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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
When complimenting my friends creative matching of plaid shirt/ striped tie, I was told- I'm Power Clashing. Thanks Jack Donaghy
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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20 dozen raw oysters. A 7-patty cheeseburger. 3-foot radius pizza. Hot wings that make the big boys cry. It’s Man vs. Food.
Our Dalton Dean is ready to take the challenge. In order to find the best of the best in day-to-day dining he will face a variety of tasty treats. I’d like to say that I’m too lady-like to partake in ungodly sized portions… but I can definitely hold my own when it comes to competitive eating. I do not, however, have an impressive track record like my cohort, Dalton Dean.
In his days of traveling the country, guzzling Bud Light and breaking hearts, all for the benefit of Anheuser Busch, Dalton won himself a wing contest. Fastest to eat 6 of the hottest wings around in Venice Beach, Dalton dominated the HUGE competition. He claims, “it was a blood bath” from the beginning, but in research I’ve found he actually won through a tiebreaker of chugging a beer faster than his competition. And our boy came through. Though he enjoyed his $50 bar tab, Dalton suggests that the real win was the title, and now he feels it’s time to take on another. We’ve yet to fully monopolize or even spark the attention of the eating machine, Adam Richman, but we know we’ll find Austin’s competition along the way.
Why do you care? You’d maybe be interested in the sloppy videos to come, but the pregame chatter, why? I’ll tell you. Because we’re looking for suggestions on where to start. Who to challenge? Shreveport or Austin. We’ll go to your eatery recommendations and hopefully gobble up the competition. Tweet your ideas to @ZeneScene or facebook us! We’d love your input! 
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Have you updated your #ZeneScene iPhone app... because it's available in your app store! Ask and we deliver! Yowwwseerrsss
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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A recent Funding Forum presented Dalton and I with the opportunity to pitch our capital hopes and dreams. Unsure of potential outcomes, we prepared to explain our goals, our expansion model and our reasoning behind each penny requested for ZeneScene.
We are in the process of exhausting as many options as we find to learn the best ways to earn advice, as we believe Good Advice must be earned.
We gathered with fellow startups, entrepreneurs, investors and panelist to jumpstart our round table discussions. Our nerves on end, we waited for the pitch part to begin.
The first round brought constructive criticism and fuel for us to find a more direct approach to ZeneScene expansion. We stuck to our rehearsed topics, and I could feel the tension rising in us both, as the fear that our listeners were less than enthused with our tale. Something felt wrong- We made no mistakes- how could we- we know each passionate ZeneScene detail more than we know ourselves. Knowing this, I still felt defeated… I had now confirmed this Forum was solely for practice and feedback, but I wanted smiles. I wanted genuine enjoyment from both sides of the table. We’ve started an entertainment app for crying out loud!
The second round of pitching, matched the functionality and goal of our company. Fun, easy going, structure with a splash of pizzazz... I'm not too sure the ‘suits’ at investor tables, (or Dalton) would use the same wording to describe the 30-minute pitch, but you catch my drift. We found ourselves laughing and speaking with ease and excitement about what we’ve developed, researched and stroked for so long. The feedback from our opposites was on going and we fed off each other like Donnie and Marie. Yes, I just mentioned the Osmonds. We’re getting close to a comparative match for the duo... if only @TheDaltonDean would improve his high notes. I digress.
Another lesson learned.
When we’re relaxed and entertaining we’re great; When we’re tense and nervous, we’re unnatural. Now the search begins to find the exact remedy for stressed and determined feelings. Maybe the Donnie and Marie act will help. I’ll keep you posted.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Jessie Spano or Mel Gibson?
Hyper-feminism? Yuck. It's raining men!
As a single young female in the tech startup world, you'd think I'd bask in the atmosphere of 'go get 'em'- type fellas around, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. The minimum amount of females in my latest business encounters has begun to make me question respectable equality.
I don't claim to be disrespected or disregarded merely because I'm a female. I don't suggest that chivalry be diminished so that we are all equal in all regards. To stereotype (those of you that have ever heard one of my PC rants may be jaws open now), I understand and embrace the differences between our sexes. I love my female body, my feminine ability to dance gracefully and genuinely enjoy certain domestic activities that feed into the 'women duties; of the 1950s. I recognize that men are generally more physically athletic and don't even mind taking the backseat to a man- to- man conversation when appropriate.
Cue the issue of bitch and debate.
Recently I've noticed more differentiating responses between business encounters involving both Dalton and me. Granted, he tends to speak in a much more 'I'm Alpha' tone and less playful approach to developing relationships than I, so certain responses are invited. I tend to add the playful examples to relate a topic of interest. The common denominator- Business conversations are business conversations. Partners and partners. Not partner and partness. So I deserve equal eye contact from Investors and VC- types, right? 
