#or is it more like two sides of the same coin
thatfrailsoul · 2 days
– The chosen path
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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"Manuela", Conrad Kiesel
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This word is so vast... There are so many possibilities, so many different stories, so many journeys that we can go through and that can shape our life, who we are... So many of them, and all depend on just our choice. A choice that is not at all easy to make. Not so easy to be sure of, even if we already made the first steps.
This reading focuses on the path that you already chose, that you did already start. It focuses on letting you know if it was indeed the right one or if there is still time to make steps back. If there is something regarding it to know and to keep in mind. (And a reading focused on helping you to choose the right path and journey for you, will be posted in a few days from now.♡)
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Slow down for a moment. Take a deep breath, give yourself a needed moment of reflection and rest. Wander through the details of this painting... Which one attracts more your gaze? To which part of the painting it belongs to? Pay attention - it is showing you where your message hides and awaits.
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– Pile One,
the two of swords, the ten of cups, the page of coins
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It took a great deal of courage, didn't it? To make this choice, this uncertain step on a journey that you know so little about. It took all your strength to trust it, to trust others and their reassurance that it is alright, that you will be fine...
It is not at all something that you so often or easily do. Relying on others. Following their opinions or choice... But you were, you are still, so confused and new to this. To this phase of your life that no-one really prepared you for.
You didn't knew anything better. You weren't able to find or choose something different from what those by your side suggested you to pick... And now you just wander if it really will be so easy and right as they said. If, in the first place, their words and convictions were honest, and not just a brutal joke...
While still being so close to the very beginning of this journey, you can't help but look back and all around. Exactly like you did before, in hopes of finding the right one. But now you do it with more fear, even more anxiety than before. Hoping and at the same time fearing to see a sign, a warning, that will tell you that you indeed made a mistake...
But even though it seems so strange, so different from their usual intentions... Those that showed you this journey really did it with a genuine and honest heart. In a rare moment of openness and compassion, they saw in you that version of them that once feared the same. That was so confused and uncertain in the same way. They saw your struggles and worries that resembled so much theirs. And they saw, being someone external, those little hints and details about you and the right journey for you, that you couldn't see on your own, too pressured by the weight of a such important choice.
For once there wasn't any irony, any malice, any bad intention. For once it was just a genuine and heartfelt advice, the needed help, that they once desired so much to receive as well. It was just confidence that it can really work for you, it can really be right for you, for the way you are.
And it can. It truly can be the right path. No matter if you will decide to experience it up until the very end, or just for a period of your life. It has indeed something in store for you. An experience that is worth to be lived, lessons worth to be learned.
It can and will work out if only you go easier on yourself. If only you take your time. If only you do it one step at a time.
It is normal to feel anxious, to feel that pressure of the future that seems so influenced by this choice... But even that future can always change. It is not so scary and settled at all.
You will always be able to change things, to discover and understand more about the life that you want. But now... You already made this choice. You are here. At the very beginning, with so many different ways to live it and to go through it.
So focus your attention for a moment here, commit to this decision, and give it and yourself a chance. For it to help you make progress and create your own experience and life. And for you to enjoy it as you grow.
It was just the first step. Everything is still fine. Everything is still possible. You can still make things work for you on this path. If you so desire.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Two,
the star, the three of wands, the knight of coins
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It all just feels so fast. So overwhelmingly fast in the way this one step, this one choice, caused so many things to shift in your life. New emotions, new worries, new routines and challenges ahead... All just because you really did thought that it was the right path for you, you were so confident about your choice...
And you were right, actually. You were right in your thoughts that analysed so much all the possibilities and options. You were right in your intuition and inner voice that said that you can do it, that it is the one. You were and are right. The same way this path is still safe for you, even if it seems so chaotic and challenging right now.
It is just the beginning. But not in a fatal, dooming way. It is not just the beginning of these difficulties, problems and thousand of questions without answers that will follow you till the end of your life...
It is just the beginning of this journey. A journey that, no matter how much information you gained or how many opinions you heard, it is still something that is new to you. Completely. Even if you planned it for so long. Even if it's not the first time you make this decision, choose this person, this career or so on. It is still different and new, it will be every single time. And at every first step it will be normal to have so many things to handle and to take care of. So many emotions and thoughts to process before being able to feel confident and calm.
Everything is alright. You didn't make any mistake. You didn't choose any fatal situation or journey. You are fine. This path is fine. It is safe. It is right. Just slow down and breathe. You need a moment, just one, before rushing in.
Let go for a moment of all the things you learned and prepared for this journey. Even if it took you so long to do it... You don't need it now. At least not all of them at once.
You don't need to comprehend everything now. To have the perfect understanding and plan for every question and situation. You don't need to find answers right here and now before making another step... You can just do it. And find it a little later, on your way, perhaps in someone that will be by your side.
You are not alone, whatever this journey might be. There will always be someone that will walk close to you, that will face the same things, and that will be open to take care of them together.
But you are trying to solve it and prepare everything all on your own. Even if no one asked you to, even if there isn't any need at all.
Just slow down. Observe. Allow yourself to truly feel this new beginning. Reflect on the things you are seeing, on what you are experiencing, not on what you could've or should've know.
