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calp0sa · 6 months ago
You are one of my biggest inspirations recently. Your art is absolutely beautiful, the designs, the colors, the just.. general style. It conveys such great emotion and general love for the craft. Again, it’s awfully inspiring. Your positivity, your concepts, your general way with words is really interesting to hear. And you were one of the first I’ve seen to truly put more philosophical meaning to art which I find absolutely fascinating. You did actually inspire me to keep pushing with art and to view it from a bit more of a different perspective than before. Honestly, I aspire to be more like you in that matter. And, of course, I can’t say this enough but (on a slightly sillier (wording wise) note) I really do want to eat your art, I bet it tastes like every single color in the rainbow and every emotion known to mankind possible.
oh holy lake pontchartrain you are extremely friendly. and just as capable. i might have mentioned at some point that all the beauty you see in this world stands as a reflection of what is found in your very self. had the timid silkworm not seen the grace of moth, it would have no fortitude to metamorphose. Sorry i was thinking about caterpillars because they are very cute but anyway this is very kind of you and i smiled like this -> :]
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skunkes · 4 months ago
idk how to put this but your "so be it, life is still beautiful" helps to keep me going sometimes. ive always admired how youve always carried this underlying hope deep down despite your circumstances, it means a lot trans person to trans person. i feel i take for granted how far in my transition i am when some people have yet to get the opportunity to start. you are one of the many trans people i keep in rotation in the back of my mind to keep going, that i'm not alone in all of it. i'm going through an especially rough time right now, so thank you for your continued hope and existence. i hope this isn't too much for me to say to you. be well.
igts so crazy how this wisdom was found on 4chan of all places
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anyways yes everything is so continuously bleak in unchanging ways ive catalogued many times over a decade on here no i dont think ill ever get what i want but I love people and humans and being alive regardless...so be it....so be it.
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cokoweee · 5 months ago
Okay last one I think…lovely stuff as always, I’m just juggling another brainrot right now, but I was itching to make some remarks. First off I’m glad midwesternvibes mentioned the text thing in the most recent update, because I was tickled to see that too! Probably the first time he had color since before their “spat” in the kitchen. As much as I know it’s still a roadblock in his recovery, I’m glad to see the voices coming back for Donnie. I kinda get this feeling they are hanging out with him until they know he’s going to be “okay”. And I have this little idea to myself, that when Donnie is able to start healing and processing his trauma, he stops hiding from them and is no longer afraid to see them. Of course that would be when they would start to slip away. (And that would be so rough for Donnie) Grief is kinda like that too. Sometimes you can be okay for a long time and you’ll have bouts where you still miss that person(s) even when you know you have accepted and moved on.
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So I’m curious what is the situation that Donnie is on a watch. Is it just Draxum’s concern? Is it in case Donnie gets catatonic again? Is it in case he gets violent again? Is it to save his liver (those supersoldier genes only thing keeping it from failing)?
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Also Draxum fixing Donnie’s sweater like a dad (only for Donnie to have his femme fatale shoulder thing as soon as the door is closed)
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I’m a little surprised that this is the first time Kendra has seen Draxum do his mystic vine magic…or… he just hasn’t had too…or…all the mystic stuff happening lately has made Kendra more aware to it…or… but whatever the reason…appropriate reaction, lol
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So something I have noticed that has me enticed is Donnie has been wearing his hand prosthesis more often.
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Before the trauma induced episode, the only time we ever saw Donnie wearing it was when he was out or in “mission mode”. It makes sense, he needs to be able to save his ninpo for more than just temporary fingers. So why now… I was gonna suggest he is on edge, but I also remembered, as I was writing this, that you mentioned him having a slight disconnect to his ninpo…so yeah fingies is not a luxury he can afford right now. In any case…. Hmm…Donnnie….you know…if you didn’t shut your second dad outside…he mighta told ya that Kendra went out…ya know…? Also not sure if it’s just clueing us into Kendra still being sick or that trope of “if you sneeze three times it means someone is talking behind your back.” ? (I quote this one when I sneeze a lot, I’ll go “okay who’s trash talking me?!”)
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Anyway please take care! Also p.s. if you do start to play Minecraft I hope you have fun. (I tried to play it but my laptop is too old and it crashes, so I can’t give much advice on it) also p.p.s I found a WIP of a thing I started writing for this AU in July, and I kinda…forgot I had it. It’s gonna be so out of place if I ever finish it, so just heads up for whatever was the hot topic then… <_<
GAHH I ANSWERED THIS BUT THE APP CRASHED AUGHHH. Let’s see if I remember what I said
I think I showed it a few times that despite Donnie constantly wanting said voices to stop, whenever they actually do, he feels uneasy. It’s quiet and he feels alone. I don’t write every single voice he hears all the time but just ones that feel right to show. There’s a lot he hears. The good the bad and the horrible.
Dancin a bit in that prosthetic part it’s a bit of a ref to sumthin y’all like to tickle a good bit sometimes lol
DRAXUM! A man not meant to be a father but ended up being a guardian. He hasn’t used his mystics cause there’s no need! Also Draxums reasoning for putting pickle boy on watch isn’t just his!
