exposing an art thief
9 posts
because he won't stop using it even though he's been asked repeatedly, and i'm sick of explaining when he lies again and sends people after me and my friends
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
vikthrowaway · 1 month ago
put it back k9poetry
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you changed it
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then we're doing it again? put it back.
you have two weeks starting from now to
- stop using stolen art on your "deleted" pinterest - stop doing this stupid bluescreen dance and set it to something non-bluescreen - change the songs in, private or delete synth's spotify playlist
if you fail to, i'll just release a bunch of screenshots of you saying hideously abusive, violent and fatphobic things about your exes and current partners. and a bunch of screenshots of things your 21+ qpp has said to minors. i don't think you want that. you know i'll leave you alone if you do. so why do you play this game? if you really want to be left alone, fix it. such easy requests that i know you can fulfill. go on now.
and after those two weeks, if you ever do it again... screenshots for the public! some of the things you've done can't be justified by "i've changed" anymore. you know that.
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vikthrowaway · 1 month ago
vik wants attention again so here's more misconduct
you want me to air out more of your shit? cant wait? ok i can air out more shit i got you. this one's gonna be a little less professional cause at this point i've proven this guy doesn't deserve my professionalism
ok so where were we whats new. lets start with its tumblr, @k9poetry
ooh a vent
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ok, ok, cool, but like... no one's contacted you or even mentioned you since my last post which was like two weeks ago, aka when you finally managed the bare minimum, and not even everything i asked you for bro i gave you leeway and you're still crying? if there's a single example you can give of us "not leaving you alone" after that i would love to see it. also i see you took my suggestion of stealing from the actually shitty ex. thank god do more of that and leave us alone
also...... your simply plural template
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cool, cool.... so, why's it on emojicombos? someone's stealing here, and i'll be honest with your history.... hmmmmm
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also, put it back. you know better. come on man. stop calling it bluescreen. timer reset again. you know better. or maybe you don't you don't exactly seem to have a moral compass
i got more shit to say, i'll do that later i'm waiting on some people but for now i gotta remind you what i know real quick. vik, you know what you've been saying about your exes (AND CURRENT PARTNER! WHOA!) in private? you'll never guess, but i know. i've got proof, actually. i wonder if your partner knows about you saying you want to beat the fuck out of them and calling them a "retarded bitch?" hmmm. i wonder. and over your polyamory again. the polyamory you've used to justify cheating multiple times... no wonder they don't trust you! lol
also whats with your 21+yo qpp hanging out with pro-c minors and talking about being a MAP with them in their public server? what's up with that? be real awkward if everyone knew what you were doing in private, wouldn't it? it'd be real awkward if people knew you were talking to a minor about them touching themselves when they were 10 in a public server.
also what's with you saying you're jewish? hello? do you even know anything about judaism? i don't think so, cause i've got proof of you calling a star of david a pentagram. to someone who's actually jewish. that's not something someone who's jewish would do, vik.
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is that what the hebrew names are about? or did you just happen across them? just like you happened upon hayvin? while stealing your exes art?? did you just happen upon your exes art? twice??? we ignoring the fact you did that?
ok back into shit you should do if you want even an inch of room to say you've changed at all as a person. and, you know, if you really wanna be left alone so bad... if you're trying so hard... even though i have screenshots showing that you're not actually doing that <3
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also, take their art off your pinterest. i've got a screenshot from a month ago that shows you've still got the login. change the image. i know you can.
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this is the same playlist as the original synth's, i've got screenshotted proof, delete or private it. or get your own music taste there's an idea
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also yo why are we using your ex's username on twitter? change it. you seemed to like undeadogs, use that. all yours buddy.
yeah okay that's it. change it or i'll release a dump of screenshots you do NOT want public on the internet for anyone to stumble across or use against you. look i'm just threatening you at this point i have full right to publicize them cause i've got consent from the people who took them. i'm not playing anymore ok get a life and stop leeching off your exes.
also you know how you said it would only take one callout post in return? do it. do it. i have been saying for you to do it this whole time. go on. make accusations. see how easily i disprove them. it'd be so funny. please. please do. don't pretend you're not doing it out of a moral obligation, you have no morals, you're in a queerplatonic relationship with a 21+ year old who talks about being a pedophile around minors and encourages them to make jokes about it in a public server. pro-c "youth liberation" minors. be so fucking for real. please god make a callout post. you will look like a total idiot. bonus points if you let me reblog it directly. but you won't because you're a coward who knows hy has no ground to stand on <3
also on your "i'm being stalked you're stalking me i hate my stalkers!!" bs, riddle me this: when have we ever contacted you about something that wasn't public? when have i ever posted anything that wasn't either public information or something you sent to people who gave me the screenshots to post here? something i only ever started doing to stop you from harassing your exes and stealing their art? are you saying like ten people are stalking you for letting me have those screenshots? is that what you're claiming? especially when i also have a screenshot of you admitting you used to use your pinterest to stalk, and you have an entire board section dedicated to the art from my old profile picture? which you decided to use for your poob kin like the day after i argued with you? did you just happen upon that drawing too? 🤨
take your permamuzzled ass and use that muzzle to shut up about your exes!!! thanks!!!
