#hence the 15k chapters
darwinquark · 1 year
Heyyy girl, I have been thinking about the last chapter ever since it was uploaded and I am kinda confused, does tony tell jug that veronica was there when she heard or does she choose not to mention it at all? Also in the sequel will jug know about how betty treated veronica in the hospital? And will barchie still be talking to jug (I don't think they will be talking to veronica still) and will they know about the (hopefully inevitable) jeronica getting back together
So I had a whole scene written between Toni and Veronica that I ended up taking out because it felt like too much that I'll add beneath the cut, but basically Toni is caught between knowing something feels off about how Veronica left/the way the Ghoulies conveniently took credit for everything, and knowing Veronica has been a shitty person before and could very well have just left because she didn't care enough to stay. And I think her major goal is just getting Jughead to heal and move on, regardless of what happened. So she's definitely being guarded with what she's letting Jughead know - he knows Veronica came to the hospital the night it happened, but he doesn't know how badly she lost it, and she's also keeping the scene I've added below from him (if I decide to keep it as a headcanon lol) because she's torn over how real it was or wasn't.
Betty and Archie do end up forgiving Jughead, and sadly on Betty's half it's somewhat born out of feeling like Jughead was just another victim of Veronica like she was, which sucks. Archie probably would've forgiven him regardless. That said, their friendship is never quite the same and they definitely drift after senior year ends. I'm not actually sure if Jughead will know what Betty did at the hospital, but both Jughead and Veronica go back to Riverdale at one point for a book signing thing in the sequel and Archie and Betty are both there. Veronica and Betty will have a scene where that's confronted.
Here's the scene Toni/Veronica scene I ended up taking out, which would've come right after the hospital scene - let me know if it helps flesh Toni out a little more. I was just going for mystery! Leaving you guys as confused as Jughead 😂
The knock on the door came three days later.
Veronica glanced up from the box she was taping shut, squinting through the mess of hair that’d fallen loose from her bun. The movers weren’t supposed to be there for another few hours.
Besides, only a handful of people knew to use the back door, and of those handful, two hated her guts and one was in a coma.
Her hands stilled.
“It’s Toni,” came the muffled reply, and her shoulders loosened a little. “I tried the front door but it was locked and no one answered.”
She abandoned the tape dispenser and made her way over to the door, wincing at the blast of sun that hit her eyes as it opened.
“Hey,” Toni greeted with a cautious smile, stare flickering a little when it took in her appearance. Admittedly, a stringy bun and yoga pants wasn’t her typical aesthetic. “How are you?”
Veronica blinked at her.
She’d had rum for dinner three nights in a row.
Toni shook her head. “Stupid question—did you get my texts?”
“Oh,” Veronica said, pushing some of the hair out of her face, “I switched number a few days ago, so no, sorry.”
“Well, definitely give me the new one because there’s been a ton of upda…” she trailed off, frowning at something behind her.
Veronica followed her gaze to the boxes scattered in the foyer. She cleared her throat. “Sorry for the mess.”
“Are you moving in or something?” Toni asked, stare tracing over the sprawl of half-packed clothes and personal items.
“Moving out,” Veronica clarified, an upside to her tomber en disgrâce being that she couldn’t care less who knew she’d lived there anymore. “Been here since May, actually.”
Toni’s stare flicked back to hers. “What?”
“Yeah.” She turned away, plucking a discarded sweater off the floor. “Came with the whole disavowing my parents thing.”
Toni blinked. “I—” she shook her head briefly, “I mean, where are you going, then?”
“The city.”
She felt Toni’s eyes on her shoulders. “Like for good?”
She’d never thought about how strange that expression was before, ‘for good’. “I guess, yeah. The movers are going to be here in a few hours, though, so I should probably finish up packing.”
“When are you leaving?” Toni pressed, and Veronica’s jaw tightened a little.
Silence met her back.
She carefully folded the cashmere, ignoring the words hanging unsaid between them.
What about Jughead?
“He woke up, Veronica.”
Her hands froze around the sweater.
Her heart leapt into her throat, thunderous and pulsing.
“Sorry, I know I should’ve let with that, I just—” Toni lapsed into a laugh, hope flooding into her voice. “It was only for a second, but he nodded yes and no to some questions before drifting back out, so the doctors are feeling optimistic.”
Veronica stared hard at the fabric in her hands.
Her vision was hot and blurry.
“He woke up, girl!” Toni repeated, lapsing into another joyful laugh, and Veronica nodded stiffly, forcing her hands to resume folding.
“That’s great.”
She blinked rapidly to clear the tears from her eyes.
“It’s more than great, it’s incredible!” Toni laughed, though it petered a little when she noticed her enthusiasm wasn’t fully shared.
Veronica placed the sweater in a box and reached down for another one.
Started folding it into neat little squares.
“Are you,” Toni faltered a little, “I mean, you’re going to go see him, right?”
Veronica’s jaw flexed as she folded the sleeves across the chest.
She’d known this part was coming.
“I think it’s better if I don’t.” She reached over and dropped it into the box, topping it off. “I don’t want to give him the wrong impression.”
A stiff beat of silence followed. “And what impression is that?”
She drew in a steeling breath before turning around, pulling her face into a mask of indifference. “Jughead knew what we were, Toni. He knew I was going to New York. None of this is a surprise.”
Toni just stared at her, visibly thrown. “Think he probably assumed you’d wait for him to come out of a coma first.”
She forced a shrug. “That’s on him.”
She turned around and reached for the tape dispenser as Toni broke into a scoff. “Okay, what’s going on here, Veronica? Because I watched three security guards carry you out of the ICU while you were screaming your fucking lungs out to stay, so this whole ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ routine isn’t really landing.”
“It’s not a routine, Toni, it just is what it is.”
“Look, I may not have been able to make out the details of your screaming match with FP,” Toni pressed in a hard voice, “but I know something went down there—something you’re both not telling the rest of us.”
Veronica’s jaw tightened as she kept packing.
“And now three days later you’ve packed up your life and you’ve changed your number and no one can get a hold of you and it’s almost like—”
“Like what?” Veronica snapped a little, tensing under the line of questioning.
“Like you’re trying to disappear,” Toni steeled right back.
A stiff silence followed the accusation.
Veronica merely stared down at the box, fingers tight around the tape dispenser. Struggling to drum up the stomach for what she knew had to come next.
“What happened with FP, Veronica?”
She couldn’t leave loose ends. She couldn’t leave any thread of hope or misunderstanding that he could follow back to her, otherwise what was the point?
He’d follow you anywhere—New York, prison, his fucking grave—and you’d let him.
She loosened her jaw and shrugged on the skin of the absolute cunt she’d been in prep school.
“Toni, everything about this fetid menstrual stain of a town is miserable.” She eased around to face her with a cold expression. “I sleep in a diner. There is a sex tape of me getting fingered by a townie. I spent Christmas being questioned by the police about gangs that sound like reject Hogwarts houses, I mean,” she gave a hollow laugh, “this macabre comedy of errors was never supposed to be my life. And Jughead getting shot five minutes before picking me up? Pretty thunderous wakeup call that I could be next.”
Toni’s eyes flickered in naked appall at the selfishness of the comment. “Is that all it was?”
Veronica’s shoulders tipped up coolly. “I’m not dying here, girl. It was a fun social experiment while it lasted, but I’m done pretending I have anything in common with any of the frankly incestuous people that live here, or that my life was ever meant to be as small as theirs. So yeah, I’m going back to New York, and yeah, I don’t want anything about this mortifying stretch of time following me there, and yeah, that means my coup de grâce is essentially a disappearing act. That’s it.” She shrugged again, pointblank. “That’s why I’m leaving. FP and his latent syphilis have nothing to do with it.”
Toni eyed her for a long, silent stretch before turning wordlessly toward the door. She paused in the doorway, hand catching the frame. “This will crush him. You doing this. Regardless of the reason. You know that, right?”
It took her a second to look up at her.
Veronica stared back vacantly.
“He’s a big boy.” Her mouth took on a horrible slant. “Surprisingly big, actually.”
Toni’s face flooded in disgust. She took a final beat to take her in, as if searching for any last shred of her that was worth knowing, before shaking her head and shoving the door open. “Have a nice life, Veronica.”
“That’s the plan.”
The door swung shut behind her, and Veronica waited till the sound of her car pulling away had fully faded before slowly sliding down to the floor.
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crosshatchedaces · 2 years
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My scrunkle (Fracturing Time Mikey) may have lost in the @rottmntpeepawpolls but he still loves his boys, even if Leo likes driving him up the wall.
I don't have a comic for ya since he lost, but I've got this and some random FT! facts below if you're interested in my ramblings
• I was originally actually going to do a F!Leo back in time fic! I had some ideas on what to do, it was going to take place during the movie, but the ending I had in mind was kinda sad tbh so I didn't go with it (though I do have a oneshot with all three going back instead now). Plus, there were already so many beautiful Future Leo fics out there!
• I then realized that there was quite literally only one other one of Future Mikey that I could find at the time (Mystic Hands), so I wanted to explore that idea more and give F!Mikey more love because he deserves it! I thought it would be a fascinating idea to go with too!
• This fic had originally been planned to be 10-15k long and just a short exploration of what could happen. The plot had been pretty different at the time as well, but it quickly got out of hand in word count.
• A part of the former bullet point was because I couldn't really find any Future Mikey fics to read lol so I just kept building upon my own. I also wanted to explore what his interpersonal relationships would be with each of the turtles, so he will be spending more time with Raph, Mikey, and Donnie in future chapters (currently it is at chapter 9 at the date this is posted).
• I love the idea that the movie parallels how Donnie and Raph died in the future, hence Donnie's death protecting Mikey in the fic.
• I have around 12 more chapters written out so far (just not checked over).
• I've tried to make most things that happen in the fic have some sort of connection with future chapters in some way, even some subtle, seemingly insignificant moments.
• I went out of my comfort zone with this fic. I wanted to do something bolder, something more plot heavy and what I wouldn't normally do, because I love reading fics like that. I often feel that I fall back on writing domestic aus, even though I'm not as interested in reading them, it's just what I was comfortable with.
• If I could go back, I would probably condense some of the beginning and make it pov alternating (but! I have snuck some moments in there, one of which is very soon).
• This fic is on a mini hiatus for a few weeks. I am neck deep in projects at the moment and work a full time job. I need to focus on those first before I can continue it, but I should hopefully have another chapter up in the foreseeable future.
And that's what I can think of for now! I'm not sure which person(s?) nominated FT!Mikey to be in the peepaw polls, but I want to thank you, it means a lot to me that you consider him to be up there with the other peepaws! He barely made it in there (32nd entry) lol but he's there!! I'm so glad there's fans out there that genuinely enjoy the story, and everyday I wish to continue it for all of you, you all keep me so inspired!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, stay safe and cozy out there, everyone!
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Pub Crawl {2}
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Oneshot Summary; The handsome stranger isn’t much of a stranger anymore as you get to know him. John Price, is his name, Captain John Price. In fact, the gentleman of a soldier makes you much less calm than what their night out was attempted to be and as the night goes on you realise that maybe the feeling is mutual.
Pairing: John Price x reader
Rating: Mature
Word; 15k
Warnings; nothing major, implied age-gap
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
A/N: *Dropping my 15k flirting Price fic and runs*
Pair. Three of a kind. Full house. They played often, you understood. Cards dealt, a flick of the corner, bets placed.
Johnny seemingly sobered up his ecstatic personality once the games began. No less favouring running his mouth, but less expressive. Eyebrows, for the time being, are set as if carved into stone. A new glint -a competitive one- gleamed like well-polished medals in his eyes. But those sparks also spawned his tell-tale cues.
Ghost had an unfair advantage in your eyes. Those sole expressions previously visible through his eyes swept away as if he put another coverage over his face. An invisible but nonetheless detectable one. But what you evidently lacked in piecing his character together -those blank niches yet to be fleshed out- the other men around the table knew, taking advantage of it as well. Hence, you commenced eyeing the others rather than Ghost to catch his tells.
Kyle kept a constant easy smile in the corner of his lip. His previous persona not having changed much since he brought out the deck of cards. But with contrasts so slight, what you guessed would be signs of... not anxiety, but whatever emotion worked itself through his body in other high-attentive situations wormed itself into his game as well. Attention honed in on the deck, sharp eyes following the card being pulled, flipped and placed amongst the rest. A quick dart of eyes up and down the row. An additional check of his cards.
John... John was good. You noted it quickly. He was expressive but not revealing. A quick pull in the corner of his eyebrow gave you the impression he'd gotten an intriguing set on his hands. With the bet set, no 7am drills for a week, along with the seemingly amused cock of his head when Johnny countered, I'll be washin' for double the time, another card flipped to the community and his action of upping his stake to three weeks, you'd been sure he'd gotten himself a winner. He had won. But not impressively, at least not when he flipped his two cards. A pair of fours, no match amongst the community cards. You'd watched him play closely after that.
Marissa, understandingly more acquainted with their group than you, play against them well. Betting with free drinks and whatnot, occasionally winning thanks to her familiarity with watching them, you suppose. Nor does she react when new names start slipping into the air. Shut it, Soap. Come on, L.T. You can do better than that, Gaz. Nicknames, military ones, they nearly favour using more, you realise. That's why they sound so natural coming from their tongues but never leave Marissa's.
You started suspecting that getting introduced to their real names, apart from Ghost's, was merely first-encounter manners.
It would probably have remained that way if you stayed a stranger.
"Already, Cap'n?" You're brought back from your thoughts as Johnny utters the question, not in the slightest accompanied by the dissatisfaction as a complaint should, but rather the glee of unbelieving bafflement.
Eyes landing on the table, you notice what had caused the Scot's outburst. John had thrown his cards into the discarded pile, signalling he was out. One of the rare occurrences seeing it was only the first round.
But the man at your side only shrugged, and those around the table didn't press too hard on the fact. Bigger chance of them taking home the round when he wasn't in the contest.
However, what you hadn't expected as your eyes continued to follow those still playing, was John shifting closer, clearly showing he redirects his attention to you as he leans on the armrest just beside your own, slouching back somewhat in his seat to not invade your space all too much.
"Ain't too rowdy of a crowd for you, are we?" Your head is pulled towards him first, eyes following a moment after as you watch the second community card be flipped. King of Spades.
Just as your eyes lock, Johnny, with perfect timing, exclaims something triumphantly in incomprehensible Scottish. Your smile brought on by the action is directed towards John, a similar one reflected on his face, along with the tip of his head, expressing a silent 'as I said'.
"Don't underestimate my time spent in companies like these", you reply. The corner of your lip tugs upwards as you lean backwards, the skin over your shoulder blades moulding to the imprint of the backrest until you can feel its slight poke into the bone.
He quirks his brows, head tilting as he dips his head closer. "Do tell?" Curiosity laces John's low-spoken voice, the same interest shining in his blue eyes.
"I-", you start, hesitating to continue. Glancing at the others to see how invested they were in your conversation versus their game. When finding Johnny in an argument with Ghost, and none of the others even batting an eye in your direction to miss their altercation, you turned fully to John, shifting in the seat until feeling the subtle poke of the armrest into your ribcage instead of back. "I've done a few basic military courses through the private sector. Ain't much, but I've done the basic".
"Few basics, eh?" He shifts his foot to lean on the table's leg. The thigh closest to you falls outwards slightly, widening his seated position, accidentally brushing against yours. He moves it away to still have his body directed towards you but not touch it. "Have a feeling there's some advanced there too?"
Your eyes widen, lips parting, a question of how he could've known -because despite being worded as a question, it was a statement- on the tip of your tongue. But before you can ask, John continues, seemingly knowing where your train of thought went.
"In this line of work, you know a fair share about the private as much as the public sector. Those workin’ in private industry are probably familiar faces". You can't help but smile at that. Indeed, your instructors had mentioned their time of enlistment more than once.
Tipping his head, John encourages you to tell him more about what he'd mentioned.
Without hesitating, you did. "Had an instructor who'd worked in intelligence, interrogations more specifically, so I approached him about it. Besides curiosity, I don't know what he saw. But he offered to give me lessons, said he had some connections still in service, contacted them, and some were gracious enough to teach me some things".
"Fuckin' hell", he huffs in surprise, arms crossing over his chest. "Thought I recognised it". It sounded more like he said it to himself, but his eyes never left yours.
"Recognised what?"
"Those eyes, all of you interrogators share them". He leaned closer to you as he said it, one of his hands sneaking from his crossed arms to amusedly gesture towards you, yet the look in his eyes was soft.
"We do not!" You didn't realise you spoke louder. Nor that the round had ended. Therefore, the groups' attention fell on you at your protest.
"What the two of ya talkin' about then?"
Your eyes briefly found Johnny's before skating back to John, who, this time, seemed to be in no hurry at all to answer the Scot. Instead, the amusedly raised brows along the tug in his lips were directed at you as he remained in his position.
Realising he left it all for you to tell them, you sighed. No need to fight it. With the intrigued look reflected in Johnny's eyes, you instinctively knew it wouldn't be possible to brush it off. "Just told John about some training I've done-"
"Come one, love, seemingly ain't no secret if you told me". You sent him a look, annoyed he'd caught how you'd attempted to, not even smoothen over but exclude what kind of training.
You weren't ashamed of it, far from it, in fact. However, you felt yourself shrink into your chair somewhat at the thought of telling the men watching you with intrigued eyes at John's words. They were soldiers. Working, breathing soldiers, for goodness sake. Even if you didn't believe they would laugh in your face when telling them, it felt so... petty compared to whatever they must do, not something that should earn this much attention from them, out of all people.
And yet, it was John's soft nod, one you don't know whether it was even consciously done, that calmed your mind. He hadn't laughed, perhaps in surprise but not to mock you. He'd seemed slightly... impressed.
"Alright", you directed at him, to which he cocked his head, easy smile still slightly hidden by his moustache, then turned towards the rest of the company. "I just mentioned how I've dabbled in the military".
As suspected, they reacted. But not in the way concern had made it play out in your head.
Ever the expressionist, Johnny's lips parted, his complexion drawing together in reflection as if wondering if he'd heard right. At the momentarily distant look entering his eyes, brows knitting together forming harsh lines on his forehead, you assumed he recalled your sentence. But once the Scot realised he didn't imagine the statement, the morph was swift as his complexion settled in astonishment, mouth opening and closing.
Even Ghost revealed more than what you'd gotten used to during the evening, enough for you to paint a picture in your mind of his reaction. It was impossible to catch the whole expression behind his balaclava. Still, despite the blank facade that those hidden features formed for you, the slight widening of his eyes suggested his eyebrows rose and remained pinned higher than their natural place on his browbone intended they should. The tick of his head, just a twitch to the side as his eyes skated over you, assessing, before settling on your features with a narrow, suggesting he verged between not believing and awe of, perhaps, fooling him.
However, Kyle was the sole one whose immediate reaction was to voice his surprise. "Pardon?" His question worked wonders to finally set off the perplexed Scot and make him spit out the words he'd chewed for since you told them.
"Ya mean, what in the steamin' hell did ya just tell us?"
"As unbelievable as me having worked behind the counter?" You offered the wide-eyed man in a chuckle, finding amusement rather than timidness growing in your chest at his actions, to which he jerked his head as if asked the stupidest question.
"More so!"
You exchanged a look with Marissa, who sat relaxed in her chair, knowing very well of this fact. 
It had emerged during one of your late shifts, you'd mentioned it in passing, and she'd physically stopped when she heard it. She'd more or less forced you out on a relaxing night, 'of course, it will include drinks', as she'd probed for every last detail with wide and amazed eyes. Never would've believed that of you, she'd laughed in near disbelief, ‘at least I know you'll be able to hold your own behind the counter’.
Johnny picked up your silent exchange, a look from you conveying that this was as bad as when she'd gotten to know and the slight tip of her head 'sue them' in reply, and turned to her. "Ya knew about this?"
"As much as I know about you lot", she flashed him a grin. "If not more, to be honest, yapped about it for weeks", she snickered.
"Oh shush", you feigned ignorance -sure, you'd talked to her about the further training you'd done in intelligence, but only because she'd asked- yet, the blue eyes of the Scotsman jumped back to you.
"Ain't none of that, bonnie, didn't know ya were one of us!"
"Nor am I". You pointed out, underlining it with a finger directed Johnny's way. "Learned a few things through the private sector, never listed. So I never did the official stuff, simply something attempting to emulate it".
"Why?" Ghost's low voice questioned. His dark eyes steadfastly focused on you. You found yourself opening and closing your mouth. Why indeed? You hadn't known what fucking else to do with your life.
"Was curious about the paths I could take", you shrugged. "Realised it wasn't really for me in the long run, but learned an interesting thing or two".
Ghost let out a breath, not a scoff nor a laugh, just a drawn-out gust of air. "Good choice". His words caused your brows to raise, but you didn't press. If anyone knew what they were talking about it, it would be the men around you.
"So what ya learned then?" Johnny leaned forwards on the table, earning your attention.
"Well, I had a standard boot camp, learning the basics of physical training, firearm and close combat".
"Not bad", Kyle nodded, lips pursed. "Didn't think you would've been thought firearms here though, over in the State's maybe...". He trailed off with a shrug as his brows rose and fell.
"As the Captain said-", you nodded towards John, not catching the way his head turned to you as he straightened in his seat somewhat while the others raised their eyebrows or cocked their heads. "-most, if not every instructor, was past military members. So special licenses for firearm exercise wasn't too difficult to get, I suppose".
There was a slight pause as they watched you until Ghost spoke up. "How strict were they?"
"If you mean wheater I had to withstand them screaming at me with no care for personal space and calling them by rank or else, I'll run till my face was in the mud, then strict is the answer to both".
"Explains it", John mumbled under his breath. You spared him a glance, and he tipped his head as he unwinded his arms, letting each rest on their corresponding armrest. His fingers tapped the wood, and when it was apparent that you didn't understand his comment, he offered you a gentle smile as he explained. "Not usual for civilians to call us by rank".
"Oh", god, you felt stupid. "Sorry, sometimes it just happens, I guess". You cringed, frowning, disturbed by having fallen into old habits while delving into the subject. And yet, it hadn't felt unnatural calling John by his rank. It fit him. "Even though I don't meet many army affiliates anymore".
Compared to the first time his rank had fallen from your lips, he didn't regard you with that veiled expression. This time, it was something else, mirth intertwined in the lighter specks of blue in his eyes, whereas something... darker infected the aegean shadowing of his hues.
You don't know whether John got reminded of what branch you'd explored as your eyes remained locked with his, attempting to decipher whatever you couldn't in his gaze. But, as if remembering you hadn't indulged the rest with the fact, he spoke. "You haven't told them about the most interestin’ part".  
This time you didn't fight him on indulging the rest. Instead, you turned back to face the rest. "Right, I specialised in intelligence at the end as well".
"Ha, yer the same as the big guy!" Johnny turned to Ghost before his eyes shifted back to you. "Ain't no way I would've guessed that one".
"Infiltration, Johnny, not intelligence", the man corrected him. "I use what they give me". Ghost nodded towards you. You didn't feel like correcting him, more so you knew you didn't need to.
"I 'now ya prick", the Scotsman scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "But ya bloody work with information collection as well, if I'm not wron', standin' there as a feckin' reaper durin' inquests".
You chuckled. "Can't say I got that advantage". Those dark eyes shifted to you, and Ghost didn't need to say anything for you to understand what he thought, the entertained expression in his eyes stating a firm but amused ‘no, you don't’.
"Well, let's see how much you learned, then", Kyle smiled, expertly shuffling the cards before he started dealing them, a card landing before you even before you'd managed to answer the question. "Ain't no backing out now", he smirked, continuing to deal out the cards to everyone around the table.
You played well, though you thought it was more so because of you being used to the game than being able to read them. Your collection of their tells during the initial rounds helped, yet it wasn't the sole reason you managed to beat them. Luck played a big part. But that, you wouldn't tell, not when noticing the rile you got on one person in the group.
"Come on then, Johnny, what's your move". You hummed, leaning forwards so your elbows and crossed forearms rest on the table, observing the Scot across from you. His eyes intensely honed in on the fourth community card that just had been pulled.
When his eyes switched to watch you, you promptly saw it. Not the card he'd hoped for. Cocking a brow, you offered him a smile.
"Feck", Johnny grumbled. Sore looser. He grabbed his cards and threw them into the discarded pile, mindful not to let them accidentally flip. "I fold". Joining Marissa and Kyle.
Your eyes flickered to Ghost, awaiting his action. Without delay, he delivered it. "Call".
"Call", John's voice sounded in succession, your own falling suit, causing Marissa to flip the fifth and final community card.
Ten of hearts.
Not a bad card, but since the initial two community cards had been revealed, you'd been set for this round. You rapped your finger against your elbow. Compared to Ghost, who thumbed the edge of his card, you recited your hand in your head. Aces, red and black, heart and spade.
