#…a genocide on another group of people
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 1 year ago
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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thatweirdtranny · 5 months ago
how did the UN become such a joke
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cypheragent · 2 months ago
i think to claim US citizens are privileged over those in the global south is almost always but not inherently true. whenever this subject comes up the first thing i think about is the fucking abysmal conditions on many reservations, of the fact that native people in this country still live under occupation, are citizens of their own nations but forced to be US citizens as well, under which they are gravely oppressed and their cultures and sovereignty threatened. one could argue that these are unique cases, if even willing to concede at all the extent of native oppression in this country. but to me, as a native, these individuals and experiences are not simply an afterthought. as i said, they come to my mind immediately. the fact that most people do not even consider them at all in these discussions only proves my point about how utterly fucking dire the oppression of this country's indigenous population is. we, especially those of us who struggle the most, are forgotten and erased constantly.
when some people are only US citizens by force, when they are among the indigenous population and live under occupation, i simply could not agree that these individuals benefit from that oppression. how could they? occupation is not a privilege. tell me, are you aware at all what the conditions are like on many reservations in this country? i'd also like to emphasize that native genocide is an ongoing project. it has not ended. it continues to this day.
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wiseabsol · 7 months ago
(Gets to the end of the most recent Worlds Beyond Number episode. Yells out loud.) FUCK!
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werewolf-cuddles · 8 months ago
Me, after repeatedly seeing the Life is Strange fandom referring to the destruction of Arcadia Bay as a "genocide":
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The Oxford dictionary defines genocide as "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group"
For starters, Max didn't deliberately kill anyone. She can potentially choose not to save Arcadia Bay from the storm, but she never intended for all those people to die.
And her aim was to save Chloe, not to kill the citizens of Arcadia Bay. The latter was an unfortunate consequence of the former, the result of Max being forced into a cruel, impossible choice.
Also, while I'm at it, let's be fucking clear here. It's easy for us to look at the choice objectively, to just see it as sacrificing one person to save hundreds more, but we're not the ones having to make that choice in-universe, and it's probably fair to say that choice becomes much more difficult when the person you have to potentially sacrifice is your closest friend.
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lookninjas · 1 month ago
"If a country ceases to exist, its citizens don't cease to exist! They just become citizens of a new country!"
And who's to ensure these new citizens are treated well at the hands of their new country? Particularly when the new country has been trying to murder the citizens of the old country for a really fucking long time.
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ghostzzy · 4 months ago
i'm so glad i don't feel the urge to have to political post on the blog anymore.
#like. if you know me then you know what i believe in#which is. the value of every life.#the importance of providing every person on the planet what they need to live with safety and dignity.#and the necessity of mitigating opposition to that goal and limiting harm to The World#as much as is possible as one person living under the conditions of our current reality#with hope and effort toward making our future reality one where we are increasingly able to care for one another#instead of engaging in an endless competition of profit and imagined division that causes immeasurable suffering and death.#like. from that philosophy i think you can determine my stance on anything that matters.#The Game Of Politics is only important insofar as it impacts actual lives.#and we should all be thinking bigger than that. like. yknow. abolishing borders altogether. dismantling capitalism worldwide.#creating a global society that benefits as many individual human people as possible.#so like. yeah. i'm going to vote. i'm not gonna be happy about it because there is no one on the ballot that actually represents my values.#because fundamentally all politicians are going to enforce and uphold a system that is inherently oppressive and authoritarian#but. there are some politicians who will cause more harm than others.#and their policies will make a difference in many lives.#and i feel personally obligated to try to Lessen The Harm. since there is nothing i can presently do to Eliminate The Harm.#like. idk. we're not gonna vote our way out of the root of the issues. but we can vote our way out of Some Degree of Some issues. like. idk#abortion. deregulation. environmental initiatives. etc. that stuff makes Some Difference to A Lot Of People.#(none of this passes judgment on those who are abstaining from voting for president because of the continuing genocide in palestine.#i do sincerely understand not being able to stomach it. and if the dems lose then it's only their own fault for being spineless fucks)#but like. if i can vote for somebody who IS LESS LIKELY to directly jeopardize the lives of certain groups of marginalized people#then. i'm gonna... do that. while continuing to work toward & believe in a better fairer freer future for everyone.#ANYWAY. that's my ONE political post for the year. steps off my soapbox.#izzy.txt
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legally-a-bastard · 10 months ago
Your tags on the post telling Biden voters to keep Palestine out of their mouths are so incredibly rude; you're doing exactly what they said not to. Saying that they aren't looking at the bigger picture? Trying to explain how voting works like everyone but you is an idiot?
