#one day ill be able to have top surgery.....
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senseiwu · 1 month ago
no seriously why the fuck was i cursed with a huge chest
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tkbrokkoli · 9 months ago
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mrlesbian · 2 years ago
being trans can be so isolating. so lonely. even with the support of some loved ones, i'm still on this journey alone.
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mischievous-piltovan · 6 days ago
The Undying Oath (NSFW)
Chapter 5: In Dim Carcosa (SFW)
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader navigates troubled waters. The Herald is no longer Viktor, he’s merely wearing her late lover’s visage. Yet, she can’t leave him - the guilt of her past betrayal and her duty to the denizens of Zaun keep her bound to the Emberlift Alley Workshop. But not all is lost.
A/N: I had the outline for a way longer chapter, but the more I worked on top of it, the longer it became. So I decided to chop it off in two chapters. Bad news: this might be a harder read, a bit morose with no immediate pay-off. The good news: the next chapter is gonna come much quicker since I not only already have an outline, I also have it fairly written. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. 
Warnings: Major Character Death. Loss of a loved one. He came back wrong. Angsty. War.
Word Count: 5.2K
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 (In Progress)
Also on AO3
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Somewhere far away, embedded deep into the veil of the Cosmos, the stars were cackling. At least, they must have been. Because whatever the celestials had planned for her was undoubtedly a joke. And a bad one at that.
After the fiasco that was their moment of intimacy, Viktor explained the origin of his lack of feelings. The procedure Dr. Raveck performed - a mixture of open-chest surgery and chemical infusion -, although resulting in his successful recovery, came with a side-effect: the complete removal of his capacity to feel.
“And what about all this metal?” She asked, motioning at his artificial limbs. “Was this the Doctor too?”
“No, these are my doing,” Viktor responded calmly. “I got rid of the hexcorized tissues in favor of parts I had control over.” 
Yet, the cosmic punchline was in the bittersweetness of it all.
There was no doubt in her mind that she was glad Viktor was alive. A part of her was thrilled to be by his side again, to be able to watch him use his intellectual prowess to aid those in need. Like he always dreamed of. After all those months beside him, watching him decay bit by bit every day. After mourning his loss for weeks, engulfed in guilt imagining his last days all alone. This opportunity to be with him again felt like a blessing.
But something wasn't right, he wasn't right. He miraculously came back from the dead. But he came back wrong. 
Viktor was not the man she loved anymore, just an echo of who he once was. An uncanny simulacrum, not completely different, but an ill-imitation of the original.
Like a song she knew by heart, but every now and then he changed the lyrics, sang off-key, outpaced the tempo. In every exchange, every act, no matter how mundane, something was always frustratingly wrong.
It was in the way he walked, still impaired and aided by a cane, but it lacked the grace of before, being replaced by an almost robotic stride. It was in the way he was built, still thin with long and lanky limbs, but he was now rigid, standing artificially straight. It was in the way he spoke, with his still low and accented voice, but with a new dull lint of his speech, tempered and softened, lacking the once alluring sharp edges 
And all of it seemed to mock her. 
In this new form, Viktor was both her persecutor and warden - his very presence tormented her, made her acutely aware of her love for his old self and the fact he was forever gone. But it also kept her in place, for she couldn't leave him. She had no right to.
Not when she had done it once already. Not when he needed her help again. She just had to endure, to bear the cross of her own mistakes in spite of her feelings. And so she did.
Luckily, he kept his mask on throughout the day, blocking out the world from his remaining humanity, and unknowingly shielding her from excess torment, albeit a little. In his full herald garb, the girl could pretend he was someone else entirely, his accented voice was the only hint of his old self, and even that was attenuated by the modulation of the mask.
She started to use his metallic veneer as a tool to help her envision him as someone else entirely. While masked, he wasn't her once fianceé Viktor, but the transhumanist scientist known as the Herald. By clinging to the difference on these labels, she was able to keep some semblance of sanity.
The schedule around the Emberlift Alley Workshop was divided in three blocks. The mornings were  designated for new patients, people whose issues were yet to be assessed and properly diagnosed. It was also when Viktor took their measurements in order to build them their prosthesis. Around noon came those whose synthetic limbs were already built and just had to be attached, as well as those in need of maintenance. The evenings were devoted to building the prosthesis based on the measurements taken in the morning. She only needed to be present for the afternoon appointments, when her healing was necessary.
And she'd take every opportunity available to not be present in the same room as him. To avoid unnecessary feelings and ruminations from clouding her mind. To keep her focus on her work.
Instead of remaining idle, she started to organize the rest of the house bit by bit during her free time, trying to bring back some of the home aspect to the place. The busy work kept her from dwelling on the stalemate, preventing her from spiraling into dark thoughts. The people of Zaun needed her in topnotch condition, there wasn't room to come undone. Viktor didn't comment on it, but noticed the effort - the organized space brought him further clarity of mind.
One evening as she was sweeping the floor in the living-room, a familiar voice called her name from behind her. It belonged to Ralph.
“Long time no see, Ralph!” She greeted him, turning around. “Are you here for mainte- what's all that?”
Ralph grinned as he approached her, a small wooden crate in his arms filled to the brim with… Junk?
“It's material for the prostheses!”
“No offense, but,” her hand delicately plucked a corroded rusty screw from the crate, rolling it between her index finger and her thumb. “I don't think these can be used.”
Before Ralph could respond, an accented modular voice rang from behind them.
“They can,” its sound alone sent a shiver down her spine, inching her dangerously close to the precipice of her own mind. “Ralph brought these for me at my request.”
That day she learned just how Viktor was able to keep providing people with prosthetic limbs even under the shortage of resources the conflict between the two cities was causing.
Stricken by curiosity, she followed him as he took the crate down to the workshop below. He placed it on the desk next to the HexCore, its pulsating cold light casting ghastly flickering shadows over the stone walls of the basement. She watched as the Herald pressed various keys on the machinery the HexCore sat atop before the runic matrix reacted, spinning faster than before. Her breathing hitched when an energy beam erupted from the core, elevating the material from the crate and amalgamating its contents together - sorting it by material, no less. In the next moment, all the contents inside the crate were gone, and sheets of different types of material rested on the desk next to it.
An almost inaudible ‘amazing’ escaped from her lips. She swore the Herald chuckled before continuing.
“Those I've helped come bearing whatever form of scraps they find as a show of gratitude,” he explains. “Although the sentiment is unnecessary, the gesture allows me to help more people in the long run.”
Ralph is one of those who often visits with scraps, and in the days that follow is the one person tethering her to some semblance of lucidity. Whenever he comes, he makes sure to stay a while, a warm smile always on his face.
“Your situation is so unique, I'm not sure I have the words necessary to help you,” Ralph relented during one of his visits. They both sat across from each other at the recently uncluttered dinner table. “But I need to encourage you to cut yourself some slack.”
A chuckle escaped her lips.
“I cut myself some slack when I betrayed his trust, didnt I?,” she murmured with a long exhale. “I don't think I should be allowed to do so ever again.”
Ralph rolled his eyes, exhaling loudly in mock annoyance.
“You know what, you actually shouldn't. You are the worst person to ever step foot in Runeterra, and your sins could never be forgiven,” he conceded, looking away from her. “For instance, leaving your gilded life in Piltover to come to the Fissures just because you refused to build weapons to be used against us. What a crime.”
She arched an eyebrow in a knowing look. “Ralph…”
“Not to mention all the years in the Academy, fighting to bring positive change to the Undercity!” He turned back to her, crossing his arms. “And spending all her energy healing our sick after getting her shiny new arm? What a monster!”
His words held good intentions, but failed to truly reach her. Every moment interacted with Viktor was a dire reminder of her mistakes, a memento of her subsequent loss, and an omen of her guilt.
She woke up one day in the middle of the night in full alert. Sitting up on the bed and quickly scanning her surroundings proved there was nothing to worry about, it was just another rough night for a troubled mind. On instinct, her eyes landed on the bed on the other side of the room, and she was graced with Viktor's sleeping form.
It was a rare sight, one she subconsciously tried avoiding by opting to always go to bed before him. The Herald had a habit to stay up late tinkering away at the workshop downstairs, which gave her ample time to get ready for bed and be fast asleep before he was even in the room. The last thing she needed was being further damaged by the sight of him stripped down from his Herald form to something more akin to the man she once knew.
And that was the right call, because seeing him now with his face bare, lips slightly parted, and a peaceful look on his face was… Blissfully painful. 
And dangerously magnetic.
Her limbs moved on their own as she slowly rose from her bed, tiptoeing her way to his side, eyes locked on him, committing this Viktor to mind as much as possible. She sat on the floor next to his bed, resting her head over one arm atop the mattress. 
She watched him sleep, his chest rising and falling with each breath. The same sharp jaw, now framed by metal, the thin cracked lips, moles dotting the area above his upper lip, just under his eye, and the twins at the side of his neck.
This was not the Herald. This was Viktor. 
Her eyes landed on his hand closest to her and she dared to snake her marbled hand towards it, stopping right before touching it. One marbled pinky curled around his and something akin to elation blossomed inside her chest. 
