#rain reply
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‼️long yap incoming‼️
GODDDDD do not get me started on my thesis😭 not sure how it is for other unis, but my uni requires the cw thesis to have two parts: the critical essay and the creative work!! the crit essay is what i’m working on rn, and it has to be around 6-8k words, while the creative work has to be a MINIMUM of 25k words😭😭😭😭😭
i have so much pent up rage at how it’s structured bc like… the critical essay is supposed to be about the creative work, right… BUT we have to write it before the creative work even exists??? i am quite literally pulling shit out my ass😭
i’m working on a historical fiction novella, so i’m honestly not suffering that much because i like the research of it all, but GODDD this critical essay is gonna be the death of me!!!! it doesn’t help that my temp adviser rn isn’t a good fit for me, bc i’m just not a fan of how she’s asking us to work😭
also, part of the crit essay is our poetics, so i had half a mind to cite mlt as a creative influence on my work😭 alas i wasn’t sure if i could (and if you’d be okay with that) so i decided to talk about doctor who instead lol
and!! i’m actually like.. 90% sure that i don’t want to go into law, i cry super easily😭 i’m incredibly non-confrontational and i think i’d shit myself in class every day lmao, but when i was younger i considered it because i got baited by suits💀💀 how are you doing so far though!! also, how’s the wedding coming along (if u don’t mind sharing!!)?
lowkey miss the times where everyone was active on tumblr, myself included🥹
GIIIIRL WHAT THAT IS SO LONG!!! undergrads here don't actually have to do a thesis when majoring in creative writing... only honours students. only masters students have to do a creative portfolio as the thesis but theres no critical essay i think.... so girl im so sorry you gotta deal with this T_T!!!
omg omg omg omg omg im sooo happy ur doing a historical novella??? you can use mlt as you please HAHA but i like doctor who too so that's an awesome choice!! i hope things are going well <3
FADSLKJADFS LMAO suits baited a whole generation of ppl tbh LOL so many ppl i know in law school are into it. yeah... if you're non-confrontational its probably not the best idea haha. but theres always the more paperwork focused lawyer positions loool. what are you thinking about doing after grad?
the wedding is mostly planned i just need to put final decor details on it and im procrastinating that so fucking hard 💀💀💀 i just am so tired of the whole thing and the pressure of making everything look pretty. but i'll dive back into it after exams cuz I GOT A JOBBBBB so i dont have to worry about my grades or school as much 🥰🥰
i miss those times too 😭😭 im actually going on a lil writers retreat next year with some writers that i met here on tumblr <3 so i still keep in contact with people but it's definitely not the same as it was when we were all super active :'(((
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miss rain…🥹🥹 i ended up taking poetry as one of my main genres, and when i tell you i love it now??? like when i was starting i was just constantly terrified and imposter syndrome hit me like a bitch, but i feel like i’ve finally found my footing!! i had one of the best workshop experiences i’ve had in a hot minute, and having a really chill professor helped too lol😵💫 it’s my last year in uni now and i’m just soaking it all in as much as i can, even though thesis shit is killing me lmao
hope all is well for you babes!! i miss u always🫶
(also not ppl around me asking if i’m gonna go into law??? idk besties im not sure i wanna put myself thru that😭)
I REMEMBER WHEN U WERE JUST STARTING UNI 😭😭😭😭 im so proud of u and so happy ur taking poetry!!! poetry workshops are always the best and most intimate 🥺 id love to read ur work omg. i really hope thesis work is going well!!! how long does it have to be? mine had to be 20-25 pages, around 8k words. but a lot of mine was quotes HAHA
bestie... dont go to law LOOOOL unless ur absolutely sure it's what you wanna do cause this environment doesnt give a fuck abt ur sanity or health..... i thot my thesis was long but ive written like multiple 8k long term papers now .. 😭 and the exams...... the only way im getting thru it is knowing that this is the right path for me but otherwise id be crumbling 😭 but if its smth ur seriously considering im MORE than happy to chat abt it!!!!!!
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😦 what the fuck. I was offline for ONE (1) week and comeback to a NEW MLT?????? WHAT!!!!!! I feel like I need to mentally prepare myself. This is insane. I can't process it.
