#or support inc*st
primarinite · 11 months
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@perenlop hehe :3
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lostryu · 11 months
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sometimes you like. just have to laugh at these people. like ah yes, the incest enjoyer will now preach to us.
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ursie · 1 year
I actually think it’s funny whenever people ask for more complicated/nuanced/toxic lgbt+ couples like y’all couldn’t handle catadora like 😭
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lovetogether · 1 month
dni’s to us are important nd we’ve always held disdain for people who mock them, nonetheless we do not put one up on our blog at all times as this place is a small personal space. We do think it’s normal to ask boundaries and signal that you do not want certain people near you, if anything to show others not in those groups that you also reject them. Anyway here’s our dni
Proship of any kind
People who sexualize age regressing
Fat fetishists who are skinny
Just any objectification of a group you yourself are not part of
Singlets who are weird in anyway about plurality (DID/OSDD). If you’re a singlet nd are too interested in the topics of our community we may feel discomfort around you.
Singlets who pick favorite alters/don’t interact with certain alters/only interact with introjects.
Weird about introjects in any way.
As for media: if you’re into the podcast tma we won’t follow back/interact, you can stay. SP is a hard block, fan of adachi from persona four, any weirdness about Goro Akechi, Nagito Komeada, Ryoji Mochizuki, or Dale Cooper, those are us! Act as such when interacting with us. Shipping Dale with any teen characters. Mocking of the character Dougie Jones.
And general junk uhm, we don’t like constant image spam at us, we’re fine with like spam - we even encourage it among mutuals ! We’re paranoid schizophrenic and may occasionally post about paranoia, we let all our alters talk on here, if you’re weird to our alter Song we hard block, we’re uncomfortable with most joke hate @ characters we like. We will tag anything if asked but if it’s a main interest of ours we’d prefer people just unfollow. Uhmmm we’re a sensitive soul who loves to talk in depth and get a little wild, heh, don’t be a stranger.
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dennisboobs · 1 year
god the bad takes just keep coming how are any of us going to survive hiatus lmao
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hostiae · 1 year
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wallflowerpovver · 2 months
I just.. don't know, man. I don't know if I can ever openly express myself as a furry. in a space that has roots in queer freedom and sex/kink positivity but wherein I was traumatized.
literally 9 year old kids apparently are aware of furries and identify as them. meanwhile I'm this old and still finding my footing.
I have no furry friends my age or older to help show me the way. not that I could belong anywhere anyway. would i have made it back on dA if my art wasn't cancer to the eyes? why do i have passing thoughts like these, i hate attention now
at least I don't seem to be startled by fursuiters or the idea of wearing a suit myself anymore
i want to furry on main + eventually post my own furry content but i'm so fucking afraid. who wants a someone that's battling internalized ableism/queerphobia at the ready
im very admitting to being into pet/animal play though i may shamefully deny it later but i cant exist or engage with anything "fun and adult" without my main triggers ageplay + inc/st dynamics being just around the corner, always always afraid ill be hiding. im feeling hopeless
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blueopalsystem · 2 months
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A Step Towards Wellness: Celebrating World Diabetes Day in Nature's Embrace
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AITA for 'outing' someone for writing inc*st?
I (20F) am in a moderately large fandom that got popular during the pandemic. Most of the fic for this fandom is gen and platonic pairings, which is a rarity and fantastic. One of the most popular creators in the fandom puts out a ton of gen fics that I really loved. Unfortunately, I learned after that they write fics on a different account, and not just any fics, but inc*st. I'm not talking about found family. These characters are literal brothers in canon. I can't believe anyone would ship them together, much less this person. I unfollowed them and now, whenever I see anyone talking about how much they love this creator, I inform them about the alt account and their ships. Ignorance may be bliss, but I felt awful when I found out and realized I'd been supporting them for so long and I don't want anyone else to feel that way. But someone replied to one of my comments calling me the asshole, telling me I was outing the creator, and to mind my own business. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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maipareshaan · 1 year
I'm sorry but heller proshippers crack me up, they will whine about their narrative wants not being centered and do endless wank and ship wars for it then be like idc what you do on ao3 though you just are unpleasant people and bad people stans who won't support my activism by giving me what i want and not being disturbed by narratives i am by oh horrid dumb being.
