#otherwise he might not be arguing like this with a child
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whatudottu · 2 years ago
Given how the alters of the Blitzwing system are all named after adjectives or nouns that describe their personality (if a bit oversimplified), some of the potential names I’ve come up with for Blitzwing’s original/forged personality (based off the timid, sensitive, and anxious interpretation) are:
Private (what I’ve personally been leaning towards as it not only describes his personality and how the system prefers to keep him hidden from the world for his own safety, but it's also the lowest military rank, making it a neat little three-way pun)
Ough I really like Private- I just imagine that pre-BETC Blitz was called Private (or a Cybertronian specific translation that meant a little more than just a human military rank) by older or more experienced warframes that were already type-caste (a less fun pun) into being soldiers of a kind. Private may have a complicated relationship with the name, but it’s a name (even if only a nickname or as a term of endearment for a youngling) that was given to him not by the elite but by HIS community, by warframes.
I can just imagine in Blitzwing’s headspace, Astrotrain and Octane (neither particularly used to referring to someone in military terms) speaking Private’s name with such a fondness that even if perhaps neither of them fully have the context, Private just gets to feel comforted by having that connection.
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euniexenoblade · 1 year ago
just found out that transmascpetewentz might be a fucking minor yall. like, not even in high school yet age.
edit: more or less confirmed through a friend straight from him. dude's 14 in high school. it does make his edginess and gross actions make a lot more sense, but also doesn't excuse some of the vile things he's said. regardless, i'd recommend just getting away. don't argue with him, don't send him messages, hate or otherwise, etc etc. he's a child. act accordingly. not the first shitty kid youve ever met.
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oddwalkerduckarts · 4 months ago
Grassland Romance AU: Winter Winds
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Summary: You've been slowly falling in love with Sylus, a strange outsider who joined your tribe some time ago. You haven't been able to pluck up the courage to say anything. However, when you are caught alone in the fiercest blizzard anyone can remember, it might not be up to you anymore.
CW: AFAB reader, no use of y/n, pet names (sweetie, little huntress), blizzard, hypothermia, hunting, nude spooning, 90% fluff by volume, sexual themes (but no sex), not proofread, melodrama (god so much melodrama).
Word count: 8k
Notes: poor Luke and Kieran have to be dogs in this AU.
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“Don’t be stupid,” you scoff, “how can lemmings foretell the weather? Their brains are the size of grass seeds!” The bay mare you’re sitting astride shakes her head, before pawing through the watery, heavy snow on the ground to reach the hidden grasses underneath.
Today, as with most days, you are minding the herds with your friend Cota. The two of you are practically sisters, as her family had raised you after your parents perished when you were a young child.
“I’m not the one who said it!” She protests, leaning back to aim a kick at your foot succeeding at knocking it out of your stirrup. “I’m just telling you what Elder Shikigur said, and he said, ‘There’s too many lemmings moving, there will be a large storm coming.’”
You groan. Blizzards are a continual hazard of grassland winters. Harsh winds are able to scream across the treeless landscape with terrifying fury, tearing through even thick winter deels, and whirling snow into a blinding haze. Preparing for one means rounding up the flocks, reinforcing yurts to hold against wind and snowfall, and digging out of the yurts once the storm is through. They’re critical jobs that need to be done. That is, when the weather actually calls for it.
“It’s practically spring!” You argue, gesturing wildly to the half-melted pasture around the two of you, “It’s so damn warm, that I couldn’t even wear my thickest deel today! I would’ve been covered in sweat!”
Cota shrugs, “I’m just telling you what the elders were gossiping about.”
“Well, regardless of what they say, I’m not taking out my winter deel again until next winter.”
“I bet you would if Sylus asked you to.”
You feel the color rise in your cheeks at the sing-song tease, and the mention of his name.
You aim a return kick at Cota’s leg, but she reins her mare to the side in time to evade you. “I would not! And besides, he’s out with some of the others hunting pheasant, anyway.”
Cota’s smile grows wider, “Oh ho, so you’ve been keeping track of which hunting parties he goes with, huh?”
An irritated groan leaves your throat as your friend laughs. “Aren't you supposed to be heading back about now? I'll tell the elders you've been slacking to sit around and gossip.”
“Aw, don't pout! It's cute, all your pining. You're going to have to do something soon though, otherwise some other girl is going to catch his eye at a festival, and then what will you do?”
“I’m pretty sure you're supposed to be helping with cooking right now, aren't you?”
Cota makes her own irritated groan, “No one likes when I cook anyway!”
“Better that than you sitting here and teasing me.”
She makes a rude gesture at you, and you return it.
"Fine,” she grumbles, “but keep an eye on the weather, okay?”
“Of course, I'll let you know if the lemmings are oracles or not.”
Cota rolls her eyes with a scoff, before reining her horse around and trotting back to the village. It’s good timing, you notice the right side of the herd has started to splinter a bit, and needs to be rounded back in.
As you go about your job, you can’t stop your mind from pondering over your relationship with the strange man.
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Sylus had come to the tribe as an outsider a few years ago. Strong and skilled in both riding and archery, he’d been welcomed into the fold immediately, seemingly to his own surprise. His striking appearance had immediately caught many eyes; tall, broad and strong in the chest, with eyes the color of freshly-spilled blood set in a devastatingly handsome face. The one criticism you heard of him was of his curt, reticent nature, that meant he constantly had a severe expression on his face.
Well, almost-constantly.
Within a month after joining the tribe, there had begun to be problems with a particular wolf picking off sheep in the night. It had always seemed to know where to attack, far enough away from any of the herders that it was impossible to reach him in time. It even managed to evade the vigilant Bankhar dogs, who kept constant watch on their flock, and rarely let a wolf’s presence go unpunished. The predator managed to evade everyone. Everyone except Sylus.
It had only taken two nights of Sylus on guard, before he returned in the early morning light, with the giant, tawny corpse of the wolf thrown over one shoulder. He’d managed to kill it, in the dark, with a single arrow to its skull. The entire tribe had celebrated that night; an end to the nights of doubled watches in the dark and lost sheep. Wine and kumis had run freely that night, along with music and dancing in the center of the temporary village.
The wolf’s body had been set aside, to be skinned for the fur and used as linings and blankets to guard against the frigid winter months. Even in death, it still looked fierce, its fur sleek and body corded with lean muscle that reminded you of its killer. You had bent down to examine the bared teeth, sharp and white against the pale flesh of the gums. You reached out to draw your finger over one of the fangs, curious to see if it would be sharp like a knife, or blunt like one of the Bankhar dogs.
“Disturbing the dead?”
The deep voice, close enough to feel against the back of your neck, had you stumbling backwards, and gracelessly falling on your ass. A throaty chuckle came from above your head, and you had looked up to see Sylus, his face smug and scarlet eyes dancing with laughter.
“It doesn’t count if it’s a wolf,” You grumbled, pulling yourself off the ground, “ass.”
His head was cocked to the side as you rose, finger tapping his cheek in mock-thought, “I thought a wolf was supposed to be the father of the first herdsmen? Wouldn’t that make this creature here your cousin?”
“That’s an old story, no one believes that.”
His answering smile was sharp, eyes darkening into a sneer. “Is that so?” He drew closer, close enough that you could feel his breath on your face, and feel the fabric of his deel brushing against yours. The gaze he cast down made you realize what a cornered sheep must feel like in the moments before jaws close around its throat. “I think there’s more of wolves in people than you realize.” His growl was just as deep as the dogs when they scented a threat.
A part of you wanted to shrink down in your boots, make your excuses, and flee. But, a much larger, louder part of you was indignant. How dare this man sneak up on you in the dark, make you fall over in surprise, then have the audacity to growl at you like a beast?
So you had tipped your chin up defiantly, “Better be careful. Apparently even the cleverest wolves get arrows in their heads.”
He had stared at you for a moment. Made a single blink. Then a strange, amused smile curled across his face. “Are you going to be the one to fire it, little huntress?”
“If you don’t back up, maybe I will.”
Sylus chuckled then, backing up a few steps. You released a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, body thrumming with… anxiety? Excitement? Both? You couldn’t tell. To distract yourself, you turned your attention back to the kill.
“It’s kind of a shame, really. It’s a pretty creature.”
His head cocked to the side again, though the curiosity in his eyes seemed to be genuine this time. “Feeling bad for the predator?”
“He was just trying to live.”
He huffs a small laugh through his nose. “You’re cute.”
“Excuse me?” You look at him, deeply irritated at his patronizing tone.
“Most animals that steal livestock are weak. They’re sick, or injured. Otherwise it just isn’t worth risking the tangle with dogs or people. This one,” he gives the corpse a nudge, “was perfectly healthy. Strong. But instead of using its smarts to take on saiga, or capercaille, it decided to take the easy way out. It never would have stopped, once it knew that it could fool the shepherds.”
You had sighed a little, knowing that in this instance, he was right. “I know. It still seems like a shame. But at least we’ll stop losing so many sheep.”
You had looked up then to find Sylus staring at you with such intensity that you had taken a step backwards. “What?”
He blinked, the intensity dissipating as quickly as a strike of lightning. “Nothing, sweetie.”
“Sweetie?” Your nose wrinkled at the childish nickname.
He gave a small laugh, a mischievous glint coming to his blood red eye, “You feel pity for a predator that would have snapped you up in an instant. It’s very sweet, if maybe a bit naïve.”
“It sounds like something you’d call a toddler.”
“I suppose it does,” the glint was quickly accompanied by an equally mischievous curl to his smirk, “I suppose I’ll have to call you that when you’re acting like a toddler, sweetie.”
“Ugh. Ass.” You’d turned on your heel to return to the fire, trailed by the sound of deep, smug chuckling.
Since then, Sylus always seemed to show up near you, whether you wanted him there or not. And, at least at first, you certainly leaned more towards the former. He had a talent for approaching silently, getting that smugly pleased look from startling you into stumbling or squeaking. He also began to challenge you, goading you into contests or archery, or riding, or throwing knuckle bones. He was nearly impossible to beat, and even on the rare occasions that you won, he had the gall to look completely unbothered by your triumph.
Really, after a few months, you should have hated him.
But in between all of the needling and teasing and challenges, you began to learn more about Sylus. You learned that he enjoyed being out hunting or riding far more than he enjoyed being surrounded by people, even if they were praising him. You learned the long-limbed black stallion he rode when he first encountered your tribe had been declared untamable before Sylus had taken him. When one of the livestock dogs died shortly after having two pups, you even learned that (if he wanted to be) he could be downright gentle. He’d done so well in helping care for the pair, that as they grew, they followed him everywhere and obeyed his every command. All of this new familiarity, so at odds with your first impression of him, had cultivated a quiet companionship between the two of you.
Even more surprising were the moments of softness, startlingly close to affection. When Sylus had sat drinking kumis with you on the new year, and you’d excitedly shared your hopes for what was to come, he listened with a quiet smile. He’d brought you the furs from the wolf he’d killed when you caught a particularly nasty winter cold, and had even insisted you keep it after you recovered. When you met other tribes for trade, he often found you afterwards, giving you some ornament or silk from beyond the grasslands. Despite the fact he’d never admitted to it, you knew that when his two dogs accompanied you out into the grasses to watch the flocks, he’d commanded them to do so.
Maybe most importantly, he’d specifically sought you out to show you a den where wolf cubs were playing in the summer, knowing you’d like to see them tussle.
They’d been adorable, large paws and ears far too big for their fluffy bodies. The two of you had left your horses some yards away and sat down a bit distant from the pups, down wind and silent so as not to give your presence away. For a while you couldn't take your eyes off their energetic forms, tussling in the dust in front of the den, chewing on each others’ ears, yelping and licking when it became too rough. Eventually you'd looked to Sylus to ask him something, but your eyes had fallen on the short, recurve bow at his side.
“You're not going to kill them, are you?” You'd whispered
He raised an eyebrow at you in a wordless question.
You checked quickly to make sure the pups hadn't heard you. Fortunately, they still seemed to be involved in their own games.
“I mean. I know they're wolves. They might eat our flocks when they get older. But, they're just babies.”
He blinked at you, with an odd, expression you couldn't place. He rose soon after, walking silently away from the den. You'd followed him, confused.
“Hey,” you hissed, “What are you doing now?”
“Leaving. One parent or the other would've been back soon to feed them. Then I would've actually had to use this.” He tapped the bow that was now slung over his shoulder.
“Oh.” You murmured, realization dawning, “Is that what you brought it for? If one of the parents came back?”
“I certainly wouldn't have needed it to kill a fragile little pup.” He scoffed. “Besides, there's no use in killing something weak and defenseless. Though it's nice to know just how highly you think of me, sweetie.”
“That's not-” a frustrated noise had escaped you as you struggled for words, “I don't think that of you. It just… others would have done that. To make sure they didn't grow up to prey on our animals.”
He turned to you then, with a gaze that seemed to be searching you, trying to find the truth of something. “And I'm ‘others’ to you?”
“Of course not!”
He arched an eyebrow for the second time that day at the vehemence in your voice.
"You're the strongest warrior we have. And an infuriating opponent. But you're also the person who protects orphaned dogs. And brings me extra furs when I'm sick. And-” you stopped yourself before you could incriminate yourself further, taking a small breath to collect yourself. “You're Sylus. Not… Others.”
There was a small silence between the two of you for a moment, as you walked over the flowing grasses together. The only sound was the occasional waves of wind across the landscape.
It was broken, only slightly, by Sylus repeating those words. “Not others.” He said them quietly, slowly, as though testing out strange words in a new language. When you turned to look at him, you caught a glimpse of a small, soft smile on his face. A look so deeply genuine, and beautifully content, it made your breath catch in your chest.
Things had begun to change after the day with the wolves. You were beginning to come familiar with the slight curve of his smile, his real smile. Instead of your usual irritation, the glint that so often came to his eye when he was planning mischief fanned a wave of warmth in you. You began craving the slight huff of breath he gave when amused with something you’d done. The deep chuckle he sometimes gave when his body drew close to yours made something strange and molten coil in your gut. When he was out hunting saiga, you found yourself unusually sullen and snappish. And when you heard people whooping and clamoring at the return of the hunting parties, you’d be jostling to the front of the small crowd to see him.
You’d started to notice things though, in this time. The gossip among the elders as they cooked about when Sylus would marry, and whose granddaughter would be the lucky catch. The gaggles of women that followed him when he’d practice archery or spectate his races, giggling and blushing. Some of the bolder women would even bring him wine at the fireside and try to curl against him (you wished sometimes that he’d respond with more than amused chuckles at their ridiculousness, though it did produce a gratifying amount of insult in the rejected ladies). Last year at the games, you noticed he’d received pouches from women of every tribe. The smug look he gave you when he’d noticed you glaring at them had been insufferable, and you couldn’t quite force yourself to congratulate him on the numerous offers.
