#oops my own headcanons became canon for me
ilovewillsolace · 2 years
so a few of my headcanons about the friendship of Octavian and Lavinia
she taught Octavian Russian (btw, very successfully)
there were a lot of problems with the letter ы
he explained to her for a long time the structure of the camp and the Roman Empire in general, to which Lavinia casually replied "drisnya"
they keep the whole camp in fear
Lavinia's speech very often skips Russian words and no one except Octavian understands her to the end
wlw 🤝 mlm solidarity
she forced Octavian to learn how to bake blinyi because she wants blinyi but she's too lazy to cook
she's in adidas he's in dolce gabbana
he was the only one who could guess her riddle, so Lavinia just pointed at Octavian with her finger and said "you, you will be my friend"
he calls her "lavik" no one else can pronounce this nickname
a lot of pink and purple
"stop joking about vodka balalaika and bears, no one believes in these stereotypes anymore"
"okstis' boleznyi, they really believe in it"
sometimes Octavian literally has to work as a translator
they like to judge everyone around them but not to gossip
Octavian constantly covers Lavinia in her adventures
He is a little intimidated by Lavinia's questionable table manners
Lavinia calls Percy "downcast/opyshhennyi", Octavian laughs terribly from this
a strange sense of humor. both have
Octavian asked Lavinia to choose any Russian word to get a tattoo with him now he has "интерференция(interference)" written on his shoulder
Lavinia drinks a lot of kvass and got Octavian hooked on it
they both love Russian poetry, especially the Silver Age (Octavian likes the freedom-loving Gumilev and Lavinia likes the sharp Mayakovsky)
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centipedelightning · 2 years
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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mstormcloud · 9 months
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SONIC OC!!! And Espilver fankid hehe!! People on insta helped me name her Mirai and she’s a marten! (She/her, though Espio and silver use “they” until they learn her preferred pronouns)
(The formatting on the comic part is a little scuffed it reads top left, bottom left, top center, bottom center, top right, bottom right. Sorry about that whoops)
Under the cut I’m gonna give her full lore dump which includes my headcanon on how Silvers time travel works but trust me you don’t need to read it all.
The TLDR is that Silver found her in a ruined future and in exchange for allowing her to exist outside timelines much like himself she now has time-bending powers (kinda!) She can adjust the time of any object (for example turning water into steam by sending it to its future where it evaporates.)
Ok so let’s start with Silvers time travel cuz it is actually relevant. The way I headcannon it working kinda combines all the ways we’ve seen it in canon.
I’m not gonna address 06 cause it didn’t happen in this timeline and also the method of time travel is similar to the own used in Rivals 1: using the power of the master or chaos emeralds.
So first off I headcanon that Silver being sent back to the past in rivals 1 was actually somewhat of an accident. He was on Onyx island when it was sent back. And then between Eggman Nega admitting he used the master emerald and (I have a rivals rewrite when this happens but that’s a post for another day oops) Shadow teaching Silver about the Chaos emeralds and how to harness their energy - Silver realizes he can use this power himself to send himself back in time Again but this time to stop the Ifirit from ever growing strong and therefore saving his future.
Doing this caused two things: one, now Silver himself was a living paradox where he both exists but can’t exist at once, and two: the timestones became aware of his determination to protect the world throughout all of time. The timestones then blessed Silver with the ability to exist outside the timelines and now he’s the only Silver throughout all time, but in return he now has the duty to Always save the future from destruction. The portals that appear to being Silver to the past or future when he’s needed is created by the timestones.
Now, to Mirai. Silver found Mirai in one of many ruined futures he had been called to prevent, and despite knowing that bringing anyone from the future back to the past could inadvertently cause a paradox (like he himself almost did) he knew he couldn’t just leave the child alone in a ruined future. They’d die. So he brings the child to the timestones and begs them to allow Mirai to be capable of existing outside time similar to himself so he could bring her home and she could live safely. The timestones really like Silver so they agree but also make it clear this cannot happen again.
When the time stones bless Mirai they also give her the ability to control the time of objects. She can turn water into steam, re-form broken relics, manipulates clay where she can create different weapons by sending the clay into alternate “futures” - one as a sword, one as a scythe, etc.
While this power can be very useful it’s also somewhat unreliable, so she also had Espio train her in Ninjitsu and with certain weapons.
I’m undecided on if I want her connection to the timestones mean that like Silver she has to go through the portals when they open. I think it would be interesting but idk if I can handle that level of angst oops
If you read this all thank you!!
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
You’re really good at analyzing the characters so what are some common mischaracterizations or head canons people in the fandom have about the characters that you don’t like?
Common? Well, there are a lot of things little things that I don't care for when I see them, but I know most people feel the same. Yoosung has a huge one. I hate when people make cousin jokes at his expense and I scroll and block when I see people make them at this point. It's not funny, and you don't understand Yoosung as a person. You don't understand his grief and frankly, that's insulting because that's a big part of his character arc.
People belittle him and make him feel like a kid when he's twenty-one years old and coming into his own. He's not a baby, sure, he going to learn a lot in the future because there's so much he hasn't gotten the chance to experience, but lack of experience doesn't mean that he's not capable of standing on his own. Yes, compared to the other RFA members, he hasn't done a lot, but that doesn't mean he's not super accomplished. He was a stellar student, he worked hard to get to the place he is, and the only reason he's floundering is due to the grief in his heart.
Grief plays a huge role in his story and if you want to understand him, you need to know his grief. Set aside the fact that Rika's still alive. He doesn't know that and in most routes, he never does. She was so very important to him because Yoosung was a lonely person even though he was a popular kid who didn't have trouble making friends. He was lonely and you can tell he's lonely if you look hard enough to see it in your own eyes.
Actually, if you want my headcanon about him, I think Yoosung was an oops baby. I think his sister was much older than he is and due to that fact, he was never super close to her. Sure, his family is the most normal in the entire game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its own faults. His mother loves him, she does her best to take care of him, but it seems like his father is always rather busy at his job with the government. With a sister much older than him that he can't ever seem to relate to, and a mom who is trying her best but pushes him when he makes mistakes, and a father who isn't around all that much for him, it's got to be lonely.
Why else do you think he latched onto Rika when she came to speak to him? She saw him. She saw him and related to him. She was closer to his age and knew how to talk to him. It's no wonder Rika became a very important person in his life. She saw that he was lonely and that he needed others to root for him, and that's why she convinced him to stick around and join the RFA. Rika did care for Yoosung, she really wanted him him to do well in life back then, and pulling him into the RFA was the best thing Rika did for him because it gave him a place to have others to turn to for advice.
The RFA is a found family no matter what, and even though the RFA playfully bullies Yoosung sometimes, they're some of the only people who know the facets of who Yoosung is.
Zen isn't a narcissist and even if he was one, that's not a bad thing. However, I will say it's not a good look when folks shout that word and villainize personality disorders. Please, I implore people to do more research and be more mindful about how they speak about personality disorders, not just with narcissistic personality disorder, but BPD, OCD, etc.
He is overcompensating. When he is spouting compliments toward himself, it's because he's trying to convince himself that those words have power. Words do have power, let me tell you, and if you call yourself trash all the time, you are inevitably going to believe you are trash. 
I'm not saying you have to do what he's doing to build up your confidence, but I'm going to say that what he's doing can be quite helpful for people. You'll make a lot of progress if you're not trying to beat yourself down. The world isn't going to hold back its punches, so why in the world would you beat yourself down just to help the things that want to see you crumble? I know it's easier said than done, but it's good to be in the habit of not insulting yourself.
You don't have to compliment yourself, but don't call yourself trash. 
You know another thing about him that gets to me? It’s something he shares with Jumin that doesn’t get the conversation it needs. Both of them have more in common than they realize. They're both victims of sexual harassment, and one of the reasons why I love Zen Route has to do with the fact that they get to have a healthy conversation about their insecurities and what they've both experienced.
Jumin downplays his copious trauma all the time, but speaking with Zen is a way to front those demons with someone who won't mince words for his sake but will also be understanding and considerate at the same time. Jumin thinks he isn't allowed to complain to expend on his trauma because he's a man in a place of privilege. He thinks it isn't important in the grand scheme of things. He thinks he got lucky and others deserve far more sympathy than he does because they've not had as much fortune as he has.
Zen calls him on his shit for it. That's why I love when Zen and Jumin can truly begin to understand each other underneath their banter of "Zen hates Jumin because Jumin reminds him of his older brother in the worst way imaginable" and "Jumin lets Zen poke at him because it's fun to have debates and discussions with others and Zen doesn't hold back" and "Zen gets rightfully angry about how rich people can flaunt their wealth" and "Jumin doesn't even hate Zen, he just leans into what Zen expects because it's what Zen "wants.""
Zen and Jumin have a lot in common. Sure, some people understand that, but I think some of the little details get missed. It took me a long time to understand Jumin because he peeved me at first, but once I got to see who he is as a person, I realized that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and that's a lesson we all know, but it's good to get it reinforced. You learn that in Zen's Route, and you can't shake it off when you get Jumin's Route when needs the same theory applied to it.
I just don't like it when put don't put weight on Jumin's trauma and entirely miss it when it's blatant.