Casey is one that enforced it so harshly. That episode at the farmhouse was technically the first time she’s EVER seen Doobie in that state. Literally witnessed him break down, almost wipe out a farm and try to tear apart his own body. Both want no risk of not being able to get to Dibble so keeping him out of the lab that he can lockdown is a must for them
OOF THIS IS LONG HOPEFULLY I MADE SENSE. Cause I forgot a bit of what I said before
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mothiepixie · 9 months ago
Hello! I have a question. Does Motti sometimes don't like her body or has troubles with her self-esteem?
Motti does have some self esteem issues but not in the way you think or regarding her weight. Motti was raised to love her body at any stage of her life by her mom. She comes from a family of bigger and voluptuous people so it's just the norm for her.
However, Motti does become aware of her body when people have objectified her. Being perceived in such a manner is uncomfortable for anyone and sometimes she just wishes she can exist without someone pointing out her body.
While she has (and still occasionally) faced discrimination for being a thicker person. she doesn't end up hating herself for it. Instead, Motti thinks people having an issue with her own body is super weird and that's a reflection on them rather than herself.
If anything she can be more self conscious about her neurological disorders (adhd) and trauma (ptsd). She's afflicted and sometimes embarrassed by it because she can be incredibly forgetful, overwhelmed, and/or take longer to process things. Other times she can't regulate her emotions, or suffers from Alexithymia (challenges to recognize, expressing one's emotion).
Motti has faced upsetting people dear to her because she has not responded or acted according to social norms.
She has gotten in trouble at her jobs because she has shut down from too many tasks placed on her or yelled at because she hyper-fixates one task overall. However, because of her ability to hyperfixate, she can be often abused by management and given extra work to the point of exhaustion.
Motti can suffer from rejection sensitive dysphoria. (Particularly when someone she cares for acts differently, and she immediately presumes it because of her and shuts down/act indifferent i.e when Dust yelled and Motti assumed he found her too much.)
People often equate her excitable and playful manner as stupidity. It's extremely frustrating for her but has a hard time finding balance of being herself and appearing unphased.
Motti has a lot of confidence in a lot of different areas, but it did take her time and self love to be as confident as she is.
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trekkele · 6 days ago
omg i always felt this weird sense of 'something is wrong here' when i read batkid centric fics when it comes to bruce's characterization in terms of how he treated them when they were kids and overall treatment of bruce by the fic's narrative especially in fics where the central idea is supposed to be empathy or reinforcement of boundaries and you articulated it so well especially with jason or anyone else specifically bringing guns into the batcave or the manor.
i recently saw a few takes that went along the lines of "bruce isn't THAT traumatized with guns because he works with other vigilantes who use them and goes out crimefighting where he knows that he can get shot " to justify that he would (and should) be okay with jason using guns or keeping his guns in the manor or batcave. another reason i see a lot is that bruce is the one who taught the robins (mostly mentioned in relation to jason) to use guns safely so he isn't truly all that bothered by guns.
the thing about that that people don't seem to understand is, bruce being desensitized to other vigilantes or criminals using guns is something that has occurred over time because it is a necessary part of his life as a vigilante because he cannot be a functional vigilante if he freezes or panics every time he sees or hears or is around a gun. It is an absolute necessity. it DOES NOT mean that he is okay with his family (here, SON) members using guns or is completely unbothered by being near guns, especially in his civilian home (the manor) or his personal workspace that he shares with his children and occasionally with his other co-workers. and, bringing a gun specifically with the purpose of causing him discomfort out of spite as a "fuck you dad" is a massively shitty thing to do. bruce may have a lot of rules (and THE ONE rule) for himself but he doesn't have a lot of boundaries (which I think plays quite a bit into his reasonings when he is the one violating other people's boundaries).
also i don't think the guy who uses guns as a spite move against bruce is particularly owed a free pass to do so when he has literally used a gun to shoot bruce's youngest son in the chest and has attacked both his successors and committed extra-judicial murders in his predecessor's suit for his new persona and almost gotten him shot by the new york police as a consequence. why do the good things he did when he was robin absolve his very very harmful actions he chooses to do later on? he uses what he learned as robin to cause harm and hurts people whom he would have earlier sympathized with and wanted to protect (children and low level criminals and his own goons). he is convinced that bruce can only prove his love for him through the act of ruining himself and betraying everything he ever stood for. jason is a very complex character and I do think he is valid in his feelings, but not in his actions. defending his actions (recently saw takes that were trying to defend him taking large cuts from prostitution during his crime lord era when it was pointed out as a criticism to people calling him the "most feminist") because his feelings of betrayal and hurt are valid ends up glorifying his actions.
just because a character suffered doesn't make their future actions stemming from that pain correct or right and it isn't a moral failure on the part of the other characters to not superimpose the past goodness of the person onto their current horrible actions, even more so if the person isn't particularly interested in changing or letting others challenge their perspective on things. this goes for every character and I think is essential for interesting interactions among characters. characters don't live in each other's heads, their perception of other characters' actions aren't going to be shaped by what that person's internal monologue is.
this being said, I do think bruce (and dick, to a certain but smaller extent) will always be more forgiving or tolerant of jason because of the crippling guilt and self-blame he holds when it comes to jason and would allow him to get away with violating his boundaries more than he would allow any other rogue committing the same crimes. but that doesn't mean it should be narratively treated as something jason deserves from everyone or everyone owes to him. the younger heroes and the other older heroes hold no such thing that would make them excuse jason. but there is a limit to that and that should be acknowledged without painting it as an attack against jason. how many out-right crimes can you excuse from a person just because of your love for them, just because they are your child? can you really never hold your child accountable for causing major societal harm without being dubbed a bad parent and the sole problematic one? can a person's suffering ever excuse the suffering they cause to others (here, crime alley residents, low level goons whom he killed, the children he attacked, other vigilantes he antagonized, the children and families of all these people)?