LMAOOOOO WELCOME BACK ❤️❤️❤️❤️ HAHAHA yes i suddenly missed MLT and Hoseok so much 😭😭😭 had to do somethin!!!
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me reading moonlit throne on a random midnight
i’m sorry but i read it again last night and everytime i read it, i begin to understand it a bit better, a bit clearer. i dont know, its maybe because i’m not the same person i was three years ago but still, i’m 😭😭 MLT is so, so close to my heart 😭😭.
stop MY HEART 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ im so glad that the story still can hit with you even after three years... 🥹 i wonder if i wrote it now, what would i be paying attention to, and what would i add in or remove? super interesting to think about. i hope it continues to accompany you bb ❤️
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missing u extra today miss rain!! hope you’ve been doing well🥹 i got my wisdom tooth taken out last week so i have been ✨languishing✨
i’m always rooting for u babes!!
omg... how are you feeling now babes?? when i got mine out i tried to eat fries way too soon and it was bad LMAO
ive been doing okay.. struggling to keep my spirits up with the job hunt tbh 😥 but doin my best still.
been thinking about playing love and deepspace lately tho LMAO i know you were into it a while back... are you still playing???
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I was curious about TES after Yoongi was getting whacked left and right by anon's and read all the 3 parts + drabbles. I agree with them that he is toxic and but I also noticed something peculiar.
Why does y/n keep giving in that relationship ? Like, she buys him that music device, she spends her money on him after his first hit, she goes down on him more times than he does in the series. Even when they were just fxckbuddies, he seemed to be way ruder and seeing their relationship, I don't think he has made up to her. She is doing everything & he is just receiving while giving back little. The relationship seems parasitic rather than symbiotic.
im ngl to you i think its just because of the way the series is written and it's impossible for me to cover everything in their relationship!! LOL. so all those little moments of Yoongi being there for her, offering the $$ and emotional support she needs to pursue her dreams, doing the dishes for her when shes busy, those don't really get highlighted just bc of the scenes that ive chosen to write about. i tried to show it in the AMM answers (not sure if you read those too) but basically whatever she wants, she gets and Yoongi buys for her or acquiesces (even if its like food at 3am). like the cats that she's obsessed with. if she randomly brought home another cat he'd just cave to what she wanted loool. also in an amm i think i said that he, mc, and mocha wear family halloween costumes LMAO he def didnt like them at first but he does stuff like that to make her smile all the time!
ALSO PLS THE MAN WENT DOWN ON HER THE FIRST TIME LIKE A MADMAN u think he isn't down there on a regular basis?? 😆
anyhow the entire concept of the series was enemies to lovers so i truly wanted to create a character who was RUDEEE and in the depths so that he could get a second chance. ive always said in asks abt TES that if u meet a man like first chap Yoongi, u should run LOL but post-final-cup, Yoongi is absolutely trying his best to meet her needs and use his words and communicate with her like a big boy! also i think in my head he's just not as.. creative as her?? so like it'd never occur to him to rent a limo for sex LMAO but he would take her out for a nice romantic dinner to celebrate and that's not something that was particularly interesting to write a whole drabble abt 😥 so like the BJ drabble was meant to harken back to ch2, so that's why she was doing that. so i don't think it's totally accurate to say he always gives less.
also when i was writing the series, it was important to me that she has her flaws too. they're just flaws that arent as obvious because we're in her head! like she's so obviously a busybody and nosy AF. she's attracted to Yoongi cause she's kinda lost in her life and has a very "I want to fix him" attitude that's not good for either of them. so that moment at the end of the [REDACTED] confrontation where Yoongi storms off instead of thanking her was meant to be her wakeup call. he had to come to terms with it on her own and she ultimately had to respect his decisions, even when she disagrees with them. in a relationship i can still see her trying to take over and "my way or the highway" at times but Yoongi is more chill now so he mostly goes along with it, even if he bickers for fun with her over it! so imo the relationship is quite balanced now!!
#but ofc everyone is free to interpret things in a different way!! :)#thats only natural hahah#rain reply#dreamers#the early shift
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Jobs alright! It is very challenging because I want to be a good teacher, treat them with kindness but also be fair and strict because it's elementary?!?? And also teach them another language?!?!
