Turtle's true pairing
524 posts
Requests: open.  Match-ups: closed. I do the basics:2003, 2012, 2014/16. I do oneshots and headcannons and even the occasional Match-up. Pro nouns: she/they Pansexual !!! Minors do not interact!!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ray-jaykub · 5 days ago
*cough* Take this *cough*
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There had been many moments in Leo's life where he had been unprepared for the beauty of womanhood. His first time seeing them dance along the television screen, the disney princesses that Mikey would put on just to forget about. An innocent appreciation, sweet and gentle, where now that he's older, he laughs at himself for being so enamored.
In his early teenage years, where suddenly a girl who was pretty had much more weight to it than it used to. That quiet and wistful sighing he and his brothers would release at any glimpse of girlhood. Never verbalizing their wish to feel that around them, in their home that is masculine and loud, whether with anger amongst each other or the laughter that they sometimes worry could be heard from far underground. In his later teenage years, where unlike his younger brothers, who would have posters of pretty women, he would instead read and, in his own mind, curate that feminine energy into something shaped. She'd have no face, as much as he wished for one, but it had felt whatever features he'd give her, none could do it justice.
When April comes into their lives, he realizes that while he wishes for love, a sister is enough. Suddenly, but not drastically, the cement alcove that he and his family had resided in finally had that energy they had craved. Fairy lights in the dark corners, a throw blanket that doesn't fit over them, but holds so much warmth, a warm candle, a nice smelling bathroom. It had become their new way, embraced, and ecstatic for some concept of normal. 
Over time, coming into adulthood, they gain new friends. Casey, who would be considered Raphael's soulmate (he had been pushed for saying that), Vern, who was not so much their friend as April’s…. And most recently, if a year can be considered recently, Y/n.
She had been something 10 fold to April's gentleness. A sweet scent follows her everywhere she goes. Cute shoes that clicked. Hair that flounces with every movement of her. He had never thought that innocent admiration would come back, but it had. Nestled deep within him, cracking from its shell and sprouting slowly.
Truly, he had seen her as yet another addition to this found family, nothing more, nothing less. The admiration would sit, subservient and watching, appreciating the presence of her and basking in that sweet smell that would follow. It really wasn't meant to be anything. He swears by it.
That was until she had thrown her leg at him, a smile so big it could crack her face. The heel of her foot props up on his leg, digging into the meat of his thigh to keep her balance, and Leo can't help but linger on the curve of her foot, the way her ankle isn't even as thick as his wrist. But quickly, he looks up at where she stands, smiling at him, and suddenly that admiration doesn't feel like it did from when he was a child.She must notice his confusion and flourish her hand towards her leg.
“Feel it, I just shaved, and I want someone to appreciate it!” And suddenly, he notices her hair is wet, a t-shirt hanging off her shoulder, and those cute gingham shorts that she had gotten herself as a little treat the day she got that job.
“...Feel?” He parrots back at her, so zoned in on her that he doesn't bother to look back when he hears Michelangelo giggle. She nods encouragingly, “Yeah, feel, Leo.”
He looks back down at that leg, following the curve of her thigh and the meat of her calf, seeing how the skin shines compared to the scales on his forearm. Had she done this earlier in the year when she was still new, he would've politely declined, found some decorum, and excuse himself. But now, as he looks at the leg resting upon his own, he can't help but swallow that lump in his throat.
“What's wrong with you fearless? It's not like her leg is gonna bite at you.” Raph jests, leaned back in the one recliner they had. 
“If you don't feel, I will.” the second oldest muses, and suddenly Leo feels threatened, and puts a possessive hand around her ankle. It stays, frozen, and again, he looks up at her, and she looks down at him, and that admiring turns into exactly what he fears it would. A burning in his chest that drops down to his stomach as his big hand smoothly rubs up her shin, cupping her knee, and down her leg again, his thumb resting on the bine that juts from her ankle.
Leo had never known what true strength was, not until now, when he has to lift his hand from her leg and hold in that same wistful sigh like when he was a teenager and just nod. He doesn't even look at her leg, blue eyes boring into her face, a distraction from temptation. 
“Yes, very nice.” He curtly affirms, and the sad pout on her face that follows makes that warmth in his stomach burn just a little hotter. “That's it? Just nice?” She asks dejectedly, taking her leg back and standing to her full height. “Not ‘amazing!’ Or ‘wow so smooth'?”
“Amazing, wow so smooth.” He spits out robotically and realizes he must've sounded stupid with how his two younger brothers laugh. Y/n huffs, obviously biting the inside of her cheek to stop from smiling. “Thank you” She murmers, and for a split second Leo wonders if that's shyness he hears, her cheeks pink. And as she walks off, his eyes follow, and that admiration for womanhood, femininity, turns into a deep want for just one. And she's got smooth legs and cute gingham shorts on.
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ray-jaykub · 20 days ago
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This has been in the back of my mind for a while now. So I figured I’d try getting it out. While this doesn’t mean I’m “back” back, it doesn’t mean the few good folk on here shouldn’t (hopefully) enjoy this. For the foreseeable future I don’t feel like I’ll be taking request but you can maybe catch my own doings here and there.
But on with the show.
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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You feel you’ll go out of your mind at this rate.
All the staring.
The quiet little gestures.
His passive resistance.
You’ve remained glued to your spot for so long. Hoping that maybe somewhere between weeks in the months of the years you’ve known him, that he’d crack.
Leonardo doesn’t crack easily you’ve gathered.
He hardly moves. He doesn’t allow his eyes to betray him. His hands remain within eyesight, but it’s in the subtle clench of his knuckles. The way his hands ball up and quickly stretch exposing the veins.
While he smiles sweetly, almost submissively at the sound of your voice. You know he doesn’t show this to just anybody. He doesn’t allow himself the luxury but god dammit, you can see that he wants to drink you in.
You’re liquor to him, addicting and burning.
You’re oil to him, never quite mixed with the water he floats upon.
You’re pornography to him, a hidden treasure for when he’s too far gone.
So why does it ache so much to open your mouth? To make a move. To peel back that layer of protection he’s been so steadfast in building.
Because he could still reject.
He could push away your pulling aura.
So when you stand next to him during the group picture April insisted on taking. Feeling the cold of his skin so close to your arm. Your little hairs sticking out to somehow feel something of his. You don’t think, don’t linger on the possibility of rejection. Because when your pinky reaches for his palm, gently caressing his hand, begging for permission you somehow only whisper in your mind…
You hold back the gasp as his own finger wraps around yours.
It’s tentative and charged with electricity.
He’s a knife.
You chance a look at him from the corner of your eye and watch his throat bob. The tension in his broad shoulders, the shakiness of his irises. The fight to turn and stare right back at you, to cut you with his blue eyes and inquire if his fantasies have become fact for once.
When you feel an arm around your shoulders as everyone screams cheese, it takes your entire will to muster your designer smile. Leo seems to do the same, a defeated retreat from the prize.
You still feel him weeks later. The way the top of his hand rubbed against your own.
What you’d give to have that palm right now between your legs, trying to rush the blood to your brain and drowning you in the ecstasy he could give. You wonder if he’s done the same? Have you driven him insane all these months? Made him question every waking moment of his life?
Are his pretty beaten hands wrapped around himself right now?
Is he begin for you?
Is he dying for you?
Somehow this all comes to fruition one evening. Another night with your friends. Celebrating another big win.
You get sent to the supply closet to get something (because at this point you forgot what) and as you rummage through a box, that tiny bulb swinging around you like a halo. You feel that rush when the door opens.
A hand reaching and gripping the back of your neck and pulling.
At the shell of your ear.
You gasp.
Leo feels mortification sink deep.
But before he allows the logical side to quick in, you grip the fabric of his pant leg.
“Don’t-“ you hold him there, silently begging him.
Leo let’s out a breath he’s been holding since his feet took him to you.
Several heartbeats pass, tension building and swirling around both your souls. Somewhere between bravery and madness you grab those hands press those palms around you.
And hold on for dear life.
Presses you against himself like a security blanket. Greedily inhales and exhales you. You’re shaking but god Leo is shaking worse.
He slides down you, comes to his knees and watches you turn around his embrace and watch him as he lets his vices win this time.
It’s the way those eyes look up at you, apologetically, fascinated, tormented.
His stomach drops when you cup his face, fear overwritten his features.
He looks weak, he knows it.
But to you? To you he’s the most beautiful creature. Gentle features, eyes as blue as the sky. Lips surprisingly warm, hesitant and yet needy. He’s kissing back just as your hands run across his cheeks and neck. Lips molding, desperation kicking in because now he’s had a taste. Now he knows what paradise tastes like.
His hands fall to your hips, gripping as he leans up more, still tall enough on his knees for your comfort. When he feels your moan, captures it inside his throat; he knows he’s done for.
Weakened by you.
Overwhelmed by you.
He can hear himself panting, the blood inside his veins pumping. How your sounds pick up the more he kisses you back.
You smile against the corner of his mouth as he grabs your waist and stands up with you in his arms. The contents inside the supply closet rattle to the ground but his hold is bruising and the prospect of his hand marked on your flesh make you euphoric.
Leo’s tongue and yours.
His nails digging into your rear, yours at his neck.
His teeth meet your bottom lip.
He’s hard and rubbing against the spot of your underwear.
You should stop, lead him into something more understandable.
But the greedy little creature inside of you chants ‘more!’ Just as he moans into your mouth for the twentieth time. A sound hitches in the back of your throat when you feel something warm gush and connect with your wetness.
You’re doing this to him.
You’re causing this.
He’s cumming for YOU.
That desperate point of no return is there, the two of your skating down it. His kissing is erratic and out of sync because his eyes are going wide.
His locked to your own blown out pupils.
He wants to apologize, to stop but your hips just rubbed up against him just as you start to cum. His name seeping out of your wet parten lips.
The haze will clear.
The mess will remain.
But what will you say?
What will he say?
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ray-jaykub · 30 days ago
Random Turtle Thoughts (ongoing)
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(Contains NSFW - All Characters Always Aged Up)
Posts #1 thru #50
(colors do not necessarily reflect who the story is about)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
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ray-jaykub · 1 month ago
I'm never on here anymore, I don't write much at all but I still am super involved with TMNT and my love for it will continue on more than likely forever.
That being said...
If you voted for Trump, if you stand by trump's side, if you didn't vote at all (because this is an 18+ page, you should be old enough to vote, if you're american) then get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Page.
Unfollow me, block me, leave a comment to tell me to block you, because I will not be affiliated. I will not sit quietly. And I will NOT treat it like it's nothing. You vote for Trump, you vote against the progress of our country. You voted against me. You voted against my dearest friends. Against yourself if you are a woman, person of color, poor.