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
semi-occasional update 2, apparently @k9poetry on tumblr and discord is a radqueer now. and is pro-map and "neutral contact." also he dmed me again
these titles just get better and better. i've had a bad day so this one's going to be short, go check my pinned post and the google drive if you're new here because i'm tagging this with some radqueer tags so y'all know about him too. read in chronological order, yes there is a lot, there is a lot more that i will be touching on in a later post but things aren't ready for that info to be shared publicly yet.
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he changed the lyrics but not the misspelling so at this point it's on purpose and i won't be mentioning the misspelling again. there's more important things to talk about
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he did take it out of his!
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not his rentry though. the images are centered now though! yay! progress! and he spelled thieves right thank you vik it was bugging me. but also this proves you could have taken our names out so thank you revoked
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he did take it out of his buuuuuuut.......
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yeah. still using it, he just deleted and remade his tumblr. same username too, it's not like he's attempting to hide this information, it's public.
he also (sit down for this one) on the same tumblr, before changing the pinned post, had this to say.
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i should have saved the website i didn't think he'd delete it so fast T_T i have proof that he had a different pinned post though and proof from me commenting it to people at the time that it was present. will share if needed
contact neutral? for those who aren't as chronically online as i am, "contact stances" refers to your opinions on people being allowed to act on their paraphilias, usually only referring to the big three (pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia). he's saying he's neutral on child exploitation. do with that info what you will
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you removed yourself from discourse on if pedophiles should touch kids? for your mental health? you were in discourse about kid diddling, and it encouraged you to be a bad person with the side you were in? the side of "don't touch kids" ??? also it's weird you're friends with anti endos when you sent someone after me and our server and yelled at mirage for your made-up accusations of them being anti endo. that's not the flex you think it is. you're a hypocrite who's proven nothing but the fact you have no moral standards and will change your stance on anything, even literal csa, to please the people around you.
hold on i have more proof of this because of something i didn't bring up in the first post, that i might have. he's also, so it seems, pro-map.
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while maps were once considered a label used for non-offending individuals who happen to have pedophilic tendencies, it is now used almost exclusively in radqueer spaces to refer to pro-contact pedophiles, even causing labels such as map4aam (map 4 adult attracted minor. let that sink in). .......yeah. i don't have anything to say about this, just.... jesus fucking christ.
uh. yeah. anyways. back to everything else
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would you believe this is the second time he's threatened to call the police on me?
look, i highly doubt the police are going to take your tumblr drama seriously. anything i have posted has been something that you have posted publicly or that you have said to someone who sent it to me, and firsthand reports of you... cheating on your exes? the police are going to arrest me for publicly commenting about what you did publicly? will they arrest you for mentioning the fact you're "neutral" on literal pedophilia?
and i guess you can use the names you want, you have free will, but you've been requested to stop by the original owners of the names. you are directly and publicly disrespecting the boundaries of your exes because you think you're above them. so you just look like an asshole by doing so at this point man.
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you're contact neutral, that's the most chronically online thing you can be. also how tired do you think i am of watching you mock your exes, publicly slander them, and steal art and names from them?
if you somehow manage to get the tumblr taken down despite having by all means no real grounds to do so, i'll move it onto the rentry instead. the drive will still be up. people will still know. i'll keep updating. i told you, anything you say to me from now on will be public. we've been reporting anything you do that involves us from, but you thought that was "obsessive stalker behavior." how the tables table.
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no you didn't change names. you took it off your and then added it to your tumblr.
you never removed the art from your pinterest, you know
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and i have proof that you both own and have the password to that account still, so you have no arguments for not doing so. also, you had to have your hand basically twisted into not stealing art. you still haven't even apologized for it, and yet you're acting holier-than-thou about... not stealing art?
3. you never even did half the things i asked, you basically said "i'm not going to because i don't wanna!" (see last post) and then said you would never contact me again. then contacted me literally the next day.