Spend a moment to focus on yourself as you walk through it, not on the journey as you try to rush it and escape. Take your time, breathe in and breathe out. And remember the you that felt so confident and sure about your capabilities to handle this. Because they were right.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Three,
the moon, the two of coins, the one of coins
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You worked so hard to create new possibilities, new chances in your life... Perhaps even too much. Focusing your all, your intentions and your dreams, all on the possibility to shift for the better this life that simply didn't fit you anymore...
You gave so much of yourself, in this profound hope that things will become better... But it took so long to happen... That you simply didn't have any choice but to settle, but to go for something that wasn't at all what you wanted, but that was already here, offering some sort of reassurance and safety in the days you most needed it.
You went in a different direction from what you pictured. You got through it all. The frustration, the desperation, the anger, the uncertainty and doubt, the acceptance...
But none of them were as painful as the regret you felt once that opportunity did come into your life, exactly when you already made peace with a different reality, and started to appreciate it the way it is, the ups and downs, making progress and learning to find something good even in this...
Nothing created more conflict and disruption as the decision and choice that you never really asked: the one between the journey you never wanted but accepted and started to get used to, learning how to navigate it and even being proud of the progress you made..; and the one that you for so long dreamed of, so much sacrificed for, but never received, at least not when you wanted it and asked for it.
You weren't prepared for it, you didn't see it coming.. and now you just don't know even how to feel about it. What to do. If it's the moment to say goodbye to that dream, or if to sacrifice for it the hard work of a different journey that you did.
So you are taking time. Making steps both here and there, trying to handle everything, not wanting to choose between one thing or another. Not wanting to feel again so vulnerable and afraid of what comes next.
You are silently working on it, consuming yourself as your mind that first was supposed to choose between them... Is so dangerously starting to consider to keep it going this way. Holding onto both choices, putting on the line your own health just to not risk to ruin and lose both paths again...
But it will happen, inevitably, if you will keep pushing yourself through the days that are simply too filled with all these things. You will lose both of them, sooner or later, simply because you are one, you can take care and experience just so much. You can't do everything and be everywhere. No matter how much you desire it.
You will lose both of them by simply losing yourself. Because it is a dangerous game. It is a too heavy of a sacrifice that you are asking from yourself.
You deserve, you need, to be able to experience one life, enjoy it, love it, feel it. Not only the stress and anxiety that comes from trying to balance two opposite paths.
Step back. Do for yourself this favorur. Stay still for just a moment. And be honest with yourself, with what your heart wants from this life.
Because it is not a matter of the progress you did, of the possibilities or challenges. It has nothing to do with the time you spent doing one thing or desiring the other. You can grow that experience, that progress and passion in yourself... you can start and try, and achieve your goals whenever you want.
But what you can't do is to consume your own self, forcing you to play two games, just for the sake of not losing once.
Choose your story, choose your life. And let go of the other that you know deep down never was yours, never spoke to your heart. You won't lose anything. You will only gain more honesty with yourself and more peace of mind. The safety and stability that you deserve but that you are sacrificing because of the fear of admitting what you feel now.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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hiraethwa · 3 days
to be loved is to be known
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zero; i was made for loving you // from a distance
<the collection — to be loved is to be known>
pairing. kageyama x reader
cw. angst to fluff, timeskip, setter!reader, one-sided pining, blasphemy, soon to be married and then divorced!reader, not very canon timeline compliant if you squint
wc. ~600
lucky is to have you. lucky is something i am not.
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kageyama tobio thinks he must be born cursed. that or the gods just enjoy playing cruel pranks on him to see him flounder about and suffer as he flits around in the palm of their hands. 
because how else would one explain missing the person who he’s been waiting for by years, not just once, but twice? he swallows the feeling that is bubbling up in his throat as he watches you give him a thumbs up on the sidelines, eyes catching onto the glint of gold on your finger. 
yeah, he decides bitterly, they must be toying me for their own amusement. 
he remembers the first time he met you as clear as day, introduced by kuroo tetsuro—the gods-favored one who had been blessed not only to have the fortune of meeting you first, but also managing to claim your heart as his in the process. 
he had seen you in passing a handful of times, heard of your name on the same stage as him, your names endlessly intertwined together. as if you were two sides of the same coin despite never having properly interacted before. 
if he was being honest, he had been mildly irked at the constant comparison. the articles, doing their analysis of “genius setter kageyama tobio vs strategic setter oumae y/n”, goes on and on about your technical prowess (which is almost on par with him) and your strategic plays (purportedly better than his own), all concluding with a question—will you surpass him as japan’s best setter? 
not to mention, you are the people’s darling, all smiles and sunshine, even-tempered and ever so delightful to be around, unlike the storm that accompanies him whenever he is off court. 
though when kuroo-san personally requested for his help, he found his own curiosity piqued. considering that he is indebted to kuroo-san for all that he had done to help karasuno grow into their wings years ago, how could he reject his request?
besides, kageyama had his own questions for you. he found himself looking up replays of your games on youtube after going to one of your matches with hinata and his younger sister, mesmerized by your skills as a setter. despite the minor annoyance he had with the media, he quickly came to agree with their shallow assessment.