Your eyes were set on the tall man, observing the glimpse down at his cards, the move a quick flick of his eyes before his index and middle fingertips pressed the edges flat against the table as his gaze rose.
Ghost's auburn eyes locked with yours, dead straight, staring back. He'd felt your attention on him, no doubt, yet you didn't retaliate once you had his in return. Instead, you cocked your head just the right amount to not let it rest against your shoulder, practised smile stretching your lips.
"It's your turn, Ghost, in case you forgot". You know he hadn't. But, you also knew that he weighed his options at the moment, cost and benefit, what play was synonymous with what. Ghost's considerations depended on you, what your game was, deceit or honesty. And he knew, much like John had pointed out, how you, those interrogators, worked; it was never either or but a balance of both. The question is what direction the scale tipped towards the most.
"You're good", was all he said, throwing his cards into the growing pile of discarded cards, signalling his fold. Your smile could've grown, showing your satisfaction in how your mask had been better than the faceless man's. But, instead, you kept the same expression as you turned to glance over your shoulder, elbows still planted on the tabletop.
"John?" His attention was already on you. No need to call for it. And yet, you like to see him work, strip your utterance of his name and the redirect of attention on him bare. Attempting to spread the layers until he could read between the lines, much like Ghost. 
Unlike his working comrade, however, he doesn't move. Instead, he remains lounging, two fingers resting on the table edge, his left hand on his thigh. And yet, when John doesn't shy from your eyes, you find the opposite of his stoicism.
His eyes seem alive, an entity on their own apart from his being. And yet, you can't discern the story they're showing you.
"Call. Your move". It's like a breeze over your back, like a phantom finger trailing your spine. You pray the shiver doesn't leave goosebumps in its wake.
You take a moment, a last one, to observe him and what dances in those eyes.
Around the blackened void charrs a blue flame seemingly devouring the air, sucking it from deep in your lungs. It doesn't leave you breathless, but it damn well delays your contemplated words, your final play. Instead of rolling from your tongue, they get stuck on repeat in your mind, a manuscript yet to be followed but halted at the knot forming in your larynx.
"Call". The word isn't clipped nor abrupt. Yet, at the perimeters of your spoken choice of play are frayed edges, the consequences of those fires dancing over your features, those you decided not to avoid despite their blaze.
John flashes a smile, probably satisfied with your choice of not folding and letting the game reach its rightful end. "Show me 'em cards".
You do as told, nails catching the edge of your cards and, with a flick of your wrist and right arm settling on the armrest, you open up your upper body by turning it towards him, confident in your four-of-a-kind. Aces, nonetheless.
When those blues flicker down, inspecting your hand placed face-up on the table and having earned several impressed hums and whistles, you dare cock your brows in conviction. Beckoning John to mimic your move and show his lesser hand. However, you witness a swift, minimal quirk of his eyebrows. And, when his eyes seek yours, features morphing to copy your facial expression, you know.
You don't need to look at his cards when he leans forward to flip them, just shy of propping his arms and upper-body weight on the table in contrast to the actual move of a forward shift in his seat. Regardless of the amused flash in his eyes, the quirk in the corner of his lips telling you he’d won, you follow the curses uttered by those around the table as their eyes find the hand his cards, paired with the community ones, created.
A flush, hearts, one that would've been royal if the ace wasn't in your possession.
"Next time, love". John pats your clothed knee as his hand slips down the table top while leaning back again.
"Battle of wits, indeed".
"I'll go prepare the drinks then".
Johnny's voice, subsequently Marissa's, is distant. Your eyes are stuck on the cards flashing red and white, but you don't mourn your loss, all attention on the warmth that seeps through your skirt at his touch.
John's hand momentarily settles at the last tap before he retracts it and drops it on his thigh once more, his fingers tapping a joyful celebration against the muscle.
And yet, the phantom touch, the memory of his heavy and warm paw engulfing your kneecap without needing to try, remains. It unfurls an ecstatic quiver in your chest.
"I'll go see if Marissa needs help". You flash a quick smile, trying not to rush like your heart does in your chest when moving out of your chair.
As soon as your back is turned to the group, feet moving you forward on their own command, you momentarily close your eyes, taking a deep breath. This feeling wasn't new. But hell, it had been long enough since you felt it that you hadn't noticed it since the start. The way your gaze wanted to travel to John. How he kept your attention and his presence in your immediacy never felt odd despite meeting him less than an hour ago. Fucking hell, women, calm yourself...
Your eyelids fluttered open, gaze settling on Marissa a few paces ahead. The breath you held -which hadn't done much to lessen your rapid heartbeat- was released in a last attempt to shake off, or at least tame, the feeling John had awoken. Without success.
As though your eyes now glued to her back worked as a call of her name, your friend's brown eyes flickered over her shoulder with the slight turn of her head. Perhaps she'd thought it was a particular Scot rather than you because her brows raised. Nonetheless, she let you catch up with her as she slowed a fraction.
"Don't", you warn Marissa when her lips part, possibly to ask about why you were here and not at the table. Knowing very well you could always pay later in the evening for the drinks you'd bet and lost.
At your clipped word, she instantly smirked. Yet, she didn't say anything, at least not until you'd put some distance to the men still seated at the table as you rounded the bar. You know something's coming when she leans on it, cocking her hip and not reaching for anything needed for the drinks instantly.
"So, how are you finding them?" The questions seem innocent enough that you can't help but smile and chuckle. A minimal shake of your head accompanied the released breath of nerves mimicking the feeling of jumper cables hooked to a car, a stream of high voltage sent straight through your nervous system.
"Pleasent, quite the characters but nonetheless pleasant". Marissa hums in agreement at your answer.
"Despite their habit of arriving at times when not many others are here, they're hard not to notice". You quirk a brow as she moves to bring a liquor bottle from the wall. Standing still when part of her still was in working mode was never her strong suit.
"Don't think you complain, though", you mused. The nerves in your body slowly reduced at the lack of John's immediate presence and attention on you. Marissa's eyes find yours over her shoulder, and you cock your head, attempting to smoothen down your amused smile as you continue. "Starting to believe Johnny ain't the headache you'd made him out to be".
"Oh, a headache he is", she retorted. But, your grin turned victorious as she turned away again, not succeeding in hiding her smile before it was visible to you nor continuing her sentence before you pointed it out.
"I saw that". With your muted laugh, a finger was waved in Marissa's general direction.
"Pushing it in my face, ain't you?" She faced you as you stepped closer to help her carry some of the bottles needed for the Scot's mixture, a quirk between her brows present. You sent her a mocking kiss, one she rolled her eyes at, yet couldn't help the tug in the corner of her mouth at your antics as she turned with the bottle she'd fetched.
Following suit, you brought the ones you'd grabbed before joining her at the metal countertop, where she'd put forth a glass for Johnny's drink.
At the thought of his name, you glanced towards the company at the table. 
The deck of cards was put away, and they sat talking, laughing. Instinctively your eyes sought John, you couldn't hear his sound of amusement, but you could see it. Whatever Kyle had said made him shake his head before tipping it forward, his shoulders jumping. Something warmed in you at the scene, a softer glowing sensation, different from when he'd sat so close to you.
"You and a certain someone seem to get along, though".
"Hm?" Your eyes travelled from John back to Marissa, whose eyes had made the same journey as yours, though her's seemingly only had been a quick shift back and forth. Nonetheless, one with enough time for an inquisitory look to bleed into them. "Uh yeah, I guess he's nice", you shrugged, attempting to bat away the feelings returning in your chest at the swift glance and redirection of the conversation towards John.
Marissa, however, only rolled her eyes. "Oh, for the love of- missy, that's not what I meant", she said, grabbing the tequila bottle and pointing the muzzle at you before beginning to pour the amounts needed for the drink. "I see the way you both don't and do look at him, don't believe that boy you met got even half as much of your attention when he practically was begging for it while dear John simply has to be present".
"Oh no, don't deny it". Your friend put down the bottle, grabbing the first mixture you'd brought with you. "I know a bloody skittish escape when I see one, probably threw my name in as an excuse as well", she referred to when you'd left their company previously and joined her instead.
You jerked a hand upwards, mindful to not make the action too big for the men to catch. "Yeah, because when you'd left me alone with them previously, it's gone just wonderful". Despite being nothing more than a memory now -initial awkward instances of getting to know new people brushed to the past- you couldn't deny as soon as Marissa left your hypothetical side, things hadn't... not gone awful, but not as good as you could've hoped.
"You're getting along just fine with them. It's a certain someone you seemingly worry being around by yourself".
"Stop waffling", you huffed at the last part of her sentence.
"What? You seem to get along more than fine with John, you two in your little bubble".
"We don't have no bubble", you scoffed. "And he certainly doesn't feel like I bloody do".
"And what is that?"
"Fine, I'll admit, he looks good".
She doesn't stop blending the drink more than to throw you a quick glance, a smirk adorning her lips. "Oh, I know your taste in men, and so, I know he looks more than just good". You quickly move your elbow, jabbing her in the side. Sadly, the action only brought a huffed chuckle from her as she managed to not spill a drop of liquid. Lucky she'd put down the bottle and reached for the next. "But that's not what I wanted to know".
"Jesus, okay, what do you want me to say so you'll focus on pouring the drink?" You feel jittery at the subject, so in an attempt to occupy your fingers rapping against the not-so-cold anymore metal counter beneath your hand, you move to fetch a pint glass to start pouring Kyle's beer.
"That you admit you don't only think he's nice on the eye, but you're attracted to him". You swallow, your throat dry.
"I-I... yeah". The confession isn't grand, nor does it come with a feeling of lessening the sensation in your chest. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" You mumbled under your breath, eyes flickering towards Marissa. She's put down the bottle she previously kept elevated, both hands now resting on the counter, head turned towards you, eyes fixated on how you rotate the glass in your hand before flickering up to meet your gaze.
"I never think I've seen you this flustered about someone, missy", she comments. "What about the man got you acting like this?"
"Fuck, how would I know?" You can't help the laugh of disbelief. Marissa was right. You didn't usually act like this. Like you'd said to Johnny, working behind a bar had steeled your nerves from copious things, especially when befriending the dark-haired woman standing beside you on top of it. "I don't know how to even begin describing it", you sighed, frustration polluting the exhale.
A pinch of her brows, brief as though not meant to move her eyebrows before she cocked her head. "Try".
Concerning you'd given up on trying to evade the topic at this point, you did as she said without much fuss. "I just kinda... it feels like I'm drawn to him. It doesn't feel like anything special in that regard, but it ain't just a normal feeling, you know?"
"You're overthinking it". Marissa turned her body to you, hip against the counter, arms crossed. "Yes, you're a problem solver. You like to analyse things. Ain't for nothing you find a bloody military course in interrogation fascinating, barely any mans that do. But that puts you at risk of overanalysing, which you're doing right now. This-" she motioned to you and with a nod that passed over anyone's head aside yours that caught her eyes travelling to who you only guessed could be John. "-isn't something that needs to be solved. So go with it, see where it ends up".
"I hate when you offer solid advice, you know?"
"You mean when I've solved the problem before you know how to solve it yourself". Your eyes drop, finding your barely visible reflection in the beer glass, huffing at Marissa's reply.
"Yeah, especially fucking then".
"That's what friends are for", she hummed, and you heard her finish the drink she'd spent remarkably more time on than necessary. "So, what are you going to do about it?"
"About what?" Your head tilted in her direction.
"About the glass you've been holding like a fool for the past minutes", she deadpanned. Although knowing she wasn't serious, you stopped fiddling with it, instead stepping towards the drafting station. "About Price, of course".
"For all I know, he can just behave like a gentleman compared to most". She rolled her eyes at that.
"Can't believe you're sticking with believing that. He's more than a decent man, I agree, but so is the rest of the lot, and they ain't acting the way he does".
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"He's bloody interested in you, probably feels the same attraction you do".
Your head turned to her, eyes wide as if it would emphasise your slow-spoken words. "He doesn't".
"For someone as bright as you, it certainly is fucking unbelievable how blind you can be", she muttered, causing your bows to furrow.
"What now?"
"I've seen the little bubble the two of you enter when you talk, the guys probably have noticed too, though Johnny is the one whose mentioned it", she hummed. "Pointed it out whilst the two of you chatted during the game, even referring to some conversation of yours' from before that". She sent you a look, continuing by poorly mimicking the Scot's voice. "Never seen Price like that. He's so... easy with her, sure as shiet ain't as close-lipped as Ghost, but he doesn't partake leisurely in and especially doesn't initiate conversations with someone new. Normally likes to keep to himself. Starting to believe the old fecker got heart-eyes".
You hoped how you accidentally set down the glass you had just been about to raise a bit too harshly was enough cover for the shrill-sounding noise escaping your throat. 
You don't look at Marissa instantly. Instead, you keep your head bowed slightly, wide eyes staring at the wet remnants of froth from previously poured drinks in the drain beneath the draft. Attempting to steady your heart that had made an unhealthy leap at the words allegedly expressed by Johnny and passed on by your friend.
Loosening the grip on the pint glass, you force down your shoulders as you raise it and your free hand to the lever, slowly tapping the beer.
You send her a quick glance at the instance you do. "Keep your voice down".
"It's already low", she smirks at you.
"Well, then keep quiet altogether".
"Why for?" The smugness in her voice made your molars grind together, eyes flitting to the steady flow before you.
"To not attract attention from the ridiculously handsome man sitting not far away", you noted how she shifted in your peripheral.
"You mean the ridiculously handsome man who hasn't been able to stop throwing looks towards you for the past, like, five minutes? Yeah, you don't need me for that attention".
Don't look. And yet, you couldn't help how your eyes, as if drawn to John like magnets, sought him out. And, of course, your gazes lock the second you find him.
Although half a room away, his gaze felt heavy. The spotlights in the roof made light dance across his features, causing parts of his hair and beard to verge on golden bronze while others dimmed into a brown saber. Handsome, incredibly so, in an old-fashioned sense.
You didn't notice how your tongue peaked out to wet your lips, the act as unconscious as the reason for it, yet you became aware of it when John's eyes dropped from yours. You couldn't physically see where his eyes fell nor feel them in whatever place he looked. Not as when you could feel how your gazes lock despite the distance separating you. But, it made your thoughts rewind, bringing forth what you'd done to the front of your cognisance.
A flush spread through your body, and you didn't wait for his eyes to find yours before dropping your gaze. 
Despite redirecting your attention to the glass in your hand and setting down a satisfyingly filled pint, in the upper corner of your vision, you noted how a conversation immediately swept over the table. Whoever initiated the exchange earned John's attention as you felt his eyes leave you altogether.
"You're a menace, you know", you mumbled beneath your breath as you glanced at Marissa, knowing you would regret it the moment you did but unable to anyway. Flashed a grin, one as victorious as yours during the initial phase of your conversation, you were proven right. "Glad I quit this job", you huffed, setting down the beer you'd drafted beside the drink she'd mixed for Johnny.
"Don't say things like that", she returned, her attention flickering away from you. "Especially not when it seems you're gonna have to battle your fears and put those skills I taught you to use, someone apparently having spoken some sense into the old man". The last part of her sentence was mumbled under her breath, yet you caught it, brows knitting together. "He's coming this way", she clarified once her eyes landed on you. This time, you didn't give her the thought of doubt.
"Don't you leave", you warned, but she'd already stepped out of your reach, sending a wink as she brought the guy's pick of poison with her, one in each hand. "Traitor", your hiss was barely audible under your breath, instinctively silenced as you had no choice but to turn towards John as Marissa left the two of you to your own with a nod in his direction, one he answered with a slight smile.
You follow John as he steps up to the barstool, registering the height you'd suspected kept his broad frame -one that narrowed nearer to his hips- upright as he moved with a slight sway to his body from his strides. You realised that he carries himself with tactical ease, one he must have learnt to get comfortable with on the field so much that it stuck to every other situation.
As he settled atop the stool, finding a comfortable position with a slight lean forward of his body whilst his arm rested atop the wooden countertop, your eyes stopped jumping over him to settle on his face.
"So, what can I get for you, patron?" You put on a charade, brushing up precisely those skills Marissa had taught you. Still, you're unable to stare into those pretty blues that this close shine like the curaçao bottle at the second level of the liquid shelf for too long, fearing your tongue would turn to lead and your heart pound out of your chest.
And yet, you can't help how those butterflies in your stomach taste freedom, yearning, to have him within your close vicinity once more. So, to cage them, you lean forwards to mimic his way of resting his forearms atop the wooden desk separating you. A heavier bend in your waist concerning the metal bar pressed into your hips.
"Drivin’, remember?" He returned, but you found yourself shrugging rather than taken aback and stunted at what to say next. Seemingly easier than you'd thought to fall back into old times when standing on this side of the counter.
"You're sitting at a bar if you remember", you shot back. John's lip twitched upwards. With the subtle action, you felt encouraged enough to continue a conversation you'd had many times but not with someone you cared to maintain the chatter with. "What's your usual under non-driving circumstances?"
The irony. You hummed, in both amusement from your thought and John's answer, continuing with a nod. "Scotch?"
"Yes". Something sparked in John's eyes as you turned, still partly facing him whilst also able to look at the liquor wall. While one arm stays on the wooden counter, the other accommodates your new stance by being propped against your waist.
Letting your eyes glide over the assortment, they finally settle on one of the finer bottles. "Ardbeg, 19-year-old, something of your taste?" His eyebrows raise in what you could gauge was surprise, to which you only flashed him a smile. "Had a feeling concerning the chasews".
"You're good". John's praise of your knowledge about the correlation between his earlier choice of heavily roasted nuts to the smokey scotch you'd asked him about softened your prideful smile, shifting to bashful rather than the obligatory ones you'd offered in the past to brush away the compliment.
"Have to be when working behind a bar". Your head rolled to rest on your shoulder when you switched to look at him, thanking him for the compliment with the smile he'd brought forth but raised an inquisitory brow shortly after. "So?"
He looked at you for a second before he hummed. "Those bottles often get opened after certain missions, but yes".
You gave him a final nod before pushing away from the counter, gathering the sparse ingredients you needed to piece together the drink you had in mind. Feeling his eyes on you for every step you took.
As you returned to where he sat, your gaze met John's. But, the eye contact was brief, this time his gaze flickering away. Even though it was down to the bottle you held out for inspection, together with an explanation of what would replace the alcoholic liquor of his drink.
"A distillery toying with the idea of percentage-free liquor inspired by scotch, dare to try?" His eyes scanned the label plastered on the bottle in your hands before his eyes found yours, slight creases entering the corner of his eyes, smile prominent on his features despite a lack of bow by his lips.
"Why not", he shrugged. Flashing him a delighted smile, you put down the bottle and began making the drink before him.
You felt his eyes on you -attention that faded to no longer inducing a nervous excitement, instead an avid one, seeking to keep it on you as you busied yourself with something you were skilled on- as you picked up a rocks glass.
Not needing the measurement cup to know how much amaretto versus visionary scotch to fill it with, you grabbed the mixing liquor, free-pouring to the desired amount before switching to the virgin scotch and doing the same.
Considering the simplicity of the beverage -the sparse ingredients coupled with only a square ice cube and a swirled orange peel to be added- there wasn't really any need to taste it. But old habits die hard, and before you even noted your move whilst reaching for the ice, you swirled the liquids around with a straw, tasting it with practised ease as you retracted it. Of course, the absence of smokey scotch and its burn could never be neglected, but it was a good drink nonetheless.
"There, a non-alcoholic Godfather". You put the now-finished drink before him with your free hand as you threw the straw in the trash.
John tipped his head in gratitude, eyes falling on the drink presented to him. It was your moment to observe him as his fingers gripped the chilled glass, swirling the drink -something you imagined was out of custom- before he raised it.
As his lips meet the rim, his eyes seek yours. Despite presenting an opportunity -without limitation- to observe his opinion of the drink he sipped, something seeped into those blues that already was your weakness. You couldn't figure out what it was, but it felt intimate, a bubble -to use Marissa's words- closing around the two of you. Those nerves slowly began to buzz again when you didn't have anything to occupy yourself with.
A hum preceded his opinion as he lowered the drink. "It's good". He tipped the glass back and forth before leaning slightly forward, pointer gesturing towards you to the extent it could regarding his grip on the glass. "Better than Marissa's".
"Oh, be careful of saying that beneath her roof". You hid the warmth in your body at John's low-spoken compliment, a rough whisper, with the tease. "She won't accept that the student has become the master".
He chuckles at your banter. "I'll keep it our secret, then".
The smile forming by his comment is instantaneous, a soft stretch of your lips as his words registers. Despite the previous teasing smirk accompanying John's comment, it dissolves into one mirroring your own behind the rim of his glass once more raised closer to his mouth. You can't help but duck your head, the same intensity in his gaze bleeding into your chest.
This man, the thought is followed by a slight shake of your head. You look up through your lashes, not brave enough to reveal your attention, in spite of wanting to or not, tracks back to him by fully tilting your head and facing him. You catch John's eyes flitter over you before he notes your gaze has returned to him, causing his blues to connect with yours.
His head tilts as he lowers his glass, dwarfing it between his hands once it sits on the counter. The quirk in both his brow and the corner of his lips shifts the tension in the air to something airy and lighter. And, like linked to him, your lip quirks.
You sway on the pads of your feet, forwards until your weight is placed on your toes, heels lift from the floor, and then back to reverse the action. The itch in your body makes a restlessness nest, the feeling of standing in the same place for too long joining the sensation John's attention settles in your body. And finally, it makes you break away from his presence, grabbing the bottles and returning to the shelf to place them in their proper place.
A sound akin to the roll of a glass' bottom rim against wood fills the air behind your back, whilst the slight ting of glass-connecting-with-metal sounds in front of you as you set down the bottles you'd brought.
To use Johnny's words, at least allegedly concerning the information originated from Marissa, your conversation with John had been easy. But so most were, even when you'd sat amongst the others. However, this time, something about the silent interaction afterwards felt different.
You don't know what about it settled those butterflies in your stomach, their cage dissolving along their colourful selves, metamorphosed into an intangible pleasantness as you felt his eyes on you.
Perhaps it could be that you didn't worry about paying too much attention to the weather-worn Captain now when it solely was the two of you compared to then when the rest of the company you got introduced to sat around the same table, just an arm-length away. Nonetheless, the previous nervousness accompanying John's presence, his attention on you, now felt comfortable, as if it belonged, and you didn't want it any other way.
That was when he didn't aim to give you a bloody heart attack.
"So, how did a girl like you end up behind a bar like this?" You thanked the heavens that your back was turned and that you just had placed the bottles back on their corresponding shelves once those smooth words left him. Because you wouldn't have been able to stop your brows from shooting up and lips from parting as your stomach lurched upwards once you dropped down from standing on your toes. Well, that wasn't hard to interpret.
"Was that a pick-up line I heard?" You turned, brows now quirked in intrigue as your lips pressed together to smoothen down a grin at the giddiness flowing through your body after the initial surprise.
John tipped his head side to side, eyes flittering down to watch the liquid in his glass before clearing his throat and giving you a shrug. "An attempt at one".
You giggled, the sound foreign to your ears in this setting, yet it brought his eyes back to you as his shoulders dropped somewhat.
"Not the worst one I've gotten", you said, not an unwelcomed one either. You shift your weight onto one leg while crossing one ankle over the other. It naturally makes your body fall against the counter at your lower back, and you bring your hands to rest on the edge for additional support.
"No?" A quick tick of his head along a swift rise and fall of his brows accompanies the question.
You hum, shaking your head. "You wouldn't believe half the stuff we hear behind this desk".
He did something you hadn't anticipated then. John patted the stool beside him as he straightened and leant back a notch. "Let's swap some war stories then because I can think of a few things from only what we soldiers endure".
Go with it. See where it ends up. Marissa's words rang clear in your head and made your legs guide you to reach the offered seat.
As you sit down, John angles his chest towards you, letting his hand bring his glass more to his right rather than straight as when you'd stood on the other side of the bar. It only remains there for a few seconds, though, seeing how he raised it and tipped it towards you as he spoke.
"So, love, tell me how you came to tolerate every man on the spectrum of inebriated".
A chuckle leaves you, hands coming to clutch your elbows already resting on the bar top, head tilting towards John. "Without pulling forth my whole record for scrutinisation-". The man beside you huffed lightly, to which you flashed a swift smile before continuing. "-I can tell you it took some time getting used to and knowing how to respond to men when their tongues get too loose for anyone's good".
"Though I don't dispute the fact-".
"Talking from experience, John?" You cut his sentence off, a ribbing smile accompanying your tease.
His glass stilled where he'd spun it in the air, snicker -something more delicate than his other sounds of amusement- escaping John as his head dipped in a shake. "Can't escape the fact that everyone's been young". His blue eyes find yours again, mirth swirling in them, originating from perhaps a not-so-fond but nonetheless prevailing memory. "Though life's had its way with me like most others".
