#originals verse
thebennettdiaries · 1 year
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Bonnie Bennett in The Originals ‘verse (1/?)
She is later than she intends to be but they will be happy with what she has found.  It hasn’t been easy but by God, she might get them out of this mess yet.
There is a lightness in her step as she enters the Abattoir but when her heel grounds a piece of glass against the stone floor, she stops.  Takes in her surroundings.  Holy shit --- the destruction.  The entire courtyard is in shambles and is that...is that blood?  
She is more cautious as she moves now, her magic at the ready.  She had hoped they would have more time before the worst of it descended but apparently not.  
She finds the brothers seated around a table looking a hair better than their surroundings.  For a moment, it is on the tip of her tongue to ask if they are okay (but does she really care or are they a means to an end?).  She looks from one to the other and realizes something. 
They did this to each other.
“Seriously?!” Her voice echoes through the space and they both look up, not a bit ashamed at their current state.  “I was gone for two hours!”
Elijah is the first to speak, his tone dry.  “A simple disagreement.”
Klaus has the gall to look smug, even as blood sticks to his skin.  “You know how siblings are, love.” Then he raises his eyebrows as if he is having a realization. “Oh wait, you do not.”
Bonnie heaves a sigh.  “I hate you both so much.”  As she closes her eyes wearily, she is hears the distinctive clink of glasses off one another.  “So so much.”
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redemptivexheroics · 8 months
Open To Someone Concerned About Henrik's Search
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Henrik was on the phone, finally placing it down and putting it on speaker as he made himself a drink; he was currently on the hunt for ways to end the Hollow, which had become a huge threat. bigger than any threat that the Mikaelsons had ever face, made their past encounters seem like toddlers throwing tantrums. "I should be returning home soon; I've been hitting nothing but dead end after dead end; something tells me that the Hollow is so high up on the power scale that we might actually lose this one."
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deitysmuses · 10 months
TVD/Originals Verses.
My dash has been full of tvd and original blogs I follow cause while I do not have a muse in the fandom, I am a fan and in the dom. I have watched both shows about 3-4 times in a heavy week long binge atleast every few years since the series have finished. Thus I have had ideas for two muses to crossover into the verse.
Madelyne Pryor my strongest muse atm. I'd be inclined to put her in as a heretic from a witch coven in New Orleans, who left and shortly became a heretic afterwards from a random vampire (or someone specific if plotted). I'd have her live in New York before coming to Mystic Falls or back to New Orleans depending who I interacted with. My other is my OC Eve Byrd.
I'd place her as a shifter or werewolf. I know shifters aren't in the series, but she was a animal shifting mutant in her main verse so it'd follow through to this one most accurate of those two options. She'd be a new student to mystic falls high.
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adaki · 2 months
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Wanted to do some biblically accurate mh art
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genesisfurr · 5 months
"I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Tim"
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Miles “Who’s Morales” vs Gwen “Gwwwwanda” vs Pavtir “You seem like a nice young woman I do not know” FIGHT
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alexxgoober · 5 months
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Redesigned spidersona I made last year
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m0sstrx · 6 months
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im realizing i never posted my spidersona here
his name is Leo Levy and his spidey name is Cats-Cradle
hes a tattoo artist by day - vigilante by night >:] also he rides a motorcycle bc of course
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nikoco11 · 11 months
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spider nico (spider bot…. sometime i call him circuit too) ((he’s like what if spiderman sucked ass))
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morningsaidthemoon · 1 year
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i did mean immediately
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thebennettdiaries · 1 year
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Bonnie Bennett in The Originals ‘verse (5/?)  
Bonnie feels sticky. She blames that on the fact that five feet from where they stand alligators lazily show their bellies in the mid afternoon sun. She decides that she will have a love/hate relationship with the bayou.
"Interesting choice of place to meet," she says as she slaps at a mosquito. They have been relentless and part of her wonders if they can taste magic in her blood (it's a ridiculous thought but no more ridiculous than standing opposite Rebekah Mikaelson in the swamp).
"I can't have my brother seeing me cavorting with the enemy, now can I?" Rebekah snarks back but she too is swatting her hand. Bonnie tries not to laugh at the irony of a vampire being bothered by something designed to suck her blood.
Bonnie's head tilts to the side. "I was under the impression that you don't much care what your brother thinks."
"I don't. But I am also not bloody stupid, witch," Rebekah points out. "If Niklaus even suspects I am talking to you of all people I will be dodging daggers. I would rather avoid the coffin. I have just gotten used to this centuries' fashion sense. Or lack there of." There is a pointed look at Bonnie's attempt to stay fashionable while cool at the same time.
Bonnie tries to let the insults bounce off her. She crosses her arms and resorts to business mode. "Okay, fine, then why are you cavorting with the enemy then, Rebekah? What do you want from me?"
"My brother."
She snorts. "I can't help you with Klaus."
"My other brother. Elijah," Rebekah clarifies. "Klaus has gone and done something awful to him. I know it. The bastard is tight lipped about it and I didn't drag myself all the way to this cursed city and into the bayou not to figure out what has happened. You can help me. You can find Elijah."
Bonnie raises both her brows. "And just why would I want to do that?" She has no love for the Mikaelson family but she carries a special brand of distaste for the man who led to her mother being turned.
There is a long pause and when Rebekah speaks she seems to have difficulty with the words. "Because I will owe you," she begins. "And so will Elijah. That is two powerful vampires at your service. You would be a fool to give up this chance."
Bonnie may be many things.
But she is no fool.
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redemptivexheroics · 4 months
The Only Choice [Closed]
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Kol raced back to the compound as fast as he could, so fast that he would definitely get a speeding ticket if he couldn't compel a cop that he wasn't speeding like a madman. Pulling outside, he stopped and jumped out, not even bothering to turn off his car or remove the keys; if someone stole the car, oh well, he'd get another; the concern of his car was lesser than his worry, Davina. Rebekah had called and told them another witch had got the jump on Davina and cursed her, a similar curse that had killed him when he was in another body. They tried everything, Freya had done everything she could to reverse it, but nothing worked; several witches had tried, but in the end, it was confirmed that the only person who could reverse it was the witch that cast it, and she was long gone, by the time they did find her it would be too late. Kol crashed to his knees at the side of the bed and took Davina's hand, she was pale, sweaty and her eyes looked bloodshot. "I promise I will find that witch, and I will make her pay for this; I should've been there to protect you, and I wasn't; I'm so sorry, Davina," Kol said with shakiness in his voice. H
Kol couldn't believe the idea that popped into his head of the discussion that he and Davina had many weeks ago about whether Kol ever had to turn her. "There's one way to beat the curse since it's still gonna take your life, I can turn you that way...when you..." Kol stopped. "We can make you a vampire, I can't live without you, Davina Claire; you're my everything. If I lose you, then I'll end my life myself because there's no greater hell than living in a world without you."
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dnncats · 8 months
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hallelujah lock and load
alt color:
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argo-nautical · 1 year
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everyone and their mothers are posting spidersona stuff rn so I thought I’d share my doodle I made after the first spiderverse movie
I’m a huge spiderman nerd, I have a lot of the comics and was super excited to see Hobie Brown and Ben Reilly (rip Otto, I was really hoping to see him 😭)
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galahadwilder · 1 year
Okay but he endorsed baby powder because Peter B. told him to put baby powder in the suit I’m gonna cry
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gambeque · 10 months
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updated my spidaman oc
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