as for alfred, i do agree with you on it being rational because the manor has been attacked when he was alone and that he would keep the gun hidden. i don't think he would hide it out of a "i am purposefully violating bruce's boundaries" thing but more of a "this is necessary but it would make bruce uncomfortable so i will hide it so bruce doesn't have to see it" thing and bruce would know about it and never be able to be okay with it but also never say anything to alfred so alfred will never really realize on his own how much it bothers bruce. though depending on the way it's written, i can just as easily see alfred using the fact as some sort of weird psychological power move when he disagrees with bruce as an adult but won't talk about it because he is british and incapable of not pretending to be only his butler.
i know i talked mainly about jason but that's because the trope shows up with him a lot more often, i find jason to be a very interesting and sympathetic character and i can't agree with a lot his actions but that does not make him any less interesting to me. i love jason's character and think his stories have a lot of potential to explore several themes but i don't particularly think he needs to be considered to always be correct in what he does in order to do that. once again thank you for helping me articulate my own thoughts on this, i loved your takes and posts on the matter
Aw thanks I'm glad my own rambling on the matter made sense to you!
But specifically on the subject of guns in the manor, I dont even think Bruce's trauma/lack of trauma is even relevant. I used the example of peanut butter in the tags somewhere, but if I say my house is a peanut free zone, my peanut allergy is actually irrelevant to you respecting that boundary. I don't think it even matters wether Bruce is scared of guns (canonically not in controlled environments and when he's Batman, but yes when someone is being threatened or he wasn't expecting it) I think the fact that he doesn't want them in his house is the important part.
As for "well it's Jasons house too!!" No it isn't. Not anymore.
And I believe Alfred uses the guns for both protection and a little but of a power move, depending on how much of a bastard he's being written as.
Jason can be sooo interesting, I'm just not that interested in him, if you understand what I mean? Like I can enjoy seeing other people poke at him but I think I've done it enough and am tired of it.
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iliothermia · 1 year ago
Hi, I had some process questions I wanted to ask if it gives you some joy in writing up answers.
Your art has a lot of detail in it, and they are often larger pieces with multiple characters and half or full backgrounds. How long does it take on average to do an art piece, start to finish?
There are textures I enjoy incorporating into my art, but are extremely arduous to put in. There are other textures that aren’t my favorite to use a lot, but are fun to make. Do you have a favorite texture(s) to make? Are they one and the same?
What are a few of your favorite embellishments you’ve made? E.g. the repeating prints, objects, things you use to fill out the scene that you post on their own every now and then?
💜💛 wishing you well as always
to be honest most of the texture in my work is all just my brush I use while hand-drawing in every line. All lines are the same brush, just different size
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I do save a lot of the plants that symbolize certain memories, cultural imagery, pompoms / embroidery / lace I draw though by habit, knowing I'll someday want them again.
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My favorite little things I've drawn and posted alone though are -my little besamim full of stars -a hinged deck of cards based off a gift my grandfather gave me not long before he passed away, it had the art of many artists in it and really impacted me. -a comb used for preparing the dead (jewish), with the heads of a stork and a heron on them. The lore i've read for those birds is a constant reminder and really important for me as someone who grew up feeling misunderstood.
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Thank you for asking and I hope you're alright, my friend 💗
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elementcattos · 3 months ago
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is the image blurry
if so, guess who it is
dont have a cow man
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hime-bee · 6 months ago
Hello hello so I just wanted to say I love love love ur ocs all of them equally (my fav is lucas) BUT I JUST FOUND OUT AB THEM?!?!?!like I was emtyping my following list n found u n started wondering y I even follow n then proceeded to read every content u have on my bbg lucks but know I'm finished n it feels like I've lost my purpose🏌‍♀️ SO ALL THIS PARAGRAPH IS MOSTLY ME PRAISING U 4 BEING A GENIUS FISHDIBDUEE ILY 😍⁉️
Anyway would u pls pls pls pls plspls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls bestow me w the knowledge w how ur ocs will react to a partner who loves to do their hair 🏌‍♀️ and if u can also how will they react to a partner who loves their hair getting done by them?👨‍🦱
Yea that's all ab it n ILY pls don't evaporate n become one w the clouds n then become rain/snow (TAKE CARE OF USELF MUAH)
I love you too, anon, I want you to know that (don't worry, Lucas is my favorite too HAHA) Also, I'm glad you were able to realize why you were following me and didn't just unfollow, thank you,,, 🥺🥺 AND THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS AAAAA
How they react to a partner doing THEIR hair:
Lucas: A little mischievous about it! Wonders if they think he's getting too old to do his own hair. Regardless, he'd let them do it and thank them afterwards by making sweets ^^
Njero: His hair is messy and unruly, not even hours of brushing can help it stay in one place. Honestly, he'd just wish them luck if they wanted to do his hair 😩
Leumin: ECSTATIC- he loves having his partner's hands in his hair, scratching and rubbing his scalp, playing with the colored strands. He'll more than likely ask his partner to do his hair for him when he's in a particularly needy mood (which is about 80% of the time for this loser)
Flores: My God, good luck. Flo's hair is Rapunzel levels of long, and just as thick. Luckily, his hair doesn't tangle easily, but it does take... Hours... To brush it all. It gets even heavier when he has to wash it. He usually does it alone, though his children do offer to help! If his partner wanted to help as well, he'd be more than delighted ^^
Mikka: His hair is also pretty long, and it does get easily tangled, so he'd need help getting it untangled! He's grateful for any help that keeps him from just cutting his hair out of frustration. Funnily enough, it's very silky.