"Can tell you it's been kind on you. Ain't everyone who turns into a gentleman compared to daft wankers".
John stilled, lips pressing thin as his brows pulled together. 
The expression was new on him, causing you to cock your head, awaiting what seemed to be a response when he rolled his shoulders and straightened. Yet the reply on his tongue was seemingly quelled when he decided to sip his drink. His reaction felt... odd. But you didn't get to ask if he could indulge you in what fleetingly occupied his mind as he picked up the conversation again, seemingly preferring to talk about something else.
"So how come the break-in-time, 'cause you don't look like a newbie?" You caught on quickly that John backtracked to where his previous sentence probably would've ventured if you hadn't interrupted him.
"Had never worked in this kind of setting previously".
His brows quirked. "No? You look like a natural".
"That I have to thank Marissa for, didn't know a thing before moving here and getting the job".
"Ain't from around?"
"Mm, no, neither born nor bred".
"Why did you choose to settle in these ends?"
"Honest?" You straightened your arms, clasping your hands together. "Don't really know, just felt I needed to get a move on, didn't feel like I fit the picture at 'home' anymore, ended up staying longer than I thought". You gave a half-hearted chuckle, eyes locked on your thumbs. Right on top, switch, left on top.
"Care to explain?" You turned to look at John. He'd turned more towards you, his head tilted.
"Not much to explain, frankly. It felt like a search for something, but I don't know what", you shrugged one shoulder.
"Know the feelin', still grapple with it occasionally". Your head cocked, a silent expression of surprise at someone who felt so calm and naturally secure in himself that you hadn't imagined much else applying to other aspects of his life.
You pushed slightly against the bar, swivel chair turning more of your body towards him to physically show the same interest in his words that he'd done yours, and it urged him to continue.
"Our line of work attracts people without sense of direction in life like flies. Couldn't tell how much better judgement I have to knock into some of 'em recruits daily".
"Would've been one of them", you quipped, recalling how his words aligned with your reason for dipping a toe in their element without the compulsory enlistment. John shot you a look, the sharpness of a chide not as present as entertainment.
"But you didn't need it to realise you were meant for somethin' better". John's continuation was swift enough the meaning buried beneath his sentence was swept over in seconds. But, regardless, you caught it. "Despite my years in the field, doubt still trickles through, wondering if any of the sense you enlisted along with still exist".
"Don't think the one promoting you to Captain did it for your lack of sense". Your reply was soft-spoken, genuine, despite the opportunity for jest. And you knew John heard it, saw it when his eyes flickered over your face, a smile reaching his eyes and highlighting the crow's feet in the corners of them. That alluring depth entered his eyes, and something unravelled in your chest, equally as profound and warm.
As though hovering too close to an edge you weren't ready to jump from, one corner of your lip ticked upwards, a small gesture but enough to shift the energy in the air. "Trust me, you could say I'm a good judge of character".
"Are you know?" John mused, raising both brows in a mocking gesture.
"Oh, piss off", you chuckled, the back of your hand lightly swatting his upper arm. 
His smile turned into a grin, not as chaotic and thrilled-puppy as Johnny, more a gradual glow lightening all his features. It was something soothingly warm about the look on him despite the harsh contrast when sparkling eyes peeked from dark lashes and pearly teeth flashed amidst the umber bristles obscuring his lower face.
"If you wanna prove your skill, read 'em". John motions backwards with a nod of his head. For the first time since Marissa left you and the Captain alone, your eyes travel over your shoulder to the company still seated at the table.
Johnny was turned towards Marissa, one arm hooked on the back of her chair, talking animatedly with his other hand. Your friend sat with crossed arms but equally shifted towards the Scot to give him the same attention. By the looks of it, they argued about something. Albeit heatedly, you noted the grin pinning Johnny's lip upwards, and even if mostly seeing your friend's back, you caught how she slouched backwards in her chair, shoulders not pulled high towards her ears.
Though not surprised by the two, what did catch you off-guard was Ghost. Or more so, his smirk. You don't know when it had happened, not more than after you'd left the table, but the baklava was rolled up enough that his neck along lower face was visible, showcasing the stretch of his lips.
It hadn't hit you that Ghost's drink had remained untouched since he took it from the tray. Not until you saw him raise the glass and sip what must've been a drink Marissa know to exclude ice from or else it would taste like watered-down tea.
Before he caught you looking -because there must be a reason he'd decided to show just the slightest part of himself despite wearing a mask in public- you turned to face John again.
"I was taught interrogation techniques, not mind reading", you joked, attempting to deflect what he wanted you to do, but you only received a look from him.
"Can't trust you if you don't show what you go for". John leaned closer as he kept your gaze. "So go on then". For a second time, he jerked his head towards the others.
"Fine". You caught the upward tick of John's lip and intrigued quirk of his brows before you turned in the chair, back resting against the wooden counter.
Despite your attention now being fixed on the ones at the table, you noted how John mimicked your motion to swivel the chair and face the company the two of you previously accompanied.
At first, your gaze merely flickered over them in turn. Johnny. Ghost. Kyle. 
The most challenging task is always reading without intent. Your former instructors' voice echoes in your mind as you grapple with where to start.
"What's my goal?" You looked at John, awaiting his guidance. He rolled his head towards you, blue eyes meeting yours.
"Whatever you can get".
"So descriptive". You rolled your eyes and earned a chuckle. But you did as he said, attempting to present how far you'd gotten on the puzzle their personalities posed as since you first entered.
"Ghost", you declared to steer John's attention to who your intention was set on.
"Starting with the toughest", he mumbled.
You disregarded his comment, knowing that although it was true personality-wise, you had more solid facts about him than the others.
"Johnny has called him L.T., presumably a Lieutenant then", you began. Then, with your gaze flitting over his stature, you observed the man as he engaged, or more so listened, to the conversation Kyle maintained. "A man of few but well-chosen words, rough around the edges, has a sharp tongue, expressive eyes, though I doubt that makes him cover his face." In your peripheral, you noted John tilting his head towards you, making you tear your eyes from Ghost.
"How so?"
You gave him a half-shouldered shrug, meeting those blues. "You boys see shit that no one should, that we civilians agree on despite not knowing what that shit is all the time. So it wouldn't be weird if you wanted to separate yourself from it. For some, it could be on the field. Others, of it." Your eyes trailed back to the tall man, yet to add anything to his conversation aside from an occasional nod. "Though I don't know his reason, I would call it a coping mechanism. One that's hard turning off entirely, and he probably views as an equally big part of himself as whoever is beneath the mask." 
You glanced at John, whose eyes were still set upon Ghost, but he gave an almost absentminded nod. The confirming hum accompanying the action made you think you hit the mark to a certain degree.
"Kyle?" John directed you to Ghost's conversation partner, and your eyes were set forward again, a slight furrow entering the space between your brows as they narrowed.
"Nickname Gaz", you declared the information you'd retrieved from the rounds of poker. "Not as reserved as Ghost, but thanks to Johnny, his knack for social settings appear bleaker". That earned you an amused huff from John. "He's kind and got humour, caught a few of his quips. But, he's also calm-mannered, poised, much like you".
"Hm, good kid, we work a fair share together". You looked at John, his eyes meeting yours a second later with a tilt of his head. "Any guess on rank?" You drew in air through your teeth, making a repeated sound with your tongue, and weighed your head from side to side.
"Could be a Lieutenant, but... he feels younger than Ghost, so I would opt for Seargent without too much knowledge of your ranking systems' correlation to age or serving time". You awaited his confirmation or denial.
"You're correct." He gave you a definitive nod, a smile grazing his lips as he continued. "Gimme MacTavish now".
Encouraged by his validation, you glanced at Johnny, still conversing with Marissa. "Easiest personality-wise, charismatic and easy-going, don't think I've seen him without some kind of smile this evening. Although he's more complex as a soldier, I don't have anything on him regarding that. Maybe that's why he's called Soap." You looked to John for help with raised brows, curious to see how close to the truth you were with the guess.
"He's a good soldier; his nickname comes from that", he smiled at you.
"Like my version better", you chuckled, and his smile grew, causing the bristles on his upper lip to curve, accommodating the move.
"Final thin’ then, what rank?"
At that, you actually let out a short laugh. "Would've guessed a Corporal if it weren't for you saluting his talents".
"Give up?" John's question was followed by a quirk of his brow and a sip of his drink.
"Do tell because I have no idea".
"He's a Seargent".
Your brows raised. "Yeah, no, don't believe that ", you shook your head with a laugh. "From what I've seen of him tonight, it doesn't fit his picture".
"A difficult soldier to spot outside base indeed", John referred back to your initial assessment of Johnny.
"Did I still pass the test then?" He lowered the glass he'd kept close to his chest this whole time, bending his left elbow to let it rest against the bar.
"Yes", thanks to his newly acquired position, his slight lean towards you was a mere shift. "Knew you would".
"How could you've been so sure?" You challenged him. "I could've choked under pressure".
John's brows quickly moved up and down as he raised his chin, remaining silent for a few seconds as he observed you. "No, you wouldn't have because it's your second nature. Noticed it when you came in here earlier." He gestured to the pub entrance with the tip of his glass.
As if able to get the outer-body perspective John had of you as you arrived, your eyes trailed the direction he motioned.
"How so?" Your gaze was back at him, yet his eyes remained stuck at the doorway.
"You were alert; those eyes of yours were sharp, observant to a degree I recognised ...", John's sentence trailed off when he turned back to face you, his eyes flickering over you before meeting your gaze. "Not gonna lie, the dress had me questionin’ longer than usual if you were one of us".
"What settled your mind?" He grinned, head tilting side to side.
"It's my job to notice people like you that ain't as sweet looking".
You wished you'd had a drink to cool yourself with as heat spread through your body at John's comment. To say it had taken you off-guard was an understatement. It was so unlike his earlier, not forced but definitely not innate, pick-up line; this was a taste of that same effortlessness he'd displayed during your game of cards.
Flustered, searching for your wits, you find yourself tongue-tied. And it didn't get better when you spotted John's smile behind the rim of his glass as he sipped his drink, eyes still on you.
Thankfully, he broke the mere second-long silence that had felt eternal when he swallowed the beverage.
"Maybe we should call you if we need a new face for interrogation". It was a joke. An offered out of your own flustered state.
"I bet Ghost is enough". John chuckled, yet the sound quietened when you swivelled your chair to fully angle your body towards him. "But, I still bet I could attribute with something".
"What you suggestin'?" His eyes jumped over you, a slight quirk in his brows.
"Can give you pointers on how an outside eye asses you".
"Now, can you, eh?" One of his already intriguingly raised brows arches. Your pulse increases, a slight tapping emerging at the base of your throat when John sets down his drink, turning his chair to face you. Instinctively you press your legs together, giving John enough room to not touch you with his knees as they slot on either side of you. "What would you say others see then?"
You justify the trail over his frame as required to answer his question. But, you know it's futile, knowing very well the roam of your gaze was to take in his broad body, still accentuated despite his arms crossed over his chest and the slight haunch in his back to lean slightly closer to you.
"A tight-knitted group", you say, eyes locking with his as you continue. "Yet, what the Captain says goes".
A slow side-ways tip of his head accompanies his amused huff. "That's the whole military".
You hold up a finger and raise your brows. "Ah, I'm not done". John raises his hand at your smile-accompanied accusation. "This group of yours, they look up to you, respect you, that's why they follow you. They put their trust in their Captain because he's earned it." Something softens the amused upward-turns of his features at your words, his arms settling on his thighs.
"Playin’ at an old man's pride?"
You chuckle softly. "Ain't playing anything; already said you must've earned your rank".
"You're startin’ to sound subjective, love".
"Oh, sue me", you roll your eyes, a slight smile spreading on John's features as his knee knocks against yours in jest before falling outwards again. "Fine then, if you want objective, I'll give it to you. If anyone wants to aim at your group, they'll aim for the heart". You nod towards him, inclining what you didn't spell out.
With a shift of one foot to rest on the floor to not have him fall out of his seat, John moves closer by a slight bend in the waist and forwards tip of his head. "If that's your best take on bein’ objective, I can't imagine your subjectiveness".
An all too cheerful-sounding scoff is directed at him as your knee falls out to mimic the bump he'd done against your knee previously. A grin breaks his lips apart. 
"I'll tell you, it works wonderfully for persuasions". Your teeth dig into your lower lip as you feel the smile you want to suppress spread anyways. John's eyes flicker down, returning to your gaze when teeth flash as your smile turns into a grin.
"Not doubtin’ that". John could've said something else entirely. You didn't need too much imagination to convince yourself he had. The cadence of his voice, the smooth churning of something purely described as deep, rich, mingling with the accent already coating his words in almost a droning hum, a pleasant one for your ear to experience.
You swallow, the intensity in those blues causing a quiver in your fingers. You attempt to shield it by putting your right arm on the countertop and tapping the wooden counter with your fingers.
A loud noise makes you jump, fingers curling into the wood, eyes falling from John's and seeking the source of the sound.
"Keep your heads on your shoulders. You need to be sober enough to get to the base at the latest 01:00 for drills at 07:00. I'm not puttin’ in a word against office duty if you don't". You switched to look at John -or more so his profile concerning he'd twisted his neck to watch the men seated at the tables- as he's seemingly unphased by the sudden disturbance.
"Does that apply to you too, Captain?" Your eyes widened, gaze snapping from John's profile. In the corner of your eye, you catch how he cocks his head and swivels his chair until he is sitting in a similar position as previously.
You hadn't anticipated the comment from Kyle. Johnny, maybe, but not the brown-eyed man now watching his superior with a grin as his eyes remain solely on the man at your side. Connecting it quickly to what Marissa forwarded from the Scot -something you gradually started to believe- you knew it was a jab at John and not necessarily you. Still, the attempted silent snickers from the others urged a rush of heat through your body, head ducking instinctively.
"You seem to forget I'm already on office duty and won't partake in the drills tomorrow, Sergeant". John replies without a hitch in his breath, an assertiveness in his tone you hadn't anticipated. It's enough for you to raise your gaze and focus on him.
As your eyes flitted over him, you realised his whole demeanour changed. It's the same shift you'd seen earlier the night, now clocking it's a switch between John and his role as Captain. However, unlike earlier, it doesn't make you uncomfortable. Instead, the opposite, an appreciative smile spreading when the arched brow daring Kyle, or anyone else, to make a further comment is met with silence.
As John turns towards you again, not entirely but showing his focus tracks back to you with the shift, you catch him mumbling beneath his breath. 'These lot...'
He sighs, shaking his head. "You mind?" Your gaze locks with his before flickering down to the metal case he fishes from his back pocket, opening it expertly with his thumb to show the cigars inside. He doesn't reach for one until you shake your head.
"Only if it smells like a cigarette". As John reaches for one of the dark auburn rolls, balancing it between his fingers whilst pocketing the case, he scoffs as if honestly offended.
"Then you wouldn't be the only one", he muttered, reaching for something over the bar.
You can't help how your eyes travel down to the small strip of skin he reveals when his shirt inch upwards. Before he notices, you promptly avert your eyes to see he's recovered a similar tray serving to collect ashes as he'd sported over at the table in the absence of a proper ashtray. 
As he placed it on his right side, away from you, he fished out the same sleek metal lighter he'd used to light the cigar earlier the evening.
"Hate when Ghost pulls those out". A flame flickered to life as he popped the cap with his thumb, the orange-yellowy flare brought to the butt of the roll now resting between his lips.
Your eyes skate over to Ghost, then back to John, eyeing him as he puffed at the end until dropping the pocket lighter with a satisfied hum when a subtle curl of smoke rises from the glowing tail.
"Didn't know he was a smoker", you say.
John glances at you, dropping the cigar enough to flash you a smirk. "We all have our copin’ mechanism. Some of us just have more tasteful ones". You chuckle with a shake of your head, following the cigar as he raises it to his lips.
He inhales a mouthful, not a lungful, John’s chest not expanding more than marginally. With his eyes closing, his hand drops to the side until his elbow rest against the counter and the cigar rests over the ashtray. When he releases the cloudy vapour, he turns slightly to the side.
As he faces you again, his eyelids flutter open, the corner of his mouth ticking upwards instantly when he discovers your eyes never left him. "You're starin’, love". You frown despite his teasing tone, nabbing the first thing that comes to mind.
"If you continue at this pace, those will kill you". You nod to the cigar in John's hand. Yet, you only get a chuckle and an amused look in return.
"If nothin’ on the field has done it yet, I take the risk". You let out a light exhale. From how John doesn't even wince but savours the taste before pointedly turning away from you and blowing out the smoke, you know you won't be able to change his habits.
You watch as he puffs the cigar, his blues not leaving yours longer than it takes to empty release his breath. The scent of smoke slowly tints the air, but there are hints of something else in those blue whisps.
"What's that?" You ask, and his brows raise as to what you're referring to. "The scent?"
John hums. "Maduro; carries a distinct coffee and dark-chocolate aroma".
"Don't know about that". You muse. Sure, it doesn't smell like acrid cigarettes, but neither would you've guessed coffee and chocolate. John smiles with a shrug before taking another puff. "You know your cigars".
"Like you know your liquor". You unabashedly shrug as John reaches for the glass he's let sit on the counter for a bit. He pauses mid-way to his lips, eyes flickering down to its contents. Or rather, the lack thereof.
"I can make another one". You say, not until now, realising all that's left is the half-melted ice cube. 
Without even waiting for John's answer, you prepare to stand. However, with a shake of his head and shifting his chair towards you, he stops you mid-action.
"Sit. I enjoy your company more than a drink". When John sets the glass on the counter, those blue eyes don't fall from yours. A sincerity is laced within his gaze, and the smile he's so prone to bring forth stretches your lips again.
As you sink into your seat again, one leg crosses the other, the slip of your dress accommodating by baring your thigh. Your legs fall closer to John with your move, and your exposed knee grazes against his thigh. When he further angles his body towards you, it rests against his leg. As neither of you breaks the point of contact, you feel the warmth he emits even through his jeans.
"Never got to know how you find your way to this pub?" The air is comfortable, and you rest your elbow on the counter, head falling against your hand as you watch John.
"Kyle got a whiff of the place through some mates; it just so happened that it lived up to its reputation". Not surprised. You hummed at his answer.
"What made you regulars?"
"Because I can have a drag of this without lookin’ like a kicked puppy on the streetside", he jokes with a motion to his cigar, and you huff out a laugh, still reprimanding him with a slight nudge to his leg with yours. "Happened to be that most took a likin’ to something after our first visit". Your brows cock, eyes instinctively fleeting sideways, briefly catching Johnny gazing at Marissa as she entertains a conversation with Kyle.
When they return to John, you find him watching you as he inhales a drag of smoke. "I can guess someone's reason-". You refer to what your attention strayed towards. "-but what's yours?"
"Hm, the ambience, like the conventional setting Marissa got goin’ despite innovated. Not a fan of many of the brand new places". You nod, noticing how John works his jaw, lips subsequently pursing, before he speaks up. "How come we haven't seen you around before?"
"Why, would I've added to the ambience?" You can't help the quirk of your lips at how his brows raise, feeling as if it was finally your turn to be put on the spot but the other way around.
Before he answers, a low chuckle escapes him as he ducks his head before rolling it to the side to look at you. "Maybe I would've added you as a reason".
You bite your lip, barely able to contain the giddiness his comment elicits. Only managing when actually answering his question. "It was some time ago I worked full-time. Nowadays, I only jump in occasionally when Marissa asks". 
He nodded. "What do you fill your time with otherwise?"
"Free-lancing", you explain. "Nothing all too fancy, but I get to do things I like with the freedom I want-". You clip the end of your sentence, stopping yourself before formulating your the intended question that would’ve followed. Naturally, you want to know more about his work in return, but you hesitate, not desiring to destroy the mood if he rejects explaining.
"I can hear you thinkin’". John nudges your knee with a slight move of his thigh, bringing you out of your thoughts. "Go on", he urges you. And, like so many other times during the evening, something about his encouragement makes you fold.
"Well, concerning Marissa has mentioned you, I can't lie and say I haven't been curious about you lot since arriving. But I didn't want to pry, know you're off-duty if you're here". He keeps looking at you as your head stops resting on your fist, instead moving your hand when you explain yourself, patiently waiting for the question you build up to with a barely visible smile. "I-I just wondered what you do? You guys aren't really rookies, and it was hard not to notice a certain reluctance to initially mention you were in the military...", you trail off.
John remains silent for a few beats, head tilting as he watches you, and you fear you overstepped even though he urged you to ask the question. "We ain't directly military".
"No?" Your brows furrow.
"Special forces". Your lips part, hand dropping until your forearm rest against the wooden counter. Oh.
"What branch, if I may ask?"
"SAS". Really fucking oh.
"And you made me think my training was even the slightest set apart from absolutely fucking petty compared to yours", you huff in disbelief. Your comments bring out a deep laugh from John, a grin pinning his lips upwards.
"It ain't all too bad".
"Not all too bad- the fucking SAS, John". You lean slightly closer to emphasise what you said as if he didn't realise his occupancy. "You're a Captain in the SAS out of everything on this spinning globe".
He shrugs, disturbing his slowly diminishing cigar's linear ringle of smoke. "Ain't too shabby, I guess".
"Fucking hell", your hand jerks upwards, shaking your head in disbelief as you straighten up again, an unbelieving smile etched onto your lips. That earns you another laugh from him as his hand, having rested on his leg, pats the middle of your bared thigh. 
"I'm takin' the piss".
You accusingly raise your brows at him. "You better be". His hand stills and gently squeeze the spot where he touches you, an offered 'my bad' as his gaze locks with yours. It takes mere seconds before your smiles reflect one another.
"Well, gentlemen, I think it's time to shoo you out. I don't want to be responsible for your absence on any important matters in the morning." At her voice, your eyes are drawn to Marissa. She rises from her seat despite some protest from a certain Scot, to which she only offers a smile and a 'sorry, Johnny-boy'. As she turns her neck towards you, her brown eyes flicker down to see John's hand resting atop your thigh. Although her smile remains the same, you note the twinkle entering them when noting your proximity to the older man. "Ain't that right, Price?"
"Always good to know you look after them", he returns, hand slipping from you to brace against his kneecap as he straightens somewhat.
"Your boys ain't the biggest group of troublemakers, but always good to have someone look out for them", Marissa shoots back. But, with a quick shift of her gaze to meet yours, you know the comment isn't as innocent as it appears. Having spent enough time with her, you can hear the unspoken continuation. While your attention is on someone else.
As your friend turned and began collecting what littered the table, Johnny followed suit to help her while Ghost and Kyle rose from their seats, gathering their belongings.
The shift in the edge of your vision brought your eyes back to the man at your side.
You watched as John stubbed out the unsmoked bit of his cigar. His opposite hand rose to run across his beard, and until then, you hadn't registered the fine specs of ash coating parts of his facial hair.
"Ready?" You ask when the action slows, unable to hide your amusement. John's gaze jumps to you, creases entering the edges of his eyes as he notes you'd followed his movement.
"The only downside", he chuckled as he rose from his seat.
One of your brows cocked. "Only one?"
"Hush now". His reply makes the laugh you repressed escape anyways, but it fades when he stretches out his hand for you.
Your brows raise momentarily, eyes flickering down to his hand and up to his eyes, not even debating before accepting his upturned palm.
John's hold is gentle as he helps you keep your balance whilst stepping down from the bar stool. "Thank you". He smiles in return and drops your hand, and you instantly miss his touch.
John turns and moves toward the only occupied table during the evening, and you watch how Ghost throws him his jacket that he expertly captures and supposedly was to retrieve. Your attention is pulled from them when Marissa passes you.
"Do you need any help?" You follow your friend as she rounds the bar.
Her head raised as she set down what she'd carried from the table. "No need. I'll fix this tomorrow morning". She gestured to the dishes before her.
"You sure? I can help so you can sleep in tomorrow?"
"We can help". Compared to the first time the Scottish accent appeared by your side, you don't startle when Johnny rounds you, placing the rest of the dishes beside what Marissa already brought.
"I have a few deliveries that I need to be here for tomorrow anyway, so I'm just gonna lock up for the night. Head on out with the rest". She waved the two of you off, and you simply shrugged.
"Fine, we'll wait for you outside", Marissa sent you an appreciative smile as your reply stopped the Scot from possibly debating with her.
"Alright, Riss", he simply settled on. "Come on then, lass", Johnny slung an arm over your shoulder.
"Am I your human crutch now?" You poked the dark-haired man's side.
"Haven't had that much", Johnny defended himself. "I remained on good behaviour today", he puffed out his chest as you caught a laugh from your friend just as she ducked into the back.
"Hard to believe when coming from the man daring me to a drinking game", you teased, knowing he wasn't any further inebriated than barely tipsy, concerning he wasn't stumbling over his words or burdened you with his weight when he turned the two of you with a chuckle.