Don't get me started on the bad ending. I don't like talking about his bad ending because people like to romanticize that relationship and call it canon. That's the problem for me. I also love indulging in Bad Endings myself, but I do not call them the good ending. My problem with Jumin’s BE is that there are people who claim the Bad Ending is healthy and fight to say that it’s a “better ending.”
Listen, my friend, if you want an ending with a relationship that has BDSM, you can have that. You can have that in the Good Ending. You do not have to get a Bad Ending to get it, you can write and imagine it in the Good Ending, and you can have the characters communicate consent and boundaries. You can imagine that and have it that way! I can't believe I have to say that! It is 100% okay to consume content for the Bad Ending and to create it.
But for the love of God, stop calling it a Good Ending and stop acting like it's healthy. Cheritz made a DLC for it because they knew people would pay for that. That's literally the only reason why that got made and I hate it. I hate that his trauma about his damn mother is hidden in a ending that emotionally destroys that man and you would never know anything about it unless you decided to play it. His mother is a piece of shit, by the way, but I'm sure most people know that by now.
All I want is for people to call the ending what it is and to tag it appropriately so I can avoid it. I don't want to consume anything for it and that's my choice. I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, please enjoy it if you want to enjoy it, but call it for what it is because I call all of the Bad Endings I consume Bad Endings for a reason.
I hate it when people say that Jaehee is bland. I hate it when people say that Jaehee is overbearing about Zen and then they bash her into the ground because she "gets in the way" of Zen/MC. I hate when I'm forced to see someone claim that Jaehee's route isn't romantic. Y'all do realize that Jaehee's route has the most realistic route, right? She isn't yet aware of her sexuality or her feelings toward other woman. It doesn't occur to her at first that her feelings for MC are romantic and it takes time for her to fall in love. She's not rushing this experience... she's indulging in it.
She wants to be your partner, your best friend, your closest person in the world first, and as you get closer, that's when you fall in love. She needs time to sort out her feelings, that's the kind of person she is. It takes her time to process her feelings. She's spent her entire life in a place where she's had to fight to earn her keep and look after herself. She went after a career field that would take care of her, and while it's great that she's good at being an assistant to Jumin, it's empty.
It doesn't make her happy. It gives her enough money to pay for all kinds of tickets to see Zen perform, sure, but it doesn't make her feel good about life. Jaehee's route is about someone who feels like they are trapped in a job that's killing them slowly because they don't think they can dream and try something risky because that risk might just be the thing that makes them happy and fulfilled.
I understand that people get frustrated when Zen gets to have hard conversations with Jaehee. I know that a lot of people would rather see the MC complete those visuals with Zen or do it themselves, but I think it’s important to understand why Zen is the one who talks to Jaehee about dreams and passion. Zen ran away from home to chase after his dream knowing it may not happen. It took him a while to get to the point he's at today, and not that many people are lucky when they chase after their dreams. He took a huge risk, which is very scary when you could take the easier path next to it, and to him, it was the risk worth taking.
Jaehee's afraid to take risks.
Having Zen, her idol, tell her to follow her passion, made a difference. On top of that, Saeyoung helped her, too. He could see that she was miserable and he offered to do that report for her so she wouldn't have to torture herself when she finally found something that put light in her eyes. Saeyoung, Zen, and MC are the real MVPs of that route.
While those two are doing their best, you’re doing the same work in the background. You are her confidant, the person who hears her, and the one who is there at the end of the day when all is said and done and she needs somebody to listen. 
That's how she starts to fall in love with you, and it's something she'll realize a little bit later after you two are working together to achieve a dream, and I think it's important to understand that. Your relationship builds from being friends to falling in love.
Yes, I understand there are jokes about them just being friends and this route being the platonic one, but I don't think people understand Mystic Messenger took a huge leap in 2016 by having a romanceable queer female route in the game. Progress is progress, and it's damn important to be happy when we have these milestones. I've seen so many other games come out after this leap was made and it's getting better with every new game that comes out that has male and female options. 
I know it can feel like such a minor thing after the fact, but little jumps are what make progress happen. Whether it's the wedding in Steven Universe that was fought by tooth and nail in 2018, or with Korrasami going canon in 2014, progress comes when we fight for it. Jaehee's route is one of those moments.
Pushing Cheritz for more gave us more romantic content in the game as well.
The Valentine’s DLC for Jaehee is much more blatant and even the Christmas DLC has its moment. Better yet, the birthday images over the years have become much more forthcoming in the fact that Jaehee and MC are in a relationship. You can be proud of the little things, and you can be proud of progress, because if you don't take a moment to appreciate the little things, it feels like the world is bleak and that's no way to live. 
I hate it when people misunderstand Saeyoung but that's something that's been fought over a lot over years so I don't think I need to say a lot about that. He is a multifaceted character and people limit him to being a silly guy. We all know where people go wrong with that at the end of the day and it's so much easier just to keep scrolling than it is to deal with someone who only wants to make him a joke. He isn't the butt of a joke. He's Saeyoung Choi.
However, I will say that I don't appreciate it when people don’t give him the same compassion as Saeran when it comes to his trauma. What I mean by that is I don’t see people talk about what Saeyoung suffered through because of Mother Choi—I don’t see a lot of talk about how Saeyoung was parentified and had to fight tooth and nail to take care of Saeran to the point where his identity became one in which his only reason for living was to take care of Saeran. People scratch the surface of this, but they don't get into the thick of it.
I don't see people talk about his feelings about his mother and how his parentification haunts him to this day. 
When people write (Secret Ending) Saeran to be an asshole. I have a lot of squicks about him fandom wise.
I have never enjoyed people writing him out to be cruel and vindictive but that is something people have done in the past, but fortunately enough, I haven't seen many people do it in the last year or so but it was a problem back in the day and it still irks me when I think about it. I get it, a lot of what we know about him has to be built on what we think as the player since there isn't information about him after his breakdown with his brother.
As fans, we had to build his personality ourselves and figure out his perspective. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to make some content for him, but I do hate it when people go out of their way to make him cruel. 
One of the reasons I wanted to start writing him in the first place was because every time I tried to read content for him, he would be such an asshole to Saeyoung. I get it. I know why people assume he would be that way, but he is baked in apathy and numbness. He does not have the energy to fight and made that abundantly clear in the end that he doesn’t have the strength to fight Saeyoung anymore. That's the main reason why he just stopped trying to... you know, get rid of himself.
His brother was never going to let him die. He accepted that he can't leave this world even if he wants to, so he's trying to make the best of what he has. He has the sky and he has ice cream, and that's pretty much all he has. 
He is sullen. He may not always be forthcoming or kind people, but he doesn't have the energy to be destructive anymore. It would take a lot to upset him. You would need to push every button in the book to get him to lash out. What's the point in lashing out at everyone when it doesn't solve anything? That's not to say he doesn't have moments where he can't see anything but the past and he lashes out because he's terrified, but that's different than actively choosing to be cruel to other people.
I don't think he has many people around him other than Saeyoung and MC. He doesn't know how to interact with other people and he doesn't particularly want to start at this point because he feels like it's too late. I also don't agree with the people who imply that he would be friends with the RFA. That is where I differ with a lot of people and I'm okay with that because that's just the way I imagine things to be and I don't try to force my opinion on others. 
It's nothing against the members of the RFA. I just don’t think he would want to be friends with them. Jumin and Yoosung especially. They were closest to Jihyun and Rika. It's not their fault they had that closeness with them, but because of that closeness, Saeran wouldn’t want to go near there.
Saeran killed Jihyun. We could argue up and down all day long if that was something he wanted to do when he raised that gun to defend himself thinking his brother was dead. But, he did do that even in the wrong state of mind and that's something he has to carry for the rest of his life. Jihyun was Jumin’s best friend. Saeran won't be able to look that man in the eye even if Jumin could look past it knowing the complexities of the situation.
Yoosung held Rika close after the events of the Secret Ending and shipped her off with Zen, don't get me started on how much I hate that because I write it out of anything I write with the Secret Ending. That never happens in my Secret Ending. Rika goes to jail to face the consequences of her crimes and gets some well-needed therapy for her own trauma that's been left to the wayside.
He wouldn't want to be around Zen or Jaehee, either. He stalked them for years. He put them through hell depending on the ending you're playing. He doesn't want to be around them and he doesn't want their "pity" friendship. Saeran knows they would be nice to him for Saeyoung's sake, and he doesn't want that. I get it, I love it when Saeran is friends with the RFA, but that isn't happening in the Secret Ending, I'm sorry. Your MC can be friends with them, but... I just can't say Saeran will.
It was actually a dream of mine to write a SE Saeran/Reader fic that had the characterization I wanted for years and I finally a few years ago because I said, "What the hell, people will read it if they want." If you want to see my take on SE Saeran, please, read my fic Iris, It will keep you busy for a while, it's 170k.
I've never been huge on Yooran in the context of SE Saeran/Yoosung because most of the basis is built around the Bad Ending and when I see content for them, I'm always wary of it because I know there's a subtle chance that the writer might make Saeran become an ass to everyone around him and treat Yoosung in ways I'm not going to even think about. You can write whatever you want, just tag it properly if it is an unhealthy dynamic, and back in the earlier days, there weren't a lot of warning tags so it really soured it for me given how I already felt about SE Saeran.
