#one thats going to be rather significant later.
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protectorcraft · 4 months ago
realizing theres a little continuity bit thats off kilter in abcs. writing this so i remember to rectify it later.
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dark-night-hero · 2 months ago
Imagine being Sung Jinwo's significant other, who was with him through thick and thin. Someone who was very close to his family and would often fill in the gaps in his life and family.
Imagine doing your normal routine in the mornjng into to look into the calendar and saw today's date marked up with a note that says parent teacher conference causing you to blink, still sleepy. First of all, you've graduated high-school and is a worker and a part-time hunter. Second, you don't have a child let alone a sibling that's going to scho- oh!
"Sung Jinwo!" You scream as soon as he picked up the phone. You heard a groan and a bit of shuffling before you heard a deep husky voice on the phone "Hmmm? Morning." Followed by a chuckle. "Did you just woke up?" He asked causing you to roll your eyes. "No." You lied with a pout. He knew you very well. "You should get ready, Jin-Ah's parent teacher conference meeting is in three hours." "I know, thats why I called you. I thought you were still asleep." "Come on now darling, I'm not a sleepyhead like you." He laughs.
Imagine Jinwo who was on the other side of the phone, just woke up and is now making his way into the kitchen, chuckling as he listen to your rebut with a smitten look on his face, after all, there was nothing he would trade for as long as your voice is what greeted him as he wake up in the morning. "Shall I pick you up at your place so we could go in there together?" "Nah, your house route is completely on the opposite direction of mine. Let's just meet on the school grounds okay?" "Alright." He replied with a smile on his face. "Well then I need to get going now." "Alright, you do take your time to get ready." He tease
"I love you" You heard him say as you almost ended the call due to this teasing. "I love you too." You replied with a small smile on your face. "See you later babe" "I told you not to call-" "Love you! bye!" "Sung Jinwo you punk!" Although you said that with such annoyance, there was a hind of happiness in your eyes that you cannot deny.
Imagine silently waiting for him at the school gates, playing on your phone with some random blocks game when you heard a familiar step coming close causing you to look up only for your eyes to squint as you try to get a grip of reality if your boyfriend was actually the one jogging right in front of you right now.
"Hi." He said with a cheeky grin on his lips as you stare at him wide eyes. "You- your hair." You utter as you reach out and touch his undercut, causing a shiver down his spine as you do. "Yeah I though a little hair cut wouldn't be so bad, my hair was getting long. Why? Does it not look good-?" "No. No Jinwo. You're... beautiful." You utter with a soft smile and proceeded to mess up his hair. "Funny, we used to be by each others height but now you're taller than me." You whispered. "What was that?" "Nothing, let's get going, its almost time."
Imagine noticing the stare and murmurs that the two of you were receiving ever since the two of you have gotten inside the building and eventually to the room where the meeting is about to be held. And to be honest, you honestly cannot blame the students for gossiping and looking at your way because even Jian-Ah was surprised to see her brother's new look upon seeing him. But the way the young adult, one who seemed to be in the same age as you and your lover, probably the sisters of the other students looked at Jinwo that makes you sigh.
Imagine, it was easy to see the changes that was happening with Jinwo. His growth spurt, this strength and abilities were slowly catching everyone's attention. In comparison to the Jinwo you have grown up with, there was this feeling of confusion and anxiety of not being able to keep up with him. You know you should be glad that he was no longer the weak he once was but at the same time, there was this fear of being left behind by him. But you knew for a fact that he would not leave you behind, that's why you fear that you would rather become a burden for hi- "Ouch!"
"You're thinking of something stupid again." "You bas-! That hurts!" You complain as you clutch your forehead, glaring at your lover who was slurping his ramen without care. "You deserve it for thinking about something stupid." "I- I'm not thinking of something stupid." You utter, looking away from him, down into your ramyeon. It's not stupid for what you are thinking was a fact, a truth that hurts to admit.
Imagine the way he slowly reach out and touch your forehead, caressing the spot where he had flicked you earlier. "Sorry, does it hurt?" When he said that with such lovely look on his face, how could you not soften? "No, I was over reacting." You smile gentle at him and lean on his touch. "Still, I'm sorry." "It's alright Jinwo."
"Thank you for bring me home-" You were cut off with a pair of lips. Wide eye, you cannot help but to be taken a back by your lover's action. Nevertheless you soon melt into the kiss and kissed him back, even hooking your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Thank you for staying by my side all those years." He said as the two of you pull away from each other but still close enough that your foreheads where touching. "I love you and only you. There will be no one else, okay?" "Okay." You chuckle and hug him. Right there was no use in being scared when it was obvious whom he loves. "I love you too."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2025°
: I want to write an angst, not sure if Jinwo would be a fit or a blue lock or Genshin character would be a nice victim.
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pm-my-beloved · 3 months ago
Spiral of Contempt - Analysis
I have seen A LOT of people either claiming to not understand Spiral of Contempt, or, worse, present an interpretation which in my eyes is wrong (How dare they~). Thus, I am deciding to attempt an in-depth analysis of this abno, and while im there, also Awe, Contempt Ryoshu.
I do want to warn that I might miss some of the information because trying to put it all in somewhat coherent order is, quite hard.
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First preface I think is needed to estabilish, is that it probably is an abberation of Burrowing Heaven, and that its DEFINETLY a religious themed abnormality.
So lets start with disproving a theory I have frequently seen that is like, so wrong in my opinion?? And that is, that this abnormality represents "God Complex", which like, if you make a very shallow read of it, and decide to not look at its visual design, then maybe.
But, even just from design, despite being named "Spiral of contempt" the primary action that it does, is an act of worship, of adoration, its hands raised into the heavens, blood spilling from its hands as if some form of a gorey offering.
So, first conclusion to be taken, is that this is not "Godly" abno, but rather, a worshipper. And thus is also why its primarily lust, because the core of this is, as previously mentioned, adoration of something thats been put on a pedestal.
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The golden land and the pouring blood is above and beyond you, and even as abno picture shows, beyond the spiral. But what could that mean? Its a surprise tool that will help us later.
"It mus have reached this depth after burrowing and burrowing." Why would something or someone go into the depths for source of worship, rather than simply look at the heavens above? This is a question that we will provide two potential answers later.
Now, onto the abnormality choice that I want to focus on in the Mirror Dungeon
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The focus on gaze, or in this case, aversion, and previous mention of burrowing makes me to personally be certain of this abnormalities status as an aberration. It also makes me think, how the original abno itself, treated gaze, as almost an act of worship, to devote your focus, yourself fully to the thing your eyes are set upon.
I believe the check passed can have 3 possible interpretations, each with slightly different implications, and all of which might, considering the surreal aspect of abnormalities, be correct at the same time.
First one, is that by being able to avert our eyes from it, from its own act of worship, it has shown us some reverence, but that act, caused the contempt in the abnormality to be directed at self, for feeling respect towards a worthless bug like us. Though I do believe that the last line "The spiral descended out of sight in the meantime" Implies that the middle statement is not describing what the spiral does itself.
Second reading, is that, The Spiral of Contempt itself is a being of little insignificance, thus to observe it, to worship it with your own attention, would be a cause of contempt, and by not adoring something as worthless at it is, we prove our own worth. I want to point out here, that the option to keep looking, is what causes hatred and contempt to burst out out of ourselves
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Finally, third, perhaps most radical option that will need some explaining later, is that, whatever the spiral is worshiping itself is of no significance, is profane, that its object of awe in on itself is contemptable. The reason I think so, is because the spiral has burrowed itself under the ground to worship something, to hold it in awe. I believe that one of the angles of interpretation is that, the spiral is worshipping the profane, the bloody, messy, literally placing blood on altar made of its own hands, rather than seek true heaven. It burrows itself deeper, instead of burrowing to the surface, until it reaches sky. Additional clue is, that the primary ego gift we get from it, the hands with the sanguine offering, is named perversion, otherwise translatable as corruption of the natural order.