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commiecricket · 1 year
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five of my fics on ao3 are now hidden, and my entire account is suspended until june 1st. someone reported my account for harassment. the harassment in question is shown above.
so. i will instead repeat my points here.
batc//st shippers fuck OFF. inc//st supporters and anyone alike, FUCK OFF. i don’t care if it’s fictional. youre fucking disgusting.
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pikesmuth · 2 years
ugh. you ever look back at something and after learning more about it said thing just makes you uncomfortable.
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du-buk · 2 months
Hi! I appreciate the nice comments and support, especially on 8/11 day! 🦭💙 this is the 3rd, or 4th year of its release. (I should know this lol). However, I still wish to make some statements ⬇️
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Thank you to everyone who support one guys work; ME! 8:11 is a huge passion project for me, and while I’m shy and never know how to react to compliments; just know that I appreciate all the support! The amount of fanart, fanworks, positivity, and support given towards me warms my heart. 💙🦭
I am often asked if the series will continue; it will, I am just a bit slow on the progress admittedly^^; financially it’s difficult to make time for it, and I’m working through a lot of my trauma in therapy at the moment. It’s what helps me create works for 8:11, like shown here!
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(I also have to keep my eye in good health. Safety comes first!) however, I would appreciate if people listened to my mods+I when we ask people to refrain from breaking rules or being rude to my mods.
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Please be patient with my mods and I.
I understand speaking in English can be difficult for some. I try to be accommodating for everyone, but excessively arguing with my mods about it stresses the team out. And we just want to have fun! Let’s all hold hands okay?
I want to create a fun environment for all 811 fans, even those across oceans and mountains. Let’s be kind to each other and if you see any nice fanworks, leave positive comments to encourage artists/creatives!
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Thank you for all the support thus far again. And to make it clear; 🗣️ I hate p*dos, zoos, inc*st!!
🗣️Block and look away from those things. Don’t engage internet battles guys. I cannot control what some people create fanart of 8:11, I’m just one guy, and it’s best to just ignore what you don’t like seeing online.
🗣️ I stand with palest1ne, Ukraine, Sudan, human rights, and the environment!!!! Especially our earth and creatures that cannot vocalize their needs!!!!
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demigodpolls · 2 days
calling all PJO fanfic readers!
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In the interest of supporting fandom writers, demigodpolls is going to share a big year-end collection of 2024 percy jackson fanfic recommendations! In the comment section below, leave recommendations of the best PJO fanfics you've read - but there is one major rule: they MUST have been published or last updated in 2024! No exceptions! Reblogs are turned on, but PLEASE leave your recommendations in the comment section, not in the reblogs/tags! They will not be considered otherwise! Before commenting, make sure that you read the additional specifications below the cut first. If you have nothing to recommend, please do reblog to help support fandom writers and spread the word! Thank you!!!
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What we want:
strong grammar
strong writing skills
accurate/interesting depictions of PJO characters
angst/romance/drama/adventure/friendship/character studies/etc
accurately tagged stories (i.e. stories that don't surprise you with untagged triggering content)
stories written with love for the percy jackson universe and its characters
What we DON'T want:
stories that were published/last updated before 2024
stories about ships that would be age-inappropriate in canon, unless the characters are CLEARLY aged up in the story (e.g. no olympians x teenage characters, unless the younger character is explicitly an ADULT when they first meet in the fanfic)
stories that contain non-c*n, inc*st, p*dophilia
stories under 1000 words
stories that fall under "character x everyone"
stories about original characters (stories that contain some OCs in non-protagonist roles are fine, character x reader/self-inserts are fine)
stories that bash other ships/characters (i.e., don't recommend percabeth fics that bash rachel/perachel)
stories that contain non-PJO crossovers (except for RRverse crossovers, i.e. pjo + tkc is fine, toa alone is fine, tkc alone is not, pjo + harry potter is not)
stories that contain gore/extreme violence/extreme bodily harm
stories that contain cheating/infidelity (I just don't want to read those, sorry)
dialogue-only fanfics/texting-only fanfics
stories that contain W*TTG sp0ilers
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can I recommend multiple things?