Vivian: Another long-haired man in need of some assistance! His hair isn't nearly as long as Flo's, but it's long enough to cause problems if it isn't taken care of properly. Like Leu, he'll be ecstatic and purring if his partner wanted to do his hair for him! He'll have to lower himself down into a pool of his own tail so they can reach his head, though.
Lucas: He has absolutely no knowledge of haircare that doesn't apply to his own, so he'd have to study up a bit on his partner's hair type and other haircare tips so he can do a good job for them. Lucas doesn't half-ass anything, babey!
How they react to doing their PARTNER'S hair:
Njero: Like Luc, Njero isn't about half-assing anything. He's going to do his research before offering to help his partner with their hair. Funnily enough, he would really enjoy it. The meticulousness of it and being able to use his hands for something not related to magic (sure, he could just use magic and do their hair quickly, but he'd rather sit with his partner through the whole process)
Leumin: A haircare extraordinaire! You need conditioner, coloring, high quality shampoo? Leu's got you covered. His hair is very thick and messy, but he has a lot of brushes and combs to help out with that, which he wouldn't mind lending to his partner! I think he really would enjoy brushing or combing out his partner's hair 😌
Flores: Like Leu, he's a haircare extraordinaire, since he's so used to doing his own and taking care of it. He also has a lot of haircare products (in the human world, and the fairy world). He could also just use magic to do his partner's hair, and he would if that's what they prefer! He'd like to wash their hair and massage their scalp for them, though 💚
Mikka: He doesn't really keep that many haircare products, just the necessities to maintain his hair. But if his partner expressed the desire to have him do their hair, he'd go out and buy whatever they needed immediately. Even if their hair is long or a hassle to deal with, Mikka won't mind! He's got tentacles, he can multitask 😌
Vivian: He'd fall deeper in love with them, honestly. "You want... Me to do your hair..? Of course, dearest!!" Vivi sees it as some sort of bonding ritual, and an act of trust. If they trust him enough to be vulnerable around him, then he'll return the favor by doing his best to take care of their beautiful hair! If they wanted, he'd even give them little braids, like the ones he has ^^
WHEW, THAT'S ALL OF EM. Again, thank you so much for this ask, anon (and for the lovely compliments) 😭 I'm trying not to evaporate ✌ I'll keep trying, bless you
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sweetwolfcupcake · 8 months ago
Imagine being kidnapped by Tom Ludlow.
Hmm, I'm guessing that you are referring to a yandere Tom? Or is it Canon Tom?
Canon Tom doesn't seem to be the type, but maybe to protect the reader from any other criminal or group she got involved with? Maybe a witness, maybe a target. The department isn't doing a great job. He knows it's corrupt, so he might take things into his hands. He would be sweet and respectful, I think. There will, of course, be boundaries for the reader until he solves the issue, but I don't see Canon Tom having any malicious intent, his ways are very grey and often wrong but his intentions aren't. but I think it would take a lot to get to that state for Canon Tom. Maybe a threat to his and the reader's lives.
Now, I'm not sure if I can do justice to this but here is my take on Yandere Tom.
He is a cop already, he knows the ways of criminals, from the bottom to the top. He is experienced, he has tasted the dirt and even gotten his hands dirty. I think Yandere Tom kidnapping the reader would take some time. Perhaps that would be him snapping, or last resort?
Either way, it's not a favourable situation for the reader because Tom knows how to cover up his tracks. maybe he is the one even leading the investigation of a 'missing' reader, who most probably will end up 'dead' to the world. So if the reader wants to escape, she needs to be smart about it. he knows everything related and relevant to her and his plans better than anyone else. So if anything even goes haywire, he is prepared, which is scary in this situation.
Tom is not dumb, he is brains and brawl so she should take a slow game. I think Yandere Tom would be overprotective and very possessive? he is not delusional, he knows that what he is doing is wrong, but I think he is the type to acknowledge that he is selfish wrong and messed up, but it's still better than letting the reader slips away.
Maybe this is what made him take the extreme step of kidnapping her but yes, he knows his charms, and he isn't reserved about using his charms and trying to win the reader but when the situation calls for it, he can be frightening as well. I think his anger would be the stuff of nightmares, but I do not think he would ever lay a finger on her. But he is not afraid to use force-- tying the reader for 'her own good',, locking her in a room and maybe even drugging her if things go to extremes. So, an upfront war with someone who can easily cover his tracks and has planned through it is not going to work, the reader should get to know his mind first.
I do not know if the analysis is accurate, I haven't watched the movie and most of my analysis is based on the brilliant fic written by @johnwickb1tsch and @treedaddymcpuffpuff 'Excessive Force'. Amazing fic, has me hooked. I think they can answer this better. What do you think @treedaddymcpuffpuff and @johnwickb1tsch?
