#otp: hopeless romantics
nikkiruncks · 1 month
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In another life, these would’ve been great endgames
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steveandnatlover76 · 6 months
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James: Daddy, you‘re home early!!!
Steve: Hi, buddy!
Natasha: Well, that‘s a surprise!
Steve: Yeah, Wanda said you were out shopping with James and Sarah, so I thought I‘d meet you here and take my family out for ice cream.
James: Yay!!
Sarah: Dada…ice!!
Natasha: Well, you got their vote. Missed us so much that you couldn’t wait to see us at home?
Steve *blushing*: Maybe…
Natasha: Well, I bundled up your pillow in bed and snuggled up to it at night, so the bed wouldn’t feel so empty.
Steve: Tonight you can snuggle up with the original.
Natasha: Can’t wait. But let‘s get that ice cream first.
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surprisebitch · 7 months
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Cherry Magic making me realize im tired of casual sex cause i deserve a man like Kurosawa who will give me love and romance
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dootznbootz · 11 months
I think it's really funny that whenever I bring up or talk about my favorite characters/blorbos, people always assume it's a "crush". Like no, I am obsessed with these freaks because of how much they wouldn't want me.
If my blorbos begin to have a crush on me they would no longer be my favorites. I like them because they're devoted and reckless lovesick fools for their "person" (This goes both ways for both characters)
I like "bonded pairs"
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riddles-n-games · 11 months
Based on @ariscats headcanon that Avery is a hopeless romantic which I agree is very much canon, well, I have the perfect song from her pov and it very much gets you in touch with your inner romantic, too.
And here's one that sounds like it's from Jameson's perspective.
Oh, one more gem.
Happy belated 20th to our one and only favorite Heiress!
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hotmonkeelove · 1 year
My Top Ten Anime OTPs
(plus a bonus OT3!)
Orochimaru x Anko - Naruto
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My one ship to rule them all! As far as I'm concerned, they have reconciled and are now an official couple in the Boruto timeline.
Juri x Shiori x Ruka - Revolutionary Girl Utena
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They live as a tender, loving, polyamorous triad, rent free inside my head. It has been decided. I have spoken!
Saionji x Wakaba - Revolutionary Girl Utena
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Saionji is Wakaba's true prince. She loved him despite his flaws. Why wouldn't she give him another chance after the Revolution, when he's matured into a kinder, calmer person? What, should she end up with that nice guy, Tatsuya, who also hurt her and for whom she feels no passion?
Mitsuki x Chocho - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
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They're the only reason I watched Boruto! Give me more MitsuCho!
Zabuza x Haku - Naruto
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I think Haku was always secretly in love with Zabuza, whereas Zabuza forced himself not to care about anything apart from fighting and his own ambition. Even reanimated, he didn't want Haku to know he cared about him. So tragic! I want to see them reincarnated into better circumstances, where they can be together, in peace. That's why I like to imagine Iwabe and Denki are their present incarnations.
L x Misa - Death Note
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This one's weird. I used to hate L's guts, yet I found him hot in a messed up/ prison fantasy sort of way. Then a few months back, I read some L x Misa fics and started to prefer him to Light. Maybe it's just AU versions of L? I still think he was pretty much as bad as Light, but at least, like Misa, he had a tragic background that drove him. Light was just an ego-maniac. And of course, I've always adored Misa!
Sebastian x Mey-Rin - Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler
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My most recent otp. I had some knowledge of the series and thought Sebastian was hot. But oh, when I sat down to watch the first episode, it was nearly instantaneous! The klutzy, nervous, redheaded maid who pines for him... I want these two to get together! I need it!
Zagato x Princess Emeraude - Magic Kinght Rayearth
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My second anime otp ever, from back in the 90s. Along with ZabuHaku, this one still makes me cry. It's so, so sad! And Zagato is still one of the sexiest characters in anime!
