#one thing about veronica? she is going to stare at betty
Even More Headcannons
Exactly what it sounds like
They are the house that hands out full-sized candy bars on Halloween
Mac always makes them dress up in a theme
They've done the Teletubbies, the Wizard of Oz (Duke was the Wicked Witch, she was not happy about the green makeup), The Golden Girls, the I'm In Love with the Villainess girls and her personal favorite, the South Park kids
She was Kenny, Duke was Kyle, Veronica was Stan and Chandler was Cartman
Sometimes Betty and Martha will join in on the theme
They tried to get one of them to be Noo-Noo the year they did Teletubbies but they both refused
JD swallowed his pride and went as Noo-Noo
JD hides in their bushes and scares the kids
Mac and Duke always eat too much candy and get stomachaches
Duke's snake is named Cornelius (if you get this reference you're awesome)
Chandler's cat is named Heather
She thought it would be funny (Heather Cat-ler, get it?)
Heather the cat sits atop her cat tower and hisses if anyone gets too close
But whenever Mac walks in she jumps down and starts purring
Basically she's just Chandler in cat form
Mac's Rabbit is named something cutesy like Munchkin
Catler hates the rabbit
She's just jelly that Mac isn't giving her attention
Whenever Duke annoys Veronica she'll pick her up and won't put her down
Duke is like 5'3 while Veronica is 5'11
Chandler is 5'5 and Mac is 5'9
Most people think Chandler is the tallest but its bc she always wears heels
Chandler is actually a huge scaredy-cat
She's afraid of rides at amusement parks, snakes, spiders/bugs, dogs, heights, blood, ghosts/the undead/zombies/etc., the youtube videos Veronica watches at 3am, and of course being abandoned and left alone forever but that last one is more bc of trauma than anything
She's really insecure about her fears, she's supposed to be the strong one who stares down her competition
Elaborating on the dog thing, if a dog ever comes close to her she'll scream and climb on whoever is close
JD totally has a dog but its like a golden retriever with a heart of gold named Spot and he uses it to scare Chandler
JD and Duke do chaos gremlin things together sometimes
One time they all got together and played UNO
They took all the +4 cards from the deck and hid them in their pockets and made Chandler sit between them
They would only use the +4 cards on her and she got so fucking mad
(She sat in the middle so even if things got reversed one of them could always +4 her)
Chandler may or may not have set the deck on fire
Veronica started watching One Piece and she was pretty much dead to the world for like 10 days or however long it takes to watch it all the way through
She was completely unresponsive to anything the Heathers did and it scared the hell out of them
Mac loves Pokemon and has like 10,000 plushes
Her favorites are the eeveelutions
Chandler and JD are slushy buddies and will often go to 7/11 and just talk about their trauma and shit
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riverdale-retread · 1 year
Riverdale S7 E 17 (Chapter 134) A Different Kind of Cat
Betty is in her room, angrily typing about how she “can’t hold back any longer,” telling her newsletter readers that she’s been reading their outpourings. She lists the sins that have been committed against her - made to be a cheerleader, put into therapy, had her diaries read, rejected by her mother, and of course, she was also slapped. As vengeance she’s going to release a book, ‘The Collected and Expanded Teenage Mystique.” She’s going to only put out the uncensored truth about being a teenager. She wants to burn the small minded town to the ground.
Alice is a most inconsistent jail keeper by the way because Betty is typing really loudly with her door wide open, and there are a pile of letters from girls on her desk, but Alice isn’t aware of any of THIS going on.
Speaking of goings on - Jeronica are about to make their school debut! They have not figured out how to do a couples look yet - Veronica is wearing a shoulderless cleavage baring ballgown type thing in purple, and Jughead is wearing an orange zigzag sweater. Jughead wants to take it easy on the rest of the Riverdale population - he’s willing to just follow in Veronica’s wake. I love this about him, immediately, because this seems like the correct attitude for a boyfriend of Veronica Lodge’s to have. Veronica will not stand for it. She takes his hand, and they step into the school together. Jughead looks more than a little worried.
The first person they see is Julian, who sees them hold hands and looks peeved. Then Cheryl and Toni pass. Toni is merely interested, but Cheryl is full of contempt. I keep forgetting that Cheryl actively dislikes Veronica in this universe for stealing her rich beautiful girl thunder because they were lowkey in need and in love with each other for so much of Seasons 1-6. The next person to clock them is Betty, who looks like it gives her indigestion. Which is no surprise because Veronica? Veronica! What was all that cosmic kissing talk from the past couple episodes? Betty comes by her discomfort very honestly here. More and more students notice the handholding.
Jughead is happy that the gauntlet is over. He says he’s not used to being stared at by so many people. That can’t possibly be true. You go to school wearing a felt crown. You burst in on the student lounge and yelled at people about milk. You just didn’t INTEND to get stared at until today. Veronica tells him that even she hadn’t ever garnered quite this much attention, not since she wore her “sexy witch costume” to school for Halloween by mistake. Jughead has no idea what she’s talking about, but he is turned on so hard so fast, that she has to ask him directly if he “has a thing for sexy teen witches.”
Jughead is so cute. He looks like he doesn’t know if he should run away to jack off or hurl from nervousness: “Well, yes! Yes I do!” But then he always covers all his reactions to things with a sort of This is About My Art kind of gloss, so he immediately segues into: “I know a boss idea when I hear one.” Veronica will have none of it.
Using her most kittenish voice, she says, “I’m glad to have inspired …[looks directly at his crotch, pauses, then looks back up to his face] .. *something.*” They share a very chaste kiss in the hallway farewell.
Archie is showing his poem to Miss Grundy. Miss Grundy says the poem demonstrates that he “grew up overnight.” She wants to know what happened. He prostituted a woman is what happened. We cut to -WHY? WHY DO WE CUT TO THIS? WE GET IT! STOP SHOWING ME THIS! - Reggie and Archie inside Twyla’s red-lit depressing prostitution room as she closes the door. Archie omits that part and tells his teacher only about the sunrise he watched with Reggie when he was somehow much more fucked out than Reggie.
I hate Archie all over again. I hope Twyla never caught an STD but with fervor I pray that she gave one to Reggie and Archie like the Virgin getting impregnated by the Word.
Grundy, who has no clue, tells him to “keep doing” whatever it is he’s doing.
Archie tells the nastiest sex pun of all time, purely for his own benefit. Can I say again? I hate Archie. They ruined sweet, earnest, stupid S7 Archie for me wholesale by doing this. He says, “I’m definitely going back.” He’s so SLEAZY.
In the other storyline that I hate that I guess they’re keeping, Cheryl and Toni are using school resources to develop raunchy photos of themselves. Fail Lesbians. Terrific.
In a class that Grundy is about to teach about the Enlightenment Period, Jughead, seated immediately behind Cheryl, is drawing a very sexy teen witch that looks just like Veronica Lodge on a broomstick. He’s actually a very competent artist.
In the student lounge, Reggie has told Julian about his recent experience as a man who prostitutes women. Julian refuses to whisper about any of it. “YOU AND ANDREWS?’ he basically hollers, as Reggie cringes. Oh Julian. I was rooting for you, because you can sing and you look cute as the ur-Archie. You ruined this. “You and Reg took a ride on the town bicycle, Twyla Twyst?” Julian basically SHOUTS this at Archie.
Reggie looks very uncomfortable in the background, taking a very large gulp of coke. Dude, why did you feel the need to share any of this with Julian, of all people? “AND YOU’RE GOING BACK FOR SECONDS?”
The first person that Archie, looking like a sleazy deer in headlights that I would gladly run over with my car, makes eye contact with is Betty Cooper, sitting on the couch. She looks more and more like Alice Cooper by the second, wearing her pink and brown check pattern dress like armor.
The things that Betty says though show her in know better light than anybody else. She is no Betty Friedan, regardless of whether she used the word “mystique” for a good book title before her or not. She is peeved that boys get celebrated “for their sexual conquests” and girls get punished for “wanting the same” but this is all manner of fucked up. Prostituting a woman doesn’t mean the same thing as getting a girl to like you enough to want to have sex with you, being a super obvious point that doesn’t need to be said, but I’m going to say it because this is my blog. She’s so disgusted by Julian slow clapping that she packs up all her stuff to exit the lounge. For some reason, she’s the only girl who can hear any of this conversation - the other students in there are entirely deaf to Julian’s shouting.
As she angrily stomps out of the lounge, Betty runs smack into Cheryl, who drops all her photos. In the ensuing scramble, Betty sees one of them. It intrigues her so much she pursues the fleeing Cheryl all the way outside, to the bench, and clearly forces her to talk about the photos. Cheryl is too tired of life to put up much of a fight: “I am going steady with Toni Topaz.” Betty’s reaction - “Oh!” followed by a frown, blinking, followed by a stuttered “Well, that…m.-makes sense…” is further support for my central thesis that Betty Cooper is very, very stupid in S7. Evelyn ALREADY OUTED Cheryl and Toni to Betty in particular in that conversation they were all having about Fangs impregnating Midge. Further, I can tell that Betty doesn’t understand at all how two girls can go together - she’s being very Queen Victoria over here, she doesn’t see how that would work, which is why she says “That makese sense” because it doesn’t make any sense to her whatsoever. She’s so incorrigibly stupid, and on top of being really, really dumb, she’s also really, really vain, because she thinks she can write a book.
Cheryl has never directly come out to anyone before, so she is very worried. For Cheryl Blossom, in every universe, a good defense is the only reliable method of existence, so she double dog dares Betty to try to use it against her.
I don’t think you need to worry, Cheryl. Betty doesn’t actually understand what you’re saying.
Betty does glom on to the fact that Cheryl and Toni being together in some incomprehensible way is a secret, so she comes out with a secret of her own. She is The Girl Next Door, the writer of The Teenage Mystique.
Cheryl makes me lose all hope in life, because she not only says that she loves The Teenage Mystique but also that the Girl Next Door’s “advice is tops.” But Betty is so, so dumb Cheryl. How can she possibly be “tops” as an advisor.
They shake hands, because Cheryl finds it an honor to know The Girl Next Door.
Now they can talk business. Betty wants to know what Cheryl was going to do with the “amazing pictures.” Cheryl was going to come out “in the most unabashed way” by publishing the photos in Femme and In magazine. Um. More like, get whoever was publishing that magazine arrested by Vice for publishing indecent material featuring children, but sure, be reckless, Cheryl.
Plus, I think it’s so cowardly for Cheryl to ‘come out’ by publishing male-gaze appeasing lingerie photos of herself as a minor rather than just tell her parents and go to the crazy girl prison like all the other wayward girls do. This is not empowerment, at all. How famous is Femme and In magazine anyway? How would this even be known in the Blossom household or the circles they run in such that it would have this “blow the lid off their world” impact?
Oh no. Oh. Oh no. Betty has infected Cheryl with the stupid.
Betty immediately sees an opportunity for herself in this desperate act of Cheryl’s. She wants to include Cheryl and Toni’s story - complete with the racy photos - in her upcoming ‘book.’ Cheryl decides immediately that this would somehow be “the perfect forum for” coming out. Okay. Sure.
Betty also wants to have lingerie photos taken of herself. Cheryl is all about this, and she’s gonna get something out of it too - she gets to make another oil painting that all these people are too foolish to commission outright.
That night, someone drives up in a very swanky car, complete with a grey haired white driver, to the Babylonium, which is showing “A Star Is Born.” A sleek someone in very high heels walks into the theater.
Upstairs, Veronica is canoodling with Jughead, who has shown her his sexy teen witch art. She loves it - “this is the bee’s knees!” Jughead has simply named this character Veronica the Teenage Witch. He says that Pep Comics is in desperate need for a new character to improve readership and to get past the new censorship rules. He’s so pleased with himself, his work, and with his new girlfriend.
An extremely elated Clay comes bursting in because someone very important and unbelievable is here.
It’s Josie McCoy!
Josie’s presence is so powerful it turns Veronica right back into the drag queen she sometimes inhabits. She starts to recite Josie’s in-universe resume at her. She’s a famous chanteuse, she founded some important sounding theater company, she’s won a Tony!
Josie McCoy is Eartha Kitt. This actress is doing an AMAZING job. She channels just enough of Kitt’s interesting vocal mannerisms and accent to be a tribute without shading over into being embarrassing or camp. She says that she’s heard good things (a person who “shakes things up”) about Veronica. She’s here because she has a secret (“hush hush”) movie project. She urges Veronica to dismiss her underlings. Veronica has no qualms treating her high school friends as servants - she shoos them away. Clay scampers away with zero dignity whatsoever, but Kevin (Kevin? but yes, Kevin does this one thing correctly) looks both annoyed at this treatment (rightfully) and appears to have things he wants to say to Josie McCoy too.
Turns out this movie that Josie made was a sort of Barbra Streisand making Yentl type thing - she wrote, directed, produced and starred in it. She wants to do a test screening at the Babylonium if it turns out to be “up to her standards.” She needs to do this in Riverdale because it’s Siberia as far as the California movie industry is concerned (Veronica is so starstruck that she doesnt even seem to register this cruel blow) so that there will no risk of some studio executives “second guessing” all the creative choices.
We cut to the screening. Clay in the projection booth is verklempt. Veronica is hypnotized. Kevin has ditched his boyfriend to do all the work in the back room while he creepily has stayed in the theater itself (Hi Hateful Kev, there you are!) to inch closer to Josie. He’s up and giving a standing over before the movie is even over, looking shiftily over at the back of Josie’s head in case she notices him. Veronica however is genuinely moved. She looks like she might cry as she stands to give her own ovation.
When it’s just the two of them in Veronica’s executive suite, Veronica (the teenage witch, natch) offers the grown adult Broadway star alcohol, who accepts it without comment. Veronica of course always manages to think of making things bigger and better. Having seen the film, she now wants to upgrade from a test screening to a full blown red carpet movie premier. (Oh! Or she didn’t not notice the blow about how Riverdale is irrelevant Siberia as far as the movie industry goes from before - she just smelled a business opportunity brewing and held her tongue.)
Josie is very gracious in her refusal of this initial suggestion (“I’m still tinkering.”) Veronica doubles down, calling the movie Perfection. Josie doesn’t disagree but then says that studio executives are skittish creatures. Veronica agrees. “They are fear driven creatures.”
Well, not if the insane stuff that’s allowed to happen on the show Riverdale is any indication but maybe this is supposed to be a wink and a nod about two things - the upcoming Hollywood writers’ strike, and maybe a not so subtle attempt at trying to pacify the Riverdale fandom that surely wasn’t expecting that we would get zero true closure on any of the things that have ever happened before on the six previous seasons, nevermind continuity. (Like, randomly, for example - Reggie and Josie are both entirely new people with old faces and names.)
Josie is being a fear driven creature herself though. After negging Veronica about the town and her theater, she now negs her about Riverdale’s citizenry. Josie, you’re the one who came HERE. Nobody asked you. So why go on about whether the people in this town are ‘hep’ or needing a lay of the land?
Veronica truly loves movies though. She thinks this one is great, so she’s willing to be accommodating to the last. She offers herself and the two minion gays to be tour guides for Josie, starting bright and early at 8 a.m. Josie hoots with laughter (this laugh was fantastically done, pitch perfect, almost sung - bravo! performance is like 10000% brilliant on the alternate universe Eartha Kitt!). She snootily informs Veronica that she wakes up no earlier than 3 p.m.
Oh I wish I could live like that too!
Veronica would never have permitted such condescension from anyone we’ve seen her meet so far, but she will allow it for Josie. And because Veronica, despite having Jughead now, is still very, very lonely, she does what she always does when she has what she thinks might be a receptive person - she invites them to live with her in her big huge apartment.
I wonder also if this is meant to be a bypass of the race issue - would Josie have been able to check into just any hotel? Would she, a black woman traveling apparently alone (or with just a driver, who can hardly be expected to guard her with his life) be safe had she checked into even the most expensive hotel she’d be permitted to stay in?? What was Josie’s plan for accommodation here? Is this another test of Veronica Lodge’s acumen, to put an acceptable, dignified social gloss over uh, American apartheid?
“I like you Ms Lodge. I think we’re going to get on just fine,” Josie says, then puts her very dark sunglasses on at night indoors.
Meanwhile, SIGHHHH, Archie Andrews has brought a bouquet to the red light district (well, hallway) of Riverdale. He tries to loosen his hip flexors. When Twyla opens the door, he wants to says he was “hoping … we could see each other again.” Twyla reject him.
Did she not get paid last time? This question of HOW IS TWYLA GETTING PAID AND BY WHOM is a consistent issue that Riverdale keeps raising from her re-introduction as the prostitute. Was Archie a violent fuck? Did the boys insist on paying her a one person rate, forcing her to accept it?