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Additionally, with the failure of the check, what we are punished for, is failure to have courage to look away, to reject the sight in front of our eyes. This failure check leads me to further believe in interpretations 2 and 3.
Now, onto Awe, Contempt, and how it ties into two of my interpretations. In on itself, the name choice is quite interesting, seemingly two completely contrasting statements, yet if we assume correctness of my interpretation, or look at what Ryoshu represents as a person, it is perfectly fitting.
The quote Ryoshu was given shows how those two concepts compliment each other perfectly "Other, lesser painters are such mediocrities, they have no way to see the beauty that lies in ugliness"
Ryoshu, through an act of art, is a sort of worshipper. She worships the squalor and uglyness and suffering that is present in life, and her art. With her actions, she is elevating the most profane, the most vile, the most worthy of contempt, into a thing of beauty and awe. This, is based on interpretation number 3.
A different, equally valid angle in my opinion, is that this EGO represents her worship of art, while separating herself from it. She is very prideful, but she does not require praise or adoration herself, what she wants is for the art itself to be seen, to focus on artist rather than their work, is what invites her scorn. This one, obviously is based on interpretation number 2.
Thus, in conclusion. I believe that Spiral of Contempt is abnormality that both represents worship of something we choose to see as vastly greater than ourselves, and the act of deifying the horrid and profane.
I will write additional things I notice that don't warrant taking space in the analysis in a follow-up post
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noangeleither · 1 year ago
yin and yang: carmy and sydney's creative processes + menu planning
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what i love about analyzing carmy and sydney is the way they mirror each other. their similarities and differences, and how they have the potential to complement each other well. truly make each other better at this.
this is most evident with the way they approach creating a dish.
sydney's creative process
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evidenced by sheridan (s01e05) and sundae (s02e03), sydney is very imaginative when it comes to creating a dish. the editing in these episodes gives us an intimate view of her creative process. recipes often come to her in dreams/daydreams.
sydney gets inspired by her passion for cooking, her family history and her city/world around her (architecture, nature, other restaurants in Chicago). this really fits into sydney's motivations as a chef.
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Sydney uses food to make people happy. She likes to take care of people. someone on here explained the significance of sydney wanting exactly one michelin star, which would signify affordable high quality food that normal everyday people have access to. in braciole she mentions to marcus that her dad and her didn't really go out to eat so when they did, they made it count and it was special. she wants to create an experience like that with her own spot (the Bear).
so naturally that is reflected in her food. its not simply a great meal, but a fabric/archive of her culture, history, worldview and entire character.
while sydney has a very imaginative creative process, she often just jots down her ideas in her little notebook(s), for later reflection.
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carmy's creative process
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carmy has a more tense relationship with cooking. while sydney and carmy are both amazing chefs, carmy seems to be more jaded and detached from his work.
for carmy he grew up in a household where food was a big part of his family. his mom, mikey, and nat can all cook well. he is naturally very great at it. he uses food to be closer to the people he loves. thats why in the face of rejection from his brother, he goes off and becomes one of the best chefs in the country out of spite. why he uses the beef to try and fix his relationship with mikey. why he was so devasted when syd quit and why he started his dream restaurant with her after she came back.
because we dont get an intimate look into carmys psyche when creating a dish, its harder to say but based off his monolouge in braciole (s01e8) and the way he uses food to connect with people he loves rather than having passion for it independently i can surmise that carmy isn't imaginative as sydney. food is more like a math equation (ironic)/a science.
“he’s the best bc he didn’t have any of the bullshit”, emotional ties/relationships of any kind. his career esp at EMP were isolating, rigid and cold. he was the best bc he was calculating, precise and competitive. which breeds excellence in his field while straying him further away from love and true passion.
i imagine carmy to be more pragmatic with creating a dish.
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but carmy is a creative person at his core and while creating a dish might not be as colorful as when sydney does it. we do know that carmy can draw and visualize his ideas onto paper. "Sistine Chapel" level drawings according to syd.
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sydney + carmy - potential true partnership
on my 3rd rewatch, i couldn't help but feel so dissatisfied with their partnership. granted this is on purpose since the show is only 2 seasons in and they are trying to do a slow burn in all aspects, not just romantic.
it really hit me that carmy and sydney have never - at least on screen - created a meal together. in s1, we never see the risotto come to fruition, we just get carmys input but never the finished product. in s2 finally, carmy and Sydney work together now that their dynamic has changed from boss and employee to partners. we get like what? 4 scenes of them creating the menu, and having this amazing professional chemistry but ultimately leads to two failed dishes, which would be ok if they worked together after that. but they dont...
instead for the rest of the season, we see them (mainly Syd) working on the menu separately. the menu is....alright. mainly has carmy written all over it (he has a the seven fishes + cannolis, weird homage to one of the worst nights of his life).
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*putting on another pair of shipper goggles to say this makes the whole "you make me better at this" confession, even more mind-boggling bc better at what? you guys haven't even worked together all season. this = life , i rest my case*
in s3 and beyond, im excited for them to truly start working together as partners and actually see them create a dish together.
i want to see how their approaches to creating a dish can help the other.
how sydneys creative process can help carmy
besides the obvious romantic implications of the palette cleanser outing, the potential for them to understand each other on a deeper level in regards to food is something i mourn everyday.
after sydney goes on her trip solo, we see her ride the ferry and just take a look at her surroundings. shes thinking about the food she ate, shes looking at buildings, windows, looking at the snow. all inspiration for a dish.
imagine if carmy was there with her. he would be curious about what she's thinking about, get insight on how she creates and maybe want to learn to see food in a less practical way.
i mean he hadn't drawn in years it seems until he was inspired by sydney and the chaos menu to draw again....now imagine if he didn't ruin the moment by bringing up claire (LMFAO). the point is, sydney naturally sparks creativity and passion in him, even when they aren't together.
i know many people are theorizing that carmy will leave the culinary industry (and i agree most of the time) but i also think sydney is slowly but surely helping him discover/re-discover a passion for cooking. i think that carmy likes that sydney likes to take care of people because subconsciously he knows he does the same thing or has the potential for it (i.e making tiff sprite from scratch when she was experiencing morning sickness). evidenced by fishes (s02e6), care often feels like an obligation (he takes care of drunk donna when shes going through an episode) but it doesnt have to be this way. and now carmy wants to get a star for her....their interests are slowly aligning.
how carmys creative process can help sydney
this isn't as concrete as the one above but i found it interesting thinking about how carmys more pragmatic approach and sydneys idealistic approach can work in tandem.
first scene in pop (s02e5) shows sydney and tina late at night working on the tasting menu. later in the episode we find out that carmy has been pushing back menu planning leaving sydney on her own. she trying an elements concept which is extremly creative and impressive but even tina says, which sydney later agrees, that its a lot for a tasting menu.
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im stretching maybe....but based on carmys comment on her risotto from the season before (needs acid) + his practical approach, it seems like he acts like a buffer when sydneys ideas get "a lot".