Not every time, no. But certain instances have stuck in my mind. So I'll share. Please forgive me if I seem to ramble, but I'm in a tech-focused town with a tech-focused life, and little 'girl time', 'me time' or stress relieving time, that I have become accustomed to adoring.
Aside from the sporadic realization of brushed off comments, or smiles directed at me versus company analysis directed at Dalton, I generally accept certain differences in interactions to be a southern way of chivalry being intwined into the business world. Until this morning. In discussion of an upcoming meeting with a ultra-connected female Austinite... I invited a male to join. The idea that I'd share this opportunity for connection and networking seemed to me a polite inclusion for business purposes. Whether or not this connection has a penis, didn't really cross my mind for the outcome and benefit of getting to know this in-tuned techie. The response I got from the invitation?
"I don't think I need to be there. I have a feeling y'all are going to get in to an hour long girl talk and I'll be sitting there..."
Really? Please let me know if I am wrong in feeling as if I just got scooped up with a "Get in the Kitchen, Woman!" type bulldozer. Or if I am following in my usual attempt to become the real life Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell and this business meeting discussion was not a real life experience of "You Pig!" to Slater, let me know.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Android users... download the Free ZeneScene app update... Do us a favor and "share" this post so everyone in... http://fb.me/QkHo9Xfv
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
What to Do in ATX
Where do you find your niche market of events? Do you look on Facebook, read The Chronicle, search Do512, listen to the new Austin360 radio? Whatever is free? I use my app. Well, I can't take all the credit. Chase Boytim and Dalton Dean dragged me into this brilliant idea and I've been claiming it as mine ever since. So this ZeneScene idea. Connecting everyone to the events they want... for free! I know, I know- why add another app or connector to your phone or frequented sites? What about ads, spam mail, intrusive posts? Nope, not from us. I'll explain why to use ZeneScene for everything Austin event related. Because it's about pure connection and exposure of what you want a look into.
Consider the ZeneScene app a crystal ball showing you events, events, events. How many live music events does Austin provide us each day? Zillions. Do you include street performances, karaoke, impromptu belts from strangers? Maybe.
What about soccer games, social leagues for sand volleyball, jello wrestling (I know some of you are giggling now)?
Events for sports.
Events for gardening.
Events for music.
Events for food.
Events for art.
Events for coffee.
Events for wine.
Events for water.
Events with a view.
It's all there. The more you use your app the more we have the chance to recommend things you're interested in. Events. Photos. Friends. Maps. Directories.
You can see what's going on that is important to you. Have a look inside what we've got. You're gonna like it there.
ZeneScene available for iPhone and Android.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Our acknowledgement that not all like to read- here is very rough practice for a video explaining ZeneScene. Ignore that I claim to be Dalton, and that I had just finished working out. Dalton's to come... I'm waiting to see his attitude today to decide which of his versions to post... Feedback please! Do you get it? Is it clear?
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Fascinating new find. Thanks to @mlomer00 and @Nina_Virg and the invaders of mine and @TheDaltonDean palace... Lucky for him, the many creatures (I am convinced the loud monsters must be Honey Badgers) that have made a home in MY closet, vanity area, and bathroom. Not only has the voice of "Randall" crept in my head for a lasting stay, but the chipmunk/ honey badger family in my bedroom is taking mi casa es su casa a little too literally. I guess I find the YouTube hit to be a refreshing reminder of the adventurous weekend I shared with my Houston gals in town, especially Nina's friendly wakeup call of yet another playing of the above provided link. Maybe we shall find a Honey Badger to be our ZeneScene mascot? But we do give a shit.. Hmmm- decisions decisions.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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Superior showcase. If you've visited Shreveport, LA- you've been taken to Superior Bar & Grill. Likely the same goes for Uptown visitors of New Orleans, maybe even Baton Rouge and Birmingham. In Shreveport, we keep Superior as an intimate friend and prideful Shreveport native. Margaritas that whimsically knock your sombreros off, queso of champions, and an atmosphere of patio party that never ends. Though we tend to smell of onions and refried beans after filing our bellies with fajitas and guac... Superior is worth bringing an extra shirt in the car- or even embracing the aroma as a prideful announcement of where you've been celebrating.. Every Superior adventure feels like a celebration.
When home to visit family over Easter, of course I made a trip to The favorite Mexican experience. To my delight, I found a comfort in the support shown by our ever popular and packed landmark- A "ZeneScene certified" sticker on the front door, to welcome all of its visitors. Not piled along with Gowalla, Four Square and Google Places tags- Just ZeneScene. One Shreveport native to another. 
