#or if dai starts yelling. dais the baby on board when shit gets real he starts waking up dark for help
dnangelic · 11 months
if anybody ever wonders why dark doesn't show up more despite how much i dissect him just know that's not my fault. dark doesn't rlly care to exist. if it's not about stealing or women u gotta make an appointment or smth with him half the time. hes canonically mostly asleep-
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Rooster Dad Headcanons
1.8k words / bradley bradshaw as a father
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He never thought he had what it took to be a dad
I mean, he never had a good example growing up. Why would he be a good one if he had no base to go off of?
You two agreed very early in the relationship
No kids.
He had a long day at work the day you told him you were pregnant
Well, you didn’t really tell him. More of he observed
Bradley opened the bathroom to take a piss after a long day of flying and found you curled up in the bathtub surrounded by tests and in shock
Almost went into shock himself at the sight
This was definitely not planned
But he got right in the empty tub with you and held you until the two of you could come up with words
yes this tub was large. think sims 4 corner tub. what i’m imagining 💀 irrelevant anyways…
There was a conversation on whether you would keep it or not
You cried and apologized profusely to him
How could you have been so stupid? You should have kept up to date with your birth control expiration date
And he quickly rejected those apologies
Both parties were at fault
Morning sickness is a lie
Late afternoon sickness is what’s real
Without fail Bradley would find you vomiting or with a bowl or looking close to death whenever he would come home
The first trimester was always the worst, that part was true
And when the bump started forming it freaked you out
“Look babe!” you said, stretching your stomach out as far as you could then back in as much as you could
“Gonna give the kid whiplash,” Bradley sighed
The excitement slowly pent up day by day
Even if it was small feeling of excitement, you were beginning to believe that this maybe wasn’t the worst thing in the world
Of course when everyone on the team found out they went ballistic
“Didn’t know you had it in you Bradshaw,” Hangman said, congratulating Rooster and giving him a slap on the shoulder
Too many Aunts and Uncles to count
And Grandpa Mav
He wasn’t too keen about that one
Bob’s mom had even sent up some soup from you, all the way from Texas
Baby flight suits. That’s it
Oh, and the booties too
How could I forget the booties?
A stupid “Baby on Board” tee for you
The realization that Bradley might be gone when you go into labor
Oh shit
Going into labor
You didn’t want to worry him so you kept the thoughts to yourself
But he could never do that, right?
I mean obviously he wouldn’t leave his heavily pregnant wife by choice
But the Navy calls
You kept getting flashbacks on how your honeymoon in Greece got cut short because they needed him for an emergency mission
Sitting alone on the warm beach
But this time you wouldn’t be alone. You would have someone else with you
Speaking of that someone else, you and Bradley had no patience when it came to the gender
You two ripped that sucker open in the car right after you left the ultrasound appointment
You personally didn’t care about the gender
But Bradley was sweating
He now has a son
The realization hit him hard one night
He cried in your arms for hours realizing that he is now going to do what his father wasn’t able to.
Stupid name suggestions
You had just bought yourself a fresh 2022’s best baby names book
So it was obviously filled with tradgedeighs
“Jemisyn? Y/N, do you hear how stupid that sounds? The Y? Why can’t we just name him something normal like…”
“Patch? Now your fucking with me,” he said, yelling at you from the kitchen
“No kid of mine is going to be named fuckin Patch.”
“Then what do you think?” you asked, joining him on the couch
“I dunno! Something normal.”
“What is something normal you recommend?” you ask with a slight annoyance to your tone
Bradley scanned his now conveniently empty brain for any name
Any male name
Any day now, brain
His eyes scanned around the room for something to say for a response. His eyes fell to the bookshelf
The biography of JFK he finished reading last night was poking slightly out of place with the rest of the book’s spines lines up neatly
Silence sit amongst the two of you
And of course when you told the team Hangman had a field day
“Jack? Jake? You practically named the kid after me.”
The baby’s bedroom was a mess
You struggled getting anything together
And whenever you had the energy, Bradley was always working
He tried his best to help but his schedule always seemed to get in the way
Maverick sent over his new… fling? girlfriend? who knows. anyways he sent over his Penny.
And she was the sweetest
She put together the crib in less than an hour
And her cooking? don’t even get me started
She knew all the pregnancy secrets and hacks you needed desperately
The nursery was painted a pale darker toned shade of blue
The light wood crib sat under the wood wall carving of his full name
Jack Goose Bradley
Yes you named your baby after your husband’s deceased father’s callsign
Yes the average person would be concerned that you named your child after an asshole of an animal
Yes the middle name may be a tragedeigh to others
But it held a special meaning in your husbands heart, and now yours
It definitely felt sweet for Mav too
His best friend’s legacy was moving on
Towards the end of your pregnancy you just worried
And worried
And worried
So much that they put you on bedrest
And that set Bradley off
What wasn’t he doing? The man blamed himself and constantly kept trying to make things better
And he waited on you hand and foot
And if he couldn’t be there he would make sure someone was, or was either a phone call away
And why were you worrying?
You wanted your husband to be there when you gave birth
No, you needed your husband to be there when you gave birth
Many strict texts to Maverick to absolutely make sure nothing is happening the week your due
The month your due was pushing it apparently.
The child was perfect because he was born right on time
Right on schedule, right on his due date
You felt the first contraction when you were asleep
Honestly you thought it was Bradley’s knee pushing into your back
But then it started to burn
With some loud “Fucks!” and moaning Bradley woke up and knew
The bags were thrown in the Bronco, and if you didn’t warn him to slow down you would have been thrown in too
The man drove to the hospital like he was drunk and on a variety of drugs
The rush of him speeding though honestly got your adrenaline pumping and unintentionally numbed some of the pain
And of course it was the base hospital
Closest one available, duh
You demanded the epidural right away
When the epidural was taking a bit longer than expected to come another contraction hit
Maybe it’s a myth that you get unbelievably horny in labor, but seeing your hot military husband demand help for you and yell just did something right
But that quickly left when they pulled out the big ass needle
“I don’t want it I don’t want it please no, Bradley don’t make me get it!” you begged, huddling against him in the hospital beds as him and the nurses tried to hold you down
“I swear to god Y/N, not the time. You’ll thank me 1000% later.”
And he was right
You pushed all night and into the morning
This fucker was like his dad. Big ass head
You could swear you heard it rip
Even though the doctors said there was minimal damage even with the head size
Bradley was at your shoulders the whole time
And he looked. Of course he did
“You know, after this it’s gonna be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.” he whispered in your ear
“Not the time, Bradshaw.”
“Hotdog down a hallway,” he laughed to himself, texting the crew updates
You were almost done. Your body was almost out of energy
Like I said, the child was perfect
Jack was born around 6 am just before you were about to pass out
Take it how you want but he was born a Gemini
And he had his daddy’s eyes
He came out screaming at the top of his lungs
You were too afraid to hold him, Bradley had to help you hold him to your chest because you were shaking
Mommy and Daddy :)
Sleep was amazing
You were eager to see your little boy but you were exhausted
When you woke up you found Bradley holding your little boy against his chest staring out into the ocean
“And then we’re going to watch football games together and swim in the pool and i’m gonna bring you to work and show you to all my friends and… I dunno little man. But I do know we’re going to be best friends.”
Bradley almost dying when his son grabbed his finger for the first time
“Look! Y/N do you see? Are you seeing this? Our son is a genius.”
“I’m pretty sure all babies do this, Bradley.”
“Shut up let me have my moment,”
Jack was practically a carbon copy of Bradley
You grew him, birthed him, and now have all the repercussions of having him just for him to look nothing like you
Mav visiting you in the hospital
“God that poor kid looks just like his dad,”
After your first week at home you decided it was time you would allow Bradley to bring the baby into his work
You decided to surprise him at lunch
You had brought Bradley his favorite (Homemade Spaghetti) and got special access in the building from Maverick
The plan was spoiled though when Bradley walked in on Maverick showing Jack old pictures on the wall of his grandpa
Training had ended earlier
“Quality time with grandpa, huh?”
For the record, Mav HATED Grandpa Maverick
Everyone silently stood around the baby’s car seat and watched him sleep
Giving Friends when Ben was born
Immediately given the honorary callsign “Little Man” by his father
“I didn’t know such a cute little baby could look so much like his ugly dad!” Hangman snickered
“Watch it Seresin,” Rooster snapped back
When Bradley came home the house was oddly quiet
With a new baby, there was always some sort of crying
From the baby or his mama
He opened your bedroom door to find you with him asleep on your chest
His little hand was gripping the strap of your tank top
Bradley softly scooted next to you in bed
The sun was beginning to set and the ocean softly crashed against the sand in your backyard. A cool breeze swung in from your open window
“Im glad we did this,” he whispered in your ear
“Me too,”
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Warning: NSFW
You sat up on the bed once Alcina kneeled in front of you. She began to take off your pants while you unbuttoned your shirt, revealing more smooth skin. Alcina kissed your navel and guided your pants down your legs. Your body tingled as her lips began moving slowly below your navel. You opened your mouth, but only air seeped out of it. She continued to kiss and nibble your lower torso, simultaneously guiding her hands across your butt cheeks. You reached behind her head and tried to fight the urge to push her down to where you really want her. Instead, you grabbed Alcina’s chin and leaned down to kiss her.
Your tongues continued to passionately dance around each other as she gently pushed you to lie back and climbed on top of you. At the same time, you subtly started thrusting your hips against her, getting more and more aroused.
“Wait-“ You push her away and look towards the bedroom doors. She gives you a curious look but doesn’t hesitate to give you space. “I forgot I’ve got Jacob bringing me my tea. He should be here any minute.”
She rolls her eyes and continues her assault on your neck. “Is that all? Forgive me, I thought it was something important.” Alcina began moving her lips down from your neck to your shoulder. Each section of skin that was explored by her tongue made you moan, and every time she found a spot she hadn't previously kissed, your moans became more intense. “I don’t like him.”
“I know you don’t,” you say with a shaky voice. “I don’t flip over him either, but he’s one of our best staff.”
“He wants you. He looks at you like I look at you.” She bites down on your collar bone. “Like he wants to worship your body day in and day out.”
You held her head in place, one hand behind her head, and the other stretched out to grip the bedsheets. “No need to be jealous, Alci. I am loyal to you and only you. Besides, he knows his place.”
"That doesn't mean he gets to admire what isn't his."
You could feel yourself slipping, losing control, becoming more in tune with Alcina's body, and less present with the real world. The thought of what was happening made your heart skip a beat. Alcina pushes a stocking-covered thigh between your bare ones, and you gasp at the pressure. Alcina’s eyes light up at your reaction.
"I'm going to fuck you all night," She growled when your mouths finally parted, her fingers reaching under your clothes and curling inside you.
"Yes, Al!" You groaned as Alcina smiled lewdly at you. The hand between your legs never relented, soft fingers probing into warm, wet depths. The other hand came up to cup your breast. Then, you felt lips and tongue working over your nipple.
You gasped, and squirmed, your senses on fire.
“That bastard thinks he can have you, my porumbel mic? Fuck no. You’re mine. Only mine.”
You nodded and bucked your hips slightly, feeling her fingers surge into you deeper.
You gasped as the kisses trailed lower, and could feel Alcina’s tongue working over your soft skin. The matriarch pressed her body tightly against you and slowly slid lower, positioning herself between your legs, now spread and held in place.
Alcina’s eyes were filled with lust and the heavy feeling of power, as she looked up at the beautiful woman held captive and in her thrall. The heavenly scent of your arousal filled her nose, and Alcina’s mouth started to water. Her fingers were still inside her lover, and the vampire could feel how tight and aroused you were.
"You are mine and mine alone. Do you understand me?"
You groaned softly and nodded. "Yes, Lady Dimitrescu.”
Alcina smiled at her title and rewarded her love with a slow, trailing kiss over the inside of your thigh that caused you to squirm. She slowly removed her fingers, leaving you squirming and whimpering.
"What, porumbel mic? Do you want something?"
"Please, Alci...."
"Please what?"
You only whimpered, and it made Alcina smile. The dominant woman pressed the tips of her fingers gently against your wet, swollen opening and entered you again, setting a much faster pace this time. The instant vibration made your hips buck, and you cried out in pleasure.
Slowly, Alcina pushed deeper into you, watching you squirm and writhe.
Alcina leaned down and inhaled your scent again. It was too much to bear. She leaned forward and kissed your sex.
The sensation of Alcina’s tongue and lips against your clitoris was ecstasy. You couldn't stop the cries of bliss that escaped your lips.
Alcina dove into your swollen womanhood; her fingers pressed deeply inside you now, her lips and tongue working over your soft nether lips.
The feeling of your thighs brushing against her face, convulsing around her head, your hips bucking against the vampire’s face was so sensual, so sexy, it made her ravenous.
Alcina’s tongue flicked your clit again and again and again to lap around your nether lips, trying to catch the delicious nectar of your arousal.
You could feel her tongue as it traced lovingly over your sex, never a single spot left unkissed.
She could feel you coming closer and closer to orgasm; the fine muscles clenching around her fingers told her of what was about to come.
"Not yet, my beautiful, not yet," she murmured, as she slowly pulled her tongue from your throbbing pussy. She smiled in pleasure as she heard you whimper as she removed her fingers.
You suddenly felt empty, almost painfully so as you hovered so close to orgasm. “Please, Lady Dimitrescu. Let me cum please.”
You look up to see her staring at the bedroom doors. Her eyes are glowing with mischief.
“Is he there, Alci?” You ask in a low voice.
She only hums in response, never breaking eye contact with the door. “He must have heard you. His heart rate is rising. Wanna get rid of him?”
You bite your lower lip in an attempt to try and hide your broad smile. “Wanna give him a show? Remind him who I belong to?”
“I thought you would never ask.” She kissed you quickly and stood before you lost control again, making her way to the bedside drawer.
You feel yourself become wetter as you watch her slip her dress off and exchange it for a strap-on and harness. “Eight inches, darling?”
You nod your head eagerly.
Alcina grabs you by the waist and flips you over effortlessly. You turn to smirk back at her, letting her know you’re on board by climbing up to your hands and knees and slowly swaying your hips from side to side. Alcina’s eyes glint back at you and she makes a soft noise of appreciation, hands running slowly up your thighs before smoothing over the round globes of your ass and gripping your hips. You shiver, desperate for Alcina to be back inside you.
"Please don't tease, I need you." She lines up the toy with your entrance.
"Think you take the whole thing at once?" She asks.
"Oh yes." That was all she needed to hear before she slowly pushed the full length into you, filling your pussy. "Oh fuck! Yes, fill me, baby. Don't hold back, fuck me hard. I want the whole castle to know how good you fuck me.”
That was already the plan.
She starts with a slow pace as she stretches you. Even when you’re blinded with ecstasy and wanna be fucked into the mattress, ALCINA always makes sure to be careful with you. But right now, you are far too impatient for her to be gentle. You squirm and tried to squeeze your thighs together.
She kisses your shoulder, withdraws the cock slowly one more time, and then slams into you hard. She doesn’t don't tease anymore. She’s fucking you hard and fast. As deep as she can. The sound of your flesh hitting the toy as it moves in and out fills the room, it sounds absolutely obscene. You let out a moan.
“Louder, Love, I want the entire staff to know you belong to me. I want HIM to hear me fuck you.”
You cry out her name as she turns you around and lifts you. Your legs wrap around her waist as your arms go around her neck. She bounces you up and down on her cock and you yell out her name.
"Alci, please, oh Lady Dimitrescu yes! I love you so fucking much!" She looks pleased enough.
Her vampiric senses are telling her Jacob is still standing just outside of the door. His heart rate is frantically climbing. His ear must be pressed flat against the door listening to your euphoric cries. It turned her on knowing her “rival” right outside listening to her fuck you senseless; claiming you as hers.
She then brings her hand to your clit. She must have really meant it when she said she wants everyone working at the castle to know that you are hers and hers alone. You let out a loud cry, her hand on your clit is driving you so close to the edge.
You’re thankful Alcina can carry you without a problem. Because there is no way you’re going to be able to walk any time soon. "Fuck Alci. I’m so close baby. I’m gonna cum- I'm going to come on your cock. Please don't stop, Alci, I am all yours and only yours!”
She bites down hard into your neck. Not sinking her fangs into you, but more than hard enough to leave you marked. “That’s right, porumbel mic, you belong to me and only me. You’re a slave to my love and no one else gets to feel it. Do know how good you look? How fucking tight you are on my cock?” Alcina growls darkly, moving back to nibble at your neck, hips still moving to fill you. “So fucking good, better than I ever dreamt.”
Her mouth drops sloppy kisses at your nape, exerted, choked moans released with them as Alcina fucks you into oblivion. She's nearly sobbing, short of breath, broken encouragements barely articulated as she moves her pelvis as best she can.
“Come for me, Love, I'm so damn close...shit, you feel so good, come for me, yes...”
Alcina’s commands whispered into your neck finally send you over the edge; you push back into her until it hurts, wanting as much of Alcina Dimitrescu as you can take, cresting with a strangled scream. Your body convulses, white-hot from head to toe as your neck snaps back and momentarily blinded to everything that isn't raw sensation. You collapse down on Alcina’s front and she reaches back to thread her nails through your hair as she thrusts erratically, and comes shortly afterward with a guttural moan.
You both stay like that for a few minutes, simply basking in the afterglow before Alcina shifts to remove the toy from inside you. She laid you down carefully on the mountain of decorative pillows
After regaining some of her composure, Alcina lifts you off the cock as tenderly as possible and tucks you under the covers. You move to pull the covers down on her side and wait for her to join you in open arms. She kisses the top of your head while undoing the harness. "In a minute, darling."
She slips the harness off and tosses her dress on, making her way to the doors.
"Where are you going?" The vampire only turns back to wink at you before swinging the door open to find the servant adjusting his trousers. Alcina glares down at him, arching a perfectly sculpted brow as if she isn't aware of what he was doing.
"L-lady Dimitrescu," he bowed. "I was just bringing some tea to-"
Alcina takes the now cold tea from his trembling hands. "I find it incredibly unprofessional of members of my staff to be eavesdropping on my private affairs."
His face flushed a deep scarlet. "I-I'm so sorry, Lady Dimitrescu. I had no intention on-"
"You're lucky your employment falls under my partner's jurisdiction; if it were up to me you would be stripped of your employment here and right to wander my corridors. My daughters would haul you off to the basement to do with you what they wish, is that what you want?"
Jacob shook his head vigorously. "No, Lady Dimitrescu. I beg for your forgiveness, this will never happen again."
"See to it that it doesn't or else your fate will be in the hands of my daughters. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal, Lady Dimitrescu."
"Good. Any repeat offenses will not be tolerated from this moment on. Now go and fetch us a pitcher of water and a bottle of Sanguis Virgini," Alcina steps away from the door just enough for the man to peer in the room. His jaw almost hits the floor when he sees you laying in bed naked under the sheets, chest rising and falling in rhythm with your heavy breathing, and the obviously used cock and harness abandoned on the floor. If he were paying more attention to Alcina he would have noticed the very proud smile on her face as he's put back in his proper place. "My poor porumbel mic is simply exhausted."
"I'll return with your drinks as quickly as possible, Lady Dimitr-" She slams the door on him and returns to join you in bed.
"Was that really necessary, my love?"
Alcina shimmies out of her dress and climbs into bed with you, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you against her. "No, but it was certainly fun. You should have seen the state we put him in," she laughs and kisses your shoulder. "He'll be back again shortly with my wine and water. I'm afraid I was a little too rough with you."
"But you're forgetting something, Alci."
"What's that, dear?"
"I love it when you're rough with me."
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
You failed me
multiple x gn!reader
word count: 2,524
warnings: cursing, yelling, arguing, death, angst, blood, explosion, the egg (it deserves its own warning)
synopis: you guys failed me(us)
(the lyrics go with each person, might not get everyone, and also xd’s part is kinda wonky)
song: rät by penelope scott
I come from scientists and atheists and white men who kill God They make technology, high quality, complex physiological Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good They taught me everything, just like a daddy should
Quackity, Karl, George, and Sapnap left you. Your mentors, your friends. The ones who taught you everything you knew. They went to build their little “Kinoko Kingdom” while you stayed in the ruins, the dust. “They’ll regret that.” you swore. You built something better, something greater.
It was called “Las Nevadas”. A place where everyone was allowed. They would remember not to fuck with you. They would soon realize that they should watch their back for the rest of their short, stupid lives.
“Watch out, you guys, I'm watching your every move.”
And you were beautiful and vulnerable and power and success God damn, I fell for you, your flamethrowers, your tunnels, and your tech I studied code because I wanted to do something great like you And the real tragеdy is half of it was true
Wilbur majorly fucked up. He was supposed to be with you to the end, your guys’ country, right? No. He left you behind. He went to find peace, find his heaven, while you stayed on earth, wallowing away until your flesh seeped off your rattling bones, rotting away by yourself, with no one to bare witness.
“Why didn’t you bring me with you Wilbur?” you asked his stupid grave on top of the once L’Manburg. “Why did you get the ecstasy, why do I get the remains?”
“I’m coming for you Wilbur, and when I do, we are going to wreck upon justice on everyone who wronged us, wronged you, they will feel our wrath.”
But we've been fuckin' mеan, we're elitist, we're as flawed as any church And this faux-rad West coast dogma has a higher fuckin' net worth I bit the apple 'cause I trusted you, it tastes like Thomas Malthus Your proposal is immodest and insane And I hope someday Selmers rides her fuckin' train
"Y/n!" Technoblade yelled. "I TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU BETRAYED ME, FOR WHAT, TO BLOW UP A STUPID COUNTRY, A COUNTRY THAT WAS DOOMED TO FAIL FROM THE START." He started to battle you, missing every single swing, blinded by fury.
You looked up at him in the eyes and boldly said, "No, Techno, don’t you see, you’re in the wrong here, you’re the one who betrayed me." You were blinded by friendship, you couldn’t see that Tommy had betrayed Techno, and that what the Butcher Army did to Techno was terrible.
"What do you mean Y/n, you know what they did, they wronged me, they used me, they tortured me, they gave me hell, so I gave it back to them, I destroyed the things they loved, the people they loved, you see Y/n, those who have treated me with kindness I will repay that kindness tenfold, and those who treat me with injustice, that use me, that hunt me down, that hurt my friends, I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over, do you understand?"
"No I don't, Techno, you can't do this.” you begged. He pushed you out of the way, "Get out of my way Y/n." “No, I won’t, I won’t let you destroy everything we worked for.”
“Well, then I have to fight you.”
And thus the battle began, Swords clashing against each other, blood spilling from open wounds, friends digging each other into a whole both of them couldn’t get out of. Techno was letting you off easy, he knew his strength, he knew that he could’ve beaten you in one swipe, but he didn’t want to kill you.
So when you had the opportunity, you swept from under his feet, and knocked him down. You placed your blade onto his neck, pressing down until a little drop of blood appeared, “Stay down Technoblade, or I’ll do something worse than try to put you on trial.”
He watched as you walked away from him, trying to save L’Manberg from a worst fate than death itself.
“One day Y/n, you’ll see, I’m on your side.”
I loved you, I loved you, I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here, I bought it, it's true I feel so stupid, and so used I feel so used
"Why would you do that Dream? You didn't have to do that." you interrogated. Dream had stupidly blew up the community house. You both didn't plan that, he had gone behind your back. "I had to Y/n, you wouldn't understand."
"What do you mean I don't understand, you went against my back, we were supposed to-" you cut off yourself, "Dream, don't you understand, you did something stupid, and what did you get, you got stupid jail." "The reason I did that is because I needed to isolate myself from humanity." he said, proudness lacing his words.
"What do you mean?" you questioned. "If anyone knows I can revive people, I'm screwed, so that's why I need to be by myself, yeah it sucks major ass, but at least no one else will know, well, besides you anyways." "I have a task for you Y/n/n, I need you to find a way to bring Tommy and Ghostbur in here."
"Why Dream?"
"I'm going to revive Wilbur."
I was your baby, your firstborn, the hot girl in your comp-sci class And I was Darwin's prep school dream, bred, born and raised to kick your ass I fell for circuit boards, rocket ships, pictures of the stars If you could only be what you pretend you are
"PHILZA MINECRAFT COME BACK HERE." you were chasing Phil, through the woody forest, covered by oak trees. He had information on Technoblade's whereabouts and you needed it. You chased him with your enchanted netherite armor, netherite sword and axe, and a few op potions. Your goal was to capture Philza and interrogate him on where Techno's place was. The thing was, you were his child. His own child trying to kill his own son.
He felt betrayed, his own child turned against him and their brother, their family. "The Butcher Army must've gotten to you somehow." he thought in his head. Surely, his darling Y/n didn't do it on their own will, right?
He was incorrect, you did it because you believed that Techno needed to be brought to justice, by punishment. You believed that your own sibling needed to die, because he was a "liability" to L'Manberg's growth and future. He needed to die because as long as he would live his long life with his little enderman Edward, retired, he would still cause trouble to everything you, Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo had built.
He pleaded, "Stop Y/n, you don't have to do this." You argued, "I do Philza, as long as he lives, my plans for L'Manberg will forever cease to exist."
He felt like shit, you called him Philza, not Dadza, or Dad, or anything besides his normal name. "Did I screw something up?" he asked himself quietly under his breath. "Yes you did Phil, you took the traitor's side." you had heard Phil mumble.
"HE'S NOT A TRAITOR." Phil yelled at you. "Yes he is, he deserves what he is about to get, I will say it again, where is his base?"
"I'm not saying, Y/n, why are you doing this, Techno is your own sibling." "He's not my sibling anymore, that stopped when he destroyed L'Manberg, you're lucky I forgived you." you declared.
"Y/n/n, please don't do this."
"I have to Dadza, I can't let him roam free."
When I said take me to the moon, I never meant take me alone I thought if mankind toured the sky, it meant that all of us could go But I don't want to see the stars if they're just one more piece of land For us to colonize, for us to turn to sand
Bad had tried to convice you to join the Eggpire. You had no effect while being next to the egg, and he had to take you out. People who had no effect towards the egg had to be eliminated.
He was creepily following you, waiting until you stopped to get a chance to capture you. He had hope that you did have an effect, that you would join the Egg with him. He didn't want to kill you, you were his best friend, besides Skeppy of course.
"Come back here Y/n." he said. "No chance in hell Bad, get the fuck away from me." "HEY, LANGUAGE!" he exclaimed. "No language, get away from me, you're creeping me out."
He threw his trident, spinning in the air, trying to catch up to your frantic steps. You were trying to get to Church Prime, where no one could kill anyone, hopefully Bad would abide to that rule. You were just about to step on Church Prime when you bumped into a hard, armored chest.
