#one was white. one was jewish. one was black.
doberbutts · 3 days
Genuine question: What do you think of the argument that very white-passing folks — even if they have black parents, grandparents, etc. — cannot call themselves black?
Personally I think whether or not you're black depends on your actual lived reality. My nephew is white passing. He's from the sister who is about the same tone as me, just a little lighter, and the same racial mixture of Irish and afronative, and his very German father. He's got white skin and blonde hair and blue eyes and genuinely if you didn't know that little boy was technically black you would not guess it.
However. He lives with his visibly black mother, his visibly black sister (same racial mix as him, she just got the darker genes), and their visibly black stepfather and visibly black stepsiblings. He's the odd man out, the lightest of the group, and the one that looks like he doesn't belong. And, when you see him next to his family... suddenly the white skin and blonde hair and blue eyes don't cut it for determining his whiteness, because you start to notice that he shares a whole lot of features with the darker skinned members of his family.
Like me, he's put his foot down about his blackness. If asked at school why he's white but his family is black, he will outright state that he's mixed race and that he is actually black and white just like his sister and mother. He's not wrong. He IS black and white and no small part Native, though I think the complexity of the last part is hard for him to grasp at his elementary school level understanding of race politics.
But what is his reality? Well, when he's with his white father, or my white (passing) mother, he's white. Until he opens his mouth to defend his sister or his mother or a friend of his from racism, at which point said racist's eyes laser-focus on every minute detail of his face to pick out the non-European features covered in pale skin.
This is honestly pretty similar to how a Jewish friend of mine describes her experience, how she is white until she opens her mouth to say something positive about Judiasm or negative about antisemitism, at which point every possible Jewish feature on her face comes under intense scrutiny and her white status is revoked immediately. It's also why I'm always on this "antisemitism 🤝 antiblackness" thing.
I also have a Hungarian friend who is equally peeved at the flattening of racial nuance, as he and his family consider themselves mixed race and Eurasian and not just white, however he has had equal amount of people hurting him for his more blatantly Asian features as he's had people telling him he never experiences racism because he's a white European. Similarly, his reality is that he's white until he says something that doesn't align with white supremacy's rules on white opinion and white behavior, at which point every single Asian feature he has is used as punishment against him.
It's not to say that my nephew, my Jewish friend, or my Hungarian friend don't benefit from their perceived whiteness. They do, in fact! My nephew again is a bit young to have this conversation, but my friends have also discussed with me how they have seen that perception occasionally give them a boost as they move through life. And how, if they would want to keep that boost, they'd have to lean into the concept of whiteness and erase a significant portion of their identities in the process.
This is also spoken about at length by Natives forced to assimilate and intermarry with white people to "breed out the savage", as it were. And I know of lightskinned, though imo not white passing, black people who have discussed the same thing. This even is discussed by people in the Irish, Italian, Greek, and Polish diaspora here in the US- how their current status of "white" came at the cost of not only erasing huge portions of their own culture and history but also practically requires them to lean into white supremacy in order to continue to reap the benefits of white privilege, and how the cost is so much higher than the gain especially when you understand that it doesn't work. You can be One Of The Good Ones all you like and someone dedicated to racism is still going to hate you even once you've gotten rid of all the obvious poc.
To put it simply, these aren't new conversations and I'm never going to be anywhere remotely close to "white-passing" so it's sort of a moot point for me. It's not my reality. But I think listening to those who have lived it is better for gaining a more solid understanding. I don't think that my nephew is wrong to call himself black or mixed black. It's technically true, he came out of a black woman. I also think he is going to have a very different life from his sister, from his mother, from his stepfather and stepsiblings, from his black extended family.
I think rejection from the black community would only hurt him, because he is growing up surrounded by black people in a black family learning black culture, so someone telling him that he shares the same features and DNA but his skin is too light to find community there is just hurtful. Who does it help? Who does it protect? To tell a little kid that he can't call himself part of his own family?