And yet, Sylus remained alone. You didn’t even notice other women entering his yurt (though you’d die before you admitted to watching for such). You didn’t know what you’d do if he did take an interest in someone. The thought of someone else being transfixed by that soft smile in the quiet hours of the night made bile rise in your throat. But there was always the chance that he simply valued his freedom; and being rejected in favor of an ideal you could never match seemed just as nauseating.
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You mull over these thoughts as you and your mare round the goats back to the group. Or, at least, attempt to. One of the damn things stubbornly refuses to rejoin the group. You can swear you see defiance in its eyes when it looks at you. Challenging you. Mocking, even. Every time you have it going the right direction, it turns and bolts in a random direction, leaving you and your bay sliding in the slush. You then have to catch back up to it, and start herding it back once more.
You’re an excellent shepherdess, with a keen eye and a skilled hand with a bow. You've rarely lost an animal on your watch, and certainly never on purpose. But at this point, even you are beginning to think that losing one goat would really not be all that bad if it means this one wouldn’t be part of the herd anymore. Besides, a wind is beginning to rise, a cold one that cuts through the previously-warm day like a freshly-sharpened knife. You’re beginning to wonder if maybe the lemmings were smarter than you’d thought.
After one more, particularly long chase, you give in.
“Fine then!” You yell at the animal, which stood watching you with unaffected eyes as it chewed grass, “you want to deal with a blizzard alone? Go ahead! I’ll laugh when you end up as a goat-cicle! Laugh!”
With a huff, you turn your horse about, ready to gallop back to the herd, and start moving them to a more sheltered part of the pasture. The animals, however, have moved further away on their own. You can see the large dark mass of them in the distance, and you feel a slight unease in your gut. You're not sure how much you believe about oracle lemmings, but you know livestock well; They instinctively group up close when bad weather is imminent, and it seems that they are bracing for a storm now.
Even more worrying is the wall of iron-gray clouds you see blowing in. They're advancing rapidly, overtaking the sky at a pace you've rarely seen before. The wind, too, is beginning to blow so furiously it all but screams, whipping any unmelted snow up into the air.
You again feel that unease in your gut. The village is even further than the herd from where you are at the moment. Thanks to the previously warm weather, you're woefully unprepared to weather a blizzard alone. But both your other options are bleak; either try to make it to the village and hope there's not enough falling snow to make you lose your way, or try your luck with the herd and hope their bodies keep you warm enough to make it through. At least if you make it to the village, your survival is guaranteed. The same can't be said of the herd.
You rein your mare toward the direction of the village, just as the first volley of fresh snowflakes batter your face and hands. And despite your own dire situation, you can't help but think of Sylus, out with the other hunters. They may have arrived home already, and even if they haven’t, their chances are good; the men should be able to find protection from the wind and cold in a group. Nevertheless, your gut twists with anxiety. Hunters rarely stay completely together. And even in the few minutes you’ve been galloping towards the village, visibility is worsening. The gusts of wind have turned into blasts, ripping through your deel and chilling you to your bones. The blasts are also heaving the already-fallen snowflakes up to rejoin the fresh ones in the air, and creating moments where the landscape is inscrutable.
Between the moments of furious wind, you can see the outline of the village. Even as your heart pounds with hope at the sight, a needling numbness begins to take hold in your hands, making it difficult to keep hold of the reins. You try to switch hands; tucking one into the overlapping fold of your deel in an effort to keep it warm, before switching to the other. The biting wind, though, is so vicious and unforgiving, that it takes a mere few seconds for whatever warmth one hand has gained to be lost. At the same time, the numbness has taken hold in your feet, making it impossible to distribute your weight properly. The violent shivers as your body tries to warm itself are a further complication.
It only takes one misstep from your mare. One hoof landing on some uneven ground, causing her to stumble. And despite the high-backed saddle, and your best efforts, it’s impossible to keep your seat. You land hard in the snow. It’s soft enough, at least, that you’re pretty sure nothing is broken. Not that it matters much. Lost and alone in the screaming wind, and featureless white storm, you are as good as dead.
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It feels like an eternity that you lie there in the snow, body wracked by violent shivers in a last-ditch attempt to survive. Logically you know it can’t have been more than a handful of minutes, since you are still alive and conscious, but time loses its meaning in a situation like this. Everything ceases to exist, save for the horrible wind and the bone-deep, soul-leaching cold. The snow is falling fast, fast enough that it’s already covered you as you try to huddle for a semblance of warmth. You’ve been buried alive, waiting to die as the world around you slowly quiets and darkens.
A morbid part of you wonders if the tribe will find you, once the snow begins to melt. You imagine Cota will insist they stay long enough to find your remains. You hope she doesn’t feel guilty; neither of you could’ve known the storm would come on so fast. Your mind wanders to Sylus, too. Did the hunters make it back home before the storm hit? You pray they did; or at least they were together when the snow began to fall. The thought of Sylus in the same situation as yourself seems impossible. You have to believe it’s impossible. Entertaining any other idea strikes a dread into your heart as cold as your little tomb. You pray instead that he’s made it back, that he is safe, and warm. And, if you’re able to be a little idealistic, perhaps wondering where you are.
Quite suddenly, a sound shatters your quiet morbidity. Stark against the background of shrieking wind, there is a deep bark. Then another, closer. Soon, there is a constant barrage of the noises.
Hope burns bright in your heart. Maybe, just maybe, all is not yet lost.
You try to shift under the snow, trying to claw your way out of your icy grave. But your limbs are trembling so hard, so frequently, that controlling them is near impossible. Worse, your muscles are becoming weak. Soon they’ll be too exhausted to even shiver, much less move the heavy snow that entombs you. Nevertheless, you have to try. You must try. Because if you don’t, your last hope of warmth will move on, and then you will truly be as good as dead.
Your efforts come to a halt when a startlingly loud crunching begins in the snow above and around you. It doesn’t take long before the blanket of snow is lifted from your head, and a warm puff of air greets your face.
You open your eyes. And instead of a blinding white storm, your vision is filled with deep brown eyes set in a furry face as black as night. The same face that Sylus has sent to accompany you on night watches and sunny days alike. You smile at the familiar creature, despite the chattering of your teeth.
“H-hey, boy.” You whisper, your numb hand reaching up to sink into the dog’s deep fur. You can still hear his brother nearby, barking furiously above the wind.
Though Sylus knows them at a glance, you've never been particularly good at telling the two dogs apart by looks. They're both black, with intelligent eyes and powerful frames. In behavior though, they are slightly different. Gerel is louder, and more playful. Khar, though quieter, is definitely the smarter of the two. He's likely the one blocking your body from the worst of the wind, now.
You try to call Gerel over as his brother curls himself around your quivering body, but it’s too hard to draw a deep breath. Instead, you lean against the one lying on you, burying your face and hands against the one reprieve from the cold. You can think of nothing else but how good the slight amount of warmth feels, even as your fingers begin to burn slightly from the frostbite. It is a promising pain, one that feels of returning life rather than looming nothingness. You doubt it will be enough to truly save you, but at least you have some source of comfort now.
Eventually Gerel goes quiet, and you begin to worry he's become lost in the storm as well. You lift your face from Khar's fur, and try again to call his brother, but fail. Khar perks up, though, his massive tail wagging a fan-shaped dent in the snow. Perhaps he can smell his brother on the fierce wind?
A few moments later, you hear it. A deep, commanding voice that cuts through the shrieking wind like a blade, calling your name.
You don’t know why he’s here, or if he’s even real. It may be an illusion conjured by your failing mind and body. It does not matter. Real or not, you must go to him.
You try to draw yourself up, try to call his name, but Khar remains a dead weight on you. You try to shove him, but your muscles are still shaking uncontrollably, making any efforts to dislodge Khar useless.
Please, you think desperately, please, I need to go to him. I need him, I need Sylus.
In the midst of your struggle with the animal laying on you, you very nearly miss the crunching of snow approaching you. Gerel soon appears, fur nearly white with the coating of heavy, wet snow that clings to him. And directly behind him is a sight that would make you weep if you had the breath for it.
It's Sylus. He's battered by the wind and ice as he wades through the fresh snow, only a step behind Gerel. His face bears a sharp, unwavering determination and ferocity that puts even this storm to shame as he wades through the drifts. His eyes, bright scarlet amidst the daunting white, lock onto yours. Only when his master is a single step away from you does Khar finally wiggle himself off of you. The wind immediately rips away all the warmth the dog has lent you. But you feel the loss only for a moment, as in the next breath, Sylus has yanked you bodily out of the snow and crushed you against himself.
“Found you,” his deep voice is quiet, heavy with an emotion you can’t name. And oh, oh, even if this is a dream sent to ease your last moments, you do not care. There is no one you’d rather imagine at your side right now.
He releases you, only slightly, to tug off his own gloves and put them on your trembling hands. The heat that envelopes them makes your skin burn, and a whine that is half-choked by shivers bubble out of your throat.
“Bear with it,” he murmurs, wrapping a thicker, warm deel over your current one, “You won’t be able to beat me at archery if you lose your fingers, little huntress.”
Normally, you would call him an ass, berate him for worrying about losing his archery competitor as he gave you a smug smile for taking his bait. But you can’t. Your mind is foggy, and all you can do is curl into him as he sweeps you up into his arms. You notice briefly that his eyes have narrowed again. He looks… irritated maybe? Angry? You aren’t sure. Before you can think about it for very long, though, you are distracted by a sharp whistle from Sylus, shrill and sharp even over the unending wind. It’s followed by a whinny, as his tall, powerful horse wades through the snow with a determination identical to his master’s.
Sylus walks to meet the horse halfway. He says something, and then suddenly his arm drops out from under your legs. You stumble slightly, knees buckling under your own weight as your boots drop through the knee-high snow. You are strangely surprised when you don't hit the ground, and it takes you a moment to realize that Sylus has a hold on your waist, steadying you.
Oh. He was going to set you down. That's what he had said. Of course.
You look up at him, and find a hard expression on his face. Why does he look angry now? You don’t understand.
His bright eyes bore into your own, cutting through the confusion for a moment. When his voice comes, it is a command, not a request.
“Stay with me.”
You're not sure why he's saying this. It's not like you're going anywhere. All you want right now is to just curl up and sleep, back in his arms, if possible. But you nod anyway.
Sylus swings himself up onto his horse, settling himself behind the canticle. This again confuses you. You're supposed to sit on the seat. Not behind it. But before you can continue puzzling over this, Sylus has bent half-over, wrapped an arm around you once more, and hauled you up against the side of the horse. The pressure of it is uncomfortable, and you try to squirm out of the grasp. Sylus's hold is sure, though, and before you can break it, he's hooked the other arm under your knee, and lifted you up into the seat of the saddle.
You try to brace your legs, to keep your seat as the stallion begins to move beneath you, but your vicious shivers make it difficult to control your limbs, even for an action as instinctive to you as walking. Before you can falter though, Sylus’s arm wraps around you, holding you safe and steady against him.
You do your best to keep your eyes open against the biting wind and freezing snow. But the scant amount of warmth you can feel through the thickness of both your clothes, paired with the movements of the stallion slowed by the snow, is almost hypnotic. And you are tired, oh, so tired.
“You lost this game,” he says, in that damn smug voice that always makes you want to punch his arm.
He gives an affirmative hum. “Hide and seek. I found you, didn't I? That's another victory for me.”
You give a grunt of disgust, still not sure what he's talking about, but irritated by the condescension in his voice all the same.
“Don't be such a sore loser, sweetie.”
You don't know why you're even sitting on the same horse as him.
“A-ass,” you hiss around the waves of shivers. “Sh-should. P-push off.”
The dark chuckle behind you is as alluring as it is infuriating. “I'd love to see you try.”
You do try, for a moment, pushing against his hold. But you are soon frustrated by how clumsy your movements are, and exhausted by the effort. Sylus's tight grip is immovable anyway.
“Seems I'm still on the horse, sweetie.” Comes the singsong mocking from behind you.
You give a grunt in response. You can't be bothered to be angry. All you can feel is the heavy tiredness dulling all your senses.
Sylus says your name, sharply. There's an odd tone to it. You don't care enough to think about why.
You're vaguely aware of being jostled. And then, for a while, you are senseless.
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The damn shivering is what wakes you. It's so violent and pervasive that it drives the breath from your lungs, leaving you gasping between the waves of trembling to try and regain it. On instinct, you try to curl into yourself, but are unable to. In fact, apart from the tremors, you can’t move your body at all. You seem to be surrounded by some sort of heavy mass, pressing on every inch of you. You struggle, pushing against the weight near your face to get some breathing room. The mass grunts, then moves away for a moment, freeing your head and upper body. You have only a moment of reprieve from the claustrophobia before…
Something warm, wet, and slimy drags across your face.
“Ur-rgh!” You bring a quivering arm up to rub away the slime.
A deep chuckle rumbles behind you, the breath of it close enough to make warmth fan across the back of your skull, “Is that how you thank Khar for helping to save your life, sweetie?”
Your eyes snap open at the familiar voice; although instead of the carmine eyes and seductive smirk you expect, your vision is filled (for the second time today) by pitch-dark fur and smiling brown eyes set in a distinctly canine face. Right as that same face applies another sloppy lick to yours.
“Kh-khar!” You squeak, bringing your now-free arms up to protect your face from the onslaught of affection. “Th-thanks, but s-stop!”
Khar obediently jumps down from where you’re laying, though he gives you a pathetic whine. A further weight is removed from your lower half when Gerel reluctantly hefts himself off of you to join his brother on the floor, giving you a similarly dejected look.
Without Khar laying on you, you can see more of your surroundings. It’s clear that you’re in a yurt, one that is unfamiliar to you. The only light source is the barely-visible fire crackling complacently in the small stove at the center, leaving much of the place in shadow. Is it night, then? Why are you here? And why do your hands and feet feel like they are burning?
You flex your hands between shivers in an attempt to stop the strange, tingling heat. If anything, that seems to make the feeling sharper, more biting in its ferocity. Shifting them out from underneath a heavy woolen blanket and furs to inspect them gives no answers, given the dim light.
“Can you still feel them?” Sylus’s voice, humorless this time, cuts through the slowly-lifting fog of unconsciousness and confusion.
“Good, that means there’s still life in them. Better than losing such pretty fingers to frostbite.” Memories come to you at the word ‘frostbite’. They are hazy, as though recalling a dream several hours after waking; the dogs finding you in the snow, warming you and guiding Sylus to you through the blinding storm, Sylus carrying you in his arms, and keeping you upright in the saddle before you drifted into unconsciousness.
“Syl-” Your words are cut short. In trying to turn to face him, you realize that his powerful arm is curled around your waist.
Your naked waist. And at your back, you do not feel the rough texture of clothes; but instead the heated, sticky kind of softness of skin on bare skin.