You looked up shyly, and saw Punz, with his red eyes reflecting anger. "Where are you going Y/n?" he questioned. "Somewhere." you blankly stated. You were desperate, you didn't want to die, or anything else that Bad was going to do to you. You tried to dodge Punz, but he placed a hand on your shoulder, "Stay right here Y/n."
"No, get away from me, I don't know what's wrong with all of you, but go away, I don't want anything to do with your stupid Eggpire." He raged, and grabbed your wrist heavily, "DON'T TALK ABOUT THE EGG LIKE THAT, IT WILL TAKE CONTROL OF THE SERVER, AND YOU ALL WILL BE ITS SERVANTS." "LET ME THE FUCK GO PUNZ." you screamed. You were wiggling in his grip, trying to escape his lunatic self.
While he was holding you, you saw two other shadows behind you. It was Antfrost and Bad. "What do you guys want from me, I didn't do anything wrong."
"You are against the Egg Y/n, people who are like you and Tommy have to die."
"Well, I'm not dying today." you murmured under your breath. "What was that you said?" Antfrost asked you.
You smirked, "I'm not dying today, I'll tell you one more time, let go of me."
Bad and Antfrost walked closer to you, Punz right behind you, all of them cornering you into a tight spot. "What you going to do about it Y/n, you're cornered."
"You'll know when they get here, but for now, you better run boys."
'Cause we're so fuckin' mean, we're so elitist, we're as fucked as any church And this bullshit West coast dogma has a higher fuckin' net worth I bit the apple 'cause I loved you, and why would you lie? And then I realized that you're just as naïve as I am Oh, you're so traumatized it makes me want to cry
"Tubbo, don't do this." Schlatt had unfortunately found out that you were a spy, that you were on Pogtopia's side. He had ordered Tubbo to kill you with fireworks, to light you on fire, give you blisters all over your body. "Please Tubbs, you're my friend." you pleaded.
"I can't Y/n/n, or something worse will happen." he whispered to you. "What do you mean?" you asked. "He can-" he trailed off, looking somewhere else besides your eyes. "Tubbo, you don't have to do what that stupid bastard tells you to do, you're your own person, with your own thoughts and actions."
"I'm sorry Y/n, I hope you can forgive me."
"TUBBO N-" you was cut off by firewords hitting your skin, making blisters and burn marks all over your body. You lost your second canon life, feeling betrayed by Tubbo. He killed you for what, a stupid father who never cared about him in his entire life, a father who exiled his friends that actually treated him like a person, and not like some random piece of trash.
You respawned in your bed, feeling bruises and bumps mostly on your forearms and your back.
"I'll help you Tubbo, I’ll get rid of him.”
You dumb bitch I loved you, I loved you, I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here, I bought it, it's true I'm so embarrassed, I feel abused
“Come on Y/n/n, come with me.” Punz begged of you. He wanted you to visit the Egg. You didn’t want to be controlled by a stupid omelette. "I'm not Punzo, why are you so obsessed with that stupid thing."
You put your hands in front of you, accidentally touching Punz's chest, "Ok calm down buddy." He didn't calm down and instead yelled at you on why you had to join the Eggpire.
"If you join, you will be forever happy."
"If you join you'll get whatever you want."
You were tired of the members of the Eggpire to convince you to join them, you didn't like eggs anyway. "Punz, for the last time, I'm not joining you, stop telling me."
“Then you have to die.”
So fuck your tunnels, fuck your cars, fuck your rockets, fuck your cars again You promised you'd be Tesla, but you're just another Edison 'Cause Tesla broke a patent, all you ever broke were hearts I can't believe you tore humanity apart
“XD!” You were pissed at him, he had destroyed your house, made your friends pissed at you, just everything you liked. All because he wanted you for himself.
He wanted you to be dependent on his every word, and he was being a manipulative psychopath. And you didn’t tolerate that, it was like he was his human counterpart, Dream.
He walked to you with confidence, waiting for to get a hug from you, well, he didn’t get that. You slapped him so hard his head swung to the left.
“That’s what you get you stupid son of a bitch. You fucking ruined everything.” “Calm down Y/n/n, what is wrong?” He acted concerned, but you knew that he was faking. He would do anything to get someone’s approval.
“Calm down darling, just take some netheri-” you interrupted him by slapping the ore out of his hands. “I don’t need jack shit from you XD, you know what, take back the necklace, I don’t want it.” You pulled the shiny, green emerald necklace off your neck, and pulled XD’s palm out.
You placed the necklace filled with memories, and put it on his hand. You closed up his palm, and walked away, leaving XD to his own accord.
“We could’ve had evertything X.”
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luminnara · 3 years
Goddamn, Shit-Sucking Vampires | Lost Boys x OC  CH 1
Summary: Vera is an unusually vicious bloodsucker who's never stuck in one place for very long...until a mysterious feeling pulls her right to the murder capital of the world: Santa Carla, California. Now, she needs to figure out why exactly she's there, where she fits in amongst the boardwalk's nighttime denizens, and how to cope with her own personal vampire-related problems. Poly Lost Boys/OC, starts just before the movie
Also posted on AO3
My requests are open!
Chapter one | Chapter two
Warnings: Blood, gore, smut, all that good stuff
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Vera had been to a lot of cities, some of them twice, some of them three times, some even more, but none of them were quite as unique as Santa Carla. The boardwalk was crawling with lost souls, kids with nowhere else to go, and she was one of them; no family to call her own, no real friends, barely any possessions…Vera was a wanderer, a lone soul, a lost girl. She drifted from town to town, hanging around for a day or two if nothing interesting happened before moving on...and honestly, nothing very interesting ever happened. 
Sometimes she took the bus, if she had the money from odd jobs or pick pocketing her meals, but for the most part, she was left to her own devices. She traveled on foot when she had to, avoiding major highways unless she was feeling up to a fight. During the day, she took refuge under bridges if she was broke, or motel rooms if she had a little cash. If she felt particularly frisky, sometimes she even managed to seduce locals into helping out, but for the most part, she only had herself as company, traveling by night for no reason other than an insatiable wanderlust and nobody else to spend her time with.
Nothing had ever held her in one place. She had started traveling a long time ago, when she realized she had no reason to stay in her hometown. Plus...people started to grow a little bit suspicious when they noticed too many bodies cropping up. The world was changing, and for someone like her, it was best to stay on the move.
After that, it became a habit, and she got used to wandering and never having a place to call home. Did it ever bother her? Sometimes, when she was resting, it did. She could stop and look at the stars, with some kind of foreign aching in her chest, but it was rare that she thought about it. It had started up years ago, and she had forced herself to get used to it. She had never found any cure, and while she lingered around the east coast, it had finally dulled to a strange, quiet pain. A constant throb in her chest, next to her heart, some kind of strange tightness that she was happy to forget whenever she could. It was becoming more frequent, though, as she neared California, and she chalked it up to the fact that she had been alone and hungry for far too long.
She would have to do something about that soon. She hated feeling hungry.
Vera hopped off the bus when it stopped in Santa Carla, a coastal town that boasted a crowded boardwalk and just the kind of nightlife she needed. From the road, she could see the bright lights of a Ferris wheel and even a roller coaster, and she couldn’t help but smile. She had always liked fairs and carnivals. They were fun and exciting, and good places to pickpocket. Plus, the chaos made it easier for her to go unnoticed.
At the bus stop, she was greeted with boards and telephone poles covered in missing persons ads, and it was an oddly comforting sight. She would fit right in.
“Murder capital of the world, huh?” she said to herself, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She had seen the graffiti on the back of a big WELCOME TO SANTA CARLA sign on the way in, and the flyers only added to the town’s reputation.
Yeah, this place was worth checking out.
The pier was bright, neon signs and carnival rides lighting up the night. Kids and adults alike were enjoying their summer, stuffing themselves with treats or screaming their way around the roller coaster. It all looked fun, she had to admit, and maybe once she had a chance to grab some cash she could hang around and enjoy herself. She could use a break from running constantly, and she was finding that the boardwalk was already making her happy. 
As she walked through the crowds, Vera spotted every kind of person, from middle aged parents toting along a family of four to dirty vagrant children to punks to a couple of weird kids lurking around the comic book store. There were pizza places, cotton candy carts, all sorts of dine in restaurants and bars...Santa Carla seemed like it had everything, but mostly, it was a good place for someone like her to spend some time. 
She sat herself down on a railing, trying to ignore the hunger pains she was feeling as she people watched. Beyond the homeless kids and the weirdos, the boardwalk was full of partygoers, and it looked like summer vacation was in full swing. There were a million smells in the air—cigarettes, weed, funnel cakes—but none of them really caught her attention. She let out a sigh, leaning her chin on her hand. She hated being indecisive about dinner. 
“Ugh, Surf Nazis,” a woman whispered to her friend as they ran by. 
“Gross,” the other wrinkled her nose.
Vera looked past them to the men that were shouting about their asses as they left and she snorted. 
“What’s wrong, girls?” One of them yelled. 
“Come back, we’ll show you a good time!” Another cackled, tossing an empty beer can over his shoulder. 
Vera rolled her eyes. Disgusting, pathetic creatures, all standing around a trash can as they smoked. They smelled awful, she realized with a wrinkle of her nose, and it wasn’t just from their smoke. They were nasty, leering at girls and laughing loudly with each other when the women they were bothering scampered away. 
Well, they weren’t her first choice, but at least she had found a meal.
She hopped off the fence and sauntered in their direction for a moment before turning, giving them just enough time to notice her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw them perk up, and before long, all four of them were following her through the crowd, shouting profanities as she made her way down to the pier. 
“Hey baby, where you goin’?” one yelled, jogging to keep up with her pace. 
Vera looked over her shoulder. “Down under the boardwalk...unless you’re chicken.”
She heard a chorus of hoots and whistles and grinned to herself. Men were so easy. 
“I call first dibs!”
“I wanna piece of that ass!” Another yelled.
They always did. Vera was a short girl, only around five feet tall, and stocky. She carried her weight in her legs, giving her thick thighs and a round butt that could never quite stay covered by the denim shorts she loved to wear so much. 
Boys liked the way she looked. They liked how she seemed so easy to grab, so soft, so touchable. As the Surf Nazis followed her down the rickety stairs to a secluded spot under the boardwalk, their hands were already moving, unbuttoning pants and reaching for Vera as if they were entitled to her. She smiled sweetly as she backed into the shadows, cooing for them to follow, grinning sickly when they obeyed. They always did, like lambs to the slaughter, never clever enough to recognize her predatory gaze and dangerous movements until it was too late. 
Sometimes, if they were lucky, they could catch a glimpse of her bra or panties before it was over, but tonight, Vera had little patience for the dirty fingers that tried to pull her shirt off and her shorts down. Their faces leered down at her, even in the darkness, grunting as they palmed themselves through their pants.
She gave them a second to enjoy it before her lips twisted into a sick grin and she reached for them, nails like claws and teeth like fangs. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of their screams, but the waves crashing against the sand drowned the grisly noises out. As she tore into them, she laughed, loving the way they were so terrified now that they had completely lost any sense of power over her.
 Boys always liked the way she looked, until she was covered in their friends’ blood.
David was having a boring night. 
His boys were under control for the time being, lounging on their bikes next to him. Paul and Marko were laughing loudly, occasionally punching each other just for the hell of it, and Laddie was reading a comic as he clung to Dwayne. Star had decided to stay home for the night, and nobody was complaining about that; at the thought of her, David growled to himself, grimacing at the reminder of the troublesome bitch. Max had wanted a daughter and a good mother for Laddie, and what had they ended up with? A mopey, whiny little cunt who refused to kill and feed like everyone else.
Feed...damn, he could go for a snack. He could practically taste blood in the air as he thought about grabbing a bite, fangs threatening to lengthen. He hadn’t even thought he was that hungry, but now that he was thinking about it, it was bugging him, and when David got the urge to feed, there were very few things that could stop him. The hunger would sometimes gnaw at him the way it did a newborn, and even Max was occasionally put off by it. It was something he expected from a younger vampire, like Marko, maybe, but David? His appetite could be insatiable, truly monstrous in a way that most others’ weren’t. 
The boys picked up on his hunger and he heard a few growls of agreement before he nodded for Dwayne to take Laddie back to the cave. The kid was never allowed to go with them when they hunted, and Dwayne was capable enough to grab something for himself if he didn’t catch up with them. Ever since Laddie had gotten his pesky little hands on their bloody wine bottle, they had been stuck with him, and if Dwayne hadn’t turned out to be so good with the kid, David would’ve been irritated beyond belief. 
It all worked out, though, and Laddie fit in well with the rest of the group. David just had to keep reminding himself to be patient. 
“Anybody catch your eye?” Paul asked as his brother took off down the beach with their youngest member.
“Absolutely fucking no one.” David sneered.
The tall blonde straightened up to sniff the air. “Get a whiff of that, though…”
David paused, mimicking Paul. He was right. There was a metallic scent on the breeze, the sweet smell of fresh blood. It made him thirsty, and as he led Paul and Marko down the boardwalk, it only grew stronger.
“Shit,” Marko mumbled as they started down the stairs to the beach. Once they had broken free of the crowd, the scent had hit them like a train, and even David was having trouble controlling himself.
“Careful,” he warned, voice coming out with a ragged, heavy breath. 
Murders happened in Santa Carla all the time, and not only because of the Lost Boys. It was a rough place, full of drugs and vagrants, and the violence only helped them blend in. Someone had probably gotten themselves in trouble under the boardwalk, and at this point David was just hoping that the killer was still around to sate his hunger. They never fed from corpses, so stumbling across them never yielded any good results unless they were in the mood to rip them apart for shits and giggles.
David was not in the mood.
He led Paul and Marko off the stairs and through the sand, hurrying now as the blood filled his senses. It was so fresh, and there was so much of it...this wasn’t normal, even for the murder capital of the world. What kind of sadistic human would cut someone up enough to spill so much blood? What the fuck was going on under his boardwalk? Sure, it was something he would do, but other than his boys, who could possibly be that brutal?
It was in the shadows of the pier that he finally got the answers to all of his questions. 
Just like the blood had, her scent hit him like a freight train. He could tell Paul and Marko were just as confused by the way they stopped and hissed, fangs already out as they looked down at the bodies littering the sand. It was a gorey scene, throats and stomachs ripped open, Surf Nazis gutted with their pants down. 
And in the middle of it all, she had the audacity to glance up at David, and then completely disregard him as she turned back to her final victim. She wasn’t worried in the slightest about the three males, and that pissed David off a little. When he would have snarled a warning at her insolence, he found himself distracted instead, head tilted and lips parted as he drank in her scent and checked her out.
She was wearing shorts that barely covered her bloody legs, ratty combat boots on her feet and an equally ratty denim vest over a ripped up black shirt. Her ebony hair was cut into some sort of shaggy mullet,  falling around her shoulders. It was long and wavy and glossy, but tousled and messy, no doubt thanks to feeding. 
He could only stare in shock at the black-haired girl that was feasting on a Surf Nazi. He couldn’t decide if he was angry at someone else hunting on his turf or happy to find a real female vampire, one that wasn’t stupid and whiny like Star, but the one thing he knew for sure as he took a step towards her was that he was just the tiniest bit turned on.
Paul and Marko could both smell the tiniest hint of their leader’s arousal, and it excited them. They weren’t used to supernatural girls, and the thought of getting a turn with her was enough to make the air heavy with the scent of lust as they followed David. 
Paul let out a low whistle behind him. “Shit, first time I wouldn’t mind bein’ a Surfer. I’d take a little of that sugar right now, know what I’m sayin?”
The vampiress lifted her head from her victim and smiled, drunk on blood and high off the hunt. “I don’t usually share meals, but I’ll give you the rest of this one if it gives me a free pass back outta here.”
Paul tensed to take her up on the offer, but David stopped him. “Free pass?”
The girl sat back from the still-whimpering Surf Nazi, blood running down her chin. “Figure you wouldn’t want me in your territory. Sorry. Didn’t realize anybody else was here, else I’d have been moving on already.”
David smirked. “No need, sweetheart.”
She furrowed her brow. 
“It’s feeding time, boys. Grab a snack.” David grinned, allowing Paul and Marko to surge forward and rip into the Surf Nazi. He watched with a twinge of annoyance as Paul turned from his meal and pressed his bloody lips to the girl’s, but that annoyance turned into surprise when she kissed back, albeit lazily. 
She smiled as her lips moved against his, a hand moving to tangle in his wild hair. Fire tore through Paul and he growled, pushing her down until her back hit the sand and her chest touched his as her breaths turned into frenzied pants. 
Hands ran down her sides, hard nails digging into her skin as Paul nipped at her lower lip. With a whine, she arched up against him, tugging at his hair until he snarled.
“Paul,” David growled a warning. 
Paul sat back up with an irritated grumble, licking his lips before plunging his fangs into the Surf Nazi and leaving Vera alone.
David had to admit, he had never met a female vampire that wasn’t stuck in limbo like Star. They seemed rare, or at least they were around California, but Max had always told him that girls of their kind were a special breed. He was already feeling a tug toward her, some kind of something pulling at his chest whenever she moved, and before he knew what he was doing, he was crouching down to suck up the last few drops of blood while his boys turned their attention to the killer.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” Marko asked, playing with a strand of her hair. 
“Vera,” she answered with the sweetest voice either of them had ever heard, practically a purr. 
Paul sighed, leaning in again. He was head over heels already. “What brings you here to our little corner of the world, Miss Vera?”
She blinked, and they were fucking mesmerized by those lashes and those hazel eyes. “Just passing through, boys. Don’t wanna step on any toes.”
Paul groaned. He wanted her to stay. She smelled amazing, and when she had returned the kiss he hadn’t even realized he was giving her, he felt jolts of electricity shoot through every part of his body. 
He wanted more.
“Damn, babe, you’re breakin’ my heart,” he said, holding her face so that he could lick blood off her chin.
“No fair,” Marko nudged his brother. “I want a taste…”
David looked up from the drained corpse, listening as his boys slurred with love drunk voices. Max had warned him about females, about those with foreign sires. They could trap you in a web of lust, keep you dumb and happy there for as long as they wanted, rob you blind and kill your entire family...but somehow, he got the feeling that Vera wasn’t even trying to fuck with them. There was no misty, foggy sensation that would signify magic, no eye contact, no focus. As he rose to his feet, he realized he was walking towards her of his own accord, the only spell being that strange, unspoken one that kept pulling him to her.
He had an inkling of what it could be, but he didn’t dare get his hopes up.
“Got a place to stay, darling?” He asked as he shoved his boys out of the way and knelt before Vera. 
She leaned toward him, a sweet smile on those bloody lips that told him she was confident enough in her ability to handle them all. She was calm, completely in control of herself, even when faced with three healthy male vampires. Her eyes were half-lidded, long lashes fluttering whenever she blinked. 
When her tongue slipped out to lick blood off her lips, David’s eyes widened at the sight of something he had never seen before. It was split in two, each side moving of its own accord easily. Paul let out an eager noise, Marko shoving him with his shoulder to try to get a better look. Vera just laughed at their fascination, pulling her tongue back into her mouth and smiling. 
David could feel her breath on his cheek as she took in his scent and he couldn’t help the shiver that went up his spine. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her better than Paul had, to fuck her and hear his name on her lips. He wanted to show her how strong he was, to impress her, to prove himself for some reason. He would kill a hundred surfers if he had to, if it would grant him her favor. He would sit out in the sun and burn himself if it meant he could be hers. 
He had never felt this way about anyone, and it was pissing him off.
Vera laughed to herself. She could smell his desire, and she knew that it was because of her. Just like those Surf Nazis, these vampires wanted her, but at least she liked this little pack. What’s more, that aching in her chest had stopped when they showed up, and she had a feeling she knew why. 
It was a little bit terrifying, though, and she wasn’t about to stop and think about it. 
“What are you suggesting?” She asked, brushing her fingers along his cheek, a smear of blood following. 
“Stay with us,” he breathed, blue eyes locked with hers. 
“Darling, I don’t even know your name,” she quipped, never shifting her gaze. 
“David,” he said with a slight growl as he felt himself getting lost in her eyes. 
“David,” she repeated, voice soft and breathy. Her hand moved to cup his cheek and he leaned into it, nose twitching as he smelled the fresh blood in her wrist. It was sweet, sweeter than any blood he had ever encountered before, and all he wanted to do was sink his fangs into her flesh and get a taste.
Vera heard a sigh and finally took her eyes off David. The other two were watching, just off to the side, staring hungrily at their leader and the new girl. 
“And what about you two?” She asked, hand sliding down to the side of David’s neck to keep him in check. She was confident enough in herself to handle him, but at the same time, he put her on edge. There was no way she was going to let her guard down around him yet.
That was the thing about female vampires, though; they had the uncanny ability to always put on a facade, and Vera was no exception. David made her nervous—they all did, honestly—but she wasn’t about to let them know that. 
“Paul,” the tall blonde said quickly, rushing forward as if he would die without her touch. He pressed his nose against her throat, breathing her scent as if he was starving. 
“Marko,” the smaller one followed, desperately reaching out to touch her hair. 
“Paul,” she purred, earning a growl. “...Marko…”
Another growl. 
They acted like they needed her, all three of them, but they were behaving themselves. She had no doubt that if she gave them the go ahead, she would be naked within seconds, but for the moment, they were listening to her. She had never experienced something like this before; usually, other vampires ignored her, or threatened her until she left their territory. These boys seemed to adore her, and she had to admit, she liked it. 
“Paul, Marko,” David said roughly. “Clean up so we can go home.”
With a groan, the younger two did as they were told, dragging Surf Nazi corpses into the ocean before wiping their hands and faces clean. 
“You’re their leader,” Vera said, more as an observation than anything else. “Are you their sire?”
David smirked as he helped her to her feet. “Depends on how you look at it.”
She raised an eyebrow. “There’s only one way to look at that, David.”
He melted when she said his name, leaning in to catch another whiff of her scent. It was sweet, like honey, sticky and sick, and all he wanted was to drown in it. “What have you done to me, Vera?”
She smiled and took his hand, raising it to lick blood off of his fingers. “Nothing on purpose, I promise.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t mind,” Paul suddenly grabbed her from behind, arms snaking around her waist as he buried his nose in her black hair, inhaling deeply and letting out a happy sigh. The feeling of her there in his arms, pressed up against him, was enough to make his fangs slide out again, and he couldn’t help but swipe his tongue up the side of her neck.
David snarled, snapping only inches from his brother’s face. “Behave.”
“You say as if you are,” Vera snorted, giving David a gentle push and easing her way out of Paul’s grip. “But you boys are all very sweet. I don’t mind the attention.”
“Oh, you have our attention, sweets,” Paul whistled as she turned and bent over to wash her face and hands at the water’s edge, giving them all a good view of her ass. A low rumble rose in David’s throat as he appreciated the sight, and Marko echoed it. 
“So greedy,” Vera mocked as she straightened up again. “Are you this nice to every bloodsucker that hangs out on your boardwalk, or is it just me?”
“Just you, that’s for sure,” Marko said, almost cackling.
“The others aren’t so delicious,” Paul cooed with that signature laugh. 
“Oh, aren’t you a charmer?” Vera said, walking back to them. Now that her arms and legs were clean of blood, they could see that she was covered in tattoos, and David wondered if she had them as a human before she was turned, or if she had found some way to make the ink stay in her regenerative skin.
Paul gave her a cocky grin and David rolled his eyes. His brother was such a flirtatious bastard. He was a lady killer, literally, even more than David was, but Vera didn’t seem to mind his advances. She seemed comfortable with Paul, taking it all in stride.
It made David just the tiniest bit jealous. 
“Come with us.” He said it more as an order than an offer, extending his hand out to her. 
“Unless you got somewhere better to go,” Marko joked. 
“And there ain’t nowhere better,” Paul snickered.
“There aren’t too many places to hide from the sun on a boardwalk,” Vera snorted. She was finally coming down from her high, the thrill of the hunt fading again and giving way to her less monstrous personality. “I was going to have to find a good spot anyways…”
Now that she wasn’t operating solely on instinct, she could take a moment and think about her situation. Three male vampires, none of whom had tried to kill her for stealing prey in their territory, seemed to be absolutely obsessed with everything about her and wanted her to go home with them. One had even kissed her and she had kissed him back, because it had felt so right. She allowed them to touch her, to taste her skin, to share her meal. They were stronger than her, and they outnumbered her, but she still felt like she was...in charge? 
David, the definite leader of the little pack, was looking at her hopefully. His face was stony, but she could see excitement in his blue eyes, and when she smiled, there was a spark of something in those irises. 
“Just don’t kill me in my sleep,” Vera joked as David took her hand and began leading her back up to the boardwalk. 
“No promises,” Marko leered as they followed.
“You look good enough to eat, babe,” Paul growled playfully, lunging forward to cop a feel of her ass. 
Vera only laughed, but David snarled dangerously at his brother, moving his arm to Vera’s shoulders and pulling her against his side. 
“Relax, you big angry beast,” Vera said with a grin, raising her hand to his chin and giving a teasing scratch. 
David huffed and Marko hooted with laughter. “Damn, she’s way more fun than you, David!”
“I dig this chick,” Paul snickered.
“You better share her,” Marko whined.
David smirked as they climbed the stairs back up to the boardwalk. Could he manage that? He only ever shared things with his brothers, but even then, he was terrible at it. Vera had some kind of magnetic pull on him, yeah, and his mouth watered at the thought of keeping her around, but Marko and Paul were both obviously into her...and she was into them. 
She was into all of them.
He needed to talk to Max. He honestly hated having to ask his sire for help or advice, and he avoided it whenever he could. Max had never been very nurturing, despite wanting everyone to act like a big family. It worked out for the boys, sure, but Max was…not a great father. A patriarch, yes, always seated at the head of the metaphorical table, but he was cruel and cold towards David, and he had been from the very start. He thought they all needed a stern hand to keep them in check, and David didn’t like that. 
Still, Max let them run free, and he knew more than David did about their own kind. He was helpful, sometimes, in his own way, and his son was going to have to defer to him. He had questions about Vera, about the pull he felt toward her, and Max was the only one with the answers.
As they returned to the boardwalk and joined the crowd of humans, Vera was pleased to see that the sea of people parted for the boys. They stepped aside, glancing with mixtures of emotions at the little pack. Girls looked dreamy, parents grabbed their children, Surf Nazis raised their lips in sneers. Was it because of their reputation, or did the humans somehow know that they should be afraid of the predators that stalked Santa Carla? She hoped it was both. She hoped that these boys were wild and rowdy enough to rule this boardwalk, and she hoped that they liked her enough to keep her around. 
