#otp: love doesn't make us perfect
adrift-alone-apart · 4 months
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and when we finally say those vows, i'll love you just as long as time allows
(original) (lucasdavid)
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singingcicadas · 6 months
Megatron's Opposite Day
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"I free slaves"
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This is Soundwave binding Ratbat but seeing as Megatron did the same thing to Pentius by putting his spark into Trypticon and reformatted Rumble and Frenzy into cassettes against their will I think he approves a lot of this practice
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Megatron on Optimus and humans, after his defeat in All Hail Megatron ⬇️
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he really salty
"I implant ideology" aka brainwashing
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Decepticon cause = Megatron. nuff said.
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"I liberate cities" says the person who let Nyon burn to make a point
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Cities are too small, think bigger
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Holding New York hostage.
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"Like Autobots, they believe in the sanctity of life" which he doesn't. Kudos for being honest.
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Allowing troops to do free-rein massacre is a reward for conquest. Nothing like some easy murder for de-stressing.
The Simanzi massacre which halved the Cybertronian population is off-screen so it doesn't deserve its own pic
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"The revolution"
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"We only feel good when we stand with a blade in one hand and a throat in another" "Let's make the entire face of the planet into our new gladiator arena"
What nice, confidence-inspiring revolutionaries. I'm sure they'll rule the population with benevolence after they've killed all the Necessary People with Necessary Violence. Final interpretation of what constitutes as Necessary is reserved for the sole discretion of Megatron, ofc.
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Good goals.
Sentinel might be an absolute asshole but at least he's got one thing right: they're literally a gang of thugs who gets high off murder.
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"The people are my utmost concern"
'The people': ................
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"Battling for freedom"
Freedom of what? Function? Autonomy?
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the ability to choose whether to fight? on which side to fight?
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Idk why they used the word "pogrom" for this, it's way too specific
Anyways it doesn't matter, they won't be missed.
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Good for Bumblebee for calling him out. Screenshotted this just to appreciate Megatron's bitchy face ⬇️
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Other urban legends:
"Megatron loves Cybertron" let's just burrrrn it
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He did fight to save Cybertron in Chaos Theory but also made it pretty clear why he did it. It's not out of the goodness of his heart or any sentimental reasons like that. It's an ego/dominance thing.
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Plus his wording when he's trying to convince Optimus to let him go with the Lost Light: "I broke the planet. And that, Optimus, is why I owe it to you - to everyone - to find a replacement."
In other words: I made a mess and can't be bothered to clean it up, so I want to get away from it and find somewhere new to start clean.
I don't think Optimus appreciates the favour.
"Megatron tore down a corrupt government" which is true, just too bad that he's worse
He's also, um, a closeted Zeta admirer?
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"Megatron advocates equality" ???
Megatron x dictatorship is literally his OTP. They were inseparable for four million years. A lot of people died trying.
"Megatron cares about the Decepticons" no he doesn't. Not his troops nor its cause.
Like for one thing he treats them with complete scorn
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Admits that the most useful thing about keeping Starscream around is that he can bully underlings into line
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Wants to use the humans' nuke to get rid of his troops and reformat them into peaceful drones after they outlive their use because they were "too ruthless" for his perfect peaceful society
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Has zero scruples about fighting Deceptigod, just affronted that his own soldiers are being used against him
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And basically just drops the Decepticons like a bag of vermin after he surrenders. He never once mentions them of his own accord, other than to insist he has nothing to do with them. Even his surrender speech is something Optimus makes him do as exchange b/c he wants to go on parole. He wasn't planning on making a public address otherwise, he was just going to leave them hanging.
Looking at the publication timeline, Megatron started out as an established Evil McEvilson-type villain similar to how he is in G1 and it's not until Chaos Theory in 2011 that JRo really gave him a sympathetic backstory that drew his characterization away from the bloodthirsty pugno ergo sum warlord into someone who once held ideals about societal reform and remains convinced of his own moral supremacy throughout the 4 mill years of death and war, adding worldbuilding such as Functionism/oppression/government corruption as justification for the beginning of the Decepticon movement. But because the start of the Decepticons was already written in Megatron Origins and every evil thing he'd done up till Chaos Theory can't be retracted and they had to keep Megatron as a villain until his story was no longer central to the Autobot-Decepticon war line, and JRo didn't try to downplay the atrocities he'd committed (some of the most sadistically disturbing things Megatron did were exclusively in MTMTE flashbacks), but rather tried to distance him from them and placed the focus on the juxtapositions to emphasize change, this as a whole just resulted in Evil McEvilson getting turned into Hyper McHypocrite.
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scarareg · 4 months
From 0 to 10, which grades would you give to PJO ships?
Hi anon! This is such a fun question! Thanks for sending it! I tried to choose the most popular ships because there are so many variations of them, but if you are curious about a specific one that I didn't mention, feel free to ask!
Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)
3/10 I give it a 3 only because in PJO they are cute but in HOO they are full of red flags and I hate what Rick did with them. I feel like their goals for the future do not align at all, and it is as if they together because that is what they are used to and not because they are in love. It seems like Percy is always trying to accommodate to what Annabeth wants and I think in the long run that would make him miserable, and those feeling will make worst a relationship that is already fragile.
In the future he is going to resent her so bad, because we already see that he doesn't feel comfortable joking/talking about some topics because Annabeth gets mad, now add him feeling like he has to follow everything she says or do just to be "the perfect boyfriend". It is a recipe for disaster
AnnieLuke (Annabeth x Luke)
1/10 this one is complicated. The thing is that I understand the appeal of a childhood besfrieds to lovers, I love those, BUT Luke never saw Annabeth as anything but a little sister. That + the fact that their relationship became toxic, it just make me uncomfortable. Sorry Annie, but this one is not the one, at least in my opinion (and in Luke's lmao)
Perluke (Percy x Luke)
4/10 I see you fans of friends to enemies to lovers or friends to lovers to enemies, I get it, but to me this one lacks that je ne sais quoi to make it appealing. But I can understand why some people like it. And I am part of the team "Percy had a crush on Luke yet he was the last to know"
Percico (Percy x Nico)
10/10 they are my OTP. I like how they complement each other. They have the history, the angst, the complexity. I like the dynamic of two characters who went through a lot, but deal with trauma in opposite ways.
They are ride or die for each other, but they keep that information a secret from each other, which makes their relationship really fun.
Most importantly Nico thinks Percy is cool AF and he adores him just the way he is. Percy is one of the few people who tried to get close to Nico and to understand him.
Their empathetic nature would make this relationship super sweet, tender and calm. For example, if one of them need to rest or are stressed out, they can go to the other and they will know if they need to talk or just want to nap.
Bonus points because their relationship with each other's parents would make their relationship even more interesting and fun!
Perachel (Percy x Rachel)
9/10 love this one! My second fave Percy ship! This is Percy's loss, to be honest. Their chemistry is super natural and they are always having fun! Rachel seems like a low-maintenance partner, so being with her must be pretty easy. She would not make drama if Percy can't be there with her for some time because he has to save the world or whatever. I think he can chill with her, and just like with Nico, Percy just being Percy is enough
Valgrace (Leo x Jason)
9/10 What I like about them is that both are insecure about themselves but always see the best in each other. Jason is Leo's hype man and Leo is always thinking about how impressive Jason is. Where Leo is chaotic, Jason is calm. Where Jason is anxious, Leo is chill. They just screams healthy couple
Jiper (Jason x Piper)
2/10 the problem here is how the relationship started. Both of them are really kind to each other, but their romance is based on a lie, which neither of them is to blame for, but it just feels wrong. To me, after knowing how their relationship started, Piper seems to like Jason enough to stay a couple, and Jason was too kind and just rolled with it, and that is not good reason to stay with someone in my opinion.
