#only good thing abt it being so cold is that i got to have warm feetsies today (used a hot water bag)
minglana · 11 months
they turned on the heating but im still freezing😭
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g-xix · 11 months
okay but a coming and supporting ginge at his Sunday league fic?? like super close friends who have this first kiss after a match where he makes a really good save??? Would be so cute if you’re still looking for ginge!fic ideas 🫶🏻
Sunday League | AngryGinge13
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THINGS TO KNOW -AngryGinge plays as a Goalkeeper in football -He's hot -I've never watched Sunday league in my life, idfk what im writing abt here.
-October, Autumn weather was steadily rolling in when your best mate Morgan had his football game over the weekend -"You coming to watch?" He asked, cheeks tinted pink as he dropped into the driver's seat besides you, fastening his seatbelt before looking at you for your answer -"You know I don't know much or really care about football that much?" You shivered, the car's seats feeling almost frozen despite the fact it was just Autumn. -Ginge noticed your coldness and plopped his jacket in your lap and put the car heaters on, before pulling out -You always had a little bit of a crush on your mate Morgan, and as he looked back- putting his arm around the back of your seat to check he road before pulling out, you felt yourself blushing at the way his biceps peeked from beneath his jersey, his fingers just close enough to brush your shoulder and send electricity racing down your skin -You'd only known one another for a couple years, but had definitely become close friends. -So close that you often wondered whether your hopes of it developing into something more were ridiculous. -"Well, I don't care if you don't know much about football," He shrugged, "I like having you there with me." His words brought a certain warm to your heart from their sweetness, and you could only feel yourself melting inside as he leaned over with a cheeky grin. "...Plus you're my lucky little lady- always save more goals when you're watching"
-That last line was what sold you- and before you knew it, you were wrapped up in a woolly scarf, beanie and even your gloves- the Autumnal chill too harsh for you to go out unprepared -It wasn't a massive game- just a Sunday league one, and you could walk down to the pitch and find a place to watch in there -You got there and wasn't expecting many people to actually be there watching, but there was a little queue outside the pitch which surprised you, considering you thought it was just a little Sunday League game -Turns out Strathon (neighbouring, and most competed) town's team was going to be playing against Morgan's team. -Little breakfast bar in the pavilion area was packed with lads getting their early pints going and people just basking in the warmth -You joined in the pavilion, blowing on your fingers and warming yourself up... -Your nose was bright red and stinging, along with your ears. Felt like bloody Winter. -As you ordered yourself a hot chocolate, you felt a weight drop onto your shoulders. -You wheeled around and spotted a grinning Morgan behind you, his arm draped around your shoulder, hands kitted in the keeper gloves -"See you arrived alright, pet." He gave your head a little pat with one of the gloves, flicking the fluffy bobble of your beanie -"Yeah, wouldn't miss it for... much." You answered slowly as intrusive thoughts slowed your thinking. Morgan just laughed, already knowing your reason -He looked damn good in his kit- flicking his head so his fringe fell back, chest large and puffed confidently as he punched his gloves together, clearly excited for himself
-You let him get down to the pitch and warm up, watching from the pavilion and walking down into the stands after a ten or so minutes when everyone started running to get to their seats -Despite not being a massive football fan, you were a bit nervous for Morgan. -For some reason, you really wanted to see him do well. And you hadn't seen him play before, especially not actually trying hard before, so you were praying for him to pull out a masterclass.
-And by god by half time were you on edge. -Surprisingly, for someone who was generally uninterested in football, the tense atmosphere had you stood up the majority of the match -Morgan had been working hard in goal, some of his saves having you screaming as every time your heartrate shot up, fearful of Morgan missing. -Clearly though Morgan could hear your excited yells from pitchside, as he clearly let out a laugh each time he caught the ball or punched it away- his eyes drifting just slightly left to try catch a glimpse of your ecstatic face before kicking the ball out again -So far, Morgan hadn't let any goals in either- the score a solid 0-0. -That did however mean you were bricking it for the second half. -Second half, your heartrate was above 80 for much of the game. -And you couldn't help but admire how good Morgan looked (which only had your heartrate going higher) -His fringe was messy and spiked about his head, and the developed muscle definition on his legs did have you feeling a bit feral in the stands -Somehow you managed to calm your nasty thoughts down and focus on the game, though, instead settling for bricking the second half. -You watched as Morgan booted the ball down pitch, one of the forwards controlling it and making a break through the defence line- getting you up and out of your seat, face pressed in your mittened hands in suspense as you watched the forwards do his thing and swing his leg back before... -Yells and cheers were heard as you and the rest of your row all got onto you feet, celebrating the forwards that'd been scored, as well as Morgan, who'd set it up in the first place. (Though it might've just been you who was cheering for Morgan, there) -Your head flicked back to Morgan in goal and you watched as his he let out a victorious yell of his own, patting his mate on the back before looking out into the crowd- his eyes scanning the crowd before they found your own, as indicated by the grin that lit up on his face, his eyes sparkling even brighter as he pointed with the gloved finger straight at you- a little shoutout to his unofficial-but-both-of-you-wanted- WAG. -And it was clear you were passionate for Morgan when one of the defenders got in Morgan's way and ended up letting Salford let a goal in- Morgan could hear you yell WANKER from the stands despite the uproar from both sides of the crowd and the rest of the pitch's yells. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at being able to hear you despite the slight annoyance of conceding a goal.
-The full 90 minutes had elapsed and still your heart rate was through the roof, as the ref blew the whistle and it was decided- penalties were going to be taken. -The opposition took the first penalty... And Morgan's fingers brushed it, only just letting it in. -But luckily, your town scored one as well. -The next one also went in, and Morgan yelled a curse out, your heart thumping in your chest in fear. -And you were thanking God as the next ball went in, as your town scored once more -You coudn't help but admire Morgan in goal, sizing up the opposition as he waited for them to shoot. Morgan just looked so good, hitting his gloved hands together and bouncing from side to side, all too good looking in his kit -All admiring was cut short as you watched the shooter take his run up though, striking the ball and sending it mid-left... -Morgan caught the ball, pulling it tight to his chest and skidding to the side as he saved the pen, a scream leaving your throat along with the rest of your stand as you all cheered the save, watching Morgan let out a yell of his own, completely high on the adrenaline as he rolled the ball out and jumped, looking back to your stand -His head moved bit by bit slowly until he found you in the stands, the grin lighting up on his face once more as he found you- lifting his hands and signing the love symbol as best he could with his gloved hand, making your heart swell a bit as you felt your cheeks blush a bright pink, making heart hands at him before crouching down behind the people in front of you so that he didn't see how bright your cheeks were glowing (and only glowing brighter by the second) -You had your fingers crossed behind your back as you watched your team take the third penalty, the same forwards that had scored earlier took the run up, striking the ball hard and sending it up right... and crashing past the goalie's fingers and into the net behind.
-Screams filled your stands as the front few rows began jumping over the wall to go and join the winning team on the pitch- the bustle around you sending you forwards also, leaving you no choice but to get up and onto the pitch as well. -"Y/NNNN!" You heard your name yelled happily, before feeling a great force run into you -Morgan's arms wrapped around your waist, picking you right up as you squealed happily, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and leaning into his body whilst he gave you a joyous spin, his heat radiating through the thin kit and warming you up greatly also, the hug slightly sweaty from Morgan's playing, though neither of you cared -"You were bloody brilliant!" You exclaimed as Morgan placed you back on the floor, getting up onto the tips of the toes to place a little kiss against his cheek whilst your arms were still wrapped around one another -You took your arms off Morgan's shoulders, one of Morgan's hands leaving your waist and coming up to his face to touch the place where your lips had left a kiss against his cheek. You could feel a blush rising to your cheek as Morgan paused completely to acknowledge the kiss, whilst his other arm still remained around your waist- his eyes looking off into the distance as if completely zoned out. -"I played great?" He repeated, and you could see a little grin start forming on his face as his eyes came back into focus before meeting yours, the cheeky grin now fully formed on his face as he tapped his lips with a gloved finger. "Surely I deserve a bit more for that then..." -"What, you want a proper snog?" You joked, though you could feel your heart lurch into your throat, almost making you choke up as you felt a nervousness wash over you. It wasn't quite clear whether Morgan was just giving friendly banter at this point or genuinely trying for something... -"Only if it's from you," He shrugged with the grin still plastered on his face, though he broke eye contact to look to the ground almost as though he were nervous, himself. -Fuck it. -You got back onto the tips of your toes, one hand resting on his cheek to pull his face down to yours so that you could press your lips onto his own firmly... before pulling away approximately after a millisecond of contact. -Morgan's eyes fluttered open. -"What, that's all?" -"You want more? You fucking initiate it then, it's nerve-wracking, you know?" -"Fine!" -THERE. Morgan got that great big snog he was looking for. -His arm snaked around your shoulders, holding you possessively as his lips met yours, fireworks fizzing and exploding in your stomach and making your heart thump even harder than it was at the start of the second half. You were sure he could taste the coffee and cocoa butter on your lips as well, as it felt almost as though he were chasing something- the way his lips moved on top of yours so passionately. -"GOWARN MORGAN!" The cheers from his teammates were what broke the kiss up, your lips detaching from his as you let out a laugh, burying your head into the crook of his neck, nose warming against his body- hot from the adrenaline of kissing and football. You could feel Morgan's body shake slightly as he was slapped on the back by his teammates, shouting a variety of other praises and cheering for him for "Finally getting some..." -You personally? -Couldn't be more grateful for the fact you'd come to watch the match and were now in the arms of your first kiss.
You waited by the car, taking a sip of your gingerbread latte and checking the time on your watch. It'd been almost a whole forty minutes since Morgan had said he'd be out the changing room in a sec, and had given you enough time to get through three peanut butter cookies from the pavilion and two hot drinks.
It had been courteous of him to offer to drive you back, especially after your little moment on the pitch (which still had you smiling giddily and blushing when you thought about it), but you were half considering just walking home, when-
"SORRY, I didn't mean to take that long!" The back door of the changing rooms leading into the car park swung open, as a dishevelled looking Morgan flipped his head, flicking his fringe out of his head as he jogged over to you and the car.
"Yeah, you took your time," You responded, opening the passenger seat door as Morgan opened the car, chucking his duffel bag in the boot and plopping his ass in the driver's seat.
The car wobbled a bit as the two of you sat down, and as you reached over to put the radio on- Morgan leaned back to grab his seatbelt when something shiny fell out of his pocket.