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butchmartyr · 11 months
ultimately you have to remember that complaining about "4chan white trans women who are bigoted and so and so" is almost entirely pointless for any purpose aside from raising transmisogynistic sentiments in observers. this specter of an evil tranny is constantly looming despite the individuals being rare and often total shut ins, and people expect transfems to take this shit seriously and be constantly swearing off association with """bad people""". these people, when they do exist, by and large lack the power to actually do anything with their beliefs; obviously if they do it sucks but this idea that there are trans women ~getting away with it~ and that all transfem communities allow and hide this behavior is blatantly transmisogynistic in addition to often being completely imagined! its insane to act like you have to choose between resisting white supremacy and resisting transmisogyny, and yet, people wind up continually portraying it as this
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nero-neptune · 4 months
i'm afraid that there's Never gonna be a concentrated effort to get the nazis off of tumbler dot com, bc no one knows what a nazi (or neo-nazi, for that matter) actually is! additionally, no one knows what nazi rhetoric even is, not when it's passes the "Uses Progressive Language" test, bc using the Good Words™ is all you need to let extremely racist messages fly under the nazi-detecting radar. god forbid anyone look in the mirror and ask "am I the bad guy??" and get their shit together.
this website: "hey staff !! >:((( when are you gonna get rid of all the nazis?!?!"
also this website: *makes the 358th conspiratorial post that Strongly Suggests that bloodthirsty jews (with dual loyalty, Of Course) control the media. this post has over 20k notes*
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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riphimopen · 2 years
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everyone gets a brick. what they do with it is up to them
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leroibobo · 7 months
oh if you ever are curious about non-maghrebi/egyptian african synagogues i highly recommend this website. they're unfortunately not as recorded in pictures as the other sorts of synagogues i post, but there is comprehensive information on them.
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airsignaura · 2 months
yk what… i need 2 rant for a min:
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umberandmochaagate · 4 months
We're starting to really talk about how oppression affects people on an epigenetic level for those victimized
We need to also look at how epigenetics are affected in oppressors and white supremacy
Because how in the hell you're gonna go to a South Asian country as a refugee from Europe and start tryna throw a fucking "white only" party and hating on the native people like what the fuck
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syn0vial · 8 months
yesterday, i learned that one of my acquaintances from church is like, gleefully and unreservedly supportive of the gazan genocide despite going to a church where every sermon for the past few weeks has been about the horrors and tragedy of said genocide. like, i could not fucking believe how hilarious he seemed to think it is that innocent palestinians are dying, just grinning and laughing and shaking his head and rolling his eyes when my pastor and i expressed horror at the innocent people being killed. just remembering it makes me choke up with anger.
anyway, i'm going to be very stupid and try to talk to him about it this coming sunday. i'll use all my teacherly tricks to try and gently lead him to feel one single scrap of empathy for the victims of israel's civilian massacre, but lbr: he'll probably respond with the same amount of glee and condescension as last night and it's going to end with me making me a scene at church.
but i know i shouldn't. so here are some things i should NOT say, no matter how angry he makes me:
i've always hated the sound of your voice, even before you said such horrible things. you say everything with such condescension. when you read the gospels in church, i have to hide my face behind my program to hide my grimacing. you make the words of christ himself sound like a grift of some oily used car dealer who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. i pity you for going through life with such a voice, and pity you even more for thinking it charming.
it baffles me that you'd allow something as basically human as compassion for the suffering of others to be so utterly sanded away by propaganda. it's pathetic that you could laugh at innocents dying. you've let yourself be lobotomized by a clumsy surgeon and style yourself wise with the icepick still sticking from your skull.
i've always thought your face looks like an easter island head sculpted from a raw chicken breast.
see? none of those would be productive, no matter how truly they express my feelings about this person.
thus: people of faith, pray that god grants me the wisdom and restraint to not light this motherfucker up in the middle of coffee hour. amen.
