#or like. GOOGLE the LITERAL SIGNATURE on the art
oh-hush-its-perfect · 2 months
"i don't know the artist i got the drawing from pinterest" WRONG !! I CAST 1,000 CURSES !!!!
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
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Ah the miracle of making character references and then not using them at all... Literally what is wrong with me why did I do that? 
I was playing with a brush and line-art style and ended up just drawing a bunch of flower husbands based off some pose references I found on Pinterest. There’s technically a 6th one but I got too embarrassed to post it lol. 
Pose references under the read more I used with the few sources I could find :]
guys I was reverse google image searching for my life and only found the source for one, plus a friend found the other. If you happen to know the sources for these feel free to tell me.
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credit is in the picture thankfully, but it was still hard to find for me lol. I do believe HERE is the creator though.
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Again, credit in photo. A friend on discord is the one who tracked this one down for me though because it seems their Twitter was deleted. HERE is the assumed credit.
The rest are uncreditted because google reverse image search and the like 3 different websites I was trying to find sources with just didn't help. Idk, once again if anyone can find them I’d like to credit them. Even if they were just references for the pose, they helped.
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This one looks like it has a signature but I unfortunatly cannot read it 
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 2
Lol why are the girls' butts so emphasized in this artwork. Seems sketchy, but okay (Tailmon's even pointing to Hikari's butt, as a YouTube commenter pointed out).
Questionable art aside, I definitely thought these 6 CDs were a little weaker than the ones in my first post, but I'm biased. I don't have a very strong connection with a lot of the 02 characters, so it makes sense that their songs wouldn't hit as hard for me. On the other hand, I really like Ken and Wormmon so their album slapped. Anyways, full thoughts below.
Daisuke & Veemon
Google Boy - Daisuke (Listen here - subbed)
Daisuke singing about being a hot blooded shounen boy and how his goggles are a mark of his coolness and Taichi's legacy. A very Daisuke song lol.
Pretty funny how goggles just became a signature fashion statement for Digimon MCs. At least they kinda had a purpose in Tamers (although it wasn't explained very well).
Go Ahead! - Veemon (Listen here & Translation here)
Veemon's song is very in-sync with Daisuke. Just talking about having courage and rushing into battle without thought (because your squad will back you up and everything will work out! LEEEEROYYYY JENKINSSSSS)
2-Top - Daisuke & Veemon duet (Listen here & Translation here)
Okay, this was definitely the strongest song on this CD. It's catchy, the boys sound great together and the whole thing's a soccer metaphor which is very on brand. (I tried to google and see if "2-Top" is soccer terminology and came up with nothing tho -shrug-)
I like the little banter breaks in this and then in the song they talk about how their bickering just shows how energetic they are haha.
They mention being a digimon tamer in this song but did they even use that terminology in 02? I don't remember...
Miyako & Hawkmon
Crash with Bingo - Miyako (Listen here - subbed)
The lyrics of this song are pretty nonsensical, but I get what vibe they were going for. She's basically singing about being a hot mess but being proud to be herself. Also mentions that she's not just here to look cute.
I feel pretty neutral about Miyako, but I did appreciate that she could be kinda tactless and brash at times. Traditional Japanese femininity usually means being quiet, submissive and agreeable, which she definitely is not.
Although I've never liked the "bingo" catchphrase, it's fun in a song lol
Knight of Love - Hawkmon (Listen here - subbed)
Man, out of all the digimon partners, Hawkmon's gotta be the biggest nothing burger of them all. I couldn't tell you a single thing about the dude. I feel like the bird digimon are the most sidelined for some reason? (Maybe they're like "little boys don't care about birds, they like dinosaurs and bugs!")
Hawkmon sings about being a "knight of love," but I never got "knight" vibes from him really. I guess he kinda talks like a knight, but nothing in his design says knight...he's supposed to look like an Indigenous person, no? Maybe I'm being to literal hahaha
Fly High - Miyako & Hawkmon duet (Listen here - subbed)
Yeah, I don't really buy Miyako and Hawkmon's partner chemistry. They sounds more like coworkers lol. I did like the part where Miyako was asking to talk to all of Hawkmon's digivolutions in quick succession, that was fun.
Miyako's just spiraling the whole song and Hawkmon's trying to comfort her but she seems to be kinda brushing him off for most of it haha
Iori & Armadimon
My Conclusion - Iori (Listen here - subbed)
This song was...not good. Not the worst of the bunch, but it kinda just felt like it had no melody and Iori was talk-singing the whole time. His voice is cute and the lyrics fit his character nicely, but I was thrown off by how janky the song itself sounds.
The song is about Iori's convictions and what evil vs. justice means to him. You can sense that his philosophy is coming from his kendo practice.
I enjoyed the gratuitous English in the final line lol
Omyaa to Let's Go! - Armadimon (Listen here - subbed)
This one had a good energy and I liked the "Let's go!" chorus, but there was still a lot of talk-singing going on
I hate that the song starts by mentioning that damn Chuu x2 Jelly...it's like the show forgot to give Armadimon any memorable qualities so when they wrote this song they were like "he liked jelly...I guess?"
Armadimon losing steam and kinda flubbing the lyrics was the best part of the song lol
A Message to the Future - Iori & Armadimon duet (Listen here - subbed)
Phew, finally a good one. I was a bit worried I'd dislike this whole album. I really liked the melancholy yet optimistic vibe this one had. It kinda feels like any two characters could have sung this, but oh well. It was a nice duet regardless.
Armadimon telling Iori that "no matter what kind of adult you become, you'll always be Iori" was sweet :)
Takeru & Patamon
Focus - Takeru (Listen here - subbed)
Okay this one made me MAD because it was so ship-baity!! What the heckk??? This song is clearly implying that Takeru has romantic feelings for Hikari ("Am I the focus of your heart?"), but the show led me to believe that his feelings were platonic and almost brotherly. Did I watch the same show as the song writer? I don't mind them as a pairing, but I feel like this is contradicting my interpretation of the anime so I'm just confused.
Aside from my grumblings, I think this song was great for the drama of it all lol. I also liked the callbacks to Hikari and Takeru growing up together and Hikari blossoming into a powerful young hero.
The comment section of the YouTube video I've linked have people arguing whether the song is about Hikari or Patamon lol. Ain't no way this song is about Patamon. There's even a hikari pun in there.
Don't Stop Patapata - Patamon (Listen here - subbed)
Not sure if this is cute...or just annoying. Sounds like a song written and performed by a toddler, which is fitting cuz it's Patamon.
