#or just that them being cryptids is so weird that it has to be true even if no one else is
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solosolace · 15 days ago
"Loading & Aspect Ration" has taken my brain. I loved it and the "Bats Stole the League Brain Cells"
Are their any fic simialr to these? Do i have to make my own. I'm already working on the Crossover fic but fake Cryptid stories are eating my brain.
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dark-dragon-8 · 4 months ago
A Supernatural × Batman crossover where the Batfam are actual cryptids and the brothers are sent to hunt them, only to find out that these guys are pretty much immortal, god like beings whose only weaknesses are each other, the sun and some weird sentient manifestation of their home city that they seem to care about, and most of them already grew out of the second one, since, apparently, the sun only affects them when they're newborns/newly transformed/changed.
The whole reason they ended up in Gotham in the first place was because of some online rumors saying that there is a demon cult in the city, as well as Blüdhaven [it's true, partially, the Bat clan has had several cults and/or religions painting them as godly beings/saviours of Gotham throughout the years, still do (imagine the colonies from F'ing Demon Bats, only this time the cryptid part of them is actually real)] along with shrines for human sacrifices.
At first they thought the locals sold themselves to a Pagan God in exchange for their safety, that the shrines and "holy grounds" spread throughout the city were for blood and human sacrifices and the creatures were feeding on the souls of their followers or something.
Turns out, that couldn't be further from the truth. Yes there were bloody sacrifices at the shrines, but most of the time those were just grieving kids bringing their dead pets to silence's holy grounds for them to be healed, or taken care of, by the spirit and have their souls at peace. But, again, that was rare, and only occurred at the holy grounds themselves rather than the shrines people attended to daily.
Majority of those shrines were filled with books, art supplies, music boxes with ballerinas and, sometimes, you could even find a few trinkets and computer parts, as well as the occasional plates and plastic boxes filled with home cooked meals, sometimes they even put pots and kettles filled to the brim with savory goods and nice tea. Nobody ever touched the food, not even the poor and desperate, when asked why all the brothers received were looks of horror and hushed whispers about how "The bats don't like thieves" and "They'll stop coming by the shrine, maybe even destroy it if we do that"
Dean didn't like it, neither did Sam, they didn't like how the locals, people who barely even bat an eye when they see a dead body on their way to work, get so scared and terrified as soon as they hear of something that might displease the Bats. They tried asking around, trying to figure out what is it that makes them so scared of their dearly beloved deities, after all, they talk about them like such a wonder, like they're the best thing that ever happened to them. Hell, one of them is named Mercy and was revered for its compassion and understanding of those around them.
They only got their answer when investigating a place called Crime Alley. They locals were all the same, if not even more reserved than their city's counterparts, but there was one person, a young girl who couldn't be older than ten that said she'll be willing to answer their questions in return for some money and stories from their time as hunters. They were reluctant at first, but seeing as they haven't had much of an option, they agreed.
"So, Masey" Dean started
"Missy" she corrected
"Right, sorry, Missy, you said that you could tell us what's up regarding those demons"
"Deities" she said sternly, the man simply nodded "And yes, I can do that, but you'll have to do something for me first"
"And what would that be?"
"You said you were a hunter, right?" He nodded "And you also said you have some money. So I want you to give me two hundred dollars, cash, and a written story containing at least three of your adventures with your partner. You can't use big fonts, lie or omit any details from the story, it needs to be one hundred percent real and legible and needs to be at least fifty pages, understood?"
Dean was confused, confused and worried. Why would this child need a story about them hunting monsters? And why did she need it to be so long and accurate? Was she trying to sell them out to the Bats or something? Why was this so important?
A million questions flooded his head and looking at Sammy, he could tell the feeling was very much mutual.
"Um Missy" it was Sam talking to her this time "Why would you want a story of us hunting like that? We could tell you about our time together on the field, if you want, but why do you need that written so meticulously?"
The little girl shook her head before he even finished speaking "No, no, I need it written"
"How so?"
"For Passion, of course"
"Yeah, Passion, the component watching over Crime Alley, it loves reading stories but only when they're worth it. It doesn't like when people give them stories only to please it or for it to give them undeserved attention. It needs to be good and interesting, a story about two hunters will definitely do that"
The two hunters met each other's eyes, both their expressions filled with worry, apprehension and suspicion.
"And why all the other rules? Why does have to be so long and accurate?"
The girl tilted her head, looking at them as though they've said something stupid "Because you're introducing yourself, maybe"
"I can't just tell you guys all there is to know about the Bat without at least one of the components acknowledging you guys and giving me permission to share that information with outsiders"
"And what makes you think it won't just kill us as soon as it realizes what we do for a living?" They might've been desperate, but that doesn't mean they're going to give an essay about their weaknesses and hunting methods to a freaky, probably homicidal spirit on a silver platter
"Because they like people like you, people who put their lives on the line in order to help those around them. Also" she leveled her gaze with Dean's, which was pretty impressive considering she barely reached his hip "Had it wanted you dead, you wouldn't have been able to take two steps inside Crime Alley without having a heart attack, or your head magically disappearing"
The two brothers tensed, the taller's eyes rapidly scanning their surroundings, hands fishing out a weird cellular device, probably an EMF reader or maybe a bottle of holy water, as the shorter failed to keep up his confident facade in front of the (probably) ten year old (because Dean isn't going to be spooked by a kid that hasn't even reached the double digits yet, he's 𝘯𝘰𝘵)
The little girl laughed, completely ignoring their - very justified!!! - panic "Relax, would ya? Passion doesn't kill people unless they feel like it's necessary"
They didn't seem to be very relaxed, she didn't care, she just told them to meet her again on the border of Crime Alley and its neighbor city in a week, before leaving.
Two hours later, Carrie Kelley was skipping into the main living room of Wayne Manor, where several of her siblings played video games and with their father reading the newspaper on the side, the perfect illusion of a normal, happy, completely human family.
She walked up to Bruce, sitting on the arm of his sofa as the last of her illusion magic slipped away
"Did you do it?"
"I offered them the deal, still not sure if they'll end up actually agreeing to it"
"Mn. You did well"
The young teen preened under the praise, thanking her father before going off to boast and scheme with the rest of her siblings, they were up planning contingencies and devising plans until Sundown.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 6 months ago
König of the Icks (the rage post)
This is the post where I actually got mad at König. I can't stand people like this, but I also love them. If nothing else, life's always interesting when they're around, right?
Art from This Post
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König rarely laughs. When he does laugh, it's usually quiet, subtle. If you didn't know he was laughing, you'd probably think he was crying because he just shakes his shoulders and makes soft chuffing noises
It's a bit eerie
However, when König loses control of his laughter, he sounds like a whole damn pigsty
He's snorting, squealing and honking as he tilts his head back with laughter. He laughs so hard he cries
This would be cute if it weren't almost always at the expense of somebody else.
Horangi had the misfortune of hearing it when König tipped all his belongings upside down and then taped and/or glued them to the ceiling. This included Horangi's bed and sheets.
Hutch nearly threw out a computer mouse until he found a piece of tape covering the bottom.