yes! just make sure to categorize them correctly under the relevant prompts.
can I recommend my own story?
yes, but you are highly, highly encouraged to simultaneously recommend at least one other fanfic that you yourself did not write - let's spread the love! (not required)
is smut okay?
yes! but you must specify clearly that the story contains smut in your comment, and please don't use explicit/overly sexual language in your recommendation. I also reserve the right to refuse to consider stories that contain k*nks I don't want to engage with. (ab0, hardcore bd$m, parental name k*nk to name a few)
are non-english fanfics okay?
you are absolutely welcome to recommend non-english fanfics to others in the comments! but I will not be able to put them on the final recommendation list, because I only speak english and I cannot personally vet their contents, cannot observe their grammar, and could be terribly misled by a translator. I'm very sorry! however, if you would like to put together a similar recommendation collection of non-english stories, I'd be happy to promote it on this blog.
is percico okay?
someone asked about this specifically, so here's my stance: percico is a controversial pairing due to the debated inappropriateness of the canon age gap (approx. 3 years). I personally consider 3 years between minors to be juuust beyond my comfort zone (2 years), so please respect my decision to abide by my own comfortability and refuse to consider stories that feature age gaps of this size or larger involving minors. however, you can recommend percico fics where the age gap is explicitly made smaller, or fics where nico and percy are both explicitly adults! this same rule applies to any other ship in a similar circumstance - check the wiki for canon ages if you're unsure! (and to be clear, this is solely about ages, not about the individual merit of the pairing itself. respectfully - do not argue with me about this).
is caleo okay?
this pair is even more controversial nowadays, so here's my stance: within the logic of the pjo universe, some things that seem strange from a mortal perspective are standard within the books. i.e., it's not weird to date fellow demigods, even if the person you're dating is technically your aunt/uncle/cousin/etc. likewise, it's not "weird" for a teenager to date an immortalized or de-immortalized teenager, because... I don't know, that's just how the book logic works. for that reason, caleo works are accepted. however, I cannot begin to express my extreme disinterest in discourse about immortal dating ethics - like, I would rather do anything else. not trying to be sassy here, but I'm going to ask you guys to not pick a fight about these topics, for the simple reason that I have zero interest in debating over situations that could never occur in real-life.
are incomplete/discontinued stories okay?
yes! I'd prefer stories that have at least three chapters, but this is not required. completed one-shots are also fine!
If someone already recommended a story that I like, should I vouch for it?
if you would like to, then absolutely!! you can respond to the appropriate prompt from this account in the comments, or you can reply to the person making the recommendation. just make sure to explicitly state which story you're advocating for.
Comments that do not follow these guidelines may be deleted!
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How to make recommendations in the comments:
Please leave the story name, author username, story rating, main ship, and main characters in your comments - and if you'd like, definitely add some words about why you like it! AO3 direct links are not necessary, but super appreciated. But if it's not on AO3, please ensure that you make clear where exactly I can locate the story. In the comments below, you'll see comments that you can reply to, sorted by ships/lack thereof. Please sort your recommendations accordingly (i.e. if you want to recommend 2 solangelo fics and 1 valgrace fic, leave the 2 solangelo recs under the solangelo prompt, then do the same in the valgrace prompt). You MUST explicitly state somewhere if the fanfic contains smut. If you're not sure where to put your recommendations, make your best guess - but absolutely do NOT intentionally mis-categorize your recommendations (i.e, if the pair is not canon, do not put it in the canon pairing section. Seriously. This makes things much more difficult for me while organizing fics, and I'll probably delete your comment anyway.) Lastly, please be mature about shipping. Nothing irritates me more than fighting about percy jackson ships in 2024. If you see fanfics recommended about pairings (or characters!) that you hate, do the mature thing and just scroll past it/do not engage. Character hate and ship hate is not tolerated on this blog. I am very serious about this - if you are starting a fuss about ships/characters, your comments will be deleted and your account will be permanently blocked. Respect your fellow fandom-mates! I will do my best to moderate this comment section, but before looking through them, please understand that I am not responsible for your individual well-being, and there may be fanfic recommendations that are not appropriate for minors/might contain triggering content/etc.