*in chemistry buffers are solutions added to resist pH changes when acidic and basic components are added*
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so if carmy needs to be more creative and sometimes sydneys ambitions gets ahead of her....
sydney is the heart, while carmy is the brain (???)
one cannot work without the other. when they truly come together to create the menu, they both need to learn from one another to elevate the restaurant. not to mention with carmy's italian american roots and syd's Nigerian-Caribbean/southern roots, they have the potential for amazing fusion dishes and real partnership. i and others want the menu to physically reflect both of them.
i literally dont know where im going with this. sorta kinda meta but its more like hopes and dreams for next season and me wanting to type my ideas down.
they complement each other well ok? and have potential for a great partnership once they communicate better. i like this part of the definition of yin and yang:  Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.
carmy and Sydney are the leaders of the bear, their relationship is foundational to the success of their restauarnt and team, once they work together truly, play to their strengths and weaknesses, then will come true harmony in their universe.
more sydcarm parallels/similaries/differences/yin yang moments:
carmys gold chain, syds silver earrings
carmys white t-shirts, syds white button ups
carmy is bad at math, syds great with numbers
carmy wasn't really great at school, this is sorta fanon but i can imagine syd excelled in school
both wear birkenstocks (more a chef thing but i still think its cute)
sunshine x grumpy trope but like better...usually the sunshine (syd) is more emotionally vulnerable making a space for grumpy (Carm), but they switch positions. carmy allows sydney to be more emotionally vulnerable often initiating deep conversations, while syd is more closed up/guarded
overall tho i think its cute that they are both shy/emotionally stunted but i do think purely aesthetic wise, sydney has a softer exterior ( doe eyes, colourful scarves, awkward) while carmy is more intimidating (tats, smokes, looks angry all the time)
both fight dirty - i.e their individual fights with richie (review, the bear)
carmy tho is more prone to outbrusts of anger/violence while sydney lets that shit shimmer until she explodes on you
both their passcode being 11111
carmy having dark mode on his phone, syd having light mode in s2
their matching clothes moments earlier in the second season and in bolognese
if theres more, pls comment/reblog, bc i always think of this shit and need more to cry about
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credits: gif 1&2 , gif 3 and gif 4
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wolvertooth · 4 months ago
wolverine pisces♓ sun + libra♎ rising
sabretooth aries♈ sun + virgo♍ rising
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presenting -> an essay by somebody who doesnt really know shit about zodiac signs(other than my own), but tried researching em anyway. tbf, a lotta articles got conflicting views on how shit works too, so i just made my own sense for some of it(example being, some sites say the descendant should be the others sun, while some say it should be their rising. im going with the sun one, since that works best for the symbolism thing here, and it made most sense for their characters). most of this is just a bunch of notes.
for some context, ones sun sign is their core self. their rising is their outer character, kinda like a mask, what other people see first before getting to know them.
as i mentioned in another post, i hc their bdays as 2/21(logan) and 3/23(vic), logans coming from a lot of his bday fights being in winter and the numbers having significance(that i’ll explain later), vics coming from the random numbers on his mondo xmen the animated series figure box(no other figures boxes had numbers on them, just his)
gonna talk about sun signs first—
wolverine, the old soul dreamy romantic who spends all his time in his head, lost in himself.
sabretooth, the action taker, who gets shit done, actually is the best at what he does, climbing to the top. and, when given the chance(as shown in weapon x 2017 and exiles), a kickass leader.
2 sides of the same circle.
as an aries, vic lives in reality(if anything, hes forced to). while as a pisces, logan tries to escape it, focusing on his own reality rather than the one around him.
its a pisces instinct to escape and run away, to never be tied down to anything. aries can help ground a pisces when that urge kicks in. still, itd be an important part in their relationship for both vic learning to give logan his space, and logan learning to let vic there for him.
gonne go off the rails for a sec, but the dates of their bdays apply to their dynamic too.
2/21, 2 3(2+1). 23 is a reoccurring number in logans life, almost being like his symbol.
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(Wolverine 1988, issue #66, being shown the number 23 by a guiding spirit) + (Wolverine 1988, issue #167, wearing the 23 bulls shirt) + (Wolverine 1988, issue #176, after being dead and talking to another guiding spirit for 23 minutes) + (Hulk vs Wolverine, X-23)
23 being a part of vics bday can be taken as vic being another key component in logans life, as well as parts of logan basically being a part of vics self. 323 is kinda like being the reverse of 23, while also including it, playing into the theme of them blurring into eachother.
23 being on its own for logan is reflective of his loner isolating tendecies(despite holding a lotta love, pisces can tend to drift off from others). logan can and does socialize, but he isolates his heart from getting too attached.
pisces, being the last sign, holds a bit of all the signs inside them. this can influence logans struggles with losing sight of who he is an individual, wanting to go against everything he seems to be in order to stay who he thinks he is. a constant search for self discovery thats disfigured by many layers of other influences, and pisces natural duality for everything(wanting to play both sides, contradicting himself, when really he doesnt know where he fits). what little logan does know about himself, he doesnt trust to know how to get others to understand. meanwhile, vic follows the mold of what others expect of him, and doesnt get a chance to really exist as himself, making up for that by being the best version of the negative traits forced upon him that he cant escape.
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(Sabretooth: The Adversary)
logan tries to be what he thinks others want, while vic tries to be what others say. logan thinks hes escaping from his expectations, but really hes trapping himself in a cage of other peoples needs. vic thinks hes being better than other people in his situation by not escaping, taking choice in it, when really hes still keeping himself in a similar cage.
pisces escape themselves, aries push to be themselves. but in their own ways, theyre also doing the same as eachother.
even tho pisces can be loners, their relatablility to other signs draws a crowd to them. everyone knows wolverine(insert that classic post of ‘wolverine is there’, yall know the one). sabretooth can be good with people when he needs to be, but he doesnt have many friends…being the first of the signs, aries are kinda on their own.
unless, ofc, one was on a cusp.
vics 23 in his birthdate doesnt just tie him to logan, being on the cusp of pisces is important too.
it allows vic to truly know who logan is, underneath it all. his true self. since a part of him works the same way, inside.
talking a bit about the risings now—
libra rising doesnt seem to fit logan at first glance, as his quick anger tends to mess up a lot of his encounters with others, but i see him as someone who likes solving others problems. hes the guy others go to for help, despite his reputation. he fights for justice, or what he percieves as such, since his pisces nature kinda detatches him from reality. he can seem like a threatening guy at times, but people tend to somehow feel comfortable around him, even strangers. he claims he doesnt talk much, but hes the kinda guy to indulge in conversation if someone started it with him, and his libra rising energy draws people to do so.
and i could honestly write a whole thing about how the duality of pisces fucks with his life, like the duality of wanting to do good but continuing to fall back into doing what he wants, while also constantly seeking to know if either of those things are truly what he wants. he knows but doesnt know, acts but doesnt act, hides but shows himself loudly, playing the Bad Boy while hes secretly nice and caring. hes a mix of everything and nothing, wanting to be like the people around him, but also wanting to know who he is as an individual.
some sources for virgo rising were like 'they prefer fashionable clean wardrobe, and strive to rise to the top of their work, falling into perfectionism in both their presentation and reputation' like...as a rising, thats def his mask, to make up for who he is.
vics way of proving his worth to others is very much based on how helpful he is to them, doing things for them rather than himself(the chance of them being satisfied being enough to fuel his motivation). his whole career is based around doing shit for others in order to make a name for himself, his mask, what he thinks hes good at. but, he also primarily does acts of service for those he cares about, things he wants to do for them rather than being expected to do so, being unaware that hes good at THAT as well.
logans mask is what vic secretly excels at, and vics mask is what logan thinks he isnt good enough at.
while logan spends a lot of time striving to be the best in what he does, vic strives to be the best in who he is. which, according to their risings, they’d have more luck if they switched those goals.
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(X-Men Forever 2009, issue #6) + (Wolverine 1988, issue #123)
i know a lot of this probably comes across as being a challanging relationship, but i think thats the kinda thing they both want. they both crave a good challange, something to fight for. and for once, they wouldnt just be fighting for themselves, theyd be fighting for someone else. for the same cause.
vic holds the answer to all logans questions about himself and the ability to know exactly how to take care of him, and logan holds the love and equality that vic craves. but vic wont be able to do so unless he realizes he can take care of others, and logan wont be able to do so unless he realizes how to care for himself, which includes also allowing others to take of him(and learning to hate himself less, which is blinding him from being able to accept vic)(typical twinflame shadow stuff)
vics signs make him a natural helper, and logan tends to be stubborn in letting others do that for him. a lotta their relationship is based around stubborness on both ends, in ways where they secretly want something but refuse to let themselves accept it. both signs like control, in their own ways. pisces like control in a more mental way, and aries like control in action. and thats just something they would have to work together on to get proper communication for.
aries could take pisces by the hand as they continue on, if pisces let him. and in turn, pisces could show aries the truest form of love and connection that aries lacks.