Roze swears she heard König laughing when she found her entire locker filled to the brim with tiny rubber ducks
The rubber ducks became a huge problem with soldiers trading them like contraband and hiding them in weird places around the base
This concluded with snipers using them for firing practise and laughing when they squealed when they were shot, making it to easy to find their hiding spots
Unfortunately for Stilleto, she heard König's laugh when she walked through a line of tape over a door and got it tangled in her hair. She figured out which recruits did it and had them running laps. When they were done, one of them admitted it was Cnl. Leichenberg who set them up and she was furious
See, König loves to set other people up to do his dirty work
He'll gladly set up soldiers to piss other people off so he can watch the fireworks fly
He'll purposefully hold off on doling out a punishment if he thinks it'll be funny to watch shit go south first
He's well known on base as a through and through sadist who relishes in schadenfreude
Hell, he's the one to teach everyone what that word meant
He's the literal dictionary definition of the word
Now, the problem is that König isn't just a kinky sadist (he is, but that's a different post)
König loves to torment anyone he loves. And of course, that includes you
König won't put things on the top shelf, he'll put them on top of the cabinet so you'll have to ask for his help because not even the stool will help you reach that high
He'll doodle over any picture you have of him to 'hide his identity'
He just likes messing with you
He torments his children with wicked pranks and gaslights them terribly
When his toddler offers him a bite of their animal cracker he eats the whole thing and laughs at them
He will absolutely label three objects 1, 2, and 4 so you'll go searching for #3
He will sit on you when he gets mad at you, or when you get mad at him because, well, this is the two of you (and he will do this to you and laugh):
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His worst sin was childproofing the house without your knowledge. Ever had a fully childproofed house? If you're not the one installing it, it's an ugly thing to find
He will shift furniture just a little bit to the right or left to screw with you if you finish off his breakfast meals and don't replace them immediately
König takes delight in leaving you cryptid notes (you've learned to ignore the ominous threats because they always turn out to be something completely innocuous)
König is a nightmare of a man to live with. Is it fun? Sure! Is he a menace? Absolutely. He's got a penchant for mischief, and he's used to getting away with it because he's either got the reputation of a battle-hardened colonel that demands respect when he steps into a room, or the soft-spoken gentleman that would never raise his voice against a civilian. This just means he has the perfect fallback for whenever somebody accuses him of being a miscreant. In truth, he's most likely behind it, but the true extent of how many thing's he's behind is terrifying. This man fucks with people as a hobby.
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Konig Dump
Konig Headcanons
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yuri-is-online · 4 months ago
I think Cater, Ortho, and Idia make edits and little music videos of yuu, especially if your yuu is a badass who is actually involved in the situations happening around campus and handles their shit. Cater has some on his main account that he can pass off as just showing off his friend, but he has a secret account that is much more focused on edits; his edits are mainly yuu looking beautiful or generally cool and/or the perfect SO. Idia has a secret account where he edits yuu (as well as fanboys about them like their an idol or big Internet personality); his edits are mostly those dramatic ass ones from Yuu fighting the overblots and looking like an anime hero throughout it all, but he also dabbles in the ones where yuu is just hot as hell. Ortho mainly just helps Idia with his account because he has fun showing off his friend and wants to make use of all the clips he is constantly making of Yuu. Almost the entirety of NRC is following at least one of the accounts, and will send in clips they have of yuu looking hot/beautiful/cool/badass if they ever get any. Yuu doesn’t know their phone supports magicam, but the ghosts secretly set up lives or videos of yuu working in ramshackle to help the edit economy. Yuu is unaware of all this.
I don't really use a bunch of social media? So I would find it really weird if people were doing this for someone who doesn't have a social media presence already. That being said, I could ABSOLUTELY see Yuu being something of a school myth or cryptid in the mind of most of the student body, so fan accounts, edits, and just weird posts on message boards/magicam make a lot of sense even if Yuu themselves aren't super active on any of those.
Cater is happy posting about them as a friend, but he totally has a bunch of accounts that aren't his main he uses to stalk people keep up with trends. His Yuu edits page was one of those accounts that he started messing around with one day when he was bored (and perhaps... plagued by longing), he finds it sort of sad how much it took off. Cater, better than anyone, understands the edits he is making aren't real and that the appeal of being the new person isn't something that sparks long lasting relationships. But it is so very nice to dream about... there's some catharsis in knowing others find you as beautiful as he does. Not that he ever thought he was blind, he just likes hearing people say he's right.
Ortho feels like the one who would start making the edits first. Idia only starts because he knows thinks he can do better than these posers, seriously this person fights overblots and the biggest account is just doing boyfriend asmr with them. Lame! He will show them what a true idol stan can do. He insists he's just doing it ironically but he takes it too seriously for that to be true. Ortho likes showing off his friend! And using his perceived innocence to get good footage for his fancams.
Yuu isn't aware of this because they are too focused on making fancams of Grim. No one knows that one Grim stan account is them.
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skibidihan · 1 month ago
BOYFRIEND WHO ! ( myung jaehyun )
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headcanons of boyfriend jaehyun. all my opinions, reblogs are greatly appreciated! requests are open! @skibidihan
content warning ! jaehyun x male, gn AND fem reader in this. very cutesy jaehyun, girl! dad jaehyun, pet! dad jaehyun, clingy jaehyun, romantic jaehyun. this is pretty long. wc. 612.
author’s note ! first bnd jaehyun work omg hii ,, jaehyun is so bf material i js had to write smth ! made for my dear, @wnyngz ! <3
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boyfriend! jaehyun who always bakes you goodies whenever you don’t feel well. he would know you so well & know exactly what you would need that day.
boyfriend! jaehyun who would dress up your guys’ pets & himself ridiculous outfits & costumes just for the fun of it. ending up with a whole closet full or weird clothes and accessories.
boyfriend! jaehyun who would braid your hair before going out on a date. you would get frustrated with it not hoing the way you’re wanting it & jaehyun would step in saying “let me try.” you didn’t believe him at first but you gave him a chance—now he does your hair before every date.
boyfriend! jaehyun who would help you figure out how to do your make up, as he has gotten it done multiple times; he knows the basic way around. he would sit down with you for hours putting your makeup on and letting you test out styles on him, which you both have enjoyed.
boyfriend! jaehyun who would get shy at being called petnames.. “baby” and “sweetheart” get him the most, so you make sure to use them often. always hiding his blushing cheeks whenever you call him one.
boyfriend! jaehyun who’s confident. being in a mlm relationship, people get scared in public—not jaehyun. he holds your hand, openly calls you petnames and even introduces you as his boyfriend to his friends or anyone who asks.
boyfriend! jaehyun who games often, but never disregards you while he does so. if he sees you just watching; he’ll call you over to sit on his lap or tell his gamemates to give him a second if they’re on break before focusing on you, never leaving you lonely,
boyfriend! jaehyun who loves the thought of having a family. he desperately wants a daughter but would be excited for either a boy or a girl. he’s in love with the idea of having a mini you, a mini you to dress up in pretty dresses, to play barbies with or any toy mini you would like.
boyfriend! jaehyun who gets his wish and becomes a girl dad. he loves her like no one else, a true father’s love watches over his girl. teaches her all the things she needs to know, how to fight off mean kids and how to treat you nicely. showing her the world.
boyfriend! jaehyun who gets sleepy so often but refuses to fall asleep if you or his daughter isnt in his arms. he is so clingy and attached to his girls to the point where he wont let himself fall asleep until he sees you both in front of him—or util you both are asleep first.
boyfriend! jaehyun who gets whiny when you pay attention to others besides him. who is so needy for your attention he starts putting on weird clothes and making noise around the house until you are free.
boyfriend! jaehyun who fell in love with you the minute he laid eyes on you. who knew the minute he knew of your existence that you were the only one he was going to ever marry in his life.
boyfriend! jaehyun who kept that promise to himself and to you. who after years of dating, and falling even more in love with you, kneeled down on one knee and proposed.
husband! jaehyun who takes care of you for the rest of your lives, never letting you feel sad or disappointed in him, who makes you feel like you won the universe’s best husband, who never leaves your side in all your ups and downs, who is with you for everything, who stays by your side.
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perm taglist ! @enhaas @starchasing-cryptid @academiq @lavendersloane @sol3chu if you ever wish to be added or removed, let me know.
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© skibidihan. dont plagiarize, steal, or post on another platform without my permission.
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abyssal-werewolf · 1 year ago
Fluid kintypes - identity doesn't need to be static
I used to be a wolf, once. Not in a past-life sense, but in a therian sense - I was a wolf therian and then I wasn't. Sounds weird to you? I'm not surprised!
Something that I have repeatedly been told by other therians and otherkin is "you are what you are and if you find out you are something else - well, then you never were the first thing at all." Especially when I joined the community several years ago, I saw this statement everywhere. But let me tell you: it's not true. I had several different kintypes over the years (side note: we are plural and for the sake of this post I am simplifying some internal structure things. if you want the complicated details, feel free to ask! /gen), started as a wolf therian, then I was a cryptid, a dinosaur, a dragon and some kind of monster. Now I am Khhanivore (from Love, Death and Robots) and Mewtu (from Pokemon, Mewtu is the German spelling) - and a raptor kintype is coming back. (I am also a werewolf, but that's not a kintype, that's just Purely Me And My Whole Essence)
"Okay Istasha, but isn't that just questioning or maybe flickertypes?", you might ask. Fair point, but no.