Her eyes fluttered close. In the dark behind her eyelids, she could almost pretend they were back at their shared bedroom in Piltover. His scent and the ongoing soft sounds of his breathing lulled her into a false sense of security, and before she could do anything, sleep claimed her.
When next she woke, the clarity of the day lit up the room from the window. Lifting her head up from her arms, she winced as the stiffness of her neck made itself known. Massaging the region, her eyes searched for Viktor but found an unsurprisingly empty bed.
With a groan, she rose to her feet while mentally chastising herself for falling asleep on the floor. Not to mention having Viktor waking up to her sleeping creepily at his side like an obsessed lunatic. She dreaded what he'll have to say about it.
A glance at her own bed proved she wouldn't have to wait to find out. On top of the mattress rested a vial - filled with a clear liquid she recognized as the calming concoction Viktor offered upon their first meeting - and a note. She picked it up and read it ‘Drink it whenever you feel restless’.
Apart from that, he never mentioned that night again. And she wasn’t sure what to make of it.
The day she dreaded came earlier than anticipated. After nudging a frame on the wall to the side and back, rotating it ever so slightly clockwise and counterclockwise for the ninth time, she exhaled in resignation - the frame was fine as it was the first time, she was merely stalling. Stalling from recognizing her work was done, the whole house had been thoroughly organized. 
Which meant her only excuse to be absent from the workshop outside of the afternoon hours was no more. 
She exhaled once more, trying to weigh her options. On one hand, she could keep on being present only when the prosthesis were being attached, she'd just have to find other things to do around the workshop in the meantime - sitting idly with her thoughts was an easy way to slip into spiraling. There was the option of going out and finding purpose somewhere else, maybe going back to the Firelights Hideout to be a part-time inhouse healer. But then again, there was a conflict happening out there, and exposing herself to being caught by enforcers or in the crossfire of a shooting just because she didn't want to spend more time with the Herald than necessary was… Stupid. On the other hand, being present during assessment could prove useful - getting to know the patients and their woes beforehand could give her more insights and perhaps make her work better. She could even heal them beforehand in case they had wounds still open, or even aid them with stuff completely unrelated to the prosthesis whatsoever.
She glanced at the wall clock and felt a chill run down her spine - it was still mid-morning. She could do this, couldn't she? They say consistent exposure to a trigger tends to dull its effects on a person. She already spends a lot of time in his presence daily, a little more couldn't make such a big difference. Let's not think about the different circumstances each part of the day schedule entailed, with the afternoon time being more busy work and her being able to ignore Viktor's presence entirely, while the morning period would consist of observing and learning on her part. Just. Don't. Think. About. It.
With a resolute exhale, before resolve could escape her, she patted the remainders of dust off of her clothes and made her way down to the basement.
Viktor was sitting at the HexCore desk, noting something down on a parchment paper. She fought the icicle in the pit of her stomach signaling her to run.
“Greetings, sit on the table. I'll be there in a moment” he spoke without facing her, the orange glow of his mask kept firmly at the paper before him.
“No, uhm… it's actually me” She greeted shyly. He turned to her upon hearing her response.
“Oh,” he interjected. “There's still a couple hours before the afternoon appointments start.”
“I know, it's just… “ She could feel her resolve faltering, but pressed on nonetheless. “I was thinking about being present during the morning assessments as well, to learn of your methods and perhaps lending a helping hand where I could.”
A pause befall the two and suddenly the air was thicker. Her eyes kept away from him, fixated in the glow of the rune matrix beside him. The icicle in the pit of her stomach evolved into a dagger and was risking becoming a sword each second that passed between them. 
She started deliberating being torn asunder from the inside or just bolting out of the door, not to set foot in the workshop again, when Viktor spoke. “I believe your contributions could be valuable. You may stay.”
Before she could respond, the creaking of the wooden stairs behind them announced the arrival of a patient. She turned around and was greeted with a familiar face.
“Hey, Miss Architect! Long time no see!” A middle-aged man with an athletic build and thinning gray hair stood leaning on a crutch, his left leg missing from the knee down.
“Yo-you're Wenn, right? The courier?” Memories of the countless times she visited the Undercity for data gathering flooded her mind, his face a constant presence. But once the words left her mouth, her eyes did a double take at his missing limb. “Oh… “
“Yeah, I know… “ Wenn jested coily. “But Mister Herald here is gonna make me all good, isn't he?”
“Correct,” Viktor agreed curtly. “Please sit on the table so I can get your measurements.”
Wenn did as commanded while Viktor prepared the tools. The girl stood by the HexCore desk, crossing her arms. “So, what happened to you?”
“Same as everyone else, Enforcers,” Wenn answered nonchalantly. “Was doing my rounds in a permitted area and was still met with a landmine. I was darn lucky it only got my leg.”
“Please, hold still.” Viktor’s robotic voice cut through. 
“I wish I could say a mine buried in a permitted area surprised me, but I'd be lying…“ she commented dryly. Enforcers brutality against Zaunites was already a well-known reality often overlooked by the Piltovan state, but ever since the conflict broke out, it felt like it had been cranked up to eleven. The Enforcers filled Zaun with barricades and checkpoints, stipulating permitted areas for passage. Unfortunately, it looked like they didn't keep the bombs solemnly in prohibited territory.
“Tell me about it… “ Wenn sighed. “This whole situation was bad enough before, my radius of operation had shrunk significantly because of it, losing my leg was the cherry on top of this shitcake.”
“We'll solve that part at least.” She assured him.
Viktor turned around and was about to rise from his chair when she stopped him. “I can note down his measurements for you.”
“That would be helpful, I appreciate it.” Viktor acknowledged it, turning back to Wenn after informing her the number. 
The girl diligently grabbed a pen on the desk and started writing down what Viktor was telling her when something grabbed her attention - the schematics she was scribbling on. Something was off, the schematics was for a standard prosthesis, something that he usually builds for the common folk. A courier like Wenn, who spends his whole day on foot, walking around the uneven stone pathways of Zaun needed something more sturdy, with more padding. Viktor certainly had something like that designed, didn't he?
“Is this the right schematic?” She prodded. 
“It's the leg one, correct?” He retorted.
“it is.”
“Then it is correct.”
Did Viktor really only have one-size-fits all for each single prosthesis? 
She shook her head slightly, brows knitted as the gears turned inside her head. She could see where Viktor was coming from, by working with standard models he could attend to a larger number of people in less time. Tailoring each design individually was simply not time-efficient, despite the boost in quality for each piece. Not to mention, to most people the standard design would suffice. 
But how about these edge cases such as Wenn's? If they give him the standard module, he'd be back in two weeks or less for maintenance, or replacement altogether. Sure, they'd be making his life better, but only slightly. Wouldn't this be considered inefficient?
Her eyes traveled back to Viktor, and something clicked. Viktor and Jayce were brilliant scientists whose sharp minds worked meticulously to solve complex problems. But she noticed early on in their partnership that they more often than not lacked the ability to perceive what the problems were in the first place. 
“We were analyzing some of your data and we came across the fact that the average commute time for those who come topside to work varies from two to three hours during rush,” Jayce began, running his index over the papers in front of him. It had been a couple of months since the partnership between the Undercity Development Section and the HexTech Research Division began, the Ventilation System project was already underway. The pair of scientists had pulled the architect aside as soon as she arrived at the lab that morning, seemingly eager to show her how serious they were. At least that's the vibe she was getting from Jayce. “And we were brainstorming some ideas for a faster and more robust Public Transportation System using HexTech.”
Jayce rolled out a parchment paper in front of them with a map of the Undercity. On top of it, he placed a translucent sheet of butter paper. Then, he grabbed a marker and started sketching on top of it. The girl leaned in closer.
“We noticed that the existing lift's engine is rather old, and demanded that the ascension was done as horizontally as possible,” Viktor chimed in as his partner sketched. Her eyes met his golden ones for a brief second before  returning to the paper before them in a fluster. She was still digesting why the leaner scientist had such an effect on her. “This resulted in a longer route between the Undercity Terminal and the Topside Terminal. And that in itself already largely adds to the commute time. So we moved the whole system to a location in which the distance between the terminals is the shortest, since building the new lift vertically is not a problem anymore.”
She studied Jayce's croquis on the translucent paper for a second, before calmly bringing her index finger to it and tapping on a location on the map. “This district right here has historically been formed by people who go to work Topside. It grew organically around the terminal,” she spoke calmly. “These are the people we'd be affecting by tackling this problem. If we move the system to the other side, even if technologically and logistically seems more efficient, we're failing to address the practical effect of such a change.”
She took a marker from Jayce and began scribbling on the paper as she spoke.
“Nowadays, the people start gathering at the Terminal around 4 am. They leave their houses and are promptly met with a line to get to the lift,” she wrote down ‘4 am’ and ‘house -> terminal’. “If we move the system here, all these people would have to find a way to go from their houses to the terminal, adding time and fatigue to the commute. Especially to those carrying wares, goods and tools with them. We'd need to address that.”
She finished writing down all points on the paper, before setting the pen aside. Then, she leaned back where she sat, meeting the scientist's gaze. “Your plan might be the most efficient time-wise, but it wouldn't be solving the problem. I'd suggest building the new system near that district, even if that means sacrificing some of its efficiency. The problem was not simply shortening travel time between Topside and the Undercity, but rather bringing more quality to the existing commute.”
