#mebe will b upset but not At u u kno?
... hey puppy? Chains rlly worried abt stuff,,,
They are scared u r just playin along but u think the whole Dragon thing n the whole claiming instinct thing is garbo dumness. M only writin bc they r considering just not evn bringin it up again or ever doin. Also they r not here rn
Its okey i gues if u dont believ them
But if u dont pls tell them so? An if u do pls tell them so? I dun like seein them this worried r scared.
They rlly miss serpnt (they know th othrs dun front as much n ur relationship isnt as seprat as ours is so mebe frontin s a lot more hardr or smn, bu they always wann ask abt her but try not to bc they dont want u to feel like they only care abt her ya kno) and also r scared she thinks they r p mucb fake too or that she doesnt feel the connection chain does and why that'd be.
Tbh honestly we r all gettin scared that this is too good to be true bc we've always been shown that... s how things work ya kno? An we r all kinda scared everythings gonn fall apart and then we will an idk whatll hapn then
An s not all blacklight
Rlly, thsy dun help w th worrie w thatte bu s not their fault we r worrie
S not urs eether. I rlly dont want u to think it is, pls? Idk why u wld, bu pls dont
I just
M worried abt chain
They alway wann pull back tokeep garded bc they are rlly scared of someone knowin them completely n hurtin them
They r not as good at emotions hurt as physicals hurt u kno?
I mean me neether, am not bettr thn them
Bu i wann help bu i think mebe u r only one who can do?
At leest fr telling them wat u n serpnt think n feel n stuff
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