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godmadeaterribleerror ¡ 6 days ago
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And You Were Brighter Than The Light Pt. 1
Main Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Pt. 2
Read on A03!
Tags: Bucky Barnes/Female Reader, fluff, angst, no use of y/n, mental health issues, canon-divergent au
Summary/Warnings: There are a lot of Avenger's at the compound. And you never leave your room. It's a good thing you did, though. Just once. Otherwise you never would've met Bucky
Author's Note: I love sad men more than I love myself. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7.6k
Bucky saw an angel.
He was almost certain he saw a real, moving, glowing angel. Hovering over him as the world shifted and blended around him, and She became sharp and clear and the only thing he’d ever need to see again. 
Beautiful. She was beautiful.
He had really missed looking at beautiful things. 
And She had to be an angel. There was no other explanation beside Bucky was watching an angel, perfect and ethereal above him, because everything had been a lot of pain and stained red vision, but She’d placed a soft hand on his brow and he’d been so warm. It had been like summer, the world in a full bloom of color and the air in his lungs impossibly clear. As if She’d injected him with a drug, and his heart was no longer lead but gold, and his every organ and muscle were soothed to relaxed.
Only an angel could make him relax. Go all loose and floppy like a damn rag doll, wipe his every instinct of fight and scrape like an animal when he knew he was vulnerable. 
Bucky was vulnerable here. On his back, with the angel over him and his whole body exposed to the world. But there was no fight in him. No urge to flee or guard anything, though there had been no order to be at ease, no paralytic injected into his blood stream. 
The angel started to hum, and his body relaxed even further. He was sleepy. Not tired or exhausted, with itching eyes and the world blurred in odd shapes as he fought his brain to stay awake, but sleepy. 
Like he was safe. 
And everything would be okay, if he just let the darkness wrap over him as the angel continue to hum.
The last thing Bucky saw before he gave in was Her. The angel. Still beautiful in ways he didn’t have words for, still touching him, still watching him like he was being studied. Like there was a test or trial he needed to pass, but She didn’t expect him to fail in the slightest. No fear on Her features, no caution or tension. Only curiosity and care because She was an angel, so She could look right into him and find all She desired without ever needing to ask. 
The only thing that reminded him that he hadn’t seen an angel was the fact that if death was coming—it didn’t feel like it was, not as the angel kept Her hand on his skin and sleep closed faster in—Bucky would not be headed to whatever paradise had sent Her to his side.
He’d rot away under the ground, and—as the peaceful, purple and blue and green darkness moved over his vision and the angel faded into only a song—pray that Hell truly was a place of fire, because he’d spent long enough in the cold.
Bucky was not dead.
A lot of things hurt, but he wasn’t dead.
It was unfortunate.
Now he’d have to write on of Starks dumb fucking mission reports. 
His eyes stayed closed as he grabbed his every, slightly dulled sense and pulled them back into his body, sharpening them by brute force and keeping his breathing steady and measured. Nobody needed to know he was awake yet. And as long as he remained asleep, he’d have an advantage.
There was a steady beep on a machine, and a little clamp latched onto one of his fingers. A human one. The metals ones were relaxed in thin but soft sheets, and the mattress under Bucky’s bed was stiff and filled with odd bumps. 
He was in the infirmary. He’d gotten shot with a dart on a mission, and the dart had been filled with a poison strong enough to knock him down, and he was in the infirmary. His heartbeat was normal, the air was about two degrees below the normal temperature, and his IV-
There was no IV. There was an aching pain and a heavy weight over his every nerve, but there was no IV. 
They’d need an IV to combat the poison. Bucky wasn’t dead—he didn’t even feel like he was dying—but there was no IV. It didn’t track. There were many, many things about this world he didn’t understand, but medical things were often straight forward and simple. You get shot, you needed stitches. Your arm gets ripped off, you need a new arm. You got brainwashed, you need a psychiatrist. 
You get your veins pumped with a white-hot poison that brings you to your knees and makes the world spin, you need an IV. 
He kept himself together. He wasn’t dying, so there was no need to burst up and demand answers, but someone had meddled with his body and now he’d need to be careful. He’d been certain Steve had been the one who grabbed him after his knees gave out, but Bucky knew far better than to trust his own memory, so now all he had to do was ensure that he kept the upper hand. He’d figure out what these people—whoever had him, whoever had tried to warp something in him that he still couldn’t identify—had done to him when he got back to the compound, and he’d make sure the world was safe from whatever new weapon he’d become, but he had to keep the upper hand-
“I know you’re awake, Sargent Barnes.” 
Bucky heard the skip in his heart through the monitor. 
He didn’t move. He didn’t dare. He couldn’t identify that voice—it was a lovely voice, musical and almost heavenly, honey without being too sweet, a little bit of a rasp or drawl or rough edge around the words—so he’d been right. Someone he didn’t know had touched him, and now he had to think fast-
“I know you’re playing dead, as well.” The woman—Bucky was pretty sure it was a woman—said, and she sounded a little bored. Or annoyed. Her tone was really hard to read. “Steve told me he’d be back in a few hours, so you can keep pretending you can’t hear me until then.”
He wasn’t in a strange bunker or lab, because Steve wouldn’t have just left him somewhere unsafe—Steve didn’t even like letting Bucky use a damn can opener in case it somehow triggered him—so it was alright.
Bucky opened his eyes slowly, and god, why was is so fucking bright-
“FRIDAY, can you please lower the lights?”
“Of course, doctor.” It wasn’t bright anymore. Bucky’s brain felt a little fuzzy. “I have also alerted Captain Rogers that Sargent Barnes is awake. He is running a little behind from the city, and would like to know if Mr. Wilson would be welcome to observe in his place.”
Bucky’s jaw grit, because he was getting on better with Wilson, but he didn’t need the asshole watching him like he was a dog who would bite someone or piss on the floor if left unattended-
“I think I’ve got it, Friday. Thank you.”
Bucky frowned, glaring at the ceiling as his eyes continued to open at a horribly slow rate. When he managed to find his voice, it was hoarse.
“Are you a mind-reader?”
She gave a soft laugh. “No.
“You my doctor?”
“Nurse?” “No.”
Bucky felt his hand twitch slightly. “Guard?”
He turned his head, ready to raise his brow and figure out who the hell Steve had left him with, and the world stuttered. Rewound just a pace before rushing forward, as the beeping of the machine sped up, and Bucky gaped at Her. 
It was the angel. She was real. 
Bucky hadn’t dreamt of or hallucinated Her, she was right here and somehow more beautiful when his mind wasn’t melting into his skull and his blood wasn’t trying to rip out of his body. 
He’d seen an angel. 
“Know any words besides no?” He whispered—god, he sounded weird, and weak, and a little pathetic—and She smiled at him. 
It was the prettiest smile he’s ever. He’d start wars for that smile. He’d end wars for it. He’d reverse the orbit of the earth and rewrite everything that was determined, just to see that fucking smile on the face of a woman he didn’t even know. 
“You know,” She tilted Her head slightly, and Bucky felt himself mimic the movement. Like already, he was bending for whatever will She had. “I think I might.”
Stark’s compound was too big. There were too many rooms, and things, and people. So many damn people, that Bucky had somehow been living in the same house as this woman for almost a year and he’d never even seen Her.
She’d told him that She was—technically—an Avenger, but She didn’t like to fight or participate in things, so she spent most of her time in her private lab, and kept good company outside of the other Avengers. She said they were better than the people, softer too, and Bucky didn’t know what the hell that meant but he liked how She’d said it, so he’d nodded and asked Her name.
It was a perfect name. Bucky hadn’t known there could be perfect names, but this was one of them. He’d repeated it to memorize it—it felt impossibly critical that Bucky memorize Her name—and it had tasted good on his tongue, and felt right to pass through his lips. A little like oxygen. 
She’d explained her powers as well, but with very big words Bucky didn’t think were real. He’d said at much, and She’d simplified with a bright look in Her eyes that reminded Bucky of the moon. Shining and soft and easy to look at and wonder if he could touch it, if he just reached out to try.
He’d had to ask Steve, very casually a few days later so as not to be suspicious, what Biology manipulation could do.
The casual approach had not worked.
“Oh, right.” Steve had said Her name with raised brows. “You finally met her. Not getting her powers?”
“Guess not,” Bucky had muttered “You going to explain them?“
Steve had just shrugged. “Wish I could. Only ones who seem to really understand them are her, Stark, and Vision. Even Banner gets confused. Far as I’ve got, she’s got some sort of harmony with things. I mostly see her when we get a really bad injury on a mission, there’s not enough time for the usual fixes, and she works a miracle.”
Bucky had frowned. “Like the poison.”
Steve had nodded, and Bucky hadn’t pushed further. He didn’t need to give away how he hadn’t stopped thinking about Her—Her smile or voice or face or how She’d sat with Her legs had been crossed like some sort of princess, but She’d looked like far more than just royalty under the harsh fluorescent lights—and he spent a lot of time wondering how he’d somehow missed her, when they’d been under the same roof for months.
She’d told him She was never out much. But this didn’t seem to be true, because suddenly Bucky was seeing Her everywhere.
First it was in the kitchen. Sitting across the counter in the morning, giving Bucky a small, world-ending smiles over breakfast. She never bothered with small talk, only giving him a soft Hi and wave when she walked into the room, and a nod and bye when she walked away. Her presence was always more than enough, though, because suddenly eating didn’t feel like a chore he allegedly had to complete to keep living. 
It was period of time he got to see Her. See how She moved through the world, see how She’d take her eggs and what drink she’d have and which mug was Her’s, because then he’d place his right next to it like a fucking creep. 
But he liked it. He liked how their handles would bump against each other, and how when Bucky would leave his mug in the cabinet first—leaving the kitchen before She did—he’d still find them in their right place. 
Besides each other.
He liked how She’d chase the last three soggy cheerios around the milk with an adorable, focused frown. He liked how She’d run her hand through her hair like it soothed her, and it would always make his fingers flex to mimic that movement as well. She seemed to tilt Her head whenever she was thinking, and She sat with her legs crossed, and sometimes—when She’d wear headphones—she’d tap her nails in perfect rhythm with the song.
Bucky really liked how She held her spoon. It was an odd thing to like, but that didn’t stop Bucky from being entranced every time She moved. She’d spin and flip it in Her fingers, and set it down very carefully when she was done.
And Bucky liked it. He liked Her.
He liked Her so much he couldn’t stop looking at Her. She looked like an angel in every light, but the breaking colors of the sunrise made Her look like art. Bucky wished he could paint, or sculpt, or do something besides grip his fork like a weapon—it was—and stare at Her-
“You have hot sauce on your face.”
Bucky blinked at Her. She hadn’t looked up at him. If they weren’t alone, he wouldn’t be sure she was speaking to him.
“Hot sauce.” She repeated, raising a finger to point at Her cheek. “Here.”
She was right. Bucky mirrored Her movement, and his fingers came away red and sticky.
There was a moment where his heart fractured and stumbled against his will. He knew it wasn’t blood. He knew he hadn’t hurt anyone. But his body was quicker and played dirtier than his mind, and it went into overdrive. 
Blood. Horrible and tainted on his hands, and it was choking him but he’s breathing just fine, and his skin is burning and wrong on his body but there’s nowhere else for it to go-
A foot bumped against his under the table, a soft song filled his ears, and the world became light and easy. 
Bucky breathed, and Her foot stayed pressed against his. 
She’d never once looked up from Her cereal, and when he walked into the kitchen the next day, there were napkins on the counter.
After that, She was at the stupid, mandatory team-bonding meetings. Steve and Stark’s well-meaning—at least in Steve’s case—late night movies, games, or required two hours sitting in the common room and not fighting with each other.
He’d never seen Her at one before. They were mandatory, and not in a flexible, do your best to come kind of way. Bucky knew that, because he’d tried to skip them, and Steve had dragged him by almost the nape of his neck. 
But She’d missed all of them. And suddenly She was sitting silently in the corner, and Bucky knew it wasn’t just he who noticed. Bruce offered Her a drink with wide eyes, Sam cleared his throat in the middle of a conversation, and nodded to where She was sat with a questioning expression that no one had been able to offer an answer to, and Stark had been staring at Her all night. 
But it wasn’t the way Bucky stared—where he was trapped staring at all the stars condensed before him, and he never wanted to look away—but like a bomb, set to go off any second. 
“Dr. Dolittle’s out of her cave,” Stark muttered to Steve at the bar, and Bucky didn’t think he was supposed to be listening, but he didn’t really care. “You call her?”
Steve shook his head. “She told me she’d be here. And it’s not exactly a bad thing, Tony. We’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for almost two years-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m just-“ Tony glanced over to where She was sitting on the floor playing solitaire with a deck of beaten cards, a weary expression on his face. “Heads up would’ve been nice. Good. For all of us, not just me and my paranoia.”
“She’s not going to do anything-“
“But she could.” Stark shrugged, giving Steve a pointed look Bucky didn’t understand. “Half a thought and all of us are dead, Cap.”
Steve sighed, but didn’t push back, and Bucky frowned. She was an angel. She wouldn’t kill anyone. Bucky didn’t really know Her, but Steve said she didn’t like doing missions, and she didn’t really seem like the killing type.
But Tony spoke of Her like she was dangerous. Unpredictable.
It was just another thing to be added to the list of things Bucky didn’t understand. 
And She was there the next week. And the next. Over and over until people weren’t acting like She was a shocking presence, but rather a phantom. Visible, but not real. She always played solitaire. She always sat in the same corner, and she never participated in the actual team building.
Bucky realized She only ever really spoke to four people. Steve and Tony when they spoke to Her, Wanda when she’d drop at Her side and they look anywhere but each other as they had a quiet conversation, and Natasha when she brought Her food. 
Bucky wanted to talk to Her. More than just quick words exchanged in the kitchen. A real, normal conversation to learn how She said different words, and what She thought of things, and if when She smiled with full light in his direction it would be as powerful as he thought. 
“I can play solitaire.”
She looked up at him with a completely neutral expression, and tilted Her head to the side. “Congratulations.” 
Bucky stared at Her, and she just stared right back. It was unsettling, and his heart was going to pound of his chest, and it had taken twenty minutes to walk over here but he was ready to damn it and flee like a coward-
“Can you play war?”
“I-“ Bucky swallowed, and he probably looked like an idiot, but She was looking at him so nothing else really mattered. “War?”
She nodded. “The card game.”
He shook his head, and She shrugged.
“You’ll learn.”
He did. It was boring and simple and repetitive, and he liked it, too. He liked that he didn’t have to think, and that he could never be doing anything wrong, and that She was talking to him the whole time. She asked him questions, and he answered, then She’d hum and offer him Her own answer like a reward.
“Do you have a favorite animal?”
He nodded, flipping his top card over and watching Her carefully. There wasn’t a wrong thing to say here, it was a personal preference.
Bucky was almost certain he’d be able to create an incorrect answer, without even trying.
“I like cats.”
She hummed. “Me too. I know a few, if you want to meet them.”
It had been an odd way to phrase that, but She seemed odd. And She kept talking, so Bucky hadn’t pushed it.
“Are you drinking?”
He shook his head. “Doesn’t work on me.”
“Super Soldier?”
He nodded, and She hummed. 
“I don’t drink unless Natasha makes it.” She told him, folding Her cards back into a neat little stack, shuffling them without ever breaking Her gaze. “All the other ones are dogshit at it.”
Bucky had to swallow his snort. “I’d believe that.”
“Do you watch movies?”
“Not really, no.”
She tilted Her head at him. “Have you tried to?”
Bucky raised his brows. “Tried to watch movies?”
She nodded, and he shrugged.
“They all seem to be the same these days. Not that interested.”
She made a face at that. “They weren’t all that different in the 40s, Bucky. I’d argue they were worse.”
