#one on one DMs is just peak friendship too
beatlesforsale · 1 year
LSD is one hell of a drug to do with people who you connect with on an emotional level holy hell.
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a1sh1teruu · 1 year
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— oh, how we love it when the warm sun finally peaks over the clouds, how it warms our skin and has the meadows blooming. how the waters sparkle and shine, the blues, the yellows, all these different colors embracing each other. some of us like a relaxing time in the mountains, getting carried away by the cold, rippling rivers. some of us like it at the coast, near the sea, listening to the waves and the smell of sea salt just wafting through the air. but what happens if those same waves pull us down into a different world, into a more complex world than ours?
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welcome to my summer collaboration! now that summer stands on our doorstep, i've decided to host a collaboration to all our fanfiction writers.
what is this collab about?
this collab is all about fantasy and summer! we dive deeper into our fantasies we have in the summertime.
what are the requirements for our writing?
the fic you are writing has to be over one thousand words long and it has to be a fantasy au set in summer.
what fandoms can join?
everyone who writes fanfiction can join!
nsfw or sfw?
as long as you tag everything and put a “read more” divider, than you should be good with darker content too!
the rules:
i do not want to see anything racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, ableist, or anything offening towards the people that join! as soon as i see something offending towards someone or a group of people, you will be terminated from this collaboration.
do you have any questions?
for any type of questions, you can dm me! i’ll make a discord server if enough people decide to join, though.
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status : closed
closes : 30.06.2023
deadline : 21.09.2023
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j.wy — in the heart of the sky by @a1sh1teruu synopsis: the lands of utopia, gifted by the light of mother, were a well balanced realm. undisturbed by the curse of the children of adam and eve. but what happens if the son of adam is born into those precious lands, throwing off the balance mother has created and gifted her children with?
p.sh — utopia by @jaehunnyy synopsis: when the aurora kingdom is in need of help regarding the princess’ fate, all they can do is wait for the chosen one. when seonghwa falls in an abandoned well and wakes up in aurora kingdom, he is intrigued by what he finds out there. can he help the princess, is he the one they were all waiting for, or is it too late for the girl?
c.sn — all's fair in love and war by @justhere4kpop synopsis: your parents left you their beach house when they moved out of the country. you and the neighbor boy always had a strange friendship growing up from the pranks to him standing up for you against beach bullies. it always felt like something was missing while you were away. maybe this is the year for a budding summer romance with the hot neighbor... or maybe this is just a burnt out brain hoping for something more.
k.hj — dreamers by @nebulousbrainsoup synopsis: since infancy, every night has been a gamble for both you and your family. plagued by nightmares that leave you unresponsive for their duration, your only solace is the boy you share them with.
c.sn — precious by @pocketjoong synopsis: as a nature witch, you always wanted your own familiar ever since you were a kid, however, fate seemed to have different plans for you.
c.jh — blue summer by @woosluv synopsis: none yet
k.ys — like a dream by @i-luvsang synopsis: to be whisked away to your estranged grandmother’s house is no where near what you could have hoped for this summer. but you find the countryside beautiful, and the boy in the forest more entrancing than anything at all. instead of the nightmare you expected, you find yourself in a wondrous dream that’s made up of a magical romance, far more literal than you could have ever imagined.
s.mg — cromer by @star1117-archives synopsis: not all imaginary friends let you leave as you grow up. Some refuse to be left in the past, and won’t take being forgotten as lightly as expected.
multi — ocean's envy by @neoteezrenyoung synopsis: after several years, young witch y/n finally goes back to her small coastal town with her license to practice in hand. when she comes back, nothing has changed. except for her two best friends’ attitudes.
zhanghao — unbreakable love by @bobariki synopsis: within the parameters of a society where the stars align for only a select few to find their twin flame, your plan for a month-long summer vacation visit to your best friend suddenly veers off course. what unfolds when unmistakable signs hint that you might just be one of the fortunate few?
c.bg — the boy behind the blue windows by @impuritywritings synopsis: none yet
h.k — eternal sunshine by @gyumibear synopsis: while on a school trip, the reader accidentally comes across a secret race of merpeople. they want to force her to stay quiet, but one boy helps her get away. he's also her soulmate?
k.th — untitled by @choistick synopsis: none yet
h.hj — untitled by @svngcore synopsis: none yet
iwaizumi hajime — conjuring romance by @valeriwa synopsis: you were pretty sure the first lesson you learnt in hogwarts was that you couldn't conjure people. so why is it that an incredibly handsome man is standing in front of you when all you wanted was some innocent snow? the sweltering summer heat and feeling like victor frankenstein has got all your plans in a twist.
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totally-sapphic-posts · 9 months
Quick question before you go on your Tumblr sabbatical 😉
I wanted to know your opinion on when something would be considered emotional cheating. Now obviously all things cheating and boundaries are best discussed with your partner but in this case it's a little tricky.
So I've been with my girl for a looooong time (6 years soon) and I love her very much. When you're with someone for that long it's ofc possible to still develop little crushes on other people, which is fine (we've talked about that too). However, I met this other girl about a year ago, and kept running in to her at random events/parties (not that often, just a few times) and for some reason got like full on butterflies every time I saw her. At one point she asked if I wanted to hang out some time and I told her I wasn't interested in her romantically and I had a girlfriend she said that's fine. She gave me her number to hang out as friends, but I never ended up using it cause while it seemed like a good idea at the time, it didn't feel right anymore. Then, even though I never texted her I still felt this tension whenever we were in the same room, so a few weeks ago I decided to talk to her about it. I apologised for never texting her even though I said I would and I told her I didn't think I could hang out with her just as friends cause I have feelings for her and I don't want to pursue that right now cause I'm in a wonderful relationship that I'm not willing to put on the line for anything. She told me she understood that and that she felt the same way so it was probably a good idea. Since then, I've been struggling not to think about her, but I am actively choosing not to pursue anything and not text her or slide into her dms.
I love my girl and this doesn't change anything about that, but I have been feeling very guilty for having those other feelings, even though I can't help it. I haven't told her about any of this because I know it would just make her worry and get jealous and stuff even though nothing is going to happen anyways. So now my question is: would you say this is emotional cheating?
Can I just say (unpopular opinion maybe) that I really commend you for not telling your girlfriend because you know this situation won’t go any further and know that telling her could just cause unnecessary stress and tension for her when it’s out of her control and she can’t really do anything about it.
Also, this is not emotional cheating. At all. You haven’t texted the other woman, you haven’t tried a friendship with the woman whilst you’ve had these feelings.
What would be emotional cheating is if you’d texted her, and built a relationship there (friendship or otherwise) because of your feelings. Even if you weren’t intending on physically cheating, posting that friendship would’ve been emotional cheating.
A lot of what love becomes (I’m sure you know already at this 6 year point in your relationship) is a choice. You aren’t always at this peak of emotional love for partners, it fluctuates. But we choose to love someone. And that means so much more. And you’ve clearly chosen to love your girlfriend and you are choosing to remain faithful to her.
Hope this helps ♡ and good luck, anon. Don’t hesitate to send in another ask if you need/want to.
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grimmusings · 1 year
@velvetnviolentviolets thank you for the tag, lovely! 💛
name : Carrie pronouns : she/her preference of communication : Anything is fine! I'm comfortable with Tumblr DM, asks, Discord, sky writing most active muse : Steve Rogers, by far. I can do replies for 3-5 of my other muses in the time it takes me to do his. (But he's my favorite and he knows it, so apparently that gives him grounds to be the biggest brat.) experience / how many years : I've been playing since I was fourteen on AOL/AIM. I was so awful at it that none of the storylines I tried to join would let me write with them, so I made my own 😅 It gave me some lifelong friendships and is technically still going with like the same four people on Discord. best experience : Probably that storyline, when it migrated to its InvisionFree era and all the troublemakers found another sandbox to play in. Peak platform, quality group, low drama, amazing plotting. Very fond memories. rp pet peeves : Call out posts and drama. This is my happy place, and I'm not here for that. Ignoring all attempts at contact or threads. I will never rush a reply, but I typically won't send more than one or two messages/prompts/etc. if they go unanswered. Otherwise, I feel like I'm pestering. fluff, angst, or smut : Can I choose plot? 😂 I love writing fluff, but it won't sustain me long-term by itself. I can write angst all day, but at the end, I prefer it to have a purpose and a happy ending. Happy to write smut with muses who have chemistry, in a context where it makes sense, and with partners I'm comfortable with. What I really love are AUs and verse-building though. plots or memes : I think they can go hand in hand! Memes are such an easy way to get interactions going when plotting hits a wall or muns are shy, but I'm highly likely to start building some plot around it in my reply too. long or short replies : My average is two paragraphs, and that's easy enough for me on most replies. I love writing longer things that warrant it, but not just for the sake of word count. I struggle with one liners. I'm just not that concise, ever. time to write : Morning if I have the day off, before my brain turns to mush, and at night on my phone before bed because it's quiet/no distractions. are you like your muses : I think most of them have little bits of me in them, but not really. I'm a very boring protagonist by design. The story would basically be, "And then she read another book."
tagging (just fun, no pressure): @defectivexfragmented @pleinsdemuses @nomanslannd @waywardfreewill @curseoffrell @itmeanspeace @abcdefghijklmnopqrstucky
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Sena Izumi Stories: Recommended Order + Links
An appendix to this 2.5k word Izumi analysis I did.