She glanced up at the sky, a few stars twinkling despite the light pollution from the city. For the first time in a long time, she wasn’t itching to hop on a bus or hitch hike to the next town. For once in her life, Something was occupying her mind, and the wanderlust was giving way to another, completely foreign feeling. The ache in her chest was gone, but it was replaced by a strange, burning, almost longing that she had never felt before. It was almost similar to the emotions she experienced during bloodlust, but she was in control of herself. Her fangs weren’t poking through, her eyes weren’t shining...she was happy and her hunger was sated, so where was this coming from? 
She was still avoiding the one train of thought that would bring her to the right conclusion. It was just too much to consider, especially with everything happening so quickly all of the sudden. 
They came to a halt when they reached their bikes, Dwayne already back from dropping Laddie off. From the looks of it, he had grabbed a bite on the way, jeans stained with fresh blood that the humans would just assume was from a fight. 
Vera stopped. There was another male here? She was finding it hard to believe that she had stumbled across a pack of four males without any females, but she couldn’t smell much in the way of estrogen on them. It was just odd; vampires didn’t usually live in bachelor groups like these, but she supposed it wasn’t entirely unheard of. It was just strange that they hadn’t found any girls they wanted to keep around for all eternity.
Most people got lonely eventually. Maybe these four were all actually lovers...but she hadn’t seen any marks that would mean they were claimed, and she hadn’t smelled or sensed anything that would lead her to believe that they were serious.
The one leaning against the bike was tall, long dark hair falling around his shoulders and a curious, but serious, expression on his handsome face. She felt frozen under his gaze, uncharacteristically nervous, like a deer in the headlights. It was like he could see right through her, and she didn’t know if she liked that or not.
“Dwayne, this is Vera,” David said as he tugged her along. She found a way to make her legs work again and followed, letting a smile curl its way onto her lips when Dwayne bowed his head to her. 
“And she’s tough,” Marko said, bouncing over to his bike. 
“And she’s gorgeous,” Paul took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss as he passed her.
“I can see that,” Dwayne said, his voice deep and smooth, a seductive smile on his lips. 
David narrowed his eyes, but tried to hide the movement with a smirk. “Keep an eye on her. I’m going to visit Max.”
“Oh, I’ll keep both eyes on her,” Paul winked as he beckoned for her to sit behind him on his motorcycle. 
David rolled his eyes, desperately trying to not make a scene. “Control yourself. I’ll be back.” 
He pressed a kiss to Vera’s head, inhaling deeply before leaving her side and stalking off down the boardwalk. He could already feel his sire tugging questioningly at his consciousness, curious as to why David was so eager to speak to him. His son had always been good at blocking him out, keeping his mind locked down unless he needed something or there was trouble that called for Max’s attention. The others were more open, but Max didn’t have as strong a link with them, and while David was supposed to be his prodigal son, he was so...secretive. Private. Closed off. For him to be willingly heading to the VideoMax store for anything other than annoying him or hitting on Maria out of boredom, something very important had to be going on, and Max was beyond itching to know what it could be. 
“Who’s Max?” Vera asked, joining Paul to perch on the back of his bike. 
“David’s sire,” Marko answered. 
“A grouchy old bloodsucker,” Paul grinned. 
“He runs the video store. He hates it when we crash.” Marko laughed. 
“But...that cashier is pretty cute,” Paul said, thinking of Maria. “I’d love for a bite of—”
He was cut off by the breath leaving his body when Vera wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his back. 
Marko hooted with laughter at his brother’s reaction and Dwayne let out a chuckle. Paul was absolutely speechless, and Vera wasn’t even making skin on skin contact with him. 
Until she felt him tense, smirked against his back, and slid her hands under his mesh shirt. 
If Paul could blush, he would have. He would have been a shade past tomato red. The feeling of her fingers running over his abs was all he could focus on for a moment, and all he wanted was to kiss her again, feel her again, maybe get a little tongue action...
“You’re supposed to behave yourself, Paul,” Marko taunted as he caught a whiff of the lust in the air and felt his brother’s excited thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah,” Paul snarled. “I don’t need this shit from you.”
“I’m just repeating what David said,” Marko said defensively. “You’re the one who can’t keep it in his pants.”
“Well, aren’t you just the perfect little angel?” Paul shot back. “I’m the one with a goddess on his bike, might I remind you.”
Marko scoffed, lip raised in a nasty little snarl. “Not for long, Paul!”
Vera smiled as they bickered. Paul’s arousal hung in the air, but she didn’t mind; in fact, she liked it, and she hugged her arms around him tighter as he squabbled with Marko. She was eager to get back to wherever it was that they called home, and she was eager to sleep surrounded by them and feel truly safe for once. She was used to being alone, and she wasn’t scared of it, but she was always on edge, always ready to run or fight. It made her a light sleeper, and the concept of not having to worry was more tantalizing than any of these boys were on their own. 
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sodasback · 3 years
ER Nurse Rafe x ER Nurse Reader
Warnings: Cursing, physical violence
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Not my GIF. All Credit to owner/creator: @the-mighty-div
You walked into the med room, just needing to catch your breath. The only other person in there was Rafe. You walked in, dramatically slumping your shoulders. “Aghhhh!” you all but yelled. 
Rafe looked up from the computer in the med room to you with a surprised expression that quickly turned sympathetic. 
He chuckled a little. “Rough day, baby?” 
You just looked at him and nodded, on the verge of tears, but not wanting to cry at work. 
He looked over your shoulder out the window that was in the door, before leaning against the shelves that were kind of out of view and pulling you into his chest a tight hug. He rested his cheek on top of your head. He felt you stiff as a board in his embrace. 
“You can cry, ya know?” He said softly. 
You shook your head. “You know me, if I start I won’t stop and I got stuff to do. My patient is crazy noncompliant and giving me a really hard time.” You explained, reluctantly letting go of Rafe. 
“You wanna switch?” Rafe asked sweetly. 
“No, Rafe. We can’t do that.” You said. He already knew that too. 
“Is there anything I can do?” He asked, pouting and feeling helpless. 
“Give me a massage tomorrow when you come over?” You asked. 
“You got it babe.” He said pecking your cheek. 
“Can you guys be nearby as witnesses? This patient is refusing everything and getting really combative.” You asked your charge nurse, Edgar and Rafe.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Edgar asked. 
“Heart failure patient. Non compliant with his meds. Came in for shortness of breath and weight gain. Signs of hypokalemia. Super tachycardic. I need to draw blood so I can check his potassium. His BP when he came in was through the roof so I need to give him a IV metoprolol and lasix. He’s refusing everything now.”
You approached your patient with your coworkers standing nearby behind you, but not enough to seem threatening.
“Hi Mr. Kaplan, I have some medication that’s going to make you feel better, but I need to take your blood pressure first.” You tried to explain sweetly.
“No! Leave bitch!” He yelled. You took a deep breath.
“Sir, I understand you’re upset, but you can’t talk to me like that. I’m trying to help you. I don’t want to do anything you don’t want, but I don’t know why you’re here in the hospital if you don’t want any treatment.” 
“I said get out of here you cunt!” He shouted, standing up and taking a step toward you. You took a step back and Edgar and Rafe were immediately between you and the patient. 
“Page Dr. Strong” Edgar told you, even though you were already dialing. 
“Woah. Hey, you don’t talk to her like that. That’s not okay.” Rafe said, trying to stay calm. “You need to sit down, sir.” 
You went and grabbed AMA paperwork in case this patient really didn’t want treatment he was free to leave against medical advice, while the overhead page for Dr. Strong went off and security, a pharmacist and a psychiatrist were walking toward where your patient was. 
The Dr. Strong team had gotten the patient to calm down and the doctor explained to him again how important it was to take the medications. 
The doctor left to take care of something else, so a while later, you again came with your supplies to hopefully get everything done and the patient stable so he could get admitted upstairs. 
“Mr. Kaplan, I’m back. I just need to take your blood pressure real fast, it should only take a second.” 
He didn’t say anything and just glared straight ahead. You approached the side of his bed slowly and grabbed the blood pressure cuff to wrap around his arm. 
“Okay, I’m just putting the cuff on, okay?” You said as you started to touch his arm, the back of his hand collided with your face. 
“Don’t touch me! You bitch! I don’t want anyone here to do anything to me! Leave me alone!” 
You gasped holding your cheek. 
A lot of people saw it happen. Rafe was there in a second with murderous eyes and clenched fists, but luckily Edgar was fast enough to walk in front of Rafe anticipating this reaction. 
“Take care of Y/N” Edgar told Rafe, while he and the charge nurse tried to deal with the patient while paging the Dr. Strong team again. 
“Shit” You cursed at the sting as you grasped your cheek and tried to understand what just happened. Rafe immediately softened looking at you. You looked so small as you held onto your reddened cheek. He put an arm around your shoulder and ushered you away and sat you in a chair at the nearby nurses’ station. You were still kind of in shock. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, kneeling in front of you. You closed your eyes and shook your head trying to suck it up.
“Yeah!” You told him trying to sound confident. 
“Hey Estephany, can you grab her an ice pack? Y/N, stop, look at me.” He said more sternly. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yes, Cameron, I’m fine” You assured him and tried to stand up. 
Rafe pushed you back into the chair. “Uh uh. Stay right here. You’ve been injured at work. So you need to be assessed.”
You rolled your eyes at him using those words knowing now you had to do all the workers comp formalities.
Rafe gently reached up and pulled your hand away from your face. He inspected your cheek and under your eye as Estephany passed him an ice pack.
“It doesn’t look like you got cut anywhere” he said.
“Yup! See? Totally fine!” You confirmed, trying to get up again.
“Y/N, sit your ass down and let me check you out.” You smiled at the choice of words but you knew he didn’t intend to try to flirt with you right now.
“Okay, we’ll if you’re gonna check me out, then I guess I can sit here and look pretty.” You decided, straightening your posture and flipping your hair over your shoulder.
Rafe glared at you but it broke into a small smile he couldn’t hold back as he shook his head and pulled out his pen light.
“Look at my nose” he said, tapping his nose. You felt your heart melt as Rafe treated you like a patient for a second and you thought about how many times you’ve both said that to patients. You knew he was checking your neuro status and to see if you were concussed since the patient who slapped you was pretty big and strong. But you were focused on the butterflies in your tummy at your caring, some would argue overbearing new boyfriend, and his sparkling blue eyes. 
“Nose, Y/N.” He reminded you when you were still swimming in his eyes and then he checked your pupil reactions. “Can you tell me what day it is?”
“I can tell you every One Direction song Niall Horan plays guitar for?” You offered.
“That doesn’t tell me anything. You could do that even if you were in a coma. Come on.” 
“Rafe” you groaned, now finding this ridiculous.
“What day is it, Rookie?” He asked more firmly.
“It’s Thursday ...which by the way, means it’s been 4 days since the last time you fucked me, which is way too long in my opinion.” You whispered the last part.
Rafe widened his eyes. “Shhh! Frickin trouble maker!” He scolded, looking around to see if anyone nearby heard you. 
“See? Now, you know my memory is intact, I can count, I know what day it is and my sex drive is healthy.”
"I never had doubts about the last part, dirty girl.” Rafe teased quietly as he placed the ice pack on your cheek. 
“And I’m the one that needs to sush!” You protested in mock offense at his comment. 
“No but seriously, are you okay? ..like emotionally?” Rafe asked softly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You nodded. “Promise.” 
You were walking out of work when Rafe and Edgar caught up to you. 
“Hey Y/N do you need a ride home?” Rafe asked. 
You looked at him truly confused. “Why would I need a ride home?” 
“You got smacked in the face.” Rafe said like it was obvious. Even Edgar furrowed his brow at him. 
“It happens.” You shrugged and chuckled. 
“Yeah, Rafe I think Rookie over here can handle driving 2 miles.” Edgar joked. 
“Text me when you get home?” Rafe asked you quietly, despite all 3 of you knowing that Edgar knew about you and Rafe. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N.” Rafe warned. 
“Yes, Cameron, I will text you in 10 minutes when I get home.” You said, exhausted by Rafe’s overprotectiveness, even though it still made you all warm and fuzzy inside. 
“Bro” Edgar said to Rafe when they got in the car together.
Rafe looked at him expectantly. “What?”
“You gotta be careful man with this whole situation.” Edgar said, gesturing to Rafe and where you were getting in your car in the parking lot.
“What are you talking about?” Rafe continued to play clueless.
“With Y/N man. You’re too protective of her at work dude.”
Rafe just scoffed and shook his head.
“What would’ve happened if I didn’t step in front of you tonight?” Edgar asked.
Rafe was quiet for a second, “I probably would have beaten the shit out of that patient and lost my job and nursing license.” He admitted.
Edgar gave him an I-told-you-so smile. “This is why you don’t fuck your coworkers, bud.” He said, turning the key in the ignition.
Rafe shook his head again. “It’s not like that dude-“
“Yeah, I know, you’re in love with her.”
“Well- I mean- I don’t know if I’d go that far. We’ve only known each other-“
“Oh my god. Shut up!” Edgar groaned, “You fell for her the first day she started working here and you know it.” Rafe just smiled to himself. “You just have to be careful Rafe. She’s not made of glass. She’s a badass. She can handle herself. You can’t be protective of her here. You’re gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble. ....And plus it really makes the whole secretly dating each other thing superrrr obvious bro.”
“Do you think anyone knows?” Rafe asked.
Edgar shook his head, “Nah, I don’t think so.” Even though Edgar knew pretty much everyone knew from day 1.
Taglist: @moniamaybank @abbyj1822 @october-cameron @hernameisnoell @railmerafe​
141 notes · View notes
babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger Days - Chapter eight: "You don't own me"
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Word count: 8,6K
Summary:  Joey is back and finally reunited with Matthew. Gubler is, by the way, crazy jealous about Mikey.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, penetrative sex, cursing, jealousy.
A/N: Is Matthew right to be so jealous? ... I'm guessing the answer is yes.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: November 6th, 2010:::
The show was over, sweat dripping down Gerard’s face. He could still listen to the crowd yelling as he walked out of the stage and over the dressing room. He was tired, it was the last date of the leg of the tour, and he felt ready for a good break from being on the road.
Frank grabbed a bottle of water and drank almost half of it. Joey looked at him with a funny stare.
- “Shit! You were fucking dehydrated!”
- “And you failed in your crusade to keep me moisturized”- the drummer burst out laughing and hugged him friendly
- “I can’t believe you remember that!!”
- “You never forget a girl who promised to moisturize you”- the guitarist kissed her cheek, both of them were pretty sweated, but neither of them seemed to care.
- “Fuck Jersey, I’m gonna miss you. I’m not gonna listen to your weird, kinky jokes in a whole month.”
- “Bug, you are so gonna get my calls, so many calls!!”- Joey laughed and let him go.
She was honestly gonna miss him. Though she had managed to stop flirting and staring at him like she knew she had done, their friendship continued to grow, and they were closer than ever. Gerard hated it, but there was nothing he could do about it.
- "Come on!"- Ray argued, overhearing the conversation- "It’s just one month! And you better enjoy it, ‘cos starting February, you are not getting rid of us."
- "And you are not getting rid of me these days either"- Mikey quickly added, and Joey stuck her tongue out to him.
- "That I already knew, bróðir!"
- "It was a good show"- Gerard said out of the blue, and everybody looked at him.
- "Yeah"- they all answered and sat for a while. Ray took off his shirt and looked for a clean one in his bag. Joey quickly ran over and tapped on his pectorals.
- "I’ve seen these a hundred times already, and I still can’t get over the fact you’ve got better tits than I do!"- Ray burst out laughing as Gerard turned around not to see that scene.
In the latest days, he had had to swallow all his jealousy in a slightly successful attempt to stay a little further away from Joey. But staring at her being so close and friendly with everybody was making shit harder for Way. It was a good thing they had a month’s break. Maybe that would help to cool off his head from that crush.
- "So, dinner?"- Frank asked as he took off his shirt too to change into a dry one.
- "First a shower, then dinner and then… to the airport?"- Joey looked at her wristwatch- "Why are we flying at three in the morning?"
- "‘Cos it was the only flight available"- Ray quickly answered and cut the girl a smile- "But it gives us time to shower, eat dinner and get chocolates in the duty-free."
- "You had me at “shower,” then you said chocolates, and you made it perfect"- she answered and grabbed a shirt from her bag. It was the same every time. Gerard would get all excited about the possibility of her taking off her shirt right there with them, but she would always lock in the bathroom for a quick change.
- "Bummer!!"- Frank yelled as soon as Joey closed the bathroom door behind her back- "One day, we are gonna get a shitty venue without a bathroom or whatever, and you are gonna have to show us your bra!!"
- "Never!!"- Joey yelled, laughing from the bathroom. Frank laughed too and sighed. He made it sound like a joke, but he was dead serious about it. He still had a crush on the girl, though he had managed to keep it under control.
Dinner was nice. The band ate at the hotel and left for the airport. Gerard was excited to think maybe if he had a seat with Joey again, but no, he didn’t. Instead, she was alone with a stranger the whole flight to Munich. She didn’t really mind though, she would enjoy the little time alone she got after being most of her time locked in a bus with the band. It was fun, but it could get to be a little too much. And though she wasn’t really a woman with many female friends, she needed a more women-friendly environment for a while. Maybe not having Mikey farting most of the day was going to be nice. Or Frank burping. Or Gerard staring at her. Shit, Gerard staring at her was the worst, ‘cos it made her feel awkward. She needed to get away from him for a while.
The flight from Munich to New York was too long to be true. Luckily, the whole band was too tired to be awake most of the time. They got into the plane and fell asleep right away. Frank looked at Ray sitting next to him and punched his shoulder, forcing him to take out his headphones, pause his movie, and looked at his friend.
- "What?"
- "What are you doing?"- Iero asked and grinned.
- "Fuck you, Frank"- and the boy just laughed.
- "I wanted to know if Christa is picking you up or if you need a ride home. Jamia is coming with the girls to the airport."
- "Thanks, but Christa is coming for me, and my plan is to stay awake to get this jetlag straight."
- "Yeah"- Frank smiled and elbowed his friend- "Sure thing, the jetlag... "- Ray blushed and smacked his friend’s head.
- "I don’t appreciate you talking about me and my wife private life."
- "I didn’t say a thing."
- "Shut up!"- Joey and Mikey said at the same time, sitting right behind the other guys.
- "Stop speaking at the same time. It’s disturbing"- Frank agued and turned around to look at them.
- "Be glad you only have a half-hour left with us then"- Mikey quickly answered and wrapped an arm around Joey’s neck.
- "I’m so sorry for Gerard. He is stuck with you for another six hours."
- "He has been stuck with me his whole life. He is going to have to bear with it"- Mikey said, chuckling.
Needless to say, Gerard didn’t really have a problem with being with Joey for another couple of hours.
The goodbye was slightly sad. And a little awkward. Frank and Ray insisted on introducing Joey to their wives. And considering they had a whole hour to kill before boarding their next flight, the drummer agreed.
It was so weird meeting Jamia, but it also helped her kill the little crush she had on Frank.
Jamia was gorgeous, and the babies - Cherry and Lily- were the cutest. Frank changed completely as soon as he was with them. He turned into a dad and stopped being the annoying teenager Joey had spent two weeks with.
- "It’s so great to finally meet you"- Jamia said as she shook the drummer’s hand with a huge smile.
- "Me too! Frank has talked so much about you I feel like I’ve known you for years now"- which was totally the truth. In the last days, Frank had gotten so excited to go home, he wouldn’t stop talking about his life in Jersey.
- "I am so sorry"- Jamia said as they all sat down in a Starbuck.
- "What for?"
- "Anything my husband has done to make you uncomfortable, like farting, and burping, and being gross"- Joey burst out laughing and turned to her friend.
- "Jersey, your wife is an angel. She is a keeper"- and the guitarist smiled, proud.
- "I know, I don’t know how she can bear with me."
- "Probably ‘cos she had your babies"- Joey grinned, and Frank stuck out her tongue to her. Gerard and Mikey sipped their coffee in silence- "Too bad dad had to go so quickly. I wanted to meet Christa better."
- "You’ll have another chance, Bug"- Mikey smiled at her and sighed. He didn’t really want to go back home. It meant facing the inevitable: his divorce.
Joey and Jamia chatted for a long while. Mrs. Iero needed to know what she was dealing with. And mostly if she was going to get a chance to meet Matthew. By the end of their coffee, Jamia felt much more calmed to know the drummer, and Joey felt so much better to feel Mrs. Iero didn’t hate her. It really scared her to think any of the wives of her colleagues could think something wrong about her, except for Lynz. She didn’t scare her… it panicked her. If she only knew what she wanted to do to her husband.
Frank hugged Joey tight, keeping a safe emotional distance thanks to the proximity of his wife and his real-life in Jersey. He also hugged Mikey and Gerard and promised to call soon. Then, the Way brothers and Joey walked to the domestic terminal and looked for their gate. They got there just when they had started boarding.
- "Seems like we are all sitting together"- Gerard said, taking a look at their boarding passes.
- "Awww, my last six hours with you"- Joey quickly answered and smiled.
- "Stop saying that. You really aren’t getting rid of me these days"- the youngest Way said with a funny smile.
- "Next week I’m flying to Seattle for a few days, you are gonna have to learn to live without me, Mikey Way"- Joey quickly answered and kept walking with him to the gate.
- "Damn it! What am I supposed to do those days?"
- "Go torture Gerard for a change"- she replied and looked at Gee, who was staring back at her. But instead of saying anything about his brother, the singer asked.
- "Are you going to see your parents?"
- "Yes! Mom is forcing me to go and pretty much making me feel guilty for “abandon them” for my job."
- "Wow, that sounds harsh"- Mikey raised an eyebrow- "Can I go with you?"
- "No, Mikey. Matthew is coming along, and he is actually going to meet my parents, which is a huge deal for me."
- "Why?"
- "My parents have never met one of my boyfriends"- Joey confessed and passed her boarding pass to the crew by the gate of their flight.
- "Never?"- Gerard was surprised- "Why?"
-"I’ve never had a serious boyfriend."
- "Again, never?"- Gerard was surprised, and so was Mikey.
- "Yeah. I’m not really a people person, and I don’t usually date a lot, so… that’s it"- Joey cut them a fake smile and started walking to the plane, followed by her friends.
- "I can’t believe you are not a people person. That’s really bullshit"- Mikey argued but met Joey’s serious face.
- "I am, and that’s it."
By the tone of her voice, the two guys knew she wasn’t joking about it. So neither of them kept asking questions and remained quiet until they all sat down. The girl was sitting in the middle of the two guys, which made the three of them very happy. At least she knew she could talk to Gerard not feeling awkward ‘cos Mikey was right there to join the conversation too. Well, that if she made it to speak to Gerard, considering they both had been ignoring each other basically the whole week.
But it was a good flight. The three of them kept sleeping most of the time, watched a movie. Joey kept reading her book, Gerard borrowed it for a while, and Mikey kept reading the comics he had gotten in the airport. A typical trip for the three of them.
Matthew was waiting for Joey outside her gate. And as soon as she saw him, she ran to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around him and feeling his hands holding her tight.
- "Akumu"- she managed to whisper, rubbing her lips against him, refusing to stop the kiss.
- "My Yami"- he said and smiled, to keep on kissing her- "I missed you so much!"
- "I missed you more."
- "Please, never leave again."
- "I’m here now, and I love you so."
- "I love you so much."
Joey couldn’t stop kissing her boyfriend, and he refused to let her go, though people kept staring at them. One of which was Gerard Way.
- "Come on, kids! get a room"- Mikey said and tapped on Matthew’s back- "And be respectful of my sister in public places. Come on! she is a lady!"
- "Go away, bróðir"- Joey managed to say, still rubbing her lips against Matthew’s
- "You little rebel, hey man"- all the interruption forced the couple to stop their lovely reunion.
- "Hey"- Matthew shook Mikey’s and Gerard’s hands. The youngest Way smiled friendly, but his older brother couldn’t even fake it. He really hated Gubler.
- "Hello"- was the only thing he managed to say.
- "How was your trip?"- Gubler asked and smiled at the guys, now wrapping an arm around Joey and kissing her temple several times.
Gerard hated Matthew more and more with every second that passed. The singer had only managed to kiss her once on the forehead. This guy could kiss her whole body and probably have already. And most probably, he was going to do it again in the following hours. The whole idea made him jealous as hell.
- "Wait, how did you get here?"- Joey asked him and looked around- "You are not boarding a plane now, are you?"
- "No, Yami. I just… managed to ask for permission to get here for you and only for you"- Gerard wanted to smash Gubler’s head against the nearest wall. Joey pouted and kissed her boyfriend for what seemed to be a thousand times.
- "I love you"- she whispered and smiled.
- "Somebody’s gonna get laid!!"- Mikey joked as the couple kept on making out- "Ok, ok, come on, let’s go get our bags so you little love birds can… stop doing this in front of me!"
Mikey said and started walking. Gerard couldn’t agree with his brother more.
Lynz greeted her husband at the front door with the biggest kiss and the warmest hug. He kissed her back and smiled, feeling home. It felt good to have her in his arms. To have someone he loved wrapping her arms around him for a change. It had been too long since he felt that. And he didn’t want to let her go.
Mikey walked into an empty house. Alicia had taken pretty much everything. His house was filled with eco and desolation. Tears started falling down his cheeks. Tears soon became a waterfall. He sat on the floor, resting his back against the wall, howling. He hadn’t cried like that in years.
He took a look around at the empty walls. The empty room. His empty life, and realized how lonely he felt. He could fill the time on tour with his friends, with booze, with the shows. But in real life, on his daily basis, Mikey Way was ultimately and unquestionably alone. And that day, there was nothing he could do about it to face it.
Matthew could barely open the door as he refused to stop kissing his girlfriend. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her lips traveled from his mouth to his neck nonstop.
- "Yami... the..."
- "Fuck me right here against the door, I don’t care"- she whispered, and he groaned.
- "Don’t test me!"
The actor somehow managed to open the door, kicked the bags inside, and found the nearest couch.
- "I missed you so fucking much"- she whispered and pulled up his shirt.
- "Me most! And I needed to fuck you so badly. I hadn’t jerked off this much since I was in high school."
- "Then fuck me, Matthew Gray."
- "My plan exactly."
Joey didn’t care about the jetlag; she didn’t care about how tired she felt. She just wanted to feel her boyfriend inside of her as fast as possible 'cos fuck, she had missed him. And seeing him on top of her half-naked already made her feel as ready as she could be.