"Oh shoot, you dropped-"
You held up the four or so shiny packets that'd fallen out of his pocket.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You exclaimed, dropping them back down and rushing to unbuckle your seatbelt, jaw dropped whilst Morgan scrambled to pick the other three up and shouted "NONONONO-"
You looked past Morgan as saw the rest of the team exiting the locker rooms, patting one another on the back as they said goodbye- one of the players spotting Morgan and yourself in the car- his face stretching in a cheeky grin as he pointed at the two of youse, drawing attention from the other boys as he yelled:
"USE 'EM WELL, EH MORGAN?" He passed a wink on to you as well, making you groan and slide down your car seat in embarrassment, hands pressed over your face as Morgan tried not to cringe too hard himself.
"Yeah, they were the ones that gave it," Morgan explained wearily, rubbing his face with a hand of his own as he tried not to make eye contact with the others outside the car.
"It was only a kiss, anyways..."
"Yeah well, that's what The Killers said as well and look how that ended up."
You couldn't help but deadpan up at Morgan whilst he tried not to burst out laughing at what he thought was god-tier comedy.
And as if it couldn't get any worse, his phone was connected to the car's sound system-
"OI BIXBY, play Mr Brightside on Spotify!"
Hearing those starting chords from the car's tinny radio system drew a second groan from you as you sunk even further into your seat, much to Morgan's amusement as he cackled and pat your head.
"Get used to the shitty jokes, love, I'm taking you out for dinner tonight for a first date so you better start liking me sooner or later..."
WELLLL IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE WE'VE SEEN SOME ANGRY GINGE CONTENT HA'NT IT??!! Much love n hoping everyone enjoyed bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE a little bit of autumn fanfiction it's such a cute lil vibe teehee
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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sweet-villain · 2 years
What Did I Know? ~ S.H
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@its-quinns-bread asked:
Hello babe
Got an idea for angst😩 Steve and reader being together but he's cheating on her with Nancy. Eddie is Steve's best friend but has a huge crush on reader and just try to warn her abt them but she won't listen(she already knows). So one day Steve decides to tell her and break up while Nancy is there. As he's about to talk the reader interrupts him by grabbing Eddie's vest and kisses him all tongue and teeth. Steve immediately forgets about the break up and freezes. It takes him like minutes to understand what happened at the moment before the reader say "i dump you" and walk out with Eddie following behind like a lost puppy, smirking at his ex best friend.
That hurt him way too much than he thought and he can't accept the fact that the reader left him and his bestie betrayed him. Then he realizes that he actually loves the reader, he was just blind by excitement with Nancy.
Give him pain
@harringtons-cupid @haileighboi @pleasantlycrazyworld @clovermunson @moonchildquinn. @ceriseheaven @glamourpearlsandpolkadots @hawkins-high86 @cinemaquinn @woahlifehitsyahuh
You know it shouldn't bother you from the way he walks in the house smelling like her, the way he doesn't look at you the way he used, he would never talk to you the way you two used to, he would always leave a small peck on your cheek and give you one of those looks. Those looks don't work on you anymore. You know things have changed. You know he's acting different. You know he doesn't love you anymore. You know. You know he goes to see her. You know when he's not with you, he's with her.
Your heart aches knowing she was the one who got to kiss him the way you used to kiss him. You know she is the one who gets to be held in his arms. You know she is the one who he's fallen for, it was her all along.
You were never the option to him. Steve doesn't think about any of it. He throws you a guilty look when your not looking, and it hurts him that he has to do this to you. But he can't seem to have that feeling he seem to lost when he's around you.
The kisses don't feel the same anymore, the hugs aren't filled with warm as they used to. The looks aren't longing and there isn't any happiness between the two of you.
" Hey" he greets you, making his way over to you and wraps his arms around you. The hug is distance and unwanted. Your arm loosely wrap themselves around his neck as your nose picks up her scent on him. He's been with her while he told you he was at work. You bite your tongue already knowing where he was going. Robin didn't need to lie for him anymore.
You just knew.
" Hey" you greet him with a fake smile as he looks down at you once he pulls away from you from the hug. His hair is out of place than usual. She must of had ran her fingers through his hair. You used to love doing it and now you'd do only a strand if he laid his head in your lap or on your chest while he slept.
He steps back observing you. He takes notice the bags underneath your eyes and there is a hint of puffiness underneath there, there is a deep frown on your face too. It seems like he was looking at a different person.
Panic rises inside of him as he try to rack his brain if you had found out what's been doing. He doesn't want to keep hurting you like this anymore. You deserve better and he knew that. You knew that.
Things weren't good between the both of you and it was time to close the chapter.
You sat on the bleachers of the school, doodling into your notebook with one hand while the other supported your head as you tried to keep your mind occupied. Eddie has been staring at you a little bit ahead as he noticed you weren't in lunch today or the day before. He grew worried that something was going on.
" You're not cold up there?" a voice broke you out of your thoughts as you stopped drawing in your notebook and rose your head to look at who was talking. The edges of your lips lit up a little seeing your best friend making his way up the silver bleachers and settling down next to you.
" I'm fine, Eds" you tell him going back to doodling in your notebook. Eddie remained silent as he looks down at what you were sketching. You were quite an artist when you wanted to be. You'd sometimes help Eddie with his figurines for Hellfire.
There was something bothering Eddie that he couldn't just tell you out in the open. His mouth ran dry when his thoughts took over to what he saw this morning. He had saw Steve drop Robin off at the school but in the back, it wasn't you that came out of the car. It was Nancy Wheeler.
His mouth dropped opened at the sight he saw next. Steve had gotten out of his car and walked around the car as he pulled Nancy close to him and planted one on her. His lips were on hers. Eddie couldn't believe his best friend was cheating. His eyes rose to take a look at your face or whatever he could see, you thought you deserve better than Steve Harrington of all people.
Deep down, Eddie was into you more than he thought he would. He looked over at you seeing the way you were focusing on what you were trying to draw.
" Nothing is bothering you, are you sure your okay?" Eddie thought that maybe, just maybe you one what was going on and that he didn't need to tell you what he saw. He couldn't watch your heart break. He wanted nothing more than to throw Steve across the parking lot and kick him around.
" No, is something bothering you?" you closed your notebook in your lap and laid your pencil on top as you turned your head to focus on him. Eddie averted your gaze when you turned to look at him. It was like something was on his mind and he didn't really want to tell you. But his eyes, they held a different story.
" Eds" you placed your hand on top of his with your eyebrows scrunched together. " You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He nodded. He felt like his heart would explode any minute now with just your hand on top of his.
"I-I.." he couldn't form the words in his mouth. This was really hard to tell you. He didn't want to see the heart break in your face and in your eyes. It would break his. He can't stand you getting hurt. You didn't deserve it.
" Spit it out" you encouraged him, trying to meet his eyes as he looked down at his lap becoming more nervous as the words were just on the tip of the tongue. But yet, he couldn't tell you. His palm began to sweat and he kept brushing them against the leg of his pants.
This was unfair to you.
" If you-" you were cut off by Eddie forming the words and finally telling you what he saw this morning.
" This morning, I saw Steve drop Robin off like he usually does and I thought you were in the back seat of his car" he swallowed the lump on his throat, averting his gaze from you still as he continued, " and in the back came out Nancy. Nancy Wheeler" he says. " She was there for some reason" he shrugged.
There is a long silence between the two of you and it was killing Eddie every minute from not hearing a word coming out from you.
" I know" you finally spoke the words that caught his attention as he his head turned to you, wide eyed as he gasped. He shifts around that he's facing you as he takes a hold of both your hands.
" You know? What do you mean?" you shrugged averting your gaze from him as your eyes gloss over. " I have known for awhile, Eddie. He's different and I have picked up on the signs."
His heart breaks in two hearing the hurt in your voice. It kills him to see you like this. He wants nothing more than to hold you, which he does as he pulls you into his arms.
" I'm so sorry, sweetheart. You don't deserve any of that" you nodded into his shoulder. Eddie could feel the tears staining his shirt, but he doesn't care. He cares more that your hurting and he can't do anything about it.
" Do you want me to talk to him?" he asks as an offer. You pulled away wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeves of your long sleeve shirt. " No, it's okay."
" Do you want to go home?" he asks, " I can drive you" you nodded putting your notebook into your backpack as you grab the straps but Eddie beats you to it as he grabs it.
" You don't have to" Eddie shook his head, shrugging off his jacket placing it around your shoulder. His scent fills you with warmth causing you to stop crying as you walk with his help down the bleachers onto the ground.
" Thank you" you tell him. His eyebrows scrunch together underneath his bangs in confusion. " For what?"
" For being here for me, you know? Just being my friend" as more than those words hurt him, he wanted make sure you were okay getting home. You walked with him to the van as he helped you into the passenger seat.
You were just glad to have Eddie by your side to look after you.
Steve has been pacing his living room and running his hand through his hair as he tries to come with a way he was going to end things with you. Nancy sat on the couch in the living room, playing with her hands as she watched him pace back and forth. He could be drilling a hole in the floor from the way he was walking back and forth.
" Would you stop already?" Nancy speaks up as Steve halt in his steps. He turns to face her. " She's going to hate me, she's never going to want to see my face ever again" he says.
" Well, you did cheat on her with me" Nancy states like it's obvious thing. " I know, I just.. she's really is the sweetest thing" he says to her as she settles down on the couch next to her.
She sends him a soft smile, " I'm sure it will be okay" she reassures him. Deep down Steve doesn't know how you'll take it honestly, lately things between the two of you have been so stiff.
There is a knock on the door, three times. It was a way to tell Steve that it was you knocking on the door. His heart races and all the feeling in his fingers lose contact as his head snaps towards the door.
" She's here" he says, swallowing the lump in his throat as he stand up and wipes his hands on his pants. " Take a deep breathe" Nancy tells him as Steve takes a couple as he makes his way to the door. What he didn't expect was for you to show up with Eddie by your side.
Eddie casts him a looks that is unreadable following you inside. You don't even look at Steve feeling that something was off. As you turned. to the living room, you freeze in your spot spotting Nancy on the couch. You cast a look at Eddie as he gives you are you okay look as his hand falls to the small of your back as he rubs it in comfort.
Your head turns back to look towards Nancy as she waves to you with a small smile.
" Hi, Eddie. Y/N" she says. Steve walks back in the living room swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet with his hands behind his back as he tries to find the words to tell you. He doesn't mind that Eddie is there, but yet he the words are just on the tip of his tongue.
