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wille-zarr · 3 years ago
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them 💕💕
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staaaaahp im bluuuuuushin ❤️❤️❤️
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willie-zarr · 4 years ago
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Hi, you are probably looking for me, the user:
~Sincerely, Wille, who had to claim the username willie-zarr (with an -ie) as a sideblog because everyone kept tagging @willie-zarr INSTEAD of @wille-zarr​
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wille-zarr · 3 years ago
Willlleeeee!!! I just read those teaser snippets you dropped for the next chapter.
Holy shit! I can't wait to laugh along with these dorks again - man, Pablo is the best, amiright 😂
Other than that - hiiii and hope your week/weekend/new week has been/is going/will be great!!!
HDHHSJX I AM SO SORRY I DONT KNOW HOW LONG THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX- ?? But it just made my entire night. 😭❤️ Thank you so much!!!
I'll explain more in detail as to the reasons behind the delay/plans for the story going forward when I post chapter 11. Thanks everyone for your support, private messages, and patience. It's keeping me going right now. 😭❤️❤️ I love this fic and the characters so much, and it means A LOT to me that others feel the same way. 🥺
[And I agree, yes! I was listening to chapter 9 in the shower today, and WOW Pablo is King Dork(TM). 😂]
TBH, IFoW as a whole can be summed up by this meme:
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😂 Dorks.... ALL OF THEM.
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
ayy, thank you so much for answering like that, you're literally the sweetest 🥰
it seriously gave me so much confidence, not only to start and try to comment and be more expressive on your posts, but in any other art thingy i like... tho i think im still gonna stick to anons for a while jajsjs
and yESSS, IM SO EXCITED TO READ MORE, i adore ka'r'ika, shes so relatable and honestly a breath of fresh air... im thinking i'll probably re-read it al over in wait of the new chapter 🤪
AND dont worry, theres probably a lot of other people who, like me, just felt shy or creepy to express their obsession over your writing :)
we're all gonna be -excited yet patiently- waiting here for you<3
ANON!!!!!!! I JUST!!!!!11!!!!
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i luv u 🥺❤️
"i adore ka'r'ika, shes so relatable and honestly a breath of fresh air... im thinking i'll probably re-read it al over in wait of the new chapter"
bruh yall out here re-reading my stories gunna make my heart explode 😭❤️ Nothing makes my heart warm faster than when readers connect with Ka'r'ika. 🥺
Just knowing you sweet little anons are lurking around waiting for chapter 11 has really helped me. Like seriously, so much. Thank you for your kind, kind words.
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
🍓love train! send this to all the people who deserve love! don’t forget to spread the love! 🍓
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heyo its @sana-katarn everyone follow my girl @sana-katarn
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
Yooo I hella care about your writing and I'm always thirsty for an update but lately it seems like all my writers have gotten such hate that drove em off Tumblr (@etchedbox being the latest example 😭) and it sucks bcuz even tho my messages/reblogs will always be positive, I think it brings the attention to great stories like yours and inevitably that 0.1% of jealous/creepy/sneaky/good for nothing trolls.
I'm really happy to hear you'd like the supportive messages so I'll definitely make an effort to drop these a bit more often and maybe, I'll be less shy and come off anon lol! Either way, keep up the great work and can't wait for all the new jokes this month 😁
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THANK YOU MYSTERY ANON!!!! THIS MEANS THE WORLD!!!!!!! 🥺AHHHH SHDHDJ someone cares about my writing what the hecc ily 😭
I have a lot of thoughts about tumblr, (which I won't get into because my thoughts ultimately don't matter) but I've actually already made the decision to create an instagram when I drop chapter 11 of In Fields of White! :D The fandom seems more casual/more chill there? I’ll still use tumblr, but since I want to start sharing and promoting my non-fanfic writing, it makes sense for me to pivot. 
Anyway, I have a ton of Star Wars and IFoW fanart/meme art that I will be sharing! (AND I AM SO EXCITED to start interacting with my readers there!!!!! Maybe even do a few art contests?)
The end of the month is my goal/deadline for chapter 11 and launching the instagram. Check here and Ao3 for links. :D I'm SO EXCITED AJHDJBDJBSKNDJBBDJ
Again, YOU ARE TOO KIND! Those aren’t empty words to me; truly, your message means a lot. ❤️
(and by meme art, i mean drawings of the ifow crew like this lolllllll:)
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
Hi, I hope you have an amazing day! 💙💙
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I had a fantastic day today @disneyjedi19 You are too kind and cool :D I hope your new semester is going great! We need more awesome vets in the world, and I know you'll make a great one!!!!
(Also.... not sure when you sent this. I just found this in my inbox i am so sorry why am i like this 😭)
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals💖
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NO U @disneyjedi19 :D
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
I was just randomly going through some of my old writing files on my laptop, and I came across where I had saved that “the clones love dogs” request that you had written for me. Even now over a year later, it still puts a huge smile on my face :D 💙
Oh.... YES I remember that piece!!! It was so much fun writing it, especially for someone as nice as you. :D
It was for a follower celebration, if I remember right, about a year ago, and you and @sana-katarn on anon were the only people to send in a request sajdhdjdnjnd 😭😂😂
EDIT: Here’s the other one I did for Count Dooku that I personally thought was hilarious anyway asjdhdjjd
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~!
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1 Reading new fanfic
2 Writing new fanfic
3 Great season finales :)
4 Tiny newborn kittens
5 Breakfast yyyeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ✨✨✨
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
Things I will never get over: this
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
hi not me writing a crosshair x female!oc romance fic and somehow turning it into a family fic full of sibling bonding 
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
Hey Wille! I just wanted to tell you that you will always have a special place in my heart as my first tumblr friend 💙
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@disneyjedi19 LET ME VIRTUALLY HUG YOU *if you want lol*
You are probably one of the sweetest people on here 🥺❤️
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
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he is entranced
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his vocabulary is advanced
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wille-zarr · 4 years ago
🌺 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 🌺 (also I just noticed your header thing and I love it!)
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Don’t make me use this love heart machine on u @disneyjedi19
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