#or is cradling it in my palm
oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
did we make the right choice? was there a chance that if we made him live we could have found another way out? i cant tell if it was a mercy or if we just gave up.
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epiphainie · 22 days
buck and tommy lying on the bed, facing each other. buck's thumb softly stroking tommy's cleft, tommy's knuckles delicately caressing buck's birthmark. tommy tilting his head down and brushing a kiss on buck's thumb. buck breaking out his softest smile and turning his face to nuzzle tommy's palm.
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cleromancy · 8 months
jason is just so. no one will care about my feelings unless i make them. no one will give me what i want unless i take it. everyone will believe the worst of me no matter what so it doesn't matter what i do. everyone will side with anyone else over me so it doesn't matter what i do
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fruitdaze · 9 months
anyway i can’t believe this still needs to be said but wei wuxian is not (and never has been) a stupid person! he has a clearly brilliant technical mind for cultivation and a clearly brilliant creative mind for inventions but he’s also never been “bad” at his own emotions or feelings. he was a teenager who liked to play around and then he was a slightly older teenager who was still trying to figure himself out, just like many teenagers (fictional and real) are still trying to figure themselves out, and plus he was dealing with more pressing issues like Stopping A Genocide and Not Dying throughout it all. he quite literally did not have the free time for self-reflection until he was resurrected. i know we all like to joke about how many signs he missed in the romance department but none of those cues were missed because wwx is dumb. they were missed for the above reasons and because he was thrown into a murder mystery plot immediately after being brought back to life, which maybe occupied the majority of his thoughts, and also because the romance cues were coming from lan wangji. i would challenge anyone to pick up on those man’s emotions without being his brother or a reader with preexisting knowledge of the situation. let’s see how well YOU would do
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enviousbug2 · 2 months
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a Mhin I drew on someone's strawpage. the tiny ever
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
paz and axe should’ve KISSED they should’ve moved in together and they should’ve raised ragnar as a FAMILY they could’ve been EVERYTHING they could’ve been REPRESENTATION they could’ve been the link and bond between the two WORLDS they could’ve been what nitearmor is already in canon but just one step further bc it’s more BELIEVABLE they could’ve been EVERYTHING but favroni are COWARDS
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One of my fav headcanons about Shepard is that he's physically incapable of the baby talk (unless he's being extremely sarcastic), but he's weirdly intense and intimidating about things he deems cute.
Like, I can see in full 8k resolution him sticking Sovereign the Hamster into Kaidan's face and saying in his loud "commander's" voice: Look at him! Just look at him! Isn't he ADORABLE?
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owlf45 · 7 months
what if kudou built yoichi a prosthetic hand 👀
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cillixn · 3 months
I don’t get the newfound Paul Dano lust
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wdym he’s so hot
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serenescribe · 1 month
long time, no see! (housekeeping post)
it's been a while!
i've been very largely offline over the greater part of my semester, but now that that's over, i'm back! kinda. i've actually been back for a while, but laziness kicked in, and i didn't get to this sooner u-u (a gentle reminder that i am always much more active at my main @memoryoflife!)
that being said, here's a couple of things:
1 - i'll be uploading all my tumblr-exclusive fics and drabbles to ao3 over the summer. i won't be posting them all at once, mainly to avoid flooding the twst ao3 fandom tag (and also because of formatting, tagging, titling, writing summaries, etc...) so i'll be staggering these uploads. i'll update people here when it's done, though. drabbles below 1k words will be on my pseud ardentarchivist, while longer one-shots will be on my main account. might have some exceptions here and there, but that's generally it!
2 - i might make some tumblr crossposts for some existing ao3 works, fics that were written in the past, but without a post here. just to try and keep things a little more connected between here and ao3. i'll be indicating the date on these fics, so at least there'll be a note that they're older works!
3 - i'm not sure if i'll reopen writing requests again. suggestions maybe, but we'll see. even if i do, i'd be interest in taking requests for more than just twst, so i might get to work on a proper list of stuff i'm happy to write about. i still love twst a lot, don't get me wrong, but i was never a twst-only writer; it just happened to preoccupy me for a good, solid year. which brings me to...
4 - a gentle reminder to all that i am, and have always been, very multifandom, and i'm about to become very annoying again. those who are maybe subscribed to me on ao3 have probably noticed that i've been posting a lot of fantasy high works, because the brainrot has seized me! i'd still like to write twst every now and then, but... if you came here solely for it, you may be disappointed.
in any case, i'm still here, i'm still writing, and my inbox is open, as it always is, if anyone wants to talk about things ♡
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densitywell · 1 year
given ashton's specific issues, it's quietly tragic that they don't have someone on team uthodurn to specifically remember them, the way orym and laudna do. fearne goes to the wildmother shrine specifically to reach out to orym, and imogen- well, thoughts of laudna run through everything imogen does. fcg is ostensibly that person, for ashton, but they've known each other for significantly less time than fearne and orym or imogen and laudna, and fcg wasn't emotionally reliant on ashton in the same way. and fcg's had his hands full with meeting frida and all the new feelings coming with that, and maybe it's an intentional reflection of the fact that, as much as they care, fcg is a little self-absorbed, and also still very bad at processing and expressing their feelings.
but when frida asks if they ever had a person like frida has deanna, they mention dancer. which is- fcg was essentially a servant to dancer, she told him what to do. ashton's place in their life is much more parallel to deanna. and i think it makes sense for fcg to mention dancer, given their own issues and belief that someone else has to give them meaning (which is something that could be very interesting to explore in their relationship with frida!!), but. ashton's definitely gonna be worried sick about fcg when we eventually get to team ???, so seeing them apparently occupy fcg's thoughts so little is sad.
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nico-di-genova · 1 month
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Oh 🥹 oh he’s so little 🥹
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cleromancy · 8 months
the precise dynamic i want from dick and jason is like. dick misses him. jason shows up and dick cant get him to leave fast enough. dick goes to drop something off at jasons apartment and refuses to leave despite jason trying to kick him out. he wonders why they never hang out. they spend 5 minutes together and he wonders why is jason the most annoying human person ever invented. hes still sad jason died. the only reason dick hasnt killed him himself is because hes morally against that sortof thing and, he supposes, the only thing worse than jason being around to grate on his last FUCKING nerve is when he isn't
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dent-de-leon · 7 months
You ever think about how Molly is like....smol?
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aHHH YES YES I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! oh he looks so cute here I would also like to cradle him in my hands ;; baby...the tiny tail curling and little hearts make me weak--
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Just a cute little tief. Very full of love. I adore him so much. Forever thinking about Molly going up on tiptoe to give Yasha and Caleb a forehead kiss--
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i-eat-deodorant · 3 months
Your art style is beautiful and quite unique in my opinion, it is natural and striking to the eye. I'm in love with every Narilamb drawing you make... (even today I dreamed something super pretty and for some reason it was similar to your art?) Anyway, if you want to improve, try new things or anything else, you have my support, just remember that you already make unique and special art <3
aaaaa thank you for the kind words you're too nice. now that i'm more awake and not sleep-deprived i'm a little bit embarrassed about that post, but it's really helped me realise that i should experiment more with new things.
i've been, what, drawing stuff for COTL since late 2022? and the funniest thing is that studying anthro furries has actually made me improve in human anatomy after years of just being stuck Not Wanting To. now that i'm more comfortable with human poses it's time to shake it up a little maybe.
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daysiewish · 11 months
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I will fucking defend all of the Korean LEC players with my life
Shoutout to my fellow countrymen
(LEC content is so goated ty for the video)
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