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asliceofzosan · 1 year ago
please do continue your thoughts on the hockey player sanji and figure skater zoro bc i am eating it like a feral dog rn 👀👀👀👀👀🫦
with pleasure !! fair warning, i don't know every single thing about both sports. i've retained info from when i was super obsessed with them but i might not be the most accurate HAHAHA this one is about zoro as a figure skater ! mayhaps if u send me another ask, i can talk about sanji as a hockey player :>
when i was thinking about figure skater zoro, the first thing that came to my mind was which discipline would he major in. when he was a kid, i think he was dead set on being an olympic gold medalist and was determined to get it alone. so he wanted to be the best in the mens singles discipline. i saw someone wrote in the tags of my post that sword fighting is akin to figure skating (at least in singles) to not be a team sport. for the most part, it really isn't. especially since early zoro, who was determined to become the best figure skater in the world, didn't think being in a team yet mattered to his goal.
in this au, i envision that kuina just had a major spinal injury that left her unable to skate again. kuina and zoro had the same childhood coach (kuina's dad) and eventually zoro changed coaches when he grew up and decided to switch to pairs skating. (his current coach is mihawk — former 3 time olympic gold medalist. twice in mens singles and once in pairs. debating on whether his one skating partner before retirement would be perona or someone else)
the reason why i think he'd much rather go for pairs skating over ice dancing is due to pairs skating being more acrobatic. which isn't to say he hasn't considered it before !! some of his other figure skating idols are in ice dancing. however, he found pairs skating more appealing to him and his personal goal.
the absolute trust as well that you and your partner have is crucial. zoro entering pairs skating ties into what his philosophy of strength is. he can't be the best alone. he can be the best with nami as his skating partner, who trusts him implicitly to catch her every time she's tossed into the air. there's also so many opportunities to push himself mentally and physically when in pairs. it's not just you on the ice. you can't be the only one who looks good. your partners and you have to be in sync the entire time. this definition from the us figure skating site sums it up pretty well:
"The pairs event combines the athleticism of singles skating with the challenge of unison and the acrobatics of overhead lifts and throws. Each movement is performed in unison, requiring a significant amount of timing and trust between partners." (usfigureskating)
also on a personal note, i have a very self-indulgent headcanon that zoro is very musically inclined. probably took lots of dance and ballet lessons as a kid to strengthen his skillset for skating. he's very strict with hitting beats just right and feeling the flow of the music from his head down to his toes. thats very important in figure skating. zoro considers the presentation score just as important as the technical score and anyone who says otherwise is stupid.
he's very defensive over his sport. he's had to be held back from fist fights before with obnoxious hockey kids who thought his sport was lame and not a real sport. that's part of the reason why he never found interest in hockey. though his best friend luffy is a fantastic athlete in his own right, he can't for the life of him ever find it enjoyable. (except when the teams go into fights on ice. he cheers for luffy to punch people in the face every time)
ofc zoro only really ends up having more interest in the sport when sanji joins luffy's team a few years later. but that's a story for another day ;)
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destinedhope · 2 months ago
first post of my warriors headcanons, these ones are honestly the most important ones as this is how i will be writing him even if its not lu, also i apologize for being a bit wordy, as much as i like writing im not very good at it, hense why i only have outlines of aus and none actually written(i can never find the words and coherence to so more), ive also written these in my notes app so might be a bit confusing
as far as how i headcanon his gender, warriors is afab, prefers he/they pronouns, if a parental figure is involved he does not like being referred to their son/daughter but rather they call him their child, likes both masculine and feminine clothing and will regularly switch between them when he is able, if noble titles are involved would rather be called lady/princess/queen/etc(this is importantfor later), sir/mister over ma'am/miss, as a parent he has a preference for being called mom/mother but does like being dad/father almost as much, doesnt really have a preference of being called spouse/wife/husband or variations of by a significant other, if in guredo town would rather be seen as vai then as voe.
warriors is also hella gay, he will see a pretty man and will be completely useless untill one of them leave the vicinity.
i do think hes from a noble family but beyond that i not sure of how highly his family stands in status( this is subject to change depending on the au but for my main hc)
selectively mute, very rarely spoke before or during the war even to those hes closest too, does get more comfortable with speaking after the war, can/will go mute in high stress/emotional situations, he gets frustrated with himself when this happens
ive seen people say hes not good at magic, but i tend to lean towards the opposite end i think hes actually very good at magic, since from what i can remember a lot of his stronger attacks even with the sword have a magic boost to them. that being said he tends to use the fire rod a lot as its his favorite weapon and hes a bit of an arsonist
i think in the conext of lu, hes the go to when someone needs thier clothing mended, he knows how to sew and knit very well as he discovered it was a very relaxing way to realive stress and anxiety loves doing little secret embroidery on his brothers clothes for them to find at a later date
he can also cook several basic meals, although they do tend to be bland, he was tought to cook for efficiency and survival not taste, i do like to think that while with the chain he helps wild out and wild teaches him that cooking can be for fun and not just something for survival
and thats if for headcanons i can think of trying to get the words to explain any of my aus will be a bit harder
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so i've seen a post that says that you can't say that karna gets treated better than arjuna, and that karna is haunted by arjuna in the narrative. I can't reblog the post but I respectfully disagree with it and I'm going to explain why.
the first point is fate/apocrypha. in this, karna compares siegfried to an opponent he once knew during their duel. in the post, it's argued that he projected siegfried onto arjuna and that's now his main interest throughout the series. however, karna's main interest in the series isn't just seigfried (although he did want to fight him again, which is why he fights sieg) but rather to have strong battles in general. it's also ignoring his confrontations with vlad, his decision to stay with the red faction and why (to protect the master he is no longer contracted to) and his interactions with Semiramis and Amakusa. his comparison of siegfried with arjuna, while significant, is not so massive that you can accurately say that it negates every other aspect of his characterization in the story. the most important thing it achieved is that it makes him very interested in fighting him, and when he decides he wants siegfried as a rival and the saber dies he later challenges sieg as he can channel the warrior. its disingenuous to say that arjuna is haunting karna's narrative when he doesnt appear at all beyond a single offhand remark.
the next point is that arjuna gets the costumes. this one is just wrong? karna has two costumes, although i hesitate to call the second one a proper costume. Burning Garment of Three Gods is in fact the first free story costume you receive in fgo, unlike most other costumes which you receive through limited time events, and the glasses costume is from an event where he again gets a (minor) role. while both arjuna's alts have a costume each that doesnt negate karna having costumes?
the next thing is a bit rough. 'arjuna gets the character arcs in fgo.' this one is true. its also because arjuna is the fgo original and karna had 2 previous fate entries to receive characterization in, so him receiving it was less of an required focus than it was for a brand new character who had nothing. at the same time, i do agree that karna needs to have more done with him in the game.
the next one is also very rough. in it, the op mentions that arjuna got a lostbelt that karna received poor treatment in. I do agree that how karna was treated, namely being dead for most of the chapter and only brought back for one big battle before being killed again was very poor handling. however....arjuna alter was also really poorly handled? he was offscreen for most of the lostbelt, his motivations were both incredibly unclear and required you to have played the interlude of another ssr, he was given no depth of character or internal consistency, and they didnt give you any greater understanding of who he was or why he behaved the way he did. he is generally agreed among most fate fans to be the most weakly written of the lostbelt kings, and its in part because rather than tell us anything about arjuna's life, indian history or mythology, or the mahabharata, they once again retrod the karna vs arjuna plotline. just because he's the lostbelt king doesnt mean he was done better than karna-if anything, his treatment was potentially worse because while karna's one dimensional handling set him up as a noble hero, arjuna alter's set him up as an unreasonable villain. saying that karna is used as a crutch for arjuna requires also acknowledging how arjuna is constantly and consistently used to enhance karna since the minute he was added to fgo, which is how you get titles he was never called by like 'the endowned hero' (it may be a poor translation of one of his actual names, Dhanañjaya, which means one who conquered wealth and gold but i doubt it) and why one of the first things that's mentioned whenever arjuna shows up is that he killed karna, when thats only one of his achievements and not even the most notable one.
