lostryu · 11 months
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sometimes you like. just have to laugh at these people. like ah yes, the incest enjoyer will now preach to us.
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sunshinycc · 1 year
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people
got tagged by @nullclockwork thanks for giving me something to do on my break
S - S.A.S.S. by Hands Off Gretel
U - Unholy covered by Bella Sisoski
N - No Children by The Mountain Goats
S - Suerte by Shakira
H - House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
I - I Don't Think I Like This World We Live In by Pink Williams
N - No Scrubs by TLC
Y - You Belong with Me (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift
C - Curses by The Crane Wives
C - Crying in My Subaru by Small Fools
Tagging @anonlynymous @hakinnas-overactive-imagination @kittengirlpaws @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @strongintherealgay @writing-in-a-daydream @waldosakimbo @send-me-off-to-sea @optimistic-violinist @everqueen12
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trans-lykanthropie · 1 year
I was tagged by @anartchism, thank you so much friend! ^_^
Relationship Status: Been in one for about nine years now
Favourite Colour: Something like Carmine or Madder Red, although the former hews a smidge too purple for my liking. Cadmium Red can take a flying leap
Last Song Listened To: Jigs by Steeleye Span
Three Favourite Foods: Nachos, toast and peanut butter (the ultimate comfort food), and honestly anything in the nice curry sauce I make
Last Thing I Googled: Krapprot (because I couldn't remember the English name)
Dream Trip: See this is tricky because there's a few, if we're allowing multiple destinations I'd either say Paris-Barcelona-Madrid-Florence to do a really great tour of art museums, or a trip around the US to visit all my friends there
Anything I want now: To be back home, nachos
Tagging: don't feel obliged, but I'll tag @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @sweetpuddincake @dentalhickory @queereldritchgalaxyprincess @vulpes-aestatis @nova-remnants @ossifer-bones @loudobjectprincess
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boyscout-butch · 4 years
49%, if ur still doin the percent thing
I am!
49% Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of?
I don't know about ashamed? The only kink I wouldn't tell my pals about is watching someone else fuck my partner. I'm not ashamed tho, I think it's hot 🤷
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aiba2 · 2 years
New contender for worst URL just saw "Hella Nonbinary Witch Punk" all hyphenated
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thegodskeeper · 3 years
Took me three tries not to read that as “gif”. GILF. I’ve had to comprehend that acronym with my own two braincells, why, @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk. Why.
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transmechanicus · 4 years
Red, Orange, Blue*, and Dark Blue.
Also seconding the "not enough lefty warhammer people" thing
(Definitely down for recommendations!)
‘post good shit’ ‘good opinions’ ‘here for memes’ ‘...raisins’
Left warhammer ppl (going mostly by my follower list, definitely not exhaustive)
@dashcon-baby-official, @the-spoopy-ghost-of-raejin99, @coldmilkshaketrash, @fruit-gummi, @gracia-regina, @sapper-in-the-wire, @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk, @theravensperch, @chemicalwashed-genes, @ask-jaghatai-khan, @imkelborhal, @fernothewise, @worthlessclericbuild, @nightbringer117, @agripinaafalls, @science-jumps, @link-theultimatetimelord, @an-eccentric-devil, and that should at least be a fuckin start i think. If you ain’t on here and you should be, I apologize i tried to only add ppl who i have personal recollection of both posting warhammer and being somewhat left and my memory is full of Biochem stuff rn.
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spacepoetry · 4 years
Tag Game
tagged by @villanevening :')
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag (10) people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses // contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my (toe)nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Interests
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of Sharpies // I participate in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
I'll just tag some people who i've noticed in my notes from time to time or who i interact with a lot sooo uh don't feel preassured to do this @a-rude-occurrence @icaruskids @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @ch8rryc01a @asharmhole @convergenceofchaos @frogaroni @augustinianseptember
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... hey puppy? Chains rlly worried abt stuff,,,
They are scared u r just playin along but u think the whole Dragon thing n the whole claiming instinct thing is garbo dumness. M only writin bc they r considering just not evn bringin it up again or ever doin. Also they r not here rn
Its okey i gues if u dont believ them
But if u dont pls tell them so? An if u do pls tell them so? I dun like seein them this worried r scared.
They rlly miss serpnt (they know th othrs dun front as much n ur relationship isnt as seprat as ours is so mebe frontin s a lot more hardr or smn, bu they always wann ask abt her but try not to bc they dont want u to feel like they only care abt her ya kno) and also r scared she thinks they r p mucb fake too or that she doesnt feel the connection chain does and why that'd be.
Tbh honestly we r all gettin scared that this is too good to be true bc we've always been shown that... s how things work ya kno? An we r all kinda scared everythings gonn fall apart and then we will an idk whatll hapn then
An s not all blacklight
Rlly, thsy dun help w th worrie w thatte bu s not their fault we r worrie
S not urs eether. I rlly dont want u to think it is, pls? Idk why u wld, bu pls dont
I just
M worried abt chain
They alway wann pull back tokeep garded bc they are rlly scared of someone knowin them completely n hurtin them
They r not as good at emotions hurt as physicals hurt u kno?
I mean me neether, am not bettr thn them
Bu i wann help bu i think mebe u r only one who can do?
At leest fr telling them wat u n serpnt think n feel n stuff
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bookclubforghosts · 5 years
I’ve been gaining followers recently so I wanted to re-introduce myself to y’all since I’m p active and my old about got buried lol
So Hi, online I usually go by MerLin or L, but you could also call me Cricket or Snake, or Oliver! I’m not picky and I have a bunch of names. Snake comes from my emo blog @xx-snakebiteheart-xx and Cricket is just kinda something I came up with one night when I was tired lol. I am Queer. My sexuality is bisexual and my gender is nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them! This is a No TERFs zone (obviously) as well as no nazis, no MAPs, no ableists, basically no garbage allowed on my blog.
