#other brother au (gow)
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angermango · 1 year ago
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black mirror
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discordiansamba · 4 months ago
some more assorted thoughts about the earth prince zuko au:
his time with the avatar's group is dai's first time traveling the earth kingdom proper. it's eye opening in some ways. he's always known about the war, but it's one thing to see for himself how bad it's gotten in places.
it's relatively common knowledge in the earth kingdom that prince dai's mother was a mistress of the previous earth king. knowledge that she was fire nation is much less common, so the gold-eyed prince always catches people off guard.
inevitably, there are actually a couple of dai li agents who treat dai with genuine affection. they've become quite fond of the fake earth prince but most also agree that they've done him a favor by taking him away from the fire nation.
while in the foggy bottom swamp, dai sees a curious vision of a young boy in fire nation clothing...
hi gow. hope you like being kicked out of the earth kingdom army because dai absolutely has the authority to see that happen. you clearly don't even give a damn about fighting the fire nation, you're just using your authority to be a glorified bully.
dai promises gansu and sela that he'll have a request put in to look for their son, but that he can't really promise anything beyond that.
dai includes in his reports about general iroh's apparent change of heart towards the war and the fire nation. long feng files this information away.
i think dai should be able to use lightning. as a treat. iroh's the one who ends up teaching him while he's recovering from their fight with azula, because fate still brings the three of them together. most of dai's firebending knowledge has come from scrolls in the dai li's archives. he's never been taught by an actual teacher before.
he should be wary of general iroh. he's not only fire nation royalty, but he also laid siege on the city in which dai was born. but there's something... familiar about him in a way that he can't put his finger on.
(he does not tell long feng about getting firebending instruction from iroh.)
when the gaang learns that dai has been working for the dai li the entire time, and that he's been reporting back to long feng about them and their activities the entire time, it hurts. they've really come to think of him as a friend, and they think dai thinks of them that way too. that's the worst part actually. how can he think of them that way and still go behind their back like that?
long feng conceals the fact that the dai li have appa in their possession from dai. it's obvious he's been getting a little too close to the avatar and his friends, and that might cloud his judgment. perhaps it is time to keep the young prince at home again.
when forced to make a choice between his friends and the dai li, dai will ultimately choose his friends. this means backing their story about long feng concealing the war from kuei- and his own role in that.
in the aftermath, kuei and dai make a tentative peace between each other- as do dai and the rest of the gaang. they're still a little angry with him, but after hearing his backstory, they understand a little better why he had such a deep connection to the dai li in the first place.
(they don't know it's all lies.)
dai accompanies sokka to chameleon bay on behalf of his half-brother. he's not there when azula arrives, disguised as a kyoshi warrior, or when she plots with the dai li and long feng.
(in the end, it's one of the dai li that view dai with genuine affection that warns the group of azula's coup.)
kuei: now that the earth kingdom has fallen, i have decided to live as one of my people and see my kingdom with my own eyes.
dai: ...that's a terrible idea. why are we letting him do this?
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kratioed · 1 year ago
It’s clear that Hel will one day appear in future releases, as hinted in both GOW(2018) and GOWR, but anyone who is a myth enthusiast knows that Loki had other children besides his monstrous offspring in Norse Mythology because interestingly enough, GOW’s wiki community decided to include "Narfi & Váli" despite no evidence of their existence whatsoever throughout the Norse era.
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Of course, it’s also a fandom site; while they can be a reliable source, said sources on their encyclopedia are sometimes inaccurate. Knowing the impossibility of their existence, I also thought about how they can coexist throughout GOW.
EDIT UPDATE 2/1/2024: Recently, the GOW's wiki community updated Atreus' "uncertain future" category and the links to Váli's & Narfi's wiki pages no longer existed. Doesn't mean it'll stop me from enjoying my fun. 😎🔥💯
EDIT UPDATE 7/22/2024: Nevermind, they're mentioned on Angrboða's wiki page for some reason…Váli & Narfi aren't the same as Fenrir & Jörmungandr ☝️🤓 but okay. ☠
And the more I thought about it, the more apparent it became that they’re essential for the franchise…but it’s more like my personal headcanon rather than my “crack” theory so might as well call this an AU for shits and giggles. I thought it would be fun to share my overly long detailed analysis with those who are fixated on Atreus’ other (im)possible children as much as I am because I need this to get it out of my system since they have been living rent-free in my head for almost a year just now. This blog is now officially a Narfi & Váli stan account and Kratos would have LOVED his grandsons if they ever appeared in GOW, but it's very unlikely that would happen. This analyis is going to be a long one so bear with me!
I think it would be poetic for GOW to end off including Narfi & Váli (alongside Atreus) for the final conclusion of the franchise; and yes, Hel would be an adult in this timeskip, contrary to popular belief that they were children in Norse Mythology. Despite their unfortunate demise, their backgrounds are nothing like their half-siblings’ in the Norse Mythos, making them the most ordinary of all Loki’s children. But you know what? The concept of Narfi & Váli being the epitome of normality of all Loki’s offspring gave me an a idea...I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but Narfi & Váli exhibit some similarities to Kratos & Deimos.
Before the Olympians (Athena & Ares) pursued one of the brothers due to a doomsday prophecy, Kratos & Deimos believed they were mere mortals during childhood as they still fit the epitome of normality as children, similarly to Narfi & Váli. They’re also gods at birth, but the only difference is that Narfi & Váli most likely knew about their divine nature, whereas Kratos (excluding Deimos) only discovered it later in adulthood (a silly parallel, but I still think it counts).
Another example would be in the parallel dynamics of Váli & Kratos, as they both had experiences where they succumbed to their primal instincts in different circumstances; Váli unwillingly turned into a wolf and killed his brother driven by primal instincts under the Æsir’s (or presumably Odin’s) influence, almost similar to how Kratos was deceived and unaware, killed his first wife and daughter fueled by his primal desire for blood under Ares’ influence. While Váli’s fate remains unknown after Loki's Punishment, we can infer that both Váli & Kratos are the only survivors other than their brother.
While the deaths of Narfi & Deimos are an obvious parallel, they're also linked to Bounds and Punishment in distinct ways; like Váli, Narfi was punished with his entrails used as bounds in retribution against his father, as well as due to his relation with Loki while Deimos, on the other hand, was bound and punished due to his existence as the "Marked Warrior" (same thing goes with Kratos since he too was also bound and punished at one point in Ascension).
On top of that, they were also subjected to violence as children inflicted by Gods. Consequently, it ultimately led the downfall of both Æsir & Olympians, as predicted by their prophecy. The prophecy of the "Marked Warrior" bringing destruction upon Olympus began the moment they abducted Deimos. The sufferings of Kratos' family (including Sparta and Pandora) at the hands of Gods contributes the downfall of Olympus. Their tragedies are the major cause of Kratos' justified vengeance to destroy the entire pantheon, ultimately leading the devastation of the Greek world.