" I have something I want to talk to you about " Steve says. He doesn't look you in the eye and instead looks at the ground like he has never seen it before in his life.
" Okay" you nodded, waiting for him to speak. Eddie kinda has the feeling on what this conversation is about but doesn't leave your side as his hand still lingers on your back in comfort. You were glad he was there with you.
" I know things haven't been the best between us" he continues, he can't really put it all at once. You take notice of the way he is trying to say it out loud and in his own way.
" Hold on a moment" you tell him. Steve's head snaps up in confusion but he nods letting you know that he was waiting. You turned to face Eddie as he tilts his head in confusion.
" What are you-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as his eyes go wide feeling your mouth on him. It's not a gentle soft kiss either. It's more with teeth and tongue. It surprises not only Eddie who still in shock that you were on him like this. But Steve's mouth drops open at the sight of you kissing his best friend.
His heart feels like someone ran over it over and over again until it was no longer in a whole piece. His eyes brim with tears as they run down his cheeks. Eddie's eyes closes as he kisses you back with the intensity as his hands falls to your waist, pulling you into him.
Nancy is shocked herself what is going on but more importantly how it's affecting Steve. Steve couldn't form words as his mouth opened and closed like a fish. Eddie pulls away from you casting a look towards Steve to see the heart break look on his face.
You turn to look at your now ex boyfriend, Steve who's in shock and heart broken at what just happened. " I dump you" your words grab his attention as his eyes turn to you.
" Y-you c-cant" he mumbles through his tears but you weren't listening as you grabbed onto Eddie's wrist and pulling him out the front door leaving a heart broken Steve Harrington to be comforted by Nancy.
Eddie couldn't stop smirking at the sight of Steve as he left. He didn't really feel bad about his best friend. It was his fault he let a great girl like you slip through his fingers.
He hoped that Steve was happy with Nancy now. That's what he wanted after all.
Steve can't shake the fact that you broke up with him to be with his best friend. His best friend out of all the people. He could feel the sting in his heart from the betrayal from Eddie. But he now knows what real heart break feels like, the scene repeats in his head the way you grabbed onto Eddie and kissed him.
Had you knew all along that he was cheating on you with Nancy? Did you do that out or revenge? Did you like Eddie at all?
His answers are answered when Dustin informs him that you knew all long he was with Nancy. How much he tried to cover it up, it didn't matter. You knew. You didn't do out of revenge, maybe a little but you realized there was one person all along that was right in front of you that loved. you and adored you.
He made you more happier than Steve ever did. He was the one you wanted to be with and Eddie was more than happy to be yours.
You stood outside of Benny's just as a familiar BMW pulled up, Steve had taken noticed of you standing there with a bag of food in your hands. You are waiting for Eddie, he had to be back to help Wayne with something before he told you he would come back to get you.
He steps out of his car and his hair didn't look like it used to. It didn't have that Harrington hair anymore, it looked more greasy than usual. His eyes had bags underneath them and they were red from the looks of it. His lips were in a deep frown as he turned to face you with a wrinkled long sleeve on with a pair of sweats that looked to have stains on them.
" Steve?" you asked overlooking his appearance. He halt in front of you with the keys in his hands. " Did you ever love me?" he asks. You snorted out before answering him, " I used to love you Harrington, but I should be asking you that."
" I did love you, it took to realize that I always did after you ended things with me and since then I regret letting you walk out my door that day" he says.
You nod, " well if we didn't end things then I wouldn't of been the happiest I have ever been" those words hurt him with a slice to his heart.
He nods, " Happy for you."
" Thank you" there is silence between the two of you before a van pulls up. Eddie parks it right in the back of Steve with a few inches away and quickly get out of the car. His fist to his side and jaw set seeing Steve standing there.
" Hi Eds" you greet your boyfriend as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you to his side. He turns to look at Steve, " Harrington."
" Munson" Steve greets him with a nod. The two never returned as friends after you broke up with Steve. The betrayal hurt Steve more than ever. It was another slice to his heart.
" Is he bothering you, sweetheart?" Eddie asks. You can feel the stiffness coming from him. You put a hand on his chest to grab his attention. He turns to look down at you and all the anger vanishes from him.
" He's not, but let's go home?" you asked. Home you referred to his trailer as you spend most night there with him.
Eddie nodded, taking the bags of food from your hands as he bumps shoulders with Steve.
" See you around, Harrington" He says as he makes his way to the van. You cast one look at Steve, " Take care of yourself" you tell him, sending him a soft smile.
" Thanks, and you too. I hope he treats you better than I ever did" Steve says as he motions to Eddie.
" He does" those were the last words you said to Steve as you walk past him to the van and getting into the passenger seat. Steve watches as Eddie leans over to kiss you and looks back at him with a smirk.
Steve hangs his head as he felt his heart crash to the floor. You were happy without him. You didn't need him. You didn't want him.
He was going to regret what he did to you for the rest of his life.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
OB gang with albedo mc ?
Like at first they got the cold treatment (aka how albedo treated anyone and anything he wasn’t interested in)
Then slowly they warmed up and got to see the other side of them ( aka how albedo treated the traveler (kinda smug low-key flirty etc)
OB! gang with Albedo! MC
•if im being honest, albedo would probably be so interest in twst that he could not be cold to them. well maybe some of them but I'll make it work
warning:spoilers abt book 6(that i myself barely know about but here we are)
Friendly and popular, you gained fame for your alchemical talents. Though popular, you have an extreme distaste for social interactions. Barely anyone knows anything of your personal life as you are quite secretive about it.
Fueled by the feeling of enlightenment, you research about the things that pique your interest and once the feeling is gone, you lose all interest. Along with your alchemical genius, you're also a respectable artist.
he had heard u were really good at alchemy and making potions from trey who heard from ace
so he is very much curious about your world and how you got to know alchemy
start up a convo with u when he saw u in the middle of his walk
and you're sketching grim LMAOAOAOA
literally acted like u didn't know he was there bc you're sketching can't he see🙄
riddle thought it was kind of rude and pointed it out
still acted like u dont know
it takes u finsihing the grim drawing for u to even look at him
we all know hes angry so lets skip!!
riddle would like to know the basic alchemy of ur world and got absolutely flabbergasted when u showed him
"how the heck did a magicless student like you managed do that⁉️"
"but that is basic alchemy??" -u after turning dust to a bird
eventually,riddle had to cut the convo short bc he have a schedule to follow🤗so u went back to grim sketching
he tried to invite you to the unbirthday party bc he really enjoyed ur convo
but u declined it
but still went there bc the adeuce duo forced you LMAOAOAOA
so like kapoosh kapow the ob happened and a day after that he got interrogated by u
no break for riddle💀
u were very much interested in how he felt before and after the ob, if anything changes about him after the ob, what was it really that triggered the ob and-
you're like "🤔hmm i see" the entire time with this serious face
u also gave him a potion for quick recovery so good for him!!(u gave everyone who overblot btw im just too lazy to write for all)
saw ur sketchbook one and saw some sketches of him
in both his ob form and how he is normally
"🧍why did u drew me"
"u carry a different aura and look different from how u usually do, it's quite fascinating"
multitasking royalty😂🙌who knew you could draw him while fighting him off
you've seen some people with ears like him back in your world so you're not exactly as interested 🤷
even ur assistant have non-human like ears
tho u do wonder if there's anything different abt him since hes technically not from ur world
i dont think yall will interact much before the ob but after? and when book 3 is happening??
knowing how he acts, you're quite disappointed
"not only are u skilled but you're also quite knowledgeable. you could've been something greater if only you could muster up some motivation and ambition in you other than for the throne"
leona goes 🤨🤬you picking a fight or smth⁉️
but then also got goosebumps bc why is this small fry doing analysis of him and how come you know so much already😱
ruggie snickering beside him bc bro got called out so hard
bc hes pissed at u, he quite literally got an A on every single subject LMFOAOAOAOA
mans live off of spite (me too)
you did saw it and was quite pleased hes showing more of his potential
praised him so hard u made his ego bigger
is this... the feeling of recognition😍⁉️ -leona /hj
saw ur sketches of him during ur stay in savanaclaw in book 3
was surprised you captured every single detail about him, lowkey smug abt it
"you were staring at me so hard huh. you could've just asked if you wanted to draw me"
"oh? then by all means, strike up a pose for me. i would love to draw u again"
"...i never said yes, herbivore"
not interested in you other than taking ur dorm for business + not interested in him at all
signed the contract anyway bc why not LMAOAOA
totally not bc grim was trying to get u to sign it so bad, no. not at all
anyways now you're homeless and is staying at savanaclaw
lets skip a lil bc i literally have nothing to say
yknow when the tweels tried to sabotage yall?
u literally fend them off using ur geo vision
them: 😧⁉️
they did report to azul
"but that bitch is magicless⁉️" is what he would say if hes not a professional businessman
hes sobbing and crying and clutching his contracts bc how dare⁉️
and u found out he is an octopus like after the blot so yknow what that means
"i would like to see u in that form, if you do not mind"
azul's glasses breaking bc he absolutely refused to
"😕😔a shame but it's alright" *starts studying that childhood pic of him instead*
azul standing right behind u🕴
he did ask why do u wanna see that form of his
and u go "that's something u wouldn't find in my world, i would like to know everything i could know"
the tweels agreed for a price btw
idk whats the price dont ask me
u sometimes visit the lounge bc that place is pretty as hell
notices how u would draw the place sometimes and the gear in his head was working so hard on how to get money from that
peeked into the sketchbook once
saw many sketches of him in his other form or what u think would be his other form
and the way its so accurate😧⁉️
🕴🕴- u and azul
i feel like u would recognize him for his many talents??
and would totally go "why are u hiding it if you know you could do it🤨🤔"
"i do not know what you're talking about☺" -jamil
u just shrug bc oh well. none of ur business
hes kind of glad u decided to drop the topic but also kinda :/ bc there goes his plan if u could see through him that easily
he is quite knowledgeable so u often ask him abt his homeland and their designs there and everything else bc
my god is scarabia pretty😍
u drew scarabia so often its not even funny anymore
and yknow those times he would like hypnotize kalim?
u knew smth was up but decided not to confront jamil abt it
he witnessed u eating a spider one time
he considered letting u go back to ur dorm out of fear LMFAOAOAA
u noticed him and asked if he would like some
he was on the verge of tears😔🙏rip jamil, he could've lived a normal life if life loved him enough
u finding out jamil and kalim is a little like subject 2 and u: 😱⁉️(trying to uh replace someone's position or smth)
after the entire blot stuff, he absolutely let u know if theres any bugs around
bc like hell is he fighting those bugs
you're delighted bc yes nutritious foods!!