It's clear the genocide and brutalization of tens of thousands doesn't mean shit to you. How selfish can you be. If you don't care about Palestine, at least have the dignity to not go onto posts like that to tell everyone you think you're more important than them.
fun fact. When someone puts something in tags. You don’t have to read them. Anyways,
Is it selfish to care about every life, and not just one group? my brother in christ I wasnt explaining things like I thought they were stupid, because then I would have CALLED them stupid. I was making a point that yes, there are so many better fucking options and I fully support. but there are also risks to them and that THAT is why people struggle with this fucking decision. Because there’s fucking nuance.
You are painting an image of me in your head that makes you mad because you want people to be mad at. You want people you can point at and cry wolf when it’s nothing more than a dog.
Putting the rest under a read more because the people who don’t give a fuck and decide that they prefer being only reactive, don’t even have to bother reading what I’m saying, they can just go ahead and block me right goddamn now. Because I’m not here to appease people and I won’t pretend I am.
I do care about Palestine. An incredible amount, actually. And I also happen to care about the citizens of my own country and other countries alongside it. And I was sharing my thoughts on a matter that can have far larger consequences than we’re fucking considering.
You are the person who cannot see the bigger picture because you think that just because people are drowning in an ocean, we shouldn’t also try to prevent and help people who are drowning in what comparatively might be a kiddie pool.
They are all drowning regardless, and I am of the belief that harm of any kind, not just one specific situation, should not happen at all.
Also, if you read the tags so thoroughly like you think you did,
you would have seen the part that says you can just block & ignore me if you didn’t like what I was saying.
and if you take such large issue with what I say, then you should’ve taken your ass off anon because this could’ve been just between me and you. But now it’s gonna be between everyone who sees it, because while I know not to feed the trolls, this troll has made me think that maybe I need to directly fucking say what I think should be fucking said.
if you refuse to comprehend what I say that is on you. If you get mad because of that, it is on you. If you continue to respond only REACTIVELY and not PROACTIVELY, that. Is on. You.
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fubblers · 5 months ago
I genuinely don’t know how I’m supposed to cope with just. Encountering zionists.
I was in an idol server talking about girl groups I liked. And two people started talking about how scary and annoying the bombing is and how they can’t wait to go on vacation after the terrorists are killed. And saying shit like “[jpop idol] will help us beat hamas!” Hello? What world do you live in?
What world do you live in where your heart is not torn open and bleeding? How do you look at the death tolls and think about vacation? Why do you hold up a teen girl celebrity from another country as a symbol of massacre?
At work we have a customer who is notorious for being an issue. Today she emailed in asking if we could ship to Israel. We can’t, we only ship domestic. But I just couldn’t answer her. I couldn’t email back. I had to send it to my boss.
I don’t know anything about her or her politics or her beliefs. But the thought of someone casually sending a $200 gift to Israel without a second thought just kind of broke me. Genuinely what world does she live in. Who is she gifting this home goods product to? Clearly they don’t intend to leave if she’s sending them $200 worth of home decor. What are these peoples lives like?
The weight of an entire genocide is more than one person could ever bear. Are you not torn to pieces trying to carry even a fraction of it? Do you truly feel nothing?
If you feel something at reading all that, please match my $20 donation to Mohammed. He has a beautiful family that he worked so hard for.
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jewishvitya · 1 year ago
I was asked why there's a zionist claim that the Palestininian identity is not legitimate. And I think it's important to understand why Palestinians as a whole are seen as a threat by Israel. To understand why it's not about Hamas.
The claim is that the Palestininian identity was made up in order to push us out. Palestinian existence is a threat to the legitimacy of Israel as a country.
I was taught in school that Palestine was empty when we got here. They used a Mark Twain quote. It was a barren land full of swamps and some nomadic people (Beduins) but as soon as we wanted to come here, the awful antisemitic Arabs sent people to settle here before we could to take up the space. I was in school in the settlements though. I was taught the most extreme version of this.