Facing the exit, your and Johnny's eyes fall on the others moving towards it. 
You instinctively pay more attention to John as he steps away from their table. But, with his jacket already clutched in one hand since previously, your brows furrow. To your attention, he hadn't brought anything else. And that's when you see the accessory not fitting his general appearance. In John's other hand is your purse.
While something warm worms into your chest, you feel the body beside you move, silent amusement causing Johnny's chest to vibrate. You twist your head towards him, being met with a wide grin as his eyes drop to you, returning from having caught the same sight you'd done.
"You've really put ya charms on the old man, now 'ave ya?" His bright eyes are creased in the corners as his hand squeezes your shoulder.
Your mouth drops open. "I-I...uh", you stumbled over your words, suddenly bashful at having someone beside Marissa point it out. Even though he's already mentioned it to her, you remind yourself.
Your wide-eyed look earns a not-so-suppressed laugh from Johnny this time around. "No need explainin'". His smile softens somewhat, yet the glint in his eye is still there as he leans in slightly. "Only hope the old fecker doesn't fuck it up with a bonnie like ya". You duck your head to hide a laugh, nerves dissipating at the Scot's comment.  
"He's got his charms". You look up, gaze locking with John's briefly before facing the man at your side. He gives you a wink before letting you go, leaving you to take the lead when nearing the others.
Your focus shifts to the exit. 
Ghost pulls the door open, its never-fixed natural chime filling the air. Kyle follows him shortly, pushing the door slightly wider for John to catch with the same hand he holds his jacket. However, instead of exiting, he waits for you to come close enough to wordlessly hand you your purse and motion for you to head out before him. You smile as thanks for both actions.
The air is lukewarm. Not cold by any means. Still, a shiver prickles your skin when a warm gust blows past.
"You can't possibly be cold". You turn to look at John as he follows you onto the sidewalk. To give space to Johnny trailing after him, you take a few steps to the side before angling your body towards him as he steps up to you.
"Says the man who brought a jacket". You nod towards the material in his grip.
"Fair". John chuckles as he stops close to you, his free hand hooking into his pocket, his thumb sticking out.
As the door closes, you look away from those blues you'd stared into for the better part of the evening, focusing on what was beyond the pub window. You see Marissa with her bag slung over her shoulder, meaning she must've finished the closing procedure in the back.
Next, your eyes are drawn to the only one moving in the company. Ghost's dark frame melts into the building's facade more so than the still-bright evening as he moves towards one of the cars parked a few steps away. The late setting sun reflected in the windshield, and the cloud-free sky lightened the night considerably regarding the time.
The slight shift in your peripheral finally draws your eyes back to John. As your attention land upon him, you note he followed your previous line of sight of watching Ghost leisurely come to lean against the rear-view mirror as he waits. Soon though, his blue eyes settle on you.
"How'd you get here?" It's a simple and innocent question depending on how you interpret it. But you can't help but do anything but.
"I was already out and about, so I walked". John nods, looking away for a second as you notice his jaw works from the muscles in his temple. When his eyes return, he tips his head somewhat downwards and slightly raises his brows. "I could drive you home if you want?"
You immediately press your jaws together to not break out in a lunatic smile. Those butterflies are back, wild and whipping in your stomach, not because of nervousness but excitement. As you watch John, gaze into his blues, you breathe in.
Mingling together is the noticeable but hard-to-place smell of warmth in the air still present from when you arrived and the scent of John you'd grown accustomed to during the evening.
"My mother warned me of jumping into strangers' cars". You attempt to play down your immediate reaction to his offer.
It earns you a chuckle. "Can't say I pose as the friendliest either". John looked over his shoulder to the big black rover parked further down the street than Ghost had. You can barely shield your amusement despite attempting to when he turns back. "What?"
"Could think you worked for the Mafia rather than the military".
His brows teasingly narrowed at you. "That so?"
You nod with a light hum. "At the least thought it was more Ghost's style than yours", you'd lowered your voice to not let the man you referred to catch your sentence.
"Can't blame you", he chuckles with a slight head shake as your eyes fall back to the black rover ahead.
"Oh, jump in the car". Both you and John followed the voice to find Marissa. You hadn't heard her exit the pub and lock the door, but evidently, she must have done it slightly before butting into your conversation concerning how Johnny and Kyle joined Ghost by their car.
"I'm going the other direction anyways, and I know Price won't kidnap you". You knew she could've and would've given you a ride. She'd done it frequently when you worked together. You cocked a brow at her, one she disregarded when she redirected her eyes to John. "And, if you do so happen to take such a liking to my friend that you decide to abduct her, I know where you live".
"You don't know where I live", he huffed out a laugh.
Marissa only smiles in return. "Maybe so, but I do know where that base of yours is and that some of your boys will be there". She put a hand on her hip, and at that, he put his hands up in mock surrender, eliciting a chuckle from your friend as she turns back to you.
"Hear from you in the morning to know wheater you end up home or in a basement?" She said, but the look in her eyes said something else entirely.
You couldn't help but shake your head, knowing she had said it because she wanted all the details. "Sure". She brought you in for a hug before stepping away and heading in the same direction as the boys had, her car parked in front of theirs.
"Thanks for coming by tonight", she called as she stopped by the vehicle.
"You know I can't say no to you", you returned with a smile.
"Nice to meet ya, lass", Johnny called out as he opened the passenger seat, a grin present as his eyes shifted. "See ya, Cap'n". John gave him a nod in return as you waved to the Scotsman. Like his goodbye, your action responds to Ghost's nod and Kyles's wave.
"Seems like I'm taking you up on that offer", you said when finally turning back to face John.
"Come on then, love", he gave you a side-ways nod as he directed you to his car.
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dxitydoo · 1 year
More Miraculous Ladybug Fic Recs! #2
I managed to lose pretty much all my bookmarks so I’m still working on re-finding them and saving them again. However, its been 3 years since my last one of these and I still read a lot of MLB fics so here’s some more recs.
* - unfinished
M - mature
☆ - favourite
Arranged in alphabetical order.
☆ A Good Actor by 11JJ11 | 3k
To avoid auditioning for the role of Ladybug, Marinette finds herself trying out as Chat Noir for a school performance. It’s just her luck that she’s trying out with Adrien, who she can barely get a sentence out around. So when she’s told to improv the heroes’ patrol night she does the easiest thing– and repeats exactly what Chat Noir said to her on patrol last night.
My thoughts: look, I’m a sucker for identity reveals in kinda stupid ways and this fic is one of the best imo. I genuinely go back and reread this one on a regular basis
A Rational Fear of Dragons by orphan_account | 4k
When Kim gets paired with Marinette for a history project, he learns a lot, though most of it has nothing to do with their project.
My thoughts: unfortunately, the author has deactivated but this fic is still a good read. I always like fics from an outsider’s perspective and this one does it really well. I especially like Kim and Marinette’s relationship in this.
And They Were Housemates by DxityDoo | 35k*
He was turned away from her. Looking back on it, maybe that was why she didn’t recognise him at first. But then he turned to look at her and her mind went blank. Adrien. Oh my god _________________ Marinette was excited to start the next chapter of her life. Making it into her first choice university had been her dream for years and now it was finally here and it was going to be perfect. It was just her luck she would be housemates with Adrien Agreste of all people. Now she had to navigate university life while living with her crush as well as trying to keep the trouble-making Chat Noir from getting in her way. It was going to be one hell of a year.
My thoughts: alright, this one is mine. I tend not to like when ppl rec their own works so apologies if you’re the same but I’m really proud of it. It’s still unfinished but its fully planned out and I’m slowly but surely getting there.
A Thing for Models by WriterRiderDirtyThirties | 4k
Ladybug figures that, as a fellow model, Chat Noir could give her some insight on how to talk to her model crush. Enter Professor Chat.
between reflection and truth by theriveroflight | 1k
Trying a tuxedo awakens new feelings in Kagami. Or: Mirrors lie between two worlds — the reflections and the truth.
Cat Walker's Secret Is Revealed... Twice. by CassarillaDraws | 3k
Ladybug and Chat Noir swapped Miraculous for a week in hopes of making their partnership stronger. Marinette feels inadequate when she compares herself as Ladynoire to Cat Walker. Plagg explains that it wasn't exactly the feline hero's first night on the job.
☆ The Dating App by leadernovaandthemacabre | 15k
Chat Noir and Marinette cross paths on Paris’ newest dating app and keep crossing paths until secrets slip. - [MDC]: why are you here [OfficialChatNoir]: we matched! shall we go out for sweethearts ice cream? [MDC]: i’m blocking you [OfficialChatNoir]: wait wait marinette wait *[MDC] has blocked you*
My thoughts: this one is rated Teen on AO3 but I'd just say that there is quite a bit of sexual discussion so if you're sensitive to that then maybe skip this one? But this one was really good. It's one I've read more recently and I really enjoyed it (hence why it got the favourite star). It's on the longer side for a oneshot but the pacing is So Good. It's another identity reveal fic (look most fics I read will be identity reveal fics coz they're my fave) but it also has some really good Marichat close/flirty friendship (my favourite side of the love square and one of my favourite dynamics)
☆ drowning in plain sight by buggachat | 73k
Everybody had expected Monarch's defeat to be a moment of triumph. Nobody had expected Gabriel Agreste, unmasked and mind frayed from continual abuse of the miraculous, crying out to all who would listen and making Paris certain of one thing: His son, Adrien Agreste, is one of his sentimonsters. And now he's missing. Nobody can find him— not even the superheroes, and not even his closest friends. But Marinette, Nino, and Alya aren't ones to give up so easily. They'll find him, no matter what it takes. (But, geez, would it kill Chat Noir to lend a hand?)
My thoughts: buggachat is a staple of this fandom for a reason. This fic is incredible. I think I read it in one sitting? Or thereabouts anyway. I really like sentimonster!Adrien fics and this one was especially good
fills columns to new heights by orthostatics | 12k
Purifying the akuma, restoring the street, was special. Full of light and easy confidence. What he’d always imagined being Ladybug was like.
Ladybug, called away from a fight, gives Chat her earrings. Being Ladybug brings up a lot of things Adrien hadn't previously known about himself. Well, one in particular.
My thoughts: trans!Adrien, my beloved
☆ Maintaining a Professional Distance by buggachat | 43k
“I mean, how dumb does the mayor think we are? Offering us a permanent hotel room as a ‘gesture of gratitude for all our work for Paris’, like it isn’t clearly just some half-baked political ploy to place him more in the public’s favor after the whole school funding scandal, like we’ll allow ourselves to sleep in a hotel that we were publicly offered, making ourselves sitting ducks for Hawkmo—”
“It’s a pretty big building,” he countered, and at least he seemed amused, because she certainly wasn’t, “Nobody knows which room we were given but us.”
“It doesn’t matter!” she scoffed, “It’s still a security risk that he can narrow our location down at all! Also,” she jutted her arms out towards the bed a second time, “May I remind you? ONE. BED. ONE!”
Or, Ladybug and Chat Noir receive a hotel room from the city, which they most certainly will not use. After all, that wouldn't be very professional, would it?
Yes, it's a Ladynoir bed sharing fic.
My thoughts: yes its another buggachat rec. I actually read this one first before realising it was by buggachat and loved it. Once again, I am a fan of identity reveals. Also I will forever find it amusing that both of them wrote the room off and yet both end up immediately using it
☆ The Messenger by CassarillaDraws | 5k
In a recent conversation Ladybug had jokingly suggested to Chat Noir that if Alya knew both of their identities they could contact each other through her. When Marinette shares this conversation with her best friend, Alya thinks it's an idea that they should consider for real. Since it's about his identity, the final decision is left up to Chat Noir. But he'll have plenty of opportunities to talk to Alya, since Ladybug has the flu, and she's filling in as Scarabella.
My thoughts: I love stories where Alya finds out both of them and is then just watching the sitch and sighing heavily. The identity reveal in this one is really good and kinda emotional and I love it
Miraculous Hive (series) by SailorChibi | 85k
Following Chameleon, Chloe figures out who Ladybug and Chat Noir. Her bee instincts then set off a chain of events that change everything.
Oh To Be a Catboy by LetTheHuman | 2k
Alternate Universe: Adrienne's transformation into Chat Noir turns her into her ideal self. He is funny, strong, confident... and undeniably male. He is so much easier to be than Adrienne. This causes "her" to think about some things.
one does not love breathing by wackus_bonkus | 144k
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace. Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most. Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
My thoughts: idk if I can rec this coz I technically haven’t finished this one yet. I was reading it as it was coming out and I remember it being really good (I believe if you look hard enough, theres a comment somewhere which says I almost missed my bus coz I was reading the update). I ended up busy and didn’t have time to keep reading it as it updated but I remember really enjoying what I read and I do plan on actually finishing it eventually. This one has been a bit of a staple rec recently so you can also have it from me too lol. 
From memory, this one deserves to be in my favourites but given I haven’t finished it yet, I’m gonna leave it starless for now. But just so you know, its good
Operation Marichat by CoffeeBanana | 7k
When the news gets out that Ladybug and Adrien are an item, Alya and Nino make it their life's mission to comfort Marinette. Because obviously she'd be sad that Adrien's off the market, right? (Never mind the fact that Alya knows exactly who's underneath Ladybug's mask.) And if Nino's plan to cheer up Marinette involves setting her up with Chat Noir...what could possibly go wrong with that?
Puppies by Nation_Ustria | 3k
Adrien doesn't dislike dogs, per se, but ever since becoming Chat Noir being anywhere near them makes every part of him scream to get away. It's not too much of an issue, though, and the one time it actually was one (thank you Hawkmoth for a dog-themed akuma) Ladybug was there to help him calm down. The thing is, Alya just had the bright idea for the four of them to go play with puppies. He can handle that, right? Turns out, he can't, and that results in Marinette finally connecting the dots.
☆ Practice Makes Purr-fect by orphan_account | 7k
Marinette has something really important to tell Chat Noir, so she decides to practice on her friends. Adrien gets a little more than he bargained for when Alya suggests he be Practice Chat Noir.
My thoughts: I've read this one multiple times by this point and I'm grinning like an idiot through the whole thing everytime I read it. Again, unfortunately the author has deactivated but this fic is still worth a read. I'm still a sucker for kinda stupid identity reveals and this one is Very Good. Identity shenanigans, my beloved
☆ The Rocketear Revelation by Emmalylis | 1k
When Carapace decides to ask Chat Noir out, it sets off a chain of events he couldn’t have anticipated.
My thoughts: very short, very sweet. Adrienino is usually not a ship I read that often but I loved the dynamic in this and it made me desperate to read some more polycule!core four. Alas, it appears there really isn't much atm. I love the final scene so much
Trying to Get Bi by breeeliss | 3k
“Alright. How about Adrien Agreste?” Chat Noir sat up abruptly and stared at Ladybug over his shoulder. “Say what now?” "Let's hear it," Ladybug encouraged. "Hot or Not? He totally seems your type.” Chat Noir opened his mouth, closed it, and winced. “Eeehhhh, I dunno. T-That’s kind of a….a hard question.” Featuring: Bi!Ladybug and Bi!Chat Noir, a billboard of Adrien Agreste, a game of celebrity Hot or Not?, and a very awkward reveal.
My thoughts: I adore fics where LB and CN are genuinely close friends even without knowing each others identities and I also love identity reveals (one-sided but still). This fic is a win-win!
where roses bloom by carpisuns | 6k
“You’re sick, aren’t you?” He drops down to the balcony. “You’re sick because you love someone and … they don’t love you back.” (Love square Hanahaki AU, Marichat centric)
My thoughts: yes it's Marichat again, are we surprised? This one was short and sweet. I don't always love hanahaki fics but I enjoyed this one
61 notes · View notes
What was I made for? (maybe you?) True Blue |Sneak peek
Authors note: This will most likely surpass the 15k chapter opener, I do hope you enjoy it 💌! This is fresh off the page and I have not edited one bit of it. I most likely will change things, maybe its just me but I feel like Bel might be a little off how I wrote her? I would adore your feedback on what you enjoyed.
"How has the campaign been? Any more votes? When is the deadline again? Carter mentioned it would be in two weeks" Bel's voice spoke muffled under your cotton blankets, you lovingly rolled your eyes at Bel's words, you were pretty sure you had mentioned it recently, but with the documentary coming up so soon and fast you were sure Bel felt like a chicken without a head, feelings jumbled and emotions on every corner.
You saved your project on your computer before grabbing your phone and putting it next to you, the familiar noise of Bel's keyboard on her computer rushed and frantic over the mobile. "It's in two weeks Annabel" you cooed playfully over the phone knowing she would catch the tail end of the sentence. It had been two weeks since you and Bel had the "talk" at the park, two weeks and surprisingly Bel had been the one to stick to you like glue, walking you to class and eating lunch with you in the canteen, going over your campaign schedule like she was Carter Price with eager eyes. She was still Bel in every way, still the brooding prickly girl she always had been, but with you around she always had a pep in her step, like she was alive somehow.
She still kept her distance, hence the question. Bel had been busy for the first couple days of the week, having only enough time to give you your secret "handshake" at the door, amusing Carter because she had told you secretly of course "That is not a handshake y/n that is a full-fledged palm on palm connection a pinkie intertwine, dare I say a sensual grip of affection" Carter had bugged you as you both worked on removing the old posters and putting up the freshly new posters with the golf barriers that bel had picked out. You had chuckled, feeling your heart beat fast in your chest whenever Carter mentioned anything remotely Bel price. Because now you knew Bel Price and how soft and lovable she could be, how amazing and resilient she was, and it only made your heartache in the best ways. Bel's silent comments in class, her charming smile that lifted off the edges of her lips cheekbones sharp up to her blue eyes, those grey-blue eyes that you had grown accustomed to seeing.
Even the student body had found it odd to see The Bel Price hanging out with the future student body president, "Yo did you catch Bel Price with y/n this morning? Totally sus" some students would say, but you loved it. Every minute of it. Bel would come and walk beside you, hips brushing up against each other, ask about your day or if you had time to talk. You always did, even if you had to reschedule some things which you never told Bel.
Bel always asked you how your home life was, asked about your mother and surprisingly your little brothers, she was calm and content with you, with you she was just Bel, not Bel Price the daughter of the infamous Rachel Price who haunted the small town of Gorham New Hampshire. You two had connected in a way that she had never thought possible, and Bel intended on keeping you close, with boundaries of course.
Bel alluded to you how she couldn't even entertain the thought of dating, she had mentioned to you one evening in the car while Carter went to fetch the Pizza how her "relationship" with Sam Blake had gone down, how she had spoken out of turn about her father, accused of him of murdering Rachel like almost every other person had. She told you of her struggles and how she really had not entertained the idea of another relationship, that she was content enough where she was. but you knew she was afraid and terrified, could see the inner panic on her face at times. You knew why. Being abandoned and not having a mother figure could do that to a person.
You and Bel Price were best mates, best friends. That's what you labeled it and that's what you stuck with. It didn't matter the way Bel would eye your lips as you spoke in front of the class or the way her heart ached and butterflies flew in her stomach when you would smile at her widely or walk past her desk in your high-knee socks that made her head spin like a top. It didn't matter. Because Bel Price would not entertain the thought. She was adamant.
"It's odd hearing my name like that, it almost feels like it isn’t quite my name" Bel speaks, her voice seemingly in a daydream.
You can imagine her blue eyes staring at some odd trinket in her room, next to the golden picture frame of you both near her bedside table. God that girl had the most sticky fingers ever, bel had so far taken almost every one of your scrunchies by accident of course, but you didn’t mind. Not when Bel would leave them in your locker with a note attached.
“I love your name! It sounds so familiar and unique” you chimed, and Bel scoffed, “it gives out old lady who can’t get up off the bathroom floor y/n” she deadpanned.
You chuckled, loving her natural tone of expression. “It does not. It’s a wonderful name and you should use it” you spoke, sounding like a parental figure rather than Bel’s best friend.
Bel rolled her eyes all the way into her own room, “yes Mom” she spoke, “speaking of mothers how is your darling mother dearest?” Bel asked. You laughed, brows scrunched.
“She’s doing good. After our talk she finally apologized, had a whole conversation about how I felt, she actually cried when I told her how unloved I felt. Said she thought of me as her big girl who was tough and busy, and that I didn’t need her. We spoke about Richard too”.
Bel could feel the anger in your tone at the mention of your estranged father.
“How was that?” Bel asked.
“He’s moving closer to town, got a job at some oil company in town. Honestly having him over for dinner was like having some stranger of the streets eat with you. It was so uncomfortable bel. The whole time I felt this…anger in me. Didn’t help the fact that he was so nice, kept saying I grew up beautiful and looked so much like him at that age. All I wanted to do was grab my salad fork and ram it into his eyes…but that would most likely scar my brothers so I settled for the silent treatment.”
Bel smirked, imagining you with your sweet kind eyes making violent gestures with your fork at the man. Which was all good and well because he deserved it, making you go through so many things a young girl shouldn’t have. But it built you into the person bel knew today, so it was a bittersweet feeling. “Of course, we wouldn’t want to scar the children. I would have cussed him out if I was there, provided your mother would let me”.
“Of course. Bel price and her irresistible manners. I still can’t believe you made Jimmy cry in middle school, he barely mentioned it the other day.”
Bel smiled smugly, she had a certain charm that invoked attacking others with words. “Ahh yes. I remember that. Carter made me apologize to him after recess.”
“I would not expect anything less from Carter” you spoke.
Bel chucked, lips moving up feigning hurt, “you don’t think I could apologize on my own?”.
“Oh, I know you wouldn’t apologize on your own” you deadpanned, your voice teasing and light all the same.
You could hear and see Bel’s smirk in your mind, imagine her soft cheeks and sly grin at your teasing words.
You could hear Bel’s fingers halt on her keyboard, and then “I have my first interview with the documentary team soon”. You could tell from the familiar cadence in her voice, the brittle way the words formed that bel was not exactly enthusiastic about it. You could imagine her throwing the middle finger at the cameraman the whole time.
“How does that make you feel?” Your voice was soft and kind like you were treading over thin ice. You knew well now not to push her, if bel wanted to talk she would.
“Like I’m watching someone else’s life. Ramsey’s the director's name. And he’s all good and nice, had dad sign some forms already.”
“What are you going to do? When it comes time to film?”.
You were secretly nervous about that, bel had come out of her shell recently, letting you in just enough that you began to feel special in her eyes, and you didn’t want her retreating away back into the shell of the girl she once was. Call it selfish.
“Treat it logically. State everything I know from what I’ve read or seen, they can’t ask what I don’t know. I’ve been dealing with press for ages now I’m practically a natural at it”. The statement made your heart break because Bel had been dealing with this for years, and you were barely just now realizing how she dealt with it.
You tried to match her teasing that fiddled between her lips, “Oh yes I forgot how charming and well-hidden your secrets are”.
Bel laughed.
You bit your lip as you spoke, hoping your statement wouldn’t scare her off, “Bel…I hope you know I’m here for you. Through all of this. You don’t have to bear the burden alone.”
The line was silent, and you inwardly cursed yourself, but just as you were about to have a hard attack over your words bel spoke.
“How are you so good?”. The words puzzled you, your lips quirked into an unreadable smile, “What?”.
“How are you so good? I’ve met many people in my life y/n, and none of them make me feel the way you do. They're all assholes with a stick but their ass but you-“. The line was silent. “You’re so different. Anymore like you at home?”.
You chuckled at her words, trying hard not to smile too wide even if Bel couldn’t see you. "I am afraid I am one of a kind Bel Price".
Bel wanted to say more, to keep your voice in her head, something to hold to when this wild ride of a documentary would keep hold of her heart and dilute her mind. In all truth Bel had missed you so much these past weeks, it was strange how fast the human body could get attached to someone. It was like Bel's heart yearned for you, yearned to see you in the halls with your kind eyes and plenty of small talk for the student body. And maybe just maybe the way your eyes would find hers even through the crowd of students would make her feel something she never felt before. This burning sensation in her gut that seemed to amplify whenever you were around her.
It was odd how much Bel felt like she knew you from that talk at the park, she knew things about you that nobody else knew, and she’d keep that close to her heart, grab it like she would all the trinkets she kept in her nightstand by her bed, only this one shone its radiant light over all of them because she didn't keep it stored in the nightstand, she kept it in stored her heart.
“Hey, kiddo” A soft knock on her bedroom door pulled Bel away from her thoughts, and she moved to mute the phone before looking over at her dad. Charlie stood in the doorway with this messy side-swept hair. His fingers clung to her doorknob with a new kind of urgency that set bel’s heart racing, she knew that determined look in her father's eyes. Had seen it so many times growing up, and knew in the deep depths of her heart a serious talk was coming.