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calp0sa · 7 months ago
thank you, that’s very sweet but… i don’t have tiktok, and if you see someone reuploading my art on tiktok i would like you to ask them to take it down. once again you’re very kind but be weary of art thieves and impersonators!!
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sukirichi · 6 months ago
Okay so I’ve always wondered, let’s say in another universe (but still in the DTD setting but this time he IS infact a prince so all the secrets that were unfold in the later chapters never happened), where Rintaro was actually able to marry Iris and Yuzuru ended up being one of his brother’s wife instead (most likely Kiyoomi’s 🤭), do you think he would probably still be attracted to her after getting to know her as his brother’s wife???
I feel like he would have regardless, but maybe he wouldn’t act upon his feelings since he “loves” Iris so much, or maybe he still… would??? 👀 I mean his actions were pretty unpredictable when he was a prince since he always needed to have it all. But I know for sure that Yuzuru would definitely be loyal to Kiyoomi if she was in love with him first. She would never cheat but I can’t say the same for Rintaro lmao.
Basically I just wanted to know if he would have been attracted to her regardless, or not.
oooOHHHH I love this question! to answer your question I think the answer would be yes! he’d still be attracted to us! I think it starts off slow – that he doesn’t realize what he’s lost until we’re at one of the family dinners and iris is being moody and distant… he tries talking to her, tries lightening up her mood with wine but at that point iris is just her plain, bland, irritable self. and then there’s us, sitting on kiyoomi’s lap, throwing our head back in laughter at whatever he’s saying and his hands are on our waist and god rintaro is seeing red because he used to be in kiyoomi’s position once. he used to be one that made us laugh. and he knows his brother – kiyoomi isn’t that funny. so he just stares and sulks and wonders if he’d done the right thing after all. he’s married his ‘first love’, he’s gotten what he wanted. he should be happy, right? so then why doesn’t he feel celebrating?
if on the same dtd universe though and you mean that rintaro meets us after he’s married iris, and therefore we never went down the route of him wooing us and such, then yeah I still think he’d be attracted to us. and again, he wouldn’t notice it at first. several of his brothers have partners already. it isn’t anything new. but he just can’t help but think you’re so pretty, and his quiet, reserved brother being with someone so bright and bubbly just seems kind of… odd. it makes him curious, so he “observes.” meaning he watches us a LOT. and during gatherings, he learns that you’re so easy to talk to, that you’re so kind and your heart is too big and pure for such a terrible place such as the palace. he thinks maybe kiyoomi made the wrong decision of bringing you into the family, but then he wouldn’t have met you.
one thing leads to another and you’re right, he does have this mindset of “I’m the crown prince, the only true heir, I need to have it all!” would he cheat? hhhhMMMMMMMMM AGAHSJKA emotionally cheat, yes. he’d slowly stop paying attention to iris – which wouldn’t make a difference, since the two barely talk and they seem to be hating each other’s guts through this marriage upon realizing they have no similarities at all, and rin thinks iris is too greedy and bratty – and focus more on you instead. across the dining table, he’ll watch the way your lips move when you speak, wondering what it’d feel like on his.
he’ll “coincidentally” visit the library during your reading hours and pretend he totally did not know you were there. he also totally didn’t read all the books you like just so he’d have something to talk you about. and then he’d innocently ask to walk with you in the gardens simply because he wants to spend more time with you. he knows its wrong, and his feelings are pointless. you’re so in love with kiyoomi that you’d never look at him that way
I hope this answered your question though!! I had fun answering this GAHSJKAA because yes!! he totally would’ve fallen for us regardless 💖
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cokoweee · 7 months ago
OH wow! Two updates in 24 hours! Okay I really wanted to dig into this, because there were so many things on just the writing and dialogue and I LOVE it!
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These two panels were fun, because there is something soft in Kendra’s face. Nostalgia, affection…also the wet beads of water coming off her hair, since she climbed out of the bath….but I’ll continue this rant later…
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This is interesting….We have seen Donnie borderline catatonic so this could be Draxum’s latent parental instincts not wanting to push Donnie just yet. (Or worried that Kendra might be a trigger?)
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Though funny that this was what pushed Casey to reach out….I included a snippet from Replica…but…lol both you and Kat having Casey very particular about her male family members helping her out, is understandable
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Heh…that’s rich, considering you are gonna have your own lizard children Kendra…not that you know that, I guess… Still this feels like a “tempting fate” line/foreshadowing. Mostly, because Casey insisted that the father is human. (I think?) But likely a jab at how Kendra calls her “Beast” all the time.
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Ohhh…what is this trinket?! <_<
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This is the face of someone who is either gonna pretend to be a toy or a child if Kendra gets pulled over XD
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Okay this brings me back to my thoughts after the first image…Kendra likely had been thinking about stuff since her initial talk while fixing Yuichi’s arm the first time. However the “event” and Raph’s chat with her possibly had her start really mulling over it. We know Kendra has been struggling with her identity in the way of not belonging. She accepted she was an outcast…and possibly still considers herself an outcast. However with everything she has been doing: the training, modifying the jetpack, upgrading Yuichi’s arm…it certainly is setting this precedence. If Kendra doesn’t fit in this group’s mold by default, she is gonna make some changes so she does.