And let me tell this to any tmnt fans that did vote for Trump. Leonardo would not like you, Raphael would not like you, Donatello would not like you, Michelangelo would NOT like you! Because you voted for the guy that'd endorse and pardon the shredder 💀 April and casey wouldn't like you, Master Splinter wouldn't like you. Remember that.
Thats all I have to say, I'm not tagging this as anything bc its meant to reach the people that follow me and that's it.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
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Yakuza leo, my beloved
Happy Halloween
A bloody version and unbloody version for all you lovelies
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
For the Casey and Raphael stans
"You look better with my hands around your neck."
"You're mine."
Always coming in clutch with what I’m craving to do 🖤🖤🖤
For reference look up John Morrison as Casey Jones and that is MY Casey (Steven can eat a dick)
Rasey stans I hope y’all enjoy 🫡
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
Casey felt that his brain had liquified the second Raphael had grabbed his thighs to push them apart.
He swore he could hear his brain matter bubble in one last heroic attempt to shoot a message to his body.
But in fact it didn’t, all it managed was for something incoherent to slip from his lips.
Raphael looked good between his legs.
Raphael looked downright beautiful with his mouth stuffed.
Raphael looked even more imposing with a large green mitt pressing down on Casey’s sternum.
Casey’s hips stuttered, eyes unable to remain still, too busy visiting the place that once housed his brain.
“Ra—aph,” Good a coherent name, we’re making progress.
Raphael’s green eyes found him, a sort of prideful gleam adorned his irises when he realsed Casey’s leaking cock with a resounding pop.
What was he trying to say again?
“Yeh, babe?” Raphael lazily stroked Casey’s cock, the natural pink now an angry painful red. He tried swallowing, give his body a chance to do a hard reset and maybe get some of his fucking factory settings to do anything.
But fucking Raphael kept fucking lazily stroking him.
He didn’t want to beg, he’d rather draw blood than beg…
“Ya know I can finish you off like this? I’ve done it before.” Raph tightened his hand just to simply drive the point further. Which only served to make Casey honest to goodness whine pathetically. “Eh— Wheres the fun in that?” His hips do another jerk, chasing the friction in hopes of finding some relief.
Raph noticed.
God, he noticed.
Three free fingers found his neck, gripped his throat in a way that only screamed possessive. Raph tightened his hold, enough to make Casey’s cheeks turn pink.
From lack of blood flow or embarrassment?
Who knew.
Casey’s eyes once again betrayed him, the half roll they did when Raph’s hand began to stroke him faster only serving to prove a point.
“You look better with my hands around your neck, Jones.” Raph’s baritone spoke, the vibration rattling inside of Casey’s chest.
When he felt something thick and wet at his hole, when he felt that initial push that made him gasp and seek air, when Raph was nestled inside of him he felt that if he breathed wrong he’d cum.
The hold on his neck slackened just enough for a reprieve but it served little purpose as Raph gave that first harsh thrust.
“oh—fuuuck,” Casey whimpered, voice shakey and throat raw.
Raph gave another short but hard thrust, purposeful, demanding. He wanted Casey to know he was causing him to crumble.
“I-I’m fucking cl-close…” Casey muttered, eyes dazed, each force of Raph’s thrusts making him babel.
“Already?” Smug bastard, Raph really had him and there was nothing he could do as he continued to fall apart around Raph’s cock.
Casey gripped the sheets when Raph bended him past his breaking point. He wanted to get closer, close enough to whisper in Casey’s ear.
“You’re mine, Jones, all fucking mine.” Raph bit down on his neck. Hard enough to make him shout.
Casey only saw white when he came.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
if you're still taking requests, can i get 15 with a possessive and needy leo and fem reader, pretty please?
Anon, this is too perfect to pass up so why not.
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
There was a look to him when he arrived that night, something that spoke volumes when he had kissed you hello.
Leo wasn’t one to allow his feelings to get the better of him, but tonight felt different, tonight he didn’t want to allow his training, his responsibilities dictate him. He had one goal in mind, and it came in the shape of you.
So when he had kissed down your neck, when he had backed you up against the wall of your living room, you knew there wouldn’t be much pleasantries.
His hands had roughly gripped your waist, yanked you close to his strong body and with just one breathy grunt he’d expressed it, "You're mine."
He’d made sure to lay an exclamation point to his words by shoving your pants down. Even as your face shyly looked away, he’d made sure to find your eyes when the palm of his hand found your warm core.
“You don’t believe me?” He muttered softly against your lips.
Your mouth took shape of something, some semblance of a response but it was futile when he began to rub you. A pathetic little squeak escapes your lips, he took too much pleasure in that.
Even more so when pushed a finger into your wet heat, began to pump in and out.
“Say it, come on, before you can’t even speak anymore.” He whispered it against your ear, crooking a finger just so make you tighten around the digit.
“Leo—oh, oh…” He wasn’t wrong, talking was quickly becoming a weak point for you.
When Leo pushed deep enough, until he could press his palm against your clit, that’s when you knew there was no way this could go in your favor.
“What are you?” He kissed your lips, gentle, enough to leave you wanting.
“I’m— y-yours…” You breathed out, eyes fluttering close as your climaxes fast approached.
When Leo’s other hand wrapped around your throat, thumb caressing with authority, his smirk was enough to knock the air out of you.
“All miiiiine” His hand thrusted quicker, obscene wet sounds mixing with your moans.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
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Oh! Oh! Mikey deserves some love 🥺 how aboooout... 15 and 23 with fem!reader? 😏 if you're up for it c: (love all of your works btw you're one of my inspirations)
You know I love this for my boy Mike! Also that means a lot to me! I’m glad my silly little stories can bring so much joy 🖤
Rated explicit (18+ only)
"Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough."
He felt that small animalistic prickling hit his veins the second you said it. Because for Mikey, being rough wasn’t exactly necessary but not unwanted.
It was the way your hips met up towards his own in a roll that fried his brain. In the way your pretty hands ran up his plastron and found his chain and tugged.
He was taken with how pretty your skin looked, flushed and sweaty and just the way your walls kept hugging his dick.
Urging him to let loose.
To really make you his.
You don’t have much time to register when he pulls out, the emptiness enough to make you whine but it’s when he flips you onto your stomach that you bite your lip.
It’s the way his hands lift your hips and push your upper back onto the mattress, the burn of the position really making the moment all the more delightful. Something smart was about to leave your lips when you feel him push into you with a grunt that makes your toes curl.
“You’re so tight like this for me baby, so so good—“ Mikey rolls his hips, slowly testing the waters and you want to remind him of your previous statement.
But when his hand wraps around the back of your neck to keep you in place, to absolutely ravish you…
To simply fuck you.
You know your desires did not fall on deaf ears.
Your hands don’t know where to go but Mikey seems to have plans because the stuff hold on your neck disappears in turn to grabs both your forearms to pin them on your back. “Oh—FUCK!” Your moans are muffled by the sheets and the ache slithers into that delicious burn. Mikey’s thrust aren’t letting up and that persistent plap plap plap sound has you under a spell.
“That’s what my girl wanted, huh?” He emphasized his cockiness with another sharp thrust. It was enough to make you squeak. When he yanked you up by the end and wrapped his own around your midsection your head fell against his shoulder.
Mikey attached his mouth to your neck, bit the sensitive flesh enough to make you moan.
Enough to leave a red mark.
“You’re mine,” He whispered nearly drunkenly against your neck.
When his finger found your clit, all you could do was bite back a moan.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
If i may, can i ask for a dom (or just assertive)!Donnie x afab (she/her) with #1 and #6? ❤️ if not, that's completely fine!
Listen ano this is my BREAD AND BUTTER. So I hope you enjoy the tall lad in a more assertive stance.
Rated explicit (18+ only)
Your mouth felt dry, head hanging off the end of the bed as you tried to collect your thoughts.
But it seemed that Donnie didn’t have plans for that.
Considering he’d just pulled another orgasm out of you via those delightful hands of his. He had every intention of continuing his torture and while it was starting to ache (but deliciously so) you really were hoping he’d grab you and bend you into his liking.
From your upside down view he looked justas pretty. He was after all complying with one of your fantasies. You wanted a rougher touch tonight, to quote unquote ‘be manhadled’ by him.
While Donnie would never in a lifetime hurt you, he also wasn’t one to deny your needs.
A gentle tap to your face made your mind land back to reality. “Making me repeat myself a lot today darling,” His thumb found your bottom lip, pushed the digit inside.
“Should I put your mouth to use then?” Those pretty eyes of his looked so bright in your softly lit room.
You nodded, lips secured around his thumb.
“I don’t quite believe you, maybe you should use your words for once, hm?” He pulled his thumb out, enjoyed your frown.
Your hands flew up to grab the belt loops of his pants but he stopped you.
“I want to hear you beg.” Came his soft but determined command, almost whispered into the thick hot air. You liked how easily one hand engulfed both your wrist, you licked your lips slow with every intention of egging him on.
“Please, please I want it—I want you to fuck my mouth,” Your face felt on fire and while your resolve didn’t diminish, the hint of embarrassment was enough to make him smile.
Donnie leaned up, made a full god damn show of unbuckling his belt and slipping his pants past his thighs. Just as you were ready to turn he pushed you back on the bed. “I didn’t say move, did I?” He rested a knee next to your head and-
Oh boy.
“Suck on it.” Was his simple demand. The shiny head of his cock was dripping a steady stream of pre-cum and whatever that natural lubricant of his was. Just was you lifted your head enough to meet him, he pushed in.
Gagged you.
His eyes went just the tiniest bit dark.
“Fuck— you’re so pretty when I use you.” Oh fuck did he really have to make your knees push together with that?
When he thrusted again, you tried your best to keep your throat closed, when he thrusted again and placed a hand on your chest to grope your breast, you moaned around him.
When he kept thrusting, thrusting, thrusting…
“I—Love—to—use you” He emphasized with each move.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
I love you too Jay 😭 thanks for feeding into our deep dark thoughts andhandhamdhsns
The leo one, is the foot one...
“Wait—uh—do…do that again.”
“Ah, fuck.”
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We made it to the big leagues, I’m officially realising this into the void. I love you Ray 🖤
Rated Mature (18+ only)
Your lips melted against his own, the sensation of his tongue slipping inside of your mouth making you grind against him.
Leo’s hands had drifted to your lower back, strong hands slipping to your rear to grab at the soft flesh.
The moan that went into his mouth fed him.