I honestly never really questioned my kintypes - if I truly question something, it turns out to either be a hearttype or Nothing at All. As for kintypes, I just know - all of us just know what we are, it's like chilling and one day, suddenly, one of us is like "oh, I am a horse. alright, carry on" and that's it. Our kintypes stay with us for several months at least, theoretically they could stay forever but tend to change along the way - which brings me to the next point. They aren't flickertypes either. We only really get fictionflickers and sometimes animalflickers and those are extremely short and always tied to media we are currently consuming - they feel, technically, like kintypes to me. For example, if I watch a lot of Supernatural, I sometimes get an intense feeling of belonging there, of being a non-canon character, of being part of the story, etc. I am this non-canon character in that moment, I might even get pseudo-memories or shifts, but as soon as I don't engage with that show too much again, it instantly fades.
Our kintypes don't work like that. Take my re-emerging dinosaur kintype as an example. I was walking somewhere a few days ago and suddenly had a pahntom sensation in my legs and feet and in the same moment I knew "ah shit, new kintype". I gave it a day because maaayyybe it's nothing? But deep down I already knew what was going on, so I have an Utahraptor kintype now. I am this. I identify as this through and through and it feels like I've always been this way. But it wasn't - a week ago I wasn't a dinosaur and now I am. I did not choose it, I did not engage with any dinosaur media at all, it just happened.
My kintypes have always been changing and trust me when I say I had a complete identity crisis when my wolf kintype first went away. But over the years Ive learned to accepot it - my identy is not static, it never was and it never will be and that's okay!
It doesn't make my kintypes less important or less real and it also doesn't mean I never was a wolf. I was. And then I wasn't.
I honestly think it is so, so damaging to still have this "kintypes are static"-sentient floating around in the community, because that's simply not true for all of us. For me, it honestly even makes more sense this way. Our brain has always been unstable, I lacked a true identity for so long. We grew up with untreated BPD andf although the symptoms are 95% under my control now (read: it's in remission), our brain still has a ton of habits from that time, like clinging onto different things to try and form an identity, to try and fill the void where a person should be. And the fact that the void is filled now, that I finally am enough of a person to fill it, this habit never changed. Our brain still randomly grabs things and makes them one of us, leading to fluid kintypes.
Let me end this with saying: being wrong about a kintype is fine. Figuring out you are X instaed of Y and never were Y is fine. But it is also fine to be X today and Y tomorrow.
I think I've said this before but I'll say it again: we, as a community, need to take our identities less and more serious at the same time. Let's stop the gatekeeping and policing others, let's stop overanalyzing ourselves so much. Let's stop looking for rules and asking "is it possible to be this?" over and over again - because the answer is yes. There are literally no rules as to how, why and what you can be. In order to be otherkin you need to do exactly one thing: identify as The Thing in question. Nothing else. On the other hand, we need to kindly educate those who confuse identify as and identify with, we need to kindly educate young therians who "choose their theriotypes", we need to make sure we are not watered down to being "a fun thing you can do".
I sometimes feel like the focus and effort of this community is in good faith but in the wrong place - static kintypes is one of them.
There are no limits. Be who you are today and if you are something else tomorrow, be that then. <3
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kyumisyumi · 7 months ago
Something something something eldritch Nikto something something something
I've sifted through so many ideas for this because I didn't wanna just pick a random eldritch creature from my box of horrors and slap Nikto's name on it. But also I don't feel like I have enough info about him(ironic, considering I write about him so much) to craft him into a creature. I watched some documentaries on eldritch horrors, dived into Russian cryptids and still drew blanks but here's what I managed
Rating: E for everyone who loves Nikto
Eldritch!Nikto x F!Reader
Word count: 1
Part 2
~Taking requests~
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You weren't running from the consequences of your actions, more like briskly walking in the opposite directions. Looking forward all the way because backwards held the sounds of large dogs and angry men. Their boots cracking every twig and foliage along the way, voices interrupting the once peaceful ambiance of the woods. You could hardly tell whether the growling was from the hounds or the men. And really, who wouldn't want to run away from such a thing? Not run; walk. Quickly, very quickly. You were being smart, not cowardly.
No, never that.
You weren't cowardly when you snuck into that guardsman's post. You weren't cowardly when you tried to steal the gold he confiscated from the Miller's wife, the only woman that kept you fed while the streets were your home. You weren't cowardly when you defended yourself once he caught you. And you weren't cowardly when you accidentally bashed his head in with a clay pot. He should've worn a helmet, really. A guard should always have their helmet on! What was he thinking? Now look at you, running for your life and deluding yourself as if it would change the actions of the past.
You ran your mouth, ran your mind, but no matter how fast you moved, you couldn't outrun hunting dogs. Your fault, really, for trying to do so while wearing the long, ugly skirt you stole from someone's unattended clothesline. You should've maybe stolen the guard's old pants, you knew he had some because he mentioned wanting to give them to his nephew who was in combat training. Instead you dashed out the home the moment you realized he wasn't breathing, panicked by your first time taking a life. What were you thinking?
"I wasn't-" you spat a thick glob of blood out your mouth, it's red color staining the putrid black floor. Tears staining your vision and pain plaguing your mind. "I didn't mean to." You said it over and over again but it was little defense against men who'd lost a comrade because of you. A good man. A good man who stole from widows and bullied the elderly? It's weird how two people can look at the same person but see someone different. But that train of thought was halted by a kick to your stomach. And when one of the men took the final hit, the force of it sending you against the edge of the pit, you finally felt that feeling in your stomach. The one you hid away behind conversations with yourself. Locked away behind a naive expectation that things will either go your way or go away. Your first taste of true regret. Because you got a glimpse of where that attitude has lead you. That attitude that kept you going when your parents had left you. That attitude that kept you alive when your survival was in your own hands at an age where other children were being coddled and sung to. That attitude that protected you in the harsh village slum, now had you staring down into hell. 'The pit'; a giant hole defacing mother earth's perfect form. It's surface covered in black ichor, you couldn't tell whether the walls were moving or you'd been hit so hard your vision was thoroughly fucked. This was considered a punishment worse than death. Jokesters and troublemakers got a stern talking to. Thieves and crooks got jail time. Murders and adulterers got death. But the truly damned got the pit. The punishment didn't match the crime but judging by the hate filled glares of the men surrounding you, they didn't much care.
Or maybe they did care, they cared about you as much as you did yourself, these days.
That was a more comforting thought, maybe? Maybe not. Either way, thinking about it felt a whole lot better than thinking of the weightlessness you felt as you fell. Your vision quickly losing the greens and yellows of a gentle forest to being plunged into darkness. A darkness beyond description. One that surpassed what's seen when you close your eyes for the night. That surpassed the unconsciousness of sleep when dreams escaped you. A darkness that felt like death yet was somehow alive.
The walls were moving, they shifted uncomfortably as they felt the presence of another. Voices that whispered of uncertainty and conflict. Voices that yelled intruder and ones that yelled fodder. But one voice just hummed in curiosity at seeing the source of blood and spit and tears it tasted. He had consumed many of your kind but what little it had of you ignited interest rather than hunger. So it did not eat. Didn't wrap you in its tendrils and rip you apart into easily digestible pieces to be absorbed by its mass. The tendrils held you, confused by their many intentions and wants, before simply bringing you lower into the pit. To the very bottom that no other creature has ever seen. No other creature would ever be allowed near. Far too close to it's more vulnerable organs. But you wouldn't hurt it, would you? Wouldn't hurt them. Not with those blunt nails and teeth, not with those little limbs and severed ties to the natural order. You were weaker than it's weakest points yet you fought against his tendrils like you believed you could win. Struggled and resisted as if you had a fighting chance. 'Hush, little human.' It thought as it strangled you, only enough to render you unconscious. Give it enough time to build a prison home inside itself for you. Then build a form for himself more perceptible to your primitive eyes, he'd tried once before but the human face was so hard to mimic. There was so much anger inside you, more for yourself than for him. And Nikto couldn't understand it. There is only one 'you' inside that tiny, fleshy form. How can one be angry at their own/only self? That would be one of the first things he asked. He felt there was nothing a creature like you could teach him yet he had so much he wanted to ask regardless. Maybe once he had his answers he could finally consume you in peace. Maybe then the voices that called for him to spare you will quiet down. And the ones that screamed for him to bond with you will stop. Your body couldn't handle the things he desires... Could it?