“oumae y/n, nice to meet you.” your words were polite, that dazzling smile that wins everyone over to your side making its first appearance. “i’ve been dying to meet you since i saw you play a couple of years ago. your precise sets are a work of art, and i’m sure you’ve been told this, your serves are godly.”
somehow you almost, almost remind him of oikawa tooru, if not for the sincerity behind your words, the stark contrast to oikawa-san’s habitual disingenuous tone. 
despite himself, a faint smile made its way onto his face—one of many, many more that you will pull out of him in time. 
“i’ve heard some things, but godly, that’s a first.” and you had fucking beamed at him like a bright sunny day, like a fan meeting their idol for the first time. he supposes that it was exactly that, if you had been following him for a while. 
you went on to pepper him with questions about his serve, showing him how you do it, and asking him to correct your form.
he wishes he could chalk it all up to falling in love at first sight. at least then he would have been able to blame it all on illogical emotions that do not have a basis for why he fell for someone who is taken. 
but the gods do not favor kageyama tobio, for they curse him so, bestowing the fate of koi no yokan upon him—what was supposed to be a magical feeling of knowing that you are meant to fall for them inevitably, with a cruel twist just for him. 
and he knows, fuck the gods, he knows more than senses the light flutter of his dormant heart awakening to you. 
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taglist. @hatsukeii @daisy-room @soulfullystarry @kitsune-kita @bakery-anon (open! ask for taglist)
a/n. might have lost my mind writing lovesick tobio but it was worth it <3
awaiting updates? browse the library while waiting
if you liked this, please consider leaving a like, comment, rb or ask <3 (perhaps i enjoy hearing about how i break hearts a little too much)
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coffee-kitty4090 · 1 day
DC What if??
In this alternated universe, what if MAZAHS was a form William (Billy) Batson could be able to transform into?? Not just a form that belongs to Alexander (Lex) Luther from Earth Three. Who is that universe SHAZAM counterpart, all thanks to the Power of MAZAHS.
However, I’ll be twisting a few things to make this work.
Firstly, Billy Batson will still be able to transform into SHAZAM, but MAZAHS is a secondary transformation he can undergo. This allows Billy to possess two immensely powerful and distinct forms, and each is capable of tapping into different facets of power, either magically or godly. Only having to utter the magical word, either SHAZAM or MAZAHS, for their respective transformations.
Secondly, these forms were either gifted or forced upon to by the magical Wizard from a rock.
Originally in this universe, the Wizard was going to gift two people, one for each role. One of those chosen individuals will have the title and powers of SHAZAM, the Champion of the Gods (who are the same). Then the other chosen individual will have the title and powers of MAZAHS, the Champion of Magic.
However, the Wizard hadn’t much time left since he was already pretty old. So, he gave Billy both of the titles and powers, because one, Billy passed the test, and two, he couldn’t find another champion. Then like most mentors (if you want to call him that), the Wizard then shortly died after transferring the titles and responsibilities over to Billy, with a brief explanation for how they work.
Thirdly, I made it so that SHAZAM and MAZAHS are each other opposites (since their names are literally the same but backwards). I made them to be from the same coin, but each with their own side. Certain things about them are the same, yet they’re not, and have their own differences.
Fourthly, SHAZAM is fundamentally the same in this universe, both in appearance and personality wise, while I have changed MAZAHS entirely. Because it’s not Alexander Luther who is in this form, it’s Billy Batson.
As MAZAHS, Billy will retain his true appearance that, by magic, is in a way altered to be less recognizable. And because I can, the outfit is more child-like and arcane, reflecting his unparalleled command over magic. Yet, in this form is still similar to SHAZAM’s in terms of colours, and their iconic lighting symbol.
I also have it that SHAZAM embodies Billy’s ambitions, mirroring the qualities that he sees from his deceased father, CC Batson, as well as other heroes. SHAZAM brings forth a peaceful personality, aligning with Billy’s innate kindness and what he thinks a hero is and should be. On the flip side, MAZAHS represents the reverse. MAZAHS embodies Billy’s natural personality, complete with a mischievous nature. Like SHAZAM, MAZAHS is still Billy, but he displays and exudes a more feral and untamed demeanor, acting more like a trickster.
Fifthly, I think that their powers and skills have been divided, yet not.
I have it that SHAZAM does still possess proficiencies for using magic. They’re, however, not anywhere near the same level as MAZAHS, whose mastery over magic is unparalleled. Similarly, the same applies to MAZAHS, who also acquired and connected to the powers of the Gods, but not to the extent of SHAZAM.
I think of it being split around 20/80 in terms of how Magically or Godly their abilities and roles are.
Sixthly, I want and need miscommunication.
SHAZAM is known and written about in a lot of cultures in the DC universes, but now that there’s also a MAZAHS in this universe. I think that SHAZAM and MAZAHS would be confused as the same being and there, because when they were spoken or written about, their names are interchangeable.
It either because, neither of them would be around each other outside. Or because there have been many individuals that have been gifted those titles. It also plays in with that now they are the same being. So, that is where the title SHAZAM, the Champion of Magic, probably comes from.
Finally, I think that Billy would likely stick to only one form. He uses SHAZAM’s form the most (obviously), and only tends to use the MAZAHS form if it’s needed. Reserving it for situations that demand a different kind of and an immense magical prowess. Where SHAZAM cannot win with brute force.