His lips played on her skin, making her shiver, as he licked and nibbled every inch of her that was possible. Joey’s hands kept moving on his skin as her eyes kept staring at him on top of her. It seemed he was hungry for her, and she wanted to be devoured.
- "Yami"- he whispered and kissed her neck as he finished taking all of her clothing off- "How much did you miss me?"
- "So much"- she moaned as his hardon rubbed her clit.
- "Show me how much you missed me"- she blushed as the two of them stayed still for a second, staring at each other. Joey slowly opened her legs and let Matthew in. Both of them groaned at the very same time as he filled her up completely.
- "Shit"- Joey bit his arm and scratched her nails on his skin.
- "So tight..."- he managed to say as he started thrusting slowly.
- "Just for you"- the girl sighed and kissed his neck
- "You feel so good, Yami."
Joey’s legs were wrapped firmly around his torso as his hand grabbed on hers, intertwining their fingers against one of the cushions of the couch. Their lips were sealed together, only parting for air every once in a while. And when they did, their eyes crushed, staring in complete silence, just moaning, just kissing, just enjoying the fact they were finally together again.
And they had never wanted each other more. It was sweet. It was passionate. It was love.
- "Please, make me cum"- Joey whispered and watched him smile.
- "Your wishes are my commands"- with those words, Matthew fastened his peace and looked at her. He propped up on his elbows, thrusting into her and hitting her g-spot with every single stroke. He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t stop staring at her with her eyes closed, whimpering and whispering his name.
- "You look so hot"- Gubler murmured, but she wasn’t able to answer. Instead, her moaning increased and turned into a yell filled with pleasure as she came, which was surely heard by the whole building.
- "Matthew..."- she managed to say as she caught her breath for a second.
- "I’m gonna... "- he whimpered against the skin he bit raw. His thrusts turned messier as he started losing into her, releasing himself and groaning deep into her shoulder as she kept her arms and legs around him.
- "Sorry"- he whispered and chuckled- "That was too fast."
- "I don’t care, we have time to do it again"- she answered and kissed him with a big smile.
- "I just missed you so fucking much."
- "I know, I missed you too... wanna shower with me?"
- "I wanna do everything with you"- she smiled and felt his lips on hers for a sweet kiss. She loved him. She didn’t want to forget that.
::: November 18th, 2010 :::
Matthew frowned as he walked into Joey’s apartment and saw Mikey sitting on the floor, holding a joystick. During the whole time he had dated Joey, Gubler had never met one of her friends. She didn’t have many- or any actually- and he knew it. They mainly were work buddies, or like Tucker, they lived far away. The drummer really hadn’t made friends in Los Angeles. That’s why it was so weird for him to see Mikey Way at her house now pretty much every day. Or that’s how it felt.
- "Hey Gub! Nice to see you again"- the bassist said and smiled, returning his eyes to the screen and pausing the game one second later- "Joey is getting ready for your date."
- "Hey, great… how are you?"
- "Awesome, we literally smashed Assassins Creed today"- Mikey smiled and pointed at the Playstation.
- "Sounds fun."
- "I’m ready, Akumu"- Matthew smiled and looked at Joey walking out of her room.
- "Wow"- he whispered and wide opened his eyes- "You look amazing!"
- "Thank you"- the drummer’s cheeks blushed as her boyfriend walked over and landed his hands on her hips, moving her closer to her body and rubbing his lips against hers for a moment before saying
- "Are you sure you wanna go out? We could stay here and take that dress off slowly"- and she giggled nervously at his insinuations.
- "If we go out and you look at me in the dress for a long while, you might want to take it off even more eagerly, and it might feel even better when you do it"- she murmured, looking straight into his eyes and kissed his lips.
- "Let me see you"- Mikey said and walked over, ruining the sexy moment- "Damn! You never ever dressed like that when we were on the road"- Mikey said and looked at her up and down, something that bothered Matthew very much.
Gubler was a jealous boyfriend, and Joey didn’t like that, so he always hid it. But most of the time, when a guy was too close to her, it honestly bothered him. Needless to say, the fact she was working with a band and a crew of only men, her being the only woman, hunted him day and night. But he made his best and didn’t say a thing ‘cos he wanted to support her no matter what. But Mikey was making things hard for him.
- "Stop it, bróðir!!"- she punched his arm and smiled- "What are you doing tonight?"
- "I guess I’ll stop by Gerard’s and annoy the fuck out of him."
- "Sounds like fun, say hi from me"- Joey grabbed her bag and jacket- "See you tomorrow?"
- "Yeah! I need you to come with me to Fender"- Way announced.
- "Why?"
- "They are working on a custom mustang bass for me. I designed it, and we are going to check it out."
- "Wow!"- Matthew said, surprised- "Dude, that’s great!"- but Mikey just shrugged. He was so depressed he really didn’t care.
- "I guess… anyway, I have to be there at noon."
- "On a Saturday?"- Joey frowned.
- "Yeah… I told them I couldn’t do it any other day."
- "Aren’t you being a little bitch with people just ‘cos you can?"- Joey teased him, and he smiled
- "I actually couldn’t"- Joey raised an eye and turned to her boyfriend.
- "Shall we? Mikey, lock the door when you leave"- they high-fived, and the couple left.
- "Wait… did you give him a spare key?"- Matthew asked, frowning as he realized what his girlfriend had just said.
- "Yeah, why?"- Joey didn’t seem to notice her boyfriend was serious about it.
- "‘Cos you met him last month."
- "And I’ve lived half of that time with him. I think I can trust him. He is my friend"- Joey made lights off of the whole deal, but Matthew was honestly mad.
- "I don’t like this"- he simply said and started the car.
- "Why?"
- "‘Cos I feel he is taking all of your free time."
- "That’s not true! I spend 99% of my time with you! I even go to the set with you! And I spend most nights at your house! So what is wrong with me also spending some time with my friend? Who is, by the way, the only friend I’ve got here in L.A?"
- "But... "- Matthew didn’t seem to find an argument to win that battle, or at least that could make sense to Joey.
- "But what? You don’t want me to hang out with other people?"
- "It’s not that! I just… find it weird that you work with them and go out with him and…"
- "He is my friend, Matthew!"- Joey sighed and looked straight at the road as her boyfriend kept driving. So much for a date’s mood. Gubler took a deep breath and started talking very slowly to sound calm.
- "I know he is your friend, and that’s not what bothers me…"
- "Then?"- the girl turned to her boyfriend and raised an eyebrow- "Are you jealous of Mikey?"
- "No…"- he hesitated, ashamed and even a little scared of Joey’s reaction.
- "You can’t be jealous of Mikey. He just lost his marriage. I am his friend, and he is fucking alone."
- "He has his brother and probably other friends"- Joey made a pause before answering because she felt bad talking about Gerard in front of Gubler.
- "Yeah, but he has his marriage, and I think his wife is best friends with Mikey’s ex… if Mikey didn’t want to tell him, do you think he wants to share his darkest moment with him?"
- "No, but why you?"
- "So you think he has a crush on me! What are you? Fifteen?"
- "No! That’s not what I meant!"
- "Then?"
- "I don’t know!! We’ve never been through this before! I just find it weird!"
- "So you are jealous"
- "Yes! Of course, I am!"- Matthew finally exploded- "But I trust you, so I know nothing bad will happen!"
Joey didn’t answer. She just started outside the window and counted to ten.
- "Yami?"
- "I trust you too, Akumu. And believe me, nothing is gonna happen between Mikey and me"- she whispered and felt her cheeks burning- "But please, don’t get jealous of him. He is the closest thing I’ve ever have of a brother in my entire life, and I love him very much."
The girl made her best to be calmed, she didn’t want to ruin the moment, and she made her best to understand what her boyfriend was going through. Though she hated to face that he was jealous, she could get how her boyfriend felt. It would be too cynical to tell him he had no one to be jealous of because he had no idea how she felt about Gerard. But that was completely platonic and not a threat at all.
- "So… are we ok?"- Matthew asked with a soft tone of voice and held his girlfriend’s hand.
- "We are ok, Akumu"- Joey answered and cut him a warm smile- "Are you ok with me going to Fender tomorrow with Mikey?"
- "Yes..."- he answered without hesitations.
- "Awesome ‘cos I was going to do it anyway."
Mikey lit a cigarette and looked up to the stars in the sky. He was sitting in his older brother’s backyard, drinking a beer, and basically just being there, trying not to think. Gerard was smoking next to him in silence, drawing something to kill time and sipping a diet coke from time to time.
- "So how was your day?"- he finally asked his younger brother.
- "It was good. I was with Joey the whole day"- and Gerard nearly chook- "We played video games, ordered pizza, and basically just did my favorite thing, nothing."
- "How is she?"
- "Great, she had a date night today; otherwise, I would have stayed for a slumber party with her and Gubler."
- "With him too?"
- "Yeah, he is a nice guy. He is obviously jealous as fuck, but Joey doesn’t seem to care, and neither do I actually"- Gerard chuckled
- "So he is jealous of all of us or just you?"
- "Just me… I guess it’s because we hang out a lot."
- "You do? Really?"
- "Almost every time she is not with him. We are going out tomorrow."
- "Where are you going to?"- and that was really something that caught Gerard’s attention
- "To Fender to check how’s my bass going. Wanna come along?"- the temptation was too big for Gerard to avoid.
- "Yeah, it sounds fun"- and he made his best to sound as casual as possible.
- "Great…"- Mikey took a long drag of his cigarette and stayed quiet again. Lynz walked over and cut them a short smile. Gerard’s little brother nodded but didn’t say anything.
- "I’m going out, guys,"- she announced and looked at his husband- "I’m gonna hang out with the girls"- and the girls included Mikey’s ex-wife. Everybody knew they were best friends.
- "Have fun, honey"- Gerard kissed her and smiled. Mikey waved and sighed- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah"- he quickly answered and finished his beer- "I’m gonna take a piss."
Mikey locked himself in the bathroom and burst out crying. He was a wreck, and he didn’t want to show it, not to his brother. He didn’t need his pity. That’s why he hadn’t hung out with him so much those days. That’s why he was stuck at Joey most of her free time.
Alicia had destroyed him. Each time they talked, he ended up even more broken-hearted, more miserable. More alone. Joey had insisted on taking him to see her therapist, but he kept refusing. Instead, he had beer, or vodka, or whatever there was around. And cigarettes and the tv to numb his brain.
- "Are you excited to meet my parents?"- Joey asked Matthew as they sat in front of each other, smiling. He had taken her to her favorite Thai restaurant for dinner, and she was in heaven.
- "Scared maybe"- he whispered and blushed.
- "Why?"
- "I can’t stop thinking your dad is gonna be this tall, brawny Icelandic guy that’s gonna break every bone in my body for dating his daughter"- Joey burst out laughing and nodded.
- "That might be true, but my mom is gonna love you. And she is gonna overfeed you, so tomorrow you should eat light"- Matthew chuckled and held Joey’s hand.
- "I love you so much, Yami"- and she blushed.
- "Akamu, I think I love you more"- they stared at each other for a moment with a goofy smile, until the moment was ruined by her cell phone- "I’m sorry."
The girl whispered and looked at the screen, laughing as Matthew looked at her, not getting what was going on?
- "What is it? What’s so funny?"
- "Frank just sent me a photo. He dressed his kids like pumpkins!! Look! They are so cute!!!"- the girl gave him her phone, and he smiled, faked a smile actually. And it was so obvious, Joey locked her phone and placed it in her pocket.
- "I just… can we have a minute without someone from the band taking your attention from me?"
- "You have my undivided attention! Can you stop being jealous?"
- "Yes… I can! but it’s hard!"- Gubler sighed and calmed himself down ‘cos he knew that was a lost battle.
- "You can take my phone if you want and keep it away"- she said and gave it to him, in one of the toughest decisions she had ever made. That meant Joey was actually doing what her boyfriend wanted her to do. She hated that.
But she loved Matthew and didn’t want to have another argument that night. Matthew took it, turned it off, and placed it in his pocket, enjoying for once a minute of power in that relationship. Joey wasn’t a girl easy to handle. He loved the challenge, but sometimes it felt she was too independent of him. For him.
The sun shining on his face woke Mikey up. And it was hell. Another day, another hungover. He had fallen asleep drunk in his brother’s spare room. Not that he wanted to go home anyway, he didn’t feel like being alone. He quickly rolled in bed and looked at the time. He was late. Groaning, he looked for his phone around the room, found it in his pants, and dialed. Joey’s phone was off.
- "Fuck!"
Joey rolled on her bed and smiled. Matthew was sound and asleep next to her. She cuddled closer to him and kissed his naked skin.
- "This is what I miss the most when you are not home"- he whispered, waking up.
- "The way I wake you up?"
- "No, my arm numbed underneath your neck"- Joey chuckled and moved to free Matthew’s arm- "Thank you."
- "Sorry"
- "Don’t be. I love snuggling with you. You can numb all my limbers"- the girl giggled and kissed her boyfriend’s lips sweetly.
- "All of them?"- Matthew smiled and wrapped both arms around her.
- "Every single one of them… but right now, I have to go to work"- the girl pouted and felt him kissing her lips over and over again.
- "Who schedules a Meet and Greet on a Saturday?"
- "People who work the rest of the week and only have time on Saturday."
- "Touché"- Matthew smiled at her and kissed her lips before getting out of bed- "Meets and greets are weird"- she said and wrapped her body on the sheet as she stared at her boyfriend walking around her room naked, preparing to take a shower- "You literally just meet and greet someone."
- "Yes, that’s why the name"- he answered, chuckling.
- "Sorry, I can’t be smart if you are walking naked in my room"- the girl whispered, blushing. Matthew looked at her and offered his hand.
- "Would you be smarter if you shower with me?"
- "Nop, but I can be totally naughty."
- "That’s my girl…"
Gerard was memorizing every single street as Mikey drove to Joey’s house. He had never been there; his brother seemed to be there always. It bothered him, of course, but today it seemed to be pretty helpful actually. It had been over a week since the last time he saw her, and there was a part of him that missed her deeply. The other part of him felt guilty for missing her so much.
Mikey grabbed his phone and dialed again. Still off. Her phone was never off. What if something bad had happened to her? He dialed again. Nothing. The bassist cursed himself for not having Matthew’s number.
- "Are we close?"- Gerard asked, not looking at his brother, and never noticed he was about to freak out.
- "Yeah"
- "And… does she live with her boyfriend?"
- "No, she has a little one-bedroom apartment, he has… I think an apartment too, but Joey doesn’t want to move in with him yet"- Mikey just said it and didn’t detect his brother’s brightening eyes.
- "Why?"
- "They haven’t dated that long. She feels they aren’t there yet… there it is!"- the youngest Way pointed at an apartment complex- "I don’t see Matthew’s car here, maybe they are at his house."
Gerard frowned at that idea, feeling selfish and stupid. He had sex with his wife that week. Why couldn’t Joey have sex with her boyfriend? Easy: ‘cos Gerard wanted her to be his and only his. But that thought was killing him slowly. He didn’t know how to turn it off.
The Way brothers took the elevator to the fifth floor, walked down the aisle, and knocked on Joey’s door. Neither of them said a thing. Mikey grabbed the keys from his pocket and hesitated. He decided to knock on the door again, in case the girl was with her boyfriend.
- "What’s that?"- Gerard quickly asked, confused- "Do you have a spare key to her house?"
- "Yeah"- he simply answered, not getting his brother’s frowned face- "We exchanged keys in case of an emergency, that’s what friends do"- and Mikey rang the bell again.
- "What’s the rush?!"- the girl opened the door and wide opened her eyes as she first noticed Gerard was there, looking at her. And she was only wearing a robe. Great.
- "I’ve been calling you all day, Bug!"- Mikey hugged her, honestly worried- "I thought something had happened to you!!"
- "Oh, come on! I just… don’t have my cellphone with me"- she whispered and felt her cheeks burning as Gerard looked at her up and down- "Hey"- that was all she could say and smiled at him- "Nice to see you."
- "Nice to see you too."
- "Come in. guys. There’s fresh coffee in the kitchen. I’m gonna finish getting dressed."
- "And Matthew?"- Mikey asked, already pouring a cup of coffee for him
- "He left five minutes ago. He and the crew have a meet and greet today."
- Awesome! That means I have extra time to annoy you today"- the girl heard her friend’s voice as she walked over to her closet to get dressed.
- "Yes, but I have to come back home early to pack my bags. We are leaving for Seattle tomorrow"- she yelled back and picked her outfit. Meanwhile, Gerard wandered around, checking every little detail of the house that could tell him a little more about her. There was a drum, an electric drum, and… Mikey’s old bass?
- "Why is that here?"- he asked his brother.
- "I left it here the other day. Bug and I were practicing some songs together."
Mikey simply answered and sat on the couch, grabbed the remote control, and turned on the tv. Gerard looked at him, feeling his brother felt really at home. What else could he find? A family picture of her and her parents, some pretty artworks on the walls, and a million Playstation games.
- "Are we too late??"- the girl showed up shoeless, with wet hair and no makeup on. Just like that, Gerard’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t stop staring, and Joey felt his eyes on her the whole time making her blush. Having him at her house was too overwhelming for her. She kept trying to make light off of the fact she was embarrassed and nervous. She hadn’t seen Gerard ever since that day at the airport, and there was a part of her that had tried unsuccessfully to forget how he made her feel. It was clear that Gerard Way’s effect on her was not something you could get rid of in a few days.
- "Yeah, but you still have… fifteen minutes to get ready"- Mikey said and grinned.
- "I can make it in ten"- and so, she disappeared back into her room, to emerge eight minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go.
- "Shit! That was fast!"- Mikey said and smiled- "And you are hot enough to be a trophy wife"- Joey frowned and punched his shoulder.
- "I am a woman, not a thing to show around."
- "I was just joking."
- "You know I hate those jokes"- she made a pause and raised an eyebrow to her friend.
- "Damn! that hurt"- he argued, still rubbing the spot she smacked and stared at his friend- "Come on, you know I was joking."
- "Yes, but part of being your little sister is teaching you not to be an asshole repeating sexist jokes."
- "Fine"- Mikey turned off the tv and looked at his brother, who hadn’t said a thing in a long while- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah… ready?"- Gerard quickly answered and looked down at his shoes, like looking for something he hadn’t actually lost.
- "Yeah, did you turn off the coffee maker?"- the girl looked at Mikey, and he didn’t move- "I’ll do it."
- "I didn’t remember Bug! Sorry!"- Joey walked to the kitchen and turned the machine off.
- "It’s ok, I would have checked it anyway"- she smiled as she walked back and opened the door- "Shall we?"
Having his own signature bass was Mikey’s dream. And for someone who was fulfilling his goal, the bassist didn’t really look happy. He checked the details, talked with the luthiers, played a little, made corrections, and set a date to see the progress in a week. But he didn’t smile at all the whole time.
- "How are you?"- Gerard whispered as he stood next to Joey at one side of the room, both of them staring at a wall filled with basses and guitars.
- "Good, you? How’s the break?"- she could almost feel her voice shaking as she talked to him. That’s how nervous he made her feel. And after so many days apart, the effect seemed to be getting worse, like a concentrated dose.
- "Good… very pleasant."
- "Are you having a nice weekend?"
- "Yes…"- he whispered and looked at her for a second- "I kinda missed you, you know? “Kinda missed you??! What the fuck was that, Gerard??! What are you?? twelve??!!”
- "Really?"- she whispered, surprised.
- "Yeah… you get used to being around people when you are touring."
- "That’s true"- Joey turned to him and smiled- "I’ve missed you too"- she whispered and looked back at the musical instruments around him.
- "You have?"
- "Sure. I haven’t talked to you since we got here. At least the other guys and I keep texting or calling each other. You vanished."
Gerard faked a smile and looked away. So it wasn’t just Mikey? all the guys talked to her daily, and he had no idea about it? Did that include Frank too?
- "Well, you haven’t texted either"- he simply replied and looked at her with a small smile.
- "You know I don’t have your number, right?"
- "What?"- Gee frowned, confused.
- "You never gave it to me… well, I never asked for it."
They looked at each other in silence, something that happened so often between them; it could be their natural behavior.
- "Would you give it to me?"- Gerard whispered, and neither of them moved.
- “That’s what scares me the most. Under other circumstances, I would give it to you,”- Joey thought and smiled, as her cheeks blushed
- "Your number"- he added and chuckled- “... Although.”
- "I know, perv. Give me your phone."
- "Hey kids!"- Mikey appeared next to them and smiled- "What are you doing?"
- "Giving your brother my number, ‘cos apparently, we weren’t friends until now."
- "Wow, that’s harsh! You didn’t ask for mine either!"- Gerard argued but chuckled.
- "Yeah, you keep saying that, but you didn’t offer it either, and Gerard Way’s number has to be something too exclusive to own."
- "Ok, you are both assholes"- Mikey ignored the whole conversation and looked at his friend- "I need you to help me, Bug"
- "What is it?"
- "I want you to help me pick up a new bass"
- "Don’t you have a hundred already?"- Joey teased him and walked with him
- "It’s not for me, it’s for you"- Joey stopped walking and frowned- "What? You need one."
- "I don’t."
- "Yes, you do, I’m gonna teach you, and I am not gonna lend you mines. They are too special."
- "Mikey…"- but he didn’t let her finish.
- "Besides, we are going to be touring so much, you are going to have to find something useful to do when we are on the bus. You can teach me drums, I can teach you bass, we are gonna be better musicians, it’s a win, win situation."
Mikey looked so excited about his idea Joey didn’t want to break the dream. Besides, it felt like he was making a project out of his whole idea, something to keep his mind entertained. And that sounded like a nice plan. Better than drinking himself to sleep most of the nights.
- "I’m not gonna convince you to change your mind, am I?"- she asked and giggled, staring at her friend’s serious face.
- "Nop"- he quickly answered, making sure the last “p” sounded loud, as it would make a statement or whatever.
- "Fine… but I’ll pay you back."
- "Oh, you are paying for it"- he quickly replied- "But not with money, I really want those drums lessons."
Gerard stared at the scene and sighed. His brother wrapped an arm around Joey’s neck as they walked to pick up her bass. He was jealous and worried at the same time. He was jealous of how close he was with her and how much he trusted her. Gee felt left aside from his problems. Joey had spent more time with his brother than him in the latest weeks. Ever since they met, actually. Why didn’t he trust his older brother anymore?
The bass they picked was a tidepool Player Jaguar Fender. Mikey carried it to his car and smiled proudly. Gerard took a Fender Rumble 15, and Joey just smiled embarrassedly.
- "You didn’t have to buy the amp"- she whispered to Gerard.
- "You can’t play bass without an amp"- he simply replied and smiled- "Besides, you can always pay me back in drum lessons too"- the girl chuckled, blushed, and looked at her friends.
- "Ok, kids, lunch is on me. You two deserve Joey’s signature menu for being this nice to me"- she grinned and got into the car.
- "And where are we going?"- Mikey sat behind the wheel and turned to her, just as Gerard, from the passenger seat
- "To my house, I am cooking you mi especialidad: bandeja paisa"- the Way brothers frowned and looked at each other- "Just come and eat like porks with me, ok?"
- "Fine"- Mikey answered and chuckled- "Are you gonna go all Latina on us?"
- "You better be sure I am."
- "I’ve never seen you like that"- Gerard said and looked at her again. She blushed and closed her eyes, embarrassed.
- "Well, I have, and it’s fucking weird!"- Mikey answered to his brother- "And when she starts mixing English, Icelandic, and Spanish… damn it!"
- "Vinsamlegast þegiðu! (Please shut up!)"- the girl shouted and hit Mikey’s shoulder- "Odio Cuando dices eso! (I hate it when you do that)"
- "See?"- the bassist turned to his friend- "It’s fucking weird."
- "Let’s take a selfie and send it to Frank and dad"- Joey said and looked for her phone in her bag. But never found it- "Oh fuck! Matthew has it"- she whispered and sighed.
Suddenly she remembered she had given it to him, and it bothered her to know she had given away some power to please a guy. Fuck, she deeply regretted doing that.
- "Let’s use my phone"- Gerard said and pointed the camera at them- "Ok, smile!!"
- "Say cheese!!"- Joey grinned, and the Way brother smiled- "Dad is gonna love that! He said he missed us too, he actually invited me to stay with him in Jersey while we rehearsed for the concert"- the girl said and looked outside the window- "I think it would be nice, I’ve never been to Jersey"- she kept talking, more to herself than to her friends.
- "You can stay with me too if you want"- Mikey said, and Gerard turned to him, scowling- "I mean, I’m gonna be home with our parents…"
- "That sounds so fucking weird, Michael James"- and Joey burst out laughing- "But though I love the idea of having a sleepover at your parents, Matthew is coming with me that weekend"- Gerard’s frown grew bigger.
- "Bug, tell me the truth"- Mikey said after a while. The radio was on, and the three of them had been basically just humming a few songs as they made their way to Joey’s house.
- "Shoot"
- "Matthew hates me, right?"
- "Why would you say that?"
- "‘Cos he looks like he hates me"
- "Of course not!"- the girl lied right away and snorted- "He is just shocked we got along so quickly."
- "Oh"- Mikey made a pause and chuckled- "So he really hates me."
- "No! I mean it!"
- "I think that’s a yes"- Gerard said to his brother and nodded.
- "Well… I guess I won’t be watching Criminal Minds anymore."
Matthew could hear Joey laughing from the hallway. She wasn’t alone. There were other voices and some music too. What the fuck was going on? He wasn’t thrilled at all ‘cos he had been calling his girlfriend the whole day and her phone was off. But this was too much for him to handle with a cold head. But he had to breathe and trust her.
- "Hey! What are you doing?"- he opened the door and glared at the Way brothers. Mikey was sitting behind Joey’s electric drum while she held a bass. Gerard was sitting on her couch, laughing. Well, not anymore, at least.
- "Akumu!! How was your day? Did you have fun meeting and greeting people?"- she quickly stood up, almost jumping and running to him, wrapping her arms around him.
- "It was ok…"- she kissed him sweetly and kept smiling- "What are you guys doing?"
- "I invited the guys for lunch, and we just stayed here playing for a while"- she simply answered.
- "I’ve been calling you the whole day, but you didn’t pick up"- Joey raised an eyebrow and looked into her boyfriend’s eyes.
- "Akumu, you’ve got my phone, remember?"- and Matthew Gray Gubler wanted to slap himself. The only thing he could do was be the nicest and sweetest, not jealous boyfriend he could be.
- "Shit!"- and Joey just nodded- "I’m so sorry!"
- "I know, so, wanna join us?"