I do think the ship can be great when it is founded in Another Story, though. Yoosung admires Saeran and even admits to having a crush on him, and in this ending, hey, if you want to imagine Yoosung/MC/Saeran or Saeran/Yoosung post-Another Story? I would love to see it. Because, God, Yoosung treating VAE Ray and Saeran tenderly during fireworks because they're terrified of loud noises? Or, even better, I'm giddy at the thought of Yoosung and GE Saeran baking together in a French kitchen!
I have thoughts and feelings about Rika and V as well, but those don’t land most of the time for me because I have to consistently hammer home that I don’t condone what either of them did every time. Just because I try to understand their past and motivations doesn't mean I condone their bullshit. Motivation, Traumatic Backstory =/= excuses. There is no excuse for their actions and they need to face judgement for it. Hard to have a conversation about them because some people think I'm condoning or erasing their actions by trying to understand more about them as person.
So, I don't get too heavy into those two, but I will say that a lot of people don't understand Rika and V because they don't want to. I can't fault them for that, either.
I understand why most people would not want to touch them with a ten-foot pole. You are not being forced to learn more about them, why they are the way they are, or what brought them to the point in which they made their choices. If you never want to learn anything more about them, I can't blame you for that. But, if you want to talk about them in a larger capacity beyond "I hate them and I want them to go to face justice for this and that" (very valid take, by the way), it's important to understand their motivations, if nothing else. 
I think they are interesting characters and I want to understand more about them because looking at Jihyun is an uncomfortable mirror for me at times. It's helped me be a better person.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
Pspspspspsps it is the 💙 Anon that lives in the anon asks messages, hello, how are we all doing? I hope it's well.
So I'mma do what I am best known for, head canon times 😎
I think I asked about if you guys have any threesome pairing and I think I saw Floyd and Jade sharing. And ya know, ya hc asking anon needs to ask.
Headcanon, how they share Idia or Riddle?
Don't mind 💙 anon feasting on the headcanons meal~
( This is also my contract for being this account headcanons number 1 fan /j)
Hello, 💙 Anon! We are well, I hope you are doing good too. Thank you so much for reading our posts and asking for more headcanons. I am very happy you like these!
As always, it took me some time to get to your ask, but still, here they are: headcanons about Floyd and Jade sharing Idia and Riddle. As the theme suggests, these are mostly spicy, so keep that in mind.
Sooo, starting with Riddle.
Floyd and Jade would mess with Riddle and play with him mentally quite intensely. During their one-to-one interactions, they would flirt with him, hint at having certain feelings,  gaslight Riddle into thinking that Floyd is unaware that they aren’t dating (or are they?), and that Jade wants to pursue Riddle too despite that (does he want to?). They make poor Riddle’s brain melt, and they know it darn well, they’re having so much fun with it. At the end of the day, they’ll guilt-trip Riddle into sleeping with both of them. Although Riddle isn’t an idiot, so maybe deep inside he understands that these jerks are messing with him. But he got so caught up in their games that… oops.
Sometimes Jade just does his own thing (like homework) while these two are having sex in the same room. Sometimes Floyd has to do his own thing (like homework) while Jade is having fun with Riddle. And Floyd usually gets frustrated and pissed off, because he wants to join, and ends up joining almost instantly anyways. Riddle expresses his disapproval for both of these scenarios, but in actuality his body reacts to it quite well.
One tiny Riddle and two huge tweels is a horrible (in a good way) combo, because there are days when Riddle’s feet don’t reach the floor for hours, because these two just keep passing him to each other and manhandling him however they want until they’re satisfied.
Both Jade and Floyd are amazed by how prude yet perverse Riddle actually is. Whenever he says something about how despicable all the things that tweels are doing to him are, Jade and Floyd just look at each other and snicker. Riddle is super amusing to them, they are definitely going to talk about how hilarious it was when Riddle refused to kiss Jade because he is technically dating Floyd… while having sex with both of them.
Sometimes there is still this feeling of Floyd being possessive and selfish and not wanting to share Riddle with Jade. But he is never antagonistic towards Jade when it happens, but needy and kind of aggressive towards Riddle instead. As if poor Riddle wanted to spend time with either of these creeps… In general, everything depends on Floyd’s mood, and Jade is very good at telling when he shouldn’t invite himself into the situation and when he can push Floyd’s buttons a little bit, to mess with Riddle for the most part.
Alrighty, now let’s talk about poor poor Idia lol
In contrast to the tweels’ tactics with Riddle (with Floyd getting into him first, and Jade appearing after), with Idia they approached him together from the very beginning. After they’ve gotten a little taste of him, it became a habit for the tweels to hunt him down whenever they notice a glimpse of his shiny blue hair anywhere in school. Idia hides from them, because once he’s spotted, he can’t run away.
They are suuuuper chatty with Idia, both before and during sex. Sometimes while groping Idia together, they talk about him as if he isn’t present in the room, and even though it is super humiliating, it tickles something inside of Idia’s brain and body. In a good way. He is going to reflect about how much of a horrible maso trash he is later…
When they talk to Idia directly though, they love to narrate his reactions, point out how the colour of his hair changes, how red his face is. One of the tweels always makes sure that Idia can’t hide his face or any part of his body for that matter, so he is always completely exposed to them.
Sometimes Idia feels like these two are simply marking their territory on him with his bites, and partially he is right. The tweels have an unspoken competition to bite Idia in the most unexpected places. They also love to admire the bitemarks afterwards and figure out who made each one. Sometimes they ask Idia just to mess with him.
Whenever they have sex with Idia separately, the other one arrives some time later with a “hey I heard you had fun with (the other one), tell me everything, it’s my turn now btw”. Of course, Idia would never tell someone such embarrassing things, but the tweels are very good at making others talk, so it’s not an issue for them.
Ironically, I have another ask with nsfw headcanons for the tweels and Idia, so expect a post with another 5 headcanons right after this one lol
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spillthebea · 4 months
🍬, 🍄 and tell me one controversial and unusual headcanon about Lily (I demand it!!)
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
about lily they asked sooo here we go
i am not sure if controversial but i think lily would have totally f destroyed muggle-style snape and peter if ever gotten the chance AND petunia for what they did to her family. just imagine your husband's best friend betraying you after years of friendship for what? BECAUSE COWARDICE? like nuh uh man, you're getting suffocating by lily's hands and the shape of her wedding ring is gonna be imprinted around your shitty neck for the rest of your afterlife; just imagine your ex-best friend you give chances and excuses for life until you couldn't anymore just became a loyal member (so f loyal and into the shit he had private meetings with Lord f Voldemort) and gives the crucial information that makes the Dark Lord haunts you and your family down and instead of saying "oh shit i fucked up", he begs the dark bitch to let you live and kill your husband and your son... NUH UH, Lily would have tackled Snape the SECOND he was into sight. And the guilt she must have felt in the afterlife because that was her Severus, her friend who helped her discover magic was not that you were insane... OMG JILY BEING SO FULL OF GUILT BECAUSE THEY TRUSTED THE WRONG PEOPLE (james with peter and lily with snape) BUT OKAY, THOSE WERE FRIENDS BUT YOUR OWN F SISTER?! NUUUH UHHH lily is getting down there with a metal baseball bat
bonus: i know harry said james would have not wanted for peter to get killed like that in the Shack but harry didn't f know his dad, I DO! JAMES HEXED PEOPLE JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT (he matured YES I KNOW AND I LOVE HIM AND HE BECAME SUCH A GOOD PERSON WHO F DIED AS A HERO, READY TO F FIGTH VOLDY WITH HIS HANDS JUST TO GIVE LILY AND HARRY TWO SECONDS MORE TO RUN! THAT'S MY MAN!) and after knowing peter had not only betrayed him, but also let sirius go in azkaban as jily's traitor and killer?! NUUUH UH MY MAN WAS THERE SPIRITUALLY WITH WOLFSTAR CHEERING THEM ON
peter, one of his best friends, betrays him, the love of his life dies, JAMES HIMSELF dies and their beautiful son becomes an orphan and gets abused just like sirius (J's f brother!!) and james is not there to protect him like he did with sirius and everything because peter was a f coward. James, who had old parents who surely had some issues in playing with him bc of their age, had wished to have more than one kids so they will have each other and to make kids at a young age so he will have all the time to play with them and teaching quidditch and telling stories of pranks and grow old with lily, admiring the red becoming white, had gotten none of it bc of *ihnales deeply* FUCKING SCABBBBBBBBERS!
so i know jily is that icons meme of "go mass murder people my love, i hold your flower"
(that was intense, i have too many jily feelings and i oop-)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
... blank mind AHH!
ehm... (NOT A SHIP OFC!)
i love the idea of walburga letting herself go after sirius runs away. She sleeps in his room, and sits in his room and just exists in his room and wasn't there to tell regulus not to accept the Death Mark bc she was not there mentally. I think she is a mother (NOT A MUM! differences are there) who thought she was doing everything right following how her parents taught her aka family comes first, they are no individuals in that house, but she understands too late how by doing so she lost her first child, her Sirius. I think she loved Regulus but not enough to care about him after Sirius was gone because (in my mind) Sirius was Walurga's child and Regulus was Orion's child BUT! in orion's head Sirius too was his child so Reggie was not the first priority of both of his parents even tho (in my head, again) Reggie and Orion are as similar as Sirius and Walburga are to each other and that's the problem. Orion (FOLLOWING MY CHARACTERISATION) sees too much of himself in Regulus and wishes to have been more like Sirius and Walburga knows Reg is easier to control and order around but he does not have her spark, he is too similar to orion AGAIN and sirius never understood that he was their parents' fav child thinking only that regulus was so f perfect and quiet aka the perfect son and heir for a family like the Blacks.