In Norse Mythology (with my limited knowledge); the Æsir's (mostly Odin's) retaliation on Loki's monstrous children, particularly Fenrir, due to prophecies contributes their downfall in Ragnarök, especially with their involvement in Loki's Punishment. However, I believe that the suffering of Narfi & Váli at the hands of Æsir Gods is the primary cause for Loki's justified desire for vengeance. The Æsir's use of Narfi's entrails, his own son, as restraints adds insult to injury, intensifying Loki's anger. Obviously, Loki joined forces with those against Æsir Gods with his army of Hel's people while the events of Ragnarök lead the devastation throughout the lands.
But since this is GOW, I found this YouTube comment (which I've kept for quite some time) that perfectly said my thoughts out loud:
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With the absence of Loki's Punishment; not only Kratos saved Narfi & Váli from Æsir's (particularly Odin's) wrath, he also prevented a similar tragedy that would inflict upon his grandsons the same way that Gods once inflicted upon him and Deimos as children, in which, fits the overall theme of subverting prophecies in GOWR.
Santa Monica could have easily had Atreus name his sons "Narfi & Váli" as everyone expected from Norse Mythology. But given Santa Monica's innovative approach to myth characters through creative liberties, using "Narfi & Váli" wouldn't work within the narrative structure of GOW's distinct retelling of Folklore, especially the Prose Edda of all settings.
From what I've heard, there has been a debate about whether "Váli" is a son of Odin or Loki, or both Valis existed as sperate characters. Additionally, in GOWR, there's already a boss character named Vali (The Oath Guard), which I assumed (correct me if I'm wrong) it's a cultural practice for parents to name their child after a Norse figure in Scandinavian countries, but I find it unlikely for Atreus to name one of his children after an Æsir or any God in general. Similarly, Narfi shares a name with another Giant unrelated to Loki whatsoever...but given the wide variety of Gods and other myth characters we've seen from Greek Mythology depicted in GOW, it wouldn't be surprising if other Narfi, and particularly, Váli Odinson were to mentioned or featured in future releases.
If you're not aware or need a reminder, Atreus gets to learn about Deimos during "Animal Instincts" side quest. Whether you choose to bring Atreus or Freya doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that Santa Monica had intended for Atreus to know about his uncle, it's still canon either way.
Atreus' identity has roots that go beyond his Norse counterpart (both symbolically and narrative wise along with the origins of his Greek name) and very likely that Santa Monica would take a similar approach with "Hel" in future releases (I've seen people suggest her name could be Faye/Laufey or Calliope, or even Callisto or Angrboða's mother). It's only fair that "Narfi & Váli" should get the same treatment…so imagine how moving it would be if Atreus were to name his sons after Kratos & Deimos.
"Váli" 𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his grandfather, transformed from a monster into a benevolent God due to his ability to change and open his heart, representing the beacon of hope...and "Narfi" 𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his great uncle, whom Atreus had known but never met (but wishes they had), honored his uncle by naming his youngest son after him.
EDIT UPDATE 3/7/2024: Just recently discovered in Greek Culture, it's common for children to be named after their grandparents, in which, aligns with my case for "Váli" to be named after his grandfather! While "Narfi" is named after his great-uncle, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the naming tradition also involves material/paternal relatives, which is fitting within the context of GOW. ^^
There are hearsay, or statements from Cory Barlog, that Kratos couldn't bring himself to name his son after his brother due to past memories…Atreus, on the other hand, seems open to the idea of naming one of his own children after his uncle he never met.
Besides Narfi Lokison and other Narfi, their accounts become somewhat unclear when Narfi's brother is addressed as "Nari." This time, it's Narfi who turns into a wolf and kills Nari. However, some sources later changed Narfi's name to Váli, both in historical texts and modern media...
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EDIT UPDATE 7/21/2024: Initially, I thought this version was made based on the notion that Váli was Odin's son rather than Loki's. But after some further investigation, I'm inclined to believe that Váli is a singular character while Narfi & Nari are Loki's sons. It's also possible that "Narfi/Nari" is referred as the same character, as the belief that Váli is Loki's son is a common mistake in today's media. It would have been so easy to overlook the mistranslation and go along with the usual understanding of "Narfi & Váli"…but thinking about it now, this could actually work within the narrative structure as prophecies are ambiguously depicted in GOWR.
How about this: "Váli & Narfi" (or "Narfi & Nari") can shapeshift into wolves. Not only it emphasizes their connection with Atreus/Loki, but as a reflection of Kratos & Deimos through Speki & Svanna.
EDIT UPDATE 7/26/2024: This might be a overreach...but if Kratos' presumption that Speki & Svanna were boys did reflect something, then it could be described as a projection of his experiences as a military general as well as an extension of subconscious affection. For Kratos' case, people form stronger bonds with animals than with human (and Gods) since often times they can be deceitful/malicious, conceited, narrow-minded, backstabbing, or calculatively manipulative through obligations/false promises while animals (wolves) would instead be much more pragmatic about survival and tender care.
Speki & Svanna (+Fenrir) have been usefully vigilant and reliable wolves that aid him and Atreus, and given the history of humans surviving in collaboration with animals, there is precedence for Kratos subconsciously associating the wolves with memories of Spartan warriors he had by his side almost as though they were his own family, where survival relied on the coordination of his armies and the care given to ensuring that his men were left standing after battle.
This can very easily be associated in the mind as symbolic of a dedicated and responsible soldier as a result from a pivotally formative part of his life revolved around the Sparta's military…and out of remorse (for the casualties of people under his care amidst the war he's wrought) and love (for those who've either perished or lived as well as the people who stood by him), it felt plausible that he could've associated this with Speki & Svanna (shout out to my irl friend for cooking this up!).
Regardless, I can also imagine this as a foreshadow of Kratos' doting relationship with his future grandsons!
EDIT UPDATE 7/21/2024: As much as I adore the relationship between Kratos and his grandsons, I personally think it would be better if they never met in person (rest assured, Hel is fortunate enough to know their grandfather as a child). As I mentioned before, Narfi & Váli should appear by the end of the franchise, and what better way to conclude Kratos' journey than being remembered as the benevolent God even after his death?
Kratos once quoted, "Death can have me, when it earns me" might foreshadow his potential death for the final installment. Given that Kratos had "died" in previous games and even evaded his predicted "death" in GOWR, I think it would be flitting to conclude his journey if the franchise comes to an end (in which, would have opted Atreus to name one of his sons after their grandfather). But it's just a personal theory of mine, so I digress.
Narfi & Váli serves as character foils for Kratos & Deimos, illustrating their childhood origins from Ghost of Sparta to the narrative's conclusion with Narfi & Váli emerging at the end. With wisdom gained from experiences and mistakes, Atreus, aged with greying hair, gazes at his sons and feels as if his father and uncle are reunited once again…relieving their childhood they never had as children.