You’d been at it for a little while now, your knees protesting against the rough fabric of your old couch. With one final peck and a smirk you told him to give you a second.
“Gotta invest in a better couch, shits killing my knees,” Leo regretfully let you go, hands itching to get you back.
“I happen to think it’s cozy, but that’s just my opinion.” He lifted his hips, his dick was digging to the side of his thigh, god why were you so far away.
With a grin he reached for you again. You placed a foot between his legs. “Ah ah, be good now I’m just getting the blood back to my legs.” You smiled, Leo’s eyes watched your foot press against his clothed crotch.
He swallowed.
“You okay there, Blue-“ You were just about to move your foot when his hand gripped your calf. “Wait—uh—do…do that again.” He whispered so softly, eyes unable to meet your own.
You arched an eyebrow, stifled a giggle.
“Oh Leo, do we have a fo-“
“Please don’t make fun of me…”
You smiled, dug the arch of your foot against his crotch, hard enough to make his hips arch, enough to shut his eyes and pressed his lips tightly together.
When you rubbed, when you felt his dick jump, heard that shaky ‘ah, fuck’, well let’s just say, you could get behind this if he looked this turned on.
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm a new follower! @hagelpaimon recommended you for this specific request. If you're interested, I was wondering if you could write some Bayverse fluff for me.
F!Reader has a southern accent and even though it isn't thick, there are certain words she says that makes her sound like a country bumpkin. And her turtle S/O (lovingly, of course) teases her for it. You can make it for each turtle or just Donnie. And you can make it NSFW if you wanna. Whatever you think fits! Thank you and happy writing 🐢💙❤️💜🧡
Thought I would crawl out of my adult cave and answer an ask that spoke to me. And as a country bumpkin (hoot hoot, very, very south georgia), I can say this hits the mark. I'm gonna do a little of all the turtles and
Now, as someone who grew up around people who talked like me, I assumed I could hide it well. But that wasn't until I started sending audio messages back and forth with @moxfirefly did I realized how bad it was... Now I've never tried writing a southern accent, despite having one, so bear with me.
- He finds it so endearing and sweet and just can't find it in his heart to make fun of you
- Like, the way you call his name? The twang makes him smile because that means time with you
- His brothers and him obviously don't get out and talk to people, so I can imagine they're probably a lil stumped on why you sound the way you do
- Luckily, Leo is an old western movie fan, so at least he knows Cowboys.... please be patient with him
- If you're shy about the way you talk, he won't acknowledge it, but over time, he hopes you two get comfortable enough that you'll express yourself more
- Seriously, can't get over when you call him or his brother's names. Like omg they just said "Dawnie" and the way you pronounce Manhattan?
- Why you sound like that??
- Definitely believes you're from some weird part of New York, or God forbid Jersey
- Won't and will not understand unless you play country music for him and go like "these are my people"
- makes you a country mix, even if you don't like country. He's trying! You can't deny him that
-He says it's to make you feel "closer to home" and honestly, it lowkey works when you're feeling home sick
- He sees a cowboy film??? Prepare for him to throw a cowboy hat on your noggin
-Save a horse ride a cowboy, yeah? (I'm cringing)
- He's really big on dialect and accents, especially for someone he fancies
- Will ask you to say certain words at random times of the day, early mornings when you haven't woken up, late at night when you're sleepy
- When you're angry???
- He has to hold out on bringing the recorder. But he's taking in every word
- Just imagine yelling at him, and he's looking at you with big doe eyes because wow... when was a country accent kinda sexy??
- He has to say one of his favorite things is when you both are whispering, and he leans down to hear you better, woof 😮‍💨
- He needs a southern girl 😤 GIVE HIM A TASTE OF THE SOUTH
- Will tease you, mock you, repeat every word you say... with love of course
- just expect to hear his lil giggle after you've said something particularly southern
- If you're the type to say our phrases (colder than a witches tit, you call undies breeches, you make crazy comparisons) he will adopt them and look stupid doing it
- Just imagine Mikey, surfer dude, New Yorker, saying, "I reckon"
- Like baby... please hush
- lowkey the one that helped Raph make the country mix tape, added a few personal favorites (the fucking wal-mart yodeling kid, for some reason)
- Gets you boots, even if you don't wear them, and tries really hard to convince you to dress like Barbie in her cowgirl outfit
- Never a dull moment with this doofus
........Go Dawgs
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ray-jaykub · 1 year ago
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disclaimer: I am east asian. if anyone who is not white sees anything wrong with my phrasing, inaccuracies, or insensitivity, or something I missed, please feel free to add on. I’m just one person with one perspective; none of what I say should be taken as The Singular way to draw an Asian character. if you havent done so already, please take the effort to expand your view of Asian culture outside this one tutorial.
if a white person reblogs this and adds something stupid I’m going to bite and kick you like a wild animal
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
along side doing my commissions I'd love to do these again! They're such silly questions and I have such deep answers, so please! Drop into my ask bix with the emoji and prompt!!
random character headcanon prompts <3
🫂- are they closer to their mother or father? do they have any siblings they're close with? or not close with at all? who do they fight the most with in their family?
🧶 - if someone were to make a friendship bracelet for this character, what colours would they use?
🚫 - what's something genuinely weird about them? like, not something considered quirky yet cute- something genuinely weird that puts other people off at first
🌭 - do they instinctively cut/fold paper hotdog or hamburger style?
💫 - what do they think is the most attractive feature they have?
🎶 - i'll give you one song that reminds me of them and one song i think they would listen to
💭 - what's something embarrassing they did that actively haunts them at night?
🦇 - would i rather this character be a vampire or a werewolf?
🎒 - what is their go-to accessory?
🎞 - what's a movie au i'd like to see this character in?
🧸 - what position do they sleep in? do they snore or sleepwalk or have any other problems sleeping? what do their sheets look like?
🎙 - who would this character choose from their universe to make a podcast with? what kind of podcast would they have?
🦖 - what dinosaur would they be?
🧨 - are they a good dancer? what sort of dancing do they know if yes? do they enjoy dancing in general?
🚩 - what are their vices? what's at least one negative trait they have? what indulgences do they have that are less than positive? what would people mention about them if asked to name a flaw?
🔮 - what part would they play in a D&D campaign?
⚔️ - what's one of their irrational fears? what's something that scares them that others might poke fun at? what randomly appears in their subconscious that turns a dream into a nightmare?
🎼 - what musical scale would they be? what instrument would they be? what instrument would they play if their universe allowed it?
💔 - typically in relationships, are they the one that breaks up with someone or are they the one getting broken up with?
🌅 - what time do they wake up? what time do they go to bed? what do they consider to be "late" at night?
🫀 - how easily do they cry? what makes them cry without fail?
🔒 - what’s something they love a lot that they’re embarrassed to tell others about?
(feel free to share!)
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
Story Commissions and my Gratitude!!
Hey guys, I know I basically disappeared off of Tumblr and from the Tmnt community, but I just wanted to say I’m still here. I see you guys liking and reblogging my post and the amount of love and support I’ve received from all of you is Phenomenal. Once I reach 1,000 followers I’d love to do an art raffle!
But, with that being said, I am low key struggling income wise. My job isn’t supporting me the way it needs to and Noone in my proximity is hiring. On top of that I am moving in August and still have no vehicle. So I have decided I want to start selling short stories and fics! I have cash-app, Chime, and Venmo and I am currently working on building a ko-fi! 
My rates: 5 slots available!!
$20- A 1k to 3k ficlet, mainly fluff or quick smut, holds semi-plot
$30- A 4k to 6k fic, generally contains more plot, can involve angst/smut/certain plots. Contains more attention to detail pertaining to the OC or insert if any.
$40- The big Kahoona!! A solid 7k to 10k Fic that I will ask to post in 5 parts on my Ao3 (it’s up to the buyer, but that’d get me some attention for mor comms). This has a solid Plot, the whole shebang! OC’s will have developed personalities alongside buildable relationships. This is the big guns.
+$10 for any small drawings based on your fic that’d you’d like! Because I both write and draw!
Along with this info, if you guys would rather art I have my commissions info for that on my tiktok! (@ray_jaykub) Or, you can simply DM me here and I’ll send you the info myself!
Thank you again so much for the support even if it’s just a reblog under a tag with what fandoms you’re in to get the word out! My current goal right now is $500.00 so if you guys could help me reach it I’d screech with joy!
Love you guys! -Shinee
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
I'm always such a big fan of your mob!turtles XO you're writing is amazing!!
The Fall part 1
Mob!Donnie childhood AU
Summary: Donnie is young and hasn't quite learned to hate the world yet. He's fighting for his and his family's freedom but when you're locked in chains, do you bite the hand that holds the keys? Who can really be trusted?
Warnings: dark, mentions of being held against your will, violence, child abuse ect. Just dark, so take caution.
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Plink... Plink...
One pebble after another, thrown against the concrete wall of their bedroom. But, to call it a bedroom was an act of kindness. Four walls, a ceiling and a dirt floor. Cots laid with threadbare blankets that scratched their delicate skin as they lay upon them. There was hardly a morning Donatello didn't wake up with some kind of nasty, many legged thing crawling under his clothes- cockroaches, beetles, spiders... All searching for warmth in the soft no-man's-land between his skin and the fabric of his thin T-shirt.
"Will you shut the fuck up?" Raph's voice came harsh in the silence of the room but, Mikey was feeling bold and threw another pebble at the wall. Plink. That was the game. See how perfect of a noise you can make the stone sound against the stone wall. Grey pebble, grey walls, dirt floor. Sometimes Donnie wondered if the whole world was such a depressing shade of tedious. There had to be more, out there, the world he knew so little about but was so close to he could taste it. Had he had the vocabulary for it at the ripe age of 6, he would have named this place the ninth circle of hell although, he was not sure what treachery him and his brothers had committed to be there. Maybe this was Judecca, where those who had betrayed their lord could be found, the sin rubbed off on them from their creators- the scientists who formed the mutigen that made them. Years later, when they are all free of this place, Donatello would find himself repeating "the sin of the father is not the sin of the son" but, those words could hold no comfort now as he had not yet read them.
For now, they had each other and their games during the day to busy themselves for nightfall held a far different story for them. This place, this pit of hell that they were kept in, was no more than a part of an underground freak-show that boasted the most monstrous of acts that money could buy and Donatello and his brothers were the main attraction.
