#otp: don't go where i can't find you
sockmeat · 6 months
hmm Angel Dust you say? What if his boyfriend bakes him a cake for his birthday? Or maybe give the spider boy some massages cause god knows he needs some love.
Also hihi, I hope your day is great my friend!
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 (𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍)
(𝐰𝐜): 710
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Angel comes home from work, you greet him with his favorite cake
(𝐀/𝐍): Helloooo my day has been going good :) I hope yours has as well!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Reader's still a hunk, some sexual talk, felt a little crazy and wrote some scenario (don't get too excited it's like 5 paragraphs), gave angel's bedroom a table so they wouldn't sleep on the food lol
♡ Charlie had already organized a birthday celebration, but you wanted to make a more intimate celebration for Angel after that one
♡ Charlie's plan was similar to every other event she's planned, it had a lot of group activities, corny decorations, and a cake
♡ While you knew Angel would appreciate it all the same, you wanted to shower him with attention meant specifically for him, not just made for him and the general public (the hotel)
♡ So while the others buzzed around to get his party ready while he was away at work, you did your own thing
♡ The very first thing you did was pick up a custom sleep gown you got for him. You knew he'd love it because it was pink, dramatic, and had a tasteful amount of fluff on the edges of the sleeves and skirt. You also got a pair of babydoll lingerie that matched with it
♡ (^ Talking ab the one in that meme that's like "your otp" and one is a grandpa gown with a candle and the other one is an extravagant pink one but I can't find the image for the live of me)
♡ Then, you went to the local bakery and picked up Angel's favorite dessert, tiramisu, and some strawberries with chocolate dip
♡ You knew Angel would have had his fill of decoration and attention by time he got to your gifts, so you decided to let your gifts speak for themselves
♡ The celebration itself went well, just as expected
♡ Angel was pleasantly surprised with the party, he had a blast playing the games Charlie planned and getting drunk with his beloved boyfriend and friends
♡ The whole time he was hanging off you, whispering in your ears and asking what you were going to do to him later for his gift
♡ Of course, you'd just give him a kiss and tell him he'll have to wait and see. You couldn't just spoil the surprise!
♡ It kept him on his toes until the party finally ended and he practically hauled you to his room
Angel sprints up the stairs and through the hallways like a desperate man, completely forgetting about his fatigue. "Slow down!" You laugh, but he doesn't listen. No man could've possibly felt as much excitement as he was in that moment.
You're almost blown away he was going so fast, but alas, you catch Angel before he reaches his room and slow him down. He opens the door with a bated breath and coos at the display.
His bed is made as it usually is, but displayed on it is a serving of tiramisu, a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries, and two pink articles of clothing. Fat Nuggets greets Angel with his usual enthusiasm.
"Baby," Angel whispers, letting of your hand and scooping Nuggets into his arms to look at the array of items closer. For a moment, he stares in awe. He only breaks his ogling when you wrap your arms around him. "All this for little ol' me?" He teases, bringing a hand up to your face.
"Of course," you hum. "Who else, if not my gorgeous boyfriend?" You peck his lips and hand him one of the strawberries. He bites into it with a delighted (and slightly exaggerated) moan, subtly eyeing you, though he could barely keep his eyes open. He wavered where he stood while he finished the strawberry.
Snickering, you come out from behind him, taking Nuggets out of his arms and setting him down and moving his gifts to the small table in one fell swoop. As you are, Angel scoops the tiramisu into his mouth and slides under his mountain of blankets. Almost demanding, he lifts his hoard and slaps the mattress next to him, cheeks puffed as if he was a squirrel. "I'm coming, I'm coming," you hurry yourself under and scoop your boyfriend into your arms.
Angel sighs, melting into your chest the second you make contact. "You're so good t'me," he mumbles. You smile adoringly and rub circles into his back, paying close attention to his more tense areas. It doesn't take long for Angel to fall asleep and begin snoring.
"Goodnight," you kiss his forehead.
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puttersmile · 14 days
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For day 6 of Crittertember its fav platonic ship. For me it is Dogday and Bubba. I don't know really. Since the very start I always saw Bubba as Dogday's bestie. Mostly due to him being the leader and Bubba the smart guy. When going over PPT chapter 3, I found myself thinking about how the dynamics of the critters would work. At no point did I ever see Catnap as a friend to anyone, at least not at the time. So I thought maybe Dogday's best friend was either gonna be Hoppy or Bubba. I picked Bubba for his differences and how a leader character would find value in an intelligent character. And it also would enhance the tragedy since Bubba died first (according to most theories at least), leaving Dogday without his reliable second in command.
They totally respect each other's strengths and have enough in common to bond over shared interests. In this case they both love the outdoors. As you can see from this pic of them as babbis chasing butterflies. Hiking, fishing, bug collections. I decided Bubba is a happy outdoor boi along with Dogday, though maybe not a sporty type (even though I have an unfinished picture of him playing soccer...). It's just Dogday is the type to jump off a cliff into the lake far below. Bubba won't go that far. For Bubba it is also likely for scientific pursuits. Where as Dogday just wants to chase things. And smell the cool nature smells.
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I also have a second favorite platonic ship. Although I guess its more a tie. If you have followed this blog for a while you probably know what it is.
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Bobby and Crafty of course! I think their personalities would gel together perfectly. I almost can't explain it. In my mind its just a big "duh". I guess it is because Crafty reminds me of a childhood friend.
We drew a lot together, mostly fanart, and nerded out about shows/ cartoons we both liked. Bobby would always be cheering for Crafty's artistic pursuits and Crafty always wants her best friend to just...be happy! They would do everything together and maybe even read each other's secret diaries!
Also I say Crafty reminds me of a friend. I have to keep in mind Crafty tried to kill someone for "red paint". I don't think my friendship was that volatile lol. But yeah. I don't think the Smiling Cs are fully characters. They are concepts that us fans project our desires onto. It can vary wildly from fan to fan.
Onward to day 7. I'm nervous because I'm trying to write out why I like my otp. Hopefully people understand it.
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
Protective prompts where Person A is protective of person B ahhh plssss <33
Of course!! I hope you like these, let me know what you think!!
Some otp prompts where one is protective over the other
A tugging on B's hand and switching places when walking down the sidewalk because they don't want B walking next to the busy traffic.
A standing guard outside B's office as they take a short nap during lunch break so as to make sure nobody interrupts B's much needed rest.