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The past Kendra would never adjust to accommodate others. She is unapologetically herself. So why is she going through the trouble to make little changes…why does she want to properly ask Donnie if she can stay with him? Because when you love someone, you accommodate them. And not in the way, that you should change yourself for someone. However if there are traits that are holding you back, and it benefits you both in the long run, sometimes little changes are necessary. Kendra is changing, because she wants this. She may not know how her dynamic will change, but she wants it to get better.
And…I forget how I planned to wrap this up, but…. It is an organic way to bring happily ever after that much closer, and in a way that doesn’t compromise Kendra’s identity. Again, your writing and dialogue are amazing, and the way you pair it with your drawings makes some great storytelling.
Oof writing is such a struggle but considering I do hours of acting out dialogue both irl and in my head certainly do help. NOW TO ANSWER SOME OF THESE LIL SNIPPETS U SEPERATED but under a cut cause this is a bit long lol
Draxum is a weird dude to write for me but for me he’s another that lost almost his whole fam. He doesn’t wanna risk losing the last one that’s there even if they aren’t how they once were.
That lil TrInkEt will be helpful later :D (I think. Please I haven’t fully thought this plan through)
You point out that she never would accommodate for someone else and yuh you’re right. Bitch would make others accommodate to her. This tho
“Because when you love someone, you accommodate them”
Idk how to word this, it’s pretty difficult to conjure up in my head words for this. For her it’s. She can’t see those feelings. Define them. It’s a case of extra caring without knowing why and it’s irritating. Like a fly u can’t kill. Or a butterfly. Pretty and you don’t want it to leave but also don’t want that big bitch flying all up in your face
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skunkes · 7 months ago
sorry if u arent looking for advice/commentary, but imo working towards change IS worth it. Even if its slow, even if its not for something glamorous, the work and openness to change is the important part. Moving out of your parents house is legitimately SO freeing, even if things suck you arent being controlled by someone else. Look at apartments, look at places to find roommates (less than ideal i know this very well) if living alone is out of your price point, contact temp agencies for work if you can. If you can use the microsoft office suite, especially excel, you have a leg up on a lot of people. And if you cant, theres tons of resources online to learn! There’s even free or low cost certification programs that look good on resumes. There’s no wrong way to live, unless its causing u pain. I hope u can find independence and transition soon 🫂
i always appreciate input (even if i dont answer asks i always read them ^_^). I currently have some friends willing to help me start finding my way out and I think that may be part of it all right now. Like its very close to maybe being real, and not as bad as I originally feared if my friend helps me to the degree she's offering, and I keep getting really scared and second guessing everything ever. Its so scary.
And thats where the "what if this is as good as it gets" part comes in. Im just having trouble getting and keeping the ball rolling I guess. I keep either turning back before I start or stopping it midway. I'm so nervous.
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alexandraisyes · 7 months ago
joining in on ranting in you're ask box part- uh- idk 3?? 4??? I dont even know anymore
Anyway, *cough* i think still have some of these left (edit: I just finished typing this all out and think is defiently an understatement-)
SolarNexus: Solar just goes off on Moon for how much he hates Nexus. Thats all I have for that. I'm sorry im this close to forcing myself to start writing fanfiction again just to write this. Also for my true loves kiss saves Nexus idea- and just to write about Nexus finding who he is instead of who he's supposed to be. .... can you tell i think about these two a lot? (Edit: I prove later that I think about them even more, and Eclipse)
BloodySun: I'm like feral for these two- just, like- Bloodmoon giving dead birds and stuff to Sun and he's absolutley digusted but trying not to hurt their feelings- i- ansusnhas
Servant Sun x Servant Eclipse: I've seen like 1 ship fic with these two but I dont care. I'm obsessed. They need to hold hands and heal and go to therapy together. Obviously Eclipse would defiently be able to help Sun more (cause lord Eclipse), but Sun could defiently help Eclipse too. (Is Eclipse faking losing his memories/being reset or some shit canon? I've read too much fanfiction- im going to assume it is for this) he can also help Eclipse learn that he doesn't have to be fake all the time and thatd be cute
Nexus x Dark Sun: I dont even have thoughts about this. Like I have feelings but I dont have thoughts. I cant even reason why I like this, I just like the toxic yaoi. I just like the concept of Dark Sun not even liking Nexus but manipulating him- like- Moon turned bad x biggest moon hater. I also just like hurting Nexus so other characters can help him heal. Only thing turning me off from this ship is that its an alternate universe of his ex-brother who would most likely be his brother again if he had a redemption arc. Like- I love seeing the ship and I like the concept just it gives me the ick, but thats okay cause I dong have to rot over every ship. Actually, I'm glad I'm not obsessed with this ship I dont need more angst living in my brain. ... I am obsessed with it in a platonic sense tho so I guess the angst is in my brain anyway
Nexus x Eclipse but its when they were looking for who made Eclipse: Nexus abolutley collared him. Im sorry. .. no im not, im right. Like, what is with Nexus and treating others like dogs??? Like first v4 Eclipse, and now Ruin??? Nexus is there anything you want to tell us??? Okay pet play- also doing that to the masochist is crazy, like if you're going to treat anyone like a dog why would it be Ruin that feels like setting yourself up for disaster. Even if he isn't actually a masochist he sure is known for pretending to be one
Nexus x any Eclipse ever: listen, im just saying I think he has a thing for Eclipse's (which is funny cause Moon fucking hates them) Treating Eclipse and Ruin like his dogs. Solar being his best friend. Even Dark Sun, who's a really smart Evil Sun who absorbed the knowledge of his Moon, so im counting him. Like I think Nexus would like being thrown around by Lord Eclipse, or helping to fix up Servant Eclipse. I'm just saying-
Eclipse ² x Nexus (gets its own section i rot about these three): them just reassuring the other's that they're loved and cared for- im sorry you can't tell me that these three don't all have some form of attachment issues- Eclipse being so used to people hating him that he kind of just instinctively pushes people away. Similar with Solar, but he does it more so emotionally while also feeling like he has to earn his place and do things for people. And Nexus also feels like he has to prove himself, and that he isn't good enough.