Your body stills in shock; suddenly, you are horribly, wonderfully conscious of every inch Sylus has pressed against you: The firmness of his chest, the sharp jut of his hips, the tangle of his legs around and between yours, and (both the most enticing and mortifying of all) the warm, heavy weight of what must be his cock nestled against your ass.
That damned smug chuckle comes again, “I was wondering how long it would take you to notice. It took you a while; maybe I should be more worried about your head than your fingers, hm?”
You stutter a few times, as your mind comes to terms with your situation, before blurting in a rush, “Where are my clothes, Sylus!? Where are yours!?”
“Ah, you mean our freezing, sopping wet clothes?” His tone is almost sing-song in its blithe news, and bereft of any shame, “I took the liberty of removing them so that you didn't continue freezing to death.”
Somehow, his complete lack of any embarrassment heightens your own, as though your mind has determined to make up the difference between the pair of you. The heated panic in combination with exhaustion, confusion, and desire collide in a nerve-wracking swirl. You scramble wildly to get up, get away from this source of searing, tumultuous emotions. But the movement of your hands makes them burn as you try to gain purchase In the blankets and furs, and his arm around you is immovable as stone. “You- I- Couldn’t you have just thrown a blanket on me or- or something!? Gods, let go!”
He gives a derisive snort. “You would have just frozen to death under a blanket instead of snow. You didn’t have any heat left to trap, so I lent you some of mine. And no.”
“No what?”
“I just risked my life in a blizzard hunting for you, and I’m not about to let all my effort go to waste when I’ve already caught my prize. So, no, I will not be letting you go.”
“This isn’t- Can’t you just put on some damned pants, at least?”
“Hm, I could… but are you sure you want me to?”
He gives a full laugh at your flustered squeak, “Once I’m sure that you’ve completely warmed up, I will. Until then, I suggest you stay still. Unless you’d like me to warm you up a different way. But I’d suggest waiting until your hands have healed.”
He must be teasing, surely. Delighting in your embarrassment as always. Still, a tiny, idiotically hopeful part of you can’t help but wonder… if you were able to see his face right now, would you see a small glimmer of want for you underneath the inscrutable mask? You dismiss the thought quickly. Even if you were able to see his face, you’d only see that damn self-satisfied smirk that makes your stomach twist.
“The elders are going to be insufferable about this,” You mutter, desperate you lay those thoughts to rest. Well, as best as you can, considering Sylus is curled around you.
“So what? Let them talk.”
“Easy for you to say. They won’t say anything to you; you’re the one half of them are looking to marry their daughters off to.” You’re only aware of the venom in your last few words after they’ve already left your mouth. You pray Sylus doesn’t notice.
But of course he does.
“Jealous, little huntress?” You can hear the smile in his voice
“You’re an ass, do you know that?”
“I’m hurt sweetie. I run out into a storm to find my poor, lost huntress, and in return she calls me an ass.”
He gives a mock-sigh, but something in his words raises a question in your mind. Sylus had been out with the other hunters just before the storm hit. You hadn’t even been sure he would make it back to the village in time, but somehow he managed to find you?
“How did you even know I was out there?”
Sylus pauses for a moment. His voice, once he does speak, is startlingly somber. “Some of the hunting group saw the cloud wall rolling in. We rode back as fast as possible. Even so, if we’d had further to go, the wind would’ve outpaced us. I’ve never seen clouds that heavy and fast, outside of summer storms.”
“I tried to ride back too, when I saw them. But with the cold, I couldn’t feel my hands, and the rough ground…” You trail off, fully prepared to be teased about your riding skills. Instead, you feel an ever-so-slight tightening of his arm around you. You wonder if he’s even aware of his own movement.
Sylus continues, “When we arrived, people came out to greet us and help get everything secured before the worst of the storm. I didn’t see you throwing people out of the way like usual.”
“I do not throw people out of the way,” You mutter.
“If you say so, little huntress.” You can hear the smile in his voice for a moment, though it disappears when he continues, “I found Cota, and asked where you were. When she said you were out shepherding, I knew you wouldn’t make it back before the snow came. So, I took Khar and Gerel, and had them track you.”
“Was anyone else missing?”
“We’ll find out after the storm.”
The two of you are quiet for a moment, as you process his response. He didn’t notice anyone else was gone. He didn’t ask to see if any others were lost. He didn’t bother to try and search for anyone else in the snow.
He noticed you were missing.
He asked where you were.
He went into the storm for you.
“You… Sylus, were you out in that storm, just to find me?”
A small, humorless huff of laughter fans across the back of your skull again. “I wasn’t out there just taking a stroll, sweetie.”
“You could’ve lost Gerel and Khar. And your horse. And your life.”
“Worried about me, hm?”
Of course you were. Sylus is a strong, clever man. Perhaps the greatest warrior and hunter your tribe has known; but even the greatest of mortals are brought to their knees by the forces of nature and the whims of chance. You want to tell him all this, tell him that the thought of him standing alone amidst the howling winds, searching for the path to safety… even just thinking about it makes your chest feel as empty and cold as the storm still raging outside. Your breath catches, and you cannot force the words, glutted with feelings as they are, out of your throat.
So instead you reply, “It’s a big risk to take.”
“Maybe.” His tone is nonchalant, as though he is talking about what he’d brought home from hunting, rather than the act of risking his dearest possessions and life trying to save you in near-hopeless conditions. “But I don’t gamble unless the prize is worth the risk.”
It takes you a moment to digest the words, heart caught in your throat, hardly daring to believe that you’ve understood him correctly. A fragile but brilliant hope lights in your chest. You had been aware of the friendship that had begun to form between you and Sylus, and you had been aware of your desire to be something more to him, to be someone he wanted. But you hadn’t dared to imagine occupying a position of such value to him.
“You think I’m worth all that…?”
You don’t mean to say the words aloud, but the exhaustion loosens your lips just enough for them to spill out. Immediately your stomach lurches at a strange, shifting fear. Perhaps speaking the thought aloud has crossed some sort of line, daring the universe to snuff out your hope just as it had been lit.
A soft, teasing lilt returns to his voice as he speaks, “I believe that’s what I just said, little huntress. Hm, maybe I should be more concerned about your head.” The hand that isn’t curled around your middle gives the top of your head a soft tap, tap, tap.
A small, breathless laugh bubbles up out of your chest, the hope within you flaring bright and making your heart race. You don’t know how he manages to do it; to convey something as heartfelt as ‘you are worth risking my life and all I hold dear’, while simultaneously sounding like it’s the most simple thing in the world. Something that should be obvious even to a small child.
It’s a special talent you’ve noticed in Sylus ever since that day with the wolf pups; he makes you want to throttle him one moment, and in the next breath he’ll speak with such sincere simplicity that it utterly disarms you. He somehow manages to walk that fine line between keeping you on your toes with bantering, and keeping you grounded with his forthrightness. It's addictive. It's comforting. You're not even sure if it's something he tries to do, or if his natural state of being is just something that draws your soul in effortlessly.
You need to face him.
You turn in his grasp to look at him, trying to ignore the burst of prickling heat in your hands. It's worth the pain. Sylus is a striking picture in the low light; all silvery tousled hair, gold skin, and sanguine eyes, graced by a rare look of surprise for just a moment.
And then his face relaxes into a soft look, one you've started to see more and more, but never fails to make your heart race faster than a horse galloping over the grass sea.
“There you are,” he murmurs, voice rough and low. And you simply cannot help it. Frostbite be damned. You might die if you don't kiss him, and you've come close enough to that today already. You have to kiss him.
The press of your lips against his is insistent, but chaste. At least, at first. Sylus takes in a sharp breath, and for a fraction of a second you wonder if you've misread, if you've pushed too far. And then, his mouth becomes soft, and pliant, and something in your chest melts when the arm he has around you slides up your spine to press at the nape of your neck, leaving gooseflesh in its wake. A pleased sigh escapes you, unbidden. Before you are quite aware of your own movements, your hand is at his jaw, cupping his face, trying to pull him closer.
A new flare of pain sears your hand at the pressure, and you reflexively pull away with a hiss.
You open your eyes (when did they close?) to see Sylus, pupils blown wide, looking at you with that same sort of ferocity and determination you saw in him earlier, when your eyes met his in the storm. And for a moment, caught in that unwavering intensity, you swear your heart forgets how to beat.
His eyes remain fixed on your own as he takes your wrist and gently (too gently) moves it away from his face, which has settled back into its usual near-arrogant smirk. Reality crashes in on you then. You are in Sylus's yurt, kissing him, sharing a bed, naked. The realization is followed by a disorienting mix of embarrassment, pride, shame, and excitement. You've just kissed him for the first time, and you know if it weren't for the pain in your hands you would have taken as much as he would give you. Begged for it, maybe. What does he think of you now? How much would he let you take? What would you tell everyone once you left here?
But as usual, when your mind threatens to whirl itself into chaos, Sylus cuts through it.
“I'll have to collect on that part of my prize later, little huntress,” He murmurs, and you wonder if it is merely your imagination, or if he is actually as breathless as you are. His thumb strokes across the soft skin at the underside of your wrist, across the vein where your pulse is thrumming like a caught hare's. “I want to see what those pretty hands can do to me when they're all healed.”
Hearing him say it out loud makes the embarrassment resurface with a vengeance, and the barely-leashed heat in Sylus's gaze makes it unbearable. Breaking the stare, you take your hand back and shuffle under the blankets once more, until the hem falls across your cheek.
Sylus's amused chuckle earns him a glare from you, but your indignation is quickly soothed over as he drags his fingers through your hair, across your scalp, gently untangling the strands. After a few minutes, the gentle scratching opens the door for a wave of exhaustion, heightened by the warm darkness and the muffled howling of the winter winds outside.
You wonder, vaguely, if the touch was meant in apology, or to make you drowsy. You're not sure it matters. Sylus is here, looking at you with that affectionate, soft smile, as your lips begin to flutter.
“Sleep, shevonica,” is the last thing you hear before drifting into unconsciousness. This time, in the safety and warmth of Sylus’s hold.
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farshootergotme · 6 months ago
Now that I have the confidence to send you asks, fully expect me to bug you periodically from here on out
Anyways- do you think Dick qualifies as a scapegoat? Cause I 100% think he's a scapegoat. People always try to shove the 'golden child' role onto Dick, and it always confused me cause like. He doesn't fit it at all if you actually look into what a golden child is.
Dick is definitely one of the scapegoats of the batfamily (Jason being the other) and it makes me sad that people always label him a golden child when he's the exact opposite. Seriously- he's hit, beaten, unfairly blamed, lashed out at, not told about important things (Jason or being replaced, Jason dying, Jason's funeral, probably other things, i wouldn't be surprised), etc. Definition of a scapegoat to me.
It's also why I hesitate to label him the 'favorite' even when the comics try to say otherwise. Mostly because... favorite children aren't really treated this way. Favorite weapon, maybe, as I've said in a post I've made before, but that's it. Bruce wouldn't kill for him or any of his kids. He's come close, yeah, but he's also come close to killing the Joker too after Jason's death and had to be threatened into not doing it. Every time, it's in a strong surge of emotion, and the second Bruce thinks rationally- well, he doesn't do it. Dick isn't at all unique, Bruce wouldn't kill for him either.
I think Bruce is the most proud of Dick, and has a unique relationship with him due to knowing him the longest and the parentification, but I don't think that makes him the favorite. Maybe to the other batkids, but probably not in reality.
I don't think Bruce really HAS a favorite- Dick is probably the closest to it, but still.
Though, if you wanna play around with angst and fanon ideas, maybe both Dick and Jason are the favorites and that's why Bruce treats them the worst? Dunno, it'd make a fun fic, even if it's not really grounded in canon (though I ignore RHATO and Comic UTRH).
Idk. Just,, gestures. Dick is a scapegoat to me.
Hope my 2 am rambling made sense lol
Okay, I see you, but I'll argue:
Dick Grayson is both the scapegoat and the golden child.
Now, you might not believe this since he doesn't tend to be both at the same time, and it isn't common for these roles to exist within the same individual. But Dick Grayson is praised and favored as much as he's blamed and pushed.
A golden child is the one who carries most of the expectations in the family. The parent expects them to be perfect, make no mistakes, take on roles they're pushed into with no issue (thus parentification can happen), and continue on and on to be good enough and meet the criteria so they don't make the parent disappointed.
The love is conditional hence they develop this unhealthy perfectionism and self-esteem and self-worth issues that will follow them till adulthood even when they're out of that environment and living their own lives.
The reason why a parent might choose a specific child (or children) to be the favored one is because they tend to see this child as an extension of themselves. And consequential to this, they will project their insecurities onto said child and force them to improve—be the best—where they fall short. All of their capabilities are overvalued, making the parent see them as special and much better than the rest, causing the unrealistic expectations a child must hold and fulfill so as not to “fail” their parent(s).
Although this child might seem like the favorite and who could do no wrong on the outside, the love they receive isn't something they can take for granted.
When a golden child underperforms or isn't as good as they're expected, the parent’s demeanor might change. They will feel the disappointment and fear this might cause the treatment they get to change. Sometimes the child might even fear abandonment or rejection from their parent as a result of their failures.
The mix of all this turns into a person who's over-competent, hard-working and someone that tends to take charge of things so they aren't at risk of failing, making them ‘natural’ leaders in any group they might be part of.
Sounding familiar yet?
Now, let's move on to the scapegoat:
A scapegoat child is the one that is blamed by all the things that go wrong in the family. They are constantly criticized and shamed by things they might've not even been part of, but somehow they're now involved and taking all the blame for the others so there are no consequences for anyone but them.
(All the blame also messes with their perception of certain events, making them prone to self-blame for the problems that occur in the family or their behaviors towards them.)
The scapegoating in the family may be due to subconscious projection from the parent when they're dealing with difficult emotions such as shame, guilt, rage, etc. They feel threatened by their own feelings and therefore they will try to escape from them by externalizing those feelings and making them their scapegoat’s problem.
Because of this treatment, the scapegoat might become an outsider in the family, feeling excluded and isolated from the rest. And for this, when push comes to shove and they're going through a rough patch, they will not have any reliable support they can go to inside the family as they'll be ignored or otherwise unfairly treated, having their feelings be invalidated.
Like the golden child, there's some aspects the scapegoat shares with the former:
Being treated differently by the parent/family.
Having unrealistic expectations placed upon them.
Being pushed into roles or responsibilities the child isn't meant to take.
Fear of expressing how they feel.
Self-worth issues and low self-esteem.
Although they're usually roles that are considered opposites, they aren't as incompatible as one might think. A child can alternate between being a scapegoat or the golden child, and this usually happens when the parent is very emotionally unstable, commonly due to a disorder such as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or borderline personality disorder (BPD).
(I have so many thoughts about the latter applying to Bruce, but I will refrain from elaborating to not make this longer than it needs to be)
Having all I've said until now in consideration, I'm sure you've noticed how Dick meets both criterias—dare I say the golden child more often than the scapegoat.