She’d said his name. She’d said Bucky, and he’d never loved his name more than when it was spoken by Her.
And he’d agree to anything She told him, so he nodded. 
“You, uh-“ He paused, watching Her carefully. “You got any recommendations?”
She had hundreds. She had more opinions on what Bucky and Steve had missed than Sam did, but She was cute and bright-eyed as She said them, and Sam was just annoying.
Bucky wouldn’t remember everything She told him.
But that gave him an excuse to talk to Her later.
She looked around the common area, scanning over the crowd of slowly dwindling avengers. “Do you guys really do these every week?”
“We’re supposed to.” Bucky shrugged. “If we don’t, Tony revokes our FRIDAY privileges.”
She frowned. “That’s dumb.”
Buck couldn’t stop this snort, and it didn’t hurt when it broke out of his chest. “You’re telling me.” He muttered. “How come you haven’t been dragged into one before?”
He didn’t expect the full answer. He didn’t get the full answer. But She did run a hand through her hair as she flipped another card, and he got an answer, which was more than enough.
“Because I didn’t want to.” She said. “And Tony’s scared of me. Most of them are.”
“They’re scared of me, too. I still end up here.”
She shook Her head. “You’re unstable, but not dangerous. It’s different.”
Bucky stared at Her, unable to hide the expression of pure, numbing and dizzying shock on his face. “I’m unstable, huh?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “But it’s not loud. It’s colorful. And don’t worry. All of you are unstable. Except him.” She pointed to Vision, standing silent behind Wanda with a small smile on his face. “I don’t know about him.”
She was really pretty. And She’d just called him unstable, but She’d also called him colorful, so Bucky wasn’t really all that offended.
And he still liked Her.
He couldn’t find a part of Her he didn’t like. He needed to, but he couldn’t.
There had to be one part. Just one thing about Her that could be a flaw, that Bucky could cling to and force Her to seem more human.
Because from the start, the sight of Her made his heart skip a beat before falling into a strange time, and his brain would feel less like a burden, and his whole body would turn warm. It was strange, and dangerous, and distracting. It grabbed his attention and demanded his devotion without Her ever speaking a word, and since Bucky started talking to Her, he failed to find something to kill that odd reaction. It could prove deadly. 
It felt deadly. It felt like a sickness that he didn’t want to be cured of. And every time he’d go to another mandatory meeting She’d be in the same corner, and they’d play war and talk, and Bucky knew so much about Her and he liked all of it. 
“What would you add to the compound?” Bucky had started to ask the questions. He still always answered first. “I want a computer.”
She gave him a strange look. “You don’t… Have a computer?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t know where to find one-“
“You buy one.” She said, a small frown on Her face. “Just like a phone.”
“I didn’t buy my phone.” Bucky shrugged. “And I don’t like it. Only use it cause Stark makes me.”
She raised her brows. “So why do you want a computer?”
“I’m trying to catch up with the times.” He drawled. “Sam says everything’s on computers. Answer my question.”
“What would you add to the compound?”
“We need more water.” Her answer was almost immediate, and She was still looking at him. “You know a computer isn’t an addition, right, Bucky? A hedge maze would be an addition.”
Bucky frowned. “Why would we need a hedge maze.”
“We wouldn’t. But don’t waste your wish on something I can bully Tony into buying you-“
“You’d bully Stark for me?” Bucky stared at Her—She might be better than an angel—and She shrugged.
“I’d bully Tony for a pack of stale gum.”
He snorted. “Well then, don’t let me stop you. Bully away, doll.”
The word slipped out, and even in the low light of the common room, Bucky could see Her flush. 
It was beautiful. It made Her look more like at least something heavenly, but more tangible as well. Like he could reach out and hold Her cheek, and it could, maybe, be warm. 
“I will,” She mumbled, Her fingers stuttering for the first time as she flipped a card, and Bucky liked Her more.
This was cancerous. It only spread, and he lost a little sleep because he couldn’t stop picturing her, and he kept turning around to look for Her in places he knew she wouldn’t be, and all his dreams were plagued by Her smile.
Because She’d smiled. At Bucky.
He’d been training in the compound gym, and She’d been there, and the world had done its little skip as Bucky just watched Her.
She wasn’t alone. She and Natasha had been sparring on a mat—almost dancing around each other with unwavering focus—and She moved with an unsurprising grace that drew Bucky in like a moth to a flame.
He’d heard Sam say Her name from somewhere behind him. “She’s out early.”
“Nat said she asked to move their training,” Steve had said, and when Bucky glanced over his shoulder, Steve had been watching Her and Natasha with a curious expression. “Didn’t mention why.”
Bucky had frowned, and forced his voice to remain casual. “When did she train before?”
“Midnight.” Steve had shrugged, then Sam had said something about not wanting Bucky and Steve to forget he wasn’t a super soldier and could be crushed under weights, and the conversation had moved on.
But She and Natasha had stopped for only a minute. And She looked over from the mat, spotted Bucky, and smiled.
Just for him. Just from the sight of him. Just as blinding and critical as he’d thought it would be.
Then She’d mouthed Hi.
He’d mouthed Hi in return, and She’d smiled again. 
Are you training with them? She’d pointed to Sam and Steve, Bucky had nodded, and She’d shaken her head. Don’t. Steve is going to fart soon, and it’s going to smell.
Bucky had blinked at Her. How do you know that?
She’d shrugged, and ignored the question. Can you tell Sam to stop using Redwing around the Compound, please.
Why don’t you tell him. He’d pointed at Her, and She’d given him a flat look.
I don’t want to. And you’re friends with him.
I am not.
You are.
Bucky rolled his eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips. He’s not supposed to be using it at all, doll. Tony yelled at him already. Are you sure?
She’d nodded, and Bucky could’ve sworn She was flushing. Positive.
He raised his brows. How?
The birds told me. 
Natasha had said Her name, their silent conversation of gestures and exaggerated movements ended, and Bucky had been left staring at Her.
She was odd. Incredibly odd, in a way that only seemed to feed into Her beauty. He couldn’t stop staring, and he knew that was a general problem, but it was amplified with Her. Sam had to hit him on the shoulder to get his attention, and would only stop wiggling his brows and making kissing noises when Bucky told him to stop using Redwing around the compound, and he froze. 
“How’d you know I’m-“
“A bird told me.” Bucky had repeated Her reason. From Her it had sounded mysterious and elusive and ethereal.
From him it just sounded insane. 
But it worked, and Sam called off Redwing with a grumbled threat at Bucky not to snitch to Stark.
Ten minutes later, Steve farted so loud it shook the earth, and they had to clear the training room due to the toxin-like smell.
As they walked out the door, She gave him another smile, and mouthed, told you.
You did. He mouthed back, and prayed no one was looking. He was grinning like an idiot. Are you hungry?
Bucky’s heart shifted back to lead and dropped to his stomach, but there was a shimmer in Her eyes, and she wasn’t done.
But I’ll go with you.
He blinked, but nodded. She would go with him. He’d go with Her. He’d go almost anywhere with Her.
And there wasn’t a single thing about Her Bucky didn’t like. 
“You don’t have to do this for me,” Bucky said Her name, trying and failing not to stare at where Her hand was wrapped around his wrist. The metal wrist. She was touching the metal wrists and wasn’t recoiling, even though there was no heartbeat to feel under her fingers. “I said I was curious, not about to die if I didn’t see-“
“I’ll die if you don’t see.” She shot him a small, soft smile over Her shoulder again, and there he went. 
She’d die. Bucky couldn’t allow that. 
He was a goner. 
“Alright,” he muttered, although nothing changed. It hadn’t been as if he’d been fighting Her all that hard before. “You gonna tell me what to expect?”
“No. It will ruin the surprise.”
Bucky opened his mouth to protest, but She wasn’t done. 
“And I know you hate surprises. You’ll like this one.”
He paused, and nodded. He trusted Her. More than he trusted himself.
“If you’re wrong, we’re skipping the next meeting together and you’re taking the heat for it.”
“Deal.” He could hear the smile in Her voice. He’d taught himself to identify the sound under a million feet of water and over the loudest ringing in his ears. “You know we can do that anyways, right?”
Bucky shrugged. “I’m not trying to force you fight with Steve, doll-“
“Why?” She shot him an amused look over his shoulder, and it struck him like lightning. “I’d win.”
She’d fallen back a pace, until Bucky wasn’t being dragged behind Her, and—if he grew a new pair of balls and damned all the possible consequences—he could tug Her to rest under his arm.
“I’m not doubting that.” He said, hoping his voice was a little steadier than his heart. “I’m tryin’ to save my friends’ honor. You’d destroy him, and then you’d need to do the paperwork for it. There’s a lot of paperwork involved in this shit. You’d hate it.”
“I know.” She ran a hand through Her hair, giving him a small smile. “But it would be worth it. If I don’t have to go to all of them, you shouldn’t either.”
Bucky grinned. 
He’d been doing that a lot lately.
She stopped outside a large, metal door, and this was it.
This was Her room.
“Are you-“
“Don’t ask me if I’m sure, Bucky.” She gave him another smile, and he folded once more. “I don’t do things I don’t want to.”
He frowned at that—suddenly, many, many doors of what She wanted to do were open, and he both wanted to explore all of them and stay comfortably in the dark where that statement could mean what he wanted it to mean—but She was moving, and he had to follow Her.
He’d asked what was in Her lab. She’d said everything.
He’d shaken his head and said everything couldn’t be in Her lab, because that didn’t make any sense. 
She’d said She’d show him and prove it.
And now they were here. 
She paused with Her hand over the scanner. “You’re not allergic to anything, right?”
She pressed Her hand down, the door opened, and Bucky’s jaw dropped.
It was everything. Open grass and trees and so many animals he was almost certain he had to be seeing things. Maybe he’d hit his head, and this was a dream. Maybe this whole thing had been a dream, and he really had died that first time he saw Her. There was no other explanation for how Her palm was still resting on his chest, or how there were an impossible amount of real animals looking at him with possibly more judgment than people did.
He said Her name as the door closed behind them, unable to look away from where a moose was staring at him. “What the hell is this.”
“My lab.” She said, and when he shot Her a glare, she was smiling.
It melted most of the barbed wire that had formed over his skin. He was still really fucking confused.
“Why is your lab a zoo-“
“It’s not a zoo. And they don’t like that word, don’t use it.” She nodded to the animals, who were all still staring at Bucky. “Tell them who you are.”
He blinked at Her. “Will they, uh, they going to understand me-“
“No. But I’ll translate.” She shrugged. “They’ll trust you more if you do the introduction yourself.”
Bucky nodded slowly, and he wasn’t sure how the hell his life had led him here. Telling a room full of horses and dogs and birds—a lot of things were starting to make sense very quickly—that his name was James Buchanan Barnes, and he was a super solider, and he was Her friend. 
She repeated his words in English, and when he frowned at Her, she gave him a small smile.
“They understand when I say it.”
“Oh.” This had to be a dream. “What.”
She tilted Her head at him. “You know how my powers work, right?”
“No?” Her eyes widened. “Why don’t you-“
“You never told me, doll.” He gave Her a pointed look, and realized they were walking further into the strange room. The animals weren’t really looking at them anymore. This was still insane. “I had guesses, but none of them were this.”
He gestured to the room, and She sighed.
“That’s… yeah, that fair.” She ran a hand through Her hair, nodding to a bobcat as they passed it. “Do you want to know?”
“I think I need to.”
She smiled again, and nothing could be that bad. Bucky was still making Her smile.
“I’m in perfect harmony with all living things. So I can sense anything within anyone’s body like it’s- kind of like it’s sixth sense? And I can speak to animals, obviously, and I can manipulate bodies to a limited extent-“
Bucky frowned. “Like healing things?”
She nodded. “Yeah, but it takes a lot more focus and energy. And it kind of hurts. I get a tension headache. I usually hum to focus properly, otherwise I get dizzy.”
He felt his jaw tick. She’d healed him. When he’d first met Her, she’d healed him.
He didn’t know how to reckon with that. He’d caused Her pain. Just to save something already damned like Bucky was, She’d hurt herself-
“Was I right?”
He stared at Her. “What?”
“The surprise. Was I right?” She was watching him carefully, something delicate behind Her eyes Bucky might rather die than break. “Did you like it?”
He gave Her a soft grin, and she was already standing taller before he even answered. “Yeah. Fine. You were right.”
She looked back to the path ahead of them—there was a path, a real dirt path, and they were somehow still walking, and science really could do weird fucking things—and hummed. “I know.” He chuckled, falling into perfect pace beside Her, and Her voice was softer when she broke the easy silence.
“They like you.”
“Them.” She said, nodding to a passing fox, and made a loose gesture to the madness around them. “They like you. They don’t like anyone but me.” She paused, tilting Her head the air. “Except the ants. The ants like Scott.”
“Why do you think they like me-“
“Because they told me.” She shrugged. “Do you want to meet the cats?”
All Bucky could do was nod, and follow Her deeper into the lab. She was explaining a lot of things about how Stark had designed the lab specially for Her, and made artificial sunlight for the animals, and they could all come and go as they pleased but most of them—Her included—preferred to stay. 
“And you’re a doctor, right?”
She let out a soft laugh. “Yeah. Of Zoology. For obvious reasons. But they do most of the work in here. I just transcribe it.”
“Oh.” Bucky frowned, Stark’s voice tugging at the back of his skull. “Can you kill people?
She didn’t flinch at the question. Or sound offended. And She was showing him all of this when nobody else had gotten to see it, so Bucky pushed a little further.
“Just like I can heal things, I can hurt them.” Her voice was incredibly causal. The fake sunlight made Her hair fill with colors Bucky had never seen before. 
He’d never seen Her in full sunlight before.
It made Her skin glow and Her hair look like a halo and Her eyes somehow brighter. It made Her look more like an angel.
He never wanted to leave this place.
“I could stop a heart or shut down a brain, if I wanted.” She was still talking. Her voice was like a hymn. “But I don’t.”
“That’s why Stark is so afraid of you?”
She nodded. “That, and I have an army.” 
Bucky raised his brows. “The animals?”
“Yep.” She gave him another smile. “You have them too, now. They really like you.”
He chuckled. “You know, you’ve said that already-“
“I’ll say it again, Buck.” She waved him off. “You need to hear it.”
She slept in Her lab. She had a little, undisturbed hut in the back, and it had a kitchen. Bucky tried not to think about that too much. How She’d never need to leave, if she didn’t want to, yet She had.
And She was spending more and more time there again.
But Bucky was too.
He’d never found something not to like about Her. It was a little too late to turn back now. He liked it here, because he liked—more than liked, loved, but that was a terrifying word that felt like too much and not enough all at once—Her. Being near Her. Watching Her be somewhere She liked, where she was comfortable, and where they were both wanted.
She hadn’t lied. The animals did like Bucky. Sometimes they’d greet him, when he was in Her lab. He was friends with all the cats, and a few of the varying canines, and a lot of the birds. After they moved breakfast from the kitchen into Her little sanctuary, he’d started to bring them things from the kitchen, and they liked him all the more. She’d told him She tended to like animals more than people, and he understood that. They seemed nice, and he’d seen them all care for each other and Her—he liked that there were living things that seemed to care for Her as much as Bucky did— and sometimes an animal would walk up, She’d start talking to them, and Bucky would just watch Her until he was invited into the conversation.
“Josie wants to know if you’ve ever had fish.” 
Josie was a wolf. The small one, who had a large scar through her ear. Bucky was still trying to learn all their names, but he was getting better at it. 
“I have.” He told Josie, looking her right in the eyes. According to Her, it was better if he addressed them directly, even if She still had to translate. “A lot of it.”
She repeated the words, Josie made a noise, and She turned back to Bucky.
“Did you like it?”
He shrugged. “It was fine.”
She smiled at him. “Just fine?”
