#on separatism
is-this-really--life · 3 months
I think a lot of women come on here freshly peaked having one idea of what radical feminist tumblr truly is (gender abolitionist and woman-focused advocacy) and don't realize the other darker side of it.
Separatism is introduced as this personally liberating thing you can do for yourself, to keep yourself more safe. All of these examples of male violence, you can't help but start to think it's all of them to one degree or another. Of course you want to protect yourself. It's only natural. But so much of a focus on individual action, politicized sexual purity, and separation of the sexes will not liberate us from the dehumanization of women.
What is the end goal of separatism? It's foundationless. It's rooted in fear and absolutely nothing else. Everything under it crumbles.
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radfemridiculous · 18 days
If I have to see one more goddamn mention of the “male loneliness epidemic” i’m going to shoot myself. Yknow women have been lonely. For centuries. For millennia women have been lonely, isolated in marriages they didn’t want, forced into domestic labour they never asked for, at home with children they never dreamed of having, having their rights, their dreams, their aspirations, their hopes and dreams stripped away from them. For millennia! But sure some men can’t make friends and mean women won't fuck them. Let’s call it an epidemic and have all of the world’s professionals turn an eye to it, let’s have a shit ton of articles and papers written about why men can’t make friends or get girlfriends and how that’s just not fair you guys! It’s not as though men have been having the world spoon fed to them, carried to them on a golden platter for millennia either. It’s not as though every woman in a man’s life is forced constantly to do emotional labour for him because he has the mentality of a fucking six year old and is effectively useless on his own. It is the de facto position for a wife or a girlfriend to “fix” a useless man, to make him a real man, to make him empathetic and kind and patient, to temper and mature him and just hope to god he doesn’t fucking kill her on the way there. Men are lonely? Fucking good. Maybe, for the first time in civilisation, they fucking should be.
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radifemsara · 9 months
Pregnancy is not "inconvenient"
Missing the bus is inconvenient.
Losing your purse is inconvenient
Pregnancy is intrusive, risky and life-changing and no one should have to justify not wanting to go through it.
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vexingwoman · 7 months
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men be like
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lesbianerin · 18 days
i wish every woman could experience being in a true female only space at least once. a space away from men in a secluded area. cooking, eating, dancing, creating, swimming, existing only among women. no need for make up, clothing that’s not comfortable and practical, no bras, no shaving, no artificial femininity. if you wanna walk around naked you can be, no one’s gonna stare at you, no fear of a man sitting in the bush filming or masturbating. no body shaming or pointing out any part of your body. no pressure to look perfect. no need to look perfect. just existing and being enough, living without fear and in harmony with our bodies and nature.
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hadesoftheladies · 9 days
what women hear when I criticize femininity: this woman is so stupid and should be treated like the baby she is by not allowing her to make decisions
what I actually mean: the desire for male validation is beneath you
what women hear when I criticize dating/marrying men: these dumb hoes are too dick-addicted to make proper decisions
what I actually mean: the desire for male validation is beneath you
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radwitchhh · 1 month
No other organism is disgusted with how they look. It's a tyranny to condition half of the human population to hate themselves so much that they repeatedly hurt their bodies, making efforts of altering them. Look at the trees aging with no shame in all their glory, all the female animals existing freely and unapologetically but human female people have been subjected to this imposed cruel self-hatred for centuries by m@les and m@le-supremacist world
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cheeeeep · 13 days
I genuinely believe that even at the best of times a heterosexual relationship will always leave the woman dissatisfied.
Men will always lack an emotional intelligence that I believe is crucial for a woman to feel fully satisfied in her heterosexual relationship.
Even the ones who are "happy" will always make excuses and accept a certain amount of bullshit.
I am not talking about abusive relationships I am speaking on a general settling and dissatisfaction even with a "good man".
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apperiti · 25 days
going to center my human experience around female experience. befriend and build deep relationships with women. enjoy women’s art and writings. listen to female artists, speakers, and role models. read books about women, watch movies about women, and donate to charities for women. work with women, study with women, plan trips and outings with female friends and colleagues. support female creators and buy artworks of women. i am going to enjoy my life so much by caring for and being cared by women.
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horsegurlfem · 7 months
To make a world where straight women aren't consistently ending up with horrible men, we need to make a world where they aren't afraid to end up single. Where it is clear that lifelong celibacy is the preferable option a lot of (or even most) of the time. A lot of straight women don't want to end up in a big house all by themselves, or have to raise kids all by themselves, so I think we need form more communities of women intentionally living together apart from men.
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strawberrycakefem · 3 months
Public toilets should be sex segregated not only for women's safety, but also to accommodate the different needs between the sexes such as women needing more floor space than men.
"On the face of it, it may seem fair and equitable to accord male and female public toilets the same amount of floor space – and historically, this is the way it has been done. 50/50 division of floor space has even been formalised in plumbing codes. However, if a male toilet has both cubicles and urinals, the number of people who can relieve themselves at once is far higher per square foot of floor space in the male bathroom than in the female bathroom. Suddenly equal floor space isn’t so equal.
But even if male and female toilets had an equal number of stalls, the issue wouldn’t be resolved, because women take up to 2.3 times as long as men to use the toilet. Women make up the majority of the elderly and disabled, two groups that will tend to need more time in the toilet. Women are also more likely to be accompanied by children, as well as disabled and older people. Then there’s the 20–25% of women of childbearing age who may be on their period at any one time, and therefore needing to change a tampon or a sanitary pad.
Women may also in any case require more trips to the bathroom than men: pregnancy significantly reduces bladder capacity, and women are eight times more likely to suffer from urinary-tract infections than men which again increases the frequency with which a toilet visit is needed. In the face of all these anatomical differences, it would surely take a formal (rather than substantive) equality dogmatist to continue to argue that equal floor space between men and women is fair."
— Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
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is-this-really--life · 3 months
I think this space is uniquely horrible to be in both for OSA woman *and* for SSA woman. And I think it's obvious at this point why it's so awful for OSA women, because that's more overt. You get told you're politically impure for partnering with men. Of course that's insane.
But... idk there's like... this fear and this shame of being attracted to women in the wrong way. When you're a separatist, everything revolves around demonizing male sexuality, and so of course you fear emulating it. I was* afraid any attraction to women, any expression of it, in any sort of way that isn't neat and tidy, perfectly feminist and politically correct, makes me like a man. And therefore bad. I couldn't even think about wanting to fuck women without feeling ashamed.
I was only able to unpack some of this, that I felt this way, after I stopped being a separatist.
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radfemnotfemme · 7 months
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radifemsara · 5 months
Women were never created from men's ribs, not ever. It is HE who emerges from HER womb. Framing the father as the life giver is a patriarchal lie, it's not true.
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vexingwoman · 8 months
No male gynecologists
No male therapists
No male morticians
No male babysitters
No male veterinarians
No male anesthesiologists
No male surgeons
No male doctors
No male roommates
No male women’s prison guards
No male Uber/lift drivers
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lesbianerin · 19 days
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yesterday there was a "dyke*-festival" in berlin and initially i wanted to go, but then i looked up their website and found out that straight males have access but god forbid you think that lesbians are homosexual (exclusively same-sex attracted) women (adult female humans).
this should tell you everything about the current state of the lesbian community. lesbophobic and male-centered.
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