*DM for link; the TLers aren't comfortable with links being posted in public!
1. Whatever other story that isn’t on this list so you get an idea of Izumi’s personality. Book Fair works. Ballet too, but I only have links to Chapters 4 onwards. Doctor's Coat features Izumi at his peak insanity (and also nazuna and the rest of tennis club), please read it.
2. Horseback* : Leo returns
3. Checkmate* : Knights the year prior to ! era
4. Starmine (Midsummer’s Night Dream)* : Joint Live between Trickstar and Knights, before Leo’s return
5. Lionheart : Izumi's thoughts on his relationship with Leo, after the war
5. Horror Night Halloween* : Another joint live between Trickstar and Knights, after Leo’s return
6. Starlight Festival (Starfes)*: Knights has a Christmas party in the first half and Izumi is very domestic. also food for thought for Izumi & Nazuna's friendship. it's not central to Izumi's character, but. Points at my username. Leo & Arashi focus.
7. Whatever other stories you want so you can see Izumi with new eyes. 
8. Requiem* : Graduation
Other good ! era stories after you’ve read at least 1-5:
Runway. Izumi, Makoto, Arashi and their shared past as child models. (mostly izumako)
Butterfly: Makoto and Tsukasa pretend to switch bodies so they can talk to Izumi honestly about their feelings. PLEASE read this, it's hilarious.
Dance on Ice: Izumi is really nice to Anzu. Other things happen but I personally just latched onto that.
Diner Live: He barely appears, but. Leo is also there; it's a Knights Killers event.
SS. Trickstar vs Eden. You might want to read Summer Live and Revenge Match first, in that order.
Fortune Banquet has one funny scene between Izumi and Tsukasa.
!! era (frankly I haven’t read !! Izumi stories other than these)
1. Next Door* : Might want to read Dark Night’s Passing for context. First 2 chaps also available here
2. Flight of the Fairy : Feature Scout 1
3. Euthanasia*: Knights fighting about the direction the unit. Also a Ritsu centre event and the event accompanying Little Romance, the best song ever,
4. Reloaded!! : Izumi gives Tomoya advice, from one mediocre dude to the next. They get handcuffed together. Nazuna attempts murder on screen for the 2nd time.
5. 3* Story: My Kids are Number One. Please look at the bloomed image for that card. I’m sorry I can’t do anything about the resolution or size of the image. But look at him he got matchy keychains for all of Knights 😭😭
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6. Stoic and Egoistic: Feature Scout 2. Izumi as a model, feat Arashi
7. Portrait: baby models (Izumi, Arashi, Makoto, Akiomi). Please remember that although this story comes first, chronologically speaking, it was released after 7 years of enstars. don't read this first.
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zoya-herondale · 3 years
Hellooo, I am a very big Shadowhunters enthusiast, and after the release of the first letter of SOBH I really needed to rant somewhere. Please bear with me if you are reading this.
Tw: a lil swearing, capital letters, me being a mess
We start with Magnus and Tessa - The Immortals
Could we have asked for a better start? Its lovely to see that they are in contact and their kids play with each other (UwU). I adore their friendship and to see them settled, live domestically and content with their families tho not for long,after all they have been through gives me life.
Also Tessa comparing chickens and demons is peak chaotic energy-
"It reminds me of the way James and Lucie used to ride on Will's shoulder"
Just rip out my fucking heart why don't you? I never needed it anyway. I always am a point away from crying whenever past characters are mentioned as nostalgia, remembered because of the little, insignificant yet memorable things they used to do. Its just a different kind of dagger-in-heart-twisted, if that makes any sense.
Kit and the Carstairs' relationship
They are just ✨perfection✨. Jem and Tessa doing everything they can to make Kit's life as normal as it can get? Kit being an Older Brother for Mina? Kit opening up more to Jem and Tessa, letting someone take care of him for once? Kit being on the receiving end of unconditional love and knowing that he is loved? cue me sobbing because of that scene in qoaad Can it get more wholesome than that?
"I just love him, Magnus, like he was my own"
If you weren't sobbing at this point you're straight out lying. Found family trope is something that all of us can agree, superior to anything else in the world. But when a kid who was born to a father who didn't care for him gets adopted by people who are genuinely happy to have him as their family, love them as if he was always there- it physically hurts how much this means.
Christopher Jonathan Herondale
Yes, I was saving him for the last coz this is gonna last a while. He's going to school, has friends and a girlfriend? When did that happen? But the thing which hurts the most about this is, he's probably trying to get over Ty. Sure he may have an attraction towards other people, but his heart belongs to Ty. He gave it to him and how much ever he tries I don't think he's going to get it back. Herondales love but once.
He hasn't spoken to Jem and Tessa anything about Ty yet, albeit its probably to prevent the part about Necromancy slipping out, but thinking about Ty would lead his thoughts to his *cough* unrequited love *cough* and he is doing everything to forget that. His nightmares about Livvy. He can see Livvy's ghost when she visits but I can't help but imagine that he feels partly guilty because if he had stopped Ty, if he hadn't gone along with it, Livvy would not be stuck in between life and death where she is.
If he had done that maybe he would be able to think of Ty without his heart shattering into pieces hearing the silence which followed his declaration of love.
Not if you do this. Not if you do this, Ty.
Again, I didn't need my heart anyway. How can Cassie make the first letter so fucking angsty? I think we all knew that this would end sadly but to start like this? I don't think I'll be able to cope if this is how we continue. Kitty starts off so angsty already and to have such flashback is just salt on wound.
It is too much adorable for me to handle. Kit baby sitting or maybe just joining in on Mina, Rafael and Max's play date? Oh and obviously Church too. No Shadowhunter generation is complete without Church. We can't see Max's superhero cape tho :(
Bonus ramble for those of us who are part of multiple fandoms like Marvel and Shadowhunters:
Being a Shadowhunters and a Marvel fan doesn't mean too much unless you see subtle references like this. I saw the name 'Agnes' and I legit screamed. In my head obviously. But but but was this on purpose? Or was this co-incidental and I'm looking too much into it? The latter is probably more likely but hey you can't stop a girl from dreaming can you? This led me to compare them and the only parallels between Agnes(Agatha) and Magnus I see are their magic, which is, again, not too much. Afterall one of them uses it for villain-ish purposes while other runs Saint Magnus's Home for Wayward Shadowhunters™️
So that was me rambling about the Letter Tessa sends to Magnus. I don't know what I'll be if this is just the first of the many to come parts of SOBH. If you want some one to ramble to or fangirl with, my asks and dms are always open for you :) <3
Also sorry for this long, random ass post shanagajhama
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shigarakisslutbag · 3 years
TW: yandere themes, toxic relationships, etc .
(If theres any other warnings i should put just send in an ask or a dm!! Im so sorry if i missed anything!!)
Okay so this isnt what i normally write. if youre new to my blog, i typically write mommy kinm stuff (and i will continue to do so! so dont worry, if thats what you followed me for!!) But ive been thinking a lot about toxic relationships with either shigaraki or dabi . For now im gonna do shiggy cause, well, look at my blog name lol.
So i imagine in a scenario where shigaraki is toxic. It wouldnt start out that way. Itd be very gradual. Theres red flags of course, but sadly, some people, like yourself have rose colored glasses that make you blind with attachment. And that kind of love never helps you in the end.
Shigaraki isnt the kind of toxic where he likes other girls posts and hypocritically tells you not to like other guys/girls posts. Hes actually pretty loyal, in a sense.
Heres how i imagine his toxic side:
- lets say you have a group of friends, right? And youre very comfortable with one of them. You like to show lewd pics and hype eachother up, telling eachother how great you are, and how lucky your s/o's are. If shigaraki ever saw those messages, like maybe your phone wad open for a sec while you were gona and he took a peak, hed be furious. Not at you ofc. But at whoever send you pics of themselves. Because how dare they assume youd want to see anyone other than your boyfriend? Your loyal, caring, boyfriend. Were they trying to one-up him? Show you how much better they were than he? It doesnt matter if you both blatantly consented.