Bruce is always speaking about how Dick is “better than him” and “the thing he's ever done right”, but in both of these statements you can see he's taking who Dick is and making it as something that's part of him, comparing Dick's accomplishments to his and putting him in this pedestal, and because of this projection happens and Bruce starts seeing Dick as an extension of himself.
This is why, when he or Dick fail, Dick will suddenly become the scapegoat, contrasting with the former golden child position he was in.
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Here you can see the high expectations, praise for his accomplishments, his siblings feeling like Dick is better than them (i.e. treated differently than the rest), and you can also see how when he doesn't meet the expectations, he's met with disappointment (see: Alfred disappointed he's not as bright as he usually is) or judgment (see: Bruce angry at him because he isn't committing to his cause as much as he expects him to).
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And these are examples of Bruce being too harsh on Dick and expecting him to do better, blaming him for his brother's death, and in result Dick having a habit of blaming himself and accepting mistreatment, thinking it must be his fault.
More often than not, Dick is put on a pedestal by his family and even his friends sometimes. They praise and love him, but when there's occasions in which he's acting less than perfect, the treatment towards him can change.
Dick Grayson can be the golden child as much as he can be the scapegoat.
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hells-wasabii · 1 year ago
here’s a thing you could try doing (if you want to) the Hazbin hotel gang with seraphim child reader who somehow appeared in hell after the ep 8 battle.
the gang now has to look and protect this child since others could use them for their own means with the power the kid has and for some reason they can’t go to heaven… almost like they have a purpose here in hell
A/N: This is probably going to get a part 2, I'm a little invested in where this could go! It's probably gonna get turned into a little series with a plot.
With a child seraphim i really don't see one knowing what hell even is yet. Sure, they would tell them about it, but definitely wouldn't know what it is. Or alcohol, or curse words or anything vulgar really. I hope you enjoy!
Character: General
Type: Fic (Nonromantic, Plot-centric,Hotel staff/residents with seraphim child!reader, General)
It was an honest mistake. You really hadn't meant to, but Emily and Sera were starting to argue again, something that had been happening often since that nice Charlie girl you had met at the zoo came and gone. So you had snuck away. You hated when they argued, they were your family. Family shouldn't fight, ever, you had decided early on.
Curious, you continue on towards the portal. You investigated, peering through to see a strange place bathed in red, you saw a broken building, something that reminded you of something one your brothers had shown you from the human world. War, you thought it was called. Something horrible that humans thought up to hurt each other.
You hated when people were hurt. You wanted to get closer and help anyone who might be hurt, even if your powers hadn't fully come in yet.
Then an idea came to your mind! You could ask your brothers to help! They would know exactly what to do! With this in mind, you attempted to return back through the portal, only to be pushed back by some invisible force.
Wait... What? Why wouldn't it let you back in?
Then it happened. You were still a young Seraphim, your wings weren't super strong yet, and as you peered down at the red place your wings gave out. Luckily, your brothers and sisters had trained you in case something like that happened! You were able to slow your descent, at least enough for it not to hurt when you finally landed.
So you started to make your way to the pretty, large building on the hill with a sign that read Hazbin Hotel. Though the building didn't seem quite finished yet, it was still really pretty. Odd, hadn't it just been all broken?
As you pushed your way in through the heavy doors, you saw three people over at a tall counter: A cat man with wings cleaning a really small glass, an angel, but she didn't have her wings out, and- Oh no! She seemed to have misplaced her halo, too! That wasn't good! And a pretty pink and white spider-man that was sipping on a pretty looking juice
The pretty spider-man looked over at you and did a spit-take, nearly choking on his juice.
"What the fuck is a kid doing here?" He exclaimed, gesturing at you, fuck? What kind of word was that? No one had taught it to you, and you couldn't remember any of your fellow Seraphim using such a word, either. This seemed to get the other two's attention as they turned to look at you, shocked expressions on their faces.
"What does 'fuck' mean?" You asked, head tilted in confusion looking between each of the strangers. The pretty spider-man looked like he was going to start laughing but the angel next to him hit him hard in the shoulder, only serving to confuse you more.
"Charlie!" Excited, you ran forward, using your wings to jump higher than you would have otherwise, right into her arms. The blonde non-angel caught you with ease.
The princess of hell's eyes widened looking up to find her companions looking just as confused and shocked as she felt.
This wasn't good, not one bit.
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greengoblinswifey · 4 months ago
𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒆’𝒔 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆 ・₊✧🩶 Part I
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Pairing— Nicholas Chavez x Model!Reader
Warnings— Mentions of drugs and alcohol, Substance Use, Mature Themes.
A/N— Comment to be a part of the tag list, hope you enjoy this series <3
Series Masterlist
The glossy conference room table reflected the headline of the magazine tossed unceremoniously in front of you.
“America’s New Wild Child: From Runways to Rock Bottom”
Below it was a photo of you stumbling into a hotel lobby, visibly intoxicated, mascara smeared, and your once-iconic dress askew. It wasn’t just one headline, it was everywhere. Every blog, tabloid, and gossip page seemed to have some variation of your downfall plastered across their pages.
Your manager, Angela, sighed heavily from across the table, rubbing her temples. “You see this, right? The Shade Room picked it up. TMZ is all over it. Even Vogue is doing a piece on whether or not you’re the next Kate Moss, but not in a good way.” She leaned forward, her voice sharp. “You’re toxic right now. Nobody wants to touch you.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “This isn’t true. My ex-best friend—she’s jealous. She made this all up.”
Angela gave you a pointed look and slid her iPad across the table. On it was a video—paparazzi footage of you from a few nights ago. You were stumbling out of a car, practically being carried by someone, slurring your words as you waved off photographers.
You groaned and pressed your fingers to your temples. “Y’all please, that was one time.”
“It’s never just one time with you!” snapped Melanie, one of the executives at your agency. “This is becoming a pattern. And we’re not here to babysit you.” She stood, exasperated. “You’re one of the highest-paid models in the world, and now look at you. You’re a liability.”
Angela raised a hand to calm the room. “Give me a few days,” she said, her voice firm. “I’ll clean this up. We’ll fix her image. She’ll be the ‘it girl’ again. I just need time.”
Melanie crossed her arms but didn’t argue. “Fix it fast. Otherwise, we’re done.”
As the meeting wrapped up, you sat silently, staring at the incriminating headlines. After years of grueling work, endless runway shows, and clawing your way to the top, it was all unraveling because of your past addictions and your inability to leave it behind.
Angela pulled you aside as the others left. “You need to clean this up. No more excuses. No more scandals. And definitely no more drunken or high paparazzi shots. Got it?”
You nodded numbly. “Got it.”
“Good. Now, start small. Let’s use that mansion of yours. Throw a party. Invite everyone who matters. Show them the glamorous, sophisticated version of yourself. Make them forget the messy headlines.”
Your lips curved into a small, defiant smile. “A party? That, I can do.”
2 Days Later
The house practically glittered under the LA moonlight, perched in the most exclusive part of the city. Your glam team buzzed around you, perfecting every inch of your hair and makeup as you sipped champagne. Outside the window, you noticed the usually dark house next door was now bustling with activity.
“Looks like someone’s moving in,” you said absently, gesturing with your glass. From the corner of your eye, you saw a guy carrying a box inside. He looked young, around your age maybe two years older, and vaguely attractive, though you didn’t pay much attention.
“Maybe he’ll be better than the last neighbors,” you joked to your stylist, smirking. “If he’s cute, I might even invite him to the party.”
As the night fell, the party roared to life. The mansion was packed with models, actors, and influencers. Music pounded through the walls, and laughter echoed in every corner. You danced like you had something to prove, the champagne flowing freely. At one point, you made out with a fellow model on the balcony to the cheers of a crowd. You were chaos incarnate, and you loved every second of it.
Around midnight, you were helping a tipsy friend into a waiting limo when you noticed someone approaching from the house next door.
“Excuse me.”
You turned, your vision slightly blurred, and found yourself face-to-face with the new neighbor. He was dressed casually—jeans and a hoodie—but his sharp jawline and piercing eyes caught your attention.
“I’m Nicholas,” he said, offering a tight smile. “Nicholas Chavez. I just moved in.”
You arched a brow, leaning lazily against the limo. “And?”
“And I have an audition tomorrow,” he continued, his tone calm but firm. “Your music is loud, and I can’t sleep.”
You laughed, the champagne fizzing in your head. “Well, didn’t you know who you were moving in next to?”
His lips twitched, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I found out too late,” he said dryly, a pointed reference to the headlines.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. “Funny. I’ve never seen a single headline about you.”
This time, he chuckled softly, though it was more condescending than amused. “Well, I’ll try to keep it that way.” His gaze flicked down briefly before meeting your eyes again.
You noticed, scoffing. “Nice try, but staring at my chest isn’t going to make me turn the music down.”
“Noted,” he replied smoothly, his tone unreadable. “But seriously, could you tone it down? Just a little?”
You waved him off, turning back toward the house. “Good luck with your audition.”
The door slammed behind you as the party continued to rage on. Whatever Nicholas Chavez wanted, it could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, you were untouchable—or so you thought.
You weren’t worried Nicholas would turn out like your last neighbors, the ones who had gleefully run to the press with tales of your ‘wild, disruptive parties’ adding fuel to your already blazing reputation as a noisy party girl.
The party raged on, and you weren’t exactly innocent in keeping it under control. The music blasted as guests danced, smoked, and drank with abandon. Lines of coke were casually set out on mirrored trays, and you caught more than one person lighting up joints in the corners. Even you, despite promising yourself you were done with that lifestyle, gave in after a few glasses of champagne, doing a line or two when a friend coaxed you into it.
By the time the sun started to rise, people were passed out on your marble floors, the air heavy with the stench of spilled liquor and smoke. You stumbled to bed without bothering to clean up, the haze of the night swirling in your head.
You woke to the sound of chaos downstairs—your housekeepers already hard at work, scrubbing every inch of the aftermath. Your head pounded as sunlight streamed in through your curtains. Groaning, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand and blinked at the time. It was already midday.
Dozens of missed calls and messages from Angela stared back at you. She’d been blowing up your phone about a last-minute shoot, one you had completely missed. You cursed under your breath, knowing she’d be furious.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you shuffled into the bathroom for a long, scalding shower. As the water poured over you, you couldn’t help but rethink the night before. You’d promised to get it together, to clean up your image, but it was getting harder to hold yourself accountable.
After drying off, you wrapped yourself in a silk robe and walked to your window. Across the lawn, you noticed Nicholas pulling into his driveway. He stepped out of his car looking exhausted, a coffee in hand, wearing a nice suit. You figured he must have just returned from his audition. It must’ve been early. For a brief moment, guilt pricked at you. If he hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, it was probably your fault.
Angela didn’t wait for you to sit down when you arrived at her office. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she snapped, slamming her laptop shut as you walked in.
“I’m sorry, A,” you began, your voice hoarse from the night before.
“Sorry?” she cut you off, standing up and pacing the room. “Do you know what I’ve been dealing with all morning?” She grabbed a folder from her desk and threw it onto the coffee table in front of you. A stack of printouts slid out, screenshots of articles and photos from the party.
The headlines were brutal: “A Drug-Fueled Disaster: Is Y/N Destroying the Modeling Industry?”
Photos showed passed-out models, trays of coke, and worst of all, a video of you taking a line.
You froze, your stomach twisting into knots.
Angela slammed her hands on the desk. “This was supposed to be elegant, extravagant, a chance to clean up your image. Instead, you turned it into some rockstar-adjacent drug den!”
“I didn’t know people were recording,” you said weakly, avoiding her glare.
“That’s not the point!” she barked. “You were supposed to set an example. Little black girls look up to you. This is the image you’re giving them?”
You exhaled sharply, frustrated. “Angela, with all due respect, I’m not their mother. I didn’t ask to be anyone’s role model.”
She rolled her eyes, her frustration palpable. “Well, congratulations, because you’re not much of one anyway. This is your last chance. Do you hear me? Last chance.”
You nodded quickly, desperate to make it right. “I’ll fix it. I swear.”
“I already have something cooking up,” she said sharply, leaning against her desk. “But in the meantime, go downtown, look beautiful, and give them something positive to talk about. No booze, no drugs, no nonsense. Just smile, shop, and sign autographs. Sober.”
You groaned inwardly at the thought of dragging yourself out in public, especially hungover, but you didn’t dare push back. “Got it.”
Your driver dropped you off at one of the most exclusive shopping districts in the city. Bodyguards lingered in the background as you strolled from boutique to boutique, taking your time and letting the paparazzi get their shots.
Every time someone asked for an autograph, you smiled warmly and obliged, posing with fans here and there. This was your coping mechanism—shopping your problems away, hoping the public would eat it up.
“Looking good, Y/N!” one of the paparazzi shouted as you exited a store with bags in hand.
You forced another smile, playing your part, and waved at the cameras before ducking into the backseat of your car.
When you arrived home, the guilt from last night gnawed at you. You couldn’t undo the noise and chaos, but maybe you could soften the blow. After all, Nicholas didn’t deserve to suffer because of your mess. Deciding to make amends, you ordered a small cake from a local bakery with “Welcome” scrawled neatly in frosting.
Holding the cake, you made your way next door and rang his doorbell. At first, there was no response, and for a brief moment, you wondered if he was ignoring you. Maybe he had seen the articles and already formed an opinion. The thought annoyed you, but just as you were about to turn away, the door opened.
Nicholas stood there in joggers and a fitted t-shirt, his face a mix of surprise and curiosity. His hair was slightly disheveled, and he looked like he’d just rolled out of bed. His eyes dropped to the cake in your hands.
“Hi, neighbor,” you said with a small, sheepish smile.
He raised an eyebrow, reading the icing. “Welcome?”
“It’s for you,” you explained. “To welcome you to the neighborhood. And, uh, sorry about last night.”
His surprise lingered as he stepped aside to let you in. “Didn’t strike you as the generous, ‘welcome-with-cake’ kind of girl,” he said as you followed him into his sleek, modern kitchen.
The place was immaculate—white marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, and tasteful art on the walls. He set a glass down on the counter and gestured toward a barstool for you to sit.
“Well,” he added with a smirk, “especially not after a night like that. I’m surprised you’re even standing.”
You groaned, slumping into the chair. “Please don’t tell me you’ve seen the articles.”
He grabbed a knife to cut the cake. “The articles, the pictures, the videos, yeah, I’ve seen them.”
You groaned again, covering your face with your hands. “Great. Just what I needed. My new neighbor thinking I’m a train wreck.”
“Not thinking anything,” he said casually, slicing into the cake. His tone was calm, nonchalant. You couldn’t read him, and it annoyed you. Was he judging you? Laughing at you? You couldn’t tell.
You cleared your throat. “Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood. And again, sorry for the noise.”
He placed two plates on the counter, handing one to you. “Thanks. Want to eat this with me? That’s if you’re one of those rare models who actually eat carbs and don’t starve themselves.”