... me always going back to the black family LOL
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 years
Tell me more about your headcanon that Rio really wants a daughter. How do you see him bonding with Beth's kids? How do you see Beth bonding with Marcus?
Ohhhhh...Where do I start????
First :  Maybe what I'm about to say is wrong, but that's my take on it. I sincerely think that the relationship between a father and his son is completely different from the relationship between a father and his daughter. It doesn't mean that the love of a father for his son is less strong, they are equal; but I think that there is a more important feeling of protection for a girl than for a boy, in many areas. And that's why we often tend to say that a girl is always going to be her daddy's little girl, or his princess.
I also think that many parents, when they have a child and want a second one, they hope (without necessarily saying it) to have the other sex. (I mean I know a lot of people who only want 2 child, but they had only boys and want a girl, or the contrary).
Before I talk about this headcanon, I'll talk about another one.
Personally I think that Rio and Rhea were never serious, a real couple. That they were friends with benefits, or just sex partners and that Marcus was not at all planned, but he is the most beautiful thing that happened to both of them.
And also that contrary to what we could see in the canon, Rio and Rhea have a program of co-parenthood, a week/a week. Except when Rio has to leave for work or if he is really hurt.
Anyway...^^, now I'll move on to why this headcanon.
I think this headcanon comes from a lot of other headcanons I have about Rio, which led me to this one.
First, I really think Rio always want a big family, like 4 or 5 childs. (And now he's gonna have 5, yeahh for him^^.) 
Second, I think Rio like going to shopping, but Marcus isn’t a fan of that. So he can just became completely gaga at the idea of going shopping with her daughter, and buying her hairbands, dresses, shoes, hats, to excess.
Third, I think he has a lot of little cousines, and he loves taking care of them. I think he learned how to do his little cousins' hair, and he would love to use this new talent on his own daughter.
Four, He does things he’ll never do with Marcus, because he didn’t play with these kind of game, but also because he couldn’t say no to her. He will agree to pretend to drink tea with her. He will play with her dolls enthusiastically, making up the craziest stories just to see her eyes shine. And above all, since she won't be able to do his hair, he will let her put nail polish on his nails.
In conclusion, He knows that he will be wrapped around her little finger and that she will make him do anything and everything. But he won't care, because his daughter will be his princess.
And when she’s gonna be older, he’s gonna scared all men who’s gonna try to seduce her (specially douch)^^.
Voilà!!!! (I’m not the answer is the answer to your question...oops^^)
Rio and the boland kids :
I think Jane and Emma would take to him right away, not only because he's Marcus' dad, but because they thinks he's so cool and nice.
For Danny, I think he would like Rio, but he would be all shy around him, at least at first, but Rio would do everything to make him feel comfortable.
The hardest one would be with Kenny, not only because Kenny is the oldest, and for him the divorce of Beth and Dean will be hard, but also...Kenny is a number two Dean, and that he listens to everything his father says. And when Dean finds out that Beth is with Rio (really), and that he'll be in his old house with his ex-wife and kids, he won't be able to stop himself from badmouthing Rio, and Kenny will take his word for it. But with time, he will get to know Rio, the real Rio, not just the gangster, the man with the tattoo described by his father and he’s gonna like the real Rio. And most importantly, he will see that his mother is truly happy and fulfilled with him, and that’s is the most important.
Rio would never try to take Dean's place, never. In fact, at the beginning of his relationship with Beth, he will not interfere with anything, and will even refuse to do anything too much personal with the children. Not because he doesn't want to, but just because he doesn't see it as his role. And especially he wouldn't want it to create an even bigger conflict between Beth and Dean, like for the custody, and that the children end up in the middle.
But as time goes by, and after several discussions with Beth, he will behave with them, as he really wants to; reprimanding them if they do something wrong, taking them to school, to their activities. He will even take them to the park, shopping, that kind of thing. And in the futur, he will go to their graduation, advise them on their first love relationship, helping them to find their first apartment, to move, will be their second wedding witness. just as he would with Marcus, because he loves them as much as his own son.
Beth and Marcus : 
I think Beth, even though she will try not to show it, will be happy but also embarrassed to be around Marcus again. Happy because for her, it means that between her and Rio everything is really behind them, and that he trusts her to let her get close to Marcus, in that way, so domestic. But also embarrassed, because despite herself, she couldn't stop feeling guilty, about the fact, that she was the one who almost took his father away from him forever. But also because...seeing him, reminds her of the time when she had befriended Rhea. Because she had finally found someone she could drink rosé with, talk about the kids, about anything and everything, just another person, other than Ruby and Annie; a new friend. And sometimes it made her nostalgic.
But in the end, her relationship with Rio would allow her to improve her relationship with Marcus' mother. Not to the point of becoming friends again, but that the other woman, would not be bothered by Beth spending time with her son.
I also think that as like Rio, Beth will not interfere with Marcus' education, and will let Rio handle him, even though they may not have the same approach.
Of course she would never take Rhea's place, but sometimes when Marcus would be sleeping at home, he would ask her to read him a story or sing him a lullaby, and she would accept, because...who could say no to this little angel?
And when they all gonna leave together, she just gonna treat him if he was her 5th child.
Thank you infinitely for your enthousiasm about my stupid brain headcanon and your ask <333333. And sorry it take so long, but i would to be sure I didn’t forgot something^^. And also because I have feeling I didn’t really answer the question... (I’m so bad at that^^)
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fagbearentertainment · 10 months
i forgot to do this earlier uh. Michael :]
It's a little difficult choosing what exactly to say bcs like. in my ideal world, William would've been a good father to his kids. so Michael finding out that he's a murderer would feel. So out of left field. Like what? how the Fuck is she supposed to cope w this info. Does she tell her sibling(s)? Does she deal with it on her own? What the fuck does she Do
Then a meeting w Springtrap ...... She's there to ask about the murders and he's just happy to see his child's okay w/o him. Asking her if she went to college, any crushes? how are the others doing? idk. i think this would fuck w her pretty bad
But we dont live in the ideal world so uh. fuckin whatever i guess lmfao
In canon. Im a huuuuuge Michael found Charlie's body believer. idk if anyone else is but I am. She was at Freddy's to celebrate her bestie's birthday, said friend disappears and when she goes looking for them, she finds their corpse.
I also think this affected her later? Like after the MCI and when the fnaf 2 location opens up. She went to work there under an alias? I think that decision was at least partially affected by Charlie's death. like. ykno. the inital spark to an interest in Freddy's's child death problem
One last bit abt Charlie, I like to think that they and Mike grew closer after CC's death bcs. They know she didnt mean to kill him. So they promised to be there for her when it's hard :)
Anyway I'm convinced that Michael was already suspecting William of murder in fnaf 1. And that she first got the idea in fnaf 2. She kept talking about the bizarre stuff happening until William told her abt the SL bunker.
Speaking of the SL bunker, I know Mike already has a lot of trauma but I feel like for her to deliberately stand in front of the scooper when she can just. Move a little to the left. means she must have a Fuck ton of it. Basically Im saying that I find it possible that she was there (and possibly had to babysit) when Lizzie got killed.
So now she has undeniable proof that her father is a murderer and she's at least partially at fault (in her eyes) so she decides to do whatever she can to stop him before he hurts anyone else. to atone for her sins.
On a sillier note, Michael totally became a tumblrina after she became a recluse
For everything else I've talked about, I'd taken the time in the past to like. organize my thoughts? But I've never gotten around to it w Michael so this ask is a loot messier lol oops sorry abt that
I feel like there was more i wanted to talk about but I legit dont remember right now. I'll send another ask if I remember
~Charlie anon
You 🤝 me <- same headcanon
I legit thought I was the only Michael found Charlie’s body believer, Charlie anon you have the best headcanons ever /serious
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🎵🧾🌺 with reagan!! <3
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Thank you both! Also, I’m sorry these are late and if these get a little too long winded. I ended up having a lot of say apparently. ^^;
Also I don’t know why Tumblr made the space between answers so big when I pasted this from my notes app.
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
So I don’t really listen to many songs that personally remind me of my ships, so I don’t have three songs (oops), but one song that does remind me of my ship is ‘we fell in love in october’ by girl in red! I can’t quite explain why other than it’s just a sweet song and I sometimes imagine cute scenarios between the two of us when it’s playing. :)
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
One of my favorite headcanons is that she can fall asleep anywhere, and I mean anywhere. It’s definitely from the fact that she works so much that she barely lets herself sleep, but the idea of me walking into her lab only to see her passed out in a pile of robot parts on the floor seems very in character for her.
🌺 How do you and your F/O cuddle?