He'd talk to you about it, and would try to manipulate you into cutting them off. If you fall for his manipulations, hes very content. And from then on keeps an eye on your friends, even going so far as to messaging them privately, intimidating them and scaring them into never thinking they could be as close to you as he is.
But if you say no ? He wont block them for you, or get mad at you. He convinces himself that youre too kind to understand . And instead, convinces the other person into blocking you . Youre absolutely heart broken because you were so close. You told that person everything. They were the longest friendship you ever had. And then out of nowhere they send you a message telling you its hard to stay friends with you. That youre hard to love. Little do you knkw thats exactly ehat sjigaraki had them say . That was the last message you had of theirs before you were noticeably blocked.
Shigaraki also refuses to let you order at places or be independent in public in general because he hates the thought of you interacting with anyone. He has you sit at one of the tables or has you both stay at the hideout while one of the members gets things for you.
He still lets you hang out with friends ofc, but expect to have messages sent to you at least every 30 minutes to an hour, asking how everything's going.
You can also only wear hot clothing around him, he tries to convince himself he isnt jealous, but deep down if anyone were to ever EVER take a glance at your body other than your face while he noticed, they wouldnt have eyes to look with from that moment on .
The thing about this relationship, is that you dont quite notice most of his toxicity because its all behind a façade of niceness . He carries himself quite well. He truly does love you, he just cant express it like a normal person would. Just dont make the mistake of going through his phone or his pc's search history. And youll never be disappointed <3
(Again im sorry this isnt what i normally post, but fantasizing about toxic relationships is fun to me lol . Only in fanatsy though ofc )
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mookoo-writes · 4 years
~Dice and Secrets~ (Ford x Reader)
Authors Note: I just played Swooning Over Stan’s and-
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Pairing(s): Stanford Pines x Reader
Warning(s): Gender Neutral Reader, Cursing probably, nerds crushing on each other, post Weirdmageddon
Anyway, please enjoy~
“Roll for initiative!”
The sound of groans along with multiple rolling dice echoed through the hall. It was 1 in the morning and the shake was silent besides the occasional dice hitting the table. 
Why were you up this late? That’s simple. You were continuing a Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons campaign along with avoiding being caught playing such a game. Why you kept it a secret from everyone, you couldn’t say. This was just one of your guilty pleasures along with going to Renaissance Faires and dressing up. 
You had picked this time to avoid the risk of someone busting down the door and seeing the pile of multicolored dice scattered across your desk. Your friends didn’t have a problem with it since they live in a different time zone where your a couple hours ahead of them, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t question you with your suggested meet up time. They had eventually got the reason out of you, which resulted in the topic of Ford. You hadn’t talked about your feelings for him to anyone until that moment, so you may or may not have gushed for a few minutes like a lovesick high schooler. 
“Damn it Manny, why did you kick that rock.” Your friend scolded while multiple pieces of paper were being shuffled around. “I didn’t know there was an orc camp behind the bushes!” Your other friend groaned with a sigh. “At least we just healed. Oh, and I rolled a 16.” You added to the conversation, juggling the 20 sided die between your fingers. 
The DM looked up at his papers and rolled his dice a couple times. “Okay first in the order is one of the orcs. He is going to attack your player Y/n since they are standing the closest. I’m going to need you to make a saving throw.” You groan and mentally cursed your friend. 
At that moment a certain someone wandered out of his lad and up the stairs to the hallway your room was located. The familiar sound of a die hitting a hard surface made his attention go towards your slightly cracked door. A mental battle ran through his head as to whether to take a peak or not. Ford was just going to ignore it until he heard your voice along with some unfamiliar ones. His curiosity got the best of him and stepped closer to your door. 
“That’s a 9 but with the modifiers that will be… 15.” Your mental math abilities were a bit slow considering it was so late at night. “Okay… you only suffer a mere scratch to the arm from the orcs double headed battleaxe.” You silently cheered to yourself while pumping your fists. Your friends laughed at your actions until one of them had spotted someone in your doorway. They were about to say something to you until they closely examined the man; Glasses, trench coat and a red turtleneck sweater underneath. So that was the man you were gushing about a few calls ago. They could have fun with this. That same friend made a group chat with everyone in the call except you to tell them what plan had unfolded in their head. Everyone read the message and looked at you with a large grin. 
“Y/n, you don’t have headphones or earbuds in do you?” One of them asked. “No, no I don’t. I couldn’t find them. Why do you ask?” You rose a brow at your friend before going back to juggling your dice. She merely gave you a sly smile before replying, “No reason.” You glanced at her before dismissing her question. 
“Y/n your rolls have been on point this session!” Another friend pitched in with an enthusiastic tone. “Thanks, I have to make sure I’m not on the brink of death unlike last time.” You chuckled to yourself at the memory of an intense battle that went on last session. You were about to ask about the battle that was currently going on until someone else cut you off.
“Oh! That reminds me, have you finished your Ren Faire costume yet Y/n?” Okay this is weird. Usually all of you are focused on defeating the opposite opponents, but even your DM is getting off track. “Um, No? I still need to add small touches to the staff but I don’t see how this is relevance to the ga-” You were cut off once again, them completely ignoring your question.
“You still have that extra ticket or have you asked him yet?”
It was at that moment Ford could feel the grins of your friends being directed to him with one of them giving a wink.
The question made you freeze in your seat, face becoming slightly red. Where is all of this coming from? “N-no and I don’t think I will. I don’t have the confidence in that, hah.” You gave a sad chuckle and rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. 
Fords face became flush when he connected the dots; the sudden stop in your campaign with a question completely irrelevant to what was happening along with the stairs and grins thrown his way. Were you really going to ask him or do your friends think he’s someone else? 
“I don’t think he would have time, anyway. He’s always in the basement working on various projects and I would hate to take up so much of his time.” Your tone sounded sad and a bit disappointed. You saw one of your friend’s frown at your words before speaking up. “Going by the things you have already told us, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to go,” That friend glanced over at Ford. “but if he makes you upset in any way, you bet I’ll book a ticket to fly over and kick his ass.”
Ford nervously swallowed at your friend’s stern words. One of his fingers were hooked at the edge of his collar as his face deepened in red at the thought of you asked him out. Not only that, but going to a Ren Faire in costume and everything! Believe it or not, but he had always wanted to take a special someone to an event like this. It had always been one of his dreams to share the world of fantasy and magic with a romantic partner, but lost hope the older he got. 
Your friend looked back at you and said with a closed eye smile, “Oh yea, they also have cosplay stuff stored in the back of their closet along with a 6 foot foam sword they made! You can’t hide your nerd self forever Y/n!” 
“Who are you talking too…” You turn around in your chair and make direct eye contact with the one person you didn’t want to see. The die you were holding dripped to the flour with a thud as you stare at Ford with wide eyes. 
You quickly turn back around and muted your friends before they could say anything embarrassing (as if they didn’t already). “How… much did you hear?” You hid your face in your hands, trying to hide your beat red face. Ford fiddled with the collar of his sweater yet again, trying to find the right words. “I’ve heard enough.” He steps into the door, closing the door behind him. 
You take a deep breath, wondering if you just destroyed your friendship. “Please, just… forget that every happen.” Ford rose a brow. “Why would I do that? You haven’t even asked me yet.” 
You paused at his words. What? “What do you mean?” You uncovered your face with a confused look plastered on it. Ford walked over to where you had dropped your 20 sided die and picked it up. “Well, you haven’t asked me if I wanted to go or not.” He looked at you, a small smile along with a shade of red dusted his face. “You would want to go with me?” Your voice still sounding confused but with a hint of hope in your words. “Of course! That sounds like a lovely time!” Ford held out the dice for you to take while his other hand rubbed the back of his neck. “That is, if you’ll have me.” You took the die out of his hand, figures brushed together briefly before pulling away. A small smile rose to your lips as you held the 20 sided die in your palm.
“Yea, I’d like that.”
After Ford left your room, you unmuted your chat. “That was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!” Your one friend yeld. Your face turned beat red at her words. You had to turn down the volume until she was done gushing about how romantic that was. “H-how did you hear that? I thought I was on mute?” You questioned while hiding your face with your hands. The DM chuckled to himself. “You muted us, not yourself. We all heard and saw everything.”
You’re not going to hear the end of this. 
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faedawayyy · 3 years
TELL ME YOUR CHARACTER AND WHO THEY WANNA BE FRIENDS WITH, I’LL DM YOU. (i’m only including positive friendships ) 
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roman - old friend 
flynn - new friend 
haley - ex’s sister and good friend 
NEED: a more outgoing friend there for him after his break up
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ally - partying friend 
NEED: old friend from high school, they go way back (shes like 26) 
NEED: an old friend she got sick of but lowkey feels bad 
NEED: new friend from west ivys she’s closer with ^ bit of tension?