If you made it this far, then congratulations! Here's a quick (and old) sketch of my variant of Váli would look like:
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EDIT UPDATE 12/19/2024: Tried my best to replicate his facial structure. He's basically Kratos 2.0 with a decent childhood who smiles a lot more than his grandfather ever did in Sparta (he also has his grandfather's eyes and freckles from his father). Narfi, on the other hand, looks a lot more like his father with the iconic mark as a homage. They're basically Yuki & Ame (+Atreus w/Hana) from Wolf Children (I never watch the movie, but it's the vibes I'm get from them)! ^^
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years ago
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I just needed to remind myself that I still know how to draw semi-realistically lmaoo That aside, here’s a painting for my post-Ragnarok AU! The idea came to me while I was thinking about my fic, and I liked it so much that I decided to draw it (and rework the fic’s outline a teensy bit to include it) XDD
I’m willing to bet y’all will be able to recognize the characters around Atreus and Calliope, but if not, no worries! They’re from the original GoW games: Callisto, Kratos’ mother; Deimos, his younger brother; and Lysandra, his first wife. I don’t want to give too much away about where this scene will take place in my fic, and what the exact setting and context is, but I think there’s enough tidbits in the painting to guess at what’s happening! :DDD
It was also lots of fun to add little family resemblances between the characters XDD I heard somewhere (though I can’t remember where) that Atreus’ scar is a magic/hereditary thing, since it matches the shape of Deimos’. Other than that, I like to imagine he has a bit of his uncle’s features, while Calliope has some of her grandmother’s!
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neechees · 2 years ago
some may imagine calliope being atreus' younger sister in their au's, but i headcanon that since she was born first that makes her the big sis ;w; i also headcanon that pandora survived and is the adopted daughter of kratos. that makes her the eldest! so i like to think lil atreus having two big sisters, pandora and calliope ! and when they get much older, and atreus introduces his gf angrboda to the family, they're all overjoyed because that means another daughter/sister! i like to headcanon that pandora, calliope, and angrboda often have girls' day out together ;w; oh and you can bet thay kratos is the proudest father ever! he loves his children!
God you are SO right <3 Honestly if Calliope & Pandora were still alive or came back to life somehow & Kratos kept raising them, I think he probably wouldve been a better dad to Atreus & not as depressed as he was in gow 4. I also wonder if Calliope being alive means some of the ashes on his skin are somewhat gone? Like maybe he has some of his brown skin back, but hed just look REALLY anemic & grey instead of white.
Pandora & Calliope would've made great older sisters to Atreus! I dont really understand the reasoning behind Calliope being somehow younger than Atreus in those AU's other than that she was a child when she died, but if she lived she would've been an adult by the time he was born. I also think Kratos would've trained the girls, because you know he ain't letting his little Spartan girl NOT learn how to use a weapon, & he wants to help Pandora be self sufficient as well
I think Calliope is miserable in the cold Norway weather & is like "Father why couldn't we have stayed in Egypt or moved to Rome 😩". She likes that mild Greek weather. I imagine she has some kind of power relating to speech and words and has a way of speaking to people, & she's good at reciting poetry & history. I think she'd get along REALLY well with Faye and Mimir for this as well
For Pandora living with Kratos + Faye as well I always think of that scene in Easy A where Olive's little brother brings up that he's adopted & the dad is like
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That scene but with Kratos in a deadpan tone dhtudtg5. (The scene is even complete with a strawberry blonde mom & auburn haired sibling fbdhfts). And by God we need all the girls together I LOVE them. You know Atreus's sisters would be teasing him about Angie lmfao
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angyvalentine · 2 years ago
☾, ■, ♦, and ൠ? c:
First of all, thanks for asking! <3 Given I spoke about my ModernAU!GoW stuff in the tags, I assume we’re talking about Kratos and Lys xD
Headcanon meme
Basic background infos for the AU: Kratos is a professional MMA fighter, Lysandra works as A.D.A., Deimos is still alive and (somehow) well.
☾ - sleep headcanon
While in winter Lysandra loves to snuggle against Kratos’ side ‘cause the man is basically a furnace – so they mostly sleep in spoon/cradle positions, in summer she doesn’t tolerate the heat. Yet they still want to feel the other one, so they loosely intertwine their fingers (and she blesses the ceiling fan LOL).
After competitions he sleeps… and snores. Like, a lot, it seems like you’re sleeping beside a fr3aking tractor. But Lys has no heart to tell him that, so she goes to sleep on the recliner she has in her home office.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
While before they both lived in apartments, when they started to live together they chose to buy a detached, single-family home.
The style is pretty essential. Elegant, but nothing too much. No trinkets nor ornaments, beside photos and Lysandra’s succulent plants vases (except in Christmas because Lys has a weakness for Xmas themed stuff LMAO).
Kratos really didn’t care to show them, but Lys has prepared a showcase for his sport trophies and medals.
Part of the basement has been converted into a home gym for Kratos.
Lysandra has a home office for those times when she must work some extra hours on a case.
Kratos painted Calliope’s (nursery first) bedroom and built her crib.
There're big windows in the living room, and toward the backyard
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
When he takes some free time  - quite rarely , to be honest - , Kratos likes to read. Don’t give him fantasy or romantic stuff, but a nice crime novel, historical or sport-themed books? That’s his cup of tea.
If Lysandra has to overwork in her office (YES, she’s quite a Stakhanovite), he reads there with her on her recliner. Ready to take his wifey to bed when she’s almost dying from sleepiness.
If she needs to decompress, Lys likes to swim. While at school she was a quite good archer, but for her swimming is way more relaxing.
ൠ – random headcanon
Lysandra first met Deimos at the physiotherapist studio.
He’s a veteran that got honorably discharged after getting injured in an explosion, where he almost completely lost sight from his left eye and got his “marks” as scars – while Lys was there because she got shot on the shoulder joint during a trial, trying to protect a witness.
At first he thought she was a cold, yet (a hot piece of ass) charming woman, he even told his brother about that.
Then he found out that that “hot piece of ass” was the very same woman that was working to throw Kratos’s ass in jail C:
(they’re close friends now, he sees her like a sister)
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heimdallsbraids · 2 years ago
You | Ch. 1 (Heimdall x fem!reader)
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Summary: You are so beautiful, so alluring, and so completely unaware of the way you plague his mind day in and day out. You are going to be his and his only, and not a single soul can stop him from making that happen. (Heimdall x fem!reader - modern!AU inspired by Netflix's You)
Rating: Mature (probs gonna change to explicit ngl)
Warnings: Profanity, obsessive behaviour, sexual content (youngsters back tf up)
Note: This is only a teaser for what COULD be continued if enough of you like it. It's my hopeful attempt at a modern-day GOW fic, but the idea of Heimdall being an obsessive little shit like Joe from You was way too tempting not to try, so without ado, please enjoy!
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Chapter One: The Side Hustle
The black leather bra caught his attention first. Blue eyes trailed downward in a slow drag, shamelessly admiring the sight. Matching panties, strappy garter belt and thigh-high stockings accompanied by six-inch stilettos. Were you trying to torture him?
