#or a pointy heel. and shoulder armor
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scream shri’iia in either of these but I’m kinda biased on the right one bc I like giving her butterfly imagery but she’d look soooooo good on the left too
#so fun putting ocs in cute outfits it’s like playing dress up#the left one is giving all the web vibes too…..but the right one is so cute it’s a butterfly sobs#anyway these with a chain mail skirt with a high leg/thigh slit / strappy shoes that looks like armor shoes#or a pointy heel. and shoulder armor#piece …. that’s the vibe.
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A Reunion Long in the Making [Part I]

A familiar figure stands at the shoreline of an equally familiar place. The once-Commander of the Phoenix Guard still holds her same rigid posture as she looks out to the sea, sipping from a cup of tea. Her armor pieces, survival bag and other (few) belongings are neatly arranged on a table behind her.
Ruthar enters the old Guard stomping grounds quietly, though not silently. He stands there for a moment, his mind flooded with memories before slowly moving toward the shoreline. His helmet is removed, the wind tossing his silver-white hair.
“So, it seems the reports are indeed true.”
Ina'thia's ears flick as she hears footsteps. Her hand instinctively grasps her sword. Then, the familiar voice. Her grip loosens. "...Good to know that the Farstriders still do their jobs well. It'd have been embarrassing to have snuck in completely unnoticed." With a grin, she turns on her heel to face Ruthar.
Ruthar's typically stoic visage turns a smile, the glint of a tear in his eyes as the sunlight reflects off of the water. "Commander Dawnblade," he says softly, moving toward the water's edge. He opens his mouth to continue but finds words difficult in the present situation.
Ina'thia also struggles with a faint glimmer of a tear in her eye. Ever the stoic Commander, she forces an even expression by raising her chin a little bit. "Just Ina'thia, these days..." she gently corrects, "Ranger-Captain."
Ruthar places his bow down on the table next to Ina'thia's belongings. "If titles are now off the table, then Ruthar will do. Let's leave Ranger Captain to the Farstrider recruits."
Ina'thia slowly closes the distance between herself and Ruthar, appraising his appearance with the keen gaze of a commanding officer. Some habits never really die. On the other hand, she looks as though she hasn't had a good night of sleep in years.
"Tell me everything, Ruthar. How have you been? What about your brother? Have you heard from any of the others since we parted ways? Are you doing okay?"
Ruthar raises his eyebrows at that. "Everything? I'm not entirely sure all of is it interesting." He chuckles as he removes his unnecessarily pointy gauntlets and places them next to Ana'dal. He takes a step closer and places his hand on Ina'thia's shoulder.
"In the last six years, I've never been happier to read a report than the one claiming that you've returned." He smiles genuinely even though his features may appear older. "It really is good to see you, and here - of all places." He looks behind him with a pleasant sigh. "Where it all began."
Ina'thia, now without fear of being scratched by unnecessarily pointy armor bits, goes right in for a hug when Ruthar places a hand on her shoulder. It's a tight hug, going on far longer than she would have ever allowed in her days as Commander.
"It's the only place that made any sense to come to." Finally, she releases him from the hug, but not without taking his hand. "...I'm -so- sorry for leaving the way I did. It's shameful."
Ruthar returns the hug whole-heartedly, cherishing the moment. He allows her to take his hand as the emotion continues to flow freely. He shakes his head slowly, his voice soft. "There is no shame to be had. So many wars, so much struggle." He sighs as he looks out to the ocean before squeezing her hand and looking back to her. "It has affected us all in so many ways." He shifts away to gather a pair of chairs that he places overlooking the water. "There is so much ground to cover, Ina'thia." He gestures toward the open seat as he stands next to his own.
Ina'thia squeezes Ruthar's hand in return, then follows his gaze and gesture to the open chairs. There was so much to talk about, they'd need chairs and maybe a few nights to cover it all. "I took dissolution and reassignment of the Guard harder than I thought I would," she finally admits after a long moment of silence. "Surprise."
Ruthar places his satchel down as he takes a seat, taking out a flask to sip on while Ina'thia enjoys her tea. He leans back, closing his eyes in thought for a just a moment. "You and me both," he admits. "The Guard was the closest thing I've had to a family since before the fall of Quel'Thalas." He looks out to the water again. "Between you and I, Rehmaar and I are just...not on the same path. We never really have been since we were reunited after we thought each other dead. The Guard filled that deep void, and by the Sunwell I miss it terribly." He lifts his flask in her direction. "There really was no greater honour than serving as your Lieutenant. From Hearthglen to being abducted in Draenor, I'd -almost- do it all again."
Ina'thia gives Ruthar a sidelong look as she sips her tea, frowning a bit. "The Guard was the family we all needed. It even included bratty younger siblings neither of us could stand," she laughs a little bit at that."We made a good family. I miss it terribly, but I'd be content never to journey to Draenor again."
Ruthar chuckles at that softly. "Deal," he agrees as the pain from his felfire chest scar throbs ever so slightly. "Bratty siblings, obstinate uncles, and relationships better left forgotten." He shakes his head with a smirk. "It really did have it all."
Ina'thia balances her teacup on her thigh and crosses her arms, gazing out at the sea. "Much as I miss everyone, there are some I'm still afraid to speak to. Gattius and I did not end things on a particularly good note," she frowns.
Ruthar allows that to hang in the air for a minute, considering his word choices with care. "Fear is a powerful thing. It has the ability to halt even the most prosperous of futures." He follows her gaze to the horizon. "When I first heard word that you had come back, fear was absolutely a factor - I truly had no idea how you would react to being discovered." He looks down to the immediate shoreline. "Overcoming fear is a path to great reward, a lesson it took far too long to understand."
Ina'thia can't help but chuckle a little bit, "I know better than to fight a ranger in their home forest, if that's what you were fearful about." After a bit of a lull, she wets her lips again to continue speaking. "Fear is what drove me away from home in the first place. After I came home from Kul Tiras, I heard the whispers. Then I saw the shadows. Little things, out of the corner of my eye. Then the obelisks. They were there, but they weren't."
Ina'thia hangs her head in a strange mix of shame, embarrassment and regret. "I had to leave before I hurt anyone."

Ruthar considers that for a long moment. "You did what you felt was right," he offers quietly. "There is no shame in that. More importantly, you are here...and N'Zoth is not."
Ina'thia 's face is hidden by her hair, which had fallen over her shoulders as she hung her head forward. "The Guard kept me sane through so many years by being something to focus on. Without it, I went actually gods-damned insane."
Ruthar nods, his mind spinning back to a time long ago. "In the aftermath of the Scourge, having lost truly everything, I was moments from fading to nothingness." He took a small sip from his flask as he watched the water roll over the sand. "Time and again, we find ourselves on the brink and yet here we are." His voice turns more declarative. "There is absolutely no shame in falling from grace in any capacity, Ina'thia. It is what we do after that truly matters." He looks her way with a genuine expression of care and concern. "And you don't need to do it alone. Ever."
Ina'thia would lean over to bump her shoulder against Ruthar's, but his armor was pointy there as well. "You're always so kind and reassuring to me, Ruthar. I... needed that," she finally admits, then downs the rest of her now cold tea. "I don't know what I'm going to do now, t hough. I just knew it was time to come home."
Ruthar nods, capping his flask. "It is time to come home. Time to be back in Quel'Thalas and re-evaluate. Nothing has reminded me of that more than being right here, right now." He gestures toward Quel'Danas in the distance. "For years now, I've served greater needs, needs far beyond what we have here in Quel'Thalas. But this," he reaches over to pat her knee, "Us. Our people. This place. These memories. -This- is what truly matters."

Ina'thia rests the teacup on her thigh again, "I served the greater needs for so long. No regard for myself. And when I was finally relieved of that burden, I didn't know who I was. I've traveled the world, Ruthar, and I still have trouble defining myself beyond what I think I should do instead of who I am. Maybe making amends is a good place to start."
"That means talking to Magister Everblaze... if I'm set on fire in the coming days, you'll know why."
Ruthar would spit out his drink if he had liquid in his mouth. He composes himself in an attempt to hide his shock. "I'm not entirely sure that's the best first move. I hate to use the term, but hatchling steps. Jumping right to the Magister seems like a lot very quickly."
Ina'thia raises a brow at Ruthar, "Do you really think so? I've always thought to do the hardest thing first. Get it out of the way quickly. But, I see the strategic advantage in apologizing to the most people -before- I meet a fiery end." Ina'thia touches her chin thoughtfully.
“I mean, the Farstriders caught wind of you rather quickly. I would imagine the Magistry wouldn't be -too- far behind.” Ruthar sighs. "Regardless, what do you owe him anyway? I never felt that he did much for -us-."
Ina'thia anxiously fidgets with her teacup, "Oh, I know he already knows I'm here. He has spies everywhere. They hide in plain sight, instead of the trees." She sighs. "...He and I became... involved. I left him without so much as a word."
Ruthar raises his eyebrows at that and considers it for a moment. "Well, like you said - he has spies everywhere. If he wanted revenge or retaliation for your actions, he would already have it, no?"
Ina'thia runs her thumb over the lip of her teacup. "He's a stubborn and prideful man. If anything, he'd refuse to speak to me, especially if he knows I want to apologize. Or, set me on fire. It'll be the toss of a gold coin."
Ruthar considers her words. "Do -you- want to apologize?"
"...I feel like it's something I should probably do, yes. I guess."
Ruthar nods, watching the rim of her empty teacup. "There is a hard line to walk when it comes to doing what is right and doing what is needed." He looks up at her. "I just want you doing what is best for -you-, first and foremost."
Ina'thia peers over at Ruthar, "What I -want- to do is drink a whole bottle of Eversong red and fall asleep by a tree somewhere. But what I need to do is, well... make amends to those I've hurt."
Ruthar reaches into his satchel and produces a bottle of Thalassian red, ever-prepared for these sorts of things. "I think both can be arranged," he says slyly.
Ina'thia lets out an audible gasp at the bottle of wine. Of course he, of all people, would be prepared for such an occasion. "Light and Sunwell bless you for this, Ruthar. You know me well."
Ruthar slips it back in his bag with a chuckle, standing up from the chair. "I think there are some glasses still inside somewhere," he says as he glances back toward the pavilion. "I believe a toast is in order - to a reunion so long in the making."
Ina'thia snatches up her teacup and rises, following Ruthar to the pavilion. "I think the last time we shared a bottle of wine, we just drank straight from it. Legs dangling over the edge of my balcony on Quel'Danas," she gestures to the isle in the distance.
Ruthar chuckles. "That sounds about right. Perhaps we should pay the Shattered Sun a visit."

