#ooc speak
wakkoroni · 11 months
Batfam Incorrect Quotes/Scripts: pt 20!
Tim, getting ready for patrol: I bet you can’t go through the entire patrol walking on your hands
Dick: probably not… I can try though
Bruce, sighing: Tim, why would you do that? You know Dick can’t back down from a challenge
Tim, shrugging: things were getting boring around here. I had to spice things up somehow
Throughout patrol
Riddler: Riddle me this- wtf are you doing?
Nightwing: 🤸‍♀️
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ohgreat-moretapes · 1 month
Crazy? I used to be crazy. They locked me in a room, a rubber room with rats- and rats. . . They make me crazy. . .
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You sound like somebody I don't remember...
(OOC: this is so OOC but @studentfilmyoulying and I have an inside joke headcanon that Jay has this as a vocal stim and accidentally pissed off Tim with it when they first met, so when I got this ask I IMMEDIATELY needed to draw this)
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finland-official · 27 days
I have no idea how to run a gimmick blog send help
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velvetpantylines · 1 year
You’ve heard of He Would Not Fucking Say That. Now get ready for: He Would Not Fuck Like That
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floweredhusbands · 3 months
I’m sorry for mpreg baiting you guys. Truth is I don’t know what a Flower Husbands lovechild would look like
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e-m-p-error · 10 months
May I suggest that the white marks on his hips look like Vox's claws' shape
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Feels very
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“kill them with kindness” NO THROW AN INFANT OFF A WALL 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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ask-the-archs · 4 months
Beautiful Person Award. Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!
Not gonna do a ton of asks because ehh
@the-very-nerdy-nerd , @king--of--ducks , @sockmanduckman , @aspenvelaz , @headlessdeaddancer , @heavens-hope-giver , @raedioactive , @rottnstrwberriez , @penguinmaster9999 , @charlie-morningstar666
…that’s 10, I think?
Also, to the one who I don’t think I’ve ever talked to:
@oakthefrog :]
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chaos0pikachu · 18 days
if Korn could see Great's fix it fic he'd be like damn bitch this is ooc as fuck
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startagainaprologue · 4 months
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this surely is an image.
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inejqhafa · 3 months
the scene where anthony tells kate that he wants to go to India so that their child knows their history and that he does too is so important especially for brown girls who are so often told to focus on integrating into their new households and forget their family once they get married. it really shows how much he values all parts of kate’s identity and who she is beyond just being viscountess, a wife, a future mother, etc. and then kate’s reaction of being fully and completely overwhelmed because she could never have imagined that he would be the one to bring it up, let alone being there for the birth makes me so emotional 😭
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razrogue · 3 months
Folks should be mindful when engaging with Black creator's OCs through appreciation type stuff (gifts of fanart/fanfic/etc).
If you're unsure if you're capturing the essence/appearance/personality of their OC, ASK!
I understand wanting to surprise a creator with a gift because you want to show your appreciation for their OC. But that gift is harmful when the creator sees you've whitewashed their OC or applied stereotypes or tropes that aren't a part of the character.
When in doubt, ask
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mini-games · 1 year
(There is a fight on the discord right now so I have a question for anyone who wants to answer.)
(This is a VERY important question. Reblogs appreciated!)
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Simon sits on the edge of a cliff near the beach, quietly humming something to herself. It's usually a very quiet place; excellent if you're not afraid of heights, and looking for some space away from bigger crowds of people.
It's late enough into dusk that some stars are visible in the open sky, though the colour of it is merely a slightly darker blue than during the day. The sun is less than one third into its descent on the horizon.
Waves crash into the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. Simon takes a deep breath, feeling strangely calm in the moment.
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
Having thoughts about the League of Assassins. It’s pretty common among them to form hierchy/ranking around who’s a better fighter and who beat/killed who. I can’t remember if it’s canon but I like the idea that to prove your teacher has taught you all they have to teach you must kill them (not sure how that applies to history/math/whatever but. Moving on.) Working off of that idea, a lot of assassins in the organisation would already respect Tim for causing the death/defeat of the Council of Spiders; assassins that are so skilled they kill other assassins for fun. Him then TRICKING RA’S AL GHUL AND BLOWING UP (almost??) ALL OF HIS BASES, AND THEN OUTSMARTING HIM AGAIN WHEN HE TRIES TO DESTROY EVERYTHING BATMAN HAS BUILT, I feel like it’s reasonable to assume a lot of them would’ve decided Tim is the bigger threat or at least proved himself very formidable and a large threat. I imagine a lot of them would’ve sought him out in Gotham and pledged loyalty to him (kind of like Minions seeking out the evilest leader thanks for that thought brain), maybe doing full on traditional rituals to prove the transferring of their loyalty, like blood oaths or ritual spars idk, maybe giving him gifts or displaying their skills so he accepts them as allies rather than being disrespected and killing or maiming them since that’s the standard they expect in the League.