“You got a sec kiddo? I wanted to talk to you about something? If you’re done talking to your friend-“The way charlie's gray eyes flew to Bel’s phone voice slipping over the word ‘friend’ made something in Bel’s gut halt. But Bel immediately threw that thought away, this was her dad. The same man she always knew and loved. Bel nodded and smiled, “Sure dad. Just let me say bye”.
Charlie nodded and moved into Bel’s room, taking a seat on her twin-sized bed and swindling his fingers eagerly as his eyes looked around the room. Only his eyes were on Bel as she stood up from the bed, phone in hand, walking to her closet where she spoke into the phone with hushed whispers.
Charlie’s dark eyes watched as Bel’s smile widened, a laugh falling off her lips, her cheeks a deep shade of red. He watched as she whispered something into the phone before saying one last thing, it sounded a lot like, “I’ll miss you”. Eerily so.
Bel hung up her phone, and like a true teenage girl held it to her lips before shaking her head lovingly. She had almost forgotten her dad was there till he cleared his throat and smiled timidly at her.
Bel immediately schooled her features, turning to her father with her usual pale blue eyes, she slid her phone into her pocket before moving to sit beside her dad, enough distance between them that bel felt somehow somehow someway detached from him.
Which was an odd feeling because her whole life bel had felt like her father and had been one entity, she had grown up with him and he had raised her. Had done all her school projects with her at the kitchen table and all the cookies for Christmas and hung her graded work on the refrigerator. You almost couldn’t say Charlie Price without finding her name right beside it. But now as she eyed him, taking in his serious eyes and almost too calm expression she couldn’t help but feel different. She didn’t know why. And she didn’t like it. The way her stomach and mind poked at it, in a true bel-like fashion she stumped the thought before it could get too far. Turning to her dad with a smile, blonde eyebrows raised in a question.
“Are you done entertaining your friend? It’s been so hard to get a dang word in lately with you being gone so long at school and after school hours too” Charlie laughed, “are you sure no one’s holding you hostage? The bel price I knew would never be caught in school longer than the bell needed you to be ”.
Bel shook her head, “It’s just a project I’m helping a friend with Carter’s been helping too” Bel spoke, “and I’m trying to be more active in the education area because apparently “I lack the focus”.
Charlie let out a laugh, and bel found herself echoing it. That was her favorite moment of the day. Making her dad laugh. Because even after everything he had gone through with Rachel years ago he deserved a laugh. And the fact that she has been the one to make him laugh was like validation, something bel craved most often from her dad.
“Carter informed me on this little project of yours. Tell me-“ Charlie was eying her with soft eyes, “this friend of yours, is he new to town? Carter mentioned something about student council-“
Bel felt her stomach twist as her dad spoke on, but in a true like bel fashion she swooped in, pulling the imaginary rug from her fathers feet, like ripping of a plaster.
“She’s actually running as student council president in two weeks Dad. So Carter and I have been helping with the campaign, had to smile all week it was such a pain in the ass”.
Bel expected her dad to laugh alongside her but he remained silent, eying her with something akin to analyzing. “Oh…forgive me Bel but I’m a bit shocked here”.
The uncomfortable laugh that fell of his lips made Bel stomach twist in such an uncomfortable way, her posture was rigid and she grimaced.
“I just thought you were done with all that after the little Sam Blake incident…I thought we were past all that.” Charlie was busy rubbing his eyes and sighing into his hands.
Bel felt shame seep into her veins, she desperately tried to appease him, feeling the way he was pulling away, the almost ‘I need some air we’ll talk when I get back’ worlds flying off his lips. How he would refuse to speak to her when she was crying or manic, leaving her behind. Abandoning her. All those times as a child or twelve year old he would get up and walk off.
Just the thought made Bel’s stomach clench and immediately she was taking Charlie’s hand, her voice holding empty pleas.
“Dad I promise she’s just a friend-“. Was she just a friend?
“I came in here to talk to you about the documentary and we instead talk about your love life” he chuckled sardonically, “look bel” he sighed into his hands, making a big show like somehow this was too big for him to deal with.
He took her hands into his, maintaining eye contact and swooping her chin with fingers like he would do when she was eight, “I love you. You’re my kiddo! It’s us against the world sweetheart. And all I’m trying to do is save you some heartbreak. I want you to be real with yourself for a moment”.
Bel eyed her dad, watching his eyes, the way his eyes reflected such a pale blue, like a sheen so close to her own eye color. She searched his eyes, trying to find some truth in those Ivey depths. She trusted this man with her whole heart, when would he ever truly hurt her? When had he ever? He had stayed when Rachel had left. Simple.
“Honey…would I ever lie to you?”.
He never had.
“You’re not ready to be in a relationship. The last one you were involved in was bad news. Hell, she even accused me of murdering Rachel?! And frankly, the minute Sam Blake came into this house she was a little asshole with a mouth on her. Listen you do what you want bel…but I’m telling you, listen to you're good old dad” he teased her chin, “you’re not ready for this. I’m just trying to save you some tears”.
Was he?
“Your happiness is all I care about”.
Bel replayed the talk in her head a thousand times in bed that night. Replayed it after her dad had smiled and kissed her forehead after he had hugged her so tight. Clinging to her and whispering that he loved her more than anything in this world.
And Bel believed him. With her whole heart, she believed him.
Her dad was just looking after her like he had when she was young. Like she did for him. Back to back, protecting each other through life’s obstacles.
It didn’t matter anyway, even if bel wanted you as her girlfriend she could never truly have it. It was like something you could see but Couldn’t touch. Bel was closed off and lacking in the field of love. Besides you were her safe space, her companion. Her best friend and that’s where you would stay.
The days went by in a blur, Monday was Tuesday and Thursday was Wednesday in Bel’s mind. Her days were jumbled as she began to see news vans line the streets, earlier than even the film crew for the documentary. Bel would laugh when she would see them, old feelings being brought to the surface. Feelings that she tried to stifle.
“More news vans” she mentioned to her dad while bringing the ketchup to the rattling table, her dad eyed her with a sympathetic look. “We'll make do. Trust the process kiddo. As soon as this documentary is done everything will go back to normal I promise bel”.
It was a pretty shitty promise.
As the days went by bel found herself being consumed by her rational thoughts, wondering about so many things that even at school Carter and you had been rather worried.
Bel wasn’t her usual witty sarcastic self, instead, she was quiet, a rage within her that was hushed and dormant. Waiting to be released.
And it found just the right moment on that Friday morning. first of the day had already been set to fail because Bel had gotten up in the morning and forgot to set her alarm. She was late. She didn’t have her morning coffee in the morning due to her tardy and therefore was utterly exhausted. She had gotten her favorite jumper soiled when she had tied the trash outside in the cold weather of the morning. “Stupid bears with a stick up their ass” Bel had mumbled out when she had been notified of the stain by a lovely Carter.
School wasn’t any better. Bel had tried her best to sneak in unannounced and unnoticed but Mr Thripp had noticed her had cornered her after class. So she had been late and had gotten a very mild talking to. By the time lunch had come around, Bel had stalked into the noisy clambering lunch room, taking a seat by Carter who had saved her a seat.
Carter didn't much look at her cousin before she spoke, diluted blue eyes focused on her homework which was being rushed by her frantic wild fingers, her handwriting looking like ink had fallen out of the bottle. Carter was always quick to get her homework done early, on account of the busy dance schedule she had acquired.
Bel allowed her tired eyes to trail down to under the table, her keen price eyes taking into account the way the table shook as Carter's leg shook nervously on the floor, the tight grimace that was undetectable to most but Bel knew Carter like the back of her hand. It was almost scary how well.
In turn so did Carter. "How're you feeling?" Carter asked over the loud noise, pencil still in hand. Bell scoffed, taking a bite of her sandwich. Was it even that apparent that Carter knew? did she know the inner conflict that was swirling in her. The way she hadn't slept well, replaying her father's words in her head, committing them to memory so when her heart and mind were at odds she had his words to take to heart, to know that he would never fail her or give her unkind advice? (even when her heart told her his words were wrong?)
Because maybe, just maybe bel was learning to feel again.
"like shit"
Carter nodded along, humming as if it was normal. "sorry about that Bel, by the way, I need to talk to you about something". The tone in Carter's voice was firm and strong and Bel inwardly groaned. "what?" she snapped.
Carter didn't seem phased, she only eyed Bel with a bored look. "I got an interesting phone call from y/n the other day? She said you haven't been answering her texts? What's that all about?"
Bel laughed, "I didn't answer one text-"
"I saw her phone yesterday when we were working on the campaign at her house it was far more than just one text, but nice try Bel" Carter's eyes were firm as they stared into her cousins. A mixture of annoyance and concern in those icy depths.
Thoughts of any? I tried to hunt that Charlie was gaslighting and manipulating Bel into choosing to think of putting of her relationship with reader. I feel like Charlie would feel very uncomfortable knowing that he couldn’t control bel anymore?
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azrielgreen · 8 months
I just wanted you to know I'm sitting here laughing at myself because you suggested you might update Prism tonight at some point or another, and I've just been sitting here refreshing the page for two hours like a zoo animal seeking enrichment 🤣😭🤣 This is in no way intended to suggest that you need to update your fic, if you never write another word of it I will still be grateful and enthralled that you ever provided any of the content to begin with. I just wanted to share to give you an idea of my affection for/excitement about your story. Thank you for creating such deep, artistic works. Do you have any stories/content you have anticipated in a similar way? I'd love to check them out and have more to read.
Oh no, I'm so sorry - I had a blue screen error on my end last night and lost around 15k of edits which are being redone this morning, but I'm so sorry you were refreshing, I feel so bad. I'm SO happy you're excited though! This is my favourite chapter of Prism so far and it's MASSIVE, over 40k hence why it's such a beast to edit.
That's actually a great question about other stories I would anticipate updates for similar to Prism. I will have a think about that and answer in a different post. I do run screaming whenever @eddywoww updates Impressionable Young Minds, it must be said.
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dreamyfanfix · 1 year
Chapter 5: Long Gone But Not Moved On
Sorry, I know this is late but I was writing and kept writing and then I had 15K words. I eventually found a stoppage point but it required me to write a bit around some things especially because this chapter and the next are a bit miserable for the pair. It will get better though...
It had been a couple of days since Kate had a near miss with Anthony in the hospital. Learning about how much of a bad time he had been having since they were forced to see each other again was not something she took lightly. Kate barely remembered what happened after her breakup with Anthony. All she remembered was deep pain and then almost being lucid again 5 months later with a puppy named Newton and an urge to do better.
Seeing Anthony again was not easy for her either but unlike Kate, Anthony had moved on and so even though it hurt her to see him with Siena and hear about his dalliances from gossipers, Kate kept her head down and tried to be a good ex-girlfriend.
Kate had gotten messages and missed calls from Daphne and Simon. Kate knew that avoiding Simon would be too difficult hence why she found herself in Agatha Danbury's office this early morning.
Kate had just handed Agatha her notice and Agatha was surprised and irritated, to say the least.
"I thought we agreed you would give me more time to discuss with the shareholders about promoting you," Agatha said sternly.
"We did but things changed. I think it would be best if I moved on," Kate said with what she hoped was finality.
"If this is what that Bridgerton boy said to you at my godson's baby shower then you must know that I gave him and his mother a stern talking to,"
"I don't doubt it but you know I wanted to move more into family law. Do not get me wrong I think we have done a good job rattling the feathers of the elite but now I think it's time I get to work on fighting with the less fortunate," Kate said.
"You are making me regret investing in your friend's firm," Agatha chuckled.
"You won't regret it. Sophie is more determined than me when it comes to this stuff and it will be a challenge but I have always done my best as a solicitor when I was the underdog," Kate said chuckling a bit.
"I guess I have to understand that thought myself," Agatha continued "I accept your notice, Kate," Agatha stood up to shake Kate's hand and Kate stood up to take it.
"Thank you. You have been an incredible mentor all these years," Kate said emotionally.
"Hush now child, you will shine just fine on your own. And if not there will always be a place for you here at Danbury Law," Agatha said.
"Thank you again," Kate said and made to leave but not before asking the question she has had on her mind since she first started at Danbury Law "Why is the firm called Danbury Law?" Agatha turned to face Kate again and looked at her with an arched brow "Why not name it Agatha Law or Soma Law after your maiden name?"
Agatha sighed and then said "You must know I am a proud West African woman but my relationship with my past is not that positive I'm afraid," Agatha took a breath and continued "I grew up in a small village in Sierra Leone, my family did not have much of money, prospects or connections. When I was 8 years old I was attending church with my parents when a man came to town, he was from a village over but he got adopted by a British family and was visiting his country of birth. He took one look at me and proclaimed me the most beautiful girl in the world. Naturally, this is not an uncommon thing I had heard when I was younger but he was hyper-fixated on me, he made me laugh and promised my parents he would come back to marry me... My parents were thrilled," Agatha paused to take a seat behind her desk "From then onwards I was raised to be his wife, he would send letters with his interests, likes and dislikes and my parents would make sure I would know all of these things and submit to his lead. After the death of his benefactors slash parents, of which he received a hefty inheritance, he came back to Sierra Leone and married me, exactly like he promised he would,"
Kate slowly walked back into the room and took a seat opposite Agatha's desk "That seems like a fairytale,"
Agatha smirked "That's what all the society women would say when we came back husband and wife, Lord and Lady Danbury," Agatha sighed and continued "You see back in the eighties people were not that particular about age gaps. I was a 19-year-old girl married to a 42-year-old man. To society I was just indicative of how men crave young flesh and young women are opportunists. They didn't see the possible terrible dynamic I was in... See I was dependent on my husband, Sierra Leone was not exactly the most stable political environment and despite my decrepit husband, and I hope you don't mind my candour here, constant copulating his young wife, I liked England. I liked the freedom that I had and what hindered me because of my race, my new wealth and my title would sort out no problem. I did my duty, I gave him 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, who wished for nothing and lived their lives well-off,"
"So it was a mutually beneficial relationship? Not quite unheard of, especially in my culture, although not as romantic as one might think. I guess your loyalty to your married life is why you keep the name Danbury Law," Kate said.
"Oh no. I may hate my family for pawning off on an old man but I despised the late Lord Danbury," Agatha held her hand up to stop Kate from interrupting her and continued "I loathed the late Lord Danbury, so I use my wealth and influence to fund all things he would have hated when he was alive. My husband was one of those Black people who enjoyed being the only one in the room and hated the idea of educating women and desegregating the classes as well as spent his time fighting AGAINST well-rounded immigration policies particularly people from former colonies which was incredibly awful considering Sierra Leone was one itself,"
Kate took a calming breath while Agatha looked off into the distance "I still don't understand why you would then want anything to do with him,"
"It's not enough to fund movements and bills that would help dismantle everything my husband held dear, no, I have to do it using his name so he will always be associated with it. Most people, like yourself, live their life to honour their families, and make them proud and in a lot of ways I am doing the same. I do what I am doing because it's important to me that wherever Herman is he rots and whatever kind of legacy he thought he was building gets overshadowed by the work I am doing. I want to make sure that future generations including my children, will think of me when they think of Danbury and all the work I have done to dismantle this terrible inequitable society,"
"I think that's an honourable vision," Kate said, feeling emotional and proud at the same time. Lady Agatha Danbury was a badass, it is just a shame that she had to go through so much to be that way.
Anthony was on cloud nine. Kate and Anthony had been together for 5 months and they would be making their first public appearance as a couple, at a benefit being held by Bridgerton Investment Group, and he couldn't be more happy. He looked at himself one more time in the mirror and then checked his watch for the time. He and Kate would be late if he did not check on her soon. She was not good with time but that is why he usually got her going early to get ready because he had timed her preparation times and averaged them out to understand how long she generally needed to get ready.
It was super analytical but he also knew that Kate appreciated being a bit more on time to things so he felt secure in his efforts.
As Anthony made his way to his bathroom, Kate came over to get ready as he was nervous she would back out and she was nervous that they would not look good together.
Anthony was not nervous about this event, he had been to millions of events like these but he knew Kate was feeling nervous because she had never really interacted with wealthy people unless they were on the opposite side of the courtroom. Kate was close friends with Simon but Simon had a way of keeping things close to the chest so there was no way of knowing if she knew the full extent of these events.
He knocked on the door to his master bathroom and entered. Kate was busy with her makeup but Anthony could not focus, she looked incredible. She was wearing a light pink dress that hugged her curves as well showing off her cleavage.
"Uhmmm babe you're staring," Kate said, he had not even noticed she was looking at him through the mirror and slightly blushed.
Anthony walked up behind her and kissed her neck "I was just thinking about how stunning you look," Anthony said nipping at her neck. He took a whiff of her neck and she stopped, he could see the goosebumps travel up her neck and he felt full of himself for a moment.
"If you continue like that we are going to be late," she said trying to sound stern but it came out breathless Anthony chuckled but backed out of the room.
The benefit was a success at least Anthony thought it was. He was currently having a drink with his friends, no cigars because Kate hated the smell, and his friends were ribbing him about the fact.
When he and Kate first arrived there seemed to be hesitation in their reception but as they went around the room and said their hellos, many people seemed to relax and commented on how well they complemented each other so he relaxed and eventually he felt confident enough to leave Kate to her mingling and went to catch up with some old friends of his.
Simon finally put out his cigar and Anthony took a breath, even though he was not smoking himself, he knew the smoke in the room could linger on him "So Bridgerton, you and Sharma doing good?" Simon asked.
"Yeah Bridgerton, you seem to be taken completely out of commission these days," Marcus Fife commented.
"What can I say, gents? I'm happy," Anthony stated trying not to blush and shrug.
"Well, then it makes sense curry is the national dish, then? I might get me one of those," Conrad Pemberton remarked.
"Excuse me?" Anthony said as his blood turned to ice.
"Pemberton, Chicken Tikka Masala is the national dish you idiot," Fife exclaimed.
"Okay, so how do I get me one of those Tikka Masala's Bridgerton?" Pemberton said with a chuckle.
Pemberton stopped talking the minute Anthony got in his face, he was angry beyond belief and was shocked at how much his old friends could be so cavalier with their racism "Pemberton speak about my girlfriend or any Indian like that again and I will pummel you just like in sixth form,"
Fife came between the two men and said "Relax Bridge, I know you are going through your Prince Harry phase but eventually, you got to do your duty like the rest of us heirs and marry yourself a Kate Middleton," 
Simon who had left the room to go to the bathroom was back and asked "You all know Kate Middleton is already married, right?"
Anthony was trying and failing at calming himself down and Anthony thought Simon could see his distress but did not comment on it "I was just telling Bridgerton that eventually he's gotta settle down, right?" Pemberton said with a bit of smugness that Anthony did not like and he narrowed his eyes.
Simon looked between Anthony to Pemberton and asked "Is that not what you are doing with Kate? Settling down?"
Anthony knew Simon cared deeply for Kate so he was probably asking more for himself than Pemberton "Of course I am. I would not bring her as my date if I was not serious about her,"
Simon nodded his head "Oh come off it Bridge, this has to be a piss-take. You are a man of a particular taste," Fife said
Anthony was now full-blown seething but asked "What the hell does that even mean?"
"I don't know but we definitely haven't seen you eat an Indian meal before mate so colour us curious," Fife said with his hands up.
"Anthony goes for the women he finds attractive, he does not date based on race," Simon said trying to de-escalate the situation "Maybe, we should change topics?" he suggested.
"Okay fine, but mate let me know if Kate has any friends or a sister, I would love to have a taste of the national dish," Pemberton said chuckling.
Anthony was not sure what happened next but Anthony had to be hoisted off of Pemberton by Simon. Pemberton's face and Anthony's knuckles were bloody and Fife was laughing in the corner.
Simon dragged Anthony into a separate room and left him to cool off, at least that is what he thought until he returned with Kate and his mother.
"Anthony darling, are you alright?" Violet asked "We heard there was a tussle that occurred,"
While his mother stayed close to the door and looked at him curiously Kate came closer to him to inspect him, touching his face and Anthony felt better but also sick with guilt at the same time.
"Well I'm not sure if it was a tussle or more like a one-sided beatdown," Simon remarked.
"Well you don't look injured, so who did you hit?" Kate asked but Anthony did not reply, he could not reply. He just is not sure how he would explain to Kate how his ex-friends spoke about her and women of her race. He was disgusted with himself so he remained silent.
Simon who thought this was a conversation that should not be in public suggested "Maybe we should leave the benefit,"
"We can't leave they have not even gotten around to announcing how much money was raised tonight," Violet said seeming concerned.
"Violet, by now everyone knows what happened so I don't think there will be more or less gossip if Anthony just leaves a bit earlier," Simon said smoothly.
"Anthony, what happened?" Kate asked so gently that Anthony's heart broke all over again.
"It was just some old form mates saying some dumb stuff, Anthony's had a few drinks so he just lost his temper," Simon said trying to help Anthony so he did not have to have this conversation in a room at a public benefit that was still ongoing.
"Well, what did he say, Anthony? What could he have possibly said to excuse your deplorable behaviour?" Violet asked and Anthony stiffened, he knew that tone coming from his mother, it was dripping with disapproval.
"There were some things I did not agree with so I got mad," Anthony said softly.
"Anthony most of the gentlemen here have been your chums for decades, what could they have possibly said that angered you so?" Violet asked.
Anthony stayed silent but then Kate asked "They said something about me didn't they?"
Anthony's head turned to her and she was looking in his eyes not with judgement but with like resolved and sad eyes. Anthony swallowed and nodded his head.
"Well, Anthony boys will be boys. I've heard you and your brothers say some appalling things about women but I do not resort to roughness to correct you," Violet said.
"Well maybe you should have," Kate said in a soft voice but she knew that his mother probably heard her. She remained looking at her hands.
"It wasn't just some misogynistic comments Mother, of which I have aged out of making," Anthony said the last part looking at Kate and imploring her to look up at him but she never did so he continued "There was also a racial aspect to their comments,"
Anthony could feel Kate stiffen beside him and he held his breath. There was silence in the room but just when it felt like Anthony would scream just so someone would say something Kate stood up and said "Good then. It's sorted,"
"I'm sorry. What do you mean it's sorted? Anthony has to apologise to the guests and to the gentleman he hurt," Violet said looking at Kate confused.
"Look Violet, Anthony can make the rounds on his way to apologise for causing a commotion but he does not owe a racist misogynist any apology," Kate said.
"Kate, I know you don't know how these things work but in our society, it's very important that a level of politeness and manners are maintained," Violet said.
"So he gets to make racist comments about his friend's girlfriend but when said friend stands up for his girlfriend, the friend is the one deemed the ill-mannered and rude one?" Kate asked using her solicitor's voice, normally Anthony would be turned on by it but now he felt his mother might not be able to stand against Kate and he was nervous "Violet we are all in the same society just because you choose to interact with only certain members of it does not mean that we are not meant to be held to the same standard. Just like with Mayfair Girls,"
Violet scoffed "This isn't a high school. This is real life and this is just how things are done,"
"Maybe that's the problem," Kate remarked.
"That's enough," Anthony finally said and stood up "Simon, I know you hate these types of things but if you could please find my secretary Freddy and get the numbers for the benefit and give them to Benedict so he can announce them," Simon nodded and left the room "Mother don't worry I will send an apology to Conrad Pemberton and make sure that I will cover any medical and dry cleaning expenses," His mother looked satisfied "Kate, I think we should make a quiet exit out of the back the entrance," He went to grab her hand but she looked at him funny and walked to the door.
Anthony sighed and followed her but before he made it to the open door, his mother spoke "Anthony, I will make sure Freddy gets your jackets and gets the car to come around for you," Anthony nodded his head at his mother and went to follow Kate.
The car ride back to his home was silent but if Anthony was honest, it was a silence he needed. He was busy writing emails and texts. As much as it pained him he had written apologies to Pemberton as well as the board and planners of the benefit for any disruptions and made promises to make it up to them and behave better in the future. It was generic and so insincere but he knew it had to be done.
When they finally got back to his place, Kate got out of the car before Robert could come around to open it and Anthony jumped out to follow her in. Kate's long legs carried her into his place and when he entered a while after her she was already out of her dress and packing her things.
Anthony asked, "Babe, what are you doing?"
"Don't babe me Anthony. Not after tonight," Kate said and she continued to aggressively pack things into her bag.
"I understand why you are mad," Anthony said, he knew the idea of being associated with someone like Fife and Pemberton might decrease her level of respect for him but he hoped she had known him better by now.
"I don't think you do, but humour me. Tell me why you think I am mad at you," Kate said turning to him and folding her arms.
Anthony sighed "Look what Fife and Pemberton were saying tonight is not actually what I think or a reflection of who I am. I barely see those guys I wouldn't even call them friends,"
Kate scoffed "Anthony, let's just say I was able to get over you ordering me about. What about me makes you think I would be okay with you apologising to a racist?"
Anthony sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, a headache was forming "Kate, you don't understand,"
"Actually, I think I understand better than you. It wasn't racist comments made about you or your family so it's fine then?"