You shot him a pointed look. “Don’t joke about that. And yes, I’ll have a slice. Or two.”
He chuckled softly, taking a seat across from you. As you ate, you studied him a little closer. His face was sharp, striking, he was definitely good-looking, though in a boy-next-door-meets-Hollywood kind of way. Then it hit you where you’d seen him before.
“You’ve been everywhere lately,” you said, setting your fork down. “You were in that Lyle and Erik Menendez show, right?”
He looked up, surprised. “You watched it?”
“I caught the first episode,” you admitted. “It was really good. Intense, but good.”
“Thanks,” he said, his expression softening. “It was a tough project, but worth it.”
You leaned back in your seat. “Hollywood’s a mess. Be careful.”
He nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
The conversation felt easy, almost too easy. Sitting across from him, you couldn’t help but notice how his t-shirt hugged his chest and arms, or the way his jaw tensed when he chewed. You realized, with a twinge of irritation, that you were definitely attracted to him. The idea of tearing his clothes off flashed through your mind, but you quickly shoved it aside.
You had too much going on to add that kind of complication to your life. Besides, sex was supposed to be the last thing on your mind right now.
Standing abruptly, you pushed your chair back. “I should go. Thanks for letting me crash your place. Enjoy the cake.”
He walked you to the door. “If I need anything, should I come knocking?”
You raised an eyebrow. “I don’t plan on babysitting you, but sure, I guess.”
He scoffed, shaking his head. “Noted, neighbor.”
The moment you stepped through the door, your phone buzzed. Angela’s name flashed across the screen.
“Good,” she said briskly when you answered. “You’re home. I’ll be at your place first thing in the morning.”
“Why?” you asked cautiously.
“There’s a plan,” she said, her tone leaving no room for questions. “I’ll explain everything then, and we’ll put it in motion. Be ready.”
She hung up before you could respond. You stared at the phone, curiosity swirling in your chest. Whatever she was planning, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of excitement. If this was your chance to claw your way back into the spotlight, you’d take it.
For now, you poured yourself a glass of water, settling into the couch as you tried to shake off the day. Tomorrow was a new start—or so you hoped.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
𝔻ℙ𝕊 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 3161
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Due to Ashe being, well Ashe. You’d think she wouldn’t do dates or much romance, but surprisingly yes! Much preferring calmer and simple dates.
Has set up your private room at her base, [Whether you live there or just visit] so she’ll set up in there.
She has very little experience, but with you she tries, and often succeeds. Flirts a lot, but you get all her real attention.
During her Deadlock days she’s gathered a pretty penny, and she’s willing to spend plenty of that on you. Even if you deny her, it won’t stop her.
Absolutely adores when you cuddle up to her, holding you back and closer. All the while making sure both of you are comfortable before falling asleep herself.
Ashe’s day was rough, and returning to you made the world around her seen non existant. Able to fall into your arms and the many, many blankets. Tugging you closer into her arms as she got under them.
Quickly enough she noticed your breathing evening out, looking just in time to see your eyes shut. Only able to chuckle at that, she just arrived and you were already out like a light.
Leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, pulling away, and in the dim lighting was barely able to see the mark she left. Her thumb brushed over it as she thought.
It didn’t take long for her to do it again. And again.
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If he’s being honest here, he had and still does, no clue what to do. But likely he found something, and that was heading out for a drink and maybe some food.
Mostly takes you to some bars and a few pubs when hungry.
He tries, and comes off real smooth yet kinda awkward. (He hasn’t done this in a while.)
Has very little to his, nothing legally. So he won’t spend much of the little he still has, but he will steal anything for you. (Be the distraction, please.)
Still awkward, but now he’s calmed down a bit. He’ll walk you to your residence before asking for a second date.
“C’mon now darlin’, don’t let this old dog down.” There he went again. You weren’t sure what would happen if he had a few drinks, but definitely not a flirty drunk. But luckily enough he stuck with you no matter what.
Also meaning you were subjected to all his flirting.
“Cassidy, again, you brought me here.”
“Did I? I mean why wouldn’t I, a catch like you with me, obviously.”
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She’ll adapt to what you enjoy, but if she was given the choice it would be a movie.
While she would prefer staying at home or base, wanting your time together to be, well together. Although she wouldn’t be against the movie theatre.
Has no experience. But throughout your time together and even before, she’s always learning, especially what you prefer.
It’s likely Winston finds out and gives her the money. Using that on snacks and tickets if needed. Otherwise most of it is spent on you.
Will walk you to your room before leaving, finding Winston or Mercy to talk about it.
“Echo!” Turning around to find Winston making his way closer, one hand was closed, holding something likely for her.
“Oh Winston!”
“I was informed about the date, and was able to gather these.” He dropped the things into her open ones, revealing plenty of money. Especially more than enough in notes to pay for anything needed.
“Thank you, I’m sure Y/N will also appreciate the help.” With that she floated off, on her way to your room. Now she had this, all she needed to do was confirm with you.
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He’ll drag you to a nearby arcade. But if you’re up in Japan he’ll bring you to one he frequented as a child / teen.
Either place will be loud, bright and flashy. Unless you become uncomfortable with anything he’ll actually enough the kids.
Hasn’t really lost his spark, but due to his death and scarring he might need some help.
Has a bit more than needed, so he’s paying for the whole night. Please don’t try to argue with him.
Afterwards he’ll take you out for food, your choice.
Compared to the cold winds outside Genji’s metal hand felt warm, likely from your own heat. Never changing or letting go when you entered the arcade, only pulling you around the place.
And you’d think someone who fights for his life almost every day would be able to win at a basic claw machine, right?
Well you’d be wrong. You watched as he failed time after time before almost giving up, before he finally caught one. It was small and simple but he beamed at you while holding it towards you.
It was a cute [Favourite animal] that held a heart, and there were plenty of other animals inside. Once he realized, now not focused on yours, he was determined to have a matching one.
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He’ll much prefer something calming but able to be sentimental, like painting together.
Depending on the activity you’ll either stay home or go to a private studio for the time.
Has very little experience, he tries by giving you gifts. (Please let him know it works.)
He will spend plenty of money on the tools and wood, willing to get anything for the date and you.
You’ll be walked back to your house / room, and when he gets back to his own he’ll place all your gifts onto their dedicated shelf.
The day was spent just silently hanging out together. He sat across from you doing his own thing, which used a few tools. All had been brought in a small bag. While you continued doing your own hobby.
About an hour goes by before he moves from his spot. Turning around to gain your attention, using his empty hand to open your own. As he did his face became red and he looked away slightly.
Only looking back to place the item in your open palm. Which turned out to be a small wooden bow that he just carved. But before you could pull your hand away he also placed a few more things next to the bow.
Revealing them to be smaller, also carved arrows. Each one had either your names or your initials engraved.
This man would be the death of you.
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He’ll drag you into his workshop, whether you join him or watch he doesn’t mind.
As a criminal he can’t go very far, so you’ll stay in his workshop.
He fully believes he’s romantic, tries but ultimately fails. Has no clue what he is actually doing.
Jamison has almost none, but he can’t use it anyways.
Being secretive the whole time pays off, even if he almost blew it many times. Showing off his project while beaming.
For the first few hours you willingly stayed with Jamison in his workshop. But after a while it was clear he wasn’t going to let you see, so without him noticing you left. The rest of your time was spent sitting outside the room while you heard him working away.
Before you knew it he had left the room, almost rushing past you. Luckily turning around in time.
“Oi, why’d you leave?”
“Takin’ to long Jami.”
“Well don’t do that…” He started pouting while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Placing it into your hands.
“Go on, open it!” Which you would, except there was no way to. Spinning it around until you heard a ‘click.’ The lid opened revealing a small heart rising and spinning, made of scraps and crappily coloured in different shades of red.
“I love it Jami.” Leaning over to give him a quick kiss.
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She focuses on getting to know you rather than an activity or certain place, wanting you to do the same.
You’ll spend that with each other and away from the others, likely at her place or a nearby yet kinda private park.
Due to, you know, being frozen for years, she doesn’t have much experience, even before that but she tries.
The most she spends is on any food and drinks, but is willing to spend more if needed.
Not much, but she won't let you go until you accept the snacks she made for you.
It had been hours since you arrived at Mei’s place, and it was finally time to leave. But it was clear she didn’t want you to leave yet, though she wouldn’t stop you. Surely you have plenty of things to be doing.
As she watched you walk off she suddenly remembered her gifts, the cookies!
“Y/N, wait!” And you did, letting you grab what she needed before rushing out. In her hands were a container, only able to see when she got closer. It was full of cookies.
“I made these earlier, almost forgot.” She giggled as she spoke, flushing red.
“Thank you.”
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She much prefers simple and calmer date ideas. Turns out building Legos is a good idea, one she should’ve done earlier.
She’ll have you both sitting in the living room, making sure you’re both comfortable as possible. With enough lightning and the tv as background noise.
Work has always gotten in the way of any romance she’s ever tried, so the only things she knows are from asking Ana. But she still tries, even if they cause her to flush red.
Is absolutely willing to spend plenty on different sets. She makes sure you can finish any set you want.
Helping you find the best placement for them. When you leave she takes pictures and sends them to Ana, fully prepared for any teasing from her.
When you entered the first thing you saw was another Lego set, it was from the botanical collection. Specifically the Orchids. All built and setting in a [favourite colour] vase. Footsteps pulling you from the scene.
In the doorway stood Fareeha, frozen while her face quickly became red.
“I can explain,” Stepping forwards as she spoke, taking your hands into her own. “I am aware we built some yesterday, but I saw these and they reminded me of you.”
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Everyone assumes it’s a meeting, unaware (Except for Sombra) of what is really happening. Just you two spending quality time in silence doing your favourite activities.
He’ll have it set up in a private meeting room further down from the others, or invites you to his room.
Has plenty of experience (Had a wife) so he has learnt his love languages, being acts of service and quality time, although only with you.
Doesn’t need to spend any of his money but will buy anything you want or need for your hobby.
He’s a knitter, so before he leaves he’ll hand you the item he made. Please find him later for thank you cuddles, he will melt, literally.
A hand dropped onto your shoulder, if you weren’t a Talon agent it would’ve taken you down. But the metal claws gave away who they belonged to.
“Meeting room 6.” Smoke covered the area as he left, not wanting to stay around longer than necessary. Listening, you also left the area, everyone quickly became quiet.
The room's lights were off, the only light being a lamp behind him and the curtains pulled slightly open. Across the table sat Gabriel, gauntlets removed and thrown next to the yarn.
He was part way through knitting something, a stack of already finished squares. Just next to them sat the items for [activity], seemingly ready for you to start. And start you did, both of you sitting in silence for the next few hours.
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She’ll spend a few hours setting up the perfect movie night, snacks, blankets and a selection of movies or shows.
All this will be set up in your shared bedroom so neither of you will have to walk far for any reason.
She’s aware she’s trying to be romantic, just unsure if it’s succeeding. (It has been for a while.)
The only money she’ll need to spend is on the snacks, buying all your favourites.
Likely one of you two will fall asleep during your bingeing, with the other following soon after.
You were both on your 3rd movie after finishing a while 4 seasons of an old yet interesting tv show. But by now your eyes started to hurt from all the lights, and your eyelids were starting to shut.
You knew you couldn’t prevent yourself from falling asleep, especially when you were so comfortable. Vivian had set up everything, so she was aware this would happen and was prepared.
She let you lean onto her, wrapping her own arms around you. And when your eyes finally shut, breathing evened out she leaned over and gave you a quick and gentle kiss. Finally following shut, letting the movie play as background noise.
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He enjoys simpler date ideas, the chosen one being a walk in the park. Managing to find a quiet and pretty empty day.
While the majority of your time is spent in the park, he’ll take you to a nearby food place. Ice cream or anything else you might crave.
He doesn’t have as much experience as he lets on due to work, he knows what to do. Just a little awkward about it.
For the chosen dates he won’t need much but is willing to splurge a little during so.
If it’s late enough he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner.
The air gained a slight chill whenever it passed you, causing Jack to lend you his jacket, sticking close even then. Without realizing the end of the trail arrived, letting both of you stand outside the park.
He looks up before down at his watch, looking for the time. Apparently it wasn’t late enough to finish just yet, so he invited you out for lunch.
“How about lunch, I’ll pay?”
Of course you accepted, free lunch and time spent with Jack. A win-win situation.
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She tries as much as possible to keep you away from Talon, so she takes you to a concert of your choice.
The stadium is large and unsurprisingly loud, but she makes sure you feel comfortable during all of this.
Is much more flirty rather than romantic, but can be romantic if either of you feel like it.
There’s no need for money when she has everything at her fingertips, although if you really want to she will.
She’ll ‘book’ you two a shared hotel room, putting off returning to Talon. Also wanting to spend time with you.
“Ángel~” Her voice would’ve shocked you if she didn’t already blind you with her hands over your eyes. “I have a present for you, and I know you’ll love it!”
The air became cold but only in parts around you. Although she didn’t move it seemed everything else had. The once silent air changed, people talking, walking, even cars were driving.
Her hands were removed revealing the new location. It was a stadium, but not for their normal sports game. Banners and posters showed your favourite band/singer, as they were playing here, today!
And Olivia brought you here, you needed to thank her somehow.
Ángel - Angel
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She plans everything for a fancy dinner date, willing to compromise for something just as fancy but smaller for your comfort.
As long as the place is fancy to a certain degree and has food you both eat she’s willing to have a date there.
Her romantic won’t be noticeable to others, if so won’t be taken as romance. But she prefers acts of kindness, helping you with work and grabbing you things.
While she’s willing to spend a lot on you and your hobbies she does have a limit, although it is pretty high.
Afterwards she’ll have someone drive you both to your place, making sure you’re able to get inside before asking for a second date.
As the car slowed to a stop her hand lifted off yours, holding it during the ride. You knew not to open the door, quickly finding out her habit of opening it for you. Only doing it for you though, but neither of you would change that.
When the door was opened she reached for your hand, gently helping you out. Again, her hand didn’t let go of yours until you stepped inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, as I want to ask for another.”
Of course you agreed.
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She’ll take you to the movie theater to watch a movie of your choice.
Will go to the theater but also enjoys having home movie nights.
Often enough she’s interrupted by giggling, but she can and has been romantic.
She lets you see the amount, being enough for popcorn, drinks and the tickets.  Before surprising you by buying you both some candy.
On the way home she’ll be ranting about the movie whether it was good or bad. When you both get home she’ll continue on while making sure you’re listening, that’s by trapping you in a cuddle session.
“C’mon Love!” Her hand had slipped and was holding onto your wrist instead, but she didn’t let go. The line was surprisingly short, only being a family and a few teenagers so you got to the counter quickly.
“What do you wanna watch?” A quick glance at the options revealed a few good ones, except one stood out.