This song captures Patamon's one braincell energy (which was on display in the new 02 movie). He doesn't really sing about Takeru much which feels a bit like a wasted opportunity.
Steppin' Out - Takeru & Patamon duet (Listen here - subbed)
I liked the theme and lyrics of this one but the vocals were pretty rough...It sounded like Patamon's VA didn't match Takeru's VA's energy very well and together they sound kind of off key.
Takeru singing about taking off his ripped shirt kinda made me laugh because I pictured like a sexy romance novel cover dude. So not Takeru's image.
Seriously Patamon just kinda sounds disinterested in this song
Hikari & Tailmon
Gentle Rain - Hikari (Listen here - subbed)
Kind of a boring, slow song, but I liked the overall theme. Hikari's showing her vulnerable side and talking about how she can't be strong/brave at all times.
I'm not sure I really understand the rain metaphor here...I think maybe when she's saying it's not an "intense rain" she's saying it will take a long time for her weakness to wash away, but that's okay? IDK, kinda clunky.
Getting up - Tailmon (Listen here & Translation here)
Pretty similar to Hikari's song, but more melancholy. I found this one kind of relatable because I can get existential pretty often. The lines "What can I do? I still don't know. Because I was born my journey continues" hit me.
Tailmon sings about, basically, how life as a digimon is tough and confusing, with all of the nonstop battling. Still, she wants to stay strong for those she needs to protect. (Tailmon kinda has similar vibes to Renamon...or maybe it's just that they both have deep voices.)
Shining Star - Hikari and Tailmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one felt kinda half-assed lol. I think I might just be getting burnt out with all these songs that effectively have the same message.
So yeah, just like a lot of other songs in previous albums, this was a generic song about Hikari and Tailmon being different but loving each other anyway and striving to be their best for each other. I guess it's nice to hear a more optimistic song at the end of the album since the first two were pretty downbeat.
Ken & Wormmon
ONLY ONE - Ken (Listen here - subbed)
Aw man, I'm disappointed that Ken's solo song is from the POV of his Kaiser days :/ oh well. It's still a fun song. I like his evil laugh at the end.
I think this song does a good job of illustrating Ken's internal struggle between good and evil, but always turning to the darkness in the end. I also enjoyed the rock n' roll vocals.
The Future You Dreamed of, The Future I Dreamed of - Wormmon (Listen here - subbed)
Lol Wormmon's such a simp for Ken, but I love him so much 😭❤️ This song was great!! The jazzy instrumentals, the back up vocals and the passion/love in Wormmon's voice were all on point.
This song is all about Wormmon not giving up on Ken and understanding he has good in him that he wants to protect. So pure and sweet <3
True Strength - Ken & Wormmon (Listen here - subtitled)
Omg I loved this one 😭😭😭 so precious! Sure, it may have the exact same theme as a bunch of other songs ("we're so different, but we love each other!") but it definitely has a greater impact considering Ken and Wormmon's baggage.
I loved the light and jazz vibe of this song, I was picturing Ken and Wormmon in tuxedos with tails doing a lil tap dance routine together.
"Your form reflected my heart" omg 😭😭😭
Ken had a whole mini arc in just this album lol
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People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
Idk ig I’m doing this too, why not. Platonically giving @emxcited a little smooch and hug for the tag.
Last Song: I’m actually listening to music atm. Current song is THAT BITCH by Bea Miller. I’ll add in the final song I listen to before I finish this, as a treat too. (Last song of this post is Seizure Boy by Watsky.)
Favorite Color: I like yellow. Mostly like neon yellow green, and shades of bright orange and dandelion yellow. (Which is funny because those used to be my least favorite colors as a kid lol.)
Last Movie: This is actually a really hard one because I don’t watch a lot of movies unless family ropes me into it. Last bits I saw of a movie was the Aquaman movie playing downstairs. I got sucked into it a bit before I snuck off to my room again.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: For meals, savory, 100%. For snacks, it’s a bit of a mix of all of them, but I probably lean salty.
Relationship Status: Single. I’m in a weird spot because I had a FWB I was in love with (they knew, don’t take it the wrong way) who really hurt me right around Christmas and I haven’t really been able to think of anything romantic or sexual in regards to myself without crying lol. Only been getting better a bit recently. And no I won’t name them, not that I think anyone is going to care enough to ask. They don’t deserve hate, no matter how much they hurt me.
Last Thing I Googled: “can you laugh if you have a vow of silence” I was listening to Vow of Silence by Lemon Demon and was thinking about a character with a vow of silence and how that would affect that kind of stuff. Before that was me googling a Wesen type from Grimm because I wanted to know what they looked like.
Current Obsession: I’m honestly not obsessed with any fandoms currently? I’m interested and involved but not obsessed. I think the only thing I’m a little obsessive about rn is, there was this one artist I followed on Pixiv who made this amazing art of their OCs and it was in Japanese so I couldn’t read any of it really but it was great, and then one day I went looking for them, and I can’t find them for the life of me. I don’t know if they just dipped and took their art with them or what. I have some saved on my phone and even did reverse searches and came up with nothing. They didn’t leave signatures on their art, and their Pixiv username was literally just the 🤫 emoji.
I keep thinking about them and wondering how I can find them. Even if it’s not to see more of their content, although I can wish, but just because I want to ask permission if I can use their art as PFPs and how to credit them and the like. Their art brought me a lot of happiness and I hope they know that, even if I never find them.
I think everyone I know is interested in this stuff has already been tagged by other people? I don’t think I know many people who I know are down for these sort of things. So I guess if you follow me, take that as me tagging you if you want.
Also @carbonatedcacti because even though I’m sure you’ve been tagged by Wren, I’m harassing you too because ily mwah mwah.
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thepandalion · 2 years
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So as I might have mentioned I’ve been reading Homestuck for the first time
(Rant under the cut, you know the drill)
So! A lot has happened since I last uploaded art. Including, but not limited to:
- My computer deciding not to open any website that isn’t owned by Google
- I bought myself Clip Studio when they did their December holidays sale
- Taught myself to draw in a chibi/chibi-adjecent art style and now I can’t stop. It’s so simplified compared to how I used to draw look at it. Its so soft and untextured and I can just make blobby hands and feet and it works??
- After an entire week, finally fixed my computer (it just wanted an upgrade to Windows 11)
So, yeah, been a while. I’m actually working on a project for my MCYT sideblog wherein I draw all the Hermits as per my AU, the Sunbringer. I’m currently.. halfway through. It’s been a week.