I suppose it’s clear enough that Archie wants a freebie (or a series of freebies) from Twyla, which is why she cuts him off at the pass, but that still doesn’t answer the question of why she doesn’t simply ask him for money.
They keep making this direct equivalence between the porny photos the SupreFemme Dykes take and Archie attempting to be a frequent fucker of prostitutes, but I don’t understand why. I also don’t care to be informed.
Cheryl and Toni are shown going into the Cooper house with absolute suitcases full of equipment. Wearing Veronica’s lingerie and her own glasses, Betty poses for photos in her own bedroom. This is not a good way to be a camgirl, to use your actual room you use for sleep but ok. Betty does look exceptionally pretty.
The next day at school, Veronica is minding her own business, reading her book in the student lounge (Behind her are two boys in letter jackets talking to two cheerleaders), when Toni, dragging Fangs behind her like a soggy puppy, marches in (she really marches, arms swinging) to demand her attention. They’ve heard (I assume from Kevin or Clay or both, because of that special lavender double cross relationship they have with Cheryl and Toni) that Josie McCoy is in town. The only place to take her is the Dark Room (because it’s the only place that could ever be described as “hep.” Fangs will be performing, because Toni is still in the business of pretending to give a shit about Midge, the baby on the way, or Fangs’s relationship with Midge. She wants Josie to be entreated to give Fangs a boost in his pathetic attempts at a career. Veronica is willing to accommodate.
Miss Grundy has really pretty clothes this season, by the way. I especially like her embroidered cardigans. Because Twyla told him that MiLFs in town would probably like to take a bite out of a “red delicious” like himself, the poet wannabe who doesn’t know what metaphors are brings an actual red delicious apple to his teacher.
What in the actual fuck is going on with the stuff on this board:
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She unfortunately says that Red Delicious apples are her favorite, which, again, wouldn’t be a problem necessarily except Archie is a poet wannabe who doesn’t know what metaphors are and is allergic to subtlety. He invites Mrs Grundy to the Dark Room, to listen to him perform a poem. This is extremely bold, almost egotistical, but Grundy is indulgent. She calls Archie her favorite student, promising him that of course she will attend. He gives her the sleaziest, smuggest, “I’m going to Fuck this lady for free later” smirk before heading out. The apple he leaves glows supernaturally in between them.
As Grundy returns to work, we hear Jughead start to say “She’s bewitching, she casts spells” while we’re still looking at Mrs. Grundy’s face.
We’re in the very overstuffed rooms of Pep Comics. Jughead is trying to explain the concept of Veronica the Teen Witch to his editor. His concept is that Veronica the Teen Witch is an actual witch but “nothing harmful” and anyway she spends her time being a high school student, which to Jughead means “class, homework, romantic trouble.” He wants the whole thing to be “vampy, campy fun.”
You know, like that show Riverdale, before they had Archie Andrews prostitute a woman at half price to lose his virginity!
Jughead is dressed much snazzier than he was when Jeronica was making their debut at the steps of the high school. He’s wearing a navy striped button down shirt, open in a boy cleavage which reveals a dark t shirt underneath and he’s wearing his suspenders. Jughead’s suspenders are basically his push up bra, so we know he’s feeling himself here as he makes this presentation of “boss idea.” I bet you these were clothes Veronica put together for him.
Sadly, his editor, once burned is now twice shy. He feels that even this very wholesome sounding concept is going to have to be watered down, starting with Veronica the Teen Witch losing her cleavage, and her dark hair, and half her witchdom, and her name Veronica! The editor says that the name Veronica to him means Veronica Lake - “too sexy, too dangerous, too curvy.” Except Veronica Lake was blonde, so go figure. He orders something “sweeter and magical.”
We cut to Betty in the photo development room (these are called Dark Rooms, right?) which is in very red lightning (fuckin’ a) with Cheryl. Sweeter and magical being ordered to jump cut to Betty the blonde looking sexy in photos? Very subtle.
Betty looks gorgeous in all the photos, but she’s glum about it. She tells Cheryl that she feels a fraud because she writes about sex without experiencing “anything remotely sexually satisfying myself.”
“What do you mean?” Cheryl asks.
This - THIS IS THE PRIME opportunity, Betty, to talk about how traumatized you are from the sexual abuse (I’m just going to call it how I feel it is now, politically correct lingo be damned) you endured at Kevin’s hands (LITERALLY) for two years that your highly suspect shrink would for sure call FORMATIVE. Heal from it! Talk to another girl about it! Talk to the girl who actually tried her best to put out to her unwitting straight beard for the sake of ethics about what you endured!
But no.
Betty Cooper in S7 is too stupid.
She says only, that she is “the only teenager in the world who can’t seem to find someone to go there with me.”
You’ve tried with exactly two boys, no? One was your gay sexual abuser, and the other one is a prostituter.
Cheryl does often have a very pragmatic streak. She can’t - and doesn’t want to get involved in - finding Betty someone to ‘go there’ so instead she teaches her about masturbation. Betty says she’s heard of the concept of “self pleasure” from that Kinglsey book that she didn’t read very well (she failed to learn about human reproduction from that book) but it didn’t have enough details. Cheryl gives her the manual, which she had just handy, in the form of an article in Femme-and-In magazine. (Which indicates to me this is a zine being put together by like minded dykes, which is why sending teen nudie photos to them is going to get them sent to prison and is therefore a bad idea.)
Femme and In, October 1955 issue has the headline “The only person you need to know how to please is yourself.” Cheryl, because she knows from the How Are Babies Made talk that Betty is very dumb, keeps looking meaningfully at Betty’s crotch as she gives her the precis - get in the bath, in the bathroom, lock the door, and USE YOUR OWN HANDS. Except Cheryl’s hands are tipped with extremely long terrifying talons, so I hope Betty doesn’t think the nail art is a necessity. That should only be reserved for advanced players.
Jughead is with Veronica at her apartment (Is Josie McCoy sleeping in there right now??), and he’s told her that the Veronica Teen Witch idea got axed for being too sexy. She takes it as her due. She very much likes being compared to Veronica Lake. Jughead is worried about what new name would work, so she suggests Sabrina. Jughead really likes it.
[Depressed voice]: Hi RAS
We then cut to the Dark Room, the Whyte Wyrm perversion, where Archie is reciting a poem. I’m so sorry friends but I could not bear to listen to this poem. I tried. Three times. Possibly four. And I could not get past the words “a simple apple.” I just could not. So I fast forwarded. I could see from doing the FFW that it was not well received -not by Grundy, not by any of the other patrons. Grundy just left. Veronica is furious, and Josie is so humiliated at having to be in the same room as this idiot that you can see her soul has left her body altogether. Toni is fully nasty to Archie, shoving him off the stage as she rubs his failure in his face.
Archie deserves it but also Toni has no right to be like this.
Josie says that “if that’s what passes for art in Riverdale,” she can’t besmirch her movie with association with this blighted place. Toni is fully throwing Archie (who also ate an actual apple in his Adam and Eve allegory or whatever that was) under the bus in service of trying to put Fangs in the best light.
I tried to skip this too, but I couldn’t because I think the editors knew I would want to skip this terrible karaoke performance so they interspliced it with Betty’s First Masturbation Session. I foiled them however, and turned the volume all the way down. While Betty jacks off for the first time, Cheryl is painting her, with the aid of a very dark room (??) and dozens of distant candles. I don’t paint, but I thought painters needed to see well when they were working with colors? Oh, and Betty has also lit a lot of candles for her masturbation session as well. Everyone in the Dark Room gives Fangs a standing ovation except Josie, who just sort of smirks at him while she golf claps. We’re made to know Betty has also achieved satisfaction. Okay, so that, I am willing to applaud.
Afterwards, her confidence somewhat restored, Veronica tries to get Josie to agree that Riverdale is “hep.” Josie hated it - Fangs’ music is not her genre, she says, but then she says that Fangs has “star quality.” Veronica fully understood that Josie thinks Fangs’ music (voice, presentation, performance ) are all sub, but tries to perk up at the assessment of his telegenic appeal. Then Josie says something odd: “How is he on the bongos, do you know?”
They’re talking about sex, right? Bongo player is like, ass beater?
But then no, it turns out they literally mean bongos. Fangs is playing bongos in the background as Josie writhes around performing a very Eartha Kitt number about women being kittens or something. God I miss this actress and her wonderful musical numbers. She’s the one professional performer the Dark Room has ever seen, both in universe and on this show. She’s really too good for Riverdale (in every sense).
Veronica asks if Riverdale is good enough for “Going Uptown.” She gets a yes!
Then Toni and Clay invite Josie to a Black Athena meeting. They get a yes too!
Archie is stalking his teacher now, waiting for her in the classroom. Because he’s a creep on top of being a prostituter. He was told by a prostitute a professional sounding opinion on how best to obtain free sex, which unfortunately for Grundy describes her to a T in Archie’s book (like, who the hell else is he gonna go for in this universe? Alice Cooper is a nonstarter, and we lack a Gladys Jones here, Mayor McCoy, like - where have all the MILFs gone?!?). He wants to know why his seduction technique of reciting a terrible poem awkwardly before chomping on an apple didn’t make her stay to talk (and fuck) with him afterwards. Grundy knows now exactly what he’s saying, so she reminds him that she has a husband. Who is an actual poet.
“We need to switch gears,” she says to Archie. Behind her on the blackboard is written: “Figurative Language - metaphor, idiom, symbolism, hyperbole, personification, simile. You know, just in case you don’t get it. She means she’s never going to fuck Archie Andrews. Thank god for that. And THIS figurative language, Archie does understands. He looks upset at his poetry teacher tells him to stop writing love poems at her. She wants him to write about pain. Any sort of pain. “What is my most painful experience?” and write about that. And definitely not the pain of being horny or crushing out on your teacher. She’s brought a lovely gray cardigan with jet black beads embroidered on it.
In the art room, Cheryl is unveiling her oil painting of Betty. Betty loves it. She says it’s beautiful. Cheryl is for the first time I think we’ve seen this entire season, at physical ease with a girl that isn’t her girlfriend (with whom honestly she’s not that at ease either, sadly, unless they’re having sex). She tucks her chin adorably into Betty’s shoulder to say that the painting is beautiful because Betty is. And this is actually my favorite painting ever done by Cheryl.
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Love the pink and black color scheme, love the confidence in Betty’s face. I love this warm lovely moment between them. It’s such a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Jughead has finally achieved success with Sabrina the Teenage Witch concept art! It’s gonna be sent off for review stat! “Congratulations, kid!” Jughead is wearing a blue S shirt with a red collar and his push up bra suspenders over it. I love the color scheme of this outfit too. This has to be Veronica dressing him. Sabrina the Teen Witch is gonna save Pep Comics from the dustbins of obscurity!!
We’re now at at Very Special Session of the Black Athena club. Josie seems to wear nothing but animal prints. The population of black students at Riverdale has either exploded overnight or all these black students thought this club was dumb OR they really disliked Toni and Clay and their obsession with the white cop’s son and the white rich people’s daughter and avoided their ventures. I dunno. It’s full of black students we’ve not seen before, is my point.
Josie is very gracious, loving and warm to the students. Which is pretty adorable, but also makes me feel so worried about her. Is she ok? Oh, and of course, of COURSE, Clay interrupts Josie in the middle of her talk by making a joke, about himself. I hate Clay.
When asked how it is the Black Athena came to be, Toni gives me more reason to hate her from the way she tells the story. That black students needs their own space in 1955 (or really, now) seems indisputable. But she’s leaving out the part where Cheryl funded it, at some risk to herself, because she wanted to do the right thing. Her girlfriend funded it, wanted to sit in once, then graciously, sensibly saw herself out. But Toni doesn’t indicate ANY of those things. It also says something nasty about Toni, again, from the show - Tabitha of 1955 is on a crusade tour to the rest of apartheid america at great risk to herself, but Toni is only going to talk about her race in her white-funded space when it’s absolutely perfectly safe.
Show? Show! Get it together, omg.
In any case, Josie’s attendance of Black Athean inures to Veronica’s benefit, because now Josie wants a full on glam-fest type of movie PREMIERe and not a mere test screening. Josie also tells the story of how she got this movie made. She put every penny of her personal assets into financing it. If the movie doesn’t become a hit, she’ll be ruined for good. She did this because she made the play a hit on Broadway, won a Tony, but then the movie version was going have her written out and replaced by Lana Turner. She started this project out of spite. I think I have to assume this will work out gangbusters then, because spite fueled projects often have a lot of momentum and energy.
Veronica reacts with empathy, and not annoyance, as I would have. Which is why she’s a good businesswoman. Josie didn’t actually mind that both Archie and Fangs sucked ass at the talent night - she needed the test screening to be “in the sticks” in a racially mixed town (which Riverdale supposedly is) so that she could reassure the “fear driven” movie executives the film deserved a profit earning wide distribution. She aggressively put Veronica through the ringer in order to make sure Riverdale was low-brow Middle America enough to be a valid testing ground for this film.
This movie is going to have to “explode like an atomic bomb” because Josie McCoy knows she’s a movie star, she’s made a great movie, and she deserves a fair shake.
This is barely 10 years after Nagasaki and Hiroshim and as a Korean person I admire the discipline of the Japanese for doing business with people like this who nuked them (and only them and because they weren’t white) and then freaked themselves out and introduced phrases like this making light of the entire thing into their own language.
Again, the performance of this monologue is FANTASTIC. This actress is top notch. Where is the Josie tv show, RAS? Can we get Sweet Pea back, RAS? And Valery? Hey? RAS?!
Veronica says that she will throw such an awesome premiere that there will be a bidding war.
Fangs is telling the now visibly pregnant Midge that he’s met the great Josie McCoy who is going to get him hooked up. Midge looks desperate, smiling through misery, and I hate everything about this. I hope she miscarries, was my original evil thought, but she’s too pregnant now and there’s no way these satanic nuns would save her if they thought the baby was gonna die.
Sadly for Jughead, the censorship panel rejected Sabrina. His push up bra suspenders should’ve been in the room to make a case for her. His editor is sadly slumped about it. “You came up with something fun and whimsical and all they saw was witches, Satanism, hocus pocus and human sacrifices.”
I assume this is RAS talking about some portion of the critical and/or hostile reaction to his Sabrina the Teen Witch show. I didn’t watch it and I will not, so I don’t know, but despite a seasoned actor delivering it well, the clunky winky-wink of this line landed like a frozen turd. Jughead is very very crushed. He runs directly to Veronica at her apartment. She offers him an alcoholic drink, which he immediately declines (!!!!). She’s wearing a dress that looks like it’s made of black plastic bags. He’s so sad about what’s going to happen to Pep Comics. He thinks it’s going to sink.
Veronica very kindly lets him off the hook for the premiere. He doesn’t have to come socialize if he’s not in the mood. “Are you kidding? This is probably the only chance I’ll ever be invited to a Hollywood premiere.” They had Cole Sprouse say this on the Riverdale show.
Anyway, Jughead says he definitely wants to go, but he’s worried he doesn’t have the right clothes. My theory that Veronica has been picking out his outfits for him I think gets boosted by her revealing that she had a tuxedo customized to his measurements (When did she have time to measure him without his knowing? Has Veronica lost her virginity to Jughead Jones while we were being tortured with Archie Fucks a Prostitute side plot??). “Nothing but the best for my flutter bum,” she says. He is so grateful, and she gives him a little cheek pinch. I love this dynamic. Why am I getting it only in the last four episodes of the show.
Archie sits down with a photo of his dad to write about his pain. I wish I cared but I don’t.
Josie is laying her hands in cement for the premiere. There’s lots of press and people there. Jughead as the date of the theater owner gets to hang out, leaning while looking snazzy in his custom black suit, while all the other boys (the prostituters Archie and Reggie, and the egomonster gays Clay and Kevin) have to be ushers. Jughead is completely unstarstruck by Josie, whatsoever. He only looks at and listens to Veronica. He’s really there for the movie. There’s a very important movie critic in the house too.
The movie starts.
And then the projection fails as the film melts on screen to a halt.
If they hadn’t bothered showing me that in fact Clay and Kevin did manage to thread the projector and make it work properly for Veronica’s private viewing of the movie I would’ve had something different to say, but this just seems like an accident.
Clay and Kevin are trying to fix it. Veronica freaks out. “You two are the worst projectionists in the world! You’re fired, WE’RE NO LONGER FRIENDS, and -and from now on you’ll be paying full price for movie tickets!”
This is the first time I think I’ve ever seen Veronica act like an actual 17 year old in the past seven years of this show. This is extremely funny. The ‘Oh good god, I forgot you were 17!’ look that Josie gives Veronica about this ‘firing the projectionists in the middle of a premier’ is even funnier. Josie takes control. People start to leave, as Clay tells her that it will take about five minutes. Josie decides to put on a show to save the er, show.