I'm just trying my best and I think I'm not that bad, everyday my kids shout my name just to say hello and on teacher's day, I got showered in gifts 🥺🥰 it's a sad story, I started as a second and fourth grade teacher (one group per grade) but now I'm a substitute, I miss my little chicks every day 🥺 but I get to meet new kinds, and right now I adore one group of fifth graders
Idk how I remember that, it just came to me!! I think that advice was from the beginning of my asks 😦 thank you for that!! I'm glad I could cheer you up!! I just hope to write 5 paragraphs of 30 words and that's it because my writings are between 140-190 words
Lots of loveeeee!! 🧡
hiiiiii 💗💗💗 yes omgggg, elementary school teacher has to be up there with top hardest jobs 😭 awwwwe it sounds like youre a wonderful teacher if the kiddos love u that much!!!! 💞 im so happy youre enjoying the job and that things are going well.
how did the full writing go?? 💓
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just saw someone drop a compliment for OLAL and I had to come by and say that genuinely, that piece is the only ff that I CONSISTENTLY (over years at this point) return to when I am in need of f2l that can’t be fulfilled anywhere else!!!
omg... thank you....... 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i'm still shocked that it's so popular here (and on wattpad of all places lmao) 🥺💗 it was one of the first pieces of longer fic i wrote for the fandom so it means a lot to me in terms of my writing growth and characterization experimentation too hehe. actually a fun fact is that a few years after the fic was written, i learned a fact about tae and i had to go back and secretly change it LMAO i cant even remember what the fact is. i think maybe that he likes to listen to music blaring very loud and i originally had him with headphones on?? LMAO anyway. thakn you SO much for reading and continuing to read and this sweet lil msg omg :') i hope ur having the best day!
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hi! i hope you're doing well! i just read "of lace and lust" and... oh my god. like i'm speechless.
oh. my. god.
it's genuinely one of the BEST works of fanfiction i have ever read in my whole entire life. you truly have a gift.
sdafjkladsf not that lil old thing .... 😳 thank you so so much!!! i distinctly remember how much freakin fun i had writing that fic so i'm SO glad you enjoy it 💖💖💖 OLAL tae remains one of my fave boys to write cause hes just so flirty and fun. and it was allll born out of a singular thought that tae seems like he'd sniff panties LMFAO
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rain 🥹 hi bb! how are you? 🩵
i genuinely don't know but i have been reading the mlt birthday chapter on my birthday every year religiously. i dont think anything else in my life can top that. . .you know 🥺 two babies.. aha, yes, i turned a year older LOL its unreal to be growing up w the tannies and mlt 🥺🩷
omg .............. me .... on my knees ....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 i'm so happy youre here and im so happy that the mlt chapter can give you some joy on your special day omg ... how did you spend it? i hope you ate some yummy food 🥺🥺
okay seriously can you believe i've been running this blog since like 2019??? it feels like such a long time ago but also like no time at all omg. but the tannies are coming back and im just !! SO EXCITED
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Raaaaaaaaiiin!!! I need to tell you something!!
For context, I got a job as a elementary school English teacher, I do have an English certificate but it's 10 years old soooon it's definitely outdated 🫣. The school where I work offered a course to prepare for a certification for those teachers who don't have one, so now I'm preparing for a First Certificate in English by Cambridge.
The thing issss, I want to kms when it comes to writings, I cannot write, and they are making us do like a lot of essays, and I don't know how I remember when I told you that I needed your brain (or something like that) because I can't do it, and then you answer that something that helped you was to put your ideas in order from the start to where you want to end, I did that and I got a 20/20 🤩🥹
I'm no where near ready for the writing part but at least now I know how to do it!!!
Hope you're having a good day and everything!!