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aurora - childhood friend 
NEED: some st judes friends who are artsy and chill
NEED: a fwb friend, preferably a guy 
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addy - high school friend
jay - high school friend 
ethan - high school friend 
peter - high school friend 
nicolai - high school friend 
youi - high school friend 
NEED: new liberty friends LOL talk about peaked in hs
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youi - high school and liberty friend 
jay - high school, liberty and cousin 
addy - ex...kind of friends 
nicolai - high school friend 
NEED: friends as douchey as him LOL 99% of the time he’s kidding but people get mad :’) 
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luna - new friend and sometimes a coworker
NEED: friends who accidentally befriended him and are kind stuck with him 
NEED: friends who genuinely don’t think he’s too bad
NEED: one or two people who pretend to be his friend bc its funny lmao
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aurora - childhood friend
whitney - childhood friend 
NEW: gold coast friends who know him for who he is now rather than how bad he was in hs, i feel like they’d have to be into drinking and partying lmaooo
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NEED: a few friends using him for his money
NEED: a best friend 
NEED: a friend who was or is in a polyamorous relationship w him
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amy - a friend he knows through madison x tate
NEED: a friend who knew him when he lived w his mum and gets how unfit she was to parent 
NEED: his first friend he made in VS 
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honestly cant imagine him not being friends w anyone unless they piss him off
NEED: someone who gets into mischief with him. a lot. and usually ends up spending the night at the police station :’) 
NEED: friends in general who are kinda reckless/outgoing like him 
NEED: an old friend who knew him when marcus was around and is kind of like another older sibling to him
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NEED: a best friend since childhood, they’re always 100% honest with each other 
NEED: famous friends? especially now he’s been linked to lottie, i feel like he’d be more in touch with that side of academy life and feel out of his depth 
NEED: west ivys friends who are more like his chosen family 
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avery - liberty friend 
nicolai - friend met through events
NEED: a friend who is more like a brother/sister and he’s v protective over 
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NEED: outgoing, partying friends who like to be out (preferably from burgundy) 
NEED: a long distance bestie? like her number 1 person when they’re all together
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lottie - a new friend who makes her feel more included/knows about her financial problems and helps where she can 
NEED: maybe an old friend she drifted from and its awkward
NEED: possibly a friend w a little crush n her 
NEED: friends she fights with a lot bc she never goes out and they dont realise her situation
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NEED: atm just like an ultimate bestie. i’m going to be picky though. nobody in dixie’s little circle and not a cousin but they still need the right vibe? we can discuss!
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lottie - best friend 
salem - best friend 
violet - best friend 
adriana - a new friend 
jean - ex boyfriend and kind of friends 
NEED: maybe an old friend from high school, kind of a little jealous or left out bc she’s moved on? i dont think yasmine would realise how much she hates them
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
Wanted to ask about beetlelyds, sorry, I thought it was technically cannon? Like in the old comics after the show ended she grew up and married him. Sorry I’m an old school fan and have no idea why this whole thing is such a big deal. Wasn’t the actor like 20 too? I’m sorry if I sound very dumb. I’m not used to this new tumblr.
youre fine you are one hundred percent allowed to especially when you do it civilly as you have done here
first of all the biggest issue faced in the whole what is and is not canon debate is the fact that there are three (four if you count the limited comics run) publicized iterations of my media
i will go over each very briefly just kidding this is going to a long answer so i will spare the dashboard with a readmore
there is the movie which im sure you dont need me to explain the plot since youre an old school fan but basically the climax is that yes beetlejuice does go for the marriage angle in exchange for stopping the exorcism of adam and barbara and his motive for this is so that he can cause as much chaos as he wants on the mortal coil but his plan is thwarted when barbara rides a sandworm into the house which promptly eats beetlejuice sending him to bureaucratic death limbo
the end of the movie features the deetz and the maitlands happily living together with lydia havign a new appreciation for her situation and beetlejuice gets his head made real small which is very funny haha 
so no in the movie they are not canon editors note the actress who played lydia winona ryder was a teenager while filming the movie she turned 17 the year it released 
the next is the cartoon which i will admit has the most grounds for being considered canon but in the end the show is about a middle schooler and her best friend who is a ghost which in itself is a pretty iffy gray area sort of thing but for a childrens cartoon to work a friendship is better than the obvious enemy status they held in the movie
anyway in the cartoon they are potrayed to be very close friends with lydia being the person beetlejuice cares about the most and honestly if you were to watch it with no prior knowledge of the media and if you ignored their massive and obvious age difference than yeah you probably would read it as a romantic relationship 
however lydia is a middle schooler and that is simply immoral
there have been writers for the cartoon who have been credited to say that a relationship is what they were trying to invoke but for obvious reasons they couldnt exactly move forward with that angle with them establishing that lydia is a child in middle school and a fully grown adult man dating a child who is in middle school is immoral and also illegal in the united states and in canada 
this isnt a good argument for whether or not something is canon and i will tell you why with one simple name and that is luke weber
if you dont know who luke weber is he was a storyboard artist on the cartoon steven universe he is known for making a lot of self ship artwork of him and the character pearl
he worked on the show isnt his material canon no of course it isnt it wasnt put in the actual publication and also if memory serves he was eventually asked to leave the project after he drew art of the shows creator giving him permission to date pearl and calling them her otp and a lot of fans hated this because the most generally accepted interpretation of pearls character is that she is sapphic so a lot of people took issue however that again is just a widely perceived headcanon it is never stated what her actual sexuality is no one in that show is because it isnt a show about that its about wait im getting off topic sorry
what im saying is what can truly be considered canon is what you see on the screen and with the cartoon they are definitely the most friendly with each other and that is why so many people in the beetlebabe shipping community take so much stock in the cartoon because it is the easiest to read the relationship between the mas romantic although that is not what the show actually provides in black and white terms
interpretation does not equal canon and in this case no matter what anyone says the fact remains that in the cartoon itself they are friends good friends yes but friends all the same
it is definitely not a show about a grown man grooming an adult and if it were you definitely shouldn’t be stanning it the extreme because grooming a minor is wrong and it is apparently a problem in the fandom
anyway if the cartoon and the movie are both products of their time and there was more leniency on content bear in mind this was the same era as notorious animation powerhouse and known predator john k who was a showrunner on ren and stimpy and he maintained a relationship with a teenager which was an open secret that nobody really took issue with because in that time being a woman in the animation industry was tricky business and your career could be ended easily if you rejected advances luckily time has moved forward and the animation industry although still full of problems of a similar nature at least people are getting called out and punished for it
you can look more into that yourself its really upsetting though
as for comics i havent been able to find good scans of them and im not willing to purchase them but in my search i never found anything about the two of them ever being married in the cartoon again because she is a child i did find a cover where he appears to be getting married and hes asking lydia to get him out of it but im not sure where the comic actually goes all i know is she is standing off to the side shrugging and looking like she doesnt really care
anyway that brings us to the musical which is set in the modern day 
in the original libretto lydia is described as thirteen but since they got an actress who was older in the updated librettos she is listed as 15 and the story is pretty similar to the movie the young girl befriends ghosts and they try to scare her family out etc etc
the major difference between the film and the musical are that lydia and beetlejuice are more like friends like in the cartoon 
she summons him to help scare after the maitlands attempt doesnt really work so he shows up and they have fun terrorizing people together however she drops him for the opportunity to perhaps get her mom back but when no one will help she goes back to beetlejuice who tricks her into almost exorcising barbara
she agrees to marry him in order to stop the exorcism and he only wants to get married so he can be alive again and cause problems on the mortal coil like in the movie in the musical he states several times its a green card thing whihc obviously doesnt make it okay but still
anyway lydia tricks him and runs off into the underworld before the wedding can happen blah blah blah she goes back blah blah and she agrees to go through with the wedding to save her friends and family with a plan to make him go away for good
theres a very tongue and cheek song called creepy old guy which points out how wrong the whole thing is but everyone is going along with it in a very comedic matter and it includes the line 
i cant believe some cultures think this kind of things alright
basically saying yeah this is very very wrong anyway they do get married and beeltjeuice is alive for like 6 seconds before lydia stabs him to death with bad art and he dies thus nullifying the marriage because death do you part etc
so in the musical no at the end of the show they are not canon because he is dead their marriage is nullified and they go their separate ways
anyway sorry about that i just need to make it very clear that these three properties are all very distinct from each other and basically all three are indeed canon since they are publicized material and arguing the validity of which one is pointless editors note all actresses who played with the exception of dana steingold were minors for the majority of their runs as lydia with sophia ann caruso the originator of the role turning 18 during the run and dana being in her late twenties presley ryan however was a minor the whole time and still is one
tldr no they aren’t canon but to the credit of some people in this fandom their interpretation isnt too far of a stretch thanks to the era and some of the writers wishing to imply a relationship between an adult and a child
i also need to address how this is all a big deal and i suggest you take a peak through my discourse tag and check out @leedia‘s blog to see some of the more harmful things done by beetlebabe shippers
the beetlejuice fandom is home to many minors after the musical came out since musical fandom is vast and the ages of its members varies and normalizing pedophilia is harmful to them not to mention the people who have been effected by sexual harassment at the hands of adults
both sides have victims of csa but one side continues to perpetuate the cycle by showing time and time again that this behavior is normal and easily romanticized in the name of coping and literally anyone who has ever been to a good and credible therapist could tell you that posting cp even if it is simulated cp isnt a really good way to cope and you can get mad at me for saying that its totally fine but and im going to remove my character veil here for just a second as a csa survivor myself i think its harmful to not only myself but many others ok the veil is back down
tldr again there is a lot of bullying and harassment going on with both sides having their own issues but there is one side whos issues run a bit deeper in my humble opinion 
thank you for your question it allowed me to talk a lot you are welcome to discuss further with me in dms if you wish i honestly recommend giving the musical a listen because it is very fun and despite what some people say its very clever and if you get a chance to see a boot of it its visually stunning
one last note that i couldnt really fit in here but a large portion of the beetlebabes shipping community ignore the musical because it openly condemns the idea of beeltejuice and lydia having a relationship and a lot of the antis take issue with much of the writing and characterizations of the cartoon just a note that i think is important since were talking about canon
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copperbadge · 4 years
ifiknewiwouldtellyou replied to your post “This is notepad.exe erasure”
I don't see "multiple scraps of paper, napkins, and receipts that must be pieced together five years later when you find them while moving"
I think that makes you the DM. :D 
needsmorecrazy replied to your post “SAM. SAM. SAM. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I CAN'T LINK THINGS IN AN ASK...”