And they just reassure each other and then the others use their words against him (/pos) and they realize how stupid it sounds and anisnsusnsns <3<3 like- nexus being like "you don't have to prove yourself for anyone, Solar. We love you, you don't need to overwork yourself for us." And, like- solar saying it to him back- and Nexus is just like ".. okay listen-" and similar things happening with the other two and ensunsjss-
also they're the three worst at interaction (other than old Moon he takes the cake for worst at it, but its okay i love it)- like they're all pretty bad at it. Eclipse is Eclipse(aka memories as a villain, and is a sarcastic little shit), Nexus is just kind of awkward, and cmon Solar didn't really ever have any interaction after his split than his Moon and probaly kids, we know he can't talk to people easily. Honestly tho Solar is the best at it (he was able to start up a conversation with Moon easier than Moon could with him) and I imagine he's the one who orders at restaurants
And Moon hates both of Solar's boyfriends and Moon and Solar are friends and I think that's just kind of funny. Like Moon likes Solar so he doesn't stop being friends with him even though he's dating the two, but he's bitter about it (though honestly if Nexus had a redemption arc and it was proved he had a virus, I feel like Moon would hate him a little less. But he'd probaly still be insecure about Nexus probaly taking his place and everyone not really liking Moon again so he'd probaly still be an ass to him.)
Anyway they cuddle. Doesn't even have to be romantic, those three deserve to be in love (also the potential from forbidden love Eclipse² is Nausnsusnsn)
... I- shipping dynamics are neat
I apologize for making this so long, I expected it to be short and then I remembered I started to like new ships 😔
ALSO were being brave and doing this off anon (also id like you to know I genuinely just stared at my phone for a moment when I saw youd followed me lmao. I was so suprised [and delighted, you're neat]- plus it was like 4 am and I hadn't slept yet. I thought it was a dream the next day because I was that tired- I had to check cause i get very vivid dreams-)
All of these are so canon bro.
Solar saves Nexus with true loves kiss real? Real. I saw it with my own two eyes. It happened chat.
BLOODYSUN!!! They love their sunny and try to show that in the best way they know how, dead birds included. Sun is so grossed out by the blood and feathers and ough that's a dead bird ewww but he just forces a smile and nods and feeds it to his cats when Bloodmoon isn't looking. Then drowns his hands with soap and shampoos the carpet.
I feel like I've seen that fic too but my poor brain- Also yes, the pretending to be reset is canon. And that's so cute I'm-
Platonic ships are just as valid as romantic ones! And I really like the angst potential too heheheheh
Ayo 👀 Mmm I have thoughts about that but I must refrain.
Objectively correct. Nexus is an eclipsephile. He loves himself some eclipse.
Also awww ur so sweet. I love ur art! It's very cute! Of course I followed!
Ask Game
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ask-tapwater-rw · 2 months ago
Psstt violet meesa have some questions for you
1 How are scavengers raised by their parents or communally?
2 Do Scavengers have a culture?
3 Do the thieves who stole the drone look like slugcats who are pure white and blue?
*Violet and Artificer's drones beep and repeat the message in sync.*
Violet: You have questions for me? Oh, thank you. Scavenger culture is very interesting, if I do say so myself. We raise and protect the cubs communally, and I remember the many caretakers I had when I was small. I don't help so much around there though, I'm barely older than a cub myself.
Though not too many know much about us, everyone knows scavengers like pearls. Other creatures usually just say we like their shine. The truth is that many of us believe they contain the spirits of the ascended inside. I've never been one for religion, but it is nevertheless an important part of our culture. We've had a civilization here for hundreds of cycles, but when this artificer here arrived, she-
Artificer: Yes?
Violet: ...improved the kingdom tenfold. We couldn't be more grateful for a leader such as him.
Artificer: Hm.
Violet: After they took over Metropolis, they claimed the drone of the previous leader, so they had two of them. The "thief" had no obvious identity, the drone just disappeared without a trace Our Royal Majesty here entrusted me with the other drone to find the lost one. I finally now was able to use it to pick up its faint signals after it already had returned to her. Thank you for trusting me with such a task, Your Greatness.
Artificer: You are nothing special, you were the first one I saw. Now quit your yapping, scavenger, we have a long journey ahead of us.
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glitch-after-dark · 11 months ago
Mirnoah anon here.
Its been awhile but I have a small bloop in brain about the two waiting for their little bitty.
They find more and more cybertronians coming to Earth.
Prowl with his conjunx Jazz and their bitty Springer. Along with medic Ratchet who immediately checks Noah over at the discovery of his changing and successful carrying. Ratchet brought along his conjunx Deadlock and Hot rod.