“I’ve had better.”
“Like what?”
Bucky paused, watching Her carefully. “I like stir fry.”
She nodded, and the conversation moved on.
Three days later, dinner was stir fry.
Sometimes, if Bucky was having a shit night, he’d knock on Her door and it would open for him. She’d asked FRIDAY to let him him whenever he asked.
He was almost certain even Stark didn’t have that privilege.
Tonight was worse than normal. Tonight had been suffocating. Not like air was stolen from him, but like there was too much. Like his lungs were being stuffed and he couldn’t find a way to dig the oxygen from his lungs, because he’d demanded more than he deserved, and a bill always came due. The other shoe would always drop. Everything had been good lately—and it was because of Her, but he didn’t know how to say that yet—but that just meant the crash would be worse, and the fall would knock his heart right out of his chest. 
It wasn’t really in his chest anymore, though. It was in Her hands, and she didn’t even know. 
And when he found Her tonight, something felt different. She didn’t ask questions, when he stopped at the edge of Her bed with hair stuck to his brow, shifting on his feet as he waited for permission.
She just stared at him, and something frightening and hot rushed through Bucky’s body when he realized he’d forgotten a shirt. He’d woken up in a cold sweat with an image of a metal hand around Her throat, imprinted on his vision, and his own screams echoing in his head as his body pressed on no matter how hard he fought to stop, stop hurting Her, Bucky loved Her so why wouldn’t he stop hurting Her-
And he’d rushed to Her room.
And he hadn’t put on a shirt.
She could see all of him. It was too much. All his scars on full display, and She could see where his skin became cold metal, and She loved living things so how could She love him-
But She didn’t ask questions.
She just scooted to the side, gave him an expectant look, and followed his movements with shining eyes as he moved to sit on Her mattress.
When he dropped at Her side, he felt like he should say something. They’d done this before, but there had never been this easy, warm hum in the air, and he’d always had a shirt on.
Then She twisted in the sheets to cross Her legs under her body, and started to scan over him. Over his skin and metal and scars and hunched position on Her bed, Her expression unreadable in the artificial moonlight.
Bucky had been judged before, in a court, where they decided if he was worth anything more than a cell deep underground or adrift on the ocean.
This felt more important.
“Can I touch you?” Her voice was soft, and suddenly there wasn’t enough oxygen. 
He nodded, and She reached out with careful fingers, slowing tracing over every scar on his chest with that same unreadable expression. It was an effort not to shiver under Her touch, not to lean forward and try to take more when he was owed nothing. 
But there was something strangely calming about it. There was nothing hateful in Her eyes, and she wasn’t recoiling, and everything felt blurred and soft around the edges, and his head was lighter on his head than it had been in eighty years, and She was humming-
Bucky grabbed Her hand, narrowing his eyes. 
“You don’t have to do that.” He muttered, squeezing Her hand in his. “I’m not worth hurting yourself-“
“Don’t be an idiot.” She tilted Her head at him, slowly prying Her hand from his grip. “Of course you are.”
Bucky stared at Her, She started to hum again, and this time he didn’t try to fight it. 
He’d been sure She looked most like an angel in the sunlight.
He’d been wrong. 
In the moonlight She looked like heaven. Every shadow seemed to be designed to cast over Her features just right, and the glow on Her skin was softer, but seemed to be coming from inside of Her, and Her hair was floating slightly around Her head as an artificial summer breeze picked up.
But nothing about Her was artificial. She was the realest thing Bucky had ever known. 
And he was almost certain he loved Her. Really, fully loved Her, the way they wrote songs and stories and waged wars for. That he’d loved Her all along, and he just didn’t know how to be positive of it. Maybe he just liked Her, and She was so beautiful he was confusing it for love. 
But he was certain he wanted to be real with Her.
That he wanted to be half as beautiful as She was, to see if he could learn how to find a proper name for the sickness She’d planted in him, and how he gladly rot away from it if it meant She’d be at his side.
“Could you,” he cleared his throat, waiting for Her to look back to him before he continued. “You’d be able to heal them?”
He didn’t have to elaborate on what he was referring to. And Her gaze darted back to his chest for only a second, Her fingers resuming their path—like She was trying to map him, memorize him the same way he’d memorized Her—as She looked back to Bucky.
“I could.” Her voice was soft, and Her smile was softer. “But I won’t.”
He swallowed, his voice almost a croak. “Why?”
“Because I like them.”
Bucky felt real. She was still touching him, and She looked like an angel but She was watching him like he was holy, so he felt human.
And, for once in his life, he was sure.
End Note: Have any of you seen the Avenger's episode of Phineas and Ferb?? That's what we're channeling with Her lab.
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gloomwitchwrites ¡ 1 year ago
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Tattoo Artist Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Chapter Specific Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): foul language, suggestive themes, brief non-consensual grab (non-graphic)
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: Part One of Ink & Needle
Inside the club Riot Room, you meet a masked stranger.
Chapter Two
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // ink & needle masterlist
The puddle in the caved pavement ripples as a raindrop shatters its silent surface. Small, but growing larger and wider until the water is still again. Another raindrop falls from the sky and the process is repeated.
A beginning. An end. A beginning. An end. A—
Fresh start.
New roots.
The brick that starts the riot.
All things have a beginning. This moment is no different, because it feels like the start of something, and for so many fucking reasons.
And it’s not just the water. It isn’t only the water. There is a neon sign, and its reflection is in that tiny pool. A bright pink that is at odds with the old London architecture surrounding it. Maybe the color is melting, or maybe it’s your imagination, and your brain has finally kicked off and this is its farewell salute.
Why, when you are here for someone else’s beginning, does it really feel like yours? It’s not sour or sweet or foul or sticky but heavy as if your boots are filled with liquid cement.
This is supposed to be Evie’s night. This is her bar crawl. This is her marriage. This is her bachelorette party. But now you’re at the last place of the evening, and everything is suddenly barring down like an avalanche.
Riot Room blares the pink neon sign. It’s loud, and the very edges of your consciousness ache from how bright it is. You’re not even standing that close.
Below the sign is an archway with an open gate. A tall man in all-black stands off to the side of it checking IDs and handing out wristbands. From the open gate comes a pounding, shredding beat that you’re not sure is heavy metal, electronic, or a combination of the two.
Riot Room is completely different from the other places you’ve visited tonight. The four places before this were all quaint pubs with odd names and a nostalgic sense of comfort. Riot Room is a club. There is nothing quaint or nostalgic about it.
Two scantily clad women in black leather wearing large coats trot by, their heads bent close as they talk to each other. Their lips are painted a dark purple that resembles bruising as if they’ve been kissed roughly.
To your right, Sam’s gaze drops to span the length of one of the women. She looks on in appreciation, her pink-painted lips pursing with interest. Her dark skin is speckled with gold dust and her tight curls are bundled up on the top of her head in two big buns.
Sam’s gaze draws away from the woman’s bare legs. Her gaze falls on you, and you grin widely, knowing she’s been caught. The corner of her mouth quirks with a hint of smile.
She leans in until your shoulders touch. “It’s not like you weren’t looking.”
You lean in a bit more until your noses are close to brushing. “But I wasn’t the one who got caught.”
Sam laughs and pulls away, the sound of it bright and airy. She waves her hand as if trying to ward off evil.
Once she’s caught her breath, Sam leans around you, addressing the two women standing to your left. “Ready, ladies?”
Jade tilts her head, her blue ponytail shifting to fall over her right shoulder. She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. “Did you pick this place, Sam? Seems like a ‘you’ kind of place.”
Sam nods toward Evie with one of her buns. “The bride-to-be agreed to this.”
You and Jade turn in unison. Evie shrugs. “I did.”
Jade snorts and holds out an outstretched hand toward the club. “You hate these kinds of places.”
“Oh my god,” mutters Sam throwing her arms up in the air, her gold bangles clacking against each other.
Evie laughs softly, and the sound is sweet enough to rot your teeth. That’s the thing about Evelyn Green. She is the nicest, most kind-hearted, selfless person you’ll ever meet. Rarely does this woman do anything for herself, and putting this evening together for her was a struggle. Not because she’s difficult, but because she wanted tonight to be about everyone, not just herself.
Evie’s button-nose scrunches slightly. “I told Sam I wanted to come. When am I ever going to go to a place like this after I marry Archie?”
Jade’s lips form into a thin line and she shakes her head. “Archie is the most un-pretentious rich boy I’ve ever met in my life. He’d love you even if you were a plastic bag. And he hates all those events the two of you go to anyway.”
“Yes,” agrees Evie. “But he’s required to go, and once we’re married, I will have to attend as well.” Her face falls slightly, and it’s understandable.
Evie’s fiancée comes from wealth—the old money kind. Archie’s great grandfather is of British nobility, and while Archie isn’t titled, that doesn’t really seem to matter. He is well-educated, and many of his closest friends and colleagues all run in the same circles.
Evie is not from that life. She grew up a poor coal miner’s daughter in southern Missouri. She managed to scrounge up enough money to move to Columbia to attend Mizzou and met Archie during an exchange program. She was in a park, and Archie was playing soccer with friends. Knocked her in the side of the head with the ball. Archie sat with her in the ambulance and the two went on a date the next day.
They’re in love, and it’s a gorgeous, beautiful thing. But not all of Archie’s family is supportive of their marriage. Many look down on her for her background. Evie acts like it doesn’t bother her, but you know different. Those events they attend together cut deep, tear into her until there is nothing left but her forced smile.
Jade sighs loudly and then turns toward Sam, pointing at her. “If I find out you forced her—”
Sam groans and then grabs Jade’s outstretched forearm, tucking Jade against her side as the two of them walk arm-in-arm towards the club. “Oh shove it, Jade,” mutters Sam.
Evie giggles and holds out her hand to you, wiggling her fingers. Grinning, you entwine your fingers with Evie’s and follow the bickering duo.
They argue all the way to the door. IDs are checked. Wristbands are handed out. A cover is paid. And then you’re walking through the gate, under the archway, and into an open courtyard.
That heaviness returns, and your boots feel like lead. Something about this place is different from the rest, and you cannot put a finger on what you’re sensing. It’s a change in the direction of the wind. It’s a falling autumn leaf. There is a shift happening, and you’re not aware of where it might come from.
The night sky is directly above your head, and you can see every star in the sky. To your immediate right—just inside the gate—is a coat check. Next to it is a stage where a man in a Jason Voorhees mask stands behind a DJ booth. He is shirtless, well-muscled, and covered in fake blood. Though both feet are on the ground, the rest of his body shakes and writhes with the intensity of the music. The bass is the loudest aspect, rattling around in your body until you start to feel dizzy.
On stage with DJ Voorhees are several other masked men. They too wear hockey masks, but they are all painted a different color. They don’t wear shirts either and they jump around on the stage, pushing and shoving each other, occasionally dropping down into the crowd to do the same before running to the stage.
The crowd is thick but mostly near the front of the stage. Beyond them on the far side of the courtyard is the bar. It’s long, spanning nearly the entire wall, with several bartenders and barbacks working along it. Next to the bar near the stage is a set of stairs that leads up into a building. People enter and exit through the door. There are windows but they’re entirely blacked out and you have no idea what might be back there.
You scan the length of the bar and find another set of stairs on the other end. This one descends and next to it is another gate—this one much smaller than the entrance—guarded by security. The back wall of the courtyard—the one facing the stage—is lined with people, but there is walking space between them and the crowd near the stage.
Evie’s smile widens, and you suddenly don’t care anymore. This is for her, even if you feel uneasy. Her happiness is the most important thing right now.
“I’m grabbing us drinks,” yells Sam over the music. She gestures with her thumb over her shoulder before she heads that way.
Evie steps a bit closer to you. She’s nervous but eager as she squeezes your hand.
One of the masked men jumps off the stage and into the crowd. They all yell and then he pops up, throwing himself in people’s faces. You instinctually step forward to block Evie as he darts around a club-goer and appears directly in front of you.
“Fuck off,” you yell when he pushes himself into your face. All you see is the purple-painted hockey mask and he won’t fucking move. He just stands there like an ill omen that won’t allow you to look away.
You’re about to speak, your lips and tongue forming the shape of what you want to say. Then, he disappears, as if knowing your intention.
Jade snags your upper arm and leans in, her gaze fixed on the point the guy slipped away to. “I’ll stay with Evie. Go check on Sam. Make sure she isn’t just buying us tequila shots.”
Evie reluctantly gives up your hand as you navigate the congested dancefloor. You have to twist your upper body to avoid collisions. Just through the crowd, you can just make out Sam’s buns. A man steps into your path. He isn’t looking—likely too drunk to even notice that you’re right behind him—and you step out of the way to avoid is wayward swagger.
But there are too many goddamn people, and you can’t avoid them all. Instead of him, you bump into someone else.
“Shit. Sorry. I—” You glance up. “Oh fuck.”
A wraith stands before you, all cold shadow and violent foreboding. Dark eyes surrounded by pale eyelashes observe you from behind a black balaclava. Around the mouth are skeleton teeth but they’re a tad faded which only adds to the ominous presence of this strange man. He is tall, and you have to bend your neck to see directly into his face, and that doesn’t even take into account how broad his shoulders are.
Space is non-existent. The only thing you understand about your surroundings is him. This man is a being out of hell, a creature of fire and blood, and yet you’re drawn to him. You are a pale moth, a gentle creature, and he is the pyre in which you will burn.
He takes hold of your upper arm, and his grip is strong. His strength is both a threat and a comfort. He could snap you in two, but it’s placement and how firmly he holds on to you tells you otherwise. This man is dangerous, and yet through the hardness is a softness in the brow that you recognize as concern. His dark eyes narrow, and as he pulls you closer to him, he leans in before his gaze moves to a stop over your right shoulder.
“You okay?”
It isn’t the wraith gripping your upper arm who’s addressing you. You glance over your left shoulder and meet a softer expression. Black hair cut short, tanned skin, and kind eyes. This man is completely different from the one that still holds onto your arm.
“Fine,” you murmur but realize he can’t hear you over the music. “I’m fine.” This time you project, and he nods.
“Gaz!” He turns away, and a different man holds out a plastic cup full of beer to him.
Gaz takes it and then this newcomer turns in your direction. You want to leave, to walk away, but that’s difficult when your upper arm is still in a vice grip. You shake it, trying to throw the stranger’s grasp, and make no ground. His hand stays put.
“Who’s this?” asks the newcomer, and you recognize the accent as a Scottish one.
“Some wanker ran into her. Knocked her right into Ghost.”
“Fucking hell. You good, Lt?”
Ghost doesn’t say anything, or if he does, you don’t hear him over the music. Shaking your arm again, you attempt to free yourself for a second time. Ghost still doesn’t let go. Instead, he tugs you a little closer until you feel his body heat.
You hate being told what to do, and you especially hate men who cannot take a fucking hint. You try again, ready to smack the balaclava right off Ghost’s face if he doesn’t release you. But he does, and his grip is gone so suddenly that you nearly topple backward.
Acting bolder than you feel, you give Ghost your best scowl before turning toward Gaz, your mouth forming into a smile. “Thank you,” you say, excusing yourself quickly and heading toward the bar.
“What kind of a name is Ghost?” you mutter to yourself just as Sam turns around from the bar. She cradles six drinks in her arms like a newborn baby.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You reach for them, grabbing one before it tips over to spill across the floor.
“Jade sent you, didn’t she?” laughs Sam, handing you another plastic cup. “Can’t trust me after that tequila incident.”
“No comment,” you answer, making sure the drinks you’re holding are secure and won’t slip out of your grasp.
When you return to Jade and Evie, the two women have their arms wrapped around each other, swaying in a little circle, giggling hysterically. The moment you and Sam appear, Evie is pulling away from Jade, reaching for the gin and tonic you hold out to her. When the drinks are distributed, Sam and Jade have one in each hand while you and Evie only hold one.