- "Actually, I think we should go"- Gerard said and stood up- "I’ve got to pick up my wife from an event, “liar, liar pants on fire,” and Mikey has to drive me over"
Gee turned to his brother, and he nodded.
- "Yeah, and we better hurry ‘cos we are late"- he added and grabbed all his things- "I’m taking this"- he said and grabbed the bass he had left in her house- "You better practice."
- "Guys, you don’t have to run out just ‘cos I got here"- Matthew smiled- "We could hang out for a while."
- "I saved you some bandeja paisa"- Joey whispered, and her boyfriend’s smile grew bigger.
- "I love you so much."
- "Yeah, I know, I’m awesome"
- "Thank you, Matthew, but we really have to go"- Gerard shook his hand and smiled- "But Joey said you would come with us to the show in New York."
- "Yeah! I am! I feel like shit, I still can’t get to see my girl in action"- he smiled and wrapped an arm around Joey’s shoulders. She hated when he called her “his girl.” She wasn’t his, or anyone’s, as a matter of fact. That was one of the reasons why she hadn’t have a serious relationship before.
- "We’ll see you there then"- Gerard assured- "We’ll show you Jersey, Joey said she was dying to see where we hid all the mafia corpses"- and the girl chuckled
- "You keep trying to sell it for me, but dude, I’m sold!!"- Gerard laughed at Joey’s words and stared at her in silence for a few seconds until he realized Matthew was there. He didn’t want him to know or even suspect how he felt about his girlfriend.
- "Thank you for everything, guys"- the girl walked them to the door with a warm smile on her face- "You are the best!"
- "Nah"- Mikey hugged her and messed her hair pretty much at the same time- "You’ve been a great little sister. Thank you for coming along!"
- "See you when I come back from Seattle."
- "Yeah, we have to practice!"- the youngest Way shook Matthew’s hand and said goodbye. Gerard did the same, wished them a safe trip, and walked out of the apartment. He and his brother walked in silence until they reached the car.
- "Dude!"- Mikey finally said when he started the car- "That guy hates the shit out of me!"
- "He was going to kill us when he walked in! What the fuck is his problem?"
- "I don’t know!! He has to death jealous"
- "Well, so would I"- Gerard thought out loud and noticed he had to add something in case his brother would think the wrong thing, which would be actually the right thing.
- "I mean, if my girl hung out with four dudes, I barely know and travel the world with them, I would be jealous too."
- "Maybe"- Mikey gave it a little thinking and nodded- "Maybe when they are back, we could invite them out for diner or something, that way he can know us and figure out we don’t wanna bang his girlfriend."
- "Yeah, sure, that would be helpful"- Gerard Way was full of shit.
taglist @all-tings-diego @worryd0ll
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hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Word Count: ~7,400
Total Fic Word Count: ~30,000
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn’t mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: You thought I'd skip all the possibilities and tropes that come with the holidays?! Of course not. This is the final part to Yellow Lights. Thank you all for making my return to writing and posting so wonderful. I am so, so, grateful. I hope the ending lives up to your expectations. <3
The next month and a half passes by uneventfully. I try not to spend all of my time thinking about how great Rachel's wedding was, and equally try to ignore the wistful feeling Henry’s wedding left me with. Having Daniel be my fake boyfriend in front of my family showed me everything that I’d ever wanted; someone who fit in seamlessly, who loved me for me, with the perfect balance of romance and friendship. Whatever crush I had successfully buried when Daniel and I first met is now achingly hard to avoid. I curse my active imagination and optimism for letting me indulge in the moments of pretend, leaning too comfortably into our façade.
As a result, I don’t talk to Daniel much. He is busy finishing filming his project in London, and I try to focus on my life in LA. I’ve become paranoid that every text I send him is one too many, too annoying, or too bothersome. I figure I can reassess things when Daniel comes home from filming, and try to find my footing in our friendship again.
This seems like a solid plan until I’m on Zoom with my family for Thanksgiving. Since I’ve already flown back once this year for the wedding, and I’m planning to fly back again next month for Christmas, staying put for Thanksgiving was the economical choice. The call is mostly uneventful until the subject of Daniel comes up.
“Where’s that boy?” Aunt Judith crows from her spot at the dining table.
“Hmm?” I ask.
“She means Daniel.” Ryan rolls his eyes, bringing the iPad closer to her.
“Oh! Right.” I try to recover. “He’s still away filming his new project, actually, but I was able to fly out to see him at the end of September for another wedding, actually.”
Aunt Judith frowns. “That’s a long time to not see someone that handsome—” I start to laugh, “Are you sure he’s not cheating on you?”
Oh shit. It’s in this moment that I realize Daniel and I had never “broken up” as far as my family knows. I hear the rest of my family start sputtering in the background.
“Aunt Judith— you can’t just—”
“That’s awful, I—”
“It is kind of a long time, huh?—”
I try to keep a straight face. “Guys! It’s okay. He’s an actor, it comes with the territory. I expected this.”
“So you aren’t sure that he’s not cheating on you?” Ryan frowns.
“That isn’t what I meant, Ry. Daniel and I are fine. We’re really good, actually.”
“Well I certainly hope you’ll be bringing him home for Christmas then.” Aunt Judith huffs.
“It would be nice to see him,” Rachel speaks up for the first time, and her husband Nick nods. “I didn’t get to talk to him a whole lot at the wedding.”
I clear my throat, my mind racing. “You know, we haven’t actually talked about what we’re doing for Christmas yet; I’ll have to see what he’s doing— if he’s going to spend it with his family.”
“But you’re still coming home,” Ryan states.
“Yes, I am still coming home, no matter what.”
Ryan and Rachel’s mom, my auntie Kim speaks up. “I think it’s pretty common for a boyfriend to defer to his girlfriend’s family for the holidays. I mean, Ryan splits the day with Katharine of course, but Nick always came here with Rachel.”
“I hear you, Auntie Kim, but Daniel never gets to see his family so I’m not sure— all I’m saying is I’m not sure. He may very well come, and I will let you all know as soon as I know.” I smile tersely.
“Well hurry up, and find out,” Auntie Kim chastises. “Christmas is only a month away.”
When I hang up with them, it’s 7pm and I’m feeling antsy. How could I have forgotten that my entire family still thought Daniel and I were together? I’m not sure how to get out of this one. Tired of panicking alone in my head, I pick up my phone and dial Daniel before I can talk myself out of it. It rings and rings, and my anxiety that he won’t answer grows with each tone.
Eventually I hear rustling on the other line.
“Lauren?” Daniel’s voice crackles through the phone.
“Are you alright?”
“What? Uh— yeah, I just needed to talk to you about something—” I glance at the time on my phone. “Oh god, no. What time is it there? I’m so sorry— I didn’t even stop to think about the time difference, I—”
I hear him suppress a yawn. “Lauren. It must be pretty important if you’re calling me AND rambling like this.”
“No, no, it can wait, I’m sorry— uh, go back to bed. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Lauren,” he stops me softly and firmly. “Stop apologizing. What’s going on?”
I sit quietly, feeling like an absolute idiot.
“Lauren, come on. You can tell me.”
“I— we… we never broke up?”
He laughs. “Sorry, what?”
“We never broke up.”
“Am I still asleep, is this a dream?”
“My family still thinks we’re together and they asked me if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
We’re both quiet for a moment.
“Oh.” is all he says.
“I talked to them for Thanksgiving, and they were asking about you. I realized too late that they thought we were still together— because I never told them we broke up. I didn’t think it through this far.”
“Right, I didn’t either.”
My phone starts ringing, telling me Daniel’s trying to FaceTime me.
I accept, and I’m faced with a dark screen.
“Why are we FaceTiming?”
I hear a lamp click on and suddenly Daniel’s face is illuminated as he lays in bed, lines from his pillow still on his face.
“Figured we should at least be able to see each other if you’re going to break up with me in the middle of the night,” he teases.
I shake my head. “Not funny, this is serious, D.”
“I know, I know.”
“If I break up with you, they’re going to yell at me and tell me I’m a stupid idiot.”
Daniel laughs.
“And if you break up with me they’re going to hate you, which means they’ll hate that we managed to ‘stay friends.’ And if it’s mutual…..” I shake my head, thinking. “They’ll think we were lying.”
“Which we were.”
I sigh, “Which we were.”
“So,” Daniel pulls his blanket up higher. “What are our options here?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I called you.”
I watch him stare off into space and reminisce about when I got to see this sleepy Daniel firsthand in Cape Cod.
“I could come for Christmas…” he trails off and I frown.
“That seems like asking a lot. You’ve already given up a lot of your free time this year for me.”
He shrugs into his pillow. “Do you not want me to come for Christmas?”
I pause. “I mean, that isn’t really the issue here. You have to be tired of being in love with me by now.”
He laughs loudly — a stark contrast to the quiet of his room. “Yes, being in love with you is very exhausting.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I’m kidding. Being in love with you is not exhausting. At all.”
I roll my eyes and say nothing. “I don’t think I can bear to break your family’s hearts at Christmas of all times.”
“Man of the year.” I drawl. “What are you supposed to be doing for Christmas? Going home?”
“No, usually I travel somewhere, but I hadn't decided yet.”
I hum in response.
“Kind of leaning towards traveling to Massachusetts now, if I’m honest.”
I look at him incredulously, only to see a playful grin on his face, but I know he’s serious.
“I’m not going to stop you if you really want to come. But I—” I swallow. “Eventually we’re going to need to plan for whatever happens after Christmas.”
He nods. “I know, we will. Let’s just enjoy Christmas together, first.”
I smile. “Okay. We can enjoy it. Together.”
He clears his throat. “I hope I’m not too rusty at this boyfriend performance, it’s been a few months.”
“Daniel Sharman has performance issues… I hope that doesn’t get out to the press.”
His eyes flash. “Bold, for you.”
I shrug. “You walked into that one, baby.”
“Well, you’re lucky you’re cute, darling.”
We look at each other for a moment, and I hope my eyes don’t give away how fond I am for this man who is willing to commit to fake-loving me, and putting up with my family, and who is setting the bar way too high for any actual real relationship I could hope for.
So much for reburying my feelings.
I break eye contact first. “I’ll let you get back to sleep. Sorry again for waking you up.”
“Do Not Disturb doesn’t apply to you, Lauren. Call any time.”
I smile softly. “Sweet dreams, I’ll text you tomorrow.”
I’m standing in the Boston Logan airport waiting for international arrivals; specifically Daniel’s flight from London. According to the board, his flight landed 15 minutes ago, so he should be coming to the lobby any time now. I bounce on my feet, simultaneously eager and nervous to see Daniel for the first time since parting ways after Henry and Claire’s wedding.
Eventually I see the hat and sunglasses I recognize from a selfie he sent me earlier, and I can feel my heart race. I begin walking towards him, and feel my pace quicken as I get closer. Eventually he sees me too and he’s grinning at me with his signature toothy smile that I missed so much.
When we come into contact I don’t know what the appropriate response is, so I simply grin up at him.
“Hi,” I breathe.
“Hi,” he smiles back, and before I know it he’s closer than he was before and he’s ducking down to kiss me.
It surprises me but I respond quickly, leaning up to meet him.
When it’s over he pulls back just enough to nuzzle his nose with mine.
“Missed you,” he says softly.
“Missed you most.” I smile.
He stands up straight, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder, threading his other hand through mine.
I can’t see his eyes, but I assume he must be looking around when he speaks.
“Oh, are you by yourself?”
The question catches me off guard.
“Yeah— well, Ryan’s in the car, circling so he wouldn’t have to pay for parking,” I roll my eyes.
He nods, “Sorry, then—“ he makes an inconclusive gesture. “Suppose I didn’t need to kiss you quite yet.”
My stomach drops and I smile tightly, “That’s okay— better safe than sorry. I get it.”
He tugs on my hand pulling me into a hug.
“I did miss you, though.”
“And I still missed you most.” I tease.
Daniel shakes his head, but doesn’t argue, pulling back from me and reaching for his suitcase with his freehand.
“Let’s get this show on the road.”
I bring Daniel upstairs to show him around, and so he can put his suitcase in my room.
“Welcome to my childhood bedroom,” I announce, opening the door and leading Daniel inside.
“Wow, where little Lauren grew up,” Daniel teases looking around. When I first arrived home yesterday, I was quick to tidy up, and hide anything that was too embarrassing, but my room is more or less the exact same as I had left it when I was 18 and moving to college.
I nod. “Yes, many secrets to my backstory can be discovered in here.”
Daniel laughs.
Ryan appears in my doorway leaning against the doorframe.
“Just so you know, Daniel, my bedroom is on the other side of this wall,” he nods to his right. “I can hear everything that happens in here. The walls are thin.”
I frown, blushing, “Ew, Ryan.”
Daniel just laughs and smirks, “Got it, bro.”
I look at him incredulously, “Don’t encourage him.”
The two share a look and shrug, seemingly equally enjoying my discomfort.
“Dinner’s ready!” Auntie Kim calls up to us.
I use that as my cue, brushing past both of them to go downstairs, leaving their laughter behind me.
After Christmas Eve dinner, Katharine stops by and the four of us decide to watch the classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m the last to arrive in the living room, and when I enter I immediately notice that Ryan is cuddled up with Katharine, and sprawled out over the entire couch, leaving Daniel sitting in the only other seat— the armchair.
I narrow my eyes at them, “Are you guys for real?”
Ryan looks at us and hums innocently, “What?”
“You took the entire couch.”
I see Katharine bite her lip in amusement, as Ryan shrugs.
“I assumed you guys would cuddle anyway. Can you not share the armchair?”
Daniel intervenes, “Of course we can. C’mon Laur.”
He pats his lap. I hesitate briefly before nestling into his lap, tucking my head into his neck.
“Am I crushing you?” I whisper.
“Not at all, you’re keeping me warm.”
I huff a laugh as he puts the blanket over us and Ryan starts the movie. The steady rise and fall of his chest brings me a sense of peace and I have to try not to fall asleep, especially when his fingers gently caress my arm and my leg where he’s holding me to him. I exhale, turning further into his neck and nuzzling into him.
“Tickles,” he breathes, just shy of a whisper.
“You smell good,” I tell him, letting my eyes close.
His chuckle reverberates through his body. “Thanks, darling.”
I feel my eyes shut and sleep take over. I start to come to when I hear the ending song come on, and it drifts into whatever dream I’m having.
“She asleep?” I hear Ryan ask.
“Think so,” Daniel answers.
“You need help waking her up?”
“No, I’ve got it, thanks though. Nice seeing you, Katharine.”
I hear footsteps retreat and feel a series of kisses pressed to my shoulder, as Daniel’s long fingers brush hair away from my face.
“Time to wake up, pretty girl. You can go back to sleep once we’re in your bed.”
I shake my head no, clinging to him tighter.
“Like this bed.” I murmur drowsily.
He laughs softly. “Promise we can cuddle there too.”
“Promise?” I ask, peeking one eye open.
“I promise,” he confirms, pressing one more kiss to my shoulder.
I lift my head to look at him, rubbing my eyes.
“There she is,” he smiles gently at me.
I smile back sleepily, the words coming out before I fully think them through.
“Wanna know a secret?”
“Tell me.”
I swallow, letting my gaze flicker down to his mouth for just a moment. “I like cuddling with you.”
“You do, huh?”
I nod.
“Well the feeling’s mutual. Let’s go upstairs and brush our teeth so we can cuddle more in your bed.”
“Okay,” I relent, getting off of him. He stands up after me and I instinctively lace my fingers with his, leading us back upstairs. When we’re brushed and changed, we settle ourselves in bed and I claim my spot tucked into his neck again.
“Sweet dreams,” he says, kissing the top of my head. I echo the sentiment and gently kiss the spot on his neck I’m closest to. His arms tighten around me and I’m falling asleep again.
For once, I wake up before Daniel. He looks peaceful as he sleeps on his stomach, his arm across my waist, face half smushed into the pillow. I turn my head to look at the clock to see it’s about 9:30 and know the others will be waking up soon. I turn back to Daniel and card my fingers gently through his hair. Eventually his breathing changes and his eyes flutter open, still clouded with sleep.
“Merry Christmas,” I whisper, our faces just inches apart.
He pulls himself closer to me, nuzzling into my side and closing his eyes again. “Merry Christmas.”
It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again, voice raspy with sleep. “Is everyone else awake?”
“No, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard anyone up and around… they might be soon. Usually we kind of wander downstairs around 10, and it’s just past 9:30.”
He hums in response.
“You can go back to sleep for a little while if you want,” I offer, still running my fingers through his hair. “I’ll wake you when it’s time to go downstairs.”
I start to think he’s drifted off to sleep again when he opens his eyes and looks at me. “No, I can get up. I want to give you your present.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I told you not to get me anything; you coming here like this with me— twice— is more than enough.”
He rolls his eyes, detaching himself from me and rolling out of bed. “And look like the asshole who didn’t get his girlfriend anything for Christmas? Not a chance.”
I sit up. “We could’ve lied about it—”
“Lauren,” Daniel looks back at me exasperatedly, leaning over his suitcase. “It’s Christmas. Please just open your present.”
He pulls out a neatly wrapped, thin rectangle and places it in my lap, sitting next to me on the bed.
“Merry Christmas, Laur.”
I carefully unwrap the package to reveal a framed art print, with a circle of stars in the middle; underneath it says “The Night Everything Changed” with the coordinates of what I assume to be Los Angeles. I look up to him with soft eyes, and he gives a one shouldered shrug.
“Saw an ad for this online— where you can get the night sky documented of any night you want, anywhere you want. I thought it would be nice to commemorate this past year, for us…” he trails off, and I hug the frame to my chest.
“Daniel, I love it— Really, really love it. It’s so thoughtful.” I reach out and thread our fingers together. “I’m going to hang this in my room. I want it somewhere I see every day.”
He smiles and squeezes my hand. “I’m glad you like it. I actually wanted to talk to you about something— in relation to this. I—”
We’re interrupted by a light knocking on the door, and we both turn.
“Are you guys awake?” Ryan’s voice calls.
“Yeah, we’ll be out in a sec!” I answer.
I turn back to Daniel who squeezes my hand and moves to get up, but I pull him back.
“They can wait; this is special. I want to hear what you have to say.” I smile at him warmly, but he shakes his head, lifting the back of my hand to kiss it.
“It’s alright, I’d rather wait and tell you when we have more time to talk.”
I frown. “Promise me you won’t forget?”
He laughs. “Trust me, I won’t forget.”
He moves to stand, pulling me up with him to go downstairs, but I stop him, wrapping my arms around him tightly.
“Thank you, D. It means a lot to me.”
He returns my embrace, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
When we pull apart, I take his hand again. “Time for Christmas. Your present is under the tree, by the way.”
Daniel laughs. “A present double-standard.”
I shake my head and lead him out of the room.
I think we’re done with presents when Ryan surprises me, coming over to Daniel and I on the loveseat.
“This is for both of you, kind of.” He hands me a thin, narrow gift.
Daniel looks up, surprised. “Thanks, man. That was thoughtful of you.”
He looks at me, silently asking, did you know about this?, and I shake my head no.
I unwrap the package to find a small frame, with a one hundred dollar bill matted in the middle. I look at Ryan and furrow my eyebrows.
“It's the hundred bucks I said I’d give you if you brought a real date to Rachel’s wedding. Seeing as the same guy is here for Christmas I figured you earned it. Thought I’d frame it— but you can take it out and spend it on a date or something, I don’t care.”
Auntie Kim squints. “Sorry, you told her what?”
I roll my eyes and try to avoid the way my stomach sinks at the reminder of how this all started.
I feel Daniel’s hand on my knee. “Clever, Ryan.”
I look over at him to see him flashing his polite interview smile, and I instantly know he knows exactly what I’m feeling.
Auntie Kim stands and stretches. “I don’t get it, but I’m going to go start breakfast. Your sister and Nick are picking up Judith soon and then they’re coming over. Katharine isn’t coming until dinner, right, Ryan?”
As Ryan confirms, she walks out of the room. Ryan turns back to us. “Mind if I shower first?”
I shake my head no, still lost in my thoughts, and I hear Daniel tell him to go ahead.
We’re left alone and I feel Daniel’s thumb brushing my knee.
“Thank you for my presents.”
“You’re welcome— I’m glad you like them; they don’t beat your present for me though.”
He rolls his eyes and we sit for a moment, the framed hundred dollar bill still in my hands.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
I look at him and shake my head. “I don’t know. Just an odd reminder of how this started, and that it’s going to have to end soon, I guess.”
Daniel frowns. “We haven’t really gotten to talk about that. Why don’t we table that for later— we still have a nice day ahead of us. Those are problems for tomorrow.”
I nod and smile at him, and he pulls me in to kiss my temple, and I hear the click of an iPhone camera. I look up to see Auntie Kim in the doorway.
“Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that the coffee’s on. It was too cute not to capture.”
Daniel stands up, offering me his hand. “Make sure you send me a copy. I’ll have to add it to my collection.”
I chuckle as I stand. “Let me guess; the album is called ‘Cute and Shit.’”
He grins. “How’d you know?”
Christmas flies by. It’s filled with good food, wine, and everyone I love. It’s hours after dinner, and Auntie Kim has already driven Aunt Judith home before going to bed herself.
Ryan, Katharine, Daniel, and I are all still seated around the dining room table playing some kind of team card game, and everyone’s faces are red from laughter and wine.
I can’t help but watch Daniel, who is in some kind of hilarious argument with Ryan over some card he pulled. His eyes shine from the light of the chandelier, and his smile is big and bright, taking over his whole face.
It hits me in this moment that I’ve surpassed unlabeled romantic feelings; I am truly in love with this man. The realization consumes me until Katharine knocks her shoulder into mine giggling.
“Can you believe we love these idiots?”
“Sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow,” I tease, giggling, catching Daniel’s eye mid-argument. He winks at me and I feel my already red cheeks flush even deeper.
“You two are so cute,” Katharine continues, watching our interaction. She lowers her voice, whispering to me behind her wine glass. “I was kind of worried that when you got a boyfriend he wouldn’t mesh well with our dynamic, ya know? But it kind of feels like Daniel’s always been here.”
Her words vocalize the thoughts that have been ringing in my head all day. “I know what you mean.”
Katharine dramatically clears her throat. “Are you two done? Is it our turn yet?”
We part ways from Ryan and Katharine in the hallway, giggling and shushing each other in the wee hours of the morning. I shut my door behind me and waggle my eyebrows at Daniel.
“Uh oh, there’s trouble,” he teases. “Planning to seduce me?”
I shrug exaggeratedly and he laughs before looking around. “Fuck, where are my sweatpants?”
I giggle. “They’re literally right behind you on the chair.”
“Oh, thanks.” He grabs them before looking at me. “Can I change in here tonight?”
I flush. “Yeah, sure.”
After sharing a room together all this time, this is the first time we’ve changed in front of each other and the thought makes my skin tingle. I make my way over to my dresser, pulling out my own sleep shorts and t-shirt. I wiggle out of my pants and pull on my shorts, glancing over my shoulder to see Daniel, shirtless, adjusting his sweatpants on his hips. My throat runs dry, and I turn around to pull my own shirt over my head, reaching behind me to unclip my bra once it’s on. I bundle my discarded clothes in my hand, walking over to toss them in the hamper. I turn around to find Daniel already looking at me. He’s still shirtless and my eyes drift to his defined chest. He looks down as if noticing for the first time.
“It’s really, uh, hot in here.” He speaks again. “Would it bother you if I slept shirtless?”
I shake my head, mentally screaming. “No, it is warm,” I agree, reaching up to put my hair in a bun on top of my head.
He watches me intently, and I laugh self consciously. “What?”
“Nothing. Just thinking about how this was the best Christmas I’ve had in a while.”
My face lights up. “Really?”
“Yeah.” I see his grin quirk up, and know something else is coming. “I’d say it was almost perfect.”
“Oh?” I question, finishing my bun. “Go on.”
“We fit in a lot of classic traditions today, but we missed one that I’m quite fond of.”
I look at him, trying to think of what it could be, as he takes a step closer to me.
“There wasn’t any mistletoe.”
I swallow. “There wasn’t.” I pause, my mind racing. Before I can fully think it through I find myself offering, “But we could pretend?”
“Hmm?” He murmurs, taking a step closer to me so he’s right in front of me now. I know he’s giving me a chance to take it back, or make a joke; I’m nervous, but I don’t want to take it back. I just really want to kiss him.
“I’d really like it if you had a perfect Christmas.”
“And you?” He questions softly. “What would make it a perfect Christmas for you?”
Instead of answering him, I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him for a moment, pulling back to look him in the eyes. His eyes meet mine in some unspoken understanding, and then he’s dipping down to kiss me again.
He kisses me softly, delicately, like all the kisses at the wedding. He pulls back briefly to look at me, as if he still expects me to change my mind. I kiss him again, wanting there to be no doubt in his mind, and he kisses me back with purpose and passion, and I’m caught off guard by the weight of it. I gasp, and Daniel uses this opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling me closer. It reminds me of our very first kiss back on his couch. My arms move around his neck, pulling our bodies flush together.
Daniel pulls away first, but barely, breathing hard, kissing down from my jaw to my neck.
This is definitely new territory for us.
I move my hands to his hair, and he groans at the feeling. I can’t help myself as I sigh breathlessly, a shiver running down my back. He grins against my neck, his teeth scraping at my skin and I moan softly.
“Wait,” I say breathlessly, a thought somehow flitting through my mind. “Earlier, didn’t you say there was something else I should know about my present?”
“I can tell you tomorrow,” he murmurs into my neck between kisses. “It’s time for bed.” He tugs me down onto the bed so I’m underneath him, resuming his kisses on my neck.
“This doesn't seem like going to sleep to me,” I tease.
“It is, shhhh, you’re dreaming.”
“That I’d believe,” I laugh, and Daniel smirks, moving so we're eye to eye again.
“Dream about me often?”
“Shhh.” I pull him closer, turning his words back on him. “You’re dreaming, go back to bed.”
“Happily,” he murmurs, kissing me again.
I bring my hands down to his bare shoulders, feeling his warm, toned skin against my fingertips. I gently drag my nails down his chest to his stomach, and I feel his muscles clench at my touch. I can’t help but smirk to myself as he pulls away to rest his forehead on my shoulder, letting out a shuddering breath. I bring my nails around his back, tracing up his taut muscles and across his shoulder blades.
I feel one of his hands come down, pushing my shirt up, his mouth pressing hot kisses to my abdomen. His nose takes over pushing my shirt up, exploring every new inch revealed with his mouth, his hand now running over my thigh, fingers squeezing occasionally, slowly climbing higher. As his hand reaches the bottom of my shorts, he lightly tugs at the fabric. He pauses, his blue eyes tentatively peering up at me.