It's mainly because he doesn't want to be seen and treated like a kid, or because SHAZAM and amazing muscles.
I haven't thought much about this idea, but I thinks a fun concept.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 days
while I absolutely ADORE your drabbles, I love them so much mwah mwah mwah
I would like to raise you…. pussy!Steve who doms the fuck out of Bucky. Bucky is crying and whimpeeing and trying so hard to be a good boy, but Steve is just so good. Like, mind-meltingly good. It makes our poor baby go stupid, and Steve loves to take advantage of that.
For reference, my ask box is no longer open for requests, but this is from before I closed it, so I will be writing for this ask.
Thank you so much!!
I will rise to this challenge, abso-fucking-lutely.
Bucky is shaking badly, head to toe trembling as if he's woken up in the middle of the night to an earthquake. He's spread across his bed, vulnerable in his nakedness, and so shocked by the waking to the ground rumbling beneath him like it wants to swallow him whole, the earth vibrating through his mattress, spooking him so badly that he's started to sweat enough to soak into the bed.
But there is no earthquake, it is not the middle of the night, and Bucky is not afraid.
Rather than an earthquake, there's the earth-shattering feeling of Steve on top of his quivering, sweat-glistening body spread across the bed. Steve is pinning him down at the same time that he makes him shiver and shake and tense against the bonds of his words, ordering Bucky to keep still, based on nothing but his sweet obedience. And rather than fear, the exact opposite yet so similar sensation has overtaken him--arousal. The twin side of the coin. Fear is heart racing and sweaty and on edge, arousal is the same but titillating instead of life-threatening.
Bucky still might feel as though his life is threatened but not in a bad way. More so in the way that if he dies right here, he can die a happy man.
More than fucking happy, he can die fulfilled, overflowing with arousal and heat and devastation because Steve is on top of him, his thick thighs thrown around his stocky waist with one hand in the center of Bucky's chest to hold himself up, fingers spread, palm down, and the other hand between his legs. He's using his fingers, articulating them, curling and rubbing and fingering, and making the mouthwatering muscles and veins in his forearm twitch and bulge. Steve's touching himself, hovering above Bucky, on his knees, just close enough to tease.
That's why Bucky's shaking. He's so fucking teased. He can't touch. He just has to lay here and watch, rock-hard as Steve plays with his cunt. Oh, god, he's two fingers fucking deep in it, making the most lewd, wet sounds as he dives--both his soaked pussy and his chest-rumbling noises of pleasure. He's close enough for Bucky to feel the humid, sticky heat between his legs but not close enough. Bucky wants him closer. Desperately wracked with want Bucky aches to be inside him. He's hot, fucking wet, tight velvet around his cock. He always is. Bucky wants to fucking fuck him. He wants it so bad he can taste it on the tip of his tongue.
It's not just Bucky's own want making him taste it, though, it's how fucking close Steve is and how turned on he is as he plays with himself--curling his fingers inside himself to make his eyes roll back and his hips stutter forward, arching painfully sharply to have more pressure against his sweet spot inside him, and whining to himself as he teases his own body, playing himself, making himself sing, making himself want and ache and throb before he dares to take his soaked, glistening fingers out of himself and rub tight, fast circles around his swollen clit. Steve is so goddamn hot for this--getting off on controlling him, telling him how to move and when, what he deserves and doesn't--that he's wet all down his thighs. Some of his slick, wet and thick and fragrant, has dripped onto Bucky's throbbing, hurting cock as he fingerfucks himself to another orgasm. Having it drip hotly out of Steve and onto him, landing almost with a splat and sizzle, it's that fucking wet and hot, is the only way Bucky's gotten his dick wet for the unknown amount of time he's been trapped here, wanting so badly he can feel it in his teeth and the bite of his fingernails digging into his own palms. Wanting so badly he can taste it. Steve's arousal is so thick in the air he can literally taste it, coating his tongue and spreading down his throat, ending up deep, deep in his belly, making tight knots in his guts until he's groaning with abandon.
This is fucking torture. He's so hard! All he wants is in his pussy. It's the only thing he can think about. He can feel his heart throbbing in his cock and he just needs Steve's tight, wet pussy around him to make it better. It's not fair that Steve gets to feel himself around his fingers and Bucky doesn't! It's not fair that Bucky has to lay here and sweat through the sheets, barely able to fucking see, his eyes watering so badly for just how desperate he is, and witness Steve getting himself off again and again. He hasn't gotten off once! He's just fucking aching. It's in his teeth. His bones.
He needs.
He's whining, whimpering, and sobbing.
Steve is moaning with his throat now, his hips grinding roughly down against his own hand, his fingers curled inside himself, pressing against his g-spot and thrusting in and out of his sticky wetness and tugging at his own rim to make his thighs abruptly jolt with the stimulation. He's pulling his fingers out and spreading his hot, thick wetness all around his pussy, tracing the legs of his clit down on either side of his slit, forming his fingers into an enticing V-shape. He's making sure Bucky can do nothing but stay locked onto target with dark, starved eyes. He's so fucking wet. Spreading it all over. Glistening. Swollen, and, Jesus Christ, Bucky has it so bad he can't help but drool a little bit, thinking, mortifyingly, that his cunt looks juicy.