Ina'thia fusses with her hair as they head over to the pavilion, "I think that's a great idea. See what's happened to my old office! Something dreadfully boring, I'm sure. Either way... it's been far too long since I've gazed upon the Sunwell."
Ruthar smiles. "I can think of no better way than to celebrate your return to Quel'Thalas than a voyage to the Isle." He gathers his items from the table and offers her belongings to her. "Shall we?"
Ina'thia begins the task of donning her armor once again. Despite its many pieces and parts, she's well-practiced in putting it on by herself. Soon enough, she has secured her runeblade to her belt and looks at Ruthar with a smile. A genuine one, this time.
"Ruthar... you are my greatest, and truest friend. My brother. To Quel'Danas!"
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Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again - Chapter 16: Of Light And Dark
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter! Available for Reading on AO3 & FF!
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/16/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/146362597
As Sonic raced towards Mystic Ruins, the Egg Mobile trailed behind, its engines straining under the added weight of the Chaotix. Vector, Charmy, and Espio were crammed into the vehicle alongside Eggman, whose irritation was evident in the tense set of his shoulders and the occasional grumble that escaped his mustached lips. The unlikely alliance sped through the landscape, a blur of colors against the lush greenery of the surrounding forests.
Sonic's plan to take a shortcut through the peaceful village of Harmony Hill was abruptly derailed as they approached their destination. The once-idyllic scene had been transformed into a nightmarish inferno. Flames licked at the sky, painting it a hellish orange that reflected off Sonic's wide, disbelieving eyes. The acrid smell of smoke filled the air, stinging their nostrils and making their eyes water.
"What the?!" Sonic gasped, his feet digging deep furrows into the ground as he skidded to a halt. The peaceful ambiance of Harmony Hill had been shattered, replaced by the crackling of flames and the panicked cries of villagers fleeing their burning homes.
Amidst the chaos, Sonic's keen eyes spotted a young squirrel, disoriented and alone, unknowingly stepping into the path of a falling, flaming beam. Without hesitation, the blue blur sprang into action. In a heartbeat, he had scooped up the child and whisked him to safety, reuniting him with his grateful, tearful parents.
"Thank you, Sonic," the father said, his voice thick with emotion and relief. "You have to stop him."
Confusion furrowed Sonic's brow. "Stop who?"
The answer came not from the villager, but from a chillingly familiar voice that seemed to resonate through the very air around them.
Sonic spun on his heel, his quills bristling with tension. What he saw made him draw in a sharp breath. There stood Metal Sonic, but not as Sonic remembered him. The robot had undergone a startling transformation that made him appear more menacing than ever before.
Metal Sonic's form now boasted five long quills instead of the usual three, each one adorned with white stripes that gleamed in the firelight. His eyes were framed by markings reminiscent of Shadow's, giving him an even more sinister appearance. The once-yellow accents in his ears now glowed an ominous red, and his nose had darkened to a deep black.
The robot's body armor had become more pronounced, with curved shoulder plates as black as his robot heart. His gauntlets and leg armor had grown larger, featuring pointy kneecaps outlined in white that looked sharp enough to slice through steel. A plate covered his pelvis, and his feet now resembled elven shoes, adding to his otherworldly appearance.
Perhaps most striking was the addition of a spiky belt from which a black cape billowed, seeming to absorb the light from the surrounding flames. The cape whipped dramatically in the hot winds generated by the inferno, creating an aura of dark majesty around Metal Sonic.
#sonic x#sonic x gotta go fast again#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#a03#a03 fanfic#a03 fic#archive of our own#fanfic#fanfic writing#fanfics#my fics#my writing#read on a03#sonic fanfiction#sonic story#sonic stories#sonic the hedgehog fanfiction#sonic writing#sonic fandom#sonic the hedgehog#gotta go fast#my fanfiction#writer#writers#writing stories#writeblr#writblr#writers on tumblr#writing
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Polyshipweek23 Day 4: Soulmates
A little bit of context: one of my favorite soulmate/soulmark tropes is “when you touch your soulmate for the first time, you both get a colorful mark in the shape of where you touched” I also love the idea of a soulmate being someone who has a profound impact (not necessarily romantic) on your life, so that’s what I’m rolling with here!
Mal gets her mark from Jay when they're both little. Like, the first day of what passes for school on the isle kind of little. It was hot, and they weren't wearing long sleeves like most of the adults do, and they bumped shoulders and marked each other. The soulmark is a smudge of dark red on Mal's left shoulder.
Mal was marked by her mother as a baby. Maleficent's mark is on her back, a double handprint in deep eggplant purple (Mal heard the name for the color long before she knew there was a food that went with it) and it's so deep it looks like a bruise. Not that many people see it. It's fine to be marked by a parent, but showing soulmarks still isn't something that people do on the Isle of the Lost.
Mal doesn't mark Evie right away. Their marks happen when Mal brushes her fingertips over Evie's wrist, and between Mal's bare hand and Evie's bare wrist, her fingers come away a saturated, brilliant royal blue.
Mal marks Carlos once they're in Auradon, as promised. Because it's a planned mark, they have some freedom with it, and she puts her mark on him as a full handprint on his right shoulder. (her left hand is stained red in exchange, but it's worth it, to have her mark so bold and bright and undeniable on him).
Mal marks Ben with her elbow, entirely by accident. On their first date together, she slips and falls in the water of the enchanted lake, and Ben unthinkingly reaches out to try and catch her (or maybe not unthinkingly at all - maybe he knew all along what he was doing) and Mal's elbow catches him in the bicep, and her mark blooms deep orchid purple on his skin, smeared from the broadest point of his arm down to near his elbow. Mal's own sharp, pointy elbow comes away stained with a deep, saturated gold. (It doesn't make the planned betrayal any easier).
Jay marks Mal when they're too little to know better. He shoulder-checked her on their grubby excuse for a playground, and then instead of a bruise they both had soulmarks blooming bright and unmistakable instead. Mal's mark on his right shoulder is bright orchid, and it's the second-deepest mark Jay has.
Jay's deepest mark is from Carlos, which is funny in retrospect, but hadn't been at the time. Jay's gloves have a little gap at the heel of his hand, where they cinch tight around his wrist, so he's got a smudgy half-circle the size and shape of the gap on his right hand, bright red with a little smear leading down towards his wrist. It's funny now, but it hadn't been funny at all when the little kid Jay was scruffing to try and intimidate him had squirmed too far and turned out to be a soulmate.
Jay's mark with Evie was intentional. A mark that would be easy to hide, at Evie's request, so they'd both thought about it and decided it would be funny to un-layer from their leather armor and bump the ridge of their hip bones together. The blue stain is one of Jay’s favorite things to trace over and over when he’s alone for the night.
Jay's mark from his dad is dark red, not nearly as bright in color as the one he has from Carlos, but not as dark as his own marks. It's high on his shoulder, in the shape of a hand catching him there, and it's fainter than most of the marks that parents leave on their children. A shadow of ruby-red, like a colored chalk stain that he can't quite wash off.
Jay also has a mark from the oldest Hook boy - from a barefoot kick to the ankle when they were kids. It's stormy blue, like the sky outside of their barrier gets sometimes. They didn't realize the connection until later, which was funny when they were fucking each other stupid in the back corners of the docks, and less funny afterwards, when their crews fell out and they stopped speaking to each other outside of threats growled in the market.
Evie shares an intentional mark on her hip with Jay, his deep red color dark like a burn against her skin. She hides it from her mother, and doesn't let herself regret the choice.
Mal's mark is absurdly bright on her wrist, a two-fingered smear of color that Evie hides under thick bracelets. Sometimes she wonders if Mal's mark on her is as bright as the one that she left in return.
Evie doesn't share a mark with her mother, because Grimhilde is careful, and always, always wears her gloves. (this is a lie, and her mother’s mark is buried under Evie's hair on what was once the soft part of her head. Her mother's lips, always rouged or painted, hide the blue that Evie left in return).
Evie marks Carlos partially by accident. She's not wearing gloves, and he's not wearing sleeves, and she trips over her own feet on a particularly hot day while trying not to pass out from the heat that's making them all suffer, and she smacks her hand into his arm. The mark blooms red and bright on the side of her hand, and the matching mark on his arm comes up so bold and royal blue that it nearly hurts to look at.
Evie marks Ben, which is strange for both of them. It's an unthinking, casual gesture when it happens. Evie's hands are bare at her sewing table, Ben sitting on the floor with Mal nearby, and she drops her seam ripper near his hand. They're so comfortable together that neither of them thinks before picking it up, and their fingers brush, and oh, they're stained bold blue and gold now.
Carlos's first mark is from his cousin. Diego darts out a tiny hand to touch his baby cousin's bare leg, and leaves a bold orange handprint behind, near the delicate curve of his ankle.
His mother leaves a lot of marks on his body, but none of them are soulmark-bright. Her marks, the ones that she leaves on other people, a white, like a floury handprint, or an old scar on pale skin, and he can see them on the faces of her henchmen every day. For a while he would count the silvery-white burn scars on his skin and beg for them to fade, to prove that they wouldn't turn out to be soulmarks after all. (They aren't, and they do all fade in time).
Evie marks him by accident, on a hot day when she sways a little too far and catches hold of his arm for balance. The blue smear from her hand is pretty. A nice change from red and black and white.
Jay marked him a long time ago. When they were too young to deal with what it meant. The mark is dark and vivid, but mostly hidden under the collar of Carlos's jacket. Jay hides his under gloves, and it feels safer that way, so it doesn't hurt to keep them hidden. (it hurts anyway).
Mal is one of Carlos's last marks. She puts a hand on his shoulder, after they already know they have two marks in common and are pretty sure they'll share one too. Lifting his shirt for Mal's orchid-purple mark is one of the first times his back sees the sun, and it feels right. Her mark sits lower than Jay's, not hidden, but something just for the two of them.
Carlos marks Ben. It's one of the first times he leaves a mark on someone, rather than the other way around. It's almost an accident. Ben reaches out his hand while they're in the forest behind the school together, like Carlos is a princess who needs help climbing over the fallen tree on the path. Their hands are bare, and they both know it. Carlos reached out to take his hand, and the mark on Ben's palm blooms red and bright. The gold he gets in exchange feels like a new beginning.
#my fic#almost#I do have some little pieces of these written up that I’ll be posting later but this is the soulmark reference list for myself lmao#polyshipweek23#descendants#rotten ot4#plus some other friends#in the original concept of this fic there were many more shared soulmates and people who mean so so much to my kids#and I might still add them back in hmmmm
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Chapter 8
Hide n Seek and Evil Shoes?
3rd POV
Two years have gone by, and it feels like yesterday when you just met Donnie and the gang. You guys are pretty much inseparable, heck Master Splinter thinks of you as his second daughter (Number one daughter goes to April love you girl!!) Anyways, with you now, soon to be turning 16, and in your sophomore year of high school, things have gone by pretty smoothly. You've grown into quite the woman, acne please def not an issue (lucky bastard wish I didn't have acne in high school) *clears throat* Now then you still have your cheerleader bullies and are still a bit insecure about your eyes so you continue to wear brown contacts.
Your pops have been acting suspicious lately, and it doesn't help that you've been having nightmares that keep you up all night. Such terrible dreams of vines and purplish red tentacle-like appendages protruding from your back, eyes turned into cat-like slits with yellow scleras, teeth sharp and pointy. People scream in the background as you are holding your best friend Donnie by the throat choking him with a vine. An armored person from head to toe walks up behind me, the metal foot pads clanking with each step it took, a menacing stare and red eyes glare at the turtle, it places its sharp metal hand on my shoulder encouraging me to finish him. Don's eyes are brimmed with tears as he reached out to you, as he was desperately trying to force air into his lungs. No matter how hard you try to let go, you can't. It's as if your body isn't your own. Then you are thankfully woken up by your alarm.
Waking up in a cold sweat, I sit up and try to catch my quickened breath. My T-shirt is sticking to my skin, my hair is an unruly mess, and warm tears streak my face. As I slow my breathing, I check the time and see that it's 9 am. on a Saturday. Dropping my phone onto my bed, I walk to my bathroom, and start the shower with cold water, walking past the mirror I look at my reflection and a flash of an evil grin and murderous eyes stare back at me. Rubbing my eyes and looking back quickly, the image is gone. After my shower, I get dressed in some grey leggings, a sports bra, and a hoodie, skipping on putting in my contacts as I doubt I'd see anyone I knew from school. Grabbing my phone, charger, some snacks, and an already-packed swim bag with a change of clothes, make my way out of the new secret hideout under the shoe store. Using the back entrance, I make my way through the alleyway. Clicking my sneaker heels together the skates pop out, and looking down at them I admire how they look thanks to Donnie's upgrade I can go way faster, input coordinates and not have to move my feet. But I only use the autopilot if I'm going long distances, skating to the school pool, climbing over the fence, disabling the cameras from my phone on an app (perks of having a tech-savvy friend and after the purple dragon incident he got a pretty good layout of the security system which in his words was "subpar"). I changed into my bathing suit and started my workout. Even with swimming I couldn't escape the images and sounds from my nightmare once finished I dried off wrapped a towel around me, sat on the ground, and began to meditate to calm my mind.
I was soon rudely interrupted by my phone ringing, opening one of my eyes and seeing the caller ID is Mikey. My anger quickly dissipates, and I answer getting an invite for pizza and hang-out time. Dressing back into my clothes, finding the designated manhole, and jumping down. I enter the lair, and walking into the kitchen I see Raoh opening a piping hot box of pizza, putting my stuff down on the floor I walk up to them.
"Ok, Rock, paper, scissors for the first slice. Me and Mikey are up" Raph says
Knowing full well that Raph picks Mikey because he always uses scissors. Everyone but poor Mikey has realized this. Of course, Mikey loses and Raph is about to take a bite into his slice when the lights go off, then back on, and his beloved slice is gone. Soon the lights flicker again and the whole pizza is gone, we all freak out at how quickly it disappeared.
"The table is eating our pizza!" Mikey shouts
We hear chuckling, scampering, and mouth-stuffing sounds.
"It's the chair!" Mikey shouts and points at the chair
As the boys start to get ready to attack the chair, Splinter appears seemingly out of thin air eating a slice of pizza. Apparently, today is the day we learn about ninja stealth and invisibility. He shouts "Lights off jitsu", the lights flicker again, and the pizza slice he threw at Leo disappears. We meet on a building behind a billboard, I sit next to Splinter behind the billboard while he explains to the boys about sneaking into Big Mama's Yokai Hotel.
"Ninja invisibility lesson number one keep to the shadows," he says while he moves into the shadow of the billboard
"Lesson two Blind spots use your enemy's blind spots," he says while popping out of each of our blind spots which freaked me out a bit not gonna lie.
"Lesson three be as light as a feather...as quick as a fast feather move quickly and softly," he says as he bounces around our surroundings
"Lesson four Slooow Moootion Juuutsuu" he says while I watch him slowly grab Donnie's tech Bo from his hand and his wallet.
"Oh please like you can sneak up on- hey give me back my Tech Bo" he pats himself down "And wallet"
Splinter tosses my Donnie's wallet and I catch it with an evil grin.
"Sweet now I can buy some stuff off my Amazon wish list!" I say evilly
"You wouldn't dare!" Donnie says while pointing at me.
"Now using your new skills sneak up on me and attack," Splinter says while side-eyeing them with his back turned towards to boys.
Mikey....being well Miket announces he's about to attack but is reminded not to do that by Splinter then he does the most hilarious thing and attempts to do lights-off jutsu with the sun. I couldn't help but snicker at his attempt. But then Raph tries to do light as a feather jutsu and you can guess how well that went...spoiler alert it didn't go well his stomping caused a mini earthquake that shook us about and caused a water tank to topple over and wash us into a garbage-filled alleyway.
"Boys you're not kindergartens, Lesson five blend into your surroundings," he says After using a ninja smoke pellet and disappears
The boys can't seem to find him, but he reappears in a turtle disguise. I immediately know it's him but I let the boys figure it out...which they don't. I roll my eyes and smack myself on the forehead when they fall for the trick and they attack a bag of garbage that was very close in shape of Splinter's body. Each one of the boys receives a karate chop to the head after he removes the disguise. Master's last hope is to send the boys on their own to figure it out for themselves. They hover over to the hotel using Donnie's battle shell. We watch them leave and Splinter tells me to go after them and that I'll benefit from this lesson. He tosses me a disguise brooch that Sunita gave to him for me, placing it on my clothes I transform into a teenage turtle, putting on my pink ninja mask and quickly admiring my turtle body I take off after them. (Don't judge my design please it's a work in progress 👀)
Splinter watches the Nexus Hotel waiting for us to return and several days go by without our return. He starts to go into panic mode.
"I've sent my children to their doom! Don't worry kids help is on the way" He shouts and runs towards the hotel.
Once he arrives he changes into Bell Boy clothes and sees that the hotel is in utter chaos...come to find out it's spa day for Big Mama. Splinter tries to close the elevator but a bunch of Yokai fill it up and Im pushed in as well. Once they all leave the elevator and reach their floor, Splinter and I look at each other and sigh. Donnie and Mikey, are hiding under a room service cart not their greatest moment but I got bored of hiding in the shadows and watching each of them utterly fail so many times to get the dog tag. So I dressed in the hotel staff uniform and was pretty much blending in. They roll themselves into the elevator and Mikey thought it would be the best time for him to try slow-motion jutsu which made me sweat a bit with how slow he was going that it was very obvious. Once they reach their "desired" floor the boys speed off and almost bump into Gus. Thankfully Master was able to distract Gus with a steak dinner that was on the tray. We then go to find the other two boys, Raph is doing horribly at blending in with the shadows, he grabs a huge leaf, chuckles to himself, and tiptoes towards Gus to get the tag, but his sneaking up on people stink activates and I toss a tennis ball towards Gus which he gleefully catches and plays with while Splinter hides Raph behind a painting. We then get back into the elevator to look for Leo, we find him in a room full of yokai, quickly grabbing a seat at the bar. Leo moves from blindspot to blind spot, which thankfully no one notices because they are distracted by the fight that is being shown on these snow globe tv things until he reaches Gus and goes for the collar just as one of the competitors wins and everyone stands up to cheer. Leo is left dangling and holding onto the collar we both spit out our drinks when Gus recognizes him. Leon splashes Gus's drink in his face and takes off running, we quickly follow him.
Mikey and Donnie are going up a stairwell with the service cart still hiding them, but Leo runs into them, he tries to grab onto something which ended up being me and we fall down the stairway. We all take off running and crash into Raph as we roll into a hidden room. We are surrounded by a bunch of Big Mama's henchmen. They look at me with confused looks on their faces.
"Who's she and how did she get here?" Mikey says
"It's me you dumb dumbs, but now is not the time," I say interrupting their awe
"Come on let's make Pop's proud," Raph said
"Lights off jutsu," Mikey says as he claps his hands
"Oh come on Mikey that's not gonna-" Donnie says before he is cut off by the lights going off and the giant lava lamp is still on but casts very dark shadows around the room.
"I will never doubt you again," Donnie says shocked
"Alright guys, keep to the shadows," Raph says as we disappear