Another version of this is that Palestine was never its own thing, they're just Arabs the same as all Arabs from the surrounding countries. So they could just... scooch over and give us the space, please and thank you. In Israel no one uses the term Palestinian. If I do, people roll their eyes and dismissively go "Arab." An Arab is an Arab. It's a way to strip away their unique identity and blend them in with the rest to say they could always move to Jordan, or Syria, or Lebanon, and it's all the same to them.
It's a way to make Palestinian existence by itself into a malicious plot to deny us a homeland.
Because if Palestinians exist as a distinct group of people, we aren't the only ones with a connection to this land. And you don't create an ethnostate by sharing.
I see other forms of this mentality. Why won't all these Muslim countries take the people of Gaza as refugees? That's asking why they won't help Israel make its ethnic cleansing more neat and convenient. Yes, refugees should be taken in and given shelter. But this question shifts responsibility away from Israel. Palestinians shouldn't be forced suffer either ethnic cleansing that leaves them as refugees, or a genocide.
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junglejim4322 · 9 months ago
The amount of people who feel the need to claim there was no antisemitism in palestine pre nakba/still isnt any are just rewriting history but also not seeing these people as humans because they can’t grapple with condemning genocide if they don’t paint them as magic perfect Arabs that for some reason never had the same issues all of their neighboring countries have + the entire world has (there is not a place with no antisemitism. That doesn’t exist.) you shouldn’t need to paint an entire group of people as morally pure to think they shouldn’t be occupied and slaughtered. People do this same shit with native Americans and pre slavery Africa as well where they will literally claim they lived perfect lives and had no issues before colonialism. Which ironically is just another way you’re erasing their history
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favroitecrime · 1 year ago
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i have a lot to say about americans and this type of thinking but i’m not gonna get into all of that. all i’ll say is: do not fucking harass Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims into voting for biden. pick a better democratic representative or deal with the fact that you’ve lost those people’s votes. plain and simple.
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esyra · 1 year ago
Haven't heard from family in days. I feel like it's time to accept they're gone. I know in my heart Palestine will, one day, be free, but it wasn't supposed to be like this.
We feared another Nakba, and it happened. 700,000 pushed out of their homes in 1948 to 1 million being forced to leave their homes in 2023.
We thought it couldn't get worse or more deadly than the Israeli invasion in 2014, and it happened. We lost 2,251 people in 50 days then. Now we're past 2,300 in one week.
What I heard most from my grandmother the first days it's that "this time is different". And I feel like a rock is crushing my heart in pieces because i've been hoping that speaking out, teaching people about the historical oppresion of Palestine would help but it's not helping. Nothing is changing.
I feel like I'm screaming into a void. There's some sympathy from people online, until I see content documenting Palestinian oppresion being flagged as 'hate speech' or check the comments of any updates on Gaza and it's: "blame it on hamas", "tell them to give up hamas", "the hamas asked for it". They're not even among civilians!!!!!
My heart feels full seeing the manifestations in favor of Palestine, then I see police forces breaking protests apart and remember that the people that can actually save Gaza don't care.
If there's nothing left to do but to watch the extermination of my people, then I'm going to beg for anyone reading this to please don't forget. Please.
Israel is hiding behind Judaism to commit genocide against Gaza. Netanyahu supported the Hamas militant group to prevent the establishment of the Palestine State, and now he's using them to justify his agenda of ethnic cleansing. He abandoned Israelis and left them to die because he cares more about seeing Gazans dead!
Every single person and institution supporting and financing Israel is complicit. I hope the deaths of every Palestinian haunts you for the rest of your lives and that you never find an ounce of forgiveness, for you do not deserve it.
Just as in the Iraq War, the US government is financing and cheering for the slaughter of millions of innocent Arab lives. The media is complicit by engaging in biased propaganda and other nuclear powers, such as the UK and Germany, are complicit too. You are fascists and war criminals and every drop of Palestinian blood is in your hands. I hope every single day, for the rest of your lives, you look in the mirror and see nothing but the blood you've helped spill.
This serves as yet another proof that not a single Western in a position of power, be it in the media or in government, sees Arabs as humans beings.
For decades, the US has comitted terrorism and crimes against humanity in the Middle East and has NEVER been held accountable. Over one million in Iraq; over 150,000 in Afghanistan; and now they'll turn Gaza into a graveyard. Punishing selected soldiers over the years does not erase the fact that the American military and its government validates their crimes during execution and are never punished for it.