She sighed at the memory, a little twinge of longing constricting her chest. She quickly shook it off, this wasn't the time for sentimentality. Her gaze lingered on the schematics a bit, before turning to the Herald with newfound resolution. If the goal was to aid the people of Zaun, then the magic in her marbled arm was not the only tool at her disposal. She needed to address his methods as an academic peer.
When Wenn left the Workshop, she pounced without hesitation.
“He's gonna be back here in need of maintenance in a couple of days,” she spat, looking down at the schematics.
The Herald stopped in his tracks. She felt the glow of his eyes on her, but didn’t turn to him. “How would you know that?”
“Didn't you hear? He's a courier,” she retorted. “The exertion of his line of work is bound to damage the structure of the prosthesis. Rather quickly even, I'd wager.”
The Herald didn't respond right away. Instead, he slowly made his way to her side. His focus on the schematics in front of her.
“In the assessments, are you taking into consideration the lives of who you help?”
“I don't pry much outside of the measurements,” he stated calmly, almost in a whisper. “I see what you are suggesting, but working with a template is far more efficient than tailoring each piece individually.”
“I don't disagree with that on a theoretical level, but do we have data on returning patients? Those with need for maintenance or replacement altogether?”
The Herald paused. “No.”
She finally turned to him, arching an eyebrow. “Then we don't know at what rate we're helping new people compared to returning ones,” she concluded. “Nor do we have data regarding what caused certain types of damage in returning patient's prosthesis, I presume?”
Another beat. “Correct.”
The silence lingered between them. She kept her eyes on him expectantly. With the mask, it was impossible to read him. 
“I was focused solemnly in helping the largest number of people in the most efficient way possible,” he stated finally. “I failed to acknowledge those points.”
Although spoken in a dull, flattened manner, his words spoke of regret. She could almost hear Viktor instead of the Herald. Her hand reached for the metal on his shoulder on instinct.
“You were doing what you thought best,” her words were soft. “Besides, it doesn't matter how big that brain of yours is. You're still a single person who tasked himself with this gargantuar endeavor of helping the people of Zaun. Something was bound to slip past you.”
He finally faced her and she thanked the gods for his mask. She'd unravel where she stood if she was to meet his face bare at this proximity. She quickly cleared her throat.
“I was thinking we could pinpoint the most prominent use cases and expand our line of templates,” she proposed. “That way we avoid having to tailor each prosthesis we make from scratch while also addressing the issue at hand. It's not perfect, but I believe it's a good improvement. I might not have the documents here, but I have some information of the average Zaunite jobs and occupation as well as geological differences from when I worked at the UDS.”
“Perhaps I've… forgotten the benefits of intellectual collaboration,” the Herald contemplated. “That is a truly elegant solution.”
“Glad I could help, I'll jot down the information I can recall and I'll get you the notes later,” she responded, taking a step back. “I'll go get some water before the afternoon patients start rolling in.”
In truth, she needed some breather from the whole interaction. The Herald was dangerously close to becoming Viktor and she couldn't allow herself to spiral. She was at the foot of the staircase when the Herald spoke again.
“I was hoping you would join me later tonight so we can design the new templates,” he proposed. “Work together, as we once did.”
She froze in place, her back turned to him. Her marbled arm pulsated with warmth with the rhythm of her heartbeat. The interval between them getting shorter as his words registered. She was already pushing her limits by taking the morning assessments with him, - doubling the amount of time she spent in his presence - and that alone was already taking its toll. Working with him at night would triple it. She couldn't possibly do it.
“Yeah, I think that's reasonable.”
Her words betrayed her. 
If she was asked to describe at least one of the patients that passed through the workshop that afternoon, she wouldn't be able to do it. She went through the motions absentmindedly, completely engulfed inside her own mind, dreading the last third of the day. 
Why would she agree to his proposal? Was it another facet of the guilt she felt at his betrayal? Was it the sense of duty to the Zaunites in need? Was a product of the self-loathing she harbored throughout all the months she believed he was dead? Was it a combination of all of that?
Or better yet, was it a foolish hope of rekindling something between them through intellectually collaborating on a project, like it happened the first time? Even though he is not capable of feeling anymore?
Whatever the reason behind it was, her fate was sealed. 
Despite that, she still took all means necessary to stall her return to the basement. As soon as the last afternoon patient was gone, she excused herself to freshen up. After splashing water on her face more times than necessary, she made a quick detour to the kitchen to brew some coffee. Only then, holding a mug in each hand, did she finally make her way back down.
She found the Herald where she left him - sitting in front of his desk, bathed in the purplish glow of the HexCore. With a long exhale, she made her way towards him.
“Here, unbearably sweet,” she said, placing one of the coffee mugs in front of him. “Just the way you like it.’
The Herald turned to her and her heart sank when golden pupils swimming in dark scleras met her gaze. She had failed to notice his metal mask sitting next to the core on the desk. 
“Thank you, although I’d rather have it black,” Viktor spoke in his own accented voice. “Sugar adds nothing but empty calories.”
This was still the Herald. He was just wearing Viktor's skin. 
She stood rigidly beside him, putting as much distance from him as possible at the current setting. She kept her eyes low, opting to focus on the schematics in front of him instead of his face. But the space between them felt heavy, his very presence pulled her in and pushed her away simultaneously. It made the coffee she sipped go down like sandpaper. This was not going to work.
“You spoke earlier of information on the average jobs and occupations of the denizens of Zaun,” the Herald spoke without looking at her.
“Ah,” She gasped, snapping out of her thoughts. “That's right.” 
Her eyes quickly scanned the desk, spotting a blank piece of paper and dragging it to the space between them. Next, she grabbed a pen, uncapped it, and leaned the tip onto the paper. “Okay, so this is what I remember.”
She started narrating everything she could recollect, annotating it as she went. She scrambled her brain for information, and for each piece recalled, the neural path to the next one unfolded. In her head she could picture the Zaun of another time, when it still was simply known as Piltover's Undercity. The hum of the machinery and pipework vastly drowned out by the cacophony of everyday life. The thick air laced with the smells of the fishery, combined with the fumes of the factories and the sickly-sweet aroma of chemicals. The brief amounts of sunlight hitting the underground at noon when the sun was at its zenith, passing through like an eclipse. The neon artificial lights flooding the streets for the remainder of the day. 
Each new canvas her mind painted brought forth a description of how the citizens lived, how each human was a product of their environment. And how they molded it and were molded by it. 
It was chaos. Flawed. In dire need of quality for its resident’s life. But oh, so beautiful.
“I have forgotten how elucidative you could be when explaining your craft,” the Herald's voice brought her back to reality. The dim light of the Workshop felt more oppressive as her surroundings came back into focus. 
“I uh- Thank you,” she responded sheepishly. 
“I am serious. My mind is already brimming with a handful of design solutions from your explanation alone,” he continued. “Although I believe it is rather late and I’d like to let those ideas simmer down as I sleep.”
“Late?” She glanced at the wall clock and silently gasped. No less than three hours had passed since she began her lecture. Any semblance of the worries from before, gone. 
Maybe this could work after all.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 (In Progress)
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crow-ur-beloved · 8 months ago
various jrwi headcanons because the worms in my brain (potential autism) wont shut up. no real plot spoilers except for one, but its marked :]
the suckening:
shilo is like vampire immunocompromised, which added to the pile of reasons his mom used to keep him inside the castle because she didnt want him to immediately get 37 different diseases and Die. (if vampires can have allergies then id like to think they can also get sick. i dont actually know if thats possible in the vtm system but i dont care they can in my heart)
genderfuck/genderpunk afab emizel. i feel like thats the only label he'd use, if he had to have one. i dont think hed label his sexuality because he wants to be an enigma. but he Definitely likes men.
bizley said in the qna something that can Only let me think of shilo as aromantic. maybe aro And ace... i dont remember what he said exactly aughhgh i wish i did...
shilo fidgets with his hands like all the time. his mother and uncle tried to get him to stop and sit still because it wasnt very princely and whatnot but my boy needs a fidget toy. i think hed go craaaazy with an infinity cube
i feel like me saying arthur bennett is a bisexual doesnt even count as a headcanon like i think thats just a given. i feel like itd be more surprising if i said i thought he was straight. all beautiful beautiful vampire men have to be lgbtq. its the law actually
arthur never officially broke up with mary. mans just Left one day without warning. probably left a note that said "sorry. -arthur" on it. i doubt he had it in him to say goodbye to her face or his reasoning for it (he thought hed inevitably hurt her because of what he is and what he did to the people he loved in the past, because bad luck seems to follow him everywhere... oughh he makes me ill). he definitely used finding a new lead on anya somewhere else in the country as a good reason to dip. at least, as good a reason as it couldve been for him.
maybe controversial but i 100% think arthur and magnus had a one-night stand at the beginning of their relationship, before magnus met jerome, and they never talked about it again and pretend it never happened. cannot explain how real this is to me.