A not letting B do any household chores after they find out that they're expecting. In fact, A doesn't let B lift a finger around the house nor at work, revealing A's lesser known domesticated side.
A giving B a lift home after their date, and insisting on walking B right to their doorstep before leaving.
^ with A tightly hugging B goodbye, not wanting to let go until B reminds them that they have an early morning at work the next day.
A reminding the waiter a second (or third) time of B's food allergies at a group gathering, and A getting teased by their friends for being over-protective and smitten with B.
A and B are out on a date, only to run into B's toxic ex. A immediately holds B's hand under the table, and whispers a quick 'I'm here, I love you' into their ear just because they know it'll reassure them.
A holding B's hand while sleeping after B had gotten physically hurt just so that they will be woken up if B tries to get out of bed or needs to get something.
"Get behind me, A, right now—" "No, b... but—" "Please, I can't afford to lose you,"
"I'll be right here whether you need me or not, I'm not going anywhere without you again,"
"What do you mean by why I got into a fight with them?" "I can take care of myself, you know—" "Yes, and so what? That doesn't change the fact that I promised myself I'd protect you no matter what,"
"What did you just say?" "B, please, not now..." "No, I'm not letting anyone walk over you like that. A is the most beautiful, intelligent and kind person I've met in my entire life, and I definitely am not the only one who thinks that way,"
"You have me now, A. I'm sorry that I wasn't before... but I'm here now. You have me now, and forever,"
"Why did you do that, A? Now you're hurt because of me," "There's no why," A sighs, wincing as B cleans their wound, "when it comes to you, there's no why, A. I'd do it again in a heartbeat,"
"Promise me you'll call?" "Of course," "Even three seconds is enough... I'll just need to know that you're okay—" "And I will be okay, because I know you'll be rooting for me no matter what,"
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dduane · 6 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 成化十四年/The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
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(The) Sleuth of (the) Ming Dynasty (it's hard to get an agreement on how many definite articles should go where) is a beautiful, high-budget 2020 drama about a weenie genius detective, his long-suffering and deeply traumatized sugar daddy, and the eunuch with the most difficult job in the Great Ming: keeping these two dumbasses from getting their fool selves imperially executed.
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Depending on how you like it, it's either an OT3 or an OTP with an intense, underage third wheel, and either way, it's delightful. I wouldn't call it a comedy, but it has very many funny elements that keep the drama fun and engaging. The first half is full of shorter mysteries that are clever and thoughtfully plotted, and the second half goes in on the longer mystery that ties them all together.
I've already done my quick guide to the early-episode characters, if you want a taste of just how many people are running around and how wonderful they all are. But in case you want to know a little bit more before you commit yourself to a 48-episode series, here's five reasons I think you should watch it!
1. The whole thing smacks of gender
Yeah, this was originally going to be selling point #2, but I know what the people want.
This is not a show about gender. But boy it is a show that has a lot to say about gender, and not just by way of critiquing premodern Chinese gender roles (though it does do that!). Many of the cis characters are either a) somewhat gender nonconforming, b) canny enough to weaponize binary gender expectations, or c) both. Sui Zhou's entire third-act storyline is about how expectations of masculinity exacerbate PTSD in veterans. Three different AFAB characters either dress or live as men. The part where one of the male characters goes undercover in drag is played for laughs, but the joke isn't 'ha ha, a boy in a dress,' it's 'ha ha, this particular boy in a particular dress, and also he's terrible at it.'
And that's even before we get to the eunuchs.
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There are several professionally dickless, permanently unmanned characters running around. One-third of the OT3 canonically had his external genitalia nonconsensually removed when he was five years old, and because of this, he has been given unimaginable authority. He's basically the second most powerful man in the entire empire, and he only gets that way by being unquestionably, ostentatiously, and genuinely submissive to the first most powerful man.
I have seen other Chinese media where eunuchs are treated like sinister clowns, good only to be the bad guys and the butts of jokes. Sleuth's main eunuchs are real and complex characters, and because of this, the show gets to explore what it is to live in this weird third-gender category of incredible power and powerlessness.
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Now, don't go into this expecting woke gender treatises. Wang Zhi's never going to sit down and go, "You know, my friend and fellow eunuch Ding Rong, because of my lack of a penis, I understand my relationship to masculinity differently than other men do." But the show understands that even if he doesn't say it, it's true. And that makes a lot of the characters and their relationships just so much more interesting.
2. Uncle Jackie Money
Sleuth was the was the fourth c-drama I dove into, following the Untamed, Word of Honor, and Guardian -- or, Some Money BL, Less Money BL, and No Money BL. So imagine my absolute wall-eyed shock to find this was All The Money BL, courtesy of its executive producer, Jackie Chan (seen here with some of his handsome boys):
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Sleuth looks good. The costumes are amazing. The sets are stunning. The cinematography is beautiful. Everything is so detailed, and while I can't speak to the absolute historical accuracy of all those details (see point 3), they're still gorgeous. In fact, you know what? I'm going to shut up and show you some of the promotional images.
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(For actual screenshots, I'm just going to point you at @rongzhi's tsomd photoset tag, as they have done a tremendous service to the fan community -- though do beware of spoilers.)
Uncle Jackie's influence doesn't end with the money, though. Even though things get a bit goofy and wirework-y near the end, most of the drama's fights are shows of real martial arts skill. You can see his fingerprints on a lot of the choreography -- I'm thinking particularly of the time Tang Fan tries (and fails!) to stab Sui Zhou three times, which is pure Jackie Chan high-speed dexterity.
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Add this one to the category of shows your Average American Television Enjoyer Who Can Handle Subtitles would like. In fact, I have shown the first episode to my normie father-in-law, who was impressed. Show it to your dad! See if he picks up on the gay!
3. I am from ... HISTORY!
The Chinese title translates to "The 14th Year of Chenghua," which works out to the year 1478. There are some clear anachronisms, but they tend to be played for comedy, so it's hard to hold that against them. On the whole, though, the show is trying real hard to evoke a very specific moment, and I feel it does so beautifully.
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This does, however, mean that several of the characters are real people. I don't even have a good sense of how many of them are based on historical figures, that's how many. Hilariously, Wang Zhi's tag on AO3 used to read "Wang Zhi (?-1487 CE)."