Superior also housed the celebration evening for ZeneScene's first Apple approval. A long time coming- Apple's approval of our app turned over a new leaf for us at ZeneScene. "Available in the iTunes store" is something we'd been waiting for. Not that Android was not a successful milestone- it was. But Apple's seal of approval is a tricky mountain to climb- with potentially 4 weeks of waiting, we were salivating with every updated email from the monster that is Apple. So image the amount of Patron induced chile con queso dips we consumed with our developers at Twin Engine Labs that memorable night in February. Then in April, Superior's doors seemed to smile at me with the wink containing our beloved logo. 
Fortunately, for Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Birmingham, ZeneScene will be up and running soon in those cities... providing each enchilada lover with the opportunity to not only giggle over Superior margaritas.. but use ZeneScene to document their Mexican eating experience.
Until then, I'm enjoying the Mexican food variety all over Austin, and looking forward to my next trip to sip on something Superior. In the spirit of our upcoming holiday favorite, Happy Cinco de Mayo, and may your moves and taste buds contain salsa.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
You ask, we deliver. Wine Country Bistro & Bottle Shops is the location for tonight's free tickets to Artini this... http://fb.me/10N2JGXKm
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
The bull shit has been cut.
We've trimmed the fat, cut the shit, and I've decided to give you the fo' reals of ZeneScene without silly terminology that makes you want to splash your martini in the face of your computer screen. Feel free to give us some feedback.
ZeneScene was formed in late 2010 with the simple idea of connection without complication and clutter.
ZeneScene is the entertainment event source for your iPhone or Android.  We like to consider ourselves a free hub for your fingertips and social agenda planning desires.
Here’s how it works. You download the app on your phone and get all the events in town, automatically filtered to your schedules, preferences and tastes. But that’s not all. ZeneScene also gives you photos of the places in town- venues of all sort- pictures provided by other users, bands, artists and community participants. Guides to all things good- locations from our live feed maps, friend awareness- only if you’d like, and auto filter options of happenings we know you’ll enjoy.
We refuse to stereotype or neglect you- even if you are a creature of weirdo entertainment trends. Your recommendations are based on YOUR social habits, not based on a checklist or criteria of likes. No matter what your interest: soccer, indie bands, kayaking, contemporary art, keg stands, vegan food, outside seating, gardening gatherings or fist pumping nightlife… we’ll have you covered- at the slide of your finger on your phone.
Notice we’ve missed your event or favorite dive bar? No worries- just go to ZeneScene.com, select your city of interest- and add your venues or events until you’re blue in the face. As long as you’re not blatantly suggesting illegal activities in tasteless ways… We’ll approve your event or venue in seconds and pop your ideas right to the phones and computer screens of users in your area. We promise to continuously provide you with the hoppin’ happenings of your choice without spamming or cramming your inboxes with junk. Not at all- just use as your leisure and watch as you become a ZeneScene feen. We welcome your daily use and addiction.
  So you wonder how? Want to know the guts of our operation? Alright, alright, we’ll spit it up:
The ZeneScene applications offer the following features:
  ·      Real-time Event Access: ZeneScene provides tools to allocate events specific to personalized market, with organic descriptions and evidence to give you a look into what you’re missing!
  ·      Local Search Engine: You can find event details regarding specific criteria, venue amenities concerning specific requests, (taco, wine, yoga, view) all with up-to-minute details through your friends and neighbors feedback. Examples include characteristics, event type, time, date and location.
  ·      Online Event and Venue Directory: Web and Smartphone application listing of all that we’ve found going on where and when you’re looking. If not… help us out. Add it on the site. Be a team player.
  ·      Event Reporting: The ZeneScene community plays a big role in checking in and out the scene. Users evaluate events and venues through descriptive articles, attendee reviews and up-to-minute photo documentation.
  ·      Geographic data: ZeneScene provides interactive maps of surrounding events and venues based on current location or plan to go. Feeling a little reclusive? Fine, sit home and watch your map be invaded by pin drops of those that do choose to participate in what your area has happening.
  But still, HOW?
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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A Shreveport ZeneScene Ambassador with Austin expertise.. Follow him on twitter @kemerton and enjoy!
A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend in Austin. 
I'd been there, before - dozens of times, actually - but it's just not a place you can get tired of.
My father, a U.T. alum, brainwashed me at a young age, molding me over time to become a devout Longhorns fan. Seriously, it was like something out of The Manchurian Candidate. I had to pray to Darryl Royal each night before I went to sleep. 
So we'd go to a couple of home games each year, and in the off-season we'd still take some time to visit, too.
Most of our trips were based solely around football and Mexican food, though we did get to explore the city, occasionally.
Gradually, I familiarized myself with various restaurants and bars, not to mention thrift stores and the multitude of establishments that make Austin so great.