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ooh, a teaser for the next post. also you've said this like every time you've contacted me and every time there have been people that are actively in your circles telling me how terrible you actively are being please you just sound like an idiot at this point. you already do, do you ever think about how foolish you sound? haha what was that anyways.
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literally... literally yesterday, you said this
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at this point no one believes you when you say you're "done with us." not that we ever really did but i'm sure someone was optimistic. oone day. you can not stop yourself, can you?
also you can screenshot and keep in a folder whatever you want, for once i would hope you would provide screenshots when arguing instead of yelling at a wall. that being said i don't claim ownership over the actions of other people. i'm not your brother's victims' keeper, i'm just the one finally publicly commenting on your terrible behavior. clearly it's getting to you though. for the record, i actively discourage anyone from contacting him because i know it's just a reason for him to throw a fit about being stalked and harassed. i'm not god though, i can't physically stop them. there's like seven people at this point that hate his guts and i hold actual opinion value in the minds of like. three. out of seven. i do my best, i'm sorry if any slip through the cracks.
anyways some things are cooking in the metaphorical oven. will get to them when the time is right. timer still has not begun because he's still doing the same behaviors, consciously and actively doing it again actually so you can't even say it's unintentional now.
i'm putting my phone and computer on mute for the rest of the day but i do occasionally check the email (mentioned in first post) and my tumblr dms here so you have that to look forward to.
i will still be posting anything you dm me publicly, vik. i said i would already, so you dming me is breaking your own dni and also consenting to whatever you say being posted here. and no, i will not stop. you always interact with me first. think about that for a second
also, for those wondering, i'm nuanced on radqueers. i think the people are almost always acting in good faith and care for other people + complex identities but i think the concept of "radical acceptance" allows a place that harbors actual predators (like what vik is doing), and some transids can be harmful to the communities they're identifying as and the people identifying as them. my complaints are systemic basically. also i'm anti-contact
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
semi-occasional update 1, he's still doing it
let's get the big boys out of the way, entire copy of in google drive, read these in chronological order
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quote still taken from haven, "guard" still spelled incorrectly. no i will not stop harping on this, at this point its the principle of the matter i know he reads these he literally responded to a post where i commented on this. please
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getting this quickly out of the way because it's more of a "why?" rather than "this is terrible behavior" but this part of his dni. ramcoa isn't.... a culture? it's. a form of severe, extreme trauma. number name validity discourse aside, even if one assumes one should not use number names without having experienced that trauma (which always tends to be treated the same as cultural names as well, i find), it is not a culture. hence, it's strange to believe one can only use those names if they were gifted to them by a ramcoa sys. it's like someone saying "no i can say 'i'm so ocd' about my perfectionism, my friend with ocd said i specifically could" (bad analogy but it serves).
okay back to actual issues. let's recap on the things he said he would change and the things he said he wouldn't, because he has done neither, past taking out the stolen art and deleting draxum's profile.
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still calling me wsc despite me at this point personally requesting him to stop and him implying (see last post) that he would.
i still want our names removed. keep our names out of your mouth. timer has still not begun. the part about exes is fine because it's not our literal names i don't care about that
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another tangent, you say you are physically and mentally disabled yet bragged about being employed as a "gotcha" towards your all variously disabled exes and ex friends, who you specifically know struggle with employment due to their disabilities. huh.
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also you spelled "physical" wrong.
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also you engage in ramcoa number discourse, which counts as syscourse. also you claim to be an "endo kisser gateway system" what do you mean you don't participate in syscourse. i can only assume this is an attempt to hang out in anti endo spaces again, in which case.... wow.
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yeah. okay tangent over.
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still using bluescreen despite having been requested to stop. still using the name asher despite having been requested to stop.
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still using hayvin despite being asked multiple times in various posts to stop.
one more tangent okay
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you don't know the icon credit...
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but the watermark is right there at the bottom? please be more respectful with the art you use, considering you probably still think you have some kind of right to use art gifted to you by someone you stole from. you don't by the way. haven specifically wants you to stop using all art.
that concludes the semi-annual update. conclusion: exceedingly simple requests have not been met. also, he's very clearly harping on the number name thing because his exes (and me) have number names (k9, mirage, and us, the latter two of which were directly told by another ramcoa survivor we could use them, because it lets people with that trauma be less easily identifiable as people who have gone through that trauma, therefore making them safer in online communities.)
timer has still not begun.
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
oh hey a response
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hello jon. apologies for the deception.
first off, actually referring to me by my name for once, great, steps in the right direction. this isn't an apology but you're not calling me an obsessive stalking bozo again, so i'll attempt to be somewhat respectful.