Liper (Leo x Piper)
9/10 shout out to @maygirlsposts to make me see the light with this one! Before, it never crossed my mind they could be a couple, but gosh! They are so cute together!
Piper and Leo genuinely have a connection, they share sense of humor, they have been through difficult stuff together and are empathetic towards the other's problems. They have a healthy balance between being chaotic when they are chilling, and having the ability to have honest conversations when necessary. They are overall wholesome AF!
Extra points for being the healthy version of Hephaestus x Aphrodite
Jasico (Jason x Nico)
10/10 this one is not my ship,only because I prefer them as besties, but I see the vision of their shippers; and I give them a 10 because they are probably the healthiest ship Nico has, to be honest.
Jason is always so patient with Nico, and sincere yet kind. Is great to see Nico feeling at ease with him. Jason has the stability Nico needs in a relationship.
Both bring the best of each other, and push the other to do and be the best they can be!
Jeyna (Jason x Reyna)
8/10 oh what could have been! The tragedy of the lost potential! They were too powerful together and Rick couldn't handle that.
They have history together and understand each other deeply. They are both strong mentally and physically, so they could be the standard of a demigod couple. They are both healthy people on their own, so their relationship would naturally be nice.
Their love story could have been so interesting, like: separated by war and the gods, reunited by fate!
To tell you a secret, I see them as Nico's unofficial parents/older siblings. Basically, they both adopted him separately, protect him, and genuinely care about him. They would have been one hell of parents lmao
Jercy (Jason x Percy)
6/10 this one is fun! Again it is not my ship, but I like their dynamic. They give "Two bros,chilling in the hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay" energy
Frazel (Frank x Hazel)
9/10 this is the only canon ship I like! Frank is super sweet and Hazel is always so kind, both are just wholesome AF! Like two teddy bears! I like that they started out as friends and both were seen as the "weird kids", that makes me think their bond is just genuine!
Lazel (Leo x Hazel)
5/10 they are cute, I just prefer them as friends. And not gonna lie, the fact that Hazel's ex is Leo's grandpa makes them kinda weird to me as a couple.
As friends will give them a 8/10, they need more time to get closer, but they already are super fun!
Fraleo (Frank x Leo)
6/10 They are funny! Like wholesome-awkward meets wholesome-chaotic. They just make me laugh because of how cute they would be, completely adorable! Too pure for this world!
I like this, but personally I like my ships with more angst, so I prefer them as friends. But you guys, their shippers, you must be the cutest, most wholesome people out there!
Leo x Frank x Hazel
7/10 I see the vision, but as you can see, I like Leo being their bestie instead of in a romance. But I understand! What's better than a love triangle? An OT3!
Pipabeth (Piper x Annabeth)
8/10 I like them a lot! This is the ship I like for Annabeth. In general I think Annabeth seems more comfortable with women. It feels like Rick wrote her as a lesbian-who-doesn't-know-she-is-one, but did so whithout realizing. Her chemistry with Piper (and with Reyna) just comes naturally and she looks like she is having fun!
Piper's fun personality complements Annabeth's logical one. Piper is all feelings, Annabeth is all brains, love that!
Also, just imagine their mothers' reactions when they find out they are dating!
Pipercy (Piper x Percy)
5/10 this is fun! But it needs that something else to make it super appealing to me, you know. Both are crack heads so they would be hilarious and a menace together! I can see the appeal! For me, I just prefer them as besties, like "Prepare for trouble! And make it double!"
Solangelo (Nico x Will)
3/10 in canon, 10/10 in fanon
First of all, can we talk about how fucking ethereal their ship name is? The ship name gets an ∞/10!
Now, the ship. I will start saying that I LOVE ships that are opposites attracts, but sadly this ship is a bit like Percabeth, but better. Let me explain. The concept is there, but at the moment of writing their romance, Rick kinda sucks. Genuinely think fic writers do a better job writing them.
For starters I have a problem with Nico being outed by Cupid. And I do not like at all that he doesn't have time to process that trauma, neither his crush on Percy and the heartbreak that comes after his rejection. Will is shoehorned into the narrative because "Nico needs a boyfriend" and Will is the only character available. He was a glorified extra.
This takes me to that I feel Rick thinks a relationship will solve all of your problems. I firmly believe that Nico needed time alone to recover from all of his trauma, which is a lot. But Rick's solution for this kind of stuff is "get a partner!". (Leo and Piper also suffered of this)
Is like: "Did you live through World War II? Your mom died and you were immediately stuck in an hotel for maybe one or two months? When you finally got out, were you in another century? Your sister died one week later? Years passed and you lived on your own for a while and felt scared and isolated from everyone you knew? Did you fight another war? Went to Tartarus and came back and then get kidnapped? You almost died, again? Had to fight again? Don't worry, having a boyfriend will solve all your problems!"
And I HATE IT! This is not Will's fault, it's Rick's. So I feel bad for not loving Solangelo in canon, but I really think Nico needs time for himself, he will have time for boyfriends in the future after he gets in a better head space.
Conclusion Will and Nico deserve better writers.
Once again thanks Anon! Would love to know what you think about this!
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romchat · 3 months
The Double (Ep. 26): A place to rest your head
"Everywhere else is not comfortable, but the place you picked sure is not bad."
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Can we just take a moment to gush about THIS scene?
There's so much going on here and it's equal parts delicious and beautiful. Look, the writers and director of The Double don't always get it right, but when they do? Perfection. Fangfei and the Duke might now be one of my fave OTPs ever.
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I've said this before but one of my favorite elements of The Double's storytelling is its use of extended metaphor, particularly its use of theater to represent Duke Su's character. Not only does he put on a good show but he also appreciates one. And Fangfei looks like a piece of art he can't help but admire.
Look at how lovingly the camera glides over her to represent his gaze. He could stare at her for hours and never grow bored. It's sexy but also incredibly intimate, especially since there's nothing really else in the frame but their faces. Both might say they lack a home, but it seems like they've been able to carve out a space for only the two of them just fine.
(See all those window and doorway frames within frames--they’re like a cocoon, protecting them from the outside world.)
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But unlike Rapist Zhou, Duke Su doesn't want to conquer and possess Fangfei like an object, and you can immediately see him repressing the rage he feels at seeing her bruises in the close-up edit that lasts a beat too long.
It ties back to their earlier conversation about her wanting to switch roles with him and be the player instead of a pawn. He doesn't balk or make fun of her desire to see the world from a more powerful vantage point and instead clarifies whether she'd like him to be her pawn as well.
The fact that he knows what she has suffered at the hands of her ex husband and Rapist Zhou but only asks about what would make her feel empowered? Telling you, the man is trauma-informed. He knows when to ask questions and when to shut up.
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And this close-up shot after the camera slowly pans from her bruised wrist to her gently smiling face? This shot made my heart twinge.
That Fangfei felt comfortable enough to come to his home and even rest in his private quarters after almost being assaulted is so incredibly telling. She knows he's gazing at her bruises and she smiles at him because she trusts that he'd never do the same.
I love that his presence gives her space to heal. It's such a marked difference from when they first met in that room.
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SIDE NOTE: Whenever she gets to use that fan on him, I will go freaking feral.
Give me what I want, show.
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ineffably-human · 11 months
I'm honestly pissed at the reviewers who were claiming this season is all fanservice with not enough action or whatever the hell it is they said.