Well, now onto actual details, starting with the fact that CSP makes it much easier to save transparent PNGs (Krita was fine, too, but it was slightly less intuitive, at least for me- I figured out how to do it on the first try- though maybe that also has to do with the fact I now have actual art experience meanwhile Krita was my second ever program, and while I’m certain the first one was fine it did not have that feature specifically... or at least I wasn’t aware I could look for it. Idk, it’s been like 4-5 years since I last used that program, I can’t even recall its name). What I’m saying is that the version above is transparent, while my new profile picture is the one with a background! And it’s space!
Anyways, figured out I really like giving characters with large, round glasses small, simple eyes, that are just colorful eggs.
So, as I mentioned, this is Homestuck stuff- apparently my last try was the wrong class, but not the wrong aspect; I’m actually a Mage of Mind. The one server I’m on where I talk Homestuck had me accidentally rant for paragraphs upon paragraphs (like I’m doing now... haha) about another person’s classpect and why their explanation for why it won’t fit them is actually the entire reason it should fit, actually.
It was a discussion on why classpects are infuriatingly confusing, so of course that “short” explanation I provided immediately cleared the issue for me, since a Mage of Mind is one who understands choice, consequence, and thoughts. So, understanding the minds of fictional characters to the point where I mimic mannerisms subconsciously, as well as understanding someone I had at most two conversations with prior... Yeah, fair enough.
That’s my invitation to anyone who’s interested to ask me to explain the personalities for various classpects, if you’re willing to read this much text (and, let’s face it, if you’re reading this, you’re probably fine with the length I write in).
Ok, final notes!
I almost gave the boots little wings- sorta like Hermes’ shoes? Because flight is my theme. I literally have never drawn myself without my signature wings- except when I was 3 and my “self portrait” was a bright-crayon drawing of a luna moth (well, it was bright pink, but it was a butterfly with crescent-patterned wings), and even then it was all about the flight. Always. It’s a part of who I am more than pretty much any other part of me.
... Now onto lighter stuff, the title of the book Mini-me is reading is “Mage’s Guide to Reading More Books”. Specifically because I thought a book on reading books is a silly (yet loveable) concept.
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digirhys · 1 month
Got to do smth incredibly fun and enriching yesterday!! I rly love hunting down sources for uncredited/stolen art. 1) it is infuriating seeing that happen to other artists and so 2) feels rly good when I can let them know & point ppl their way to appreciate what they're making!! And 3) just in general it's fun for me bc it's like a treasure hunt puzzle for stuff that isn't quite as simple as just plugging it into google or tineye reverse image search! I love it!!!!
✨️I got to track down the artist for 8-year-old expression meme!!✨️
Someone on bsky last night mentioned having an expression meme (one of those classic pick a letter + number grids full of faces) but not wanting to post it to take suggestions bc they couldn't find & credit the artist. I volunteered to try n help if she wanted to send it to me bc I'm a little Insane abt that and had just done a source hunt for some stolen art earlier that day and was Pumped lmao Despite having a semi-legible signature it took me abt 1.5hrs to hunt down the artist (admittedly might've been much quicker if I'd slept first n tried to do it today lol) and I just found the digital "paper trail" rly neat, and wanted to share! Plus, actually give credit back to the artist's current socials since this thing has been RAMPANTLY reposted across deviantart for the last 8 years. I'll put it all below so u can ignore it lmao
We will start w the meme in question! One I've certainly seen before, and so have MANY others lol
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It's small n sorta faint but there's def a visible signature beneath A1 that appears to read "@garmekoii" to the best I could tell. Googling the name tho only bring up ONE result from an aminoapps post on Oct 25, 2017 where a user posted it (along w several similar memes) and credits this one specifically to garmekoii on tumblr, with the note "*I literally spent an hour searching to find that the username was written on this,,,,, I just hope it's accurate"
Unfortunately, if that tumblr existed, it and the variants have long-since been gone. A glimmer of hope for a sec there but, ah, definitely not it lmao
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Outright searching the URLs in tumblr search didn't result w anything even from a browser, which was. Unsurprising lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and the image searches from Google and tineye unfortunately only pulled up any number of the times this has been reposted in "stolen from X" reposts on dA that just. Point back to the prev dA user, none of which were the OG artist fhsjfbshf and in fact many just say "meme isn't mine/I just stole this" FHSJFBSH😂😭 with tineye at LEAST I could determine that, well, this meme is at LEAST from early February 2017 or earlier
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A SMARTER (and better-rested) PERSON MIGHT'VE THEN GONE THROUGH ALL OF THE PREV TUMBLR URLS ON DEVIANTART INSTEAD!!! I WAS NOT THAT PERSON AT 11:30PM LMAO (to be fair I did check garmekoii and gamekoii...but not gamekoi) instead like a lunatic who Didn't have to wake up less than 6hrs later for work, I was clicking through the dA results one by one on tineye until......someone in the description credited it back to @\gladejade here on tumblr :0 unlikely to be the artist, but maybe SHE had a link back to the artist!! So to her archives I went, staring August 2017 and back, as that was when the dA post was from
And!!! There were indeed drawings of her filling prompts from the meme w Trigun characters on January 1, 2017 lmao!!!! Only she was taking the prompts on her Twitter so the meme wasn't actually on her blog (in the midst of writing this n double-checking smth i DID actually find a reblog of Jade's tumblr post of the meme from Jan 4, 2017 but for whatever reason the original post was deleted lol so she did have it on tumblr at least for a bit to take prompts here too), but!! Twitter was still linked!! At this point i thanked CHRIST she was not an artist who'd been chronically posting multiple images a day every day since January 2017😭 so it only took a minute to find scrolling thru the media tab!............but, sadly, no additional insight onto a link back to the artist, even a defunct link or @ 😔😔😔😔
At this point I was getting close to calling quits at least for the night, maybe to try taking a look on my actual computer come morning, but.....I noticed that Google image search lets you put in a URL, so, figured what the hell. The meme was originally sent to me AS the direct tumblr PNG address, maybe that'd bring up something different...??? Possibly???????
It didn't lmao so on a whim I just started typing the url variations into google in quotes to see if ANYTHING would pull up, and-
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Holy shit lol!!!!! I could’ve gone to sleep right then from embarrassment at having checked that spelling of the URL on deviantart yet, fuck lmao but!! Lo and behold!!!!!!