Taking out each henchman at a time, Master watches from the air vent in the room. The lights turn back on and we each take turns demonstrating what Splinter taught us. In the end, Donnie catches the dog tag that Raph unhooked from Gus's neck. Once we made our way back to the building with the billboard we start to celebrate and Splinter congratulates the boys and me on a job well done. We are dismissed to go celebrate as a group, I jump onto Donnie's jet pack and we head out to get pizza.
"So are we gonna talk about Aqua's turtle disguise or nah?" Leon says with a smirk
I roll my eyes and retort, "Well this is a disguise brooch I got from Sunita, now I'm part of the turtle club"
Leo snorts and we fist bump. Unbeknownst to me Donnie is blushing as I took on the characteristics of a Soft Shell turtle just like him.
Donnie POV
Wow, who would have thought she'd look adjacent in both her human form and a turtle form?
We grab some pizza and head back to the lair to play some games and possibly watch a movie. April finally stops by wearing a work uniform and tells us about her job working at the Foot Shack. I smile that she got a job there and we can be work buddies. I've been working there ever since they opened, it's a fairly popular store and I love working there. I even designed a few shoes.
I'm on the couch with one of Donnie's purple weighted blankets and with a closed Jupiter Jim comic on my lap. The boys had left the room before April came and once the movie was done to skateboard. Splinter returns to the lair doing his "conga dad dance" (Don't judge the name of the dance lol). We both laugh at his dance, which surprises him and pops his back out of place. We try to help him but apparently the conga dad dance has more than one use and he uses it to pop his back into place.
He sees the Foot Print on April's shirt and says "That is a curious symbol"
"Yea, it's my Dads logo for their shoe store, April and I are work buddies now" I say happily while high fiving April.
"The Foot Shack, hm perhaps I should drop by I do love kickies" he says somewhat suspiciously
April puts an end to it by telling him that his whole "situation" isn't gonna come and disturb us at work. But knowing Splints he doesn't take no for an answer. April and I leave to head into work and Splints gets to work with his teenager disguise.
April and I are stocking up the shoes when we see Splints wearing open toed shoes. Those puppies have seen better days, I try my best not to puke.
"Now do not be alarmed, but I suspect your store is being run by the most evil forces to ever walk the earth" He quietly shouts to us
"You cannot be for real" April retorts
I start picking up the boxes April dropped when both of my dads walk in. They walk past us but not before Papa Brutus ruffles my hair and gives me a thumbs up. They enter through a circular door vault that locks behind them. April tries to get Splints to leave well enough alone but he makes a break for it and rushes up a fire escape to look into the secret room.
We follow after him, I briefly hear the boys screaming and some loud flapping but when I turn around I don't see anything. Shrugging it off and watch as Splints falls through a window and lands on upper part of the room.
April and I hop down and see both of my Dads and a group of Foot Clan warriors. Splinter pulls us down and shushes us
"You two please, you do not know the great evil these men are capable of" he says seriously
"Behold warriors of the Foot Clan" says Papa Lui as he pulls a cloth to reveal something...it was a really long cloth so the suspense was killing Splinter.
"Our new sprung line, aren't they beautiful" Papa Lui says
"Wait a minute pump sandals? That is a real thing?" Splints says completely shocked
"Hey!" I say taking offense to that statement
"That our darling daughter created" Papa Lui says proudly
"Such talent" Papa Brutus says while wiping a tear
"Oh sorry Aqua..." Splinter says awkwardly
But he continues to laugh "The Foot Clan has become shoe salesmen"
"Which we will use in today's aquasituon" Papa Lui continues while holding a scroll and revealing an armor. Both Splinter and I freakout a bit before April pulls us back before anyone can see. I have flashbacks of the dreams I've been having lately and start sweat and have a mini panic attack. Splints tells us the history of the armor, April and I gasp while looking at eachother.
"I work at an evil shoe store" April says exasperated
"For years I had a hunch they were hiding something from me" I say sadly as a tear runs down my cheek.
April tries to comfort me, the Foot Clan starts to leave the vault while wearing my new shoe design to the van. Splints goes to jump down but slips, kicking over shoe boxes and falling onto two foot clan warriors. We both look downbat him as he rips the uniform off of a guy.
Rushing back outside we see the warriors getting into a van, Splints gets in line with them and April and I follow behind.
"Were coming with you!" I say
"No, I'm going deep undercover to make sure they take not one shred of the evil armor. Please give my love to my sons." Be says heartfelt
"Hey guys your pops loves you, do not reply all" April says while quickly typing the text to the boys
Meanwhile the boys are attacking a giant mutant pigeon but we'll get back to that later 😉.
April gets a text notification and it Alerts Papa Lui, he quickly shows us away telling us to get back into the store.
"Awww, you never let me get to go on your missions" I say trying to get him to let me go which fails miserably.
Splints is able to get in the van with everyone. April grabs her bike and I follow her using my roller skates. We quietly enter Grand Central Station finding places to hide. The Clan starts searching for the armor pieces. April ends up making noise from her hiding spot and I peek my head out from my spot. The two of us are dawned in Foot Clan clothes and Splinter instructs us to distract the Clan while he gets the piece. (Insert not so ninja moves as we make our way over lol) Once we successfully distract them, I hear the sound of a horn, the Turtle Tank comes barreling through the glass window.
"And he sticks the landing" Leo says proudly
I face Palm myself and groan inwardly
"Mystic Metal" Donnie shouts while pointing at undercover Splinter who's holding the metal
"Just as I planned...wait what are the flameheads doing here" Raph questions while using Donnie's habd to point at the Clan.
The Clan starts to attack, April and I rush uo to Splinter, he gives is the metal peace and quickly make our way to a train. Getting onto a train we are ambushed by purple tentacle vines, immediately I fly into action using vines to fight them back to protect April, it was a pretty intense fight that I desperately hope to win.
The warriors were easily defeated by the boys, seeing that Splinter is the only one standing Papa Lui forces him to fight The boys. Which he kicks serious butt wish I was there to see it. Knowing Donnie records everything he wouldn't let me see it...scoff. Anyways purple tentacle vines force their way through the floor and causes it to collapse. Draxum, The boys and my dads exchange words, but is cut off by Draxum throwing April to the floor and holding me tightly with his tentacles.
"Caught these two stealing our property, But this one is quite interesting, put up a really good fight, I wonder who this could be" Draxum says while pulling off my mask.
"Let go of me you overgrown goat freak" I shout
Everyone gasps and Donnie clenches onto his Tech Bo ready to attack and save me.
"Sweetheart what are you doing here?" Says Papa Brutus shocked
"Let her go, she's one of us" Papa Lui says
"What no way Aqua is a part of the Foot Clan?" Mikey says
"Yes, I mean no, it's complicated" I say while struggling to break free not bring able to concentrate and use my powers.
Draxum looks at me and smirks, "Interesting I think I might do some experiments on her, her powers may be of use to me"
The boys get into fighting stances and My dads had looks that could kill directed towards Draxum. Splints goes to attack Draxum but his pops out of place once more and quickly does his conga dad dance which the boys recognize and freak out once they realize it's their Dad. Draxum grabs Splints, he breaks free from the tentacles and comes to the realization that he's Lou Jitsu. In their shocked states April reveals herself and they charge an attack to save me, both my dads think the boys are coming to attack me so they send paper ninjas to protect me. The armor piece gets tossed onto the tracks of the train and gets run over. The gang easily defeats a few of the paper ninjas, Donnie hits Draxum with his Tech Bo, Draxum ends uo dropping me, Don catches me abd holds onto me tightly. Papa Lui sends more after them, Raph grabs all of us and jumps onto the oncoming train. It was like everything was moving in slow motion, I see my dads reaching out to grab me with sad looks on their faces, tears stream down my face and I bury my face in Donnie's plastron. We hop if the train once it reaches near the lair, Splinter karate chops the boys and grounds them all. I'm in a corner trying to calm down and wiping tears from my face. Mikey comes over to comfort me, Donnie awkwardly stands back and rubs the back of his neck.
"Well since you have no place to go-" he's cut off by a glare from everyone. "I mean um you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want, right guys!"
Everyone agrees with him and smiles at me.
"Yea, we know you aren't in kahoots with those guys you'll be safe with us" Leo says confidently
Smiling and rushing to hug everyone doing the weird crying-laughing thing. Splinter interrupts asking one of the boys to carry him and we make our way to the lab. Little did we know that my dad's and Draxum put the armor pieces together and attached them to the almost complete armor. My dad's vow that they will stop at nothing to bring me back home to them. And this is the start of my new life with the Turtle brothers.
#rottmnt#rottmnt donatello#rottmnt x reader#rise donatello#rottmnt fanfiction#rise donnie#rise of the tmnt#donnie x reader
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Yeah hi so I wrote a tiny marcanne fic for CiH and don't wanna post it to ao3 so its going here now. On the timeline, it's a little bit after Marcy first got to Castle Town, so just a nice little quiet moment for our girls while Anne avoids Sasha's existence.
Stargazing Word count: 616
Anne pulled the wide-eyed Marcy out of the castle gates with one hand. The pointy-eared (She still couldn't believe that, how had she never noticed?) girl followed her, taking a close look at the portcullis as they left. "I still can't believe you live in the castle!" Anne chuckled, slowing down her pace as she rubbed her free hand against the back of her neck. "Well, I don't really live in the castle, I've just been staying in the castle barracks while I... uh... I was at Lon Lon Ranch most of this time." Either Marcy didn't notice her falter, or decided not to comment on it, instead taking a glance at the sky and stopping suddenly, digging her heels against the grass. Anne had let go for a moment to adjust her tunic, and continued on a few steps until she noticed the other wasn't with her. "Marcy?" She turned around, confused, to see the green-clad girl staring up at the sky in astonishment. "Woah... this is an entirely different sky. I don't recognize any of these stars!" Marcy gushed, eyes still locked towards the faint lights. "There's so many! Have you had this view the entire time, Anne?" The babysitter-turned-bodyguard followed her gaze upwards. "I guess. You couldn't see it before?" Marcy shook her head, corners of her mouth falling down slightly in disappointment. "No, the tree cover was to heavy. Light could still get in, of course, but stars were a rare sight according to the Kokiri. I... I don't think I've ever seen this many stars in my life." Anne nodded, and her eyes lit up as an idea came to her. She grabbed Marcy's hand, finally pulling her gaze back down to earth. "Wha- Anne! A little warning next time!" To accentuate her disconcerted squeak, she tripped over a small rock. Falling heavily into Anne, the other quickly caught her, silently thanking the gods that she wasn't wearing her hard armor. "Marbles? You okay?" Instead of responding, Marcy suddenly pushed Anne, causing the other to fall over. "Ow! What was that for!?" Marcy giggled, and sat down next to the brunette. "For making me trip! Why'd you grab me anyway?" Anne stuck out her tongue, scrunching her face, and turned away with a hmph. "Maybe I won't tell you! Serves you right." Marcy groaned playfully, and swatted Anne on the shoulder. "C'mon! Tell me! Annieee." Anne snuck her a glance out of the corner of her eye, quickly giving up. She excited pointed towards the night sky, her face lighting up in that way Marcy loved. "Okay, so, I got really bored one night at the ranch and Malon was up too so she taught me a bunch of their constellations and the mythology associated with them! Like, those three there-" She pointed animatedly to a trio of bright stars arranged in a rough triangle shape. "Those are the Din, Nayru, and Farore stars, named after the Golden Goddesses, and are said to be where they exited this world after creating it!" Marcy smiled, and nodded along while Anne pointed out more stars and explaining their meaning to the people of Hyrule. It was nice to be on the receiving end of a ramble for once, and she curled up a little closer to Anne's warm blue tunic. Anne hadn't let go of Marcy's hand from when she grabbed it, and neither made any move to let go. They simply enjoyed each others company in the dark, neither being able to see the faint blush on the others cheek. It was Impa who found them in the early morning, having fell asleep on each other, Anne's arms wrapped around Marcy protectively.
#calamity in hyrule au#this has been in my drafts for. awhile.#marcanne#amphibia#anne boonchuy#marcy wu#loz#oot#writing#fic#anyway#im just gonna post this now because i can't stand to look at it any longer#enjoy (and by that I mean you yeah you thank you for encouraging my brainrot)
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Runner up lines that didnt make it because of tumblr poll word length limitations. I'm including more of the peripheral scene because it's my post and i want to.
Tyrion and Jaime
The ruin was sad enough, but knowing what it had been made it even sadder. There was laughter here once, Tyrion thought. There were gardens bright with flowers and fountains sparkling golden in the sun. These steps once rang to the sound of lovers’ footsteps, and beneath that broken dome marriages beyond count were sealed with a kiss. His thoughts turned to Tysha, who had so briefly been his lady wife. It was Jaime, he thought, despairing. He was my own blood, my big strong brother. When I was small he brought me toys, barrel hoops and blocks and a carved wooden lion. He gave me my first pony and taught me how to ride him. When he said that he had bought you for me, I never doubted him. Why would I? He was Jaime, and you were just some girl who’d played a part. I had feared it from the start, from the moment you first smiled at me and let me touch your hand. My own father could not love me. Why would you if not for gold?
2. Catelyn and Robb
If Robb was frightened, he gave no sign of it. Catelyn watched her son as he moved among the men, touching one on the shoulder, sharing a jest with another, helping a third to gentle an anxious horse. His armor clinked softly when he moved. Only his head was bare. Catelyn watched a breeze stir his auburn hair, so like her own, and wondered when her son had grown so big. Fifteen, and near as tall as she was.
Let him grow taller, she asked the gods. Let him know sixteen, and twenty, and fifty. Let him grow as tall as his father, and hold his own son in his arms. Please, please, please. As she watched him, this tall young man with the new beard and the direwolf prowling at his heels, all she could see was the babe they had laid at her breast at Riverrun, so long ago.
3. Needle
Her floppy hat went next, then the gloves. They were Salty’s too. She emptied her pouch into her palm; five silver stags, nine copper stars, some pennies and halfpennies and groats. She scattered them across the water. Next her boots. They made the loudest splashes. Her dagger followed, the one she’d gotten off the archer who had begged the Hound for mercy. Her swordbelt went into the canal. Her cloak, tunic, breeches, smallclothes, all of it. All but Needle.
She stood on the end of the dock, pale and goosefleshed and shivering in the fog. In her hand, Needle seemed to whisper to her. Stick them with the pointy end, it said, and, don’t tell Sansa! Mikken’s mark was on the blade. It’s just a sword. If she needed a sword, there were a hundred under the temple. Needle was too small to be a proper sword, it was hardly more than a toy. She’d been a stupid little girl when Jon had it made for her. “It’s just a sword,” she said, aloud this time . . .
. . . but it wasn’t.
Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell’s grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan’s stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow’s smile. He used to mess my hair and call me “little sister,” she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.
Polliver had stolen the sword from her when the Mountain’s men took her captive, but when she and the Hound walked into the inn at the crossroads, there it was. The gods wanted me to have it. Not the Seven, nor Him of Many Faces, but her father’s gods, the old gods of the north. The Many-Faced God can have the rest, she thought, but he can’t have this.
4. Jenny's song
She drank the last of the wine in four long swallows, flung the skin aside, and pointed her stick at Lord Beric. “I’ll have my payment now. I’ll have the song you promised me.”
And so Lem woke Tom Sevenstrings beneath his furs, and brought him yawning to the fireside with his woodharp in hand. “The same song as before?” he asked.
“Oh, aye. My Jenny’s song. Is there another?”
And so he sang, and the dwarf woman closed her eyes and rocked slowly back and forth, murmuring the words and crying. Thoros took Arya firmly by the hand and drew her aside. “Let her savor her song in peace,” he said. “It is all she has left.”
5. Maester Cressen and Stannis
Maester Cressen blinked. Stannis, my lord, my sad sullen boy, son I never had, you must not do this, don’t you know how I have cared for you, lived for you, loved you despite all? Yes, loved you, better than Robert even, or Renly, for you were the one unloved, the one who needed me most. Yet all he said was, “As you command, my lord, but . . . but I am hungry. Might not I have a place at your table?” At your side, I belong at your side . . .
(9) a son or a daughter.
'where's 'ned loves my hair?'' nowhere. you must choose.
#asoiaf#asoiaf polls#and to everyone saying the bran line isnt ultimately sad youre right#but it's sad enough and brans rookery quote didnt fit the word count
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still working on the name || on the trail || world’s end
a series of illustrations i did earlier in the year for my favorite podcast in the world. i was doodling one day and some of the poses for the third drawing came up, and fortunately i decided to make a set! i’m still in love with these pieces, this style is freeing and addictive and it gives such wonderful results. i think it was a great choice for this cast, and like, what can i say at this point that isn’t emo. it’s the endgame, lads... let’s see if we can make it til december with all that alex’s been throwing at us. love this crew, the story, and the medium. hope it shows. enjoy!
ID after the cut because it is *a kilometer* long
[ID: a series of three digital illustrations of rusty quill gaming, one for each party rotation. they are all drawn in a minimalistic style with bright, mostly flat colors with subtle grainy gradients, spiral patterns and pencil-like outlines. all figures are made into predominantly sharp and angular shapes, and despite the varying poses it is all made so each face is in a full profile. the first image corresponds to season 1, and shows the london rangers posing as a team in front of a building on the street; the group is in front of an entrance door, and between the identical windows on each side of it. hamid and zolf are in front, and bertie and sasha behind them. the background is done in brown tones, and the party is considerably more colorful and flashy. hamid stands to the left casually, with his weight on his left leg and the same hand on his pocket. his right hand is lifted and from his index finger come out swirly sparks and stars. he's looking back at the rest of the group with a confident smile. he's dressed in a purple suit with light pinstripes, a deep green vest, and a pink cravat with a gem in the center over the white collar of a shirt. he's also wearing an ornate red scarf loosely draped around his shoulders, so the two ends fall in curves at either side behind him. his magic sleeves have a faint swirling pattern and golden cuffs to match the gem on his cravat, the rings on his right hand, a visible piercing on his ear, and his eyeshadow. his skin is dark brown and his hair and eyes too, only a darker shade of it. his hair is slicked back and curls back up by his nape, and there's a single curly strand loose by his forehead. to the right stands zolf, holding his steely-blue trident up with his right hand, making for a straight line just off the middle of the composition, and just below bertie's chin. he 's holding his left hand outwards to the left, holding his driftwood dolphin in a water bubble and looking at it impassively. his hair is blond and messy, and the mustache and twin-braided beard hide his mouth. his skin is pale and muted. he's wearing his old leather raincoat, which is plain dark gray and stained at the bottom edges, but the collar and ends of the sleeves have a pattern of blue, rolling waves. the scale armor he wears beneath it is made up of curving stripes of dark and light green-blues. behind them is bertie, who poses triumphantly holding his sword with his right hand over his shoulders, left on his hip, and standing so his left leg supports his weight and the right is stretched out to the side, balancing on the heel. he's smiling widely, with a vaguely challenging expression. he's very white and very blond. his armor is golden and is all pointy bits and falcons, with swirly, ornate borders and red accents on his upper arms and belt. he's wearing a rich red coat underneath, the collar of which is visible above the falcon on his chest, and from the fall of it behind his legs. just to his side and behind him, partially obscured by the group, is sasha. she's holding one dagger down and another up and above her head, slightly hunched forward, looking back at bertie with great annoyance. she's dressed in all black, with faint swirling designs only on the collar and sleeves of her studded leather jacked, and the top of her boots as well. the left hand where she holds the only partly visible dagger is missing the ring finger. she's very pale, has a burn on the side of her face, and has dark eyebags. her hair is very short and spiky.