Heimdall tipped his head back as he took a long swig from his glass. The familiar burn that followed was a welcome one as he tried to focus on anything but the growing tent in his jeans. Good thing he didn’t have to worry about anyone noticing since it was dark, and he was in a private booth on the second floor of the venue.
This was the third time he’d come back to this godforsaken place in the span of a week, but he had to if he wanted to catch a glimpse of you again. You, the one currently stealing the spotlight from everyone else on that damned stage with your gorgeous body. You, the one giving the seductive eyes as you dropped to your haunches in front of a few eager patrons waving their money in the air. You, the one he couldn’t stop thinking about day in and day out.
He’d only recently discovered that you worked here thanks to a little digging on social media. Outside of the venue, you were the good girl who worked a part-time job at a café and studied graphic design at one of the most prestigious universities in Gladsheim. You were smart, popular, and, most importantly, oozed pretty innocence to anyone who didn’t know better.
But he knew better.
He knew that your adoptive father was a war veteran back in the day and struggled with emotional connection. He knew that your adoptive mother was his father’s ex-wife and a stubborn bitch when she wanted to be. He knew that you had a younger brother in high school who was currently aiming to compete in an archery tournament later this year. He also knew that they were none the wiser about your little… side hustle.
He focused once more as the crowd began to whistle and cheer loudly, his eyes skipping over everything else and landing directly on you. The song had changed to a slow, sensual track that had him leaning forward to give you his undivided attention as you circled a chair with confident steps, wiggling your pointer finger in a ‘come hither’ motion to someone in the crowd.
‘Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh, yeah
Bring it over to my place’
A jock who looked too young to be here was pushed onto the stage by a rowdy group that must have been his friends. He immediately held his arms out to his sides, fuelling himself with their jeers and obnoxious attitudes, and Heimdall rolled his eyes. This immature man-child hardly deserved the treat he was about to get.
His breath hitched as you trailed a delicate hand over the young man’s chest before pushing him onto the chair with a playful shove, trying to imagine that it was him on the receiving end. There were shouts from the guy’s friends, but he seemed to only have eyes for you now as you slowly lowered yourself onto his lap while your other hand trailed over your body.
‘You don’t know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me’
It was like you were one with the music, embodying every beat and every word that played. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, even as you began to gyrate your hips on that poor excuse for a man as part of an incredibly risqué dance he’d never witnessed from you before. Your client was clearly enjoying himself because he was beginning to get a little too comfortable, and Heimdall’s eyes were narrowing when hands other than your own landed on your ass, squeezing tightly before delivering a rough smack that had you jumping.
Security guards had noticed, too, and soon two of them were getting on the stage, ready to see the man out despite the angry yells from his friends. You’d moved to get up, but the jock, seeing his fate, grasped you by the back of your head and planted what was most definitely an extremely sloppy kiss on your lips. You were clearly shocked as the guards (and now other dancers) intervened, separating him from you with rough tugs and reprimands.
Heimdall watched as your skinny blonde co-worker linked arms with you and led you out back somewhere, but he only had one thing on his mind as his eyes once again zeroed in on the young man still causing a ruckus for the security guards as he was escorted out. Sighing dramatically, he threw on his leather jacket and downed the rest of his drink before making his way to the exit.
He was going to make that dropkick regret ever stepping into this place.
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ginnyrules27 · 2 years ago
Hi Ginny! So I know this is odd since you posted the Halloween AU of the choosing series back in October but the thing is my country is one of two countries where we cannot access fanfictionnet and I only read it once while I was on holiday i overseas so could you cross post it on your other platform
Hey anon!
Normally I would but I'm a little wary since I use so much of the song in the fic. So instead I'm going to post it here! :D
Halloween was, without a doubt, one of Mal's favorite holidays. The other was April Fool's Day but nothing held Mal's focus more than Halloween. Maybe it was the fact that it was probably one of the few days where being 'wicked' was celebrated in Auradon or maybe it was just a Mal thing like how she loved jumping in mud puddles.
Whatever the reason, Ben was more than happy to arrange for a Halloween celebration after their marriage. After all, it happened to fall the same year as the twenty fifth anniversary of the formation of Auradon so why not combine two celebrations into one?
Ben had not expected Mal to dive head first into planning the party—after all he remembered how stressed she'd been when planning Cotillion. Then again, she had also been dealing with Natalie's abuse at the time whereas here she had all sorts of resources at her disposal. Much to his surprise, however, Mal would disappear for hours on end with Uma and Evie of all people.
At first, Ben thought it was just costume ideas or maybe even pranks though Evie didn't exactly seem like the pranking type. It wasn't until he overheard Mal asking Lumiere for advice on a musical composition that the pieces started to click for Ben.
Mal had something planned and, if he was honest, Ben couldn't wait to see what it was. As long as it didn't put anyone in harm's way of course, but then again he knew Mal wouldn't do that. She took pride in looking out for her subjects as Queen of Auradon after all.
He did try to see about getting a hint as to what she had planned but other than letting it slip that Fairy Godmother would be putting up a temporary magic suppression ward, Mal's lips were sealed. Uma and Evie's lips were just as sealed and even attempting to bribe his brother-in-law with candy didn't work as Hadie knew nothing.
Then again, Hadie might have known something but he also loved Halloween like the sugar fiend he was so he might not have wanted to spoil all the work Mal had put into planning.
The day of the celebration came and Ben had to admit, everything looked amazing. One of the ballrooms had been transformed to resemble a real live graveyard, complete with tombstone and cobwebs.
"Ah, Ben!" Fairy Godmother said with a smile upon seeing her former student and current monarch.
"Fairy Godmother," Ben said, returning the smile as he walked over to her. "I have to say I've never seen the ballroom look this good. Or this unmelted."
Fairy Godmother chuckled. "You'll have to thank your bride for that. One quick blast with her dragon fire and we were able to get this place ship shape in seconds."
"Jane helped to set up of course but she went home to change into her costume. She's doing a couple's costume with Carlos, you know?"
"No I didn't but I'm not surprised. I had asked Mal if she wanted to do a couple's costume but she didn't. Actually, I have no idea what her costume is."
Fairy Godmother chuckled slightly. "I think we're about to find out. It seems that she opted for a group costume with young Uma and Evie."
Ben blinked in surprise before looking over at the stage. There, standing center stage with her hair pin straight but still purple and wearing an almost velvety looking green dress, was his wife.
Gods did she look amazing.
"I think I know now why Mal asked for the temporary barrier," Fairy Godmother said as she looked at Uma and Evie, who were flanking Mal.
"I don't…"
"Tell me Ben, what or who do their costumes remind you of?"
Ben paused and looked at Uma and Evie's costumes once more. Evie was wearing a dark purple gown that seemed to almost have a mullet with how the front was much shorter than the back, while Uma was wearing an orange dress that seemed to go well with her teal braids.