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Moreover, these are characters I've seen pop up in other media, played very differently! In particular, Noble Consort (up there in blue) tends to be written as an uncomplicated villain elsewhere, whereas Sleuth gives her a chance to add some goodness to her badness, until, damn, you can't but root for the bitch. (It also downplays the cradle-robbing, which, honestly, is for the best.)
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You may have guessed from the eunuch section earlier, but it bears repeating: Wang Zhi is straight-up the best character in the show. He's smart as hell, and he has to be, because the second he's stupid, he's dead. I actually consider it helpful to know ahead of time that he's never going to do a heel turn -- I feel like on my first watchthrough, I was holding my breath for the first two-thirds of the show, waiting for his sudden but inevitable betrayal. It does not come. Wang Zhi is one of the heroes.
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He's also, like, evil. He orders people flogged, tortured, and executed. The very first thing you see him doing is sinister as hell. And the show clearly doesn't think this is good, but it also doesn't judge him for it. He's a traumatized seventeen-year-old who has not had a normal moment of his entire life. He's working thanklessly for a boss who could kill him on a whim -- and he's doing it because he literally, physically was made for his job. He's mildly freaking out because he has no emotional grounding to help him understand that these weirdos want to be his friends.
Was the real Wang Zhi like this? That's beside the point. The point is, you get to see how someone in that position could wind up as the war-crimes-committing platonic ideal of a little meow meow.
4. oh my god the food
Warning: This show will make you hungry.
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Again, beware of spoilers, but @peppersandcreamsicle and @qinzai have put together an entire cook-along Google Doc so you don't just have to drool -- you can do something about it! Or you can just read it and learn about Chinese cuisine, which is a little more my speed.
But it's not just about how good the food looks. Food is a vital emotional part of the series. People bond over it. They make and share it as a sign of love and care. It indicates status, ethnicity, interest, personality. The show's message about the healing power of cooking for the people you love will bring you to tears.
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And yes, Sui Zhou is the main one doing the cooking, so get ready to drool over both the dishes and the handsome man preparing them.
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Oh, and as though that weren't enough, Fu Meng Po can actually cook in real life. He's so dreamy. Absolute unreal handsome man with a devastatingly sexy voice. (I know my opinion might be different if I could hear his Taiwanese accent, but I can't so it's not!)
5. An Unsunk Ship
So like I said, my intros to c-drama couples had been WangXian, WenZhou, and WeiLan. That meant I'd basically come to terms with the idea that you can't have a main couple in a BL-but-not-really drama without splitting them up at least a little in the end, for no-homo plausible deniability reasons.
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Tang Fan and Sui Zhou are still definitvely, unequivocally together when the story ends, as the iconic pentultimate scene of the series confirms with beauty and simplicity. I refuse to give any more details than that, but that ship's afloat.
(These shirtless pictures aren't from the end, but I wanted to include them, and I didn't have a better place to do it. ...Also, you know, ships and water? Yeah?)
And I think their winding up together reflects Sleuth's entire attitude. Tang Fan is made of sunshine, and the series loves him for it. There is tragedy aplenty in this show, but there's no misery. It is ultimately a hopeful show that believes in the power of second chances, if you're willing to take them. Time and again, the moral of the story is that you are only ever as good as the people who have your back -- but you have to be willing to let them have your back. Let people help you. Let people cook for you. Let people give you a reason to keep living. And then keep living.
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Also, Sui Zhou gets two good kabedons off on that little twink, which means they're legally married now. I don't make the rules.
Bonus: Banger opening theme
This is one you will watch all 48 times.
Bonus #2: The Halo Video
This is the video that made me go, huh, these Sleuth boys seem like other boys I've enjoyed! Perhaps I shall enjoy them as well! And then I did. So if that might be convincing to you too, well, have at it. Even if it isn't, it's a fascinating three-minute study of shared those-boys-are-in-love visual language across these shows.
Fair warning that it contains shots from right up to the end, so if you'd rather go in completely blank, give this one a pass until later. (Excuse me while I now go watch it for the 10000th time.)
Have I convinced you to watch it yet?
It originally ran on iQiyi, though Viki's got it as well, and Viki's is free if you're willing to put up with some ads about it.
...I just noticed iQiyi's description of the series reads, "When the two handsome leading actors Darren Wang and Fu Meng-Po work together, what will happen? A lovely prefectural judge and an arrogant embroiered [sic] uniform guard join hands to crack unusual cases! Are you going to choose a new idol?" And you know what? Yes. The details are a little off, but that is the correct spirit. Thank you, thirsty blurb.
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teaboot · 6 months
Since I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be, I have been trying to send to more asks to engage more. I really don't want to bother anyone though so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Detailed? Vague? Work? Fandom? Movies? Books? Childhood? Gardening? Thoughts? OTPs? OCs? I'm sure there are way more categories, I'm not limiting you to these listed options. Perhaps if it's an easier question what types of asks do you not like?
Detailed asks good yes
Vague asks??? Do not understand but open to the concept
Fandom: My first Fandom was X-Men, then Lord of the Rings, then Homestuck, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Avengers (first movie, when it came out), Batman, Overwatch briefly, Mass Effect, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and now my sister's getting me into Call of Duty! Feel free to ask about any!!
Movies: Yes movies are a great topic I have SO MANY
Oh lord I haven't consistently been up to date on books in FOREVER but yes books are good, you can ask book questions, I'm reading a lot of old classics and recently finished Pride & Prejudice, am now on The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Childhood- oh my god bud you have no idea
Gardening- My house is full of plastic plants on account of how good I am at killing things
Thoughts- Always
OCs? YO YEAH GO FOR IT I NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM aaaaah I need to start writing again- I've been working on an urban fantasy for like. God like 7-8 years now
If I don't like an ask I'll just ignore or delete it but not much is off the table. I will not answer where exactly I live, who I am, if I'm a specific person you met, etc. for safety reasons.
I've worked in sex education so I can answer questions on that topic but if you get too personal or abrasive I will not respond.
I'm regularly flooded with donation requests and it's often too hard to figure out which are real and which are scams using stolen legit posts so as a general rule I do not spread those, I'm sorry.
And if you pop in to sexually harass me or use abusive language towards myself or others then I'm just gonna block you and delete the message.
If you want to warn me that a post I shared came from a bad source I do appreciate that, but if I do my research and can't find a legitimate reason to block someone then I probably won't.
