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"Seeing me as one? You've seen me in your world?" It sounded strange to hear something like that, but she knew that things were different in the other worlds. Apparently she was a human in the other world. Weiss wanted to meet her other self, maybe they could do fun stuff together! Like colour and eat cookies.
Weiss couldn't seem to stand still, and wasn't going to let the girl answer her first question before she asked a few more. "Am I really nice? Am I pretty? Do I have lots of friends? A boyfriend?"The girl was practically hopping up and down. Something like this didn't happy very often to her, so she was really excited.
After the questions were answered though, Weiss didn't know what they could do. Going back to the school was a bad idea since she wasn't a faunus. They'd both get kicked out and probably beaten up. Maybe a walk in the forest until the portal worked again would be good.
Outlaws and Outcasts (Temptedtactician and parallelrwby)
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Those who reblog this before June 3rd will receive a Pokemon egg!
And in a day or two, it’ll hatch into a pokemon!
You don’t have to be a Pokemon roleplay blog, or a Pokemon blog, to participate in this~
"Here’s your pokemon egg! Take good care of it ‘til it hatches!"
*next day* “Oh look! Your egg is about to hatch!”
"It hatched into…"
"…an Aron! Congratulations!"
This is just an example — you could get any pokemon! Maybe even a shiny or a legendary~
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A... voice? Coming from the ruins! She was too late, someone had gotten through before she could get there and now there was no hope of ever seeing the other world. It wasn't all bad though, now she had a new person to play with. Hopefully they would be nice and not mean.
They knew her name though, so it had to be a friend of some kind. Weiss spotted the girl and began skipping over to her, but her smile turned into a worried frown. She did not know this person, but they knew her. Maybe it was one of those stalkers Ruby had taught her about. Weiss backed away from her, just to be on the safe side.
"Umm... yeah. I've always been a faunus! That's what's normal around here." She noticed the lack of ears on the other girl. She was a human, and probably from one of the other worlds. Weiss was jealous. She wanted to visit other worlds too, but now the portal wouldn't be opening for a long time.
Outlaws and Outcasts (Temptedtactician and parallelrwby)
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Weiss skipped along the pathway to the shrine, not a care in the world. A training excercise had been held only an hour or two ago so the Grimm would be nice and sleepy, she was perfectly safe all on her own. Unless Ruby found her of course. she wasn't allowed to leave the dorm without one of the older girls accopanying her, she'd gotten lost too many times for them to trust her.
A trip to the shrine however would be great. All three of her team mates had crossed into the other world at one point or another, and she knew the portal would flare up soon, so now it was her turn. The child was brimming with excitement and hastened herself to get there faster, not wanting to miss the portal opening.
With the ruins in sight, a smile spread across the young girls face and she cheered happily. "Yay! I get to go see the other world!"She was being quite loud, but wasn't afraid anyone would hear her. There were very few people other than her team mates that knew about the portal, no one would be around. Or so she thought.
Outlaws and Outcasts (Temptedtactician and parallelrwby)
In the deepest part of the Emerald Forest, in the world of Remnant, there’s an old, ancient ruin of an old human city. Nobody knows much about the city, except that it was inhabited some five hundred years previously. The ruins are used as part of the initiation test for Beacon Academy, but beyond that, they don’t see much visitation.
In one of the structures, there is a stone archway, and it is easily the most complete relics from the time. Strange glyphs are carved around the outline, and on occasion, for some reason nobody has been able to figure out, the entrance glows blinding blue.
It was at one of the moments that Cassandra stumbled through the portal. The tactician was looking to be in fair condition, dressed in her Beacon Academy uniform, her combat suit underneath that. She had been off trying to find a way back to her own world when she had found the arch. It looked exactly like the Outrealm Gate of her world, she mused. Suddenly, the archway had started to glow, and just like that, she was pulled into another world.
Though, at first glance, Cassandra couldn’t really tell the difference. She was still in Remnant, that much was clear.
She checked her bag, pulling out a music player and a pair of light blue earbuds. Clicking the center button of the audio device, it transformed into a beautiful longsword with blue patterns down the blade. Cassandra nodded, satisfied that Shadow Muse was still in working condition, then she took one earbud in each hand. She squeezed them, and the rubber quickly extended around her hands, reaching down to her elbows as they turned into gloves. She checked her palms and the speaker-shaped indentations in the gloves. Cyan Beats were in working order too, it seemed. That meant she wasn’t defenseless if she came across any Grimm.