We get another fabulous Eartha Kitt (I assume this is Eartha, but also she’s the only one I know) song performance. Even Jughead looks transported. “I invented myself!” This is quite the lyric. Everything about this is so upscale. Beautifully done. (And in retrospect, what a tawdry sad little show Polly Amorous is putting on nightly. Sad.).
After everyone has gone home, Veronica reports back to Josie about what the Wall St. Journal is going to say about Josie’s very important movie. “An atomic bomb exploded in Riverdale!” is one of the sentences. They keep saying this - radioactive, atomic bomb - in this episode. Please no. Please please please no no no - don’t go there, don’t do this (But I’ve seen the gifsets from American fandom, I know they go there and do that.). The review is such a rave that Josie starts crying.
“I’m not dreaming?” she asks Veronica.
Veronica is so generous and kind. She says it’s already happened, because Josie was always a star. Her bet for her own business also worked out really well. And alpha recognizes alpha because Josie asks if Veronica isn’t just treading water in Riverdale, managing a theater, when what she should be doing (as a 17 year old high school student) is making movies. Veronica’s eyes light up, which Josie sees, and comments on. She wants to work together with Veronica again.
Archie comes home from his exciting night at the movie theater to find that Uncle Frank is reading the poem he was working on about his pain about his father. The poster on Archie’s wall says, “Fly Home Today.” Yeah, seriously, Uncle Frank, fuck off. All that Archie’s poem says is that his dad is dead. For some reason, Frank freaks the fuck out. He rips up the poem after screaming. He forbids Archie from writing about Fred being dead “like that again.” Is this a genetic problem that both Andrews guys have, this inability to comprehend?
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darwinquark · 1 year
Heyyy girl, I have been thinking about the last chapter ever since it was uploaded and I am kinda confused, does tony tell jug that veronica was there when she heard or does she choose not to mention it at all? Also in the sequel will jug know about how betty treated veronica in the hospital? And will barchie still be talking to jug (I don't think they will be talking to veronica still) and will they know about the (hopefully inevitable) jeronica getting back together
So I had a whole scene written between Toni and Veronica that I ended up taking out because it felt like too much that I'll add beneath the cut, but basically Toni is caught between knowing something feels off about how Veronica left/the way the Ghoulies conveniently took credit for everything, and knowing Veronica has been a shitty person before and could very well have just left because she didn't care enough to stay. And I think her major goal is just getting Jughead to heal and move on, regardless of what happened. So she's definitely being guarded with what she's letting Jughead know - he knows Veronica came to the hospital the night it happened, but he doesn't know how badly she lost it, and she's also keeping the scene I've added below from him (if I decide to keep it as a headcanon lol) because she's torn over how real it was or wasn't.
Betty and Archie do end up forgiving Jughead, and sadly on Betty's half it's somewhat born out of feeling like Jughead was just another victim of Veronica like she was, which sucks. Archie probably would've forgiven him regardless. That said, their friendship is never quite the same and they definitely drift after senior year ends. I'm not actually sure if Jughead will know what Betty did at the hospital, but both Jughead and Veronica go back to Riverdale at one point for a book signing thing in the sequel and Archie and Betty are both there. Veronica and Betty will have a scene where that's confronted.
Here's the scene Toni/Veronica scene I ended up taking out, which would've come right after the hospital scene - let me know if it helps flesh Toni out a little more. I was just going for mystery! Leaving you guys as confused as Jughead 😂
The knock on the door came three days later.
Veronica glanced up from the box she was taping shut, squinting through the mess of hair that’d fallen loose from her bun. The movers weren’t supposed to be there for another few hours.
Besides, only a handful of people knew to use the back door, and of those handful, two hated her guts and one was in a coma.
Her hands stilled.
“It’s Toni,” came the muffled reply, and her shoulders loosened a little. “I tried the front door but it was locked and no one answered.”
She abandoned the tape dispenser and made her way over to the door, wincing at the blast of sun that hit her eyes as it opened.
“Hey,” Toni greeted with a cautious smile, stare flickering a little when it took in her appearance. Admittedly, a stringy bun and yoga pants wasn’t her typical aesthetic. “How are you?”
Veronica blinked at her.
She’d had rum for dinner three nights in a row.
Toni shook her head. “Stupid question—did you get my texts?”
“Oh,” Veronica said, pushing some of the hair out of her face, “I switched number a few days ago, so no, sorry.”
“Well, definitely give me the new one because there’s been a ton of upda…” she trailed off, frowning at something behind her.
Veronica followed her gaze to the boxes scattered in the foyer. She cleared her throat. “Sorry for the mess.”
“Are you moving in or something?” Toni asked, stare tracing over the sprawl of half-packed clothes and personal items.
“Moving out,” Veronica clarified, an upside to her tomber en disgrâce being that she couldn’t care less who knew she’d lived there anymore. “Been here since May, actually.”
Toni’s stare flicked back to hers. “What?”
“Yeah.” She turned away, plucking a discarded sweater off the floor. “Came with the whole disavowing my parents thing.”
Toni blinked. “I—” she shook her head briefly, “I mean, where are you going, then?”
“The city.”
She felt Toni’s eyes on her shoulders. “Like for good?”
She’d never thought about how strange that expression was before, ‘for good’. “I guess, yeah. The movers are going to be here in a few hours, though, so I should probably finish up packing.”
“When are you leaving?” Toni pressed, and Veronica’s jaw tightened a little.
Silence met her back.
She carefully folded the cashmere, ignoring the words hanging unsaid between them.
What about Jughead?
“He woke up, Veronica.”
Her hands froze around the sweater.
Her heart leapt into her throat, thunderous and pulsing.
“Sorry, I know I should’ve let with that, I just—” Toni lapsed into a laugh, hope flooding into her voice. “It was only for a second, but he nodded yes and no to some questions before drifting back out, so the doctors are feeling optimistic.”
Veronica stared hard at the fabric in her hands.
Her vision was hot and blurry.
“He woke up, girl!” Toni repeated, lapsing into another joyful laugh, and Veronica nodded stiffly, forcing her hands to resume folding.
“That’s great.”
She blinked rapidly to clear the tears from her eyes.
“It’s more than great, it’s incredible!” Toni laughed, though it petered a little when she noticed her enthusiasm wasn’t fully shared.
Veronica placed the sweater in a box and reached down for another one.
Started folding it into neat little squares.
“Are you,” Toni faltered a little, “I mean, you’re going to go see him, right?”
Veronica’s jaw flexed as she folded the sleeves across the chest.
She’d known this part was coming.
“I think it’s better if I don’t.” She reached over and dropped it into the box, topping it off. “I don’t want to give him the wrong impression.”
A stiff beat of silence followed. “And what impression is that?”
She drew in a steeling breath before turning around, pulling her face into a mask of indifference. “Jughead knew what we were, Toni. He knew I was going to New York. None of this is a surprise.”
Toni just stared at her, visibly thrown. “Think he probably assumed you’d wait for him to come out of a coma first.”
She forced a shrug. “That’s on him.”
She turned around and reached for the tape dispenser as Toni broke into a scoff. “Okay, what’s going on here, Veronica? Because I watched three security guards carry you out of the ICU while you were screaming your fucking lungs out to stay, so this whole ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ routine isn’t really landing.”
“It’s not a routine, Toni, it just is what it is.”
“Look, I may not have been able to make out the details of your screaming match with FP,” Toni pressed in a hard voice, “but I know something went down there—something you’re both not telling the rest of us.”
Veronica’s jaw tightened as she kept packing.
“And now three days later you’ve packed up your life and you’ve changed your number and no one can get a hold of you and it’s almost like—”
“Like what?” Veronica snapped a little, tensing under the line of questioning.
“Like you’re trying to disappear,” Toni steeled right back.
A stiff silence followed the accusation.
Veronica merely stared down at the box, fingers tight around the tape dispenser. Struggling to drum up the stomach for what she knew had to come next.
“What happened with FP, Veronica?”
She couldn’t leave loose ends. She couldn’t leave any thread of hope or misunderstanding that he could follow back to her, otherwise what was the point?
He’d follow you anywhere—New York, prison, his fucking grave—and you’d let him.
She loosened her jaw and shrugged on the skin of the absolute cunt she’d been in prep school.
“Toni, everything about this fetid menstrual stain of a town is miserable.” She eased around to face her with a cold expression. “I sleep in a diner. There is a sex tape of me getting fingered by a townie. I spent Christmas being questioned by the police about gangs that sound like reject Hogwarts houses, I mean,” she gave a hollow laugh, “this macabre comedy of errors was never supposed to be my life. And Jughead getting shot five minutes before picking me up? Pretty thunderous wakeup call that I could be next.”
Toni’s eyes flickered in naked appall at the selfishness of the comment. “Is that all it was?”
Veronica’s shoulders tipped up coolly. “I’m not dying here, girl. It was a fun social experiment while it lasted, but I’m done pretending I have anything in common with any of the frankly incestuous people that live here, or that my life was ever meant to be as small as theirs. So yeah, I’m going back to New York, and yeah, I don’t want anything about this mortifying stretch of time following me there, and yeah, that means my coup de grâce is essentially a disappearing act. That’s it.” She shrugged again, pointblank. “That’s why I’m leaving. FP and his latent syphilis have nothing to do with it.”
Toni eyed her for a long, silent stretch before turning wordlessly toward the door. She paused in the doorway, hand catching the frame. “This will crush him. You doing this. Regardless of the reason. You know that, right?”
It took her a second to look up at her.
Veronica stared back vacantly.
“He’s a big boy.” Her mouth took on a horrible slant. “Surprisingly big, actually.”
Toni’s face flooded in disgust. She took a final beat to take her in, as if searching for any last shred of her that was worth knowing, before shaking her head and shoving the door open. “Have a nice life, Veronica.”
“That’s the plan.”
The door swung shut behind her, and Veronica waited till the sound of her car pulling away had fully faded before slowly sliding down to the floor.
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alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale, Ep.7x11 - Halloween 2 (spoilers)
With only 9 episodes left, the series finally, finally starts to deal with the main storyline. Maybe. I honestly don't even know anymore.
It's almost Halloween, which is apparently Veronica's favorite time of the year. And so she decides to go to school dressed as a witch. Not just a witch, a sexy witch. Yeah, that costume wouldn't fly in schools today, let alone in 1950. Also, it's not even Halloween when she does it, so why is she shocked people are staring? Anyway, apparently Riverdale doesn't celebrate Halloween anymore. Well, children do, but teenagers can't because a few years ago two River Vixens and two Bulldogs died in a crash when they were acting foolishly that night.
Veronica decides to host a special Halloween event at the theater. She invites everyone to come, but Jughead, Reggie, Betty, and Archie won't be there because of their own storylines. Alice gets wind of Veronica's event and, well, threatens her in Alice's own special way.
Toni wants Cheryl to go, but Cheryl can't as she always hosts a slumb....ah, skip it. Cheryl has someone else hold the party and she sneaks out. They, along with Kevin, Clay, and Veronica do a rendition of songs from Rocky Horror that somehow simultaneously does and does not get the point of Rocky Horror (yeah, I don't get how that managed that either.). Alice sneaks in and see all the naughty things going on. This will be a problem in the future (or they'll forget it next episode. Who knows anymore). At the end of the episode, Clay and Kevin confront Veronica on why she's sleeping at the theater. She tells them everything is fine.
Also, Cheryl, Toni, Fangs, and Midge go to Pop's where they decide to loudly talk about everything they don't want the people of Riverdale to know. Of course, Evalyn (oh, you're back again. Again.) just happens to hear everything.
Meanwhile, Betty is trying to figure out if she's into Reggie or Archie. As Reggie has never had a true Halloween before, she suggests she and Archie take him trick or treating, to a cemetery, and to...neck in a haunted house. So, Archie and Reggie put two and two together and realize Betty might be into both of them. And they agree if Betty seems to be interested in one of them more then the other, the other should bow out. So, they go trick or treating, they go to the cemetery (where it becomes obvious to Reggie that he should bow out), and then they go to the haunted house....oh look, it's Ethel's home. (Really, Jughead is the only one who gives two fucks about Ethel in this series).
Reggie bows out and starts to go home. Only to be picked up by Jason, who has been constantly driving around with other Bulldogs causing mayhem. Meanwhile, Betty and Archie are still at Ethel's home about to maybe have sexy times, when Betty sees the Milkman. Archie and Betty run away and go to her house. They're about to kiss when they are stopped by the second most horrible thing in Riverdale; Alice.
Archie is woken up in the middle of the night. Seems like Jason's car went off a bridge and there are players hurt.
Finally, Jughead is trying to convince everyone there's a Milkman who's a killer. Uh, this is why he needs a Betty type partner. Someone needs to reign him in before he starts, oh say, slapping milk cartons out of people's hands. Later, he talks to Ethel (oh, she's still here. Nice.). This convinces Ethel to escape The Sisters. Of course, she can't stay with Jughead as she'll easily be found. So naturally he suggests Radberry's apartment as it's paid for for the rest of the year (and surely the Landlord won't stop by). Jughead and Ethel try to solve the murder of her parents by going to the Pep Comics Halloween party to try and find the author of the original Milkman story. They are unsuccessful. Well one author is mentioned (I will NOT dignify this, Riverdale, with naming him), but he apparently killed himself saying he'll never write anything as good as that story. Jughead takes Ethel back to the apartment. Ethel goes inside and we see the milkman. Jughead walks down the hall but is stopped by Ms. Machina again, who lets him know about the milkman. Jughead bursts into the apartment to see the milkman dead and Ethel standing over his body with a bloody knife. (Also, quietist death ever. Those walls are clearly paper thin and yet nobody hears a thing).
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statticscribbles · 1 year
Monsterous Chpt 6
Summary: Givewaway, Multi-Chapter, Supernatural AU, Sweet Pea/Reader/Reggie Mantle; Fighting
Chapter 6/6
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”Cheryl’s been possessed!!!!” Archie grimaces and Veronica jumps up from her sweeping the floor of Pop’s; Betty and Jughead both look shocked and you look up from the book you were reading, Reggie and Sweet Pea scowling as they start to put the history homework away.
“How do we stop her? Uh it? The possession?? Is it a demon?” Toni’s asking and everyone shrugs a little, still uncertain as they make their way to the Blossom’s mansion.
You’re a little surprised that no one seems to be more shocked.
“Is this normal?”
“The possession? No, but Cheryl and the Blossoms are well, they’re complicated.”
“The Blossoms originated the curse that keeps us all in our monster forms; that keeps us trapped in the town. They control all of us in a way.” Toni seems unconcerned as Betty explains and you feel like that information should be less well known. You make a point of saying as much and Betty laughs.
“It’s not common knowledge, we’ve only learned about it over the past few years. As everyone’s monster forms were exposed, well everyone learned pretty quickly how the Blossoms affected all of us.”
“Mhm, depending how close we are, sometimes the Blossoms can force us to do or say things. It never lasts long, they’re not strong enough, the curse having been given by like a great great five more great grandmother I’d guess. Either way, there’s a spirit that hangs around them, forcing us to obey.”
“Is that what Cheryl has been possessed with?”
“Most likely, or whatever she’s been possessed with is even worse.”
“I’m not liking the idea of it being worse.” Reggie comments and you can’t help but agree.
Cheryl is screaming and then everyone else is and they're on their knees and screaming and howling in pain and it looks like their skin is being boiled alive with how it bubbles and Cheryl is screaming and then you realize you're the only one standing.
“I’m human, you don't effect me...'' Cheryl; or whatever is possessing her jerks back as if she's the one burned and you grin a little.
“You have no power over me.”
“Will... when you stay...” The voice is Cheryl's but also not, something else.
“I will stay but you wont take me.”
“When you're changed..” Cheryl snaps her teeth and you swear you can hear them crack with the force of it.
“Wolf or vampire; you'll be part of the town”
“You have no power over me because I'm not part of the original curse..” You stare and the creature inhabiting Cheryl’s body seems to twist and writhe inside her.
You understand, if you had chosen Sweet pea or Reggie, if either of them had changed you too soon you would have been part of the town, part of the curse and the spirit would have gained control over you. You imagine it would have made you kill your family or something horrific along those lines.
“How do you stop a possession..” You grumble and Betty chews her lip and offers out a book, Veronica is already pointing to a complicated spell, or what looks like it; it’s written in a language you can’t understand. You look back to them, everyone is still a little shaky, the minute Cheryl, and the spirit possessing her had left the area they’d all stopped screaming, had all woken back up.
It doesn’t help that none of them seem to have an answer for any of it, why you neutralize the curse for each of their monster forms, why the town seems to let your family  come and go as you all please.