I consider Legitimate Reasons to block someone on recommendation to be abusive language and behaviour, threats, bigotry, propagation of misinformation, production of AI content, and encouragement of dangerous behaviors that pose genuine harm to self or others. I'm not gonna block a random cause they enjoy Steven Universe and you think it's annoying. We all like stuff.
Thanks for asking!!! I probably shoulda talked about some of this myself, lol
EDIT: Terfs and radfems are block on sight, it's not your fault you're dumb but I am not capable of educating all of you
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AITA for arguing with someone over ships?
🧀⛵ so i can find this later
Yes, this is ship discourse AITA #294729472 you can scroll away, english isn't my first language, my apologies.
So I (16M (But 13-14 at the time)) am in a very niche fandom. As in, we didn't have any new content for the past 5 years and media is old af (2013), very few fans, most of us know each other already.
I used to have these mutuals Cheese (Not their real name) (around my age i think?? I can't remember) and Breadstick (Not his real name) (18M).
We all had our little ships, ok? I like the little (dumbass golden retriever boy) x (badass traumatized man) ship, Cheese liked the little (badass traumatized man) x (literally the same thing but evil and abusive) and Breadstick liked both ships.
I met Breadstick before meeting Cheese so we were already friends before i met Cheese. I thought "Cool, another person likes this little niche thing i'm hyperfixated on!" So we became mutuals.
I didn't anticipate that we would argue about ships, but oh well. So, i'm a very chill person regarding ships, literally any, although i do have NOTPs, i'm not really toxic about my hatred, i just go "Ah, not my thing" and scroll away not without blocking the person, but really nothing personal and no hard feelings, i can perfectly be friends with someone who loves my notp.
In fact, that was the case with Cheese. They shipped my NOTP, like A LOT. But I was okay with it, i mean these are just characters and all we're doing is being silly. I didn't take this THAT seriously. However, when I seemed to talk about my ship, Cheese seemed uncomfortable in some way.
When I was talking about my fankid (call me cringe idc) of my OTP, Cheese got very confused and asked who was i talking about. Breadstick came in and introduced my fankid to them, since he knew about it before. Cheese just started being rude, literally saying swear words (Not against them but, the context didn't really call for it? No one was being mean or mad), saying, and i quote as best as i can, "I don't know what the fuck made you think i knew who the hell [Fankid] was".
I got very mad about it, so i privately dm'ed Breadstick about Cheese's attitude. We began trash talking about them, which, i admit was a very trashy thing to do and definitely asshole material™.
Reason why may i be the asshole: over time, Breadstick just started complaining a lot about Cheese, and I could honestly agree, it came to the point of us disliking them to some degree but not telling them and not breaking the mutual, that could be considered two faced behavior.
This was partly influenced because of another incident. So Cheese and Breadstick where rambling about an OT3 (3 person ship) they had in common, basically sharing ideas and stuff. I thought it would be fun and went "Hey, I have an OT3 too, maybe i should post about it too". So I went and posted about it, but Cheese felt very uncomfortable with that, since basically my OT3 was exactly like Cheese's OT3 but one character is different, "basically".
They said "You have your thing, let US have ours". Felt bad and honestly, maybe i shouldn't have intruded their ot3 rambling. I didn't expect such negative reaction out of them.
In other occasions they complained about me posting a little too much about my ship, even though they did the same thing with theirs. And they also had a mutual that said "If you ship [this character] you suck and i fucking hate you. [character] is too abusive to be shipped with anyone and you can't just make an AU, that would just change him as a character completely" which, dear god, that language wasn't needed, right?. And despite that crazy person saying that, Cheese agreed with their take, despite literally shipping the character in question with another one. And abusively too, which like you do you, lord knows i do that too, but agreeing with a take like that while doing exactly what it is complaining about is weird. On the other side, that person wasn't my mutual, so it's unrealistic of me to expect Cheese to control their mutuals over me, Cheese can mutual whoever they want, but i can still be weirded out right?
That is without including them telling other people to kill themselves over shipping, so it was clear that Cheese took this shipping thing seriously while me and Breadstick to some degree didn't. Honestly another reason why i might be an asshole, clearly they felt their otp was personal and me not liking it + ignoring it caused a bad environment, mala mía, but what else could i have done?
So, clearly Cheese is kind of an asshole to some degree. But i think what makes ME an asshole too is when I trash talked behind their back and cut them off way later than i should've. And also, i guess i shoved my ship down their throat taking by how mad they were about it? I didn't do it intentionally though and i could definitely say they did the same thing too when 80% of the fandom and character tags was them posting about their ship. Again, small niche fandom for old unpopular media, we are keeping it alive ourselves.
What are these acronyms?
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percahliaweek · 3 months
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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inell · 5 months
About Me
I'm Inell (she/her/hers). Forties. Ace. I write fanfic, and I've been actively writing in fandoms since 1999. I’m a fandom old for sure! Current fandom: 911 (Buck/Eddie) and Teen Wolf (Stiles).
I am basically a Buddie mono shipper. I have written Buck/Connor, Buck/Tommy, and BuddieTommy since joining the fandom, but my heart belongs to Buddie.
I don’t care what other people ship; I filter things I don’t want to see. I’m very anti-drama in my fandom space. I try not to reblog hate against characters or ships that I don’t enjoy because I have friends who do enjoy them. My general motto is that fandom is for fun, and I’m going to spend my minimal free time focusing on things I enjoy, not hating on characters/ships that I don’t like.
Currently accepting 911 prompts from this list.
Also accepting Buck/Eddie prompts from this list.
Inell watches 911 live blogging
I started writing in BTVS with Willow as my OTC. Then I moved into Harry Potter, where Hermione was my OTC. I dipped my foot into the Star Trek XI fandom, where Kirk/McCoy was my OTP, and Avengers fandom, where I wrote a long Steve/Clint series.
I am currently swimming around in Teen Wolf, where Stiles is my OTC. I have a long crossover series that’s Stiles/Bucky Barnes that I’m updating sporadically. I’ve also done a deep dive into 9-1-1 fandom, where I enjoy writing Buck/Eddie and FireFam.