i need this and need this NOW i don't care if they have to film it over zoom in their prospective kitchens and eliot's hair is actually a mop on top of his head I NEED THIS!
Honstly I’d pay cash dollars to see Christian Kane play Eliot in a wig fashioned from a mop. I was never even fond of the long hair, I much prefer it when he wore it short, but I know that Eliot’s Hair is extremely important to fandom and it did reach a certain peak of gloriousness that has rarely been rivaled in television history. 
arukou-arukou replied to your photo “ALL. THE. CRISPS. @underanothername let me know there was a large...”
I don't know why I'm so suspicious of the Lamington crisps, but I absolutely am.
kholden83 replied to your photo “ALL. THE. CRISPS. @underanothername let me know there was a large...”
@arukou-arukou​ because lamingtons are cake? Which is a weird thing for chips to be flavoured with. I don't recall seeing those ones in stores, but I wouldn't have bought them anyway because I don't like coconut
bluroux replied to your photo “ALL. THE. CRISPS. @underanothername let me know there was a large...”
I have heard from several Aussies and a few Kiwis that the Lamington crisps are an abomination, and proof that Australia has gone very, very wrong somewhere along the line...
I love this whole exchange but I feel compelled to add also that as a flavor it’s very confusing to Americans, who have generally not encountered a lamington. I don’t know if Aussies are aware of this but lamingtons look a little like small dark-rinded cheeses so I assumed from the photo, which I saw before the text, that it was some kind of smelly-cheese flavored crisp. Biting into a lamington crisp while expecting, say, gorgonzola, would have been an interesting experience. 
brilliant-starlight replied to your photo “Found the most hipster of hand sanitizer at the hardware store...”
I think this is significantly less hipster now than it would be if you found it before the pandemic since a lot of distilleries have switched production over to sanitizer. Seems only fair they still get to brand stuff.
I have to say I’m dying for the Malort hand sanitizer bottle. I’ll take it empty, I just want the bottle. 
larathia replied to your post “SAM. SAM. SAM. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I CAN'T LINK THINGS IN AN ASK...”
yah but it seems Noah Wyle will be doing Nate's job, and to paraphrase Nate, the point in that conversation where I punch Noah Wyle in the throat nine or ten times would come up FAST. I really did not like him in Librarians *at all*. He could really, really fuck up the role of Mastermind here.
He was a lot in The Librarians, but that was also heavily contextual. I’ve seen him in roles where he didn’t chew the scenery like that, and I suspect he really cut loose in The Librarians because the movies were super cheese fests so he knew he could get away with it, and also he’s meant to be the slightly undependable swashbuckling geek dad. He put a bit more manic energy into Flynn than I think most people would have, and more than he put into the movies previous, but his character in Leverage will be in a very distinct context from that -- if he IS an experienced crook like the others he’ll still be a newcomer to their established group, and if he’s a white hat like Nate was, all the more so he’ll be the student, not the teacher. Like, I have reservations about it too, but I’m willing to give him a very generous benefit of the doubt, especially having been a fan of his from ER. 
I wish I had the show runner’s ear, I’d pitch Bobby Dismas to them as another addition. :D Hacker, hitter, grifter, thief, mastermind, data nerd. 
swingprince replied to your photoset “Post office bounty! I posted this image yesterday but fucked something...”
What does one need to do to get people to send them stuff?
I mean, there’s no way to say this that doesn’t make me sound like I’m being an asshole or think you’re one, which I don’t because I get the drift of the question, but I think you can’t really start from a place of “I want to get people to send me stuff.”
It wasn’t something I set out to do, but after many years in fandom someone said I should get a PO Box, and I did, and posted it in my tumblr, and people sent me stuff. It’s a slightly strange experience for me not because I think it’s weird but because I sometimes wonder why people would bother to send gifts, but I remind myself that people are generous and want to reach out, and sharing a connection over crisps or cat toys or salt and pepper shakers is a fun way to do it. I always make sure I post photos so people know I’m grateful and enjoying their gifts and letters, and when I know someone and know they’d like a thing I’ve found, I sometimes send packages or letters out myself. It’s less a transaction than it is a gesture of friendship or affection -- it’s a strengthening of a relationship that was already there.
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mariahschoices · 5 years
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader/OC
Word Count: 2726 
Theme: Angst (for now)
Part 2 of this story:
Cold. Desperate. Alone. Numb. The quiet click-clack sounds of the clock on the wall slowed as you activated your quick, stretching the time between clicks from seconds, to minutes, to hours. It couldn’t be real. If you could slow down time, you wouldn’t have to accept your new reality. You wouldn’t have to accept what had happened. You tipped back the bottle in your hand, draining the last of its contents as you sat on the cold hardwood floor of your kitchen, blacking out from the truth. He was gone. 
Ten years ago. UA High School.
Bakugo half listened as he stared out the window of the classroom. Aizawa was droning on about some bullshit he’d already studied months ago. Bakugo took it upon himself to learn as much as he could so that he stayed ahead of his classmates. He was determined to become the number one hero. The explosive quirk that he possessed allowed him to essentially fly, blow shit up, and put any villain that got in his way in their place. It wasn’t enough to possess a powerful quirk, however. He also trained for countless hours each day, making sure that he was in peak physical condition, regardless of his quirk. There were quirk erasing drugs being developed after all, and he had to be prepared for any kind of fight. He also studied more than anyone realized, making sure that his grades stayed at the top of his class, even though to his peers, it seemed like he couldn’t care less about the “wisdom” his teachers sought to bless him with.
Bakugo’s thoughts drifted to the events of yesterday’s training session. He had been paired with a female student from class 1B. He didn’t even know your name, but he knew of you due to the remarkable quirk that you possessed. You had the ability to slow down or speed up time for yourself, as well as anyone you happened to be touching at the time. Your amazing abilities allowed you to slow down your perception of reality and the events occurring around you, allowing you to easily anticipate and dodge physical attacks and predict the movements of villains, or in this case, Bakugo. It was really quite enchanting to watch you fight. To the onlookers in the class, your movements were nearly imperceptible, as you were able to stay one step ahead of your opponent. You even got a few hits in on Bakugo before he came to his senses and blew you away, landing flat on your ass at the edge of the training grounds. 
Bakugo’s cheeks flushed pink as he thought about the way you’d walked away from the match with grace, even with an injury, still proud of your progress and your ability to land more than one hit on the highly ranked student from class 1A. 
Bakugo’s blush transformed and evolved into red as anger and embarrassment overtook his feelings. How could he allow some extra to get a hit in on him, much less more than one? 
The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. Bakugo found his usual seat beside of Kirishima, who paused his conversation only momentarily to acknowledge Bakugo before continuing on about how “manly” yesterday’s match had been. 
Bakugo’s eyes roamed the lunchroom, deciding to look for you against his own accord. He didn’t want to become distracted from his goals over a few hits some random extra from 1B had gotten in on him. His eyes found yours from across the room, pulling your attention from your meal like a magnetic force. Bakugo left his seat, deciding to give you a piece of his mind. 