Every bot is surprised Noah didn’t freak out seeing a decepticon with an autobot but he’s just, “cross faction relationships happen here too it should be expected anywhere honestly.”
And yeah they like this guy already and wow they didn’t know Mirage could be that gentle or look at someone the way he did Noah.
Deadlock, Ratchet and Hot rod have a bitty of their own, two actually, one Deadlock carried and one Ratchet carried and another on the way its just Hot rod hasn’t said anything yet.
Noah pieces it together pretty quick and the two are easy friends along with Bee and Jazz.
Horny moment but Noah has a moment where he leaks because Springer and Deadlock, Ratchet and Hot rods sparkling fuss and cry from hunger.
He’s so embarrassed because he did not want to be caught leaking again and he can’t help wanting to fuel the sparklings since carrier instincts get the better of him but Jazz just apologies for Noah’s shirt getting ruined as he takes him to Prowl while Hot rod brings the sparklings to deadlock and ratchet saying it was normal and that he’d get Mirage so the mech can drain him.
Bee of course doesn’t judge at all, again, simply saying one day he won’t worry about leaking.
Bee himself leaked and went to take care of it which Optimus was not happy about because it meant the decepticon who managed to get to Earth and immediately went looking for Bee could find him again.
Optimus is Bee’s carrier and Bee has accepted his carrier will never not be overprotective or let him peacefully spend time with his secret conjunx Starscream. Bee gets why his carrier is so over protective he does, its just, he wants more than a single night alone with Star and he decides to take it while the others are here.
Noah does bee a big favor by reaching out a hand to grip Optimus’s leg and look him optic to optic while telling him he’ll chase Bee completely away one day if he doesn’t tone it down just a little.
And yeah every bot is surprised when Optimus actually listens because he never does when it comes to Bee. Bee is so happy his door wings are fluttering and he’s hugging his carrier before going off to be literally picked up carried in the sky by Starscream who has his attention only on Bee doing elaborate mating dances before disappearing in the clouds.
“Please don’t follow them you will see something you don’t want to.”
And yeah Optimus was busying sulking on his old friends shoulder who just sighed as he and one his own conjunx fed their bitties and Prowl makes the craziest suggestion that makes Hot rod want to throttle himself but he can’t because one he’s sparked and two now his conjunxs and the others know he’s sparked too!
“Damnit Prowl why would you say it?! I didn’t want to tell them yet!”
Yeah Noah is just looking between the group so surprised and decides, “yeah take me home Raj,” his feet are sore his back is in pain, he’s leaked through his shirt, he’s hungry and just wants to be in their nest smelling only Raj and sitting in some peace and quiet.
His wish is Mirage’s command. The autobot immediately scoops him up and leaves, servo resting on his heavy belly as he rubs soothing circles into it while melting Noah to pregnant puddle of goo as he massages his back all the way home.
Maybe that night is filled with a lot of fragging for multiple couples across not only their faction but the decepticon ward as well?
Turns out the moon was affecting every cybertronian with charge and all across the factions many got sparked.
Bee comes back sparked, Noah was already sparked but he would have been with how long they were going at it. Prowl is sparked again much to his dismay, he did not want his pouches getting bigger nor being put on berth rest because Jazz used this to mellow him out- he’s not even really upset he just doesn’t want to get emotional again he can’t handle it—jazz can they’re fine— and Hot rod comes back with limp and an extra bitty in his forge tanks with two conjunxs who won’t let him out of their sights.
They’re pissed his hid his carrying and more so because the trip to Earth was dangerous.
Hot rod wasn’t sure he would keep them because they already have two and his own insecurities were getting the best of him. He was sure they wouldn’t want a sparkling with him, the two bitlets shared no code with Hot rod—the first was when Deadlock and ratchet were courting each other and the next after. Hot rod was dating them when this all happened he just didn’t become conjunx until after because he assumed/feared they’d want only each other and not him. Couldn’t be further from the truth and the night of the charged moon they forced his thoughts out of him and proved him wrong.
Noah and Mirage stayed at their home for awhile interfacing. The necessary metals would transfer from Mirage to Noah and leave the two tired. Mirage spent that time keeping Noah on his spike filled with transfluid while steadily drinking his energon milk rubbing his large belly with a servo.
Noah was always blissed out when this happened so he never said a thing other than the occasional i’n hungry or i love you.
I’m sorry i know this is a lot and went everywhere. There war also ends because no bot wants a war with bitlets present. They have no choice but to negotiate. Also, my bad for leaving just a long thread in your inbox
No need to apologize Anon! This was a long one though and I'm a bit exhausted so sorry I don't have much to add. You dropped a whole plethora of new ships into the Mirnoah Mechpreg Baby story. And mostly my favorite ships too. I'll just add some quick bullets.
Aww for JP raising baby Springer.
The Mirnoah baby is going to have SO MANY age mates
It's sweet that everyone notes how in love Mirage is and how it has changed him
Poor Hot Rod went through a lot didn't he? Glad the three of them are working on it.
Poor Optimus. He's just worried about Bee (who's not jsut seeing but Conjunx-ed to Starscream)
I always love the fluffy babies ever after endings not going to lie
Ooooooh! Interesting note about the moon influencing them (giving me flashbacks to the moon affecting Cybertronians because it was secretly dormant Unicron0
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