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THEY FUCKING LIVE(D)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were going by Koi but now by Fish. The gallery here is sparse and the meme is nowhere in sight, but at this point I could confidently say I had found the original artist who created the meme! But, I am nothing if not extra, and wanted to see if I could find the original post of the meme, if it still existed. Just for fun! There was ONE archived version of the dA from January 23, 2022, but for whatever reason it returns a 403 error when trying to view the snapshot. So to the social links I went!! Insta linked to a defunct account but the Twitter is alive-ish and well, at least (hasn’t been touched since mid-2023), and THAT links to what appears to be a fairly current carrd!!! She even has a tumblr @\disco--fish !!! I’m not directly tagging bc I don’t want to be weird, but PLEASE go check it out n give their art some love!!
Anyway, back to the meme hunt
Insta was the best bet and wouldn’t ya know, he’s actively posting art as of July 2024!!! Fuck yeah!!!!! No sign of the meme though, here or on their doodle account 🤔 could sense I was nearing the end one way or another – at least I was gonna be able to confidently say I’d found the artist in order to credit her for the meme!!! Since I was thoroughly embarrassed by having not checked the gamekoi dA earlier and saving myself a good chunk of time, I tried those on insta, just in case.
And!! The gamekoii account still exists, hot damn!!!! No meme in sight THERE, but there is a link to what was a Hamilton art side account. I’ve nearly exhausted my options so. Why not lol. Scrolling back through the gallery, and. Holy shit-
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THE original, or at least the oldest surviving post of the meme BY the artist, 8 years later (if it was ever posted to gamekoii I’ll never know bc that Insta isn’t in the wayback machine) with the digital paper trail to prove the original artist to credit for it!!!!!!!!!!
gamekoii (insta) links to oui.lafayette (insta), which holds the original meme!
oui.lafayette (insta) moves to cocoakoi (insta), which moves to the defunct sucrefish (insta), BUT gamekoi (dA) links to the same defunct insta as well as ssugarfish (twt)
ssugarfish (twt) in turn links to discofish (carrd), which links to disco--fish (tumblr) and the ACTIVE diiscofish & zuccheropesce (both insta). There IS also a bsky under discofish but looks like, similar to twt, it hasn't been used in abt a year :0
A complete, albeit scattered, timeline of Fish's art over the years, including a much loved (& criminally reposted lol) expression meme!! Idk, I find that cool as shit from like an "art history" n preservation standpoint :000
Anyway, was this necessary???? To a degree!! I think crediting artists is absolutely vital, EVEN if that means pointing back to a dead URL if they've abandoned old personas or posting online as a whole. And I absolutely could've found it much quicker if I'd gone to bed like a reasonable person and simply tried doing it today from a proper desktop browser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but! Here we are lol
So, if you've ever used this meme:
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Please give credit & thanks to disco--fish (tumblr), diiscofish (instagram), ssugarfish (twt), or sugarfish (bsky)!
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sdentrepreneur · 2 years
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SD Connect Business Networking - March 2023 Entrepreneur Mindset Workshop Link in Bio Unleash Your Business Workshop - March 9th at 5pm Our goal is networking alongside a speaker. Often the speakers are professionals with businesses and the topic is usually empowerment. The people who come to these events are in corporate jobs, others are entrepreneurs, and some are from non-profit sectors like education, healthcare or international development. The one thing they have in common is that they are out in the world, seeking improvement in themselves and their lives. A great place for business owners, start-ups to go and entrepreneurs to mix and mingle! Includes heavy appetizers and drink specials. Don't like PayPal? Use this link https://dmtc.kartra.com/page/sdconnectevents Who Should Attend: * Entrepreneurs & Business Owners that are serious about creating an even more Successful business utilizing proven processes & systems. * Executives in Transition that are looking for a new career or contemplating starting a business. * Independent Consultants that work in the Real Estate, Financial Industry or in the Direct Sales Industry Jon Block "How to Use Public Speaking to Blow Up Your Career" Discover the proven structure for a signature presentation that works every time How to create a personal story that is literally worth gold Why Most Calls-to-Action fall flat and how to make sure yours does not Experience LIVE on-the-spot speaker breakthrough training with Jon Block (which is unlike anything you've ever seen!) Jon Block is a public speaking transformer who has presented across the country on 500+ stages. He has been hired to train public speaking at HBO, Google, and White Pages. As an event promoter and community leader, Jon has produced 42 music & arts festivals and conferences, created multiple 6-figure plus businesses, and co-founded Tiny House Block and Banner Ranch Julian, Southern California’s first tiny house communities. Jon is the founder of Masterful Communicator Academy and the lead trainer for Next Level Speaker, the 3-day San Diego event that guides leaders to master their on-stage presentations. #sandiego #sandiegolifestyle (at Revel Revel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CooKOrdrXpD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notfebruary · 2 years
nothing quite like changing the signature on my Revise related art to be the URL of the blog in watermark form rather than my old username...
...and then not even a month later finding out that the URL/name I picked is extremely similar to an already established Thing that a lot of people already know about, which is completely unrelated to my thing.
Like literally the only url difference is mine has a hyphen and the other doesn't
I would have known this earlier if I had just... bothered to google search the words on google sooner, but I didn't.
and now I feel like a clown who is going to confuse people looking for the other thing with my weird magical furry art lol
I feel like I should change the URL or something to be more unique without being hard to remember, but that also means going through and changing watermarks/etc... and actually committing to the new change, too. so I actually have to put thought into it and naming things is hard.
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Expert shade thrower; resting b-face; 90% tough, 10% dumbass; Can’t handle any amount of criticism; Loyal to their pack, and literally nobody else; offers to murder friends’ significant others if they cheat, and that is not an idle threat; only wears shades of black; super smart math magician, but keeps in on the down-low; Absolute Savage™️; *enter heavy eye-roll*; never found without their signature accessory; disassociation personified; clean freak; cries over found family tropes; pretends not to care- cares a lot; fluent in sarcasm; roast queen; wears sunglasses inside to make people nervous, and so they can close their eyes during boring conversations; Rosa Diaz from B99 is their spirit animal; cat person.
Aggressive mom type; salty; checks on their friends to make sure they’re fed and watered; Handy! Gets on your case for not getting regular oil changes; Really good at “The Mom Look”; The practical caretaker; Traumatized, but is embodiment of empowerment; knows how to dress to impress; The mediator; Isn’t down to do anything illegal, but would rather be there to make sure you don’t get hurt; Amazing story teller; She Knows Things™️; Can and will buy dinner for everyone; Resting disappointed face; The designated driver; The one who always follows through, but likes to complain about it; Their insults are exceptionally well crafted; the wine friend; pretends they don’t need support but they really love and need hugs; their heart is as big as an ocean, and don’t you forget it!
