#ollie x dinah
somewherefornow · 7 months
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deus-sema · 22 days
Hear me out
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ao3statistics · 7 months
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This is self-made. Date: 14.03.2024
Please note that the numbers for Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El might not be entirely correct.
The reason for that is that I made the chart before noticing that Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers and Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El were made synonyms within the Arrow (TV 2012) and Supergirl (TV 2015) fandom but not in all other fandoms (comics, The Flash (TV)). Instead Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El and Oliver Queen/Kara Starikova were made synonyms for the comic fandoms, Superman - All Media Types and (again?) the TV Show Arrow (2012).... I found it quite confusing because I don't know much about the Arrowverse in general (clearly). Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the excel table the charts were based on (haaaaah...) and I cannot be bothered to do it all over again.
In short: The hits you see for Oliver Queen/Kara Zoe-El/Kara Danvers are most likely related to the Arrow TV show (2012) and the TV show Supergirl (2015) only (if I understood the way the tagging for this ship is done on Ao3 correctly).
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Oliver Queen from DCU.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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ballroomfitz · 2 years
Underrated DC characters as underrated bands/artists I like (if y’all know any of these artists I will personally give you a kiss on the lips) Johnny Thunder: The Heartbreakers (hahahehe yes yes I am so clever) Eel O’Brian: The Pretty Things (Midnight to Six is, incidentally, also his time) Booster Gold: Sparks (when WILL he get to sing “My Way”?) John Stewart: Gloria Jones (he’s rocking to “Tainted Love”) Dinah Lance: The X-Ray Spex (some people think little girls should be seen and not heard. . . ) Oliver Queen: Phil Ochs (Ollie can 100% play “Love Me I’m A Liberal” on guitar and whips it out at protests)
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sharpestasp · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU (Comics), Green Arrow (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen Characters: Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen Additional Tags: Break Up, Drabble Summary:
One too many times Oliver failed Roy.
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savanir · 4 months
DP x DC prompt [11]
Vlad is planning something big, something powerful and he’s using his wealth and connections to make it happen. Danny realizes that his parents' tech and his friend's aid isn’t going to cut it, and brute forcing the matter as Phantom is just going to ruin his reputation permanently.
What he needs is another different fruitloop, and thankfully for him the world is pretty damn full of them.
but he needs a very specific fruitloop, the one with a big company, advanced high end tech, so much money they don’t really know what to do with it and preferably they gotta be an absent figure, because Danny is on a mission, he’s not looking to get a new parent (he has his own)
and after some searching he finds his guy
Oliver Queen
Now he just needs to get in on that, and he decides to do that by using what little he managed to remember from Vlad’s “you will be the heir of Dalv,co” rants and Sam’s ideas on environmentalism. cause Queen apparently cares a lot about giving back to the little guy.
Which is great! very important, even if his business kinda suffers from how he goes about it (but Danny can help with that! somehow! he’ll figure it out, can’t be that hard) 
We can’t all be Brucie Wayne, but we certainly can try.  
So anyway, shouldn’t be too hard, he’s got some history in the field of environment stuff what with the whole purple back gorilla thing.
and Ollie takes one good look at this smart enthusiastic black haired blue eyed teen and is like, “oh neat! my very own Tim Drake Wayne” and he just goes with it.
Danny’s hidden power of drawing in rich people is truly something to behold…
Oliver is more than happy to just let Danny do whatever he wants as long as it doesn’t break the law or look bad on him, and no drugs, he was very clear on that.
and Danny is like great, I can now work on undermining Vlad and ruin his plans!
but then… Dinah…
“Oliver Jonas Queen!”
oh shit, full named…
“You are not going to do a repeat of Roy!”
Dinah is very effective, and the whole thing starts small enough.
Oliver personally shows him around in the company, makes sure to introduce him to the important folks.
that evolves into occasionally checking up on him, making sure he takes the appropriate amount of breaks.
then he takes him to a baseball match, he had multiple tickets… would have been a waste to refuse.