the second illustration is for season 3. it shows the LOLOMG standing in a sunny desert among low dunes, with hamid and grizzop on opposing sides, and azu and sasha a little closer together, making the composition of the figures into a triangle with its tip on the heart of aphrodite, which azu is holding up. hamid is on the far left, maintaining his design for the most part. his hair is a little less curly, his eyeliner is running, and there are scales up his neck. he now has his purple magical robe, which has swirly borders on the outside, and a design of concentric circles covering the inside of it. he's dressed in a plain black suit with a dark gray vest, which has a discreet design of diamonds. he's stood as if he'd been investigating the footprints to his side on the ground, with a magnifying glass in hand, and has turned just his head to look at the heart. he looks on with slight surprise. on the other side is grizzop, standing similarly and with another set of footprints mirroring the ones in hamid's side. he holds his left hand near his head like he'd been looking off into the distance, but is turning to the heart with a big grin full of fangs. like hamid, his weight is on his outer leg and he's leaning forward, but on his left hand he carries his bow, which is simple and colored in with orange. he's wearing a green coat that has a pattern of vines on the inside and on the collar. he has his breastplate with the artemis insignia, a cream shirt underneath, shoulder pauldrons and his quiver on his back. he has gloves and arm guards, with a matching pair for his shins. his pants are plain and light brown. his skin is dark gray and freckly, his eyes bright red, and eyebrows black. there is a little cut on his nose and a moon earing on his long, visible ear. behind him is sasha, with the same clothes as before. this time she has two belts, crossed one over the other, where she keeps the sheaths of her fire and ice daggers. the ice dagger is sheathed, the fire one she's holding upwards on her right hand. her left hand is to her chest, and her fingers are now pointy and claw-like. she's standing wearily, and on her right leg, where the fall of the jacket doesn't cover her, there are two small daggers strapped to her thigh. her skin is now gray, she has a burn on this side of her face too, her hair is slightly longer, still messy and spiky, and the back of it is white. her eyes are wide but her mouth is a tiny line. finally, in front of her and behind hamid, is azu. she's holding her left arm up, with the heart of aphrodite floating a little bit above her hand. it's a rose gold clam with curving patterns, and its chain revolves around azu's hand. she has her right arm to the side, holding her bright pink great axe so the blade of it is poised against the floor just behind her. she's standing as if she was taking a step forward, leaning on her left leg, and the right touching the floor only with the tip of her foot. her skin is dark brown, her head is shaved, and she's smiling joyfully at the heart, one of her tusks poking out. she's wearing bright pink armor on her upper half, covered in spiral and heart patterns, as is the light yellow cape she has draped around her shoulders, which falls straight down behind her. her pants are also yellow and her greaves pink.
the final illustration is for season 4. it shows the party charging together, from the right to the left, amidst an orange and brown toned expanse filled with heavy dust and smoke. the clouds rush diagonally from bottom left to upper right, to give the scene a sense of movement. all characters have marked eyebags and are colored a bit more washed out than in the previous images. leading the charge is azu. her aspect remains the same, but she is running while swinging her axe back, in such a way that the handle and blade of it pass diagonally downwards in front of her figure. only her left leg is fully stretched, with just her right foot as she turns, and she has her back to us while she looks to the left with a stern expression, eyes narrowed and mouth frowning. there is a scar on her eyebrow. behind her comes zolf, running along with his glaive held with both hands. his hair is short and white, and his beard is done up in a single braid that swings back due to the speed. he looks livelier, set and decided, and there's a scar on his visible temple. his old coat is still dark but the ocean patterns have been replaced by sun-like streaks, in yellows and ochres. his breastplate is silver and with similar patterns, which also match the ones on the blade of the glaive. his trousers are plain blue and his boots brown. a little above him is hamid, flying fast and breathing fire through gritted fangs. the fire is a small trail of reds and oranges, in a single, waving shape going back in an arc above his head. he looks very angry, there are more scales under his eyes, and his hair is a little shorter, more sharp than curved. he's holding his right claw up in a threatening manner, the left one held down but also opened and ready. he's flying with one leg up and the other stretched behind him, the cape almost straight to the right because of the speed. his suit is nearly black, the cravat is light blue, and the vest green and with a pattern of scales. at the end is cel, who's running along with a big grin an narrowed eyes. their skinny arms and legs make them look long and gangly, leaning forward so intensely that their back and billowing coat are in a parallel line to that of their left thigh, with which they're taking the step forward. their right arm comes down, bending and holding a green potion near their face, and their left does the opposite, held up and carrying their crossbow so it points back at the way they've come from. it's got an arrow ready to go and it's turned so the body of it looks like it's being seen straight from above. their skin is pale, their ear pointy, and their hair is gray and very vertical, curving back, again due to speed. their goggles are on their forehead, brown and with green lenses. they wear a long, plain brown coat with an inside of gray spirals. underneath, their shirt has a design of tight little swirls in green and orange, with a bandolier over it. their trousers are plain black and their boots dark brown. end ID]
#rusty quill gaming#rqg#rqg fanart#hamid saleh haroun al tahan#zolf smith#sasha rackett#sir bertrand macguffingham#azu rqg#rqg azu#grizzop drik acht amsterdam#cel sidebottom#illustration#fanart#2021#finished works#i would eat these drawings myself really. i did a good#i did these between like february or january and march or something like that but i never posted them cause i kept forgetting to#write the descs so. finally!
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KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THE FUN GANG! (a.k.a. the Lancer Fan Club, a.k.a. the $!$! Squad)
Unnecessarily long description under the cut! I hope
[ID: A digital art piece depicting Susie, Ralsei, and Kris from Deltarune as they appear in the Dark World, mimicking the poses from the opening of the anime Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! From top to bottom: Susie takes the place of Kanamori Sayaka. Facing the viewer, she leans her upper body towards the right of the screen, with the heel of her left hand on her forehead and her right arm extended out from her side toward the left of the screen. Her purple skin is covered in darker purple freckles, and magenta bangs obscure her eyes from view. Her snout is still visible, along with a slight grin, revealing pointy teeth. The rest of her hair falls around her shoulders to her mid-back. She is dressed in a purple shirt with a rolled collar and a short-sleeved black jacket with purple trim and golden spikes at the hems of the sleeves, as well as spiky wristbands. The background of her third is a reddish salmon color overlaid with five-and-a-bit rows of light grey upside-down hearts in regular diagonals, representing monster souls.
In the middle third section, Ralsei takes the place of Mizusaki Tsubame. Covered in fluffy black . . . fur? Or maybe wool — he twirls happily in place, his right arm swinging in front of him, palm up, and his left arm bent over his head in the opposite direction, palm down. He is dressed in his classic green cloak with a black heart in the middle (partly obscured by his right arm), his pointy green hat (with two additional points for his horns), and the pink scarf, which is also caught in the twirling. His green glasses cover his white eyes, which are shut as he smiles happily, and are tucked under his fluffy ears to keep them in place. The background is a bright yellow-green with 5 rows of triangles, alternating row-by-row between point-up white triangles and point-down dark grey triangles, representing the Delta Rune symbol as well as the Lightners (white triangles) and Darkners (dark grey triangles).
In the bottom third of the picture, Kris substitutes for Asakusa Midori. They are angled at a 3/4 view toward the right of the screen, frowning slightly but otherwise expressionless. Their right arm, bent at the elbow, comes in front of their chest, bending down at the wrist with their hand in a fist. Their left arm is raised as if they are signaling they’re going to turn right at an intersection but with a closed fist instead (so, elbow raised to shoulder height, then bent back slightly at the wrist). They are dressed in a short-sleeved navy blue undersuit, which matches the navy shoulder-length hair that obscures their eyes, and are wearing light silver plate armor composed of pauldrons, a cuirass, and gauntlets. A reddish-pink and blue striped scarf tied around their neck covers their left pauldron and left arm up to their mid-forearm. The background is a bright turquoise, slightly paler than that of their skin, with five-and-a-bit rows of bright red hearts spaced in regular diagonals, representing the human soul. /end ID]
#deltarune#the fun gang#susie deltarune#kris dreemurr#ralsei#keep your hands off eizouken!#susie#kris#deltarune fanart#my attempts at art#I really should just pick a character tag and stick with it huh#alas™#I would be VERY surprised if this has not been done yet#but I haven't seen one yet and the more the merrier anyway#EIZOUKEN IS SO GOOD OKAY YOU GUYS#IF YOU WANT TO REDISCOVER THE JOYS OF WILD IMAGINATION#AND ALSO EXPERIENCE A FUN LIGHT-HEARTED AND PASSIONATE LOVE LETTER TO ANIMATION#GO FORTH#I want to rewatch but I literally can't do anything that isn't related to undertale/deltarune at the moment#like I love it and I did miss having something to occupy my brain#but not gonna lie it's a little bit annoying#I forgot how tunnel vision-y fixations could be#also I just checked my queue and apparently it only runs at 3 posts a day#I might increase that a liiiittle bit but unless I'm making an original post assume everything's queued#because I am NOT allowed to go back to my main dash until I make at least a little headway in my likes#there are so many...#but they WILL see the light of day
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A Seat at the Table Pt. 2 (Final)
~ Part 1 ~
After Gavin’s initial outburst had passed, breakfast went on smoothly and uneventfully, much to Rael’s relief. He was unprepared to address Gavin’s inquiries about why they couldn’t eat in the dining hall, because to be frank, Rael didn’t really have an answer.
Logically, Rael knew none of the soldiers would dare make a move against someone explicitly under the Emperor’s protection--and yet he couldn’t shake the feeling of paranoia that clouded his mind every time he pictured other alteons around the human. Maybe they wouldn’t attack Gavin, but what if they said something cruel? Something even Gavin wouldn’t be able to shake?
Simply being in this realm was dangerous for Gavin, therefore Rael needed to take as many steps as possible to minimize the risk. Honestly, he didn’t understand why the human had any desire to dine among the alteon soldiers; it wasn’t as though his previous experience with one had left a particularly great impression. Of course, Gavin did have a knack of surprising Rael. There was much more to the tiny man than he’d initially expected.
“Patrols are much more interesting than boring guard duty,” Gavin remarked from where he sat on Rael’s shoulder.
Seeing as constantly having his hands occupied with carrying a human was more than a little impractical, the two of them had needed to determine an alternative. Rael’s first idea of using a belt pouch hadn’t gone over very well with Gavin, and so they had ended up settling on the shoulder.
At first, Rael had been tentative about placing the human so high up. A fall from such a height would no doubt be deadly for someone of Gavin’s size. Gavin had come up with the solution of tucking himself under one of the leather straps of Rael’s armor, that way he had something holding him down as well as something to grip onto.
While Rael had agreed to the set-up, he still couldn’t help but send frequent uneasy glances at the human. It was difficult not to feel the need to be constantly vigilant when he was with Gavin. The little guy was just so fragile. The slightest misstep or wrong move could prove disastrous to him.
“Are you taking the same route as the last time?” Gavin inquired, his voice so near to Rael’s ear that he didn’t even need to raise it at all.
Rael shook his head, careful not to disturb Gavin’s position. “No, this time we’re patrolling the grounds,” he explained. As beautiful as the palace interior was, it could feel a bit stuffy after a while, especially with so many nobles and other important figures milling about and scrutinizing everyone around them. Since he had Gavin now, that particular aspect of the indoors was even less appealing.
“Great, I could use the fresh air,” Gavin commented just as Rael stepped out into the early morning sunlight.
Same as it had been the past couple days, Rael’s job proved fairly uneventful. A dull occupation was not something Gavin was used to. It was hard to get bored when you were a thief. Even intel gathering stakeouts often came with a healthy dose of intrigue. However, he had to be grateful for the mundane nature of Rael’s patrol, because things getting exciting also meant things getting dangerous.
A couple hours into the patrol and Gavin was convinced this one would be as uneventful as the rest. He had taken to resting his tired eyes, without Rael’s knowledge of course, when suddenly he felt his trusty giant steed’s walking come to an abrupt stop.
“Hey, what the--” No sooner had Gavin’s eyes opened that his vision was filled with a pair of giant hands reaching towards him. He instantly recoiled, though sitting on a shoulder, he had nowhere to retreat to.
Long fingers wrapped themselves around Gavin’s body, and with seemingly no effort whatsoever, they broke his iron-like grip on the leather strap and lifted him free.
Immediately, Gavin’s mind went to Kaydin, the thug who had tried to abduct him in the woods. However, there was something familiar about the hands surrounding his body; their grasp was firm but gentle, as though they intended to protect rather than harm.
When everything came to a halt and the hands were no longer in motion, Gavin was finally able to make some sense of the situation. He was being held in the relaxed fist of one hand, while the other one was cupped under the bottom so that his feet touched the palm. This left only the upper half of Gavin’s chest and above sticking out the top.
Gavin’s first move was to glance behind himself to find out just who had so abruptly snagged him from his perch. A wave of relief washed over him as he realized the perpetrator was none other than Rael...shortly followed by a wave of irritation at the sudden relocation.
“Woah, you seem a little defensive, Rael.” An instant feeling of dread began to steal over Gavin. He knew that voice, he’d had nightmares about that voice.
Slowly he turned back around. As expected, there stood Ashryn: Gavin’s least favorite alteon--which was impressive considering there existed an alteon who’d tried to kidnap and sell him on the blackmarket.
“I have been tasked with protecting our human guest, so it is my job to be defensive,” Gavin heard Rael state icily. There was no hint of the polite courtesy that had been present during he and Ashryn’s last interaction--something that Gavin was definitely pleased about.
“Ah, that’s right,” Ashryn remarked, seemingly unfazed by Rael’s less than friendly disposition. “A shame you got saddled with such an unfavorable task.”
If blood physically had the ability to boil, Gavin was sure his would be bubbling like crazy at this point. He had to literally bite down on his own tongue to prevent a vulgar string of insults from flying out of his mouth. Ashryn clearly had a unique knack for triggering the latent rage that lay within Gavin, but he wouldn’t let himself fall for the same trap twice. Getting angry was exactly the kind of reaction Ashryn was looking for.
“I’m honored to have been granted this assignment actually.” Gavin’s fury was temporarily forgotten at Rael’s unexpected words. “The Emperor specifically entrusted it to me after all.”
Glancing over his shoulder, Gavin caught sight of Rael’s hardened expression as he unwaveringly met Ashryn’s gaze. The guy was notoriously difficult for Gavin to get a read on, but he could swear he saw not even a shred of fear or uncertainty in those striking teal eyes of his.
Turning back forward, Gavin could tell the smug smile on Ashryn’s face had taken on a tight quality. He had a feeling the asshole wasn’t particularly used to being stood up to.
“Oh, well I was concerned it may have been more of a punishment than anything,” Ashryn stated. The naive innocence in his tone was nauseatingly artificial.
“I’m not sure you understand just how important it is to the Emperor that our relationship with humans remain positive,” Rael countered smoothly, as though he’d practiced this very conversation in his head countless times.
Ashryn’s smile began to falter, distinct irritation now flashing in his eyes. “You seem quite sure you know the Emperor’s intentions,” he commented coldly.
“Evidently better than you do,” came Rael’s quick reply, and Gavin nearly let slip a bark of laughter. He’d proven it before, but this was just further proof that Rael was clearly quite skilled with his words. If he’d grown up on earth, Gavin had no doubt the guy would’ve been one of those insufferable smart-asses on the debate team in high school.
The smile had completely gone from Ashryn’s face now and had been replaced with a dark scowl. The sight was so satisfying to Gavin that he couldn’t help a smile of his own from tugging at his lips. However, the joy was quickly shot through with a bolt of fear as the green-eyed giant’s gaze suddenly landed on him.
Gavin was quickly reminded of his situation. Ashryn was more than just some jerk, he was a giant jerk, and that giant jerk was currently giving Gavin the absolute dirtiest look of all time.
As though he had taken notice of the hateful glare too, at that moment Rael ever-so-slightly tightened his hold on Gavin’s body. There also came a bout of steady movement as Rael brought his hands closer to his body and farther away from Ashryn.
“I’m afraid I have no more time to waste on you and your pet,” the brown-haired giant spat, finally lifting his gaze from Gavin. “Enjoy your babysitting.” With that, Ashryn turned sharply on his heel and strode off down the cobble path that led back towards the palace.
“Stupid, pointy-eared, pretensious, oversized--” Gavin nearly drew blood with how hard he was biting on his tongue to prevent his thoughts from becoming verbal. Sure it would be satisfying in the moment, but it was obvious that Rael’s well crafted rebuttals were far more effective against Ashryn than Gavin’s disorganized assortment of crude insults.
Gavin was drawn out of his mental fuming when the hands holding him lurched into motion once again. Long fingers shifted around him until Rael’s thumb was pressed gently against his chest while the index finger did the same to his back. With an easy, fluid movement, Rael managed to twist Gavin’s body around so that he was now facing towards the giant rather than away.
Maybe if the circumstances were different Gavin would be irked by the gentle manhandling, but there was no way he could be annoyed with Rael after the way he’d just handled Ashryn.
“I’m sorry you had to see him again,” Rael said as he gazed down at the human in his hands. There was nothing but sincerity in his voice, and Gavin didn’t doubt for a second that the guy meant what he said.
“Don’t sweat it,” Gavin replied with a wave of his hand. ��There was obviously nothing to worry about since I’ve got my knight in shining armor and all,” he added with a smirk.
Rael’s dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “My armor doesn’t shine,” he stated. “And I’d certainly not call myself a knight.”
Gavin gave a snort. The cultural divide between humans and alteons had once again made itself known. “It’s a figure of speech, dummy,” he told Rael as he flicked the giant’s hand.
“I don’t know how I’m meant to keep up with all your bizarre human sayings,” Rael grumbled as he moved Gavin back into position on his shoulder.
Gavin chuckled, and then there was a moment of silence as Rael set back off on his patrol. The quiet was comfortable. There was no air of awkwardness or a sense that one of them should be saying something. But then, after a few more moments, Rael suddenly broke the silence. “If you want to eat in the dining hall, we can,” he said simply.
Completely caught off guard, Gavin froze. He stared at the side of Rael’s face with wide eyes, but the alteon remained looking forward. “A-are you sure?” Gavin found himself stammering. He had no idea where Rael’s sudden change of heart had come from, and while Gavin was glad for it, he didn’t want to have guilted the man into the decision.
Smiling softly, Rael nodded. “Of course. I can handle any idiot foolish enough to think they can mess with you,” he responded smoothly.
Gavin broke into a grin. It seemed he would get his seat at the big kid table after all. All thanks to his trusty not-knight in not-shining armor.
#I hope you enjoyed this lil short of these lads#like I said before I plan on doing more with this universe in the future#so keep an eye out#g/t#giant/tiny#g/t writing#my writing#oc: gavin stone#oc: rael
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Nice idea!
I'mma prolly set up a few major "eras" for her right now:
Revengeance: Roughly her first 5 centuries. She's in a getup similar to Ningguang from Genshin impact, sometimes with a mask

