order. I have no doubt that we are not alone, that all over the galaxy small bands are rising up to take back their cities and their planets. Our actions today started a ripple that will expand and grow far beyond our horizon, our sector, and reach the whole galaxy. We are the hope and fuel of the Resistance, and this day will not be forgotten.” I looked down into the no longer empty grave just feet from me, and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. 
“And the sacrifices made today will not be forgotten. Our friends and family that we’ve lost today were not afraid to die. They were not afraid to stare death in the face and recognize it was for a greater purpose, that everything we do is for a greater purpose. Be comforted by the fact that those who we lost today did not die in vain. It is because of them that we were able to rid Tatooine of StormTroopers, and of the tyranny of the First Order. Those lying before us, now ascended to a new realm, will forever be remembered for their bravery and selflessness, for giving up their lives so other’s lives could be saved, so that we and the generations that follow us can live in freedom and without the pain of war.” 
My words may have been filled with hope, but there was turmoil within me as I tried to reconcile what all this loss was truly for. 
“We mourn those we have lost, and our grieving will take time, and it will not be easy. But those we mourn would not want our tears to fall forever. Instead, we should honor their death by continuing the fight they died for, by taking down the First Order, one step at a time. But most of all, we honor them by living lives worthy of their sacrifice, and remembering that we now carry the flame that they have passed on to us, the flame of hope that we must never let be extinguished.” 
There was a long moment where nothing happened, no one moved or spoke. It was as if everyone was frozen. Then, slowly, a small, frail figure hobbled to the edge of the grave. 
Deliberately Dya, our oldest and wisest member, who had once again narrowly bested the hand of death, bent over, grabbed a handful of sand, and gently tossed it into the grave. 
One by one, people followed her, until everyone had paid their respects. The grave was then filled all the way, and people began to slowly converse, as life seeped back into the crowd. There was still a weight that hung in the air, but I could feel it lighten, even if it was just by a little bit. 
As the fire grew faint people began to head back to their homes. But unlike the systematic, spread out, lonely treks that were undertaken after our Resistance meetings, now people went away in groups. With arms around each other, voices speaking loudly, no longer whispering in fear, but now letting their laughter reverberate across the dirt. We no longer had to cower in the darkness, constantly afraid of capture. Fear of the First Order was now in the past, destroyed along with the Troopers. 
Our days of living in the shadows were behind us, and we were finally free to bask in the light of the twin suns.
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