Then again, if Evie, Gil, or Dizzy had designed the gowns, Ben wasn't surprised. The VKs had such vibrant hair that only a seamstress of Evie's quality would be able to match a shade to avoid clashing with their hair.
"They're the Sanderson sisters aren't they?" Ben asked, looking back at Fairy Godmother.
"I believe so," Fairy Godmother nodded.
"But why would they need a temporary magical barrier?"
Fairy Godmother shook her head in slight amusement. For how smart Ben was, he seemed to need a minute to recharge his brain whenever he saw Mal in a way that particularly appealed to him. Which was pretty much all the time.
"Ben, the Sanderson sisters could do magic correct?"
Ben nodded. "Yes, specifically persuasion based magic as they were able to put others under their spell though use of song…Mal's going to sing and doesn't want to risk putting the guests under a spell isn't she?"
"By Jove I thought he'd never catch on," Carlos chuckled as he walked over; clearly dressed as a spotted Baymax and Jane was wearing Go-Go's superhero costume.
"To be fair, he's blinded by how Mal looks in that dress," Lonnie chuckled as she and Jay walked up. The two of them had also opted for a couple's costume—Lonnie dressing as Elizabeth Swan while Jay dressed as Will Turner. "I think Mal might have to put that dress into heavy rotation."
"Ah ba ba ba!" Jay said, going to cover his ears. "That's my sister we're talking about!"
"Honestly Jay, you don't see Hadie freaking out like this."
"Because Hadie doesn't even know we're having this conversation!"
Ben shook his head in amusement before turning his attention back on the stage. The spotlight was on Mal and it was clear that whatever they had planned was starting soon.
Hey just because Ben guessed they were going to sing didn't mean that was actually the case. After all, the last time Ben had heard Uma sing was at Cotillion where he had proposed to Mal—and that was years ago.
"Sisters!" Mal called into the microphone.
"You're looking rather pale tonight Mal," Uma said, somehow procuring her own microphone.
"Oh well thank you, I didn't even try."
"Sisters! Boys!" Evie exclaimed, pointing to the audience, and Ben really had to wonder where they kept finding these microphones. Though in all honesty it probably wasn't that big of a mystery. They likely brought them with them since the temporary barrier would prevent Mal from causing them to amplify the sound by magic and Ben was just blinded by his wife's beauty to pay proper attention.
"Alright sister Evie, that's for later," Mal said and Ben realized then that Evie was pointing to Doug in the crowd.
"Yes sister Mal," Evie said as Mal gently pulled her back to the center of the stage.
"Mr. Hook!" Mal called and Ben realized that Harry was on the piano. When the second child of Captain Hook even learned to play the piano was beyond him but none of that mattered as Mal began to sing.
"I put a spell on you…and now you're mine."
Gods, her voice is beautiful, Ben thought as he felt his legs carry him closer to the stage. Actually, he found himself standing right next to Doug for that matter, right in front of the little runway that was protruding from the stage.
Ben had to wonder if that had been the plan all along.
"You can't stop the things I do…I ain't lying," Evie sang, walking over to the center of the stage and Ben could see Doug keep his attention solely on her. Which was alright by Ben because his attention was solely on his wife.
"It's been twenty five years, right down to the day, now the witches are back and there's hell to pay!"
It was Uma's turn to sing and Ben knew that there was a good chance that if he wasn't playing piano, Harry would be just as focused as Ben and Doug were.
"I put a spell on you and now you're…mine!" The three of them sang and Ben had a brief moment of clarity that their voices sounded beautiful harmonized like that before his mind went back to being blank as his wife came walking toward him.
Granted, Evie and Uma also came walking toward him but Ben's focus was, as had been previously mentioned, solely on his wife.
"Hello Auradon!" Mal called.
"You like what you see?" Evie asked and for the first time, Ben noticed a group of background dancers on the stage behind the three singers.
"You'd better or we'll bury you alive!" Uma called with a cackle as Mal smiled at Ben before teasing him a little with her usual nose scrunch and a shimmy of her shoulders as Uma began to sing once more. "I put a spell on you and now you're gone!"
"Gone, gone, gone, so long!" Evie and Mal sang before Mal took Uma's place in the center.
"My whammy fell on you and it was strong!"
"So strong, so strong, so strong!"
Okay, I have to wonder how these three found time to rehearse this between Mal's Queen duties, Evie's business, and Uma's trading runs, Ben thought as it was Evie's turn to take center stage.
And judging by the look on Doug's face, the dress Evie was wearing would definitely make a return appearance at some point.
"Your wretched little lives have all been cursed 'cause of all the witches working baby—."
"I'm the worst!" Mal and Uma jumped in so that the three of them were singing at the same time. "I put a spell on you and now you're mine!"
You could never be the worst though Mal, Ben thought though he couldn't help but smile a little as he heard that. After all, there was a time where even thinking that would have sent Mal into an anxiety tornado of people potentially thinking that she was the next Maleficent. Her 'handler' hadn't helped matters there but thankfully she was a thing of the past.
"Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out! She ain't lying!"
"If you don't believe, you'd better get superstitious," Mal sang as she made her way back to the center. "Ask my sisters!"
"She's vicious!" Evie and Uma called.
"Thank you!" Mal said, almost sighing as she played with her hair before the three girls sang in unison once more.
"I put a spell on you, I put a spell on you, oh I put a spell on you!"
"Sisters!" Evie called.
"Here we go!" Uma cheered and Ben found himself wondering if they were really going to say the spell. Not because he doubted the strength of Fairy Godmother's temporary barrier but because he knew what the words were. And if he was honest, not many people in Auradon knew how to pronounce them.
"Hey, high, say bye-bye, bye, bye, bye, dance until you die!" The girls sang before ducking off stage for a bit. Ben did enjoy the dance break from the other VKs though he did find himself wondering once more when they all had time to plan this.
It wasn't as if Uma could plan a dance number while on the open sea after all. Well actually…if Ben thought about it, she did have her mental link. Though that would exclude Evie from the planning.
And Mal and Uma might have hated Evie when they were teens but it was clear now that any animosity was long gone. Granted, according to Mal, Evie once hit Freddy Frollo with a smoke bomb and that would guarantee good will from both the Godly cousins no matter what.
Ben had jokingly asked what sword fighting Freddy Frollo got and Mal had responded with 'a fiancee and then a wife' before leaning over to kiss him and causing the rest of the night to be a blur.
"I put a spell on you and now you're gone!" Uma sang as the three girls took their place back on stage.
"Gone, gone, gone, so long!"
"My whammy fell on you and it was strong!" Mal sang and Ben had to bite back a smile as he saw Harry stand up as Uma briefly glanced at her hand, having gotten it caught on one of the background dancers.
"So strong, so strong, so strong!"
"Your wretched little lives have all been cursed 'cause of all the witches working baby—."
"I'm the worst!"
"I am a very lucky man," Ben heard Doug mutter from his spot next to him.
"You and me both," Ben muttered back to him.