It’s taken everyone almost a full two days of research, everyone is sleep deprived. Everyone is exhausted and you find yourself falling asleep between Reggie and Sweet Pea; both of whom haven’t even said a cruel word between them. Too focused on saving Cheryl; although Betty and Veronica both comment how it seems to be you driving them to be more peaceful. You agree that when all this is over you’ll talk with both of them and before you get a chance to promise it; Cheryl is in front of you, possessed and screaming and it feels like everyone else has vanished.
You knew this was the spirits doing; the way it had cursed everyone and their families; how you were human; how the curse didn’t affect you. That the spirit itself was growing tired, growing restless with all the destruction it was causing. 
You watch the spirit, you can see it hovering over Cheryl, controlling her like a puppeteer and you want to reach out, it looks like lace surrounding her; a faint gray fog.
“Home.” The spirit sounds like a child and you squint, realizing the lace is actually in the shape of faces. Children’s faces, your stomach sinks.
“Where is home?”
“Here.” One of the child’s faces seems to form more concrete; it looks familiar but you can’t seem to place where you’ve seen it.
“In Riverdale?”
“Here.” You swallow, looking around the mansion; you know this is Thornhill; you can see the way the boy blinks at you, you recognize his smile; you’ve seen Cheryl smiling at Toni like that.
“Oh, Jason, right?” You’re trying your best to keep your stomach’s contents in it as you realize Jason, Cheryl’s twin brother who’s been walking around has just been a shell, a created human with his Spirit trapped in the curse itself.
“Jason, do you want to go home? You’re already there, you just have to let go of Cheryl.” You don’t even know if that will work, you don’t know what age Jason is, or what he actually can do. Instead he nods, some of the lace looking fog lifting and you can see as he separates he looks more and more human, you can see his hands forming and you reach for one, surprised when it doesn’t fall through you.
“Want to go to bed.” He blinks sleepily at you; he looks to be maybe five; you think this is when he first got sick, you wonder when the first time he died was.
“Okay, yeah, let's get you to bed okay kiddo?”
“Okay.” Jason steps ahead of you and vanishes, you don’t know if you should follow him, but you step forward and find yourself standing back in the mansion; everyone around you watching, eyes wide.
“What happened?” Betty is the one to ask, and before you can answer; before you can lie; Veronica shrieks, and then suddenly everyone realizes the curtains have been drawn back, and Reggie isn’t burning in the sunlight.
“Oh.” Everyone is standing around watching the sunrise, and you stand between Reggie and Sweet Pea knowing you have the rest of your lives to talk about everything going on.
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dollythesheepp · 1 year
Veronica- Chapter 10
Dear Westerburg... You may find what I've done shocking ...
Instead of more details about Veronica's fight with her friend Heather, or lovestruck ramblings about JD, all Betty found when she turned the page were scratched out words, written in a different handwriting than the one she had become accustomed; the phrase occupied one line, and there was nothing else written on it. Betty furrowed her brows and turned the page.
Dear world... No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings.
Same thing. The sentences looked like drafts, as if Veronica was writing a letter and she just couldn't find the right words. What did she do that was so shocking?
Expecting another entry like that, Betty turned the page again, this time staring at Veronica's usual welcome in her messy, barely readable handwriting.
September 24th, 1989. Dear diary...
The single word was written in big, block letters, and it took over three whole lines on the page. Betty chuckled, finding that specific entry funny and very teenage like. She stopped chuckling when she got to the next paragraphs.
Dear diary...
I might as well stop sending my applications to ivy league colleges now, as I'm sure the only place I'll be attending next year will be San Quentin.
I can't believe I actually did that. I just killed my best friend (and my worst enemy, but there's a fine line between those two, as I've come to learn.)
It's been three hours, and I still haven't come to terms with it. Because how exactly do you process something like that? I'm sitting in my room, jumping at every noise my parents make downstairs , just waiting for the moment the police will come knocking on my door.
I can't talk to anyone, not Mom and Dad, not the Heathers (the ones that are still standing, anyway), and not even my freaking therapist. You're the only one I trust now.
What the fuck have I done?
Betty only realized her mouth was open when she started to feel her tongue dry; she closed it and blinked rapidly, snapping out of her shock. She adjusted her glasses on her face, and read everything again, to make sure her myopia hadn't somehow distorted Veronica's words and made them seem like something entirely different than what was in fact written.
That had to be a joke, right? Some sort of dare. Or perhaps Veronica was speaking in metaphors and hadn't actually meant killing her friend in the literal way.
Betty turned the page.
September 25th, 1989 Dear diary...
Heather Chandler's death has wreaked havoc throughout Westurburg. The student body is in shambles now that they've lost their queen.
Heather McNamara can't stop crying (in the moments when she isn't sucking face with Kurt Kelly or complaining about how unfair it is that we only got half a day off from school. Everyone grieves in their own way, I suppose..), Heather Duke has suddenly lost her urge to purge now that Chandler isn't here to comment on every calorie she ingests, Peter Dawson is bragging to everyone about how he was one of the last people to go on a date with the recently deceased Heather and Miss Fleming is in some weird sort of power trip, as if Heather's death awakened in her a need to change the world by forcing teenagers to talk about their feelings.
And me...well, I know that I rambled on about wanting to kill Heather, but I did not plan this. It's one thing to wish someone was dead and it's another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer.
Having said that...If I had the chance to go back in time and undo what I did, I'm not sure I would have changed anything .
Betty blinked, her shock preventing her from expressing any other reaction. She closed the diary as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat and went to bed, finding herself unable to keep reading more.
That night, she didn't sleep.
Once the first rays of sunshine started to light up the guest room, Betty gave up on trying to sleep, after restless hours of tossing and turning all night. She stayed in bed, clutching her comforter and staring at the ceiling with a hundred thoughts running amok inside her head, and got up a few minutes after Martha arrived at 8:30; JD woke up shortly after, walking down the stairs already dressed for work.
As usual, Betty found herself in the routine she had established during her stay. She had breakfast, alone this time because JD was late for work and left with an empty stomach and a thermos full of coffee, then she went to the office to work. Seating in front of the computer, Betty couldn't keep her eyes off of the window, where she could see Veronica in the backyard with Martha. They were enjoying the sun as they usually did at that time because Betty wasn't the only one with a routine there.
As a matter of fact, most days in the Sawyer-Dean residence felt exactly the same, like they were all characters in a movie that was being played over and over again. JD would leave for work, Martha would take Veronica outside for a couple of hours and would read her a book or talk to her, then she was fed, cleaned, and Martha would put her back in bed and turn on the TV for her until it was time for her to go to sleep. Sometimes JD would take Veronica downstairs, once he got home, and he'd tell her about her day, other times he would go to her room and stay there with her for hours.
Betty couldn't help thinking about how she would feel in Veronica's position. How draining it must feel to be stuck in that repetitive pattern for the rest of her life. With that thought in her head, she got up and closed the curtains; she didn't want to think about Veronica.
She tried to focus on her job, but the words written in Veronica's diary kept coming back to her every time she closed her eyes. Veronica had killed someone. And according to what she wrote, she didn't feel sorry. Shocked maybe, and scared of getting caught and ruining her life, but she showed no signs of selfless remorse for ending the life of a seventeen year old girl who she had once called a friend.
Did JD know about that? Betty couldn't help but think that God certainly did, and that was why Veronica's life had turned out the way it did. Commeupance comes one way or another.
Eventually, Betty managed to forget about the diary for a few hours, her desire to finish her job serving as motivation for her to work faster. With the curtains closed, she didn't feel the hours go by, nor the sun go down until JD knocked on her door.
"Hey," he poked his head inside the office. "Just wanted to see how you were doing."
"I'm good, thanks," she smiled. She glanced at the swatch on her wrist. It was 6:15 p.m. "You're home early today."
JD fully entered the room, leaving the door slightly ajar after he passed. He gave a shrug. "Yeah, I managed to finish some things earlier," he said. "Do you like pasta? I know it's early but I'm starving."
"Same," Betty said. She managed to get through the day with three cups of coffee and one cereal bar, completely forgetting about lunch. "And pasta sounds great."
She followed JD to the kitchen, and she settled down on one of the chairs to watch JD cook. As always, he refused to let her help but after some insistence, he conceded and let her make the salad while he took care of the rest.
"Do you know what I realized?" JD spoke up after the two of them had finished eating. They were seated in the living room, a soccer game playing on the TV, while they rested from eating what felt like enough spaghetti to feed all of Italy.
"What?" Betty asked from her spot on the armchair. She had opted to not seat on the couch with JD; she didn't know how she would feel knowing that he was that close to her and she didn't want to find out. The daydreams and the indecent thoughts were enough.  IItwasnt even because of Martha, she had left earlier that day, but even so, Betty thought it was best to put some boundaries out of respect for JD.
"I talk so much about myself but I barely know anything about you," JD said. It was true, JD did talk a lot about himself but only because Betty asked a lot of questions, she didn't like being the center of attention and she enjoyed getting to know him, so it was always a win-win.
"There's isn't much to know," she said. "I don't have any interesting stories or anything like that."
"Just tell me anything. Where did you grow up?"
"Cleveland," she said. "And you just did the typical 'Oh, I'm so sorry for you'  expression I normally get when I say that."
JD laughed. "There are worse places if that makes you feel better."
Betty knew that Veronica had also been born in Ohio, in a small town called Sherwood but she was glad JD mention that; she didn't want to think about Veronica.
"Maybe a little."
"Good," he chuckled. "Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?"
"No, at first I wanted to be a doctor but I think that was just because every mom wants that for their kid, including mine," she said. "But I'm very squeamish when it comes to blood and all of that, so I changed my mind when I was like 10."
"And how old are you now?"
"Hm," Betty pursed her lips. She looked down at her watch again, the numbers indicating it was 11:45 p.m. She chuckled.  "You're not going to believe this..."
"What?" he asked curiously.
"I'm turning 30 in 15 minutes."
JD's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" he said again. "Really?"
"What a crappy way to spend your birthday, with people you don't know and having to work all day," he said, giving her a sympathetic look.
"I've had worst birthdays," she shrugged.
"Stay right here," JD got up from the couch.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to bake you a birthday cake," he said, already raiding the cabinets to get the ingredients.
"You don't have to do that, it's so late..."
"No, I insist. What kind of birthday doesn't have a cake?" he argued. "Just watch some tv, I'll be done before you know it."
"No way, I have to see that," Betty got up to follow him into the kitchen, unable to contain her smile. That was by far one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for her.
50 minutes later JD placed a chocolate cake in front of her. He cut one slice for her and one for himself. The entire kitchen had been invaded by that delicious smell of freshly baked cake.
"This is really good," Betty said, after swallowing another big piece.
"I'll tell you the secret one day," he gave her a playful wink. "There's hm...there's some frosting on your face."
Automatically she placed her fingers on her face. "Here?" she asked.
"No, right here..." he leaned in closer, and gently put his thumb on the corner of her lips. He kept his finger pressed on her mouth for a second too long like he didn't want to let go. He was close, close enough that she could feel his breath on hers and smell his perfume.
Part of Betty was yelling for her to step aside, and get as far away from JD as possible before any of them could get hurt. Betty didn't listen. Instead, she ended the distance between them with a kiss.
He tasted like chocolate. At first, she thought JD would stop her, or pull away but he didn't. Betty was the one to initiate the kiss but JD was the one who took full control. And she allowed him because it felt so good.
It started slowly, but quickly things became intense, desperate. They both wanted it. She felt his hands running wild through her hips, her legs, her hair. Their lips were still touching, his tongue inside her mouth, her heart palpitating inside chest.
His kisses were exactly how Betty had imagined: explosive, ferocious, dangerous. And wrong. So wrong. But at that moment, neither of them seemed to care. It didn't matter that the hand fumbling with her shirt, desperate to yank it off, was the same hand that he wore his wedding ring, or that his wife was on the floor above. None of it mattered because it felt so right. And it felt so good.
She was thankful that Martha wasn't there anymore, otherwise, she would have heard them as they fiercely tried to quench their needs with each other.
Enthralled by it all, Betty didn't plan on stopping with just a kiss. She wanted more. And she probably would have gotten that, if it wasn't for the sound of something shattering on the second floor.
The noise startled the two of them, who broke apart instantly. JD looked at her, panting and his face red, with lipgloss smeared all over his face, and furrowed his brows, confused. A second later he was racing up the stairs in worry, Betty behind him.
He opened the door to Veronica's room and rushed inside, turning on the lights. He was still panting, but something inside Betty made her beloved that it was out of worry for Veronica's wellbeing, and not out of euphoria from the moment they had in the kitchen. And for a second she felt jealous of JD's invalid wife.
Veronica, as expected, was in bed. Her eyes were closed, it looked like she had been none the wiser about the whole commotion. How was it possible that the noise or JD storming inside her room didn't wake her up? Betty supposed she could be groggy from all of the medications she had to take, but still, she thought it was weird.
"Shit," JD's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she stopped staring at Veronica to look at him. On the floor, next to the window was a shattered vase, dozens of pieces, small and big, scattered all over the carpet.
"Did it fall on its own? How?" Betty wondered aloud, more to herself than to him.
"The window is open, it must have been the wind," he said. "Martha probably forgot to close it."
He tiptoed on the floor, trying to avoid stepping on the pieces of broken porcelain, and closed the window, making sure that it was locked this time.
Betty glanced at the sleeping figure on the bed. Veronica looked so peaceful, so fragile. She never would have guessed that Veronica had killed someone.
Betty swallowed the lump in her throat. "You're right, it must have been the wind..."
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jugheads-beani · 2 years
You lived in Riverdale for a while, untill your family decided to move. Your mom got a really good job, that she couldn't pass up. You didn't want to move because that meant you would have had to leave your friends Betty, Archie, Veronica and so on. You gave them your number before you moved, so you could still talk to them. After about a year, your mom got really sick. She had ended up in the hospital, and was slowly dieing. You of course told your friends, but told them not to tell anybody, so they didn't. Sadly about three months of your mother being in the hospital, she has passed, painlessly. You're dad became and alcoholic, and an aggressive one at that. Any little thing you did wrong, your father would hit you, over and over again. At first it made you cry, but eventually you gust got used to it. You told your friends everything. But again, you told them not to tell anyone, so they didn't. Since your father was spend so much money on alcohol, without a job, you guys didn't have enough money to keep living where you currently were. So you moved back to Riverdale, but in a junky trailer park. Your friends were so happy you were back. Betty asked if you all could meet at pops. You all agreed.
*time skip to pops*
Bee, vee and Archie were all waiting for you outside of pops. You ran up and hugged them, you had a huge smile on your face. Untill you walked in. You saw your enemy Jughead. You never knew why he hated you so much. And because you are an overthinker, you always thought you have done something wrong. But you never wanted to ask him because you didn't want him to be rude to you.
"come on Y/N let's go sit down" Betty said.
"ok" you said not smile but not frowning either.
"Y/N? Is that really you?" Pop said, as he came to take your order.
"yeah, it's me! It's good to see you pop!" You say happily.
Jughead heard pop say your name, so he looked up to see you sitting with everyone. He stared for a minute before scuffing to himself, and rolling his eyes.
*time skip to your first day of school*
You weren't exited for today, because you have anxiety, and hate being in big crowds of people. Bee and vee were waiting for you by the doors, to walk you to your locker. You got to your locker, and started to put your things in it. Not long after jughead came to his locker to grab something.
"oh hell no" he said under his breath.
You turn around to see jughead looking at you with anger in his eyes. You knew very clearly what it looked like to have someone have anger in their eyes, because of your dad. In a way having jughead look at you angrily scared you, because you didn't want to get hurt.
"O-oh, I'm sorry, I'm in your way aren't I" you ask with a lump in your throat because you're afraid one, he'll humiliate you infront of everybody, or two he'll hurt you.
"Yeah, you are, now move before I move you myself. Hell, just leave the school no one wants you here anyways" he said moving slightly closer to you.
You now had water in your eyes, because when he said 'move before I move you myself' it scared you, you were so sure he was going to hurt you. He looked into your eyes noticing them water, and he could tell you were genuinely scared.
"i-I'm sorry..." You said moving out of the way. You go to the library to try to breathe and calm yourself down. As you left jughead had a bit of confusion and concern on his face.
"hey, why did y/n get so scared of me when I was just messing around... You know, like we always did..?" Jughead went to ask Archie.
"What exactly did you say to her...?" Archie asked cautiously.
"all I said was 'move before I move you myself'..."
Archies eyes got all wide, and ran to find you, because he knew about what happened to you and you're father. Jughead was left standing there wondering what he could have done. He didn't know exactly what he did, but at this point he knew he did something wrong.
Jughead went to follow Archie, as he went to go look for you. Archie eventually found you pacing around the library trying to control your breathing.
"Y/N I'm so sorry, it's ok, your going to be ok" Archie says. As he goes to put his hands on your shoulder to stop you from pacing, you flinch.
"slow down, I'm not going to hurt you, it's ok, just breath" he says pulling you in for a tight hug.