Before this, the four of you visited four different pubs, and had plenty of drinks at each establishment. While it’s nearing the end of the night, there isn’t any reason for you to go overboard. Slowing down might be best, especially if Sam and Jade are going to double-fist drinks the rest of the night. Tomorrow—technically today at this hour—is supposed to be a spa day with some of the women from Archie’s family. Hungover is the last think you want to be while dealing with them.
As your lips suction around the head of the straw, you feel a pull, a tug toward the back wall of the courtyard. You resist the urge, refuse to look because you know who you’ll find. Instead, you suck on the straw, focus on the bite of the gin, sway your hips until the pounding beat is all you know in your veins.
But the pull won’t release. It won’t slacken. And the more and more you resist, the more it aches to not look, because no matter how startling his appearance is, it intrigues you, makes you think about how long it’s been and how you wish to be touched.
Would he keep the balaclava on? Would he take it off? And why does that intrigue you?
You start to turn, to surrender to the tug, and then snap back to reality, nearly knocking into Jade as you force yourself away from looking. The drink in your plastic cup sloshes harshly against the side but doesn’t spill over.
Evie leans in, her lips close to your ear, and she nods in the direction of the tug. “That guy won’t stop staring at you.”
“Who?” you ask innocently, knowing exactly who Evie is referring to.
“Mystery masked man.” Evie grins, her straw caught between her upper and lower teeth.
This time you look. There he is. Ghost, as his friends called him. He leans against the wall, the same small group of people surrounding him from earlier. They’re all talking, but Ghost is staring in your direction, and his gaze is locked in on you.
You quickly glance away and shrug even as a dull heat warms your limbs. “Looks like trouble.”
“Looks like a good time if you ask me.”
“Evie,” you gasp, bumping her shoulder.
“What?” she laughs, sucking up the last bit of her drink.
Jade goes up on her toes, her head swiveling back and forth. “Who are we looking at?”
Sam catches on and twists, glancing in the same direction. She’s successful first. “Oh my god.” Sam leans in until her cheek is pressed against your own. “That man is staring at you.”
“I know!” You pull back a bit, but Sam doesn’t let you go far.
She bumps your shoulder. “Go talk to him.”
“And say what?”
“Hello. Have anyone waiting on you? No? Great. Let’s get out of here. You can even keep the mask on.”
You roll your eyes. “No. I’m not doing that.” You reach out and snag Evie’s arm. “And it’s her night. Why would I leave y’all for a hook-up?”
Sam finishes one of her drinks. She removes the straw and pops it into the other cup, doubling it up by putting the full plastic cup into the empty one. “Listen, if you won’t. I will. The guy next to him with the dark hair is an absolute snack. Even the older guy with the weird mustache is making my daddy issues purr.”
Jade’s eyes widen slightly. She nods enthusiastically. “Oh he is quite nice.”
“Right? Girl. I could take him and not in a fight.”
“Fine!” you exclaim. “I’ll go talk to him.” You turn toward Evie. “If you’re okay with it?”
Evie grins around her straw. You know what it means. Evie wants you to go because she wants to see everyone happy, but you wouldn’t call yourself excited. That heavy feeling is back, the one that feels like a new beginning.
The issue is that fresh starts are a cleansing. They are often a renewal. You think of cold water, of a slate wiped clean, but there are other markers for such things. Fire destroys but it also creates the opportunity for new life. Controlled burnings are a thing, and this man—this Ghost—can only be fire.
“I need a refill anyway,” you mutter, turning toward the bar, some of your confidence slipping.
You take a deep breath, the alcohol in your blood singing, giving you a feeling of lightness that makes your feet move of their own accord even as they want to drag. It is confounding. You don’t know what you want.
Slowly, you navigate through the crowd, moving ever closer to your wraith. He watches you the entire time. As you draw nearer, and your gazes lock, he straightens. Ghost pushes off from the wall like he’s expecting you to come to him. You notice the rise and fall of his chest, and the way his right hand clenches and unclenches in anticipation.
The gesture is so surprising, you lose all your nerve, walking right past him and to the bar. You don’t have to see him to know that he’s watching. His gaze is a drill, and you sense the bite of it at your back. Your palms are sweaty, and you discard your empty drink in the nearest trash bin.
You order another gin and tonic, handing over a crumpled pound note to the bartender. As you turn around, you notice that Ghost is gone. He isn’t leaning against the wall or even lingering with his friends. They’re still there, chatting away, but Ghost is missing.
Your heartrate kicks up and it’s suddenly so loud you don’t hear the thunderous pulsing beat of the music. It’s like you’re standing in a dark train tunnel, and everything is narrowing down to a single point. The crowd near the bar has grown in the last few minutes. People walk up and down the stairs next to the bar, and now that you’re actually focused on the building, you can some of the interior lights.
Evie, Sam, and Jade are out of sight, but you know they’re probably rolling their eyes, ready to question you about why you didn’t approach him. Better to accept your defeat and move on. Yes, there is a tug, a tether attached to this stranger that you cannot seem to shed, but you don’t know this person. There is no harm in not pushing this further, in moving on, and pretending you never met him in the first place.
“Whatever,” you mutter to yourself, as the roar of the music comes rushing back.
As you squeeze between two people, one of the mask-wearing men from the stage appears from nowhere. It’s the same guy from earlier. The one with the purple hockey mask who threw himself at you and Evie. You step back and bump into someone. That momentum only pushes you closer to him.
Purple-mask cages you in, lunges repeatedly like he’s going to grab you or hit you. It’s intimidating. Awful. You want to tell him to leave you alone, but the music is so loud you’d have to scream.
You step to the left to try and move around him, but he only puts himself back in your path. This time, you form the shape of a bite, ready to sting with your words, but all conscious thought leaves you the moment his hand makes contact.
He does touch. And it is not gentle.
He tugs on your jacket, then your top, then your jacket again. You bat is hand away, try to move out of range, but he is so much faster. His arm goes around you, and then he drags you in like you asked to dance.
“Let go!” You yank your arm free, but the guy still holds firm, guiding you deeper into the crowd.
Everything is hot. Tight. Overwhelming. Stealing all breath.
You pull again. “Let go!”
This time he does. This time, he disappears.
Ghost looms like a dark shadow, his hand around the guy’s neck. His palm is large to the point that Ghost’s hand easily encases the man’s throat.
“Touching a woman without her consent isn’t polite. In fact, I’ve killed men over less. How about you apologize to her, yeah?”
It’s the first time you’ve heard Ghost speak. Even over the music, you easily hear the rough, gruff timbre of his voice. It’s harsh like liquor and yet entirely smooth when it washes over your body and floods your senses.
Ghost drops the guy and he immediately bolts, darting through the crowd and pushing people out of his way. Ghost does not run after him.
Instead, he turns toward you and lowers himself enough to get close. All you see are his eyes which at first seemed dark, but now look like how light shines through a whiskey bottle.
“Did he hurt you?” The concern in his voice is genuine, and somehow that pleases you. There is a small trace of anger, but it’s fleeting, and not worthy of attention. Ghost isn’t worried about your purple-masked assailant. He’s worried about you.
You shake your head. “No.” Lick your lips. Breathe deep. “No. I’m fine.”
His pale eyelashes look like little halos. Is the hair on his head the same? Is it darker?
“You sure?” he asks, this time starting to straighten a bit.
“Yes. I just—I need some air.”
Ghost nods. “Come with me.” His hand gently rests against your elbow, and you accept it. This touch is not a threat, and you surrender to him, allowing him to lead you away from the crowd. They part easily as if on instinct. Maybe Ghost is truly that intimidating.
Ghost leads you to the far edge of the bar near the secondary set of stairs. He does not escort you down the stairs but to the other archway you noticed earlier. The security guard nods at the two of you and then you step down onto damp pavement in a little alleyway.
Your rescuer immediately pulls out a pack of smokes from the inside of his leather jacket. He selects one and then holds the pack out to you. You reach for one. It’s a reflex. You tend to smoke when you drink because it prevents you from drinking more than you need, but sometimes all you do is chain smoke and then you can’t talk the next day. It’s a terrible habit but one you haven’t been able to kick.
“Thank you,” you murmur once your cigarette is lit. He simply nods and pushes up his balaclava to suck on his own.
You try not to stare but you catch the faint hint of a long scar along the edge of his jaw. Beneath that, his entire neck is a solid black tattoo. You’ve seen them before, where people blackout parts of their body in ink. His stretches across the muscles in his neck, and when he inhales, you take note of every ripple of muscle. The strength there is astounding.
Glancing away quickly, pretending you weren’t admiring him, you clear your throat. “I didn’t catch your name.”
Ghost cannot be his name. There’s no way.
He exhales, the smoke drifting up into the air. “That important to you?”
He stares at you for a moment. “Ghost.”
Fuck. Why’d you think he’d say anything different from a man wearing a balaclava out in public. It’s not his real name. That’s obvious, but you’re not sure if you want to push the matter. Yet it does make you wonder why he didn’t give you his real name.
You decide not to push it, giving him your name instead. As he exhales, the smoke fans upward to crown his head like a pair of horns before twisting off into the night sky.
“Why’d you scowl at me?” he asks, ashing his cigarette.
You run your tongue over your front teeth before speaking the lie. “I didn’t scowl.”
“But you were angry,” says Ghost, pointing his cigarette in your direction before he takes a drag.
“You wouldn’t let me go,” you counter, growing annoyed with this line of questioning.
“Someone knocked you down. You didn’t speak or look at me. And I’m the one you ran into. I was concerned.”
“For a complete stranger?”
“I’m a compassionate person.”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “And yet you threatened to kill the man who touched me.”
Ghost points toward the gate, emphasizing each word with a light thrust of his hand. “The threat was deserved.”
I’ve killed men over less.
His words rattle around in your head. What normal person says something like that? The fact that he said it without fear makes you question what line of work he’s in.
Ghost drops his arm and takes another drag on his cigarette.
You should be afraid. You should walk back inside to your friends. That’s the safe thing to do. It’s the smart thing. But you’re feeling a bit bold—and a little annoyed. You want to know where this goes or if it’ll lead nowhere at all.
Straightening your shoulders, you drop your cigarette and put it out with the toe of your boot. “My friends think I should fuck you.”
It’s out of your mouth before you have the chance to think twice. Ghost’s hand pauses halfway to his mouth.
His head tilts slightly, and then turns in your direction. “What?”
You hate repeating yourself, but you’ve already said the words. You cannot take them back.
“My friends noticed you staring at me. Told me to talk to you. If I didn’t, one of them would have.”
Ghost fully shifts in your direction. He takes one step toward you. Another. There is a dark swagger there, and he’s trying desperately not to smile.
“You want to have it off?”
“Thanks for the offer but I really should leave.” You start to step backward as if to return to the club.
Ghost must realize this because he moves like a bullet, blocking your path, planting one hand against the brick wall behind you. Your gaze falls on his hand and you notice all the tattoos. They cover his fingers and the back of his hand, disappearing under the sleeve of his black leather jacket.
“You’re taking the piss.” Ghost is smiling now but it’s not nefarious or cruel. He’s politely amused, and that is somehow worse. He leans in until you can smell the rich scent of his cologne. “You want to fuck or not?”
You swallow, desperately wanting to say yes. “I have to stay here. Can’t leave my friends.”
Ghost shakes his head and lowers his voice. “We don’t need to leave.”
The thick lust in his tone worms its way into your bones. From there, it oozes from the marrow, sinking into your blood and nerves, consuming every piece of you until your autonomy is nearly snatched from your control.
“You’re being awfully bold,” you murmur.
“You suggested it. I’m simply finishing it.”
“Don’t play games.”
“I’m not.” Ghost straightens a bit. “But I don’t want to unless you’re willing.”
He is sensing you hesitation, and it’s not that you don’t want to. It’s that you’re making excuses because that’s what you do. You step around things, shimmy by issues, and try to avoid as much as you can.
You cross your arms and pop a hip. “I am willing. But I don’t believe you when you say we don’t have to leave.”
He smirks. “So I can’t bend you over that box?” Ghost nods his head at a point behind you but you don’t even look.
“Very funny,” you deadpan.
Ghost straightens his back and his hand falls away from the wall. “This place has an underground area. Mostly employee only but there are a few back rooms where the…musical guests stay.”
“You know an awful lot about this place. Take women down there often?”
Ghost shakes his head. “Never. I like to scope a place out first.”
I’ve killed men over less.
What does he do for a living that he wears a fucking balaclava out in public and wants to “scope a place out” first? Every possibility flows in and then directly out of your head. Any of them could be possible.
“You’re not making a good case for yourself.”
He shrugs. “Up to you. Come with me or don’t.”
Ghost’s word and tone are casual, but you see the tension in every muscle and in the way he carries himself. There is a hesitation in him. A fear that you might say no. But the gin in your veins is strong, and it’s singing, convincing you to go with him.
When do you ever take risks?
“Okay,” you murmur. Then, more loudly. “Lead the way.”
Chapter Two
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado
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paperstorm ¡ 2 months ago
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(I'm so sorry if this posts twice, I had it queued but tumblr seems to have eaten it) Thanks for the tags @annoyingcloudearthquake @rangersoup @thisbuildinghasfeelings and @carlos-in-glasses! Here is a snippet from Somewhere in a Song, chapter posting tomorrow :)
It takes Carlos a moment, as he steps into the main part of the theater from a side entrance, to notice he isn’t alone. TK is sitting at the edge of the stage in the middle, with his legs hanging over the sides, purple Converse on his feet and black jeans despite the summer heat outside.
“Oh,” Carlos says in surprise, from yards away where he’s standing in the aisle between rows of red velvet chairs.
“Hey.” TK nods at him in greeting. His hands are tucked underneath his thighs and Carlos looks around quickly, wondering if TK’s bandmates are here as well. He thought he spotted Marjan back in the lobby of the hotel, but now he’s wondering if it wasn’t her. He only saw the woman from the back.
“Where’s the rest of your crew?” TK asks, echoing the question Carlos hadn’t gotten around to asking.
“Back at the hotel. Relaxing.”
TK nods again.
“What are you doing here?”
Raising an eyebrow, TK combatively asks, “What are you doing here?”
Carlos bites back a sigh.
Before he can reply, TK gives him an answer. “We’ve never been at this venue before. The last time we were here, we played some rinky-dink place across town.”
Their eyes meet and their gaze holds for a long moment. Carlos steps forward, walking further toward the stage. He climbs the five steps up the side of it and turns so he can take in the seemingly endless rows of seating from the vantage point he’ll have tonight when they perform on this stage.
“I like to get to know a place before I play it,” TK continues with a casual shrug. He looks around, leaning back on his hands and head tipping back to look up at the high vaulted ceiling, intricately painted in gold and red and orange. “Especially these old historical theaters. Get a feel for the bones of it, a feel for …”
He trails off and Carlos finds himself desperately curious to hear the end of the sentence, because it sounds so much like exactly what he was doing five minutes ago. TK looks over at him, and then quickly looks away.
“Never mind,” he says, with a laugh and a roll of his eyes. “Did you want the stage for something? I can head out.”
“A feel for what?” Carlos asks.
TK licks his lips. He’s wearing glittery earrings today and they sparkle in the overhead lights. His head turns again, blinking at Carlos, green eyes searching his face. Whatever he’s looking for, he must find, because softly he says, “For the artists who were here before me. Jazz bands or opera singers or – I don’t know, fucking … tap dancers.”
Carlos chuckles and watches as just a glimmer of a smile changes the shape of TK’s face before he’s gazing back out into the empty auditorium.
“Maybe it’s stupid,” TK says with a shrug. There’s an edge to his voice that suggests he’s daring Carlos to make fun of him and see what happens. “But I like to think everyone who gets to perform in a place like this leaves a mark on it. Like they’re all still here, somehow, and after tonight we’ll be here too, cheering on the next act that comes through.”