"I put a spell on you and now you're mine!" The girls sang, attracting their attention back to the stage in front of them. "Oh I put a spell on you! Ooh I put a spell on you!"
Ben watched as the background dancers quickly left the stage before it became just Mal, Evie, and Uma once more.
"Sisters, who wants to take this?" Mal asked before pointing to Evie. "Do you want to take this?"
"Sister Uma, please, you take it," Evie said.
"Oh no I can't, you take it," Uma said as she looked at Mal.
"Should I take this?"
"Yes sister Mal, you take it."
"Alright I'll take it," Mal said as the music began to build. "And now you're mine!"
The three girls held the last note for longer than Ben thought possible but upon further pondering, he found that he didn't know why he was so surprised. Two of three girls were Godlings after all so doing extraordinary things would be second nature to them.
"Thank you all for coming," Mal said, speaking into the mic after the music faded. "We hope you enjoy our Halloween celebrations. Now, go and have a wicked good time!"
The crowd chuckled and Mal, Evie, and Uma quickly made their way off the stage and into the crowd. It didn't take long before Ben found himself next to his wife, gently wrapping his arms over her shoulders and resting his cheek next to hers.
"That was a wonderful performance," he said, whispering to her.
"Oh really? Well I'm glad you enjoyed it," she told him, looking over to give him her infamous nose scrunch that only seemed to appear when she was particularly happy or amused.
"I did indeed," Ben nodded. "And I think Doug and Harry enjoyed it too. Though I have to know…how did you plan all of this?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find out your highness." Mal teased.
"Well if I do find out, will you wear this outfit again your highness?" Ben teased her back.
Mal chuckled and held up one of her hands which was covered in a fishnet type glove that almost looked like spider webs. "Maybe for Halloween…and only for Halloween."
"Deal," Ben said, nodding his head. He loved his wife for multiple reasons—her kind heart, her protective nature, her ability to turn into a dragon—but he was still human and by Gods, did that dress look good on her.
Mal chuckled as she saw the look on Ben's face. "I have to say, if wearing this gets this reaction out of you Benny, then I love Halloween."
"I thought you already did?"
"One must stay consistent after all," she said and gave another little nose scrunch before going off to talk to Uma.
"Dear Gods, you gotta love Halloween," Harry said as he slid up next to Ben. And Ben had to agree with him there. Halloween was certainly a great holiday in his book.
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askrobouteguilliman40k · 1 year ago
Given how hard Kratos is to be killed, a part of me imagines him somehow surviving the culling, and then go to his Norse arc depression after the heresy. During said Heresy? I imagine that being his GOW 3 arc where he seeks vengeance for the betrayal of his brothers and the other traitor legions.
This would be an interesting AU.
But for a writer better than I, I rarely even get likes when I write something, so you know I must be bad XD
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angermango · 1 year ago
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gonna post some reference scribbles for how i draw the Huldra Brothers (mix of observations from official canon art/renders and headcanons/artistic liberty) as well as expose my "anime-era influenced my art" side
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justanapplenothinghere · 3 years ago
“Gears of War “Epic Mickey Au
We also do need a LOT of SUPPORT for this AU to actually work but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Any fan-art, theories ,skits, jokes about this au are allowed. If you want us to notice it then please use the new hashtag we created so we can see it: #Gears of war Epic Mickey au or #GOW. Any support on this will be appreciated thank you.
The characters do NOT BELONG TO ME They belong to their rightful owners. No stealing my friend’s art which they worked so hard for: @packsawaythesnacks.
The only drawing that Belongs to me is Oswald and Mickey’s full body design.
“This takes place after the Blot.All goes well until The animatronics got hacked in with a Special sort of chip, it is unknown who could’ve done this but it’s up to Oswald and Mickey (plus the squad) to save the day once again”
Play list for my au all the songs chosen below for a reason i will be telling the events during the story and as to how it’s linked to theses songs:
The play list: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ZjCFgJ3PndDWfSc871nGm
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 Then mickey- similar design to ozzy but he virtually has no bandages and just covered in bruises his right eye also kinda melted but not bc of stress unlike ozzy he got it during in one of the battles..
Oswald- poor ozzy has one of his ears slightly teared but with a few bandages and his right eye got like a bandage on it, his paint is slightly dripping out of it due to the amount of stress he's put in.
The warners are they are separated from Oswald, Basically yes trying to survive but, THEY FREAKING BEAT ROBOTS ASS’S-) (not mickeys friends tho-)
Two birds on a wire is just about Mickey and Oswald’s brother like relationships.
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“Evelyn” is when i imagine Oswald and Mickey arguing about how Oswald wants to fix the robot by obvi hurting the robots first, while Mickey wants to try and convince the robots that he knows they're still in there. At the end of the Evelyn Oswald in full on Anger slaps Mickey (bc how angry he was at Mickey's dumb idea.
Which is why in Evelyn's lyrics there's a line that goes "Please get away from me please just stop touching me" and that's ozzy after he slaps Mickey while Mickey although scared of him tries to comfort him.
“In cigarette duet” Is again Mickey and Oswald, Basically Mickey starts to smoke bc he finds it relives his pain for everything that he's done to Ozzy and the others (The blot accident). Oswald talks Mickey out of by saying that doing this won’t help undo what has been done.Mickey at the end listens and Oswald apologizes for causing harm to his own brother. 
“Rhinestone eyes” is Them exploring the Os town / the other buildings looking for Yakko and any scraps of metal that Ozzy could use but then they get ambushed by the robots while Mickey hesitates but he fends off the robots. Which is why the line in the lyrics is :"nature's corrupted in factories far away" and "here we go again " is Oswald talking about the fact that they have to fight these robots for like the 100th-
“Oh Klahoma” - describes Ozzy's Backstory angst which we all know what it is and the line at the end "I might die " He doesn't mean like Literally he means like he's been forgotten by virtually everybody he fears that one day everybody even his own kids will forget who he is-
“rat” is just him describing Walt, how he looked up to him but He feels Naïve bc how Walt used Oswald-.
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“Still life” Is about how Ozzy left the Safe place where everybody is at , he goes back to the statue where Walt and Him, he kinda Speaks To walt about his problems and how he REALLY MISSES Ortensia and Wonders if world would be a better place without him, the line "I'll walk into the landscape and don't come back" Means literally leaving after everything goes back to normal-)
“My time” is about Oswald having a nightmare legit of him losing everybody he dearly loves (including Mickey they brothers) which why there's a line "Close eyes your eyes and you'll leave this dream" and he's just traumatized over all -
“Suicide year” is about how Ozzy and the others prepare for the attack
“Pretty Cvnt”, is about that Mickey gets hurt right and Oswald Sees him getting hurt and legit he goes sicko mode on fighting the robots while having a mental breakdown as well you'll here some "H A HA H A" I s just what he remembers of the Public LAUGHTING AT HIM not him which makes him very triggered-
“U.” is about he love relationship about Oswald and Ortensia how ofc they love each other but his heart pains bc he loves Ortensia so much and couldn't bare her Getting hurt or worse, As well that they sometimes argue but they make up at the end no matter what and will always love each other-
“Baby hotline” is about Ozzy trying to actually repair the single station to at least know where the hell Ortensia got taken, but again Oswald Doubts himself saying that he doesn't thinks she's fine that she's hurt BC HE WASn't THERE FOR HER.