Here's a little form for those of you who find this easier to use, but you don't have to use it!! However, PLEASE do include the following information in your comment regardless:
story name: author: rating: ship: main characters: additional comments (what's it about? why do you like it? etc):
Don't forget, fanfics published/last updated in 2024 only!
Thank you so, so much for participating! The collection won't be published on this blog until late December, so until then, take your time, check those bookmarks, and read new PJO fanfics! Much love to all of you ♡
- demigodpolls
(art by @viria)
(dividers by @cafekitsune)
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sad-drake-lyrics · 1 year
what my 65yo father has to say about antis:
let me preface this by saying, i literally wish i had what just happened on video to go viral on TikTok. i was shook by this conversation down to my bones; and if you could see my father - a loud old Italian man with dramatic hand gestures - say what he had to say, i think this shit would blow up. but as i was obviously not filming him while we were eating, i will have to relay to you the story with my words.
so i'm sitting eating dinner at the coffee table with my father while watching TV, as Americans often do instead of eating at the dinner table, and since the news was on he started telling me this story that had been recently mentioned on TV once again from maybe ten years ago (it was in 2014, you can read about it here) where these two 12-year-old girls killed one of their friends as a sacrifice to the Slender Man. yeah, real thing. fucked up.
and so my father told me about how they interviewed one of the killer's mothers, and when questioned about where her daughter's motive could've come from, she said something along the lines of: you know, when i was a kid, i was into Stephen King and horror - and so when my kid was into that kind of stuff, i didn’t think it was a big deal.
so, of course, my response was "yeah, being into that stuff isn’t a big deal at all - it's normal - but being a sociopath and murdering someone is not normal; it's fucked up. but there's nothing wrong with being into horror stories - they're just stories meant to entertain - it doesn't make you a murderer to enjoy Halloween - but it would if you put on a Michael Myers mask and went out and stabbed people." and, of course, like any sane person, my father agreed with me.
then, continuing this line of conversation, i started talking about the concept of how "fiction isn’t reality," and how a frightening amount of people don't understand that; and i literally started telling him about antis - people on the internet who attack and harass others over "problematic" or "inappropriate" fictional interests.
i used well-known pop culture examples like: if you're into Game of Thrones and like Jaime and Cersei together or wanted Jon and Daenerys to end up together (i didn't think he would process the term "shipping," but clearly by the end of this conversation i think i was wrong), that people (antis) will say things like "you should die," and that you "support inc*st in real life," and that "you're disgusting."
i also used the examples of "toxic relationships" in pop culture, like the Joker and Harley Quinn, or Kylo Ren and Rey, and how if you’re into those kinds of fictional relationships that people (antis) will say that you "support toxic relationships," and that you are "glorifying abuse," and that it all "must be what you really want and believe is right or good."
and my fucking 65-year-old father literally goes: "I don’t understand. It’s a TV show. Don't they know it’s fake?"
queue my jaw dropping to the fucking ground because i'm like. YES. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT PRO-SHIPPERS ARE TRYING TO SAY AND THESE PEOPLE DON'T GET IT.
he was flabbergasted, my pals. the shock in his eyes was incredible to behold.
and, oh boy, that isn't even the best part, guys.
my father then says, "Don’t tell me it’s like that with anime too?"
and i said, "it's worse with anime."
and i fucking swear to you - no joke, on my life and baby Jesus' cradle - again my 65-year-old father looks at me and says, “It’s a fucken cartoon."
... ... ...
... i can't ...
i can't end this post better than that.
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