Jughead just stands there watching as you break down in Archie arms. *I did this to her. I am such a bad person* jughead keeps telling himself. He didn't like seeing anyone upset, let alone caused by him. Jughead hits the door frame and storms down the hall. He can't stop repeating bad things in his head.
You hear that jughead hit the door frame. You panic knowing your enemy just saw you in this bad of a state. You can only assume what kind of rumors he's going to spread. You begin to cry harder now, because you think you are going to get humiliated because of jughead.
Jughead's POV
I can't stop thinking about what I've don't to y/n I mean yeah I don't like her, but I didn't mean to upset her. I was only really just trying to mess around. We used to do that to each other before she left.
"hey... Uh Betty.... Is there something I don't know about y/n..." I ask Betty because I'm really concerned now.
"wh-what do you mean..." She asked as if she's trying to hide something.
" I was only trying to mess around with y/n, and then she got like a fear in her eyes, and they started to water. She stuttered and walked away with hitched breathing. I told Archie and he immediately ran to go check on y/n. I followed him and saw her crying, and she couldn't breathe. I left because I couldn't stand to see her that upset... because of me" jughead said with a really concerned voice.
"what exactly did you say to her...?"
"move before I move you myself..."
Betty's eyes shot up to look at me, in kind of a disappointed/worried look.
"she's going to hate me for telling you but-"
She was cut off by the school bell.
"I'm sorry I have to get to class, I'll tell you later..." She said walking off.
Back to 3rd person POV
While jughead was in class, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened. You arrive to the class jughead was in. The only seat that was available was one that was right next to jughead. You let out a sigh and go sit down. You begin to bounce your leg because you are anxious. Jughead noticed and he feels bad. He doesn't want to touch you because he doesn't want to scare you.
"we have a new student today, why don't you come up here and tells us about yourself?" The teacher says to you.
Everyone turns to look at you. This sends you straight back to a panic. You are now breathing heavily. The only thing you could think about is what your father has done to you. and you hated talking in front of people. You see people whispering, and you know it's about you. You begin to get shaky. You look around the room with water in your eyes. Jughead sees. You get up and leave the classroom trying to make it to the bathroom to calm down. But your panic attack has gotten too bad. You end up falling on the floor because you are too shaky to walk. Back with jughead he sees you leave, and he knew you were having a panic attack. He knows how to help someone calm down, so without thinking, he goes and follows you.
Since you fell in the floor you kicked yourself up against the locker, your knees to your chest crying, shaking, unable to breathe. You feel a hand on your shoulder.
Jughead finds you and places a hand on your shoulder.
"hey, hey, hey, shhhh, it's going to be ok. I got you, I won't hurt you. Listen to my breathing" he says pulling you into a very tight hug.
It was surprisingly comforting. You forgot about what happened earlier. So you just stayed in his grasp. You finally begin to calm down. Your breathing is back to normal but you are still shaking, and crying.
"wh- why are y- you helping m-me...?" You ask as you remember what happened earlier.
"y/n listen, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just messing around with you. I didn't mean it... Can you tell me what's going on please...?" He asked genuinely concerned.
"I- I just have social anxiety, I hate talking in front of people" you say trying to avoid his real question.
"y/n you know what I mean... Why did what I said effect you so strongly...?"
You get a flash back.
If you ever tell anyone what is done to you, I will kill you. Better yet, I'll tie you up, stop feeding you, and watch you suffer, a slow agonizing death.
Out of flash back
"i- I can't, I'm sorry. But... How do you know how to deal with panic attacks so we'll...?" You say trying to get to a new subject.
He just stairs at you for a second. "... Well, my mom and dad would get in huge fights. And my little sister Hates yelling, so she would come to me having panic attacks. So I would help her, I'd put in music on headphones, as high as it could go, lock the door, and rub her back, letting her know everything was going to be ok... That's if I wasn't involved in the argument"
You just look at him, now feeling bad for him and his sister. "How- how often is this...?" You as now worried for him and his sister.
"... usually on a daily basis... But don't worry about that, it's ok, I know how to deal with it. I promise. But should we get back to class? Are you ok to go back?" He asked in a soft tone.
You sniffle "I'm sorry that happens to you, but yes let's get to class"
You guys both head back to class. (You aren't crying or shaking anymore)
You were sitting on the bleachers outside crying looking at a necklace your mom gave you before she passed away. Jughead come up slowly once he saw you crying.
"hey... Y/n..." Jughead asked cautiously.
You quickly wipe your tears, hide the necklace and look over at jughead.
"y- yeah, I'm in your way again I'm sorry, I'll leave" you say grabbing your stuff to leave.
"hey, woah, no, stay your ok. What was that, that you were holding?" he asked with a slight smile.
"oh uhm, its- it's a necklace my mom gave me..." You said tearing up again.
"oh that's cool! Uhm I know we didn't have the best of time meeting again earlier, but, if you want to, you can come back to my place...?" Jughead asked. You would have expected his offer, but just then you remember you are supposed to be home by a certain time. If you weren't, your dad was going to beat the shit out of you.
"I'm so sorry jughead, I would, but I seriously have to get going!" You say nearly running after grabbing your stuff.
Leaving jughead just watching you leave. He knew this time he didn't say anything wrong, so he didn't know why you just ran off like that. So he decided to just go home.
Time Skip To When You Get Home
You are walking up the stairs of the run down trailer you live in. You hesitate to open the door, because you know what's going to happen. You open the door, and immediately see at least 5 bottles of alcohol just sitting around. You knew it was going to be a long night.
"HEY, YOUR LATE, AGAIN, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS YOU BRAT! GET OVER HERE!" he screams slurring over his words because he is drunk out of his mind. You walk over there looking down.
"HEY LOOK AT ME WHEN IM SPEAKING TO YOU, YOU FUCKER!" he yelled grabbing you by the hair so you look up at him. You wince in pain while looking at him.
"I'm sorry" you said softly.
"I didn't hear you say sir after that! REPEAT YOURSELF! he screams, his grip tightening in your hair.
"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again sir" you said, on the verge of tears.
"now for your punishment. You are not going to eat anything here, or at school for a week and a half!" He yelled, nearly throwing you across the room. You trip and hit your back on the wall, knocking a picture down, and it shattered.
You look up in fear. You see him coming at you. He grabbed you by your arm and threw you down on the floor. "YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE! YOU MAKE A MESS IN HOUSE AGAIN AND ILL KILL YOU!" he screams. You now crying in pain on the floor.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" he yells.
"yes sir" you said struggling to speak.
"I didn't hear you!" He said in an angrier tone, but a bit quieter.
" YES SIR! IM SORRY SIR, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN SIR" you yell crying, because you are scared and in pain.
He throws a bottle of alcohol at you, and it shattered. A piece of glass ricocheted off the wall, and slammed into your arm, making you wince in pain, once again. Now crying harder.
Suddenly you hear the door open, and see your dad being held up against the wall by someone. That "someone" had a knife at your dad's throat.
Jughead's POV
When i was on my way home. I heard yelling and things breaking in a trailer right by mine. First thing that came to my mind was that it might have been construction...? No it couldn't be, why would there be yelling. I then realized that it was a scream crying. So i went to go see if everything ok, because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Iay be rude verbally, but I'm not going to let anyone get hurt.
I went to the trailer where the yelling was coming from. I looked through the window, and saw y/n on the floor, crying, blood dripping from her arm, and her dad hovering above her, yelling at her. I had enough of seeing this. I kicked down the door, and pushed Y/n's dad against the wall, holding my knife at his throat.
"Did you tell him what I've been doing to you?!" Her dad said looking at her. I put my knife closer to his throat.
"n-no i- I didn't t-tell any- anyone" she said studdering over her words because she was having a panic attack, and couldn't breathe.
"What have you been doing to her!" I yelled in her dad's face.
"haha, I knew she was a slut all along, your probably her boyfriend aren't you" he said. Which really pissed me off.
"ANSWER MY GOD DAMN QUESTION! WHAT. THE. HELL. HAVE. YOU. BEEN. DOING!" I yelled applying more pressure to his throat.
"isn't it obvious, I've been punishing her. She got home late, broke a picture, and then didn't obey what I have told her to say" he said with a devilish look on his face.
I dragged her dad outside, and tied him to a chair so he couldn't get away.
Third person, pov after everything that just happened
Jughead ran back inside, and dropped to his knees to care for y/n.
Y/n was having a really bad panic attack, and in severe pain. She was shaking, so unbelievably much. And she literally couldn't breathe. And the crying she was doing, wasn't help the situation.
Jughead pulled her into his lap, and hugged her tight. And eventually it did help calm her down. Once she was able to breath a little better, jughead picked her up, taking her over to jughead's trailer, to get the glass out of her arm, and so she would hopefully feel safer.
I was still crying and shaky, but I could breath a little bit better after getting the comfort of jughead. Once he carried me to his trailer he placed me on the counter. He put on gloves and put some numbing lotion on my arm were the glas was.
I was surprised he knew how to do all of this. But I was glad he did know. He pulled the glass out of my arm, and bandage's it up.
At this point, I wasn't crying, but I was still shaking.
He carried me to the couch and places me down gently. He went to the kitchen, and came back with a snack, water, and a few selections of movies.
This made me smile. I accepted the water, and the movies, but I didn't feel like eating. He helped me put the movie in, and he was about to leave.
"w- wait, jughead, where are you going? I can't just stay in your house..." You say
"it's fine y/n, you can stay here. I have to take care of something, but make yourself at home, please!" He said with a faint smile. So I felt warm inside, and a little happy.
I had a feeling I knew where he was going, I think he was going to go deal with my dad. I know it's wrong to think, but at this point, I didn't give a shit what happens to him.
While watching the movie, I drifted off to sleep by accident.
The next thing I knew, I was in a bed, all tucked in. I realized it wasn't my house. I slowly got up, and looked to see what was going on, because I had forgotten what happens last night.
I walked out in the living room to see jughead sleeping on the couch. I felt bad because I had technically just taken his bed. But I didn't necessarily want to leave, because I knew he would have been worried, if he went to go check on me and I wasn't there. But I also didn't want to wake him up, so my only option was to go back to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up, late for school. So in a panic you shot out of bed. But not long after I was stoped.
"woah, you aren't going to school today, and neither am I, just go lay back down, you need rest" jughead says.
"but jughead, I can't just keep you from going to school, I don't want to be the reason that you are behind, and possibly in trouble-" you were cut off
"this was my choice y/n not yours, I want to stay home, and watch over you. And there is no getting out of staying here" he said getting up and walking you back to the bathroom.
"ok, I suppose I could stay hom- here today, I am quite exhausted, but I'm not going to take your bed again, it's your not mine" you say leaving the bedroom.
"ok, of that's the only way I can get you to stay, then I'll agree to that. By the way, you don't have to worry about your father anymore, he's taken care of, and you are staying with me and FP" he said
Knowing that I didn't have to deal with my father anymore, gave me a smile, and I was kind of happy to live with jughead, and I don't know why. But I have no idea who "FP" is.
"are you sure I can live here? I'll get a job and everything to help pay for rent! Also who's "FP"" you ask.
"first of all, you don't have to do anything to live here, you just have to be safe. And we already paid the trailer off, so there is no need for that. FP is my dad. Don't worry, he doesn't drink anymore, and if he decides to come home one day drunk, I'll take you to the whyte whyrm (I don't know if I spelled that right) where all my buddies will look after you. I have this all under control, you don't have to worry about a thing" he said
Him saying that made me really happy. I smiled a big genuine smile, I don't think jughead has seen my actual smile before.
"thank you jughead, this means a lot to me, a lot more than words could ever say" I told him.
He just smiled back at me, and went back to whatever he was doing, and I fell back asleep.
After I woke up, I rethought about what happened again last night. It made me genuinely happy, so I smiled to myself.
"Someone woke up in a good mood this morning, how'd you sleep?" Jughead asked.
"I slept good, I felt... Safer..." I say
"I'm glad you feel safe here" jughead says with a smile.
For a while I just lied in bed, really just thinking. About all sorts of things. I finally decided to get up. I go down stairs and get some breakfast. I just made a bowl of cereal.
"hey... Uhm... Y/n... Can I ask you something...?" Jughead asked, almost scared.
"yeah, of course, anything" I say with concern on my face.
"So, uhm- I- I know we started off on the wrong foot... I apologize for that. I never should have just assumed, and made fun of you. I don't want you to think I'm taking "pitty" on you, because I'm not, I know you don't like people who do that. I guess what I'm trying to say... Y/n... Will you be my girlfriend...? Jughead asks, fidgeting with his fingers.
I stand there trying to process everything he just said.
"Jughead i- I don't know what to say... I don't like commitment... But- I trust you" I say
There is a long pause
" yes, I'll be your girlfriend jughead" you say finally
He smiles, runs up, and kisses you. A long hard kiss. It was just as much your kiss as it was his. He held my face after the kiss, looking deep in my eyes. And I lean back in to kiss him. This time, it was a lot more lustful, and passionate.
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This is you taking pictures of him after you guys got together.
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Joy of Lyon
Life couldn’t be better. In fact, David couldn’t even imagine how it would go up from here. Well, he obviously could, if he were able to close the merger with Yorion printing, and his doctor had told him to start watching his weight, but things were going swimmingly. Company profits were up, he had new hires, and who knows, maybe Veronica would say yes to a date with him. He’d just need to find time away from Betty and the kids. About those new hires though… “Veronica, has Gordon got his report yet? I always tell him, every third of the month.” “Not yet, Mr. Hayder, I’ll be sure to let you know when he does.” “Lovely, just lovely. Well in any case, I was wondering if you’d be fre-” “I have Eddie’s report in, and the one for this month as well.” “Oh that's wonderful.” David was glad that someone could get it together in some respects. On his way out of the office, he snuck over to Eddie. “Well done lad, you’ve done great work with your few months here, keep it up.” Eddie turned to him, cheerful as always. Light brown hair, green eyes, and always a sweet smile. His eyes were beautiful, always staring off somewhere while keeping that same smile. David loved it, Eddie always looked excited to be at work. But like all days, this one came to an end, and everyone returned home.
Eddie did not. His home wasn’t somewhere he’d been in quite a while. He had a nice little place he stayed for the time being, not too far away from work so as to be able to catch the bus. It was about a 45 min trip from his work to his house. When he walked in, it was dark and cold, as always. Eddie’s face didn’t show it though, always a grin, even if it was slight. He sat down, turning on the TV in his house. He had some good plans for tonight. Nothing but him, Seinfeld, and the stuff he’d bought off that friend of a friend. He smeared on some peanut butter, sprinkled it on the bread, and off to the races he was. 
When he woke up, he was… somewhere. Not sure where, never was. A beautiful pink landscape as far as the eye could see. Well, not really pink, it was almost like every hue and shade of brightness all at once, like checking the pulse on life itself. He loved just lying there, drifting through that pool of life for what felt like forever. Life could not reach him there, the day could not reach him there, his… it almost felt like… 
He woke up. But he was still here. Not normal, he thought, and yet he felt more awake than he normally did while high. He then heard a laugh. Like something sweet, something like honey, but more beautiful, like a piano. He saw a girl sitting in this primordial soup and watching… Seinfeld? Was that his TV? He went over to go see. “You like this episode too?” he asked. “YEAH, NO SOUP FOR YOU,” she shouted. “Well I guess you do.” The girl looks up, and her face slowly changes to one of confusion. “What?”
Eddie’s up. It’s 4 am. He can’t really move, but as soon as he finds his function again, he is up. He quickly showers, changes his suit, and goes off to work. He wears that smile, sitting through meetings and jokes and subtle flirting. He smiles through it all, it helps. When he is done saying his goodbyes, he gets home. He smokes a little while playing Smash 64 and builds up a bit of a buzz. He then remembers her. He wonders who she was, why he dreamt of her. Peanut butter and sprinkles on top again, why not. 
He wakes in the same place, but able to move freely now. He can still hear Smash 64 in the distance. He turns to look up. It’s the girl again, sat there at the edge of the world playing it on his N64 with his controller. “Bit unfair,” he thinks, “that’s one of the two, she could at least have asked.” He approaches her, but she notices this time, and jumps up. “Are you ok?” he asks. “How…do you know who I am?” “I was fixing to ask actually, you seem familiar.” “My name is…well, they used to call me Joy.” “Lovely name,” he says. “That's just the thing, they said I couldn’t have it anymore, that I was delirious now because we lost the joy.” “Who’s they?” “The others.” “Well it’s a shame for them to say that to you, may I still call you joy?” “Sure, is this your game?” “Yeah, it’s a n64.” He saw his extra controller, sitting as he left it. “Want to play a few?” “Sure,” she said, a smile creeping on her face.