ftm chip who 100% innately knew he was a dude since the moment he could think. like when the black rose pirates picked him up, he got confused when they started referring to him as a girl at first. probably never got The Talk from them, so was Very confused when he hit puberty. Reuben reluctantly helped him steal to pay for top surgery.
since tritons live at the bottom of the ocean, they would have eyes that are far more sensitive to light to allow them to see better since little light gets all the way down there. gillion was Immediately blinded by the sun when he surfaced and still gets headaches from how bright it is in the oversea, but they've gotten better the longer he's been up there. tritons are built to adapt to all kinds of conditions, so his eyes have slowly been getting a darker bluish-purple the longer he spends above the ocean; they were originally more of a light blue-grey.
in tandem with the last one, chip thinks hes either going crazy or a bad friend because he Swears gill's eyecolor is different than last week but how could that be possible, thats not just something he can do, right? why would he be able to do that???
if gillion gets knocked onto his back without warning he does that thing that sharks do where they get paralyzed for a bit when they get flipped upside down. its scary because he can see everything but cant do anything. he also definitely forgot to tell chip and jay about this fact and scared the Shit out of them the first time it happened around them.
gillion can also change his sex like some fish can. its the reason he can lay eggs. i think this makes it safe to say genderfluid/nonbinary/generally trans gillion tidestrider is highly possible and even probable in this headcanon. what im saying is t4t fish n chips.
not to headcanon all my favs as trans but i cant help it. it is the highest honor i can bestow upon them. anyways. mtf jay ferin. ava always knew and was the first person jay came out to. jay was also 100% named jayson after her father and went by jay most of her life anyway as a nickname and just decided to stick with it instead of picking anything else. may was always very openly-supportive of her. jayson was as supportive as a generally strict, overbearing, unsupportive-in-everything father can be. jay totally came out to him and the first thing he said to her was something like, "as long as it doesnt interfere with your navy training," and may promptly kicked him under the table and made him say something nice.
kiras trans too btw. she came out before jay and helped jay discover she was trans. and that she liked women.
(spoilers for 109 and beyond) chip can't entirely remember what he looks like. everytime he focuses on the illusion of hiding that hes practically just a skeleton now, it changes just a bit. freckles in the wrong places, the wrong shade of orange for his flame tattoos, too much light in his eyes, too much muscle on his arms. jay notices it but cant bring herself to say anything. she knows the illusion is meant to keep everyone from worrying, but, everytime she sees something off about it, she just remembers what he really looks like underneath, and that somehow feels worse.
blood in the bayou:
all these bitches gay as hell. kian is pan. rands got a lot of internalized homophobia. rolan probably too. its the 80s, man.
apotheosis (haven't finished it yet so idk how true these'll be lol):
agender rumi. godbless.
also rumis a theater kid. he got the lead in every musical he auditioned for because he could literally just shapeshift. theyd make up a new identity and appearance for every role and get to know everyone on the cast and then mysteriously drop off the face of the planet as that person when the production was over and nobody would know it was them.
peter has actually tried All Kinds of things. weed. yoga. multilevel marketing schemes. you name it, big chance hes done it at least once and didnt like it. he doesnt know how he ends up in the situations to try it, either.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 11 months ago
AITA for debating hiring outside help for my husband and I's house because we can't keep up alone?
For context: My (26 Fae ftm) husband (28M) live very happy and healthily together. While I'm unable to medically transition due to a bunch of reasons we'll get to, he has been nothing but a solid rock in my life and the one person that has always been on my side. Through dragging me out of an abusive household to helping me with my chronic illness, he's been an absolute angel despite dressing like the devil himself (he's goth). So I don't want any hate on him.
He is ADHD and I'm Autistic. Yes, hello, we are that couple~♡ This does cause us some issues tho as he is unmedicated and I'm just struggling in general with sensory issues for certain chores. So far we keep each other some what afloat, having him do chores that my sensory issues can't handle and my doing ones he can't focus through.
However, as previously mentioned I'm chronically ill. I won't get into many details but it's basically I'm internally bleeding at random intervals. And before people think I'm talking about just my period, no it's so bad that I have once had to go to the ER for a blood transfusion due to this internal bleeding and had times when I was bleeding for over 4 months straight.
My husband and I because of this condition are pretty much struggling financially. I can work but it makes me extremely fatigued since I'm essentially working with constant Anemia. It gets bad enough some days that he can't wake me up without over an hour of effort, even after I've slept 10hrs. The fatigue is REALLY bad. He works just as much as I do, sometimes more because his work is so shortstaffed and he likes to pick up extra shifts to try and save up for the surgery that would hopefully fix everything.
This has culminated though in us both being extremely exhausted near 24/7 for the last year-ish but we have finally hit a break. I recently got a huge pay increase (nearly $200 a week increase) so we are hopeful for the first time in months. We're starting to pay down my extreme medical debt and being able to just go get dinner when he doesn't want to cook.
Here's where I may be kind of TA... Despite this hope, my condition recently did get worse. I've now gone another 3 months still bleeding and having to suffer my Anemia symptoms and medication. This has caused me to fall massively behind on what should be my chores, and while my husband doesn't begrudge me it, it has caused our home to start becoming very, very unhygienic. As someone who grew up with a clean freak mother, it kinda upsets me. He's focusing more and more on me and less on the house so even his chores are falling behind too.
None of that is his fault. He loves me so much he wants to help Me first but it has gotten to where we are both going "we really need to clean the house..." but neither of us have enough battery to do so. Me becuz of my condition and he becuz he's stuck caring for me.
We have enough that we might be able to afford to hire a cleaning service to help us out, but it would cost us some of the freedom and paying down medical bills. I think it'd only be a temporary thing, once I recover from my current episode, we can probably get better... but I don't know how long it will be.
On top of this I'm worried paying for this service will further put off my surgery as we struggle to save up for it again... We've already had to tap into that savings cuz my current episode lost me 2 days at work.
Is it unfair for me to ask to use our new extra money for essentially my not wanting to have to bother doing basic chores? I know I'm tired but I've lived with it so long I could and should probably just push through.
What are these acronyms?
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undertale-fic-librarby · 12 days ago
Hiii! I wanted to ask is, is there more fanfics for error? ( Mainly focused on him and from his perspective most of the time) And nothing +18 other than that any ship is fine! ( I been looking but can't found a lot)
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
How To Create A Destroyer In 404 Days by Inkblot_Skyz (Teen And Up, Complete)
Error has no idea where or who he is. Strange skeletons who turn up one day after you're chased out your Multiverse? He can deal with that. Being mistaken for people he never was, seeing the things who chased you away, and falling for someone, however? He's working on it. [DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters here unless stated, so take my interpretations with a pinch of salt] [Error, Geno and Fresh belong to loverofpiggies @ Tumblr] [Reaper/Death and Life belong to renrink @ Tumblr] [Ink belongs to Myebi @ Tumblr + Instagram] [Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog @ Tumblr] [Blue belongs to the community, formerly owned by popcornpr1nce @ Tumblr + Twitter] [Ccino belongs to black-nyanko @ Tumblr] [Horrortale! Sans belongs to badapplestudios @ Tumblr] [Dust belongs to ask-dusttale @ Tumblr] [Killer belongs to Rahafwabas @ Tumblr] [Lavender/Lust belongs to the community, formerly owned by nsfwshamecave @ Tumblr] [X!Tale and its characters belongs to Jakei @ Tumblr + Instagram] [Red/Fell belongs to underfella @ Tumblr (?)] [More creds in first notes]
Remembering From Nirvana by WintxrCherry (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
Falling into another world after a trial where he were to die via the insufferable place called The VOID, all he could remember, or all that he had known after that was that he did not belong to the place he had landed in. Suffering from amnesia, a glitch struggles to live through a world where he was stuck in the middle of an ongoing war between Empires, and was taken in by one of the royalties from said ruler of the lands for how awful he had looked. it was merely an act of kindness despite the lack of it in the kingdom that took him in after all. Clothed and given food, he was then the new addition in the court, where he quickly rose to the top despite his personality and attitude. Soon, he will go back home. But for now, he will keep recovering in the Empire until he's able to travel across the Omniverse to find his home and retrieve his family from that insufferable Multiverse.
Beloved Flowers by Laughing_Zombie (Teen And Up, Complete)
Error suffers from Hanahaki Disease* ... easy enough, just get rid of them. He does not need love in his line of work. However, he keeps falling in love. And keep getting plagued with flowers. *The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.
His Will To SAVE by Mondi, WintxrCherry (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
It was over, all over. Geno was dead, his brother had moved away with Decans to avoid the decline in his mother's health thanks to the alcohol. Error didn't know what to anymore. But when a fire started and the only thing he was able to do left was hope, time rewound and he found himself back to a time when Geno was alive, and his family back together again, as if all of the things he experienced was a nightmare. But no, it was thanks to the RESET button that he was able to turn back the time. Now with such power, no one will be stopping him from his will to SAVE Geno, even if it costs him his sanity or his life with the ever looping timelines.