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i will give you "mutt" as it is a common name. hayvin is not. zenaida macroura is also not. you only started using sharkbait and sharktooth after having a fallout with someone named sharkfeed, at the same time as adding jade, both people you know to hate you with a passion. you stopped using them publicly though, so i'll give you that.
stop using the name hayvin. the original user of that name wants you to stop. i was explicit in my request to stop using it.
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choosing to use it because of the subsystem doesn't make it less of a deadname for your ex. or, for that matter, a name your ex used to use in general. something i explicitly requested you to stop doing, while they have explicitly requested you to stop using bluescreen multiple times. stop. if you must, stop posting it publicly.
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then stop posting their names and system publicly. completely. if you cannot publicly behave yourself, misbehave privately. that is the only leeway i am giving you, because in this area you don't deserve leeway.
also, that doesn't justify this:
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but whatever. it also doesn't justify stealing art. ever.
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we go by jade collectively. we always have. we requested you to stop multiple times. also, just stop using it completely. take my name out of your mouth.
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delete all of it, completely. i will be holding you to this. this is also not an apology for art theft.
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frankly, no they do not, and even if they did, you have a history of extremely inappropriate behavior towards your exes. see: the playlists from the last post you failed to address. the graphic theft that you committed against my partner that you still have failed to mention, even in this "last response." active art theft that you only stopped as of last night. and again, i repeat, none of us want anything to do with you, so take our names out of your goddamn mouth and stop posting about us publicly. we want nothing to do with you. putting our names in your dni does absolutely nothing but publicly advertise "hey guys, i hate these people!" especially when you go out of your way to unblock and status-beef with people and repeatedly dm me and then delete the messages. did you think i didn't see that? you dmed me the night my mother died, you know. sorry, i didn't get to screenshot that one. i was busy.
take our names out of your mouth. i am making that clear. you are harmful towards us. you have no right to have our names in your mouth. we don't want them there. take them off.
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so, within the past month, and i posted that first post around a week ago, so closer to three weeks.
and you didn't correct it publicly, you just left the server, from what i remember... hm.
you also deleted your tumblr accounts probably, or just changed the usernames, but like... i don't really care? you didn't have to do that. i don't care what you do on your tumblr, i just want you to stop posting about us.
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this was you last night. you also stole art last night.
you literally are still actively refusing to take accountability for your actions. as anyone with eyes that can see the harm you cause, you have not changed at all. maybe you just got a little subtler. you have by all means not become a better person, since, you know, you were committing art theft last night, still think you're entitled to gifted art, and still have yet to apologize. or apologize for anything else you've done, despite admitting on record that you did it. and i'll remember that you admitted it, by the way. once again, one year, and you have still yet to meet those simple requirements.
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uh huh.
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this was you last night
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this was you in december
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little before that...
i mean i could go on but you get the point.
everything i said in the last post stands, you haven't taken accountability nor responded to half of my accusations, and you just admitted publicly on record "i did that shit, twice" so that looks great on you. at least you admitted it.
you know what they say though. fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. fool me thrice... well i'm probably not gonna believe you
i'm still going to update this with any new things you post about us publicly. i'll even note down the things you've removed. seems only fair.
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also this is still spelled wrong, it's been three posts, i know you see it, please fix it it's been bugging me for so long
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also isn't censored and it's annoyed me since the day you created it, it's two arrows on either side of the image, it's not that hard please fix it
okay that's all. use spellcheck test your rentries to make sure your centering is okay and also stop being weird thanks
EDIT TWO: also its thieves not theifs in that rentry. i before e except after c and where did you get an f from
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
wait it took you a week to find this?
right, so, @k9poetry has found this account, judging by the fact he had a pretty public response to it (and then blocked me), but i yet to see anything done about the request i made to publicly refute any of my statements despite, you know, direct requests to do so. curious.
anyways, we have some improvements, some mildly entertaining but otherwise lackluster insults, and some more art theft! very mature responses across the board, but if you've read everything else you're probably not surprised. i'm not going to mince my words as much this time because this time i'm listing off every current actively abusive, hostile, or generally inappropriate behavior he is currently publicly displaying (that i can remember), and directing some things to him personally at the end.
because i know, despite how much you say over and over again that you're "done with us," you read everything. you will check this. you will read this through. maybe, if you have a shred of shame left, or possibly just stubbornness knowing you, you might take a little hiatus from looking at this. a few days, i wouldn't give it longer than a week or two. but you'll be back. i know you will. you always are, aren't you? when you said you were "done with us" but then unblocked us all so we could see your statuses, i wonder why? or how when we all went about our daily lives, never speaking to you or mentioning you... you started stealing art again, and stealing things from people's prns.ccs again. even after you never found this, so you from your end got no response, you just kept blocking and unblocking.... were you looking for something? well, you found it.
so let's get into it. a full backup of his current is in the google drive, so you can't retcon any of these statements later, vik. they're on the internet forever now, unless of course you can manage to actually leave us alone for a full year. i'm still doubtful.
oh yeah i'm taking the gloves of anonymity off for this one, you know who i am, vik.
first of all let's get one done quickly here: whyyyy are you posting direct copies of mirages headmate playlists and also a playlist of your apparent fictive of haven publicly on your spotify?