“Can I…?” He looks nervous, like I’ll reject him. As if I have ever rejected him, or could ever manage to deny him. I’m not even entirely sure what he’s asking but I find myself nodding quickly. As he goes to tug my shorts down we hear a bang on the wall we share with Ryan followed by a crash, a “Shhhh” and a “Shit.”
We both startle and look over toward the wall, before looking back at each other and laughing softly.
“Ugh, I don’t want to know,” I say, shaking my head.
“You probably, definitely don’t.” He smiles at me before pulling his hand off my shorts, and my shirt back down, letting his fingers trace along the waistband of my shorts before he clears his throat. “We should, uh, get some sleep.”
I blink at the abrupt change in mood before nodding awkwardly. “Okay, sure.”
He rolls off of me, and I reach over to shut the lamp off. I’m hesitant to cuddle up to him, unsure if what just happened changed something between us, but I’m relieved when I feel his arm wrap around me the way it always does. Neither of us say anything, and I try not to think about the last few minutes, the firmness of his body behind mine, or the way my body’s buzzing— closing my eyes to try and get some rest.
The next two days with my family go pretty much the same way as Christmas did. Daniel gets on swimmingly with everyone, and my heart aches every time I realize that once the holidays are over, our charade is going to come to an end—a permanent end— this time. I try to ignore that thought and enjoy my time, basking in the coupley moments in front of my family, and leaning into every touch we share.
I never get a chance to ask about my Christmas present; the time never feels right, and Daniel doesn’t bring it up either. Nothing happens between us like Christmas night; when bedtime rolls around we change in the bathroom and go straight to bed. We cuddle, but there’s no after-dark kisses or wandering hands. I wonder if Daniel feels as self-conscious about that night as I do; if he does, he doesn’t show it.
We’re in my room packing to go back to LA in an effort to try to beat the inevitable New Year’s rush at the airport.
“I need to find something to wrap this in so it doesn’t break in my luggage,” I frown, holding up Daniel’s present. “It’s my new prized possession— nothing can happen to it.”
Daniel looks over and laughs. “Want me to wrap it in my sweatpants? That's what I did on the way here.”
“Okay, thank you.” I pad across the floor and pass him the frame, our fingers brushing in the process.
“Of course.” His lips quirk up as he carefully arranges the frame in his suitcase.
A moment passes, and I wonder if now is a good time to ask about my present .
“Hey, I’ve been wanting to ask—“
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you—“
We both stop mid-sentence and Daniel laughs, “Sorry what were you saying?”
I shake my head, courage gone. “No— sorry, go ahead.”
He looks at me curiously but continues, “Henry texted me; he and Claire invited us to their New Year’s Eve party. They’re having it in LA this year.”
I quirk an eyebrow. “Us? They want me to go?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, Claire apparently requested your presence specifically.”
“Oh, that’s nice of her. I usually stay in for New Year’s.”
“It could be fun— if you aren’t sick of me yet,” Daniel teases.
“Ha!" I laugh, "If you aren’t sick of me yet, more like.” I shake my head. “And don’t mind sharing your friends with me.”
“They’re basically your friends now, too,” he argues.
“I’m not sure one wedding constitutes that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You should come.”
I stop and look at him.
“I’ll call a car and pick you up on the way.”
When I hesitate, he softens his voice. “Please come.”
I swallow, “Okay.”
I’m not a big party person, but I also know I don’t have it in my heart to deny him, especially after everything he’s done for me.
He grins. “Really?”
I nod. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
“Cool, I’ll, uh, let them know we’re coming.”
I bite my lip to suppress my smile and start planning my outfit in my head.
When we arrive at Claire and Henry’s house on New Year’s Eve, I try not to gawk at the size. It’s massive and sits high on one of the tallest hills in LA, away from the noise of the city.
The first person to spot us as we walk in is, unfortunately, Eleanor. I’d hoped she was in London, and away from us, but alas.
“Daniel!” she squeals, throwing her arms around him. “I was so hoping you’d be here.”
“Hi, El,” he placates her with a strained smile. “You remember Lauren?” He gestures back to me.
“Laura?” she asks, disinterested.
“Lauren,” I correct, forcing myself to smile. “Nice to see you again.”
“Eleanor,” Daniel intervenes. “Could you point us in the direction of Henry and Claire, perhaps?”
She frowns, but quickly covers it up. “They were in the kitchen last I checked— we have just got to catch up later.”
“We will!” He agrees graciously. “Let us get a drink, and I’m sure we'll have plenty of time to talk later.”
Daniel puts a hand on my back, guiding me forward and into another room, which turns out to be the kitchen. He’s immediately drawn into a series of bro hugs and handshakes by Henry and some of his other friends.
“Lauren! I’m so glad you came!” I turn to find Claire by a table of beverages.
“Claire! So nice to see you, thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming,” she says, pulling me into a quick hug. “I told Daniel he just had to bring you.”
I laugh. “He told me you were quite persistent— I usually have a low key New Year’s at home, but this is a fun change of pace.”
“Can I get you a drink?” She asks, already reaching for a bottle of champagne.
“Sure, thank you.” I catch Daniel’s eye across the room; he’s being clapped on the back and led out of the kitchen. I smile reassuringly, hoping to communicate that I’m fine here. He seems to understand, as he smiles back and nods before turning back to his friends.
Claire giggles, bringing my attention back to her.
“You look at him with such heart eyes, it’s cute.”
I try to keep my face from panicking. “Sorry?” She laughs like my reaction is the funniest thing in the world. “Oh don’t worry, he looks at you just the same, so you’re fine.”
I chuckle nervously. “I think maybe you’ve got the wrong impression—”
She shrugs like we’re talking about something commonplace, like the weather.
“Maybe, it’s possible... but I don’t think so. Now come! There’s some other girls I’d love for you to meet.”
I spend a good portion of the night talking with Claire and her friends. They’re all very kind to me, but eventually I excuse myself to get some air out on the balcony.
I’m looking up at the sky — it’s dark, dotted with faint stars and a distant passing plane — when I hear somebody come out and join me. As they settle next to me against the railing I immediately know who it is just by how comfortable I feel.
“Whatcha doin out here, LaurLaur? The New Year’s only a few minutes away.”
I grin at him. “Just getting some air and admiring the stars. From up here you can actually see them.”
He hums, looking up with me.
“It reminds me of a certain piece of art a certain someone got me for Christmas.”
He chuckles. “I’m glad you like it so much.”
“It was very thoughtful…. I wonder if any of the stars are in the same places as they were that night.”
“Which night?”
“The night everything changed. Your birthday.”
Daniel leans against the railing facing me, and looks like he’s about to say something before he changes his mind.
Eventually he speaks again. “Things are going to change again soon, right? You said you’re sure about the break up?”
I swallow, scoffing my shoe against the balcony floor.
“I mean, we still need to figure it out, but you can’t keep fake dating me forever. That isn’t fair to you.”
He smiles wistfully. “It’s not like there was anyone else I was trying to date.”
“I’m a lucky girl,” I lament, and Daniel blushes and shakes his head. “It’s a real shame we’re over, though," I jest, trying to lighten the mood. "I’ve never gotten to kiss anyone at midnight.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. “Never?”
“Nope,” I pop the p and look down at my feet.
“Well.” He clears his throat conspiratorially. “We can agree not to bring our fake relationship into the New Year if you want, but if the kiss starts before midnight, I think we’d get by on a technicality...”
I laugh. “You really want Eleanor to hate me, don’t you?”
He grins cheekily and shakes his head. “Nah, I think I saw her latched onto some other poor bugger inside. We’re in the clear.”
I roll my eyes, looking back up at the sky. I feel his finger trace my arm, gently using my elbow to turn my attention back towards him.
His voice is softer now, “It’s up to you, but there’s no one else I’d rather kiss at midnight.”
I look into his eyes and realize he’s being sincere. My heart’s beating out of my chest. Yes, I want to kiss him, but I want it to mean something. I keep giving in because I know one day this is all going to go away, and I’ll be left with just my memories and heartache.
He must see some hesitance in my eyes, because he’s taking a step back.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine. Really.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Not trying to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.”
I shake my head. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I just…” I trail off, looking over the balcony, trying to swallow my feelings, which have manifested as anxious tears in my eyes. I feel a tear escape, and I hastily reach up to wipe it away.
“Hey,” Daniel says gently. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t.” I let out a watery laugh. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m…”
I feel his steady stare, and I come to terms with the fact that I’ve really gotten myself into a mess that I can’t just smooth over. I’m going to have to tell him.
I take a minute to compose myself, and Daniel stays quiet giving me time to put my words together as I look anywhere but at him.
“I do want to kiss you, D,” I start slowly, trying to keep my voice steady, “but I can’t if it’s just another part of our fake relationship.”
He tugs me closer by hand, gently, so I have no choice but to look at him. I swallow the lump in my throat. “I… know this wasn’t supposed to be real. But it has been, for me.”
He shakes his head and squeezes my hand. “So then stop trying to break up with me.”
I blink at him, and he continues.
“The night everything changed— your star map— I wasn’t referencing the story we told your family about my birthday.” Daniel looks at me long and hard like I’m missing something totally obvious. “It’s actually the stars from a night a month or so later.”
A month or two— Oh. OH.
“The night Ryan FaceTimed me?” I whisper, afraid to be wrong.
He takes my other hand in his, lacing our fingers together. “Listen— Fuck. I’m in love with you, Lauren.” He looks at me so intensely and my head is spinning. “I love you, and I’m in love with you.”
“What?” I ask dumbly.
He licks his lips. “A wise woman once said to me, you don’t confess to ‘kind of like someone’ when you’ve already been friends as long as we have.”
I stare at him for a second, my cheeks burning. “Well your friend sounds pretty smart.” I swallow. “Because I love you, too.”
He laughs, relief flooding his features. He pulls me to his chest, crushing me and squeezing the air out of my lungs. Eventually he pulls back, hands cupping my face.
He grins and shakes his head. “She is smart, so, so smart, but I don’t want to be her friend anymore.”
“What do you mean?” My brows furrow in confusion, worried that somehow I’ve misread this whole interaction, my relief quickly being replaced by panic.
“Well.” He steps forward, keeping our faces incredibly close. “I’m hoping she agrees to be my very real girlfriend— that is, if she doesn’t break up with me first.”
I hear everyone inside start the countdown to midnight. I’m still looking into Daniel’s eyes in disbelief, my hands clinging to the front of his shirt.
When the countdown hits one, I’ve finally found the words I want to say.
“Happy New Year, boyfriend.”
He’s grinning as he kisses me, and I am too. It’s not our most elegant kiss, a mess of teeth and giggles, and whispered “I love you”s. We never stray too far from each other’s lips, kissing again and again like we can’t get enough— and maybe we can’t.
Eventually, we calm down a bit, and when we kiss this time it’s all-consuming, sucking the air out of my lungs. It feels like my love is fizzling to the top of my skin, and I feel it. ‘It’ being every indescribable emotion in our kisses this past year, but this time I know what it is: true, unadulterated, uninhibited love. I am in love with my best friend, who is now my boyfriend, and I don’t care who knows it— as long as he does.
His fingers press bruisingly into my hips before he pulls back just enough to look at me.
“Can we go home?” He whispers sheepishly, brushing some hair out of my face tenderly. “I’m kind of tired of sharing you with the public.”
I huff a laugh. “I know exactly what you mean.” I lean forward to kiss him one last time before pulling back to lace our fingers together, squeezing tightly. “Please— take me home, D.”
I don’t have to tell him twice.
tagged: @rogershoe @heyrowena @yunsh-17 @trenko-heart @dylxnshxrmxn
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The undatables as uncles need more love, so... What if L!MC and the rest of the children just go to the castle or purgatory Hall for a few days because the Bros got tired or just need a day of rest. Idk this makes no sense
Yes, more uncle shennaniganery!
A Day at the Demon Lord’s Castle
It was Demon-Flu season, and no demon in the House of Lamentation was spared from its sniffly wrath. It started with Belphegor waking up and sneezing right next to Beel, and it was all downhill from there.
Notice how I said “demon”, the dear little Half-Demons were all fine thanks to the efforts of M!MC who for some reason had bought a bunch of plague doctor masks the week prior.
“Why... why did you buy these?” L!MC asked, their voice muffled by the badly fitting mask.
“I saw em’ in a store window and I decided I wanted them.”
Three out of four of the Brat Brigade (plus the cat) were on their way to the Demon Lord’s castle to stay until the house’s little epidemic passed. Lord Diavolo had oh so graciously asked (begged) to be allowed to host the kids for a while.
What could go wrong?
Many things could go wrong.
For one, the first thing A!MC saw when they first arrived, was a rat. Not one of the gross scary ones, but one of the absolutely adorable ones that turns you into the ‘gently holds’ meme.
“I’m going to call you Templeton!” “*squeak*” “Yay!”
Barbatos of course came to greet the guests, and explained that they have a little... issue with rats at that moment. Butler-dad assured them it wouldn’t be a problem, just if the children saw any of the vermin running around to tell him and he’d dispose of them.
Templeton the rat was promptly hidden in one of A!MC’s pockets.
The Purgatory Hall crew was there as well, apparently Solomon decided to make brunch and Purgatory Hall’s kitchen exploded.
Lord Diavolo finally makes his entrance and declares that everyone should unpack and relax, his gorgeous/terrifying castle was their gorgeous/terrifying castle.
“So,” L!MC rested their head on their hand and rotated the knight in their free hand as they stared half vacantly at the chess board. “Did you take care of the snake in the labyrinth, Dia?”
Diavolo lit up when he heard his seldom used nickname. “Well, Henry 1.0 isn’t exactly bothering anyone down there at the moment, and I don’t think Levi is equipped to deal with a fifty foot long untamed snake.”
L!MC smirked and placed their knight down. “Yeah, at least not right now.”
The moment L!MC removed their hand from the knight, Diavolo moved his bishop and took their queen. Shit.
“Aw man...” L!MC mumbled, after a cursory look at the board, the poor thing realized that they had been screwed for the last five turns and Diavolo was just prolonging the match.
“Don’t feel too bad, L!MC.” Diavolo gave them a pat on the head. “Lucifer can’t beat me in chess either.”
“Hmph.” They wouldn’t admit it but... that did make them feel a little better.
“That reminds me, I have a favour to ask of you.” L!MC almost outwardly drooped at the mention of... ugh... a task. “Do you mind reviewing some dad-jokes with me to make sure they are suitably dad-like?”
“...what?” Quickly remembering they were in the presence of honest to God (poor choice of words... uh... Grandfather?) royalty, L!MC straightened their posture and tried their best to look respectfully curious instead of completely and utterly confused. “Pardon?”
“M!MC and several others have said I have ‘dad vibes’, so I’m leaning into it!” Diavolo smiled so brightly if L!MC hadn’t been the child of the Morning Star they may have been blinded. “My father wasn’t one for jokes, so I’d like to run these by you before I say them to others.”
Suppressing a snort of laughter, L!MC nodded. “Go for it, I’m all ears.”
Diavolo pulled out quite the long list and began to read out loud... L!MC quickly realized that this may take longer than expected. “Okay, to begin: I’m afraid for the calendar, it’s days are numbered.”
“Oh not-that-good-Lord...” L!MC muttered under their breath.
The dad jokes continued, some were funny, some were absolutely awful, some sounded like they were made for children in the Victorian era... overall, it was a good- holy shit that took over two hours...
“Finally,” Diavolo squinted at the last joke. “I went to the liquor store and they asked for my ID, while I fumbled for my wallet, my Blockbuster card fell out, the cashier said ‘nevermind’.”
L!MC furrowed their brows. “What’s a Blockbuster?”
“That was what I was hoping you’d explain to me... is it a dad requirement to get a card for that establishment..?”
“Mmmm...” L!MC pursed their lips. “Probably not. I mean, Lucifer doesn’t have one.”
“That’s true...” Diavolo looked at the clock, then stood up and began to shoo L!MC out the door. “Look at me, taking up all your time that you should be spending with your friends. Thank you for your help, L!MC, now don’t let me keep you any longer!”
Giggling slightly, L!MC shot a wave over their shoulder as they left the room. “Bye dad! See you later!”
They were half way down the hallway when they realized their verbal slip-up.
“Oh.” L!MC’s face burned with embarrassment. “Shit.”
Dad-volo was totally delighted and very cool about it, don’t worry.
M!MC and Bean the cat were hanging out with the angels in the very pretty royal gardens when that mess was going down.
Luke was being absolutely adorable and was snuggling Bean while he and Simeon looked at the pretty plants.
In traditional M!MC fashion, they were engaging in an average game of ‘lightly tease the chihuahua’.
“It’s just... you’re so small.” M!MC took the opportunity to rest their arm on Luke’s head as he stopped to observe a colour changing flower bush. “How many years have you been this height? 100? 200?”
M!MC had taken the news that Luke was older than them in stride, finding new opportunities to make the little angel do his adorable angy face. They were obviously succeeding in their jerkwad-endeavours as Luke pushed their arm off and fixed his now smushed hat.
“You be quiet! I’m perfectly average height for an angel my age.” Luke huffed, petting the cat, who hissed at M!MC. The stupid cat absolutely hated them for some reason, it brought L!MC never ending joy to bring the cat into their shared room and watch it hiss and swipe at them. L!MC should really show some more respect for their older cousin!
“Are angels normally the size of a fifth grader?” M!MC snickered. “Is Simeon considered a freak for his height?”
“No, M!MC, I am not.” Simeon chuckled. “Rest assured, Luke will grow.”
“Yeah! And I’m sure I’ll be taller than you!” Luke added.
M!MC smirked deviously and pinched Luke’s cheek. “Well, I’ll have to take advantage of your smallness and baby face while I still can!”
“Hey! Stop that!” Luke tried to swat their hands away, but M!MC had inherited their father’s reflexes and his penchant for being a little shit every once and a while, so Luke’s swatting only resulted in more pinches.
“Never!” M!MC teased. “Surrender to your smallness!”
Luke took off deeper into the garden, surprisingly quickly considering he was holding a cat that was hellbent on clawing M!MC’s eyes out. M!MC laughed and gave chase.
“Luuuuuuuke! Come back! I promise I’ll be nice!” M!MC lied right through their teeth like the little heathen they were, as they ran down the path they noticed that they couldn’t see Luke up ahead anymore, nor could they hear him yelling for Simeon to make them quit their teasing.
“Heheh...” M!MC wheezed as they stopped to catch their breath. “Luke c’mon, don’t be a baby. It’s real immature to hide like that!”
There was no response, which made M!MC just a little nervous, just a smidge. The plants had changed from pretty flowers and gorgeous trees to a much darker clump of vines and twisting branches. It all seemed to be the same plant, M!MC noted as they scanned the area for any sign of Luke and the cat, or Simeon for that matter.
“Luke? Bean? Come on! Haul your asses over here, this isn’t funny any-” M!MC paused and looked down as something coiled around their left leg. “-more?”
The vine tightened and yanked them backwards, M!MC fell right to the ground and clawed at the path to stop them getting pulled into the brush. Another vine wrapped around their right leg, any resistance that digging their nails into the ground was nullified as both vines yanked M!MC into the bushes.
Well, this was a nightmare of epic proportions. The vines continued to wrap around the helpless half demon until they were completely unable to move. As M!MC looked around frantically, they made eye contact with an all too familiar pair of blue eyes. Ah! There was Luke!
“Mmmph!” Only Luke’s eyes were visible, but the eyes are the gateway to the soul or whatever, and M!MC took an educated guess and decided that Luke’s soul wasn’t too happy with them.
“Mmth! Mmth!” M!MC tried to speak, but their mouth was covered by the vines. The two would have to communicate with their eyes only.
‘This is your fault!’
‘How the fuck is this MY fault?’
‘If you hadn’t teased me this never would have happened!’
‘Grow thicker skin, you chihuahua!’
‘Fuck you!’
Listen, Luke probably wasn’t capable of trying to communicate a swear word, but it was incredibly funny for M!MC to think about.
“M!MC? Luke?” Simeon stepped into their limited field of vision. “Where are you two? This plant is carnivorous.”
Oh... lovely. That was good to know.
“MFTH!” Luke and M!MC tried to call out to Simeon, only for the vines to wrap around them even tighter. Wow, what a way to go... strangled by a plant... ugh. L!MC would never let them live that down...
“Hm,” Simeon looked down at the vine that was coiling around his leg. “What a bother.”
Quick as lightning, Simeon grabbed the vine and sent a burst of shining gold magic shooting through it. The magic quickly spread to the rest of the plant and the moment the magic slammed into M!MC they nearly passed out from the searing pain that shot through their entire body.
They clamped their eyes shut and clenched their teeth to stop them from rattling as they felt the massive wave of Celestial magic wash over them. It was weirdly warm, like a hug from a friend, but it wasn’t a pleasant sensation, at least not to M!MC.
The plant let out an otherworldly scream as it threw Luke, Bean, and M!MC back onto the path at Simeon’s feet.
Luke picked Bean back up and dusted off his clothes like he didn’t have a care in the world. M!MC lay on the ground, if you listened closely you could hear them sizzle a bit. Nothing like being nearly strangled by a plant and then roasted by holy ‘fuck you’ magic.
“I’m glad you’re both okay,” Simeon pulled Luke into a hug and helped M!MC off the ground. “Did I ah... use to much magic?”
M!MC half-scowled at their saviour and wiped down their outfit. “Yeah. A little too much.”
“My bad,” Simeon ruffled M!MC’s hair. “I hope this serves as a learning experience for you two, Luke, don’t run off like that, and M!MC,”
The half demon nearly jumped in fear and surprise as Simeon swivelled to look at them. The smile on his face was far from comforting. “Don’t tease poor Luke too much, okay?”
“Uh... uh huh.” M!MC quickly nodded.
“Good! Now let’s head back, I think we’ve all had enough of the Royal Gardens.”
As the group returned, they passed a very red in the face L!MC and wondered what exactly went down in the time they were gone.
It’s common knowledge that Barbatos hates rats, it’s also common knowledge that A!MC is the embodiment of a ray of sunshine.
What does this lead to, you may be asking, well...
A!MC and their dear rat Templeton needed to hide from the politely homicidal Barbatos.
“Sh!” A!MC whispered into their pocket, the rat responded with an indignant squeak.
The Demon Lord’s Castle was absolutely massive, and trying to navigate it without a map was akin to wandering around an ancient pyramid filled with death traps. A!MC and their dear companion were wandering the place without a map and trying to hide from a butler that had the power to see into the future. The two fugitives were at a clear disadvantage.
A!MC had managed to stumble into an area that had paintings and statues completely everywhere, it was then they realized they were completely lost.
While quietly perusing the room, A!MC took notice of quite the lovely portrait of a woman. She had long flowing locks of golden hair and the most gorgeous captivating eyes... A!MC nearly shrieked when the woman’s eyes snapped to their’s and her face contorted into a scowl.
“Do I know you?” The woman asked, A!MC gulped and shook their head.
“N-no ma’am, I don’t think we’ve met...” A!MC mumbled before sticking out their hand for a handshake. The painting woman stared down at their outstretched hand, very unimpressed. “I’m A!MC, it’s nice to meet you.”
The half demon offered their cutest smile, their dad had lovingly taken the time to coach them in the art of being so darn tootin’ adorable that everyone would fall over themselves to get A!MC to like them. The moment the woman registered the smile, her scowl returned for a brief moment, then vanished entirely.
“Oh,” The woman smiled sweetly. “I do think I know you, do you mind coming a bit closer so I can see you better?”
Suffering from a complete inability to detect red flags, A!MC happily moved closer.
“Ah, just as I suspected. You look like Asmodeus.”
“You know my dad?” A!MC asked.
“Yes,” The woman’s eyes narrowed. “I know him quite well.”
A!MC was suddenly knocked off balance as a massive gust of wind shoved them closer to the painting. They frantically clawed at the stone ground as Templeton squeaked and squirmed in their pocket.
“Your father is the reason I’m stuck in this painting,” The woman explained coldly as A!MC tried to scramble away. “He escaped the labyrinth twice, but I don’t plan on letting you escape.”
“I-uh- m-muh-my dad’s probably really sorry about whatever he did! There’s no need to be rash!” A!MC stuttered.
“Yeah, no.” The woman huffed. “He had his chance to fix things. I’m getting even.”
“Not right now you’re not.”
A!MC swivelled their head around to see Barbatos calmly holding out a pair of scissors.
“Now Helene, I’d recommend releasing the child before I’m forced to take drastic measures.” Barbatos clicked the scissors together twice, and Helene paled. The wind pushing A!MC towards the painting dissipated and the half demon ran and hid behind the butler.
“Th-thank you...” A!MC mumbled.
“It’s not a problem, A!MC. Now I believe it would be a wise choice to move to another room.”
The two, (plus the hidden rat) ended up in the kitchen. A!MC shifted nervously as Barbatos began prepping lunch.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Barbatos asked suddenly, A!MC straightened their posture and nodded.
“I um... promise you won’t be mad...” A!MC mumbled.
“I can assure you, I won’t be too upset.”
“I made a friend.” A!MC took Templeton out of their pocket and held him closely to their chest, Barbatos’s calm smile froze on his face. “He’s really sweet, please don’t kill him!”
“...A!MC.” Barbatos began slowly. “I’m not mad... just make sure it doesn’t escape and run rampant... now... please get it out of my kitchen.”
“Yes sir! Thank you sir!” A!MC turned and sprinted to their room.
Ugh... Barbatos, haven’t you ever watched Ratatouille? The rat can cook dammit!
When Luke went in to bake with his second dad he was very confused as to why Barbatos looked like he was having war flashbacks.
Huh... weird right? Anyway...
Good ol’ weird uncle Solomon suggested that after dinner everyone should get together and watch a movie.
L!MC and Solomon suggested that they watch The Conjuring and that idea got immediately shot down.
M!MC brought up that the most “family get-together” movie they could think of was Star Wars.
So they watched A New Hope.
“We could be watching the Conjuring right now.” L!MC murmured as they watched Luke Skywalker fumble his way to Obi Wan Kenobi.
“Yeah.” Solomon whispered back. “You know, I met Ed and Lorraine Warren.”
“Cool,” L!MC smiled. “My ren took me to their house once, when I went in to see all the haunted objects all the demons inside wanted to hang out with me.”
“Huh,” Solomon snickered. “Did they think you were Lucifer?”
“Yep. It was funny, Annabelle’s a pretty big asshole though.”
“I’d be an asshole too if I were stuck in a raggedy Anne doll since the 60s and not allowed to leave.”