In those many months, he would visit often. He got time off of work due to his diligence, and spent most of it with Joy, playing games or watching shows. It was something to break up the time. “Why do you visit me so much?” “I don’t know, it’s just enjoyable. I don’t have to worry about being anything, I can just be.” “Do you only feel that way here?” “No, at home I did. I always do.” “Where you live right now?” she asked, prying. “No, in Lyon. Where I live now is just a place I live, but Lyon is home.” The smell of food on a good day, the smell of the sea. That was home, and it smelled just like this place. Just like her. “This place is better than that home though. At least here, that smell or those memories won’t change.” he said to Joy, deep in thought about his last remark. “Maybe that is why you see me,” she calmly said. “Maybe you want to see it so bad, that you do.” He thought about that for a long while. It was the last thing he remembers her saying. 
He remembers bits and pieces. The rehab, the health scare, his mother. It’s like a cut up photo on the floor, impossible to get together again. They pushed and pushed for him to step away, for him to never be able to meet with the woman who he called home. He would never again be able to find his way back to her. He would never feel the joy of Lyon again.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Chicken Noodle Soup For The Shit Sole
Mother dragon’s tiny indulgence: Archie Comics. Never mind that it’s plastered with adult content for me to consume at around 6 going 7 years old. She even wanted to name me Maria Veronica and nicknamed Ronnie. :D When she told me this, I asked why she didn’t choose Betty, Josie or Cheryl, instead? She stared at me blankly and said, BASTA. Damn, gender bender since 1986 talaga.  Zygote pa lang ata ako, queer na ako since akala ng mundo namin sa Pasay is lalaki ako. Dad betted na if I’m a boy which he is super confident about my name is Jan Alvene. Alvene is a painful mashup of their names: Alex and Veneranda. Damn. Ang lala both talaga so, nag-isip talaga ako ng paraan para makatakas sa isa na namang kalokohan ng boomer parents. We can’t afford ultrasound noon and not sure if there’s such a thing na rin back then. LOL. All Pinoy signals of being a boy na baby, nasa mom ko. Napaglihian niya si Knight Rider aka David Hasslehoff so, sabi nila, when I move around my mom’s belly, iyak AF mom ko. Sabay two hands and feet. Opak. Tabi. Hahaha. Tuwang-tuwa naman daw dad ko because, for sure, this baby is maangas. :D Since mom and dad had a miscarriage, the two-year wait for me was a monumental one. Parang mali sila doon kasi when I was born, I had to be vacuumed kasi ayoko pa raw lumabas and malaking baby ako. But, wait, according to legit sources aka my dad and my ninong, titas and titos na kasama sa hospital, nag-brownout pa raw after kong lumabas. :D Shet. Kahihiyan na naman po kahit wala pa akong ni isang footprint sa earth back in ‘86, right? Later, I reasoned na baka nag-lights out kasi ‘di kinaya nung voltage ng vacuum because I was birthed in a super shabby lying in clinic lang with matching mga naiwang tsinelas sa ground ‘di umano.  I grew up in a compound that was filled with mostly adults. Even the kids there are pre-teens or teens na so ako lang talaga ‘yung bata tapos bilugan pa ako. Mom said na binawi niya ‘yung tiny food portions niya with matching a really healthy lifestyle na least fat, low carbs, and the works. Choice niya lang din. :D I was born super duper itim tapos may sugat sa scalp na malaki, super pango and syempre, naka RBF na ako. Hahahaha. I tried burning my super baby photos but mom lashed out on me. Super cutie ko raw pero dun din niya napatunayan na kahit panget akong baby, ang ganda ko raw sa paningin niya. She told me this nung naglalagay ako ng sipit sa ilong around 5 or 6 years old para daw ‘yung ilong ko umayos-ayos naman. HAHAHAHAHA. Syempre, ayoko ng sipit sa ilong, mhie. Ang sakit kahit may manipis na tissue in between my nose and the fucking’ sipit ng sampayan. Mom often recounted na nakita raw niyang needs improvement ako nung nakita niya photos ko with our malayong neighbor na maputing baby boy. LOL. Sabi daw niya, hassle ‘pag ‘di niya ginawaan ng remedyo. Mom and dad ko look saks lang. Very average. So, as a Taurus mom, she had to do a makeover sa akin. Damn. Bored stay-at-home moms nga naman. At ako pa unang pet  project. Syempre, baby pa ako noon so malay ko ba sa ginagawa niya sa akin. First, she shaved off all my hair. All of it. G na g dad ko kasi I looked like a legit boy na raw. HAHAHAHAHA. Sabi ni mom, walang makakapigil sa kanya because, my hair is like TROLLS since napaglihian din daw niya ‘yun. Cutie naman trolls ‘di ba? :D Sarap tirisin. I wore a number of bonnets para daw mukha pa rin akong girl pero mhie, no. Hahahaha. Then, ‘yung fingers ko, todo-massage daw siya kasi punggok nga ako so, sabi niya, try daw niya na maging decent-looking man lang fingers ko. Shet po sa details and focus ang nanay ko, ‘di po ba? Also, since funds are average din, ‘pag walang tao sa bahay, ‘yung suki niya sa Cartimar na nagbebenta ng goat’s milk, nagpupuslit sila sa house ng a few liters tapos binababad niya raw ako. Kasi legit, my skin is caramel. Sabi ko nga, sana ni-keep na lang niya caramel skin ko kasi hassle magbilad sa araw. Sabi naman ng nanay ko, ako na lang daw mamili kung anong gusto kong kulay. Ginawaan na raw niya ng paraan na kahit olive skin pa rin ako, mas bagay daw sa akin kesa super dark. UGH. ‘Di tiger mom nanay ko. Dragon mom. Burn, burn, burn since day one talaga siya. LOL. Hence, nasanay ako sa mga pangaasar with rebuttals at a tender age. Siguro pinaka arguable na ginawa ng nanay ko is i-correct ako since left-handed ako. Shet. Yes po. Sabi niya kasi, sa school daw, hirap maghanap ng left-handed desks. Mhie, why naman ganun. This is where my dyslexia journey started. Wala naman siyang kasalanan much kasi boomer. LOL. But, will share this next time, because, dyslexia is my curse and gift, too. EMS.  My childhood na wala ‘yung kapatid ko has been a relatively good one. Sabi nga ‘di ba your formative years really impact your life  kahit ayaw mo. Proof: Nood ka ulit ng This Is Us. :D Kahit ilang EPs lang. Ako noon, ‘di ko naiisip na may truth pala sa formative years na seeping sa adult life pero, damndamin. May sense pala ‘yun. I am able to air these out kasi, mas nakakausap ko na ‘yung inner child ko ng walang hagupit at impit. WIP pa rin pero getting there. ‘Di ko ramdam na unica ako kasi mom is never easy on me. She wanted me to take music lessons and all summer lessons kahit ‘di naman ‘yun bet ko. Then, planado na niya na all-girls’ ako all the way. Shet. May name drop pa siya ng school, mhie. LOL. Sobrang dream na dream niya ‘yun e ako, enjoy kalaro ‘yung apo ng tapat-bahay naming alta na naging friend ko mga lolo at lola nila first. HAHAHAHAHA. Natuwa kasi ako sa mini car nilang na with pedals. Syempre, since ‘di naman namin afford ‘yun, wait lang ako na pahiramin ako. ‘Di naman ako nambu-bully at all since all boys naman silang magkakapatid. Nung naging friends na mom ko saka ‘yung mom nung kababata ko, aba, umabot na kami sa twinning attires na androgynous. :D Wala naman akong naramdamang childhood sweetheart vibes kasi mas brusko pa ako sa kanila. Don’t get me wrong. Cuties sila pero super pino nila kumilos. Hahaha. ‘Yun lang naman ‘yun. Tapos na slight bangga ko pa ‘yung lola nila sa mini car kagulo. LOL. Baka need ko ‘tong i-address para makapag-drive na ako ulit. Forgive ko inner child ko na wala namang muwang. Mapilit lang noh? ‘Di naman nagalit ‘yung lola at lolo. As in. Terrified ako pero ‘pag uwi ko, syempre, sabi ng nanay ko, ‘wag na ‘wag na akong sumakay sa mini car. HAHAHAHA. Kung ‘di, alam na this. Weaved leather belt is waving. Eventually, naging best friends ‘yung nanay ko saka ‘yung nanay ng kababata. Sabi rin ng nanay ko, masungit daw ‘yung household na ‘yun pero smile ko lang daw and wave, pak na. HALA. Sabi ko, gusto ko kasing may kalaro na ka-age ko. ‘Yun lang. Bonus na lang ‘yung mini car kasi wala pa naman silang mini car nung naglalaro kami. Naka-bike pa kami noon.  We moved out of Pasay kasi ‘yung bahay na pinaka alta sa street namin nasunog nung anak ng may-ari. Jusq. Na-trauma yata mom ko kasi almost kabuwanan na niya ‘yun sa brother ko tapos mga 3 years old pa lang ako noon. Nung kasagsagan ng sunog which is malaki since big ass house talaga sila. ‘Yung laki na may marble tiles sa labas at may Chedeng at mataas na intricate gate. Ganern. Ang binitbit ni mother dragon are the following: camera, bike ko, milk with feeding bottle because this bilugang baby bitch is hangry since birth din, plus, wait, photo album ko. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Lekat. Sabi niya, she can’t move much and since her pregnancies come with bleeding, essentials lang daw dinala niya. I have flashbacks nung pag-kunot ng noo ko why dala niya bike and album and camera until now. Sabi niya, all stuff can be burnt to the ground kahit birth cert and marriage cert pero need ko raw ng laruan and memories na painstakingly niya ni-capture on film. Weirdo levels 100000000000000. Pero, fine. Gusto niya. She does not take spot on photos. Mostly awkward since walang artistic vibe nanay ko at all. Weakness niya ‘yan talaga. Masyado kasing technical si Taurus mom. As in. Wala siyang grey area. Always black or white AND black and white, sa akin ha. Pero sa brother ko, exact opposite siya. Skip na natin ‘yang part na ‘yan because, TMI na naman ako.  Since super tatawid na sa kabilang side, meaning sa side ng compound namin na wooden houses, naglakad kami sa eskinita and pumunta sa bahay ng ninong ko. Later, nung hinanap kami ng dad ko, stressed out siya kasi lahat nung kapitbahay and relatives na pinuntahan niya, wala kami doon. At last, nung natunton na niya kami, g na g na naman siya kasi bakit ang layo raw namin. Mom said na ni-sure lang niya na super duper our of danger zone kami. Dad asked mom kamusta bleeding niya. Oks naman daw. LOL. Pa-strong yarnnn?  I guess that my love for snaps and biking lead back to these roads. Ngayon ko lang ‘to na-realize. Medyo tearing up my heart and dying inside tayo because ang tagal nitong dumating na realizations pero OK lang kasi late is better than never and never ever. Kaya ‘di ko natuloy ang photography ganaps ko na because I silently melted away nung a week or so, nag-shoot ako tapos nung sa mom and bride na, talagang, guho-mundo kong ibabaw at ilalim. I (Also, bakit biglang piano version ng Reflection ang nag-play RN. Spotify, ang tahimik kong nagta-type dito a. Inaano kita? Inaano kita?)  was asked to be a junior photog na that time pero may onting conditions which I didn’t agree on like being part of a D-group. This came after a really passionate discussion about why metanoia exists and how it shows God is not a vengeful God. Hassle kasi talaga for me na direct hit ‘yung faith e pare-parehas lang ‘yan and dapat love is the true religion. Kanya-kanyang trip. Walang basagan. (Uy. Bakit ngayon naman, What The World Needs Now naman na jazz instrumental bigla nag-play. Eerily spot on kasi eto naman ang background music ng photos eme ng pinsan ko na ni-organize ko a few years back [though not this specific rendition] ??? FU Spotify.) Wala naman akong problema sa whole religion thing but the thing is... ayoko lang na faith ko which is rooted on my mother dragon’s plea will be on the line. Syempre, ‘di ko na ‘to sinabi which, I could have said out loud and proud, then. ‘Di naman ako magaling sa framing and technical stuff. LOL. But, I can say, I take photos like my mom... candid pero better framed. Lusot pa, mhie. Sagad mo. Kaya din super long overdue ng film photog era ko pero itatawid natin ‘yan para ma-test ang level of maturity natin. May Lomo naman ako saka Instax, pero iba pa rin ‘yung film snaps na may dark room. Baka umiyak lang ako sa loob. :D Hahahaha. Ang tagal ko ng may gustong specific camera and prime lens na pak for portraits and saktong bokeh babies. If not this year, sa 2024 na. It can wait. Kaya rin ayoko when people take snaps of me, 99.9% of my life.  LOLLOLLLOLLL. Periodt. More than me looking awkward talaga, I remember na every bad photo is an add on to mom’s curated ugh photos. LOL. Meron namang lumulusot ng snaps pero sobrang mapili talaga ako.  And biking? Even when mom is super duper conservative and fanatic ng black and white, she accepted me as a queer ever since. Syempre, naging hostile siya nung nagkaroon ako ng intro to L World because may barkada invite ako sa mga lez and butches nung high school, but, that aside, she allowed me to be comfortable with gender bending. She even got me several boy cuts ng hair para daw masanay ako na hindi lang one look ang meron ako. I have a very few dolls kasi ayoko talaga. And Lego and lutu-lutuan ang main free play ko noon. Both very gender-neutral and progressive. EMS. Kahit na 99% ng mga XY na umaaligid ay instant NO sa kanya, ‘di naman niya ako dinarang sa other side. :D LOL. Actually, super practical nga ng approach niya pero syempre, ‘pag hormones are cartwheeling and free-falling, ibang usapan na ‘yan. Twisted. Plot twists bombs everywhere. Sabi niya with feelings: If ‘di ka lang din sasaya, ‘wag ka na lang mag-asawa. LOLLOLLOLL. Tapos ‘yung meaning niya ng saya is 1000000% support and guidance to be a better person since maligalig nga akong tunay.  ‘Di naman need ng mayaman or whatever. Better daw na self-made or basta, matiyaga at madiskarte sa patas. And of course, dapat daw is God-centered.  HAHAHAHAHAHA. Basic ng reqs niya noh? Pak. Maka-checklist tapos ‘di naman ako chixxx since birth.  Also, sabi niya, mag-put aside para sa self. ‘Wag daw siyang tularan. ‘Di rin siya resentful sa life niya in general, mukha lang, pero sa deathbed niya, sabi niya is kaya ko na, noon pa. Shet. Gaging PL ‘to. Saksak puso. Bakit ko ba kasi ni-curate ito with feelings? Bakiiiittt? Ang aga-aga. Balik-BGC na kasi bukas kaya huling hirit bago ang bakbakang wantusawa.  Hello, friggin’ workflows. Come to this bilugan bitch because the bills and the life after bills are shaking. 
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theultimatewildcard · 2 years
"Because I love you, B."
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Secret admirer
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(Gif not mine)
Walking in the halls of riverdale is one thing but doing it during valentines day is another thing. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a date for a day weather its just for the day or this their partner, it just makes everyone who is single around them feel a little lonely. You see I had girlfriends but it never lasts till February. But I can always count on one thing, my random secret admirer that leaves chocolates and sometimes gifts in my locker every year since the fifth grade. It’s nice, I still haven’t figured out who it is. I just- haven’t gotten around to it. I live in Riverdale for godsakes there other more important things to think about.
I walk over to my locker, turning the dial on my lock and low and behold a heart shaped box of chocolates and a bouquet of red roses. I heard a gasp behind me and turn to see Veronica and Betty.
“Holy shit that looks beautiful. Who’s it from?” Veronica says squeezing past Betty to my locker to get a better look.
“It’s Y/N secret admirer. Have you seriously still not figured it out? It’s been years Y/N.” Betty says and Veronica grabs the box of chocolates and eats a piece.
“No. I’ve haven’t gotten too it yet. I was roped into the hole Jason murder thing that I haven’t really thought about it.” I say and Veronica shoves a piece of candy in my mouth.
“Doesn’t this taste like maple syrup or is it just me?” Veronica asks and I nod my head letting the sweetness overload take over my senses.
“Really?” Betty says grabbing a piece and taking a bite.
“Wow I’ve never heard of a chocolate like that before. You know what I’m going to look into this for you.” Betty says taking the box out of Veronicas hand and starts walking away.
“Betty you really don’t have too!” I scream as she walks away and she waves her hand dismissing me.
A little later at lunch
I was picking at my food and I heard two people sit across from me. I looked up and saw Betty and Veronica grinning at me.
“You would never guess who it was.” Veronica says snickering and Betty nudges her.
“So I found out those specific type of chocolate was made out of Blossom family maple syrup. They only make for the Blossoms.” Betty smiles proudly and my eyes widen.
“You gotta say it or other wise I might think I’m dreaming.” I state and they both smile.