“It’s not stupid.”
Silence settles between them for another moment, and then TK asks, “So, what are you doing here?”
“Same thing, basically,” Carlos tells him honestly.
TK looks at him, and again Carlos feels as if he’s being x-rayed by those clear green eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. That’s what music can do, right? Make you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself. Bigger than just a song or a show or a moment in time.”
Tagging @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @eclectic-sassycoweyes @carlos-in-glasses
@bonheur-cafe @actual-sleeping-beauty @herefortarlos @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo
@goodways @lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @freneticfloetry @liminalmemories21
@reasonandfaithinharmony @ladytessa74 @never-blooms @sanjuwrites @orchidscript
@lemonlyman-dotcom @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng @honeybee-taskforce @hereghostslive
@just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian @tellmegoodbye @ironheartwriter
@butchreyes @anactualcaseofthetruth @ditheringmind @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh
@irispurpurea @nisbanisba @corsage @chicgeekgirl89 @nancys-braids
@carlossreaders @denizoid @everlastingday
Want to be added or removed from the list? Lmk
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intothegenshinworld ¡ 11 months ago
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 14 || Nodus Tollens
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 2.1k+
Auteurs note: This chapter might be a bit shorter, but I realised halfway I wanted to put a bonus chapter between 14 and 15 DX So consider this the 'calm before the storm' XD
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There is a high-pitched ringing in your ears. It hurts, yet what's more unsettling is how it disorients you. You move your hands over your head, to find any way to protect yourself, but you can only move your fingers when you try. When you blink your eyes, you notice that you can’t see. For a few painfully long minutes, your vision remains a blinding white before your surroundings take shape. 
The first things you see are the yellow and green leaves that spiral downwards. The colours swirl and mix with the twilight sky, blues and purples intertwining themselves with the others, giving an ethereal view despite the burning pain throughout your body. 
Your eyes fixate on one of these leaves. It twirls in the sky, before landing next to you on the ground. Its bright colour complements the browns from the dirt and is a stark contrast to the dark grey pebbles and stones. Now that it’s next to you, you realise you’re on the ground.
From the corners of your eye, you try to observe your surroundings. The first thing you see is a glimpse of gold. A few meters further on the ground, Lumine lays on her side. Her general appearance can only be described as dishevelled. 
Her golden strands that usually frame her face have fallen out of place. Hair spreads out beneath her head and acts as a cushion against the ground below, gold mixing with the brown and darkened red. Her clothes are in worse shape. Bits of fabric loosely hang from their threads and visible gashes and cuts are seen on the bottom of her dress.
Someone calls out her name. The voice is hoarse and you can barely recognise it as your own. 
When your heavy eyes move over to the silver spot next to her, you see Paimon. Her small body is curled up next to the traveller, reaching out with her hand even when she lies unconscious. Despite the odds, the two are inseparable. 
An unexpected blast echoes through the valley. It’s followed by another wave of hot air, which forcefully passes over you. You try, again, to lift your arms over your face in a last attempt to protect yourself from the destruction. 
Again, you fail.
Dust particles fly over you, the grey smoke obscuring your view from the twilight sky and the golden leaves. When it passes, you put all your effort into turning your body to curl up into yourself, coughing as you do.
It's dark. Everything is dark. 
In the far distance, you hear another low grumble followed by a low bang. This one sounds more distant but is undoubtedly more explosive than the last. It appears that the destruction is relentless. 
In your mind, you rethink your choices. When did it all go wrong, and could you have done anything else to avoid this fate? While you’re lying on the ground, defeated and unmoving, you realise that there is so much left for you to do, so much left to say. Yet, you yearn for one thing the most.
You miss your home.
A name calls out to you. Weakly, you turn your head to your companions but Lumine and Paimon continue to lay motionless.
All your energy has been spent. 
A last sigh escapes your lips as you close your eyes.
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Being forcefully awakened from your slumber leaves you partially stuck in your dreams. Visions of what might’ve been your memories, or things you had made up while you slept, fade from your mind and the present takes shape. You blink a few times before you realise you have opened your eyes already. 
Someone calls out to you, loud and clear. You realise that this call was not a dream. The person’s voice is low and masculine, filled with concern when he speaks. Many people have been affected by the destruction of Liyue Harbor. You're certain that your unknown companion is feeling the aftermath of the calamity too. At the very least, it would explain his worry.
You’re on your back, facing the navy blue sky. The stars are shimmering vibrantly tonight. They move in their place, gently dancing and twirling around in a mesmerising manner you haven’t seen before. 
It is nearly enough to lull you back to sleep. 
Instinctively, your eyes decide to follow the flow of the stars. Somehow, unlike anything you’ve seen, the stars move like the waves of an ocean, shifting and shimmering with each movement. When your eyes move up, you are met with more blue. Blue, then black, followed by dark grey, then, finally—blonde. 
Blonde hair framing a pale face and two azure blue eyes. 
“...Dainsleif?” His familiar face is a welcomed surprise. 
His shoulders relax when he speaks. “For a moment, I started to doubt your mental well-being. Fortunately, you appear to remember me.” His expression remains neutral, although you hear relief in his tone. “Seems like not all hope is lost.”
You frown. These surroundings… It isn’t the same as the ones you remember. Grass, tall bushes, many trees—you are in a forest, far from the path you last walked on. Your eyes move further. Yellow and green leaves, stone pillars, broken ruins—Liyue. At least you haven’t strayed too far from your original destination.
The heavy feeling in your body and the few scratches on your hands and arms confirm that what you remember was not a dream. The destruction of Liyue Harbor did occur. 
Perhaps it was for the best that you had left the city and came to the forest. How and when—you’re not sure. You don’t ask Dainsleif about it either. 
A groan leaves your lips when you push your weight onto your arms. While you can move your body, putting weight onto your limbs causes pain. You’re fortunate to haven’t fractured anything. It seems like you’ve left the calamity with mere bruises and a noticeable gap in your memory. At the very least, things can be a lot worse. 
As you struggle to lift your upper body from the grass, a stable hand finds a place on your back and supports you until you’re sitting upright. “Liyue Harbor…” you start, only to stop when memories of the past events flood your brain. You lift a hand to your temple to stabilise yourself. 
“Not a dream, I fear.” 
Dainsleif moves to grab something from his bag. He uncaps his waterskin, one you remember him carrying on your last journey together, and lifts it to your mouth. The taste of freshwater makes you realise how dehydrated you have been. When was the last time you had a drink? You wonder if water has always been this tasty.
“It seems like your body has finally caught up to Teyvat again.” Dainsleif lets go of the waterskin when your hands reach to hold it. “There is a river nearby if you need a refill. Drink as much as you need.”
You continue to tip the waterskin upwards. A small stream of water falls from your mouth to your chin—a simple punishment for your haste. The hand on your back is a great help when you tilt your head further.
Dainsleif’s words fall flat over your thirst and sudden hunger.
He continues to talk,  “I’ve brought us back to the Guili Plains. Now that Liyue Harbor has been destroyed, the only way left to go—is North.”
After reaching the halfway point of water in the leather sack, you stop to gasp for air. Your body burns in a way you’ve never felt before. It feels like you’re cold, warm, and cold again. With one hand you settle the waterskin down in your lap. With another, you reach for your throat. When you swallow it feels like the air passes through sandpaper.
When you take a moment to look around, you realise something important. “Where are Lumine and Paimon?”
Dainsleif continues to support your back. His hand is large and steady. It feels safe and you trust him to hold you. With him by your side you know you’d never fall.
You take another look at your surroundings. This time you take a better inspection to see any traces of your friends. 
A small distance away from Dainsleif and you, a campfire is burning. It is the main light source, a way to fight the suffocating darkness of the night. There are no tents or sleeping bags, but as your gaze shifts, your eyes land on two bags. One is yours, the other must be Dainsleif’s. 
Another closer look. They must be here. Can you see Lumine’s possessions? Her scarf, or maybe her boots. If she had gone hunting or scouting, Paimon could’ve gone with her. She’d have to leave her bag behind. So, maybe it’s out of your sight?
You push your body up and away from Dainsleif. His hand follows you, never letting his support fade. 
“Where are they? Where are Lumine and Paimon?”
Your wide eyes move from the trees, towards the ground, until they hopelessly land on Dainsleif. He is neither sad nor happy. Instead, he remains completely blank—eyes void of any answer. His lips are pulled in a tight line until he speaks. 
“They weren’t with you when I found you.”
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Your back is turned to Dainsleif as he skins the rabbit he’d caught. It’s a sight you’d rather not remember when you’d eventually have to fall asleep, but with the boars fleeing from the area, Dainsleif made a valid point when he argued that any food was better than none at all. At the very least, your stomach seemed to agree with him.
The campfire thankfully covers most of the gruelling sounds. Once he finishes, he calls your name. In passing while turning to him, you see the two rabbits, skinned and pierced on a stick above the fire. And as much as you hate to admit it, it smells amazing. 
Your eyes move over to your companion. As weird as it sounds, there is an underlying feeling of anger when you look at Dainsleif. Perhaps not directed towards him, but you’re certain Lumine and Paimon had been with you when calamity struck. 
You were sure they wouldn’t abandon you, but you can’t find any reasons why Dainsleif would lie to you. 
A silence falls over the two of you. It isn’t as comforting as it used to be, and you try to pass the time by counting the sweet flowers in the area. It’s silly to throw accusations after all that happened. For one, can you trust that Lumine and Paimon haven’t been separated from you? You would never say it out loud, but your disappearing memories make you doubt your perception of the world. Perhaps he told the truth after all.
Dainsleif moves from the ground towards the fire to turn the two skewed rabbits around. And despite hating small talk, he initiates a conversation—either for his or your comfort. Given the frown on your face, it’s likely the latter.
“Have you noticed?” Dainsleif points up at the sky. “You were passed out for the majority of our travels. I was able to travel north while carrying you, until we reached the ends of west Guili Plains, meaning you were unconscious for at least half a day. But the sky has not changed since the beginning of our journey.”
You move your eyes upwards to follow his gaze. Part of you is unsure whether or not he is attempting to make a joke. You decide to answer him lightheartedly. “In that case, we had a long night.”
“When does ‘long’ end and become endless instead? And when something has no end, can progress exist?” 
You put your legs together and crouch into yourself, preserving any warmth from the cold night. A shiver falls over you, and you realise your cloak is gone. Either destroyed or removed. 
“Everything has to end eventually,” you answer. 
Dainsleif moves his eyes from the sky and turns to you. His bright blue eyes with star-shaped pupils find yours when you turn to meet his gaze. His blonde finge falls gently over his nose. When you look down at his chapped lips, you find his mouth parted. He is at a loss for words.
You pull your legs up to your chest and move your arms around them. Once in a comfortable position, you lean your head against your knee. You elaborate, “The destruction in Liyue, the night, this fire—everything will end eventually. Even this journey will, someday.”
“And what if it doesn’t?”
You look away from Dainsleif and towards the fire. The light of the flames twirls up until they hit an obstacle. The rabbits pierced on top of it with two skewers have grown brown. Your food is ready.
There is a sense of deja vu in the current situation. Where had you heard this question before? 
You answer him, hoping he can find solace in your words.  “If something can’t end, did it ever exist in the first place?”
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If you liked this chapter and think I deserve a comment, please leave one behind! I appreciate it a lot and it'll make me more motivated to write in the future ♡
Š intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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rin-sith ¡ 5 months ago
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I MEANT TO POST THESE HERE BUT I FORGOT ... Anyway, have some designs for my latest obsession, EPIC the musical. The main art style inspiration was definitely "The Prince of Egypt" because that's the first style I thought of when I considered an animated adaptation of this story.
I might draw more characters eventually but these two are and have always been my favorites.
While I took several creative liberties, I kept something that Jorge said about character designs because it's really cool: the fact that glowing elements symbolize gods or their influence. So I gave Odysseus, while he's still Athena's warrior, the bracelets and the belt (yes, he discards them after "My Goodbye" because, let's be real, that was more his goodbye than hers anyway; he wouldn't hold on).
Ginger Odysseus was not planned and neither was him having heterochromia but then I did it once and I could not unsee it anymore (one eye is green, symbolizing wisdom and insight, the other eye is gray, representing strength, firmness, and ruthlessness.) The full body is around Troy Saga, the top headshot is Cyclops Saga, and the bottom headshot is Thunder Saga (yes the fact that that headshot only shows his right side and his gray eye which represents his ruthless side among others is on purpose.)
For Athena, I took more liberties ... The silver/blue wasn't working for me, so I went with gold/purple instead. The mask headshot is important because I actually think this would be how she appears exclusively up until the end of "My Goodbye"; the full body is more Wisdom Saga/Telemachus era Athena (aka soft, emotionally vulnerable Athena.) Lots of glowing elements, lots of bright, imposing colors ... and lots of opportunities for her look to shift toward more human (same with Odysseus who is designed to be able to shift toward more ruthless/rugged.)
I might post more sketches and random EPIC related art things soon because my obsession with this musical is FAR from over. I will probably be spamming these at one point, but that's just how it will be.
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citrineandrosmarin ¡ 2 months ago
🦉Athena Masterpost🦉
This masterpost will cover very basic information with links to further posts or resources (otherwise it’s super long) and may be updated in future with extra sections. Basic bibliography at the end. I welcome you to share your UPG and resources in the comments - I won’t differentiate between mine and others’ UPG.
UPG = Unverified Personal Gnosis, SPG = Shared Personal Gnosis, H = Historically Inspired association
Last updated: 5 Feb 2025, added my ko-fi
Love this post? Consider thanking me with a small donation to my ko-fi!
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Athena is the Hellenic goddess associated most commonly with wisdom, war, weaving, and in modern times, education and knowledge. She was a goddess who occupied both masculine and feminine roles in a highly patriarchal society, standing outside the societal binary. She is a fascinatingly variable and nuanced deity who has adapted and persisted in the mind of western society until this day. This masterpost is in dedication to her.
“Through our investigation of [Athena’s] role within the pantheon, she has emerged as a power of technology and creativity who promotes creativity and order, but with another side to her power, that of the storm bringer and warmonger.” -Susan Deacy
Athena, Goddess of…
Metis (Cunning)
Hero Mentorship
Education and Knowledge [SPG]
🐍Find out More!🐍
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Symbols, Colors & Tarot Cards
Traditional: Owls (Specifically the Little Owl, Athene noctua), Snakes, Horses, Gulls, Crows (In Messenia and Boeotia, though elsewhere she was not fond of them), Olive trees, the Aegis, the Gorgoneion, Spindle, Spear, Helmet (Particularly with gryphons and/or sphinxes on it).
Other symbols: Spiders [Roman & SPG], Books and Scrolls [SPG], Pens or Quills [UPG]
Colors: Saffron/Yellow/Orange/Gold [H], Murex Purple [H], Hyacinth Blue [H], Red [H?], Bronze [H], Green [UPG]
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Tarot Cards (All UPG/SPG of course): The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Chariot, Strength, Justice, The World, Knight of Pentacles, Queen & King of Swords, Queen & King of Wands
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Name & Epithets:
Athena has some variations in name. The Attic form was “Athenaia”, which was contracted to “Athena,” the Ionian form was “Athenaie,” the Doric form “Athana,” in Aeolic, “Athanaa,” and in epic she was “Athenaie,” shortened to “Athene.”
A few common epithets:
Areia - Warlike
Ergane - The Worker
GlaukĂ´pis - Bright/owl-eyed.
Pallas - Refers either to the myth of Athena’s childhood friend Pallas, or of the giant named Pallas whom she slayed.