God of Destruction or Mercy? by Sar61_Sanz6 (General Audiences, Incomplete)
Error is a laid back god of destruction, hating his job but reluctantly doing it. Rarely destroying, and only copies are vanquished. No one knows he exists, he never leaves the anti-void, having only the voices as company. Nightmare is trying to take over the multiverse, Ink is fighting every day to stop him, Error doesn’t care for either of them. But he wants to love and protect something, to have mercy on someone. Now a person has changed things. Error makes a dangerous choice, one that could cause trouble or a chance. Things have gotten complicated, what will become of this?
Here's a few more fics that are similar to what you're asking for!
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lighthouseshepard · 5 months ago
I know you just had top surgery - how was it? How was the healing process? I’m scared to death of surgery but I desperately need these off
HI NYX!!! ok im gonna try and be as brief and concise as possible because theres honestly quite a lot i could talk about but! heres some thoughts under the cut
so honestly as someone who has had a few surgeries in the past for other medical issues - this ranked VERY low on the pain scale. maybe a 4/10 tops at its worst (although i do understand everyone is different). the surgeon kept telling me "many people do not find this operation particularly painful" and i did not believe him one bit until afterwards. i had prescription pain medicne and antibiotics to take, but honestly i only needed the prescription medicine for about 3 days, and then after that i was fine with tylenol. after a week really i didnt need to take anything consistently, it was here or there if i happened to start moving around too much.
the worst part for me overall was the BANDAGES. after you wake up youre gonna be wrapped within an inch if your life with ike 2 inches of gauze and tape and an ace wrap holding it all together. if you have drains (which i did) you can't shower until they're out and the bandages come off, anywhere from 5 to 7 days usually. mine was 7 days and i was miserable. the drain emptying wasnt that bad tbh, someone helped me the first 2 times and then i was able to do it myself afterwards. if youre bad with blood or bodily fluids then youll def need someone to help you there. the drain removal process, to be completely honest, was. also bad. it lasted maybe five seconds per drain but i didnt breathe right like they told me to and had a vasovagal reaction and passed out. i dont say this to dissuade you! but it was not pleasant
the main thing probably is gonna be stiffness and soreness. you literally won't be able to do anything with your arms for at least a few days - its bordering on 2 weeks for me and im just now able to pull a shirt over my head without stiffness. you DEFINITELY will need someone to help you with basic tasks those first few days, getting food, getting dressed, etc. some ppl get bruising on their chest just from the skin being manipulated and etc but surprisingly i havent had any bruising yet?
also!! again some places differ, but mine was a same day surgery. after a few hours of waking up i was able to be bundled into the car back to the hotel. youre gonna be really groggy but i was able to walk just fine, albeit very slowly with help. the surgery itself was the blink of an eye to me. i remember them putting an o2 mask over my face and then i was OUT. seconds later i was being dragged up out of unconscious well by the nurse's voice.
ill say too, i 100% understand the nervousness and fear. the 2 weeks leading up to the surgery were like. awful andnsnjf. i was so anxious and terrified of the pain only to find it genuinely was not that bad at all. you know the this too shall pass lighter i have. i slept with that clutched in my hand the entire night before surgery. it was very much a "do it scared" situation and having those things of comfort and reassurance whatever they are to you can help immensely. and i did do it! and the relief i felt a week after when i finally got to see made literally all of it worth it. theres still healing to go (i took a month off work also) but im taking it very slowly and trying not to rush enjoyment of this body c: most of the healing process has been letting the body do its natural work and being patient with it, a thing i am usually not. i still have to dress the area for another 2 weeks maybe, but then i can start scar care!!!
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poppadom0912 · 2 years ago
Hi! You have so many good Chicago stories! I had an idea for a Will Halstead fic, if you'd be interested... OC/Reader is a nurse at Med, she and Will are a (newish?) couple. She has been sick or hurt, but isn't telling Will, to avoid worrying him - Sharon (or someone) has been on his ass, for something he didn't do of course, but he's been under a microscope, so she doesn't want to bother or distract him - until she passes out or ends up in an OR (depending on the illness/injury) and he finds out after the fact... Heavy on the angst is always good ;)
A/N: I'm a sucker for angst. Hope this is good enough. I tried researching as accurately as possible but there might be inaccuracies.
I'm posting this is celebration of not failing my exams which means no resitting! I didn't get the high grades I wanted but we move on. Enjoy!! Hope this is good enough.
Warnings: Canon-typical injuries, blood, angst w a happy ending, surgery
Becoming a nurse was inevitable for you because it was the next best thing after a doctor and you didn't want to go through all those extra years of learning and debt.
You were born with a congenital heart defect as a result of your mother poorly caring for her diabetes during pregnancy. All your life, your parents had been on top of your health, always dragging you to specialists and making sure you were still taking your meds.
You moved states several years ago and now you weren't constantly reminded of the defect you were born with.
There were times though when you did get forgetful and Will never complained about your bad trait that you couldn't handle, he shrugged it off and made sure your health was one hundred percent.
Your relationship was in the honeymoon phase, six months in you were both decently comfortable. Everyone was aware of your relationship but you both agreed to keep work at work and home at home.
Recently, Will was under extra scrutiny from Sharon because of a small incident that happened in the ED when his brother rolled up bleeding from his shoulder. No one could blame him for his reaction, it was completely justified but that hospital were being asses and wouldn't let go.
Following this, your interactions at work decreased at your suggestion to make things a little easier for him. And at first, it was working but then it just got straight up frustrating.
All of a sudden, following the intense summer heatwave, everyone's workload doubled and your hours never lined up. You'd be leaving and he'd be preparing for his second double shift of the week.
And things only got worse from there. You were so busy because of the nurse shortages that your priorities began shifting, your health dwindling down the list.
But no one needed to know that.
Week One
"And that's me done, you ready to break?" Will asked, setting aside the tablet on the desk. You both took your breaks together as much as you could, any time you could get together you would take.
"Yes I am." You nodded, slipping your hand into his as you began walking out of the ED. "I remember someone promising coffee from the cart outside."
Will chuckled, rolling his eyes at the reminder of the expensive coffee sitting outside that you loved. Just as he was going to reply, Maggie shouting your name stopped him.
Sighing, your heart felt heavy both figuratively and literally. With a sheepish smile, you pecked him on the cheek with a promise to catch him later on during shift.
Not being able to get a word in, Will simply watched you scurry off to help the next incoming patient, leaving him to change directions towards the cafeteria.
Week two
You should've been more attentive but being short of breath after a run wasn't uncommon. It was early morning and Will's side of the bed was empty so you took what used to be a daily run alone.
As the day progressed, you started feeling tired and your fatigue progressed. It should've been the first sign to you that you needed to slow down and take care of yourself but the next shooting in Chicago just couldn't wait.
"Y/N, are you okay?" April asked, standing besides you with a new file in hand. "You look pale."
"I'm fine." You assured her, nodding as you licked your drying lips. "And before you ask, Will doesn't know and doesn't need to be interrupted, he has a patient in the ICU."
April backed away apprehensively, always trying to check up with you whenever time permitted. Maybe she was also to blame for not being more forceful with her concerns.
It wasn't her fault that she forgot you had a heart disease.
Week three
"I love you so much." You muttered against his forehead before stepping away to leave the dark bedroom.
Will stirred slightly at the contact, shifting under the covers and further messing up his curls you so badly wanted to delve your fingers into but you were on a time crunch.
Just as you were leaving the room, your chest clenched, pain suddenly overtaking you. Clutching onto the door frame, your grip slacked and your bag dropped causing Will to wake up.
"What's wrong?" Will asked in his half awake state, completely disheveled. He was blinking the sleep away while he turned to you and tried to see what was wrong but failed due to severe sleep deprivation.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He continued, voice hoarse like it usually was after a deep sleep
For some reason, you struggled to form words, your chest feeling as though it was being stabbed repeatedly.
And for some reason, you couldn't come up with a logical excuse and you stupidly left without a word to your lover.
Week four
You couldn't ignore it anymore.
It felt like your body was starting to give up on you. You were constantly tired and out of breath and the chest pains never let up, at times, they even doubled and felt worse than the worst of your period cramps.
The biggest flashing red warning sign should've been when you fainted in the bathroom after your shower.
You came home shattered from your 24 hour shift. Just as you walked in the door, Will was leaving for his 48 hour shift. At this point, you really felt like the world was against you.
You were kinda like roommates more than romantic partners. You were barely at home together and at work, you tried to keep interactions to a minimum after the small incident that the board was elevating ridiculously.
Waking up on the bathroom rug, your body felt numb almost paralysed. It was like what movies described comas to be but your chest was still pulsating in pain.
You weren't being a really good nurse because you simply got up, drank some water and ate some food before sleeping it off.
Week five
The silence was suffocating.
The two of you finally got more than two minutes together but words somehow failed you.
With droopy eyes and furrowed brows, your hands itched to grab the blue scrubs covering your chest. If it wasn't for your boyfriend sitting opposite you, you would've been hunched over the sinks in the women's room.
"What's wrong?" It was a question but with that tone, it felt more like a demand. His two words hit you hard, your eyes dragging from the table up to his big brown eyes filled with nothing but eternal love and concern. "And don't say nothing cause that's clearly bullshit."
And for some reason, you flinched.
Licking your chapped lips, you scrunched your eyes closed at the pain encasing your heart. Despite being back on your medication, the pain didn't cease.