which brings me to my next point: karna is handled one dimensionally in fgo. but it is always as a misunderstood hero, and arjuna is primarily handled as his supporting cast, whether as a jealous villan or long suffering straightman. if you are going to show frustration at people who are glad arjuna got content independently of karna, you need to acknowledge that out of the 23 odd events and story chapters arjuna has showed up in, only around 5 have not also included karna and out of the 8 that arjuna alter has been in, only 4 have not had karna in them. karna has been in 27 events, and 9 have not included arjuna-its not a large amount, but its still the same amount that arjuna and his alter have put together without him. Arjuna in fate, especially at the time of his creation, existed as a supplementary unit to further enhance karna's story as a hero who was oppressed by others, which is how you get things like this
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while both their profiles have a heavy focus on the other, karna's talks about his actual life and history to a far higher degree than arjuna's does, while arjuna's fully devolves into his resentment and dislike of karna. he was first as foremost written as 'karna's obsessive rival' to further expand karna and karna specifically, and the later focus on trying to give him more depth was because he was popular and they wanted to do more with him. there was no consideration for who he was historically or his real personality or feats, there was no consideration for what he actually was- they wrote him as a person who would, in his own words 'become the darkness' to karna's light simply for the sake of it
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THAT is why fans of arjuna want more content of him independently of karna. is it true that karna has his own issues with his writing? yes! but that doesnt change the fact that for a very long time, arjuna has been twisted from his mythogical origins in fate to make him someone that he simply isnt, and thats what people want to see less of. no amount of poorly executed ssrs or events they both get shortchanged in to emphasis them hitting each other with sticks will change the base issue with arjuna's writing until fate acknowledges this.
and to be clear, i dont think its wrong to be upset that karna doesnt get a lot of in depth expansion in fgo. but that isn't the fault of arjuna, and it's really unfair to try and say that with how often arjuna has been used as a plot device to show how unfairly biased people are at karna
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changbinsboobs · 6 months ago
thats what I mean there is difference huge difference between chans work ethic and IN, IN who seems to have a playful outlook on life in general and in his work environment whereas bangchan seems verg hardcore focused 1000% on his work so much so that he doesnt really see the fun in whats going on around him, doesnt take enough time to rest or sleep.
so im now curious where it stems from cause a lot of the families surrounding idols can both negatively and positively affect an idols choice to go into the kpop world so im wondering if thats why or if its his birth chart or just his natural personality?
ngl I really would want INs personality the most fr. please could you do the bangchan reading for the other members as well? i loved how in depth it was and gave more insight into his personality or what he doesnt really show. good for him though for not being afraid ro argue for his rights i suppose. a lot of idols would probably never put their foot down or be kind of submissive or even overworship their company if they think theyre in the better position than other groups
Hi:) im gonna do the reputation readings individually upon request. Since i already did chan and have one for lee know in gonna use this request to do Changbin (going chronologically).
Changbin's Reputation
His overall reputations good, although i notice its much different than chan's, as in with chan, his reputation was based more on other idols' opinion or on people he has worked with, while with changbin its much more distant. With Chan is like opinion based on first hand experience, while with changbin its like "word is he..."
So based on that i think he's actually not that extroverted and vastly popular as it may look (or at least as it looked to me). I think he is indeed very sought out by others and popular and in demand - but among HIS people. Among his close circle.
People's overall view of him is that he's loaded AND generous and people close to him get a taste of that. This is the thing that gives the strongest impression. Idk if he's indeed that loaded that even idols are impressed by his wealth...or is it rather his generosity with it that is talked about? Or both? Or is this just something people associate him with? I mean, u know one day you wear pink shoes in school and people gave u a nickname that one day and remembered you by it, u have literary worn those shows just once to school but 5 years later everyone still calls you "pink shoe wearer" (ik very uncreative), even if it's not at all who you are and even if others have started to wear shoes like that by now too, ur still that one thats got that nickname and association with it. This could also be similar for Changbin's case. Orrrrr he is indeed loaded🤷🏻‍♀️
Another thing is that elders really like him. I think he's way more popular with a maturer crowd. So again i don't think he's all that popular within the idol crowds but rather with the staff, family etc.
Another big significance is his strength. It is indeed something thats talked about, im seeing rumours being whispered/thrown around how that and that has happened to him, and then people being like "omg but i would've never guessed." "Ik right he seemed like nothing's happened." Or a different scenario would be where there was a problem and people are "omg do you know what happened" and then they talk about it snd then they're like "he did that and that, and talked with this and this person, and they made a deal" or whatever - like theres a problem that seems so huge, but he has taken care of it. And thats really impressive to orhers. I think this is more concerning idols' view of him, rather than staff etc what i was talking about earlier.
I wouldn't say he's like a celeb among celebs, cuz the oomph's missing, but he definitely is someone rumors are made about. Someone thats often talked about - often in an admiring manner. He seems distant to other idols, like he's not IN their crowds, even if he still belongs to them. He feels like he's on another step or so, and they can't quite see in. I don't think there's really any interest towards him tbh, like people feeling the need to get to know him. I think he's a bit intimidating to them. Rather than that he's just someone thats there that you observe from the distance and hear a good thing or two from time to time.
He seems diligent st his work, good in his work, focused and with a good m, trustable work ethic. Respectful - im hearing. Thats why elders like him so much. And this card again shows how he's not IN their society but rather there. And he's doing his own thing, within his own bubble and his own circles. I think i have the word - he seems unapproachable, which isn't a problem for most people cuz they don't feel the need to approach him anyway. But ughh...no, unapproachable has a negative connotation and also seems like he's unapproachable cuz of something he's actively doing or not doing - which is not the case. Maybe instead if unapproachable i shouldn't say unreachable? Out of reach? But thats also somehow wrong, he is reachable, but people just don't feel to bother to reach out? Ugh idk i hope u get the vibe im feeling here.
I think people fear his sharp tongue a bit. And have a prejudice that he's sharp tongued and straight up no bullshit guy - which IS true, but he's not mean. I think some people really like this quality of his while so e feel intimidated and turned off by it.
Side note - but i think for the average idol he would be a real hit or muss cuz he has a very specific energy and personality (which in my opinion is great i don't understand how the whole world doesn't kiss his feet!!!😤🤌🏻💗) which would either put people off (which i think its sadly the case for most, at least in the beginning) straight away, or u immediately get obsessed with him. Bo in between. And i think for the people that initially are turned off by him, if given enough time they would actually really love him. They just need to get warmed up towards his more sharp/dark energy to be able to look past it and see his soft warm lovely heart💗. I can talk so much more about that topic, about people's perception of energy and how one neutral / balanced thing can be perceived in so many different ways depending on the beholder and its just so fascinating🤌🏻 but anyways i got carried away.
And lastly i think people view him as a creative "genius"/artist that can't be understood by everyone but no one can deny his talent. Wether you agree with him or don't its visible how good he is in what he does and regardless of your opinion on him u just have to enjoy the art he's making. This again has quite polar opposites to itself. I've gotten that in a few cards already, again this hit or miss feeling. I think (for Korean standards) he might be too sharp and real for most people, so, they don't necessarily dislike him - but they don't approve of him either. Omg yes thats exactly what I've been feeling for a while. Disapproval! I think quite a few people don't approve of his approach or way, just because they don't know him, and because he seem so unreachable and just on another plane it makes it even easier for lots of people to be disconnected from him and to feel weird around him and disapprove. I think he is too genuine for some people. That being said, he's very talented and everyone agrees on that no matter if they like his ways and approve of them. Because of his money and status people also keep more quite and don't go all out on him.