But …
She looked back at the archway and sighed. The blue glow was gone. The portal’s power was inactive.
Which meant, once again, she was stuck in Remnant. Only this time, she wasn’t anywhere near civilization.
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Come check out my new OC blog

+ Independant OC Roleplay Blog
+ Two Years Roleplaying Experience On Tumblr
+ Four years roleplaying experience in total
+ Of Age And Will Do NSFW roleplays (Including Smut, Violence, Etc.)
+ Multiverse - Multiship - OC Friendly
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I have recently finished reading Dangan Ronpa and that means I can officially release my own Dangan Ronpa Roleplay Blog!
You can find it at the link below, or by clicking on the picture above!
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Oh, if only he knew what him just standing there with veins exposed like that was doing to her. There was no stopping her now, she'd given in to her more demonic nature and now she needed the blood. It wasn't just because of the war at the end of the week, it was because she was addicted to it.
.The girl reached her hand out to the side, the image on her glove began to release a thick black fog that flowed downwards onto the girls pet. There was a sickening sound of cracking bones. Once the fog lifted, the beast was gone and a black sword with a star shape missing from it's center was in her hand. She didn't have another pet to create her shield with, but she didn't think she would need it.
"I'm not just going to drink from you... I'm going to drain every drop from your body." She dashed forward without another moment passing by and attempted to slash the boy across the chest.
"A New Victim?" (Closed RP with parallelrwby)
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She could barely hold herself back now. She'd seen it, smelt it out in the open, and now here it was drawn against her. The being's blood was it's weapon, that's why it was so hesitant to release it. Without it's blood it couldn't fight back, couldn't defend itself. How cute.
.She slid her hands into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a set of gloves, slipping one onto each hand and stretching them out. "And I had hoped that I wouldn't have to kill you... You seemed like such a nice child."It was quite obvious that each glove had a marking of some kind on it. One looked like a coat of arms, a shield basically with what seemed to be the head of a ram decorating it's center. The other glove had a star with a sword going through the center.
.To a demon, these could be read easily. To a human, or anything non-demon, it would look like silly pictures. They were a sign of rank though, someone as old as her wearing such gloves that barely did anything but allow basic maneuvers. It showed she was confident in her own abilities and did not need powerful magic. Though she'd never fought someone like this before, underestimating him could be fatal.
"Do you wish to strike first, or are you going to wait for us?"
"A New Victim?" (Closed RP with parallelrwby)
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This was certainly not the Jaune that she remembered. He was much more violent and angry, maybe even a little crazy. It didn't matter to her though, she would go back to her world at some point and probably not see him again for a few months. She readied her rifle and followed him out the door only to see a group of guards rushing down the corridor.
.There was no time for scoping them out and taking aim. Ruby reached forward and flicked a button on the side of her gun. No time for single shot here, she needed to go automatic. The rifle shortened it's barrel and made quite a loud sound as it shifted to fit her needs. "Time to cause some pain, Jaune!"
.If her team saw her now they would probably want her checked into a mental hospital. It wasn't every day you got to go on a murderous bloody rampage without and repercussions though, so Ruby was going to take her time and enjoy it. Her finger found the trigger and she let loose on the enemies in front of them.
The Fallen Angel- Open AU RWBY starter
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Poor boy, she couldn't just let him stay cramped up in there while she was free to do as she pleased. Ruby climbed to her feet and slung her rifle onto her shoulder. "Alright then, time to break you out and then make sure everyone I knocked out on the way here stays that way. If we're lucky they might even send some helicopters."She was obviously joking, but fighting against the police force and military of this world certainly would be something fun to tell her team back home.
There was a door on the box that would probably let him out if he wasn't standing against it. Shooting the door handle wouldn't be too hard from this range, but shooting in an enclosed space like this wouldn't be good for either of them. There was one thing she could do though.
Ruby brought her rifle up and smashed the butt of it against the doorknob, which broke off and fell to the floor. "There we go!"