Good Omens s2 was fanservice, it was huge fun but 90% of it was everyone spinning their wheels while learning maybe one or two pieces of new information. Everyone is largely the same, flaws and all, and until that ending happens it's mostly meant to make us enjoy watching our OTP and have comforting feels about them.
This season of Our Flag is about Ed and Stede (and, I'd argue, Izzy) deciding the kind of people they want to be. That's happened since minute one and every episode has moved that forward. We see that in their fantasies, in their hallucinations, in who they are separately and together, in every single person they meet.
It's not a coincidence that Ricky is a noble fascinated by pirates until his playing around gets him hurt, and then his reaction is to burn it all down. (Unlike Stede, who thinks he's lost the man he loves and his immediate reaction is to forgive his crew and get them to safety before he even thinks about mourning.)
Or that Ned Lowe is mannered and loves music but is a sadistic snob who thinks everyone is disposable, and that's who Stede kills in cold blood.
It's not a coincidence that Zheng is a brilliant pirate with a broader vision but a people-focused kind of leadership, who is actively trying to build a force that ends pirating by giving everyone pay and security just when Ed is thinking about retirement again.
Even the way some of the crew find their bliss and leave or start considering it, the way they operate as individuals but also as a sort of unified force demonstrating community and safety and open easy queerness and how they're all transformed by it (sometimes literally). The contrasting images of piracy as encroaching death and perfect freedom.
It all hangs together so well, it's so smart and has such clear things to say. To call that 'fanservice' is such an insult to it. To deliver more of what made the show gather a fanbase by understanding its own arc and message is just good, strong writing. Because writing that understands the audience it built doesn't feel mindless. It feels like a thesis.
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seventeenlovesthree · 11 months
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@digimon02countdown Day 7 - What do you love about Digimon Adventure 02?
While my attachment to Digimon started and persisted due to my love to the original Adventure, there are still quite a few things about 02 that always kept me around. I have already hinted at it in previous posts; the relationships, similarities and support between the "older" and "new" Chosen Children, the concept of the multiverse, Jogress evolution (also the fact that my OTP are absolute dads to the kids)... But I'd say the most important aspect for me is the bonding between the characters. And nothing signifies this more for me, nothing is as outstanding, significant and vibrant - as the development of the relationship between Daisuke and Ken.
I would argue that, overall, no relationship gets that much focus, that much visible positive development than these two. And yes, upon getting asked, I will never deny that, in my opinion, there is a sense of romantic tension between them too, but in this post, I just want to write about how fascinating, soothing and beautiful their bond is to me in general.
Their initial set-up is, once again, that of rivals. That is a theme Digimon has always been playing with - but I'd say no other series threw that trope for a loop like this before. On one hand, there is the fact that they're both playing football, even ending up facing each other at a point in the series where Ken is still considered to be that perfect, untouchable genius, good at and with everything, while Daisuke is considered a thick-headed knucklehead, goodhearted, but brash and not really talented in many areas - and yet, he still admired Ken at this point. Then of course, there is the fact that they're on opposing ends, enemies in the Digital World, having brutal, cruel fights against one another as Chosen Child vs. Digimon Kaiser - until the spell breaks, with the Crest of Miracles breaking Ken's curse.
And from now on, the boy - who's responsible for his own Digimon partner's death and the suffering of so many others - will have to face the aftermath of what he's done, dealing with guilt and self-esteem issues, feeling unworthy and unlovable.
But then there is Daisuke - the only one who immediately wants to give him the chance to atone for what he's done. He is not forgiving him right away, but wants him to be able to make up for everything - and with kindness and the persistence to not let him sacrifice himself and die, they achieve the unthinkable: Their Digimon combine, their hearts pound in sync. They seem to be connected in ways that make Daisuke get excited - and scare the heck out of Ken. He thought he didn't have anything or anyone else but his reborn Digimon partner and family, and now there's this boy he used to fight, he used to be enemies with... Who simply wants to be his friend, who wants them to be "partners" and work together.
It's confusing, it's scary. While Daisuke is sure that they're meant to be and fight next to each other, it takes time for Ken to feel ready to take the steps towards him, the others, forming bonds, friendships. But Daisuke being Daisuke makes it so much easier for him to let his walls down, slowly but steadily enabling him to show his gentle and soft side, starting to trust and rely on him as much as he does in return.
And Daisuke? Daisuke is displaying a sense of confidence and comfort that we rarely saw before - he tended to be so focused on impressing others, covering up his own insecurities with cockiness. But his bond with Ken makes all his natural kindness and straightforwardness come through easily. He may appear more simple-minded at first glance, but his heart has the right priorities - and he'll do what it takes to save Ken, from himself, from darkness, helping him to be his true self.
Daisuke doesn't doubt their connection for a second - and that's why it's so important that Ken is still able to shake him. That he has an impact on him like no other. He will give Ken all the time he needs to face his demons, to do the things that are uncomfortable to him - and he'll be by his side all the way.
They are partners, they've got each other's backs. And as long as they don't lose sight of themselves and each other, it will always be this way.
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lumitytakes · 5 months
1. Hooty
Captain of the Lumity ship is in the first spot.
• Wing It like Witches
When Hooty takes Amity inside the house, he makes Amity sit closer to Luz compared to how Amity sits next to Willow.
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• Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty's door.
Hooty builds the whole Tunnel of Love in a short amount of time, and creates the cheesy love boards. He knows what Luz really thinks of Amity since these words are so Luz.
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• Pictures in Luz's slides.
This! Hooty sees his OTP hugging each other and goes wild.
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2. Eda.
• Adventures in the Elements:
Eda already knows from the beginning, she's the first one to notice that there's something between them.
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• Enchanting Grom Fright:
Eda sees how Amity risks herself to save Luz from Grom. And I think Eda may feel nostalgic when seeing Luz and Amity dance together to defeat Grom, the same way she and Raine used to dance to attack Terra.
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• Wing It like Witches.
Again, Eda looks at Luz and Amity with a knowing look. She looks welcoming to Amity's presence at the Owl house too. (first pic)
• Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty's door.
When Luz is nervous and hesitant, Eda encourages Luz to ask Amity out. And she knows Luz's worry so she comforts her that the confession doesn't have to be perfect and over the top, as long as it's genuine and from the bottom of the heart.
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•Follies in the Coven's Day.
Eda says about Luz's intention of helping Kikimora when Kikimora let Amity fall down the cliff.
• Clouds on the Horizon.
Eda understands Luz's worry about Amity so she encourages Luz to save her girlfriend. She reassures Luz that she and everyone will be fine.
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3. King
• Enchanting Grom Fright.
King announces Luz and Amity as Grom Queens
• Eclipse Lake.
King helps Amity to solve her misunderstanding with Luz.
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• Oh Titan, where art thou.
Even after the trauma he has with the Titan Trappers, King still prioritizes Luz's feelings. He's even willing to be alone for a while so Luz can check on her girlfriend. Out of topic but I adore the sibling bond between Luz and King.
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• Pictures in Luz's slides.
Hooty and King, the chief captain and the vice captain of the Lumity ship.
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4. Lilith
We don't see Lilith's reaction in the canon show. However, during an official livestream, in the letter, Lilith says that her heart was full after hearing Luz and Amity finally revealed their feelings for each other.
Here is the link:
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
SKZ: In Bed
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A shit show of a conversation was started in my writers club discord (Feel free to join!) with @maeleelee & @d4vekat-otp so here are my unhinged thoughts about how SKZ are in bed:
-He has so much control right now, even if it may not seem like it sometimes he just needs someone else to take control.
-Needs to be loved on and pampered, he's tired of taking care of his 7 kids all day
-Would love just being told what to do
-Seriously just tell him what to do, let him turn his brain off for once.