jamil watching it all:
you drew vil quite a lot since he's very pretty
vil is quite drawn to u from the start bc you're also very pretty
has heard of how great you are at making potions and alchemy from epel
so when the program thing happened, hes quite happy that he got to talk to you more
since he was living with u, he could see the many drawings of him and the others (vil and the non-vils. u totally don't play favorite)
vil seeing those beautiful sketches, thinking of ways to promote yalls group with ur talent
he did commission u for it and even offered to pay
u going k sure, i dont mind
vil posted the art on social media and it got so many attention💀
and yknow how vil is so popular and all? yeah so many people asked him to get in touch with u so they could commission u smth bc ur talent is just so😍😍🙏🙏‼️‼️
congrats⁉️it was supposed to be for their promotion but u accidentally got promoted as well
vil is very happy and proud
well after the whole overblot thing, u sometimes visit pomefiore for various other reasons
sometimes bc some famous ppl wanted to get in touch with u, sometimes u just wanna go potion potion with vil
he is actually very thankful that you're not interested in him in any way
or so he thought
you're in fact very interested in him
his hair is quite unique to you + his creations are quite interesting to you
"woah unique robots😍" u 5 mins before disaster
and by that i meant a bigass hole in the dorm you're staying in LNFAOAO
so yknow how rook, epel and mc tried to save the others by going to this place they're supposedly brought to?(i dont think i missed anyone)
and my god are u taking ur time
"what is this fascinating creature?" *tries to eat it*
"PREFECT NO!!" -epel and rook
be thankful you're not from their world or else you would've overblot for that
idia and ortho seeing it all🕴🕴
and when idia and ortho came to see yall, you are even more delighted
"i would like to study you, if you do not mind"
idia bc its supposed to be the other way around:
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epel, rook and ortho staring at u:
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u did ask again after the whole incident and he def did not broke out in cold sweat
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
Chapter Six
To the anon who sent the ask abt Niko bean, prepare for the next Chapter <3
Cw: rough caretaker / reluctant caretaker
Chapter One
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Niko stared at the tiles in front of him, hugging his knees close to his chest as his vision was a blur. It was peaceful in the bath, small bubbles covering his arms as he smiled fondly at them. He blew at the bath suds, watching them float around him. The bath was so warm, his eyes grew heavy as he took a deep breath.
His back was a mess of dull pain and agony but the warmth distracted him. He was still shaking slightly but much less. Martyn had put a blue mixture in with the bath, telling Niko how it would help his muscles relax and feel less painful. And being honest? He already felt the throbbing die down slightly.
The clothes he had changed into were warm from the heat of the radiator. He was guided from the bathroom to some sort of medical room. His eyes scanned the place as he was slowly brought inside by Marcus. He had his warm jumper folded in his hands, cold tingling at his skin as he wasn't allowed to wear it yet.
“Take a seat,” the doctor mumbled, busied as he got his equipment ready, putting on gloves once he was ready.
Niko gulped but didn't hesitate as he hopped up onto the medical table, wincing as his back seared in pain.
The doctor scoffed, rolling his eyes, “You can quit feeling sorry for yourself.” He took out a wipe and came up behind Niko, wiping the wounds rougher than Niko was wishing for.
“Sh-shit that hurts-“ he was quickly cut off as the doctor grabbed a fistful of the captive’s hair, yanking his head back.
“Quit fucking whining before I restrain you.”
Niko snarled but sat still, showing the doctor that he could comply. For now.
The doctor huffed out another sigh before resuming his -practically- scrubbing. Niko bit his lip hard as his body tensed, “You- you could be a bit more gentle,” he growled, digging his fingers against the table. The wipe only came down rougher against his skin and Niko had enough.
He rushed to his feet, spinning around as he growled at the doctor, “You're only making it worse!”
The fury in the doctor’s eyes was Niko’s first warning before the man lunged forward and threw him against the table. He had gathered both of Niko’s wrists in one hand and slammed them over his head before growling in his ear, “I suggest you fucking behave before you make me loose my temper.”
Niko whimpered, squirming against the man’s grip as he tried to escape, “Le-let go, creep…”
The doctor’s grip only tightened as he glared at Niko, “If you don't behave in ten fucking seconds, I have no other choice but to get Martyn in here, and I am more than positive when I say that I know for certain that he would have no problem giving you an extra beating for this ridiculous behaviour.”
Niko gulped, clenching his jaw as he glared at the doctor, but his fighting soon stopped.
“Good boy,” The doctor smirked, knowing full well how much it angered the other while he ruffled Niko’s hair.
As the doctor cleaned his wounds, it felt like it was taking hours. Niko tried to silence his pathetic whimpers by biting down hard onto his fist, screwing his eyes shut. The last thing left was cleaning the cut which decorated his cheekbone from a hard punch to the face he had gotten earlier that day.
He winced as the wound was cleaned, trying to distract himself. The doctor was quiet, clearly not happy with his job. All that could be heard was the ticking of the clock. Niko’s eyes glanced at the two arms of the clock, small hand at the three, little hand at the-
Niko yelped as he was hit up the back of his head. “Nope,” The doctor smirked, “You're not allowed that.” He grabbed a fistful of Niko’s hair, shoving the other’s face to the medical bed, “Stay.” He ordered, humming to himself as he strolled over and took the clock, putting it face-down on the counter.
The doctor took off the plastic gloves, throwing them into the bin before making his way back over to Niko, smirking as he noticed the lad was still in the same position, “Good dog,” He chuckled.
Niko’s head snapped up with a growl as he glared at the doctor, “I am not a dog.” The doctor simply smiled the smug smile which never seemed to leave his goddamn face, “Alright, mutt, hands in front of you, Marcus will bring you back to Martyn.
Niko hated how Martyn seemed like a leisure compared to the doctor. He held his wrists out in front of him, showing he was no threat before he was led out of the door. Marcus took him from there, no blindfold this time. Niko glanced a few looks around the house, trying to take it all in but this house seemed like a blood maze.
He was shoved into a room, a soft carpet under his feet as he looked up, Martyn sat on the couch, smile on his face, “My buttercup, care to join me?”
- - -
Taglist: @blood-enthusiast @deckofaces @whumpifi @sleepy-dog-boy @whumpatize-me-captain @a-n-i-a-fan @sparrowsage @theelvishcowgirl @sorry-i-spaced @juniperspring @cherrychupachup @morning-star-whump @thelazywitchphotographer @kixngiggles @auroragehenna @fraugustends
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mao22716 · 11 months
daydreaming abt historical fantasy au..... hcs under cut bc it will be a lot of text although a lot of it is based off canon
ok so maybe not the most creative idea but kurumi comes from a bloodline of witches except their family hasnt had powers manifest for many generations and the most is that they keep their young looks
however kusuo is the only one with powers and it seems that whatever powers previous generations could have gotten has been passed down to him instead (basically he has every power he has in canon)
also kusuo has powers bc hes transmasc lol
in this au there r mages who can control basic elements (fire water earth air wtv) and kusuo disguises himself as one of them bc witches aren't accepted in society
his work requires him to meet many ppl and some of these people get unusually attached to him and they continue interacting with him even though he doesn't say a word back to them
kusuo claims that he has nothing to do with them and they are a pain but somehow finds himself doing whatever he can to make them safe and happy
kuusuke doesnt have any powers but hes extremely smart and became an alchemist after graduating from a fancy school thing (i swear i know the right term but not now how embarrassing)
he spent his whole life trying to limit kusuo's powers and eventually remove them completely (same as canon haha)
he also wants to remove powers from other witches and mages while hes at it teehee (cute girl sticking tongue out image here)
btw he does a lot of experiments and some of them r not very ethical but dont worry about it lol
their grandma (i forgot her name srry :(( ) owns a famous boutique, kurumi works there too
moving on to other characters i was thinking saiko family is a royal family althogh they arent liked by the public bc of their attitude honestly if metori became the king the country is doomed
but that is if he didnt have the power of friendship
metori is the crown prince of the country and nendou is his knight
yes u read that right
nendou became a knight bc of his almost inhumane strength
almost got fired multiple times but hairo, another knight with the best reputation possible helps nendou keep his job
also a very kind person he will drop whatever hes doing to help ppl when they need it
he likes playing with children (fails many times bc his face is scary he is sad) and buying things from them even though he doesnt need wtv tjey r selling
one day nendou invites metori to meet his friends (almost got fired for the nth time. hairo is crying. keep up the good work.) and miraculously metori says yes since he has nothing to do and is somewhat curious about how peasants spend their time
somehow his friends are: kusuo, a mage who is just average but has genius alchemist brother
kaidou who is just some guy who really wants to be both a mage and knight at the same time but cant do both
and aren who came from a mercenary background but decided to become a knight instead and is quickly climbing the ranks
metori is very impressed with these people (except kaidou 💀💀) but it didnt last long when all of them act so god damn weird
they met at a bar, saiki brought a box of dessert from a cafe to eat, kaidou is sitting at a corner muttering something about having a hidden power and that he can destroy the bar rn if he wanted to and aren is normal but sometimes he says something scary every now and then
anyways they definitely hated metori but they warmed up to him after a few times meeting and they get to enjoy rich ppl luxuries
a few months later metori wakes up in the middle of the night in cold sweat when he realises that he is friends with those peasants and that he enjoys spending time with them
congratulations now u have the powers of friendship and character development
ok next teruhashi family is a high ranking noble family
maybe teruhashi family being low ranking nobles who r gaining a lot of popularity would be good too
metori is the crown prince and is constantly sending marriage offers to kokomi but makoto burns every single marriage offer letter from anyone (the only time kokomi is grateful to him)
kokomi and makoto r the most beautiful ppl in the country or perhaps the whole world and the kokomi objectification by men is even worse in this au so shes kinda fucked up inside
but dont worry !!! she does have awareness that she is going insane and makes sure to have some self care hobbies
which is sneaking out and interacting with people she wears a disguise that covers up her beauty so that when she interacts with ppl they respond back like shes just a person and this is important to her because it reminds her that life is not just get married have children and die
interaction with ppl as in just buying random things from whatever store she sees (she has 0 social skills if it isnt acting)
it gets even better for her when she comes across chiyo who is a low ranking noble whos title was bought instead of earned
when they first meet, chiyo deduces that kokomi is a noble from the way she talks and carries herself but doesnt know which family (it doesnt matter to her shes just excited to meet a new friend)
their first meeting is quite awkward bc neither of them know what to talk abt so they just sat together on a bench in silence for a few minutes
well its not that bad in the end bc chiyo decided they can go shopping or eat at cute cafes
kokomi started to get irritated (she was actually anxious bc she has never been treated as a friend before she just doesnt know) so she told chiyo her identity to see if chiyo will start worshipping her
chiyo needed a while to process but shes extra happy bc kokomi revealed her identity and chiyo took it that she wanted to be friends
she also starts talking about herself more and asking kokomi questions
this stuns kokomi as this is the first time someone was genuinely interested in her as a person
unfortunately she feels overwhelmed and goes home to rest (the whole time with chiyo just replays in her head constantly)
anyways they continue meeting outside and eventually go to gatherings and tea parties together
many ppl gossip abt chiyo not being enough for kokomi and when kokomi heard it the first time in public she broke her perfect lady act without thinking to defend chiyo (she almost started beating up ppl but she controlled herself so everythings fine :3)
i think i like kokomi x chiyo a lot do they have a ship name??