Regardless, he has time. All the time in the world and beyond.
Silly human, getting yourself thrown down here, what were you thinking?
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All in all, I didn't want to forget the eldritch and just make a monster.
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teddybearsandspaceships · 1 year ago
For my own memory, in the hopes that Scar will put yesterday´s stream on his VODs channel because it was amazing and featured among other things:
Scar calling Etho “the Maple Prince”
Xisuma trolling Scar by mixing up Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter
Mumbo showing Scar the llama death chamber, and Scar praising him for being weird
Scar and Mumbo having a conversation about social media and AI
Scar telling Etho not to worry and that he´s thinking about moving the mail box himself (after all he had two best-selling redstone shops so surely he´s qualified!); Etho: well now I´m worried… But right afterwards Etho says people forget that Scar is actually quite skilled at the game
Etho is just interrupting people today and Scar suggests just collecting people to procrastinate
I approve of Scar encouraging Etho to participate in MCC again
Etho asking how Scar got stamps already, Scar saying he´s been a part of a lot of Life series, Etho: “you and your wily words, you can get anything you want…”
Big Salmon decreed mercury = good
Cleo shows up! “lag busting” is the new “it lagged into my inventory”
Scar definitely not encouraging Cleo to kill all other villagers after setting up her own trading hall. Cleo wants organic free range villagers.
Cleo trying to sell the monstrosolith as a giant billboard
Cleo proved she can do valley girl voice, Scar and Etho are shocked. Then they´re discussing what "no cap" means. (Etho on stream: “big true, no cap.”) They talked about poggers, and Scar going wild with his pants off (after Cleo exploded them), and Etho didn´t know what Stitch is.
Scar starts talking about Disney and it takes him a minute to realize Cleo and Etho have run away
More maple syrup discussion (Etho telling Cleo if she likes the brand she gets it´s fine), and a frantic ride-by and log-out by Grian
Cleo and Scar want to start a cult. Etho wants to be a frat instead, something cooler. Frats have fewer rules, they´re more like “pants off, it´s fine.” Scar says he´d ask too many questions to be in a cult, Etho points out he could be cult leader. Cleo immediately offers to be his second, the person who does all the dirty work.
Shoe talk. Scar shows off his twelve-year-old shoes on stream.
Making fun of Etho´s set-up! Scar is horrified. Etho talks about his Kleenex box where his mike stands. It matches his desk! It has his settings written on it! Also his space bar broke during DO2 but he got used to it. Scar decides they need reinforcements and calls Bdubs over. Ren also shows up.
Etho mentions he didn´t get a Decked Out 2 desk mat (took to long to think about it) and Tango logs in to write in chat that he´s disappointed and logs out again
A wild Iskall approaches in the distance. Etho: trident brother!
Etho invented the minecart shuffle
Cleo: "I always want you to kill people, Scar. ...no not Etho."
And Etho leaves to shuffle snow like the Canadian cryptid he is
(how dare Ren interrupt Bdubs before he can give his current opinion on the kleenex box)
"Etho´s not one to lie" (are you sure about that? ^^)
...I look away for two seconds and did Mumbo just call himself a panda in chat. I was later told: a panda fiat! Which is a car, and Iskall is a Ferrari
Moonlanding with Gem! And some talk about bases and criticism. Gem: "I love making Etho mad," “Let Etho be mad,” What´s he gonna do, all he´s gonna do is go oh snappers ^^ "Scar, you are my Etho"
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year ago
Fuck it. UA instructors as...things the staff from my college have done, I guess?
Because it's been three and a half years since I graduated and I miss that place every single day
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Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu has everybody's names, faces, and quirks memorized before the first day of school. This is never acknowledged.
(Recovery Girl also learns everybody pretty much right away, but she interacts with them a bit more directly than Nezu, so it doesn't seem quite as weird)
Somehow Nezu manages to both be so chill and yet have no chill.
Nezu once texted Mic to ask if he was available for a call about some program at school and when Mic didn't answer within 15 minutes because he was DRIVING Nezu just called him anyway and was like "is this a bad time? I can call you back :)" Like, no,no, We're both here now, let's have this conversation now. Go ahead
One time Nezu pulled the Big Three out of their classes and brought them into his office to sit them down like he was about to have a Big Serious Conversation, and then he just says "Do you think...it would be possible for you to visit the first year hero classes...and tell them about your experiences? :)" Mirio and Nejire are both going "yeah, sure", while thinking why did we have to get pulled out of class like this was something really important? Amajiki is hyperventilating.
Power loader
Power Loader is like some kind of cryptid.
He just shows up when things need to be fixed, fixes them, and then disappears again. He never says a word. Don't question it, just be grateful and let him stay in his hiding place
Random knowledge. Whenever the rest of the staff has some random question that no one else can answer. Ask Power Loader. He knows. He always know. Don't question that either, he's just one of those kind of people
Power loader and All Might are the only two teachers who were asked to come to UA instead of having to apply
Actually 13 falls somewhere inbetween applying and being asked to join the staff, because she kind of created her own job.
She just had a meeting with Nezu one day to be like "Your students need an Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Here's what that means and why you need it" And Nezu went "... :) You're hired!"
All Might
Toughest person anybody knows. Can not handle spicy food.
Everybody loves him. Anybody who doesn't isn't cut out for hero school. This is not bragging, it just happens to be true.
All Might once listed one of his credentials as BAMF. (Izuku absolutely lost it that day)
While discussing I Island with Izuku, All Might very casually stated "My ex husband lives there" as if that isn't an Absolute Bombshell to drop You can't just Say That and NOT ELABORATE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE AN EXHUSBAND!?!!???? (Izuku lost it even more that day)
Present Mic
Mic has a bad habit of talking a little too fast. Nobody's ever 100% sure what he said.
Also he swears. Like. A lot. Like, he would get in trouble as a student for swearing.
There is a drawer on Mic's desk that's labeled 'Present Mic's Top Secret Hiding Place' and anybody who notices it is just like ??? because it's clearly labeled and Not a Secret. But Mic is very scatter brained and will lose anything as soon as it leaves his eyesight. Having a specific place to put things help with that.
Married. But they don't really talk about it, and they don't act married in front of the students, so a lot of them don't realize it
It's actually surprising because they have pictures of them and their kids on their desks. All you have to do is go to the teacher's office. It's not a secret. It's right there.
There's a class for the second years on like, heroism and personal lives or something. Eraser and Mic get to teach part of that unit because they have experience being married heroes.
One year when Aizawa says that he's married to Mic one of the students asks him why
That same year, when Aizawa reveals that there is one teacher he will never be friends with (like, even more than all the other teachers), just because they have nothing in common other than working at UA, and the same student asks him if it's Mic
People assume Mic gets special treatment as Aizawa's husband. This is not true. If anything, he's more likely to get the short end of the stick and be asked to cover for Aizawa.
Eraser Head
Aizawa forgot that there was supposed to be a chaperone for the remedial licensing training and said he would probably be the one doing it. He was not. He sent Mic. Thus proving the previous statement true.
Bad at interpersonal relationships
Has a bad habit of mumbling. Students are never 100% sure what he said
At some point, the people around him start referring to doing anything overly rational as 'pulling an Aizawa'. Yeah. ...yeah...
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nostalgiabug · 6 months ago
Billy Batson/Cap. M headcanons AKA something you didn't ask for but we are doing
Flossing Marvel jumpscare!