“It’s Cheryl. Now get your ass up and go get your girl!” Veronica says coming to my side and pulls me up.
“But- what about my stuff?” I say as Veronica starts pushing me away from the table.
“We’ll keep an eye on your stuff for you.” Betty yells and I start looking around for Cheryl. I started walking around and find her looking into her locker. I tap her on her shoulder and she turns around and smiles once she sees me.
“Why hello Y/N. What can I do for you?”Cheryl says twirling a strand of hair in her fingers.
“I know it’s you who’s been sending me all those gifts on Valentines day. And if it’s okay with you I would like to kiss you now.” I put my hand on her waist pulling her closer. She blushes and leans in closer to my ear.
“Be my guest.” She whispers in my ear and I shiver. I move my lips towards hers nudging her nose in the process letting her feel my breath on her mouth. She bites down on my bottom lip making me groan slightly. I place my lips on hers and instantly tingle at the new found sensation that I have. Our lips start moving slowly together. I felt her hands move up my body and snake her arms around my neck pulling me ever so closer to her. I gently push her up against the lockers. She whined at the contact and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue in her mouth making her moan. After a little while longer we had to break apart due to the lack of air in. We both start panting, eventually slowing down our breathing and staring into each others eyes.
“So will you be my Valentine?” I ask looking down at her lips slightly.
“I will be more than just that Y/N.” Cheryl smirks kissing me again.
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Request: idk if requests are open but could you do and imagine where the cast is filming a scene and madelaine says as cheryl “How’s your boyfriend” and readers like “I don’t have a boyfriend” and madelaine says “oh I know I was just trying to remind u” and readers like “How’s your brother” and everyone starts bursts out laughing because it wasn’t scripted
hey! this was really fun to write so i hope you like it! and sorry it’s a little short. there’s a tiny hint of romance between reader and madelaine right at the end!
“Oh God.” Betty groans under her breath before her eyes meet Cheryl’s through the mirror. You tear your gaze away from the sink, shutting off the water before finding the source of Betty’s sudden annoyance. 
You roll your eyes when you see the redhead, her gaze already set on you and a smirk pulling on her lips as she looks you up and down. 
Finally Veronica joins in on the staring contest, putting the lipstick back in her bag and turning around. You and Betty share a tired look before following suit and for a few seconds, everything is quiet. 
Veronica looks annoyed as she picks at her newly manicured nails. Betty chews on her lip nervously as she glances between the slightly wet floor and the girl stood in front of you. And you’re just bored, you already know how this interaction is going to go, you just wish you could hurry up and get to it. 
Cheryl will say something rude, in a sickly sweet tone accompanied by a matching smile. And Betty will have to stop either you or Veronica from saying/doing something stupid. 
“Good morning to you too blondie.” Cheryl chirps, she’s far too happy at 7:30am and the tone of her voice causes a dull pain to form in the back of your head. Great, she’s been here for less that 30 seconds and she’s already given you a headache. 
Betty forces a smile at her cousin, a last ditch attempt to not end yet another interaction in a fight. But Cheryl ignores her, and instead of mirroring the clearly fake smile and moving on, her eyes narrow as she tries to figure out how else she can make the three of you miserable. 
“Move.” She barks and barges her way past you and Betty. Betty quickly moves to the side, rubbing her shoulder subtly as she quickly gathers up her things. But you don’t budge, instead you let her shoulder connect with your collarbone and stand your ground. 
“Nah.” You shrug and she pauses. Veronica and Betty share a worried look, they’ve been here before and it ended with you having a bloody nose and Cheryl a black eye that ruined picture day for that years yearbook. And as funny as it was to see Cheryl try and cover the bruise with enough makeup caked on her face to sink a ship, the days that followed were not funny. 
“I’m sorry.” She blinks and turns quickly. “Did you not hear me. I said move.” She continues and pokes a long finger nail into your shoulder. You look down in disgust, a frown pulling onto your lips as you look between her hand and you. 
“Y/n, it’s fine. Just leave it.” Betty says in an attempt to get the three of you out of the bathroom and into class in one piece. 
“Normally I wouldn’t agree with Betty but this really isn’t worth it Y/n.” Veronica adds making you roll your eyes. 
“Actually.” You argue. “I think it is worth it. Because we were here first, and if Cheryl wants something she should learn to ask nicely. She’s not bratty child anymore who can throw a tantrum and get what she wants.” You say, making sure to look at her as you talk and her eyes narrow at your words. 
“I-” She’s about to argue when you hold a hand, effectively shushing her and a small adrenaline rush courses through your veins. 
“So, why don’t you ask nicely and then maybe we’ll move. But really Cheryl, using violence as the answer? No wonder Toni left you. She may be a serpent but even you were too much for her.” 
Okay, maybe you went a little too far. Even Veronica looks scared for what’s about to happen which does little to help you feel confident. However you refuse to let Cheryl believe that she can just push people around, and yeah it was a little harsh but maybe it’s what she needed. 
Hurt flashes through her eyes as her composure falters for a few seconds. But as quickly as it disappears, her confidence comes back and she stands up straighter, folding her arms over her chest as the signature smirk finds its way back to her lips. 
“Y/n? How’s your boyfriend?” She asks and you frown in confusion. You send a quick glance to Veronica and Betty, both of whom just shrug and look back at the redhead. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” You reply and a small giggle leaves her lips. 
“I know, I was just reminding you.” She says making you stiffen and glare at her. 
“Hey Cheryl?” You ask making her hum as she smirks proudly to herself. “How’s your brother?” You say, maintaining eye contact and a surprised laugh escapes her lips. 
“Cut!” Someone behind you shouts. Lili is the second one to break character, laughing loudly and soon she’s joined by the rest of the cast and crew. You try so hard to keep a straight face, but when Mads looks at you, you know you can’t help it anymore and snort a laugh. 
“I’m really sorry.” You say through giggles. “But it was right there. You all would have been more annoyed if I didn’t say it.” 
“Sure they would have.” Cami rolls her eyes at you playfully.  
“Ouch. That was cold Y/n.” Madelaine says, holding a hand over her heart and you shove her gently. “And now violence. Maybe you should be playing Cheryl.” 
“Nobody plays evil bitch better than you babe.” 
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@amberritonicole​ @heytherejulietx
support my writing! if you’d like!
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Archie Andrews- I’m Sorry
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I wouldn't say I was a jealous person, I trust Archie and he trusts me, but when the new girl Veronica turned up, I became a girl I didn't know. Jealous, grumpy, sad all the time
"Hey YN. Where's Archie?" Betty asks walking into the student lounge with Jughead. Betty sits next to me while Jug sits opposite. I look at her with a sad face
"With Veronica. Betty I think he's cheating on me"
"Oh god not this again" Jughead groans
"Well what am I supposed to think Jug? what would you think if a new guy shows up and Betty starts hanging out with them everyday and blowing you off" Jug stays quiet “exactly”
“Hey guys” Archie walks in with Veronica. I stay quiet not looking at the two. Feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of Archie cheating on me “you ok YN?” Archie asks placing a kiss on the side of my head
“Just feel sick is all”
“Want to go to the nurses office?” Veronica asks. I shake my head no
“I have cheer practice, I’ll see you guys later” I get up from the couch and hear Veronica ask what was going on between me and Archie.
“So when was the last time you and Archie had some alone time together?” Cheryl asks as we stretch
“Like 3 weeks ago”
“So when Veronica showed up”
“Yep” I sigh “he’s never been like this before with any girl, so the only thing I can think of his that he’s cheating on me”
“Do you want to find out once and for all?” I frown looking at Cheryl “we can follow him and her find out what’s really going on”
“Are you sure. That’s a little… stalkerish”
“YN do you want to know if Archie is cheating on you or not”
“Of course I do but…”
“But nothing. It’s settled. We will follow them tonight”
That evening we follow Archie and Veronica to a jewellery store
“What the hell” Cheryl whispers as we follow them in and hide. We watch Veronica pick out a necklace and give it to Archie
“I can’t believe this. So he meets a girl and only 3 weeks later he’s buying her jewellery, we’ve been together for 2 years. Does it mean nothing to him?” I storm out of the store and over to Cheryl’s car
“I’m so sorry YN”
“How could he do this Cher?”
“What are you going to do?”
“Dump is sorry ass” I get in the car and Cheryl takes me home.
The next day I sit in the student lounge with Cheryl when Archie walks in
“Hey babe why didn’t you text me back last night?”
“Archie we need to talk”
“You want me to stay?” Cheryl asks
“No it’s ok Cher” I give her a quick smile before she leaves, well walks over to the other side of the room
“Ok before you say anything I’m sorry we haven’t been hanging out as much, but I have a good reason. Happy anniversary YN” Archie hands me a little box with the jewellery stores name on it. Holy shit I forgot about our anniversary. I take the lid off and see the necklace Veronica had picked out yesterday “Veronicas been helping me find the perfect present for you” I stare at it feeling guilty and so stupid “don’t you like it? If not I can get you another one”
“No it’s not that, I’m just an idiot”
“What do you mean?” Archie frowns putting his arm around my shoulders
“You’ve been around Veronica so much recently I’ve been paranoid that you’ve been cheating on me with her and I forgot our anniversary. I’m so sorry Archie”
“You think… oh YN. I’m sorry I’ve made you feel like that. I promise you I’m not cheating on you and I would never. YN I love you and I promise we can spend more time together now”
“Sorry I thought you were cheating on me and thank you for the necklace. I guess the best I can do now is buy you Pops tonight to say sorry and happy anniversary”
“That sounds amazing” Archie kisses my lips and in walks the others
“Happy anniversary you two” Veronica smiles at me and Archie
“Thank you” I smile back. All my worries have now disappeared.
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gayaristocrat · 3 years
Pretty Boy~
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Pairing: Yandere! Archie Andrews x Femboy! Male Reader
Tags: @dangerousstrawberryshark
Request: So do you still take request? and how is your day? I was thinking yandere Archie Andrew x femboy male reader. I like yandere books btw. The plot is that the reader is new to Riverdale high
‼Author’s Note‼: Boy when I tell you I had so much fun writing this!!! I'm so happy you requested this, cus' I finally can add some good Yandere Archie to my masterlist. Also, let me know if there are any typos or things that need to be fixed.
Word Count: 3,481+
Word Key:
(s/t) = Skin Tone
(h/hl) = Hairy/Hairless
Before you came to Riverdale High, things were very simple for Archie. His routine was very simple; get up, go to school, go to football practice, hang out with the gang, have some lovey-dovey time with Veronica, and if she didn't spend the night, he'd stay home and sleep in his cold bed alone, only being accompanied by Vegas.
But upon your arrival, something inside Archie shifted, he never could pinpoint what it was about you that made him fall for you, more specifically, obsess over you. Was it the way you walked? Was it your attitude or your personality? Was it the way you dressed? Well, whatever it was made Archie feel emotions he never felt before, something he's never even felt for Veronica. Something dark, something sinister. Every time he thought about you, the more he wanted to protect you, the more he craved you. He'd constantly catch himself staring at you in the hallways and in class. He'd even follow you home after school to make sure you made it home safe. It only made it worse when your family moved next door to him in the empty house on the right, it only made things easier for him. Archie had a place in his house he would call his 'special room' that was right next to your upstairs bedroom window that gave him the perfect view inside your room.
He'd always find it adorable how you had your collection of teddy bears of many different colors and shapes, how your room was decorated with pastel pinks and pastel purples. He had to be sure to board up his window in the room so you wouldn't catch him staring at your window. Archie wanted to do things to you he couldn't say out loud, disgusting, horrific, sinful things to you. He wanted so desperately to corrupt your innocent and pure mind. He wanted to chain you up and lock you inside this hidden room and hide you from the dangerous world. He wanted to be the only one to see your pretty (s/t) face, he wanted to be the only one to see you dressed in the cute frilly skirts you always wear to school. He wanted to make you his personal lap dog so you'd happily obey his every word and command without hesitation. He was so excited to have you, he even had a box he kept locked and hidden away in the room that was filled with lingerie, dresses, skirts, crop tops, maid outfits, and much much more for you to wear only for him to see you in. Archie knew that if anyone ever found out about his secret they'd view him differently, disgusted at him like he was some monster. So he had to make sure word will never got out, and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if he has to kill the ones who try to stop him.
-------Time Skip-------
The next day at school, Archie was in the student loungeroom with Veronica forcefully cuddling into his arms, making him internally cringe, but he had to keep up his 'perfect boyfriend' act so he doesn't spark up any suspicions. In front of them was Tony and Cheryl coupled up, and Betty and Jughead were doing their romantic thing, the whole group was just chatting and hanging out with one another.
The back of Archie's head was tingling, and a voice was telling him to look behind him, and oh boy was he glad he listened. When he turned his head, it seemed like time slowed down as his eyes were blessed with the most beautiful sight the could have wished for walked in, his crush. (Full Male Name), the boy of his dreams walked in the room, dressed in an argyle pattern sweater, under the sweater was a white dress shirt that was tucked into a pleated white skirt that had a two black stripped lines running along the bottom of it, white high top converse decorated his feet with black fishnet stocking that went all the way up under his skirt. His nails were adorned with light blue polish, his neck that Archie wanted to ruthlessly mark up was wrapped with a pearl necklace that was white and sparkling. Utter fucking beauty. Beauty that could make any guy bow at your knees, and make any girl watch in envy.
When you walked in the lounge room you waved at the gang and Archie, making the red headed boy's face flush red as his heart fluttered. You made your way past them and went straight to the table where Reggie, Sweet Pea, and couple of other Serpent boys were sitting. You walked up and gave the boys hugs and started chatting with them, which did not go unnoticed by Archie.
It made him jealous, it infuriated him. Why couldn't he cuddle you like the other couples in front of him? Why couldn't he be the one to make you laugh? Why couldn't he touch you like Reggie and Sweet Pea did? Why would you let them defile you like that? He couldn't understand it, you let them touch you, but you don't even see them as nothing more than friends. They had no fucking right to touch what belonged to him, Archie had to fix this and he had to fix it fast. Blinded with rage, Archie unconsciously tightened his grip on Veronica's hand she forced into his, causing her to wince in the subtle pain. He quickly let her hand go at her outburst.
"Archiekins are you okay, you've been acting weird ever since the new kid transferred here?
Archie grabs and shakes his head in an attempt to get rid of those thoughts, and get himself back together.
"Uh, yeah Ronnie, it's nothing. Trust me, it has nothing to do with (Male Name). Um...I have to go and uh, take care of something. I'll probably see you guys later on today"
Archie unhooks his arm and hand from Veronica's grasp and stands up from the lounge couch and grabs his bags to leave, but not before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. He walks out of the student lounge cringing at the kiss and runs to the bathroom as fast as he can, bursting through the door he locks it and checks underneath each stall to see if anybody was there before dropping his bags on the ground and walking into one of them. The more and more he thought about the kiss with Veronica, the more Archie begins to feel nauseous and quickly bends down to the toilet as his stomach rejects everything he ate that day. The sour acidic tasting liquid rushes up from his stomach, up past his esophagus, and out of his mouth, splashing into the toilet water. Tears ran down his eyes as his clenching stomach began to hurt with each gag and hurl. It literally made him sick thinking about kissing Veronica, or anybody besides you for that matter. He couldn't stand touching her, he couldn't stand looking at her, he couldn't even stand having sex with her anymore. Every interaction he had with her, he had to pretend it was you he was doing it with. He had to pretend it was (Male Name) he was kissing, that it was (Male Name) he was holding and touching, that it was (Male Name) he was fucking. Ever since the first day you transferred to Riverdale High, everything he ever felt for Veronica or did with Veronica faded away. At first he thought he was just sick, or just a phase, but it wasn't. This was something real he felt for you.
After he finished throwing up, he flushed the toilet and walked out of the stall and walked to the sink to rinse his mouth out. Spitting the water out he looked himself in the mirror. His face and neck was flushed with red, veins popping out in his neck and hands from the pressure of regurgitating, his eyes blood shot red from anger and disgust at Veronica. He couldn't take it anymore, it was too much. Fuck Veronica for being too clingy, fuck Hiram for threatening to kill him every time he thought about ending things with her, fuck Reggie and Sweet Pea for touching you the way they did.
"FUCKING WHY!?" He screamed as he punched the glass mirror, shattering it to bits and pieces. The pain of the glass shards sticking in his knuckles was completely numb to him, so he didn't notice until he felt warm crimson liquid running down his hands and dripping into the sink. The bathroom began filling up with the metallic sent of blood. Archie slowly picks out each and every chunk of glass stuck in his hand before cleaning and wrapping it in a bandage cloth he found in his bag. He then washed his face, got himself together, grabbed his bags, and left the bathroom as if nothing happened. He made his decision in that moment looking at the mirror. He got tired of waiting for you to come around. He got tired of waiting for you to talk to him. He knew that you were too shy to admit your feelings and your love for him...right? You did love him right? I mean, all the waves and smiles you sent his way. All the times you let Reggie, Sweet Pea, and all the other boys touch you was just to make him jealous, right? Yeah, that's right. He knew you were trying to get him to confess his love first, so that's exactly what he's gonna do. This week was the week you were gonna finally be his. Count your days, cus ready or not, here he comes.