The Fallen Angel- Open AU RWBY starter
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Jaune didn't exactly seem like his old lovable self. Being trapped in a small glass box would do that to a person though. Ruby pulled a small bag off her belt and opened it up, inside were bandages that she began to use on her various wounds. The bullet that had pierced her leg would need to be looked after a little better if they ever escaped this place.
"So, Jaune. Do I need to ask why you're locked up in here or do I not want to know?"To be honest, there wasn't much he could have done that would change her stance on freeing the boy. He might not have been her Jaune, but he was Jaune nonetheless. A good friend at the least, and that meant protecting and saving.
The Fallen Angel- Open AU RWBY starter
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click and drag motivational from the little lads!
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muse-eutopia replied to your photo:Pyrrha is done
Is it me, or does that red swirl almost look like a tail O_o
It's almost like I drew a tail on a Pyrrha screenshot *Cough*
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So he wasn't exactly human either. That made everything a lot more interesting. She wanted his blood even more now, just to find out what it tasted like. The cat at her side could sense the demons blood lust beginning to rise, and decided to end it's targets life with a powerful crunch of it's jaws around the felines neck, an audible snap was heard that silenced it.
"You call me a monster when I'm only doing what I need to do to survive? Is that not what the humans have been doing for their entire existence, doing whatever they need to in order to survive?" She made a good point, but being as old as she was it wasn't hard to think of these things anymore. She could have written a series of books on the reasons that humans should just stand around and offer up their blood to her.
She probably wouldn't sell many copies though.
."If you don't want to let me drink some of your blood, then we're going to have a very big problem."She couldn't even waste a single night of feeding, not with the moon being full at the end of the week. If she wasn't entirely fed, bad things would happen. She lowered her hands and the creature at her side lowered itself and readied to pounce. "So, are you going to cooperate now? Or are you going to make me kill you."
"A New Victim?" (Closed RP with parallelrwby)
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And there stood Ruby, tail swaying back and forth and her sniper rifle in hand. She was obviously beaten up and exhausted, but otherwise seemed to be in good shape. "I'm surprised you don't remember me Jaune."She said, feigning a hurt tone. "Though, we have been keeping to ourselves for quite a while."
She strode over and took a seat against the wall, resting the gun on the floor next to her. "and after all the trouble I went through to get to you, I was expecting you to be a little more... excited, maybe even happy?"Of course there was no way that the boy could possibly know when or where she would be showing up, so it was hard to expect anything.
The Fallen Angel- Open AU RWBY starter
"One…two…three…" Jaune counted off the numbers running through his head, probably sounding like a mad man. Of course, he was a mad man, but that wasn’t really the point. It dawned on him that he couldn’t even count how long he had been here, or really remember the reason he had started counting at all. Everything was a blur, everything but that day. The day his team had died due to those traitors among team CRDL. They had placed a bomb in their room, or maybe it was just one of them. Hadn’t stopped him from going after them after surviving and attacking them. Some of the bastards had survived, which was an honest disappointment. But after that he hadn’t been the same, nothing in the world was the same. He had just kept killing on autopilot, destroying everything without reason or mind. Now as he sat here he couldn’t really remember why he had done it at all, just knowing that if he had the chance he would do it again.
Suddenly the door opened to the room he was held in, and a person entered. “One…two..three… welcome” he got off his bed and put his hand against the glass box he was held in. The box was held above the room and the glass was specially designed to drain his Aura and keep him too weak to break through it. “Have we met before… or are you just a figment of my mind?”
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She knew the boy would be able to fight back regardless of what she did, unless he was scared into submission. With a sharp flick of her wrist, something from the shadows leaped out and grabbed one of the felines in it's teeth before trotting over to the demons side. It was still very much alive but it wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. The assailant was revealed to be a pure black cat, though it was quite a bit larger than the average one.
Every demon had a pet of some sort. Some kept them for company, others kept them for more useful purposes. "I've been alive for countless generations boy, and I've been in the position where you are now."The memory of being bitten had always been etched into her memory. "I know how you feel, and I know what is the smart thing to do."She took a few slow paces forward.
."Just let me do my work, and you can live. You can become immortal and live out your days with tremendous power." Of course, if he kept stalling she might just take matters into her own hands.
"A New Victim?" (Closed RP with parallelrwby)
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Huh... people seem to like the nora picture, the weiss picture, and the yang picture the most.
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