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Billy is homeless by choice. Mostly due to being almost constantly adopted into bad families (boy just has the worst luck). Billy prefers to remain homeless out of the fear that at some point he won't be able to get away from an abusive family. And is absolutely terrified of cops because they tend to take one look at him and toss him in the system or call him a lost cause and try to send him to juvie. Billy does work for Wiz Radio mostly as a result of magical shenanigans i.e Wiz is run by the magical community of Fawcett City. Oh, Billy isn't a big fan of being Cap, I don't know how else to describe it as other than Uncanny Valley for the kid and the fear that he'll end up like Black Adam.
He and Freddy aren't even remotely related familially! Freddy is just some random kid his age that he became close friends with due to mutual loneliness and love of causing problems. Freddy's disability was a result of parental abuse were one of them broke his leg and it was just never properly handled so it just didn't set right. A teacher noticed this and had him placed into her protective custody until his parent was arrested and he had to be placed in foster care due to her inability to meet his needs. He currently lives with Victor and Rosa's family. The other family's backstory remains mostly the same.
Tawky Tawny is a fae trickster two pulled a prank on the wrong person (Titania) and as a result was cursed into the form of a stuffed tiger keychain. Currently he's Billy's familiar as a sort of parole/attempt to prove he's learned his lesson. He was a close friend of The Wizard for a few centuries and is teaching Billy the ins and outs of his inherited role as the Champion of Magic.
Magic lore
The Shazam acronym is as follows:
Sovereignty of Hera
Guidance of Hecate
Council of Athena
Power of Zeus
Fury of Ares
Momentum of Hermes
I always thought it was weird that Capt. Marvel got his power from multiple theological origins unlike Black Adam who was exclusively Egyptian. It was also weird that The Champion of Magic didn't have Hecate as one of his patrons, given her authority as the goddess of magic. I also like the idea the that Billy is beloved by the gods and has multiple blessings outside of the Champion. Like Artemis gave him an understanding of wild creatures and Dionysus making his mind harder to read. Billy is essentially a cryptid due to this, but with magic and a desire to start shit for the hell of it. I have this idea that each member of The Council of Wizards had their own champion and pantheon to draw from. Shazam obviously has the Greek pantheon, but the others had the Norse, Egyptian, Shinto, ect.
Capt. Marvel's duty is less about fighting bad guys and more along the lines of diplomacy, fixing what Black Adam caused. Helping magical communities to coexist and preventing magical threats that could potentially harm both the normal and mystic communities. Also the whole custodian of the Rock of Eternity thing. The Rock itself being a multiversal conduit for all magic does possess a limited form of sentience and will send members of the Shazamily to different realities for various reasons. The Rock tends to send them to those that aren't magically inclined often so a problem gets solved before they are able to return. It's next to impossible to open gates to The Rock in a reality that isn't magically inclined it becomes more difficult at best to return. The same it true for attempting to enter any other dimension i.e The Fae Wilds. I've always enjoyed the nuance of 'my job isn't to punch people, it's to help them.'
The Council of Wizards imposed rules on the Rock's interference;
1)The Rock is forbidden to speak.
2)The Rock is forbidden from taking physical form.
3)The Rock is forbidden to reveal any knowledge unknown to The Champion in any form.
4)The Rock is forbidden from most forms of physical interference (No moving doors)
This can only be rectified if the Council no longer holds control over the rock. Disbandment, forcible removal, or death without an heir.
Physical appearance HC
Billy has lichtenberg figure scars that are weirdly localized, the entire Shazamily does, Billy just has the most. The largest one is on his back starting from the nape of his neck and spreading out at his shoulder blades, he shares this scar with Mary. Freddy and Billy share a scar on Freddy's bum leg, this one going up from the foot to the knee. Darla's scar is on his right hand rising from the palm to the elbow. Pedro's is the left, it starts at the shoulder and ends midway to the hand. Eugene's is on the right leg starting at the mid thigh and ending at the achilles heel. The first scar Billy got is a circle around his heart that spreads across his chest like tree roots, it has no match.
The Champions all share variants of the same costume design (with one exception). Togas with pants, golden braces and boots. They still have the capes (I like those) and the togas match the color scheme with some extra personalization (sans Billy). Mary has the favor of Athena so her's is more armored than normal (and white). Freddy has Hermes so he has sandals instead of boots and his cape is smaller. Eugene is in full on spartan battle armor (Oops all Ares). Darla has a tiara and a longer skirt section. Pedro has the favor of Zeus so his outfit has streaks of charring similar to lightning. They all still have the thunder bolt thing in their chests it's just more obvious that it's a physical part of them.
Now on to my personal fav. Billy is transmasc. I don't know why but I like it. Additionally, Billy is pansexual and has had a lot of boyfriends and girlfriends none of them ended up being what he wanted, leading to a feeling of something being wrong with him. Freddy is gay but thought he was straight for the longest time. I'm just gonna preface this by saying Billy and Freddy being foster siblings is new and they used to just be friends and that is more interesting to me than just siblings. I don't have any strong feelings about the ship, it's fine, I think the potential of a close friendship developing into a close romantic relationship is much more interesting than enemies to lovers. So that's my standing.
Mary is lesbian, she just has the vibes. Darla is to baby to care. Pedro is a bi king. Eugene is the ace icon.
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normal-enderman · 4 months ago
My interpretations of people in the Life Series, as someone who is a very casual viewer and has no emotional investment in the series and barely knows any of the fandom knowledge below surface level.
Jimmy - stupid. so stupid. he barely has two braincells to rub together. but unfortunately for me i find it adorable. hes also blonde and young and pretty and im a basic idiot who likes young pretty twinks. he also has a really pretty smile. but hes so stupid. he sucks at minecraft. he dies all the time. his editing is also mid.
Joel - my second favourite after Jimmy. did I mention Jimmy's my favourite? no I didn't. im not basic. shut up. Joel is really cool. he's very funny and i love the overly-aggressive persona he puts on, he's one of the people who gets the most into roleplaying (it's basically his default for whenever he's on camera, he has a very defined cc persona that he never breaks out of), so it's easy to get immersed watching him. his editing is also seamless and brilliant. and he has good music taste. just a cool guy. i like the green streak in his mc skin.
Lizzie - usually when people call women quirky, they're being cringe incels who want a manic pixie dream girl. but i swear i mean it in the most sincere, old-fashioned use of the word way when i say Lizzie is quirky and i fucking love it. her aesthetic is cutesy pink kawaii, but the more you watch her the more you realise there's something delightfully strange about her. she's also incredibly fucking funny. the way she delivers lines just cracks me up. the way she speaks and phrases things and approaches the situations she finds herself in in general is awesome. despite her cutesy aesthetic, she's surprisingly tough as well. her editing is also a seamless, immersive delight.
Scott - master manipulator who gets violently mischaracterised by the entire fandom. he's definitely one of the smartest members of the Life Series SMP, he's always planning everything out, he always has a backup plan, he always seems to be three steps ahead. And again, a master of maximising his income of social capital. He's an expert at utilising his connections with the people around him, and always seems to be able to use his relationships to manouvre himself into an advantageous position. i don't understand why people make soft flower husbands art because Scott just seemed like he was taking advantage of Jimmy to me. in fact I dont understand why yall make scott soft in general, he's one of the most ruthless players from what I've seen. bit weird to mischaracterise "the gay one" as the soft guy, no? also why do you draw him as thin when he is chubby. why is his intro so fucking loud.
Bdubs - i have never watched this guy's POV because his editing is bad but he's always appearing in the corner of other player's POVs being adorable. he's like a little bug. he's always yelling and it's so incredibly unthreatening. why is his face all beat up like that what happened to the little guy.
Etho - he's friends with Bdubs and he's Canadian and he lives in the woods and fights moose and he's good at redstone and also some sort of cryptid. i have heard this. i have, however, not watched this because i have ADHD and the way he edits (or rather doesnt edit) his videos is so boring that i cannot watch them for longer than five minutes. which annoyed me because i really like his chill badass vibe and would like to see more of him, but alas. get better at editing etho. i also love the fan designs people make for him very much, especially when they make him into some sort of wolf or beast. makes sense since he's hunting all those moose.