He wants it so badly it's awful, sobbing harder, making his chest stutter and heave.
Steve takes a moment to tease them both, spreading his labia and getting his legs just a little wider, canting his hips up and forward, letting his head lull back in obvious, vocal pleasure--Bucky can see everything. All of his wet, pink, hypersensitive flesh from swollen clit to his pried-open vagina back to the tight clutch of his asshole. The sight of him hits like a fucking punch to the gut. He's spread like a book so open that the spine is cracked and Bucky wants to stick his face in it and consume it page for page. He wants to pronounce each word slowly and taste it on his tongue--savor it. He wants to tear through the story and then go back again and again to memorize it, to know it by heart.
He wants.
But he can't have.
Steve won't let him.
And it's the worst, best day of his life when Steve, his voice all breathy and fucked-out, tells him, "beg." He doesn't have to clarify for what and he absolutely doesn't have to ask again.
Bucky obeys, frantic and feverish as what he hopes are words spilling out of his loose lips. He can't control himself. He doesn't know what he's saying if he's saying anything at all. He may just be making useless noises that are incoherent and embarrassing in sheer out-of-his-mind desperation. He's just going and going, running his mouth and hoping to a god he doesn't believe in anymore that it's enough.
Thank fuck, it's enough. Or, with devastated arousal in his chest, maybe it isn't? Bucky doesn't know. He can't make sense of what Steve's doing, he's just watching it fucking unfold as nothing but a weak, submissive passenger as Steve takes another long, drawn-out orgasmic moment to ride and shake and squirm on his own hand, wringing wetness out of himself fervently before, oh fuck, taking his hand from between his legs, glistening wet, soaked as shit, and lifting it fluidly to right in front of Bucky's dumb fucking face.
Bucky blubbers more, begging, maybe just moaning or outright crying at this point, he isn't sure what's happening. Whatever he does has Steve convinced enough to close the harrowing gap between his drenched fingers and Bucky's face and--
He bluntly wipes the wet, hot mess on his fingers down Bucky's face, shaking him to the core with Steve's slick painted onto him, marking him from just above his lip, under his nose, over his mouth, down to his cleft chin. He is coated. Smothered. Glazed
"Don't you dare fucking lick it," Steve growls with so much conviction that it's shocking, Bucky doesn't know how he can still keep going, he's barely fucking hanging on by a thread himself and he hasn't even had a single orgasm yet.
Bucky wants nothing more than the taste of him. It's so hard to keep his ravenous tongue in his mouth. He's so eager for it. It's harder to keep from licking Steve's wetness off his lips and struggling to clean it off his skin, too, than it is to keep his hands to himself. But. He does it.
He lays there, head spinning at a million miles an hour, neck limp on his pillow, hair fanned out around his bright red cheeks, sweat gathering on his skin, for what feels like ages. Steve's wetness is spread thickly over him, cooling from the molten heat between Steve's legs and deep inside his tight pussy to Bucky's body temperature, feverish but not lava like Steve's sex is. His wetness is close enough to Bucky's nose that all he can smell is the briny, wrecking scent of his wetness. He needs it in his mouth. His chest heaves, stutters, and he chokes through his sealed-shut lips. If he dares to open his mouth, his tongue will come out to play.
He can't.
Steve knows he can't, but he still pushes. Because he's like that. Rattling off, "good fucking boy, yeah, yeahh, it looks like my good boy just got finished eating my pussy, hmm?" Bucky whines sharply through his shut lips, the noise going even more feral as Steve goes back to his cunt, drawing his fingers over his clit to shudder with pleasure, and then down, deeper, wetting his fingers again in his dripping, leaking hole. "Aww," Steve exhales roughly, getting to himself, knowing just how he likes to be touched and exploiting it, "ain't that somethin'? It looks like I was sitting on your face and letting you go at it. Cute."
Bucky sobs, lungs seizing.
"Yeah--fuck yes--you'd like that, Buck. You're al-always so eager to please. Always so happy to get your face soaked an' have me squirt all over you."
He feels like a puppy being trained to balance a treat on his snout, waiting as still as he can (which is not very still, his tail wagging so fast it shakes his whole body with it) for the signal from his master before flicking his nose and catching the treat in his mouth, crunching through it so rapidly he barely tastes it at all. Please please pleasepleaseplease sprints through his head, the only thought, he can't open his mouth and talk, he can't or he'll shatter, but he needs.
Soon but not soon enough, Steve is satisfied with his vibrating patience, staring down at him, looming, waiting, watching with a devious expression hot on his face, drunk on control. Then, f i n a l l y , with even more wetness shining on his fingers, dripping down to pool in his palm and further obscenely dripping down the heel of his hand to his wrist, Steve brings his fingers back up. Without hesitation or shame, Steve barks at him, "open, tongue out," and Bucky does. Not a single thought in his head. Just obedience.
Steve slaps two fingers down onto the flat of his hungry tongue.
Drooling, Bucky curls his tongue around his fingers the best he can when he's so fucking shaky and strung out, lapping up his briny, hot taste and moaning jaggedly. If Steve told him so, he could cum just tasting him. But Steve doesn't tell him to cum, he's much more interested in shoving his fingers deep into Bucky's mouth, his throat, and making him gag, forcing the tears that had collected in his eyes to spill over and rush down his face. Bucky cries, Steve's fingers heady in his throat, and hears nothing but an angel's choir.