And Tim is uh. Very confused. Very surprised. And also trying hard not to show it. He accepts all the gifts and pledges and shit, because he sure as fuck ain’t gonna turn them back to Ra’s, but after that he doesn’t really know what to do with them. He hires a bunch of them at Wayne Enterprise and Drake Industries, tasks a bunch of them with working for Red Hood on the down low, maybe sends a couple on undercover missions to Arkham Asylum so they start treating inmates as actual human beings and stop using shock therapy or something, and makes sure to write them all up fair contracts and great pay with good work bonuses and plenty of leave, and makes sure most or all of them start going to therapy. The assassins love their new leader and would do practically anything for him.
But anyway, all that aside. I’ve had those thoughts in my head for more than a month. Something that just recently occurred to me is Mara al Ghul. Damian’s cousin. Another child raised by the League of Assassins, only this one never left.
Until, that is, she watches this freshly-immunocompromised vigilante arguably outsmart her grandfather twice, and decides he is the bigger threat, actually, I want to be on his good side when he takes over the world.
So now Tim is being forced into basically adopting this feral child, who’s only experience in American society was undercover missions to kill people, who thinks decapitated heads are reasonable gifts, who’s introduction to Tim was something batshit insane like dumping the Joker’s head in his lap because the Joker is Gotham’s most dangerous rogue and of course Tim will appreciate having him gone. But even with a well crafted facade she can tell Tim is unnerved and horrified, so she must be doing something wrong. Maybe it was because the Joker is Batman’s enemy and not Tim’s specifically? But Tim doesn’t have any arch nemesis aside from maybe Ra’s who she obviously can’t kill, so she does more research into Tim’s life and background and finds out Captain Boomerang killed his father so next she brings Tim HIS head and she can already tell he’s much more pleased this time. But there’s still that edge of unsettlement and wariness, and he’s acting so strange around her, so she digs deeper and finds out about the Titans Tower incident but Tim sent all these other assassins to work for red hood so they must be on good terms, and then she finds out about all the bad blood between him and Damian and Dick so she starts trying to kill them next, starting with Damian obviously (a mix of jealousy over him leaving the league and a good amount of cousin rivalry/cain instinct), but Tim stops the fight and tells her to stand down and now she’s scared that he’s going to punish her and Ra’s’ punishments were always so harsh and perhaps this time she can’t quite fight down the urge to hide.
Meanwhile, Tim is being dragged through a parent arc kicking and screaming, the bats are wondering why the hell there are suddenly so many assassins only after they scare off Ra’s, Jason is more or less vibing because he thinks the assassins are from Talia and the Joker’s dead so of course he’s ecstatic (even tho he wishes he knew who did it so he can thank them), Dick and Damian are still reeling from learning Bruce is alive/getting him back from the time stream when all of a sudden this masked child comes out of nowhere mid patrol and attacks Damian, and isn’t backing down even though Dick arrived quickly but when Red Robin arrives and yells stop she’s already three rooftops away by the time he’s done speaking. Everyone is tired and doesn’t know what the hell is going on except mayybe Oracle.
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angelsgame-au · 5 months
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♥ Welcome to ANGELtown!!
♥ What is this blog about? ♥
This is a simple little ask blog for my Deltarune Angel!Player AU. Most of this blog will be silly and fun, but there may be some lore sprinkled in here and there.
Click here for the lore specific masterpost Click here for the asks masterpost (messy/slightly outdated) Click here for the FAQ (coming soon)
♥ Characters ♥
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The main characters of this ask blog are Angel and Kris. Other characters may show up from time to time but most asks should be directed to Angel and Kris.
Kris uses they/them pronouns ONLY in this AU
Angel uses any pronouns but typically goes by they/them
Most asks will be answered in character. It's important to note that Angel's dialogue will always have a little heart at the front of it and will typically be written in red text.
♥ Like this!!
Kris however does not have the little heart. (So if you see them talking with a heart, that's not them speaking)
♥ Rules and Boundaries ♥
I accept in character and out of character asks, however there are some rules about the content of said asks.
Please keep topics light. Yes there may be some darker themes in the lore/story but I don't want to delve too deep into that kind of stuff.
Please do not spam the ask box. I may be slow to respond sometimes but I promise I will get to you eventually, so please be patient
I have the right to reject an ask if I feel that it's inappropriate
Meme and non-lore ooc asks will be ignored. However you are welcome to send them to my main @marshiemonarch
Try to specify who your ask is for. If not specified I'll assume it's for Angel or a group ask depending on context.
♥ Fanart ♥
If y'all make fanart you can send it by:
tagging this blog or my main @marshiemonarch
Sending it via the ask box
using the #angels game au tag
I’m more likely to see the first two options
♥ Other Info ♥
More info will be added as time goes on.
This blog is run by @marshiemonarch
Important tags below vvvv
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