“Hi, Bak-” he stopped you before you could even finish greeting him, noting as his face took on a sneer, his eyes squinted in your direction as he looked at you with what could only be described as disgust.
“Listen, you’re nothing but a shitty extra. You will never touch me again. Your quirk is shitty and you should just give up trying to be a hero. I wish you would just speed up time so we could leave this school and I could beat your ass and never have to see your ugly face again! I will become the number one hero!” 
He didn’t know why he was so compelled to blow up on you, physically and metaphorically. He’d never fought someone like you before, and he didn’t like the way it made him feel. He’d always somewhat admired your quirk, but he couldn’t allow anyone to get in his way of becoming the top hero on the food chain.
Tears started to well in your eyes at his cruel display. You knew Bakugo was pretty notorious around UA for being an ass, but you figured he would at least respect you due to your powerful quirk. You swore you thought that you’d even seen a glimmer of admiration in his eye yesterday, before he’d come to his senses and blown you up of course. You couldn’t refrain from unleashing the word vomit that climbed up your throat like bile in response to Bakugo’s outburst.
“Fuck you, Bakugo. I will be a hero. it doesn’t matter how strong you are, because no one will ever love an asshole like you, no matter how many people you save. You’re an emotionless, unloveable dick!”
Bakugo’s hands crackled in anger. He wanted to blast your fucking face off. Barely containing his fury, he adjusted the blast to direct just in front of you, blowing up the lunch table and sending the remainder of your food flying in all directions. He quickly left the lunch room, which was still filled with students that had been stunned into silence. He quickly darted out of the room, turning the corner before anyone could see the glistening of tears that threatened to spill out from his eyes. He would show everyone how great of a hero he could be.
Ten years and six months forward. Present day.
Bakugo unlocked his apartment door with heavy-lidded eyes, acting as a barely functioning zombie, only able to perform routine tasks that didn’t require much thought or effort. Another exhausting day of hero work. He shoved his shoes off by the door, shuffling to his bedroom to take off the rest of his hero costume. The day had started with another irritating interview. He’d had to share the stage with fucking Deku, as the pair currently designated the top of the hero list. No one could deny that Bakugo was stronger, smarter, and obviously better looking than Deku, but he simply couldn’t beat the nerd in the eyes of public opinion. Though he had softened somewhat over the years, Bakugo still wasn’t a kiss ass, politically correct, family friendly hero. He was there to do a job and that job was to kick villain ass. All the interviewer could be bothered with was questions about his personal life, not about how many people he had saved or how important his work was. 
After the interview, he'd had to resume his normal patrols and hero work, saving over 30 civilians in a shopping center attack. But, of course Deku had been nearby due the recently conducted interview, having shown up at the last minute to smile for the cameras and answer questions for the journalists, essentially getting credit for the win by doting on his adoring public. 
Bakugo just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep through the next day. He was finally getting a day off from work for the first time in nearly a month. He’d been invited out for drinks by Kirishima, the only person he’d kept in touch with from UA, and the closest person to what he could call a friend. 
He took a quick shower and got redressed, telling himself that he’d just have one drink and then be able to go home and go to sleep. Shitty Hair had a wife and kids now after all, and he couldn’t be out too late without catching a shit fit from his woman. Bakugo had to take Kirishima up on his offers to hang out whenever they were offered, due to them both having busy schedules in addition to his duty to make time for family life.
Bakugo didn’t have his own family. Kirishima was the closest and only thing he had in the way of friendships, and he was extremely single. Sure, he was a man with needs and he’d had his fair share of one night stands with Ground Zero groupies who’d wanted to have angry sex for one night only that they could tell all of their friends about. But Bakugo had never really had a relationship, unless you counted the three-week-long distraction he’d had with his last assistant, before she was reassigned to another hero. 
Bakugo scrolled through his socials, waiting on Kirishima to get back from the bar with their drinks. A notification popped up, alerting him that a DM had been sent, probably from another wannabe hero fucker. Opening up his inbox, the round profile picture accompanying the new message caught his attention. 
His thoughts went back to that day in the lunch room. The words that were spoken there had haunted him for years, becoming louder and louder in his mind’s eye as the burnout and exhaustion from hero work started to take over his daily life. The name accompanying the side of the photo confirmed his suspicions. It was you, sending him a message when he hadn’t seen you in over ten years. He couldn’t help his curiosity as he clicked to read what you had to say.
“Hi, Bakugo. Or should I say Ground Zero now? Anyway, you may not remember me, but I was hoping I could meet up with you. I have something I’d like to discuss with you, and I think it would be best if we talked in person.”
You had just finished reading the message whenever Kirishima returned to the booth with your drinks. Upon seeing your slightly dazed expression, his eyes connected with the image of the classmate you two had shared many years ago. 
“What’s up, man? Why is she messaging you?” 
Kirishima was the only person who really knew how your words had effected him all of those years ago, slowly eating away at him as he worked his way up in the hero world, while his personal life simultaneously suffered. Maybe there had been some validity to your statements all of those years ago. After all, Bakugo was going home to an empty apartment, while the majority of your peers were living fulfilling lives and had families of their own. 
“I don’t know, Shitty Hair,” Bakugo spat out, his first response in most social interactions being frustration. “She wants to meet up with me in person to talk about something.”
“Well, you’re off tomorrow. Message her back. it’s not like you have anything better to do,” Kirishima admonished, encouraging you to seek some social interaction outside of himself and your work. 
Curiosity outweighing his better judgement, Bakugo began to type out a response to the girl whose words he’d never been able to quite get out of his head.
“Hey, there’s a coffee shop near my apartment....”
The next day, you sat across Bakugo at the cafe, clinging to your coffee cup like  a lifeline. He’d insisted on paying for your drinks, even though you had been the one to invite him out. The action had surprised you, and you continued to mull over this thought as a distraction whenever he interrupted your internal monologue. 
“Well, I’m here. What was so important that you wanted to meet up? You know I’m busy being the top hero around here. Don’t you know that my time is important?” Bakugo couldn’t let you know that he’d actually had the day off, and that you’d probably saved him from another day of dreaded self-reflection. 
You decided to let it slide that Deku was actually the top hero, focusing on what was important, and the reason that you had decided to message Bakugo in the first place.
“I, so, you know we went to school together...” you started awkwardly, not really knowing how to approach the topic at hand with someone so brash as Bakugo.
“Tch, no shit. Tell me something that I don’t already know,” he interrupted. 
Deciding to try and be as direct as possible, you started again. 
“Bakugo, I contacted you because I need to apologize, as part of my program. It is one of the twelve steps to make amends with anyone we feel we have harmed.”
Your words instantly quieted Bakugo; meanwhile, his inner thoughts were taking a wild ride. Program? Apology? Surely you couldn’t be talking about that day. He had been such an ass in school, to you and to nearly everyone else, and he couldn’t really blame you for what you’d said that day. After all, you had been right. He didn’t have anyone is his life that really loved him.
“About six months ago, my husband passed away,” you swallowed, struggling to continue, “he passed away during the League of Villains attack at the college. He sacrificed himself to get that room of students evacuated In time...”
Bakugo was familiar with the incident. He had been called in as backup, but it was too late to save your husband. He was a decent enough guy as far as Bakugo knew. A minor league hero that he was familiar with. Truthfully, at the time, he had admired him for his sacrifice, almost wishing that it had been him instead. After all, he knew that the hero had a wife at home who would be left a widow, even though he hadn’t known it was you, and.... 
He stopped his train of thought before his expression could give anything away. After all, how could he sit there feeling sorry for himself whenever he was sitting across from the very woman who had been left behind.
“Anyway, when he passed away. I went into a very deep depression that was nearly impossible for me to get out of. I used my quirk to slow down the passing of time. I couldn’t face the thought of his funeral, so I just drank and drank until I couldn’t feel anymore...”
Bakugo watched as the first tear spilled over your red-rimmed eyes, giving away that this wasn’t your first bout of tears today. He resisted the urge to reach out and wipe the tear from your cheek. 
“Anyway, I stretched time to the point where a matter of days felt more like months for me, and I finally realized I needed help whenever Uraraka came over and took me to the hospital. They had to pump my stomach and I entered a rehab facility... now as part of the program I need to make amends with you Bakugo. It may not have even affected you at all, I know you’re a really strong person and nothing gets to you, but that day in the lunch room, when I told you that you were unloveable...” you paused, choking on air as the tears that spilled out threatened to overwhelm you, “I am truly sorry. I know what it feels like to have love gone from your life, and I truly wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
Bakugo didn’t know what to say or do. How could you sit here and apologize after what you had been through? He didn’t deserve your tears, and he felt an undercurrent of emotions that he hadn’t felt in a very long time towards anyone. Sympathy and regret.
“You don’t need to apologize, but thank you.” 