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t4tails · 19 hours
honestly even when dc writers themselves try to treat the villains mental health issues more respectfully you'll always get people in the fandom coming in with the ableism anyways. like e.g. unburiedverse riddler is canonically low empathy but it's not treated as the reason for his villainy and yet someone in the fandom complained about them making him "a psychopath" and said the writers "should have revealed that he just pretends to be low empathy for edgy points" and just. no? tf?
god yeah its like this bizarre over-correction where they come to the same conclusion of "neurodivergent trait = evil and fucked up" but think theyre okay because instead of wanting to depict them as irredeemable villains, they want to erase the trait entirely. two sides of the same coin.
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snarky-wallflower · 19 hours
Coin Flip: A Ship Name Study
Otherwise known as: yes, hi, I am coping with the end of Searcher by focusing on this hot mess of a couple. I did one for Radiant Words, might as well again!
So, first off, I can't take credit for the name! That goes to my friend @amethystunarmed, a genius as always. I just wanna dive a little deeper into it, to convince others to start using it! So, why Coin Flip? Well, obviously it pulls on their titular song Two Sides of a Coin (god, I still think it's beautiful that the entire chat started shipping them at that.) The fascinating thing about Dakkar and Kal is that they truly seem to be just that! Two sides of the same coin! Neither of them can ever fully keep a victory, always struggling against each other. A flip of a coin - who wins? Who loses? Will there ever be an end to this fight, this relationship, that clearly has them both in a grip? They always fight to a draw, it's cosmic law.
What would you do without me, I'm not certain...
It's pretty clear that Kal respects Dakkar in a way he hasn't done so for any other character so far - Samuel, and AJ, for example. He spends time actually talking to Dakkar, negotiating with him. He doesn't see it as a joke, like Dakkar is beneath him. He didn't do that for anyone else!
Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Dak!
Everyone else has been boring.
Dakkar is the main event.
Meanwhile, Dakkar has kept on moving. He never even says Kal's name throughout the whole show. Mobilis in mobili, right? But he also knows where to dig when he needs to, insulting Kal with ease. Dakkar is furious here, practically brimming with rage. Kal brings out a side of him we haven't seen yet, and it's delightful to listen to.
I will stand, and you will falter! I'll be the rock of Gibraltar!
I will float and watch you sink, and it eats you up inside!
What is so interesting about this ship is the amount of history we can tell is there from a song that is only a couple of minutes! There's bitterness, there's knowing - these two go right for the THROAT when it comes to each other. Kal's jabs at Dakkar are a lot more personal than his to Sia ever were. (He went STRAIGHT for the daddy issues with Dakkar, damn.) Their strikes aim true, while they get in each other's heads.
They know each other like their other half--because maybe they were, once. Like the palm of their hand. Like the other side of a coin.
How well did they know each other?
Two sides of a coin.
The coin flips. Which side will it turn up on this time?
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adisplanet · 23 hours
“Barry and Evan are so toxic” YES i KNOW thats why its PERFECT
It seems like they hate each other. Not some friendly rivalry, not even a frenemy type of thing - from an outside perspective it seems like they actually DESPISE each other and literally no one ever thinks that they’re actually together because why would they?
But their love is just as strong (if not more so) than their hatred. It’s all passion, everything they do - how they fight, how they yell, how they love. Two sides of the same coin, really. Their arguments are filled with love that they aren’t sure how to express and sure, they’re a little broken, a little crazy, but who isn’t? I love them
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demigod-shenanigans · 21 hours
Long overdue Pipeyna posting:
It’s the way they balance each other out and mirror each other.
I think a lot about what Piper said in regard to love and hate being almost identical emotions, neither of which can be reasoned with, and that being why Ares and Aphrodite like each other.
It’s about how they start out resenting each other—Reyna sees Piper as the person who took away her best friend. Piper sees Reyna as a threat to her relationship with Jason. Except that’s not the whole story, is it? Because Piper thinks about Reyna much more than she should. Much more than Jason does, honestly. And the second Reyna lets herself trust Piper, she trusts her fully. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world. And it startles her, because usually Reyna takes a long time to let people in. But the others join the fight and though Reyna’s eyes should be drawn to Jason, she finds them on Piper instead.
Reyna and Piper understand each other in a way only the child of a war goddess and the child of the goddess of love can. They’re two sides of the same coin.
Piper sometimes struggles with thinking she’s not especially useful in comparison to her friends who seem much more powerful, whose skills seem much more helpful in combat. Hell, she’s outright stated to be surprised Reyna and Annabeth find her diplomatic skills handy at the end of BoO.
A lot of Piper’s character centers around her feeling invisible—the first time we see this is with her dad, whose attention she keeps trying to gain with her stunts, except it doesn’t work. She stays invisible to him. And that can never change. Because once he sees her for who she really is, it breaks him, and she has to make the heartbreaking choice to ask him to look away again for his own good. Piper has a power that literally centers around her ability to make people look at her and listen to her, and yet she cannot keep the attention of her dad, and she doesn’t think it’s really enough to have earned a place among her friends.