-SO SO SO in love with a calm, sweet, after care ritual:
- cuddling,
- kisses,
-a bath,
-hot chocolate,
- just be gentle with him after <3
-Everyone imagines Lino as a hard dom. me included. based on his looks and demeanor but what if we based it off how he looks at Jisung?
-Suddenly the man is softer than SoonDoonDori
-Consent is sexy KING: asks if you're okay with everything he does
-SO SO SO passionate
-Gentle unless asked not to be
-Will bring the cats in after sex to let you cuddle up to them because he loves seeing his four babies all together.
-"want me to make you a snack?"
-TIGHT cuddles, man will literally NOT let you go
-Would check in to make sure you're not hurt anywhere if he got 'too rough'
-Gives you his hoodie and sweats to sleep in
-HELPS YOU change into everything because "I'm changing the saying from No one helps you once you're fucked." (he's a lil dumb sometimes, he's doing his best okay?)
CHANGBIN: SWITCH (Depending on the day)
-Loves a good rough fuck
-but GOD WOULD HE LOVE being taken care of.
-Either manhandles you with his thicc muscles
- or pouts for you to be gentle with him
-Bubble Baths <3
-Would CARRY you to the bath <3 (Even if you can still walk. he WILL carry you)
-HE PREPARES!!! Whether he assumes he's gonna get some, or not, hes ALWAYS prepared for what you'll need after just in case! (Like water and snacks, or advil) (he do get a little sleepy after sex please cuddle him)
-Soft boy, Shy when people compliment his looks BUT
-Behind closed doors, he KNOWS. He KNOWS hes hot. and uses it against you
-He's a slut (lovingly)
-LOVES roleplay LOVES being a character so he can forget he was shy earlier about receiving a compliment
-PRAISES YOU "you're so perfect." | "More beautiful than any art piece in any museum" | "Made just for me,"
-He wants to be in control, but doesn't want to hurt you ever, only wants to make you feel good
-Will sketch you naked while you look fucked out (paint me like one of your french girls)
-The Most EXTREME Aftercare (it's such a long process)
-Will not let you lift a single finger, while he massages you, helps you bathe, puts lotion on you, gives you a face mask, changes you, and ultimately puts you to bed
-KISSES ALL OVER YOUR FACE before you fall asleep <3
-LOVES EDGING. (Ignores us on bubble forever, knows we want him, knows EXACTLY when to drop content, and leave us begging him for more)
-LOVES watching you beg for him. "I don't think you deserve it though-"
-WHORE (lovingly)
-Showers TOGETHER. you're not allowed to go in there alone wtf??
-HATES being seen as a pretty, fragile, princess
-NEEDS to take out his frustrations but what BETTER way than to show his partner whos in charge (Spoiler: It's Him.)
-The type to fuck you against the wall
-Seriously. He wants to pick you up and fuck you against any flat surface he can find- especially- when you piss him off.
-Leaves SO MANY marks on you. "Everyone needs to know who you belong to."
-LOVES face fucking. L O V E S it
-PRAISES YOU (if you deserve it) "Just like that, you're doing so good"
-IF YOU DONT DESERVE IT THO: "Stupid little whore, forgot whos in charge again huh?" (NOT HAPPY. STILL SO HOT OF HIM THO)
-SWEET BABY DURING AFTERCARE, WHOLE 180 CHANGE, "Baby what do you need?" "are you ok my love?" "Thank you for letting me get my anger out..." SO SO SO SO SO SOFT
-Man isn't just a dom. He's a mother fucking SADIST
-Teases you until you cry
-LOVES making you angry/frustrated
-LOVES watching you fight back (like the brat you are)
-LOVES it more to see you lose the fight (Source: Trust me bro)
-LOVES Using toys to overstimulate you.
-LOVES the power he has over you!!!!!!!!!
-JEALOUS FUCKING. "so you wanna act up in front of other guys? REMEMBER who fucking OWNS you."
-AFTERCARE IS SO NICE WITH HIM THO. HES A TOTAL PUPPY. Following you around to make sure you're okay, like a dog with its tail between its legs he needs lots of attention, cuddles and kisses. He loves you SO Much, he can't help his jealousy issues...
-DOESNT want to be Baby bread. HES SAID IT. (he wants to be Daddy Toast fr)
-Hes SO innocent looking? RED FLAG. HES 100% A WHORE (Lovingly)
-LOVES using his hands and his tongue
-Will over stimulate you with them before he even THINKS of fucking you
-When he DOES fuck you, the grip he has on your body will leave bruises on you for a week
-Wants YOU to mark him in forms of hickeys or scratches
-CHOKING - HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HANDS???????????? (Chanting: BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY yeah. Im part of the breath play cult...)
-ALL THE KINKS, HES A FUCKING F R E A K "You see me as a baby? I'm about to prove you wrong little fox."
-WANTS YOU TO WEAR A FUCKING COLLAR WITH HIS NAME ON THE TAG. "You're mine. don't fucking forget it."
Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
can i know your thoughts on the “typical” nightwing ships (him with wally, roy, slade, kory, babs, apollo/midnighter, etc etc)?
ofc! <333
As a multishipper I literally love almost all of these
The softest ship ever! Reading about them is so cute. All cuddles and snuggles, and full on comfort.
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It's the best friends to lovers trope
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Haven't read about them in a really long while but they used to be my comfort ship. Like these two are so soft each other that they just make me feel warm inside.
Roydick is my spicy birdflash ship. Their chemistry was more heated with them constantly getting into arguements but falling together again. Going back to the comics I realize that Roy hero-worships Dick and that's why they get into so many fights. Roy literally thinks Dick is too perfect
There's this post about them which provides comic panels about Roy constantly comparing himself to Dick
But mostly Roy wants all of Dick. He wants Dick's 100% attention of them and he hates-HATES-that Dick gives everything to Batman. It drives him so mad because he thinks Batman doesn't deserve any of Dick's attention.
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Literally tells Batman- you ain't shit. I feel bad Dick had to deal with you. He doesn't deserve it for all the greatness he is.
Roy wants all of Dick and that's where I ship them including their complicated issues. What makes their relationship so great is their problems. Neither of them will compromise (Dick won't let go of Bruce and Roy won't let go of that issue), but after all the screaming and fighting they still fall back together.
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It's Dick that Roy goes to every time he has to deal with Cheshire.
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>:> hehe
Ollie has the biggest grin on his face XD
Bruh I am so into them.
My post on why they were made for each other
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Slade literally used the steam of Dick's shower to write a message in his bathroom mirror.
I am obsessed with Slade's obsession with Dick.
I love how in one comic Dick is literally just listing everything that's wrong with his life and Deathstroke is just standing there actively listening with his arms crossed.
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He's never gonna give up that apprentice agenda.
When I think of love, they are the epitome of it. I didn't know it was possible to feel love through paper until I saw them. One look at the chemistry is overwhelming.
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"Questions about what's right and what's not, I'll always have them. Questions about my loving you? No! I do. Very much."
Dickkory love is stronger than Dick's moral ethics and Dick's moral ethics?
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I've never seen Dick love anyone as much as he did Kory. There are issues that came up ofcourse. I'm pretty sure there was an anti-alien sentiment among the general public (real life?) that affected them and on top of that the Batman office wanting Dick back so they just ripped him away from the titans and rewrote a whole new love story for them while trashing Kory for it but when the public's reaction and Dick's "he's so perfect everyone wants him so let's play around with love interests for him" aside, they were the king and queen of love.