After school Archie went straight home. He skipped football practice, he skipped hanging how at Pop's with the gang. He had one thing in mind, and one thing only. Getting you.
Sweet Pea was easy to take care of. All Archie had to do was easily break into his trailer dead in the night when everyone was asleep, and easily off the poor boy before he could even scream. Each day, one by one all the boys you talked to, or even touched ended up dead. And Reggie was the last survivor. By this time, people were starting to question the disappearance of the other boys. People were staring to whisper that you had something to do with it, which caused people to start avoiding you. Ever since you transferred to Riverdale High a month ago in the middle of the year, everyone instantly took a liking to you. You were dubbed as 'skirt boy' or 'dress boy' , not as in insult or anything because people really admired how you lived by the motto 'clothes are just fabric, they have no gender'. You made a name of yourself in just a couple of months. But all of that was taken from you. People no longer wanted to be around you. No body talked to you, hugged you, or even looked at you. People became scared of you, fearing that if they were around you, that they'd disappear too.
----Time Skip----
Archie managed to get wind that Cheryl was throwing a party after school, and obviously everyone was invited . Since Archie knew that Reggie would never pass up a good party, he knew that he was going to be there, and he would finally was able to finish him off like he did to Sweet Pea and the other few boys.
When Archie arrived at Thistlehouse, it was flooded with people from school. Empty bottles and cups of alcohol crowded the floor of the house everywhere, different color lights flashed throughout the room painting people with many different colors. Horny and sweaty kids were grinding and making out with one another, and it sickened Archie. The music was far too loud for his liking, all he wanted to do was kill Reggie, find you, and get the hell out of there.
"Archie! There you are dude, what took you so long to get here?"
Archie turned at the sound of the voice. Lo and behold, it was Reggie.
"Oh hey man, what a coincidence. I was just thinking about where I could find you." Archie says to the swaying and obviously drunk man.
"Oh y..yeah, I wash jush..talkin' tah (M...Male Name) upstairs. Ya'..ya'...yah' know w..what man. He's been pretty upshet lately. Yeah, he saysh p..people have shtaped talkin tah him"
Archie just couldn't help but darkly smile, this was all too easy for him. He'd at least thought that he would have to look forward to a challenge, but no. Things were smoothly playing out for him, and he's definitely without a doubt going to take advantage of it.
"Really now? Well how about you go get him and I can drive both of you home since you're obviously too waisted to drive."
Reggie nodded and stumbled his way to the stairwell, tripping and falling over several steps on his way up. Archie quickly grabbed a drink of strong alcohol and downed it easily, hissing at the burn, and made his way to his car. He sat in his seat and patiently waited for you both to come down. Archie looked down and saw the gun in his pocket being exposed a little, so he pulled his shirt down to cover it. He could feel himself getting overly giddy and excited thinking about you sitting in his car, and how tonight will finally be the night he'll have you and permanently get rid of Reggie. A few minutes later, he sees the both of you stumble out of the house. Even you were drunk too? Fucking amazing.
Both you and Reggie hopped in the car, with you in the front seat, and Archie began driving off. Throughout the whole drive Archie's grip of the steering wheel tightened and his heart was thumping as fast as a jackhammer, and it didn't get better when you dosed off and your head landed on his shoulder. Reggie was asleep in the back seat too, which gave Archie the opportunity to get a better look at you. He could smell the fruit scented perfume you were wearing, he felt himself twitch in his pants when he saw the way your skirt was hiked up a little on your leg, showing off your beautiful (h/hl) (s/c) legs he so desperately wanted to mark up, and your thicc thighs he wanted to stick his face between. Time seemed to fly by when he was staring at you, as he pulled onto the side of the road that lead to Sweetwater River. Trying not to disturbed you, Archie gently takes your leaning figure off of his shoulder and sits you up so you lean on the window. He got out of the car, woke up Reggie, and told him to take a walk with him.
The trip from the car to the river was quite short, which made Archie happy since he didn't want to keep you waiting. Both him and Reggie were admiring the view. The bright green trees standing tall as giants on the other side of the river, the glowing blue river water rushed past the rocks, splashing as it goes by. Reggie tripped and fell over the small rocks, as they were not really a reliable source for balance, especially in his wasted state. Archie stayed back a few feet behind him, and pulled out the gun hidden in his pocket, he pulled the hammer aiming it at Reggie's head. The clicking of the gun alerted Reggie as he turned around to see the origin of the noise, but before he could even utter a word out of his mouth, Archie pulled the trigger. The fast moving bullet shot out of the gun and lodged itself in between Reggie's eyes and shot out the back of his head. The power of the bullet caused blood to spew out and stain Archie's blue letterman jacket and face. Reggie's body went limp, falling on the ground instantly dead, blood flowing out of his head and trailing down into the water. Archie spit out the blood that shot into his mouth, cringing at the bitter taste of it. He stuck the gun back into his back pocket and rolled Reggie's heavy body into the river, watching as his lifeless body drifts away, never to be seen again by anyone.
Now that Reggie's gone, he'll have to find some way to break up with Veronica without Hiram being on his ass. Maybe he could set her up by getting her to cheat on him and then catch her in the act. He would have to take some time to think about it, but for now, he would just worry about that later. Now all he has to do is get back to you, and take you to your new room he set up for you. He ran back to the car, opened the door and closed it as quietly as he could so he didn't wake you and took off. While driving to his house, Archie adored watching you as you slept, lightly drooling as you did. He took one of his hands off the steering wheel and gently placed it on your warm leg, rubbing it up and down. He bit his lip and groaned as he felt your skin running against his flesh, he couldn't wait to have you when you got to your new home. Every now and then you'd stir in your sleep, alerting Archie, but he managed to continue his journey back. He finally gets to his house with you still asleep next to him, he clicks the garage remote to automatically open the garage and drive inside it, making sure to click the button again to close it. Archie looks behind the rearview mirror to make sure the garage was closed tight so no one can see what he's up to, then he steps out of the car and opens your side of the door, not forgetting to catch your head as it was still leaning on the window. He softly unbuckles your seatbelt, wraps your arms around your neck and picks you up, he then wraps your legs around his waist and rests his hand under your butt to balance you (also cus he just wanted to grope dat ass 😛).He shuts both of the car doors and makes his wat to the door, skillfully taking the keys out of his front pocket and unlocks the door to walk in.
Archie is firstly greeted by Vega, running to meet him barking with his wagging tail trying to jump on him for attention, only to be shushed by the red head. The barks caused you to move in his grasp and wrap your arms tightly and cuddle into the closest thing to you, which made Archie feel like he was on top of the world. He walked up the stairs, with Vegas closely following with curiosity as to who the new person was. He made it to the door of his secret room, which was now the place where he was going to keep you hidden from everyone, and opened it. He then walked in and sat you down on the floor locking a neck cuff around your neck with a pink heart shaped padlock so you don't escape. He walked over to the boarded up window he used to peak at you threw and made sure it was shut tight before pulling up a chair and silently staring at you with pride. He finally had you inside his house, finally to himself. He can finally now be the only one to touch you, to look at you, to hear your voice, and to fuck you. Just the though of it made his pants tighten. And now that you're hear, why not?
Slowly you wake up, opening your eyes in a groggy daze and a splitting pain in your head. You open your eyes and try to examine the dimly lit room you were in, or at least try to make out a figure or something. But...this..wasn't your room, these weren't your decorations, something felt off...felt..wrong. The cold uncomfortable metal on your neck made you shiver as you tried to pull at it to get it off, with little to no avail. In front of you you see navy blue adidas, calling out to the first person that popped in your mind. "Reggie?...W..where are we? Weren't we..at Cheryl's party?"
"Wrong name, (Male Name). Why don't I help you remember who I am baby?"
Archie gives you a sly look at your chained up figure before taking his shirt off. He then tosses the article of clothing to an unknown area in the room and he unbuckles his belt as he starts removing his pants, smiling at your scared and now sober quivering figure.
"P...please Archie, just let me go, and I promise I won't say anything to anyone. Just please let me go...I'll..I'll do anything you want, anything"
"Awww, how pathetic. Don't think you're getting away from me again that easily, begging like that~"
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too!
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alaffy · 2 years
Riverdale, 6x17 - American Psycho (Spoilers)
Well, whoever started the rumor that this wasn’t a musical was wrong.  That being said, I think they had less songs then they normally do.
Jughead stared at a dark hole.  Yup, that’s it for him.  Kevin sings and…
curses a baby with Cheryl.
We have a few obvious moments connecting to Rivervale.  They mention that Baily’s comet is coming; like the one in Rivervale 6x04.  The second is that Anthony suddenly comes down with colic (because of a spell that Cheryl casts, accidentally cursing him). However, Anthony came down with colic in episode 6x01.  Also, Cheryl (er with the help of Heather) finds a way to cure Anthony, at which point we actually have a flashback to Riverdale. 
I still think Heather will turn out to be bad, given what Cheryl said tonight. 
Percival uses his mind control (which I think got more powerful because the comet is coming?) to make the workers go back to work.  But his nose starts to bleed, indicating there may be some limit to his power.  Anyway, Archie and Tabitha sing a song and they’re able to free the workers.  They really are going to beat Percival with the power of friendship, aren’t they?
But the biggest story is Betty’s.  And to bring back this old favorite; I am not interested in arguing about ships.  You have your opinions, I have mine.  But I’m here to discuss the show.  So we really are doing the whole Betty darkness vs. light again. First off, we have something that’s very strange.  In season five of Riverdale, it is pretty much made clear that no one knows about Betty’s kidnapping other then the FBI.  But here, it seems like everyone knows.  But I don’t mean just her friends and family (otherwise I’d just figure that the writers skipped over her telling them); but the whole world seems to be familiar.  Like the way they talked about this, this is known news.  So, did the writers skip the scene or is this a clue that things aren’t normal in this world?
As for Betty herself; let’s be clear Betty has always struggled with the idea that this darkness could hurt others.  However, it seems to have gotten worse since her kidnapping.  Probably because of the whole body dismemberment, mind-fuckery this man is doing.  In this episode, it was interesting how things played out.  First off, you have the man who is obsessed with the Blackhood and Betty; who’s literally telling her that she’s like the killers and he tells her this more then once.  Obviously, this is a big negative.  You have Archie making comments several time that he finds the whole con unnerving and that he finds having an obsession with serial killers weird (though, granted, he was listening to a talk about people who are in love with serial killers at the time).  
Then you have the…not ok moment.  I’m going to be clear, what happens next could have been done without the queerbaiting.   Drake mentions that she has feelings for Betty and then tells Betty it seems like Archie and Betty have nothing in common (which she could have just commented on Betty and Archie not having anything in common, without the whole feelings thing).  Betty and Veronica have that talk.  Veronica gives Betty advice; to be honest with Archie.  Then, Veronica tells Drake to back off (which, again, Veronica could have done this without Drake saying anything about feelings; just tell the damn girl the Betty’s love life in none of her business).
It is interesting that those who are, let’s say in tune with the darkness, are either psychos or are being pushed away from Betty in this episode.  Of course, then Betty then saves Kevin’s life.  But it turns out the whole thing was fake and she’s ruined Kevin’s show and scared Dr. Curdle (why would no one mention this part of the show to Betty if she’s looking for a killer).  And, at first, I was afraid that maybe they were setting it up for Betty to believe that the only way to be good was to conform to the idea of the picket fence.  Truly, turning her into Stepford Betty.
But, amazingly, the show didn’t go there.  But what happened was equally strange.  Well, not the first bit.  Well, sort of not.  Veronica calls out Betty’s darkness and doubles down by listing all the people Veronica’s killed.  In the middle of a Casino.  With a large crowed.  And police presence.  
Next, we have that talk between Betty and Archie.  And Betty tells him (thank God) the truth.  She likes doing what she does.  This is her.  And the whole picket fence and kids thing?  Maybe not for her; maybe never.  Betty asks if this will be a deal breaker; Archie says they’ll talk later.
We then have Betty singing a song where, at first, she’s seeing flashbacks of Archie.  But then we cut to the future (after the performance, while the performance is going on) and she deals with TBK.  And she kills him.  And it seems like Betty has come to this belief that Serial Killers aren’t made…like she can’t be groomed to be one.  Baby steps.
Anyway, she goes to have the rest of that talk with Archie.  And Archie tells her a story of a baby bird that she helped him rescue as a kid.  A memory that Betty had forgotten until that moment (interesting).  Now, here’s the thing.  Throughout the years, Archie has had moments where we’ve seen him have deep conversations with Veronica; convincing her she not the person she’s afraid she’s becoming.  So, not only do we know Archie’s capable of doing this; we know how he sounds when he has those conversations.  So, why does he sound like he’s saying something Jughead would say? No, not just sound like.  The last couple of lines, the way he cups her face? That is exactly like what Jughead did in season two when he tried to convince Betty she wasn’t evil.  And it’s also one of the scenes that Jughead flashback to a few episodes ago.  
Obviously, this is done one purpose; so the question is why?  There are two options.  1) It is done to show that Archie, like Jughead, is able to accept Betty for who she truly is (even though he made it clear that he was uncomfortable with the whole serial killer thing).  And, ok, partners don’t always have to be on the same page on everything.  I’m guessing Betty wouldn’t give a damn about Archie’s songwriting.  
2) We’re supposed to question why it sounds like Jughead, because it’s another sign that the world isn’t what it should be.  Be it the universes bleeding closer together, the curse, or both.  
Look, I have my opinion of what I think it will be.  But, really, both are possible.  Seriously, between alternate universes, curses, and a certain someone coming back; everything should be side eyed.  I said this about Rivervale and I will say it here, as far as I’m concerned nothing about this whole season is real until I know what’s really going on.      
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Imagine: Bella and her friends talking about the Cullens to the riverdale gang
Anonymous: Can I requested a crossover with twilight and riverdale so the riverdale four core and choni and swangs go to the Cullens school and can the reader be married to Edward but bella and Jessica just know that they're just dating and she's vampire and the riverdale people questioned about the Cullens and Bella and Jessica tells them about them can Edward get jealous since the boys are staring at the reader
Jessica and Bella were touring the new students who were new to Forks high school.
"So this is the end of the tour". Bella smiles.
"Thanks for touring us". Cheryl smiles back.
"Nope problem we love welcoming new students to our school". Jessica pats Cheryl on the back.
"If you guys want, you can join us for lunch". Bella said, leaving to go to the lunchroom
"We would love that". Betty and her friends follows Jessica to the lunchroom
"So far how do you guys like this school"? Angela sits next to Jessica
"So far it's good, it's better than Riverdale". Archie began to eat his food.
"If you guys don't mind me asking why did you guys moved here"? Bella looks over to the riverdale gang.
"We wanted to explore new places and meet new people". Toni looks over at Cheryl, who was taking pictures of herself.
"Well, you guys will love living here, living here is amazing". Jessica said, looking out of the window and seeing the Cullens walking in
"Um, guys who are they"? Veronica points at the people walking in.
"That's the Cullen's". Angela smiles Lovely.
"They're Dr and Mrs' Cullen foster kids, they moved here a few years ago from Alaska". Jessica started to get crazy
"I sit by one of them her name is Y/n". Bella wish you would talk to her
"Y/n? who's she"? Fangs wants to know all about this girl named y/n.
"You'll see, but anyways The blonde girl that's Rosalie, and the big dark- haired guy is Emmett they're like a thing I'm not sure that's legal". Jessica explains to her new friends
"Jess, they're not actually related". Angela gives Jessica a look.
"Yeah, but they live together so it's weird but whatever, okay the little darker haired girl is Alice, she's really weird and she's with Jasper the blonde one. Who looks like he's in pain". Jessica continued to explain
"who's they"? Sweet Pie nodded his head at Edward and You
"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously he's taken by Y/n who's gorgeous as well". Jessica said, causing the boys to look at you
"Why are the newbies staring at my wife"? Edward glares at the boys.
"Darling let them be". Edward and You shared a kissed.
"Cause she's cute". Alice and Rosalie winks.
"Sorry girls, but she's with me". Edward gives them a jealous look, but ends up laughing.
"So? Y/n can leave you for us and we can leave Jasper and Emmet for her". The two girls smiled causing the boys to hit their wives in their heads softly.
"I don't know about you guys, but there's something about them that I don't like". Jughead gives his friends a look
"Whatever Beanie boy by the way Edward doesn't like it when boys stare at his girlfriend". Bella warns
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