They came every night, five days a week, from 6pm to 11pm to sit in the audience and watch and cheer. Well... Only cheer on the nights they felt generous. Mostly it was a cascade of abuse and bottles being thrown, smashing around their feet or even against the the thin skin of their bony temples. They would perform, one by one, by demonstrating humiliating and meaningless tasks. Balancing a giant ball on their noses like a seal and an aquarium, dancing, fighting... This was all well and good but the crowd was always hungry for more. The boy's fear was like wine to them, they became drunk on it. Wanting to see more, feel more, be truly alive in that moment by witnessing others be torn down. It would get to the stage where the dancing bears or lions were set on them, turning their quaint little freak-show into a Colosseum where they would have to fight for their lives. But, tonight, they are safe and together and in the protection of their bedroom while Splinter, their father, performs.
Although they cannot see him as there are no windows in the room, they can hear the crowd screech out for more. It is a hideous sound, disembodied and almost alive in the way it carries throughout the camp. Donnie can sit there idly no longer and decided to get some fresh air.
The manacles that bind his feet together, the same as his brothers, do not allow his strides to be wide but he is fast nonetheless. Weaving between the carnies and jugglers and their fire pits with ease, watching as they rub their hands together for warmth and turn away from him. No one there looked at them, not even the other acts. They were united in the freakdom but, whatever the him and his brothers were could not be understood and therefore not tolerated. He would catch them, though, looking out of the corners of their eyes and he would smile (a childhood nervous habit) before their eyes darted away and they would spit and curse him under their breath. Donnie could feel something in his being chipped away each time this occurred, he would not know until years later that this was his empathy being stripped away.
Past the fires, past the trailers and the cages where the animals were housed in better conditions than he and his brothers were kept, towards the line of trees. There he sat and looked up at the night sky, it was far away enough that the calls of the vile audience were muffled like the buzzing of a fly kept under a glass. The moon was crescent shaped and the stars shone around it in patterns he was still trying to learn. Splinter has told him once "That is Orion, the hunter. You see those tree stars there, that is his belt. Scorpio will be near by". It was rare that Splinter was allowed outside alone with the boys, too much fear that he would break free of his chains and escape with them, but on the rare occasion they were together he would impart words of wisdom and comfort.
The breeze was cool against the skin of his cheeks and he looked around at the bustling camp, all preparing for their turn on stage. It was a different story for them, they were not captives of this travelling freak-show but willing participants. They could come and go as they please but most stayed, it was food and board and a chance to be around the other "undesirables" of society, a chance at acceptance. Donnie watched as bearded ladies combed out their moustaches and tightrope walkers went through their routines when his eye caught on a new face in the crowd. He has sandy blond hair and thick stubble about his chin, he was positioned under the hood of a truck, clanging at its insides and muttering to himself. This would not normally catch Donnie's attention if it weren't for the fact that the man looked right at him, smiled and waved before returning to his business. There was a look to his green eyes that crinkled around the edges- folded where thousands of other smiles had come before it, it stirred something in Donnie because he recognised the look. It was the same as his brothers would give him after he offered them another bite of his bread or pressed a cold compress to their fevered foreheads. It was kindness.
It knocked the breath from him, no one ever looked at him but much less smiled. The man was new here, he didn't understand the hierarchy of the show with the ringleaders at the top and him and his family at the very bottom. Soon this man would learn to downcast his eyes when Donnie passed and move away if he stood too close lest the turtle boy's lack of status stain him in some way. Unless Donnie thought I can make him see that I am not so different to him now, before they get to him! Had he known the word, he would have said "befriend", but he did not have any friends, nor know there was a word for it. All he had was his brothers and his father.
Meekly, Donnie rose and walked over the the man, keeping a watchful eye on the other show members to make sure they were not looking and would not interfere. The closer he got the more he could make out, there were tattoos on his arms, a pinup girl wearing a sailors hat, a black panther crouching, the ink was faded and had a greenish tinge to it where he had guessed it was once solid black. He smelt like sandalwood and tobacco and there were twinges of grey in his sandy hair.
"D-do you need any help" Donnie's voice came out small and frightened, this brought a warm smile to the man's face.
"Well, I'm not sure how much you know about cars, but hey, pass me that bolt tightener. The one that looks like a fork without the middle prongs" His voice was syrupy and smooth but deeper than he had expected it to be.
A fork? Donnie didn't know that word and it showed. The man frowned a little, as if in thought and pointed to the tool he was asking for on the ground by Donnie's left foot. He gratefully took it when Donnie handed it over and thanked him.
He was a lion tamer, by the name of Frank, and had moved here from a south. He liked to hum while he worked and would point out different parts of the engine to Donnie while he adjusted them. He was patient and often patted Donatello on the back when he said something Frank found amusing.
Eventually the truck was fixed despite the lack of light the flashlight was giving in the dark of the night and the engine purred like he imagined the panther on Frank's arm would, had it been real. He had instructed Donnie on how to help and where to put his slim, 6 year old fingers that could slip into smaller parts of the engine than Frank's could. He would smile with pride when Donnie did was well and patiently instructed when he fell short. The sky had darkened further in the 30 minutes they had stood talking and working so that Donnie guessed his father would be returning back to their room at any moment. He paused before hastily wishing Frank a good night and almost running back to the concrete cell where he spent most of his day.
"Hey, kid!" Frank called after him. "I appreciate your help. Why don't you swing by tomorrow and you can help me feed the lions?"
An invitation, an extension of kindness. Donnie's face lit up just thinking about it. His bare feet were dry and dusty and beginning to really feel the chill in the air but he agreed to meet Frank tomorrow and ran back to his brothers.
That night he would tell his family about the events of the evening and Splinter's eyebrows would knot. He would warn his young son to be careful, that humans are not to be trusted. Donatello would not listen, riding high on the waves of the friendship that was blossoming. It lit a fire in him, one that was almost warm enough stop the chill setting in his bones as he lay beneath his thin covers. But the cold did not upset him tonight, and for the first time he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
Love's tempestuous waves doth toss and turn (yet still we cling to its fiery burn)
Bayverse! Leonardo x Reader
Smut. Fluff. Minors Do Not Interact. This started off as Porn, no plot but now look at me, I've written a whole novella. Everyone is over the age of 21. Everyone.
Leonardo is experiencing his first mating cycle, and he's trying so, so hard not to involve you.
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Leonardo was grateful that Donnie had sat him down, had sat them all down and given them a rather embarrassing course on biology. Sure it had been extremely awkward, and at one point Mikey got obsessed with dick jokes, but now that he was older he truly appreciated the crash course.
Because as he stands behind you, acutely aware of every inch of your body, he quickly understands why his body feels as if it's suddenly been set aflame. He's fighting the need to reach out and touch you, fighting against a part of himself that is perfectly normal, but extremely debilitating.
He knew it was coming, knew that he should expect it now that he's older. But he always thought that it would be like having a cold. Uncomfortable, tiring, and something that he could easily take care of. His plan had been to lock himself in his room, jack off a couple times, and then things would go back to normal.
Oh how wrong he was. He had tried that at first, tried to find release with his hands but it wasn't what his body needed, so it simply made things worse. His senses were heightened, he could smell things that he had no interest in, things like your pheromones. And fuck, how they called out to him, made being around you an intense struggle.
He stood stock still behind you, trying to listen to Raph, but all he could think about was how his body wanted him to push you down on the floor and find his release in your body. He needed to mate, needed to fill you up with his very essence until-. He pushes those thoughts away, taking a small step back.
What he needed was to put some space between you and him. You were his friend, there was no possible way he could let himself act on his thoughts, no matter how badly his body wanted it. He takes another step, this one to the side, and he bumps into Donnie, who drops his tablet and suddenly you turn to look at him.
As he locks eyes with you, he feels a wave of arousal shoot through him, his belly tightening as your scent grows stronger. You, completely oblivious to his suffering, smile at him and he finally has had enough.
"Sorry Don," he grunts, standing up and fleeing the room. He locks himself in the bathroom and grabs himself though his cargo shorts. He's not bold enough to fully whip his dick out with his family just behind the door, but he needs some sort of relief, anything. He's desperate.
Even from here he can smell you, can hear your voice as you talk to one of his brothers, or April, he's not sure who it is, but he doesn't care. He simply focuses on you, squeezing and stroking himself to your voice.
It's pathetic, but its like his body doesn't belong to him, refuses to listen to his more rational side. The ache in his belly grows, but the feeling of his hands does nothing for him. He wants you, he needs you. He groans and lets go, pushing himself away from the wall.
This was hell, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of here.
It took him a long time to finally relax enough that his erection died down and slipped back inside of him. Mikey had knocked, informing him that they were leaving to go get food and he was thankful for that, thankful to have you leave. He needed to talk to Donnie, needed to suck up his pride and ask for help.
But when he leaves the bathroom, he finds you sitting on the sofa, flipping through one of their comics. Instantly, his body warms, his heart thumping in his chest so hard that he feels like he's vibrating. He stumbles and knocks something over.
You turn to look at him, dropping the comic besides you. "There you are. Raph said you weren't feeling well, so I stayed behind so you wouldn't be alone."
His tongue feels heavy, and the air tastes too much like you, it coats the back of his throat, every single breath he takes. He tries to speak, but his voice comes out hoarse and broken. "Th-thanks."
"You okay? Do you need anything?"
He shakes his head, fighting his body. He just needs to make it to his room. He just needs to get away.
You stand, walking towards him. "Leo, what's wrong?"
"Don't" he says, cornering himself. "Please, stay back."
"Is it the flu? Do you have food poisoning?" you're still walking towards him.
Why won't you listen to him?
"Stop!" he growls, his shell tightening alongside the front of his shorts as his cock starts to slip out of him. "I'm trying to keep you safe and you're not listening!"
That makes you freeze, and he can smell the fear wafting from you. Fuck, he didn't mean to scare you.
"Leo... what's wrong? Talk to me please." you whisper.
He can't tell you, there's absolutely no way he can say what he's going through. You'll get grossed out, you'll hate him. This was a temporary thing, he wouldn't lose you because he couldn't control himself.
"Nothing," he chokes out, pressing himself against the wall even more. "Please, just leave me alone."
When he feels you lay your hand against his plastron, he finally snaps. His hand finds yours, and suddenly you're the one pinned against the wall, his face finding the crook of your neck. He inhales deeply, savoring the way you smell, the softness of your skin in contrast to his scales. You're so soft, so warm, so, so human.
"I'm trying so hard," he groans, his mouth closing around your skin as he licks at your flesh. The taste of you is overwhelming, and he can't get enough. "I'm really, really trying."
You let out a whimper as he nips at your neck, his hand holding your wrists above your head. "Leo, stop." you groan when his tongue flicks against you again, sending shivers down your spine.