Biggggg hugsssssss 🧡🥰
NUGGEETTTTTT 💓💓💓 hows your job going?? elementary school seems so hard to teach so i admire you so much for doing it 🥺 what grades do you teach??
omg IM SO PROUD OF YOU AND THAT I COULD HELP ???? PLS I CANT BELIEVE U REMEMBER THAT 😭😭😭😭 thank you so much for giving me this little boost of sunshine omg im so glad that i could assist you 20/20!!!! AHHH!! you got this. i like to write in little chunks i hate writing more than 500w a day so i usually just try to do 250 a day and it eventually gets done LOL
all my love to u babe <3 <3 <3
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I just finished TES series + the minis and by God, yoongi pissed me off so bad in the second taste that I paused reading for a day. Mf didn't even give her a glass of water after fucking her throat after berating the poor y/n who brought him chicken porridge 😭😭😭. Fuck I almost cried. Y/N is really a doormat - she even talked to him after that incident; I would've quit the job and left the town out of embarrassment and would've never touched a dick for the rest of my life. I'm surprised it took y/n till the 5th mini to address it and he in a typical 🥰 man 🥰 fashion apologised with sincerity ( and let her get on her knees to suck his dick 5 seconds after the said apology) and nuggets.
I didn't think any Yoongi would be more insufferable than ✨ jeonha✨ but this fuxker takes the cake.
Loved reading it. You're the best. You write so well and I felt tons of intense emotions. Thankiee <3
LMFAOOO this is funny to me cause the entire time i was writing it i was like ?? Is he enough of an asshole to make this an enemies to lovers?? LOL that was a real priority for me 😆 so im glad it came through HAHA. absolutely we shouldnt talk to toxic men ever again !!!!! BUT i love them in fiction ✌️ to hear that he's worse than jeonha is really fucking hilarious tho HAHAHA so many ppl were like 🔪🔪🔪 JEONHA 🔪🔪🔪 during MLT's releases whereas i feel like TES!Yoongi didn't get nearly as much anger 🤔😆 i still love him and am glad you enjoyed the series ❤️
#to be fair#she was suckin his dick before the argument LOOOOOOL#rain reply#the early shift#dreamers
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rain bb how are you 😭 i just read the minis and i sobbed a lil (no, i’m not blaming my periods) it was so adorable, please stop 😭😭 moonlit throne is my everything 😭😭 i cannot beleive you posted this and i didn't know 😭😭 pls 😭😭 that smol mini really was so 😭😭 sob 😭😭
hello omg 😭😭😭😭 thank u friend ..... im so glad u enjoyed it.... 😭😭 i missed my babies so much. i want to hopefully write a little more for them and bring some more joy into everyone's days 😭😭😭😭 HOPE UR DOING WELL 💓💓💓💓
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MISS RAIN!!! i just refreshed my dash and the mlt drabble popped up??2!(‘g words cannot express how much i love the mlt couple😭😭😭 yoongi saying janae completely had me melting😭 crazy how even after all this time mlt still has me by the throat😭 it’s so so so lovely to see how they’re all doing🥹🥹 hobi n the queen??? power couple for sure🥹 AHHHH my heart is just so warm😭
i was actually just taking a brief break from writing so i opened tumblr then saw that🥹 thanks for sharing it with us babes!!!
(also if ur wondering, i’m working on a sonnet!! my prof told us to take the catchy part of any pop song and then turn it into a sonnet, so i’m currently scrolling thru my spotify🤣 current candidates are obsessed by olivia rodrigo or espresso by sabrina carpenter🫡)
hope ur well babes!!! miss u🫶
- 🌿
+ damn, sonnets are so hard babes😭😭😭😭 -🌿
baaaaabeeeee!!!! 💗💗💗 lmao yeah i was cackling at the shock in ppl's comments here and on ao3 LOL they were like ???? at the notif email 🤣 im so glad that the story could still hit so hard after so long 😭 will it be ... three years this year??? or two years?? idk lmao. hobi and the queen was my personal indulgence...... i actually fully intended on leaving it a mystery forever but lowkey i kinda want to write a drabble that shows how they got together--
omg sonnets are IMPOSSIBLE haha what song did you pick? im also obsessed with espresso and have been playing it 24/7 💗💗💗
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Raaaaaaaaiiin!!!! Good to see you again! I've missed you 🥺 how are you? How are things??
I've missed king yoongi too, I love them more I the mini 1874, I hope oc and the king can have a baby soon 🥺 after everything, they deserve it ✨
Big hug for you!! Take care, ily ✨🧡
nugget 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 im so happy to see you!!!!! thank you so much for reading and this lovely note <3 i hope youre taking care and being well 😘😘😘😘
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