Grian - HOT TAKE HERE. I'm not the biggest fan of Grian. His POVs are not very interesting. I guess people like him so much because he has a mad killer instinct and watching him hunt people down and get kills is fun. And this is true! I also like watching this! However, before it gets to the killing spree part, he's very self-contained and doesn't take much interest in what the people around him are doing (unless he is managing / leading them), which is boring for me because i'm interested in people's interactions with each other. Grian is actually far more interesting from other people's POVs, because from there you can see how his self-contained nature, tendancy to lead and thirst for blood and chaos affect everything around him, something which he himself seems to not notice because he is too focused on only dealing with the stuff that's immediately relevant to him.
Scar - what a charming man. oh my god. holy shit. sir. sir. what the fuck. he's also so funny. and has a little bit of the nature of a wet cat surrounding him. why does he love roleplaying being some form of scam artist so much that he choses to do it literally every single season. its like he cant stop himself. he has a scam artist disease. he also likes Starwars also one time he mentioned that he can't stand on twitter and everyone yelled his name. actually he does stuff that makes people yell his name in shock/exasperation a lot and its like a greek chorus. i also love the way he speaks in his voiceovers, his voice is very smooth.
Pearl - she has wolves apparently. this is a thing that i have heard about that has happened at some point. yes.
Cleo - they speak in a mocking tone and it makes me feel like i am being bullied in secondary school so i do not like them.
Impulse - this person does, in fact, exist, and may have done things at some point.
Geminitay - people draw her with antlers and that is cool
BigB - i have never seen this guy a single time in anyone's POV but apparently he is there! he keeps to the shadows.
Ren - there is a larper in this SMP. which is not a bad thing at all! I love hardcore minecraft roleplay! i am a Dream SMP fan, incidentally. which is related to nothing. The way he roleplays so intensely and in such a distinct style is a bit of a weird clash with the almost zero roleplay from everyone else, though. You have to all be into the roleplay and outputting the same amount of commitment to the bit, or it doesn't work and i just get secondhand embarassment watching. But I appreciate it nonetheless!
Other people who i've forgotten because i dont care about them - they sure do exist and are doing cool things yep
Thank you for reading my useless list, from a "fan" who isn't really invested enough to be a proper fan. I love minecraft men kissing. peace.
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sapphicseasapphire · 1 month ago
OK I was thinking about the Chain as Cryptids AU earlier and got caught up in how many members of the Chain started life as a regular Hylian. Like Sky used to be Link and Aepon, but when they fused to make Sky he already was an Avian, so would Sky count as having been born a cryptid? Twilight, would he be considered born as a cryptid because wouldn't he have just been a regular Hylian before his God Powers awoke? Wild was a Hylian who died and came back as a mountain spirit, so does that mean he started life as a cryptid, or does his past life count. Time I know was Hylian and became a God through a trial, and he's still salty about it. Spirit was Hylian then he died and ended up a Reaper. Four, now Four I have no idea about, like was he always an absolute creature or did that only happen after the incident with the Four Sword? Legend, Wind, Warriors, and Hyrule were always non-Hylian races. Sorry for a bit of a ramble I just apparently really was curious about this.
(I forgot Might, he was a regular Hylian before his incident with the Rift as far as I know)
Okay so. Being a Cryptid doesn’t mean being ‘not Hylian.’ It means… being other. Being something that people don’t know about. Like… Zora and Gorons and Rito aren’t Hylians, but they’re not Cryptids. They’re not mysteries. And some of my Cryptids are only cryptic in the context of the story- it depends where they are or what era they’re in.
Sky is a True Cryptid, in that he is a mystery to even those in his own home, but he didn’t used to be. For the average Hylian, any Skoftian would be cryptic (Skyloftians and Hylians are different. Fundamentally). But because every soul is split, Link wasn’t anything unheard of. Until he and Aepon fused. Now he is a mystery to even himself. Just because he started as something familiar doesn’t make him any less mysterious now.
Twilight was 100% born a Cryptid. He’s always had Marks on his face, touched by the divine. He was discovered when he was young, and the people who raised him had genuinely NO IDEA what he was. He has always been a Cryptid (to them). And now that he’s met Time (and a certain other someone), he’s starting to understand more about himself. He’s becoming less of a mystery.
Wild’s life doesn’t matter. (To him). He doesn’t remember being Link and he’s perfectly content with his current state of being. He doesn’t feel like he’s lost anything and gets uncomfortable if his mortal life is ever brought up. He is probably the only actual real Cryptid in the group. He is unknowable. Untouchable. Truly and wholly incomprehensible. The subject of folklore in his own era.
Time and Spirit are in the same boat: they were born as normal average Hylians and then became something More. But… here’s the thing, guys. Time has always been a Cryptid. He was raised by a tree, surrounded by Kokiri (he was the Other. Fairyless. He aged and grew, he was a mystery to the eternal children). And when he left the Forest, he was such a social outcast among Hylians. Socialized by a talking tree and forest spirits??? No one knew what to make of him. He was cryptic then, and he’s cryptic now.
Four is a weird case. Among their people? At their home? They are nothing out of the ordinary. Four is one of many. Like Mer or Aquili, they have a group of others that are just like them. It’s only when they step out of their village- and even further, out of their era- that they become a Cryptid.
Hyrule is only a Cryptid because he’s an exceptionally powerful fairy who can change his shape to hide among Hylians (or even monsters, if he had to). He has his own folklore written about him in his own era, like Wild, only more…. ‘Kill on sight’ kind of stuff.
And Might??? NO ONE has seen anything like him before. Yes, he started out as a normal Hylian. But the rifts….. they steal things. They stole his voice. They stole his eye. They stole his humanity. He is 100% a Cryptid. The greatest mystery of his era. (Also the sweetest guy in the world, by the way).
I hope this explains things?
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year ago
Can you write about Fionna, seeing the Simon petrikov of her world?
"Woah, wait what? There's a university nearby? Since when?"
Marshall shrugs. "Since forever?"
Gary blinks. "Marshall, you graduated from college?"
Marshall smacks him on the arm. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Gary smiles as charmingly as he can. "Well, I mean... With your lifestyle..."
"I seem like an uneducated boor?" Marshall grins with just a hint of menace. "And you would be right. I never graduated. Mom made me take a bunch of business classes that I hated with every fiber of my being. So I dropped out."
Fionna blinks. "How come I never knew this about you? We've been friends since... since..."
Actually, if Fionna tries to think about when they became friends, her memories get a little foggy. Marshall crosses his eyes as if experiencing the same thing. This must be one of the side effects of their world technically being only 12 years old and at the same time much much older than that. Fionna is not 12 years old but neither can she concentrate on anything that happened before 12 years ago. It's... just a little unsettling, if she thought about it for long enough.
So, she does the tried and true method of simply not thinking about it too much. In the same way, she won't think about how it's completely novel to learn about nearby cities as if other cities didn't exist until very recently, like maybe even right now. It's whatever. She's learning about it now, and that's that.
"I... do remember..." Marshall murmurs softly, as if tugging on a particularly stubborn weed. "I snuck in an elective that Mom would have hated. It was about like Mothman and the Loch Ness monster."
"They teach you that in college??" Fionna gasps, her eyes going starry.
"Eh... It wasn't specifically about them but it was about folk lores and folk songs in general. I really loved the professor that taught it. She described like cryptids and encounters of the third kind in this really poetic, almost romantic way. It was kinda weird and like really cool at the same time. What was her name? Petrikov? Petrova? Petri-something..."
Everything in Fionna stops. She can no longer hear Marshall speaking. Because there's no way. There's no way!! Nothing outside of this city - which she knows like the back of her hand - has existed until literally someone "remembers" it exists. Their world is balancing on the knife's edge of already born and currently being made. And now there's a Petrikov here? What? WHAT?!?
Gary gently taps her arm. "Um, Fionna? You in there?"
Fionna grabs Marshall by the front of his shirt. "You have to introduce me to... her? Professor Petrikov is a woman??"