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just why, honestly. and don't try and claim that they're different at the end or after those songs i have the pages saved they are the EXACT same other than the actual kb having dinner by femtanyl on its, and that might be a new development. this is strange behavior and it makes you look weird. ok let's get into the new developments.
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first off, guard dog is still spelled wrong here, so clearly you weren't reading my or mirages well enough. please fix this. if you're going to steal my whole guard dog thing at least make an effort to do it properly.
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okay, mature, mature, i see... i expect you to hold to that whole "this is all you're gonna get from me" thing since this is about the third time you've said that so far.
i'm glad we get an admittance to copying copiously and lying about the system travel (twice)! that's great! accountability is important, vik. i told you as much when you crawled back into my life pretending to be sorry because your friendgroup ditched you! remember that? remember what kankri told you? i think you should reread it. it was genuine advice, you know. you keep making the same mistakes, though, so i can't help but think you never bothered to listen. which is a shame, because he genuinely was trying to help you! i'm not. i just want you to leave me and the people i love the hell alone.
also, saying you don't need to copy others to feel good about yourself is... a little telling, considering you're still doing it!
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wow, i wonder where you got that incredibly unique system name... it's almost as if your ex used to go by it, while you were still dating! remember how you used to call them "zen?" it was adorable, wasn't it? how unfortunate that you're still the same exact person as back then, huh?
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still taking my guard dog thing.... i mean honestly whatever, though if anything you've ever done is a reflection of what kind of dog you are, i feel like the only guarding you would do is pissing on people's feet. unpleasant, but ineffective. like you clearly attempting to gain some kind of ground over us by doing all this! i wonder why? are you not satisfied enough with your life? that's not our problem. maybe you should talk to your therapist about that instead of publicly making a fool of yourself.
i mean at least you spelled it right this time. points for that? you don't get a gold star for metaphorically (dog analogy again! it's great honestly i should use it more often) pissing on the floor rather than on the table this time though, even if you had the decorum to go on the floor and not where i eat.
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that's still haven's name. like, blatantly so. putting it at the bottom doesn't change the fact you shouldn't be using it.
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that's still more of k9's art. changing the art you are stealing does not make it less art theft. also, on the bio comment.... you are aware how foolish you look, right? this doesn't make you look like a good person. you know that, right? you don't look like a good person when you do things like this. if you actually told the truth about the things that happened, i don't think many if any people would want to defend what you're doing here. you know that... right?
no, i suppose not. and i can't see you learning anything from this, either. you realize that you're nearly the same exact person you were when you told your exes to kill themselves a few years ago, right?
right, so, you're probably thinking to yourself, "wow this is so abusive of you. how could you say any of this to me? this proves that you are an abuser and are abusing and stalking me," and... dude. come on. be real.
the only reason that i keep all these screenshots, that i check in once in a while, that i pay any attention to you at all, is because you've got a nasty habit of being really really weird about your exes and ex friends. and you have a habit of lying about them and other things, too. like that tumblr, staticore? are we still pretending that's not you, even though it's absolutely you because you didn't even make new accounts, you just changed the username and said "well now i look like a whole brand new person! they'll never figure this one out" even though we very clearly can see that messages from your fazdrink account were oh-so-suspiciously now sent from staticore? cmon man.
you could, at any time, respond to this. reblog it, send me an inbox, create a somewhat eloquently (or at least hopefully eloquently) written rentry to tack as a link onto your, since you know just as well as i do i'll be checking in to see if you're still stealing art (and, you know, stuff basically straight off my, but whatever man that's mostly just weird. why did you do that? you know that reflects badly on you, right?) and give everyone, publicly, all the proof that you are truly the victim and in the wrong as you have claimed (because you claimed to me that you showed them all the proof, twice, remember? i have screenshots if you need a refresher), and as you likely will always claim, because you don't care about being the better person, you care about being in the spotlight. that's why you blocked and unblocked us a couple times. that's why you suddenly care about ultrakill, despite never caring about it before. you're not slick.