Anyway, on my latest visit, it just so happened to be the perfect day outside.
Seriously - there was a pleasant breeze, the sun was shining… not a single cloud in the sky.
Naturally I had to take advantage of this. 
Should I go for a jog? Bike ride?  
Should I hit the lake?
After some debate, I realized the best way to take advantage of the gorgeous weather would be to drink beer outside. 
That way, you can still appreciate being outdoors, and you can get drunk, too.
I had a few friends in town with me, and they weren't familiar with the area. 
But I knew just where to go:  Scholz Beer Garten.
I'd been before, but mainly on game days, where I pretty much have to claw my way through a hoard of people just to find a napkin. 
But not this day. The spacious back patio was wide open, with any one of the number of picnic tables available.
There were about six of us, and we were soon greeted by a waitress.
We opted for a pitcher of Harp and a pitcher of Blue Moon. 
The beer was ice cold - really hit the spot. Naturally, we ordered another round. 
This time we let the waitress and her expansive knowledge of the beer menu steer us in the right direction. 
The flat-screens lining the wall of the patio provided us with something to look at other than each other, which I particularly enjoyed, as I really don't care much for people. Even my friends.
So we caught some sports highlights, ordered another round, and before we knew it a couple of hours had passed.
I personally think the whole "time sure flies when you're having fun" bit is bullshit, but I have to admit that the notion really fit our afternoon spent at Schultz.
Feeling warm and fuzzy - and full - we decided to close out or tabs. But not before spotting a man at the table behind us with a pad of paper. 
He was drawing, furiously - making quick dashes with a dull blue pen - all the while keeping his eyes locked on us and our table.
One of us got the nerve to approach him.
"What are you drawing," he said. 
"I'm drawing you. Wanna see?"
In a matter of minutes this man had sketched our entire table - hell, he even gave the picture a tagline. 
I guess we were speaking a bit too loud, as something my buddy said wound up gracing the top of the portrait. 
It read: "Once you get that first cigarette out of the way, it's on."
He'd been referring to bouncing back over a hangover, which is essentially what we managed to do on that lovely afternoon.
We purchased the sketch from the man - not because he asked - but because it was good - damn good - and it was something we wanted to remember.
Later that day, opening a fresh pack of smokes, we couldn't help but think of the portrait, and the artist, and the patio.
And then, with a flick of a lighter, it was on.
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
ZeneScene iphone app has arrived in Austin http://lnkd.in/rfB8Mj
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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A Bama Reunion.. Of course we'd go to a country music concert.
My friend, Callie, for whom I grant the title of coolest friend, planned a last minute trip to visit me in Austin! Wahoooo! Leaning on Callie for advice since the beginning of ZeneScene, (then Zine's on the Scene- yes yuck!) I was excited for her to meet another 3rd of my current all encompassing job/life/passion in Dalton and witness how far we've come in our infiltration of Austin with the app. Luckily, we're out of our one bedroom condo near campus.. no more bathroom sharing! Yippeeee! So Callie was able to stay without fear sleeping on a vacation condo pull out couch.. Instead, she was welcomed into our ZeneScene swag decorated loft condo. We greeted Callie with a forty at the airport.. for those of you unfamiliar- come stay with us and we'll tell you about a little game called Edward 40Hands..
We enjoyed a mini- pub crawl of West 6th Street before I vouched that we'd make it through the crowds of the Texas Relays that inhabited downtown Austin this weekend.. might have been a mistake. She was shown a variety of watering holes and I believe fully entertained for a first night in Austin. 
Saturday housed a heavy responsibility. We had to showcase many of Austin's hotspots while preparing ourselves for the big night ahead.. and nursing our foggy minds from the night before. So we explored- We dined at Uncle Billy's Brewery near our home, supported some friends in a sand volleyball tournament at Aussie's BBQ, investigated SoCo and hit up Shoal Creek Saloon for some Louisiana love and crawfish before rapidly preparing for Tim McGraw's invasion of Austin.
Adding to Callie's coolness- her job with Red Light Management in Nashville provided us with pre show passes to get up close and personal with Tim. I'm usually hesitant towards country music culture, unlike my weekend partners in crime, but I found myself singing along in my cowboy boots all throughout the show. Yes, I wore cowboy boots- I like to theme my outings.. 
For a weekend recap:
I successfully entertained Nashville lady from Alabama, danced to country music, showcased Austin.. all while drinking out of ZeneScene koozies (coolers or huggers depending on where you call home) and even witnessed the usually reserved Dalton Dean sing and dance along to a fellow Louisiana native. Thumbs up. 
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
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zenescene-blog · 14 years ago
Sad to finish the last of our goods from @AustinBakes
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