Then Dinah insists he tags along for dinner in a restaurant (there were some others, it was actually not awkward at all somehow, quite nice really), this grows into dinner at the penthouse.
It's when Oliver expresses the desire to teach Danny archery, telling him there are a lot of things in the sport that are also applicable to business stuff that Danny comes to a sudden and violent realization.
He's being parented!
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timmydraker · 1 month
My Endgame ships for Batfam (and co)
SuperWonderBat (Superman/Batman/WonderWoman)
NightFire (Nightwing/Starfire)
JayRoy (Jason/Roy)
Timard (Tim/Benard)
StephCass (Stephanie/Cassandra)
Daminika (Damian/Flatline)
BBRae (Beast Boy/Raven)
GreenCanary (Ollie/Dinah)
Duke/Happiness and Good Health and All The Best In Life (I haven’t read enough of the comics to know his ships tbh)
I do really like Tim and Kon but because I ship their dads it just feels wrong cause like… they either step brothers of that’s Tim’s uncle in law. It’s kind of a one or the other for me. Same goes for Damian and Jon, but in that case I adore him and Nika so much I’ll always prefer them just look how she makes him SMILE.
I also really like Bruce and Selina but I can’t see them as a serious and long lasting couple but I don’t doubt their obvious romance and affection, I just don’t see many cases where it could realistically work out.
There’s also Wally X Dick but it’s just not as impactful to me as NightFire even if I do relaly love it, childhood best friends is so cute but I grew up with Teen Titians so I’m a little biased.
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thesummerstorms · 2 months
PJO x DC, Camp Half-Blood has an open betting pool on:
Is Poison Ivy actually a dryad or, like, the dryad+human equivalent of a demigod?
Is Black Canary a daughter of Apollo? (Blond + sonic scream) Or is her boyfriend Green Arrow (blond+ archer) the son of Apollo?
Are the Arrow sidekicks then legacies? Some of them are too old to be Canary or Green Arrow's biokogical kids, but...
No one will entertain the idea of both Green Arrow and Black Canary being Apollo kids or even one of them being a legacy because it's widely known they're together and no one wants to go there, Greek Mythology be damned.
Which gods could still fight in a space battle? (Apollo and Artemis are the sun and moon, but does Poseidon have any dominion once you leave Earth's atmosphere? What about someone whose powers are more rooted in humanity, like Hermes?)
They have this debate under the guise of "which god's kids" to avoid anyone being smites, but everyone understands the subtext.
If they ran away and, like, joined the Green Lanterns though, would they finally get to escape demigod problems? Or would the Gods still follow them?
What the hell is Swamp Thing, and does Pan have anything to do with it? Did some poor Satyr 's nature magic go really, really wrong?
Batman son of Nyx? Nemesis? Athena? Phobos or Deimos?
Annabeth Wayne Chase tends to shut those conversations down when she can, or else leave the room, and people figure she has some weird Gothamite grudge, maybe related to Batman not helping her when she was a seven year old run away. This theory has extra credence because she will throw something sharp or heavy at you if you try and insist Batman must be her older brother through Athena.
Do alien pantheons (Rao, X'Hal) really exist, and, more importantly, do they now have any domains on Earth due to Superman, Starfire, etc.
What exactly is going on with Aquaman, Tempest, etc & Poseidon. (Percy tried to give them the explanation but it was too rational to be fun.)
Are any of their missing or presumed dead siblings actually running around in a mask with the Justice League?
Everyone is pretty sure they know the answer to this, actually, at least in their heart of hearts. It never stops the youngest kids from hoping.
Roy Harper /Arsenal encounters either Will Solace or some other blond Apollo child with both archery ability (at least somewhat) and sound powers (a la Will's sonic whistle) and becomes paranoid that Dinah and Ollie have either a time traveling or dimension traveling secret love child.