Dominion: A 1,200 year stretch from 6520 (When she last used her Revengeance outfit regularly) to 7720, she has an outfit more like a cross between Grace Howard from ZZZ, Kafka from HSR, and Arlecchino from Genshin. This would prolly mean she wears a jacket like Kafka's, has a crop top like Grace and has the overall color scheme of all 3 (Black and white), while wearing some pointy ass heels (She could actually use them as weapons)

Specter: Her main for about 900 years, up until 8640, this one is the one I said would be an OC (But is now a way far future fit)
Ascendant: Skylie used this outfit style all the way until the mid 10th Age (Like the 10500s), sorta a mix of Zhu Yuan (ZZZ) and Himeko (HSR). It's prolly a weird mix of practical armor bits and a flowy dress, like she has full metallic/plastic greaves and shoulder pads, not to mention full gauntlets and bracers, but her middle is a lone, white flowy dress, and really clashing sneakers, complete with a practical ponytail and the not going down one leg

Freshly Baked @loominggaia Memes!
Looming Gaia Lore Be Like to Outsiders/Newbies
Ei and Makoto when Cobalt, Sai, or any of her other relatives makes her stay in an area for some time while they get stuff/get stuff done:
BTW, Ei and Makoto are twin monsters Skylie forges to use as the Electro Archons she's cooking up (I'm deciding against maenads and just having Skylie make Ultra Deluxe Visions called Gnosis to give to dedicated people of each class (Meru for Anemo, Eviolans for Geo, Commoners for Pyro, Fae for Hydro, Gaians for Dendro, and Youkai for Cryo), and decided to use the Electro Gnosis to forge a monster capable of using its power.
Unluckily, the monster split in two and ran away before Skylie could react, and wound up in Evangeline Palace, where the twinned monsters turned into identical twins genetically belonging to Sai and Cobalt. The two decided to raise the cuties, and the rest, they say, is history. Anyway, they look like tiny Raidens
They are about 3 when Collei is 6 and the Evangeline Civil War is wrapping up, and are fuckin' adorable. They were also forged at 3 years old and are more like 3 days old when they were spotted in the palace by Sai and Cobalt.
A bunch of koholasaurs stopping their vishap from eating a panicking sirene
Skylie parodying a rival artist's hated song and makin it 300 time more popular by making it so different while keeping the lyrics
Citrine at the Athenaeum's Orchestra
The Grand Temple of Modern Lindism VS Skylie (And Rook) and Barus Lyndia (And Comet)(The Temple lost)
Ei, Makoto, and Collei summoning their relatives when some creepy satyr (Erasmos) is creepin on them
Skylie disguising herself as a guy to sneak into a Lindist temple
Skylie tryna listen to LG haters
Skylie making a song about how she and Barus Lyndia destroyed the Grand Temple of Lindism in Evangeline during the GGW using a million bombs strapped to them and their mounts (One who can hatch from an egg after dying like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy and the other one is an actual divine)(Skylie replaced Turban with Visions, even though Freemasons don't work for her)
The Evangeline Royal Cousins to Sai and Justinia both popping out twins (And then they, Jet and Cobalt adopt Ei and Makoto, resulting in 3 twins sets into the family in only 3 weeks)
Cobalt, Sapphira, Cyana, Lazuline, and Skylie when asked how they like to fuck (Cobalt loves it when Sai or Justinia break his hips while riding his dick, Sapphira is totally a top to me, Cyana prefers slow, loving sex to Cobalt's fast and rough enough to breaking beds, Lazuline has no experience, and Skylie totally missed the question and decided to tell her backstory about the Gnosis)
How I imagine a heavily accented Evangelite guy sounds like (No Idea Why, but I am WHIPPED for having the Evangelites have a thick German accent, and now it's my headcanon)(Here have some more)
Citrine, the Jetinia kids, Ei, Makoto, Rosaria, Lumine, Dottore, Columbina, and Signora at the stake burning of Rodrig, Marine and Danus (Teal got cast ironed to death by Cobalt, Skylie teared up with mixed emotions when she impaled Cerulea with her sword, Indiga died of a heart attack in her sleep, and Marine's husband got smashed by a felled apple tree)
Skylie, the Evangeline Royal Cousins, the House of the Hearth, the Harbingers and the Divine Quartet if they had a Saturday Morning Cartoon Theme Song (Think Spongebob)
Vex and Darshaan while Skylie gets railed by Saraia
Amber, Signora, Columbina, Rosaria, Darshaan, and Saraia on tea (I swear, my headcanon of Evangeline is the tea addiction of the UK, the theocracy the American Trump Cultists want, the rural aesthetic of Medieval France and Poland, and LG Species)
Maia to her crush (Who knows it, but she denies it)
Amber helping Citrine flirt
Saraia announcing to Skylie she's gonna confess to her
Gay Facts, with Cyana:

Buddy when seeing Skylie railing Saraia (They wound up in the Tabiya House of Karenza after a rough, drunk night):

Cyana to Amber and Citrine's play, when they're 6 and 3 (They did like 1 scene of Amber and Maui beating up a giant Loopy plush while Citrine wandered off aimlessly):

Morgause to her first actual SO
Maia when she said this to her crush
Barus Lyndia, disguised, to Rodrig (Rodrig ain't his brah)
Skylie to Titania and Morgause
Skylie to Cerulea
Rosaria to her husband, who's just a Fun Guy
Clarity to Lumine
Sai when Cobalt:
Skylie, Saraia, Darshaan, and Vex (And Darshaan is TWERKIN)
Capitano to Columbina
Jelani when he was tasked with watching Amber for 15 minutes while Cyangeline, Azura, and the triplets ran to the store and he wasn't busy and she was sleeping face-down in her pool (Plot Twist: She was almost 1 year old and developed water-breathing literally that morning, except she didn't realize it and just slept like that)
Capitano when Sandrone punches that sorta thingy through a stone wall in Evangeline
Cyana when Skylie and Saraia pull up as a couple (I'm speeding up their relationship from besties to GFs to only 16 years when they finally start dating from when they first met)(They call themselves Skylaia, and Darshaan and Vex are just eating 100 pounds of bacon):
(I'm tryna give y'all a good variety of links, picture memes, and direct videos while I can only post 10 videos per post)
Skylie during Halloween (May also make a new Fatui or albino elfenne OC based on this, because Skylie already has a design set to me but this goes SO HARD I CANNOT EXPLAIN WITH MERE WORDS):

Skylie, Saraia, Vex, Darshaan, Machine, and Lobster Red one morning (I feel Red would be like that)
Clarity when she realizes Lumine's crushing on her
Cobalt teasing with Collei when she was 1
Dottore, Capitano and Indigo be like
Canon Future Skylie Be Like
Maia and Indigo messing with each other
Skylie tryna seduce Saraia (Beyond just ripping Saraia's bottoms off and going straight to cock-sucking mixed with a titfuck)
What Skylie is tryna make in LG
Amber switching to Evokean and Galsungi when she needs to swear more than what Universa can supply
Maia being a shit be like:
Amber tryna bond with her siblings (Clarity and Mako are trying to as well, but Saheli decided it was Boat Horn Time)
Darshaan when Columbina cosplays as Mankind's Disgrace for Halloween (She's 100% accurate and as such has her titties completely exposed)
Skylie making a song after she and Saraia got together (She's tryna hint to Saraia, in the front row, that when they get back to the hotel she wants to ride Saraia's elfennecock like there's no tomorrow)(As such, she's in the sluttiest getup any of her characters have)
Folkvar to the Reformists, Yerim-Mor, the Unseelie Court, Damiscend, and the Seelie Court (Titania is in her old Conqueror Armor, and is SO BACK, and is gonna bring dat HEAT)
How Capitano convinced Pierre to let him marry Sandrone
Cobalt when Sai or Justinia are concerned about their weight (Sure, they're both a tad overweight, but isn't being overweight attractive in Evangeline (Maybe?), and besides, Cobalt's whipped for them anyway)(And his kids are wingmanning him):
Zareen Capital Be Like
The Evangeline Royal Kids (Lazuline, Sapphira, Teal, Cyana, Marine, Skylie and Cobalt): Lazuline, Teal, Cyana, and Marine gentle smiling while Saphirra, Skylie and Cobalt are giving their best "I'll Be Gentle" smiles (Saphirra's spotted a guy she's gonna marry, fuck, imprison, Skylie's gonna break Saraia's dick, and Cobalt's gonna break the bed while pile driving into Sai and Justinia)
Everyone to goblins
Skylie and the Evangeline Royal Kids about to break into the Grand Temple of Lindism before Skylie and Barus bomb it
Skylie and Saraia when Saraia helps Skylie out with something
Cyana and Angeline doing a couple costume:

Skylie using her Scary Dog Privilege (Saraia, Darshaan, and Rook)
If Fae and Other Species Could Interbreed
Cobalt training Collei to use a bow
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Cruella’s fashion 6: The live-action movie (A)
So, we covered the novel, the animated movies, the television series... Time to begin the big one. The live-action movie of the 101 Dalmatians, the one that redefined the fashion of Cruella (and visibly had a big influence on the 2021 movie). Released in 1996 with Glenn Close playing the titular Cruella, all of the villainess' outfits were designed by the famous Anthony Powell, the British costume designer famous for his work on movies such as "Travels with my Aunt" (1972), "Death on the Nile" (1978), "Tess" (1979), "Pirates" (1986), "Hook" (1991) and even two of the Indiana Jones movies ("and the Temple of Doom" + "and the Last Crusade").