"I can't handle change" is about everybody the fact they changed A LOT since this accident. That it was hard to adapt to this. That they'll forever won't see the world the same way again.
"In my heart" is about how once again everybody trying to find out where Ortensia is as well as the person who is responsible for this problem-
"Everyday" Is about how Oswald tries to find at least some normality in this and stay positive but bc of His trauma it holds him back as well as many other thoughts of his. It's like he wants to forget about all those terrible things that happened but it holds his back metaphorically from doing so.
“Coffee" Is about Oswald wanting to know if he really needs all this fame, he questions it in doubt in his own head while in the Tower the Mastermind who caused this Problems and The mastermind trys to turn Oswald onto His side telling him that HE can have all the fame he wants and love if Oswald joins him which ofc Oswald declines .
“Memory”, just a cute little song for flashbacks i thought <3 and again comforting.
Devil town is my fav song, It's about Oswald trying to comfort Mickey and apologize for hurting him Physically and Mentally they both in the end forgive each other and start over.
This is home" Is about they eventually find Ortensia in the huge tower, and Oswald rushes in trying to rescue her and he succeeds ofc. There's a line where "And I'll figure out how to get us out of here". It also describes him being worried what Ortensia will think of him bc he's changed a lot since she got kidnapped. "Get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate" This bit is about how the public thought of him before where some people loved him and some HATED him so much and sometimes even hurt him but Luckily Walt would Protect Oswald from getting hurt bc of ppl.
"Hey kids" Is about how happy everybody in OStown being happy and Oswald being happy as hell before the robots being hacked and sabotaged-))
" Goodnight" is about how this au ends with a happy ending, where Oswald fixes everything but ofc he can't forget his scars and everybody else who suffered with scars -))
Anyways yakko was using mickeys stragedy, tried to convince one of the robots they were themselves, they never did it again after what happened to yakko. Ever sense then they were just destroying them, (not daisy donald or goofy-)
They would take one oswald jr, the others would be with ortensia-Oswald jr #236 would be female- Oddete is 8 years old, she is sassy and kind hearted and gets pissed easily, she got bitten by a robot and her leg got impaled-
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 2 years ago
Hi there! Just wanted to say I really like your art and gow!au ! If it's alright to ask, in your au now that Kratos now knows his other son is still alive does Atreus get along his BIG big brother and would his him being bigger than their dad be a sibling joke for them?
Hello! Atreus and Krogan get along really really well. They both share a deep love for animals and miscellaneous creatures, while Krogan is unable to completely understand them like Atreus he’s actually very good with more dangerous beasts like dragons- surprising since they tend to be more fire first, think later- but he did help a female dragon out of a trap by poachers, since it was now slightly frowned upon to hunt dragons since they were rare.
In return, she offered one of her loose teeth as an offering for Atreus’s bow, which would offer him the ability to shoot flames from his arrows without actually lighting them on fire. (And returns often to check on the family; she pretty much lives with them pfbt)
It’s also a running joke that Krogan is bigger than his father, yes.
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arleniansdoodles · 8 months ago
How would Sindri react to the fact that the Grecian God of War tricked Kratos into killing Calliope and her mother?
Will the Roman Empire decide to invade Midgard? If so, will the Roman Gods be the driving force behind it to reclaim Calliope?
No and no.
How would Atreus and Calliope respond to this when they reuinite for that long awaited private explanation? Kratos: *Inhales deeply with a guilt-ridden expression* I can't forgive myself for all the horrible things I've done to Greece and especially to you and your mother. And I never expect you to forgive me. I tore the world and your life apart, left you when you needed me the most, I failed you as a parent and destroyed our good name when I sold my soul to Ares and robbed you of a well deserved chance to live your life to the fullest without pain and fear. But in an eternity of regret, you and your brother are the very things I will never regret having. I love you and your brother, Calliope. I am proud of you for never giving up hope despite being surrounded by so much darkness.
As much as I appreciate your interest in my post-Ragnarok AU, I do not have the energy to answer these types of questions; it feels like I'm to write other people's fanfics for them. I'm already struggling as it is to continue writing my GoW fic; nor do I want to spoil what's left of my backlog chapters. Thus, I would appreciate it if you could take a break from asking me these situational questions. Thank you 🙏
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angyvalentine · 2 years ago
So I was scribbling some ideas for my Modern!GoW AU, where Deimos is well and alive and offers to babysit Calliope while Kratos and Lysandra (a badass A.D.A here, and initially she had to kick Kratos's ass in jail) are dining out for their wedding anniversary.
He's the cool uncle, Calliope loves him dearly.
But she's a three y/o smol girl who loves to play and try her mother's court outfits-
And when the couple comes back from the restaurant, they find Deimos with ribbons on his hair ("she said she can't do this to you 'cause you've no hair on your head"), make up on his face and Lysandra's silk scarf on his neck.
"Brother, your daughter is a cutie but you are raising a MONSTER. You can't say no to her, you just... Can't, she makes you feel like a $hit with those puppy eyes of hers-"
"You should thank Lysandra for that, she's the smart one with words."
Oh and she wanted her uncle to join her at her tea party with the dolls, but hadn't any more chairs to offer (the other two were for her doll and teddy) him because "daddy smashed the blue one when he tried to sit on it. But you can use the blue pillow if you want."
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safekeeperscosm · 4 years ago
Have you ever thought about making a Shuffle AU on Amphibibabies, based on the AU with the same name by @twixstari? Now Sasha was adopted by the Plantars, Marcy by the toads, and Anne by the Newts. It would be interesting to see their dynamics.
I imagine Sasha is going to be like Hop Pop's rebellious teen granddaughter and has the typical sibling rivarly with Sprig, though I imagine she would get along well with Polly though.
I think Marcy and Grime' dynamic would be akin to Kratos and Artreus' relationship from GOW 2018. Marcy is a smart, resourceful, and cheerful daughter while Grime is a grumpy warrior dad who doesn't really connect with her which leaves their relationship strained but they really do care for each other.
Andrias, Olivia, and Yunnan all raised Anne which formed her character. Andrias got her to know when to have fun and let loose, Olivia taught her to be responsible, and Yunnan taught her how to fight and try to achieve more. All this made Anne the way she is today and incredibly loyal to the kingdom.
well no but these things are already happening by themselves at this point aren't they? it's just a matter of bringing them to my attention
I haven't had the time or brain capacity to check out the Shuffle AU but based on what you've proposed, works really well for me!