Ugh i think this reading got all over the place sadly, i think there's quite a few different groups of people and opinions on him and one one hand im talking about this, then in the next point about that, then about something completely different and so on. I hope you can kinda sense the differences in opinions/groups of people "talking".
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loversj0y · 2 years ago
am i the only one who has a boiling hatred for fanon ghostbur?
Like--- I'm neutral about canon ghostbur.
But i really really hate how so many people went as far as saying that Ghostbur was all the good parts of Wilbur.
That is just so wrong---- ghostbur has the good memories, but not all the good parts. it just drives me nuts.
ghostbur wasn't good for c!tommy or anyone coping with wilbur's death
it wasn't his fault, but people need to stop depicting him as they do
ohohoho i specifically waited to get to this until i had my laptop because i love me some character analysis! so. lets talk ghostbur!
disclaimer: these are opinions, i didnt write the character, this is just how id analyze ghostbur and audience portrayal of him
so something i think people dont note about ghostbur a lot is the fact that he is not wilbur in a much more real sense than people realize. something that revivebur kind of touches on but people dont really note (in my opinion) is the way the memories and your actions during memories actually shape you as a person. ghostbur could never be all the good parts of wilbur because without the negative memories, he could never have knowledge of how he can be good in negative scenarios, like being good towards tommy in darker times. this is one of the biggest things that makes ghostbur not healthy for the characters around him, and why wilbur being revived is so important to wilbur's overall character arc
ghostbur is the image of wilbur if he never dealt with significant problems, never caused problems or engaged in them, because he only has good memories, he's never seen himself in a negative situation (think to how ghostbur reacts to philza telling him fundy wants to be "adopted" by someone else (i cant remember who at the moment))
when people tell him of his own negative consequences, he literally cannot react in a way of genuine remorse. he feels guilt because he learns that the living version of himself did those things, but he cant actually give any apology that would be beneficial to anyone involved. ghostbur cant apologize for something he cant remember doing because he doesn't know why he acted in those ways.
we can contrast this with when revivebur tries to later apologize (im thinking particularly to fundy) and how when fundy asks why he did those things, he tells him about how he wasn't well mentally. even though fundy doesn't accept the apology (in a very. drastic way), revivebur can actually acknowledge his own motivations, which allows him to actually have a chance as being forgiven.
ghostbur doesnt know any of those motivations, which is why his character is unhealthy. he is literally a ghost of the man he once was, so even though people want genuine answers, before knowing he was going to be revived, they had to realize that ghostbur is basically a punching bag for them to push their issues with c!wilbur onto because ghostbur cant actually respond in any meaningful way in terms of remorse and forgiveness.
also, as for the audience portrayal, i think people got very caught up on the "sweet ghost boy" image rather than what he actually is and how he actually affects the characters. he literally haunts them and reminds them of all the trauma c!wilbur gave them, while knowing that he can't actually answer for any of it because he doesn't remember hurting them
its a very famous philosophical argument (i believe by kant) about the concept of "if someone has no memory of committing a crime, can they actually serve time for it?" because if you have no memory of doing something, can you actually learn from and grow from your experiences?
because ghostbur cant. and thats what hurts the people around him so much. people like c!tommy and c!philza who geniunely care about c!wilbur and want him to be okay know that ghostbur is not that answer because he can't grow from memories he doesnt remember playing a part in, so it hurts to see someone you love be constantly stuck in place of never being able to grow and never being able to answer for all the things you want to ask.
ghostbur is so important to c!wilburs arc because he reminds people not to seek justice on those who can't answer for it. some people actually recognize this, some don't, and some just avoid him like a plague because it hurts.
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b3ast0fburd3n · 8 months ago
Avatar Verse details 👀 pt.1
(Unorganized, might fix later lol)
NEW NA'VI CLAN KAMEYWA (Pronounced Kam-ey-wah)
Cave people!! White/grey/pinkish complexions, skin lightened and lost pigment over time.
While the Kameywa people can speak, they often choose not to due to the sound bouncing off the cave walls being harsh on their overly sensitive ears. While above ground (usually to hunt) they have intricate hand signaling for nearby and clicking signals for longer distance.
Highly sensitive to light! Spending any amount of time on the surface outside of eclipse is very dangerous. Their skin and eyes could get severely burned.
Shorter than most Na'vi. While others range around 9-10ft tall, the Kameywa average 8-9ft. The tallest of theirs would match the shortest of other clans.
They've developed better smell and hearing to make up for their lack of sight underground. As a result, their ears and noses tend to be larger while their eyes are mostly smaller.
Naming system always has a first name and a family name, then the clan name. For example, their leader is Olo'eyktan Ye'saf Rina'Kameywa. (Rina'-meaning Seed. It's Joseph Seed. He's grey.) Their title is also always first, if they have one.
Artists by trade! Surrounded by beautiful minerals, gems and rocks, the Kameywa people have devoted large portions of time to creating intricate beadwork for clothes and jewelry. The more clothing worn, the higher status the na'vi.
^The increase in cultural significance of clothing overtime has led to a more modest culture than most Na'vi. If you were to walk around their cave in traditional Omatikaya clothes, you'd be told to cover up. (<rudely, might I add)
Speaking of rude, being loud is rude. Laughing loudly, crying audibly, arguing, it's all frowned upon. For good reason, sure, but it's still quite hard to keep emotions when you can't share them.
HIGHLY territorial. NOT welcoming to outsiders, regardless of where they came from. Even if other cave people were to ask for shelter, if no one could vouch for them, they'd be strung up outside as a warning.
Hunting parties, led by Eytanay (meaning hunting party leader) Ya'akon Rina'kameywa (Jacob wooo), can only go out during eclipse. The cave mouth is secluded from other Na'vi clans, however venturing into the forest is dangerous for many reasons. Because of this, certain important people (cough chiefs daughter cough) are not allowed outside ever. (Haha thats not gonna lead to plot...Right..?)
Their spiritual leader, Tireafya'o Yon’netem Rina'kameywa (tireafya’o-”spirit path”), is not Ye'saf's wife, but rather his younger brother (It's John, those close to him shorten his name to Yon') After the loss of his Tsahìk, Ye'saf took the mantle of Spiritual Leader for himself, being both Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan, creating a new title for his younger brother to lead alongside the other Rina'kameywas.
The Olo'eyktan has one daughter. Eh’din Rina'kameywa'ite. ('ite meaning daughter) She's more feminine in this verse. Weaker, quieter, less angry. Like unrecognizable almost oops.
The people believe they're closer to Eywa than other clans, living among her root system. (Kame- to see in a spiritual sense, Eywa- the goddess).
There are several grottos that have been blocked off because of natural gas leaks. Some of them are deadly, but a certain green mist causes hallucinogenic effects (It's bliss!)
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6okuto · 1 year ago
last final today everybody think of me and send me luck. read more is just my review session. don't really suggest opening but you know. raahhhh...
hadaen - archean - proterozoic (ediacambrian) - phanerozoic (paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic)
paleozoic - cambrian (explosion), ordovician (end extinction), silurian, devonian (late extinction), carboniferous, permian (end extinction)
mesozoic - triassic (end extinction) jurassic cretaceous (end extinction). of course
cenozoic - paleogene neogene quaternary
permian - Pangaea Connected. woww synapsids evolve to large size & dominant roles! (amniotes w laterotemporal fenestrae) reptiles! ... errgggh.. Dimetrodon. Gorgonopsids. Dicynodon. Cynodon (would evolve into true mammals!).
end permian mass extinction. synapsids go OUGH! WAAAHH!!
triassic - synapsids dicynodon/cynodon rebound. first true mammals appearing.