With Reagan this is an interesting one! She has some trauma related to hugs due to her father using a robot bear to do it instead (the hugs weren’t nice hugs either). After the incident at the gala, she slowly starts to warm up to hugs and other forms of physical affection. It isn’t really her first choice, though. She really had to be in the mood for it. One of the things we like to do is spoon, usually with her as the big spoon and me as the little spoon, which works because she’s taller. Another way we like to cuddle is with her laying on my stomach or chest with her arms around me while I either wrap an arm around her back or play with her hair. The big thing is that she doesn’t want to feel trapped while cuddling, and I don’t want her to feel that way either.
💌 How did you/your F/O confess your feelings to one another?
After all of the events of the dating app episode, Reagan gets the guts to ask me out at the end of the work day while I was still in my office. It was out of the blue, since I knew her goal was a partner for a bet that she had already won using the robot she created of her “true match”. She told me everything about how the robot ended up turning on her, created her own robot clone, and how she had to stop her own robot clone from going out with the guy she made the original robot of in the first place (yes that’s confusing my bad). She then explained that she realized that she was using the bet for her to find a partner as a way for her to distract herself from the fact that she had feelings for me. I could tell she was terrified as she was unloading all of this onto me. Eventually, when she popped the question and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner with her one night, I said yes immediately.
💚 Who are you most jealous of when it comes to your F/O?
The answer to this would definitely have been Ron before he also became an f/o (yahoo polyship). However, now, it would be Brett. I love the man to bits (platonically) and love his and Reagan’s friendship. However, seeing a lot of the ship art of him and Reagan, as well as the strong possibility that they would have been made canon later if the show was never canceled, makes me feel some jealousy. It doesn’t really comes to mind much though.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hi! Do you remember the headcanons of the god of fate request you had?
Can I request the same but with Kaeya, Venti and Childe.
Still male reader :)
This is a part two to this piece >God of Fate< So for more context, go check that one out first!
Thank you for the request, this whole idea comes somewhat easy to me, then I immediately get nervous it isn't what you want haha! Oh well! I hope you enjoy<3
Tags: m!reader/Kaeya, m!reader/Venti, m!reader/Tartaglia, Khaenri'ah spoilers, Kaeya spoilers, Tartaglia's real name, Venti's real name, God!Reader, angst if you squint, canon typical violence.
Khaenri’ah wouldn’t have had any survivors if it hadn’t been for a particular man that seemed unfazed by the battlefield the once prosperous nation of humanity became. Neither Khaenri’ahn nor from Celestia, simply an outlander. Despite showing great fighting prowess and strategic skill, Khaenri’ah had still fallen under the watchful gaze of the man. Of course, this was just a legend, a small rumour only known by the most curious of historians or academics. And even then, it’s debated. With the legacy of Khaenri’ah long gone, all that was left was anecdotal evidence.
Kaeya Alberich
-His biological father told stories of a man dressed in the silk of the Gods that drew steel against steel in the war of Khaenri’ah.
-He didn’t really believe in that though, to him, it was just that. A story. Just a fairytale to explain what time had lost.
-Kaeya had almost completely forgotten these fairytales, his childhood a hazy blip he did his best to forget. But the oddest stranger arriving in Mondstadt made it hard to forget certain aspects of those stories.
Kaeya slid into the seat across from you, sliding a wine glass to you. You raise an eyebrow at the suddenness of the situation, eyes flicking to the glass of glorified grape product. “You’re new to Mondstadt right? I’m the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya, I’d be happy to show you around.” His voice was smooth, suave as if he were hiding something. You picked up the wine glass, sniffing the wine. Mortal food and drink always smelled so weird. Tasted weird too. Kaeya watched you with a curious eye and you hummed, setting the wine glass back down.
"Kaeya Alberich right? I knew your father."
"Master Cr-"
"The other one." You smile at him, sliding the wine glass back. "I don't drink this stuff. Thank you though." You pulled your sleeve up, checking one of the watches on your wrist. Kaeya seemed taken back and you wondered if you perhaps misjudged his ability to lie. He seemed to recover quickly enough, eye narrowing at you. "Do you have questions, Captain? Or may I return to my work?" Work. Yes. That was one way to describe the recording of history and fate itself. A job.
"So it is you. You're real." Kaeya dropped his voice as you picked your book back up. You give him a short nod and he sits back, processing the turn of events. Fascinating, how many people you've run into who know of you. A stark difference to the last time you had been in Teyvat, recording the fall of a nation. "Tell me why you're in Mondstadt." Kaeya dropped his pretense, much preferable to you. You merely shake your head, it isn't your place to discuss the fate of Teyvat and the endless routes that will lead to it.
-Much like Morax, Barbatos had fought you in the war. Unlike Morax, Barbatos didn’t let his surprise stop him. Barbatos recognised your divinity, but elected to ignore it in favour of drawing the bowstring back.
-What was more surprising was his arrow being deflected by something he hadn’t seen before, that was when he realised you weren’t a rogue from Celestia but an outlander from somewhere else entirely.
-That was years ago though, he didn’t talk about the war, and he wished desperately to forget it. Barbatos opted to up the persona of Venti the Bard instead, but upon his return to Mondstadt, his past would follow.
Venti’s eyes widened when he pushed the tavern door open, his eyes immediately drawn to one of the visible tables, the cavalry captain sitting with a strange and far too familiar man. Feeling eyes on you, you lifted your head, making eye contact with the teal eyed bard. Kaeya turned his head to look over his shoulder at the bard. Venti drew closer when Kaeya beckoned him to do so. You watched as the God of Freedom sat down beside the Khaenri'ahn captain. So many familiar faces indeed.
"Hello Bar-"
"Venti, actually. Long time no see."
"Venti, alright. Yes I believe the last we saw of each other you tried to kill me." You tapped your pen against the leather bound book on the table, a small smile on your face. "No hard feelings, of course. I had stepped out of line anyway." Your revelation surprised the God, the sight somewhat satisfying. Venti swallowed thickly, grabbing the abandoned wine glass, he downed the beverage. "Well fate waits for no one, I have to go." You stood with the book in hand. Venti watched you intently as you left the tavern, the bard gesturing to Charles for more wine.
"Have a bad history?"
"He deflected a flying arrow in the middle of a battlefield, he's terrifying." Venti shuddered, shaking his head. While his Geo counterpart may have been curious of the God's appearance in the warning letter he had sent to Venti. Venti was anything but curious. He didn't want to know why a God from a different world was once more patrolling the land of Teyvat. Especially now that his gnosis was gone, he didn't want to know what it meant or what it could possibly imply.
-Tartaglia knew the Gods were around, he served one. But regarding Khaenri’ah or that cataclysm he wasn't entirely sure. His time in the Abyss was spent solely focused on surviving.
-He was never really in a position to learn about any of that, living life blissfully aware of worlds outside of his own.
-Then the Traveler showed up and he heard whispers of them being from beyond, then they were followed by a man in a cloak made of material he had never seen before.
-And well the Traveler was a good opponent, why not this other stranger?
You lifted your head, eyes curiously looking ahead. There was a rustling above you and you slipped off the rock just as an arrow hit where you had been sitting. A tall ginger jumped from the tree, drawing his bowstring back once more. You clicked your pen, the item turning into a sword that was then used to skillfully cut the flying arrow in half. "Your form is sloppy.." You sighed, flipping the sword in your hand as he readied another arrow. "I'm not going to fight a human, is there something you need or are you just suicidal?" Another arrow flew by your head, embedding itself into a nearby tree.
Your words seemed to dawn on Tartaglia who lowered his bow slightly. "Human? You're a God? That'll just make this win more rewarding!" The ginger readied his bow once more. You just wanted to take a nice rest in the Snezhnayan forest, but of course it wouldn't be that easy. Before he could knock another arrow something invisible wrapped around his wrists, tightening until he had no choice but to drop his weapon into the snow. When the occasional ray of sun hit the clearing they were in, the invisible thread around his wrists shimmered an ethereal gold.
"I'm just.. a keeper of records. There are more enjoyable Gods to fight. Now if you don't mind." You flicked your wrist and the ginger was brought to his knees much to his chagrin at the turn of events. Your pen returned and you tucked it securely into your pocket. For a moment you just stared at him and he stared back, dull blue eyes boring into your very soul, or perhaps lack of. "Well. Nice meeting you in person, Ajax. You should keep up the work on the anger issues." You turned to leave, listening to him struggle against the binds.
"How do you know my name?"
"I know everything and nothing!" You wave over your shoulder, snow crunching underfoot as you leave him in the clearing alone. Tartaglia watched your retreating form until he couldn't see you anymore. And it was then that the invisible threads retracted, allowing him to gather his weapon and give his wrists a quick rub to ease the sudden stiffness.
In your multiple times to Teyvat, it would always be the world that proved most in need of intervention. Though that wasn't part of your job description, you couldn't help it. Even the sky above warned of the brewing storm that would take the continent by storm. Most recently it had been the Cataclysm, this time? You weren't sure which way Teyvat would lean. Too many possibilities, too many options, and none were yours to make.
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s5oyaa · 3 years
i will now proceed to reject canon and make my own fluff headcanons and moments of the walten files
because this is how i cope
-jack constantly being worried about sophie with jenny but jenny reassures him all the time that she'll take care of sophie with all her heart . . . and because of that jack made jenny her own lil plush toy !