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What I love about their relationship is Dick loved Kori for who she was, not how she looked. And Kori loved Dick for who he was and not how he looked. On both sides, sometimes all people see of them are their beauty not their personality or strengths or being.
Barbara. The reason I held off on writing this.
My feelings about Barbara are complicated.
She and Dick used to be my OTP. I loved them so much I actually hated Kori for a bit, thinking that Barbara was so much better-when I was solely in the fandom. But oh how the table have turned. Very recently the feather broke the camel's back so my feelings about the two of them have changed.
Long story short, they're better off friends. But my favorite moments come from mostly short haired Barbara comics.
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This Barbara was AWESOME. She was so chill and cool and funny. She would be smart but not in a demeaning way to others.
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Also Batgirl 2000 comic Dickbabs was so sweet (below)
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love them!
I think Midnighter would totally seduce Dick into a frenemies with benefits arrangement. I mean he's halfway there.
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But aside from the usual flirting, Midnighter really, really, REALLY respects Dick's fight skills. I'm sure you've seen the panels of that already but since posts have a 30 image limit I'mma skip over that to the other reason: his greater-that-meta-human tenacity. Things and circumstances that take out metahumans, Dick surpasses through sheer will power and dedication.
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So I mostly ship Dick/Midnighter but Apollo would probably join in too at some point.
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Never getting over how John-I don't do things I don't have to-Constantine saved someone because their body was hot and and their butt looked good. But later on in the comic he talks about how cool he was and what he describes Dick as is when asked about him is:
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His relationship with Tiger is AWESOME!!
It reminds me of his batman Dick relationship with Damian. Snarky and affectionate.
I ran out of image space :'0
But Dick basically gets Tiger-Spyral's number 1 and most loyal spy-to abandon the agency they work for, turn coat, and hunt them down to burn the oragnization into the ground instead. They're literally so funny. I loved Dick and Damian's cute banter and Tiger is just Damian aged up but meaner lol.
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dangermousie · 10 days
Honestly I think you're one of my favourite kdrama bloggers on here and I'm curious: what are the kdramas you consider to be perfect? Like top to bottom not a single flaw seen. What's the best of dramaland for you?
Awww thank you! I love this type of ask too!
Any list of mine is gonna be of course vvv subjective (I am not a romcom lover for example) and I can guarantee you that the moment I hit post, I am gonna lose my mind because I will remember I forgot something.
Also, no flaw by definition excludes some of my faves where there are a few minor flaws but the rest is so amazing it doesn't matter (The Legend First King's Four Gods comes to mind - the first ep ie prologue set 1k years before the main story - is a lil cheesy. But the rest is so good I don't even care and same for My Dearest where I'd perhaps remove the final amnesia bit but it's a perfect drama otherwise with the rest so good I don't even care. So perhaps they should be listed.)
But anyway here are are some dramas where I have not seen a single flaw, perfect dramas.
Mawang (also known as The Devil or Lucifer) - probably the best kdrama dealing with revenge ever made - the damage, the driving need, the destruction of self and yet destruction of self without it. To really explain anything about it would be spoilery so all I am going to say is it revolves around an icy lawyer with a secret, a hot headed cop chasing a string of murders, and a librarian who can read past events by touching objects or people. The way I cried. The way I stared in shock as it ended. The sheer perfection of it all - the acting, the relationships, the writing. I get emotional just thinking of it.
IRIS - yup, an action drama. I am not much of a fan of various sequels/spin-offs (involving different characters, you do not need to watch anything else if you watched IRIS or to watch IRIS to watch the others) but the original is amazing. Sure, it's an actioner. It's also an amazing character study of a person taken apart and trying to put himself together, of past tangling, of people passing or failing tests set by life. It's just - AAAAAAAAA also yet another drama I bawled for hours over.
Train - Yoon Si Yoon is a cop slipping between alternate universes in search of a killer seems like a procedural with a side of scifi but it's more of a meditation on love and loss and what drives us to keep living (or not.)
Someday - hands down the most obscure kdrama on this list, this is a tale of four people whose lives intersect - a mangaka seeking inspiration, a sort of private detective hiding unimaginable trauma under his sunny demeanor, a manipulative yet childlike psychologist and a business minded friend of the last one, the sanest of them all. When people discuss healing dramas, this is the one that comes to mind. My favorite is the detective's arc because it's one of those trauma sunshine things where he's coping, coping, coping and then...stops.
Empress Ki and 6 Flying Dragons - if you watch only two long sageuks, make it these ones. They are smart (esp 6FD), and they are such amazing complex character studies of people being hollowed out by power. The OTPs are amazing and what I love but the character study is even better. And both are epic in all senses of the world.
Speaking of sageuks, Slave Hunters (also known as Chuno) about a former nobleman who's a slave hunter now, an escape slave who used to be a general, and a slave woman masquerading as an aristocrat is my favorite sageuk of all time - a love story, a character story, and a story of the dispossessed, this is smart and grim and hopeful and just - if there was ever a perfect sageuk, this is it.
The Princess' Man and Flower of Evil - ie Moon Chae Won loves a feral mess and goes MINE! TPM is a smart emotional sageuk, one of the best out there and FoE is a study of love and trauma.
Something Happened in Bali, Padam Padam, A Love to Kill, Spring Waltz, Thank You, Snow Queen, That Winter the Wind Blows - old school melodramas (perhaps not TY so much, it's more complicated in genre) that push people to the limits to expose their deepest selves.
My Country the New Age, Hong Gil Dong, Rebel the Thief Who Stole the People, The Crowned Clown, Return of Iljimae - they focus on class in period setting (just as Chuno did) and make me care and think.
Worlds Within - seemingly about lives of studio workers, this is a rare drama where you feel you are peeking at real people.
Gloria and Family Honor - 50 ep drama where I'd remove nothing and that feels so intimate.
W Two Worlds, Extraordinary You, The Moon in the Day, Live Up to Your Name, Queen In Hyun's Man - high concepts that improbably work and make you think and feel.
Secret Garden, City Hunter, Healer, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Faith, Tale of the Nine Tailed, I Hear Your Voice - just a wonderful good time.
Gaksital - take a bad guy, make him your protag, slowly redeem him and put him through hell.
Bad Guys - a bleak take on revenge and truth but also a damn good time at the same time somehow.
Beyond Evil and Cruel City - about cops but not really. About forgiveness, love and limits.
Come and Hug Me - brought me back to kdramas. A love story and trauma story and a bit of a thriller. It's everything.
Beauty Inside, Last Scandal, City Hall, My Girl, Delightful Girl Chunhyang and Hometown Cha Cha Cha - it is very rare for me to love romcoms. These few make the list. They also made me cry so make of it what you will.
Shut Up Flower Boy Band - the only time I liked a teen drama.
Capital Scandal and Chicago Typewriter - masterpieces dealing with the 1930s revolutionaries.
Que Sera Sera - if you love dysfunction and intense shipping, oh boy!
I am sure the moment I hit post, I will remember something else, but this will do for now.
ETA: aaaaaa Damo!!! My very first sageuk and what a way to start!!! Perfection.
ETA2: Arang and the Magistrate! OK Shin Min Ah is in an awful lot of these...