My Ask is always open if you want to chat. I’ve been around fandoms since the days of posting boards and egroups, into the live journal era, and beyond. My general philosophy is ship and let ship, and not my kink but enjoy yourself. I don’t like drama and hate in my fandom experience. I do block tags, and I try to curate my experience. I have never had a ship I love writing in fandom actually go canon, so I tend to live in the fanon & love it. Now, if my current ship did go canon, I certainly wouldn’t complain! But I won’t stop shipping it regardless.
I like writing happy endings and romance, and I ride the wave of the muse in terms of spamming fic when she's talkative and possibly going days with nothing if she stops talking. I’m always happy to be tagged for fic I might like & I like chatting about fic and fandom.
Prompting Me
My Ask is always open! You can prompt me or send me questions/comments on fic/whatever. I can't promise to write every prompt that I receive. I prefer general prompts, like a ship & a dialogue prompt etc. You can find prompts that I’ve reblogged in my tags. If you have a rating restriction or an AO3 account, put those in the Ask. One prompt per ask.
I generally don't write M-preg, age regression, adult/baby play, scat, emesis play, necrophilia, rape/non-con, extreme underage, non-consensual adultery/cheating, hardcore BDSM, pain play, humiliation, character death, watersports, sounding, tragedy, dark fic, unhappy endings etc.
If you happen to send me a kink/prompt not on the above list that I realize I can’t write, I’ll let you know unless it's anon. I tend to like happy endings, romance, fun tropes, smutty times, and plot that is more centered on friendships or relationships than Big Bads etc. I have a fondness for either the getting together, the first times in relationships, or slices of life in established relationships. Really, if you’re familiar with my writing, you probably know what’s safe to prompt and what probably isn’t!
My Fic
My Fic on AO3 - Best place for all Teen Wolf & 9-1-1 fic as I’ve post everything there from 2015 forward.
My Fic Archive - This is best for finding anything written from 1999-2015.
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ms-cartoon · 2 months
I meant to post about this ever since that video was recorded but I slacked off for a while and didn't have the energy. This is about Brandon and the things he said about Octavia and what he thinks about her. This is also a repeat of my reblog of @antivivziepopparade post regarding the same subject so. . .
This is truly disappointing and just plain sad, even for him. Like fr-
And what's crazy is that I watched some of his videos and they made me laugh. I didn't enjoy how vulgar and disturbing they were, but there were still some parts about it that I found funny. Even then, there was something about him that didn't sit right with me. I wasn't sure if it was him totally being cool with making a fool of himself in public for his videos or what (he actually took his clothes off in a public place at one point and got kicked out because of it. I felt so much second hand embarrassment), but I just didn't like him personally. Now that I've seen THIS live video about his comments about this teenage girl, I definitely have all the reasons to not like him as a person.
Ummm. . . . EXCUSE YOU??? Like-- Brandon? Mr. Rogers?? I know you know better!! WTF am I hearing??? I honestly can't tell if he was trying to be funny or if he was making a joke, but I don't care, and considering what he said and how he said it, it's no excuse and just downright ignorant and mean.
So he calls her SLUT and COCKBLOCKER. This 17-year-old girl? A minor, who's going through a crisis of neglect from her father? Her dad puts the majority of his focus on the guy he had an affair with instead of her. He sexually flirts with said guy RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER and says that he's the only man that can f**k him right where she can hear it. Cuts her off when she tries to tell him something that could be important, but would rather fuss with his ex-wife he wants nothing to do with. He still puts his focus on Blitzo rather than looking for her when she's lost with the possibility of being in danger. Does Brandon not find any of that the least bit concerning?? (And I don't care that these are fictional characters cuz situations like these happen in real life. Parents who are neglectful of their children? Those exist, believe it or not)
He's seriously dropping names on this minor and saying she sucks cuz she hates his favorite character and is getting in the way of his OTP. . . .
Hate to say it Brandon but. . . .
No--- y'know what? I would love to say this. . . . Brandon, you are just as bad if not worse than Viv and the rest of her dick riding fans who have the same mindset as the both of you.
Brandon: She hates me!
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maul-of-shame · 2 months
J-3: The Acolytes Refuge
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Okay so after a few days of thinking, there we go.
Got a soft spot for Osha/Jecki? Can't get enough of Yord/Osha? Or perhaps you're part of the Sol Patrol (and you're feeling absolutely devastated by this freaking finale)?
This could be your new terrain, where your ships can sail without hitting the iceberg of negativity.
Sorry to be that girl but here are rules before I send invites (request via dm) to make sure we're all in the same library, in the same book and on the same page:
Angst and NSFW: Look, we get it, angst and NSFW content are part of the package yadi yada. But let's be clear: there's a time and place for everything. Keep it tasteful, keep it respectful, and for the love of the Force and everything that is holy, keep it in the right channels. Violate this, and you'll find yourself in the trash compactor faster than you can say "Death Star". Not everyone likes to be reminded their beloved comfort character/ship died horrendously 24/7 or see mentions of gorey stuff everywhere, main included.
Respect: Abuse, harassment, and general nastiness will not be tolerated. This is a sanctuary, not a Sarlacc pit. If you think you can bring your bad attitude here, you'll be booted out faster than Jar Jar Binks from a Senate meeting.
All Are Welcome: Whether you're a veteran of the Star Wars universe or just stepped off the starship, you're welcome here. But remember, leave your drama at the door. This is a place for harmony, not the Sith Council.
Ship and Let Ship: Not a fan of someone's ship? Move along. There's no need to start a galactic war over preferences. We respect all ships here, as long as they're not sailing into the realm of toxicity. We'll have channels for the ships and more, so no need to throw a shipping tantrum, don't worry I got you.
Why Join The Acolytes' Refuge?
For Osha/Jecki Shippers: Finally, a place where your ship is celebrated, not sunk.
For Yord/Osha Shippers: Your OTP gets the love it deserves without the eye-rolls.
For the Sol Patrol: Unite with your fellow patrol members and geek out over your favorite Jedi Dad and give him the love he didn't get in the damn finale.
For Everyone Else: Don't see your ship here? No worries, we welcome all who come in peace and with a good sense of humor.
What We're Not:
A Drama Dumping Ground: Leave your beef at the door or cook it somewhere else.
A Free-for-All: We have rules, and they're enforced. Break them, and you’ll be out faster than the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace.