-felix and linda divorced ?? what are you talking about ?? they recently bought a house , and-- oh, whats that ?? AW LOOK AT THEM !! they're waltzing to slow songs on the record player !
-rosemary once made jack and felix wear skirts. yup. i think jack wore them twice, he loved how comfortable they were
-felix brought the walten family to a new amusement park and everyone had so much fun. dont forget the polaroids !! oh , and i think jenny and sophie had their first kiss here :]
-rosemary braiding jack's hair. that's it, that's the tweet.
-FELIX IS SUCH A GOOD SKATER. he brought jack to a skating rink and jack's dumbass kept falling. ironically, sophie, his own daughter, is better at skating than him. damn
-the whole walten family watching molly, the youngest daughter, graduate college. tears of joy. crying on the floor. happiness. more cryi
-the walten family would 100% be part of a pride parade in support of sophie and jenny (with felix also advertising bon's burgers. sly bitch.) (because of that bon's burgers became a hangout and safe place for lgbtq+ people :])
-felix owns a lot of sweaters. he and jenny are sweater buddies. oh! and rosemary knitted sweaters for the whole walten & kranken family.
-sophie kicked a homophobe's nuts once (or.. twice?) and jack was so proud of her. i think he shouted "that's my daughter you dumb bitches" when he heard the news
-JACK'S AN ARTIST. A REALLY TALENTED ARTIST. he drew rosemary when he first met her in high school and rosemary has it framed. god me and who
-EDD'S AN ARTIST TOO !! he drew felix for his birthday present and im pretty sure he audibly sobbed
-the walten family really loves picnics. in fact, they made it a tradition ! felix and linda would always join with gifts and food sometimes :D
-at one point jack's hair got really long and he was too lazy to cut it so he constantly asks rosemary/sophie to tie his hair (and sometimes, add clips :D) and im so sure that theres a picture of jack with a manbun and pink clips in rosemary's wallet
-JACK LOVES TO GIVE HUGS. even tho he has anger issues sometimes he'd always give everyone a surprise hug before leaving to/from work
-sophie plays volleyball. yes. she practices sometimes with her uncle felix and he ends up getting ball'd in the face. too many times. i think. poor felix
-jack also loves to make dad jokes all the time. stupid, but endearing (especially to rosemary)
-molly's a huge fan of clover hunts !! she has a whole collection of 4-leaf clovers that she found :]
-edd's a flower-picker person ! he gives flowers for his entire family (and too many flowers for uncle felix. oops)
-sophie loves to stargaze !! she occasionally borrows felix's telescope (haha nerds /lh) and at one point convinced her family to go stargazing in a mountain and a meteor shower also happened that night. she may or may not have cried.
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theunquenchable · 3 years
Lookism OC
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So, um... I wanted to post some OCs. (please ignore the lazyness of the art above)
The first one will be my sweet child Kris. I made her because of my obsession with the Webtoon Lookism.
I do have quite a bit of backstory for her but I won't share that here, I'm still a bit embarrassed tbh. This is the first time I ever put an OC on the internet like this. They usually start as placeholders for my MDD and sometimes they become a bit more - like Kris.
She is probably my fav character I ever made for any fandom, I just don't get tired of thinking up scenarios for her.
She is kinda someone I always wanted to be, a complete badass with the softest heart of gold. She is a bit of a himbo, basically.
Kris was born from my desire to see a masculine female character somewhere - anywhere. While I do enjoy every positive femme representation there is, the masculine ladies still get the short end of the stick. As someone who presents rather androgynous in real life, leaning strong on the masc side, that always bothered me. So yeah - I did it myself.
Let's do a "quick" introduction, shall we?
The name's Kris, like mentioned. I still have to look into Korean names a lot more before I settle for her Korean name. I want to do this right.
She is the same age as the main characters and also part of the fashion department. I justified this by giving her a bit of a knack for making her own clothes. I really just wanted her to be part of the main group, oop
In my first version of her she had parents, in the second version they were divorced, and now in the current one her dad kicked the bucket two years before canon starts and her mom was out of the picture soon after she was born. So she was raised by her old man, who also taught her how to defend herself and now she is on her own.
Kris is definitely a fighter, that was the first characteristic I thought of when making her - she can and will kick ass. Hence why she is really muscly. Except for Leonn and Miss Sophia, none of the ladies have really any visible definition to their muscles which is kinda sad :( We love buff women, pls more of them ;-;
If I was to describe Kris in the shortest way possible, it would be chill. She is pretty laid back and overall a nice person. She is the kind of person to go along with pretty much everything as long as everyone can have a good laugh out of it. She is also that friend that would rip buildings apart if people dear to her are in danger, disregarding herself in that moment completely.
I intended in my own headcanons for her to be like the exposition guy for Daniel, if that makes sense. When he arrived she started to stick around him a lot and helped him along the way. She met his short form when buying fast food at the corner store he works at one night (the night he was beat up by Zack at the beginning of the story). She thinks she is just friends with two really nice guys both called Daniel Park that also live together. She doesn't know his secret.
I really don't want to write down everything about her here, it would simply be too much and I already doubt people will read this far lol
Kris wasn't an actual character at first, but she really became more than I had thought - at least to me.
There is so much I could write down here about her, but yeah. I think that's enough for now.
Thank you for taking your time reading up until here.
(Should I post more of her? I kinda want to, ngl <.<)
>And when I think of songs to describe Kris, I basically think of the entire soundtrack of Samurai Champloo<
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
Since that amv I made, been thinking about Doc and O’Malley in season 16 a lot. Some canonical, some speculation.
He felt really bad about siding with the Blues and Reds
He still wanted to be part of the reds and blues. He tried to fit in with the group by joining in on the teasing but Grif shut him down immediately
He pushed Grif out of the way to save him
He tolerated Grif’s ridiculous pizza mission to try to make up for the betrayal despite every ounce of his being screaming he could be making the universe a better place with the time gun
According to Huggins, O’Malley only came out when Grif was asleep. This was likely to try to keep things on as good of terms as possible (O’Malley is self-proclaimed “evil”, which does not exactly inspire trust. He likely intentionally stayed in because Doc wanted so badly to patch things up his way)
Doc didn’t even get mad at Grif— nor did O’Malley front— when Grif started shooting at him because of the vegan pizza. They were trying SO HARD to keep things civil. Keep in mind they’ve also had a rocky relationship with Grif since Blood Gulch.
The one-sided attempt at a heart-to-heart. That story about Deke and why he became a medic hits so hard! I’m so glad they fleshed out his character even that little bit
They finally couldn’t do it anymore. Grif fell asleep when they were trying to share a heartfelt moment. That was the final straw. They’d made up their mind. O’Malley’s turn to do things his way. Grif offered an olive branch the next morning but it was too little too late. While Doc appreciated the sentiment, he and O’Malley already had settled on a different plan.
They took the time gun: either Doc took it and then shifted to O’Malley, it had been O’Malley pretending to be Doc since the beginning of the scene, or they both took it (some kind of co-fronting situation) and then O’Malley took the reins. Personally I headcanon the last one.
O’Malley left Grif in the 6th century. When I first watched the season I thought it was horrible, why would he do that? Grif has no known way back in that moment, no way to call for help. But now I can see it from O’Malley’s perspective. Doc was abandoned, left behind, a dozen times by Grif and the others. How does it feel to be on the other end of that? It wasn’t cruelty for the sake of evil or cruelty. It was have-a-taste-of-your-own-medicine revenge.
O’Malley joined Chrovos. We’re not shown why exactly, but Donut says, “What are you doing here?” and O’Malley responds, “Same thing as you, my brother. Now you’d better not keep Him waiting.” Two things from this. 1) “same thing as you”, Chrovos promised Donut that if he helped him (I always viewed Chrovos as genderfluid. Correct me if they’re actually a transwoman, not trying to misgender here) then his friends would be nice to him. So it could be that Chrovos promised the same thing to Doc. But there’s something Doc may care about a bit more. Someone. Deke. I imagine once he got the time gun, he went to try to save Deke. But like Sarge, he just couldn’t change things. But “God” called out to him and told him he could make it happen. But first, O’Malley needed to help him. He likely did the same emotional manipulation bullshit as he did with Donut. Probably didn’t need to do as much, O’Malley was already feeling pretty negative about the reds and blues. 2) Again he said “Him” with emphasis, like, capital H emphasis. O’Malley doesn’t know this is Chrovos with their own agenda. To him, this is “God”, the epitome of goodness in so many religions. He’s not intentionally on the side of “evil”. Maybe he doesn’t really believe that and is just pretending to because of Donut, but regardless he knows this is a powerful entity. I believe he had some skepticism, but thought it might really be “God”. And that “might” was enough to put his faith in him. For Deke. For himself. To do something and make a big difference for once. This time he wasn’t a pawn, an extra, he was a hero! (oops sike)
O’Malley saw Donut about to destroy the one who promised to save Deke. He couldn’t allow that.
