#or literally anything just related to sound
random-dragon-exe · 2 days
Okay, MAJOR SALT COMING! Also a long post!
So I have the Disney Villains tarot deck but before I go into the salt part of the post, let's go into the positives.
The cards have stunning art and each card is appropriately themed to the villain generally speaking about 98% of the time. (IMO).
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Another positive is the roster of villains included. Seeing even a few minor/underrated villains is pretty cool and impressive.
Some examples of these villains include Bowler Hat Guy, Madame Mim, Madame Medusa, and possibly Yzma.
Now onto the salt.
As impressive as the span of villains is, two villains are absent who (IMO) deserved a card.
King Candy
First, there are other villains absent, but I'm sticking to these two since I've seen these movies. Now going in order, it is an absolute SHAME (IMO) that King Candy doesn't have a card, but I have an idea of which card suits him best.
The King of Swords. Although this card is given to Scar, and I do love how it looks, I believe that King Candy deserved it.
Plus, Scar appears on like three other cards, so I think it's okay for him to appear three times (sorry Scar, I do love you too).
Anyway, I'm going to go into some detail as to why I believe King Candy/Turbo deserves the card by going into the meaning of it and how it relates to him.
I'll admit, I have a lot of points and can talk about this for days, but I'm going to condense them to 3-ish. I'll do the same for Frollo too in a part 2 post.
Going for a two in one here: The card is about being an authority who uses reason and their intelligence for good. while the reverse of this is being cunning to deceive people.
After Turbo hijacked Sugar Rush, he was very methodical about his approach to make it sound like he's their rightful ruler. He locked up their memories, then he fabricated the lie that she was a danger to their game. Turbo did his best to make sure nothing went unchecked and made sure to make the lie sound convincing to protect them (but mostly him). He's very strategic, and was able to come up with a plan to manipulate Ralph with 16 manipulation tactics in one go. He was even able to feign being concerned to play on Ralph's attachment to Vanellope.
I think the best line that best captures this aspect of the card is "Doing what's right, no matter what." AKA: He recognizes that it may sound harsh, but he makes his lies sound reasonable to protect his subjects and game.
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The card also represents enjoying structure when upright. But it's controlling and oppressive in a need for order when reversed.
Turbo needs everything to be to be going his way, as he's a control freak.
Inserting the test animation here, he even says "You are a threat to my game, to the order I have maintained. And if there's one thing I can't abide, it's anything out of order!"
Also, the split-second something isn't in his control, he starts to fumble and break into either rage or nervously laughing. He's capable of coming off as cool and composed, but he's scared of being caught and it can cause him to lash out in anger (another aspect of the card).
Just as mentioned in the previous point, he made sure nothing went unchecked and made an entire world literally revolve around him. He can and WILL happily use all of his resources of excessive force he has like the cops, the Sugar Rush equivalent of S.W.A.T., and the fungeon to detain someone who stands in his way.
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As a minor note, there's a line in the tarot guidebook that states the reverse of the card can represent "someone who needs to win at any cost." Which describes Turbo to a T. He not only wants attention but he's also extremely competitive. It's part of his programming, and it ties to his love for racing. To always come out on top and be #1. No matter who or what stands in his way.
That core drive (pun intended) was the cause of his villainy in the first place and earned him his infamous status in the arcade.
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Okay, I don't want to sound too salty, but you can imagine my disappointment when King Candy didn't get a card.
Oh well, Its fine, I still love and use this deck.
So I guess we can call this the thrilling conclusion to the 3 part saga of including King Candy in Disney Villain merchandise.
Also as a sidenote: hypothetically if he did get this card, what would the imagery be?