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
I always loved the Bluey episodes 'dance mode' and 'yoga ball' because they're both such good lessons about boundaries and enthusiastic consent.
in 'dance mode' the family never shame Bingo for saying yes when she meant no, they're hard on themselves for being too caught up in what they wanted to notice they'd been making her miserable all day.
then in 'yoga ball' it's a lesson about boundaries when Bingo finds some of Bandit's games too rough, but the two of them work out what her tolerance is together.
and importantly both episodes don't invalidate Bingo's feelings or blame her for everything
it's honestly such a breath of fresh air after watching hh/hb, two shows that don't seem to understand that sexual harassment isn't something the target should just have to put up with (in fact both shows explicitly frame the target of the harassment as OTPs in the case of Angel/Husk and Stolas/Blitz)
They were both so good and so necessary, and Yoga Ball is one of those episodes that I still can't believe -- in the best possible way -- that someone actually made. The entire gist is that Bingo doesn't want Bandit to stop playing with her, that she likes when he's rough, but she's got a limit to how much roughness is fun. It's unironically the perfect viewing material for people who think they might want to dip their toes into BDSM.
If Viv were writing that episode, the moral would be that using your big girl bark might hurt an attractive man's feelings, so just let him do whatever he wants to you.
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adrift-alone-apart · 3 months
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rainy days
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angel dust :3
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: "Thing", singular? I can't put just one thing! There are too many things! The humour in his dialogue. The songs he sings. The fact that he's both an ex-mafia member and a femme gay man. The fact that he's got a twin sister in Heaven. The changes we see in his character over the course of Season 1. The bond he forms with Husk. The dynamic he has with Charlie (and the others in the hotel). The angst of his relationship with Valentino. The voice. The hair. The eyes. The arms. The chest fluff. The outfits. The dance moves. I just love him so much.
Least favourite thing about them: Well, the way he acted towards Husk initially was, let's face it, sexual harassment. Just because it was a response to trauma doesn't make it okay. I appreciate that Angel doesn't bother Husk like that after "Masquerade" - he still makes sex jokes, but now they're less about targeting people and making them feel uncomfortable - but I still think it would have been good for Angel to explicitly acknowledge that his behaviour wasn't acceptable and apologise to Husk.
Favourite line: (porn voice) "I've been a bad boy, and I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place..." (regular voice) "...on the path to redemption!"
brOTP: I like the friendship he develops with Charlie. The prequel comic "Dirty Healings" shows that she sees potential in him that he doesn't see at first. He initially only joins the hotel for the free rent and to get away from Valentino, but then he comes to genuinely care about Charlie, as she does for him. That's nice to see.
Also, Angel and Emily haven't interacted yet, but I think they would have a cute friendship if they did!
OTP: Huskerdust! I've seen so much cute fanart and read so many hurt/comfort fics of the two together that I can't help but love this ship. I enjoy thinking about them being together and how they could change each other for the better. Having Husk around to take care of Angel would definitely be good for him.
But Angel's trauma isn't going to go away overnight, so that'll be a lot to deal with. And Husk is also pretty judgemental, so if Angel ever has a relapse and Husk treats him too harshly for it, that could put a rift between them. Angst potential!
Everyone talks about how Husk is changing Angel, helping him to be more honest, but I do think Angel is changing Husk too. Husk certainly seems to drink less after "Masquerade". And if Husk was somehow able to help Angel out of his contract, that would be redemption for his own participation in the cruel Overlord system.
Angel and Husk are not perfect people, but they could be perfect for each other.
nOTP: Any ship that involves pairing Angel with a woman. He's gay. He wouldn't be interested.
As for Valangel ... look, I am interested in exploring the backstory - I want to find out how Angel met Valentino and what led to him signing his soul away. But I definitely do not want Angel to stay with that moth. That pairing is way too toxic.
Random headcanon: Both Anthony and Molly had albinism when they were alive, and that's why they're so pale in the afterlife. Anthony also had a visual impairment, so his demon form overcompensated by giving him extra eyes.
Unpopular opinion: Some fans love seeing Angel with all six arms out and six guns blazing, but I'm not so keen on it. That's a personal thing, really - I just don't like guns and don't think they have any reason to exist. All they do is kill people, and killing people is wrong. If Angel's got all six arms out, he should be using them to give Husk a back massage instead.
Song I associate with them: Besides "Poison"? Then "All You Wanna Do" from SIX: The Musical. They're both super-catchy pop songs about the dark topic of sexual abuse sung by characters associated with the colour pink. I watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot for the first time on the same weekend I went to see SIX: The Musical, so that's a neat coincidence!
Favourite picture of them:
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erinelliotc · 1 month
What do you like about Eddy? Do you really think him and Double D will work out?
I think Eddy is the most interesting, deep, complex and well-written character on the show. It seems contradictory to say this, but even though Double D is my favorite character, I think Eddy is the best character. He's full of content for psychological analyses, something I'm passionate about doing because I love psychology and writing, I love analyzing human behavior, so complicated characters like Eddy are perfect to me in that sense (just as I am fascinated by Jinx from Arcane). I have so much to say about Eddy, I feel like every day I think of something new about his character, and I find this so exciting!
My analyses of each Ed will only be done in the future after I rewatch the show another two or three times, so I won't write here everything I have to say about Eddy. But you can find some of my EEnE analyses by scrolling through the posts in this tag. I talk about him in some of them.
But about Eddy and Double D... EddEddy is my OTP, you know? I've already talked a lot about them, and of course I'm going to talk much more in the future too. You can read a little about what I think of their relationship here.
In "short":
Eddy's backstory and his character development fascinate me. Characters who are emotionally broken to the point of developing a problematic personality fascinate me. Characters with mental disorders or traits of mental disorders fascinate me (I personally see him as ADHD with borderline and narcissistic traits, and perhaps a bit of histrionic traits too). I love analyzing and understanding what led them to that point, what made them so difficult to deal with, what hurt them so much that they developed an emotional armor and/or that makes them act like selfish jerks. The way Eddy's brain works fascinates me, his behavior, his defense mechanisms, everything. And to me the best part is seeing the little moments where the show shows us how he actually has a terrible self-image deep down and is not as confident and secure as he tries to show himself to be. I love seeing a character who isn't just a jerk, but someone who acts like a jerk because of things that happened that he tries to hide or that he doesn't even understand or realize happened (Eddy's reality denial defense mechanism is very strong, so I think a lot of the things related to his brother he genuinely didn't realize were problematic and had hurt him because his brain denied them to protect him. And it's common for our brain to block memories as a way of protecting us from the truth because it thinks we'll not have the emotional structure to deal with it, and I believe it may have happened to him), someone who is deeply hurt and does everything he can to hide it, someone who doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable and tries to act like the most confident person in the world... Characters like this are the most interesting to me. And besides, I find Eddy extremely funny and annoying in an adorable way. I love his chaotic behavior, his voice and the way he talks (God bless Tony Sampson)
He and Edd were made for each other. Would they kill each other if Ed wasn't around? Absolutely. But their relationship is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and the combination of their personalities is what makes them grow and have their character development. They mature and improve because of the influence they have on each other. Their personalities complement each other perfectly because one is good where the other has to improve. And the love and affection they have for each other is visible and makes me emotional
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cursedvibes · 4 months
Yorozu for the character thing.
Thank you for the ask! Especially the song part for her was really tricky, but interesting to think about.
favourite thing about them
I love how inventive she is. She grew up in a rural and likely poor region, she was born with a relatively weak cursed technique and she managed to claw her way up, so that even the Fujiwara wanted her in their service. All through her own ingenuity. She has an understanding of physics that's beyond her time. Also I just love her obsessive nature. You can tell that no matter if it's people or a topic she finds interesting, she'll cling to it until she has made it her own. That obsession is what got her into such a high position. Her love for battle and bloodshed is also refreshing. We don't see that that often with female characters, especially not combined with her insect armour that would be considered "ugly" and "too masculine".
least favourite thing about them
All the interesting things I listed above are only there as little mentions or titbits that are dropped here and there. We only get a glimpse of her inventiveness and the struggles she went through. Instead Gege chose to only focus on her obsession with Sukuna and make her especially pathetic through that. Like, if you're gonna drop such an interesting backstory, expand on it at least a little bit? Instead of going out of your way to make it seem like her character revolves entirely around Sukuna. She can have her obsession with him, that's fine, but Gege really did her a disservice there, despite obviously being capable of giving her more depth.
favourite line
"Even handsome men become crusty when dried out. Elegant beauty."