I’m a college student! I’m majoring in English and minoring in Art History! I plan on being a librarian one day.
I am a Hellenic Pagan and an Eclectic Witch. I am still very new (less than a year in the craft) and IRL I am in the “broom closet” so to speak (aka if you know me irl don’t tell people I’m a practicing witch or a pagan).
Some fun facts about me uhhh I’m scemo/punk/grunge. I have lots of favorite bands and I spend too much money on merch and concert tickets. So far my plan is to go to Sad Summer Fest, Hella Mega Tour, and an MCR concert (assuming coronavirus doesn’t get those canceled). I have a love for plants/gardening, animal husbandry, arts and crafts, and costume design! One of my favorite hobbies is mermaiding, where you swim in a mermaid tail. Idk I think it’s fun. Weird but fun.
I’m bad at picking favorites but here I go trying lol:
Favorite animals include deer, moose, bears, whale sharks, and wolves. Horses are on the list somewhere.
Favorite colors include black, lilac, red, and silver.
Favorite scents are citrus, cinnamon, and lavender.
Favorite books? Uh. Idk. YA novels probably.
Current favorite TV shows are Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Letterkenny, 911 and 911 Lonestar, and Ghost Adventures.
I’m not good at listening to podcasts but I’m trying with The Magnus Archives.
Favorite video games are Skyrim, Pokémon, The Sims, and Minecraft, no I do not take constructive criticism.
Finally uhhh I love dragons so much and I like to collect stuff.
Feel free to DM me, reply to posts, send asks, whatever, I will reply and I promise I’ll treat you nicely so long as you’re not a dick to me :)
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roananarchydragon · 5 years
Okay tunglw killed it th last time intried to.post this so
I fugn love @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk
Lik2 a lot and fuckin
Gimme tjem and some.fuckin chai tea latte an thas legit all i need
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sunshinycc · 3 years
Rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
tagged by @ninety-smiles-an-hour :)
three ships: ummm aziraphale/crowley, ashton greymoore/unending happiness, me/sleep
first ever ship: i can’t even remember but i’m pretty sure it was from harry potter or welcome to night vale
last song: africa by toto because it’s timeless
last movie: a knight’s tale, it was good but the costume design for the female lead enraged me
currently reading: audiobook: lotr the two towers. physical copy: men at arms by terry pratchett
currently watching: critical role’s the legend of vox machina, also the newest season of battlebots because it’s the one sport that doesn’t put me to sleep
currently consuming: water :)))) also just had chips and salsa
currently craving: the rest of the mac and cheese i had for dinner
tagging: @theminornotes, @kaiannanthi, @writing-in-a-daydream, @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk, @everqueen12, @wearestarstuff618, @thelastspeecher, @insane-control-room, @5ftjewishcactus
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loge01 · 6 years
15 Questions
Was Tagged by @sleepyowlet.
Answer 15 questions about yourself and pass on/tag 10 other people who follow you.
Name - (Secret agent voice) ‘Loge01 is all you need to know.’
Age - 22.
Country - England.
Favourite Colour - Depending on my mood; either moss green, crimson, or black.
Followers - 37 (I’m a little blog).
Super Power - If I could choose anything, I would say the Power Cosmic! (Because who doesn’t want to be a god, even a weeny bit)
Favourite drink - In the morning orange juice, in the evening, either wine or a nice scotch.
Favourite song atm - Either Disturbed’s ‘Are You Ready’ (the Sam de Jong remix) or the J2 remix of ‘Umbrella’. But tbh that’s just what I’m really thinking about atm and that answer could and will change tomorrow.
Dream Career - I’ve got to say I don’t really have one. I like acting, so I’m currently training to do that. So I’d have to say actor, particularly voice actor.
Dream Holiday (cos oim British whatwhat) - Either the Highlands of Scotland (even though I’ve already been there a few times) or Norway, because I’ve always wanted to go there.
Hogwarts House - Slytherin, though I’ve been told more than once I have a lot of Ravenclaw traits.
Fave Character/Character of the Week - Off the top of my head, probably Doctor Doom, been thinking a lot about him recently.
Current Hairstyle - Short(ish) but uncut in a while, left parting and swept back away from the forehead. (I don’t like my hair touching my forehead).
Christmas or Halloween - Probably Halloween, though I do love Christmas as well.
How long has this blog been up - I first started on Tumblr with a different blog of the same name back in December 2012. Since then I shut down that blog and started this one in 2015. But they might as well be the same blog.
Tagged - @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @thetygre @all-is-for-all @catsnuggler @lesbianrey @lordjazor @cocainesocialist @coldalbion @rednines @picsthatmakeyougohmm
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preciousmlm · 6 years
hella-nonbinary-witch-punk replied to your post: nothing and i quite literally mean nothing beats a...
@adorablemlm i wasn’t derailing it, i was simply adding, as a pan nb, that girls are cute too
bud. this was a post specifically for boys just asking 2 leave it at that. Make 100 positivty posts about girls ! make so many positivity posts about girls ur thumbs fall off ! but leave my posts about boys, about boys. Thank u
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gayskalle · 7 years
Who is your favorite follower?
that's a very good question idk how to answer but I’ll list some of my fav mutuals @luddefluff @inquiries-of-an-intj @kosher-salt @whatisgrammaranyway @dysfunctional-robin @sigistrix-elric @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @lisa-kitty @drlaserface ok there is a whole bunch more but I’m too drunk to list them all. turns out i have a shit ton of mutuals 
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@hella-nonbinary-witch-punk I see you and I love you
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