queer platonic kokomi x chiyo.....
wow this post is damn long
i actually just wanted to daydream of what kind of witch outfit kusuo would look good in
also im not sure abt kaidou in this au.... definitely a delusional person tho
maybe hes quite smart academically but i just dont have a clear direction of his role in this au
i will be surprised if anyone read this much thank u for reading my brain vomit
if u can tell i dont have much knowledge on historical settings lololol
i havent thought abt other characters much but aiura is definitely a witch who can do fortune telling
maybe imu is the leader of an information guild
akechi is either working in imu's guild or hes a detective
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Sokka HC’s (trauma edition)
just some stuff that I think is true abt Sokka idk
I haven’t watched ATLA in literal years so please correct me if some of my info is wrong
Some of these are probably obvious but I just wanted to give my take on them lol
Ever since the night of the fire nation raid, he’s terrified of fire and even more scared of the smell of bodies burning and the sight of ash. Because although fire is what took his mother and a lot of the tribe members away, the smell of bodies burning and the sight of ash reminds him of the sight he saw that night, and how he was useless to do anything about it, that now burns forever in his memory. Because while Katara is traumatized at seeing the death of Kya, Sokka is traumatized of seeing his tribe members killed and burned in front of him. He’s the kind of guy to break down after the fact of whatever just happened, so he can still fight fire nation soldiers and everything. But the minute he gets off of the battlefield and the adrenaline wears off and hes alone? He makes some excuse about “needing to plan where they’re going next in the peace and quiet because fucking toph and aang make it hard to focus with their earthbending lessons” he breaks down, sobs racking his body and an inevitable panic attack coming as he relives the worst night of his life over and over again for hours, acrid smoke and burning flesh all he’s able to smell, screams of pain and heartbreak all he’s able to hear. (when Zuko comes along it gets a little bit better because he can remind himself the Zuko is a fire bender and hes safe and warm and would never do anything to hurt me. So he just kind of melts into his best friend’s boyfriends arms and it becomes a routine for them. More on that on the zukka post i will get to writing..eventually)
He has abandonment issues because of how unexpectedly Kya died and left him to take care of Katara while she was grieving, and then Hakoda left him to take care of the entire tribe by himself. This is probably why in that one episode (i dont remember which one and im too lazy to find it) Sokka was so adamant about refusing to let Katara go and try to save Haru and his dad, because he was scared that she wouldn’t leave until she got everyone off of the ship, eventually get captured, and spend the rest of her days there, leaving him behind.
(This ones cannon I think but here’s my take on it) He has self-worth issues because of his constant expectations that have been set on him, by himself and by other people. A lot of people reading this are gonna be like well yea he had to take care of the entire tribe by himself! Which, true! Not exactly the best move Hakoda, but what’re you gonna do i guess. But i think his self-worth issues stem more from his need to be the perfect “chief”. What i mean by that is that if he’s doesn’t catch enough fish for the tribe (even if they probably have enough to survive because always working too hard) he hates himself because he isn’t doing enough and they look so skinny and its all my fault because i just can’t catch enough fish. And if the people are cold, or if they’re sick, they expect him to take care of them, but they dont see that he’s a 16 (or younger, he was acting as chief for a couple years before Aang came along i think) year old boy trying to do everything himself with no help. Every day he hears the same thing: “Sokka, we don’t have enough ______! Can you please get more?” So he never ever thinks he’s good enough no matter what he does because there’s just never enough. even if he catches 100 fish for the whole village to eat, he’ll still beat himself up about it because sure they were able to eat today, but they’re not eating enough and he still needs to get more furs for everyone because the winter is only getting colder and they’re getting sicker and they’re all going to die because he’s so useless and can’t do anything right
because of him having to do everything himself, he absolutely hates being offered help. He refuses it practically every single time, because he’s so used to people younger than him counting on him to do something, and if they’re counting on him that means that he cannot fail, and asking for help (to him) is one way of failing. If he asks for help that means he couldn’t do the one thing Hakoda asked him too. It’s super simple Sokka, just take care of the village of like 15 people. And he can’t even do that.
He’s an absolute control freak and micromanages everything, and Katara (the hypocrite, smh) hates it. He needs to be in control of everything because that means that nothing can go wrong unless he makes a mistake. (Which he knows he will make a mistake but at least its his fault and he can find a way to fix it) If he relies on other people that means they’ll make mistakes which means something that needed to get done won’t and he’ll fuck up again and he’ll be worthless, because planning and fixing and engineering and fighting is all he has, all he thinks hes good for. He would rather be solely blamed for not being good enough and screwing up than letting someone like Zuko or Katara or Aang be told that. He was never in control of the war or his mother’s death of Hakoda leaving or anything, so he find some kind of solace or coping mechanism in being able to at least control the village and having some semblance of control (idk how else to explain this! Im so sorry!)
Also because he doesn’t trust anyone else to do it right lol. He’s been taking care of the whole village for such a long time that there’s a very specific way you supposed to do this Katara! It took him such a long time to finally get a rhythm going, get used to how to take care of 15+ people at a time, so any little change to his routine pisses him off and makes him panic because he’s lost the control of the situation and now he’s in an unknown territory where he doesn’t know how to do anything which makes him a liability.
(I’ll probably continue to update this post because im probably not done, and/or make a pt 2 if y’all wanna see that. Won’t be restricted to just trauma next time!)
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subskz · 1 year
Rin.... Rin, I crave violence
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I saw these and your girl got the most heinous thoughts bouncing around in the head.
Cabin, Snow, There's Only One Bed, Accidental Confession, & Sex. Are you following?
I hope so.
Picture it: You, Channie, and Co. have decided to stay at a cabin in the woods for a couple of days in winter (see Channie's outfit up above) and as everyone else goes off to have fun in the snow, (I've grown to dislike the snow after having multiple snow days back to back bc I don't get snow often; Ms. Pink was nawt having it) you two decide to hang back
So you two kinda just shrug it off and try to stay preoccupied while by yourselves
And maybe that involves a game or two here and there, music stuff, cooking and things don't get heated until you two make a bet that you, just so happen to, win.
That bet? The other has to do whatever the other says until the others get back.
And you can't help but notice how eager he is to follow your directions and orders; or how he starts to act cuter around you and pouty when feeling a skosh playful.
So maybe you ask for a kiss to gauge his reaction; ofc Channie is malfunctioning so you're all like "jk jk im totally not-" then BOOM! A big ole smooch is what you get.
And then, he's like "omg oh god im so sorry" then you kiss him and he can't help but moan at it (perv Channie?... oh that's something i will be back abt, mark that down)
N e ways, let's talk abt sex now
Chan and his babyboy-isms seem to just increase tenfold; pouty, whiney, all flushed, wanting physical contact, oral fixation all on 10.
And, him being a service top, he is so hellbent on pleasing you. But he's also been dealing with this huge crush on you, so when he finally enters you, he swears he's entering the 5th dimension.
But also instantly blurts out that he has feelings for you... whoops. Can't help it, unfortunately; another victim of being brain mush as soon as he gets off :(
Give him a kiss on his lips and nose and tell him how you feel and help guide him; poor pup is just too into his subspace to even form coherent sentences anymore and probably too preoccupied with sucking on your fingers or chest 🤷‍♀️
Now, afterglow and post-orgasm clarity is such a real thing (it's happened once to me but i had the munchies like fucking crazy so it didn't last lmao) so Channie is embarrassed when he realized that he involuntarily confessed like that.
Sorry for the word vomit; currently half past 11pm and I've been sipping on black tea all-day so... :) 3rd eye is just working over time.
Also, I called a specific Hyunjin look back in 2021, so Pink is just Clairvoyant when it comes to Hyunjin specifically (it's bc we're both Pisces)
the fact that these pics led to this stroke of genius from you…put channie in a sweater n suspenders more often bc i’m actually gonna lose my mind over how much i love this 😵‍💫 him pining after you…simultaneously so shy but so eager…the desperate need to please you…the way he goes dumb the moment he’s inside you…blurting out his confession…it has all the elements of a perfect channie concept
HAHA yes let’s settle for the romantic atmosphere inside the cabin away from the snow…maybe even w a warm fire crackling to really set the mood ♡ channie being his sweet good-natured lil self and listening to everything you say without question…the thought of him getting playful at some point and pretending to disobey you w a cheeky dimpled grin…pure devastation. he’d look so adorably proud of himself it’s almost enough to let it slide, but you don’t even get the chance before he takes it back w a giggle and follows your order anyway 🥰
his heart-shaped lips look extra red and kissable bc of the cold who could resist <3 and god the way he’d just lean completely into that sweet, unbashedly needy side of himself once he sees how much you like it…the epitome of baby boy w the way he clings to you and nuzzles into your chest and starts to whine if he can’t feel your touch for even a moment. and nothing on earth makes me crazier than the idea of channie’s mind going blank the moment he feels you around him…suddenly he’s lost and clueless and needs you to direct him to do every little thing so he can satisfy you properly ❤️‍🔥 he may not be able to think for himself but he still carries out all your orders like a good boy! and ofc when his emotions are running so high and his head is so scrambled from the pleasure, he can’t help but babble on abt how much he loves you in a way that’ll have him absolutely mortified when that giddy haze finally wears off~
no need to apologize as u can see this resonated w me very much hehe ^_^ you and hyune really have some kind of piscean psychic link that no one else can comprehend i’ll look forward to what you predict next 😼
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So, Bishop gets real mad cuz our boi JY0B2 has been behaving like a maniac and refusing orders ever since he went MIA for 3 days and like, are you even aware of how much money he spent on this motherfucker? How much time he invested in turning his mind into mush?? Only for this dumbass with a NUT for a brain get all fussy all over again??? It's diving him crazy. Not happy like, at ALL. He talked back, questioned orders, and even flat out refused to obey basic commands like, I don't know, eat your fucking ration??? To avoid dying??? It was honestly embarassing, and the team had to start treating him like a wild horse.