“Both of you sh!” M!MC hissed, they threw some popcorn over their shoulder, which L!MC threw right back.
A while into the movie, M!MC elbowed Solomon and pointed at one of the aliens. “That’s you.”
“I’m so hurt…” Solomon pouted.
“And that’s you.” L!MC pointed at a stormtrooper that had just gotten shot with a blaster. M!MC scoffed and rolled their eyes.
“I’m not some dumb stormtrooper.”
“Yeah, you’re a little short for a stormtrooper.”
“SHHHHHHH!” A!MC and Luke turned and started throwing their own popcorn…
The mess that they all had to vacuum after the movie was much more terrifying than The Conjuring ever could have been.
So, after a few days, Lucifer called to say that everyone was back to normal and the last remnants of the Demon-Flu were gone.
Yay! The kids could go back to their really overcrowded house!
The goodbyes were something to behold.
“Goodbye everyone! Come back sometime soon!” Diavolo waved from the doorway.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo!” L!MC smiled brightly and returned the wave. M!MC snickered and nudged them.
“That’s a pretty cold way to say goodbye to your dad-”
“Shut up…” L!MC growled.
“L!MC, what are they talking about?” Lucifer asked.
M!MC looked like they were weighing the pros and cons of surviving the conversation, then shrugged.
“M!MC, no, you have so much to live for!” A!MC pleaded.
“L!MC called Lord Diavolo dad!”
Mammon erupted into hysterical laughter while Asmo giggled and half heartedly patted L!MC on the head. Lucifer was not impressed.
“You know,” L!MC sighed. “I’m moving out. Lord Diavolo can I come live here?”
“L!MC, come back.” Lucifer trailed after his very embarrassed spawn.
A!MC pulled on their dad’s sleeve and cleared their throat.
“Yes sweetie?”
“D-dad, do you have a vehement hatred and or fear of rats?”
“Meet Templeton, he’s adorable and my friend.”
Author’s note, The next part of the main series is coming next week… or this week… idk how long things take.
(Probably this week)
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onlyangelcas · 3 years
boats and a blue-eyed birthday boy
read on ao3
The boat won’t start, because that’s just Dean’s luck. His son is inside, celebrating his 4th birthday, and his surprise gift is malfunctioning right before the big reveal.
Ever since Dean, Cas, and Jack moved out of the bunker and into their cottage-style lake house, Jack had been obsessed with the water. He was enthralled by the lake, spending hours on the dock watching the fish swim by or dipping his feet in on warm days. Cas fueled his interest by purchasing every book and guide about lake-dwelling creatures and plants.
Jack’s obsession was pushed even further when their elderly neighbor had offered to take him fishing on his boat. From that moment on, boats became all the rage in the Winchester home. Books about boats moved in next to the lake books on Jack’s bookshelf, his cowboy themed bed sheets were swapped for a set adorned with tiny sailboats. Dean and Cas had to practically restrain him from pestering their neighbor for a boat ride everyday.
That’s how Dean found himself purchasing a repaired boat from some guy in southwest Minnesota. He had made the drive to pick up the boat a few weeks ago, it was relatively affordable, not a luxury speedboat or ridiculous pontoon, but perfect for about 6 people to climb on board for a day of fishing or relaxing on the water. Dean had made a plan with El, their elderly neighbor, to keep the boat stored in his garage until Jack’s birthday. El was happy to help, even took apart the motor to make sure everything was working and got it in the water that morning to surprise Jack.
Now, Dean is huffing over the damn thing, trying to decipher why it won’t start. Everyone else, including El, the only person that could actually help him, is inside trying to keep Jack distracted while Dean preps the boat.
“Shit,” Dean curses, after another failed attempt at turning the engine over.
He slams his forehead into the steering wheel, frustrated tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. Four was the worst year of Dean’s life, for obvious reasons, and he wanted to make sure that Jack’s fourth year was everything that his wasn’t. He knows it’s stupid, to get this worked up over a freaking boat, but this boat was so much more than that. It was a promise to Jack that he would always be there, he would always love him. So if he’s a little emotional over the possibility that this boat will ruin his son’s very important 4th birthday, who can blame him?
Dean turns his face toward the sky, the sun peaking through the tree branches to warm his skin. He thinks this is a moment he would pray, if he had anyone to pray to. Considering his two favorite angels are already inside the house, it seems kind of arbitrary. Instead he just looks at the sky, watches puffy white clouds drift by lazily, and wonders pointlessly about what he did to deserve this.
“Looks like you could use some help.” Says a gravelly voice Dean instantly recognizes as belonging to El.
He runs a hand across his face, quickly wiping away any evidence of tears. “You think you can get this thing going?”
“I should have told you earlier, you got to give it some gas as you turn the key.” El says simply, nudging Dean out of the way before pressing his foot to the accelerator and starting the boat.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Dean declares, slapping a hand to the other man’s back. “I thought the day was ruined.”
El laughs, adjusting his trucker cap and turning to face Dean with a serious look. “Boy, you think this boat not running would have ruined the day?”
Dean cocks his head to the side slightly, a mannerism he’s picked up from Cas after all these years. “Would have been a bummer if Jack’s surprise tanked.”
“You coulda given that kid an old thing with a couple of paddles and he woulda been ecstatic.” El smiles, clapping his shoulder affectionately. “All he really wants is something to share with you.”
In moments like these, El reminds him of Bobby so much that it almost knocks the wind out of him. There’s a lump in Dean’s throat, he quickly turns his head toward the ground and lets out a wet laugh.
“You and Cas,” El starts again. “And I guess Sam helped out, too. You guys raised that boy right, he doesn’t need things to be happy, he just needs people.”
Dean looks up, his glossy eyes meeting El’s, he gives him a soft smile. “Now, how’s about we go get that kid and show him his gift.”
“Yeah,” Dean laughs. “It’s showtime.”
El promises to keep watch of the boat while Dean jogs back up to the house. He pulls open the backdoor and immediately bumps into Kaia, who is looking at him guilty with her hands tight around Claire’s waist.
“Really? This is a birthday party for a 4 year old.” Dean attempts to scold, but there’s no real heat to it.
“Sorry!” Kaia yells as Claire says, “Who died and made you a patron saint?”
Dean laughs loudly at that, pressing a kiss to the side of Claire’s head as he passes. He makes his way into the kitchen, where Sam and Eileen are putting the finishing touches on Jack’s birthday cake.
Where’s Cas? He signs when Eileen catches his eye.
Living room. She signs back, giving him a warm smile.
He can hear Rowena’s laughter filling the room before he even steps over the threshold. She’s standing to the side of the living room, deep in conversation with Jody and Donna. Jack is on the floor with Alex, talking animatedly while he secures one of her braids with a bright pink hair tie. Jack’s wearing a red cowboy hat with a t-shirt that says ‘This is my 4th rodeo’, the shirt was Cas’ idea, along with the matching ‘Jack’s 4th Rodeo’ shirts that everyone in attendance is adorning.
Cas is perched on the sofa, watching Jack and Alex with a fond look in his eyes. Dean slides his hand across Cas’ shoulders and bends down to plant a sweet kiss against his lips. “It’s go time.”
Cas smiles excitedly as Dean sticks his hands under Jack’s armpits and pulls him to his feet. He reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a bandana that he begins to fasten over Jack’s eyes.
“Alright everyone, it’s time for Jack’s big surprise.” Dean says as he secures the bandana around Jack’s head. “Head out to the backyard so we can show our birthday boy his present.”
Everyone files out the backdoor and into the yard behind the house. Dean and Cas each take one of Jack’s hands in their own, leading him toward the dock.
“Okay buddy,” Cas says once the three of them reach the rocky shoreline, the rest of their family gathered behind them. “You ready?”
“Yes! I’m ready!” Jack nearly squeals.
Sam has his phone out, no doubt recording the moment so no one ever forgets it, as if they ever would.
“Everyone countdown with me,” Dean says, reaching for the bandana.
“Three… two… one!” The group counts off in unison as Dean releases the bandana in one swoop.
Jack stands there slack-jawed and in awe for a moment, clearly overwhelmed by the sight in front of him. “A boat?” He asks more than states.
“Yeah, baby, it’s for you.” Dean says, a little confused by the 4 year old’s reaction.
Jack turns to him and Cas, his hands still holding tightly onto theirs. “Our boat?”
“Yeah, Jack, your daddy picked it out for us.” Cas states, running a hand through Jack’s hair.
Jack releases both of their hands then, throwing his arms around Dean’s neck so aggressively that he tumbles from his crouched position onto his butt. “Thank you daddy!”
Dean buries his face into Jack’s neck, hiding his suddenly teary eyes, and says, “Happy birthday kiddo.”
Jack pulls away and places his small hands on the sides of Dean’s face before leaning in and pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek. “I love you daddy.”
Dean huffs a wet laugh, looking over Jack’s shoulder to see his family watching with eyes as shiny as his own.
“I love you more, Jack.” He says, smacking an equally sloppy kiss to his forehead. “Now, how ‘bout we take it for a spin?”
“Papa too?” Jack asks, eyes lighting up.
Dean looks up at Cas, who has tears slipping unashamedly down his cheeks, and smiles. “Yeah, papa too.”
After they get Jack secured in his life vest, he takes his spot at the front of the boat, kneeling on the seat and leaning precariously over the edge to watch the boat carve through the water. Cas is seated next to him, one hand looped tightly in the back of his life vest, and Dean is at the wheel. The sun is setting over the horizon, reflecting off the lake and painting them in a picture-perfect orange glow.
Jack looks back at Dean, his blonde hair curling slightly from the spray of the boat, his gap-toothed smile is wide and unapologetic. Cas is looking at him, too, affection and love spilling over every feature, his mouth turned up in a lopsided grin.
“I hope I can be 4 forever!” Jack yells, letting out a wild laugh as Cas reaches over to tickle his neck.
Dean knows, somewhere in the back of this mind, that he should be worried that Jack is getting older. One day he’ll grow up, probably move away, and their house will no longer be littered with plastic sailboats and tiny socks discarded around every corner. At this moment, though, he can’t find it in himself to worry. Jack won’t be 4 forever, but he’s sitting in front of Dean with a smile like sunshine, toothy and perfect, laughing raucously, unashamed in his joy, and that will always be enough.
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santigarcia · 3 years
Kissing Kitten 😽
Human Touch Part Nine
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight
word count: 1.6k
rating: M for smut, dirty talk, mentions of daddy kink, phone sex, sexual situations (pls don’t read unless ur 18+!)
summary: Nathan leaves for a business trip and you stay at home, but he finds ways to take care of you even when he’s gone. 
a/n: thank you all so much for reading this series! let me know what yall think! thank you to @punkpascal and @sergeantkane as always!! and to @aellynera for yelling at me to post on time!! there’s only one more part after this! if you’ve read all these i really appreciate you!! 
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For the first time since the wedding, Nathan has left the compound. He has a business meeting with the board of Bluebook. He’s preparing to launch his latest tech. The smart home device he’s been working on, Etta. You’d have gone with him, but you wanted to let him work. He wanted your company, but he also knew he’d be working, and you’d spend a lot of time alone.
He texts you though, especially during the board meetings. Begging you for a nude selfie.
“Kitten, I already saw that one,” he’d text back. He wants you to take a new one. You play along, but that’s when you get an idea.
You send him a text: Sugar daddy wanted.
He’s quick to write back: Sugar daddy acquired.
You can’t help but giggle when you see his response. You’re curled up in bed, wearing one of his shirts. Because of the time difference, it’s bedtime for you but the afternoon for him.
Text: I’m so bored daddy.
Reply: You need someone to take care of you Kitten?
Text: Please?
Reply: There’s a box in the closet baby, go get it.
You push back the blankets as you step out of the bed with piqued curiosity. You open the closet to see a box the size of a shoebox. Your name is written on the top in Nathan’s all caps handwriting. With the box in hand, you go back over to the bed to see a new text from Nathan telling you not to open it until he gets back to his hotel room.
You want to open it now, but you know he’ll know somehow if you did. So, you slide under the blankets again and drift off. You might as well nap before he’s done with his meeting.
Your phone rings a few hours later, and it’s a facetime call. Happily, you answer to see your husband’s face.
“Hey kitten,” he smiles. He’s leaning back against the headboard of his bed. His shirt is off, and he looks damp from a fresh shower.
“Hi baby,” you smile and turn on a bedside lamp.
“Did I wake you?” he frowns slightly.
“Yes, but it’s ok, I miss you!”
“I miss you kitten,” he rubs his hand over his head. “This shit is so boring.”
You laugh. “How’s it going though?”
“Fine.” He pauses and looks down over the rim of his glasses. “Did you open the box?”
“No,” you smile, holding it up. “You told me not to!”
“Good girl. Open it,” he nods.
Inside the small box are a few objects. The first thing you notice right away is a dildo. You hold it up and he quirks a proud brow.
“You’re gonna use that in a minute kitten,” he tells you, and you can’t see where his hand goes, but he’s starting to lazily stroke his cock.
“Is this the one we made?” you laugh at the memory.
“Oh yeah it is,” he smirks, and lets out a soft whine. He’s thinking about it too.
He’d called you down to his lab one afternoon, he’d been in there all day and you’d not heard from him. So, when he called you it was a surprise, you thought he was going to use you as a guinea pig for his smart home device he’s testing named Etta. He’s getting close to finishing her, and you agreed to help him with the trials. But this wasn’t it.
You walked in the lab, pushed on the glass door, it was cool under your fingertips. Inside the room however, it was quite warm. Warmer than normal. Nathan stood in the middle of the room, hand on his hard cock, pumping himself slowly.
“Nathan?” you laughed and flushed despite coming in here and seeing weirder things. And you’ve done crazier things with him before.
“Good you’re here,” he said.
“What are you doing?”
“Making a mold of my dick. Here,” he tapped the table, indicating for you to hop up on it. “Strip. Let’s go let’s go,” he taps the table quicker.
“Ok ok!” you scoffed a little, but you figured he had a reason. “Why do I need to be naked for you to make a mold of your-“
“I need to stay hard while the mold is on me kitten.” He reached for a tube filled with a solution. Once you were naked, he positioned himself inside the tube. He let out a soft gasp at the change of temperature and focused in on you. “Ok, go.” He nodded his head at you.
“Pardon?” you started to step off the counter when he winced again.
“Touch yourself baby, please.”
You wanted to gloat, but you didn’t want to ruin his project. But then, you thought maybe some gloating might turn him on a little.
You were shy the first and second time he asked you to touch yourself in front of him, but by now you’d gotten quite good at putting on a show for your husband. He moaned watching your fingers move.
“How long do you have to stay hard for?”
“Five minutes. But it’s not so easy when this thing is fuckin’ cold.”
You kept going. And you were seconds away from coming when Nathan’s timer went off. He gently pulled himself out of it and reached for you.
“Oh no, you are not touching me until that stuff is off you.”
He promptly ignored you and shoved your hand away. He knelt on the ground and buried his face in between your legs. His moans and beard added to your pleasure, and you came when you heard him groan deeply. He came untouched, his cum dripped onto the floor and down his length.
You’d not seen the dildo until now that it’s in your hands.
“Fuck, I wish I was there to push it into you,” Nathan sighs. “But since you can’t have the real me-“
You smile and set the dildo on the bed next to you. You continue going through the box. Inside there’s a bottle of lube, some new lingerie, and a small scrap of paper. It has information about picking up something tomorrow.
“Make sure you’re awake, you can’t miss this delivery,” he tells you over the phone. “Now, please baby. Can I see you?”
You pull off your shirt, and he groans.
“Fuck look at you. Do they miss me?”
You purse your lips together, wanting to roll your eyes at his joke, but yes- yes you miss him touching your tits. So, so badly.
“I’m not going to dignify that with an answer,” you grin.
“So that’s a yes then. Ok, baby, touch ‘em. Please, fuck.”
His hand slides up and down his cock in full view of you while you touch your chest for him. You do everything he asks, but you start to tell him what to do as well.
Soon you’ve got the dildo ready and he moans louder than you when you slide it in. It’s strange to feel it, because you know it’s not him, but you can tell it was made from him. It fills you just the same.
“How’s it feel baby?��
“Thick,” you moan, clenching around it. “But I miss your warmth,” you tell him honestly. And you do, you miss his heat, not just physically, but the passion. It’s there now, only virtual.
“Remember when we used to have phone sex when you still lived at home? And start moving that that kitten.”
You moan doing as he asks and tell him yes you remember.
“I tried to hide my posters of you from you,” you laugh then moan again.
“Posters? Plural? Oh fuck!”
“Are you about to come from that?” you can’t help but giggle.
“Fuck, you were so cute when you were all shy and crushing on me.”
That pulled a moan from you.
“You like that kitten? Remember when you were so shy? Fuck, you let me take your virginity baby.”
You want to watch him, but you throw your head back, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Look at me kitten,” he demands, and you open your eyes. “Come. Now,” his voice drops, and you can’t help but relax and let your body release. He watches you in delight squeeze around the gift he made you. It sends him over, and it’s your turn to delight in the pleasure look on his face, and his cum on his tight stomach.
“I miss you,” you gasp, catching your breath.
“Fuck, me too baby. But that was sexy as fuck,” he grins, and you nod in agreement. “Now, go back to sleep baby. Don’t forget about that delivery tomorrow.”
You set an alarm as soon as you get off the phone with him. When you’ve cleaned up and curled back in bed, you smile wondering what on earth he could have sent you.
The next morning you wake and get dressed to see about the delivery. You make the small walk to the field where the helicopter comes with your weekly deliveries of food and whatever else the two of you need.
The pilot hands you a box, and it says not to open until you get back to the compound.
But you can hear what’s inside before you do.
You gasp softly and walk quickly back to the compound and open the box as soon as you step inside, and the door is closed behind you.
Inside is a little black kitten. He has on a little blue collar, and the name tag says “Prometheus.” He’s a little jumpy from being flown in, but before you know it, he’s happy and exploring around his new home.
You pick him up and cuddle him and give him a kiss on his little head. With him in your arms, you look in side the box again. There’s a towel and another note.
All it says is “a kitten for my kitten.”
tagging: @pascal-isaac, @wasicskosgirl, @velvetmel0n, @huliabitch, @shadow-assassin-blix, @writefightandflightclub, @aellynera, @softboywriting​, @veuliee2​, @spider-starry​, @mylifeliterally​, @millllenniawrites​, @ntlmundy​, @foxilayde, @writingletterstothefire​, @mandoplease​, @anetteaneta​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @artsymaddie​, @shakespeareanwannabe​, @poedameronsbeard​, @deanfanatic67​, @magicsuperheroes​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @that-one-weird-one​, @mariesackler, @yourbucky084​, @woakiees​
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99liv3s · 3 years
The Game
"Wanna play this new game I found while cleaning the attic??" Michael asked his friends, Jane and Danielle... he pulled out a small, old looking thin box and placed it on the table.
"What is it??" Danielle asked, eyeing the thin box curiously.
"It's called "Happenstance", Michael replied. "I found it buried in an old closet up there... doesn't look like anyone's touched it in years!! My grandparents must have played it once or something!"
As Michael was explaining this, Jane has pulled out the contents of the box: a game board with a straightforward trail made up of squares, a rather large deck of cards, and a 6-sided die, along with a sheet of instructions that she was now looking over.
"Happenstance, the game where what happens, happens!" She read aloud.  "The rules are simple... Roll the die, move that many number of spaces forward, then draw a card." "Whatever is written on the drawn card must and will happen, then it's the next player's turn." "The first player to reach the end wins the game!"
"That's all??" Danielle asked. "Sounds easy enough, almost boring!"
"There's another note in these instructions, Jane stated and read, "There are many gifts and curses throughout the game, but the player that reaches the end and wins will get their fondest wish come true!"
"Uh-huh yeah," Danielle replied skeptically, "You know what, why not??" "There's nothing to do around here anyway while the internet is being fixed... It might be fun!"
Michael and Jane both nodded and murmured in agreement... it couldn't hurt to try out this "harmless" game for a bit of fun.
After about 10 minutes of setup, the three of them had chosen a game piece and had set each of them on the start square, and Jane had placed the deck of cards in the center of the board as indicated. They then agreed that, since Michael had found the game, he should go first.
"Well, here goes nothing," He said, and rolled the die.  He moved his piece, then drew a card.
"Do not worry or celebrate, for this card does...nothing!!" Michael read. "Well, that's disappointing!!"
The 3 of them laughed! "Well, my turn now!!" Jane said and rolled.
"Your next action will be unsuccessful!" Her card said when she drew it. "What does that mean?? There are no actions in this game, other than rolling... what gives?" Jane complained.
The other two shrugged, then Jane started to take a drink of her water... instead, the bottle slipped, causing her to spill it all over her.  As she sputtered and Michael laughed, Danielle glanced back at Jane's card...
"Your next action... you tried to drink and were unsuccessful..." Danielle began
"Oh, ha ha," Jane replied. "That was a simple coincidence... honestly, there doesn't seem to be much to this game!"
Danielle grabbed the die and took her turn, rolling the highest number and taking the lead.  Then, she drew her card.
"You are pregnant!" The card read. Danielle and her friends giggled after she read it out loud.  "It will rapidly advance, and a long painful birth will happen within the next hour!"
Jane shook her head, sighing. "Ok, I'm done, I think."  I don't see the point of continuing this useless game!"
Michael was chuckling at Jane, but Danielle suddenly doubled over, clutching her stomach!! She felt uncomfortable, and once Michael and Jane finally noticed something was wrong, they rushed over to her side. What they saw made all three of their eyes go wide!!  Danielle had a bump... a very large baby bump.  She looked 9 months pregnant.
"OH MY GOD!!" Danielle screamed!! "I'm...I'm Pregnant??!!" "How did this happen??"
Her friends stood and stared at her in shock as she rubbed her now large belly, gasping. "I...I can feel it moving!!"
Michael ran over to the box and grabbed the instructions.  "IT'S TRUE!" He exclaimed... "This game can make actual stuff happen!!"  "It's cursed!!"
"We gotta stop playing right now!!" Jane cried!!
"But, what about me??" Danielle cried. "How do I not be pregnant anymore??"
"I found something," Michael said, scanning the instructions. "There's a note at the bottom that says that all effects caused by the game will disappear when someone wins and the game ends." He looked up. "So, we gotta keep playing and finish the game, then Danielle's pregnancy will disappear!"
"But, Jane began "but, won't we be risking other things happening to us if we keep playing??"
"We have no choice," Michael said, as Danielle sobbed. "If we stop now, Danielle gives birth, and she's too young to become a mother!!"
They all looked at Danielle, who was indeed barely 14 years old, and the 3 of them nodded. They would continue.  As the three of them sat again around the game board, however, Danielle looked again at her card, specifically the part that said "A long painful birth within the hour"...could they finish the game before that happened??
And so they played, for the next 30 minutes, Danielle absentmindedly rubbing her pregnant belly, the three of them no longer laughing.  As the game continued, Michael had taken the lead, though none of them no longer cared who won in the end.  Michael had witnessed a small sum of money seemingly appear out of nowhere when a card told him to expect good fortune, but he also got a spider bite, also after the game had told him it would happen. Jane wasn't as lucky... she drew a card that caused her a slight sneezing fit, and then toward the middle of the game, she drew her own pregnant card, and the three watched as Jane's belly grew just as Danielle's had done.
Finally, the three of them were reaching the end of the game, though it now seemed as though they were all rolling low numbers.  The three friends were sweating bullets, for though Jane was 17, the same age as Michael, and therefore was at an age where she could probably give birth safely... she still didn't want to become a mother. But, the real worry was Danielle... she was too young and a quite small girl.  Could she even survive childbirth??
There were only a handful of squares left in front of all of their game pieces when Danielle first started feeling the pains.  She suddenly cried out and began moaning, clutching her belly.  Michael rolled the die for his turn nervously as his friend cried... he rolled a 1!!
"Shit!!" He exclaimed, as Danielle whined and cried, Jane kneeling beside her.  "It's alright," She coached.
"IT HURTS!!!" Danielle moaned!!
"You will experience what it is like behind the eyes of the opposite sex!!" Michael read, realizing too late what that meant.  He gasped in horror as his hair grew, boobs sprouted on his chest, and he could feel his sex organs changing.  Danielle sobbed even harder in fear and pain.
"Jane, take your turn, hurry," Michael said, shocked to hear his voice much higher pitched than before.
Waddling back to the game board, trying to ignore Danielle's sobs, Jane tossed the die.  She was disheartened to see that she was one square away from the winning spot.
"Your current greatest fear will be realized!" The card said.  The instant Jane finished reading it, Danielle let out a wail, and everyone heard a splashing sound... Danielle's water had broken!!
"OH GOD, I NEED TO PUSH!!" Danielle yelled out immediately.  Michael rushed over to her, shaking her head. "You can't," she said. "You gotta fight that urge... here, take your turn!!"  "If you win, this all goes away!!"
As Danielle panted and moaned, her friends were unsure if she would even be able to take her turn in her condition. But, Danielle was finally able to let the die drop out of her hand.  As another contraction hit, Michael moved Danielle's piece for her and drew her card.
"The current event in your life speeds up!" The card said.  Danielle screamed as overwhelming pressure hit her!! Jane pulled down Danielle's wet shorts and underwear to see that a baby's head was already starting to crown.  Danielle screamed louder as she felt the burning sensation in her vagina!!
"OH GOD, It's BIG!!" Jane remarked, wide eyed, as she stared at the baby's head peeking out of Danielle!!
Michael grabbed the die and took her turn, hoping with all hope that she could win this game!! The die landed on 6, and Michael quickly moved her piece to the end square, yelling out "IT'S OVER, I WIN!!" hoping that would make it so.
Suddenly, in the blink of the eye, Michael was male again, and Jane and Danielle's pregnant bellies vanished.  Danielle lay on the floor sobbing, her vagina still exposed, but with no baby head in it.  The three friends were shaking in relief and fear, and no one moved for quite a while.  Finally, after about 20 minutes, they slowly came back to themselves.  Danielle slowly rose up and attempted to put her shorts back on, and Michael turned to read a message that had appeared on the win square next to his piece.
"Congratulations, you have won Happenstance!! We hope you enjoyed playing our game! Your greatest wish that you were thinking off at the moment your piece touched the win square has already come true. We hope you had a unique experience with our game, and will play it again soon."
Michael realized that, technically, his wish had come true, for his wish upon winning the game was for this nightmare to simply end, and it had.  As Jane put her arm around Danielle, who was still shaking, Michael grabbed up all the contents of the game, put them all back in the box, and then tossed the box into the fire in the fireplace.  
"Come on, let's go.... anywhere away from here!!" He said to his friends.