Dad jokes galore; just doing her best; the protector of the friend group; fiercely loves; leads by example; looks like a badass, acts like a badass, but secretly a disaster; a helpless romantic; when it comes to friends, they can’t say no; the most welcoming and accepting of the group; their hair is the envy of the world (it’s natural, and they’re low-Key vain about it); Easy to tease, but is very good natured; takes things seriously; determined to do everything right; the one who drives the squad everywhere; the shrug Queen; has a horrible sleep schedule; wants to fix everyone’s problems; extremely understanding; savior complex; horrible diet- really into pizza and beer; owns plants but forgets take care of them; reads people’s vibes accurately; The one you can rely on.
Knows things, but forgets to mention it; always has a book and notebook on them at all times; google master; Blunt™️; Everyone would die to protect them; super good at figuring things out; The cute one of the group, but is completely oblivious to flirtation; Fazed by absolutely nothing; Dirty jokes fly right over their head; Has no idea what’s going on most of the time; V blind; Takes criticism well; The Pure Soul; Will help you solve any problem; The rambler; sense of style: none; Please don’t give them caffeine, they will never shut up; Can fall asleep anywhere, anytime; Will stay awake till 4 am to help you with your problems; Obsessive personality; Passionate about art; Never complains; looks like a confused owl that just woke up; somehow always has all the luck.
BIG personality, BIG presence; An absolute blast to be around; Soft of heart, dumb of ass; Here for a good time, not a long time; Loves slasher films, but a screamer; The one who will absolutely commit a felony at the drop of a hat; loves cosplay; Please don’t dare them to do anything stupid because they will do it; sleeps with the light on; Will carry that for you, and grab that thing from the high shelf; had no idea how to be an adult, but somehow survives just fine; loves surprises; Party animal; has to greet every dog they come across; would rather die than talk about their trauma; candy fiend; has only one person they share their deepest secrets with (and its crosshair, because she won’t say a word).
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ick25 · 2 years
Rockman.EXE, fanservice? Part 3
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Fanservice is defined as something added in a media specifically to please the fans, often sexual in nature, OFTEN, so people forget that there are other forms of fan service, for instance, Rockman’s cute relationship with his Netto-kun!
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Anyway, people seem to want more Rockman butt...I mean, interesting art styles from the Rockman.EXE anime, specifically the first season. Maybe this time we will be able to solve the true meaning behind Rockman’s close ups.
Starting off with episode 22, there seems to be some favoritism for Rockman’s entrance at the start of the N-1 Finals. Blues arrives at the battlefield with an aerial shot while Rockman appears with a semi close up from bellow.
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Either this is a recycled pose they used for Netto when he emerged from the floor of the arena, or the animators wanted us to focus more on Rockman for some reason, hmmm...
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Found a butt shot!
Something I really like from this episode is the fighting animation, the way they animate Rockman and Blues when fighting with their swords is really cool. It shows how both Navis are actually build for fighting and have the moves to prove it! This gives intensity to the battle.
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Also, the program advance animation returns in this episode, this time with some shadows.
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Have I mentioned that I love this sequence?
We jump to episode 25 because Rockman literally gets deleted at the end of episode 22 and we spent 2 entire episodes without seeing his booty. T T
First, lets give the fans some shipping material!
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Why does he have to carry him like that?
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Not sure what’s going on here, are those his pecs or his nipples? Because those edges are a little too sharp.
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Butt shot!
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I love the use of shadows in this episode. The art style depicts Rockman as thin but with hints of musculature, we don’t see pecs but we can tell that he is physically fit.
The episode also introduces the Style Change, which gives Rockman a transformation scene, nothing really stands out unless you count the side butt close up near the end.
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That V shape line on his lower back reminds of something... Nah, I’m probably thinking too much, I guess it just looks cool.
Want more shipping material?
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Tell me that, as a girl, you are not jealous of Roll right now! Unless you ship them, I feel NettoXRock have more chemistry, but this is cute too. Rockman blushing also counts as fanservice.
Speaking of fanservice, beach episodes are also a favorite in animes because you get to see the characters wearing all types of swimwear, well, sorry to disappoint you but we don’t get that in this episode unless you’re into Meiru wearing her swimsuit, and if that’s the case, you need help.
No, the beach episodes for this anime only exist for the human characters, mainly the women, but Navis get to keep their pureness for all we get are these adorable images of them wearing beach items like Rockman with googles.
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Why would a Navi need to wear swimming googles? I don’t care, this is too cute!
Episode 26 gives us more Rockman cuteness by showing us he has a weakness, his fear of ghosts!
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Granted, it doesn’t play an important factor in the episode, but seeing Rockman hide in his PET like this puts a smile in my face, it’s cute and funny.
We see Rockman blushing again in episode 27.
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Roll approves that Rockman finds Aki-chan cute... For now.
The fanservice in this beach episode is heavier because we get close ups and pan shots of Mariko-sensei, Saloma and Miyuki, and Madoi in bikinis. The rest of the episode shows them along with the other the female characters ( and the boys) dressed in Aki’s signature outfit. Many say this episode did not air because of Meiru and Yaito dressed as Aki for the entire episode, but I think it was probably because of Netto, Dekao and Tohru crossdressing as her as well, since we get an uncomfortable shot of Dekao imitating Aki’s pose.
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Poor Gutsman, but we get an embarrassed Rockman, worried about his Netop’s future life choices.
Enough of this Aki dress up, the real highlight in this episode is that bulky Rockman is back! And the first thing we get is this strange perspective shot of Rockman being caught by a Spooky virus, who is strong enough to lift Rockman in the air with its tongue? O.O
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Rockman also shows impressive upper body strength.
Gutsman and Iceman are sent to help Rockman, this distracts the virus long enough for Rockman to show us his pecs, I mean, more upper body strength.
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It is also impressive how he holds that position for so long.
Wait, so Rockman is fit because he does sit-ups?
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Implying that Navis need to exercise regularly, this would make sense, but we will have to find out another time.
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fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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doublerainebow · 4 years
Artist Resources (Part 1?)
This is basically just going to be a bunch of resources I have found to be useful. I can’t say that I’ve used all of them, but I’m sure they’re all worth checking out.