As a result, each of the costumes he gave Cruella was well-thought and carefully designed. This one is the first "business outfit" of Cruella (since she is now the head of a fashion house, and the first outfit we see Cruella in. Of course, fur is present, here black and white, to match the typical Cruella colors - the fur is also stripped, a nod to the fact that when the movie opens Cruella and her fashion house are obsessed with stripes. The fur here is a clever mix of three different fashion accessories: it begins as a fur muff, which is linked with a thick fur stole - said fur stole passes over her shoulder and then falls on the ground in a long cape-like piece of fur behind her back, dragging onto the ground. (Muff, stole, cape, these were all the fur accessories the original Cruella wore in the children novel). Note that the stole/cape ends up with several black furry tails attached to it, as a nod to the decorative tails on Cruella's iconic fur coat.

Once the fur is removed, alongside the hat (you probably noticed in the previous picture the black hat with a small veil, an elegant, old-fashioned but also slightly funeral look), we can better appreciate the outfit itself. Typical female busines suit, with a skirt and a jacket, once again following the white and black color scheme. If you look close, you will notice that the pattern here is a set of pinstripes made out of sequin - this is the "girly" side of Cruella, who still enjoys everything that shines and glitters (and thus, a lot of sequin). Cruella wears high heels of course - it was part of the "molding" of the silhouette. To fit with the tall and thin body of Cruella, Glenn Close not only had to wear high heels all the time but also a tight corset to slim down her waist. Cruella also wears gloves, just like the animated character - except here the gloves keep changing to match the outfit. All of Cruella's gloves however share one characteristic: they have fake nails on top of the fingers. This was an idea of Anthony Powell, which of course made Cruella's hands look more like claws and as a result gave her a more witchy/demonic look. Glenn Close explained herself that the fact Cruella always wears gloves, covering clothes and shows rarely much of her skin gives her outfits the feeling of an "armor". It strengthens her natural toughness and coldness, because if she exposed too much of her skin or limbs it would make her seem vulnerable. Note that in this particular outfit, Cruella has pockets made out of what seems to be big animal fangs - nothing goes to waste!

This is the second business outfit we see Cruella in, when she contacts Mr. Skinner from her office to tell him to kill the puppies, since the police is getting on their tracks. Here we have a full dress, again in the black and white color palette - though here the pattern is rather "fang-like". We can also admire Cruella's love for jewelry: be it the fang/claw-like brooch, her earrings or the high necklace of black and white perls. Cruella is rich and vain, and thus has a wide array of jewels - but jewels designe to look quite "vicious" (more about that later). You might have noticed that the two business suits have a common point: the pointy shoulder pads. Not only do they give Cruella a more impressive silhouette, and thus reinforce the "armor" feeling of her business outfits, but they were also specifically designed to look like horns - again, reinforcing the devil imagery of Cruella. As for the fur, we have yet again a fascinating mix of fashion accessories, since this is a fur cape/cloak acting and worn as a fur stole (or you could say that it is one very extravagant and big fur stole - Cruella loves things larger than life). Note that the inside of the piece is bright red, a nod to the bright red inside of Cruella's original coat. The concept art of the costume explains that the fur of the stole isn't actually regular leopard, but snow leopard, and adds that the long black fur on the borders is actually monkey fur. In the movie, Cruella was more than just a fur-obsessed woman: they turned her into a true "ecological terrorist" by having her wear (and search) for the fur of endangered species and rare animals. In terms of analysis, it is also quite fascinating to note that she is wearing spots again. In the beginning of the movie, Cruella is entirely obsessed with stripes - and thus her first outfits are mostly respecting this pattern. However, as she becomes and more obsessed with spots she changes this - for example here returning to leopard spots. (She even mentionned in the beginning of the movie that she did "leopard spots" in the 1980s).

After the business outfits of Cruella, we dig into her home outfits, the ones she wears inside Hell Hall (her personal mansion). This is the first of the two we see, a morning and inside dress she wears the day she discovers Anita is getting married. It is also the outfit she wears when Horace and Jasper bring her the pelt of the albino tiger - definitively setting Cruella as more than an exigent, brutal, excentric and sinister boss, but as a legitimate threat, the head of a small criminal group delving into illegal activities to satisfy her mad obsession for fur. As you can see, we have no fur here - though the sheets of her bed are indeed fur, in a nod to the original children book where Cruella sleeps in mink sheets. The dress is rather made of black leather, with the floor-long sleeves, the bottom of the dress and the wide collar being an ensemble of white and black feathers. As we mentionned before, the movie wanted to push Cruella beyond her obsession for fur, by making her a threat to all animal life on Earth - thus here, we see she also has usual clothes made of leather and feathers. I'll take a moment to comment on the hairdos of Cruella - not only were they created to bring in mind the "Gorgon" look Cruella had in the animated Disney movie, but they also tried to shape it like an "artistic storm", a deconstructed but carefully made hairdo, again mixing the chaos and order, black and white, representing the inner dangerosity of this ferocious and violent being shaped in the elegant and beautiful shape of a rich fashion woman.