He'd tried everything, from punishing to bargaining, but nothing seems to work. And with his brain being a nut and all, bringing up his family doesn't even have much of an effect anymore. Specially now that they're all dead. Oh yeah, that. I should talk abt that.
When Bishop FINALLY decided to send people to investigate the Hamato case, they were too late. There wasn't anyone in the locations given by subject JY0B2. And the man he claimed to be persecuting his clan told him the same story, but on the inverse so like. Who to believe. It wasn't his problem so Bishop just left it at that and washed his hands of this case. Japan was out of his jurisdiction anyways and he was already busy with America's mystic shit.
So bringing up his fam wasn't an option, and that was one of his only bargaining chips. He could try and put the hitman through mind conditioning again as a disciplinary action but. The paperwork. Ugh. Not to mention the adaptation time after that.
Meanwhile having a rat as his best friend gave human Yoshi a purpose. He saved little treats for his rodent friend whenever he got fed and told it all about what was in his mind. Which was, admitedly, not much; he was confused most of the time. But it was nice having someone to whisper sassy commentary of daily life to.
At some point human Yoshi remembered he had a soul. Well, half of it. But he still had his spirit whole! And wondered if he could give a piece of it for Yoshi the rat. Because it'd be more fun if his best friend could talk to him aside from understanding. So he did that, gave a small part of himself for the lil rodent. And it worked! He could understand its squeaks!
Yoshi the rat gaining self awareness, picture taken within the process:
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Yoshi the rat felt self awareness for the first time in his entire 1 and a half years of existence. He existed and was perceived. Wowzies. Holy shit, his human looked like crap. Grooming him would be hard work due to his size, but he was persistent. The human chuckled. They'd talk after missions, after experiments, after disciplinary sessions. Yoshi the rat was worried for his friend, so he often spied on that Bishop guy to see if he could find a way to help his human.
The guy was talking about mystic energy harnessing, and Yoshi was surprised when he understood what that meant. Huh. Curious. Well, it was bad. Meant his human would scream and cry again, maybe die, so he better get him the fuck out.
Yoshi's human was stubborn and didn't want to leave, saying that was all he knew, but Yoshi knew better. He had a family waiting for him, far deep in a forest, where sunlight was soft and air was pure. The human seemed to vaguely recall something like that, so he did as Yoshi told him and ran away. Wasn't easy with all the security, but they managed. They hid in the sewers and Yoshi was so very happy to see his family again.
They weren't like him, not since he changed, but he loved them all the same. For a while, things were good. Yoshi the rat and family brought Yoshi the human food and warmed him in cold nights and groomed him if he was too dirty. He started to remember things again, like how to use his power for something other than killing. To nurture and raise, even if it was just a bunch of rats. And day by day Yoshi remembered more bits and pieces of better days, and told those stories to his human, who in turn became more and more enthusiastic about said family. He decided he wanted to find them, to learn why he wasn't there with them.
And because of that Yoshi remembered fire and blood and loss. And he didn't tell his human about those things because he had just started to act like a person again, this would destroy him. But his efforts were in vain as the human wasn't as easy to fool anymore. He decided to go back to the EPF and demand answers, which like, horrible idea, period. But he escaped once, he could escape again right?
WRONG. Bishop got them – yes, them. He finally took notice of the little pest talking the human's shoulder and got interested. Somehow it was as if JY0B2's fragmented mind had been planted into a little creature. Instead of restarting any process of brainwashing Bishop gave the human and the rat to the scientists to figure out what the fuck happened and how to replicate it.
They tried many things, for a long time before the first and only success happened. The human felt a shift in his own soul when his powers were pushed out of little rat Yoshi, causing his small heart to stop.
Hamato Yoshi awakened in wrath, with thirst for revenge. He broke his bounds and killed everything in his sight until he found his friend. He infused everything he had into the rat.
He didn't have a family to return to, a clan to save, a reason to exist. He'd stained his hands in so much blood he would never be able to redeem himself. So he did what he did best and destroyed everything related to the organization that caused him so much pain. Just like with his clan, the destruction of the Earth Protection Force happened through fire and blood.
Unbeknownst to him, however, this rampage didn't affect only those who caused him pain, but also those who were victims very much like himself. Dr. Baxter Stockman, who had been serving as a scientist against his will in a project with a mysterious substance, was inches of completion and possible freedom (haha, he thinks. Boy was about to either get unsubscribed from life or have his contract unwillingly renewed to the EPF). Rat Yoshi's essence had been pulled out in order to be transfered into the creatures Stockman had been working with, as the ooze would amplify the natural potential of creatures and the more potential they had, more would be amplified. When Yoshi the human broke in, the carefully constructed environment got contamined and the process didn't get to finish. One of the ooze samples fell onto rat Yoshi just as Bishop, injured and hanging on by a thread, managed to shoot human Yoshi.
His soul, already broken, split into many splinters, the biggest of them claimed by the rodent, who scattered away from danger with renewed energy.
The missed shots landed on the doctor himself, on some of his experiments, and in flammable substances. An explosion was imminent, everyone had to evacuate. The rat managed to flee.
And after long days of agonizing pain as his bones and organs slowly rearranged, he was something new. He wasn't Hamato Yoshi, and wasn't Yoshi the Rat anymore.
He named himself Splinter.
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mynameis-a · 1 year
hiiiii ^^ can u tell me abt dogs n dog breeds?? im rllllyyyy curious
every dog was bred for a specific job or purpose! and although most dogs only serve as companions nowadays, those work-related behaviors are still prevalent!
golden and labrador retrievers were used in duck hunting! they would run over to where the bird landed and carry it back over to their owner! they have whats called a “soft jaw” basically meaning that they can grab fragile things (for example: a duck) and not grab it hard enough to damage it in any way! this makes them great service dogs, because they can go and grab things for their owner if the person isn’t capable of getting it themselves!
its pretty obvious that most white, fluffy, double coated winter dogs were used to pull sleds around. but samoyeds actually had a different purpose! and that purpose being to keep people warm when its cold! because of how fluffy and warm they are, it was pretty common to just hold onto one for a but of warmth! combine that with how affectionate samoyeds are, and you’ve got yourself a very easy to cuddle dog! i personally think they would be good emotional support dogs for this exact reason, i would certainly feel better after hugging one of those guys!
most small dogs were initially bred for companionship. but did you know that weiner dogs were actually used for hunting? the dachshund was originally used for hunting badgers! (its actually in the name! dachs is german for badger and hund means dog!) their long body was actually useful for getting through the dens!
a lot of dogs that were hunting dogs are probably very surprising. you probably wouldnt expect frou-frou show dogs like standard poodles or afghan hounds to be hunters, but they were! (pretty much any dog that has the word hound, spaniel, or terrier in its name was bred for hunting.)
and you know borzois? those silly dogs with the long noses that can stick in a pringles can and those dorky eyes? hunters again! but its even more ridiculous than the high matinence dogs because these guys weren’t going after ducks or deer or badgers, no. they were killing WOLVES. eventually the wolf hunting stopped and their prior name “the russian wolfhound” went into a bit of retirement, but still! WOLVES!!
also i feel like, with the people this dog is often associated with, peoples perception of this breeds purpose might be a bit warped. the great pyrenees is a guard dog through and through! but because they kinda look like a sheepdog (specifically the marema sheepdog) and are commonly on farms, some people think that they’re herding dogs. but if you’ve heard about that one pyrenees that killed an entire pack of coyotes, i think its pretty obvious.
on the flip side, the german shepherd is not a guard dog! people always think its a dog thats gonna protect them with their life but nope! they’re sheepdogs just as much as a border collie is! if you want a good family dog to protect you (that wont get profiled as a “dangerous” breed) go with the pyrenees!
the vast majority of tiny dogs were meant to be companions and nothing more. which is a bit sad that those are the ones that so often get written off as mean or aggressive. as long as you treat them right, those “yappy anklebiters” will be the sweetest little things! chihuahuas are actually very affectionate dogs! you can carry them around and dress them up in little outfits! just make sure they’re comfortable like you would with any dog!
thats all i can think of right now, and i hope this was what you wanted! :D
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] its ok anon's with me (a lie, but we are in this together) now i Want it too give us the agenda
KJDSGHKJHSDGSDHLKIUHG omg hiiiiii bestie hope ur having a good night <333
i am seeing this 30 minutes before i have to go to work Hopefully That Is Enough Time. okay. okay. actually im probably gonna go between copy&pasting and paraphrasing
no bc i accidentally had the thought of "how would scaramouche and diluc even interact" bc. my fave who i am insane abt & asters fave who he is insane abt and i got curious. and suddenly.
slaughtering fatui together. hunting down harbingers one by one together. not even fucking SPEAKING to each other while they're spending time together but instinctively watching each others backs (and their own, of course, but the longer it goes on and the more they get used to it the more they realize that they trust). scaramouche's back aches where the tubes were attached and dilucs hand and arm ache too and they get it they understand. scaramouche would wrap diluc's arm just enough to keep it compressed and diluc would keep a hand warm enough to feel even through the many layers on scaramouche's back and they'd pretend not to see the other flinching at every strike of lightning, relaxing with every boom of thunder.
if anyone who was rude or arrogant or had any kind of power tried to speak over them or turned their attention on them. they would both be So Fucking Disrespectful. expressions like stone and so clearly looking so far down on them, scaramouche sneers and diluc scoffs their eyes roll their arms are crossed neither of them could care less if they tried and they'd be so cold about it, they match each other's energy so well in that regard.
they wear the same frozen expression staring down at a fatui member pleading for their life. share the same silent mercy on the occasion that a child gets wrapped up in everything. feel the same all-consuming fury towards the fatui tamed and tempered only by the fact that it doesnt make either of them feel any less empty, any less cold.