I’m also gonna try to put a detailed description for most of the links so you have a better idea of what you’re getting. I apologize in advance if some of them are redundant lol
(I put “Part 1″ if in the case I make another one)
~Links to Tutorials, Tips, Resources, etc~
Another Resource List -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Apparently, the post isn’t mobile-friendly, so it’s suggested to view this on Tumblr browser. Has a bunch of other links. I’ve checked out a few of them (mainly the copyright stuff lol), and it seems that some of the links may be a bit outdated. Still, it doesn’t hurt to check out the links.
Arms and Legs -- Leads to another Tumblr post. A handy tutorial on elbow and knee placement.
Art & Game Dev -- This leads to my personal playlist of a bunch of YouTube videos. Has a bunch of tutorials and interesting videos that I’ve collected over the course of a few years lol.
Blamblot -- A website that contains resources and tutorials on comic lettering. This is primarily in reference to western comics, but it doesn’t help to take a looksie.
Commission Calculator -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps artists to stop selling themselves short.
Comparing Heights (hikaku-sitatter) -- A height comparer for centimeters.
Comparing Heights -- A height comparer for feet and inches.
Mouth Shapes and Lip-Syncing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Useful for... drawing mouth shapes.
Reference Angle -- Useful for when you’re trying to map out a face from an odd angle.
Soft Proofing for Printing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps when you’re trying to make prints of your artwork.
Textures -- A website full of different and mostly free textures. While this website is made for 3D texturing, it can also be useful for 2D drawings. Signing up gives you 15 free credits everyday, and you can use those credits to download some textures for free.
The Models Resource -- A website of models ripped from a wide array of games.
The Spriters Resource -- A website of sprites ripped from a wide array of games.
The Textures Resource -- A websites of textures ripped from a wide array of games. 
~Links to Stock Images~
Please check out whatever policies they may have for their images before using them!
(not sure if any of them are active anymore as I followed some of these accounts a long time ago when I used to be more active on Deviant Art lol)
adorkastock (formerly senshistock)
anatoref -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Has a bunch of hand photo references
HumanAnatomy4Artist -- Does contain nudity
~Links to Other Artists~
Akihito Yoshitomi -- Yoshitomi is a mangaka who has tutorials on manga making. He also has an insightful series in which he drafts and draws a 30-page manga in 18 days. Remember that every artist works differently and his process may be different from another’s.
Drawfee -- Drawfee is an improv drawing show of four artists: Nathan Yaffe, Jacob Andrews, Julia Lepetit, and Karina Farek. While they don’t have tutorials in a sense, their videos explain the different processes they go through as they draw. They also occasionally provide tips, tricks, and resources in their videos. They do have another channel and a Twitch channel where they host drawing classes in addition to other fun shenanigans.
EtheringtonBrothers -- Has a bunch of useful and eye-catching tutorials called “How to Think When You Draw”.
Mark Crilley -- Mark is a comic artist, specializing in manga, who has a bunch of tutorials about anatomy, perspective, comic making, and other things.
Miyuli -- Miyuli is an artist who posts tutorials on their Twitter. Their tutorials range from anatomy to clothing to other things. They even have a few books of art tips. Currently (as of the time of posting this), their 2018 version is free for download, so I highly recommend you download that. Some tips may be outdated, but they should still be helpful.
Whyt Manga (Twitter/YouTube) -- Odunze is a comic artist, specializing in manga, that has a bunch of tutorials on manga making and drawing characters of color.
~Links to Free Programs~
Blender -- A free 3D program if you’re into 3D modeling and such. I also personally haven’t used Blender (I use Maya lol), but I know it’s a respectable program.
Krita -- A free painting program if you can’t afford Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. I personally haven’t used Krita, but I have recommended it to a few friends and they have positive reviews about it.
Paint Tool SAI -- Okay, this one isn’t free, but it’s a significantly cheaper painting program where you don’t have to pay a subscription. It’s 5,500JPY (~50 USD). I’m not sure how well it still works on modern computers (the last update was 2016), but I still use it here and there because I love the pen tool feature it has, and it still works like a charm for me.
~General Tips From Raine~
Raine admits that she’s guilty of not following her own advice, but Raine hopes that the tips that she does know will be beneficial to someone who will follow them. She’s also going to keep all her tips under the cut so as to not make this post a huge wall of text (even though it technically already is lol)
Also, if you have some resources, tutorials, tips yourself, please feel free to send them to me and maybe I’ll make a part 2 to this post!
ALWAYS LOOK FOR REFERENCE. This should really go without saying. You can’t draw from life if you refuse to observe life itself.
If you can’t find the exact thing you need, MAKE YOUR OWN REFERENCE. Time and time again, I can’t find something exactly that I need. So instead, what I do is that I take pictures of my own reference. Sometimes I even grab a friend and take pictures of them doing whatever it is I need.
Have a mirror handy when you’re drawing. Sometimes what you need is actually right there in front of you.
Having trouble drawing something? Do some studies. Take the time to understand what it is you’re drawing. I can’t remember the exact story, but I heard that the people who were working on Tarzan were having a hard time drawing his hands. So, what they did was spend a few hours looking at hands to try and understand how they work.
IT’S OKAY TO STUDY THE ART OF OTHER ARTISTS. Just as we look to the old masters as a reference, it’s definitely okay to look at modern-day artists for reference. Just don’t go copying exactly everything that they do, or worse, trace what they do. Just don’t do it... at all.
Not every line needs to be realized. The viewer of your work will automatically connect the dots.
DO NOT TRASH YOUR OLD DRAWINGS. Please, never ever do this. Your old drawings have value to them, even if they look terrible to you. Old drawings may hold ideas for things you could do for the future. They also serve as a way to see how far you’ve come as an artist.
GETTING BETTER AT DRAWING TAKES TIME AND EFFORT. You’re not gonna get better overnight. It’ll take months, or even years, to feel like you’re a competent artist, and even then, you’ll still have room for improvement.
DON’T LOOK DOWN ON YOURSELF IF YOU’RE TAKING A LONG TIME TO GET BETTER. It’ll be better for your mental health in the long run.
Alternatively, DON'T LOOK DOWN ON OTHER ARTISTS EITHER, ESPECIALLY TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER. You know the struggles it took for you to get where you are, so don’t go putting down other people when you’ve been in their shoes once.
KEEP DRAWING. If you’re not making an effort to get better, then you’re not going to be better. I get that it’s hard to find the inspiration to draw (I’m very guilty of this), but just keep trying. It doesn’t have to be big or spectacular. You don’t even have to post it if you’re the type who likes to post their art stuff.
