#oops !!! all venting !!
crispinkiss · 1 year
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hera after almost accidentally killing everyone on the station again
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valtsv · 2 years
the more i learn about the mortuary profession the more i'm convinced everyone else is weird about people who work with the dead and i'm the normal one. of course i understand why people find corpses and the decay process and the end of life in general upsetting, because being reminded that you and everyone you know will eventually cease to exist and there's nothing you can do about it isn't something you can really take any comfort in, but it's just death? it's just inevitable and the way things are? people who work with the dead aren't creepy horror movie mad scientists cooking up frankensteins and draculas, and they're not immoral sickos even if they do have a fascination with the grotesque and macabre. they're just people providing an important service. a lot of them are very compassionate, passionate, hardworking people who want the best for the memory of the deceased and their loved ones. i genuinely don't understand what's so bad and scary about that, but whenever i bring it up there's always at least a few people who look at me like i'm crazy and call me a creep and make a show of shuddering and backhandedly complimenting my "bravery" and "unique career goals" while laughing as if my genuine interest in death and the dead is all just some inappropriate joke. i swear it's more unsettling how many people are unwilling to even acknowledge death as a natural inevitable part of life than it is to talk about it.
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ryonello · 1 year
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valorant catgirls on the brain again .... fade this time :3
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lesbiantrish · 2 months
i think im doomed to be invisible forevwr
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charlataninred · 1 month
Sometimes I worry my sister is getting a bit too close to some terf rhetoric
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ghoul--doodle · 1 month
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theshalesky · 6 months
I'm the one next to the shy girl. You know the story - Tale as old as time: "I don't want friends." "I don't need friends." You can't escape fate, darling, This story is about you. She sits there, brooding, In the middle of the frame. Alone, but her world doesn't feel the lack Like mine does. I'm sorry, i'm not supposed to talk about myself. No vast empty space Like a pit in your stomach Or if it's there, it will soon Be filled. In this story, every Jack has a Jill. They come up to her laughing, talking, smiling. "You're new, right?" "Wanna come sit with us during lunch?" Or maybe "We're in this group project together, right?" They're interested In her. She's interesting. What has she done to be interesting? She is just sitting there!! And yet "We live in the same street, right?" "Did you do that math homework?" "Are you coming on the field trip?" So many questions! They're asking Questions. They want to get to know her although SHE IS JUST SITTING THERE. I'm sitting there too. Right next to her, actually. But no one notices because The camera will never focus on me. This girl found her family and will be happy - Oh, it's so nice that the shy girl found friends. Everyone nods: That's how the world works. And i wonder: Are you all living in stories? Because there's one thing i can say for sure. I am not in a story. I'm the one watching it. And although i'm close So close to the shy girl that you might think i'm like her I will never Be seen by any camera. I have to claw my way to a place half as comfortable as hers. Because the fate in my world Doesn't hand out friends Like an author does.
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bananahkim · 2 months
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nothing like a call from your mother to make that escapism feel extra sweet
#oops vent post Look Away Look Away i am once again bleeding all over my blog#ohhhhh boy am i gonna get Creatively Active tonight#we love to see my living situation crash and burn oh boy oh boy#i get three more months and then!!! back into the fire i go!#and the frying pan was just starting to get cozy....#well! time to brush up on my masking and acting skills#absolutely unprompted#yknow it was actually funny#i went on a walk right after that call#and it felt like i was in a fucking movie. symbolism was ever#literally stood and stared at the 'no connection' street sign for a solid two minutes#feeling the Irony#then a black cat stopped and stared at me from down the road?#and a hummingbird flew over to look me in the eye??#walked under an apple tree but every single apple was rotting???#a fly decided to land on me for a split second and then flew away? felt Ominous#didnt see a raven though so thats a plus. or a minus. im not superstitious and i love ravens#plus side of being forced to move: i get to keep both of my cats and ill no longer be in this damn state.#negatives: living with my mom. her boyfriend. two dogs. in a state i strongly dislike. with no positive connections. in a basement.#its gonna be so fun! (sarcastic. lying. said through gritted teeth)#agh sorry sorry#once again treating tumblr like my personal diary#just. sigh.#well if i get a job right away and save up#maybe ill be able to find somewhere with roommates!#people my ageish! fellow queers perhaps! somewhere welcoming#where i can relax and feel Understood and perhaps even content with being alive#where i have room to not just force the love of existence but truly Feel it#i have hope! i have hope... i am miserable but one day! i may not be!#ive waited and survived this long! ill make it! i will fucking make it i swear to god
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crimson-catalyst · 4 months
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puttin this man in situations
just something experimental for kicks!
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vodid · 6 months
incredibly frustrated with my inability to FUNCTION that just never seems to get better. so sorry to ppl who buy from my store and have to wait weeks to get their orders. i'm trying my best
this is honestly the best career option for me given everything but what does it say about me that i can barely even fulfill it?
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
The double standard in the fandom with blaming all sorts of shit on All Might and praising Aizawa for being the «best teacher ever» never falls to astound me.
How is being super apathetic, using manipulation tactics and lies on students, and being generally very uninterested in them so much better than All Might?
He doesn’t want the kids in the war any more than Aizawa does, and still all I see is «Aizawa never wanted the kids to fight and now he’d watching them die waaah» and «All Might really sent these kids to war huh???» from the same people like what
All Might spends a lot of time on Izuku ofc, but how is that different than what Aizawa does for Shinsou?
All Might is great at cheering on all the kids. He took the time to really see and understand Bakugo.
He tries to be there for Shouto with the family issues.
Your little fanon version of secretly supersoft Aizawa isn’t real, and neither is All Might the Terrible.
They’re both flawed characters who’s doing their best, but one of them is a stereotypical hot tired man, so nobody bats an eye at him.
also, don’t get me fucking started on the fact that Aizawa never seemed to notice anything is off about Shouto.
People always includes it in fics, but he never ever mentions it.
As a teacher, it should be pretty obvious that something was wrong, and even if he obviously couldn’t take Shouto out of Endevours house, he could have done SOMETHING.
Talked to him. Anything.
And I know he is traumatized. I get it. But so is All Might. And Present Mic. And Midnight.
Everyone handles trauma differently, but if your refusal to deal with it affects your ability to be compassionate and ignore your own prejudice (like how he treated Izuku vs Shinsou based on his own experience when he had no idea how hard Izuku worked or what he had been trough) maybe you should’t be a teacher.
Again, the fact that he didn’t react to how Izuku clearly had very little control over his quirk and how he kept hurting himself???
I just think he is a very flawed character, and not half as great a teacher as the fandom wants him to be.
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monochromeblend · 6 months
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this is the best thing i've ever made and i drew it on a sticky note
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cold--carnage · 9 months
oops I'm a deeply fucked up individual and no one gave a shit about it until I was 22
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xjunjox · 1 year
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I transformed a conversation I had about my job into Miss Nae-nae venting to Sun and Moon. No context for you.
Sorry for the wall of text. I don't normally like having so much text in a single image. But you don't have to read it all to get the idea. haha
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chiistarri · 2 months
me when ihave a dream about my 3rh closest friends all beyeaying me 🤯🤯🤯
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