Diapsids (fenestrae lateral + supratemporal) are evolving. like woah who is she ? Girl thats an archosaur.! diapsids who have Additional fenestrae — antorbital (in feont of orbits) and Mandibular (rear of lower jaw)! one key one to remember is the pseudosuchians who would later give rise to modern crocodilians . the other diapsid that Doesnt have additional fenestra is the. lepidosauromorph...
oldest record of dinosaur-like archosaurs from footprints ~250million years old
- small, bipedal, lacked specializations like true dinosauria (hip socket with hole)
- → dinosauromorphs (some were quadrupedal)
fuck me. ok. pterosaurs. archosaur. avemetatarsalian (ankle like a hinge rather than ball and socket). rhamphorphcynoids. wings w 1 elongated finger. first flying vertebrate yaayy
ichthyosaur - reptile. fish like lifestyle. paddle-like limbs finned tail shark like dorsal fin conical teeth etc. plesiosaur. another reptile. large test/torso, paddle limbs, rel. short tail. ok.
dinosaurs across the world from early triassic - early jurassic r fairly similar bc. pangaea.
first true sauropods (herbivorous quadrupedal saurischian) appear Late triassic with prosauropods but eventually overtake them. examples?! diplodocids and macronarians. diplodocid nipping peg-like teeth macronarians Ermm. munching teeth. less picky.
ornithischian thyreophorans appear. include ornithischian w armour e.g. stegosaurus (stegosaurus mainly known for jurassic)
I dont know where the fuck this goes. TRIASSIC END EXTINCTION!
it hit who?! Really hit the archosaurs but not the dinosaurs..?! both pseudosuchians and dinosaurs were well adapted — dinosaurs got lucky with some biological aspect that made them better able to survive the end-triassic extinction. woah!
anyway. predator wise. .... wuaw. megalosaurids and cretasaurids (theropods) but Late Jurassic had predator shift. To What? allosauroids and coelurosaurs!
allosauroids - vertebrae interlocked more rigid + proportionately longer legs
coelurosaurs - ..small. e.g. compsognathus. long series of sacral vertebrae, skinny light tail etc. would give rise to...?! Birds (first evolved late jurassic I am assuming this refers to the archaeopteryx which as found by hexley is the missing link between dinosaurs and modern birds and falls in the Avialae clade) and Tyrannosaurs! Woah!
early cretaceous has significant regional dinosaur differences. unfortunately i do not remember them! Early cretaceous is genuine fucking blur to me!! copy pasted from notes
- NA + europe: iguanodontians, ankylosaurs, brachiosaurid sauropods
- africa: dominant theropods were spinosaurs and carcharodontosaurids
- asia: coelurosaurian theropods became common, first ceratopsians evolved
erm. new theropods like spinosaurids + carcharodontosaurids, iguanodons become larger and abundant. mosasaur (reptile). bye stegosaurs (rare) hello ankylosaurs. also diplodocids go extinct. SAUROPOD DECLINE!
LATE CRETACEOUS! shit is going down.
sauropod decline but Thriving in...?! Southern supercontinent GONDWANA! but they're different from before.. 🤔 it's the Titanosaurs! most robust of All time! for example the argentinosaur the largest animal to have ever lived. also many had armour.
size and armour who could combat them... the Carcharodontosaurs! teeth like great white shark. may be an allosaurus. i think. there were also the ...! abelisaurs! last of the ceratosaurid lineage. short muzzle Short arms Small teeth this guy would go after the Smaller titanosaurs.
But what was happening in Northern supercontinent Laurasia 🤔 well the sauropod decline really hit here. so if there's an underabundance of herbivorous sauropods who is eating the fucking plants (which also differ from gondwana bc of such underabundance)
. replacing the iguanodons is the HADROSAURS! most successful herbivorous dinosaur in the northern hemisphere congratulations. two examples?! lambeosaurine which had a hollow nasal passageway in its crest (music. mating? scaring off?) and hadrosaurines which did not have that. at least some had crests just not from osteoderms. soft tissue?!
second to them is the Ankylosaurs which diverge into two main groups: tail club having ankylosaurids and No club nodosaurids. i remember bc. nodo. no dough? No money. for. ....the cl... the clu
Also second to them. marginocephalians — "fringe head" pachycephalosaurs and ceratopsians. primitive ceratopsians well known in asia but larger derived ones almost exclusive to north america.
And what is happening in laurasia Predator wise 🤔 allosaurs are doing well but they have competition: Its the Coelurosaurs! WOAHHHH!!!
tyrannasaurs, ornithomimids, maniraptorans - oviraptorosaurs + therizinosaurs + dromaeosaurs. maniraptorans had the semilunate carpal that let them sharply fold back their hands. good for u. therizinosaurs are different. theyre freaky little guys /affectionate. their claw was found first and people thought it was a claw of a sea turtle. Alas.! it was this weird dude
dinosaur rise to power was slow, steady, and pushed by misfortune of others
CRETACEOUS END EXTINCTION! grey layer at cretaceous-paleogene border found w iridium tektite and shocked quartz which r all signs of meteorite impact... Where?!
big meteor hit shore of chicxulub mexico (found by odd formation of limestone sinkholes called cenotes). shockwaves tsunamis cloud of super heated rock and dust falls causing wildfires and raised temperatures so large animals without shelter Like dinosaurs die. and then they dont get the sun for years so photosynthetic organisms and plants die. dinosaurs at the top of the food chain go goodbye :(
and despite all of this i feel so incredibly underprepared for this exam because specific details and examples haunt me. if he asks to pick a list of archosaurs i'll start biting my hand. its fine. aim for a 75. am i right guys. guys. like its multiple choice so im just praying i remember. enough. ...??? it's over for me
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akamikazae · 2 years ago
What has been your most memorable chapter of LM?
what was one of your most memorable comments?
As always love your work! (And you are dope)
Hello dear anon! Sorry for taking so long to answer this—hopefully you’re still floating around and will get to see it. :)
Oh gosh mmhm I think it’s a couple of scenes that are memorable rather than entire chapters. If I had to pick it would be between Chapter 18: 'The Edge of Seventeen' or Chapter 25 :‘Kintsukuroi’
Writing chapter 17 came so easily to me, like the setting, the characters, the dialogues the tiny set ups for later all just flowed. It was a bit emotional for me to write too—so I think thats part of what makes it memorable and that I think it really showcases the ugly parts of life and Akami and Kakashi’s friendship, and how grief changes people. 
I think chapter 25 for similar reasons, and because it’s the first time that Sasuke gets a sense of camaraderie between he and Kakashi--when they visit their respective fathers graves. Also for Sasuke’s prodding into Akami’s parents and her reasons for not sharing. And any instance when they cook together is special but here (and also in Chapter 22: Practice) Sasuke gets to have an ounce of freedom and creativity in a safe space where it's okay to make mistakes. And writing that is special to me.
Oh god memorable comments, honestly all of them are memorable. Anyone taking the time to leave me a comment is so so nice, I try to answer every single one, and def remember peoples usernames and stuff because they all truly mean so much to me<33 
I can't pick one so here are some honorable mentions. I’ve gotten a couple that have mentioned that they find Akami complex, fascinating and understandable--one person even wished she were canon and I think I died reading it! And one where someone made note of the realistic dynamic between Kami and Kashi and how it might not always be healthy but its more of a reflection of the world they live in and how they compartmentalize their feelings than the love they have for each other. On a chapter that I grappled with someone commented this ‘Both of them trying to save each others’ humanity through tarnishing theirs’ --which Is like the essence of their relationship in a way, and I guess what I was trying to get across with that chapter and the few before it but couldn’t find the right words, but then they did with that comment—so that was very special. And then similarly with another one much later where I had forgone a lengthy monologue that just didn't feel right and had Kakashi very bluntly and simply tell Sasuke ‘I Care’ someone had said that they ‘loved its brevity that delightfully contrasted with its significance’  And omg I could keep going, but I will end it by saying that I also very much enjoy all the comments I get from people stating their enjoyment of the inclusion of food in my story. Food is a love language and I think it can be used in so many ways to humanize characters and bring them together and I will write about it until someone tells me to stop lol. I also think that food In this world has such a more complex meaning so I really enjoy seeing other people love that too. 