He hears you, but he can smell the sudden scent of your arousal and its clouding his judgement, makis his fingers tighten around your wrists. "I want you." he says, his voice thick with desire. "Please," he groans, rutting his hips against your frame. "Let me have you, let me fill you."
He should be ashamed, talking to you like that, ignoring the way you whimper for him to let go, your body trying to get away from him. But he's lost somewhere in pleasure, unable to think, unable to stop.
His body is telling him to take you, and he's in no condition to fight it.
He bites at your neck again and you moan, your back arching off the wall.
The sound of the lair door opening is deafening, scaring you both, his hand holding you in place loosens as he looks over his shoulder. He suddenly wants to growl and snap and make his family leave so he can have you all to himself. But he feels your hands slip from is hold, feels you push him away with an absurd amount of strength that has him stumbling back.
When he turns to look at you, it's sobering. You've got tears in your eyes, your pupils blown wide as you tremble underneath him. It's like getting a syringe full of ice water in his veins, the lust clearing from his mind as he's aware of what he just did.
"I-I'm sorry." he chokes out, his voice trembling as he takes a step back. "I didn't...Oh fuck...I-"
Your tears fall and he knows that he's done something completely unforgivable. He can't blame you for being scared or angry, he's a mutant turtle who just pinned you against the wall and almost did something heinous. He can't help but feel disgusted with himself, with the way he's been feeling towards you.
You scramble around him, bolting straight to the exit. He can hear Mikey call out for you, but he hears you say you need to go, followed by the door slamming shut.
Donnie finds him sitting in that very same spot he had held you against, his head in his hands.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Donnie says, all traces of his brother seemingly replaced. This was clinical Donnie, and for some reason, making that distinguishment made talking about this whole thing a whole lot easier for Leonardo.
He grunts as Donnie flashes a light in his eyes. "I thought I could deal with it." he says, blinking away the dark spots that cloud his sight.
His brother makes a sound of disappointment, rolling away in his chair to rapidly type something into the computer.
"There's so much more to a mating cycle than you guys let me explain. If you all weren't being so downright childish back then, you could have avoided this whole fiasco."
Donnie's mad, of course he is. Leo had told him everything while simultaneously begging for help and he hadn't minced his words when it came to telling Leo what a complete fucking dumbass he's been.
"I couldn't stop myself. I tried, but it was like I had no control over myself."
"So you sexually assault one of our only friends? How grand of you. I'm going to need to take some blood."
Leo winces at his words, holding his hand out so Donnie can do his thing. "I fucked up... I know I did. I have to apologize."
He hums, prepping his arm. There's a cold swipe of alcohol pad against the inside of his elbow that makes him shiver. "Do you really think she's going to want to see you, let alone talk to you after what you did? It'll be a miracle if she even decides to stay friends with the rest of us. What if she thinks the rest of us are like that? She's probably scared we're all sex fiends ready to attack."
The needle slides inside with a pinch, but its Donnie's words that makes him flinch. He doesn't have anything to say, any words to offer to comfort his brother. He knows there's no coming back from this. So he just sits there in silence, watching as Donnie fills up vial after vial with his blood.
Apart from April and Casey, you were one of their only friends, the only one that seemed to actively want to be around them. April came around the lair every now and then, but you were a constant presence. You were there for movie nights, showed up early in the mornings to train with them, even though you had no desire to join them in their vigilante work.
You were the only human that sought out their company and he repaid the favor by trying to mount you.
"How are you feeling? I need to know all your symptoms to try to see if I can find a way to somehow... repress a Mating cycle." Donnie says, placing a band aid on Leo's arm and collecting the blood samples.
The idea of being a Guinea pig isn't exactly thrilling, but if he can somehow do just, well Leo would suffer if it meant his brother's didn't have to worry about going through this. So he swallows, forcing himself to go through with this. "There's, uh, a constant need to.." fuck, he was already struggling.
"Mate?" Donnie asks, not looking up from his computer.
"Uh, yeah, mate. But it's only with her... I don't feel anything for April, or when we go to the surface, I don't react to any of the women there."
"Interesting. How exactly do you react to her? Is there some sort of trigger that sets you off?"
"Her smell. I can smell her, and it just... triggers something in me. It's like my body craves her, even though my mind doesn't really understand it. And then when we touch, it's like this overwhelming need to be with her just takes over."
Donnie nods, making notes on his computer. "Okay, that's helpful. Have you noticed any other physical symptoms, like changes in your appetite or sleep patterns?"
Leo thinks for a moment. "Yeah, actually. I've been having trouble sleeping, and my appetite has been really erratic. Sometimes I'm not hungry at all, and other times I feel like I could eat everything in sight."
Donnie nods, making more notes. "Okay, I think I have enough information for now. I'll run some tests on your blood samples and see if I can find anything that might help repress the mating cycle."
Leo nods, standing. "I'm really sorry Donnie. If she ends up cutting ties with us..."
Donnie spins around in his chair, fixing his glasses "Our priority is finding a solution to help you control these urges and make sure it never happens again. We'll figure it out, Leo. Just give me some time to analyze your blood samples."
"Thanks Don'."
He nods, turning back to his computer. "Give her some space in the meantime. Don't try to force her to talk to you, and definitely don't try to approach her physically. You need to respect her boundaries and give her time to process what happened. It's not fair to her to have to deal with this, especially if she's feeling scared or uncomfortable around us now."
Leo nods, feeling guilty and ashamed. "I know. I just... I hate the idea of her thinking I'm a monster."
Donnie sighs, shooting his brother a sympathetic look. "I know, Leo. But you need to understand that what you did was not okay, and it's going to take time for her to trust you again, if ever. All we can do now is try to make it right and hope for the best."
Leo nods again, feeling like he's let everyone down. "I'll do whatever it takes to fix this, Donnie. I just want things to go back to normal."
Donnie gives him a small smile. "I know you will, Leo. Just give it time and let me do my job."
Leo leaves Donnie's lab feeling heavier than before.
Good news is that you're still talking to everyone else. He heard your voice when Mikey called you to talk about the newest episode of the show you both got into. It had sent a warmth through his bones that caused his brain to frizzle out in the middle of training with Raph. It was nice hearing your voice, hearing your laugh. But it made his body vibrate, the dirty thoughts returning once again. Donnie was still working on his tests and he had already warned him about bothering him.
"I'm working as fast as I can." he had said, slamming the door to his lab close after the umpteenth time Leo went in to bother him.
He heard Mikey ask if you wanted to talk to the rest of them and you agreed, until he said he was going to pass the phone to Leo and you all but screamed no, saying that something came up and you had to go.
"Aw man, can you at least come over after your shift?" Mikey asked, trying to bribe you with some of his private snack collections.
"I can't. Not today." you say quietly, and Leo feels his heart drop.
"Please? I miss you, its been a week since you last stopped by." Mikey whined.
There was a moment of silence that had Leo hoping you would say yes, that he'd finally get that chance to apologize and beg for forgiveness, but that hope is crushed when you say no.
"I've gotta go. Text you later." and you hang up.
He misses you, and its more than just his bodies need to copulate with you. He misses your company, your smile, your laughter. He misses the way you would light up the lair whenever you walked in, and he hates himself for ruining everything.
He forces himself to stop thinking about you, to stop himself from slipping back into the dark place of longing and regret. Instead he turns back to Raph.
"Again." he says, readying his stance.
The bad news is that he's still going through his cycle, and it seems like as the days pass the worse and worse it gets. Nighttime is the worst. He finds that he can barely sleep, and if he's not sleeping or on patrol, or meditating; all he can do is think about you.
Not all those thoughts are healthy. He keeps slipping, keeps picturing you naked, on your knees, your back arched while you take him.
He's fantasizing about you, rubbing himself raw. As much as he tries to forget about that night, he can still smell the heady scent of your arousal, can feel your body molded against his, can still taste you.
It doesn't matter that his shoulder hurts, that he's spent the last hour fucking his hand, he reaches into the waistband of his shorts to touch his still hard member and hisses.
Another night and he's still nowhere near finding relief.
He cries out into his pillow as his hand strokes his length.
He wakes up late one morning, his body seriously overheating, to find you sitting at their makeshift dinner table, eating an Omelet while talking to Donnie. He does the only thing he can probably think of; he takes a few silent steps back and hide in the hall.
He thinks he's probably hallucinating, something that's become quite common. But the way his body comes alive, the way he feels his belly tighten and the smell of you infiltrates every single one of his senses tells him its real.
He takes a deep breath through his mouth, urging his body to relax, to stop acting like it has no other choice but to take you.
"I know it's a lot to take in." Donnie says, and he's whispering, something he only ever does when he's talking about something serious. "But it's the only way to help him."
"This.. this is-" you sigh, and the sound shoots straight into Leo's member, stirring it alive.
"I wouldn't ask you to do this if there was any other option. Leo seems to have somehow..." Donnie gulps, and when he talks again, he can hear the embarrassment in his voice. "Well, he's claimed you as his mate. "
Leo tenses, peeking from his hiding place.
"What do you mean, claimed me as his mate?" you ask, your eyes wide
Donnie sighs, looking down at his hands. "It's part of his cycle. He's been trying to fight it, but he's struggling to control himself. And... he's fixated on you."
"Is that why he..." you don't finish your sentence, looking down at your plate.
Donnie nods. "It doesn't excuse the fact that what he did to you was wrong and unacceptable. We're working on finding a solution to help him control his urges, but in the meantime, I need you to understand that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Your safety and well-being are our top priority."
You nod, and Leo feels a knot forming in his throat, watching the way you curl into yourself.
Part of him wants to run away, but the winning majority refuses to move, not wanting to leave you with Donnie. You were his, his alone.
It was an alarming thought.
"How long does this last?" you ask.
"It could be anywhere between a month to the rest of the season... I don't have enough data to draw a firm conclusion." Donnie explains, pushing his glasses up.
Leo holds back a groan at the thought of going through this for so long. It's already been close to a month since the cycle started, and now there was a possibility that he would have to endure two more months of this?
"And...and what if I were to let him mate with me?" you ask hesitantly, looking at Donnie for his reaction.
He raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised by your question. "I...I'm not sure that's a good idea. It could complicate things even further."
"But it could also help him get through this cycle, right?"
Donnie hesitates, clearly conflicted. "It's possible, but there are risks involved. It could create a deeper bond between you two, and it could also lead to emotional complications if he becomes too attached."
You nod slowly. "I understand the risks, but...I care about Leo. I don't want to see him suffer like this."
Leo's heart swells with emotion, hearing your words. His member slipping out of him slightly. After what he did to you, you were still willing to help him?
Donnie makes a face as he thinks. "You understand what this means don't you?"