Bakugo’s words dried up your tears almost instantly, and you couldn’t help the look of surprise that crossed your features.
“You were right, actually. About what you said.”
Clearly he wasn’t remembering the day in question the same way that you were. Bakugo was a top hero. Obviously he was loved. He had thousands of fans. He had gotten everything he’d ever wanted and worked towards. 
“I’m sorry, Bakugo. Let me explain. When I said you were...”
“An unloveable dick?” he interrupted.
“An unloveable dick - yes, wait... so you do remember?” you yelped out with surprise. 
“I do. And you were right.”
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rebhb · 4 years
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hello, darlings! my name is moon, i am twenty years old and i live in hell, gmt-3. english is not my first language so please, be patient with me if you see any mistakes in our threads --- i promise i’m doing my best. i also ask for you guys to tag anything related to the ocean and its animals, even more if they’re explicit images or descriptive mentions of those things. anyways, enough about me! under the read more you’ll find some information about the chameleon, but you can click this link if you’d like to read his entire biography ♥
TRIGGER WARNINGS : mentions of death, blood, shooting.
THE CHAMELEON : bae hanbyeol, @athanatos. 
before afterlife, hanbyeol was born from a famous actress and a famous musician. he was born a celebrity and lived his entire life surrounded by cameras and fame, encouraged to be a musician just like his father.
he did become a musician and a very popular one, definitely the country’s favorite singer and with that. he conquered a lot --- a legion of fans being part of those achievements.
afraid of being in scandals that could potentially ruin his image and career, hanbyeol prived himself from living a normal life.
in fact, that only made him become unhappy and crave for the anonymity of a simple life.
but that unhappy life came to an end when he was shot, a fan awaited for him to get back home from an event and surprised hanbyeol with a bullet straight into his heart. 
when he woke up again, as contradictory as it sounds, hanbyeol was dead and uploaded in afterlife.
after afterlife, he felt nothing but confusion for the first few years, he didn’t have a lot of information about what all of that was --- he was only the third person to be uploaded into that new world.
but eventually, hanbyeol understood that he was given a second chance: he could try again and maybe give himself the life that he so much envied of those that didn’t have to deal with fame like he had.
for that reason, he excluded himself from others. he became a loner, an enthusiast of solitude, and an appreciator of his own silence.
he finally learned what peace felt like, and he was not willing to change it.
to make up for the lack of social interactions, that hanbyeol could swear he didn’t need, he started a diary --- he wrote in that notebook everything that intrigued him about afterlife, and that includes glitches, errors, typos, literally anything that would catch his attention.
he believed that maybe, one day, all of those things he wrote about could be useful to someone --- either to improve the system or to become the history of what afterlife once was.
right now, hanbyeol has become someone paranoid, almost as much as he used to be in his life before afterlife. he barely leaves his apartment, afraid that people ( a number that has increased considerably ever since he was uploaded ) will recognize him for who he was in the past.
sometimes you’ll meet him as hanbyeol, sometimes as jihoon, and some other times as daehyun; and he will come up with a new name whenever he feels like it’s needed, just to protect his anonymity and the silence that he has conquered in his second chance at life.
his paranoia sometimes gets the best of him and he feels uncomfortable being around crowds, so he might ask to go somewhere private whenever he has company --- doesn’t matter if they’re friends, new acquaintances, or even enemies!
he’s a good man, though... just needs the right encouragement to get out of his apartment and actually live his second life properly.
NEIGHBORS + 02. : you either worry about him or you really don’t understand him. he’s always locked in his apartment and you really don’t know why --- but you know it’s not okay. you either try to encourage him to leave and enjoy life, or you just try to approach him to find out why he’s so distant from everything.
TRAVELERS + 01 --- TAKEN. : you’re one of the very few people that manage to convince hanbyeol to leave his apartment when he doesn’t need it. you make him want to discover the world and you do it together, he can barely feel the time pass when you’re together.
TRUSTWORTHY + 02 --- 1 TAKEN. : he finds comfort in your company, he feels like he can tell you everything and anything without suffering the consequences of it. definitely one of the best friends he will ever make in the afterlife.
THE PANIC + 01 --- TAKEN. : you’ve met him before your death and not only once, so when you see a familiar face again... you can’t help but to try to approach him, which sets his paranoia to its peak and makes him panic every time he sees you.
UNKNOWN CODES + 01. : there are so many things he has seen in all these years in afterlife, mistakes caused by the programmers of the system and things that will probably never happen again --- things that could maybe be very precious to someone who knows what they mean.
NOT ONLY PHYSICAL + 01 — TAKEN. : he never planned on leaving the closet, not even when he was still alive. his sexuality was a big secret that only one person knew of before afterlife — a security guard he had an undisclosed relationship with before his death. but now, being alone for so many years has kind of made hanbyeol feel a little needy… until he meets you. there is a good connection and good chemistry between the both of you and things kinda become more than just a friendship.
UNREQUITED + 01. : you have a crush on him but unfortunately, it is not mutual... he wants to be friends, but he doesn’t know if he should or not because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. he just doesn’t know what to do when you’re around.
ANNOYANCE + 02. : something about him makes you want to punch him. it’s probably how he doesn’t seem to care about anything, and yet, care about everything all at once. he’s always contradicting himself and it upsets you so much... or maybe there’s another reason, who knows?
BABYSITTER + 03. : if there is one person that has time to take care of your pet when you’re not home, that’s hanbyeol. he loves animals and he treats all of them like they’re his own, and there is a chance ( in fact, a certainty ) that he likes your pet more than he likes you.
AND THAT’S ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR NOW BUT I’LL ADD MORE WITH TIME!!! i find it easier to plot and discuss things on discord, so dm me your username and i’ll add you --- though i don’t mind plotting through tumblr ims too.
anyways, welcome to all of us! ♥
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cwuseoyun · 4 years
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hello hello i’m nie and i’ll be bringing you this poisoned kindness, im seoyun!! below the cut you’ll find a tl;dr with some history considering seoyun, some potential plots, the works. i have to finalize the pages for her stats, as well as her bio and i’ll try adding a wanted connections page later!! can’t wait to plot with all of you lovelies <3 
presenting my capricorn sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising baby im seoyun, daughter of one pharmaceuticals company president and his film mogul wife.
in lieu of a stats page —
name: im seoyun age: twenty-two birthplace: ilsandong-gu, south korea ( raised in seoul ) canon: kindness club and position: student council, president major: architecture birthday and zodiac sign: january 14th, 1998 — capricorn sexual orientation: bi for some reason languages spoken: korean ( fluent ), japanese ( fluent ), english ( conversational )
this life she’s lived —
❀ seoyun’s mom had seoyun and then decided that there were other things in this world that required her attention; there were roles waiting for her, and she would not give up her dreams to care for her daughter. ❀ the young girl is raised by two different nannies — one who raised her from birth to age twelve, and the other who watched over her from thirteen to sixteen. ❀ there’s loneliness there, a yearning for familial love but that is not allowed in the im household; there is too much for her parents to do. ❀ she is a wordly thing; wise ❀ and she’s kind — the opulence that sits around her didn’t rot her heart in the same way it did the friends she made when she went to play dates — no, seoyun was kind from the very beginning, and this itself would be her downfall. ❀ it’s in middle school when she begins poisoning the meaning of kindness. be it for lack of parental attention or simply puberty, whatever it is she starts acting out in these very subtle ways ❀ like...being kind was how she acted out ❀ granted being kind came gaining the trust of others, and gaining the trust of others meant being their confidant and gaining their secrets.  ❀ after gaining their secrets she would ask for things; “i’d like your math homework” or “you should do this for me...” and “it would be a shame if someone were to find out about this; why don’t you do me a favor? for my silence of course...” ❀ it comes to a head in high school — in a very eungyo-esque fashion, seoyun seduced her english professor. she’d raise the skirts of her uniform, pop an extra button on her button up and feign innocence throughout. ❀ it was a long con really, something that needed time to mature. ❀ seoyun added soft touches, and the man returned them in kind. she’d kiss his cheek in between classes and the man found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with his student. ❀ before she knew it, her professor was asking her to stay behind after classes had ended; he was sitting her on the edge of his desk and sliding his hand beneath the fabric of her skirt. ❀ seoyun had been given a gopro for christmas, and it’s lenses were peaking out from the pocket of her bag. every kiss and caress shared between them was caught on film. the sound of the afternoon’s second bell had halted the affair and the student excused herself to go home. ❀ once in the comfort of her own bedroom, seoyun didn’t waste any time before she sent her professor an sns, laying out her rules, and what he stood to lose if he didn’t follow them. ❀ the man was blackmailed for three months before making the phone call. ❀ whereas her mother was enraged by seoyun’s behavior, her father is both angered and ashamed ( angry at the professor, ashamed that his daughter would do such a thing ). ❀ the professor’s lawyer meets with her parent’s lawyers; the professor, hajun is willing to lose his job in order to press charges, but the im parents want nothing that will tarnish the family name — so they settle, giving the man a large sum of money and sending their daughter away to reform. ❀ their daughter, having used that brilliant mind of hers to do all the wrong things was a disgrace to their family name...and they could only hope that she returned from japan a calmer thing, a truly kind thing and not the wolf in sheep’s clothing she had become. 