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aangelinakii · 1 month
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characters written about in this piece: bruce wayne, clark kent, diana prince, barry allen, oliver queen, dinah lance
note : i LOVED this idea so much i literally like it is literally 5 in the morning i wrote it in an hour i was so hyped !! hopefully it was what you were asking for, thanks for requesting !
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BRUCE WAYNE — grumpy x sunshine
okay you guys saw this coming. he's literally batman, and there's a lot of debate about whether or not batman is the real persona,, so NATURALLY i think a grumpy x sunshine thing would go well with him. i did also read somewhere that his sexuality is villains, but who says a villain can't be happy go lucky ???? wait because i literally feel a fic coming up... batman x golden retriever!villain like... ????? but it's like, batman / bruce is known as just this rain cloud, no emotion, but with you he just melts and his heart grows warm, as does his tough exterior. he's used to having a family now, going through failed relationships (whore lol) but meeting you is just different. has he been dating the wrong people all his life ?
CLARK KENT — strangers to lovers
a romance blossoms with clark as a chance encounter. two tired office workers caught in the rain, the bus is late, they agree to flag down a taxi and share one together, but fuck you've forgotten your wallet (just your luck) so clark insists it's okay that he can pay, but you're not leaving that easy, you ask for his business card so you can call him when you're free to pay him back (you say you'll pay him half, but you actually pay him full). when you meet him again, you either ask to meet halfway at a park somewhere, or go up to the daily planet. "just in case a situation like this ever happens again" clark asks for your card too, but instead just calls you one night as you're eating a takeaway in front of your tv to (really shyly) ask you if you're seeing anyone and if you'd like him to take you out sometime :)))
DIANA PRINCE — "who did this to you?"
I JUST SCREAMed at protective!diana LIKE ???? i was going through pinterest looking for ideas to help and i saw this microtrope and i was like yes this is the one. like imagine heavily injured / on the brink of death, laying in a hospital bed or in the infirmary of the jl station, and your lover ( / friend / enemy / ????? ) diana storms in maddd as hell and shés like "who did this to you??? are you okay??? what happened??? more importantly who tf hurt you ????" so you tell her, and she spends some time with you, but as soon as your eyes begin to droop closed, she is Gone. diana isn't one to kill i don't think, she tries to see the good in everybody, but this person hurt you. maybe death isn't what's coming for them, but she'll make sure it counts.
BARRY ALLEN — best friends to lovers
what better way to form a romantic relationship with someone, than through a platonic friendship with them? barry knows you like the back of his hand, you know him like the back of yours. you've watched each other go through relationship after relationship, always wondering why your heart droops at the news of a new person in the mix, slightly altering your dynamic, but pings up again once it finds out the relationship had sizzled out. there was something aching between you, but that was just what friendships were like, right ? so why didn't you feel it with anyone else ? it turned into something more when external people began noticing too, asking if you were already dating,, and it became more obvious that perhaps your friendship could be something else.
OLIVER QUEEN — flirt x oblivious
ollie queen is a crippling flirt. he's used to a mere wink sending the ladies whirling, add an "oh yeah?" to the end of his sentence and he can see the dust of a blush along someone's cheeks. he knows the ins and outs. so why can't he flirt with you ??? WHY WONT YOU BLUSH ??? OR EVEN FLIRT BACK ??? you're oblivious !!!! he will compliment your appearance, the way you fight in battle, the way you spar (and purposely pin you down, but get off with a huff when you chuckle and say he's got you down already, no need to keep you there). he starts spending so much time with you, offering himself up to go on patrol / missions just so he can spend time bugging you. but it starts getting too much, until he realises he can't say a word around you. why is he getting tongue tied ?? he doesn't ?? oh god *gag* he.. likes you ???? it isn't until now, with him being more nervous around you, beginning to actually avoid you, that you start to notice.