Gaara x Matsuri - Naruto
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I don't know why this ship gets so much hate. (I've gathered a lot of it is from fangirls with Sue-ish OCs. Being someone who resembles and identifies strongly with Gaara, I feel no personal attraction to him. Maybe I think Matsuri is cute and sweet?) I thought they were so adorable together in the Four Celestials filler arc and have shipped them since.
Neji x Tenten - Naruto
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I'm still jaded by Neji's death. So much lost potential! And it's cruel that Tenten did get to be like Tsunade, but in the worst way; they both lost their men to a war while fighting beside them.
Sailor Uranus x Sailor Neptune - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
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My very first anime ship! Haruka and Michiru are still the yardstick by which all OTPs should be measured.
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caelenath · 2 years
I love those moments where Usagi or Mamoru looks at the other, and you can tell from their face they are with their absolute most favoritest person in the whole world. ♥️
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See the problem with being a hopeless romantic and also cupidromantic/demiromantic is that I read romantic fanfiction about pairs that are destined to be together in every universe and in every way, and their love is intense and brutal and not "normal", and that is the kind of love that I want to give, but in a weird way not recieve ???
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
I don't see what Dolores sees in Mariano but hey as long as she's happy.
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nikkiruncks · 15 days
My heart 🥰
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“I care about you, I must!” || “I am so afraid to lose you if I have you.” 
📷 creds: me 💜
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bean-cookies · 2 years
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My wizard wrote a love poem for the NPC he had been crushing on.🥺👉👈
She reacted well. That is, when he finally had a chance to show it to her, after interrupting her transformation into a vampire... she's a dhampir now 🦇
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nanlanmoarchived · 1 year
i didn't ask you to care about me!
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"But I do! And that should matter to you!" It might not have been the most fair thing of her to say but fuck. The way he talked about his place within the party and all of this shit with Vecna, it was like he was just. . . Okay with it all. Okay with laying his life down for the others should they need it. Okay with the possibility of leaving her behind should something happen and sometimes she could be okay with it. Sometimes she didn't push back but flippant banter made between Eddie and Dustin before they'd left Hellfire had eaten at her all the way home and she couldn't bite her tongue.
This fight was the same old song and dance that'd become a trusty record they pulled out far too frequently. He couldn't leave the others hanging. They had a plan and her part of it was to get their families to safety. That was helping. But at this point it wasn't even about the details of it all. She wasn't going to fight him to split another hair for her to help with. What hurt was walking through these totally normal moments knowing that this might be the last time they do these things together. Jessica angrily rubbed at her eyes, catching the welling tears before they could possibly fall.
"I don't give a shit about this place and as a matter of fact I fuckin' hate this bullshit fuckin' town for possibly takin' you away from me!" Her chest ached, "And that fear lives in the back of my mind all day, everyday. Knowin' what you barely survived is still out there and there's gonna be a time when you face it again for all of them?" Her arm jut out, vaguely pointing at the horizon towards Hawkins proper, "And I just have to be okay with it." Her arm dropped to her side as she began to deflate, "I just have to be okay with losin' you if god or fate or whatever the fuck else decides that all I get with you is right now." As her anger waned, her bottom lip began to tremble, "And I'm not. Not even a little. I would burn this place to the ground if it meant that you stayed safe." // @edhellfire
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pomefioredove · 3 months
i personally think vil can be shipped with SO many characters (including, but limited to, leona, azul, and idia) just because of his perception of beauty. you’d think with how obsessed he is with his looks he’d be vain and cruel and think beauty is the conventionally attractive features society agreed upon. but he isn’t!! and not a lot of people know that. (my take! :) vil finds beauty not in the conventionally attractive features many others do, he finds beauty in doing the best you absolutely can. in taking care of yourself. and so many of the twst characters do not do that. it’s why yuu is long overdue for an overblot 😭 the characters i listed earlier. (my take!! again! :) leona is super unmotivated to take care of himself and shows a lot of signs of depression!! he stopped giving anything any amount of effort until the spelldrive tournament (which obviously went… not so well) because he felt hopeless and basically?? worthless,, both azul and idia have a low self esteem, i don’t know too much about them (on. book 3… im just a pro listener to my friend’s lore ramblings) so i won’t give my take yet! yuu…….. yuu is…!!!! tries their best of course but. it’s kind of hard to. take care of yourself AND a cat AND all of your friends(?) AND your literal principal at the same time. and also try to have that principal not hang the fact of ‘you’ being poor and having no recourses over your head every time you try and say no when he asks you to help him out with something ridiculous that should not be your problem at all. maybe that was a little specific but. yuu’s been through it is what im getting at. and they are hardly appreciated enough as they should be. now. VIL. VIL would appreciate yuu to the absolute best of his ability. and more. in this essay i will
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yuu is so overlooked as a character, I know they're supposed to be a vessel to project onto but that's a whole Guy to me. a whole Person. like there's so many traits that canon gives them. and one of them is "motherly". whether that's WILLING or not depends on the player, but everyone in CANON!!! makes constant comments about how grim is like yuu's little baby and how yuu essentially takes emotional care of so many students. in the recent event ace said something like "there's crowley's official beast tamer" in reference to how yuu just. takes care of these chaotic little things.