scaramouche recognizes the scars. he's seen countless people lose parts of themselves, if not everything, to delusions. he doesnt say anything. doesnt know what he could say even if he wanted to. whats the point? but he remembers where delusions are being produced, and those facilities are prioritized above all else. diluc doesnt ask any questions. they both pretend not to know.
and they dont consider themselves friends. they're colleagues, maybe. they will not ever Be anything more than colleagues. even as they learn to fight together effortlessly, even as they watch out for one another as well as they do themselves, even as they become a storm that devastates so much of snezhnaya. even as they treat each other's wounds and recognize each other's scars and feel the same fury and the same coldness and the same deep, all-encompassing regret. even as they grieve. they barely talk, they dont banter, they have no inside jokes. every shared touch is one born of violence, whether in the midst of the fight or the aftermath. even as sometimes one of them gets a little Too far into their own head and the other spends god knows how much time ever so slowly coaxing them back to reality. even as they share meals and advice on all sorts of things, from dealing with the snow to how to improve the way they kill. they aren't friends. they will never be friends. but they'll be colleagues and they'll be shattered reflections of each other and they'll be bloodied, broken pieces of defenses that rise to hurt everyone around them but most of all themselves in the process. they'll recognize the light in each other's eyes and the rare softness when mentioning a certain name, will know that both of them would do anything to kill for this person but are torturously, furiously, brokenly trying so fucking hard to teach themselves how to live, instead, because that's what that person would want for them above all else.
they both agree that violence is so much easier than love.
wanderer barely speaks when he's with diluc and they head to sumeru at somepoint just because he has to or wants to check in, maybe because the fatui are trying to stir something up there again, and diluc watches the way he and nahida bicker and banter and how animated and dramatic wanderer can get when he's with someone he really loves. and another time they end up in mondstadt and kaeya visits and diluc has never been soft, never been tender, even when dressing wounds he's fast, he's efficient, neither he nor scaramouche care or flinch when it hurts. but now diluc is gentle, just barely, hidden concern laced in his tone rolling his eyes, scoffing, trying not to smile, asking questions where the true meaning is always are you okay and how are you doing and do you need me here for you. both of them outsiders witnessing the kind of care from the other that they will never know firsthand.
and at the same time, the others dont know, do they? no one can watch the other's back like they can, no one can fight with the other like they can, no one has that deeply ingrained trust and knowing they've both built with each other. the understanding is enough. the quiet is enough. no one else can look at them and see what they see when they're looking at each other. no one else can recognize it. a handful of tiny parts of themselves, reserved solely for the other. it is not love. it is not care. it just is.
they devastate snezhnaya and go their separate ways and a few years later they run into each other again and fresh wounds have turned to scar tissue and they're living for themselves or at least learning how to, trying so hard to, and what the fuck are they supposed to do? supposed to say? every moment they spend knowing each other was born of violence and hatred and revenge and despair, desperation and grief and every ugly thing they've since so carefully untangled and tried to lay to rest. the things that had brought them together don't hurt the way they used to.
someone bumps into diluc. he did just all but freeze in the middle of the street, after all, and scaramouche scowls, weaves his way through people and grabs dilucs wrist to drag him away because god, get out of the fucking way, what, never been to a real city before? and diluc scowls and yanks his hand away but he still follows, he's not used to this many people being around and navigating such crowds, sue him. and scaramouche asks what he's even doing there and diluc explains and then they're falling into step, matching each other's strides instinctively, and then they're meeting up while diluc is in the city and then scaramouche is finding excuses to visit mondstadt and they're bickering and bantering and arguing over the stupidest shit, and its kind.
its kind.
sometimes they look at each other for a little too long and the emptiness begins to ache and the fire begins to burn only to be snuffed out again as the other makes some stupid comment and they fall right back into place. both of them feeling absolutely Horrified with themselves as they realize, separately, that when they think of their friends he of all people comes to mind. what the fuck? when did that happen? but at the same time, itd been... different, going on without the trust they had between them. and now that that trust is back with far more stable foundation, neither of them is entirely willing to let it go.
so different but with this deep and profound understanding of each other in ways that no one else knows of or could understand. mirrors shaped so differently still reflecting one another.
scaramouche knowing diluc as a murderer and a ruthless bastard who'll fight as dirty as he needs to to get shit done, the man who spits blood from his mouth and keeps going the man who's cold and stoic and couldnt care less about his reputation beyond making it as horrific as possible. and Then going to mond after it all and hearing about master diluc. the insane respect with which everyone refers to him with. the Praise everyone seems to have for him. diluc HATES alcohol. scaramouche knows that diluc hates alcohol. why the FUCK is everyone who mentions his name talking about alcohol. first hearing tales of the darknight hero and Squinting.
scaramouche not wearing his usual hat in snezhnaya because its unfortunately his most identifiable feature and he doesnt want anything he does here to get tied back to sumeru or nahida in any way. better to blend in, to appear unassuming, to have eyes roam over him rather than linger. diluc entering sumeru. vendors at stalls, people at the harbor, akademiya students- hat guy this, hat guy that. did you read hat guys new paper? have you seen hat guy around? its been a few weeks, im starting to miss the bastard. i asked hat guy for help with one of my research projects and he was a fucking jackass but he also pointed out books i hadn't realized i could use for information, it was so worth it. why hasnt hat guy been around? did you manage to trick him into trying something sweet again? you know how much he sulked about it last time.
this hat guy is pretty well known, huh. wonder what the deal is with him.
ummmm and then we also made lots of silly little jokes and images and sent lyrics back and forth abt it <3 aster pyre diluculums my Everything im so srs i owe him my life.......... none of this would be possible without him OR without us constantly enabling each other amen <3
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funnywormz · 1 year
(putting below the cut bc it got long and also there are Spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished s5. much like with my lobby boy outfits post i didn't include any bonus or new crew eps here)
5: 5.1 merp and burble + 5.5 the bellhop
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combining these bc i couldn't choose + i like them for the same reasons........ i love both of these episodes bc they're full of these "WHERE IS MY LOBBY BOY" moments from the manager lol. watching her desperately fight against the hotel and tear shit up trying to get to him is so sweet. you can tell she really cares abt him here which makes me very happy bc i feel like that wasn't always the case, but he's grown on her big time lol. there's definitely a sense from her here that she would keep on trying to get back to him as long as she's able to. also the way in merp and burble she continuously refers to feeling lost or like she's lost someone when she's trying to remember him......... it's rlly sweet
4: 4.3 - the habers
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ik this is purely an observation by madam hotel but it counts. this is just a straight up admission from her that the lobby boy feels romantic love or something like it for the manager. it's sad as well bc i think this is kinda before the manager began to reciprocate any of those feelings, so it's a depiction of an unrequited, sad, confused sort of love. but it's love nonetheless. also the "it keeps him warm in his little closet" line is so sweet. it's so cute and a little tragic to imagine him sitting in the closet just daydreaming abt her.........
3: 4.18 - she's always been here (1)
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i don't see many ppl talking abt this moment but it's one of my favourites with them. there's something so sweet and sad abt how the lobby boy just wants to help her and make her feel better even though he knows he can't. also him just straight up saying that he belongs with her auugugugh...... they're a set do not separate.........
2: 4.18 - she's always been here (2)
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when they see what happens to the owner and they realise they're gonna be separated too........ MAN.......... literally heart breaking. the way they cry out for each other as they're pulled away........ the manager literally pleading trying to save him and screaming when he's gone, i think it's the most emotional we've ever seen her get abt like...... anything ever. she cares abt him so much. also the statement "i wish we were alone" from the lobby boy is so intriguing to me. to me it implies that he wants to be away from the hotel, that he wants to be somewhere where him and the manager (and maybe the owner idk) can just be by themselves without being constantly watched and tampered with and killed. it suggests a desire to be free from surveillance and maybe freedom from the hotel herself? i think it's the only time any of the staff have ever verbally expressed a desire to leave the hotel and i wonder if it's going to be revisited in s6.
1: 5.12 - the reaper's envy
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they're literally holding hands........ the way the manager calls the lobby boy over telling him it'll be ok and then they HOLD HANDS............ collapses onto the floor. augh. not to get sappy but it's amazing how their relationship has grown over the seasons from the relatively cold uncaring dynamic that it was to something beautiful just tentatively growing bit by bit.......... to me this moment is the culmination of that growth so far. it was so cathartic after they'd been separated for so long too and seeing the manager's desperate attempts to get back to him :'-) man i love them so much........... it's so sweet to see the staff in general express genuine care for each other in this episode <3. the manager especially isn't good at expressing her feelings so this scene is probably the closest thing to a heartfelt expression of love that she's capable of, and i like to think that the lobby boy knows that
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
Wait I'm back again. When marcia first shows up at the heaps she's. Actually holding it together remarkably well considering the Everything but like. Even tho they haven't spoken in a few years silas still knows her and can tell smth is rlly wrong so he asks sarah if she could stay with a friend or smth tonight. And she does. And then he gets marcia to take her shoes off and put her bag down and sit down on the sofa and she genuinely is holding it together not too badly right up until he asks what's wrong and then she just. Crumbles. Bc uh.
I am inventing selkie lore for this au but one of the parts of it is that the control w the Coat isn't. Control its more like compulsion and the more the person using it wants u to do the Thing the stronger the compulsion is + how it feels is directly related how the selkie feels abt the person w the coat and how the person w the coat feels abt the selkie. And u CAN shake off a compulsion,, generally if its someone w good intents there won't even be any resistance. And there's only so far it can go so if u try and make the selkie walk off a cliff or smth it won't work. If dd had had the coat and tried to make marcia betray the castle/the ppl she loves it would not have worked at all,, very little would have worked tbh bc she just hates him too much.
SO. When marcia+silas were younger, marcia got him to test out the compulsion thing bc she was rlly rlly curious what it felt like. So he told her to like. Pick up that book over there or smth. And at the time it felt like being kind of. Pushed towards it,, like being guided through smth and it was Warm. And it was super super easy to shake off bc silas was rlly worried abt accidentally hurting her. So marcia had assumed that that's what it was like all the time. And then her mother used it on her and it was like she wasn't in control of her body anymore and it was burning cold and no matter what she did she couldn't stop it. Bc her mother wanted complete control but also HATED her + marcia at the time. Very much still loved her mother and did want to be loved in return and had been hiding her magyk practice for exactly the reason of wanting to be at least seen as a good daughter. So those combined meant she couldn't shake off the compulsion :(
And anyway. Marcia explains all that in. Much fewer words definitely. Nearly breaks down crying. Gets hugged. Actually breaks down crying and does not stop for Ages (<-the hug continues). And then she goes to sleep on the sofa and the next day is when they arrange for her to stay there until she can afford her own room. If this is incoherent it's bc I made most of it up on the spot <3
nooooo except I LOVE that bit of selkie lore wow
Also it's like Silas manages to go from "we are both apprentice/hopefuls and thus sworn enemy-friends" to dad within seconds and I love that for him
That scene.... yeah. emotions.