"I want it all to myself. Your solitude is mine and mine alone! The one who will kill you is me!"
"Toodle-loo, I'll be waiting"
Hm, either the idea of Yorozu and Uraume very reluctantly getting along, kind of similar to Uraume and Kenjaku (she wanted to invite them to her wedding after all and likes their cooking) or Yorozu and Kenjaku. I think her research about insects and how emulate their qualities with cursed energy and her technique would be very interesting to Kenjaku. And since I hc that Kenjaku likes centipedes or arthropods in general, I'd like to see them nerd about insects.
Yorozu/Uro! I've ranted about them plenty before, but I'd just once again like to say that they are perfect for each other. Yorozu could've been such an inspiration for Takako back in the day, show her what she could be.
Sukuna. I think they're both better off by just moving on and finding better people. Also I don't like this at all in a sexual way.
random headcanon
She has like a full mad scientist lair. Kind of an expansion on what we see in her first flashback. It's full of books and show cases of animals and makeshift terraria where she studies insects to improve her technique. I mean, she knows what an insect's nervous system looks like, she must've picked them apart very thoroughly, probably used her CT as assistance to invent microscopes and other tools that didn't exist back then. Also, the way her servant looks, I think she doesn't shy away from human experimentation either to test a new form of Construction for example.
unpopular opinion
She isn't actually sexually attracted to Sukuna. All she ever talks about is owning and controlling him. The marriage is for her to demonstrate her ownership over him and tie him to her. Even if it's merely his corpse. While I'm all for necrophillia, I don't think that's the intention here.
song i associate with them
I don't yet have a song where I think "yes, that's her!", but I chose IC3PEAK's Плак-Плак for her defying tradition and killing her husband and Red Sex (restrung version) just because I think it embodies her particular brand of insanity quite well, particularly how connected everything about her is to her body. From her being nude in the Heian era to her insect armor. Feels sort of suffocating just like her obsession and some of the strings remind me of the sounds of insect wings.
favourite picture of them
Always gonna be her studying nude by candle light
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but also of course her insect armour
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and her just looking cute/deranged in general
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finalfrontierpioneer · 7 months
2023 Fic Recs!
Happy International Fanworks Day everybody!!! To celebrate, have some fic recs! These are some of my favorite works from last year! You know the drill- all completed last year, various ratings/lengths, nothing from multiple authors (although i was SO tempted, especially by @chocolateteapotsvis as always), and in complete random order.
Thank you to all of these lovely authors for brightening up my year! :D And also enabling my procrastination lolol
Halbarry, my otp, of course:
Onward to the Horizon by ChocolateTeapots @chocolateteapotsvis (Teen and up)
Five days, three Kaiju, and eleven collective hours of sleep. It’s one more fight. They just need to pull through. For Halbarry Week Day 4: Fantasy/SciFi
sometimes I feel it comin' on at the wheel by DynamicDuo (XylB) @halifax-jordan (Explicit)
"It'll be okay," Hal soothes. "I don't need to know what's troubling you right now, but whatever it is, it'll be all right." "It focuses…on what…I want," Barry says through gritted teeth, like each word is painful to get out. Or maybe embarrassing? He peeks up at Hal through his fingers with a meaningful look, as if hoping Hal will understand…through osmosis? "Buddy, I can do a lot, but I can't read your mind."
When I Come Back, I'll Wear Your Wedding Ring by ketchup_monthly (General)
hal has some issues he needs to work through, but he loves his boyfriend very much. barry just wants to get married. aka: i wrote yet another halbarry fic furthering my "hal is a huge romantic" agenda
Entropy (Has Got Nothing on Us) by RoboticNebula @roboticnebula (Mature)
Snapshots of Hal and Barry’s life together. For Halbarry week 2023 (25 August – 31 August).
star twinkled skin by Rexs_Blacks (Explicit)
Barry gets stuck in a wall. Hal helps out. Feelings and shit.
glue by ProsperDemeter (Teen and up) -this entire series is SO PERFECT
“It’s just…” Connor shrugged. “No offense, man, but… you’re twenty-five. Do you really want to be spending so much time falling for a guy with a kid?” “I’m not falling for him.” -- A month away from graduating the LAFD Academy, Evan Buckley gets introduced to new recruit Eddie Diaz and things certainly change for both of them after that. -- Another season one rewrite.
I'll Feel You Forget Me Like I Used to Feel You Breathe by turningthepages (Mature)
A car accident leaves Eddie without ten years of memories. He forgets meeting Buck, falling in love, getting married, and bringing two more kids into their life. As Eddie struggles to adjust to this new life, Buck struggles with being in love with someone who doesn't want to remember him. Oh, and they have really cute kids. or Just another Hollywood Amnesia story the fandom probably didn't need but lived in my head rent free for too long.
help me hold on to you by Ink_Dancer (Mature)
"You doing okay, Buck?" Eddie asked. Buck snorted. Loudly. It echoed. Eddie clicked his tongue. "Okay." He started moving again, coming over to Buck's side and starting to gather up an armful of takeout cartons. "What're you doing?" Buck asked. "I'm taking care of you," Eddie said firmly. "Because you're not doing a very good job." Or: Buck recovers slowly from the ladder truck, the Buckley-Diaz family goes stargazing, and Eddie and Buck get stuck in an attic during a house fire.
to your front door by hammersmiths (General)
Pepa’s been eyeing him all evening, so it shouldn’t be a surprise when she says, “Why aren’t you dating Eddie?” And yet Buck still nearly veers the car straight off the road.
maybe it's the way you lean on his shoulder by allyasavedtheday @littlespoonevan (Teen and up)
“Eddie,” she blurts. “Hi. Sorry. I didn’t realise you were here.” The sound of her voice makes him move and he quickly sets the knife down, offering her a warm smile. “Hey, Maddie. Don’t apologise; I’m not interrupting your schedule, am I?” “Oh no,” Maddie shakes her head quickly, waving the idea away. “The uh- the schedule’s been retired. I was just gonna make Buck dinner but-“ “Looks like we had the same idea, huh?” Eddie replies with a half-laugh. “Well, you’re welcome to join us. I’m making lasagne. It’s not quite on the level of Bobby’s famous four-cheese recipe but Buck’s still on a comfort food kick.” * In which Maddie realises there might be more to Buck and Eddie's relationship than she'd originally thought.
Werewolves in the Workplace by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) @leveragehunters (Teen and up)
SHIELD was the only intelligence agency that assigned werewolf and vampire agents to work together in the field, but the program had been a staggering success. They compensated each other’s weaknesses, complemented each other’s strengths, and a werewolf could feed a vampire and shake off the effects faster than ordering a pizza. Bucky knew all that. What he didn't know was why this particular vampire, one Agent Steve Rogers, was holding out a protein bar. They were perched in the rafters of a warehouse, waiting for not-overly punctual arms dealers to show up and deal arms, had been stuck up here for a couple of hours, but none of that explained vampires suddenly offering snacks. In his near decade as a werewolf in SHIELD, Bucky had worked with a lot of vampires, and they all tended to be pretty much the same. Steve Rogers was different, didn't fit the vampire mould, and Bucky couldn't quite figure out why. Not that it really mattered. Steve was just someone he was occasionally paired with on SHIELD assignments. It wasn't like he was going to have any effect on Bucky's life.