vil is literally the only other character who plays a similar role in the story.
... cause chars like trey and lilia are almost there, but distinctly different in their roles, while vil is THE mother.
one of the things that elevates vilyuu to otp levels for me is that vil is one of the only characters in game that treats yuu with respect, and as an equal. I like to think that he kind of admires yuu, and almost looks up to them in a way, for all they're capable of. yuu having not overblotted or melted down (yet) is probably something vil finds fascinating (and kinda worrying), because he knows them well and he KNOWS how much shit they go through. I'd imagine he's almost envious of the self control they have
and I think they're the closest out of everyone in the overblot gang. yes that includes malleus idc. literally everyone in this game is so fucking mean to yuu but vil isn't.
he canonically has such a huge soft spot for the prefect, platonic or romantic or whatever, that's just. so different from what he shows others. to me
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signanothername · 2 months
What do you personally think of ships in general as a whole?
Do you like them, dislike them?
Or do you not mind them until they hit certain limits?
(I don't personally ship things because it feels off for me, but what's your opinion on it?)
Tbh with you Anon romance is extremely overrated and i’m not really a ship person hchchchc
Like even when there are certain ships i like (hell Afterdeath is my OTP), I don’t really seek them out if that makes sense, if anything i do quite the opposite, I actively seek out art/fics that focus on platonic relationships cause that’s what i enjoy, like YAS BITCH USE THAT POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!! Also family (whether bio or found) or any other relationship type that doesn’t really involve romance
That’s why you don’t really see me draw ships, I don’t really care for shipping at all, but I wouldn’t mind ships if they appear in an artwork or a story and I can even enjoy them sometimes (depending on how the art/story handle them), hell some romance concepts can be really cool and i love to see different interpretations for them (i love when characters are hopeless romantics for example) however, they still won’t really hold much meaning to me as i’m very detached from the concept of romance as a whole
So basically
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oneawkwardwriter · 9 months
Writing Prompt #11
A list of scenarios for your OTP/Ship that will both make you and your readers go *AAAGGHHH* while kicking your/their feet:
Lingering stares from across the room before looking away
The flicker of light in Character A's eyes that burns a little brighter when they look at Character B
A gently holding onto B's chin, tilting their head to look into their eyes
A simple smile forming on A's lips as they look into B's eyes
A's lips softly brushing against B's for the first time, their eyes still closed as they slowly pull away to savour the feeling
A snaking their arms around B's waist and laying their head in the crook of B's neck, whispering a soft 'hello' into their ear
A combing their fingers through B's hair
Both of them slowly swaying back and forth in the kitchen at midnight without any music playing
Them waking up in the morning, softly smiling at each other while A pulls B even closer to them
A whispering 'I love you' when B is already asleep
I could go on and on forever if no one stops me and not just because I want this to happen to me, a hopeless romantic
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© This work belongs to @oneawkwardwriter, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
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