"Y/N? Baby-"
For the past week, Will was hypervigilant about his work. Peter kalmik was never his biggest fan so it didn't help he was constantly making his presence known along with the more power holding board members.
You hated how he no longer fought his case and he just conformed, keeping his head buried in the sand and distanced himself from those he cared about.
It got to such a point that when Jay came in with only work intentions, Will physically forced himself to stay well away.
You were so caught up in your concern for him that you neglected your medication on the kitchen counter.
The pain today all of a sudden increased tenfold in the middle of shift. You were helping Doris turn over a treatment room, listening as she talked about her family drama that you loved to hear about when you felt the world come to an abrupt stop.
Before you knew it, breath escaped you and darkness enveloped you.
“Y/N?!” Doris shouted, going around the bed and crouching down besides your unconscious body.
As she started checking your pulse and your breathing, Connor ran in with Maggie in tow having witnessed you fall from the nurses desk.
In a flurry of rushed movements, you were placed on a bed as your friends searched for the cause of your unconscious state. Out of the blue, Maggie spoke up, reminding everyone of your heart condition.
Equipped with the new but old information, the cardiothoracic surgeon was now more than confident he was able to help you.
"Whose her emergency contact? Is it still her parents or has it been changed to Will?" Connor asked the charge nurse as they started wheeling the gurney towards the elevators. They needed to get you into surgery as soon as possible before you deteriorated.
"Good question."
"Page him anyways."
"Already on it."
"I'm a horrible boyfriend."
"No you're not."
"All the signs were there and I missed them."
"We did too."
"I know Connor is one of the best but what if-"
"I'm going to stop you right there." Maggie cut him off, looking at him sternly, eerily resembling the face of a mother telling off her child. "This is no ones fault and you know that, stop punishing yourself for something no one could control."
Will opened his mouth to interject but stopped himself when Maggie held her hand up. "Yes, maybe Y/N should've taken better care of herself but as a doctor, you know that this surgery was inevitable anyways."
"It's better that she was already in the hospital and not home alone where no one would've noticed till you finished in another eight hours." Maggie continued, being more gentle as she got her point across. She was just as concerned but for everyone else's sake, she could be their pillar.
"Look at her Will." Maggie said, gently rubbing him on the back, hopefully bringing him some comfort. "She's in the best hands."
And of course Will knew that, he wouldn't say it to Connor's face but the man was a heck of a surgeon. There was no one else he would want operating on you but he was simply unnerved to no end.
He couldn't wipe off this icky feeling he had. It lurked around him like a shadow and stuck to him like a stain. He felt like a failure - he was unable to help you as both a doctor and a boyfriend - what good was he?
News spread of your collapse around the hospital and as an automatic response, the hospital board stepped metres away from Will, almost like he was sick with a deathly contagious disease.
It was so stupid that it was funny.
Will wanted to rip his hair out. How he was even standing watching your surgery was beyond him right now. He felt sick to his stomach at the sight of your chest cracked open, your heart just there for the world to see.
He never felt so useless before.
Waking up was one of the most confusing scenarios you've ever been in. The last thing you remembered was being in the ED with Doris before blinking and the next thing you knew, you were waking up in recovery.
Your body felt like the heaviest gym weights were sat on you. Your mouth unbelievably dry as your eyes squinted in the dim lighting, trying to look around the room for any sign of life.
And right by your bedside, sleeping in a very awkward position was the man you considered the love of your life.
It must've been the movement of your head, you literally turning your head less than 90 degrees that woke him up because without any further prompting, Will was no longer dead to the world.
Instantly, he was alive and alert, no trace of sleep anywhere on his face as he made eye contact with you.
He felt as light as a feather to see you awake, the biggest weight being lifted off his chest from the relief that nothing went wrong despite knowing Connor made no mistake at all.
"Pulmonary valve stenosis." Was the first thing Will said, easily recognising the confusion painting your face. "Connor put in a balloon. They'll keep you for probably a week to monitor you to see if you need a valvotomy."
You hummed, letting him know that you understood everything he told you without talking. Somehow, without even looking at him, he knew and brought forth a cup with a straw in, holding it to your mouth allowing you to sip easily.
"I'm so sorry Y/N." Will said earnestly, his eyes shimmering as he intertwined your fingers with his. "I wasn't paying enough attention to you otherwise-"
"Stop." You interrupted him, voice still slightly hoarse from not using it. "Blaming yourself helps no one."
"What's done is done." You continued, squeezing his hands when he squeezed yours first. "I'm really the one to blame. If I took care of myself and did something when I first was having problems then we wouldn't be here."
Silence followed, the only sound being the constant beeping from all the machines attached to you.
"Never faint on me again, you hear me?"
"Can't promise you that babes."
"Yes you can."
"You're hilarious Will."
"No, I'm being serious Y/N."
"Don't make me laugh, where's Connor Rhodes, my favourite doctor?"
"Very funny, I think I'll buy April expensive cart coffee next time."
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riding-with-the-wild-hunt · 12 days ago
donations to my friend Suad (@suad-khaled)'s fundraiser have slowed down extremely in recent days. Suad urgently needs funds to secure treatment for her baby son, Khaled, who has suffered consistent health problems since his birth due to the harsh conditions imposed by the genocide, as well as her mother-in-law, who needs a vital double knee replacement surgery to restore her ability to walk. Khaled, though not even one year old, needs multiple nebulizer sessions each day to mitigate the respiratory illness caused by breathing air polluted by debris from bombings, while Suad's mother-in-law endures constant and debilitating pain without access to the care that would bring her relief. on top of all this, Suad herself often suffers from infections and allergies brought on by the lack of nutritious food, clean water, and all other necessities of life, which can only be secured at exorbitant prices, and many not at all. instead of cherishing this time as new parents should be able to, Suad and her husband have had to live in fear, fleeing from place to place to avoid danger, deprived of home, safety, and life, and unable to provide for their child. Suad could not even give birth in peace.
please donate to Suad's campaign if you are in a position to do so and share her posts regardless to help boost support from others. with your help she has reached over 70% of the way to her current goal, which is wonderful, but we can't flag now. Suad and her family still need us - please don't turn away.
(Suad's campaign is #279 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet)
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tkbrokkoli · 8 months ago
#aaaaaaaahhh i missed sm on tumblr i just quickly checked some blogs and it made me sad and happy at the same time#but i rly gotta focus on studying for my exams ugh. even tho i was away on the weekend w some of my friends lol. it was so fun#i haven't had sleepovers w friends since i went to highschool which is over a decade ago#it was so good and fun even tho i didn't get a lot of sleep. but i caught up on sleep on the days since and yesterday and today ive been#feeling p energized c: today i. registered? or maybe declared is a more fitting word. that i wanna change my name and gender marker#and now i have to wait until the end of the year to actually change them. but it's in motion!#i also made an appointment for a chest ultrasound so now i just need a psychiatrist to be able to get top surgery w the surgeon i picked#i recently had a job interview for a student job as a mentor! it won't pay a lot but a bit money is more than nothing#and i enjoy being a mentor so i hope ill get the job. haven't heard back yet#also i found out that all the fellow students that i have become friends w are queer. i am friends w almost all my fellow students that#are queer except w one person. it's funny bc when we all started becoming friends we didn't know that the others were queer.#well i outed myself in front of professors and the class multiple times bc I didn't pass back then so it was obvious that im queer#but i didn't know abt the others. we all just gravitated to each other which is nice. one of them isn't even out to family or friends#at home and another one told me I'm the first person they've come out to so i feel p honored that we can be open and ourselves w each other#we watched so many queer movies and shows on the weekend i loved it#i never would've thought i'd come this far. look at me being mostly mental-illness-free medically transitioning and having a social life#being more comfortable w myself than ever#now i just gotta get a nice degree and a well paying fun job (i've had a shitty fun job before) and tackle all those medical issues i have#like exhaustion. but one step at at a time. i truly feel so good rn!! :D hope you guys are doing good as well#personal log stardate
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nestofsalt · 7 months ago
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Rest in Peace Ava ~2013-2024
On Thursday, 8/22, Ava passed away. She had what the vet believes was a stroke, and they said the kindest thing was to put her to sleep. Ava came into my life unexpectedly 9 years ago in need of help. Her first owners had bought her for their kids and the kids had gotten bored of her long ago. They left her in the garage for the first 2 years of her life. She'd never had hay in her life, having eaten only Kaytee, she was overweight, and had one of the worst cases of ear mites the vet had seen.
She was aggressive at first, biting at anyone who reached into her cage. I'm sure this is something she quickly learned would keep prodding hands away from her in her old home, and the pain in her ears must have been pretty awful at first. The first few days we'd leave her cage door open, but she'd be too scared to explore. I remember when she finally took her first steps out of the cage, she never wanted to go back. She was frantic, running around for hours, flopping over for a few minutes, and going right back to running, jumping, and exploring. Ava'd likely never experienced a world beyond her cage and it was like she wanted to see it all before it was taken away from her again. In one infamous incident, she scaled a baby gate and broke the tip of a nail. Once she seemed to realize she was able to do this everyday, she calmed down, and there was no longer a frantic energy to her explorations.