Waking the Fire in Me by humapuma (Explicit)
Steve’s knees nearly went out from under him, but he grabbed onto the table to stay upright. He whined – he couldn’t help it. His chest cracked open, breaking him down until he was sixteen years old again, thin and sickly. The pale grey of those eyes was so familiar, but Steve hadn’t seen it, hadn’t even thought to look for it. How? A voice screamed inside. How did I not see? His entire being trembled as he whispered, “Bucky?” The Soldier’s usually cold eyes changed then, something flashed in them as his nostrils flared, harshly inhaling Steve’s scent before he said the words that finally made his buckling knees give out, forcing Steve to the ground. “Who the hell is Bucky?” A ghost found his way to the Avengers, asking for help - a ghost of a man long thought dead.
the time that's slipping by its_tortle @its-tortle (Teen and up)
“Hello?” she calls. Steve holds his breath again, even as he feels pressure build up behind his eyes. Because that’s his mother’s voice, and he hasn’t heard in twenty one (conscious) years. He doesn’t dare move. OR 'If Steve was going to travel back in time for anything before returning to his own timeline, it would be to see his mom again one last time'
Tongue in Cheek by rohruh (Explicit)
“No, no,” Bucky leans into his space, close enough that Steve can feel the warm tufts of his breath against his cheek, “go on.” “It’s just,” Steve’s not quite sure how to phrase this. He’s not sure what his motivation was in starting this whole conversation, really. “I guess I wish that I could kiss like that, is all.” Bucky stares at him, his eyes bright as the warm glow from the streetlight dances off of them. “I could teach you.” Steve’s mouth goes dry. “Teach me?” “Yeah,” Bucky snatches the joint out of his hand and leans back against the wall. “Give you a kissing lesson, or whatever.”
Backhoe by ZenaidaMacrouras @zenaidamacrouras1 (Explicit)
Steve Rogers is a seasoned activist and not at all afraid to get arrested while protesting the building of a pipeline. HOWEVER he is TERRIFIED when he realizes he’ll be chained to the same backhoe as Bucky “very handsome southern boy who also plays guitar and struts like a panther in his very tight, worn thin blue jeans” Barnes. Our brave, tiny Steve will find out once and for all: Can you catch on fire from blushing over your crush? May Contain: Extended descriptions of how to get arrested while chained to a backhoe, copious amounts of sisters, Appalachian accents, cheerful silliness interspersed with tragic background realness. Pining with a happy ending. Chicken related controversy. Tragic background realness mainly consists of parents passing away, because who doesn’t love adult orphans. Discussion of funerals. Very brief homophobic interaction in chapter 18 (marked in the chapter intro notes). There is no violence, but there are a few moments where you might think there might be violence. Overall this is a romance not a gritty, hard hitting documentary.
Various pairings:
Till You Find Your Dream by Kyele @timeforalongstory (Explicit) (Brudick)
You know, my child, that the orphanage cannot continue to support you once you become an adult.” The abbess sighs. “There is one path that is always open to you. You may choose a holy vocation, and take orders. The Sisters of Perpetual Grace will accept you as a postulant if you choose.” Dick had known to expect this. “Thank you, Reverend Mother,” Dick says respectfully, “but I cannot follow that path.” The Mother Superior nods. He looks unsurprised. “Then perhaps,” he says, “you would be interested to hear of another opportunity.” From the papers on his desk, the abbess removes a single sheet. “Are you familiar with Captain Wayne?” Dick accepts a position as governess to eight war-orphans, adopted by millionaire and WW1 flying ace Captain Bruce Wayne. The rest is inevitable.
Seven by HollyDB (Explicit) (Spuffy)
It's been months since Willow almost ended the world, and a tense summer has turned into an ominous fall in Sunnydale. Spike is back from wherever and acting weirder than usual, a new threat is rising that—for once—doesn't seem to stem from the hellmouth, and Buffy has no idea who to trust or what to believe. She also doesn’t have the luxury of time to figure it out. Some things never change.
Seven Lessons by Tessabeth (Mature) (Cazriel)
At Windhaven, teenage Cassian's in trouble again. As punishment he's paired with the strange shadowsinger who hangs around Devlon's headquarters. 40,000 words, ten chapters, complete. Some timeline tinkering. “You,” says Devlon, pointing at Cass, “need to learn self control. He’s got it. And you,” pointing at Azriel now, “need to learn to use those pathetic curtains you’re carrying around on your back, and this one knows how. So there you go. You’ve got a week. At the end of the week, I want both of you flying, and both of you able to put up a solid shield without blasting your comrades over a cliff. Now fuck off.” Azriel bends down to the Commander and murmurs something urgently in his ear. Tendrils of shadow writhe around his jaw. “No. No, I’ll manage it without you. I’ve let this go on too long; you’re too old for this bullshit. You can come back when you can fly. Go on, fuck off. And shut the door behind you.” Back out in the gelid dusk, the two look at each other warily. Azriel still says nothing. Cass sighs. “See you in the morning? Meet by the mess?” Azriel ducks his head in agreement, and disappears down an alleyway. It’s going to be a long week.
Desperate Times by Eienvine (General) (Sifki)
Sif sees the man’s lips curve up in a sharp, cruel smile. “I have long dreamed of seeing Odin on his knees, begging for his life. I cannot have that, but I can at least see his son beg for someone else’s life.” He won’t do it, Sif is certain; if there is one thing that can confidently be said about Loki, it is that he is horribly proud. And proud men do not beg. Not even to save her life.
Sit, Stay, Speak by Fenris13 @ragnarokhound (Explicit) (Jaytim)
“He’s not here. Just his suit,” he tells Babs, gathering up the costume. “The apartment’s untouched, but downstairs looks like a hurricane went through it.” There’s a crackling hiss through the receiver as she sighs, tense. “Shit. Okay. Is there anything—?” “That’s not all,” he interrupts, standing up with an apprehensive look at his unexpected new companion. “There’s a dog.”
and tell the ones you love (you love them) by LadyMerlin (Teen and up) (Jaytim)
Weeks pass and the clan remains occupied with the chaos that is Gotham. It’s no busier than usual, but Bruce feels himself tiring easily, still recovering from his involuntary jaunt through the timestream. Everyone is remarkably kind to him, giving him time and space to recover. Unfortunately, all that time gives him, well… a lot of time to think. To consider. To analyse the changes that have occurred during his absence. There are new alliances, new tensions, shifting fault lines in the geology of his family. He reminds himself that this is the best case scenario; that everyone is still alive and well, that things could have gone much worse. But he can’t help but feel there’s something he’s still missing. Something he hasn't been told. AKA: the one where Bruce learns how to use his words, and tries not to be too nosy about his children's love lives.
those kind of friends by gabrieeella (Mature) (Jeronica)
He remembered the first time he’d seen her wear her hair like that, the way it’d unsettled him a little. It was so Betty-like, and yet not Betty-like at all. Betty’s ponytail moved like spilled sunlight. Veronica’s swung around like a guillotine. Or, a series of unexpected late-night encounters force an ever-distant Jughead and Veronica to explore who they really are (and could be) to each other.
you dug my heart a grave by jilliancares @jilliancares (General) (Spideypool)
He’s laying there, groaning and in pain and clutching his ribs, but even worse— [Really? Is it really worse? Give it a good, hard think and tell me if this is worse.] —but even worse, sparks are flying. Literally. Or: Wade realizes that Spidey is his soulmate.
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