Try to find references from real-life. It’ll help you better understand form, lighting, shadows, etc., especially if you’re going for a more realistic kind of art style. Otherwise, finding reference from things like cartoons, anime, comics, etc. are just as good.
Try new things. Try new art mediums. Try a different art style. Switch up the way you do things. Maybe you’ll hate it, maybe you’ll like it. Who knows if you don’t try.
Watch time-lapses (or speed draws/speed paints) of other artists!
Pinterest and Google are your friends if you need tutorials or references or whatever.
If you’re offering commissions, DO NOT WORK UNDER YOUR LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE. You are literally devaluing the work you actually put into a piece.
I like to think I’m an aficionado of Photoshop, so feel free to ask me questions on how to achieve something! I’ve used Photoshop for about 11 years now and know my way around the program. On another note, I do recommend setting custom keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop because the default shortcuts are terrible (in my opinion), and because having custom shortcuts increases the speed of your workflow.
Because I’ve been seeing this a lot lately in Twitter, you’re never too old to start in art. Art is just one of those things that anyone can pick up at any age because the only thing you really need to get good in art is time, diligence, and patience.
Try not to post hi-res images of your artwork to prevent art stealers from selling your artwork in high resolution.
Always, always, always add your signature and watermark on your artwork. I like to add my signatures and watermarks in places that’ll be hard to erase or crop out. I’ve also seen people add their signatures and watermarks in creative ways (ex. on a character’s shirt). You need to protect your work in an era where people will just blatantly steal it and make profit off your work.
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jessiarts · 2 years
I just saw your content meme and that shit had me in tears. I'm sorry that happened to you 🥺❤
Thank you for your empathy. I'm sorry that it's happened to so many others as well.
I've been reading all comments and tags on that post. So many write how they have actually lost their enthusiasm for creating because situations just like that happened to them too often. I read one the other day that said they actually gave up writing completely because of it. That's heartbreaking to hear.
This is why we keep telling people to share, not repost, content. It really does take a toll on creators; both to feel your work isn't worthy, and to see that your work was worthy, but apparently not when posted by you.
Story Time (happy ending!)
I remember the first time it happened to me. I had a piece get quite popular, but I didn't know it for forever because someone had re-uploaded it to their own tumblr instead of reblogging it and from there it just got reposted over and over and over again across the internet-- without me. (In fact for years my original post from 2016 only sat at 12 notes. It currently sits at 15 despite being shared hundreds of times across the internet. Who knows, you might have seen it before. If so, Hi! I'm the one that drew it lol)
It wasn't until a friend shared it from a facebook page (not even realizing it was mine) that I even knew it had happened and when I reverse-image searched it I found the hundreds of times it had been reposted. (And if you google "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape -Dumbledore!" it's literally the first image result, and within the first ten if you google "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape meme" or "Snape Sandbox." Unfortunately those results all come from Pinterest. I just searched it again just for shits and giggles for this post and people apparently are still reposting it as early as 5 days ago. Heh.) My sister later told me she had seen it before too, had even thought "Heh, that looks like something Jessi would draw" but because my signature was cropped she didn't know that it had, in fact, been my work.
It's a conflicting, bittersweet, feeling to see that yes, so many people loved something you made, but you never got to see the happiness it brought people it until it was over, that it happened all without you, and knowing it's because someone took that from you. I honestly wondered what the point of continuing to create was if people were just going to steal my work, part of my soul, for attention and just leave me in the dust.
I've told that story so that I can now tell you of a happier story:
I had another post go popular on here. Only this time it didn't get reposted (well, it did from where I posted on Insta, but we're gonna focus on the happy that on here people respected me enough as the artist to not steal it this time lol)
This time I got to interact with everyone who enjoyed it- and it was so much better!
I was able to see how happy the comic made people in real time. I got to engage with people who thought the thing I made was cool. I got to read the tags where people wrote about specific parts that they liked and what made them laugh. I got to meet new accounts that had the same interests and engage with them. I still get notes from it popping up from time to time and every time it lights up my day to see that comic has made yet another person happy.
None of that was taken from me just so that someone else could gain attention using my work.
It was so much better. It actually encouraged me to make more art! I didn't care if it got popular, I was just happy that anyone enjoyed something I had created.
So, for anyone reading this, please: if you enjoy something someone created, please reblog it. Don't repost it.
And for the love of the gods, PLEASE let's all collectively stop giving repost accounts attention for stealing work from creators. They don't give credit, they don't ask permission, and they gaslight creators by telling them that they should be grateful for the exposure when in reality the creators don't get any. Repost accounts only care about exposure for themselves and growing accounts that they'll abandon or sell in a couple years anyway. It's never about the creators with them, they're only chasing clout.
Think about it, they could easily just share directly from the accounts of the creators, in fact it's actually easier to do so. The only reason to repost someone else's work is because you know it'll get your own account attention.
Let's give the attention to the people who actually created the art, not the people who stole the art.
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angelivily · 3 years
The Color Scale (And Why It’s More Important Than Me)
So I was looking through some more theories and I saw someone who mentioned Dark’s colors. Immediately something clicked in the back of my brain...
So Dark’s signature colors are Red, Blue, and Grey...
And me being the over the top theorist I am, searched up the color palettes and ran them over Dark’s colors just to make sure...
The colors were still blue, red, and grey... but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t colorblind..
We all know that Damien signifies the blue color, Celine the red, and the house entity the Grey. And I think Mark played with this on purpose.
It shows the exact personalities of both Damien and Celine... as well as the house...
Let’s start with Celine.
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So according to google’s Wikipedia, Red signifies blood. It has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage.
This immediately went click click in my mind. We DEFINITELY see this with Celine as she herself has even said it.
She sacrificed so much for Damien. She used and manipulated so many people for him. She’s also quite courageous as well, if you haven’t noticed. And she’s very powerful and especially dangerous.
The color also associates with activity, passion, sexuality, anger, and love.
Yeah I can definitely see this with Celine. She’s passionate for what she does. She’s passionate with the Dark Arts, passionate in her beliefs. She’s very flirty and very beautiful. Yet she’s also angry. We can see this with her all the time.
We commonly see these traits with Dark as well. Dark can be manipulative at times, he also, as we’ve seen in ADWM, is very flirty. Because of his outbursts and common ticks of screaming, we can also see that he’s very passionate, and very angry. As well as overall dangerous.