“I don’t want to hurt you!” Donut said. O’Malley laughed at this. Everyone hurts him, what a blatant lie! Sure, Doc and Donut lived together for a while, but do you really think that was at the front of his mind? Even if he did remember, supposed betrayals hurt so much more from the people you’re close to. Donut hadn’t noticed Doc went missing on Chorus and even said as much to his face. Even if he wasn’t intentionally mean he was just like all the others. And now he was trying to take something so important away from him? Hell no, sir. O’Malley was going to stand up for what he believed to be the right course of action.
Yes, O’Malley tricked Donut, claiming to be Doc, but honestly it didn’t feel like a dirty move, just clever.
In the end, O’Malley said, “well played.” Not “curse you” or a swear, just a nod of respect for Donut. He didn’t hate Donut. He had just been standing in his way.
Also next season Doc says their fight was a lot of fun, further solidifying my idea that O’Malley and Doc were both on board with the plan and O’Malley wasn’t acting “against” Doc.
This is a Doc / O’Malley sympathization zone. Not sure how many of my bullet points were intended by the writer, but this is the view I tried to portray in the amv. (link below if you haven’t watched it yet— the beginning is a bit slow but I think it still works pretty well. The fighting in the second half combined with the beat and lyrics? So satisfying)
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incarnateirony · 4 years
An anti dressed up as a shipper, an idiot, and a terf all walk into the same bar.
It’s the same picture person.
A lesson.
Warning: if the title doesn’t give it away, queerphobic content comes up in this from the other party being documented.
So, some of you may have watched a twitter exercise yesterday.
It started simple: concern trolling white knight “for the writers” comes in to angrily declare fans doing something tagged in support of them about Destiel was “out of line.” She claimed things like “Misha was gaslit into supporting Destiel”, and pulled all kinds of stunts.
She immediately got on a soap box yelling “I HAVE A LIT CRIT DEGREE, I KNOW AUTHOR INTENT” of course implying she knew better than EVERYONE around her how to read text. She then pulled, of all things, @chill-legilimens​​ ‘ article about the network gods gutting the show out of the internet, and somehow misread it SO FUCKING BADLY -- SO FUCKING BADLY -- she thought it aligned with HER. She argued that fans influenced the writers, essentially, and basically pulled the exact opposite of the very clearly delivered message there out. When it was pointed out we know this author and even sometimes help edit their pieces, and she was, flat out misreading it while bragging about how good she is at deciphering text, it turned into a SHITSHOW.
I had watched her give a large group of queer people 2 days of runaround, while they tried to be polite, and similarly tried to prove everything while she proved nothing. Just preached. After 2 days of them exhausting themselves on her, I came in doing my blunt & savage thing, because fuck civility culture when it’s used by oppressors. Of course, she immediately started tone policing, while herself being an arrogant shitbrick the whole way.
She continued to preach author intent and talk down about “headcanons.” You see, she knew the authors very well. Berens’ name was mentioned in passing, and she came back with. “Who’s Berens? Is that the author of the article?” after Deirdre’s name had been directly cited in associated with it about 15 times.
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(credit: @judgehangman​ )
But it gets better. She started pulling the “authors have said Dean is straight.” line. Now, at this point, we had already sourced her at least four pieces of information (quite formally too: SPN Official DVD Collection Season 8 episode 13 creative commentary, Edlund and Sgriccia; Dissent Magazine The Attack Queers Bob Berens review; the books in the office with screenshots, and more.) So we issued one simple request: Okay. Source.
For the next-- I shit you not-- 10 hours she bricked the thread to death, finding any and EVERY rabbit hole she could try to venture down. For the first hour or two a few of us tried to actually debate her newly raised points, but still gave reminder that we were waiting for her source. Every tweet was an opportunity for her to drop a 15 tweet thread trying to derail onto a new topic, and often clarifying she had no idea about any of it (Edlund, Sgriccia, Berens, Dabb--who she couldn’t spell the name of--and Deirdre all became an amorpheous blob in her retelling that she swore she looked at sources and wasn’t convinced, while she crossed all the data and comments about the sources). She tried to challenge that anyone could know all the writers and episodes just because she proved she couldn’t, even when multiple people expressed it to her extremely rapidly with not just author and director listings, but cross references on when they overlapped and major elements (like the 15.20 shot 19 tree being the Kim Manners memorial tree). She randomly babbled about Kripke once. Lied her way through and claimed those sources were vague. Etc.
But at some point, I decided, we’re not playing this distraction game. You wanted a debate, you claim you have a lit crit degree, and thus know the entire art is Argumentation. A source, if you’re declaring knowing author intent. One source. Any time she dropped a distraction tweet, I replied to her thread with things like a list of our sources vs her lack of any and a reminder. I installed a counter ticker. How many times had she been asked to either recant her point or give a single source?
Someone made a list of the logical fallacies she used in the argument. It was two tweets long and still missed several obvious ones. That didn’t stop her. Neither did the dozens of requests for a source or a recant. Onwards, she marched, derailing time and again. She brought in a buddy to try to distract, but he fell out real quick when he realized “the burden of proof lies on the arguer” shot him and her both in the feet in record time and he ducked out. 
Other greatest hits came out like “Dubs (Dabb’s) fanfic books”, and calling the ability to list authors and episodes “headcanons.”
Over time, the dialogue shifted: see, she came in trying the snide “enjoy your headcanons” downtalk, but as time and time again she was pulverized on every point about the show, or the authors, or anything else while STILL never even giving a single source to even her FIRST POINT and running distractions, it became a reality-- she was told, “We’ll enjoy our canon and author intent. You can enjoy your headcanon of... Dabb’s fanfic books and Lord Barons and the writers being collective hallucinations and whatever else in your hot takes about the show content itself” and she FLIPPED SHIT. 
As the ticker for sources approached 100, she started becoming flustered. Before that, even, she started repetitively misgendering Ezra (no tumblr to link in), and Ezra screenshot their bio of they/them and asked them to adjust. Ignored. Ezra linked this request and asked it to be addressed again, and again, and again. 13 times. Ezra linked it 13 times. She even replied to several of them. No avail. No change. Not until literally any and every tweet in her vicinity either had “source?” or “address gender?” for her to reply to did she flee there, and write some giant write-around of “oh, I didn’t see this, sorry” but still refused to actually use it. Or “I’ll use the right one now.” No, just completely strickened pronouns from her vocabulary with Ezra moving forward, after not one mistake, not two, not five, but 13 answers.
At this point, I notice a trend: throughout the entire conversation, she had flip flopped on my pronouns, clearly confused as to what to call me. As I generally don’t care (honestly I prefer he but meh), it didn’t ping me as something to react to while she switched religiously between “he” and “she”. But I realized now, despite all of that confusion: she never once thought to use “they.” Also earlier we found tweets of hers that, while now declaring herself bisexual, she used troublesome wording in the past to blur the line on if she was an ally or, as she phrased it “maybe less than 100% straight in the bell curve” in other conversations.
I mutter about this on the side to Ezra and some friends, but continue on towards the 100 ticker that was the goal to show people in this digital terrarium how disingenuous most people you argue with are -- an exhibit for the class. They know they’re lying and have been caught, but will not cede to admit “oops, I guess I was wrong.” but rather stick, unironically, to their own headcanons about things. After all, they vaguely sorta apologized even if suddenly just refusing to use any pronouns at all on Ezra after that. And she’s so quick to disappear into 15 tweet bombs of distraction trying to play victim for being held accountable at this point, we just didn’t jump to a conclusion on that, alarming as it is.
So. You know. Source.
At this point, she RANDOMLY starts evoking the fact that like, How Dare, She Watched Gay Men Die To AIDS, She Is A Great Philanthropist How Dare How Dare. 
I’m sorry, did you just evoke the blood of our dead to run away from the most basic scrap of accountability in what is literally the first wave of a lit debate because for the last 10 hours you have refused to take the necessary steps to move on to the next point? Did you... just... evoke the ghosts of gay men that were genocided to, essentially, pull up a smokescreen and run away from being party to queer erasure? Or even just? Giving a source? or admitting you were wrong on one point in a debate? Wow, you really just did that. 
Naturally, people involved got pissed. Her Sources ticker hit 100, but at this point, all that haunted her was how completely fucking vile and inappropriate that was in this discussion. 
She got blocked. She then tried to glom onto anyone that hadn’t blocked or muted her and run the same argumentation points she had earlier been decimated in the argument with, while yelling “I ship Destiel too! I wanted them to have sex too! Why does this make me the bad guy?” around the block and hoping nobody actually read the thread. She tried to pitch the “headcanons” point of view again, hoping a new audience would lick her boots. She was, largely, ignored; given a few more comments about her leaving the conversation losing all points and only covered in the blood of our dead she was so proud of; blocked by a few more. (unsurprisingly, if you check her actual tweet history, she seems more invested in Megstiel but)
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This is when CommaSameleon -- a professor with two lit degrees and a primary focus in teaching the art of Argumentation -- literally -- stepped in. She initially tried to engage the fact that, well, this woman not only can’t argue out of a paper sack but wasn’t even arguing, she was just running in circles and distracting from all the points and hadn’t addressed a single lit point directly while preaching down at people. But Sam, also, noticed something. This woman kept changing things like “queerphobia” to “homophobia.” Sam mentioned this kinda puts off TERF vibes (I think Sam picked up on the gendering thing herself too.)
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Her response? Which she deleted since? But Discord’s embed helpfully saved?