Parthenos - Maiden
Polias - Of the City
Polymetis - Cunning in many ways
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Offerings and Devotional Acts
This section was super long! Only including a few here but check out the link!
Gemstones & Metals - Gold, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Iolite
Plants - Olive, Ivy, Thyme, Rosemary, Cypress, Peppermint, Orange
Incense and Fragrances - Frankincense, Thyme, Bay Laurel, Amber, Myrrh, Dragon’s Blood, Orange, Citrus, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Cypress, Bergamot & Sage
Food & Drink - Olives and Olive Oil, Honey, Milk, Cheese, Cereal Grains, Diluted Wine, Bread, Baked Goods, Fish, Meat, Fruit/Fruit Juice, Water
🐍Find out More!🐍
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Athenian Festivals
Athena’s main festivals were the Panathenaia, Khalkeia, Kallynteria and Plynteria. It is up to individuals to decide if and how to include these celebrations in their practice. 
Panathenaia: The biggest festival for Athena taking place annually, but with a bigger version every fourth year. Mainly a festival with athletic, poetry and musical competitions.
Kallynteria and Plynteria: Sacred days centered around cleaning.
Arrephoria: A mysterious festival that took place at night and is theorized to have been a fertility rite.
Khalkeia: The festival of artisans, which celebrated Athena and Hephaestus.
🐍Find out More!🐍
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Family & Connections
Parents: Athena’s father was Zeus (Except in Libya, where she was known as Poseidon’s daughter) and her mother was the personification of wisdom, Metis. In some sources she was raised by Triton alongside his daughter, Pallas.
Children: Athena had no children as a virgin goddess but she did adopt and raise Erichthonius, who later became king of Athens.
Retinue: Athena was often associated closely with Nike (Victory), an example being the famed statue Athena Parthenos, which held Nike in its hand. The aegis which Athena wore also contained the personifications Phobos (Fear), Eris (Strife), Alke (Strength) and Ikoe (Panic) as noted in the Iliad.
Companions: Pallas is perhaps the most famous of Athene’s companions, as the two girls grew up together until Athena accidentally killed Pallas and afterwards took on her name as an epithet. However, in the Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter it is shown that Athena, Artemis and Persephone spent time together and were playing and collecting flowers before Persephone was abducted. The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus claims they were also raised together.
Heroes: Athena was a mentor of Heroes and had a hand in assisting heroes such as Herakles, Odysseus and Diomedes, but also Achilles, Bellerophon, Perseus, Theseus, Kadmos and Tydeus.
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🐍More of my Info Posts!🐍
Athena and Childbirth
Athena Hippia / Khalinitis
On The Nature of Metis - Excerpts from “Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society”
On the comparison of Athena and Ares
Athena and Herakles: Excerpt from Susan Deacy’s book
Myth of Athena's Birth
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🐍Extra Links🐍
Prayers, Hymns and Poems
Homeric Hymn to Athena 11 [Tumblr - Mine]
Homeric Hymn to Athena 28 [Tumblr - Mine]
Poem for Athena [Tumblr - Mine]
Adaptation of the Orphic Hymn [Tumblr - wisdomweaver]
Ode to Athena: A Birth of Wisdom [Tumblr - panjackdaw]
Prayer to Athena [Tumblr - rue-with-the-tarot]
Hymn to Athena [Tumblr - entricacies]
Praise to Athena [Tumblr - piristephes]
Prayer for Clarity and Sound Intuition [Tumblr - crimsonsongbird]
Prayer for Athena [Tumblr - hisfleur]
Prayer for Athena [Tumblr - evilios]
Prayer to Athena [Tumblr - ranger5000]
Chin Up - A Message From Athena [Tumblr - crimsonsongbird]
Assortment of Prayers [Website - greekpagan.com]
Battle Armor Poem [Tumblr - crimsonsongbird]
A Prayer to the Wise Short Poem [Tumblr - crimsonsongbird]
Learning Short Poem [Tumblr - Mine]
Additional Links
Theoi.com [Website]
Iliad - Athena dons the Aegis [Tumblr - Mine]
Reconstruction of Athena Parthenos statue’s colors [Youtube - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston]
Bathing of Athena in Argos [Tumblr - verdantlyviolet]
Subtle Athena Worship [Tumblr - khaire-traveler]
A response to the “Athena is a victim blamer and hates women” crowd [Tumblr - rightwheretheyleftme]
khaire-traveler on their snow leopard UPG [Tumblr]
Parthenon 3D Reconstruction [Youtube - Ancient Athens 3D]
Parthenon in AC: Odyssey [Youtube - Invicta]
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Barber, E.J.W. - The peplos of Athena
Burkert, Walter - Greek Religion
Deacy, Susan - Athena
Deacy, Susan & Villing, Alexandra - Athena in the Classical World
Deacy, Susan & Villing, Alexandra - What was the colour of Athena's Aegis?
Detienne, Marcel & Vernant, Jean-Pierre - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society
Drees, Ludwig - Olympia
Larson, Jennifer - Ancient Greek Cults
Mansfield, John Magruder - The Robe Of Athena And The Panathenaic "Peplos"
Maurizio, Lisa - Classical Mythology in Context
Mikalson, Jon D. - Ancient Greek Religion
Ogden, Daniel - A Companion to Greek Religion
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dnpanimationstudioclone ¡ 7 months ago
Meet Velvette📱🧶
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Meet my take on Velvette! I had LOT OF FUN with this one! She’s reviewing Pentabucks newest drink!(being its top influencer can get you it for free!)
My Velvette’s more involved with social media/advertising/trends rather than owning all of Hell’s fashion indurstry. She’s basically a social marketer/influencer who uses her influence to support and advertise a lot of the overlords and high influence peoples businesses, products and services. She’s def still into fashion, I imagine she has something like a Bergdorf Goodmans, luxury end store and probably collabed with other fashion brands). I also see her own some fo the trendiest resteraunts, clubs, beauty salons, etc. def sewn herself into big brands!
I’ve heard she was suppose to be a doll because her pilot look mouth alluded a bit to stitching and wore frilly clothes.
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so I ended up making her a rag doll! Doll’s are very popular to sell, especially to sell additional objects such as fashion, accessories, etc. Basically she sells herself out to the public eye 👁️. There’s also a bit of sewing terms that fits with social media such as “Pinned”, “Threads”, etc.🪡📍
And rag dolls are known for their adaptability(perfect for trend setting Vel)! I styled her outfit as a kinda tweaked modern outfit of Raggedy Anne/Andy’s outfit. The jumper and black booties. Restyled into a more flashy romp jumper and heeled boots 👢 Even made it to her name, VELVET!
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Ngl many friends of mine have said she gives off Monster High vibes(I feel like 2000’s cartoons def inspired me). As well as Lalaloopsy!!!!!!! I was also a bit inspired by OG Millie’s outfit(love the double straps).
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Put her in two shades of brown for a patchwork vibe! Another thing I’m going for with the rag doll theme is to allude to insecurity. I imagine she came from less glamorous origins. Didn’t have porcelain dolls like Charlie or plastic Barbies like all the other popular and rich girls, but simple rag dolls and stuffies. No matter how hard she tries to be like perfect porcelain or pretty plastic…she’s cursed to be seen as just some raggedy rag doll💔. I also imagine her death had something related to becoming…torn up(I imagine it wasn’t a pretty end)…
For this look, went with bubble braids made from balls of yarn 🧶 She has all kinds of hairstyles, from yarn, cotton, stitch on wigs and even real hair(from scalps of those who got on her nasty side, @a-sterling-rose suggested this). There’s even a type of hairstyle called “yarn braids”.
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Wears fake nails 💅. Gel, acrylic, she’s made of cloth so she can adapt to any kind.
Gave her actual ears 👂 (added them on herself).
Clout Glasses 😎.
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For her color scheme, @the-burd-lord suggested I'd go with RGB theme, colors on display screen(Vox is the leader and a screen) Ngl I was conflicted what colors to go with for the vees(Primary, Red blue purple etc). But then I realized when u mix those colors u get those other colors and then I decided to give the Vees two main color themes for each. One for show, the other their true colors! Velvette likes to use green, magenta and purple, for a visually pleasing vibe, light green and magenta for sweetness with purple/gold for luxury, but truth she’s a vain, envious clout seeker who has and will do less than ethic things for the likes. The two colors r also a mix of Val and Vox’s colors(uses them, advertises them to advertise herself!)
Played around with a assymetry color vibe for the envy vibe, thats she’s two faced 🎭. Having a deceptive social media personality like Miss Heed(less lovey dovey).
@lovesart23 video on Velvette really helped me consider what to do with her, like her beign Envy theme(she’s a clout chaser afterall). I LOVE her use of purples and greens for her! I also really dig the eye theme which mine in a sense does too. In this case, button eyes.
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Added more weight on her a bit, to give off a more rag doll type body(especially with the limbs 🦾🦵)
Gave her black purple eyes with pink and mint button irises. Got Pin eyelashes 🪡📍
Her her a needle/selfie stick. Good for selfies, fashion emergency and stabbing people!
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
I’ve also done the Hazbin Gang, Mimzy, and even her associate, Vox 📺.
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adobe-outdesign ¡ 1 year ago
have you been asked to review the Tapu pokemon yet?
As a whole, I really like the Tapus. It's neat to have one guardian per Alolan island, and the designs themselves are well thought out. I really like how each one has a set of white triangular markings with a darker border, which allows each one of them to be very distinctive with unique designs and palettes while also making sure all three look like they belong together in a group. This is also enhanced by them carrying tiki-inspired masks, with each one being based on a different animal that also influences the creature itself to some degree. Good stuff.
Thematically, the Tapus are also based off of the four main Hawaiian gods (Koko, Lele, Bulu, and Fini seem to be based off of Kōkaʝilimoku, Kāne, Lono, and Kanaloa respectively). I'm obviously not Hawaiian so I don't feel qualified to judge these guys on accuracy, though it seems like Tapu Koko is the most on-point with the feathered look while Tapu Fini is the least, having little to do with the deity it's based off of aside from a vague connection to the ocean.
Regardless, all of these designs are distinct and do a good job standing out from other legendaries, as well as tying back into their region. There was clearly a lot of thought that went into them in terms of both functionality and visual aesthetics.
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Tapu Koko is my personal favorite of the bunch. Vaguely based off a rooster (side note: I'm amazed we don't have a rooster 'mon yet. I guess Blaziken counts but it's only a rooster in the vaguest sense of the word), it sports feathers, a beak-like structure on its face, and a mask that it forms a beak with using its pincer-like hands. Really neat! I also like the mohawk becomes the rooster's comb when the mask is closed.
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The orange and yellow palette is also nice, as it's very high-contrast and pops well against the black body. My only nitpicks would be that the two pairs of chest markings feel a bit too busy, as do the lines in the yellow part of the eye (though granted, they all have those). Otherwise, this is a very neat design.
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I like Tapu Lele because it looks all cute and pretty and then it turns out it's an incredibly cruel nature deity that does not care about the suffering it causes. It and Beautifly should be friends.
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Anyway, Tapu Lele is meant to resemble a butterfly head, with the hair curls becoming antennae and a tentacle emerging from the bottom that resembles a proboscis, along with two wing-like structures on the back. I don't think it reads quite as clearly as some of the others, and I do wish the body took after its animal more (the creature itself having no insect-like traits, compared to the other Tapus where you can see the animal influence outside of the masks), but it's still neat.
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Tapu Bulu probably resembles its animal the most in terms of body shape, having a bull's signature nose piercing and hooves, as well as horns. Most interesting is the long tail, which not only matches the hooves but becomes the bull's nose ring when the mask closes.
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The colors are nice and high-contrast, but I do wish it had been green instead of red. Koko is yellow and orange, Lele is pink and red, and Fini is purple and blue. Having Bulu be red and gold feels too similar to Lele, even if it fits the angry bull idea. It also would've made sense from a typing perspective, as Tapu Bulu is the grass-type of the group (even the horns kind of look like pencils/wood).
Otherwise I don't have any real complaints, outside of the face markings feeling a bit busy, as you have the nose, ring, and three different eye markings. I feel like they could've easily dropped the white eye markings and not lost anything.
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And finally, Tapu Fini is probably my least favorite of the group, though it's still a good design. I like the body shape (kind of siren-like, though I don't know if that was intentional) with fin-shaped accents in the hair, on the hands, and on the body.
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When it closes its mask it resembles a swordfish of sorts, with the hair strands becoming the side fins and the hair fin slotting into the mask's purple ridge to form a dorsal fin. Something about the fish itself feels a little off though; maybe it's just that it lacks a tail fin, or maybe it just looks a bit too plain compared to the others because it's meant to be viewed more from the side. Still a pretty solid design all around though.
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Anyway, overall, I think these guys are great. They're cohesive but distinct, have unique visuals and themes that set them apart from other legendaries, and designs that work from both a visual and mechanical standpoint. Good stuff.
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spiderlot ¡ 2 months ago
I love the anon who sent thoughts about mermaid!Lottie because now I can't stop thinking about mermaid!Nat and looking at my moodboard of her
Mermaid! Natalie would definitely be a half-human child, as if her mermaid mother had gotten involved with her human father (I'm getting Merlia Summers in Barbie vibes). Maybe she could shapeshift into a human form like the girls in H2o, but she doesn't really do that... like, she lived part of her childhood as a human but it didn't work out for her, so she went to the sea where she feels most at peace.
Mermaid! Natalie has a golden orange tail like the girls in H2o...maybe with slight purple patterns that are kind of chromatic, because I imagine each of the girls having different colored tails. The colors of mermaids' tails can indeed be repeated and I think the most common color would be navy blue, while the rarer colors would be orange/gold (like Nat's), slightly grayish purple with details in shades of white and baby blue (like Lottie's) and green with details in blue and purple (like Shauna's, her tail would be similar to Ariel's).
Mermaid! Natalie whose main fun is to make fishermen's lives hell, but not just any fishermen, for example she doesn't do anything to those who do it respectfully, without dumping trash and respecting marine life, without catching more than necessary and stuff like that... now, she loves to make the lives of illegal fishermen a complete hell :)) she's just a little devil with a tail who will tear their nets, pull their fishing rods so hard that they can't pull back and they break or get released, sometimes she just takes the bait off the hooks and leaves them there like idiots😭 she would also scare away the fish nearby and steal any item left on the edge of the boat while they were distracted ;)
Mermaid! Nat likes to peek at the coast of islands and watch people hidden, she finds it fun and I can easily see her appearing to some poor unsuspecting child who was watching the sea😩 she would first scare the child by suddenly emerging from the water, but soon she would start talking to him and stuff :))) some children leave crying with the scare, others leave totally enchanted screaming for their parents to warn them about the "magical mermaid", others are little cheeky ones who engage in a fun conversation with her and ask to touch her tail after promising not to tell anyone <3 in all cases she has so much fun with these little pranks.
Mermaid! Natalie would also steal items forgotten on the sides of any other boat, like a silly hat left by a snobbish old lady on the side of a speedboat :))) Does Nat need this? No, but it's fun and there's always something that ends up interesting some of the girls.