“How about [Movie]?”
“Yeah, two tickets for [Movie] please!” She continued ordering, getting popcorn and drinks. At first you thought she wasn’t going to get candy, only after she ordered everything else did she get some. Both of you getting cups to choose your candy.
“C’mon then, can’t miss any scenes!”
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As she is a known criminal she won’t be able to take you very far, but will go stargazing with you.
The chosen hill is far enough from the Talon base but still safe enough, especially when with her.
She tries to be romantic, won't ever be the best due to her transformation but she tries for you.
For any date there won’t be any need for money.
If you’re not part of Talon she’ll make sure you get home safe, if so then she’ll walk you to your room.
The air has grown cold, but never becomes freezing. Staying at a comfortable kind of cold, the kind Amélie had grown used to over the years so it didn’t bother her. Yet it affected you, you shivered slightly as if trying to hide it from her.
You should know better by now, when it comes to you she won’t miss a single detail. Wrapping her arms around you, pulling you closer. When you shivered ceased she let you return to watching the stars.
And instead of doing the same her eyes never left your figure. To her you seemed to shine brighter than those stars.
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jellyfishbeansontoast · 11 months ago
Oh shit, there's only one bed.
really couldn't think of a title but this made me giggle and it's basically the plot summary so enjoy lol. kind of enemies to lovers yay!!
pairing: Sirius x reader I don't believe I made any character descriptions so should be gn
word count: 937
It was almost the beginning of term and the group had decided to make a weekend out of purchasing new school supplies in Diagon Alley, minus Peter who’s parents had already bought his school supplies and disapproved of the immaturity of his friends. Which is ultimately how you've ended up wishing you'd never came, standing in a cramped room in the Leaky Cauldron with the one boy who seems to know just how to get on your nerves. Sirius Black.
It wasn't that you hated Sirius, but the boy knew every way to get under your skin and even after pleas from James and Remus to stop he wouldn't give it up. You'd only tagged along as Remus had begged you to come relentlessly, guilt tripping you shamelessly with how much he'd have to hear about quidditch otherwise.
“There's only one bed.” Sirius gawks after settling down his case.
“Astute observation, Black” you snap, to which he holds his hands up in mock surrender. You bury your head in your hands groaning.
“There is no way I'm getting in a bed with you.”
A momentary look of hurt flashes across your face, did he really find you that repulsive, before you manage to compose yourself “you're welcome to the floor.”
He looks disgustedly at the dirty floor, kicking up a cloud of dust like a petulant child “there is no way I'm sleeping on that.”
“Fine.” you cross your arms in a huff.
“Fine.” he says mirroring you.
You turn on your heel and march towards the bathroom, grabbing your pyjamas on the way. By the time you've brushed your teeth and changed Sirius is already in bed. You resign yourself to your fate and climb into your side of the bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You aren't aware of how cold the room is until you can practically feel Sirius’ heat radiating off of him. You shrink further into the covers, defending your ears from the cold. Behind you Sirius makes a strangled sound, somewhere between a laugh and a groan. You roll around instantly to face him, eyebrows raised.
“What.” you demand.
“It's just-” he sighs “Fuck it, come here.”
“What!” you repeat, questioning if you heard him correctly.
“You're cold, I'm not.” he shrugs like he's just told you a simple fact. He grips your arms and slides you towards him, wrapping his arms around you. Your face is nestled in his chest and despite the situation you can't help but feel relieved at the warmth that envelopes your body. “See?” 
His curls tickle your forehead and you're thankful that he can't see your face for the smile you're trying to contain. You can't help the laugh that escapes as you think about how funny it is that thirty minutes ago you were arguing about sharing a bed and now you're pressed flush against his chest. It's his turn to be confused now, “What are you laughing at?”
“This just isn't the behaviour of someone who hates me.” you retort.
“I don't hate you” 
“You literally asked Remus why he was friends with me” he's looking sheepish now, pulling away from you slightly so he can see you.
“I didn't mean it like that”
“How can you possibly have meant it Sirius?” the bite is back in your voice, guarding your feelings from what he has to say.
His fingers are on your chin, tilting your head up to look at him “making sure he didn't have any ulterior motives”
“Be serious-”
“I am Sirius” there's a cheeky grin on his face at the old age joke. You glare at him and he continues “I had to make sure Moony didn't have feelings for you, because I do.”
“You have feelings for me?”
“Come on don't make me say it again”
“What if I want you to say it again”
Instead he leans down and presses his lips to yours, his hands moving to hold the back of your head. “Did that say it enough?”
“Maybe if you tried one more time it might” you tease. Sirius is quick to appease you, this time you're more prepared and able to reciprocate the kiss properly, your hands curling into the front of his t-shirt.
“Understand now?” he asks.
“I think so” you respond, nestling your head under his chin, eyes fluttering shut.
“Will you go on a date with me?”
You only hum in response, Sirius only choosing not to be offended when he hears your breathing slow. He smiles at your sleeping form before wrapping his arms supportively around your back and letting himself also give in to sleep. 
“Do you think they've killed each other?” a low murmur voices from the other side of the door. 
“I hope not I wanted to borrow that quidditch magazine Sirius was reading yesterday” 
“I can't believe you're thinking about quidditch this early”
Despite Remus’ best efforts to keep James quiet the conversation is still enough to wake Sirius. He opens his eyes groggily and mentally curses the boys for being so loud. Flinging an arm out behind him he scrambles for his wand, which is somewhere on the nightstand, before unlocking the door. “I haven't been murdered.” he calls, voice still thick with sleep. 
James and Remus enter the room, mouths hanging open at the sight. “Is that-?” they both ask unison.
Their shock is enough to rouse you but you only bury yourself further into Sirius, groaning when the sunlight hits your eyes.
“If we knew this would happen we would've done it sooner.” James mutters before being elbowed in the ribs by Remus.
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antianakin · 9 months ago
I hope this doesn't come off as a knock on the Jedi - because that's sure as hell not my intention - but I do sometimes wonder what could convince a parent to hand their young child over to them. Like, I get that the number of Jedi is miniscule compared to the expected population of the galaxy, and this whole ask is likely just the result of my modern, western, nuclear family-based upbringing. But there are times when I can barely see such a thing happening at all. I mean, if you're a Jedi Seeker, what the hell are you supposed to say to get a mother to willingly give you her infant child?
Again, I do hope this doesn't come off as a knock on the Jedi and their methods.
Maybe consider that the Jedi never seem to be actively going out there trying to convince people into giving up their children. They primarily seem to discover children on their own or who are in bad situations, or the parents call THEM of their own volition and the Jedi simply respond to the call.
You can also look at TPM and the way Qui-Gon handles it with Shmi. Now obviously Shmi and Anakin are in a somewhat different situation than most, given that they're both slaves, which would probably make Shmi's reaction to the offer different than those of regular parents, but Qui-Gon treats her as an equal to himself and as an authority regarding Anakin. He respects that authority by speaking to SHMI before he speaks to Anakin, by asking Shmi different questions about Anakin's past and his powers. And it's Shmi who picks up on what Qui-Gon is carefully NOT saying and asks if Anakin could become a Jedi. And that question lets Qui-Gon know that Shmi isn't against the offer being made to Anakin, so when he makes it official, he speaks to ANAKIN directly. But even after that, he still seems to respect Shmi's authority and her place in Anakin's life when Anakin turns to her more than once.
Shmi seems to primarily just want a better life for Anakin. Even without the slavery situation, she seems to recognize that Anakin's abilities mean that he has the opportunity for a specific career path if he wants it and she chooses to give him that opportunity because she never wants to hold him back. She recognizes that it would be cruel to deny him the opportunity simply to keep him with her.
So it's possible some parents probably view it the same way, that they're giving their child the opportunity for a better life than the one they can offer themselves.
Other parents, like Ahsoka's, seem to view being a Jedi as something of an honor. Even though they CAN give Ahsoka a good life, they recognize that Ahsoka has perhaps a greater destiny that they shouldn't stand in the way of and are HAPPY when Ahsoka shows signs of Force sensitivity. It's not just an honor for Ahsoka, it's an honor for her family and the entire village that she has the opportunity to become a Jedi. The other thing to take into account with this scenario is that the Jedi are sort-of seen as following a call to destiny of sorts, and there appear to be communities who understand that better than most, which means they're likely more inclined to let their child follow that call if the signs make themselves apparent. Groups with their own Force sects (like Lasat, Kel Dor, Chalacatans, etc) might be some of the ones more likely to understand this, which is why we see some of them with multiple family members in the Order at the same time.
These seem to be the most likely options for why a parent might give their child to the Jedi even if they love the child and would otherwise want to keep and raise them. There are also likely some parents who simply don't WANT a Force sensitive child for whatever reason, or parents who just take the first opportunity to offload an unwanted child when it presents itself. Not every parent is a good one, obviously.
I've seen some people argue that Force sensitivity might be something very difficult for a non-Force sensitive parent to deal with, and so they give the child away because they ultimately decide that they cannot appropriately raise a child with powers they cannot control. I don't really buy into this one because neither Luke nor Leia are raised by Force sensitive parents and there doesn't seem to be any issues with control there that we ever see or hear about. But it's POSSIBLE a parent might believe that they couldn't manage a child with Jedi powers and give them up on that assumption, even if it isn't true.
So, yeah, there could be any number of reasons a parent might choose to give their child to the Jedi, even if they love the child and would otherwise want to raise them. It isn't a choice that's going to be for everyone, obviously, and the Jedi have an entire list of people who have either said no or maybe/not yet that they keep in the Temple as a record. So some parents DO say no and choose to raise their children on their own even if the opportunity to give their child to the Jedi is made available to them. Or they simply need time to make the decision or want a little extra time WITH the child before giving them to the Jedi even if they know that that's ultimately what they're going to do.
I don't think the Jedi ever say anything to "get" a parent to give up a child they love. That's never their goal. Qui-Gon talks to Shmi about what Anakin's powers are and how they work, he tells her what her options are, and then leaves the rest of it up to her. All he does is give her more information to work with and an opportunity to act on it if she so desires. That's it. I can't imagine any other Jedi doing any more than that unless the situation between the parent and the child was particularly dangerous somehow and even then, I imagine there are lines they'd try not to cross. The whole episode where we see Cad Bane pretending to be a Jedi in order to convince the parents to give up their children shows us that the parents really DON'T expect the Jedi to do this kind of thing and feel perfectly entitled to say no when it happens.
It's not a choice every parent is going to make, and that's fine. It's not a choice that everyone even needs to UNDERSTAND, necessarily. Different people are going to have different ideas of what's best for their child and how to go about providing that. One parent might feel like giving their child away IS the best thing they can do for their child, even if they could give that child a wonderful life. Another parent might feel like that's the worst thing they could do to their child, even if their situation isn't ideal. These parents are likely to never understand the decision the other one made, but they're making decisions out of the same desire to protect and care for their child. Both are entirely valid choices and there isn't necessarily a right or wrong choice in this situation and that's what the Jedi would understand. All they're there to do is offer information and the opportunity to both parent and child, nothing more, nothing less. What the parent (and the child if they're old enough) does with that is entirely up to them.
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rebouks · 8 months ago
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“What’re we doing here?”
Oscar shrugged casually, “Hanging out?”
Robin scoffed with what little joviality he could muster, “Yeah, right…”
Oscar paused and broke eye contact, staring at nothing in particular as Robin waited. It was usually fairly easy to ascertain the direction of a conversation before it even started, given that people tended to rehearse what they’d say beforehand, but not Oscar. His mind was simultaneously blank and fit to burst; he was making it up as he went along most of the time, but that was one of Robin’s favourite things about his father. It paved the way for genuine, on the fly honesty.
“Figured maybe you’d wanna talk-..” Oscar rubbed his temple, “Ask me whatever you want.”
“Yeah-.. within reason.”
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“Why’d you do it?” Robin blurted out; his eyes full of unbridled curiosity, though his father wasn’t looking at him.
“Willpower is a finite resource, y’know? I had a shitty day and I caved-.. didn’t really think about it all that much, to be honest.”
“What do you mean?”
Oscar sighed, backtracking slightly as he realised that wasn’t exactly the honesty he was going for. “Well, it’s not that you don’t think about it-.. I thought about not doing it a bunch of times, but the second I decided otherwise, I went on autopilot and got it over with as soon as possible so I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. Probably because thinking on it too hard is uncomfortable.”
“Where’d you go?”
Robin wouldn’t usually have to ask such a mundane question, but he’d struggled to fill in the blanks for himself. Oscar’s memories of the previous night were fuzzy and his thoughts sprawling.
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“The bar?”
Oscar nodded, still unable to meet his son’s gaze. “You remember it used to be a vet clinic, right? Your grandma ran it briefly, years ago-.. we lived in the flat above for a little while, when you were a baby.”
“I remember.”
Oscar sounded surprised. “You do?”
“Kinda-.. you’ve told me about it n’ stuff…”
Oscar shrugged a shoulder, supposing that’d make sense.
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“You don’t have to feel so ashamed.” Robin ventured.
Oscar almost looked at Robin, though his gaze fell somewhere near his shoulder instead. How could a fourteen-year-old boy conjure such compassion? Such accuracy too. Shame.
Sometimes it felt as though he were talking to a man, not a boy. He was still a child, of course; arguing with his siblings over utter nonsense, playfighting, whinging about school and homework, leaving his dirty socks all over the place-.. but sometimes it felt like he understood much more than he should’ve. Oscar couldn’t imagine many people being so emotionally mature at thirty, never mind half as young.
“I’m sure I’ll get over it-.. I always assumed I’d relapse at some point, but as the years went by, I guess I got complacent.”
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“How’d it start? Like, did you just wake up one morning and realise it was an issue or..?”
Oscar shook his head slightly, running his thumb over his beard in thought. “Nah, it was slower, I just ignored it. I’d always been daft and over the top with stuff like that, partying n’ shit, y’know? It was like a crutch after a while though, and eventually, I needed it just to feel normal-.. went too far to feel nothing.”
Robin opened his mouth to speak, but Oscar wasn’t finished.
“You’ll probably get some stupid cop coming to your scout meetings or your school one day and they’ll stand there n’ tell you all about how drugs and alcohol are terrible or whatever, but it’s bollocks. Sure, they’re bad for you, but they feel good and that’s the problem. At least for me it was-.. is. It shouldn’t even be legal, really, not that it’d do much good if it wasn’t-.. it wouldn’t have stopped me, anyway.”
“I’d love to forbid you from going near it, but I’m sure you’ll all try it for yourselves one day. Maybe it’s just something to do, maybe it makes a boring night more fun, gives you the confidence to do something you’re scared of, talk to someone you’re shy around, I don’t know-.. you might hate it, you might not.”
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“You hate that you still like it, don’t you?”