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Her inacted non-apologies remain weak, especially in any form of debate be it lit or now queer topics.
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Oh I’m sorry, let’s recap her viewpoints: TERF is a slur. “They” is made up and should be avoided at all costs. The blood of dead gay men are a token to use in a lit debate you’re avoiding responsibility in. After this, “authors are headcanons” is suddenly not your worst take, but fascinating that you 13 times didn’t even read the blatant ass screenshot. And I mean, these weren’t subtle or easy to miss these 13 times.
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100. She had 100 chances, literally, on a timer, to give a source or shut up with her platforming until she had one. Instead, she chose every rabbit hole she could manifest to disappear into, only to be met by another request for a source, and not moving on until we address the first points. We’ve given ours, now you give yours. Instead, you choose this. This is the hill you choose to die on, rather than admitting, “Sorry, I guess I was wrong” or “I guess I heard that somewhere, my bad.” 100 chances. 13 direct QT requests to address gender which she replied to but didn’t reply to until cornered (and still didn’t, truly, reply to), and “TERF is a slur.” Oh, and after waving around the dead men’s blood she also suddenly Can’t Be A Terf Because She Adopted Two Trans Kids. Lord help those children. Or, you know, the more realistic thing is she’s just manifesting all kinds of bullshit at this point to save face, which is probably why she deleted all the related tweets that show she’s a giant-ass TERF.
So anyway, this is very much a lesson on:
Paying attention to how people manipulate conversation to erase genuine discussion and debate.
Paying attention to WHY they do it. Motivation on methods and tactics will clear up a lot.
Figuring out HOW they try to sound woke about shit and when it’s entirely fucking vile and inappropriate to pull
And by all above points, figuring out that these people are among us, and how NOT to let them influence your conversations.
I don’t care if it’s about a discussion on a ship or show or anything else. People do this. A lot. Extremely dedicatedly, if the 100 asks doesn’t make that clear. 
Stop letting people railroad your conversations with disingenuous bullshit.
So anyway in honor of this I made everyone a gif
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Use at will. It’s tagged anti-terf if you want to use the search feature on it.
Just went and checked. She went and deleted literally her entire side of the conversation, hundreds if not thousands of tweets. Luckily, Ezra mentioned repeatedly -- and I do trust them inherently -- that they were saving the entire conversation, so that zip file exists somewhere. How fascinating, after she accused us that we would want to delete tweets. Someone realized they had a bad look and giant failure all around.
Also, a related anon that links to an earlier part of this conversation I didn’t even document where she was crying about “cis erasure” [x] This shit went on so long I legit forgot about that.
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Idk if counts as a headcanon oops but peter calling Tony dad, yay or nay? (Sorry if this has already been done before ily💞)
no worries!! I don’t think anyone has sent this in before!! 
•  Peter definitely thinks of Tony as a father figure!! But calling him “Dad” would probably depend on the AU! That’s a really complicated issue to navigate. In an AU in which Tony actually adopts Peter, I don’t think working up to the title of “Dad” is all that unreasonable!! But in a more canon-compliant universe, since he has a mother figure whom he calls “Aunt” rather than “Mom”, I’m not sure “Dad” is a title Peter would use.
•  Even though Peter would 100% consider Tony his father figure, I think growing closeness between them would result in “Tony” and not “Dad,” because he had a role in Peter’s life as Tony Stark before he had a role as a father figure. Like how May was an aunt before she became a mother figure, so she remained “Aunt May” as opposed to “Mom.”
•  But under great stress, all bets are off. He’d probably slip and call him “Dad.” Like, when his brain is spazzing out, when his head is foggy, an older-male-looking-out-for-you could blur and simplify to just a father. And maybe sometimes, he’d just accidentally call him Dad because he’s not thinking about what he’s saying... picture that scene in B99 when Jake calls Holt “Dad.” That’s the energy of those mistakes.
Tony: Hey, can you pass the salt?
Peter: Sure thing, Dad.
Tony and Pepper:
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Peter, mouth full: ...What?
Tony, tearing up: Nothing 🥺
•  Peter would definitely call him Dad around Morgan. Because he’s a part of the Stark family, and Tony is the father of that family. So, when he’s functioning in the family unit, Tony is Dad. Tony catches him calling him Dad every now and then, and he gets this intense urge to just...
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•  Oh, and any sort of dilemma will inevitably result in the title of Dad. Like, someone might refuse to let Peter do something (refuse to let him into some Stark-owned area, maybe), but Tony is around, so Peter just points and says, “Oh, my dad is right there,” to get what he wants. No matter what, the person Peter is talking to looks at him like, “????????” Their reaction is as much of a reason to call Tony his dad as the convenience is.
•  If, for a mission, the Avengers need to go undercover, Peter and Tony always “coincidentally” choose identities as a father-son duo, too. The other Avengers are onto them, but they keep their mouths shut because an hour of the two of them in denial is fun for NO ONE. 
Nat: Ever notice how you two always choose fake identities as father and son?
Peter: Uhhh WHAT? Not always!!
Tony: Why— I never even noticed!! What a coincidence!!
Peter: Yeah, that's it!! Just a strange series of events!
Nat: Okay, then this time Steve be the father figure to Peter—
Tony: I just mean... we already put all our identities in order... switching everything around is unnecessary extra work...
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Do I look fucking stupid, Stark
•  Anyway they both think of each other as family, they just don’t talk about it because... fathers and sons don’t TOUCH that touchy-feely shit. At least not Peter and Tony, that is, because they’re both GARBAGE at communicating their feelings. Try to tell me I’m wrong.
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heymacy · 3 years
author interview
i was tagged by my beloved @iansfreckles 🧡🧡🧡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
5, about to be 6! ✨
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
233,543 holy WOW
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Teenage Dirtbag
Teenage Dirtbag: The One Shots
pulling on your threads
The Ginger Intruder
Help Is Other People
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i don’t usually and i feel fucking awful about it. i don’t really leave comments either, but i’m getting better about that 🥺 i’m way better about answering asks, but even that’s hard sometimes because i don’t wanna put spoilers on people’s dashboards unintentionally. idk, i have a lot of anxiety surrounding that sort of stuff but i’m trying to do better! i’m challenging myself to respond to every single comment on chapter 1 of TLO 😤
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh boy. um, none of them? when i finish HIOP (i haven’t abandoned it, i’ve just been hella busy with TLO and life and stuff) it’ll have a similar sort of bittersweet ending as in TGP canon, but i don’t particularly like truly angsty endings. i honestly don’t know if i’ll ever write one. angst in a fic? yes, absolutely, tons of it, please. but i need a happy ending. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
teenage dirtbag 🥺🥰 those lil fuckers really did that, didn’t they?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
“Help Is Other People” is sort of a shameless/TGP crossover bc of characters & concepts, but it’s not exactly a “crossover” in the traditional sense? it’s probably the only one i’ll ever write bc it just happened to line up perfectly with the character journeys, it was never my intention to write a crossover because i personally don’t care for them lmao
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
shockingly enough, no. not in the comments or anything. i’ve had a few rude anons but their messages were written in such a way i knew it was a them-issue and i just happened to say/write something that they didn’t particularly like in that moment and became a target of their anger. if i ever did get a true hate comment, y’all would never know because i would never publish it & give them that sort of satisfaction, lmao. i mean, i might, if it was funny and i needed to make a point 👀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, sparingly. well, until TLO comes along 🤭 then “sparingly” will be replaced with “gratuitously” for a while, oops 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ and all kinds, eventually. my only published stuff right now is awkward boyfriends content and TLO is…very different lmao
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, and holy shit that happens?? oh that’s fucked up
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but oh my god i’d cry if that happened
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but i think it would be fun to try when i’m not so busy with other projects lmao (don’t worry, i’ll be stickin’ around this little sphere of the internet for quite some time)
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
all time? temperance brennan and seeley booth from “bones”. then ian and mickey, then my headcanon versions of alice cullen and bella swan. yes i’ve written fic for all of them. yes i enjoy my characters with a dash of ✨trauma✨ and what about it? 😌
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
none, i will finish every WIP i ever start goddammit 😤😤😤 (this is more for me than anyone else)
15. What are your writing strengths?
i have a hard time gauging my own strengths, so here’s what people have told me in messages/comments before: thoughtful world-building, immersive and/or cinematic writing style, creative storylines. and i’ll agree with them bc i’m trying to be better about doing that 💛
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
much like in real life, i talk too much. my writing is often long-winded and rambling and it’s definitely something i’m working on. i also change a lot of shit last minute so maintaining consistency with small details is difficult for me sometimes, and i lose a lot of writing time to double-and-triple-checking every little stupid thing 😭
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think it’s a really interesting artistic choice to write a fic in one language and have pieces of dialogue in another language within the story - if i came across that in a fic, i’d be hitting google translate immediately because i’d be so curious - it could be interesting to hide a lil easter egg in a story that way 👀
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
twilight FUCK OFF
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i have literally no idea, i hadn’t written fic for 6 years before i started writing TD and i only started again because i was so invested in the characters!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
teenage dirtbag 😍 my child, my love, my heart and soul, you’re everything to me 💛
i’m tagging: @arrowflier @gardenerian @sweetcresta & @xgoldendays 🥰
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