DINAH LANCE — rivals to lovers
when i say rivals i don't mean properly pitting against each other, not by any means,, i mean say you're also in the justice league as well, a hero, whatever you like,,,, whenever you're put together on a mission together, it's a competition between who can take out the most bad guys, save the most innocents, who gets there the fastest etc. it's technically friendly bants but there's some competitiveness behind it that isn't exactly fake. you're friends / acquaintances for sure, but what happens when a kiss is on the stakes ??? "person who takes out the most of joker's henchmen gets a kiss from the winner"
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somewherefornow · 7 months
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Oliver Queen x Male!reader dating headcanons
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*Rafael Silva used as fancast*
● you met Oliver at a bar one night after work, he tried to impress you by buying you the most expensive drink off the top shelf
● it worked, along with his charming personality
● and it certainly didn't hurt how handsome he was either
● so you went home with him that night
● and then the next night
● and again the next
● within weeks he was calling you his boyfriend
● but it wasn't until a year later when you just so happened to be at a bank that was being robbed and the green arrow saved the day
● you went to see Oliver that night and found him stitching up a bullet hole in his waist at the exact spot the green arrow had been shot in at the bank
● he tells you everything starting from getting stuck on Lian Yu
● oh yeah and that his best friends Dinah and Roy are also black canary and arsenal
● it takes some time to adjust to this new discovery
● Oliver gives you space but once it all settles in you're back to your old selves
● "So you're really okay with this?"
● "I fell in love with Oliver Queen and if you and the green arrow are a packaged deal than I'll just have to accept that"
● did he come home to you one day trying on his suit? Yes
● and did he find it hilarious when you got stuck trying to quickly take it off? Also yes
● he tries to teach you how to use his crossbow
● "you know this is a lot harder than it looks"
● "it takes a lot of practice, you could always go get stranded alone on an island for five years like I did"
● "no thanks I would go crazy if I didn't get to look at that pretty face of yours everyday"
● Oliver is the proudest boyfriend
● he loves to show you off when you go out
● especially to big wig business guys he's making deals with
● "this is my boyfriend Y/N, let me tell you his entire life story and how amazing he is"
● and he will take any chance he gets to celebrate your accomplishments
● you got a promotion at work and Oliver used his connections to get last minute reservations at the most exclusive restaurant in town and bought a brand new suit
● speaking of, Oliver should not have been as surprised as he was when you showed up to the restaurant in a bright green suit of your own
● "Hey its like I get to show off that my boyfriend is the green arrow without people knowing that my boyfriend is the green arrow"
● he's super romantic too, he has plans for every anniversary you could possibly think of
● and valentine's day is his favorite holiday
● it's the one day where he doesn't take advantage of his financial status to take you out on an unnecessarily extravagant date
● and instead sets up a quiet dinner at home
● he pretends that he made the intricate meal when the private chef he hired snuck out mere minutes before you arrived
● so maybe he still spent quite a bit of money on that
● and on the ridiculously expensive wine
●… and on the bouquets of roses that all over your home
● after two years you thought you had gotten used to Oliver being a superhero
● but then Dinah kicks down your door as she and Roy carries in Oliver who is bloody and beat to hell, barely conscious
● "what the hell happened!"
● Dinah "deathstroke ambushed us"
● "look at him, he should be at the hospital!"
● Roy "and tell them what? That Oliver Queen is the green arrow?"
● you're pacing around as Dinah and Roy patch him up and he finally comes back to
● "Oh my god, Ollie you're okay, I thought you were going to die," you say kissing him
● "you can't get rid of me that easy" he jokes
● "it's not funny Oliver I was really scared"
● "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"
● Roy "I hate to say it but this kind of thing comes with the territory of dating a superhero Y/N"
● Dinah "this isn't going to be the last time something like this will happen and next time it could be worse are you going to be able to handle that?"