I'm a huge fan of H2O: Just Add Water and I can't stop thinking about this whole AU taking place in the same universe as the series, just in a different time... maybe modern?? Whatever, but think about all the mermaid girls living in the dormant volcano pool on Mako Island😩😩😩 imagine that still around the island there is an entrance to a much larger sea cave that is where they actively live and it's so big and cool<3
Something like this, but completely decorated by the girls with everything they find cool or interesting:
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I love mermaids and I clearly got excited
YESYESYES!!! mermaid nat my beloved <3 mermaid nat whose tail can change colors based on how she's feeling? like when you first spotted her, she was kinda surprised and shy, so her tail blushed with hot reds and dark oranges.
maybe reader whose dad is one of those fishermen nat hates??? you go along with him one morning because you really have nothing better to do and you HAVE been wanting to fish for some time. she spots him and scowls, but she tilts her head curiously when she notices you. i think she'd still fuck with you a lil, probably splash some water or hold onto the hook and suddenly let it go so you stumble 😭 but she's just a menace with your dad. he definitely ends up in the water at one point. thinking of spotting her while you're cleaning up and kinda just staring at each other for a moment before she scurries away.
and UR SO REALLLL i loved h2o as a kid bro.....literally top 10 shows ever. thinking about scuba diver!reader who somehow gets injured underwater near the cave and mermaid nat who rescues you!!! dragging you by the fins too because she's kinda apprehensive. maybe she was supposed to be out looking for food and the yjs joke about how it's too early to resort to humans when she brings you 😭 they all help put you on the surface and try to fix your wound, and nat kinda gets attached? idk. thinking of her slapping the other girl's hands away when they try to touch your face or arms because maybe they've never been this close to a human and are curious.
GAHHH. thinking about dates with her in the cave???? nat shoving all the girls out because ur swimming over 😭 bringing a lil picnic basket and a towel to put on the sand so you can lie on ur belly and face her since she'll be in the water and you on the surface. she'd probably decorate the cave with whatever she could find in the ocean and it's so cozy and cool looking 😞
okok i remember the full moon like fucking with the girls powers in the show..... mermaid!nat who turns into a SIREN during the full moon????? thoughts??? suddenly she's so clingy and possessive and maybe she goes onto the surface for the first time in years just to show up at your house.
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essycogany ¡ 1 year ago
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Amy’s Eye Color
Since I couldn’t get this off my mind I’ve decided to dive deep into the abyss of character design. I’ll mostly add on to what I said in my tags in the, “What Eye Color Looks Good On Amy Rose,” voting post and elaborate.
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Short History
Amy’s eye color from the start of her redesign in Sonic Adventure has always been the same as Sonic’s. A warm green that use to be apart of Amy’s classic dress. Which is a nice detail in my opinion. The pink hedgehog’s eyes has been somewhat consistent with Sonic’s from official art, 3D models, to the comics.
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It almost always been that way aside from Sonic X. Where her eyes are on the cooler side then Sonic’s. Jade or Emerald to be specific. Her eyes are closer to the color of jewelry. While Sonic has a warmer grassier colored green. I like jade or emerald on Amy’s eyes as well, but I want to keep the topic consistent and less complicated then it already is.
Anyways, I think the minor inconsistencies was done for artistic vision or whenever the lighting would change in the comics. To be honest I’ve noticed color inconsistencies all the time when it comes to Sonic characters. Which isn’t a bad thing. It just shows how much variety you can have when it comes to these characters.
My Thoughts On Amy’s Eye Color
I don’t mind Amy’s eyes being the same as Sonic’s. It doesn’t look bad on her and is one of the reasons her design is as iconic as it is. Especially since it’s been a part of her for so long.
But let’s get into why I personally prefer teal.
I’m no color theory expert, but I’ll do my best. Also, not every Sonic character or cartoon character period, follows these rules. Just a good majority of them do.
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Sonic: Blue is a primary color and green is a secondary color. Because green complements blue Sonic’s eyes stands out. Not to mention they symbolize his energy and love for nature.
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Blaze: Purple is a secondary color and gold is a primary color. Her purple fur works amazingly with her harsh gold eyes. Symbolizing her fire powers. Also I’ve noticed a few artist add a bit of a reddish orange to her and Silvers eyes and I think they look lovely.
Amy: She’s a bit complicated. Since her red dress takes up most of her design I’ll use it as Amy’s primary color. I believe teal would be a better secondary color for Amy because it stands out a bit better and is less harsh then green. It gives Amy a softer look too.
Teal and pink is also a wonderful combination in general because they balance each other out. With pink’s warmth and energy going with the teal’s calm and coolness. Giving off a more enchanted and mystical feeling to Amy’s eyes. It perfectly compliments her personality too because she’s an energetic character with a soft and sweet nature.
Here are some characters with similar color tones:
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They’re not all similar characteristically, but what most of them have in common is they’re kind natured and they’ll protect the people they care about. Just like a certain pink hedgehog.
See how the eyes are the first thing you notice?
These are around what I have in mind( jade/emerald are cooler greens so they work too):
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The main reason I prefer Amy’s eyes to be teal is due to a lot of amazing fan-artist. I won’t give out names, (because there’s a bunch of them) but they are so brilliant and I appreciate what they bring to the Sonic feast of wonderful art.
I’ve seen it so much to the point when I think “Amy Rose,” I see her with teal eyes. I know it’s silly, but that’s genuinely what I feel works for her. Besides I enjoy talking about weird topics like these. It keeps the mind turning, you know.
I appreciate the official artist and 3D models as well. Even if Amy’s eyes are barely ever teal, she still looks wonderful without them because of those talented people.
Will Amy’s eyes ever be teal? Probably not. Does any of this matter? No.
Teal eyes or not Amy Rose is a wonderful Sonic character. I hope you had fun with me on exploring this wild world of colors and character design.
Stay Creative! 💜
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sunshine-in-a-bottle ¡ 4 months ago
what are your favourite designs for c!awesamdream (be it clothing, hair style, species or sth else?)
!!!! Squishes you. Hello friend<3
Sam is Puppycat you see. He's a creeptaur usually when I'm designing him. I actually made references a while back for different breeds of creeptaurs, because I very briefly went insane over the idea of making a whole host of lore and culture for creeper hybrids.
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The main four types here are Chinese Mountain Cat, Lynx/Snow Leopard, Pallas, Tiger. Lynx/Snow Leopard is crossed here is because Lynx already came with a bobbed tail, so I used a snow leopard tail for the "long tailed" version.
Sam is a mix between the upper right and the lower left. Pallas/Lynx. He's got the Bigger Paws but he's Fluffier. He also has the bobtail. His mother was a longtail pallas and his father was a bobtail Lynx.
(This is a really old art reference so likely I'll go back and redo these with the added color palettes I have for different biomes. And likely add more cat types.)
Sam also has the ability to become bipedal with a special ring that a lot of hybrids purchase from Hypixel! You twist it left to assume a more human-shaped appearance, while twisting it right to assume your True Form. Not everything in the world is made to perfectly accommodate all shapes and sizes of hybrids (Foolish is like 20 ft tall) so the ring helps people who would like to be able to get through doorways without bonking their antlers or getting their wings caught.
(Punz has a similar ring and uses it to hide their bee features. While the ring was invented purely to be helpful to the general populace, it doesn't change the bigotry and xenophobia that still remains.)
Dream is a bit trickier. I usually picture him as a human when reading fics, but I don't always consider him to be Actually Human? I like to think of Admins as their own species, something that can often pass as human but is just A Little Off.
So he's a human-looking person with long, dark blonde hair that turns white-gold by the time prison happens. Its curly when its well taken care of; Dream does not take care of himself for a long time.
Sam's hair is short, dark green, and very fluffy, vs Dream's hair being silky. He's a head taller than Sam, but not as broad-shouldered as Sam. He has top scars, has gotten magical bottom surgery via XD,
He's absolutely covered in freckles, full-body, and they get fainter in the winter and darker in the summer. Sam has dark green spots under each eye. His skin is green, and fuzzy with fluff in certain places. Dream is missing a middle finger on his right hand and a pinkie finger on his left post-prison.
Depending on how I feel, sometimes I give him lava burn scarring that starts at his upper arm and creeps up to the left side of his face, around the upper jaw, ear, and forehead. Its usually very faint, a pinkish color.
Pre-prison he has a scar on the back of his hand from a manhunt where he cut it up on some rocks, and a slash across the nose from his duel with Techno.
Yellow and gold are big colors in Sam's wardrobe, followed by white/cream, brown, occasionally black, and hints of red. Dream's wardrobe is always primarily green and black, with ender eye blues and enderman purples. The only red he tends to wear is the friendship bracelet he has that represents Sapnap. And the blood of his enemies. Normal things like that.
Post-prison Dream eventually gets a netherite enchanted cane. It does about as much damage as a netherite shovel and when it hits someone it can set them on fire. Dream and Sapnap think its very funny to test on Sapnap (blazeborn and immune to fire damage.)
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pugsleybugpug ¡ 3 months ago
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This was made about a month ago and forgot to post it. I probably going to remake it some time later because there’s some things I don’t like. Since Starflight was based off a little brown bat and the wings have constellations. (Woah)
[Image ID: A photo of Starflight from Wings of Fire, a fiction series for mainly children, a bat wing to the right side. Starflight is based of a little brown bat, with a small-pointed, fox-like, dark gray nose. His fur boldens at his torso, dark cray, but other than that, his main fur is dark gray, with his paws and under belly being normal gray. He has large green eyes covered by giant purple glasses that are connected to his ears. His ears are several shades of purple and an earring dangling down it. The earring is bright gold chain ending in a small blue star. His horns are dark blue. His wing colors go in gradient going up to down, dark cyan, dark purple, and normal cyan blue. His wings have bright yellow constellations and stars, the constellations is what seems to resembles the Big Dipper and the North Star.
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vintura-o-serif ¡ 2 months ago
What Do You Think The Human Souls Sound & Taste Like?
Ok so hear me out.
This is in reference to my take to Dusttale, or more accurately, the aftermath/sequel to Dusttale.
I’ve posted about this “revamp” of this AU in a previous post, but as a refresher:
This AU of an AU takes place after the events of Dusttale with some minor alterations. The story will mainly revolve around the survivors (heavily NPC based, with some main characters & my OC Vani). However, a few of the survivors try to bring back the dead by using a DT injections (much like in the game, except in this version: Alphys used Artificial Determination while the survivors use Determination collected from the human souls), also these new DT injections are mixed with the 7 human soul traits. This does work, but with some minor complications, which will be explained more in the notes.
Now to explain the question:
Basically the author of the notes is writing down their research & findings of each human souls; things like how common each trait are within humans, what injection they are used in, side effects of said injections, rpg style stats, etc. However there are 2 items of information that I might need some help on: What sound/pitch each soul trait makes &, for a hint of humor because “Undertale”, what each soul traits tastes like.
That’s where I looking to you all for assistance/headcanons for this.
*Side Note: When I say sound/pitch, I’m referring to the amount of Hertz (which I think is the measurement of sound wave frequency or pitch)*
*Side Side Note: In this AU, the red human soul trait is not Determination (since all humans have it) but instead is Willpower (I’ve seen a few saying it could be Love since its in red, but I think Willpower makes more sense)*
I already have the frequency picked for each soul, now I’m just trying to figure out what specific sound/noise they make.
Here’s what I have so far:
Color: Gold
Injection: DT-pDT PT v1.0
DETERMINATION Category: Pure DETERMINATION Injection Prototype version 1.0
Fallen Humans: All
Frequency: 0-20k+Hz
Sound Description:
Like a choir with every living thing singing
Sounds like screaming in an auditorium when distressed
Taste Description:
Similar to water that is both freezing & boiling
Color: Red
Injection: DT-WP PT v1.7
DETERMINATION Category: WILLPOWER Injection Prototype version 1.7
Fallen Humans:
Frequency: 9.9k-10.6kHz
Sound Description:
Sizzles of an orchestra of cymbals constantly increasing & decreasing in volume
Taste Description:
Hot & salty copper
Metal sitting out in the heat
Color: Orange
Injection: DT-BV PT v1.2
DETERMINATION Category: BRAVERY Injection Prototype version 1.2
Fallen Humans:
Frequency: 18.9k-19.6kHz
Sound Description:
Hoard of mosquitoes quickly approaching
Taste Description:
Fresh cold sweat with a hint of cinnamon & pumpkin pie
Color: Yellow
Injection: DT-JT PT v1.6
DETERMINATION Category: JUSTICE Injection Prototype version 1.6
Fallen Humans:
Frequency: 15.9k-16.6kHz
Sound Description:
Hiss of a firework with anticipation of when said firework will explode
Taste Description:
Overly sweet & carbonated TV static flavored drink mixed with gunpowder
Color: Green
Injection: DT-KN PT v1.5
DETERMINATION Category: KINDNESS Injection Prototype version 1.5
Fallen Humans: Sam
Frequency: 6.9k-7.6kHz
Sound Description:
Taste Description:
Color: Cyan
Injection: DT-PE PT v1.1
DETERMINATION Category: PATIENCE Injection Prototype version 1.1
Fallen Humans:
Frequency: 999-1.6kHz
Sound Description:
Taste Description:
Color: Blue
Injection: DT-IG PT v1.3
DETERMINATION Category: INTEGRITY Injection Prototype version 1.3
Fallen Humans:
Frequency: 12.9k-13.6kHz
Sound Description:
Taste Description:
Color: Purple
Injection: DT-PR PT v1.4
DETERMINATION Category: PERSEVERANCE Injection Prototype version 1.4
Fallen Humans: Yu
Frequency: 3.9k-4.6kHz
Sound Description:
Taste Description:
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theholyprocrastinator ¡ 4 months ago
This is non-spoiler (jk there are some spoilers)
Sorry if this is bad, I am not experienced in making aus :(((
Feel free to ask abt it in the comments
DRDT genderbend AU:
Main cast:
Takeo Tawaki:
The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of “Lucky Student,” it seems like the only luck Takeo has is bad luck. Accidents and misfortunes constantly plague Takeo and those around him. Despite this, he remains courageous and confident in his own abilities. Takeo has a natural inclination to be a bit distrustful of his peers.
Takeo is a young man with medium-toned skin and brown eyes. He has short brown hair that lightens towards the bottom. Takeo has multiple injuries on his body. He wears band aids on his nose and left shin, a bandage wrapped around his left arm, a compression brace around his left knee, and scratches are visible on his right ankle
Takeo wears a Japanese schoolboy uniform consisting of a green buttoned shirt and a green pants, though the pants on his left side is rumpled and not pulled all the way down. He wears dark green ankle-length socks, he also wears a pair of brown shoes with white laces.
Alexandra ‘Xandra’ Matthews:
Loud in both voice and personality, Alexandra “Xandra” Matthews earned the title of Ultimate Rebel through her consistent tendency to go against the status quo and break the rules. Xandra has a strong sense of morals, and is constantly trying to right the world’s wrongs. Don’t accuse her of being just a rule-breaking problem child, though. She gets worked up very easily.
Xandra is a light-skinned young female. She has bright red hair, half of it covering her left eye, A white eye patch covers her left eye. Xandra’s eye fades from gray to orange, but they can change based on the intensity of her emotions. Xandra wears a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway, with a red bandana wrapped around her neck. A brown vest rests on her shoulders. She has black, finger-less gloves with rectangle holes. She wears a black skirt and black boots that reach just below her knees.
Evan Tobisa:
Peppy, diligent, and always punctual, Evan Tobisa is the cheerful Clockmaker. He has a bit of a tendency to overwork himself as he gets absorbed into his work sometimes. While it may seem that Evan is a tad on the emotional or naive side, in the end he’s still a regular boy who likes hanging out.
Evan is a dark-skinned young man with brown hair that fades into blond. His hair is medium in length, tied up into a ponytail. He has brown eyes, with a pair of magenta glasses on his face. He wears a collared shirt with a yellow bow tie and a magenta vest with accents of blue on top. He has a multipurpose belt, with many tools inside. He wears pink shorts and white gloves. He has blue and white striped socks that reach just below his knees and black shoes.
Huo Jing:
Huo Jing is an incredibly talented musician who specializes as the Ultimate Zither Player. It’s said that even a listening to a few minutes of one of his performances will bring tears to even the hardest of hearts. Huo possesses a very fatherly personality, and does his best to maintain order in the group. At times, his nagging nature shows.
Huo Jing is a light-skinned young man with green hair and green eyes. He ties the back of his hair into a man bun that is tied with a green butterfly hair accessory, he also has a red hairband with a flower charm on it.