I feel the card has the potential to get creative with the glitch effects. For example make it so that he's glitching between the Turbo appearance and the King Candy appearance. If we want to be a little cheeky, we could have it set in his castle, and out the window, we see a the cybug Ralph initially sent to SR flying outside a castle window. (similar to Hook's card as the crocodile is seen outside)
So basically, my interpretation would be a mix of these images and Captain Hook's card:
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But, if anyone else has really cool ideas, I'd love to hear them! If you want, you could also draw it out to illustrate your point (pun intended) Honestly please do, I'd love to see other people's interpretations of this card for him. The possibilities are endless!
Join me in my antics next time when I analyze Frollo and and the card I think he should've gotten.
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raventhewolf9 · 2 days
Media and stuff that I'd recommend for therians/alterhumans/nonhumans
WOFLWALKERS!!! Of course this one is at the top of my list, I LOVE this movie. It's SOSOSOSOSOSO good. Perfect for wolf/canine therians especially, but as a cat therian I still enjoyed and related to it!
Benji Zeb is a Ravenous Werewolf by Deke Moulton (I hope I spelled that right)-- Another one that's great for wolf/canine therians, but again, I still really enjoyed and related to it even though I don't have a canine theriotype. It's also got great Jewish, Chinese, queer, and anxiety representation!! What more could you ask for?
Claws by Mike & Rachel Grinti-- I haven't read this book in years but I remember REALLY LOVING it, before I even found out I was a cat therian. I'm SO desperate to read this book again but I can't find it ANYWHERE-- Like it's not at my local library or anything-- Really hope I can read it again soon.
Nimona (movie) (I haven't read the book)-- Haven't watched this in a while but I really really liked it, great for alter/nonhumans in general but especially shapeshifters
Turning Red-- Don't really have much to say about this one since I haven't watched it in a few years, but if you're a red panda I would consider giving it a watch
Amphibia-- This is one of my favorite TV shows!! As the name implies it's a great watch for those with amphibian kintypes, but also just like. literally anyone. go watch this show /nf
Warrior Cats-- Come on, I couldn't not put this on the list. It's pretty cool to be in the paws of a feral cat for a while. Perfect for felines
Wings of Fire-- Great book series for anyone who identifies as a dragon. What's cool about this is that there are tons of different kinds of dragons in the books! Are you a sea dragon? WoF has got you covered! Ice dragon? Yup! Insect dragon? They have those too! There are a whole ten different dragon species in this series and hybrids even exist, too!
Luca-- Perfect for really any aquatic alter/nonhuman, especially merpeople, sea monsters, or aquatic shapeshifters. Haven't watched this in a long time but I remember it being a really good movie
Will Wood's music-- OKAY HEAR ME OUT-- No, this is not JUST because I'm obsessed with WW. That's part of it but I PROMISE I have a good reason for putting him on here! A lot of his music expresses discontent with humanity in general. I mean, one of his songs is literally called "Yes, to Err is Human, So Don't Be One." Outliars and Hyppocrates also comes to mind, as well as Willard! (which is great for those with rodent kintypes or even just those who are rodenthearted). Tomcat Disposables is also from the point of view of a mouse which is cool!! He also has a song called Vampire Reference in a Minor Key which you might enjoy if you're vampirekin
Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon-- This song is about Gef the talking mongoose, otherwise known as The Dalby Spook. I love this song and it makes me feel very euphoric, it's perfect for cryptidkins (especially those who identify as Gef specifically!)
To The Sky by Owl City-- For a long time this song also made me feel very euphoric, great for those with avian kintypes
Wolf Bite by Owl City-- The song isn't exactly about werewolves, but it has a few werewolf references and I LOVED it when I used to identify as a wolf/werewolf.
Bonus section: Stuff that isn't inherently alterhuman/nonhuman related but still gives me euphoria!
Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes-- No idea why this one gives me euphoria. It just does.
Nothing Man by Sodikken (specifically the music video, not just the song)-- This is honestly probably just because the character in the video has a tail
Yaelokre's Music-- Again, no idea why this does it for me, it just does
Umm yeah I think that's all! If any of the stuff on this list sounds cool to you then you should totally check it out
Hope this helped!!