Oshimir Central: There are plenty of places for Oshimir shippers. This isn't one of them, so don’t expect that here. Sorry, but this would be a bit too awkward to see Oshimir peeps in an Oshecki, Sol Patrol & Yorsha shipping server considering how things ended in the series.😅🤣
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nocandnc · 2 months
Waiter waiter! 27, 9 ,8 ,7,6 for kafmina please!😉
Yes!!! Thank you for the Kafka x Mina love, and sorry for the long wait - I didn't want to rush through it >.<;;;
OTP Questions for KafMina, order up!!
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Kafka takes pictures of Mina sleeping, and Mina takes pictures of Bakko sleeping. Not that Kafka's jealous or anything—
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
In a normal setting, Mina is the one to confess first. They're not even doing anything particularly romantic. She just looks over at him on some peaceful afternoon and the words slip out like an afterthought.
"I love you" she breathes. Kafka jerks his head towards her, thinking he must be hearing things. "What?" Mina quickly returns to her lunch or book or whatever mundane task she'd been attending to seconds prior. "Nothing." "No, no, you totally just said...!" After a stretch of silence, the woman peeks at him again. "Just said...?" "I..." Kafka shifts awkwardly but holds her gaze. "'I love you'..." "Oh, well - I love you too, Kafka." The man puts both hands to his burning face, a muffled 'no fair' floating through the air along with Mina's laughter.
When things aren't peaceful - when it's bloody and chaotic and gone completely to hell - that's when Kafka says it first. He tries to tell Mina to run, to protect herself. That she can't be risking it all here when he cannot handle it himself.
Mina turns to him, eyes burning. "What give you the right to make that call!?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!" The declaration takes the form of a howl in his current form, words vibrating through the throat of Kaiju No. 8 with a dangerous amount of force. Captain Mina Ashiro stumbles slightly, ears ringing from the unexpected blast of sound aimed in her direction. The man-turned-kaiju puts a clawed hand to vicious teeth, shocked by his own lack of control on multiple levels. Mina finds her footing. "And I love you" she shoots back, gun already reloaded. "So don't act like you're the only one who gets a say in this."
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Kafka loves to see Mina wearing his clothes, her lithe form all but swallowed in an access of fabric with his name on it - and Mina loves wearing them - though it's a shame they can never quite get the kaiju smell out.
Kafka never takes Mina's shirts of course, but he has stolen her fuzzy kitty socks on occasion.
"What!?" he challenges her incredulous stare. "They're one-size-fits-all!!"
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Mina wakes him up after her nightmares pile up for too many nights. Her body is cold and and clammy with sweat, but Kafka wraps his warm arms around her without hesitation. He tells her about the cool dream he was having moments ago - one where everyone is happy and safe, because together they can make that happen - to lull her back to sleep.
It's Kafka's singing that wakes her back up in the morning - off-key notes seeping through the walls of their bathroom as he belts out a cheesy 80's song in the shower.
27) Who orders take out at two in the morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
They both eat at unusual hours given the nature of their work, but Kafka is the only one ordering takeout. Try as she might to deter him, Mina can't deny that there's a comfort to eating junk-food now and then. Indulging in things they shouldn't eat at an hour they shouldn't be awake, laughing and sharing stories about their day... it almost feels like they're kids again.
They settle into bed a few hours later, sleeping contently...
...Or so Mina thinks, only to be roused by a nudge to the shoulder. She has to come with him to get a glass of water, Kafka insists, because going to get a glass of water means walking past Bakko on the stairs - and in classic feline fashion, they never fail to take a swipe at him if Mina isn't close behind.
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where-the-water-flows · 3 months
character asks—hit me up with your hottest jiao liqiao takes
JIAO LIQIAO my best beloved nightmare failgirlboss. she cannot malewife for very long but by god can she manipulate and murder.
favorite thing about them honestly I love that she has a goal and she fucking goes for it, zero hesitation. is it a good, reasonable goal? well no. she would have been better finding someone to fixate on who was not somewhere on the utterly asexual to entirely homosexual spectrum, but y'know, can't win them all. A+ dedication, F- execution.
least favorite thing about them the laugh the laugh I know it is like, the most standard trope signifier thing but the high pitched ahHAHEHEHA laugh is always so jarring in a 'pulls me right out of the narrative' kind of way, I know it is petty but also oh my god please. please you sound like a second rate cartoon villain. please. On a more character less shallow note, bestie babygirl please stop playing with your food. it literally never works out for you, for the love of god. please learn your lesson after the eighth time it bites you in the ass. (also like on the one hand, I would love for her to not have a plot centered around how she is deeply unhinged for/about a man. but on the otherhand, like, idk, I think she's fun. terrible awful etc, but also, she's putting the fun in extremely dysfunctional <3)
favorite line look I love so much every unhinged word out of her mouth, especially the argument she has with snow master when he's like 'girl that man is gay/ace the magic incense amnesia did not make him suddenly not gay/ace he is Manipulating You' and she is like 'lalalala not listening he loves me also we both know that man can't/won't lie to save his life, also also if he is lying I'll mutilate him and keep him like a purse pet <3 but he's not lying. because he loves me.' I recognise that is not a line but like. you know what I mean.
brOTP uhhh I don't really know that she... has... bros. like I guess granny blood (rip), who is basically always full 'yes girl get your man he will def love you this time' in the manner of someone who knows that her friend is lusting after a guy who is 1)not ever going to be interested even if he wasn't 2)very gay/ace and is 3)probably mid at best in bed no matter how much her friend is like SEX GOD. like the most 'yeah girl go get your man!!!! (why that man though have you considered any other man literally there are so many other men) oh no, def the red lipstick, he'll love you in that (but why him for the love of god just buy a vibrator)' that said, I do think the wildly divergent au where li xiangyi ends up 1)aware of nanyin bloodline like. Early On 2) jinyuan alliance aligned, he and his cousin jiao liqiao would be a hilarious pair of nightmares. absolutely ends in disaster for everyone, including them and definitely including di feisheng, I have an entire stupid au vaguely plotted out about this, it is purely nonsense. compels me though.