This is the second "inside outfit" of Cruella, an evening gown she wore as she was receiving Mr. Skinner the day they kidnapped - well dognapped - the last puppies. We see again here a good amount of feathers, forming the collar and the base of the dress, however the dress itself is not made of leather but rather of scales, more precisely snake and alligator scales. Thus we conclude the full palette of animal materials. The snake theme continues in her jewelery - not only is her necklace shaped like a serpent, but also her long bracelet - that continues on her hand and ends in a ring, is also shape like a snake. Maybe you can see it, but the end of the snake-bracelet, the "head" of the jewelled beast, on her finger, is actually a fang. Of course, the snake symbolic is very obvious. A poisonous predator, beautiful but deadly, associated once more with witches and the devil. (And of course the hairdos of Cruella also evoke the Gorgon myth, yet another snake theme)
#cruella#cruella's fashion#glenn close#101 dalmatians#live action movie#movie#fashion#outfit#villain
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Hi. I redesigned the DC trinity’s outfits according to my own personal aesthetic preferences.
Detailed breakdown below:
kept mostly in line with the Perez era/JL cartoon look because they’re the most iconic to me; just added a few seams so she’ll match the other two in this group
I added some much needed straps to her bodice; I know the movie proved it can be done without straps too, but in my head the bodice should look more sporty even if it’s made of leather; therefore - straps (in the back they should form the classic X shape sports tank tops usually have)
changed the belt to be more Sailor Moon-esque because I always loved how that V shape hugs the hip area; it’s also more contemporary
added thigh high stockings (slanted for even more V-shape effects) just ‘cause I wanted more blue on her
I am not a fan of the decision to ditch the stars from the bottom in recent iterations of the comics (which are inspired by the movie outfit) so I want to bring them back; the stars are not a pattern on the bottom anymore though, they’re in a line that follows the shape of the belt
the boots are now made up of shoes + greaves (that wrap around the entire leg so they look like boots), to mirror just a little bit of the newer designs WW has gone through and also to be closer to what the Ancient Greeks used to wear in their time; also, the white lines are now silver/metallic like her bracers (that particular inconsistency always bugged me); the boots are FLAT - no high heels or platforms or other nonsensical things that can’t possibly be useful in combat
I don’t like a skirt on her, or the ‘flaps’ they went with for the movie version; I get that the leather flaps are a very vague reference to the pteruges that Greek/Roman soldier used to wear but they just look off for me; it’s fine for her to only be in a leotard, as her fighting style is quite acrobatic anyway and she needs the full range of movement; what I’m ultimately trying to say is I like her looking more like an athlete than a soldier.
I actually liked the new52 redesign with the extra seams so I kept them, mostly because it reinforces the idea that his suit is all textile instead of being some sort of body armor like the movies/games keep insisting it is and I hate with a passion (he should never ever look like a heavily armored cop y’all) I’m probably gonna end up writing a separate post on why I think Batman should have a very simple, textile-only body suit
the cowl and insignia are inspired from the cartoon designs, specifically JLU and Batman Beyond; I really love him with longer ears, they really drive home the eerie, shadow-dwelling, scary presence he’s perceived as; also taken from the cartoons is the pointy boot tip - yes I think his boots should be pointy...like his ears and a bunch of other smaller details across his outfit BECAUSE I LIKE DESIGN CONSISTENCY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM
belt is also in a V shape because one can never have too many V shapes. I will die on a V-shaped hill also known as a mountain
I reintroduced blue on the inside of his cape as both a nod to the golden-age design, and because I felt he was in dire need of more color on him; I think the increasingly monochrome look he’s suffered throughout the years makes him look too different from the rest of the Justice League and I don’t like that much discrepancy of design and colors between the members
pointy shoulders are a nod to Cass Cain’s Batgirl design and I can’t list all the reasons why this works on so many levels.
I learned to love the red trunks in recent years; the part of the fandom that liked them made a very good case and convinced me so congrats red trunk team! Anyway, I decided to keep them in my idealized version of his suit, but extended them a bit further down the thighs to be more like hot pants than underwear (for the full himbo effect); I just really like how this looks because it resembles the old timey strongman getup even more (and I’m pretty sure was the inspiration for the original design)
ditched the belt in favor of something more subtle and integrated into the trunks; I think I achieved something neat here, because, in combination with the trunks, I think I found a way to marry both the original design and the Man of Steel movie one (which I don’t hate)
salutations from Mount V-malaya: the neck, the way the cape attaches to the suit, the logo (lower part), the “belt”, the boots
also more seams, to match Bats’ design (listen, I like having some semblance of design coordination between members of a team okay)
I never liked the exposed neck on practically every iteration of Supes’ costume so I decided to fix that and took inspiration from the Justice Lord Supes design (which has a high neck suit); I am aware that the main reason he has a collarbone neckline is because of the cape but I don’t care, I still think it’s very unflattering to the body.
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WIP Wednesday
It's that time of week again! When I put a chunk of a chapter here to keep my brain focused on my fics instead of whatever-the-fuck-else I've got on it. Whee.
“We were gone for thirty minutes,” Rezhek said wearily, speaking up so her voice carried down the hall. The taller of the two silhouettes hesitated by a couple of steps. “I’m going to assume that wasn’t enough time to get into more trouble, but please, feel free to prove me wrong.”
“No trouble here, General Grumpy! It was just some harmless shopping!” Tivvea cheerfully replied. She didn’t break her stride until she was in detailed range of Rezhek’s sight, or more accurately close enough to go in for another arm-around-the-shoulder lean. Rezhek dodged.
Tivvea snorted and used the missed momentum to turn on her heel, facing the pair of soldiers with a big smile. “Clothes shopping, specifically! I don’t know about some of you, but some of us like to wear stuff that isn’t several tons of metal,” she met the glower Aric gave her with absolute shamelessness, “Not that you don’t rock it! Corso, get over where Rez can actually see you. I need to show you off.”
Corso was already darker around the cheeks when he, too, stepped into Rezhek’s field of vision. That wasn’t the only deviation from his standard appearance, though--then again, his blush was becoming more common on his face than not, thanks to somebody. The heavy Mantellian armor he’d sported since they’d met had been replaced with a set that was a bit more form fitting than the former’s blocky, simple design, and atop it was a long, leather duster with that accentuated his shoulders and arms. It certainly looked more fashionable, but Rezhek wasn’t much of a judge on that aspect of clothing. Rather, she had to wonder how practical a coat that long might really be in a firefight, or if some of the leather straps on the chestpiece and legs were actually doing anything functional or if they were just there to make it look “pretty”. Tivvea extended her arms towards him and did a little jazz-hands gesture.
“Ta-daah! Living proof that everyone looks better in leather.” She sounded so proud of herself. Corso raised his hand to rub at the back of his neck. Tivvea either missed or ignored his embarrassment, because when nobody gave her the immediate response she wanted, she pouted and closed the distance between herself and Corso and started pulling and preening at the coat. “Pssh. All of you wouldn’t know fashion if it shot you in the ‘cargo hold’.”
“The coat doesn’t look very practical,” Aric said what Rezhek was thinking, and about as bluntly.
Tivvea let out a huff of hot air. “It’s armored! And it’s got a lot of compartments for holding extra weapons or medikits or kark like that. Besides,” she reached up and adjusted the heavy collar around Corso’s neck, which put her fingers right near his jaw. Rezhek kept the twitch of her lips still when his face grew darker from that. “My first mate has to look the part, you know? Mercenary armor just isn’t going to cut it when you’re flying on a ship as classy as mine. You’ve gotta look the part! And that part has to be as hot as me. So it’s a high bar. But he pulls it off!”
Corso mumbled something that Rezhek thought might have been “You think I’m...?”, before he trailed off. He was grinning like a fool behind the coat’s collar.
Rezhek sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “Alright, yes, fine, it looks good on him. I’m sure it’s very color coordinated as well.” Tivvea’s grin came back and she nodded. Corso just took the compliment with a weak chuckle. “But we have work to do. One of Tavus’ team was spotted on Taris.”
“Taris?” Tivvea’s grin weakened. “Oh, great. I’ve always wanted to visit a planet completely destroyed by orbital bombardment. So many smuggling opportunities there.” The sarcasm was strong with that line.
“It’s not about your smuggling,” Aric gave a sharp shake of his head, “We got permission to make your ship Havoc Squad’s official charter. So you’re going to go where we need you to, when we need you to. Understood?”
“That comes with pay, right? Because Risha’s plan was kind of lacking in the ‘steady income until the big pay-off’ department, but I could find other ways.”
“Captain...” Corso started, somewhere between a warning and imploring her not to poke the Cathar.
“The Republic will compensate you, if you keep your end of the deal.” Rezhek interjected, before Tivvea could get the rise out of Aric that she was digging for. Tivvea stuck her tongue out at her, but Corso mouthed a word of thanks over her head. Aric’s scowl lessened slightly. “They’ll also provide us with requisitions. Food, ammunition, medical supplies, etcetera. So you get paid, and you get free supplies.”
Tivvea drew back her tongue and cupped her pointy chin in her hand, acting contemplative. “I do like ‘free’ stuff.”
“You’d also get to shoot Imps, assuming you still like to do that.” Aric added, entirely deadpan. Rezhek failed to catch the small snort that triggered.
“I would have done that anyway, but--!” Tivvea stuck the hand holding her chin out towards them, her thumb up and her smile back to it’s full beam. “Let’s karking go! And you guys remember that I already agreed to this, like, earlier today, right? My memory’s not that bad.”
“You could have changed your mind,” Corso said with a slight grin, “Or grown some sympathy for the Empire in the last half hour.”
Tivvea grimaced back at him. “I’d ask you to shoot me if that ever happened. But, like, in the knee or something. Even if I went crazy I’d want to still look good.”
#my writing#swtor#swtor fic#Surprisingly Good Judge of Character#wip wednesday#corso riggs#aric jorgan#aric 'grumpy cat' jorgan#rezhek iaseed#tivvea easdel
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TACKLING AN ARMORED GUARD TO THE GROUND, Zed grabbed the man by the head and before even a peep could alert of his whereabouts, there was a loud snap. Looking around himself the albino ensured no one was approaching and ran up the wooden fence and made it to the other side, feeling the dry grass beneath his bare feet.
THERE WAS NO TIME FOR HIM TO TWINDLE, the Master of Shadows quickly started running towards the woods where it would be easier for him to lose the Noxian guards. He was injured, bruised, hungry and tired, but he had to press on with what little strength he had within himself before the patrol would find their friend cold and dead on his watch.
ONCE SURROUNDED BY TALL TREES AND LIVE GRASS ZED DROPPED TO HIS KNEES, NEXT ON HIS PALMS. The moonlight shined its light across his wet and dirty skin, highlighting and reflecting itself in the blood and sweat staining his body. The albino winced tried to catch his breath, peering over his shoulder every few seconds to ensure he was alone.
A SOFT, TEASING LAUGHTER MADE ITSELF OBVIOUS TO HIM. A feminine voice, echoing throughout the woods and all around him without giving out a single direction for him to look out for. Zed snapped his head around, amber hues darting around as the rest of his body was to tense up, preparing to defend or attack from the owner of the voice that mocked him. His fingers dug into the soft dirt beneath his palms as he looked around only for the figure to materialize right in front of him, in clear view.
TO ZED, IT WAS MORE THAN CLEAR SHE WAS A DEMON. Her skin a pale, unnatural tone of blue while parts of her limbs were formed of a glass-like material with swirling shadows dancing along the edges of her body. A pink flame was atop her forehead, the same color where other parts of her magic have concentrated.
“You’re so good at E N D U R I N G . . . “ She placed a hot pink claw down against her bottom lip and tugged down, flashing a sharp fang at him. “I wonder how painful it would be for you if I dragged you all the way back.” The demoness then jumped at him, her two tails behind her extending towards his feet. Zed widened his eyes and used his shadow magic to swap places with her shadow, throwing himself against one of the thick trees. He exhaled and took in a deep breath, watching the sharp ends of the demoness’ stingers stab and dig into the grass where his ankles were supposed to be if he failed to react any slower.
THE SHADOWS HAVE COME TO THEIR MASTER’S AID, the Tears etched into his flesh emitting a substance similar to the one dancing along the demoness’ skin. As she straightened up, the woman grinned at Zed’s pathetic form. He spent weeks in the hands of the Noxians, suffering torture and interrogation. They both knew there was no way for him to come out victorious of this situation, and she took much pleasure from it.
“No, no... playtime’s not quite over yet, honey!” She cooed, dashing towards her toy. Zed snarled when he was forcefully turned around and stomped on with a pointy heel at his chest. The demoness leaned down to his face, her playful smile turning sinister and monstrous as her eyes slowly widened. “I’ll clean your feet of bone and let the other humans toy with you until you’re all broken and ready for my return. Then - T H E N you’ll be ripe and S W E E T . . . ”
ZED BARED HIS TEETH AT HER AND WAITED FOR THE DEMONESS TO BE CLOSE ENOUGH FOR HIS FACE TO RETURN HER KINDNESS WITH HIS OWN. When the moment was right, Zed grabbed the woman by the throat and rolled on his side, pinning her down before quickly straddling her hips and digging his teeth into her neck, shaking his head violently as to try and tear her jugular out.
THE DEMONESS SHRIEKED, AND A STRUGGLE BROKE OUT. She was clearly much stronger than the mortal especially in his current state, but he was persistent and unrelenting. Even when the twin tails tried to stab at him he restrained and bit harder. Deeper.
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Shattered Chains of Fate Ch. 17
Delicious Fried Garbage
When Ichigo barges into the shop without so much as a by-your-leave Urahara is in one of the backrooms, working on a janky looking computer. Ichigo had seen some fucked up attempts at electronics before, during his time travel escapades, but this was another level entirely. He actually looked like it had an eye sticking out of the wires snaking around it.
Ichigo stares at him. When Urahara looks up it takes him a second to get his smile properly in place and his fan in hand. That mask is getting a bit old.
“Ichigo! To what do I owe the pleasure? And you’ve brought friends?”
It’s true. Medusa and Achilles had met them outside the school when he and Shinji had gone marching about. Cu was investigating the ley lines around the town. Waver hadn’t been wrong, there was something weird going on with them, and he was the only decent mage amongst their group. The other three of them were fighters, plain and simple.
“This one,” Ichigo grabs Hirako by his tie and hanks himself forwards for Urahara to see. “Is your fault. So we’re using your basement.”
“That’s a rude way to ask,” Urahara huffed at him. Ichigo pins him with a glare.
“I’m not asking,” he said frankly. Ichigo drags Hirako past Urahara and his horror computer to the trap door he knows is in the room just beyond. Hirako hops after him, but he still manages to look nonchalant about it.
Ichigo tosses him down the ladder, abandons his body in the safety of the ground above, and hops after him, with his servants in tow. All three of them land as gracefully as Hirako did, with Ichigo now in his dark shihakusho. A few moments later Urahara drops down after them as well. He held his hat to his head to keep it from flying off.
While Medusa and Achilles found a couple of rocks to lounge on and watch from Ichigo and Hirako make their way away from them so they don’t get caught in the crossfires. Not that it would matter for Achilles. His shield was almost as good as Mash’s.
“Okay,” Ichigo runs his fingers through his hair and gathers half of it into a pony tail at the back of his head, so it’s out of his way. ‘ How do you wanna do this, Nieve?’
Medusa looks at him with a frown. ‘ Who…?’
‘Just don’t go fightin’ me okay? It won’t be so different from other fights. We’ll just be closer this time.’
Ichigo winces at the wide-eyed look Achilles and Medusa were giving him. He’d forgotten to tell them about his new ‘friends’. Whoops.
Ichigo eyes Hirako warily. He touches his forehead, the way Hirako had before. He thinks of Nieve. He thinks of the driving force behind his blows. Desperation and vicious need. He thinks of the sting in his chest and the shadows. Phantom hands pushing his body to get out of the way. Protection. Survival. The steel of a sword in his hand.
Ichigo claws across his face in a move that feels almost natural.
For one dizzying second the whole world warps and twists. Everything is sharper and clearer. He tastes the energy in the air. Snakes and chains. Armor and blood. Shadows and thread.
Ichigo didn’t know you could taste a kaleidoscope, but that’s what Hirako’s soul reminds him of.
“ Huh.”
Ichigo blinks at Hirako. There’s something pointy just up over Ichigo’s sight. Horns? Is he some kind of bull?
I should summon Asterios next, he mused. We can match.
Ichigo lifts Zangetsu up to block a blow from Hirako. Their blades sing with the sound of battle. Ichigo can feel Zangetsu’s laughter in his soul, and his own smile is hidden from view by the mask on his face. It’s smooth bone.
Ichigo pushes him back harshly. He ends up throwing Hirako further away than he’d expected. It’s not just his senses that are heightened. His strength was increased too, and when he launched himself after Hirako he realized his speed was to.
He realized it because he almost smashed face first into a boulder trying to get around Hirako and hit him from the back. Fortunately the rock broke before his new horns and he was able to skid around and swing at Hirako again.
They felt like one. Him and Zangetsu, together. Sword and weilder. It was more than a metaphorical ‘the sword is an extension of your arm’. Zangetsu really was an extension of himself. Longer reach, harder hits, faster moves and dirty tricks.
They wanted to win.
Hirako fired a kido spell at him and Ichigo sliced through it with his Getsuga Tenshou, one the gauged a crater into the earth beneath them. Ichigo shot himself after the attack and swung hard at Hirako from above. He caught Zangetsu at the crossguard of his own katana, but he wasn’t expecting it when Ichigo came in from the right with a sharp, short blade he’d kept tucked in his sleeve.
It gleamed white and blue, to Zangetsu’s black. Or Nieve’s black. He was going to have to figure that out eventually.
Hirako is forced into a retreat, with Ichigo hot on his heels. He dons his pharoah mask, and the tides turn equal. Each hit it hard enough to send shock waves through Ichigo’s arms, and with each hit and near scratch does Ichigo grow stronger and faster.
He feels perfectly balanced for the first time in a long time.
A blade in each hand, and a mask on his face. He almost laughs before the clarity of the world snaps around him. He lurches and manages to knock Hirako’s guard aside with Zangetsu before he comes in with the shorter blade again.
“Stop!” Hirako shouts suddenly.
Ichigo freezes, his eyes wide.
Something gives way. The mask cracks and evaporates in the time it takes him to blink.
It takes Ichigo’s strength with it. He collapses on the ground, his chest heaving and his legs feeling like jelly.
“What… the… fuck…?” he asks between frantically gulping air.
‘Ran outta steam, partner.’
Fuck. So he had a time table for this power? Damn it.
He looks up to see Hirako pulling his mask off and letting it dissolve into thin air. There’s somethin unreadable in his eyes.
“Ya actually stopped.”
Ichigo grunts up at him with a scowl.
“Ya weren’t outta control. If ya were, ya woulda kept goin’ till I was dead. Or you were. ”
Ichigo snorts at him. “You aren’t that…. Annoying, Hirako.”
“Some might disagree,” he crouches in front of Ichigo. “I still wanna know somethin’. How’d ya manage to do all that on yer own? You lasted a whole minute and a half. Where were ya trainin’? And with who?”