After her ear mites were treated, she was introduced to our Dutch rabbit, Mordecai. The two hit it off instantly and were inseparable until Mordecai's death two years ago. We had once had a rabbit rescuer tell us Mordecai had terrible rabbit manners, and I think Ava was the same, and perhaps that's why the two of them worked so well.
Ava was fearless and feisty. She had a grunt that sounded like a deep growl and wasn't afraid to bat at you when she was pissed. She would run up and down the stairs, exploring the whole house without fear, much to the distress of Mordecai who was too scared to go down the stairs. He'd wait at the top of the stairs for her, until she returned or until one of us carried him down to join her.
Two years ago, Ava got really sick with an unknown infection. She had cysts in her face and lungs. A long course of antibiotic injections cleared the infection, but unfortunately the cyst in her face was behind her eye and was pushing on the eye and it had to be removed. At that point, she was about 9 and the surgery was her only option but risky. Ava went to the vet for her surgery, and that night, Mordecai took a sharp decline. It was like he had been holding out for her and once she was gone, he let go. Mordecai was rushed to the vet and it turned out he had cancer. There was nothing that could be done except keep him comfortable.
Ava recovered from her surgery, her illness, and losing Mordecai and we were lucky to have her in our lives for 2 more years. She was slowing down, she developed arthritis and had to eventually be put on Meloxicam for life, but was still as feisty as ever. She'd been doing really well these past few weeks, but unfortunately her age and health caught up with her.
Rest in Peace Ava and Mordecai, together again.
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gor3sigil · 8 months ago
Detransition - My Story
[CW for Domestic Abuse, S*xual Abuse, Social Detransition, Misgendering, Alcoholism]
Recently, I watched “I Saw the TV Glow”, and it blew me away.
The ending really made me want to tell a story that happened to me.
Between the end of 2020 until the end of 2021, I detransitionned, mostly socially as I hadn’t started transitionning medically at the time. I did so because of many factors, and I never really wrote about it in details or reflected on it deeply as it was a very hard time for me. But I think that I now have enough hindsight as to why it happened and how it affected me to be comfortable sharing.
So, 2020 was a crazy year for everyone. I was in a T4T poly relationship, living with my partner of almost 5 years and started to go out with another trans dude. Long story short, because this isn’t about this, but I got into a physical altercation with my living partner during quarantine after years of emotional and verbal abuse, financial manipulation and isolation. I had to flee and live with my boyfriend for almost 8 months after leaving. And it was hell on earth.
I tried to not make a big deal out of what happened, but the fact of the matter was I had no place to call home, I was separated from my cat because she couldn’t live with us as my boyfriend’s place was a one room student flat and we struggled to live both of us here, and I had very little money due to not being able to work because of Covid.
What happened next to me leaving was constant harassment for weeks, the people whom I called friends siding with my abusive ex, and I felt so defeated. I couldn’t go back to my local trans community out of fear, and the community that I still had I struggled to trust again. I was supposed to start HRT before Covid hit, but it was cancelled. I got so much shit for just telling my story because so many people treated it as “slander” to accuse a trans woman of abusing me. I had receipts but never showed them, to protect her and myself. While she hurt me, she still was in a vulnerable position and it was out of the question to put her in danger. Let’s just say that I didn’t receive the same treatment in return and got lied about, harassed and bullied by people who thought she could do no wrong.
I started to totally lose trust in the community I used to feel safe in. And one day, I met a cis man. I talked to him, we got a coffee, he invited me to his place later, he got drunk and SAd me.
Two weeks passed, two excruciating weeks during which I felt so far away from everything and everyone, I coped by smoking a lot, I was in a deep dissociative state. I was disgusted, I felt so betrayed, I felt like I had no safe space. I still can’t explain why I did what I did, but after these two weeks, I still had the hoodie he handed me to go home, and I decided to meet him to give it back and talk.
He gaslighted me, using the fact that I was mentally ill to prove that I must have imagined what happened, and I believed him.
Meanwhile, I started getting nasty comments from my boyfriend and his friends for going out with a cis man.
Let me say that again.
My boyfriend was not upset that I was putting myself in danger, that I was starting a relationship with someone who had abused me, that I was in deep distress and not trusting anyone from my community anymore so I basically ran the other way, in the polar opposite way, with someone who treated me like a woman and called my desire for top surgery “mutilation”. What he was the most upset about was that I was going out with a cis man.
I became a running joke.
And when I told him that I had slept with my new boyfriend, he told me that I had “slept with the enemy”.
We had a two weeks break, after which I broke up with him for good. I had my own flat, and I was so fucking traumatized about what had happened with my ex and the vitriol I received for my new relationship that I decided it was enough. I was trying so hard to fit in my local trans community, that barely supported me when I got abused, and now what was left of it shat on me for going out with a cis man, it was the last straw.
For a year, I was having the most isolated relationship I ever had.
J, my new boyfriend, was my world. He told me that I thought I was trans out of fear. That it was a lie. That I just was scared of being abused again so I decided that to become a man was to be safe, but it was not. That all I felt was internalized misogyny I could work on, find my inner feminine self again and be happy as a woman. And I believed him. Oh, how I trusted him. I was not even in my mid twenties yet and he was in his early thirties, he must know better. I started using my deadname and feminine pronouns again. I bought dresses, skirts, even wore make up on occasions.
For a year, I killed myself. Slowly but surely. I was a full blown alcoholic, the relationship was becoming more and more abusive and isolating, I spent most of my time with him, most of the time we were drunk, most of the time things weren’t consensual, and it became my new normal.
I was retraumatizing myself. Relieving things I lived in the past because I felt so betrayed.
I had no friends left, the only one I still had didn’t hear about me until the end of my relationship with J. One time I saw her in the street, I was drunk, and J corrected her when she called me “he”. Said it was “she” now. And I said nothing.
We were in a poly relationship, and after the one year mark, after a few traumatizing hookups with random dudes on Tinder, I found my current partner. And when I started to get treated like I deserved to be, I started to snap back. I started fighting back when J acted out, I started seeing the dark place I was in.
Two things made me realize how bad I had been lying to myself.
The first one was a TikTok trend, the one with the song “My Little Dark Age”. The first time I saw a trans man doing this trend with photos of him being himself, then going back to the closet, and in present times, out. “Just know that if you hide, it doesn’t go away”. I sobbed uncontrollably for hours after seeing it.
The second one was one time, drunk, with my partner, I was telling them about the “time where I was trans”. And I was telling them about binders, and offered to show them how it was when I was wearing it. I had thrown away everything I had related to being trans in a cardboard box. I took it out and put it on. Looked at myself in the mirror. And burst out in tears. My partner hold me while I said in between sobs: “how could I do this to myself ?”, “it feels so right, why does it feels so right ? I though I’d be happy as a woman !”. And I cried and cried and cried.
Two weeks later I changed my name again. 2 months after, I broke up with J.
I wanted to tell this story as a cautionnary one. I know that I failed myself. But I can’t help but think that I was also failed in a way. By my community, by the spaces I was in both online and IRL. I am not blaming the individuals. This isn’t about “detransition”. This is about care.
This is a reminder to care. To be kind.
I don’t regret what happened. It’s part of me now. But sometimes I can’t help but wonder how things would’ve turned out if, instead of making fun of me for going out with a cis man, my then friends would’ve asked me kindly why I decided to go out with him. What changed in my mind between the night he SAd me and now. Or just offered a shoulder to cry on. What would’ve happened if I had been offered support for the trauma I was going through, if I hadn’t been told that in the end, J had won, he “have gotten what he wanted”.
“Why is it always so easy for cis men, to get what they want ?”
And in these statements, I became an object. A “want”. And I think that’s one of the main reason I lost every ounce of trust I had left in people who swore they were on my side and had my back.
You may not understand why people make some decisions. But please, before any politics get involved, remember than whose around you are people. Human. With complicated and sometimes conflicting feelings. Flawed. And worthy of your understanding.
This is about not letting politics and theories make you forget to care for one another, to protect each other, and to be here. It can change everything.