Huo wears a traditional green cheongsam with a gold flower pattern and a yellow and red belt with black shoes.
J Moreno:
J Moreno specializes in theatrical special effects, and has worked on many famous plays and musicals throughout his life. He hates actors, believing that all actors are egotistical spotlight-hogs. While he tries to act tough, in truth he’s quite vulnerable on the inside.
J is a light-skinned young man with black hair with blue and green streaks. He has blue eyes. He wears a purple hoodie with a graphic tee on it, underneath his hoodie is a gray shirt with long sleeves. He wears blue shorts and black tights. He has blue sneakers.
Vincent Grebenshchikova:
Vincent Grebenshchikova is in constant pursuit of the thrill of being scared, leading to an interest in horror fiction. His intense consumption and studies of the horror genre have earned him the title of Ultimate Horror Fanatic. He is embarrassed about his tendency to get carried away when talking about horror.
Vincent is light-skinned young man with short red hair with white streaks and grey eyes. He also decorates his hair with different coloured eyeballs. His left accessory has two eyeballs and his right accessory has three eyeballs. He wears a white top with black semi-transparent sleeves and a black corset, he also wears black bell bottoms that have a spiderwebs design on them. He has white socks with yellow bows, which are held up by garters, and black Mary Janes.
Dahlia Chiem:
Dahlia Chiem is a renowned Inspirational Speaker who has motivated many people through her uplifting speeches. As one would expect, Dahlia is a constantly optimistic personality who encourages those around her to keep on moving. Her true personality may be more pessimistic and lazy than she lets on, according to some (unreliable) sources
Dahlia is a light-skinned young woman. She has dark blue hair in which she wears two yellow hair barrettes and a yellow hair clip with a star on it. Dahlia has grey eyes with yellow stars in them. Dahlia wears a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway, and a green bow tie at her neck. She wears a black skirt and black shoes. Her skirt is held up by a pair of black suspenders.
Amelia Giles:
Amelia Giles is a Plastic Surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. She worships those who possess beauty, and shuns those who are “ugly,” an adjective that she applies to just about everyone. Amelia is rude, condescending, and has little value for others…unless you happen to be a gorgeous celebrity, in which case she’ll kiss up to you.
Amelia is a young woman with mint-colored hair and blue eyes. She wears a surgical mask on her face. She wears blue and green scrubs under a white coat with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue gloves, and brown shoes.
Leah Fontana:
Her appearance may be intimidating, but Leah Fontana has the innocuous talent of Personal Stylist. She has a serious nature and rarely displays strong emotions, but she takes care of her classmates and does her best to help them. Leah seems to have a dangerous past that she’s unwilling to talk about.
Leah is tall and muscular, with brown hair and blue eyes. She wears a blue sleeveless shirt with a purple sleeveless vest which has detached sleeves, and a pink necktie. She also wears a black skirt and long brown boots. She has piercings in both earlobes as well as two piercings in her left auricle. Her nails are painted black.
Ava Markey:
Ava Markey is an incredible Jockey, having won dozens of awards for her jockeying abilities…and yet she completely detests the sport. Ava is incredibly aggressive and constantly lashing out at others, and yet at the same time is a massive coward. She’s all bark, no bite.
Ava is a light-skinned young female. She has maroon hair that stands up and small, maroon eyes. She has a large scar on her right cheek. She wears an orange branded jockeying uniform with her sleeves rolled up halfway. She has black gloves and wears white pants and black boots that reach just below her knees.
Under Ava’s jockeying uniform, she wears a sleeveless white top.
Mitsu Jeung:
Mitsu Jeung is one of the top school performers in the nation, and as thus has rightfully earned the title of Ultimate Student. His talents lie in his diligence at studying and his excellent memory. He is almost always seen quietly studying, never wasting a single opportunity to prep for school, and gets annoyed if he is distracted from this task.
Mitsu is a light-skinned young man. He has short brown hair with bangs that cover his eyes. His attire consists of a white shirt, a red tie with a tie pin, a mauve jacket, burgundy pants, knee-high socks, and brown shoes.
Willow Young:
It’s said that if you get the Ultimate Matchmaker to find you a romantic partner, you’re guaranteed to have a happy and stable relationship for life. Unfortunately for Willow Young, she seems to lack all luck when it comes to finding a relationship herself. Willow is seemingly unable to take any situation seriously. She’s always cracking jokes and making light of things
Willow is a light-skinned young female with blond hair dyed pink at the tips and blue eyes. She wears a black choker and a pink shirt with a pink hoodie. She has a black watch and pink bracelets along with rings and pink nails. She has blue jeans which are ripped at her left knee. She has pink socks and earrings in the shape of hearts.
Charlotte Cuevas:
While there’s no doubt that the Ultimate Chemist is very educated and talented in the field of chemistry, Charlotte has no qualms on using those facts to lord her intellectual superiority over others. She looks down upon those she views as less intelligent. On the flipside, Charlotte is easy to tease and often loses her cool if made fun of.
Charlotte is a young woman with medium-toned skin and yellow eyes. She has short purple hair with two long side bangs that reach her shoulders. Charlotte wears lab safety goggles over her eyes. Her attire consists of a blue button-down shirt, brown skirt, black shoes, a purple necktie, blue gloves, and a lab coat. The left pocket of her lab coat contains a notepad, and the right pocket contains a pen and a pencil.
Under her lab coat, Charlotte wears a blue button-down shirt, with her sleeves rolled up halfway.
Atsushi Nageishi:
Atsushi Nageishi made his debut in the bowling world as a teenager by winning multiple bowling championships. He has a habit of acting cutesy, but don’t let that fool you—he can be very cruel. Ultimately, he just wants to ingratiate himself with others, although the methods he takes to accomplish that goal are…questionable
Atsushi is a light-skinned young male. He has blue eyes and hair. His hair slightly covers his right eye. His hair is uneven and choppy. He wears a blue collared shirt with white arm sleeves and a bowling ball pin on the right side of his chest. He has a short dark blue pants and a bowling glove on his left hand. Atsushi's nails are painted blue. He has thigh-high socks with three blue stripes at the top. He wears blue sneakers.
Nora Hakobyan:
As the Ultimate Pet Therapist, Nora Hakobyan possesses an incredible synergy with animals and works with owners to address behavioral issues in their pets. Yet by spending so much time around animals, Nora may have forgotten how to act around humans. They are quite nervous around others and sometimes struggle to word things correctly.
Nora is a pale-skinned young person with red eyes. They have black hair that sticks up on the sides, resembling the ears of a cat. they wear a blue shirt with a dark cloak on top and a black skirt. They also wear black fingerless gloves with pink prints resembling the toe pads of a cat. They also wear cat-shaped beige slippers with white socks. Their left arm has scratches on it.
River Lacroix:
As the Ultimate Art Forger, River Lacroix paints copies of famous masterpieces that are so realistic that they’re often mistaken for the real thing. He owes his forgery talent to his photographic memory. Despite this, River is very absent-minded and rarely pays attention to things. He’ll often zone out in the middle of a conversation, or worse, fall asleep.
River is a dark-skinned young male with curly brown hair and colourful eyes. He wears a black barret and a white apron with paint stains. He wears a lilac shirt under his apron with the sleeves rolled up halfway. His shirt is also slightly stained with teal paint. He wears a dark grey pants with black tights and teal shoes. His shoelaces are tied around his ankles.
A strange robot with a television for a head. MonoTV claims to be the “Ultimate TV Show Host” who is in charge of an unheard of reality TV show called “Danganronpa: Despair Time.” Although it says it’s in charge, it seems to incompetent in most things.
Also, claims to be a cat despite looking nothing like one.
MonoTV enjoys watching the students kill each other and is prone to using profanity-laced language. Despite this, its demeanor often comes off as cheerful and friendly, which contrasts with its cruel personality. MonoTV is generally portrayed as being rather incompetent.
Edit: Side characters
Masako Akasaki:
??? Tawaki:
Felix Giles:
Elizabeth ‘Eli’ Cuevas:
Tracy Riley:
Anthony Belyaeva:
Rachel Rosales:
Marcelo Rosales:
Hannah Rosales:
Fuyu Nageishi:
Natsu Nageishi:
Damian Chiem:
(Why is there so many blue side characters-)
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tesseractrave ¡ 1 year ago
The Happy Mask Salesman's design makes me wonderfully crazy, and I have to talk about the way my brain processes it because it's a big part of why I love him so much.
[Analysis is under the cut]
The first detail I'd like to point out would be the color theory.
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He has the bluer purple on both his tunic and trousers, or the whole piece if you consider it a jumpsuit (I personally don't draw it as a jumpsuit, but I do admit that it might be the most game-accurate interpretation), and it gives him a very direct foundation and center for the outfit's base.
The vest and shoes are a darker magenta, however, which adds hue variation while staying analogous with his tradmeark purple shades, and the light grey is a value used to balance the more saturated purples as an accent.
The golden accessories are a complimentary (opposite) color to purple, which Nintendo seems to be very adept at in general (cough, Splatoon, cough).
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Of course, we can't forget his hair. Whichever specific shade you see it, it's always agreed that the color is at least somewhere along the ginger spectrum. The red, orange, auburn, etc. hues are analogous between the contrasting gold and purple, adding a transitional color to link them.
His skin serves the same purpose with the varied addition of having a lowered saturation and a lighter tone to aid the grey in balancing the depth of the color of his clothes and hair.
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Though we unfortunately have no canon answer to what his eye color is, Ember Lab's creative decision to make them green may have been the best choice from a design standpoint because it balances out the purple in his clothing and makes his face stand out more.
The distribution of color in this design as a whole is pretty genius to me, as well.
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His hair, being the only part of him that's that ginger color, directs the eyes upward to his face, while the main, deep purple is focused on the direct center.
The gold is arranged widthwise across the center, most heavily on the neck once again to direct the eyes upward while also distributing down to both of his wrists for balance on either side, almost like a scale.
The magenta and grey both run lengthwise down (and wrap around) the center and sit in mostly horizontal detailing at the bottom of his legs like the base of a pillar.
It's not something I added to the example image or spoke about before, but his white teeth in his smile are another aspect that is, of course, very eye-catching for his face and important for his design.
There's also the topic of the geometry.
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I'm using my own art as an example because this is the way I interpret it, but the first image is just a breakup of how the edges of each section line up with one another in a way that fans out from the center, and the second image is the addition of marks measuring the estimated centers of each section.
Looking closely, you quickly realize how his gorget makes everything line up geometrically, and as a whole, the design is entirely symmetrical apart from the way his hair is parted, which adds all the asymmetry needed to make him feel natural, albeit incredibly well-groomed and organized.
The color of the inner edge of his vest and the the soles of his shoes is the same as the two rows of stitches running down the front of his torso, which gives the otherwise separately-coloured pieces of the outfit a common detail to link them as a set.
(At one point, I think I had an exact estimation for the number of stitches in each row, but I think I started ignoring it in my art to save my sanity. I know it's on my cosplay, though.)
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His gorget and bracers also have a matching scallop pattern (though it seems to be debated on whether the scallops of the bracers face up or down), which adds an additional sense of uniformity.
The majority of details follow the lengthwise median, and everything suggests an overall polished feel and a balanced center of gravity. All in all, it's a fantastic design. I've seen so many wonderful takes and artistic adjustments on it, and I've even made my own, but the character designers at Nintendo really popped off with this one.
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genderbinaryisforlosers ¡ 2 years ago
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[basic ID in alt, detailed ID below]
i love them more than words can say. already i wish i could listen to the children's adventure for the first time all over again.
[ID: 1. A height chart lineup showing the main characters of The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One side-by-side in the main campaign and the Children's Adventure. In order it is Eursulon, Suvi, Ame & Cool Dog, and Grandmother Wren & Taro.
Eursulon is a huge bear-like creature standing bipedal on digitigrade legs. As an adult (left) he stands to a height of 220cm. His fur around his ears and forehead resembles the plumage of a horned owl. He has an ursine nose and large tusks, and big, hazel eyes. He has white freckles on his face. He is wearing a long green cloak and beige and brown traveller's garb, and a golden pauldron is partially hidden by his cloak on his shoulder. It has a small dent in it but is well polished. In his right hand (viewer's left) he holds a round wooden shield, and in his left hand he holds an unsheathed sword, Wavebreaker, with pale blue silk lining wrapped around the hilt. He has a neutral expression.
As a child, he was still large at about 145cm tall, but had a rounder face, smaller fangs, and shorter feet. He is unclothed except for his golden pauldron, undented, and instead of a sword he is clutching a broom handle with both paws. He is smiling.
Suvi is a Black human girl who stands at around 183cm as an adult. She has a turquoise afro which is pulled back neatly into a bun and decorated with fine gold chains as well as a round golden censer hanging from the back. She is dressed in a smart Imperial blue uniform with gold and silver trim, and wields in her right hand a crystal staff decorated with the Imperial sigil and wings made of floating shards. In her left hand she holds a book bound in dark blue leather. Instead of wearing glasses, her brown eyes are magically treated, which causes a teal sheen to be visible over her pupils. She is smiling confidently.
As a child, she was about 120cm tall and her hair was still dark brown and not tied back. She has yellow asteria flowers in her hair as well as a pencil and a cool leaf, and wore huge round glasses. She wears a red button-up dress with pockets, stripey white tights, and smart indigo shoes. She clutches a brown canvas-bound book to her chest and looks wide-eyed.
Ame is an East Asian girl who stands at around 150cm as an adult. She has long, dark straight hair and dark brown eyes. She has her right hand on her hip while her left hand adjusts her giant red witch's hat. The hat has a white underside and there is a gold censer attached to the pointed tip. She is wearing a white wrap top patterned with pink petals, and the long flowy sleeves have been buttoned back. She has two bracelets around her left wrist, one is woven lilac and green, and the other is small pink flowers chained together. She has red skirt that resembles a toadstool, with white spots on the cap and pink ruffles under the rim. She also has a white half-apron with several pockets tied to her waist by dark pink cord, which also holds a light brown pouch. She has one skinned knee showing above her flowery pink-and-white socks, and red stompy boots. She is smiling out of the corner of her mouth. Wrapping around her legs is Cool Dog, her fox familiar, eyeing the viewer suspiciously.
As a child, she was extremely small at 100cm. She has a bowl cut and dimples. She wears an oversized yellow shirt with white stripes, the sleeves pushed up past her elbows, and orange dungarees. She has muddy red welly boots, and is wearing the lilac and green bracelet. She is grinning broadly with her eyes shut and holding her fists up near her chest.
Grandmother Wren is an old witch standing at about 155cm with light brown skin and frizzy grey-and-white-streaked hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a dark purple witch's hat with a golden buckle and a curling tip, a knitted lilac shawl around her shoulders, and a cable-knit yellow sweater. She is wearing a stripy half-apron over a floor-length patchwork skirt, and is leaning on a gnarled wooden cane with both hands. She is smiling ruefully. Taro, her rooster familiar, is standing on the brim of her hat.
2. A cropped version of the same drawing, this time including Eursulon's glamoured forms. His glamoured form is a Black human, resembling Suvi as if he were her brother, although his eyes remain hazel and his hair is ginger instead of dark brown. He has dark brown freckles on his face and a gap in his front teeth, although the gap can only be seen in his childhood glamour as he is smiling. As an adult, the glamour is dressed identically to the unglamoured form although he's shorter by about 25cm, and his hair is braided back neatly into a bun. He also has some facial hair on his sideburns. As a child, his hair is shorter and styled into mini locs, and he is wearing a white shirt and green shorts, though still barefoot. He is about 15cm shorter than his unglamoured form.
3. A cropped version of the remaining lineup, showing Suvi, Ame & Cool Dog, and Grandmother Wren & Taro. /end ID]
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