Marshall squints at her, looking markedly more intent. "Yeah. She is."
Fionna should probably note the terrible emphasis in Marshall's tone just now. But her mind is whirling with implications. Simon is here? She has a Simon in her world? A Simon specifically for this world? Holy schmazow.
Gary tilts his head, observing his boyfriend in a way that Fionna is simply unequipped to presently.
"You're... protective of her. That's kinda sweet."
As always, when faced with evidence of his sentiment, Marshall curls into himself, shrugging it off as casually as he can. "I mean, it's just you know... She's a really great professor. I learned a lot from her."
Then as if rousing himself from sleep, a certain awareness enters his eyes. Fionna catches that and wonders if a new part of their world - their shared lore - was just made.
"Yeah, actually you know what... The semester that I took her class, that's when I started playing around with songwriting. She inspired me to look into poetry more. And after her class ended, I dropped out." Marshall nods to himself, kicking back with that patented bad boy smirk. "I've been a vagabond ever since."
Gary rolls his eyes at him. "Some vagabond you are, crashing on my couch."
Marshall winks at him. "You'd be lonely."
Fionna raises a hand. "Let's get back to Professor Petrikov. Can you like introduce us?"
Marshall turn, losing some of his sass as he focuses on her. "I mean yeah. I've been meaning to visit."
Fionna feels her smile stretch so wide, her cheeks begin to hurt. "Road trip!!!"
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h0ll0w-gr0v3 · 5 months ago
𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜? 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑜... 𝐼𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛�� 𝑜𝑛?-
𝑌𝑒𝑝! 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜.. 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 #13. 𝑂𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛- 𝐼'𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 11. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑡 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑑 "𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒" ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠. 𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑤, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 11 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝑎𝑔𝑜, 𝐼 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑎𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 15 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎.
𝑁𝑜, 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑘𝑒. 𝑁𝑜, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛. 𝑌𝑒𝑠, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔.
𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑢ℎ𝑚.. 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡, 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑒!
NAME: Raven
PRONOUNS: Any (Has no idea what they are)
LIKES: Animals, birds, nature, walks, monster, blue, red, black, skittles, any music aside from country, true crime, horror movies, a good thriller, their boyfriend, tumblr, pins, keychains, vandalism, night sky, good weather, plushies, rocks, painting, graphic tees, music, family, Marvel, caramel
DISLIKES: Country music, math, tight spaces, mentions of her trauma, dark humor unless it makes them laugh(rarely), hot weather, taking cold showers, orange flavored candies, being jump scared, loud noises, storms, flashing lights, yelling, blood, to much gore, cuts, nosy people, a lot of people around them, weird textures, things that look slightly off from the actual thing
( 𝚁𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜! 𝚂𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜! 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚍𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎!! )
𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜!
I'm EXTREMELY uncomfortable with NSFW things!! Please don't be freaky like that.
I'm definitely not consistent! Don't expect me to answer fast-
Please listen to things I say. It makes things easier for the both of us!
I have school, homework, real world problems, etc. I forget I exist as well at times. So don't expect everything from me! I'm a human being, just like you.
With the 1st one. Don't be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc, in any way at all! It makes me uncomfortable and I don't find it funny.
I am the only person running this blog! I hate repeating myself but PLEASE don't expect everything from me!
This is mainly centered around Raven until we get to the good parts! Trust you'll see my goober cryptid :P
I will use CAPS, strike through text, colors, repeat repeat, alt3rati0n of text, maybe binary, maybe hex. I'm not sure! If you want the non messed up version it might be in the tags!! :3
( 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚋𝚢 @brianssock !! 𝚃���𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 :𝙿 )
HEAVILY inspired by the ask blog @habitual-creatures ,, I LOVE HOW THEY MADE IT I TOOK A LOT OF INSPO 🫶
⚠️🥽 - 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚜 #⚠️🥽 anon
Mystery Guest tagged as #Mystery Guest
👁 Strikethrough - tagged as #👁 anon
Joanne✒️📖 - tagged as #✒️📖 anon
CHA0TICALLY,🕕 - tagged as #🕕 anon
Bifrons 🚪 - tagged as #🚪 anon
REGARDS, HABIT 🐇☠️ - tagged as
#🐇☠️ anon
Evan 🗡🎞 - tagged as #🗡🎞 anon
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notmanagingmymischief · 2 years ago
𝒩.𝐵. || 𝒶 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝑜.
shocker, i know
word count: 1,964
warnings: death/dying, mentions of incestual tendencies on Norman’s part, survivor’s guilt, ambiguous ending?
tag list:
@takemercyonme @when-i-miss-you @damagnificentcookie @straight2hades @marvelgeek09 @herashifts @crime-ninja @onebigsimp @emiliaisdead @sapphic-stress @nonbinary-cryptid-baby @merci-bitch @feartheclipse @mxbeezkneez @fxoehy @ahoy-gays @sythaerin @consciouschunkofmoss
if you’d like to be added to my tag list, send me an ask or comment, or fill in this form! <33
enjoy xx
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I had been in love with Norma Bates for as long as I could remember. From the moment I laid eyes on her, probably. It took almost two long years for me to finally confess to her, and three for us to completely and totally settle down with each other. It was on what was supposed to be a calm, easy day—one where neither of us had work to do, and we could just exist with each other—where something finally went wrong.
Well, that isnt entirely true; the past couple of days we’d been having this weird tension between each other. Norma had been busy with the Motel, Norman was being a pain in my ass, and my estranged family had decided to reach out again after years. All of the stress culminated today, though. When we had nothing to distract ourselves with, and somehow it ended up in an argument. One of our worst we’d ever had, in fact. I mentioned something about my parents getting on my ass, which led to the conversation of Norman. This was already a rather sensitive topic for everyone, and I’d been too stressed to filter myself. A stray comment I made had Norma all up in arms, and so here we are; in a screaming match in our shared bedroom.
“You can’t say that! I know you don’t get along, but Norman is my son, whether you like it or not!” Norma exclaims, throwing her hands up exasperatedly. I scoff and cross my arms. “Yeah, thats the problem, Norma. He’s your son.” I give her a Look, “He acts like he’s your boyfriend. Have you seriously never even been slightly freaked out by that?” I make perfectly valid points; Norman has always been weirdly attached to his mother, in a very creepy way. But Norma was unwilling to acknowledge that. We bicker back and forth some more, poisonous words thrown back and forth between us. “At least he didn’t abandon me!”
That. That was the final straw right there. Norma knew exactly how to get to me. I confided with her about my family issues and there she was, using them against me. I reel back with a hiss. “You—what?” I spit, glaring at her. But Norma doesn’t even take it back; I sense we’re both too upset to really consider each other's feelings. I shake my head. “No, thats too much. I can’t—you know that isnt what I did!” Norma mirrors my action, shaking her head and giving me an exhausted look. “Isn’t it?” she asks, and I have to clench my fists to stop from hitting something. We stare each other down for a moment, neither of us willing to speak. And then she does.
“That’s it. I’m done. We, this,” she gestures vaguely between the two of us, “is done.”
It hits me like a bag of bricks. I’m not stupid, or dense. “Are you breaking up with me right now, Norma..?” I ask, tears stinging in my eyes. “I didn’t want to say it but yes, I think that’s what has to happen. I just—I’m done.” I keep staring at her in shock, trembling violently. I can’t speak, can barely even breathe, and Norma wont even look at me. Finally, I choke back a little sob, and with a cracked little voice, I go “Fine. Fine, then. G-Goodbye, Norma Bates,” before turning on my heel and doing my best not to run from our room, from our house, from our life. It doesnt take me more than twenty minutes to grab some essentials, only what I’ll need for a couple days before I can come pick my stuff up, and throw it and myself into my car. Not once does Norma show her face, and I’m almost grateful for it. I only spare one glance up at that old house on the hill before pulling out of the lot and onto the freeway. I don’t know where I’ll go, I don’t know what I’ll do—I just need to get away.