OTP no<3 that said, like, obviously I do not want the boys to be mmmmm torture mutilated noncon wifed as the otp of my heart, but also, I think jiao liqiao deserves a harem of moderately to severely brainwashed/mutilated/etc malewives! as a treat! god forbid women do anything. I contain multitudes, the dirty joke here is left as an exercise for the reader.
nOTP shan gudao. I just. I think it would be a mess, and not even a fun one. like as an actual relationship I mean, not proxy fighting spy vs spy manipulation But With Sex kinda bullshit, that's fine and fun, but they are not romantically compatible except as a triad where the third part of it is the idea of the man they are individually personally psycho/sexually obsessed with. which I guess makes it like. a weird poly U, with two theoretical ends. weird poly u with them mostly egging each other on in their dysfunction, 100% fine, any sort of Actual Healthy Relationship, no. also, therapy. I think therapy would only make her worse, but on the off chance it did not, I don't want that for her. she's a nightmare! again, god forbid a woman do anything.
random headcanon she was literally never expected to take the throne, nor expected to be the primary way that her particular fork of the nanyin royal line passed down. which means she likely has at least one sister and probably a brother. I don't know if this is backed up or contradicted by canon, but also, she was raised knowing she was nanyin royalty (??) but also was allowed to just fuck off into the jianghu at age [mlc timeline is nonsensical]. like if that is your single heir of the bloodline you have been carefully keeping alive and aware of how they were The True Imperial Family, you are not letting said heir go out and get their ass killed playing with swords. therefore. youngest child jiao liqiao. no further questions, you know in your heart I'm right. less world logistics based, I think she absolutely can't fucking cook, but, crucially, feels that she is fucking aces at it. does she cook? irrelevant, also no obviously not, she is a lady of rank, we have servants for that. but, crucially, she feels in her heart that she is a great cook. not that she cares about it. but again, she is great at it. this is never challenged because 1)di feisheng, the one person I can see her lowering herself to actually cook for, does not pay attention to the taste of food unless he has amnesia, and thus he's certainly not going to be like 'you suck at cooking, ew'. 2) if you are not di feisheng are you going to challenge fucking saintess on her bad cooking? no! she will stab you in the eyeball with a chopstick.
unpopular opinion honestly I don't know that I have that many unpopular opinions on her. other than that she's fun. a nightmare and like, deeply uncomfortable as a character with how incredibly rapey she is, obviously. but fun! she is a problematic queen. terrible woman who really sort of stands out as one of the few of the main cast who uh...doesn't really seem to have any reason behind the terribad decisions she makes other than there is something Wrong With Her, but again, god forbid, etc.
song i associate with them Girlfriend, by Avril Lavigne; the early 2000s angry brat pop is just. so on brand. see also, so much for my happy ending. (also, this has given me the image of idea of early 2000s scene kids jinyuan alliance, which is the funniest fucking thing in the world to me. I don't know what sigu sect would be, but it's just so fucking funny.)
favorite picture of them quick and nasty screencap bc this response has already taken me two days, but like. the whole turn on li lianhua when he's in chains and she's like 'oh you're dangerous to talk to', I just. I feel so abnormal about it. she is so hot and scary.
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dangermousie · 10 months
To me, this sequence is the crux of why Xie Wei is the endgame for JXN in terms of suitability - in terms of someone who allows her to be most at peace with herself and live happily. It's not just because with ZZ, she will always strive for an ideal and hide the "uglier" parts of herself. It's because as others pointed out - she needs to learn to love herself and she is mired in guilt around him - but also, XW doesn't just see her the way she is and loves that, he is also someone who is determined, obsessed even, with looking forward not back.
In some ways, he's the most driven by the past out of all the characters (he wants justice/vengeance for what happened during the siege, this is his cause) but that's the thing - his attitude is "this horrific thing has happened, it cannot be changed, now we will figure out how to deal with this and address it" (which in his case is a lot of murder :P) is something JXN needs - she's been trying to change the past emotionally, as well as physically and I think she needs to accept that she is irretrievably changed, you can't unring the bell, you can't make her pure naive girl who (in her belief system) is worthy of ZZ (btw any relationship where you constantly work to be worthy of the other person is unhealthy at best and doomed at worst), you can just move forward, in whatever way possible.
In a way, what he says here is quite straightforward and in keeping with his "moving forward" attitude - if you can't let go, don't. Her guilt won't allow her to hear that.
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Lady, he talks a good talk but he's already 85% to losing control over you.
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And that is when all red flags that did not manifest before, manifested, in terms of that relationship. ZZ is a good man, probably the best of the characters. But any relationship where you are doing Jesus and Mary Magdalene imitation, viewing someone as literally flawless, as someone who shouldn't be touched by anything even if you tear out your heart, because you are so unworthy is not a romantic relationship, that's a medieval nun's attitude to her God. No go in real life. It wouldn't work and if somehow it did, would never make her truly happy. JXN should be in a relationship not even of mutual pedestals but being seen and seeing the other person as messy flawed being but still worthy of love.
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I laughed. I adore XW but what he knows about people's hearts in terms of romance is equivalent to a turnip.
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Time-out for haaaaaaands!
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And despite my snark, it's not a turnip of an answer at all, it's perfect (I think he's terrible at telling his own heart but not others.) That is what she needs to hear - as I mentioned - not ignoring what's in the past but moving on.
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I love it so much!!! And I love that he's genuinely heartbroken for her pain and just wants to fix it - there is none of that "my chance is here" attitude.
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It's an angsty moment but I giggled because I remembered wailing after my first high school boyfriend dumped me "I am never going to love anyone like this! I could never find someone like this!" Spoiler - I was wrong :P (And probably wouldn't be able to pick the guy out of a line-up now.)
But, more importantly, I was screaming into my hands, when he said "find someone more suitable." Not just because this is XW in a nutshell - he accepts the situation as it is, no arguing with the premise and offers a different solution (nobody is better? OK, accepted, then how do we deal in this situation) but because this is the crux of the OTP. What JXN (and every other person looking for a partner) needs in this world is not the person who is the smartest or saintliest or w/e, they need the most suitable person for them, whoever that is, to be happy. Objectively saintly ZZ is not particularly suitable for her; goodness is not happiness, not always, and she needs to accept that and fully accept herself.
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Yes, there will be!
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Sir Pentious perhaps?
Certainly, my dear!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: His dorkiness! I like how he starts out trying to be intimidating so he'll be thought of as a formidable foe, and then learns to embrace his naturally dorky self and be a better person. Maybe there's a message there about toxic masculinity? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Least favourite thing about them: That so-called 'joke' in Episode 6. You know the one. I mean, you can't have a whole episode taking sexual assault seriously when it happens to Angel Dust and then turn it into a joke when it happens to Sir Pentious. I'd have preferred it if, instead of Pen being dragged into the sex room, Valentino overheard his "sex with everybody" line and started offering him a job at the porn studio and making him flustered, and that was what motivated Angel to stand up for his friends.