hell, you could even give your own personal statement, with no proof whatsoever, as you tend to do! i'll try and corroborate it with my own proof of things that i have said to you. i'm aware i've been mean to you before. i called you a coward and also a pussy i think. you were being a coward. i stand by that. i think i told you to shut the fuck up once, and i think that was honestly deserved too. shut up dude. leave us alone.
and again, because i'm sure you're still reading, because you can't help yourself: an ultimatum. one i already presented to you.
stop using your exes names. you can keep zenaida macroura because the meaning behind it makes you claiming it hilarious and it entertains me to no end. hell, keep using jade as your profile picture, i'm over it. you know in your heart why you started calling yourself jade.
that being said, stop using people's actual names when you claim to have subsystems full of their headmates. especially asher and draxum. it's really weird that you are publicly using your exes actual names. fictives are whatever, just no very obviously identifiable names. like asher. or draxum. just source separate. the source wants nothing to do with you. it's really weird that they also only seem to be mentioned when you're talking about us or publicly where you're doing it so we can see. stop using bluescreen as their subsys name as well. you have been asked multiple times to stop.
for the love of god, stop calling me wsc. i've asked you like seven times now just publicly and another couple privately. call me jade. it's strange behavior, and it is obvious you are doing it on purpose. i guess this one is optional, but seriously, it just makes you look bad.
stop using haven's art. delete it from your phone, like you said you did. yes, even the one that you're currently using for your "REAL green dragon." that's still stolen art, vik. just stop. cold turkey. it's fucked up, you know it's fucked up, and yet you still do it. stop.
stop using our names in your "personal dni." we don't want to interact with you. keep our names out of your mouth, at least publicly. especially ghost because what did they even do to you dude you stole their graphics and then tried to convince them we were abusers and in the wrong. you've still yet to submit any statement, nearly half a year later, about claiming their graphics that they made as yours. stop mentioning us by name. you can keep venting about us being terrible abusers i don't care about that.
stop claiming that your introjects of people in mirage's system are from system travel. you know that's not true. we know that's not true, you are literally fooling nobody who has an iota of the full story. continuing to lie about this is dehumanizing and genuinely fucking awful of you. i reiterate the point about source separation again. you can't even keep consistent on who from their system you have, dude
that's it. tl;dr, stop using our names, stop talking about us by name, stop stealing art and graphics, source separate your introjects (see: stop using our names), and stop claiming it's system travel.
that feels pretty easy. actually, i'd say most people don't do any of those things... except for you.
so maybe take that employment that you have, and shove it up your ass use your time more wisely.
get a life that doesn't involve stealing from and ritually unblocking and re-blocking your exes for attention.
if you can do all of this, for the next year (and i do have a timer), i will take all of this down and delete it. i will delete everything, other than perhaps a folder on my computer to hold all these screenshots, just in case you start this all over when the year is up.
every time you do something else that clearly breaches past "general normalcy" into "this would get you bullied off a platform if you had any iota of a public figure," though, the timer resets. that includes very obviously taking names, other than the ones you've been told you can keep.
and no i don't care about what you say about that other mf. ruin is a freak (insult) and while i don't endorse your behavior there either because it's not good for your overall mental health and stability i also don't care enough to stop you, because i hate ruin, a lot, because while you are a miserable whelp who bites peoples ankles for attention, ruin is an honest to god danger to society, and therefore i do not care about what strange behavior you exhibit in that respite. go bother the actual dangerous individual if you like yelling at your abusers about how much you are the victim and how everyone agrees with you, because we don't want to hear it.
i reiterate, get a life. anything you do directed towards us specifically from now on will also be posted here or to the google drive. anything. i will consider all of it a direct response to the accusations i have publicly provided against you. i will not respond to any of them other than right here, publicly, where you have, once again, every right to defend yourself. but i get the feeling you won't, because you know that your argument falls apart as soon as your puppet-abusers can actually rebut against your statements.
sleep well, vik.
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
i found proof of him stealing more graphics
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so remember when i said this?
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the profile picture there, that was created by @/k9coded or k9/haven.
he also had it set to his at the time, and i'll edit this with a screenshot of it if/when i locate one.
as always, this has been uploaded to the google drive.
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
@k9poetry's only public response to being called out for art theft was to commit more art theft
i can't make this up. all screenshots are once again backed up to the google drive.
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draxum was mentioned in the last post, he's one of k9/haven's headmates that vik has to declare to anyone that will listen that he has.
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and no, putting k9's name and "oc" at the end of your does not count as proper credit for fair use when you're currently using uncredited art with a removed watermark and have been asked to stop multiple times.
he also has decided to copy some of the things on jade's that she's working on but i'm putting it under the cut because it's just strange behavior rather than directly harmful.