Oscar finally met Robin’s gaze as he nodded. “So much.” He wondered if he was making a mistake, being so open, but it was too late now and Robin had yet to balk or appear uncomfortable. If anything, he seemed concerned and intrigued, glad of the chance to ask whatever he wanted-.. not that he couldn’t usually, but the invitation was clearly welcome all the same.
“All your troubles just melt away, but they’re twice as bad when you wake up and doing it over again doesn’t solve much. It’s not the answer, Robin.”
“I know it’s not.”
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Oscar’s frown softened as Robin slid beside him, threading an arm around his waist.
“You prefer being sober though, right?” he asked.
“Ah, that’s a loaded question…” Oscar sighed. “I prefer my life when I’m sober, but maybe a part of me will always crave that oblivion. It’s just something I have to live with.”
“Do you think you’ll do it again?”
“I don’t know, bud-..” Oscar admitted. “I’d like to say no but I don’t think I can make any promises, that’s not how it works.”
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Robin nodded understandingly; he would’ve preferred it if his father could’ve made that promise, but a harsh truth was better than a hollow lie.
“They don’t mean much if you don’t keep em.” Oscar added.
“I get it-.. thanks for letting me ask you about it though, I know you’d rather keep it to yourself.”
“You’re still young but I know it’d drive you nuts otherwise. Besides, I don’t want it to feel like a dirty secret we can’t talk about, at least between us-.. might not wanna go telling all your friends your dad’s an alky though…”
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Robin buried his face in the crook of Oscar’s shoulder and squeezed him tightly, desperate to convince his father that he didn’t think any less of him.
“Nah, they’re got enough ammunition.”
Oscar couldn’t help but snort at that. “I love you so much.”
“I know-.. I love you too.”
Robin said nothing a while as his father held him - or he held Oscar - only breaking the silence upon feeling his restless thoughts return.
“It’ll be the summer holiday’s soon, maybe we could go camping or something?”
Oscar smiled fondly. “Yeah, that’d be fun…”
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to argue with people about the worthlessness of voting third party. They just keep insisting that the influence is worth it, and that I was a coward for daring to suggest that we don't HAVE any other options than Democratic. I even cited how voting third party likely played a part in Al Gore losing ffs.
There's no "likely" about it, Ralph Nader DID directly cost Gore the election. He ran explicitly on the same "both parties are the same, so leftists/liberals should vote for me instead" rhetoric that we are still seeing among the Online Left, and it was successful: he got, for example, over 97,000 votes in Florida. Bush won Florida (and thus the presidency) by a miniscule 537 votes, after the fuckery of Bush v. Gore and SCOTUS ordering the recount stopped in Bush's favor. If the tiniest percentage of those Nader voters had gone for Gore, we would have had a president who was arguing in favor of tackling climate change in the year 2000. We would have been incredibly ahead of the curve. We would, in all likelihood, have a president who took the CIA's warnings of an impending al-Qaeda attack in the US seriously. We would not have had the disastrous Afghanistan and Iraq invasions and the "War on Terror," the rampant Islamophobia, "No Child Left Behind," the 2008 economic crash, and everything else that Dubya and his band of bloodthirsty neocons inflicted on us in the early aughties. Look, I try not to look back too much, but having Gore instead of Bush as president would have reshaped the entire timeline we're living in to such an unfathomably better degree that every moron thinking of voting third party For The Protest should be sat down and forced to learn this history intimately. Of course, they already saw it happen in real time in 2016, but they didn't care about that either.
The good news is: there are plenty of persuadable voters out there, and you can do work to reach them and convince them to vote for Democrats! They're just not online, because all the Online Leftists are terminally brain-poisoned against voting anyway and trying to argue with them is generally a waste of time. Instead, what you should do is take a gander at the following links:
This is the one-stop shop page for volunteering to get Democrats elected. You can do in-person and remote work, there are tons of different ways to get involved (i.e. you don't have to go directly out and knock doors if that's not something you're comfortable with), and your local Democratic party will welcome the volunteer help. There is also a page for finding your state party website:
I went there, clicked on my state, opened the webpage, and there was a "Volunteer" link right in the header, with an easy and quick form to fill out to register your interest and explain the kinds of work you would be interested in doing. You can canvass directly, you can manage data on the back end, you can phone bank, you can send texts and postcards to voters who may need an extra nudge, you can otherwise work with your state party in lots of ways, and it will be so much more productive and make you feel so much better than arguing with online idiots who will never, ever change their minds. What you can do is reach out to voters in your own community, in your own state, and have conversations with people who actually ARE willing to listen, but might need a little more educating on the facts, what's at stake, the truth about this election, and the danger that Trump poses. All of this will convert into critically important Democratic votes, and you can actually put your desire to make a difference into action. So yeah. I would 100% suggest you do it this way instead. Good luck.
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tooosterduos · 4 months ago
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The way things go. | D.Grayson
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Pairing: Dick Grayson x fem!black canary daughter!reader
Warnings: swearing, ANGST/fluff?, self doubt, doubt of a child, happy ending WHOOP WHOOP!
A/n: I’m on an angst kick lately.. I adore dick and this is most likely not something he’d do but it’s fine! Enjoy 😛
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The team arrived at mount justice, your chest filling with guilt, insecurity, and so much more. Upon arrival the first thing you saw, was your mother.
“Y/n..” she trialed, “I’m disappointed.” she spoke again before walking off, leaving you with your thoughts. The rest of the team joined you, Artemis putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder. She’d been in your position before, she knew exactly how you felt.
“We’re disappointed to say the least.” Bruce began, “You had one job, and you failed miserably at it.” he continued, looking dead into your eyes. “We gave you a chance to prove yourself as a leader, and you proved our suspicions correct. Y/n..as much as I want to believe in you, I physically can’t. You had one job, complete the mission. Instead your team spent the whole time arguing about your orders.” Canary huffed.
God, if only she wasn’t my mother. You thought to yourself.
“I’m sorry I was busy covering your sidekicks ass. If he didn’t question my judgement so often then we wouldn’t even be in this situation!” You grunted as you glared at Bruce, “Oh now it’s my fault? If I remember correctly, you were the one who told us to split up! I said, “why not go in pairs” but no! We always have to listen to the princesses orders, otherwise shit hits the fan!” Dick retorted at your statement.
“Princess?” Wally cackled, “shut up speedy.” You growled, “I’m a “princess” now because I actually want to get things done?” You mocked at Dick.
“No you’re a princess because you expect everyone to wait on you hand and foot! News flash, I’m not doing it. Kaldur might do it, Conner might do it, Artemis, M’gann, Zatanna, and everyone else might, but not me! I’m not sure how you grew up, and I don’t quite care because things are different now! You need to grow up and stop expecting everyone to just listen to you!” Dick growled at you before walking off.
“No you don’t get to walk away!” You yelled, eyes glowing a dark shade of purple. “Y/n calm down.” Your mother said as she stood in front of you, attempting to sooth you.
You moved around your mother and took off towards the direction Dick had left in. He made your blood boil, him and his stupid blue eyes.
Trailing behind him, you notice he walked into his room. Which was conveniently placed right next yours, you decided to give up before you attacked him.
Moving the decorative pillows, you laid down on your queen bed. You hated him, you hated his gorgeous blue eyes, you hated the way he looked at you, you hated the way he would put his hand on the small of your back while you were standing on anything somewhat unstable, you hated him because he was so perfect.
You cried into the pillow next to you, why was he acting like this? It made you feel worthless. Were you really as bad as he said you were?
Your mind raced, what if he was right? What if you were a princess, spoiled and stubborn, only listening to yourself and no one else. Tears streamed down your face at the thought of him being right, did that mean that everyone felt the same way?
The next morning was worse. You’d tumbled out of bed, not even bothering to put yourself together like you’d always had. You knew you looked like a wreck, you didn’t care though. The sound of your slippers were heard from the kitchen, “sleeping beauty is awake.” You heard Artemis giggle as you got closer to the kitchen.
The moment you walked in, you smelt it. His cologne, then you saw him, he stood at the island, drink in hand. He looked gorgeous. The moment you saw him you darted back to your room.
“Guess not?” Wally asked, giving Artemis a shrug. Artemis was worried, maybe Dick was too hard on you. “You shouldn’t have said that you know?” She said as she scooped some yogurt into her mouth, “Who?” Dick asked almost as if she was insane.
“Yes, you, jackass. You hurt her feelings, she’s not a princess. She just wanted to prove her mom wrong. You and I both know how it feels to be doubted by everyone around us, and when you get the opportunity to prove them wrong, you take it.” She stated.
Dick started to feel bad, but he couldn’t admit that. He couldn’t be in the wrong. What would Bruce think? Dick finally gave in and marched to your room.
“Y/n..” he said quietly, playing with his thumbs. “Come in.” You said hesitantly, the door slid open, Dick walking in with his tail between his legs.
“Listen..I’m sorry. You’re not a princess, you were right. I just didn’t want Bruce to be disappointed in me.” He spoke with his head down. You stood up and walked towards his large body, you took your head to his face and move his head so he was looking at you.
“Bruce could never be disappointed in you. You’ve come so incredibly far.” You said with a smile, a smile appearing on his face as well. He stared into your eyes, admiring the gleam and warmth they gave to his own.
He slowly moved towards you, putting one hand on your cheek and the other on your waist. You closed the gap between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“You’re so pretty.” He said in admiration at you, in between kisses. “I could say the same about you.” You said smirking against his lips.
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tumbleweed-run · 1 year ago
Future Plans
(18+, Explicit) Kinktober 2023 Day 8 Breeding
“I’m thinking these with the pork we just got would be good for dinner tonight,” Gale said over his shoulder as he held up an apple, rolling it over in his hand to inspect it. 
Of course, it was then that he realized Tav wasn’t actually behind any longer, which would explain the odd look the merchant was giving him. He sighed heavily and turned to scan the area. She was easily found not far down the road, interestingly there was a small swarm of children standing around her watching as she tossed a ball in the air before catching it, where it then seemingly vanish. 
It was an odd quirk of hers, collecting children as one might plants or stones. He’d noticed it not long after they met when she’d somehow befriended just about every Tiefling child in the grove. It continued on through every phase of their journey. He wasn’t sure what it was about her that drew children in, there were any number of admirable traits she possessed that were capable of that.
He made his way to her, apples forgotten. 
As he approached, she caught his eye and grinned. With a bow, she pulled the ball out of wherever she’d hidden it. The children laughed, some clapped. When she handed the toy back to one of them a few made sad noises but otherwise didn’t interfere with her weaving her way out of the crowd she’d drawn. 
A vision of her pregnant swam into Gale’s vision and left him with a strange sense of wistfulness. 
“Sorry,” Tav told him, smiling. 
“You do always seem to amaze the children,” Gale told her, this time catching her hand in his to prevent any further wandering. 
“Of course,” she agreed, tugging on his hand so she could lean over and peer at one of the many vendors lining the road, “children love magic.”
“And I’m sure you’re aware that that isn’t-”
“Have you,” Tav said turning to Gale abruptly, reaching up to tap his nose with a finger, “considered being fun?”
Gale rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight the smile that pulled at his lips. “I am quite fun,” he argued.
Tav merely laughed at him. 
It was an image he couldn’t shake, even days later. Gale found himself thinking of it, Tav pregnant, in the oddest moments. Found himself lingering inside her a while longer than normal after they made love. It was silly the way the thought of her becoming pregnant almost spurred him on for round two. 
They’d talked about kids in the past and there would no doubt be at least one future Dekarios. The time was not now, though; their wedding wasn’t so far off, and they were busy planning the trip they’d take after. They both wanted an adventure, just the two of them, and with lower stakes than their initial one. So Tav getting pregnant right now would be poor timing all around. 
So why did the idea stick with him?
“What is going on inside your head right now?” Tav asked from across the room. She was watching Gale through the mirror of her vanity as she got ready for bed. 
Gale let the book he’d been meaning to read drop into his lap fully. “Not whatever this it,” he admitted and looked down to see exactly which book he’d dragged into their room. A Brief History of Undermountain. Well then, he didn’t feel so bad, this would only be the fourth time he’d read the book. 
“But?” Tav prompted as she stood and made her way across the room. Instead of walking to her side she came and stood by him. 
Gale peered up at her as he closed the forgotten book. She took it from his lap, peered down at the title, and discarded it on the dresser. 
“You.” He said in half-truth.
Tav climbed onto him then, sitting so her knees were bracketing his hips and she was facing him. “As flattered as I am that’s not it.”
Gale sighed. “Children of all things,” he admitted. 
“Changing your mind?” Tav asked, her eyes roaming over his face. 
He shook his head. “No, just the thought that I would very much like to put our child in you.”
Tav smiled sweetly, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. “Gale…” she began
He pressed his own hand to hers. “I know, not now.” He agreed. “But you must admit it paints a stirring image. The merging of ourselves to create something entirely new.”
“Yes,” she agreed, “I, for one, cannot wait to deal with my own child summoning creatures into the house.”
Gale growled playfully and turned to nip at her palm. Tav laughed and tried to wrestle her hand away but he firmly caught it in his own. He licked a line up her palm, causing her to shriek and try to wiggle away. 
Swiftly, he grabbed hold of her waist and flipped them. Tav was now laying on her back, blanket trapped between them. She blinked up at him in response to the sudden movement. 
“Maybe it’s just the idea of all the sex we’ll have that you want,” her tone was teasing. She dragged her foot along his thigh before hooking her leg at his back. 
Gale allowed himself to be pulled against her, dropping his head down to press a kiss to her throat. “I very much like the idea of filling you daily until we get our babe out of it,” he said against the skin of Tav’s neck. 
“Oh,” she dragged out the word, not unaffected by the image Gale was painting. 
“Every day, until we’re successful,” he pressed a kiss between every word as if to make a point. 
Tav’s hips ground against his. “Sounds like a lot of work,” she breathed.
“Maybe we should practice,” Gale suggested and reached between them to pull the blanket out. 
Tav laughed and shifted around to make his task easier. “I think that is a fine idea,” she said when he finally succeeded. 
Gale leaned up and captured her lips with his. She was eager to return the kiss, hands moving to his shoulders simply to hold him there. He rolled his hips against hers and she gasped. He took advantage of the moment and licked his way into her mouth, hips rocking against her all the while. 
He ran his hand down her thigh moving the fabric of her nightgown out of the way as he did. Gale laughed, breaking their kiss to press a series of smaller kisses against the side of her mouth. There was nothing more between them then the thin material of her nightgown and he own clothes.
“Hoping for something?” He teased, scraping the blunt edges of his nails against the flesh of Tav’s exposed hip. 
She grinned. “A girl can hope.”
It was easy enough to slide the rest of the material up, pooling it around her middle, leaving Tav blissfully naked from the waist down. 
Gale sat up on his knees, her leg falling back to the bed, to admire the sight for a moment. She was beautiful beneath him. Tav was always beautiful to him he had to admit. He’d loved her in the heat of battle and he loved her now in the soft quiet of their bedroom. Gale watched her a few moments longer until she squirmed and looked away from him. 