You nod.
"I don't know... With the biological differences between your bodies, I can't guarantee that the mating will be successful. It's possible that it could cause you harm or... even be fatal." Donnie warns.
"It's okay," you say "I'm willing to take that risk."
Leo takes that as his sign to stop hiding, anger flaring through his body. "No. We're not doing this!" He steps forward, looking at you and then at Donnie. "I can't let her take that risk."
You jump, startled when he comes stomping out and look at him with surprise.
"Leo it's okay, I-"
"It's not okay! Donnie just said its impossible!"
"Actually," Donnie squeaks, adjusting his frames once again. "I said its a possibility. We don't actually know if it's even possible for you two to mate. For all we know your, uh, seminal fluid might not be compatible. It's just a potential risk."
Leo looks back at Donnie, his expression softening slightly. "So, there's a chance it won't even work?"
Donnie nods, about to say something but you cut him off.
"What happens if he doesn't mate?"
Donnie sighs, looking at both of you. "If Leo doesn't mate during his cycle, it could lead to severe physical and emotional distress. He could experience increased aggression, heightened anxiety, and even depression. It's a crucial biological process for our species."
"That settles it then, doesn't it?" you say.
Leo growls, even as his body responds in glee. He doesn't want you to force yourself to go through with this, not when there's a risk of harm to you. But he also can't bear the thought of suffering through this cycle alone. He feels torn between his desire for you and his concern for your safety.
"Donnie, is there any way to… I don't know, alleviate the symptoms without mating?" Leo asks, desperation creeping into his voice.
Donnie shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Leo. The only way to alleviate the symptoms is through mating. It's a natural biological process that our bodies have evolved to rely on."
Leo grits his teeth, feeling trapped. He doesn't want to put you in danger, but he also can't bear the thought of suffering through this alone.
"Maybe we can run some tests first? See if we're uh... compatible?" you pipe up, looking at Donnie.
He makes a face and nods. "That's a good idea. I can start by analyzing your blood samples to check for any potential incompatibilities. We can also conduct some physical examinations to assess the viability of the mating."
"Physical examinations?" Leo asks, his voiced strangled. "What do you mean by that?"
You and Donnie shoot each other a look, before you turn to look at him. He's aware of the flush on your cheeks, the sudden scent of your pheromones washing over him and making him groan as he takes a step back.
Donnie clears his throat nervously. "Well, we would need to examine... certain physical attributes to see if there are any potential issues or complications."
At that, Leo is mortified, his mouth hanging open as he stares at his brother. "You mean you're going to look at my junk?"
"That's a crass way of putting it, but basically, yes. I'll have to examine both of you."
Leo wants to crawl into a hole and die there, but you reach over and grab his hand. Even though your hold on him is tight, he can feel your hand trembling, you're as scared as him.
"Okay. Let's get this over with then." you say, standing up.
"You want to do this right now?" Donnie asks, his eyes going wide.
"Yes, the sooner we know, the better." you reply firmly.
"Alright. Let me go get my lab ready." Donnie says.
Leo thought about sitting down besides you, but even though he really, really wants to do just that, he takes the seat farthest from you. He doesn't know how to feel about this all, about you agreeing to mate with him, with the tests Donnie has started running on him. Most of all, he's unsure of what to do about what had happened between you two last week. He had yet to apologize, too scared to talk to you.
His nerves were frayed, his body felt too hot, and yet, even with all the tension in his body, he was still extremely horny.
Leo shifts uncomfortably in his seat, trying to distract himself from his arousal. He can feel his body responding to the mere thought of mating with you, and it's making him even more anxious. He glances at you, taking in your features, and wonders what you're thinking.
"I'm... what happened that night... I'm sorry I pushed you." you whisper, almost as if you were reading his mind. "You told me to stay away but I didn't listen."
He feels his stomach flip as you apologize. "No. That wasn't your fault. I... I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry I scared you... that I hurt you. I promise that it will never happen again." His leg starts bouncing as he turns his body towards you, his nerves multiplying.
"I wasn't scared." you admit, your eyes glued to your lap. "I've never been scared of you, Leo."
"You were crying, you-"
You cut him off "I wasn't crying because I was scared. I was overwhelmed... with... emotions. It's just that I didn't know how to handle what was happening between us. I was confused and... scared of what it all meant."
Leo's heart aches at your words. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I just... I can't control these urges, these instincts. And when I'm around you, it's like... everything just intensifies."
"I know." you say softly, finally looking up at him. "That's why I agreed to mate with you. I want to be with you, Leo. I just... I need time to figure things out."
He nods and a silence falls between them.
"I...I don't want this to be transactional." he finally says when the silence gets to him. "I don't want you to feel like I'm using you. I really do care about you."
You simply nod.
"So I compared Leo's blood sample to yours and I have good news," Donnie says with a smile. "There don't seem to be any compatibility issues, at least not genetically. That's a good start."
"What's next, then?" you ask, sitting on the hospital bed he had somehow gotten down into the lair.
"Well... while there might not be any genetic issues, there's still the chance of your body rejecting his genetic material during coitus. So we'll need to conduct some further tests to assess the viability of the mating. I'll need to examine your reproductive systems and run some hormone level tests to make sure everything is functioning properly."
You swallow nervously at the thought of having your reproductive system examined. "Is that... painful?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Donnie shakes his head. "It shouldn't be. It might be uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful. I'll make sure to be as gentle as possible."
You nod, still feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing. "Okay. When can we do this?"
"I can start running those tests right now if you're comfortable and willing to keep going."
"That's fine...if there's a compatibility, does that mean that I can get pregnant from this?" you ask the question that's been nagging you from the moment you walked into the exam room.
Donnie shakes his head. "No, unfortunately not. The biological differences between humans and our species make it impossible for a successful pregnancy to occur."
You feel yourself relax, the grip you have on the bed loosening. "Alright then, let's get through these tests."
"The female vagina when aroused can stretch up to eight inches deep." Donnie says, pointing to a diagram of the female reproductive system.
Leo wants to disappear, he wants nothing to do with this conversation. He doesn't want to have another sex lesson from his younger brother. He's watched porn before, wasn't that good enough?
"That means that you have to be extremely careful with her, Leo. Seeing as you're... rather endowed. Compared to human males, your anatomy is quite different."
Leo shifts uncomfortably in his seat, feeling a flush of embarrassment on his face. "I understand, Donnie. I'll be careful."
Donnie nods. "And we'll need to monitor her closely during the process to ensure that there are no complications."
"You're going to watch?" he all but screams, shooting out of his seat.
"Gross, no. I just mean I need to keep a close eye on her vitals and make sure everything is going smoothly. I'll be in a separate room with monitors. You're my brother, even if the research is important, I have no interest in watching you having sex with my friend." Donnie clarifies, not looking up from his tablet.
That should have been good news, should have helped calm his nerves, but for some reason it just makes things worse. He feels like a rubber band stretched too tight, about to explode.
"Does this mean her tests came back fine?" he asks, trying to ease the feeling.
"Yes," Donnie replies, finally looking up at Leo. "All of her tests came back clear. There's no reason why you two can't mate, as long as you both are willing and take the necessary precautions."
Leo swallows. "Donnie... do you think this is a good idea?"
At that Donnie looks up at his brother. "I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be. Going through with this is incredibly vital in reducing your symptoms. It'll help you over come this heat as well as give me valuable information for my research."
"No, Donnie. I'm asking you as your brother, not as your patient."
Donnie looks startled at that. "O-oh, well... does it matter what I think?"
Leo nods. "I can't shake the feeling that going through this will change things, that it'll make things weird between us."
"Well yeah... you're about to have sex with her. Of course it's going to make things weird."
With a groan, Leo drops his head into his hands. "That's the thing Don. I don't want this to just be sex. I care about her. I like her... ever since this cycle started I haven't been able to stop thinking about her."
"Then what exactly is the issue?"
"I'm scared that once we mate and this whole thing is out of my system I won't feel the same. I don't want to use her, I don't want her to be under the impression that I only wanted her for this reason."
Donnie nods slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I see. You're afraid that this will change how you feel about her, that it will affect your relationship."
Leo nods.
"I wish I could help you, that I could have the answer you're looking for. But the truth is I don't know. I don't know if these feelings are your own or just a symptom of your heat. It could very well be a combination of both."
Leo sighs heavily. "I guess there's only one way to find out."
Donnie places a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Just remember to be honest with her, Leo. If you care about her and want to pursue a relationship outside of this, then you need to communicate that with her. And if it turns out that your feelings were solely driven by your heat, then you need to be honest about that too. Just talk to her, I'm sure she'll understand."
Just be honest with you, how hard could that be?
Donnie made him move some of his lab equipment into his room. Things that would monitor your vitals. It was up to Leo to pay attention in case anything physical changed in you. When Leo had asked what he should be looking out for, Donnie shot him a look as if it was common sense.
"I've ran the tests, but be on the look out for any signs of an allergic reaction." then he proceeded to list off some symptoms.
It was...It was all too much for Leo to try to wrap his head around it. All that time that he had spent so close around you left his brain and body agreeing on one thing; that they had to fuck you, impregnate you. Even though Donnie had said that it would never happen, that the genetic makeup between their two species wasn't compatible for procreation, his body refused to listen. It kept trying to show him images of you with a rounded belly. He pushed those images as far down and away as he could.
He was on edge, but thankfully you decided to run home and grab some things 'that might help' while him and Don got the room set up. So he could at least relax, could at least stop thinking about rutting into you for the hour that you seemed to be gone. The space gave him the clarity to think.
And in that hour, he managed to realize an incredible fact about himself; he might be a complete idiot when it came to feelings and emotions. He had planned to sit you down before starting the uh, ritual, as Donnie had put it and talk to you about his conflicting feelings. He wanted to be honest, to tell you that he wasn't sure if the crippling desire he felt to protect you, fuck you, overall bind himself to you for eternity was a product of his heat or was simply amplified by it. He's always liked you, ever since Casey introduced you to them.
But was that like as in "She's a good friend" or more of a "Oh man, I can spend the rest of my future with her by my side"? Maybe it was somewhere in the middle. But he ran out of time to think himself into an anxious panic because you were entering the room.
You had changed into a pair of shorts and a thin strap shirt, and it took all his strength to look away when he noticed that you weren't wearing a bra. His body reacted right away, that bubbling heat in his belly growing and growing until it spread to every inch of his body, his cock all but ready to slip out of him.
"I...I don't know what I'm doing." he says, his voice thick with the need to take you.
"Do you want me to lead?"