 And with that thank you for coming to my ted talk—sorry this is so long, but if you have read my work I suppose it comes as no surprise. Lol 
Thank you very very much my kind sweet anon you are dope too<;33
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tisziny · 2 years ago
tag game
1. Who would win in a fight- Dr.Phil or Oprah?
2. What is the significance of a piece of jewelry you own?
I own a ring that used to be my grandmothers, so that's special to me.
3. What’s your favorite cover song?
I honestly dont know
4. If you were a Care Bear, what symbol would be on your stomach? I guess this question could also apply to if you were a My Little Pony
Aw man thats hard. A rainbow? Is that too obvious or basic?
5. If you could relive one day of your life, what day would it be?
I've no idea. Maybe seeing my grandparents during my last trip to the UK. I didn't know at the time that it would be the last time.
6. What is your favorite book and what are you currently reading right now?
Favourite book? That's hard man, I don't really read a lot of books these days. Maybe 'From Here To Eternity' by Caitlin Doughty. All i read these days is fanfiction. haha.
7. What’s the most embarrassing song you listen to?
Idk if i would call it embarrassing but its certainly silly, Eat Your Salad by Citi Zēni
8. What question do you never want to be asked again?
What my career goals/path/whatever is or looks like. Cause im 29 years old and i have NO IDEA what i want to be when i grow up.
9. What’s the craziest rumor you’ve heard of yourself?
I don't know I ever really heard any rumours about myself? All I can think of is that apparently a girl i thought of as a friend in years 7/8 of highschool was telling people i was a lesbian, which like, yeah I'm queer AF but i didn't know that then! And I only found out about her saying this stuff years later.
10. Does a horse go to heaven?
11. Which of the 7 deadly sins best describes you?
12. Which would you rather have as a pet, a Vampire bunny or a rabid unicorn?
A rabid unicorn sounds hard as FUCK to keep under control so I'll go with the vampire bunny.
13. If you were a famous rockstar, what would be something you’d always take with you on tour? Nothing boring like your phone
My Flat Eric
14. Chunky or smooth peanut butter? What kind of jelly?
Neither. I hate peanuts.
Strawberry Jam, although raspberry or apricot are also acceptable.
15. What is one thing you love about yourself?
That im creative? Idk, thats a really hard question for me to answer atm, i dont love much about myself.
16. If you were an animal what would you be?
I tag anyone who wants to do it?
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lozzzzaaaaaa · 2 years ago
*S2 Spoilers*
Comforting to find that other people didnt think this season delivered because i finished it yesterday and was in tears at how bad it was?? I read the books after s1 came out and whilst i had my own gripes with those, overall i enjoyed, soc & ck especially. To my memory, s1 and book 1 were basically the same, with a few changes and i thought they did a good job of adapting it. But s2 was a mess. Dont get me wrong, on a baseline it was great- visually stunning, every single actor ate, Freddy Carter outshone imo it was his moment. Watching it as a fantasy tv show i had a great time, as a book fan i did not. The first half i enjoyed more, although at the back of my mind was “thats not how it happens” “thats not right” but these thoughts were hard to ignore esp in the last 2 eps. A lot of decisions were made that i think they’re going to have difficulty explaining later on- genya and david (absolutely devastated about him), Inej’s freedom before soc, and a lot of v poignant scenes in the books wont make sense anymore e.g. the dock fight in soc when kaz carries inej and other scenes have lost their significance.
One of my fave scenes in R&R is when the DL shows Alina the burning orphanage with Ana Kuya and Botkin really put everything into perspective about how bad his character is and the lengths that he’ll go to, delivering one of the best lines. But nothing in the show. That being said i am still a basic bitch who simply wants the content in her eyes so Wesper yes Kanej yes G&D amazing Tolya and Tamar can do no wrong so i was still freaking out but it felt sour afterwards. Nikolai/Sturmhond i liked, i was initially unsure about Paddy but he pulls it off well. Shame they couldnt have made him look different for the two characters but oh well.
The final battle in the fold was not at all like in R&R, my fave out of the 3, and reading it i was sobbing but with this i didnt really feel anything except annoyed. There’s so many things i can point out that have annoyed me but this would be a 1000 words long.
Ultimately i understand why they have done this- no ones safety is guaranteed at netflix and i have been burned by their cancellations before. But in the same way that some dont want a SOC 3 book so all characters are technically safe- i think i wouldve rather had a 2 season show done right rather than whatever they’re going to pull to fix it, pending renewal. Speaking of which- idk what Calahan has done to wrong the writers but he mustve had 10 mins of screentime this whole season they did him so dirty. Ok im sorry you had to read all that but i was going to combust. Let me know ur thoughts tho
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crowaes · 1 month ago
long personal post about disability stuff. probably will throw this more edited onto the neocities later
so context- i started hrt in august of 2024. ive had health issues for a long time to a rather serious degree. i was in college classes sometimes almost in tears because my back or sides were acting up. i had a lot of problems with my hips. my dizziness was so bad to the degree that i was using a cane at times. ive had fainting spells throughout my life here and there. my first job i had to quit a couple months in because my body couldnt handle it. it took literally 2 years to recover the damage 4 months of work did. when i moved into my house, i couldnt carry in boxes without nearly fainting. my docs suspect pots and ive gotten a cardiologist referral, things were just messy with being uninsured until halfway through 2024. i dont feel a need to "prove" my disabled identity exactly. but i think its worth providing those snapshots on what my life actually looked like.
since starting hrt i have felt fantastic. like within weeks of starting my dizziness abated. i felt more energized. i went from having to plan my whole day around a grocery store trip to being able to randomly do a shopping trip after a 9 hour work day. i go on random walks. i built a bookshelf without a hint of dizziness. i do have to plan my days a little more than most people due to autism. i can burn out pretty easily if i dont stay careful with my environment and sensory needs. but i dont feel like im falling apart at the seams. the physical energy is always there if i feel i have the mental energy to do something.
and in one sense its been a beautiful thing. i am so happy to be on hrt and to finally feel like a "normal" person. not just for how much its helped my gender dysphoria, but for how its made me able to live my life. but the thing thats been tough is i dont feel as if i can really consider myself physically disabled anymore. and its like. ive had to live my life with considerations for dizziness and pain since 2019. i had to use a mobility aid. now suddenly, 5 years later, ive found a medication that for all intents and purposes cures my symptoms.
i dont know what to think of that. its such a sharp contrast and it happened so quickly. i am obviously grateful to feel well. but theres something to be said for how significant the disabled community spaces i was in were for me. am i no longer a part of those spaces because i feel well now? but then again, if i was to be forced off hrt all of it would come back. i know because i had to spend a couple weeks off and i felt fucking awful.
i also spent so much time navigating what gender meant to me in context of disability. so much of masculinity is defined by physical acts. being physically strong, being a provider, looking physically strong. and i just sort of accepted those couldnt be things for me. granted, i dont care too much about it because for my own gender expression i prefer to look softer. but theres a difference between "i am disabled so bulking up isnt even an option" and "i could bulk up if i wanted to but its not my preference." it ties in with a lot of body image/weight stuff too but i wont get too into it here.
ill probably ask this directly in some of the spaces/communities im a part of since i think getting a dialogue going would be very helpful to me. its like okay, im better. so what now?
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