“I am beyond lucky,” He murmured and worked to remove his clothes, the final barriers between them. 
Once Gale was naked, he laid back down between her legs. Tav turned her head back and looked up at him. She then pressed up for a kiss as he leaned over her, one he willingly gave. 
A small shift and he slotted himself between her folds. Gale was normally one to pull at least one orgasm from his partner before getting to the main event, so to speak. Tonight was different though, he needed to be inside of her. Soon, preferably. 
Tav seemed to sense his need and drew her leg around him, encouraging him. 
Ever happy to oblige Gale slowly pressed himself into her. He happily realized she was wet enough that there was no need to disentangle themselves to add oil. Tav was urging him forward, gently squeezing her leg against his thighs. Gale had no desire to rush, simply pushing forward until he bottomed out and then not moving. He showered soft kisses across Tav’s jaw, trailing down as far as he could comfortably go until reaching her collarbone. 
Only once she was squirming did he slowly pull out again, until just the tip of his cock was left buried in her. Only to just slowly begin the same movements over again. 
In a testament to Tav’s patience she allowed him to repeat this same excruciatingly slow roll twice more before growling in frustration. Gale hung in head in an effort to hide the grin he wore at the situation but the way her heel dug into his backside told him she knew.
Swiftly she pushed on his shoulders and twisted her hips to roll them over. Gale allowed himself to be moved onto his back, managing to keep from pulling out of her throughout the whole movement. Once she was seated comfortably atop him, Tav smiled down, pleased with herself. His hands came to rest on her hips. 
Despite her previous frustrations, the roll of Tav’s hips started slow. He was happy to watch and allow her to do whatever she wished. Gradually, she began moving earnestly. Picking up speed and lifting herself up just enough to slip back down. Gale waited for her to find a rhythm before beginning to roll himself up to her. 
It wouldn’t be enough for him, and likely she knew that. Gale didn’t try and change her movements at all. Sweet little moans were punched from Tav’s lips each time she allowed him to bottom out inside of her. Her head was tilted back, a flush dragging down her neck to her chest. He loved watching her chase after her pleasure and would have been content to lie there for hours letting her use him like that. 
Tav leaned forward, one hand braced on his chest and tried to spread her thighs impossibly more. Gale knew what she wanted and allowed his hand to travel to where they joined. Gently he slid his thumb to her clit, Tav cried out at the first brush against it. Her cries devolved into low moans as he continued to rub circles against the bundle of nerves. 
Gale braced his heels against the bed, free hand holding Tav’s hip firmer, and began thrusting up into her. Her nails raked against his chest as she flexed her hand in and out of a fist, seemingly unaware of the red scratches she was carving into him. He didn’t mind, welcomed it even. 
“Gale,” she whined.
Nothing further followed but he knew what she needed. He circled his thumb faster on her clit, hips thrusting in time to meet every drop of hers. He felt her cunt begin to flutter around him as she cried out again. 
Gale quickly rolled them so Tav was on her back again. His thrust were sporadic lacking any kind of finess as he fucked her through her orgasm. She was gripping his shoulders, nails digging in as she writhed against him. Greedily he began chasing his own release. 
It didn’t take long, Tav’s sweet noises and the feel of her aftershocks squeezing around him pushing Gale over the edge not long after her. He pinned their hips together as he spilled deep inside of her, unable to keep from doing that even now. She rolled languidly against him. 
“I love you,” Gale murmured and pressed a kiss against her shoulder. 
He sat up, slowly allowing himself to pull from inside of her. 
“And I love you,” Tav answered, watching him from beneath heavily lidded eyes. 
Gale glanced down and watched as a small amount of cum slowly began leaking from inside of her. He didn’t think, mere pressed his thumb against it and slowly pressed it back into Tav. 
She snorted. “I think there may be something wrong with you,” her tone was light and he took no offense. 
Instead Gale pressed the pad of his thumb into her further, keeping anymore of his spend from leaking out. 
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ranticore · 4 months ago
About the kid raised by harpies, we have a rough story to explain how they ended up there (it got a lot longer than I thought it would omg): A pen has her eggs stolen, she is able to see the man who steals them but he ends up escaping. This event causes her partner to completely lose faith in their king, believing she could do a better job, and she eventually turns into a king herself, defeating him and taking the pen as a tiercel. As the pen has always been very active, and could barely keep herself still in the tiercel nest at all, they make a deal: she will be allowed to patrol the areas around the eyrie, as long as she's never far enough to disappear from view, never hunts and immediately comes back at any signs of danger. One day, as she's observing a human caravan passing by, she sees a very familiar face… With him, a woman, and in her arms a baby, who they lovingly look at. She follows the caravan further and further, waiting, watching… when an opportunity arises, she snatches the child and flies away with it, back to the eyrie. Her king is incredibly worried when she's back, looking for any sign of injury. What happened? What were you thinking? What would I do if you- wait what is that She explains what happened, and argues that it's only fair that she keeps the human's child after he took hers. She wouldn't be doing anything vital anyways, as it would only take away her time and resources from the flock, but it would be a great distraction from her boredom, keeping her closer to the eyrie. Besides, what other flock has a human in its midst? What a novelty for him to show off! His flock is so prosperous that they can not only keep tiercels but also raise a being from a completely different species just for the fun of it! In the end, he gives in, letting his beloved keep her "hobby project". btw we've thought of calling the kid "Five Talons", since, well, five fingers and all (also it sounds cooler than Five Digits). The first name we came up with was "Stolen Goods" though, I really liked it but friend noticed that it sounded a bit mean dskmfd What do you think? :] I would appreciate some help with naming the pen and the king as well... I'm almost done drawing the first one, may I send you the drawing through a message?
Ahh so sorry it took me a while to get to this!! Yes of course you can dm me any time and I can help with the naming if you like
This story is so funny honestly I'm completely on board... I especially like the angle of "well look, isn't it kind of a flex to raise a human child as well as we're doing?" because that's really. That's just how they think all the time, you always have to be showing off it's just like the law.
Also I'm thinking of this sort of almost parent trap (?) type situation going on here where both stolen babies are sort of being raised in parallel in a sense, by parents who have had their true child stolen from them, so I wonder what types of experiences they may have in common (and whether they might ever be able to meet and bond over it? Like here's a sibling you never knew you had... or instead would they hold the other responsible for their own situation, the hurt of their parents, etc. Much to consider!!!).
Bearing in mind that a stolen harpy is likely not going to a very prestigious town flock, otherwise there'd be no need to resort to theft, it would likely be in more of a similar situation to the human kid than you'd think - raised entirely by a different species, lacking a 'role model' of a sort, potentially not even knowing that other harpies/humans exist, and thinking of themselves as perhaps uniquely weird (in either a positive OR negative sense, i could see both). The difference being that the baby harpy would be raised into servitude, and the baby human is being raised to show off. Both ways are dehumanising (or deharpyising?) in different directions, obviously one has it worse but being placed on a pedestal of your adoptive parent's rage and pain can't be fun either.
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dragonagecompanions · 1 year ago
DAI Companions reactions to repeatedly being mistaken for a young/teen Inquisitor's parent or older sibling.
Cassandra: At times it feels like she is, and yet it is never something the seeker begrudges. This young person has stepped into a role no one their age should have to fulfill, and with so many relying on them to save the world at least one person should be standing in the role of guardian and protector of their interests. She only wishes it could be her sole priority.
And if, in quiet moments, to have a sibling again is a balm then it a truth no one else need know.
Varric: He was a lousy brother, though is was not as if Bertrand was winning any awards either. But he never really understood the pressures his older brother was under until stepping into part of that role— and Varric never had the strain of ailing mother or the loss of Orzammar on his shoulders. No, he is not sibling material.
But no father could be prouder of a child than he is, watching their young leader stitch the world back together. Kid needs looking after, and Varric Tethras is honored in the burden.
Solas: If the Inquisitor is elven, no matter his plans for the future, the rift mage feels a sort of obligatory kinship to the da’len so far from clan or kin. Children have always been precious, especially to the Elvhen who did not conceive so easily as humans.
For any other inquisitor he does not correct those who make the mistake, and will turn it into a familiar joke later that the herald must be the most attractive of thei species to be mistaken for an elf. It hides how little he cares for the comparison.
Kin slaying is a terrible crime. Best not to build the relationship from the start.
Blackwall: In another life Thom Rainier had scorend the idea of children, and taken pains to ensure that his dalliances would not conceive a bastard he had no intention of claiming. Now his family name is hardly worth the claiming, and he is grateful his only sister took her husband’s name long ago and is free of his legacy.
But as a warden, true or otherwise, Blackwall is honored by such a comparison. If his presence has had any small benefit to the young person upon whom such a task is laid then he is honored by the comparison. And while he would be the first to argue that no one is better off in his care or keeping, Blackwall would be the first to lay down his life to protect theirs, and will do everything he can to make sure they are well.
Vivienne: For the sake of his grown children- and the wife who had done her duty in the bearing- Bastian could not have given her a child. Even if he could have protected it from the clawing hands of the Circle, whose laws had forbidden such a gift. To be a mother was not in her future, and in her youth Vivienne had taken steps to ensure such an accidental fate could never befall her.
But she could have been. In the quiet moments through out the years she had imagined how such a child might grow, might flourish under the love and guidance of two parents who so deeply wanted it. And while the Inquisitor is neither replacement nor surrogate for that dream, in this young person Madame de Fer can see a reflection of what might have been.
If she takes care to guard their appearance, coach their behavior and prepare them as best she can for the great game, it is easily couched in the truth that it benefits the Inquisition to do so. The truth of her affection is hidden away, no further burden on shoulders already heavy with titles and too few years.
But she can dream.
Sera: When she does think about her childhood, the few times it has to be examined, Sera would not have minded another small person to have run about with. It might have made the lessons and the lies less lonely, to know someone else was there to ride through it with.
But there wasn’t. And she didn’t. And she likes the Inquisitor, is happy to have them as both friend and Friend. But family is a sore spot in the tapestry of her life, and adding patches to warped thread does not fix the faulty loom.
Dorian: It is the worst nightmare of most high born alti, that one’s parents might conceive a second child to rival them for the familiar seat in the magisterium. Never a risk for Halward and Aquinea, whose duties to each other and the marriage bed ended w it the birth of a living and magically inclined son.
And yet Dorian would not have minded a younger Pavus knocking about when he had been a boy, someone to share the duties and adventures of Minrathious in those few years before duty locked away simpler pleasures. But when he is first mistaken for the Inquisitor’s father, first mistakenly assigned that guardianship and all it brings?
It staggers him, how deeply the role could fit. For all that their creation is anathema to them, Dorian Pavus would never scorn a child of his blood. Of any blood, in truth. If their herald is young enough and without guardianship, without a future once Corypheus is defeated…
It is a thought for later.
The Iron Bull: Where is the lie? Was he any less worthy of the imereki than those who had left them behind? The feelings that well up when the mistaken role is given do not surprise him, and Bull is perhaps the easiest of any besides Cassandra with taking on that burden. The Chargers are his family, and if they survive the Storm Coast the little Herald is gathered up into that fold without question.
And even with one eye he can see the second Dorian accepts and even relishes the idea. The Iron Bull didn’t come South looking for a family, but one may well be within his grasp regardless.
Cole: “Shared name, shared memories, tied together by all the things that matter. Even when we don’t agree there is still love and trust, striving for something greater than we are. Yes! We are a family. That makes sense.”
Mod Fereldone
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cod-dump · 6 months ago
What would happen if Price got contacted to say his mother or father had died? Would he care? Would he go to the funeral? Would he simply pretend he never saw the letter?
Even worse if someone else found the letter first.
more richborn Price? hell yea
Price getting mysterious letter in a PO box he had long forgotten about. It had a hand written name on it, it was familiar, an upon opening it he spotted a name t the bottom, signed off elegantly. One that made his heart almost stop.
Amelia Victoria.
She left out the surname, certainly knowing he would throw it the letter out upon sight of it alongside a name that wasn't his own. He would've crumpled it up by now, but he didn't. All previous attempts at contacting him was from his parents, his siblings had never reached out. Never.
His brother simply didn't care to, he had everything to gain from Price not being present. Of course it had to be Amelia, she was the only person Price would ever considering listening to. It had to be her.
Price stuffed the letter back into the envelope, not bothering to read anything beyond his sister's name. He didn't have the energy for those people, his sister included. It was his own fault, leaving himself open to their attempts at communication, cruel enough to never answer and cowardly enough to never have it in him to respond.
He could disappear, they never would be able to find him. But he never did it.
He threw the letter in the trash as he walked out of his office. If the janitor didn't have the trash dumped by morning then he'd consider reading it.
Of course it wasn't left in the trash.
Price was nursing a morning cup of tea, still waking up when Ghost walked into the lounge. He had a look in his eyes, guilty but also a bit miffed. He looked at Price before he walked over and sat across from him. No words were spoken as he took out the letter and dropped it on the table.
Price felt his eye twitch at the sight. This wouldn't be the first time Ghost had poked around in his trash, Price knew he should've shredded it upon discovering who sent it. It was his own fault for being weak, for being open to reading it.
"Your mum's dead."
Price felt his heart drop, almost dropping his mug. He shakingly put down his tea, breathing as he looked away. Ghost's eyes widened and he looked even more guilty.
"You didn't know."
Ghost spoke upon the assumption he had read it. Of course, he wouldn't have said anything otherwise.
"I'm sorry."
Price took the letter, trying to not rip and tear as he opened it. He skimmed over the words until he found the passage mentioning his mother's death. He was supposed to feel something more than a numbed dread. He was a child who learned his mother was gone, why wasn't he feeling more than this? The shake in his hands wasn't enough, there should be more emotion.
Price honestly didn’t feel much as he read his sister's letter, describing their mother's last moments and the funeral they would have. She wrote as if she already knew he would never attend, and there wasn't any blame. Just sorrow and understanding. Sorrow, it didn't feel enough.
His dear mother, might as well have not been there at all. He vividly remembered her faraway stare, like her spirit wasn't even present. She used to be much more alive when he was much younger, while she was pregnant with his brother. She argued with his father with determination, no fear. Then... it just went away. She never showed much emotion after she became pregnant with his sister. Their father had full reign of the household, of their children.
He wondered if she died that way, numb and absent minded, allowing their father to have his way until the bitter end.
Ghost didn't like his silence, probably didn't like the lack of a more earnest reaction. Price never told him about his family or upbringing. Never told him he joined the military to get away from them. Any judgement he was receiving was deserved. Ghost clung to his family when he had them, he loved them fiercely.
"I probably should tell you a few things about me... and keep all of this between us, yea?"
Ghost nodded while watching him carefully. Price really didn't want the others to learn about this, learn everything about him he frankly didn't want them to know.
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