He nods, scrambling over to you to grab some of the tools Donnie had told him that you had to wear. "Here, these are from Don."
You move closer, and when you grab the tools, your hand brushes his and he feels a pressure against his abdomen. He refuses to repeat what happened that night so he stands still, watching as you wrap the blood pressure monitor around your arm and stick the wireless electrocardiogram on your chest.
"Okay.." you say, taking a deep breath. "I guess we'll start with the obvious. Do you want to sit down?"
He, unsure of what you're talking about, sits on the edge of the bed. All the experience ha has is from watching an exceedingly healthy amount of porn these last few weeks. You break the distance and lower yourself to your knees right in between his legs.
He feels his heart swell, his palms becoming extremely itchy as your hands come up to rest on top of his lap. He knows that you can feel him through his shorts because he can very much feel your hand on his cock. He hisses, clutching onto the sheets, watching as you undo the buttons.
Something about this felt wrong though, he felt too tense, too nervous.
"Stop." he says, frowning down at you.
Your hands come down to his knees as you sit back. "What's wrong?"
"Doesn't this feel a little too rushed?" he asks, his voice shaking slightly. "I mean, I know we've been building up to this for a while, but I just feel like we should take our time."
"Oh... I thought you just wanted to get it over with?" you asked, confused.
"No. I mean, I do, but not like this. I want you to feel good too. I want to make you feel good."
You flush and Leo is assaulted by the scent of your arousal, the scent of your embarrassment. It makes him blink a few times, his mind going hazy.
There, that's what he was looking for.
Your pleasure amplified his.
He's careful when he wraps his hands around your shoulders, the feeling of your soft skin against his calloused hands sending shivers down his spine. "Come." he groans, helping you stand up. "Let me please you."
It's like his body has flipped a switch as it inhales your scent, and his instincts take over. He's been dreaming of tasting you, all of you, ever since he stole his first bite that night.
Carefully he maneuvers you so that you're straddling his lap, your shorts ridding up as his hands stroke your back slowly. "I've wanted you for so long," he whispers, cupping your ass and pulling you closer to him. "tell me you feel the same. Tell me you've dreamt of this as much as I have." he rests his head on your shoulder, inhaling the scent of your skin.
You whimper, nodding, his breath causing you to shiver. "I want you too Leo."
He can smell the truth in your words, in the way your arousal grows. It makes him groan, his fingers digging into you as his tongue swipes at your neck. You let out a breathy moan just as he bites down on your shoulder.
"Oh!" you cry out, arching your back and his hold on you tightens.
"I want to kiss you," he breathes out, trailing his tongue upwards, nudging your head to the side. "May I?" he asks, his face right in front of yours.
You don't answer him, choosing instead to kiss him, your hands coming up to hold onto his shoulders, fingers digging into his scales.
You taste like mint and Leo can't get enough of it. He deepens the kiss, his hands roaming your body as he pulls you closer. Your hands move up to his face, cupping his cheeks, and he leans into your touch, savoring the feeling of your warm palms against his skin.
The kiss grows more intense, more urgent, as Leo's arousal builds. He can feel the heat radiating off of you, and it only makes him want you more. Breaking the kiss, he looks at you with dark, lust-filled eyes. "I need you," he murmurs, his voice husky and rough.
You swallow, nodding. "There's some lube in my bag... Donnie said we might need it."
At the mention of his brothers name, Leo growls. How dare you think of anyone else besides him? He stands, holding you against him as if you were weightless.
"Don't need it." he says, kissing you again as he turns and kneels onto the bed, gently setting you down.
"But-" you start to say but his fingers slip into the elastic waistband of your shorts and the feel of his rough skin against your abdomen makes you moan.
"I can smell how wet you are." he says, his voice rough with desire. "I'll take care of you." He wastes no time in slipping your shorts down to your knees. He's in between your legs and he has no intentions of moving away. He dips his head, laying a soft kiss against your hip as he inhales deeply. So close to you like this, the scent of you is overpowering, makes his mouth water. He kisses you again, pulling back to look at you.
"You're so beautiful my mate." he growls, his rough hands finding your thighs and pushing them against your chest, spreading you open.
"Leo..." you moan, your hands coming between your legs to hide yourself from him.
"Move," he demands, digging his nails into your thighs. "Don't you hide yourself from me."
"Don't be shy. Let me see you. Let me taste you." he whispers, leaning down to kiss your leg.
The sound of your gasp as he trails his mouth towards your center makes him close his eyes in ecstasy. He can feel the slow drag of your hand moving away as he looks up at you. "Hands against your thighs, hold yourself open for me."
He's unsure of where this sudden dominance is coming from, but it feels natural, like a part of him that's been waiting to come out. You comply, your hands moving to rest on your thighs, spreading yourself open for him.
"Good girl" he praises you, his mouth coming to rest against your folds, his tongue lapping at your wetness. It's intoxicating, the tangy-sweet taste of you. He's unsure of what to do, he just knows that he needs to keep tasting you, needs to fill himself with you until its so ingrained in his memory that he'll never forget it. He flattens his tongue against your clit, lapping at it with increasing pressure. You're gasping, moaning his name as he continues to pleasure you, his fingers finding their way to your entrance, slipping inside you easily.
You let out a wet gasp, your body arching off of the bed as he slips a thick finger inside of you. "Leo! Oh-!"
You're so tight, your cunt gripping at his finger with such intensity that he can barely move it. Leo grins against your flesh, enjoying the feeling of you writhing beneath him. He didn't know what to expect, what you would feel like, but the way you seem to flutter around his finger has him aching to take you, to slip his cock inside of you and feel you around him. But he doesn't want to take his mouth off of you, he doesn't want to stop tasting you.
You're a mewling, trembling mess under him as he sloppily laps at your cunt, his wide tongue exploring every inch of you.
He doesn't remember doing it, but his cock is in his hand, harder than it's ever been, leaking pre-cum as he strokes himself in tandem to your moans. He's getting impatient with himself, his body begging him to take you, mount you, fill you.
"I-!" you scream, your body tensing as a crescendo of moans and "please! please! please!" fills the room. Suddenly you're clamping down on his finger before he feels a rush of wetness push him out of you, hot liquid coating his tongue, his chin. It's like your orgasm has somehow caused his brain to short circuit, because suddenly he's slamming his mouth against yours, kissing you hungrily as he positions himself between your legs.
"Please, Leo," you pant against his mouth, your hands grasping at his shoulders. "I need you inside of me."
It's a glorious feeling, having his mate beg for him. "Watch" he growls, slipping a hand behind your neck and raising you up so that your head is tilted down, your eyes glued to his cock, your eyes going wide. "Watch as I take you," he says as he pushes the tapered tip of his cock against your cunt. It's electric, the feeling of finally touching your cunt.
He hears the sharp inhale of your breath, the sudden scent of fear as your eyes stay on his cock. He's big. He knows he is, and you're so small so tight. You could barely take his finger but he didn't care. You were going to take every single inch of his cock. "Relax," he whispers, rubbing his tip up and down your slit. "I won't hurt you."
You nod, and the fear slowly ebbs away the more he teases you. "Please..." you say quietly.
He smirks, lining himself up with your entrance. "My mate, my queen." he whispers, before pushing into you slowly, inch by inch, until he feels himself hit your cervix. He groans at the sensation of your tightness enveloping him, his cock pulsing with pleasure as he bottoms out inside of you. The heat and wetness of your core are overwhelming, and he can feel himself getting lost in the sensation. Every inch of him is consumed with the need to be buried inside of you, to fill you completely with his length. You've taken only half of him, and he wants nothing more than to shove the rest inside.
You're gasping, clawing at his arms as he stays still, trying to get used to the feeling of your cunt. He's never felt anything so good before, so hot and tight and welcoming. As if you were made for him.
He leans down to capture your lips in a fierce kiss, all tongue and teeth and passion. "Are you okay?" he asks between gritted teeth.
"Big." Is all you manage to say before rolling your hips and making him moan at the same time you do. "I need you to move." you say, panting, your cunt pulsing around him. "Now."
He holds back his laugh, slowly pulling out of you before thrusting back in, deeper this time. He sets a slow, steady pace, letting you adjust to his size and the feeling of being filled by him. The sound of your moans and the way your body moves beneath him is driving him crazy with desire. He picks up the pace, thrusting harder and faster into you, and you match his movements with equal intensity, meeting him thrust for thrust.
The friction between your bodies is incredible, and he can feel the pressure building in his abdomen, the need to release almost overwhelming. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groans, his fingers digging into your hips as he pounds into you. "So tight, so wet."
You're both lost in the heat of the moment, your bodies moving together in a perfect, primal dance. You can feel the tension building in your core, the electricity of your impending release crackling through your veins. Your nails dig into his back as you ride him harder, faster, desperate for that final push over the edge.
Leo's breathing becomes ragged, his movements more urgent as he feels your walls tighten around him. "Come for me, mate." he growls, his hand moving down to press against the swell in your stomach from his cock.
You whimper his name, your fingers digging into his scales so painfully that it starts to feel good. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, your entire body convulsing as pleasure courses through you in waves. Leo continues to thrust into you, prolonging your release, until he can no longer hold back and he comes inside you with a loud groan.
The feeling of his plastron dragging against your skin as he pulls you close sends you over the edge again. Even as he spills his seed inside of you and you keep milking him for more, he doesn't stop his movements. He keeps pounding into you, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure through your body. You feel like you could come forever under him, and the way he's looking at you with such intensity and adoration only adds fuel to the fire.
"Nnn! Leo, slow down!" you wince, placing your hand against his plastron. "I'm really- ah!-sensitive."
He slows his thrusts, his head snapping up to look at you. "Take me," he whispers, his cock still hard inside of you. "I want you to have all of me, mate." You nod, knowing what he means. You let out a deep breath and relax your muscles, signaling him to move again. He starts thrusting into you again, this time slower and more deliberate, but with a force that makes your head spin. You feel his cock pulsing inside of you as he reaches his own peak once again, filling you with his seed even more as he groans out your name.
He collapses onto you, both of you breathing heavily and covered in sweat. He peppers your face with kisses, his hands caressing your body as you both bask in the afterglow. You can feel the weight of his plastron pressing against you, and it feels like the most comforting thing in the world.
Your hands come around him, pulling his body closer, your fingers scratching at his shell. "That was..." you sigh, nuzzling into his shoulder.
He nods, trying to catch his breath. For the first time since starting his heat, he feels like he's managed to control it, as if it had fizzled down to a more manageable level. He shifts his hips, sliding out of you.
You mewl as he slips out of you, the feeling both painful and pleasurable.