"I didn't say it was fine but I should not have lost my temper," Anthony exclaimed. Why did she not understand?
"You lost your temper because you care for me and I hoped that you cared about shutting down racists!"
"I do care!"
"Then why did you spend so much effort and time sending apologies to those racists after the fact?"
"It's important to maintain a level of politeness with important people in society," Anthony said a bit more level-headed.
"More important than defending me and people that look like me?" Kate asked and Anthony noted the tears in her eyes. He tried to approach her but she took a step back "Standing up to your enemies is easy but it takes greater courage to stand up to your friends. Before you sent off your little apologetic emails, everyone at the benefit would have known where you stood on racism, where you stood on us,"
Anthony felt like things were spiralling and he was struggling to keep up, Kate looked hurt and it hurt him "Kate I am against racism. I did stand up for us,"
"For 30 minutes, then you were apologising as if a person being a racist is a minor inconvenience and not something morally wrong,"
Anthony was panicking now, Kate sounded so sad then "It's not like hitting him was going to change the world,"
"But it would have changed my world, Anthony. I'm not a fool I see how people look at us sometimes but at least I thought I was in this with someone who had my back, that we were a team... And now, I just need time to think about what we are as a couple,"
Anthony could barely breathe but as Kate continued packing Anthony went to stop her hands "Kate, please stop. Just wait a minute here. I'm still the same guy, the man who loves you. What can I do to make this right?" The question he asked came out with a broken voice that even he could hear.
"It's alright Anthony, I think I just need time to resolve the kind of guy you are with the one I had in my head," She was full-blown crying now and Anthony sniffed his tears away.
"Okay okay. I will give you some space just... Please know that I do love you, and that... I'm sorry," Anthony said in a small voice.
Kate had her back turned to him and all he could see was her nodding her head as she continued to pack.
Kate called her mother, Mary, to tell her she would be coming home, so she called an Uber. Anthony tried to change her mind but then she told him her mother wanted to track her trip considering the time of night. They sat in silence for 5 minutes waiting for the Uber and Anthony could not stop taking glances at Kate. Her tears eventually dried and she looked resolute and then she was gone out of his home.
The minute Anthony turned around after seeing Kate to her Uber, he looked at his empty apartment and felt hollow. Anthony was used to apologising to keep the peace whether that was at work, with his mother, his siblings or with women. This was the first time keeping the peace seemed foolish. 
"Edwina would you give me back my shoe, I'm gonna be late to meet Anthony," Kate shouted at her sister's door while knocking on it.
Even though it was muffled Kate heard her sister yell on the other side of the door "No! Anthony is a dickhead! I don't want you to go to lunch with him and forgive him!"
"Edwina language!" Mary shouted from the living room.
"It's true mama! He let his friends say horrible things about Kate and all Indian women,"
"Edwina you need to stop eavesdropping on the conversations Kate and I are having," Mary said walking into the hallway until she stood side-by-side with Kate.
"Bon, he didn't let anyone say anything he beat him up remember?" Kate said, feeling the need to defend Anthony. It was important to keep her emotions focused on the things he did and not contort the past with negative emotions.
"Yeah, but he apologised to that racist ars- egghead. Relationships should not be so hard," Edwina said.
Kate sighed, she did not want to disillusion her sister "Bon, life is not like those romance books you read, they are hard and require understanding from both sides,"
Mary sighed "Your sister is right, my love. If I steered clear of hard relationships I would not have married your father and had 19 years of wedded bliss,"
Edwina unlocked her door and opened it slightly "I guess you're right," she handed Kate her shoe but before Kate could thank her the doorbell rang.
Edwina immediately sprinted to the front of the house, Kate tried to run after her but one of her shoes was not put on right so she had to stop.
By the time Kate and Mary got to the front door, Anthony was bouncing while holding his foot, like he was in pain. "Edwina, what did you do?" Kate asked.
"Why do you assume I did anything? Did I hurt you, Anthony?" Edwina asked with a fake sweet voice.
"No, and even if she did it's not like I didn't deserve it," Anthony said standing properly.
"As long as we are on the same page," Edwina said as she walked back to her room.
Mary sighed and followed her "I'm sorry Anthony. I'll talk to her," she said before she left.
Kate turned to Anthony and for the first time noticed the flowers in his hands "Are those for me?"
Anthony jumped and handed her the flowers "Yes, although I feel I should have brought some for your sister and your mother," he looked self-conscious for a moment.
Kate took the flowers and sniffed them before making to leave "It's good that you didn't. Edwina is allergic. I usually keep flowers in my room. At first, it was cause it reminded me of India but then it was to keep Edwina out of my room and now it just makes me feel better to see and smell them,"
"You never told me that," he said as they made their way down the stairs.
"It's not a big deal," Kate said as she shrugged. She was feeling nervous as this was the first time she had been alone with Anthony since their fight.
Kate had been a bit withdrawn when she got back from the benefit, Mary knew not to ask questions when she got back and just helped her change and go to sleep. It wasn't until she had gotten angry at Edwina unnecessarily that Mary sat her down to talk. She cried as Mary held her and they spoke about that night and about racism. Mary knew better than anyone what people thought about mixed-race couples as she was the offspring of one but Mary said she felt like Anthony was special. Mary told Kate it was more important that his first instinct was to defend Kate. It might seem like he went back on it later but societal pressure is immense and it can even make it so that the best of people make bad decisions. Mary made Kate giggle when she said Kate came out of the womb with a backbone of steel but others are not as lucky and that it is always important to lead with understanding and grace especially when the other person is trying.
6 days later Kate was still working on it but she finally texted Anthony back. 
As they made their way to the pathway, Kate turned to walk down the street but Anthony looked like he wanted to get to his car. "Oh, I thought we could get a quick coffee at this cafe nearby. It's usually quiet around this time, so I thought we could talk," Kate said.
Anthony looked hesitant "Oh sure,"
"Unless you already had a place in mind," Kate said nervously.
"No, we can go to the cafe. I want you to be comfortable," Anthony said.
Kate nodded and she led him to the cafe. 
Kate was right the place was quiet, mostly because the owners: The Gunningworths were not the most friendly people. Richard Gunningworth was a renowned lawyer who had 3 daughters. The only biological daughter he had was Sophie, a friend of Kate's. When Kate spoke to Sophie about finding neutral ground for her and Anthony to talk Sophie suggested they meet when Sophie was working her shift.
Kate and Anthony spoke. It was stilted at first but when Anthony blurted out that he did not want to break up, Kate was taken aback.
"Anthony I'm not going to break up with you," Anthony nodded and Kate could see his body visibly relax and she felt guilty. Communication with her partners was not something she was great at but she hoped she would be better because she loved Anthony more than any other man she had been with. Kate took his hands and said "I just wanted to discuss why I was so hurt that night," Anthony nodded and she continued "I've spent the last 10 years of my life fighting for a better society for people like me and other minorities. It's not an easy job and even though I know I'm morally and ethically in the right people still treat me like I'm a pariah. Like I'm the bad guy for trying to make the world fair... Even you did at first," Kate put her hand up to stop him before he spoke "I'm not trying to take a shot at you, I'm just trying to be honest. Being right is a lonely place and I have often hidden behind the fact that despite being alone I was right but it doesn't keep you warm at night,"
"You have me. You are not alone. I can keep you warm," Anthony said softly.
Kate smiled even though she was a bit emotional "I want to know that. I want to believe it with every bone in my body but I'm just not sure. You have a set of rules you live your life by and I don't think it's always going to align with the way I live mine but I'm willing to compromise some,"
Anthony's eyes widened "What do you mean?" he asked.
"Just that even though you did apologise to your friends-"
"They are not my friends," Anthony interjected almost growling "Sorry,"
Kate sighed and continued "Even though you did apologise to those guys after defending me, I have to give you grace because your first instinct was to defend me. I just hope it was not just because I was your girlfriend but because what they said was just wrong,"
Anthony sighed and looked down "Kate... I don't- I don't know. I wish I could say it was but I'm not sure... I'm sorry,"
"It's okay. There is no way of knowing anyway. I love you and as long as your first instincts are to protect me then I can't be that mad, can I?"
"I don't want you to feel like you are giving up being a good person to be with me. Not when your strength of character is one of the main reasons I love you in the first place," Anthony said squeezing her hands.
"I know. I'm not. I am just going to adjust to the way things are done in your world," Kate said squeezing his hands back and Anthony nodded.
Anthony smiled "How did you get so well adjusted?"
"My parents and a good therapist. I can recommend one if you like not the one I see but someone who would be next on the list if I ever break up with my current one. Therapy does wonders," Kate suggested.
"I think I'm going to take you up on that offer. I think it will be good for us," Anthony said.
"It will be good for you, and that's what is important," Kate said smiling.
It wasn't this big declaration of extreme devotion and love that most people would expect from romantic comedies but Kate loved Anthony and she was happy to adjust certain aspects of her thoughts and reactions especially because Anthony was always changing for and because of her. In relationships, it was important to meet halfway and Kate was happily back with Anthony so what was the big deal? He was going to go to therapy and work on himself and in the meantime, Kate would give him grace.
For the last month and a half, things between Kate and Anthony returned to relative normalcy. Kate had noticed she was still not invited to brunch with Anthony's family but she tried not to take too much offence considering Anthony wanted her there but his mother was in charge of organising it every month. That being said every time she would bump into one of his siblings and they asked her why he did not attend or what she missed out on, she wondered if her and Anthony's relationship was seen as a serious thing to his mother, yet.
Before Kate could bring it up though, Anthony invited her to an event held by his grandmother, his mother's mother, Dowager Lady Ledger. This was a big deal because every one of the Bridgertons and Ledgers was going to be there and Kate would finally meet all of Anthony's family.
It was only fair, right? Anthony had met all of Kate's family. All 2 of them. Kat often thought about what her father would think of Anthony, would he see him as a random rich guy or would he see the caring guy underneath? Kate tried not to get too deep in her What Ifs because they just made her sad.
Kate smoothed down her dress. It was an afternoon event but Kate was still nervous. Luckily Daphne was available for shopping since she had to take a reluctant Eloise, so she tagged along and got herself a very nice dress. A very expensive dress but Daphne said that Anthony was fitting the bill, which did not sit well with her Kate knew there was no way she could borrow a dress like she did at the last big event especially when it was so important she made a good impression. 
So Kate settled on a colour-blocking Versace almost-mini dress. She looked great but also daring. The colours suited her skin tone and showed off her best asset: her legs.
Kate knew Anthony was nervous about this event. She hoped they could avoid drama but she knew that could not control everything. Even when Kate left home, Mary looked on edge.
Kate smoothed her dress while she sat at the back of the car, driven by Robert.
Anthony grabbed her hand and said "The dress looks stunning. You look stunning. Don't worry,"
"Sorry. It's just that today is an important day," Kate said looking at him.
"It's just a party like any other babe," he said.
Kate tried to calm down but before she could reply, Robert informed them that they had arrived.
Getting into the event was relatively more smooth and casual than the benefit and Kate quickly found a group of women to talk to. Some of them were rich and/or titled but the two that Kate bonded with were a doctor and a florist. Jennifer and Rebecca were married and partnered respectively with Fife and another guy named Michael Stirling. Rebecca was by far the youngest and she looked incredibly uncomfortable whereas Jennifer who despite having a similar background to Kate fit in because she was well-respected as a doctor.
Kate spent a lot of time talking with the two women and when Jennifer went off to use the loo, Jennifer leaned in and said "She's not gonna last,"
Kate who was sipping her drink at the time almost choked and asked "Why do you say that? I mean I know they are young but they look cute,"
"They are always cute but Michael does not stay with them for long," Jennifer said.
"Oh that's a shame," Kate said.
"Not really, she does not exactly know what she is getting herself into with these kinds of people," Jennifer said and Kate hummed her agreement. There was a lot of money and prestige flying around the room and even though Kate was not a part of it she had years of experience holding her own around people like this "You look like you got the memo though,"
Kate looked at Jennifer surprised and chuckled "I mean I guess. I don't have to do much,"
"Yeah, but that's good. At the benefit, you were wind up tight and Anthony was the same. Hence all the unpleasantness," Jennifer said casually.
Kate was confused by the remark. She was not sure what she knew "As long as people keep their racism to themselves I'm sure we will all be fine,"
"I mean to be fair my husband and Conrad were complimenting you,"
Kate's blood ran cold "Excuse me?"
"Look I've been there myself when I first married my husband but I realised that you have got to let them be themselves and do what they want so your relationship can be strong,"
Kate stood up and made her face stoic "Just because you are okay with being disrespected by your husband and his mates does not mean that is something I am okay with,"
"You say that as if they are not Anthony's mates as well. My husband, Conrad and Anthony go back years. It only makes sense that they would make up over a little disagreement," Jennifer said smiling and Kate could finally see how arrogant it looked, it leaned more into a sneer.
"Anthony being forced to make civilities with them does not mean he condones their behaviour," Kate said straightening her back to defend her boyfriend.
"My dear, I guess Rebecca is not the only one who is unaware. Anthony did not seem to have issues with My husband or Conrad at last week's polo match or a month ago at the Smythe-Smith musicale," Jennifer took out her phone and showed Kate pictures of the group of men smiling and laughing and Kate's stomach churned.
Kate walked away briskly until she made it to the loo and threw up the contents of her stomach, which unfortunately because food had not been served yet, was not much.
Kate cleaned herself up and looked at herself in the mirror. Anthony had lied to her? Well he had not lied, he merely omitted what he had done. What did it matter anyways Kate, knew Anthony had to make amends with those arses, she just did not know Anthony was having such a good time doing so. She felt like she had been sucker punched. She felt foolish and mostly sad, Anthony had to keep a part of his life from her maybe because he was ashamed but maybe because he did not want to be judged by her. She tried to find the grace she promised to give to him and was resolute to bring it up to him at a later date. Today was about impressing the Bridgertons and the Ledgers so she focused on that.
Kate spent the rest of the night schmoozing and putting on her best personality traits. Eventually, the woman of the hour showed up: Dowager Lady Ledger. Kate could not help but note how she looked old but not frail, stern and a little unfriendly. Kate wondered if it was wrong of her to notice the fact that her smile mirrored a lot of the women in the room: insincere.
Anthony introduced Kate to his grandmother and she remarked "Wow, you are beautiful,"
Kate smiled "Thank you. Of course, the only beauty people have their eyes on today is you,"
"Well thank you for flattering an old lady like myself, dear," she said.
"Is it flattery when it's the truth?" Anthony said and all the women laughed.
Lady Ledger took her hand and put it on his face "What a handsome charmer,"
"Thank you, grandmother," Anthony said "I love you,"
Lady Ledger smiled sweetly and was escorted around the rest of the room by Anthony's mother and brother, Colin.
Kate felt like she could take a breath "That went well didn't it?" Anthony said.
"Yeah, I'm glad she at least thinks I'm pretty," Kate said.
"Babe, you are the most beautiful woman ever. Now I would never say that to her because I fear her but you know that," Anthony said as he kissed the side of her head and Kate felt giddy.
All of a sudden the idea of what had happened with Jennifer earlier seemed like a dream and what she had with Anthony was the reality she needed to focus on.
Later as the party winded down and the little sun they had gotten dwindled to dark greys, Kate was happily dancing with Benedict when Anthony cut in.
"Are you having a good time?" Anthony asked as they swayed together to the music.
"Surprisingly, yes. Your siblings are hilarious and I like them," Kate said laying her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you," Anthony said.
"For what?" Kate asked.
"For accepting all of this. My family. Me. I know it's not exactly the best example of how to use wealth but it's important to me to maintain our family's name. I hope it's not too much,"
"Anthony, of course. I love you. The rest is just noise," Kate said.
Anthony kissed Kate softly. She could hear some camera's going off but she didn't care for once.
It was then that Violet tapped Anthony on the shoulder "Can the both of you come with me?" she asked and Kate felt dread.
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firesofdainix · 1 year
If your still in the ninjago fandom, do you have any good ninjago fic recs for people?
I don't read Ninjago fic nowadays, but here's the recommendation post I made over a year ago lol:
Ninjago fic rec
However, since I am ALSO a narcissistic individual, here are some of the fics I wrote that I found myself liking.
[it's under the cut lol]
memories drowning in the ocean
A 10k word one-shot made after the first part of Crystallized aired. Somewhat divergent from canon in which there's a gap in Nya's memories and she has to cope with that.
15k word one-shot, College AU all about Kai and Cole. Kai moves into the big city and rents the cheapest dorm ever, disregarding the warning it was haunted. Soon he finds himself falling for Cole, who isn't who he seems.
and the earth buries the dead.
12k word on-shot where Cole still survives the Oni invasion of Season 10, but getting exposed to the darkness gave him a chronic illness, dying months later.
lloyd garmadon discovers the Ninja's inability to bargain with vendors
A 6k word one-shot set in Season 1. Lloyd discovers how the ninjas biggest weakness is the marketplace, and how scary Kai could be.
green and gold
A 3k one-shot set in a Pre-Canon time, during Wu's training regime on Morro. He accidentally injured himself from overtraining and Wu, being the father that he is, takes care of him.
lloyd garmadon makes kai smith cry on his birthday
8k words, set in Season 1 or 2. Lloyd resolves to give Kai his own birthday present, and as the title says there are some emotions shed over this gift.
4k one-shot set during Season 9. A teenager Wu with muddled memories reflects upon his relationship with one of his guardians.
Then I'll Settle For A Ghost
84k, 31 chapters complete in the occasion of Morrotober. All collection of prompts are here.
Way of the Devil Hunters
31k words, 3 chapters and incomplete. Surrounds a world where elements of Chainsaw Man and Ninjago are combined. Follows Kai and Nya, who, after being ambushed, the latter gains devil powers, putting them in the eyes of Wu and Garmadon. They are joined by different devil hunters as well, as they uncover one truth at a time.
The God of Destruction's Wingman (is his brother)
30k words and 2 chapters complete. Pre-Canon AU where Wu isn't the other man and instead is Garmadon's matchmaker, pairing him up with the sassy, snarky and feisty historian he met.
The Astute Guide of Morro's Journey Through Redemption
113k words, 8 chapters and incomplete. Deals with Morro seeking redemption without the ninjas meddling, and traveling all across Ninjago. He comes across a nice family, and he starts to reflect on the damage he's done in the world. Aka my magnum opus.
this gruelling cycle
A telephone wip fic I made with a few other talented authors. I wrote the first part, and it was supposed to have been discontinued. Anyways, Kai and Nya's life before Wu came.
52k words, 3 over 5 chapters posted hence incomplete. A DC x Ninjago AU where Ninjago is set in a darker universe and Garmadon is a lot more evil than usual. He kills Kai to fracture the ninja Force, and six years later a new vigilante is out for Garmadon's blood.
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kopivie · 9 months
y'know, now that i'm thinking about it, i can really take my time with this atla fic. since i'm not exactly including anyone from canon (not directly, anyhow), i can structure it however i'd like whilst still retaining the beauty of the original world.
so what i have in mind right now is giving yukika's background in a series of maybe... 5 chapters? i tend to write like 10-15k words in one work, but assuming i take my time, i could pump out 25k for the first "book". like, you know how atla is like "book air" and it was like, korra figuring out how to airbend? yeah, i'm using that, but for yukika.
book one is going to be yukika's background.
book two... will come later. i'm ecstatic because i really don't have to rush it. i can literally work on this at my own pace. i normally feel so obligated to rush things (hence why my endings are all dog water) but this... i'm so giddy with the thought of taking my time to polish this properly.
so for now, i'll just be talking about yukika and her most important people and struggles. because a good foundation is key. we're literally starting from the ground up, so there's really no need for me to hide things. of course i need to work on my showing not telling skills, but since this is very introspective (and kinda heavy on the self-projection tbh) i'll be making my way through this with relative ease.. AAAAH IM SO EXCITED
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sexynetra · 1 year
#1 for rawnsyf!!!
1. What inspired me to write the fic this way
I will be so honest! I do not remember it was very long ago :) like I remember wanting a bratty Marcia story and having read every anarcia fic that had been posted at that point and it was right after wigloose came out and Marcia releasing her footloose cover and I was angsty about missing Marcia.
But here’s the real tea!!! The fic started because I was trying to get into writing so I was using a random prompt generator app and doing a 500 word practice piece at 2 am one morning and I really liked what I wrote so I decided to expand on it the next morning :)
Also technically speaking I thought it would be fun to try and do alternating limited POV instead of the usual semi-omnipotent POV I’m more used to writing and honestly it’s such a challenge sometimes but it’s also so much fun 10/10 recommend (it does create the stupid long chapters issue though because if you want a scene to be from a certain persons POV you have to just keep writing in that same POV until you get there to make it make sense, hence how we’re now getting 15k+ chapters)
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
To all asks sent through, they will be answered starting tomorrow! Some are a bit spoilery, so I chose to give people the weekend's first half to enjoy the chapter, and post my answers later, guilt-free.😊 Meanwhile, if anyone wants to share anything else, please do!! I love reading your reactions: truly, they motivate me to work harder every day.
My apologies for the delayed notice; today was a very busy day (with Ch9 included). Torn Page will be posted tomorrow, it needs some finishing I didn't polish well enough - again, I'm very sorry, but I got into a very good headspace for writing SoJ, and got distracted from the world around me 😰 (hence the outrageously late time for this post). But at least we're now at 15K...?
Thank you all for sticking with silly me. See you soon!
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becomingbts · 4 years
Fic Rec List
Hey! It’s been awhile since I’ve wanted to do that. I’m actually more of a reader than a writer - I read everyday and I have soooo much to say haha. I’m very picky though, I read a lot of things, but I don’t like everything. I also read a lot on AO3 so there might be links to the website haha. I have to thank all the writers who appear in this list. Thank you so much for writing those pieces. If they are here, I can guarantee you that I have read them more than once. I hope you are doing all good and for not finished fics: I hope you’ll find it in your heart to finish them. I’m more of a silent reader even if I try here and then to let you know how much I adore those pieces. So this is a thank you from the bottom of my heart. For my dear readers: if you have never checked these out, please do! Those fics deserve the world. Take care everyone!
(NB: I might randomly add new ones because this is a sort of bookmark for myself as well LMAO and also I’m sorry for the massive number of Jungkook’s fanfiction, I don’t know how my crush came to be that obvious Let’s forget I ever said that, but who does not have a crush on Jungkook?).
Kim Seokjin 
(please recommand me some fanfictions for our Jinnie)
Lost And Found by @jincherie​  9.1k
-> selkie au/ roommate au/ fluff/ My heart melted so many times and this writer is just so talented, please please please check their stories out if you still have not, it is really worth it. Author: Thank you so much for writing beautiful pieces and I’m sorry for the numerous tags you might end up having lmao,I keep on praising you in this fic rec, please ignore me hahaha.
Worshipers of the Sun by @jimlingss (15k)
-> God!AU/ fluff/ angst/ smut/ Know if I must confess, I really am in love with this series. I might as well add the whole series in the ot7 section because all pieces are SO interesting, if you dive into it, I might recommand starting with the Yoongi one, the author made a list with the chronology but the pieces can be read independantly. Sometimes though, there are some mentions of other characters that appear in other pieces, hence, in order to grasp everything, you might want to consider going in order. Now let me praise this jewel because oh my god. Simply what a ride. Seokjin is so desperate to have the goddess of love back and she’s just so precious I love her. She just wanna be loved and she deserved and both of them do and I’m going to cry again if I think too much of the story T-T Dear author: thank you so, so much for writing such a complex story. It was a real pleasure to go through all of your pieces (even though I might have to admit, some involved a lot of tears on my side haha).
Min Yoongi
Dream Walker by Greenhills on AO3 - ft. Jimin probably won’t have an end sadly? If anyone knows if that user has tumblr or twitter, share it with me though please! (69/75 chapters)
-> Magic/ Supernatural Elements/ Mental Health Issues/ Enemies/friends to lovers/ slowburn/ Love interest/flirting with different members/ ANGST/ Smut/ Fluff. Okay so let me be honest, this fanfiction will probably never gets its ending even though I truly wish it did. This fanfiction has been a big help in my growth as a writer, I used to follow their updates religiously but it’s been so long since they released. Nevertheless, I’d still recommand it even without the end because this is truly a piece that deserves to be read. An amazing quantity of details and a very well thought story, I’m still waiting after two years for an update: it means a lot. Hey author, if by any chance you find my post, just to tell you, some of us are still waiting, so if you ever find the will to finish it, you’ll be warmly welcomed as if nothing happened. But if you don’t I also understand. You’re writing for free and it isn’t easy everyday. I hope you’re doing good nevertheless. Please take care.
Don’t talk to the neighbours by @hopefullbangtan (link to AO3)
-> Deaf!Reader/ Idol!Yoongi/ toothrooting fluff/ bitting Angst/ romance as we love it/  This is a fanfiction that I adore a lot. Yoongi and Y/N deserve the world and I love them both so much? They are so precious, their relationship is also adorable, I love them so much T-T The angst still stings but the ending makes it up for it honestly. Thanks for writing it!!!