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zack-is-silly · 2 months ago
Ranting about my favorite book ever The Spirit Bares It's Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
This is my favorite book ever I have literally read it twice and I'm about to read it agian
I'm begging you to read it because it is so fucking perfect
This book is set in 1883 and follows the main character Silas Bell, a 16-year-old autistic trans boy, through his time at a school for violet-eyed girls
What I would say is the biggest part of the story is when Silas kills "the rabbit"
The rabbit is what Silas calls his anxiety the rabbit is in his chest doubting everything he does and everything he says and whe Silas is free is only after he kills he rabbit
The veil between the living and the dead is extremely thin and people born with violet eyes are able to push through the veil communicating with spirits and interacting with the land of the dead
This at one point was a job only done by woman has it is an emotional job but when the men of London realized how much this was allowing the girls to learn and grow and understand the unfair treatment the women of London are used to the men make a law that made sure woman could no longer do anything to affect the veil
They used the excuse that the viel was too powerful and caused an illness to women
Silas had the misfortune to be born a violet-eyed girl and on top of that he was autistic spending a decade if tutors to hide this part of him
He spent his time sneaking around with his older brother to study medicine and practice surgeries on pigs and other animals he finds dead
After he fails his attempt to escape an arranged marriage to a speaker the head speaker forces him to go to Braxton's Finishing School and Sanatorium because his son likes Silas
Silas makes friends with some of the girls at the school and on his first day something awful happens
The youngest girl (I believe she was 14) was getting to home and another one of the girls was not happy about this
She claimed the reason the young girl was able to leave was because she had gotten pregnant and ends up getting so anger at her she pushes the young girl off the stairs
Both girls are taken away and the rest of the girls and Silas have to go back to class and do not see the two girls again
Silas when sent out to get flowers is seen by the gardener a violet-eyed man trying to pay off his debt after getting signed into the speakers
He helps the man treat the burn wound from the speakers burning the symbol into his hand
At Braxton's he is visited by Edward Luckenbill, the head speakers son, who scares Silas
I forgot the exact wording but I'm pretty sure it's something like this Edward asking him "What's your real name?" While progressively getting closer to Silas as he backs away
Edward then says (this wording might be off) "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Daphne"
To which Silas thinks "Of course her name is Daphne"
The two actually get closer and end up working together to get to the bottom of what's really going on at this school
And what they find out is so horrible
As a warning if you choose to read further!! This book starts getting into deeper topics mainly sa, rape, sh, and, abuse so if you do not want to hear about that please do not read further
Another facility started by a doctor meant to help veil sick girls brought some examples to the school to scare the girls into submission
One of the girls is the young girl from before having successfully given birth the doctors child
Another one of these girls was someone who the headmasters wife (who is also the only tecaher) had known
This woman had gauze wrapped around her eyes, mouth, and hands
The headmasters wife overwhelmed with emotions ripped the gauze off the woman to find the woman's eyes and teeth and been plucked out and her tongue cut off
She also had bite marks on her wrists after spending presumably years of this torture she tried to escape it the only way she could
After this happens Silas's brother visits the school to help the headmasters wife and Silas is brought into the room to watch
The headmasters wife was the first student at this school the way the school "cured" her was by forcing her to walk on broken glass everyday all day so she couldn't interact with the veil
After this the girls get ready for a feast the school is hosting at this feast Daphne and Silas sneak off to attempt to find more out about the school and find only that there was something hidden in the dressing room
One of the girls Silas had gotten close to was Elizabeth one of the older girls who was sent to the school by the man she was being courted by
One night Silas wakes up to hearing a noise like a cry coming from the bathroom and Elizabeth's bed empty when he wakes into the bathroom Elizabeth is in the tub with her stomach cut open
The man had raped her and she was pregnant she knew the only way out was if they thought she was crazy so she cut into her stomach to give herself an abortion
Silas helps her and actually preforms the surgery well but the girls were woken up by the noise and gathered around to watch and help with what they could
Expect one girl who ran to the headmaster who dragged Elizabeth out and left the girls locked in the dorm for hours
It was almost a full day later when the girls where let out to eat but the headmaster wanted to talk to Silas
Another girl, Mary, refused to leave the room without Silas so the headmaster takes the too of them to the dressing room pulling up the rug to reveal a trapdoor leading to a basement
The headmaster pushes two down into the basement and locks the door
In the room lying on an operation table was Elizabeth
The poor woman had spent her final moments being taken apart and tortured
The two spent a while in the basement talking
Mary started talking about the first girl to go missing, her love
The headmaster and two doctors, one sounding a bit familiar, come into the basement and get ready to start a vivisection on Mary when the headmasters wife runs run saying that Daphne was there to see Silas
The headmasters wife watches through the peephole of the room to make sure Silas doesn't say anything to Daphne
But the two aren't dumb and are able to whisper pretending to be kissing he tells her about what's happening and Daphne promises to get her father to get Silas out of the school as soon as possible (meaning literally hours later)
When Silas is brought back to the basement him and Mary open the veil so the three girls who had gone missing (aka been tortured in the room) freeze the headmaster and one of the doctors the other having run off before he could be affected
A lot happens including Silas finding a letter her brother sent to headmaster saying he didn't agree with vivisections being held at the school (but he still preformed the vivisections and was going to preforming a vivisection on his brother wtf dude), the school being burned down, and Daphne and her father coming at just the right time to save Silas and Mary
Daphnes father lets Silas and Mary stay with him and Daphne but takes advantage of thus and tries to rape Silas
Silas kills him out of self defense (this is when Silas kills the rabbit, the rabbit taking shape as Daphnes father to die) before fleeing with Mary and Daphne
The three spend the rest of their lives being authentic and being themselves
Silas and Daphne marry and Mary spends her life with her wife possessing her necklace
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briarpatch-kids · 3 months ago
i’m one day post-top surgery!! hope you’re having a pleasant winter, feel better soon and enjoy the company of your cats 💜
Congrats!!! I hope your recovery goes as smoothly as possible and the result is everything you've dreamed of!
We're giving the kitties some canned salmon as a special treat tonight! Me and my husband caught a cold from hell but I'm doing quite a bit better today and hopefully, that means we'll be able to do a family dinner with the in laws later this week or next! L (roommates het life partner) is coming over tonight to hang out and play games (he's been warned about the illness in the house and doesn't care. Ableds, lmao)
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skywarpie · 5 months ago
If you’re doing them
Rain carer choice. “You are sick, and I am taking care of you. You don't have a choice”
Copia “No, I'm not pregnant, I just have a stomach bug.” “Don't leave me alone.”
Illness/Sickness starters
Your wish is my command. 🫡
They'd been staring at him oddly recently. Not just a couple of them. No, all of them. It sit his nerves aflame. He felt fine. (He did feel fine, right?) He looked normal, maybe a little more tired but, normal. What if ghouls were like dogs who could predict illness? Oh fuck, was he on the verge of a stroke?!
Well, he was constantly stressed..No, he wasn't going to have a stroke.
Days turned into weeks and the staring got more and more profound. On top of that, anytime he tried to so something, one of them was stepping in and explaining that they should be getting it and he should just rest.
Cirrus had even scolded him for making a sandwich. A sandwich!
Copia knew he wasn't the most mentally stable, per-say, in the ministry. He had a tendency to fall into low ruts where it would take months to coax him from it. But that didn't mean he was incompetent! He was a grown man, for fuck’s sake.
It's when the fatigue and nausea hit that he knock on to his knees.
It had started as waking up early one morning.
He'd been styling his hair and making sure his mustache was all in line when the worst nausea he'd ever felt over came him. It forced him to grip the sides of the sink as he tried to breathe his way through it.
Easier said than done.
It had ended with him hugging the toilet and emptying the contents of his stomach. It was hard to tell how long he was there. Time tended to stop when you were busy puking.
The rest of the day he'd felt much the same. And the next morning. Then the next. And the next. Until finally he was sitting on his tiny mattress, head in his hands and legs stretched out across the floor.
As soon as Rain had seen him in his office like that he'd clearly boasted: "You are sick, and I am going to take care of you. You don't have a choice."
And so he was dragged back to his sad little room, with his sad little bed and sad little TV. He needed go get back to work but eat time he stood the world spun.
"Careful!" The water ghoul hissed as he wrapped protective arms around the Cardinal. "You will hurt yourselves."
Yourselves? Since when was he plural?
The look on his face must have read clearly because the ghoul cocked his head, eying him.
"If you don't take care of yourself, then you're not taking care of the kits."
"Kits?!" Copia had jostled his way free from Rain, trying to ignore the light headedness and panic that was quickly spilling over. "What in Belial's name are you talking about?"
Rain had stared at him long and hard. Almost like he was studying him to confirm an unknown question.
"You do not know?"
"Know what!? That I'm sick?"
Rain's eyebrows rose and then fell. "Kits." He reiterated, placing a hand on Copia's soft belly.
"Get off of me!" He had panicked, shoving the ghoul away and wrapping his arms around himself in hopes to quell his nerves. "I'm not -- No, I'm not pregnant. I just have a stomach bug."
Sure he still had all the working parts. As with everyone, their transition is different. Copia had considered top surgery, but needles worried him and besides, his upper half wasn't so big that he couldn't squeeze into a binder and completely ignore it.
Testosterone had done wonders with filling out his body, adding fat to all the necessary areas to give a fuller figure. He'd even been able to grow his little mustache and sideburns. Hell, he hadn't even had to worry about a period in nearly twenty five years. Yea, he knew hrt wasn't birthcontrol, but it hadn't failed him yet...until now apparently.
There was also the fact that he was in his mid forties. Not completely out of the window, but closer to the 'you will never have to worry about that again' period.
Thoughts consuming him, Copia had began to shake violently.
He'd always thought it'd be nice to have kids, but he never seemed to find a permanent partner until he met Aether and the others. Plus caring for a tiny human seemed fucking terrifying.
He'd watched from the corner of his eye as Rain made his way to the door.
"D-dont leave me alone." Copia hated the way his voice cracked but so many things were currently running through his head right now. If left alone, there was no clue what he'd end up doing.
The ghoul happily wrapped themselves around him, nuzzling his midsection fondly. "You did not know?"
Copia stared down with wide eyes. "Clearly not."
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