Sasha is absolutely that rebel kid and she would without a doubt bully (affectionate) her little brother but get along well with Polly
if Grime was the one to raise Marcy, she'd be called Mercy, but Percy & Braddock are Sasha’s parents in AU canon, so in the end it’s up to you with how she’d be raised, based on the living conditions I might have to look into the AU to get an idea on how Marcy thrives, since it’s more likely she gets homeschooled at Toad Tower, or you guys can just do that for me lmao
our dear Princess Anne Annastasia??? would have a title like “The Heart Of Newtopia” and she might actually be aware of her dad’s plans OR be under the impression that what he’s doing are with good intentions, her relationship with Lady Olivia gives me the vibe that it’s similar to canAnne and Mrs Boonchuy
I'll call this the Young Calamity Shuffle AU, and to pair off with what's a very thought-out portray of characters by yourself that I very much admire, we can't forget other possibilities such as @amphibiasideblog 's Place Swap AU for example, which means we’ll have Marcy "Marshy" Plantar, Lieutenant Anne, and Princess Sasha Leviathan (I'm still figuring out possible names so I'm always open to suggestions)
you can read about it here to get an idea what they would be like because this is essentially the best case scenario (except for Anne oof)
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glazebowstuffz · 4 years ago
New brother part 2
Wanna read the 1st part? Click/tap me!
Thank you all so much for the support! I was glad that people actually like the first part of this story! I will make a character list of everyone soon along with age and heights! There is a small problem and I have no idea what to call this au... hopefully you guys have suggestions! Or maybe I will just call it New brother AU... I don't really know. Anyways onward with this story!
A few hours had past, both Wilbur and Tommy shared favorites hobbies and interests with each other. Mostly Wilbur having to explain most of his hobbies with Tommy, since he was still young and didn't really know much about humans or hobbies. Even Wilbur started telling him some stories that he remembers Phil telling him and Techno when they we're young. During their conversations they both built a small (bigger to Wilbur) shack for Tommy to stay in and Wilbur to visit him by a river but not just any old river... this one leads him back home. He knew this since he found two little paper swans that both him and Techno made last weekend for a festival. Speaking of homes, he decide not to bring Tommy back with him to prevent Dadza and Techno from having any sort of heart attack by the giant child or even worst Dadza and other adults killing him. Wilbur shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. "Awe you ok Wilby?" Tommy asked from inside the shack. He was laying down and softly yawning while rubbing his tired eyes.
"Of course I am big man. You get some rest, I'll be back tomorrow to check on you." Before Wilbur could walk along side the river, Tommy stop him by holding onto the end of his yellow cardigan. "Huh? What's wrong Tommy?" Wilbur ask looking back at Tommy's sadden face.
"Wot... what if... you don't cwome back? You awe gowing to lewave me like mum and dad." Hearing Tommy afraid of him going, broke his heart but sadly he needed to go back home before it gets darker. Suddenly he gets an idea and takes his beanie off.
"Here, I'm going to leave you my beanie. Now I have to come back for it and you." Tommy takes the small beanie. "I promise I'll be back tomorrow! Just stay near here so I'll be able to find you again." Tommy nods holding his beanie close to him as Wilbur smile and says his final goodbyes, walking along the river as Tommy sleeps with Wilbur's beanie close to him never letting go of it.
It takes a couple of hours but finally he makes it to the west side of town near the bridge that him, Techno, and Niki play around and where him and Techno set the paper swans.
Speaking of which he sees Niki on the bridge. Excitedly he starts running towards her waving his hand trying to get her attention which works. "Niki!!" He yells climbing the side of the hill to get on the bridge.
"Wilbur!? Oh, Wil!!!" She yells back helping him to his feet. "You're alive!"
"What? Of course I'm alive. What made you believe I was dead?" Wilbur ask. He was only gone for a few hours but he didn't think everyone thought he was dead. Unless...
"Dream, Sapnap, and George all came back yelling and terrified from the forest. They said that they were chasing after you until something giant came approaching towards all of you. They managed to escape and waited for you to leave the forest too but... you never did. They were all telling Puffy this and I just overheard them talking. I-I... I didn't think it was true. I came here hoping it wasn't." Niki was almost on the verge of tears. Wilbur wiped away her tears and pulled her into a hug. "Oh, Wil!" She hugs back.
"It's okay, Niki. I'm here... I'm real. Wait." He stops hugging her. "Did Puffy say anything about this to my dad?"
"To Phil? I'm not too sure... I left as soon as I heard them saying they thought you died."
"It's alright Niki. I'll have to check myself... Oh! Before I go. Can you meet me back here again tomorrow in the early afternoon?" Wilbur ask almost in a begging way.
"Of course but why?"
"It will be a surprise! I'll see you tomorrow Niki!" With that he runs as quickly as he can home. Luckily apon arriving he sees Puffy with Dream about to knock on the door. "Wait!" He yells at them. They both look over at him. Both being surprise to see him. He runs closer to them. "I'm here! I'm here. I'm alive." He says catching his breath.
"Wilbur? We thought you-" He cut Puffy off.
"Died... yeah. Niki filled me in. I'm not dead, I'm very much alive. No thanks to Dream leaving me behind." Puffy looks at Dream in a mad way.
"In my defense we were all running away from the giant thing... we thought you were right behind us." Dream said. "Plus you stole our stuff and put us in that position!"
"I didn't steal! I was just borrow-" Before he could finish. The front door open and revealing a very upset Dadza.
"What did the little shit do now?" Phil ask Puffy as he looks down at his son. Before Wilbur could speak Puffy cut him off.
"Actually, just dropping him off. He did try and steal some stuff but he gave them back, so no harm done." She leads into his ear and whispers. "I might not know exactly what happened but we'll talk more on about this soon" She ruffles his hair. "Well Phil he's all yours! And if you need any supplies then don't be afraid to ask. I'll send Dream to give you all a little sum of ours. Have a nice night." With that both Puffy and Dream left.
"Oh, uh... thanks Puffy. You as well." He opens the door more to let Wilbur in. Once he enters Phil quickly closes the door. "So... what really happened, Wilbur?"
Wilbur panics at bit but relaxes. "I stole some of their supplies... not borrow. I wanted to help us with food but I got carried away and Dream caught me in the act. I ran and he followed until well... you know how that ended up."
Phil sighs out loud. "Will, I know food isn't really our strong suit right now. But I promise we'll find a way. Luckily... Puffy was nice and offer some supplies after what you pulled off. I'm very glad your not hurt but still don't do that again." He gives Wilbur a hug. "Now go to bed you lil shit, don't forget about your dinner."
Happily Wilbur goes to the kitchen and grabs his plate of potatoes. Of course it's potatoes again... he wouldn't be surprised by this. He quickly scoffs it down and goes to his and Techno's bedroom. He finds Techno reading a book not noticing his twin open or closes the door. Wilbur falls into his bed feel all the warm, soft sheets underneath him. It reminded him of Tommy's hands when he grab him. Even when he did it roughly... the child was really soft.
"So, what really happened?" Techno speak as he lower his book to meet his brother's gaze.
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