Skin Deep by @aquaminwrites​ 10 parts series.
-> Stranger to friends to lovers/ slow burn/ fluff/ angst/ smut/ tattoo artist Y/N / I read this piece in one go after one of my friend sent me the link and let me tell you I screamed hard at the end. Such a beautiful story, I really loved the characters and the development, the fluff mixed with angst made it asbolutely per-fect.
Fury Of Their Scales by @kpopisthereasonihavenolife​ One shot 17k.
-> dragon!au/ wyvern!yoongi/ human/herbalist!reader/ isolation/alienation/  mentions of war/ injuries/ blood/ violence/ fluff/ WHOLESOME - I really loved Yoongi’s personality. He’s a cute but impressive bean, I mean, come on, he’s a dragon. But phew, I was so mad at the villagers but Yoongi made it worth it. We love the ending as well lmao. Cute asf.
The Truth Between Us by @gukyi and @jimlingss 6 parts series
->Enemy to lover/a lot of AU! thrown in it/writer reader and editor Yoongi/ I almost cried to be honest; this fanfiction is pure genius, so well paced and everything is just,,, falling into place as the chapters go on. The Angst was top-tier and it made the ending all the more fluffy. I loved every second of it. a “TO READ” mention
Jung Hoseok
Transference by @dark-muse-iris​
-> Smut/ Angst/ fluff/ Therapist!Hoseok/ Shibari!Hoseok/ BDSM, Okay hear me out. I’m generally not too fond of fanfiction with sex taking such an important place in a story, but this, this, my friends, is a fanfiction like you’ll never read again. I can’t praise this piece enough, you’ll find it also on AO3 with all Iris’ series. They all are absolutely amazing (I’m linking the “call me mistress“ series down in the OT7 category) please give it a read because it’s truly worth it.
A Universe To You  by @readyplayerhobi
-> Soulmate AU!/ Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/ OKAY THIS IS SILLY BUT THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE EVER. I have goosebumps with just the name on my screen. I love every second of it. Good characters? Check. Great development? Check. Priceless evolution of their relationship? Check as well. UWU MY HEART. Both of them deserve the world and I am in Love (with a big L) in them, please save my heart from bursting out. Dear Author, thank you so much, this piece is mindblowing I don’t remember how many times I read it.
Flourish by @btsarmy9593 On Going series
-> College/ Slice of Life/ Fluff/ ANGST/ Smut/ Okay, who is checking once a week if the fic has been updated on AO3? me me me. Lmao; I’m a sucker for this fanfiction, it is so so so well written, I love the characters, their friendships, their hardships, nothing makes sense but at the same time, everything does: that’s exactly what college feels like. I could praise this fic for hours, it’s one of those: tab is always opened on my phone and I refresh it every week to check if I somehow missed an update (I once did so don’t blame me). Dear Author: I’m sorry for never being vocal about your story but I love it a lot. Pen and Hobi are just so endearing, no one can stop them nor my love for Yoongi (lowkey the best boy but alright he’s the bestfriend pen needs). Thank you for brightening my days sometimes with your update, please keep up with the good work!
Kim Namjoon
Roommates With Benefits by erinbrownwrites on AO3
-> I mean, the title speaks for itself but / SMUT/ a lot of Angst too but with happy ending as always/ Okay AGAIN I’m generally not too fond of fanfiction with sex as a main plot. BUT?? THIS ONE HELLO??? Namjoon is a precious bean, I love him, his character is so precious please protect the roommate. Y/N is a precious bean too (even though she is quite stubborn, bear with her) so worth it, I’ve been thankful for my insufferable curiosity. They have epic sex, and I mean: as they should.
In Your Atmosphere by @sketchguk 12k
-> Smut/ fluff/ online dating AU/ The fluff got me hard ngl, I won’t even try to say something else because I’m a sucker for Joon. Both of the characters are so endearing and I love them. Thank you for writing such a great piece uwu.
La Vie En Bonsaï by @jungshookz 38k (lmao have fun)
-> Fluff/ Slow burn/ Some Angst to make the whole thing perfect: alright folks hear me out again: I loved that one so much; my heart raced once I saw the name on my screen, I was like: OH YES THIS ONE OMG I HAVE TO INCLUDE IT. So yeah, safe to say that you can go ahead and read it all, I love long one shots I read that in one go at like, 1 am. Safe to say: It’s an amazing piece, thank you for writing that one, I needed it.
half a heart by @jamaisjoons (19.5K)
-> best friends to lovers/ childhood friends to lovers/ idiots to lovers/ angst/ fluff/ smut/ So I’m indefinitely in love with Namjoon, I think that by now it has been established. This fanfiction was everything I needed, from the hurt to the comfort and love that came after, my Joon thirst is doing better. Thank you for writing such a “cute” piece if I may say haha.
Park Jimin
Love at First Touch by @bagelswrites​ series of 30 chapters.
-> Soulmate AU!/ HEAVY ANGST (I mean it)/ fluff/ romance/ Okay may I be honest with you? I read that last year, the story was already done: I read that in one go. Yes, it took me the whole day, but it was SO worth it. The story is so good, as a predebut army, I really appreciated the timeline created. My heart was melting and hurting at the same time, I was wishing for a more wordy apology from Jimin ngl BUT okay, she wasn’t 100% innocent, but stilllll the last argument left a sour aftertaste! Author, if you come by, I really loved the story, so much that I barely took a break to finish it, but come on! LOL I really wanted a more explicit apology even if Jimin was forgiven lmaooo. Yes I’m picky, no but seriously, the story is amazing, go to read it. It was so good!
Dream Walker by Greenhills on AO3 - ft. Yoongi probably won’t have an end sadly? If anyone knows if that user has tumblr or twitter, share it with me though please! (69/75 chapters)
-> Magic/ Supernatural Elements/ Mental Health Issues/ Enemies/friends to lovers/ slowburn/ Love interest/flirting with different members/ ANGST/ Smut/ Fluff. Okay so let me be honest, this fanfiction will probably never gets its ending even though I truly wish it did. This fanfiction has been a big help in my growth as a writer, I used to follow their updates religiously but it’s been so long since they released. Nevertheless, I’d still recommand it even without the end because this is truly a piece that deserves to be read. An amazing quantity of details and a very well thought story, I’m still waiting after two years for an update: it means a lot. [note for the author in the yoongi section]
Blood Moon Rising, by @yoonia series- for now 20 chapters.
-> on going/ supernatural AU!/ Vampire!Jimin/ angst/ fluff/ smut. Alright, I literally found this fanfiction yesterday and I read the 20 chapters in one go; let me tell you I’m heavily invested in this fanfiction. The plot? amazing. The character’s development? on point. Cliffhanger? perfectly annoying but the best at the same time. Goodness, this fanfiction is everything, a good storyline with interesting events and betrayals, I l-o-v-e it. I recommend this fanfiction without a doubt even if it’s not done, because it deserves the views T-T Dear author if you come by, I absolutely love your work, thank you so much for writing so well and overwhelming us in a new world, I love it uwu. Fighting for the rest of the series!
In For A Treat by @army-author​
-> fluff/ hogwarts au/ friends to lovers/ Look, I’m a sucker for hogwarts fanfiction and this one was super cute and I don’t know but it deserves to be in this rec list for many reasons and the most valuable one being: I LOVED IT OKAY. I’m in love with Slythering Jimin, what can I say (Honestly, all their hogwarts fics are really cool so go ahead if you haven’t read them).
Hogwarts Express by @bangtan-insfired series
-> Hogwarts AU/ fluff/ I admit I love Hogwarts universe, I can’t say anything for my defense; but this one is hella cute! So you might as well go check the series uwu. 
battle of brains by @cupofteaguk 25k
-> hogwarts au/ nerd!jimin/ enemies to lovers au/ fluff/ smut/ Do I still have to explain myself? Look, Jimin being nerdy is a big yes for me, enemies to lovers? Another big yes and the whole thing in Hogwarts? Bring me the paper to marry the author: I love you uwu. Mix all the best things in the world and you get this one shot hot and ready to go.
Ignorantly, Yours by @ot7always 10k
-> ABO!AU/ SMUT/ lil bit of fluff/ Ok look I know I said I don’t really like too sexual fanfictions and then I link an ABO smut ... I mean it’s Jimin, can you seriously blame me? LMAO. No but for real, I really enjoyed this one so I might as well not try to look like I don’t read those pieces as well haha.
Kim Taehyung
(please recommand me some fanfictions for our Taehyungie)
Too Long; Didn’t Read by @fortunexkookie​ One shot 11k.
-> Au: College / Enemy to lovers / Fluff and Smut. I read it really recently, maybe yesterday? But it was really nice one, I don’t know, I think I really liked the plot idea haha. Thank you for writing it!
Worshipers of the Sky by @jimlingss series, 3 chapter
-> God!AU/ Angst/ Fluff/ Again if you didn’t see what I said for Seokjin’s one: might recommand starting with the Yoongi one, the author made a list with the chronology but the pieces can be read independantly. Alright though, this part is definitely my favorite. Our baby goddess has really been made dirty I don’t understand how she does not resent EVERYONE, but well she’s wiser than me, probably a better goddess as well hahahahah. Anyway, Justice For the Goddess of the Sky, I kind of wish Jungkook and her could mend a friendship, it hurts my heart to see them both like that T-T Anyway, an amazing series, really my favorite one about Gods. Thank you so much for writing this! If you ever consider doing drabbles about our best girl maybe getting along with the other Gods, I wouldn’t mind AT ALL LMAO. Please take well care first uwu.
Jeon Jungkook
Lacuna by @barbika1508​ (42 chapters)
-> Hybrid! Jeongguk | Fluff | Angst | Smut | honestly one of my favorite ever. This fanfiction made me cry, laugh, heart swelling with love and everything you could imagine. I loved every second of it. (You can as well just dive into her masterlist because other pieces are absolutely amazing.) Please give her much love because she is amazing. If I had ONE Jungkook fanfiction to recommand, it might be this one, So please, go read it if you have never heard of it before. This fanfiction really deserves the world. I wouldn’t praise something so much for nothing, trust me.
For You and the sequel Like A Butterfly by @fallforjungkook long series.
-> how to describe it... Friend to Lover/ Fluff/ Angst (sudden and violent for the heart lmao)/ Mention of Smut/ Alright. I followed this fanfiction when it came out, I was travelling with my literature class in Greece (I think i’ll remember that for the rest of my life, I think the website was even ... Asian fanfiction? Or something? I don’t remember lmao but for sure I ended up reading it on AO3). How can I explain how much I adore this series... There are no words to describe how much I loved it. I can guarantee that I read (especially the sequel because For You hurts too much lmao) it so many times. I think I know some chapters by heart. If you have never read it, please, I beg of you: Read it. Author, if you happen to see this: thank you so much. I can’t explain why, but your story is one I’ll always have very close to my heart; I wasn’t really good at english when I first read it so I didn’t get everything but after rereading it several times, I got impressed by your work. This is definitely one of the best fanfiction I’ve ever read so; thank you.
A Sea Of Indigo by @foxymoxynoona​ (48 chapters)
-> Hybrid! Jeongguk | Fluff | Angst LIKE BIG ANGST I MEAN IT | Smut (very much needed honestly) Yes the fanfiction is on AO3 but I swear It’s worth it - A big rollercoaster of feelings, I love it from start to the end, the angst was so well written, some characters (#Bitna) WERE IMPOSSIBLE I SWEAR LMAO I got so angry at some of them, including Ivy. BUT, it’s one of the best piece I read in 2020, do not mistake it: me being angry at characters means that it was absolutely amazing. I’ve been camping their comment section (you’ll see me, Dolly, under almost every chapters lmaooo), Author if you somehow see this, I’ve already been ranting to you how much I loved it so well, thank you one last time for writing that.
Moirai by @taeken-my-heart 17 chapters + an epilogue
-> Soulmate AU!/ A LOT OF HURT/ SAD ANGST FOR REAL/ but also fluff/ I almost wish we got more fluff but okay we got a nicely done smut that made my heart melt so let’s say: forgiven. I love it, it made my heart aches quite a lot, but you’ll see: second chances are worth it. It ends well I swear. This fanfiction was a whole rollercoaster of emotions and I’m so happy it ended that way because otherwise I would have been a crying mess forever lmao. Thank you so much for finishing this impressive piece dear author!
The Turing Test by @fortunexkookie​ series on hiatus
-> Android Jungkook/ Creator Reader/ Fluff/ Smut/ Angst/ Oh my lord, this one really broke me. This is such an interesting one, the plot is absolutely mindwrecking (is that even a word) honestly I can’t wait for it to be updated but I respect the writer decision and they said in a note that they will go back to it. I can only hope that they will end it someday (author if you come by: please fighting! We will wait for you, don’t worry!) Tbh you may as well just dive in their masterlist as well because many of their pieces are just amazing. I’ll try not to cite every of their work lmao (like, frost impression could also make it to the list tbh).
A well-oiled machine by @jincherie​ two-shots story
-> android au/ futuristic au/ prostitute au/ fluff/ angst/ smut/ Again, I have to say: this is a fanfiction I could read thousand of times and not get bored. GOOOODDD I love it so much, Jungkook went through so much, he deserves the world and is such a precious bean. I’m a sucker for this story. Please spare my heart.
Wanted by @Jincherie (6 chapters)
-> space!au/ alien!au/ sci-fi/ alien!Jungkook/ smut/ fluff/ angst/ Okay bbys, I’m usually not too fond of alien au! BUT this one got me in slightly too easily for my liking. It was to sum up: an amazing piece. I love everything, no complain: that means a lot. It was such an incredible piece, the smut was almost needed (yes, we needed those two to finally get together, ah I loved them a bit too much I think). Lastly: PHEW, let me tell you that King Jungkook was extra attractive lmao (and Taehyung is the best, we love him).
Muse by Deko on AO3 (14 chapters)
-> Painter!Jungkook/ Muse! Reader/ Fluff & Angst/ This is my very first bookmark on AO3, needless to say that I loved it quite a lot. This is very much soft with some angst that honestly made my heart melt. The softness of both characters are ---- uwu.
the habits of a broken heart by @softykooky
-> soulmates au/ unrequited love/ art student!JK/ english student!Y/N/ angst/ fluff/ subtle enemies to lovers/ If you’re not looking forward to crying a lot, might avoid that one for now LMAO I CRIED LIKE A KID ON THAT ONE ALRIGHT I ADMIT. It was SO GOOD THOUGH. But I cried a lot: 100% worth the end anyway. I recommand highly (only not when you’re not feeling okay already lmao) (the author also writes sanctuary which is pretty good, I’m following the story, it might make it to the rec list hahahaha).
To Tame A God by @vinterjeon on going series
-> supernatural!AU/ Wolf!AU/ Angst/ Fluff/ Smut/ Alright, I know I have to stop reading Jungkook’s stories but you cannot tell me that this is one is not good. This is a priceless story, it’s SO GOOD. I LOVE IT. SO MUCH. Okay theplot is amazing and the whole thing gave me goosebumps. Like yes, a goddess trapped in a human/werewolf body? Where do I sign? Like please this is such an amazing concept and I really love their writing style. It is one of my favorite, I reread the 4th chapter because they changed things in it and ahhh my heart is still hurting quite bad. Alright that it is for today, but for reaaal, please check it out, it is an amazing story.
the ebb and flow by @xbaepsae​ on going series
-> percy jackson!au/ mythology!au/ demigod!au/ enemies to lovers!au/ OKAY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I don’t know why, but I just love their dynamic so much, they are so funny and annoying. Like, a big YES. I love them, I can’t wait to see how their relationship will unfold. Again, I really love it, it’s really well written.
Ember Burning by @kpopfanfictrash (one shot 36k rip)
-> Fantasy/ Dragon/ Enemy to Lovers / Alright this is my latest read, I just added that to the list (we’re in april 2021) and god my heart still hurts but in the best ways. The story is absolutely amazing, the plot is so interesting I’d be down to read more just to know what happens with the Mor people. Jungkook was such an interesting character, his relationship with yn was so well representated as if they were strangers just like he told her. That bit broke my hurt, I don’t wanna spoil but god Jungkook is an angel and we’re glad oc took some courage and got her man because she definitely deserved it! Definitely something I’ll read again when I miss it hence why it’s coming onto my personal bookmark lol. I totally recommand it!
Before I Leave You by @hollyhomburg (on going series)
-> Omegaverse au, Mafia au/ So... Where to start? First of all, I absolutely love this writer so f-ing much. You can go in their masterlist, it’s really a wonder I haven’t put any of their fics in this rec list before today because I think I read everything, and more than one. I adore the style of this writer so much, I know that their pieces are always going to be amazing; I have nothing but praises for this author, seriously, I mean it. Y’all know how picky I am when it comes to fanfiction. This piece in particular is heartbreaking yet so thrilling. You feel so much for the characters, and from both sides. Sure, their situations weren’t ideal and some decisions could have been taken differently, but all of them have suffered so much, they deserve their happy ending so f-ing much, I’m just so invested in this story. I know next part is coming this friday and I literally set a reminder. Dear author, I’m so thankful to have found you and your blog because this was truly worth each minute of my time. Thank you so much for everything you do and I hope you’ll keep writing like that as long as you enjoy it because what you write is truly impressive. Your one of the blog I check every other day to see what you’re doing and if anything new is out, I love you, take well care.
Eunoia by @wishesunderthestars​ on going series (now 12 parts)
-> Hybrid! BTS x reader/ Lot of Angst/ Also lot of fluff/ hurt/ comfort/ eventual smut/ past abuse/ I’m always very happy when I see that there is an update. I cannot explain how attached to the characters I am, but I’m highly invested in the series. All of them deserve the world, from Y/N to Jinnie, to yoongs like, ahh, my heart is hurting. It’s not done but the update are quite regular (long but regular and always a delight to see) so I can only hope that this amazing writer will have the power to finish it haha if you come through this post: fighting! You’re doing amazing!
Ethereal Orbit by @monotape​ on going series
-> Alien!au/ fluff/ angst/ slow burn/ smut/ Should I rant? Omg this series is SO GOOD. I used to see it on my AO3 timeline and not pay too much attention because Alien stories are not really my thing, but curiosity got the best of me (that’s why I often end up crying on angst without happy ending, sue me) and gosh I don’t regret! This piece is soooo well written, honestly, author if you come here someday, you can go ahead and make a book, I’m serious. It’s an impressive story, full of details and the characters are so well built. An overwhelming (in a good way) story taht will get you right inside of it.
Call Me Mistress by @dark-muse-iris each member got a series so not really OT7 per se but still?
-> A lot of Smut (BDSM/Sex Work are both included)/ Angst (a lot of it too)/ some fluff/ Okay hear me out, I know I said a little bit earlier that I usually didn’t go for stories whose plot are focussing on sex. But this one is a gem I swear. All elements are so well done, characters are so well thought and it is just... SO WELL WRITTEN. LISTEN IT REALLY IS AN AMAZING ONE. I fell in love with this writer style through this series, I went to read other of their work because of that one. Some stories were just heartbreaking, I’m thinking of Yoongi. My heart cries again. All of them have really different relationships with OC and it makes the story SO interesting. For real, if I had one story to recommand dealing with a lot of sexual content, it might be that one. Yes again, link goes to AO3 because the author decided to leave tumblr; hence Iris, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but you are an  amazing writer. Talented asf, everything that you write becomes something really impressive. But not only are you an amazing writer, but you’re also an amazing person. I’ve seen many of your interraction and had once the pleasure of talking to you on another account and I just wanna say thank you for everything you did. You also set my expectations for smut quite high I must say hahahaha. Again, I’m picky asf, but for real. This one is a gem please support and send kind words to the author.
The Worshiper series by @jimlingss
-> God!AU/ Angst/ Smut/ Fluff/ Every member gets his story/ Alright folks, I said I would in Seokjin’s and Taehyung’s part so I’m linking the whole series here as well uwu.
member x member (I don’t read those a lot, but I have some gems nevertheless)
While The City Slept by notyoongs on AO3 Yoongi x Jungkook (6 chapters)
-> travel au!/ fluff/ angst/ smut/ what can I say, this was so AMAZING. The writing was soo good, I loved it from the start to its end. It was worth going through the pain. I really liked it a lot, it’s been a while since I read it, but I might as well just get back to it lmao.
125 notes · View notes
demenior · 3 years
Dem’s Big Post About The Spn Fics Part 1/2
aka The Wrap Up to celebrate To Exist Again and To Become a Man now being finished!
(This will be a long post. This is your only warning.)
Admittedly this is a bit of a weird thing to be doing, but I wanted to try it out for 3 reasons: 
I love talking about my own work and 
It functions really well as a self-reflective tool for me to improve on, and 
I can answer some big questions people might have because there was a LOT of worldbuilding in these stories. 
We’ll start off with reflective stuff, and move into the juicier world-building focused stuff later into the post. There will be major spoilers for both fics to come!
To begin with a funny anecdote, Why Did I Write These Stories?
I was beginning to write and work out the story that I wanted to write for Spn (what will now be To Destroy a Man. As I was writing the scene, I realized I had a LOT of ideas and while I was trying to avoid as much exposition as I could, it became quickly apparent that I was needing to create my own au (this scene eventually became chapter 34 of To Become a Man). A short prequel seemed like a good idea, to quickly hash out the ‘prior’ events that I needed to go through so all the readers could be on the same page. While plotting out prequel points, I realized Sam and Dean were going to have drastically different experiences during the same time period, and I was trying to figure out who’s pov would be better for which scenes, and how to keep momentum when they’re going through such radically different types of changes. Ultimately I decided to split their povs, which I also thought would be a fun project! And I naively assumed each pov would take about 2 chapters each, rounding out to maybe 15k total.
I had my ending points: Dean n Cas soul-merged and (basically) married, Cas on the lam from heaven and a complete anomaly, and Sam juiced up full of powers and a weird mix of archangel and antichrist but still 100% human and ready to fight God. 
Now I needed to add weight to these changes, so I wrote 200k of build-up.
Am I proud of these fics?
OF COURSE I AM!!! These are the longest fics I’ve ever written AND finished AND in the fastest freakin turnaround ever (both were finished writing, barring edits, in like 6 months holy shit)
I didn’t write a single scene that I “didn’t” want to write. If I had trouble writing it, as in it was fighting me, I scrapped it. Most obviously was the scene in Dean’s pov where he and Sam were intended to meet some other hunters and Dean declines working with them because he’s nervous about being outed as queer. It was meant to be a good scene! I wanted to introduce some new characters! But it just wasn’t working so I said ‘thank you, next!’. 
But it means this story was an absolute joy to write. Because for a while all I was doing was ‘if I wanted to write one scene into supernatural, what would I write?’ and then just DID that!! It’s why there’s a lot of ‘Salmondean do dumb shit or have really dumb heartfelt conversations’ scenes.
Would I change anything?
If I’d been less eager to start sharing, I might have planned out the story beats a little tighter so there were less ‘soft’ chapters and a draw/pull for people to come back and keep reading. I felt Dean’s story specifically lagged at points and could have used some tighter editing (there was a noticeable lull in directed movement between Dean n Cas getting together, until Sam corrupts Amy).
I also probably would have held Sam’s story until I’d finished Dean’s so I could make the two line up better! Probably could have inserted more scenes into Sam’s fic that way, and made sure things were a little more consistent. In an ideal world one concept I had was to release 1 chapter from each pov every week that would correspond to the same time frame so we’d be getting real-time SalmonDean pov narrative. Unfortunately that didn’t work!
The biggest takeaway overall is for me to focus more on what moves the plot, and to make my scenes do more than 1 thing so I can cut down on wordcount and increase my efficiency. 
Of course every writer will find things they want to fix in anything they’ve ever written, so these are minor “mistakes” at best. I’m so dang proud of these fics. 
Onto more interesting things!
How Did I Put These Fics Together (because it’s different than anything I’ve ever done before)
Normally when I write a story, I plan out the beats I need to hit, see where I need to insert any kind of foreshadowing/buildup, and then write from A to B to C and so on and so forth. Hence, this is why I can normally post things as I complete chapters, because it’s all a linear progression. 
For these two stories, rather than linear plot/a normal story structure, I just sat and free-wrote any and every scene that came to mind and then pieced them into a kinda-linear form like putting a quilt together. You’ll note that this is why there’s not a lot of internal callback or a feeling of sense of time flowing within the fic (save for points where I went back and specifically edited it in). How long does the story take place over? Hard to say! Your author has the barest grasp on linear time even on a good day (how many times did I say ‘see you on [wrong day]’ at the end of chapters lmaaoooo)
This also meant EXTENSIVE editing on the back end once I decided in what order I wanted my ‘quilt pieces’ to be. Hard to say if this is a bonus or a negative!