Favourite line: "The only cool thing here is to say 'No' to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!"
brOTP: I like the enemies-to-friends thing he had going on with Angel Dust! My favourite moment is in Episode 5, when Pen is trying to shield his cookies for Lucifer from Angel's grabby hands, and then he has to stand up straight to salute Lucifer with a quick, "Your majesty!" before he goes back to shielding the cookies, but it's too late because Angel's taken one, but Angel doesn't make a big deal of it, he just says, "Heya, short king," to Lucifer as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. They're like brothers! Pen is the responsible one and Angel is the naughty one, but at the end of the day, they've got each other's back. It's fun to watch!
Also, now that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, I love the thought of Emily becoming his new best friend! She could show him how Heaven works, and he could teach her what he knows about Hell, and together they could try to find a way to let Charlie know that redemption actually works.
Plus, there's the angst potential of Sir Pentious interacting with Molly - he knows who Angel Dust is, and she knows who Anthony is, but they don't know they're talking about the same person... I'd love to see a Pen/Emily/Molly trio going on escapades in Season 2!
OTP: CherriSnake! I wasn't sure about the ship at first, but it's grown on me. It's a neat example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, where Sir Pentious' admiration for Cherri as a worthy opponent turns into something more romantic. And they could have bonded over being inventors - Pen with his gadgets and Cherri with her "brilliant explosive contraptions". Too bad he only confessed his love a few seconds before his heroic sacrifice...
I think I like this ship for its potential. What will Cherri do now that Pen is gone? Will she find out he's in Heaven? Will that motivate her to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, to get redeemed herself and be reunited with him? It's rife with story possibilities!
nOTP: Sir Pentious and Vox (StaticSnake?). Mainly because Vox told Pen to kill himself in Episode 2. That was unacceptable.
Random headcanon: Sir Pentious has a son! Remember that moment in the pilot when Angel said, "Harder, Daddy!" and Pen replied, "Son?!" I think Pen did actually father a child when he was alive, and he'd been scouring Hell trying to find him again. (And for a moment there, he thought Angel was declaring that he was his son.) Pen never found his son in Hell, but now he's in Heaven, maybe he'll have better luck...
Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Sir Pentious' singing voice! It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. And I much prefer it when characters' singing voices match their speaking voices, instead of being wildly different. (Looking at you, Vaggie.)
Song I associate with them: @hazbinned made a video of Pen being kept awake at night by Angel blasting out "Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor, so now I associate that song with Sir Pentious! LOL!
Favourite picture of them:
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princesssarisa · 3 months
Character ask for the huntsman from Snow White?
I was literally just thinking of what I would say if someone sent me an ask for him. What a coincidence!
These answers are all about the character from the Grimms' tale and its traditional adaptations. They're not about Eric from Snow White and the Huntsman and The Huntsman: Winter's War: he's a separate, original character in all but name.
Favorite thing about them: That despite the threat of punishment from the Queen if she were to find out, he can't bring himself to kill an innocent young girl, and lets Snow White go. Yes, the Grimms' tale implies that he only does it because she's so beautiful, and he thinks to himself that wild beasts will soon kill her anyway, but whatever his exact motives are, he does the right thing.
I also like adaptations that expand his role and make him an ally to Snow White in the later part of the story too. For example, the versions where he tells the Prince about the Queen's plot against Snow White, and then joins him in searching for her, and/or joins all the heroes in confronting and defeating the Queen in the end.
Least favorite thing about them: This is going to sound stupid, but... I don't like adaptations where, after he decides to spare Snow White and orders her to flee into the forest, she freezes up in shock and terror, and he angrily yells at her at her to run. This is slightly the case in the Disney version, though I can tolerate it there, because his voice actor's tone can be read more as gruff fear than as anger. But the one I like least is the Sechs auf einen Streich version where at first he gently urges her to flee, but then when she doesn't move, he loses patience and ferociously yells "GO!!!!" I know this is a standard trope, which TV Tropes calls "Shoo the Dog," but I don't like it. The problem is my autism and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Being yelled at to go away is such a viscerally hurtful thing to me, I just can't see it being done to someone else and register "He's doing it to protect her. This is an act of kindness." Rationally I know it is, but emotionally it doesn't compute.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I could never bring myself to murder an innocent young person.
*When I don't want to do something, I don't just put up with it, but try to find ways out.
*I'm heavyset, as he's often portrayed.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't hunt.
*I don't work for a queen.
*I'm female.
Favorite line:
From the Disney version:
"I can't do it! Forgive me, I beg of your Highness, forgive me!... She's mad! Jealous of you! She'll stop at nothing!"
From the 1912 stage play and 1916 film, when he finds (or, in the film, when he and the Prince find) Snow White's glass coffin after searching the woods for her:
"She shall be avenged!"
Also from the play, when he confronts the Queen in the final scene:
"I fear neither your soldiers nor your witchcraft now. No army, no Court, no Kingdom will be yours when I have told my tale."
And from the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation:
"I cannot kill one so innocent as you. One who would forgive even me."
brOTP: Snow White in some versions that give him a fleshed-out friendship with her; his children in versions where he's a father like the 1916 silent film.
OTP: None in general; his wife in versions where he has one.
nOTP: Snow White. In the original tale she's only seven years old, and in most adaptations she's a teenage girl and he's a middle-aged man.
Random headcanon: Snow White and the Prince will bring him to live and work at the Prince's castle after the Queen's death (assuming she didn't execute him for tricking her, which I don't like to think she did). He might even be made Snow White's personal bodyguard from then on, as in the 1912 stage play.
Unpopular opinion: I think @ariel-seagull-wings said this first, and I agree with it: I don't see him as a potential alternate love interest for Snow White. Not that I'd be opposed to an adaptation that made it work, but in general, I don't see it. In the first place, he almost goes through with killing her and only changes his mind at the last moment: that's a turnoff. Secondly, he's too much older.
Song I associate with them: None.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Charles Santore:
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This illustration by Angela Barrett:
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This illustration by Sheilah Beckett:
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This silhouette illustration by Jennie Harbour:
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Lionel Braham in the 1916 film with Marguerite Clarke:
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And from the Disney film:
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