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the sys4sys and nh4nh flags were also definitely directly taken from the, which isn't very kind since jade edited all of the flags on her herself and he's once again profiting off the work of the people he's harmed. EDIT: i took a closer look. they are different. they are still the exact same labels, exact same flags and nearly the exact same layout, though.
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if you're going to copy, at least spell it right? the word is right there.
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still can't properly respect boundaries, which is hilarious considering he took "anyone who mocks people's boundaries" out of his.
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you're copying jade's layout. you are also actively stealing art. i don't think you can not interact with yourself.
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vikthrowaway · 2 months ago
Discord/Tumblr using systems beware @k9poetry / @staticore . He is an art thief and a liar.
this serves to bring attention to the repeated, continuous inappropriate behavior of vik, also known as:
k9poetry / 819333001631629355 on discord k9poetry + staticore on tumblr, as of this post k9poetry and doepilled on /k9core on rentry k9p0etry and k9poetry and staticore and doefrills on pinterest
he has some other accounts on different platforms but they are not necessary for this. his discord is the most necessary as that is where he is active. these accounts are all posted as they are needed for proof and/or referenced in this post. he will likely delete many of these accounts and/or change the usernames, but screenshots of them as of this post will be linked under the cut or in the attached google drive.
anti endos bear with me on this one this guy is in your servers too.
his improper behaviors include but are not limited to:
lying about his exes, specifically calling one anti endo, ableist and polyphobic (they are in a poly relationship with an endogenic system and are disabled)
(hanging out in multiple anti endo servers "for templates" after, despite shaming them for doing the same thing. even though they weren't even in any)
fakeclaiming the same ex's disorders in private, according to a witness, including their npd that they do not have and never claimed to have
being unfaithful repeatedly over multiple years in his relationships, blaming it on his polyamory, as recent as june 2024
stealing graphics from his ex friends and ex. refusing to acknowledge it
stealing art from his ex, removing the signature, refusing to stop using it, claiming he would stop, and then deleting the message he sent saying he would stop and continuing to use it anyway
claiming that headmates from his ex's system syshopped to his in order to "escape their abuse," claiming they would "have fun without them" and then changing his story to say he "left identical copies." he then admitted they were not actually from system travel due to it being literally impossible, and then went back on that and began claiming it was system travel again.
claiming to have many fictives of his alleged abusive exes' headmates, who just so coincidentally love him and are so happy they are there now. and refuse to source separate. and are only mentioned when he is attempting to make sure we see it.
using extremely if not exactly similar names to at least four people that he has directly harmed, at the same time. and is actively impersonating one of them with their stolen art again
claiming that he has shown multiple people tons of evidence of our wrongdoing and that he is the victim (in his private messages to his "abusers"), but refuses to provide it under any circumstances, and has been caught directly lying to one of the people that was supposed to be on his side, leaving his credibility lacking
vik uses the fact that none of us have ever publicly accused him of anything in order to get away with lying about us in any server he can, in order to make us look as bad as possible, and stealing art with no repercussions. this post serves to give him no leeway in lying about the things he has done in his past anymore.
vik, if you have any proof against any of the things you are being accused of here, you can feel free to repost this to defend yourself. hell, make wild, sweeping claims with absolutely no proof other than "trust me bro" as you tend to. i can disprove anything and everything that you claim, because your lies are extremely obvious to anyone with a fully formed prefrontal cortex who has seen both sides. there's a reason why almost anyone (if not everyone) who's known you for more than a year hates you.
and for the record, no, i am not obsessed with you. no one is. you have serious issues and clearly do things like this to gain attention and make you feel like you are either the victim, in the right, or both, despite the fact your methods are blatantly obvious to anyone with two eyes. no one would interact with you if you weren't doing the things mentioned above. we have asked you multiple times to just stop using our names, graphics and art and you blatantly refuse to despite clearly knowing you are in the wrong, because you admitted as such to k9. seriously, if you got a life, no one that you pester would interact with you. the only one who bothers anymore is me, and that's because i can't help it. and i get the feeling you know that because it seems you've begun targeting me as of recently. the only thing you can claim i have done to you is be mean. and with everything you have done, i'm willing to say that you deserved having me be mean to you. i never called you anything that wasn't true, and i can prove all of them. so feel free to prove me wrong and prove that you are the victim, publicly, where i can actually defend myself and you cannot lie about everything. the floor is yours.
the people mentioned by name in this are mirage/lysergide, jade, tommy, and k9/haven. most other names of victims have been redacted.