But I did want to try and capture the vibe of the lives they lead, as a bit of a ‘slice of life’-style story, when the slice of life is the profound weirdness of the Winchester roaming life, and how things are status quo- until everyone almost dies oh shit!! And then they have to keep living because no therapy we die/undie like Winchesters. Do I think I captured this effectively? Hmm. Good question. 
Dem where the FUCK did the inspiration for a lot of the magic and creature weirdness even come from?
Honestly? Music, primarily. And completely mishearing lyrics!
Nightwish ‘Ever Dream’: the line is ‘my song can but borrow you grace’ and because my brain is scrambled eggs on a good day, I heard ‘grace’ ‘song’ and ‘borrow’ in that order and have had, for YEARS, the mental image of Cas borrowing Dean’s soul to power himself up for battle.
From there I’ve always been enamored with the ‘wavelength of celestial intent’ descriptor that Cas drops in s6 for “what he is”. 
I also really like ocean metaphors mostly because I’ve been obsessed with the ocean and things in it since I was like… 5??? So really this was me just rolling with what I know lmao. I love using (somewhat) accurate scientific metaphors for very intangible things!
I was also finishing my degree in biology/ecology while writing these fics and I think it shows
Stars ‘The Night Starts Here’ gives us the series title and the fic titles. Except for ‘To Exist Again’. TEA was almost titled ‘The Upwards Fall’ because I wanted all 3 of the Main Stories to have titles from this song, but I couldn’t make anything else work in tandem with the series name ‘The Love It Takes’ while also working for Sam’s personal story. So Sam, as always, is the rebel <3
Stars ‘Up In Our Bedroom, After The War’ is basically the vibes of the whole story. TFW has been, literally, to hell and back!!! There’s a bit of melancholy and sadness, a lingering dark, but the chance of a bright new tomorrow and a soft start.
Let’s Talk About Themes in The Story! What were you looking to accomplish? 
My earliest notes for TFW are, as follows:
Dean’s journey of self-discovery (who am I when I’m not trying to be Dad?)
Dean wants to settle down! He wants a big family! He wants to be domestic!
Basically: Dean doesn’t want to have a short life of hunting. He wants to live!
Dean’s journey of realizing he’s bi, and him accepting that
Dean’s relationship to Sam is both older brother/parent 
And continuing Dean balancing these roles while also letting Sam be an adult 
Dean’s Big Issues/Fears about never being good enough for people to want to stay with him (these are effectively highlighted in that Cas thinks he’s not useful enough to be wanted)
Sub Plot:
Castiel’s autonomy
Cas’ fall from grace, to trying to restore Heaven, to wrecking it further
He’s majorly depressed by the end of s7 (before purgatory)
Wants to stay in Purgatory but doesn’t tell Dean
Remains depressed after leaving, but resolved to keep living on because he’s clearly meant for something
After the seraphim reveal: does he have free will?! How does he grapple with this? How does he live in a way he can be proud of?
And lastly
Sam gets his powers back CAUSE THATS HOT
where tf did they go????
he got them from Lucifer?????
sleeper agent??????
Sam is The Chosen One
Accepts that he is More Than Human and to celebrate all parts of him
Lucifer and Sam friends?? Work together????
Sam needs autonomy in his choices/his life
If you compare these to the overall arc of TFW within the two stories, I think I got a lot of them! But you’ll also note a lot of these things aren’t concrete goals that are easily measurable (ex: Dean wants to learn to bake pie. In chapter 1 he starts a fire in the kitchen. By the end of the story he finally makes A Good Pie.) part of the lack of concrete milestones was why I felt it was important to tell Dean (and Cas’) story by going back to the point they meet, in s4! Dean’s gradual change towards his feelings for Cas, his relationship to Sam (heavily influenced by the s7 events of this fic) and then his own relationship with himself were such slow burns that I felt it would be a disservice to try and cram a change like that into a timeline like “1 year”.
I felt like these subtle changes and adjustments actually felt a lot truer to life-- people often change in very small, gradual ways over time, even without realizing it and often times not consistently! If only we could all gain skills like the sims, where we can easily level up and remain at that high level of performance! 
So the Guy Who Ate Satan, A Celestial Nuke that Developed Sentience, and Dean walk into a bar…
Sam’s story in Spn The Show has always been a ‘chosen one’ kind of narrative. Sam is living with one foot in the realm of the monsters, and I wanted to bring that back full force! It really makes sense for him that he should only continue to grow in power, might, and magic!! As the story progresses.
Cas also got a power up! I do desperately love in the show that he was kind of a grunt/nothing angel, and so even when he defected to TFW he was a huge help for them, but in the scale of things he was an annoying fly to most other angels. It really worked for the underdog story of s4/5. In this I wanted to give him a power up, and originally it was actually going to be close contact with Sam that eventually changed Cas into something unknown (you can still see traces of this in ch34 of TBAM, where Death remarks ‘Castiel could be [Sam’s] first creation’. But for a combo of reasons: how Sam’s magic needed to have intent, the entire concept of free will and consent, and how much I wanted Dean and Cas to have their effect on each other, I decided to go with the route that Cas has actually always been something angel-adjacent rather than becoming something new. TFW/Supernatural has always been about free will and making your own story, so I amplified that with Cas.
Dean has always been A Normal Guy, which is part of the appeal of him and Sam (2 normal dudes!) taking on the Very Not Normal. As explained above, Sam’s story is ‘normal guy finds out he’s the chosen one’ and so, in a story about very large concepts and huge monsters and acts of magic, I felt it was very important to keep Dean as normal as possible. To the point it became a running gag to me, personally, in that ‘no matter what cool shit happens around him, Dean has to stay as Just A Guy’. And it’s a very humanizing role that allows the story to have the scale it does!
What were the most important themes in your story?
Sam’s Autonomy
I wasn’t even going to include the plot about Lucifer’s death in this story— that was going to come up in a later story, actually! And rather than Sam having ate Lucifer, the original idea was that they’d become a SamandLucifer entity (this harkens back to a concept I wanted to write when Swan Song first aired). 
That storyline would have involved a lot of mental ‘Sam and Lucifer discuss what it means to live, which one of them is more worthy of life and if they do deserve to destroy the world for the pain they’ve been forced to go through, just to create the dichotomy of good and evil for everyone else’ discussions. There would be a lot of talk about how Sam hates and fears Lucifer for the pain Lucifer put on Sam, how Lucifer hates Sam because he and Sam are the same but Sam’s brother loves him anyways, etc. 
Ultimately that was scrapped because Sam’s entire story in the show is always about how the world and everyone around him manipulates him and that he never actually gets to make choices about his own life or body that aren’t influenced or part of someone elses’ design. And that always bothered me that Sam was never allowed to be himself without having to be ashamed of it, and I wanted to make sure that Sam’s triumph of being proud of himself/proudly choosing to exist (again) was evident in his story
In the end I needed Sam to have this visceral win over his tormentor. As the story shows, in this case Lucifer was abused and put into a position where he was incapable of empathy and could only express himself in violence. Sam even understands this! But it doesn’t change the fact that Lucifer tortured Sam in unimaginable ways for thousands of years. 
With that in mind I didn’t like the idea of Lucifer and Sam having “co-ownership” of their new identity, so I made the choice that Sam had to be the survivor. This tied in well with Sam’s new crusade to restore free will to the universe, because he’s breaking the narrative of his own story!
While Castiel wasn’t a pov character, his own autonomy and free will was equally as important. You’ll note that many, many paragraphs and conversations revolved around that theme and that in the end Cas followed himself (and love!) which ensured his freedom of self <3
The Brothers are WEIRD PEOPLE!!!! And Codependent to a Worrying Degree, but It’s Also How They Survive
It’s very hard to show “unusual” relationships when you’re writing from the pov of the two people who don’t think there’s anything weird about their relationship. Sure, they say ‘yeah it’s probably weird that we still share a bed’ but that’s kinda more in line with ‘I had a nightmare and I want to be close to the person who makes me feel safe’. Hashtag normalize co-sleeping when you need it!!!
From there I did try to point out how the boys have a weird perception of lifestyle in the little things they did. 
From thrifting everything from clothes to appliances to books (thrifting is a valid lifestyle! It’s incredibly handy when you’re on a budget.) 
To never actually having condiments or knowing how to use a dishwasher cause they’ve lived in a car, a motel room, or squatted in old houses their whole life.
I tried to have them wear each others’ clothes or casually swap things as much as possible. They live out of each others’ pockets!
Also the brothers are just weird people!! It’s hard to show from their pov, cause they don’t know how far off from normal they are, but like…
Everything about Sam and Amelia was NOT right like holy shit those two were wilding in their grief. They are very lucky things worked out for them and that they got to be hashtag Weird Girls together
Dean explicitly, in the story, gets horny after killing stuff!! Violence has done a number on his psyche and he’s gotten some wires crossed that maybe shouldn’t have been, or maybe could be worked out in a safe space but… uh… how likely do we think Dean is gonna go find a safe space to deal with any of his shit???
LOVE!!! Love is truly what this whole story is all about
If you’ve read the stories, you know how much emphasis I put on love. Love is the strongest force in the Spn Universe! It’s what averted the apocalypse and saved the world (Swan Song), it’s what created free will (Cas’ entire arc!) I love love!!!!
I went out of my way to not put any definitions on platonic love vs romantic love because I think love is love is love and how you express that is the difference. Neither is more powerful than the other because LOVE is powerful!! Sam and Cas are the most important people in Dean’s life and he loves them equally! He shows this by giving Cas kisses and stealing Sam’s socks.
It’s a personal pet peeve of mine when I have to hear explanations like ‘I love you, like a brother’ or ‘I love you, but like, as a friend because I’m a lesbian and you’re a man’ etc etc in media. If you have to continuously define how your characters love each other, then I don’t think you’re doing a good job of portraying their relationship. So you’ll see that I never put those parameters in any conversation. Dean DOES muse that he loves Cas differently than he loves Sam or Bobby, specifically because there is a romantic and sexual tone that his feelings for Cas takes, but not because he loves Cas more or less than he loves Sam or Bobby.
Which means, if you haven’t realized it yet, the Series + Fic Titles are meant to be a complete sentence because the power of love IS the thesis of this series:
The Love It Takes To Exist Again (Sam’s journey!)
The Love It Takes To Become a Man (Dean’s journey!)
The Love It Takes To Destroy a Man (TBA)
And now for fun stuff. Behind the scenes!!
What’s Something People Probably Don’t Know?
The demonic fungal/hydrothermal vent growth on Sam’s arm was thrown in literally as I was posting the chapter because I had just finished a 48 hour cram session of writing a report on tube worms for an ecology class (I was chanting my tube worm song as I wrote it) and it ended up being a HUGE hit with both readers and myself. But it was so last minute I had trouble fitting it in more throughout the rest of Sam’s story!
Cas’ orders? That may or may not have bound him to Dean and removed his free will? Were written into Sam’s story and I went ‘oh SHIT that’s compelling’ and then left them there as a ‘guess I’ll figure that out when I get to Dean’s story lol’
Originally Dean and Cas were supposed to get together after having their souls bonded, and have been in a UST limbo the entire time before that. Mostly because I think the entire concept of ‘we just got married of the soul I guess we should try dating?’ is very funny. CLEARLY the two of them were way more eager to fall in love than I anticipated (thank you Cas for your honesty) but you can still see shades of this original idea here and there (especially in ch35 of TBAM)
I never intended Dean and Benny to connect so well!! Benny was going to reunite with Andrea, she was going to live, and they were going to go off into the world and leave the story. And, uh, here we are. I’m still debating if I need to adjust the relationship tag or not haha. Polyamory is fun, especially when I was planning for Sam to be the polyamorous brother...
Speaking of, I can’t believe I forgot about Sam and his sexuality! If I rewrote TEA I would have had Sam contemplate more on his lack of sexual appetite due to trauma, up until he meets Benny and he gets to rediscover how he wants to be a sexual person
Many of Sam and Dean’s absolutely stupid sibling conversations were lifted near-verbatim from conversations I’ve had with my siblings
And lastly...
Dem where’s Kevin????????????? Where is our sweet baby boy????????
He’s SAFE!! He’s in the Hunter pipeline somewhere cause Sam handed him off to Bobby’s people. He and his mom are safe and at some point they probably got rib sigils like SalmonDean did against angels, but for demons. I didn’t have room in this story for him!!! But my baby boy is SAFE and I want to get him back to university because it’s WHAT HE DESERVES!!!!
To that point: god there were/are SO many characters that I just didn’t include in the story so far because I didn’t feel comfortable including them without stalling the story for them. To that point: pretty much everyone who is alive/dead in s8 is that way in this story, except Bobby who gets to live.
[Check Out Part 2 for reader questions!]
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Midnight Coffee [Character Profiles]
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Non-Idol AU / Coffee Shop AU
TW: None
Pairing: Platonic!NCT 127 x Reader
Genre: Slice of Life, Angst in Some Parts, Comedy in Some Parts
Word Count: 1.0K
Summary: You run a coffee shop that only opens past midnight and closes just before the sun rises, and the people you meet are never more interesting than the stories they bring with them.
Notes: Trying out a new layout for character profiles! I hope you guys all like it! I know I probably shouldn’t be putting out any other series but honestly I got the sudden inspiration for this one and I just had to draft it before I lost it! Not sure when this is coming out, if ever, but I hope you all enjoy these character profiles at the very least! With that in mind, I intend for each chapter to be rather hashed out, I’m thinking around 10-15K minimum, which I admit is ambitious, but hey! It sounds fun so why not (also hence why they’ll take a while to write). That and I figured I’d try out the new character profiles somehow haha, I meant to switch Locked and Reloaded’s profiles to be like this too but I forgot haha, either way I hope you like these!
Inspired by the Indie Game ‘Coffee Talk’
[Main Masterlist] | [Midnight Coffee Masterlist]
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Lee Taeyong
Usual Order: Chocobee Miruku (Chocolate, Honey, and Milk)
Usual Time of Arrival: 1 am to 2 am, Mondays and Tuesdays
Profession: Video Game Producer - NCT U Productions
Description: A freelance video game producer doing his best to make a living in a world dominated by mainstream game makers. He focuses on the artistry of telling stories without words and emphasizes compelling artwork over contemporary graphics. He holds an undefined relationship with Kim Doyoung, but one that is apparently very close.
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Moon Taeil
Usual Order: Milky Way (Milk, Honey, Mint)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight, Wednesdays
Profession: Indie Singer - YouTube
Description: Often seen singing a set in front of the Midnight Coffee café during the day time, he is what one would consider “YouTube Famous;” however, remarkably, he is as rich as a university graduate- meaning he has about $20 to his name. Regardless, the young singer has found a unique joy in life to follow what his heart desires.
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Suh Johnny
Usual Order: Espresso (Coffee, Coffee, Coffee)
Usual Time of Arrival: 2 am to 4 am, Regular
Profession: Model - 127 Modeling Agency
Description: Although he is typically seen with his friend Yuta, it comes as no surprise when Johnny is seen alone, either in the café or in magazines. The A-List model is one people would pay anything just to catch a glimpse of, it’s a miracle that café hasn’t been run down yet. But despite his persistent insisting, you can’t bring yourself to allow him to promote your small shop, even though he has been a long time regular. 
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Nakamoto Yuta
Usual Order: Black Magic (Coffee, Mint, Honey)
Usual Time of Arrival: 2 am to 4 am, Regular
Profession: Instagram/Twitter Influencer
Description: Long time friend of Johnny, Yuta can trace his influencer roots to when he met the then beginner model. It was thanks to this newbie model that he found Midnight Coffee, the small café he often posts about, but has kept the name out of his captions at your insistence. He has developed a sort of love for the café itself and is often found there with or without Johnny.
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Kim Doyoung
Usual Order: Ginger Mint Tea (Tea, Ginger, Mint)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 2 am, Mondays and Fridays
Profession: Photographer - 127 Modeling Agency; but is also available upon commission.
Description: Behind every picture is its photographer and Doyoung, often working under the Monogram ‘Daniel’ when not working, is one of the best out there. He exhibits a very special talent when taking his photos, being able to draw out the most intricate of emotions from his subjects by doing something as simple as changing his angle or dimming the lights, but none compares to his usual subject Lee Taeyong.
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Jung Jaehyun
Usual Order: Honey Coffee (Coffee, Coffee, Honey)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 3 am, Weekends
Profession: Travel Vlogger - YouTube
Description: Though this vlogger is rarely in one place for more than a month, he always finds a way to make time for a certain café that he has come to appreciate. The night-owl edits best past midnight and with a cup of coffee, and only one place meets that requirement. He can visit without saying a word, and on others days he can go on and on about his latest vlog, it really depends on his mood that night.
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Dong Sicheng
Usual Order: Black Lemon (Coffee, Coffee, Lemon)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 2 am, Thursdays and Fridays
Profession: Actor - Label V
Description: Although he doesn’t have as much time as he used to before his blockbuster movie, the ex-regular still finds time to drink some coffee in his favorite café, and often finds that he can find at least a few minute’s peace despite his fast-paced life in his favorite corner of the quiet café.
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Kim Jungwoo
Usual Order: Midsummer Night’s Dream (Tea, Lemon, Honey)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 4 am, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Profession: Engineering Student - SM University
Description: This sleep deprived college student has a special place in the Midnight Coffee café, the only thing stopping him from being a regular is the 8 am MWF classes, which he takes Tuesday and Thursday to catch up on what little sleep he has, but he is always a welcome and bright addition to the usual slow tempo of the café.
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Lee Mark
Usual Order: Tea Latte (Tea, Milk, Milk)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 2 am, Regular
Profession: Novelist and Student - SMU
Description: This Uni student works part time at the short story company The Neo City Whispers and has found his best inspiration at the Midnight Coffee Café, and he is about to take on his most ambitious proposal yet, a novel, one that will make or break his future, but luckily he has a very supportive barista to encourage him along the way.
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Lee Haechan
Usual Order: Ginger Latte (Coffee, Ginger, Milk)
Usual Time of Arrival: Midnight to 2 am, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Profession: Uni Student, Undeclared - SMU
Description: Although he hasn’t exactly found his path in life yet, do not mistake him for a slacker. He is always looking for a new opportunity and is always willing to try something new, in hopes that one day it will stick to him and he’ll finally find a purpose. But one must wonder why, perhaps one late night in the Midnight Coffee Café will be enough of a push for him, or maybe not.
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(L/N) (Y/N)
Usual Order: Whatever they’re feeling
Usual Time of Arrival: 11:45, right before the café opens
Profession: Owner and Barista of the Midnight Coffee café
Description: This mysterious owner somehow makes a living off of a small café that is only open from midnight to sunrise, not much is known about what they do afterward though, all that matters is that they have quite the following of customers who have grown to love the charming, but strange, café.
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Midnight Coffee Taglist: DM, Ask, Reply, or Reblog below if you’re interested in getting notified once I get around to this series (which I admit may be a while)!
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
hey, do you know when you'll update? also, could we get a snippet :)
Soon, just waiting on my magnificent beta to work her magic and fix my illiterate ass mistakes 🥴 but ya know she's got a life and a job so it takes time, but my guess is probably sometime this weekend or early next week. Here is a TINY meaningless snippet of banter because I already gave y'all over 2k of a nearly 15k chapter I can't ruin the whole thing 😩
"You're really gonna have to let that go," Clarke rolled her eyes with a blush as she fiddled with the twisted up napkin beside her. "And that's not what I meant. Believe it or not I do have vaguely working eyeballs and know I'm reasonably good looking."
"I hate to apparently break this to you, Clarke, but you're incredibly attractive. And I'm not the only person who notices. Hence the butt touching on the train."
"Reasonably," Lexa mocked.
"I'm asking when did you notice?"
"That people think you're hot?"
"No," Clarke deadpanned. "When did you realize you… liked me? Or whatever."
"Oh. My first day."
"... What?"
"Yeah," Lexa said as she gathered up their plates and tipped them into the garbage bin with a crash. "Kane was walking me through the floor to go see my office--"
"Did you seriously just throw your plates away?"
"I don't like doing dishes."
"I'll never forget it," Lexa ignored her as she leaned her palms on the counter behind her and stared off into the past. "I was walking through the main floor, and then all of a sudden it felt like- Like my skin was on fire. But in a good way… And this… heat dropped into my belly. My thighs ached..."
Clarke swallowed at the heavy timbre of her words as she pictured it all.
"It was like I felt this pull," Lexa continued, lifting a hand to rub across the low swell of her belly. "Then I looked over. And there you were."
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zukkaoru · 4 years
top five fics of 2020
i was tagged by @zukka-soulmates to post my five favorite works I made this year.
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works  you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them  below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
(these are going to be in no particular order because i’m indecisive)
1. plum blossom
confession: i actually started writing this fic before i even finished watching atla for the first time. finishing this fic was what motivated me to finally watch the last few episodes (which i had been putting off bc i didn’t want it to end). i was expecting it to be around 5k words, but i just kept writing more and more, and i actually liked what i was writing while i was writing it, which is not always the case for me. it also got way more attention than i ever expected it to (at the moment, it’s my only fic to cross the 1000 kudos threshold and it has almost 200 public bookmarks, which is absolutely insane to me). before i wrote/published this fic, i’d always wanted to write one of those really long oneshots that ended up being 15k+ words bc i admired that people could even do that, so i’m proud of this fic for that reason. the other thing i really like about this fic is that while it is technically a zukka fic, i ended up spending a lot of time in it exploring the friendship between mai and zuko, as well as the friendships between zuko and many of the other main characters in the show, and i had a lot of fun doing that.
2. my calamitous love & insurmountable grief
i got a lot of comments on this one from people saying they were impressed that both the prose and the poetry parts of the fic were equally good, but honestly, i wasn’t too proud of the prose part. i am, however, pretty proud of the poems. my favorite line (which several people commented on) is definitely “could the world ever mourn for us, my love?” from hope wasn’t meant for us, and that was actually the first line i came up with for that poem. that poem was also the first sonnet i wrote that i don’t actively want to set on fire, so that’s cool too. i’m also a little partial to the end of star-crossed - “and i am only me” because i think it highlights how differently sokka views himself from the way other people (zuko) view him. sokka thinks he’s inferior to all his friends because, well, he’s only sokka. but only sokka has half the world leaders wrapped around his fingers and could single-handedly save or destroy the world if he just. realized. how important he is to the people around him.
3. it’s nice to have a friend
this was the first mailee-centric fic i wrote, and i wrote most of it all in one day. i think i’ve said this before, but this fic is one of the few that just. went exactly where i expected and hoped it would go, and i think accurately portrayed the tone and mood i was going for. i really liked the last scene in chapter three with the snow, and i’m also pretty proud of the ending line, which is nice, because ending lines are important to me and i have gotten stuck on endings so many times because nothing i come up with is good enough. also, the beginning of chapter two actually paved the way for the next fic on this list
4. (no sweeter innocence than) our gentle sin
this fic is a monster. i don’t know what else to say. it’s 25k words long and i wrote it all in three days, listening to chloe moriondo’s cover of take me to church basically the whole time. if that cover was on spotify, it would have made my spotify wrapped just outright embarrassing because i probably listened to that song two hundred times in the span of three days. it started as an exploration of how the agni kai between zuko and ozai might have affected mai and ty lee (hence chapter two of it’s nice to have a friend being the starting inspiration), but it turned into... i don’t know. twenty-five thousand words of me projecting onto all four fire nation kids. and i know people get bogged down by internalized homophobia and homophobic family because it’s depressing and it’s been done before, but i didn’t really write this for anyone besides myself, and people like me, who just want to know that they aren’t alone in what they’re feeling. and it took 25k words and i still wasn’t completely satisfied with it, but i think i got a pretty good start in showing what it’s like to grow up with family whose love you know is entirely hinged on their false belief that you’re straight, and in an environment where you’re essentially taught that if you’re gay, you have to choose between everything you’ve ever known and any shot at living, or falling in love.
5. when we all fall asleep, where do we go?
last but not least, we have what i affectionately labelled my sleep paralysis sokka one shot long before i even started writing it. this idea sat in my head for weeks before i finally got around to writing it, and in the earliest stages of the idea, it was going to be a zuko sleep paralysis oneshot. i’m glad i changed it to sokka, though, because i really enjoyed writing for him. i also might have forced myself into a position where i knew i would experience sleep paralysis before writing the very last scene, so i had some ~fresh~ memories in my mind as i wrote, and i think that scene had the most accurate description because of that. i would not recommend doing that to your mind/body, but... it did help me. (also i may or may not be thinking about writing a sort-of sequel to this that is kya ii-centric.. but i have many other wips to work on first)
tagging: @that-was-anticlimactic @tysukis @zukosaturtle-duck and anyone else who wants to participate! (of course, don’t feel obligated to if you don’t want to)
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