plots? plots... ( ? )
❀ friends...someone who seoyun has around her who she doesn’t want anything from...well nothing but their friendship ( this could be easy to attain or hard af because they see past seoyun’s bullshit ) okay so there could definitely be many diff variations of this plot, all depends on the chemistry ❀ blackmail victim mayhaps...she knows their secrets and now she may want to hold that over their head; old habits die hard. ❀ did anyone go to high school with her and know what kind of absolute bitch she was underneath all that kindness? ❀ someone who knows about all the bitterness and rot she feels inside her; someone aware that this is a broken thing, yearning for something more ❀ love. pleasseeeeee; i know she’s a terrible person who just blackmails people but she’s lonely at her core; there is no one in this world who wishes to have a true connection with her because of how she is ( hang around with her for long enough and you know the kindness is no longer genuine ); she hasn’t had true connections, only ever being the nice girl or the villain. so...love ❀ someone who is here to see through the bullshit and figure out just who im seoyun is; someone more aware than seoyun gives them credit for. ❀ other plots?? i can always brainstorm with you guys and see what flows. can’t wait to write with all of you <3 i’ll probably be sliding into your discord dms later!!
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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Blood Brothers
Summary: Jeffrey thinks about some things. Square Filled: Family AU Warnings/Tags: RPF, tattoos, internal thoughts Characters/Pairings: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Word Count: 251 A/N: For @spnfluffbingo2019, this fills the square Family AU. Thank you, as always, to @atc74 for beta’ing. I have permission from the photographer to use her photos (@Magdalena5880 on Twitter). Song: Blood Brothers by Iron Maiden
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Thick and thin.
That's what it meant. Sure, the three peaks looked a little bit like their fictional surname. Three peaks for three lives irrevocably tied to one another. Family though they weren't by blood, that meant nothing. Because everyone knows family don't end there.
He hadn’t anticipated Jared’s readied willingness. Jensen, without a doubt, yes. But he already had a couple. Far as Jeff knew, Jared had no ink. But when Jared caught wind of what he and Jensen had planned, he dove in, headlong, not a second’s hesitation.
In a way, that reflected their relationship best of all. Not in a million years would he have guessed that their little show started all those years ago would have turned into friendships that lasted a lifetime. Those boys had grown up before his eyes, and though he hadn’t been there the whole time, the bond that they had forged in those first few years served as the unshakeable foundation for their relationships.
Not sons. Brothers. He might have a decade and a half on those boys, but after watching them grow into the best of men, he couldn’t think of them as sons. Brothers was the closest he could come to describing that love. Shit, he loved those two as much as he loved his own family. As far as he was concerned, they were as much a part of his family as he was theirs. In all but blood, they were brothers.
Three peaks for three kings.
Winchesters forever.
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Feedback is appreciated! Feel free to reblog, too!
If you want in on any of my tags (Sam/Jared, Dean/Jensen), send me a DM or an ask!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @wonderfulworldofwinchester @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @depressed-moose-78 @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @scarletluvscas @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805​ @rainflowermoon​ @winchesterprincessbride​  @lazinessisalliknow​ @the-is13​ @waywardafgrandma​ @keymology​ @sister-winchesters99​ @amanda-teaches​
If you see a strike through your blog, it’s because I cannot tag you for some reason. I blame Tumblr.
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lexical-libra · 6 years
Signs and crushes (according to ruling planets)
Sun (Leo): very bold. Not afraid to out shine other people. Like to spread their warm feelings and attitudes onto the people they like. Generous and will share the warmth they exude. Hardworking, doesn’t mind a challenge. They heat themselves up until its enevitably so hot that they must do something about it so they make rash but appropriate decisions. BUT can use their generosity to manipulate you into giving them what they want, and peacing out.
Mercury (Gemini & Virgo): Very good at using their words to get who and what they want. Analytical, and can calculate what to answer before you even ask the question. Not above a nicely placed sexual joke or innuendo. Very intuitive. If you peak their interest enough, they will dissociate into a different person (you’d rather the happy one over the angry one). In the beginning, if they like you they’ll stfu and let you have the talking stick. BUT also use their words to talk mad shit. And trust me, you do not wanna be on the angry side of a Mercury sign.
Venus (Taurus & Libra): they use their charm, wit, and sensuality to lure you in. Eye contact. Soft lingering touches. Takes their time in figuring out if they like you (kind of painful tbh but they also take their time on you if u know what I mean). Would rather spread love and avoid drama, but not above standing up for you.(if they stand up for you, they enjoy you, cause they don’t take sides for shit) Will always be trying to make you laugh. When comfortable with you, will open up their vulnerable side and let you in on their weird imaginations and insecurities. HINT* not afraid to tease you/ tell you exactly what they’re thinking no sugar. If they hide their humor or opinions it’s because they don’t trust you. BUT also uses their beauty, with no remorse, to get things they want. They KNOW they’re pretty and alluring, so watch out.
Mars (Aries & ~Scorpio): very aggressive when pursuing an interest. Will always challenge/ ask you to do things with them. Driven to get the things they set out for. Seems to somehow ALWAYS be around?? Not afraid to make conversation even if you just met. It’s like they feed off the “wow” feeling they give you by being so forward. Something about them makes them irresistible. Very Sexual, but in private (unlike Virgo and Gemini). BUT can also throw that thang in reverse and skrt the fuck out as quick as they came in. That irrisistibleness is their power they wield over you to get you to stick around... while they think they can do whatever they please on the side.
Jupiter (Sagittarius & ~Pisces): got hit with the lucky stick bc they are so optimistic. Have a love for life, unequal to any other. So, with that being said, they love things in abundance. so they will always want to be around you. Any time of the day. Doing anything. Very witty. Instantly likable. Talks about traveling with you, and conspiracy theories. If they don’t wanna talk about the future it’s because they don’t see you in it (...yet). BUT bc they need things in abundance... they gunna need an abundance of partners, and they don’t think it’s even the slightest problem.
Saturn (Capricorn & ~Aquarius): They are very diligent and hard working. Very attentive, will remember the tiniest details abt you. Would do anything for you, or to help/protect you. Kind of shy at first but actually become extremely silly once you know them well enough. Sorry but they are power whores, they fiend for being the dominant one (especially in the bedroom) but that also means they don’t mind doing literally anything and everything to make you happy. They are willing to put in the time to get to know you and let you get to know them. [Unlike Taurus/libra where their time is deciding if they even want to be associating with you] BUT they can fucking parent you to death like I DONT NEED YOU TO FIX ALL MY PROBLEMS!!
Uranus (Aquarius): Very original, so lots of them take weird approaches to talking to people they like. Not very traditional, so they will try to get you to open up your weird side. Does stuff to shock you. Bc they’re so unorthodox, lots of times they’ll ask you to do random shit with them like, Go print out copies of flyers, or take a trip to fill their gas tank, or a Wendy’s run at 2 am but they don’t want to get anything, they just drove bc they knew u wanted it. BUT, bc they are non traditional, they can often hit it and quit it, or hit it and not tell anyone ever and deny that they did til they die.
Neptune (Pisces): very creative, will probably slide in your dms with a gif. Takes you on fun dates. Used their compassion to appeal to your soft side, to make sure they have your attention. Always say the right things!! Bc they are secretly psychic and already know what you want/ need and what buttons to push to get you those things. Very smart, BUT use that knowledge and power to manipulate you into doing something they want, and make it seem like your idea. Big fucking whiners if they don’t get what they want. Act like toddlers sometimes.
Pluto (Scorpio): very intense, and use it to draw you in. They will draw you in... only if they want to though, bc they have so much power and control over the situation. Very in the moment and will do almost anything to keep you happy, as long as you fill their quota. You never know what they’re thinking bc they have so many things going on in their brains. BUT if you don’t fill their quota, they can break out into fights OR get angry and storm out. (U know, cuz intensity)
Moon (cancer): emotional. Very much cares about you and what’s going on in your life and how your fam is doing. Wants to help you, always. If you give them enough time, their “mothering” can evolve into being hypersensitive to your moods, always knowing how to react and how to help. Very big on keeping up with friendships/ relationships unless you were a piece of shit to them. Will cry with/for you. Loves the idea of family and unity. BUT can be too emotional, and will feel trapped and angry cry to drown their demons.
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