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1-800-crscnt · 2 days
-music taste hcs for some clones, more under the cut-
Fox: likes slow songs with meaning you really have to dig for + minimal instrumental + soft but clear vocals & the type of rock music you'd find in sonic amvs from the early 2010s. Occasionally likes a very upbeat songs of most genres, usually as a distraction or quick motivator. HATES short songs (≤ 2 minutes long) and complains about it a lot to Thorn and Doom.
Thorn: likes metal, rock, rap, & punk, but listens to a lot of fast-paced electronic music too. Prefers songs that sound grim, screamy, or just sound like if the vocalists were out to get him. Doesn't like super happy pop music that much, but will endure it and occasionally dance if one of his brothers really likes it enough to dance first.
Stone: loves relaxing non-vocal music, but will sometimes listen to songs with it if the vocals are soft/flat and relatable. Other from that, isn't too picky about what he listens to. Prefers a lot of what I call "background / daydream" music, and is the number one hour-looped game ost fan. likes to hum along. can't stand fast-paced songs.
Thire: doesn't listen to music. it weirds everyone out besides Stone, who finds it "predictable". if he had to choose, it would be between breakcore or R&B. He's mostly using his experience and knowledge from parties he's been to and people he's watched/interacted with to choose what songs he "likes" so people stop bothering about him not listening to music.
Hound: loves EVERYTHING literally EVERYTHING. always wants to discover more music, but prefers more lullaby-like songs because they help him focus and sleep. Jazz and hip-hop are also high ranking on his mental list because he likes dancing and singing along to them, but he doesn't get chances to listen to either of those very often.
Cody: generally likes any song about the high and/or lows of romance with very emotional & strong vocals because he likes learning about different views on love, but likes a bit of psychedelic rock. Doesn't actually listen to music that much, and doesn't go out of his way to do so, might actually even pass up a completely harmless chance if offered.
Rex: likes a LOT of rock subgenres but hates dubstep completely. prefers a deep bass somewhere in the music he does listen to, and music criticizing messed up parts of society. loves shoegaze and the grungy rock you'd hear in games from the early 2000s. is very quiet about this, so most people assume he's just too serious to like music, and he doesn't correct this.
Wolffe: listens to metal and goth music, doesn't have a preference for any specific subgenre. honestly doesn't listen to music that much and tends to pass up chances just like Cody does, but mostly because he thinks it's too distracting. doesn't hate any sort of music, but says he hates random ones to mess with other people.
Doom: into most music actually, but goes out of his way to avoid listening to it in front of people, so all this music discovery is accidental on his part. gets strangely embarrassed about people knowing anything about him, and denies even caring about music. has a heavy preference for anything jazz and disco, but doesn't like metal or hip-hop that much. Avoids depressing songs when he can.
Bacara: is like Thire and doesn't listen to music. doesn't care about it, probably won't ever, and has no opinion about music at all. May find lyrics strange, and (rarely) question people for listening to "something that stupid", but genuinely couldn't care less as long as it doesn't distract anybody.
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Just finished college, I studied cinema and filmmaking! I wanna pursue this and to improve I know I have to do projects myself but feeling a bit overwhelmed where and how to start
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
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click for better quality!
the planes of existence
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rose-n-gunses · 6 days
I'm late to the party, what's going on in hellcheer land?? I knew grace is dating a johnny depp fan but has more happened? (Feel free to just ignore this if you don't wanna answer btw, i know you might not wanna invite drama onto your blog!!)
I am going to risk answering this but only because I have no idea.
I am honest to God probably the worst person to ask about this because I am so extremely Out Of The Loop when it comes to the goings on of celebrities because, to be quite frank, I don't care. What famous people do in their personal lives doesn't affect me and my opinions on things are rarely anything more than "oh cool" or "ew". The most involved I get is following some on Instagram but even then it's only a select few.