But Reyna sees her, even without her charmspeak. Reyna looks at Piper and in her role as the child of a war goddess, what can she see except all the ways in which Piper is a warrior? All the ways in which Piper is capable and brave?
Reyna on the other hand struggles with her emotions and not being able to let other people in. She keeps her cards close to her chest because that’s the only way she knows to keep herself safe. Even when she loves, she loves in a way that’s subdued, because she was taught from a young age that love isn’t a thing that’s safe. Love locks you up at night because you’re a threat. Love is angry and dangerous and could get you killed if you slip up—if you say the wrong thing or move the wrong way or if it’s simply having a bad day. Love is a thing that at any given moment could explode in your face.
She doesn’t even share how her powers work because she’s afraid it might go wrong somehow if she does—that the others will feel like she’s somehow manipulating them instead of supporting them.
But Piper looks at Reyna and she sees right through her, sees all the ways she’s hurting and how exhausted she is, because with her powers, what can she see except Reyna’s emotions, no matter how tightly Reyna tries to keep them locked up?
Piper knew what Reyna’s power was without being told. She just sensed it and immediately understood how it worked and how it must drain Reyna. And Reyna feels briefly terrified when Piper brings it up because she always assumed people knowing would change their opinion on her. But Piper is only mentioning it because she’s worried about how those powers must affect Reyna. About whether she’s getting enough rest and has a shoulder to lean on about it all. And that’s never been anyone’s main priority before—especially not Reyna’s (something something Reyna being raised to protect New Rome. Her powers actively benefiting others while draining her. The way she’s never quite able to live for herself).
They instinctively see and feel drawn to the part of each other that other people struggle to see at all and it makes me a bit crazy actually.
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the-angry-pixie · 10 months
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the losers love each other moodboards (19/?) - Edverly 🐞
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thechaoticrow · 1 year
so we all know about “who the hell is jordie?” “someone i trusted. someone i couldn’t afford to lose”, right, but what we forget is the significance of kaz calling jesper ‘jordie’. it’s not just that jesper is a brother to him- jordie was kaz’s protector. jordie was the 13 year old that protected kaz and who kaz protected, the goofy one who made him smile and bought him hot chocolate at night. he felt safe around him. he trusted jordie with his life. in calling jesper ‘jordie’, kaz shows that subconsciously, he trusts jesper to protect him, that he could turn to him should he need it. and every time he yells at jesper, the gambler who couldn’t stay out of the red, for losing another bet, getting in debt again, all he can see is that same thirteen-year-old boy, swindled out of everything he owned and left for dead on the street. with every word he yells at jesper, he silently urges him to stay alive. with every bet jesper makes, all kaz can think is “i can’t lose a brother. not again.”
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abyssalgalaxy · 1 month
The fact that Tsubomi didnt end up as Mob's gf and became her friend is so important, it strenghtes the entire friendship motif of the series have and breaks the trope of there having to be romance between a boy and a girl, the friendzone isnt bad its just that ppl have been conditioned to think that it is, for Mob and Tsubomi could be one of the best things that happened in their lives. Im sure she wanted to have a friend that she could open up to without being judged and without having the risk of her being seen as just a love interest by them. I have the feeling that Tsubomi would enjoy being silly once in a while, leave the "school idol" status she has and I think Mob also likes to be silly! Based on the cake prank on reigen at the epilogue and Mob telling Dimple he didnt remember him during the Mogami Arc, Id love to see them being silly together as besties, laughing together loudly at dumb shit or messing with their other friends. Maybe at some point he invites her to hang out with the rest of his friends, going shopping w Teru, hanging out w the telepathy club, or just anything really, she deserves more true friends. And since tsubomi isnt impressed by anything psychic/supernatural related, Mob can tell her about his little shenanigans at spirits n such without being weirded out or anything, she'll just listen and its the same for Mob's side, he's good at understanding and giving a safe place to speak, I know I said it already but she really needs true friends that wouldnt wish bad things upon her or see her as a prize.
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miitokii · 2 months
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outfits for shuake roleswap au!
shuake week 2024 day 1: roleswap AU
they call blackmask ren ‘hat guy’ because it’s his most distinguishing feature (nah bc it’s goofy just like scaramouche)
i have thought A LOT about this au, including their personas
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blackmask (hat guy) joker has odin (loki’s counterpart), and prince joker has arsène (i changed the design a little though)
leader of the thieves crow has merlin
and now have a sketch dump with notes:
explaining the choices i made/thought process when coming up with the designs and personas, and arsène’s design lol
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tongues--and--teeth · 6 months
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Lovvveeeee this fic from @thebiscuitlabryinth sooo much omg. She’s such a visual writer I felt like I could actually see what was going on while reading lol.
Click for better quality!
POV: you’re Pure Vanilla Cookie
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kacievvbbbb · 23 days
I think it’s interesting how as time goes on Zoro kind of becomes more and more like mihawk in some ways whether that’s just because if you spend time with someone for 2 years you’re bound to pick up their habits or a deliberate attempt to emulate him is a conversation for another time. And Mihawk and Zoro where already pretty similar at the start so it’s a little hard to notice now.