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andromedasummer · 1 month
sudden flashbacks to childhood as i remember the first book series i ever loved, Roman Mysteries. which in retrospect. has a lot. a lot. a LOT of issues
#i would go back to it like i have deltora quest but uh#i dont think. it will hold up.#theres 4 main characters. of the two girls one is flavia. a rich roman child#and then nubia. who is. a slave girl. and fucking. bought for flavia as a bday present#and it's played it off as ''flavia wants a friend and feels awful for this poor girl her age and so her dad buys her and they#look after/rescue her and teach her latin and then free her once shes situated well'' and it is VERY MUCH a white saviour story#that even had 6 yr old me like ''hm. this is immoral''#the series like. starts with flavia as the main main character and the other 3 characters also have their own storys and they team up#and somve mysteries but as time goes on the problem is that like. the other 3 characters are more interesting than flavia#lupus is a mute greek boy who had his tongue cut out by his abusive uncle and lived on the streets for years#jonathan is a jewish boy who lives next door to flavia and has storylines where hes forced to become a gladiator and at the end#of the series goes on an adventure to egypt to find his kidnapped twin nephews#and nubia goes looking for her brother who was also enslaved and forced to be a gladiator and has to navigate rome as an ex-slave#and black woman who was literally kidnapped and went through hell (also she. turns out to be an african princess later on. ANOTHER big thing#to unpack.)#but yeah from 6 yrs old to 13 as i read the stories i would get mad every time it cut to flavia#I DONT CARE ABOUT SUETONIUS OR GAIUS AND HOW YOU WANT TO DEDICATE YOURSELF TO ARTEMIS#OR WHATEVER BULLSHIT ROMANCE. GO BACK TO JONATHAN SEEING HIS OWN GRAVE AND COMBATING WITH HIS FAMILY THINKING HES DEAD#GO BACK TO THE TRAGEDY OF MIRIAM AND HER BABIES OR NUBIA GETTING HER OWN FUCKING STORYLINE PLEASE
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twipsai · 1 year
while im sharing my ahit hot takes, i also wanna add that i think ppl give Mu a little too much slack
like yeah, she IS a child, she WAS traumatized and had her home essentially colonized for no reason. its implied her family was killed and she spend at least a solid year completely alone, homeless, and scared
but like she also used time pieces to reverse the world 4 billion years back and killed everyone she thought was "bad" based on a short description they gave of their own life (if they were lucky enough to even get to the throne room and not die from the lava inside the castle). ppl act like the entire cast were horrible people for telling her to go away when she literally destroyed the earth???? like no one in ahit is a good person guys theyre all assholes lmao
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goldeneyedgirl · 5 months
I love korean Alice SO MUCH!!! As an asian person myself, I always hadcanon Alice as asian because she had always been my favorite (and because if Meyer isn't going to do this then I WILL DO THIS MYSELF) so this fic seems like my dreams coming true. But my real question is: does Jasper knows is he is going to lose his memories? Does Alice tells him he isn't going to remember her?
Hi Anon! I'm so glad that you enjoy Korean Alice!
I must admit, I always thought that the Cullen family composition was so boring. Carlisle is born in England in 1663 and travels extensively over the centuries... and somehow ends up with an all-white family, presumably Christian, the majority born within a 40 year timeline, heavily favouring the South of America?
That's just lacking imagination. Or being super Mormon, take your pick.
And I support retconning canon facts at all times. There is nothing the Twilight fandom can't improve with some DIY. And I'm really excited that you like Korean Alice, because I have a few other fics I've started that feature an Asian Alice, but I wasn't sure if too many people were invested in that.
As for your question: no, Jasper has no idea his memory is wiped. He visits Busan every few years, meets Alice for 'the first time', and has his mind wiped at the end of every single visit. That was the agreement Alice made with her coven leader, Ratana (who is kind of a dick, but also trying to protect everyone the best way she knows how) but Jasper has never been informed of this deal.
Alice never tells him because she's ashamed that she's bartered with his memories without consent, and because she never wants them to focus on how long they've got left before they have to return. She's also terrified of leaving her coven because of the dangers towards her out there, and she doesn't want to burden Jasper and his coven with her protection and survival.
Hala can sort of return memories, but the older they are, the more degraded they are. Only very recent memories can be restored perfectly - older ones decay; they are missing parts, missing conversation, and have all the emotion stripped away from them. And because Jasper's an empath, the emotions attached to his memories are very, very important to him. Arguably more important than anything else.
It's a bit of a problem.
Thank you again SO much for your message, it made my day!
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kelev9 · 6 months
I have three breeders I'm very interested in getting a puppy from. I'm gonna try contacting them in the next couple of weeks to ask some questions and get to know more about them as breeders 😌
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the idea that ‘the right talks to white boys the left doesn’t’ is just wrong, all a white boy has to do is blog about anime and not flip out when someone says something critical about it
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asttralhell · 11 months
No one is talking about Clock (2023) and its egg symbolism
It would make Morel Orel so proud.
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mochapanda · 1 year
i find it so incredibly fucking weird that people who are like so socially conscious and intelligent and really understand like systemic bigotry can at the same time. unabashedly. praise people who are so LOUDLY against everything they stand for. mindblowing
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