I think a lot/the majority of whatever is going on is/was happening on twitter and i don't have twitter so i've only ever seen whatever's trickled onto here (which even then is very very little because, again, it doesn't affect me and also I think I've just tailored my blog to my tastes so that stuff doesn't typically cross my feed beyond the occasional reblog from a mutual or that one anonymous ask I got one time)
That being said, fiction ≠ reality and characters ≠ the individuals who portray them. I am in hellcheer land, as you put it (which I like that btw, I'm going to keep using it lol), for Hellcheer The Characters. I will acknowledge that there is "drama" that is either starting or continuing to infiltrate hellcheer land even though it has no place to do so. Hellcheer is fictional and fandom is supposed to be a fun community experience and by allowing your feelings about Certain Matters to significantly affect the fandom and other people you are making it an unfun community experience and that's kind of mid tbh :( If there's going to be drama (which there inevitably will be) it needs to, imo, not be brought into hellcheer land because, again, hellcheer is fictional and characters are not real people and real people are not characters
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
truly nothing more depressing than seeing a blog glorifying self harm in the fight club tag in an unironic way and you click through to see its an anorexic 14 year old :/ i wish i could communicate like... it doesn't make you cool or better, it's not an actual way to control things in your life, i am so so sorry you think this is the sexy answer. but also jesus why do you blog about it
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gio-cosmo · 2 months
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Persona 5X please feature Jin Shirato please please please pl
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starlooove · 5 months
Read one or two fics where they give Duke a personality treat Damian like a human being and stop sucking Tim’s dick for 5 seconds and everything else feels like forcing urself to eat normal food after tasting the fruits of the fae
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kneworder · 8 months
angry at the oscars barbie nominations but in an annoyinger way (i think nominating ryan reynolds makes sense but the best picture and best supporting actress noms are ridiculous)
#sorry but the more i think about it the more i really dislike the movie#ken was funny! he was silly and campy! i really did not care for the rest of the movie!#i just think the more you examine its take on feminism the more it falls apart!#it's inherently about a product! it's inherently personifying a product and making you feel sympathy for and relate to a product!#they are generating hype and engendering sympathy for something they are trying to sell you!#regurgitating second wave feminism without nuance doesn't make it groundbreaking it makes it like. fine i guess?#verilybitchie has a great video that put a lot of my feelings about it into words#idk it did not resonate with me at all and also made me kind of annoyed with how it contributed to the ongoing trend#of gendering things that aren't gendered and focusing on a segregation of gendered perspectives#tired of i'm just a girl! tired of girl dinner! tired of men are always thinking about the roman empire!#sure there are experiences more common to and relevant to women but i get so uncomfy with those kinds of generalizations#even when they're just jokes because after they get repeated enough they stop sounding like ones#just like. when you try to examine it in terms of any kind of intersectionality it falls apart#and i know it's not that serious but like come on. they literally do not once touch on any kind of intersectionality.#you can't be like 'it's a groundbreaking feminist movie!' because they said 'women struggle with misogyny' in 2023#like i know it's barbie but i don't understand why there's this impulse to say that that's something that's never been said before#just because the president is black doesn't mean you've acknowledged like. racism at all.#just because you have two fat barbies with like four lines doesn't mean you've said anything meaningful about body image#and when you take an openly lesbian actress and give her short hair and make her strange and then have all the other characters#essentially socially exile her and still think she's weird after the resolution!!!#i would say that's like!! implicitly a pretty weird way to write gay people!#i don't want to rain on anyone's parade! it's silly! it's not that serious! i just also think it's not that good!#it's fine! it's fun! but i DO think ken is the best part of the barbie movie and for that i apologize
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wheeboo · 27 days
u ever just read something that resonates n relates with u a bit too deeply u literally FEEL it in ur body
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
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things that make you go hmmm.