“Nowhere and with no one,” Ichigo grouses at him. He’s exhausted, but with a slow breath he starts to calm enough that he can function again. “I’ve never done that before.”
“What?! Then why’ve ya been insistin’ ya don’t need help?”
“Because I don’t! I talked it over with Zangetsu and we’re fine.”
“Ya just… talked,” Hirako says slowly. He looks at Ichigo like he’s grown a second head.
“Is there a fucking echo in here? Yeah, I talked. Why?”
“Because that’s impossible!” Hirako reached to grab Ichigo by his shoulders but froze when he flinched back instinctively. He frowned. “I’m not gonna hit ya. We’re done fightin’ for now.”
“I know,” Ichigo scowls at him. In the time it took the words to get out Achilles had crossed the ground between them and landed at his side, a flicker of green lightning around his heels.
“That’s enough,” he said firmly. It was strange to hear from the normally laid back servant. Achilles arm wraps around Ichigo’s shoulders and lifts him carefully off the ground. Once, Ichigo would have shoved him off and insisted he could stand by his own merit. But Achilles was with him for the hardest fights of his life. Camelot, Babylonia, Solomon. They stormed the hanging gardens together.
He lets Achilles support his weight and stand him on his own two feet. He’ll be fine in a bit, once he’s eaten and maybe caught a cat nap.
“We’ll be taking him home, now,” Achilles says firmly. He shoots at look at Medusa, who’s left Urahara to travel over to them. This Medusa is a Lancer, not a rider, or she might have kept speed with him.
Or not.
Achilles is in a league of his own, as Ichigo well knows. A rank servants are like that. They’re also incurably insane.
“Now hold on. I got questions for Ichigo-”
Hirako’s reach for Ichigo is cut short by a sudden lashing of chains between the pair of them. Hirako is just fast enough to keep himself from loosing a hand to them. Ichigo shoot a look at Medusa over his shoulder.
“Was that necessary?” he asks dryly. She sniffs at him.
“You’ve just used a substantial amount of energy. You should be resting, not dealing with fools who think you a liar or malcontents who hide the truth.”
Her last comment is accompanied by a glare over her shoulder towards Urahara, who is watching them with shadowed eyes. They’re sharp in that darkness, and all too aware. Ichigo can see him piecing things together.
“Rider,” he says, “Let’s go already. We have things to do.”
Achilles agrees, and Medusa lets her chains slither back into her hair before following after them. Her boots click with each step.
Ichigo had decided, a long time ago, that Achilles’ name would be spoken aloud only in private. He had too well known a weakness to be exploited. Everyone knew who he was, everyone knew about his tendon.
Medusa was a bit less well known, and she didn’t rely wholly on her eyes either. As long as they stayed vigilant of mirrors and shields, everything would be fine.
The pair escorts him up the ladder while the two supernatural beings watch.
Ichigo really needs to stop hanging out with dead people.
There’s a car sitting outside the shop when they get out. It’s a bright orange Nissan Note, and Cu is sitting in the front seat.
“...Did he get a rider classification while I wasn’t looking?” Ichigo asks wearily.
“Nope,” Medusa says with far too much cheer. Ichigo takes the front seat, while Cu and Medusa slide into the back and Achilles slides into the drivers seat.
Ichigo buckles in quickly. He does not like the gleam in Achilles eyes when he grips the wheel and turns the key.
Ichigo watched the fog curl unnaturally outside the window.
Even though he’d heard London called the city of fog before, seeing it up close and personal was another thing entirely. Mash and Mordred were upstairs, doing something with their new guest. Mordred had said there was something she wanted to discuss with Mash, as ‘fellow knights’, and whisked her away to one of the rooms Jekyll kept, along with a new companion.
He had a comfortable house, spacious and wealthy, but Jekyll himself was a fairly practical man. Most of the house was dedicated to his work. Lab equipment, mostly, but books lined almost every spare surface. Novels, non fiction, history.
Ichigo still needed to stop fighting sometimes. To recharge his batteries, even if he was only supporting Mash, he coudln’t power through this singularity the way he had before. This was a more delicate operation, with more mystery around it than Ichigo could stomach.
He liked knowing who he was fighting, thanks.
In their down town, of which they had far too much and far too little, Ichigo had taken to picking through Jekyll’s books.
He’d read Shakespeare a’plenty, and a few works by Lord Byron, but here Jekyll had books Ichigo had never even heard of. For all he knew a hundred and a half years in the future they wouldn't even exist anymore.
He did know that when he got back he was going to try to find a copy of the Mill on the Floss. And he was going to have to see if Jekyll had any copies of Thomas A Kempis, so he could make more sense of all of it.
He was puzzling over Maggie’s spiritual upheaval when a scuff on the floor had him looking up and over.
Jekyll did that on purpose, Ichigo found. He had made the mistake of sneaking up on Ichigo once, and ended up with a black eye for his troubles that was still fading. In his hands was something that smelled suspiciously like tea. It steamed faintly across the rim of the cup.
“Jekyll,” Ichigo greeted. The doctor offered him a smile and came closer. Ichigo slid a scrap of paper between his pages and set it aside so he could accept the cut when it was handed to him.
Ichigo had never considered himself an academic, and compared to Mash and Jekyll he definitely wasn’t, but he was starting to enjoy the more mundane aspects of living. Who knew he would ever miss high school?
“Hello. I thought you could use something to drink.”
Ichigo dropped his legs off the side of window box he’d claimed as his own in one of the downstairs sitting rooms.
“Sit down?” Ichigo offered.
Jekyll hesitated before he did so. He sat right at the edge, like he was ready to spring himself away at the first sight of trouble. He’s been jumpy for a while now, and Mordred’s not wrong. He’s often very pale.
“If you want me to.”
Ichigo took a long drink of the tea and made a sound of surprise. He looked at Jekyll, who offered him a half smile.
“I found green tea on a supply run,” he said, almost sheepishly. “Mash told me that you’re from the east.”
“It’s good,” Ichigo told him. “ I just wasn’t expecting it… Thank you. Really.”
Jekyll smiled at him a bit wider. “Your welcome.”
“What’s it like normally?” Ichigo asked abruptly, nodding towards the window.
Jekyll followed his gaze to the roiling mist outside. The demonic fog was dangerous to most people. Jekyll always had a dark look on his face whenever he got off the radio. More and more people were dropping off, people he’d managed to get in contact with despite everything that was happening. People he knew, and some he didn’t.
Earlier they’d gone to try to help his friend, Victor. They’d come home with a young girl who was ‘frankenstein’s monster’. Which was not what they were going to call her under any circumstances. Ichigo would fist fight anyone who suggested otherwise.
“It is still foggy, most mornings. Sometimes it burns off by afternoon. On the worst days, you can’t see the other side of the road. It got worse with the industrialization. Sometimes it’s so bad the fog is more yellow than white, and it’s almost as dangerous as it is now*.
“That’s…. Kinda horrifying.”
“Maybe. But it’s still home.”
Ichigo rested his forehead on the glass, letting the coolness sink into his skin.
“...When I was a kid I would walk along the riverbanks where my mom died. I can see ghosts, and I kept looking for her. Like she would just appear. But she never did. Sometimes it got foggy in the morning. I thought I’d see her, but it was always just mist.”
“I’m sorry,” Jekyll said sincerely. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s fine. It’s been a long time,” he said at last. Not long enough, and it’s not fine.
Jekyll touched his leg and offered him a slight squeeze before his hand retracted. He didn’t flee, like he originally looked like he would. Instead he sat back and asked Ichigo about his book while the pair of them sat together.
Mist rolled by, and eyes watched them from across the road, peering out through the cloying mists.
* *
“What the actual fuck are you doing?” Ichigo asks when they finally stop, third in line behind red lights and bright menu signs. The smell of fries is unmistakable.
“You need to eat,” Achilles says like its obvious. Which it is, they can all see how tired he is, and they know him enough to know that some food with get him a better mood. “You’re a straight bitch when you’re hungry.”
“I don’t think you’d know straight if it smacked you in the ass.”
“If you’re smacking my ass, you’re definitely not straight- ow!”
Achilles rubs his arm and actually pouts at Ichigo, who looks smug. Time was he’d have broken his hand hitting his Rider that hard.
“Why are we at a MgRonalds?” Ichigo asks impatiently.
“It’s delicious,” Achilles says sagely.
“It's fried garbage.”
“It’s delicious fried garbage.”
“I’m not winning this fight, am I?” Ichigo asks, trying desperately to hide the fondness in his voice. Medusa snorts at him from the back seat.
“Not a chance, Master.”
“Call me by my name!”
He’s ignored, as he knew he would be. “How do you even know that you like this stuff? There’s no grail to shove knowledge into your thick skull.”
“No, but we learned quite a bit with you and Mash, and we’re still connected to you as well. So we know enough to navigate this time, I think.” Cu says from his place next to Medusa.
“You know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, right?” Ichigo frowns minutely. Then again, there were lots of things that don’t make a lot of sense, that he himself can’t make real sense of.
Ichigo rubs his fingers across his command seals. They were familiar, the same ones he’d had at Chaldea, but they weren’t in Chaldeas anymore. He’d thought that command spells were distributed by grails themselves, or the FATE system in his case. But apparently that wasn’t the case, or he wouldn’t have these three. Right?
Achilles elbows Ichigo when they get up to the window. A young man in a red visor that matches his eyes smiles out at them.
“Hi there,” he said brightly. “Will that be cash or credit?”
“Here,” Ichigo fishes out his card and passes it over Achilles to the man.
He glances over the man shoulder when a young girl in pigtails goes flying behind him, followed by the sound of something falling down. The mans smile grows a bit tenser.
“M-Maou! The fryer-!”
“Excuse me,” he waves at them and turns away. “Chi, what did you-?”
The commotion is cut off when the window slides shut with a click.
Ichigo looks at the other three and can’t help cracking a grin.
“Sometimes I’m glad I don’t have a day job.”
“The lives of normal people are not for any of us,” Achilles says with a nod.
“Okay, whatever you say mr. I-wanna-go-out-in-a-blaze-of-glory.”
“I don’t regret that decision, and you know it!”
He knows. Achilles has only few true regrets from his glorious life. One of them is the reason he always hesitates to fight a woman. The other is related to Hektor, who Ichigo had never had the pleasure of summoning himself. For the best, he figures.
They sit for a few minutes before the girl with the pig tails pops up at the window and hands them their bag with a few frantic apologies that Achilles waves off with a gentle smile.
“No harm done. Have a good day.”
Ichigo grips his door like a lifeline when they roar out of the parking lot. There must be magic involved for them not to get pulled over by the cops on the way back to the house. Even though the drive only takes a few minutes at Achilles speed Ichigo still manages to wolf down three burgers in just as man minutes.
He’s gonna have to practice using his hollow powers, or else he’s going to end up feeling hollow every time after. It’ll make him far too vulnerable for his own comfort, even if he is surrounded by his servants when it happens.
He trusts them implicitly, but he’s begun to rely on his own power, not just theirs. Having a sword of his own has changed him.
Medusa helps him out of the car when they finally reach the house, and lets him go once their in the living room. Ichigo falls onto the couch with a long sigh.
Achilles wasn’t wrong. Food did him some good.
The couch dips and a weight lands on his lap when the aforementioned Rider crosses his legs across Ichigo’s and hands him the rest of the burgers. Cu takes up the last space on the couch, on Ichigo’s right, and Medusa sets herself up in the chair across the room from the three of them.
“Thanks,” he says at last. “For pulling me out of there. I was really getting irritated.”
“He wasn’t being fair,” Achilles says with a frown, “Don’t these people know to just go with your flow yet?”
Ichigo snorts. “Not yet. I’ll bully them more another time. As much as I would like to just hang out with you guys, they do know things that I don’t. And soon enough, I’m going after Aizen.”
“Are we?”
“Mhmm. I still have my promise to him. I don’t know how to restore memories from a timeline that doesn’t exist anymore, but I can at least prove to him that we used to be friends. I just have to figure out how to get to him. Urahara could get me to Seireitei, he might know a way to where the hollows live too. Now that he doesn’t think I’m losing my mind or whatever.”
“Your life never is dull,” Cu teases him, tugging his long orange hair. Ichigo rolls his eyes fondly at him.
“As if you’re one to talk. You’ve been fighting since you were a child.”
“You were just a boy when we met in Fuyuki,” Cu points out. “Older than me, admittedly, but still young.”
“I was practically grown up!”
“That’s not a good thing,” Medusa scowls at him from across the room. “You should mourn your lost childhood. Not celebrate it. Mad man.”
Ichigo falls silent and looks elsewhere. He can’t even really disagree with her. It’s one of the things he’s most angry at his father for. He’d let Ichigo grow up too fast, he’d never tried to explain what happened and he barely supported him, so lost was Isshin in his own grief. He was always better with the girls, but even Yuzu and Karin are more grown up than they should be for girls of their age.
He’ll deal with that later. His food is getting cold.
* * *
Once Ichigo is out the door, Shinji turns to Urahara.
“So. That went well.”
“I thought you said he was having trouble with his hollow. Not that he was about to turn everything on its ear.”
“I didn’t know,” Urahara defended, snapping his fan shut and pacing away from Shinji. “Yoruichi said that it almost took over during his fight with Kyoraku. She said she had to knock him out to get him out of the situation, before things got really bad. The mask was half formed and he was healing from a cut on his shoulder.”
“Well he didn’t need our help after all. And now he’s pissed, and I’ve got questions for ‘im,” Shinji crossed his arms over his chest. “Like how the hell he managed to just have a conversation with a fuckin’ hollow!”
“You think I don’t want to know the answers too?” Urahara frowned at him from over his shoulder. “This could be a turning point. If he went about it a different way that opens so many more possibilities. But now he’s being puppy guarded by those strange friends of his.”
“Yeah,” Shinji frowns. “Who are they? What are they? They sure as shit ain’t human.”
“I’m not sure. I think it has something to do with Ichigo being a mage, but he’s not a very forthcoming boy when it comes to mage craft. Some rule that says he has to kill you if he tells you.”
“That’s one’a the weirdest things about ‘im. Since when can someone be a mage and a shinigami?”
“I’m beginning to think that impossible things follow Ichigo around like a shadow. Do you know what he said when he was going to save Rukia? That he didn’t need to bring his friends because he would make some there. And you know what he did?”
“He turned half the officers of the 13 on their own superiors. Ya said somethin’ about that earlier.”
“Yes. He’s a very unusual boy.”
Kisuke flicked his fan back open and looks down at the pale paper. “I’ve made many mistakes with him, Shinji. He shouldn’t trust me. He shouldn’t even talk to me, at this point, but this was the first place he brought you for this little fight.”
“Weird guy,” Shinji says idly. He’s never seen Kisuke so out of sorts, all over a not-so-human boy who’s rapidly turning the world over on its heels. Shinji can’t tell if he’s afraid or excited about what going to happen in the future.
“Tomorrow, after school, I’m gonna try to bring Ichigo around to meet the others. I wanna see what Hiyori makes of ‘im.”
“You mean besides a punching bag?”
Shinji snickers at the image. “I’m not sure I’d put my money on our girl in that case.”
* * * *
Ichigo wakes up in Avalon again.
He’d in Merlin’s lap, his cheek resting on the mages fine robes. He blinks a few times and finds he’s not alone. Again, two spirits sit across from him, but the charged energy of secrets is gone, leaving shoulders loose and muscles relaxed. Be it Neive or Zangetsu, they’ve both calmed considerably.
“What’s going on?” Ichigo asks, slowly sitting up. Merlin lets him go willingly.
It’s Zangetsu who starts talking, which is interesting since the last time they were here Ichigo practically had to pull his teeth out to get him to open up.
“Why am I still here?”
“You woke up last time. I thought I would have disappeared when you knew I wasn’t your real Zanpakutou. Why am I still here?”
“Because you’re still mine?” Ichigo honestly isn’t sure why they’re even having this conversation. “He’s my zanpakuto and you’re my quincy power. I’m not very good at the bow so you’re stuck being a sword. Deal with it.”
Zangetsu gapes at him like a fish while Neive howls with laughter.
“Although,” Ichigo adds. “I need a better way to distinguish the two of you. He’s already Neive, but if he’s actually Zangetsu you can’t be just Zangetsu anymore. So… Tensa. Like the Bankai.”
“Like the one you barely even use?” Neive asks dryly while he wipes a tear from his eye.
“Hey! I was totally ready to use it to save Rukia! But nothing else has really happened since then! Even Hirako was just interested in the mask.”
“Besides, isn’t it always better to keep a card in your back pocket? Now the only people who know about our Bankai, or what it was before now, is Yoruichi and Renji. And probably Urahara, by extension.”
“Then you will call me that?” Zangetsu -Tensa- asks.
Ichigo nods with finality. “Tensa and Neive. Both parts of me. Both parts of Zangetsu.”
“You know,” Tensa begins, “Now that you’re going to be training your quincy powers, your fighting style may change further.”
“I would think so,” Ichigo says flatly. “But what exactly were you thinking?”
Tensa taps his fingers along his thigh. “It might not work in the human world, but the next time we’re in Seireitei I’ll let you know.”
“Fair enough,” Ichigo nods at him, before he finally turns to Merlin.
“Don’t you have better things to do than drag me into your garden every night?” he jokes, even though he quietly appreciates it. He much prefers Avalon to fire and death and decay.
Merlin sniffs at him. “Unappreciative cur. I should banish you.”
“That’s the most bullshit old english thing you’ve ever said!” Ichigo shouts and tackles him into a cloud of flowers. Neive laughs loudly behind them while the pair of mages, one grand and one poor, tussle in a bouquet.
* * * * *
There’s a magic book breaking into buildings and killing people. There’s a famous author who looks like a child trying to solve the problem.
They can’t beat the book, because it’s not physically able to be beaten in the state it’s in. Or something. Ichigo’s not sure he understands what he was talking about, but the end result is that he gives the book a name.
And all of a sudden the book is not a book, but a little girl clutching a tome of fairy tales to her chest. Her hair is white and her eyes are pink, and she’s absolutely tiny.
Ichigo grabs Mash by the should hard to keep her from going in fighting.
“No!” he snaps, dragging her back a step.
Mash’s brows furrow. “Master, this is the tome that was attacking people…”
“I know but…” he can’t let her hurt a kid. Besides. “Anderson said she wasn’t trying to kill anyone. She was looking for a master so she could take a human form. And I mean, I’m right here.”
Ichigo steps towards the girl, past Mash’s safety and the protection that might be provided by Anderson. He walks slowly, with his hands up so he won’t scare her.
Even if she could probably kill him, he doesn't want to frighten the girl.
“Hey there,” he says quietly. “I’m Ichigo Kurosaki. It’s nice to meet you Alice. Are you feeling better, now that you’ve got your own two hands?”
He waits for her hesitant nod.
“Would you like to come with us?” he asks. “You were looking for a master, right? Well I’m afraid I’m the only one in the city.”
He offers her his hand.
Slowly, so slowly, she places her own tiny hand in Ichigo’s larger, calloused one.
Ichigo picks her up gently into his arms, the fight forgotten. She hadn’t killed any of the people she’d attacked, which helps him justify this beyond him having a soft heart. He just can’t stand the idea of hurting a little girl. Or any little kid. He wants to protect Anderson too, even if he is a bit of an arrogant brat.
“Man, I hope Jekyll has a couple more rooms free,” Ichigo muses with a grin. Mash shakes her head at him.
“Master really does collect any strays he sees,” she says halfheartedly. “I’m sure Dr. Jekyll will find a place for everyone.”
“Good thing he’s not the type to yell.” The other personality though…
Well. Ichigo could handle Hyde if it came to it.
* * * * *
#Ichigo Kurosaki#bleach fanfiction#BAMF!Ichigo Kurosaki#Ichigo Kurosaki is Ritsuka Fujimaru#Merlin Fate/Grand Order#medusa fate grand order#cu chulainn#hirako shinji#Urahra Kisuke#Achilles#nursery rhyme (fate)
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