"Sorry," he grunts, rolling onto his side and pulling you with him so that you're tucked gently against his chest.
"S'okay." you whispers, yawning.
"Tired?" he chuckles, pushing your damp hair from your face.
"Are you not?"
He shakes his head, trailing his hand down your arm. You were so small compared to him, it's a wonder you managed to take him. "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."
You nod "Let's go again when I wake up." you whisper sleepily, already dozing off.
He lets you sleep, enjoying the warmth of your body, the feeling of your leg tucked between his, the softness of your breath against his sweaty skin. He's careful when he reaches between your legs and touches your cunt. You shiver in your sleep as he slips a finger through your folds and feels the thick wetness of his cum there.
There's a sense of satisfaction that rolls through him, warmth pooling in his chest as he pulls his hand away. You're coated in his seed, absolutely filled to the brim.
You're his, marked forever. His mate.
Before the night comes to an end he takes you two more times.
Once as soon as you wake up, gently easing himself deep inside of you, your leg wrapped around his waist. It's intimate, slow, lets him look you in the eyes as he takes his time making love to you.
The last time is more feral, harder, leaves you covered in bruises, the bed covered in your drool from where he had pressed your face into the sheets as he pounded into you.
Both times he filled you, found himself stroking your cunt, spreading his seed around your lips and clit.
You finally begged him to stop, tears in your eyes. Your cunt was red, swollen, dripping his seed down your thighs. It took a lot to not push himself back into you, but he didn't want to hurt you.
He felt energized, hungry, tired. An entire myriad of feelings coursing through his veins as he helped you get dressed and remove the cuff around your arm and ECG sensors from your chest.
"Wait here," he said, gently tucking the sheets around you. "I'll get you some water and food okay?"
You simply nodded, closing your eyes.
He wouldn't be surprised if by the time he came back you were asleep.
The lair is empty, and he wonders if his brothers went out on patrol, it was too early in the night to be asleep, the clock reading that it was a bit past midnight.
He stops in his tracks, looking at the clock. Midnight? He had been with you in that room for almost eight hours? No wonder you were so tired. He tries to stop his mouth from breaking out into a grin.
The kitchen is fully stocked, but if there's something he's terrible at, that's cooking. So he rummages through the fridge, hoping to find something he could attempt to make.
"I've manage to gather some great data from this, thank you." Donnie says from behind him, startling Leo.
"Jeez, Donnie!" he sighs, closing the fridge. His brother simply shrugs, looking up from the tablet.
"I'm guessing you're done since my ECG sensors have stopped working?"
"Yeah... we're done."
"Great. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"
Leo wonders how his brother could be so tactless. "Look, can this wait until the morning? I have to go take care of her and I don't want to make her wait."
"What do you mean take care of her, is she okay?"
"She's fine, she's just tired." Leo doesn't like the implications that he's perhaps hurt you.
"Oh... this'll be fast, I promise."
"Donnie. Not now." Leo says, deciding on a piece of toast with peanut butter.
"Hmph. Fine. Here, give this to her." he presses a bottle of Ibuprofen into Leo's hand.
"What's this for?"
Donnie squints, adjusting his glasses. "For, uh, possible inflammation."
Donnie rolls his eyes "For her soreness, Leo. Just give it to her."
"Fine, thanks. See you in the morning." he says, balancing the bottle on the same hand he's holding the glass of water as he walks around Donnie
"If you're going to keep going, at least put the cuff on her!" he shouts from behind him.
He wishes his hands were empty so he could flick his brother off.
He's surprised to find you awake, sitting up and looking though your bag.
"Uh, here." he says gently, handing you the glass and bottle.
Your eyes light up at the sight of the bottle. "Oh you're a life saver, thank you. How did you know I needed it?"
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, sitting down besides you. "I had a feeling."
You take two, drinking half the glass at one go before he offers you the toast.
"Sorry... I'm not much of a cook."
"This is great, thanks." you say, taking a bite.
He watches you eat for a second before placing his hand on your thigh. He feels a lot more in control, a lot surer in his emotions when he opens his mouth.
"I don't want this to be just about helping me through my heat." he says slowly, looking at you. "I...I care about you."
You wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand, setting the plate down. "I care about you too, I have for a while. Why else do you think I agreed to help you through this? Because I'm somehow a good friend? I'm not that kind Leo. I wouldn't do that for the rest of the gang."
"Do you mean-"
"That I love you? Maybe, I'm not too sure myself. I just know that I want to be with you. That when Donnie called me to tell me what was going on with you, the thought of you mating with anyone else was absolutely devastating to me. I couldn't bear the idea of you being with someone else." You pause, taking a deep breath. "But if you don't feel the same way, I don't want you to feel like you have to stick around, like you somehow have to be with me because we've had sex."
Leo looks at you, his expression softening. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't just want to be with you because we've had sex. I want to be with you because…I don't know, it just feels right."
You giggle, reaching for his hand. "It feels right for me too."
Leo leans over and kisses you.
It's not frenzied, or passionate, but it's gentle and sweet. It's warmth, spreading through his body. It's everything he's needed, everything he's wanted.
It's just right.
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
nothing particularly sparks interesting in my ask box so after a good friend recommended a prompt maker I found a list. 1 action and 2 communications per request please
[ SIT ]  for one muse to finger the other who sits in their lap fully clothed,  keeping an arm around their waist to make them stay still. 
[ RISK ]  for one muse to drive and finger the other who is in the passenger seat. 
[ DISTRACT ]  for one muse to drive while the other gives them head/fingers them. 
[ WATCH ]  for muses to cuddle on a couch while watching tv and one of them begins to finger the other but stops every time they make too much noise. 
[ SUBTLE ]  our muses are cuddling,  sender begins to feel up receiver and tease them. 
[ STILL ]  our muses are cuddling,  receiver begins to feel up sender and tease them. 
[ GUIDE ]  while one muse is riding the other,  the one being ridden takes hold of the one on top’s hips to control their movements. 
[ CLOSE ]  our muses have sex in lotus position,  clinging to each other desperately.  
[ GAZE ]  our muses are having sex in missionary and the one on the bottom tells them to slow down so they can just look at them for a few moments. 
[ DELAY ]  one muse is trying to get ready to go somewhere while the other keeps kissing them and unbutton/unzipping their clothes. 
[ CAREFUL ]  one muse is recovering from minor injuries,  so the other takes charge and makes them stay still while they have slow,  sensual sex. 
[ REVERENT ]  one or both muses have been pining for a while,  sender body worships receiver by kissing all over their body and giving them oral. 
[ GRATIFICATION ]  one or both muses have been pining for a while,  receiver body worships sender by kissing all over their body and giving them oral. 
[ MESS ]  our muses are supposed to be cleaning up in the shower after sex,  but sender starts to finger receiver. 
[ RESTART ]  our muses are supposed to be cleaning up in the shower after sex,  but receiver starts to finger sender. 
[ CLEANSE ]  our muses have sex in the bathtub. 
[ TENSION ]  one muse is patching up the other’s injuries which leads to intense eye contact,  lingering touches and them finally crashing their lips against each other’s. 
[ DISCUSSION ]  for our muses to talk about kinks and figure out their boundaries together. 
[ APPROACHED ]  our muses haven’t been intimate yet and sender finally broaches the subject to receiver  (  feel free to add dialogue or actions  ) 
[ APPROACH ]  our muses haven’t been intimate yet and receiver finally broaches the subject to sender. 
[ SUGGESTIVE ]  our muses are hanging out and end up on the topic of turn ons,  kinks,  and what they’re attracted to. 
[ GROUND RULES ]  for our muses to discuss boundaries before trying something new in bed. 
[ OBSERVE ]  for sender to show receiver where and how they want to be touched. 
[ DEMONSTRATE ]  for receiver to show sender where and how they want to be touched.
[ LINE ]  our muses are supposed to only be pretending to be together for a mission or fake dating,  but they keep going and neither one of them is stopping which leads to them hiding away to have sex.  
[ DEBATE ]  our muses are arguing because sender is worried and overprotective of receiver,  but when they get up in each other’s faces they end kissing and groping at each other. 
[ CLAIM ]  our muses are arguing because receiver is worried and overprotective of sender,  but when they get up in each other’s faces they end up kissing and groping at each other. 
[ SENSUAL ]  for sender to slowly undress receiver,  caressing and kissing every part of them they expose. 
[ GRADUAL ]  for receiver to slowly undress sender,  caressing and kissing every part of them they expose. 
[ SERVICE ]  our muses just showered together,  sender dries off receiver with a towel and kisses each part of them they dry as they go. 
[ CARESS ]  our muses just showered together,  receiver dries off sender with a towel and kisses each part of them they dry as they go. 
❝  well,  honestly i’ve never really had sex before and was kinda hoping you would teach me.  ❞
❝  i’ve never tried that before.  but i want to,  can we just take it slow?  ❞
❝  don’t be nervous,  i’ll guide you through it.  ❞
❝  just because i’ve never actually fucked someone doesn’t mean i don’t know what i like.  we have toys for a reason.  ❞
❝  show me what you like.  ❞
❝  can we take a break?  i’m enjoying this i just need a moment.  ❞
❝  can i be on top this time?  ❞
❝  can i be on bottom this time?  ❞
❝  just relax,  lie still and let me take care of you.  ❞
❝  do you think we could try pegging?  i’ve always been kinda curious.  ❞
❝  you can blindfold me but i want my hands free if we do that.  ❞
❝  let me know if the ropes are too tight,  okay?  ❞
❝  i think i’m ready.  if you are too,  i wanna have sex.  ❞
❝  listen,  i’ve wanted to get you in bed since you first smiled at me.  but we don’t have to do this unless you’re sure.   ❞
❝  i’m ready,  but we should set some ground rules first.  ❞
❝  can you use your mouth again?  i really liked that.  ❞
❝  do you like how this feels?  ❞
❝  yes,  i like this.  can you just—  please keep doing that.  ❞
❝  i don’t want to be touched this time,  i just want to focus on you right now.  ❞
❝  i prefer to do the giving if that’s okay?  ❞
❝  i like receiving but,  if you want me to do something i will.  i want you to feel good too.  ❞
❝  you can go harder.  i’m okay,  i want you to.  ❞
❝  i don’t want to have to think or have control.  just,  do what you want with me.  if something is too much i’ll let you know.  trust me.  ❞
❝  do you need me to slow down?  ❞
❝  what can i do to make you more comfortable?  ❞
❝  i know this is really vulnerable for you,  so we can take this as slow as you need.  you’re in control here okay?  ❞
❝  can you just kiss me for a little bit first?  ❞
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