Please never forget: Joe Biden is a genocidal terrorist, Rishi Sunak is a genocidal terrorist, the American Democrat Party and UK's Labour Party are led by genocidal terrorists, the European Union is led by genocidal terrorists, fuckass Walt Disney Company is led by genocidal terrorists; every celebrity that called for Palestinian death or stood by silently while ignoring our suffering is a genocidal terrorist.
May Allah protect the people in Palestine and grant the martyrs the highest level of Jannah. Wallah what keeps me here is knowing that the Akhirah is theirs. May Almighty Allah grant us imaan and Taqwa as high as the people of Gaza. Ameen.
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The Māori tino rangatiratanga [sovereignty, self-determination] flag flying alongside Palestinian flags. The tino rangatiratanga flag is black at the top and red at the bottom, the two colours separated by white lines forming a koru (spiral). The Palestinian flag has three horizontal stripes (black, white and green) with a red triangle on the left.
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"Pro-Palestine protest at Pacific Islands Forum meeting in Rarotonga"
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A young child holding an ili (Samoan woven fan) that says Samoa for Palestine
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A young boy holds a sign reading Justice the seed, peace the flower / Ko te mana whakaaiko hei kākano, kia puawai mai te maungarongo. Beneath is artwork of a fist breaking free from chains below blooming flowers.
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Left: the 1975 Māori Land March. Right: the 2018-2019 Palestinian Great March of Return.
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If we want to free Hawai'i... [Hawaiian flag] we must also free Palestine [Palestinian flag]. Credit to @ainamomona
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A young Māori boy holding a sign that reads MANA MOTUHAKE [independence/autonomy] 4 PALESTINE
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A Fijian woman holding a sign that reads Food is not a weapon of war! Stop starving Palestinians! Behind are two more signs. One says CEASEFIRE NOW and the other says DON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT GAZA
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A group of Fijians holding candles and wearing shirts that read STOP THE GENOCIDE
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Left: a diagram of Palestinian land loss between 1946 and 2009. Right: a diagram of Māori land loss in the North Island of Aotearoa between 1860 and 2000.
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A sign reading TANGATA WHENUA [indigenous people] FOR PALESTINE [tino rangatiratanga symbol, Palestine flag symbol]
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Three Pasifika people holding signs. The first says MAI LE VAITAFE AGA'I I LE SAMI! [Samoan: from the river to the sea] FREE PALESTINE! The second sign says FROM OUR PASIFIKA OCEAN TO THE RIVER TO THE SEA FREE PALESTINE. The final sign shows the Palestinian and Tongan flags and says 'OFA KI PALESITAINE [Tongan: Love to Palestine]
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A West Papuan man holding two signs. The first says WEST PAPUA STAND WITH MYANMAR. The second says WEST PAPUA STAND WITH PALESTINE
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A Palestinian flag decorated with Samoan patterns. Words say 'AGA'I MAI LE VAITAFE E O'O ATU I LE SAMI FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA #Sāmoans4Palestine
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A tweet from Tamatha Paul (Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Awa) on 29 June 2023. Another big win this week, courtesy of @Just4Pal and @nikau4poneke, we [Pōneke Wellington] will be Sister Cities with the Palestinian city of Ramallah 😍 Free Palestine!!!
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A Pasifika woman holding two signs. The first says FREE PALESTINE FREE PALESTINE END THE APARTHEID! END THE BLOCKADE! END THE ETHNIC CLEANSING! CEASE STATE SANCTIONED VIOLENCE! CEASE COLONIALISM! BOYCOTT ISRAEL! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! The second sign has pictures of Palestinian and West Papuan flags. It says pacific islanders stand in solidarity with Palestine! #FREEWESTPAPUA #FREEPALESTINE CEASE COLONIALISM
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A sign that has the tino rangatiratanga flag at the top and Palestinian flag at the bottom. It says Mai te awa ki te moana [from the river to the sea] MĀORI LAW STUDENTS For a FREE PALESTINE
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A Pasifika woman holding a sign decorated with Pacific symbols. It says LONG LIVE PALESTINE - PASIFIKA 4 PALESTINE - FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE
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Another Samoan fan. This one says PALESTINE WILL BE FREE
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bonnibatz · 1 year ago
“The question now becomes: Will the world respond, or will Armenians face another genocide alone?”
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September 29, 2023
October 3rd, 2023
November 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
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