But yeah whether unconsciously or consciously Zoro is becoming a bit more like Mihawk and it’s interesting to think that while this means maturing in some ways (he’s swordsmanship for one but he’s also just quieter much more assured of himself) it also means deaging in some others.
Despite their significant age gap and general dispositions, when it comes down to it Zoro is just a lot more emotionally mature and developed than Mihawk is. And a big part of why is because he found something larger than himself to devote his life too, hell Mihawk himself even kind of acknowledges this when he agrees to take Zoro on as a student when Zoro begs for the sake of his captain and crew. He acknowledges that putting aside his own ego and dreams for the sake of someone else isn’t something he can do and sees it as a fault in himself and a strength in Zoro.
Mihawk may be outwardly mature and his skills defiently did not stagnant but I’d wager that Mentally Mihawk is still stuck at the same age he was when he took over the title of world’s strongest swordsman. Honestly maybe even younger. And it isn’t until training Zoro, letting Perona stay with him, for probably the first time in his life taking charge of lives outside his own did he finally unarrest his development.
If Zoro is purposely trying to emulate Hawkeyes, which it wouldn’t be a surprise if he was that’s who he’s trying to be Afterall, then it would honestly set him back emotionally because fundamentally as he is now Mihawk’s attitude doesn’t work in a crew. It’s too singular, too abrasive. And while that abrasiveness can be useful in Zoro’s role as Luffy’s first mate sometimes it makes him a little too callous a little too apathetic, like with his disregard for Luffy’s sadness over vegapunk.
But Zoro has his crew to temper that, they are honestly just too ridiculous to ever stay serious around. And try as he might to hide it Zoro is also just a silly dude who likes to be horrifically petty with his opponents. And zoro still has so much fire in him, so much he has too prove and so much he wants to protect to ever really fall into Mihawk’s apathy. Zoro has Luffy who even after they reach their dreams will probably still continue to turn the world upside down forever keeping Zoro in some kind of trouble and his life interesting.
Zoro can’t be Mihawk because even Mihawk can’t be Mihawk anymore. Being with crossguild and crossing with the Red hair pirates and the strawhats is going to change him, it has too. if Mihawk is going to live after losing his title he’s probably gonna have to become a little bit more like Zoro.
#can you tell how much I like the phrase arrested development#mihawk is essentially mentally still a teenager and honestly that tracks#in psychology terms he never developed his super ego#everytime I write a long post I’m so scared that I didn’t make any point at all and it’s just a bunch of jumbled nonsense and half points#so I hope this made sense 😭#zoro and Mihawk are great they are so alike yet the little differences matter so much#don’t you just hate when people say Zoro has no character arc?#they aren’t even two sides of the same coin they are literally just Son learning from the mistakes of his father#I can’t lie before I really got into timeskip I also thought the changes in zoro was just Oda choosing to rewrite him diffenrtky more badas#I also missed the loud smiling and laughing zoro but the truth is that he’s still there#and maybe it is just Oda deciding to make Zoro cooler but it’s honestly so in line with who he already was and makes so much sense given#who he was training with that it still works as character development#zoro can still be loud and silly and maybe his digs are not said instead of screamed and maybe his smiles are a little meaner instead of#genuine and maybe he doesn’t laugh out loud anymore but honestly sometimes thats part of growing up#Zoro is the way he is so Luffy can be who he is that’s why they work. somebody’s got to take it seriously#somebody’s got to feel the weight of being an emperor’s crew. might as well be Zoro#one piece#throwing thoughts to the void#zoro appreciation post#dracule mihawk#hawkeye mihawk#roronoa zoro#zoro#character analysis#one piece meta#goth fam#goth family#one piece goth family#the strawhats#strawhat pirates
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gldnstrngs · 17 days
can yall believe that in the season one finale merlin actually said with his whole chest—
“i’m happy to be your servant, till the day i die.”
?!?!?!???! im??? so??? normal??? about??? them??? bc what do you MEAN merlin said that to arthur after knowing him for only a few months esp when they didnt get along at first!!!
What Do You Mean!!!!!!!!!!!
like this is genuinely one of the most insane things merlin could possibly say no matter the circumstances
and the fact that arthur has NO CONTEXT… if i were him i would’ve FOLDED no joke
but also its just like🥺 bc merlin wanted arthur to remember him as someone who was loyal and devoted to him EEEEEEK
and to add the cherry on top this quote reminds me of the last line of loml by tswift
“and i’ll still see it until i die, you’re the loss of my life”
once again i am SO normal about them!
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fluffydice · 8 months
Lol I wonder if Kusuo lost that final little bit of self worth once he stopped the volcano. Like that was his whole life goal all those years. He didn’t even give himself time to think of a future beyond that. And once he stopped it, what was there left for him to do? He’d served his purpose.
I genuinely think losing his powers at his young age wasn’t really a good idea. All of his worth is conflated with his powers, both in his own mind and in others. Think of how excited Toritsuka and Kusuke were that he was getting them back, regardless of how anxious it made Kusuo. Accepting them as part of himself was a good step in the right direction, but he needs to learn how to acknowledge that he is a person who has value beyond what his powers can do. It’s something I think that can only come with age for him. He needs time to unlearn everything he’s grown up believing.
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