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hobidreams · 11 months
Hello 🌸,
I just so finished your first Jimin fic warm hand, ice cold heart and i wanted to tell you how much i liked not only the fic itself, but your way of writing. You write in such a warm and heartfelt way that it truly consumes you into the fic, and lets you feel all of the raw emotions. At first, i thought Jimin is some douchebag, Oc an innocent girl that was dragged into this whole mess and Jungkook the true victim. But then, the story went on and i saw how much of a soft sweetheart jimin is, and that oc is the main ,,problem“. And then i actually thought that Oc will choose Jungkook after all that had happened, but when she had this talk with Jimin, i truly understood everything and wanted nothing more for her to choose Jimin. Oc and Jungkook had their time, but it ran out. What i got from this, is i think that they were too comfortable with each other. And dont understand me wrong, comfort is good and should be on top of the list of every relationship. But i think there are two types of comfort. And Oc and Jungkook had the type of comfort that gave Oc the feeling of being… lost ? does that make sense ? like they are both on standby with no future ahead ? just floating without looking forward ? and i think thats bad. Its sad that Jungkook after all this time still couldn‘t grasp this. I mean sure, a relationship is not always perfect and the spark that two people have eventually will at least flunker, but not to an extend in which you do not seek any physical, nor mental touch and emotion from your partner. Im happy that Oc admitted what was plaguing her mind this whole time and they both gave each other a chance. Now Jimin and Oc can both have the future with each other they thought they could never have. And i also hope Jungkook can let go like Oc did and find someone who wont let his spark go away ( and someone he wont let wait 6 years to make his wife cause thats just ouch 🥴 ). Now onto your next fics love !
- 🧚🏻
omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for reading wh(ich)!!!! it remains one of my favorite things i've written with all the new things i tried with it and just how it broke my own goddamn heart haha. awwwwee im so glad that you were able to feel the emotions too and that it felt natural that oc chose jimin in the end. that was probably my biggest anxiety abt it--that it felt natural for oc to gravitate towards jimin in this new part of her life. it's so hard to let go of our feelings when nothing is specifically... wrong but it's not exactly right either, yeah? ahhh you got it perfectly. that floating feeling 🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much for this detailed review and for truly connecting with the story 💗 i like to imagine JK meets his next partner fairly soon after this, though he doesn't realize that she's the right person for him until it hits him all of a sudden one day and then BAM he's in it. and they're married not long after that hahah. this JK is so passionate and full of love to give!!!! thank u for making my inbox so bright with this review <3 please enjoy my other work and take care!!
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vampstel · 2 years
Okay self ship uh-- I have some art of them together I just have to find it give me a second--
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Those aren't mine so credit to my online sibling @galaxiesovertrees because that is their beautiful art <3
Ok so kybedo. Love them with all my heart even though I don't necessarily often speak about them. Kyo met Albedo a bit after arriving to the world of teyvat, they were quite lost and scared since teyvat was one of the first world they visited (their original goal being to travel to the universe of reality) and they were extremely confused as to where they were. Because if the cold of Dragonspine, they took refuge into a cave and shut their conciousness off momentarily to give all their energy into keeping themself warm. When Albedo found them, he thought they were a lost traveller that got lost on dragonspine and took them to his camp so they could warm up and maybe eat something. The first thing Kyo saw when they woke up was his eyes and because Kyo had little to no knowledge about boundaries at that time (bring locked up into a void for 500 or so years) they just grabbed his face to look into his eyes longer and albedo was...very confused to say the least. Kyo didn't know the language of teyvat so he assumed that much like Aether, they were a traveller from out of teyvat. Even with the language barrier they got along quite well and because friends quickly.
Idrk what happens between this and them actually being together besides the fact that they accidentally slept with eachother (if you know what I imply) once and thought it was purely platonic and they were just good friends. Silly little goofy ppl am I right?
Besides albedo nobody really knows or suspects that Kyo is from another world besides a few people since Kyo and adapt quickly to languages, behaviour and culture if educated properly!
Thank you so much for hearing me out, I'm so happy to talk abt them 😭
AW THEY’RE ADORABLE!! Kybedo canon fr fr
Tbh I can’t blame Kyo for grabbing Albedo’s face to look at his eyes longer. Albedo’s eyes are so pretty,, and well… like you said Kyo was locked into a void for hundreds of years. I wouldn’t know the concept of boundaries either if I were them—
And I think I’m getting what you’re implying and that’s so funny. They’re so silly. I can sense the slow burn from a mile away
Wwwww also also… I can Imagine Albedo being the main person that teaches Kyo things about Teyvat. Like Mondstadt’s culture, Teyvat’s language, etc. That would be so cute?? OH and,, Kyo sharing stories from the different worlds they’ve gone to to Albedo would also be so… /pos
I haven’t read the lore dump you sent yet about Kyo (which I’ll be reading either tonight or tmr I dunno I’m sleepy :’D), so I’m only assuming here, but I’m sure they’ve gone through a lot and I can see them confiding in Albedo and feeling safe/comforted around him. Oh and vice versa too with Albedo confiding in them as well… aaAAAAAAAA I love them both sm
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weirdfishy · 2 years
to be forgotten but not forget
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(pic is not mine)
my ko-fi
words: 1k
Peter Parker, forgotten to the world, is still the beacon of Spider-man. It's...draining, this new song and dance, when you've only got a dwindling hope in your chest and surrounded by the world you've been cast out of.
idk how it just slipped my mind to post this but i have had this done for abt a month lol. enjoy!
After a fight, Peter is always cold.
His body is warm, running borderline hot as he heals from being thrown into buildings, but when the dust settles and he’s a city block away from the cocoon of webs left for the police, everything in Peter’s mind is a fog rolling over London.
Chilled, as the rush of the battle dissipates like steam, leaving him empty.
Because when the battle is over, Peter Parker does not get to drop into an alleyway to retrieve civilian clothes and walk out into a life of bustle and hubbub amongst friends and family, of apologizing to a boss or a date for being late, or of soft beds and home cooked meals.
When Peter Parker, genius in his own right yet barely over the legal age, stops being Spider-man—the friendly neighborhood vigilante that more often than not can be seen pulling drunkards out of trouble and walking people home—he hollows out. As he takes off the last thing of his life as an Avenger, a recognizable suit with strains in its seams, Peter Parker scoops out every bit of himself that feels useful, wanted, and seen. Everything that makes him feel human, in the large aspects of it; he knows humans are social creatures, and the only time he feels like it is when he dons the red and blue. When he goes to look for trouble, or for someone to help.
It’s like clockwork nowadays.
Help how he can, leave, go cold, don’t think, eat if able, sleep, and wake to do the same come morning.
But not today.
Today he got shoved through rebar, his shoulder blade amongst other impossibly fragile bones shattering before he could even feel it. Pulling himself out of it was three scoops of hell and a cherry of bloodied anguish on top. Getting away before the cops came—making sure he’d given as good as he got, the enhanced self-righteous asshole still wrapped in a blanket of webs—was the worst, filching clothes off lines and stopping in a once-in-a-lifetime gracefully unlocked public bathroom tucked into a corner of an office building.
When he finds the lock permanently busted, he shoves the odd folding chair under it, seemingly already used for this purpose. The molded floor is wet, there’s a musk seeping from the rusted cracks in the walls, but it serves Peter the most privacy he could possibly ask for at this moment. The dusty and swooning vigilante slowly extricates himself from the skin-tight suit, not for the first time bemoaning the symbol it holds for his reputation and credibility.
He shoves it in a plastic bag he found floating about, unraveling a paper towel roll sitting atop its empty container so he can wipe himself down.
The water is ice against his heating skin, the cheap paper rough on the scrapes and scars already marking his body. Peter finds it maddening, sometimes, that his enhanced healing doesn’t heal the scars, merely hastens their creation. Such a condition has left him with more scar than unblemished skin, texture under his fingertips every time he runs hands over himself distractedly—reminding himself that he well and truly exists. That while his mind goes white with its severe lack of equilibrium and his stomach clenches around nothing, Peter Parker lives and breathes.
Peter gets around to cleaning the small nicks and scrapes, clearing debris before it can be healed around and infectious. But once he gets to his shoulder, the rest of him damp with water, blood squelching out, there’s a single leaking line running down his torso.
Finally processing the extent of his injury makes him crumble an already cracking corner of porcelain sink between his fingers, nausea washing over him like a thundering storm. He refuses to throw up; he’d finally found a new kitchen to eat at and he doesn’t know how long it’ll last, but he’s not about to go retching up that kindness because he still can’t deal with being hurt.
Except it’s not that.
He can handle being hurt. He can deal with wounds this large, this gut-churning. Peter hurts and he heals in hours. He can deal with the quick pace of hurting and healing his body, with the scars that come of it. Peter prevents people from being hurt and lets that feeling smother his own aches, so he can handle it. He helps people and doesn’t think about anything but that in the hours between the action, chasmic heart freezing over like the vacuum of space touching human skin.
Peter is used to it, so it’s not that.
It’s the reminder of being somewhere to call home, where he could lay on a well-loved couch instead of trembling into a creaking folding chair in a shitty bathroom. Where he would find worried faces and gentle hands to help clean the opening in his back, to wrap proper bandages around his shoulder instead of torn shirts, and hitch him to an IV for rest instead of trusting him to stumble back to his equally as forgotten corner of New York, half-delirious.
But he has none of that anymore. No Aunt May and Mr. Stark, or Ned and MJ.
Peter Parker is alone, in his world of being forgotten as the person he was born as. In his world of only existing well and truly as a symbol. A name and face not his own.
And it’s entirely his own fault, so what else can he do but survive until his body gives out? What else could he possibly throw himself at to try and put enough good in the world to balance the shit he caused it? What else is there to do, having received his sentence?
He doesn’t know. He probably never will. He doesn’t think to look, either. He’ll just continue to cling to the idea of Spider-man, and what it represents.
Until he dies.
A sob catches in his throat as he wills himself to sleep, shoulder aching viciously.
Until he dies.
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