It was 2 days later when Michael moved into a new house, closer to his friends.  A young woman named Chelsea moved into Michael's old house with her new husband!! One day, she cleaned the dirty fireplace, to discover a boardgame sized box, only slightly burned, with the title "Happenstance" on it!!
The End!
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simonfarnabyslegs · 3 years
for the ask game: Julian, Captain and Humphrey! :)
a song that reminds me of them: a cop out, since this one is canon. any time i hear "i'll make love to you," i think of him singing that at music club (and also mary going "i don't want him toooo" lol). i also feel like he would LOVE britney spears's music.
what they smell like: really expensive but really bad aftershave and too much cologne. also alcohol and sex. but the first thing you notice is the bad aftershave.
an otp: him and robin. there is no other acceptable pairing. i do think it would be funny if he and fanny had a thing though. or him and the captain (alison walks in on them doing something and the captain just yells "WE'RE JUST A COUPLE OF CHAPS IN THE LIBRARY" while julian isn't even trying to keep what they were just doing a secret).
a notp: uhhh him and kitty. she's the only one i would be mad about tbh.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: the way he's like a really awful, bad-influence uncle to alison.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i can't think of one. we all generally agree that he's a hilarious bastard man and come up with stuff accordingly.
the position they sleep in: he sleeps in the exact middle of the bed, or he starts out on one side, since he's used to sharing in life, but gradually spreads out, and if anyone else tried to sleep in the same bed as him they'd be really annoyed because he always manages to hog so much space and leave them barely hanging onto the edge.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: very unoriginal, but i'd love to see a horrible histories stupid deaths segment with him.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: we've seen a couple now actually, unlike some of the other ghosts. but i really do prefer the no trousers look and anything else is slightly unsettling if i'm honest.
the captain
a song that reminds me of them: i really can't think of one. the captain isn't one of my favourite characters so i don't really think a lot about him when i listen to music. sorry.
what they smell like: weirdly, i think he smells like nothing. like. unsettlingly so. you almost want him to smell like something, but he just. doesn't. he's very clean, but he doesn't even smell like soap. it's just. an empty air smell, if you can describe it as such. he smokes, too, so you'd expect a tobacco smell or a smoke smell, but even that isn't there. this man just smells like nothing.
an otp: i don't ship him with any of the other ghosts in the house. i do think him and julian hooking up exactly one (1) time could lead to multiple hilarious comedic possibilities, but i don't want them to be in a relationship.
a notp: i saw someone shipping him with fanny and just... no. that doesn't make any sense.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i love how he's just got that Dad Instinct. he looked at kitty and alison and went "isn't anyone going to father these young ladies?" and didn't wait for an answer.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the patcaps ship.
the position they sleep in: series 1 cap slept board-straight in the bed, almost like he was standing at attention. series 3 cap probably sleeps curled up on his side, or on his stomach, or curled up all nice and comfy.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: young wwi era cap in series 2 of downton abbey. i don't know if i'd like to see him turn up as a young man in the trenches or one of the patients at downton, or maybe as a medical officer like thomas barrow, in the lower ranks, helping out in the background.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: *gestures* this?
a song that reminds me of them: "blue caravan" by vienna teng. after all the "mr. cheese" stuff, i got to thinking about how he probably has a lot of time to imagine the different lives he could have had if circumstances had been different, and this song is about imagining the perfect supportive, caring partner, but realising that they're not real and it's just a foolish self delusion. or perhaps a lighter, more hopeful version of the same theme, "jackie and wilson" by hozier, where the narrator once again imagines a partner and an ideal life which they haven't achieved yet, but they're still holding out for.
what they smell like: okay so tudors only bathed like once every six to eight weeks or something like that. they believed baths were bad for them. not only that, wealthy tudors' diets were appalling. so unfortunately he probably doesn't smell great. (but luckily i've never had much of a sense of smell, so.....)
an otp: him and someone who actually likes him and wants to talk to him and spend time with him. so far we haven't seen that, so for now i'll keep making up random ocs to set him up with.
a notp: him and thomas, since thomas is so horrible to him.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i'd love to see him be yet another dad to alison, or to kitty.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the whole humphrey and jemima thing because a lot of the stuff is either really fucking uncomfortable, or the people who write it make it weird by babying jemima. she's 11-12 years old and they treat her like she's four years old and that just feels really weird to me. obviously she's a kid and she should be treated like one, but there's also such a thing as age appropriate parenting. also i'm pretty sure jemima is meant to be one of john's kids who also died of the plague so like. acting like she's all alone and hasn't got any parents or anyone at all is so confusing to me because if she's one of john's kids, she's got like twenty parents. we just don't see her with the plague ghosts because like any kid, she probably goes off and plays away from her parents during the day. anyway.
the position they sleep in: when he was alive i feel like he would fall asleep in a normal position, on his back or on his side, but when his valet or whoever went to wake him up in the morning, he was always like, hanging off the bed or laying at a weird angle and they were always like "how the fuck did he even get like that." in death, like. his head just sleeps however it was set down or dropped. and i'm a fan of your headcanon that the body just collapses wherever it is when his head falls asleep.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: forgive me for saying downton abbey again but i'm doing a rewatch with one of my friends. i'm gonna throw him into the edwardian era as some random gentleman cousin and he and lady edith are going to be poor, pitiful, unlucky-in-love besties who bond over all the ridiculously tragic shit that's happened to them and how they always get bullied or left out of things.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: he technically only has one outfit (damn the bbc for putting the whole costuming budget into the georgian episode instead of the tudor one. /j), but i like the dressed down version where he's just in the white shirt and the breeches. he looks. very handsome. in that scene. ahem.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Can you do a modern zuko x male reader where they vlog their day or they go on vacation. It’s okay if you can’t
a/n: ahhhh thanksies anonnie! i’ll try my best. zuko and m/n are camera transitions kings, i also have no idea on how airports work bc i’ve never been to one 💀💀, for their hotel room think of it was one of the waikiki resort hotel rooms w/ a balcony, i had fun with this!! lemme know if yall want a part 2!
lets get it yall!
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“Hello, Zuko here. Welcome back to our channel. So tomorrow we’re going to Hawaii and we’re gonna take you guys with us.” Zuko said as he shot finger guns to the camera. “Right now, M/N is in the bathroom packing the last bit of his things. He’s a procrastinator.” Zuko commented. “YOU ACT LIKE YOU DIDN’T WAKE UP AT 5AM TO EVEN START PACKING.” M/N’s voice yelled from the bathroom. “He’s a liar don’t listen to him. He’s hangry.” Zuko said as he smiled.
“I’m hangry?” M/N walked to him. “Hey hey wait.” Zuko said as he turned the camera to record him. “C’mere. Imma teach you a lesson, boy.” M/N said as he rolled up his sleeves. “No wait you don’t haVE TO.” Zuko squealed as M/N threw him over his shoulder. “PUT ME DOWN!” Zuko yelled as he banged his fists on his back. “Nah you can’t talk mess like that and expect me to not attack you.” M/N teased as he walked out of frame. Zuko yelped as M/N dropped him in a chair. He started tickling him. Zuko busted out laughing. “B-Babe no!” Zuko exclaimed as he rolled the chair back. He slid back into frame with M/N tickling his sides. “Shut up and feel my wrath, pretty boy.” M/N cackled as Zuko squirmed around.
“I’m gonna piss my PANTS STOP.” Zuko cried out between laughs. M/N stopped and pressed a kiss to his lips. Zuko hummed with a soft smile. “We’re gonna edit that out?” Zuko asked. “Keep it in. They deserve to see how cute you look when you laugh.” M/N said. Zuko scoffed and slapped his arm. “Shut up. My image will be ruined.” Zuko said dramatically. “What image? You realize our fans have edits of you smiling and laughing?” M/N said as Zuko looked at him. “They do?” He whispered. M/N snorted. “Yeah they do. You’re on Twitter everyday, Zu. What do you think those profile pictures are?” M/N whispered back, amused. M/N watched as Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. He started laughing when Zuko’s face dropped. “Cut the camera, deadass. I’m an idiot, hold on.” Zuko whined as he ran a hand down his face. M/N kneeled down laughing. “It wasn’t that funny stop itttt.” Zuko said as he used his hand to cover his face. He gently kicked M/N’s side, causing him to wheeze.
“I’m turning off the camera. See you guys tomorrow, I’m tired of getting clowned.” Zuko mumbled with a small smile. “It’s just that you looked so fucking confused, I couldn’t handle it.” M/N cried. “Bye.” Zuko said as M/N raised his hand to wave. He covered the camera with his hand.
M/N uncovered the camera with his hand. “And we’re back at the asscrack of dawn. It’s M/N here. Our plane is at 6am and we’re up at 3am. I already hate life.” He said as he wiped his eye. “Same here. Also why are you still wearing that bandana you can put on your durag. Isn’t that better for you?” Zuko commented as he looked at the f/c bandana. “Nigga why you still wearing that shirt you can put on your hoodie. Isn’t that better for you?” M/N said as he looked at Zuko. Zuko scrunched his nose and pushed M/N’s face away. “This is why we don’t speak early in the morning. His mouth is so rude.” Zuko whined. “You fell in love with me because of this mouth, sir.” M/N said. “Shush.” Zuko said as he covered M/N’s mouth. “Kinky.” His muffled voice said. Zuko groaned and wiped his hand off on M/N’s hoodie.
“I hate you.”
“Stop lying to yourself. You love me.”
“Yeah.... Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?? Guess I’ll just run away then.”
“Have fun.”
“You’re an asshole.” M/N chuckled. Zuko hummed with a smile. “But please change that bandana you look goofy with it.” Zuko said. “Garsh.” M/N commented as he set the camera down. He ducked out of frame and went to grab his durag. Zuko fixed his messy bun and threw on a hoodie. “Is that mine?” M/N asked from out of frame. “Yeah. Cry about it.” Zuko said, earning a pillow to the face. “Bitch.”
“Oh we’re talking about ourselves now?” M/N said with a false sense of surpise. “Low blow you lil shit.” Zuko grumbled. “I’m leaving you and asking Sokka to come with me instead.” He said. “Tah. You think Sokka’s gonna wake up at 3:30 in the morning on a Saturday? He’d skin you alive.” M/N commented. “Somewhere in the distant he woke up sneezing.” Zuko said dramatically. M/N chuckled. He picked up the camera and adjusted his backpack strap. “Autobots roll out.” He said, making Zuko rolled his eyes. “See yall in the airport, teehee.” M/N said as he held his hand up. “Did you have to say teehee like that.” Zuko said. “Stop shitting on my parade before I fart on your pillow.” M/N said. “You’re disgusting, why do I date you?” Zuko grimaced. “Because you’re stupidly in love with me and you’re whipped for my stupid ass.” M/N sang.
“N. e. ways. Before I was so rudely interrupted by this big baby—”
“I’m NOT a baby.”
“Uh I’m not finished—”
“I’m a grown MAN.”
“Oh my god, can you let me do what I need to do.”
“Go on.”
“Okay damn. As I was sayin—”
“I just think—”
“I’m gonna beat you with a tiki torch, Zuko. Shut UP. Let me do the fucking transition, fireboy.”
Zuko bit his lip to hide his smile. M/N huffed before smiling at the camera. Zuko waved. “See y’all in a few!” M/N said before covering the camera with his hand.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “Well hello there again. We’re in the airport now. It’s too bright in here.” He said quietly. “This tastes like shit. Like it makes me depressed even drinking it but caffeine.” M/N said as he grimaced at the taste. “I told you to not buy that brand. You don’t listen.” Zuko commented as he balanced the camera ontop of his suitcase. “It’s not even brand coffee.” He mumbled. “What is it then?” Zuko asked as he fixed his bun. “You wanna try?” He asked as he handed him the cup. Zuko took a sip and gagged. “That’s gonna give you some type of heart disease what the fuck is that? It tastes horrible!” Zuko exclaimed as he pushed the cup away. “Just a shit ton of caffeine shots and 5 hour energy.” M/N said.
“Jesus fucking christ. How do you drink that crap? Give that to me. I’m getting you actual coffee so you don’t die of high blood pressure before the age of 50.” Zuko said, snatching the cup away. “Zukooooo.” M/N whined. Zuko stood up. “This is basically gasoline. As a matter of fact, no more coffee for you. I’m supposed to be the coffee addict but this here is death in a cup. I’m getting you go gurt or some shit.” He said as he left. “He’s a hater he just took my gasoline.” M/N whined. He sucked his teeth and grimaced. “It was pure fuel. Can you get high off of caffeine? I mean it is an adrenaline.” He said as he fixed his durag.
Soon Zuko came back with a water bottle and a smoothie. He sat down. “Drink some water to wash that god awful mix out.” Zuko said, tossing it to him. “You couldn’t hand it to me?” M/N mumbled as he opened it and drank some, swishing it around his mouth before drinking it. “What flavour’s the smoothie?” He asked. “Piña colada.” Zuko said as he gave it to him. “But aren’t we gonna have that in Hawaii?” He asked again. “Stop complaining before I take it.” Zuko groaned. M/N shook his head before drinking the smoothie. “See you guys soon.” Zuko said, covering the camera.
There was a montage of Zuko and M/N, going through baggage claim and boarding the plane before Zuko turned the camera to face them. They waved at the camera. Zuko covered it again.
M/N uncovered the camera. “Hey girl hey, I’m in a plane.” He said. “That was awful.” Zuko grumbled as he adjusted his seatbelt. “When will you brighten up? Is it because you’re pastey?” M/N asked. “Pastey? I’m not pastey.” Zuko said. “You need some vitamin D? The sun? That good ol melanin? Cuz your panties are in a twist.” M/N teased. Zuko only rolled his eyes.
M/N recorded the plane taking lift off. There was a monatage of the plane getting higher and higher off the ground till clouds started to show. He turned the camera to show him and Zuko. Zuko rubbed his eye and waved. M/N only smiled and pressed a kiss to Zuko’s cheek. Zuko closed his eyes and smiled. He covered the camera.
He uncovered the camera to show Zuko hugging his arm while sleeping. He cooed. “See how cute he is when he sleeps? Lil chubby ass cheeks. Lookin like a dumpling. I can’t even turn on my laptop because he’s hugging my arm. He’s just so....” M/N trailed off to fondly smile at him. He pressed a kiss ontop of Zuko’s head. “Since I’m editing this video before it comes out y’all gonna see some real mushy shit because we are simply two stupid guys in love. I know some of y’all just gon eat this shit up. See y’all in Hawaii.” He said softly before covering the camera.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “We’re in a car and M/N’s out like a light.” He said as he showed M/N’s head on his shoulder. “I like him when he’s quiet sometimes. S’nice. Forgot to mention we’re in Hawaii now.” He said as he showed the scenery that passed them by as they sat in the cab. “I can practically feel the jet lag so we’ll probably stop filming after we show you our hotel room and continue tomorrow.” Zuko said, leaning his cheek ontop of M/N’s head. “We’ll be back.” He said before swiping his hand down the camera.
Zuko’s hand swiped down the camera revealing their shoes walking down the sidewalk. There was a montage of them walking into the hotel, checking in, going up the elevator and walking to their room.
“Time for the big reveal.” M/N said as he held the keycard. Zuko hummed as he swiped the keycard and opened the door. They gasped as they looked at how cute the room was. “Bro... this is...” M/N said as he held the door open for Zuko. He walked inside showing the camera the whole room. “Cute.” Zuko mumbled. “Better than our room.” M/N said as he closed the door. M/N placed his luggage in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed belly first. “Holy shit, Zu baby come HERE.” His muffled voice said. “Why what happened?” Zuko asked as he went to sit on the bed. “Oh my god.” He said.
“I know. Yeah no we’re gonna sleep and cuddle the rest of the day cut the camera.” M/N said as he turned to lay on his back. He kicked his shoes off and pulled Zuko down. Zuko squealed before he moved his head to lay ontop of M/N’s. He kicked his shoes off. “Welp. We’re gonna knock out. Bye.” Zuko said with a smile. M/N waved and covered the camera.
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wille-zarr · 4 years
An Apple a Day Keeps the Agent Away (Agent Whiskey x Reader)
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@ahimavirgin​ I ship you with...
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels
p.s. the country accent? YEEHAW. i am weak for this man.
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This is real.
You still have to pinch yourself to remember.
Six months ago, all you wanted, hoped for, was a safe, comfortable place to rent, to call home. 
But who knew that home would turn out to be a guesthouse? On the grounds of an apple orchard? Surrounded by woods?
A complete dream. There was no better place to hide away from the world, to recharge and imagine and create.
And the best part? 
The owners let you live here for free, requesting only music and art lessons for their daughter in exchange for free board.
You can hardly believe your good luck...
Needless to say, this was the bargain of the century.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” you grin, tossing an apple down into the open palms of your giggling student, Amy. “So if you see a doctor coming, throw it at him!”
“Stephanie!” she laughs, bouncing up and down. “I caught it! I caught it!”
“I see!” you grunt, reaching further into the tree to reach for another apple. “Just- umf- be sure to call 911 right away if- ack! I fall out of this dang.... tree!”
“Stephanie, I can’t se- STRANGER DANGER!”
“W-what?” you sputter, balancing back against the branch of the tree. “Amy!”
Your eyes widen, watching as the retreating form of Amy bursts through the bushes, racing towards the main house.
“What in the world got into that girl?” you grumble.
“m’fraid my presence might have startled the little miss.”
“ACK!” you shriek, wobbling backwards.
“Whoa there!”
With a sharp squeal, you slap both arms around the trunk of the tree, regaining your balance. You groan, irritation rolling in to replace your alarm.
“What the hell!” you growl, twisting your head around to try and find the owner of the deep, male voice. “Sir, are you trying to get me killed? Where the hell even are you?”
A laugh.
That’s when he steps forward: 
a cowboy hat-wearing, mustache-donning, tight jean-flaunting man.
You blink, raising an eyebrow.
Oh, who the hell is this? Fucking Butch Cassidy?
You reach up to adjust your glasses, narrowing your eyes to get a better look at the face of Rodeo Bill.
He’s..... um....
Your eyes trail down his toned arms.
“Need a lil’ help, ma’am?” The corner of his mouth twitches. “I’m always available to help a lady in distress.”
“Oh, I bet, Mr. Cowboy.” You rip your eyes away from him, reaching out towards the ladder resting against the trunk of the tree. “I’m perfectly capable of-”
The ladder falls over with a smash.
“Well, if you don’t need any help-”
You flop your forehead against the trunk, releasing a heavy sigh.
“Help?” you groan, irritated to have to ask this random cowboy for help, your “rescue” in his control.
He rests both hands on his waist, that stupid shit-eating grin broadening with every second that passes.
“Help?” He practically laughs.
“Yes, ma’am.” He saunters beneath where you toddle on the branch, pausing just below.
“But what do I get as a thank you?” His voice is silky smooth, his country accent seemingly thickening with every word launched into the air.
“The satisfaction of being a good person. And I won’t attack you when I get down.”
His laugh bellows through the air. “Yes’um.”
You crinkle your nose, sighing inwardly as the ladder knocks back up against the trunk of the tree.
“Thanks,” you grumble, placing your foot down on the first rung.
“Well, anyway, what’s your na- OH!”
Your foot misses the last ladder rung, sending you tumbling backwards into-
“Easy, easy.”
Two large, warm hands wrap around your waist, steadying you on your feet.
Oh.... dear. You’re just.... going to ignore that flutter in your stomach.
“You’re just full of good luck, aren’tcha?” He releases you. 
“Or bad luck.” You spin around, blinking, as two deep brown eyes pierce your own.
“Depends on your point of view.” He tone lowers, smooth and alluring as fresh churned butter.
“Then let’s just say-” you smile- “yet to be determined.”
He tosses you a lop-sided smile. “Jack Daniels, just visitin’ for the we- HEY now!”
He dodges the apple with ease, spinning around on his heel, eyes sweeping the tree line.
“Run, Stephie!” Amy yells, poking her head up from the bushes. “He’s not a doctor! The apples aren’t working!”
.....Bless her heart.
Jack Daniels, or rather Agent Whiskey, you learn later, is a rather... interesting man. 
But what does he find interesting? 
Mercy sakes alive, the moment he first laid his tired eyes on your curvy figure? Resting up in that tree like the goddess Aphrodite?
His heart started pumping harder than a raccoon bein’ chased by a dog.
His original plan was to visit his friends- Amy’s parents- no longer than the weekend. 
But with you tucked away in the guesthouse, pulling at his heart more than an apple pie cooling in a windowsill?
Let’s just say he takes his friends up on their offer to stay the whole week.
Jack Daniels is not pushy, though he longs to get to know you better. No, you- he will not mess up with you. Even when he closes his eyes at night, and all he can see is your beautiful brown hair and the curve of your lips..... no... no, he will not blow this.
He can’t.
So he gives you space; lets you decide how fast or slow things will move.
It’s worth his patience.
You tug at his heart like no one else.
And you- while you are quick to label him an incurable flirt, you’d be lying if you didn’t admit...
You like him. 
You like how he laughs at your jokes, never shocked at the dark humor edged within them. You like how he doesn’t push you, allows you to retreat. You like how he can be just as loud and crazy as you or just as soft and gentle. 
Jack Daniels understands how to balance with you.
.......And he’s hot.
“Well, Stephanie, I reckon this here might be the best drawing I ever saw.”
“Shut up,” you grin, snatching the paper away from him. “Liar.”
“Honey,” his voice is smooth as molasses, the way it shifts when he’s moving in to flirt. “I’d never lie to you.”
“Oh, sure.” 
“Never, darling.” He leans forward, hovering over you while you sit on the edge of the bed.
“Then tell me something-” a mischievous smirk tickles in the corner of your mouth- “and you cannot lie.”
He plops down beside you on the bed, eyebrow raised. He leans back on both elbows.
“Go on then, darling.”
You bite your lip, eyes greedily taking in how good he looks in his green plaid shirt.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
His confident persona plummets, leaving behind a stunned, wide-eyed man in its wake.
“Honey, don’t tease an old man.”
“Answer it.”
He sighs, leaning in closer to your face.
“Baby, I want to kiss you more than a Junebug in July.”
He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
“That means yes.”
“Oh.” You rest both hands against his shoulders. “Then what are you waiting for, you dumbass cowboy?” You knock his hat back off his head. 
“Kiss me.”
Pulling you in tighter, his free hand slides around to the back of your neck.
“Yes, ma’am,” he rasps.
He pulls you in, his lips desperate against your own as you fall back, entangled in each other’s arms.
You can hardly believe your good luck...
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Headcanons on what the turtles would do with their pregnant s/o ? And how would they react when they are in labor?
I know nothing about pregnancy 😕 but i will try... also i rewatched the 2016 movie and like... leonardo and his hot ass voice gotdamn
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•He has always fawned over the idea of children, always wanting a few ninjas of his own to train like his dear old dad. Never thought he would live to see the day of being a father but here he was!
•Y'know the dorky thing dads do where they put their heads to the s/o's tummy and just... talk to the baby, like it understands? Leo does that before bed EVERY night and before patrol Every night.
•Leonardo is pretty basic with name calling, pretty sure he got it out of a baby book. If it's a boy=Caleb if it's a girl=Renae. He was lucky to get the name leonardo instead of something weird like gilbert or something so he wants to make it easy for his kids
•He's like that really calm, stoic oersin when you're in labour but as soon as Donatello asks if he wants to see the baby crowning he fucking faints. Like dead, raphael had to catch him before he broke something. When he sees that baby though... oh he'll sob. Yeah he's crying real heavy, he just really loves you and the baby.
•This shit was not planned. Technically he knocked you up after a real bed breaking night and turns out it was just one of those days your genes become compatible. He's both scared out of his wits and more in love with you all at the same time and it's hard for him to get his duckies in order.
•Speaking of duckies, he totally decorates the baby room. Got pale green walls up and helped donatello make the furniture (although he broke many pieces in the process of making a crib) Raph will scavenge for toys and clean them up for the little tyke too
•His naming skills are a little better then leo's, nothing unique persay but just things that sounded like strong names. If it's a boy= Malikai and if it's a girl= Anastasia (yes because of the movie)
•When you go into labour he's really gentle and patient because he doesn't want you yelling at him. Raphael cannot handle mommy anger like any other parent in the room. It is scary, you are scary, but he loves you so he'll wait by your side. And when it's his turn to hold the baby it's like the first time in his entire life... Raphael is finally at peace
•Hell this motherfucker probably tested you himself. So 9 times outta 10 you both figur out at the same time. Doesn't mean he isn't jumping and hollering with joy though. Literally sprints to Master Splinter first thing to tell him the wonderful news. You will walk in on two wonderful men hugging and crying with eachother and then you'll start crying and it is such a mess
•Brags about the baby. Every chance he gets he will make dad jokes and show the little black and white pictures to everyone that'll let him talk about it. Always talking about how big the babies getting and what y'all are gonna name it. If it's a boy= nethaniel and if it's a girl= Melanie
•He makes toys and furniture for the baby and it's all decked out. Galaxy mobile? Check! Toys that stimulate the babies beautiful mind? Absolutely! Donnie won't expect his child to be a genius like him but he does pray for that chance
•Donatello has been with you through the entire process. From check-uos to throw-ups, he was there. So it would be the greatest honour to deliver your baby. He isn't grossed out by this stuff, he's done his homework and now he's ready. *Cue the panicked screaming as he tries to get ahold of your baby* Donnie will be the first to hold the baby and you'll have to snap him out of it if you want them. He's just so fascinated...
•Panic. He's panicking. Mikey is pretty sure he'd be the last person on earth for someone to want a baby with. Hell, he doesn't want a baby with himself! Literally has an anxiety attack, you gotta comfort and soothe this sweet turt because he will need you every step of the way.
•After everything has cooled down, and mikey has gained some of his confidence back, he is instantly on board. What was he thinking? He's amazing with kids... he thinks? Either way please please please let him name your children, you won't regret it. If it's a boy= Jax or calum if it's a girl= Blair or Anaith    (forgive him he can't pick just one)
•Looks through all his really old shit to pick out some books and a blanket for the baby. Mikey has to admit that he kept this stuff with him in the hopes of being a daddy so you can imagine the smile that nearly splits his face in half. He is constantly complimenting you throughout the pregnancy, making sure you don't feel down for a second and that what you're going through is natural... even if your farts crack glass 
•The only brother whose really chill and cool during the labour and birthing process. Like he's hyped himself up for this sinse the beginning and he ain't backing down now. He'll obviously let you hold the baby first but when he gets them and they open there eye to show bright sapphires he just never wants to let go, he recalls it being almost euphoric
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