Now let’s move on with Damien.
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Blue, according to MSU Extension means, enthusiastic, sympathetic, communicative, compassionate, idealistic, sincere, and imaginative.
If you can’t see this with Damien.... I have no idea who you are.
Damien is a VERY enthusiastic man. He always has something good to say, and always tries to see a positive way out.
He’s also quite sympathetic. As we could see in “Damien”, after his visit with Mark he said, “I remember what he did... what we did..” in that small moment, he felt bad for what he did. He felt sympathy for leading Mark to take this route.
We can also see his communicative side, as he’s literally the mayor. He’s very compassionate due to when Mark died, he showed his compassion to the Colonel. He also showed concern for when he gave us the choice to share our body with him and Celine. And also how he kicked us out for our own safety.
We definitely see how he’s idealistic because everything about his physique is just perfect. His hair, his suit, even his cane. How his posture is on point and how he speaks with his words like silk.
And finally, the house’s, or Dark’s.
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According to Bourn Creative, Grey means, emotionless, moody, dull, dirty, dingy, formal, conservative, sophisticated.
Oh yes. Yes yes yes.
We can definitely see this on Dark.
We BARELY see him show any side of emotion but Celine’s, which shows his moody side. He always seems quite dingy because of how much he has to go through on a basis, he is always dressed in a suit and tie, leaving him expressively formal. He’s always been sophisticated due to his shared knowledge from both Damien, Celine, AND the house. He knows everything from the Dark Arts, The Upside Down, and about being a leader.
All of these traits we can see, add up to Dark. We barely see Damien’s side because the majority of Dark’s good will is gone, but we do see a lot of Celine’s, as well as the house’s sides.
These colors symbolize who Damien and Celine were as people. They also symbolize who Dark is as a person as well.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 3 years
Hey so i’m not trying to start #fandomDrama or whatever but like, this post:
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Is very clearly using stolen art.
Red Flags:
- Signature doesn’t align with url (I can’t read the sig but that first letter is not an S and there’s no 4 to be seen)
- Poster has not posted any other art before.
- No archiving tag (e.g. “my art”)
- In fact there’s not any kind of emotional connection to what is clearly a very elaborate piece (e.g. no tag like “sure hope this does well cause i spent a week on it)
None of this is damning evidence of course, but you wanna know what is? If you google “blackhill fanart” A repost of this art to pinterest from more than a year ago is literally the second result.
I’ve literally been unable to find the original artist because everyone keeps reposting this artwork all over the place without credit. Please stop supporting art theft, you can see right here the detrimental effects it has.
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alister312 · 3 years
4, 12, 13, and 14!
:O an ask………… thank u for letting me have a proper opportunity to gush………
4: Do you have a favorite South Park creator in the fandom (artist, writer, cosplayer, etc.)? If so, who?
Okay as someone who has only ever existed on tumblr, ff dot net, and YouTube as a SP fan, I do not know if there’s any super cool people on places like insta or twitter (or even ao3 really except for saturnpanther). HOWEVER. My absolute beloved author is petroica traversi on ff dot net because her Gregstophe content is!! SO GOOD!! And that was my second ever South Park ship and I fell very hard for them. I also remember enjoying fallingwithstyle and angel-of-gryffindor, and ofc hollycomb is a classic.
Speaking of classics, in terms of art, I think we as a community owe our life to preoprix. They have so much incredible work out there and I was thrilled to see that south-park-fanart-archive is reblogging so much of it right now. I don’t remember a ton of other old artists I liked during my initial phase… there was someone who’s signature was like “LZ” and I liked their art a lot? And I’d be lying if I said the zombie apocalypse AU fic I used to have wasn’t inspired by tuckerenthusiast’s Craig of the Dead designs. As for current artists, almost literally everyone I see is so talented. Buuuuuut I’m especially enjoying content from miraco, ameangel-sp, chaaistheanswer, bunypark, sn33z3s, stankyles, meuhhjelly, cheesym0rgue, fuzzylampnecklawyer, and emilyartstudio-s!! There’s definitely others I’ve seen and spam reblogged but like. If I just name dropped every single SP artist that would be a bit much imo. But all those above people are producing art that I'm in love with the styles of who I always reblog stuff from if I see it.
As for YouTube there’s literally just one person but they were integral to my first SP brainrot so shoutout to Mihoshiii. Also this video, living rent free.
12: Who’s the first character that caught your eye when you first watched the show? Or: Who was your first favorite character?
This is very hard because I had an unconventional introduction into SP. When I was younger I was really into Let’s Players and I watched one of them do a LP of The Stick of Truth, which made me want to watch the show. So I was just generally pumped for all the characters as soon as I started watching? I will say, I have a vivid memory of searching “South Park” on google images to find fan art. One of the suggested search results was “South Park Yaoi” and I thought that was funny as hell so I clicked it. Very first image was Kenny leaning out of a bus and kissing Butters and I haven’t known peace since.
13: Do you have a favorite minor character? Who?
Back in 2017 when I was much more active on Cartoon Amino, I literally made a bunch of South Park Top 10 lists, one of which was about minor characters. Christophe was my number one, partially because I was edgy and partially because I was correct. He makes such an impact with such little screen time and I would have LOVED to see more of him. Which is why I write so much fanfic involving him, I think. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’m less sure about giving him the number one spot. I think he’s tied with Gregory?
I do have so so much love and so many thoughts about both Gregory and Christophe, it’s hard to choose which one I love more! I’ve found that I’m much more able to get into Gregory’s headspace when writing though because we have (conceptually in my head) more similar upbringings. But maybe I like getting into his headspace because I like using him as a way to study my thoughts on Christophe. The two are honestly so much a part of one another to me, I don’t know how to separate them.
Besides them, though, I’m in love with Kevin Stoley, the Goth kids, and Corey Lanskin. Every time I think about them I’m ☺️😊
14: Do you have a favorite female character? Who?
For sure Bebe. I also think that Karen is such a sweetheart and Nichole deserves so much more and my fanon interpretation of Red is the best buuuuut Bebe is best girl. I almost cried during the vaccine special when she FINALLY got a line after so long without one.
I just think it’s funny that much of fanon (at least, old fanon) reduced her down to “dumb girly blonde stereotype” when she is so much more than that. So it always makes me very happy to see her being used in any other way. Or when she’s used at all, which is oddly rare considering she, at one point, was the only girl besides Wendy listed among SP characters on the Wikipedia page. I want to see her hold a gun again. She deserves it.
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