I drive down the highway, vision dangerously blurry from tears, for what could be minutes or hours. I have the radio up as loud as it’ll go, I’m clenching my fists around the steering wheel to the point of my knuckles aching. But nothing matters, because everything just hurts. Everything hurts so much.
It hurts so much that I don’t notice myself shaking so badly my driving has become erratic. It hurts so much that I don’t see myself accidentally veer to the left with a particularly body-wracking sob. But it doesnt hurt enough to stop me from seeing the headlights blinding me. And all I have time to do is let out a choked gasp and shrill shriek before—darkness.
Norma had been a wreck. Since she watched you from what used to be your bedroom’s window, watched you drive away and not look back, since she realized what she had done. She fell onto your—no, her bed—and put her head in her hands. She didnt cry, she couldn’t. But she did just sit there in silence, running through everything that had happened in the past hour in her head. When she did finally get up, her stare vacant and eyes dull, she went about the rest of her day without any of her usual fervor. Dinner with Norman was filled only by him, telling her about whatever taxidermy he’d done that day. And when she went to bed, Norma finally let herself cry. When she went to bed without you, and realized how cold her bed was. When she realized that the sheets hung too loosely over her shoulders because your body wasn't behind her to elevate them with your own. She didn’t sleep that night.
The next morning, Norma Bates is roused from her exhausted silence by her phone ringing. Not by her alarm, it was much too early for that. No, this was a call. With a sleepy groan, the blonde turns to grapple for it, answering the thing without reading the caller ID with an unimpressed “What?”
“Is this….Norma Bates?”
Norma didnt recognize the voice on the other end. “Uh…yes, this is she. Why..?” she mumbled, rolling onto her back. “This is Pine Bay Medical Center. We have Y/N L/N here with us…you were her emergency contact.” This immediately snaps Norma’s exhaustion out of her and she sits up in bed quickly. “What? You—what happened? Y/n? Is she alright?” “Ma’am, please breathe. Are you sitting down?” Norma’s breathing is already rapidly increasing, and she nods before realizing they cant see her and quietly choking out a “Ye-Yes, I am.”
“Mrs Bates, I regret to inform you that Miss L/N passed away this morning at…15:23 PM.”
The world goes silent. It falls out from under Norma and leaves her reeling; she nearly drops her phone from her hands as she just…stares. Stares at her wall in silence. The woman on the end of the line must be speaking to her, but all Norma can hear is a persistent buzzing behind the ringing in her ears as those words bounce around her head. After too long, the woman finally croaks out “Can I see her?” The moment she’s given the okay, she hangs up and snaps into action. She throws on the closet dress she can find, and doesnt even bother checking on Norman as she practically throws herself out the door and down the stairs.
Norma makes it to the hospital in record time, thankfully not stumbling across Alex to give her a speeding ticket, and the car is barely in park before she’s out the door and sprinting into the ER. Her voice shakes something fierce as she begs the receptionist to let her see you; as though begging them to bring you back. It takes too long for them to understand her but when they do, they give her a knowing look. “She’s..already at the mortuary, second floor.” Norma doesn’t bother thanking them before she’s gone, up the stairs and frantically searching for the room.
It doesn’t really sink in, she thinks, until she gets through to the workers and is finally led to the wall. When the small door is opened and a metal slab is slowly pulled out. And when she stares down at you. Down at her girl; peaceful but cold to the touch. It doesn't sink in that you’re gone until she rests a trembling hand on your cheek and can’t feel the warmth of your skin, when you don’t automatically lean into her touch. It isn’t until that moment that the world, reality, finally comes crashing back in and down onto her shoulders. The reality where you’re….not here.
Without being able to stop it, a shrill sob falls from Norma’s lips, and just like that she collapses against the wall. The mortuarists don’t intervene—they’ve seen this happen too many times—and let her grieve. They let her sob and plead and press her fingers to every cut and scratch on your pallid complexion, until she’s finally guided slowly and carefully from the room, still crying and repeating your name desperately. She’s sent into an empty room to be by herself, but she can’t even make it to the chair before she’s on her knees on the ground, sobbing all over again. Face in her hands, nearly screaming with the agony filling her entire body and soul. Gone, gone, gone, gone. You’re gone. Nothing Norma can say or do can take back what happened, and now you’re gone.
You’ll never wake her up with breakfast in bed again. You’ll never laugh at her stupid jokes. You’ll never hug her from behind and press your face into her hair as you grumble about the workweek’s stress. She’ll never kiss you again. She’ll never stay awake talking until past midnight about anything and everything again. She’ll never even…see you again.
Norma doesnt know how long she stays like that; eventually someone must have shown up because now she’s sitting in an uncomfortable chair and being asked too many questions, being talked at too much, and everything’s too loud. And Norman is there. He appeared a few hours back, but didn’t dare try to speak to his mother. She was too deep in her grief to even recognize his presence yet, and when she answers questions they’re brief and mumbled. The clearest thing that passes by her hearing is a doctor saying “Your wife was very strong in the OR. She fought hard, and it’s a real shame she didn’t make it.”
Her wife? When had she been put into the role of your wife? It was only once she was given your phone that she realized her contact was titled “wifey <333”, her name only written in the subtext inside the contact info. This brought on a new wave of tears. More unidentified time passes, until Norma is finally left alone with Norman in silence.
“I’m done.”
Norman looks up at his mother with a confused look. “What did you say, mother?” She slowly raises her head from her hands; “‘I’m done.’ That’s the last thing I said to her,” she breathes, eyes glistening with more tears that prepare to join the ones already streaming down her cheeks. “The last thing she thought she knew was that I hated her,” Norma chokes, sobbing again and letting her head fall back into the wall. She doesn’t even register the dull sting, too consumed by guilt and shame and grief.
What flowers will they have at your funeral? Did you ever write a will? Who would they tell? Would she let your family know?
But worst of all—how would she live with herself knowing that this was all her fault?
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yurisorcerer · 8 months ago
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The only way out is trusting the process.
Okay, no, let's stop for a second. What is this show? I thought I knew. In fact, as of the end of this episode, I thought I might have some idea again, but I'm now sitting with it and thinking and....seriously, what is going on here?
In theory, Narenare could not be simpler. It's a show about cheerleading. That's a little unusual in the context of the "girls do stuff" supergenre of anime but it's nowhere near the weirdest of these things in premise. But that hides how strange the execution of this all is. In this episode, we see several scenes from the last two weeks involving the character Suzuha. Except this time, they're from her perspective, and we see that far from being the cool, aloof near-cryptid we've been presented with so far, she's actually just extremely shy.
The show lets us in on her inner monologue by way of a chibi version of herself that hangs out in thought bubbles and occasionally just rides around on her head. It's hardly the strangest thing I've seen in an anime this season (Nokotan is airing, after all), but it's a notably weird way to present this information given the show's genre. This is a general trend that's true of everything in this episode; Kanata suddenly getting "the yips" about cheerleading (treated with grave seriousness by those around her, possibly having something to do with her dead[? {Seriously I have no idea what's going on there}] friend), Shion's singer-songwriter aspirations and so on. The show seems allergic to anything that would make its several running plot lines any easier to follow. Things are mostly followed up on by having them plonked onto the existing storyline in a decidedly odd way.
A friend compared this to Pride of Orange, another Girls Do X show that clearly had no idea what it was doing. But to be honest, I don't really see it. Pride of Orange's main flaws were an overwhelming lack of interest in its own premise and cast, and just a general deep cynicism toward the entire idea of the hobby/club anime. I don't get that off of Narenare at all. It is clearly sincerely trying to present an inspiring and straightforward sports girls narrative, but it seems either unable or unwilling to understand why those shows usually present things in the way that they do. The result is a strange alienating effect, in a way that feels uncannily GoHands-y in vibe if not looks. (Despite a shared affinity for weird color filter bullshit, Narenare looks much nicer than anything GoHands have ever done.)
Anyway, I plan to keep watching, because I am interested in if this effect is intentional or not. My guess is that it isn't, this thing has three different people on script and you could absolutely get something like this just by having too many cooks in the kitchen, but still, I'm curious to see if it manages to pull something out of this regardless or if it just completely crashes.
OTP, btw.
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