#this scene should have been with matthew parker but i mean. im glad it was included somehow#but the personality change from s2 to s3 is...something. it means that when she returns for the finale that what she says#does not even sound like her or line up with what was (re)established of her character in s3#umm but yeah i would not tell my husband's mistress to take care of him if anything happened to me like. lol. what#i would be like if i die? kill yourself <3#they really just made her Selfless and Nice . no other qualities or flaws except i guess being self-abasing...?#and like no i don't watch television to find characters i can 'relate' to that's just an observation#but really it narratively makes no sense is my bigger issue with it#what has henry done for her to have earned that sort of selfless devotion . literally nothing#given her a puppy? looked at her and smiled while she was washing her hair?#whereas with her predecessors at least you get their sense of bond#in s1 henry is favouring the alliance catherine wants they have the bond over their daughter and there's the sense of their shared past#and joys at least...#for anne they have fought for so long to be married and the bond of their child again and religion#hirst was a menace. i hate this show fr sometimes#i mean i guess. henry promoted her family as he did her predecessor's#but it still doesn't feel earned bcus despite that there's so little regard for them?#she finds out her father died and that she can't even go to the funeral. so . like . again......#the tudors
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iamthemaestro · 10 months
it should be considered cruel and unusual punishment to take the Special Interest Thing away
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panspy · 5 months
hmmmmmm.................vent post under tags...... feel free to give advice or dont¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#i think this is an autism related thing#but i genuinely feel like i wasnt made right for the world we live in#like something is just missing from me that ive never seen ppl talk about#and i know this is going to sound entitled and privileged and i KNOW i know i promise and im so lucky i can even be thinking about this but#it feels weird to have the privilege to be scared#this is specifically in regards to working#like having a job. like going to work#i feel like im missing an extremely important part of my brain or my BEING that is capable ot going through the motions of participating#in society. i never felt that switch of wanting to get a job in high school to make money for myself and get that experience#i feel like there's something i MISSED where everyone took a class on how to apply and go to interviews and write resumes and not be scared#like i NEED to be walked through every SINGLE step because i dont know HOW#and i see my peers and the literal entire world around me participating in this atmosphere and i dont know where to start#im fucking twenty three years old and ive only ever been an intern and an assistant#not even a full year of working#i cant drive and i probably wont ever because thats a whole other can of worms#and that means i have to rely on other people to even get to wherever it was i needed to go#i feel like a fucking child because im missing this knowledge that everyone else seems to have#ive tried i really have but none of it seems simple and its all so much and there arent steps to follow#i mean there ARE but its like 1) look up job 2) apply 3) interview 4) yay you're employed#and im talking about each micro step inbetween#what am i missing#and then theres the fucking demand avoidance that slaps me across the face whenever my mom brings it up to me like i KNOW youre being#supportive and encouraging and its not your fault my brain turns off and decides im full of shame bc i cant CONFRONT ANYTHING#jesus christ#manf i know u can see this maybe dont bring it up to mom i can do that on my own maybe#i WANT to help i just want to help at my own pace but unfortunately the world isnt built around individual paces and nothing revolves#around me. i know this#i want to help my mom i want her to never be stressed about money and to retire and never work or help me pay my student loans but i#genuinely feel like theres a switch that never turned on in my head and im being left behind and i genuinely dont know how to. like be alive
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heartyearning · 4 months
im involved in drama unfortunately. people r talking about me behind my back and someone else is ignoring me because of something i've not done, i'm surrounded by children
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As someone who works in customer service, it's very annoying watching someone else who works in the same industry fail in front of you. As in, they gave me a coupon to use within 24hrs of being sent the coupon. But when I tried to use it, it comes up as invalid--and that's 11 hours after being sent the code, so well within the window of use.
Now you're going to tell me that it wasn't actually valid for 24hrs and that the most you can do is a 20% discount when the original offer was 50%?
But kudos for owning up to the mistake and re-activating the original code.
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