#wtf I only drew a pendant once. Forgot the rest
puttersmile · 14 days
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For day 6 of Crittertember its fav platonic ship. For me it is Dogday and Bubba. I don't know really. Since the very start I always saw Bubba as Dogday's bestie. Mostly due to him being the leader and Bubba the smart guy. When going over PPT chapter 3, I found myself thinking about how the dynamics of the critters would work. At no point did I ever see Catnap as a friend to anyone, at least not at the time. So I thought maybe Dogday's best friend was either gonna be Hoppy or Bubba. I picked Bubba for his differences and how a leader character would find value in an intelligent character. And it also would enhance the tragedy since Bubba died first (according to most theories at least), leaving Dogday without his reliable second in command.
They totally respect each other's strengths and have enough in common to bond over shared interests. In this case they both love the outdoors. As you can see from this pic of them as babbis chasing butterflies. Hiking, fishing, bug collections. I decided Bubba is a happy outdoor boi along with Dogday, though maybe not a sporty type (even though I have an unfinished picture of him playing soccer...). It's just Dogday is the type to jump off a cliff into the lake far below. Bubba won't go that far. For Bubba it is also likely for scientific pursuits. Where as Dogday just wants to chase things. And smell the cool nature smells.
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I also have a second favorite platonic ship. Although I guess its more a tie. If you have followed this blog for a while you probably know what it is.
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Bobby and Crafty of course! I think their personalities would gel together perfectly. I almost can't explain it. In my mind its just a big "duh". I guess it is because Crafty reminds me of a childhood friend.
We drew a lot together, mostly fanart, and nerded out about shows/ cartoons we both liked. Bobby would always be cheering for Crafty's artistic pursuits and Crafty always wants her best friend to just...be happy! They would do everything together and maybe even read each other's secret diaries!
Also I say Crafty reminds me of a friend. I have to keep in mind Crafty tried to kill someone for "red paint". I don't think my friendship was that volatile lol. But yeah. I don't think the Smiling Cs are fully characters. They are concepts that us fans project our desires onto. It can vary wildly from fan to fan.
Onward to day 7. I'm nervous because I'm trying to write out why I like my otp. Hopefully people understand it.
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