some things he has done will be touched on briefly here, but can be seen in much more depth (along with more things he has done) in this google doc.
if you don't want to read this entire post, you can skim this google doc that lists pretty much all proof provided here, for you to look into yourself. you don't even need to read my explanations, because the screenshots themselves are frankly damning enough. sorry about the filenames being keysmash i'm so tired of addressing this. he won't leave us alone.
lying about mirage being anti endo, ableist and polyphobic
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the only discussions of polyamory they have had at the time of that claim were mentioned in the google doc, when they requested they not get into relationships with people that mirage doesn't know anymore after one of vik's partners said that all masc nonbinary people should slit their wrists. also, as of the last month, he said this to me about my polycule:
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so... hm. you can form your own opinions. for the record, mirage is dating an endogenic system, is part of a polycule, and is physically and mentally disabled.
he also had this to say about it directly to them:
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note that "decided it's be better to live here, have fun without them" paragraph. we'll get to that.
also, he's currently in multiple anti endo servers, despite shaming them for doing that... even though they weren't.
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so do with that information what you will. there's more to this, but it's in the google drive if you want it.
fakeclaiming disorders in private
i don't have direct evidence for this one, but i have a firsthand account from someone from a ticket:
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this is gonna look really bad because the ticket got messed up due to age and file limits, but i color coded it for your convenience. jade is green and mirage is purple. excuse red's spelling, they were going through a very bad time in their health.
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sharkfeed is the aforementioned tommy by the way. more about them in the doc. someone said they were gonna try to spiritually murder him and vik is buddy buddy with that person as of the last time we heard
mirage also doesn't have npd. so there's that. anyways
just straight up cheating on people
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yeah. more firsthand accounts of this from a user who we will refer to as redacted:
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speaking of, redacted has this to say on being contacted:
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the google account linked to the drive is, you can contact me there, or asks here are fine as well. anon will be turned off.
graphic theft, twice. and identity theft because i don't know where else to put it
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ghost, jade's partner, made these.
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he claimed one of them as his own.
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he also continued to use one of them after the fallout. more in the doc.
also, he started impersonating k9/haven, picking handles extremely similar to theirs (k9poetry,) until they gave in and told him he could just have the handle.
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he then lied and said it was his in the first place.
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but if that was the truth, why would he have made so many accounts incredibly similar to k9poetry, over the course of multiple months, before k9 gave up and let him have it?
not to mention, haven now uses the name k9coded and vik's rentry is /k9core, and their pronouns.ccs are starting to look very similar.... hm.
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hayvin.... hm. i wonder where he got that name. it couldn't have been from drax, one of haven's headmates who used the name hayvin while hx was host.... hmmmmmmm.... he also stole graphics during his /k9poetryy phase but i don't have a screenshot of that so i'll let you know when i can prove it.
also, see that drawing? the one with the guy in the hoodie that says "bite me?"
well-placed segue into the fact he's actively committing art theft
yeah haven drew that. he has asked him to stop using it multiple times. he won't stop
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he then, later, claimed he would stop....
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but suddenly, that message doesnt exist anymore. hm,
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i wonder where it went?
additionally, as you can see on his pinterest, he didn't actually delete it, he just changed the bio name to "deleted account." ....i wonder why?
he also, if you look on his and pinterest, slightly edited the drawing and removed k9's signature in the process. i wonder what excuse he could have for doing that?
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here's the original, for reference. signature on the shoulder on the right
no, you don't have people who system traveled to live with you because your ex was just that mean. please stop
right so remember a little while ago when he said this?
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ignoring how blatantly awful this entire message is, and how it reads entirely as some cruel attempt at a form of "revenge," he claims that they would "have fun without them." which must mean they're gone, right? issue with his blatant lie: they weren't gone. reference the doc for that if you need proof they were definitely still there. he then started claiming that he left identical copies, because that makes so much more sense.
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and his proof was.... just trust me bro!
oh god. i'm out of images, okay, for the rest go to sorry.
also, vik, if you have anything to say to this, you will from now on say it publicly, where you can't avoid consequence by claiming it never happened or hiding behind a block button and ignoring us whenever you pop back up to bother us and we ask you to get a life. if you stopped using people's art and names in ways that are obvious attempts at impersonation, none of us would ever interact with you. i promise you that. you don't even have to stop blatantly lying where we can't see it if you really want to (even though that makes you a bad person, clearly it's proven here that you don't care about that, you just care about being right). just stop committing art theft. you always bitch and whine about how you're soooo done with us and how you just want to be left alone! so just stop stealing art and using the names of people you have harmed! that's it it's that easy. thank you. please get a life
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