● "I meant it when I said that I accept you and the green arrow are a packaged deal Oliver, I love you and I'm not going anywhere"
● Oliver "I love you too Y/N"
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theodorecanaryhood · 10 months
A Christmas Story: Queen x Wayne, Queen x Todd
Oliver Queen’s nephew comes to stay with his aunt and uncle and begins working with batman and Red Hood.
Oliver Queen x Bruce Wayne x Jason Todd x Male! Reader
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It was no question and without hesitation that Oliver took you in
You hadn’t spoken to your parents for a while, Oliver and Dinah were the only family you claimed
Oliver was happy to have you with him, especially as it was December
Oliver introduced you to the hero game a few years back
Batman was your favourite hero, but of course if Uncle Ollie asks, it’s Green Arrow
You donned your hero suit and teamed up with Oliver and Dinah
There was a bad mission that was to be handled with the help of some big guns
Batman and Red Hood joined the mission within a few hours
You were star struck to meet the Bat in person
Dinah took to the comms while Oliver was with Bruce
That left you with Jason
The two of you bonded and caught up
Jason insisted on calling you ‘Arrow Jr’
‘Don’t hit them too hard’ Jason teased, commenting mainly in regards to your smaller and shorter stature
Jason towered over you, which also didn’t help when you got annoyed with him
After a week, the five of you were making progress
And in time to enjoy Christmas this year
‘Hey short stack’ Jason teased, ruffling your hair
You didn’t know why it bugged you so much, nor why Jason teased so much
You caught Bruce smirking in the corner of the Arrow Cave on one occasion
‘I think Jason likes you y/n’ Bruce remarked
You could of slapped yourself, it’s obvious and you didn’t see it
The reason it bugged you so much, you like Jason too
The mission was a success and you all celebrated Christmas Eve at Wayne Manor with the family, your Aunt and Uncle in attendance too
‘Hey’ you smiled to Jason, he smiled sweetly in return
Jason held up mistletoe as you smiled back
You tiptoed as Jason leant in and kissed you
Dinah spotted the two of you and laughed, making a comment along the lines of ‘finally’
‘Hurt my nephew and I’ll kill you’ Oliver remarked as he wrapped his arm around Dinah’s shoulders
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thebigbadbatswife · 2 years
Back To You
Pairing - Oliver Queen x Fem!Reader
Summary - The sound of glass shattering on the laminated wooden floor was loud in the otherwise silent apartment. You refused to believe what your eyes were informing you. There was absolutely no way and yet Oliver stood in front of you. Oliver Queen has been dead for the past decade, so the last thing you expect is for him to be standing in your kitchen.
Warnings - 18+ content, Shameless Smut, Porn with Feelings, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Cock Warming, Fluff, Comfort, Nicknames
Word Count - 2.7k
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The sound of glass shattering on the laminated wooden floor was loud in the otherwise silent apartment. You refused to believe what your eyes were informing you. There was absolutely no way and yet Oliver stood in front of you.
You remembered the day that he had died like it was yesterday. It had been the worst day of your life. You had been on the rooftop of this very same apartment building, furious that there was nothing you could do to help. All you could do was wait and hope for the best. Hoping that Oliver would be coming home to you. All of your hopes had been shattered the moment that Superman had arrived, an expression filled with regret and sympathy on his face. His suit had been covered in soot, ash and a distinct smell that made your stomach turn. He didn’t even need to speak for you to know exactly what had happened. Your knees had buckled as a scream of agony and fury, directed at the only person who you had ever loved, ripped its way out of your throat.
The months that had followed had been filled with anger, tears, grief and plenty of missions you had been hoping would kill you. A lot of your anger and hatred had been directed toward Superman and the rest of the Justice League for not doing more. A lot of it was also directed toward Oliver for refusing to allow Superman to save him. Why did he always have to be so damn stubborn?
It was only thanks to Dinah, Roy and Connor that you were still here, still standing.
Despite all of that. Despite being dead for years, leaving your heart aching and yearning for someone you could never ever have in your arms again, here he was. Standing in the middle of your kitchen, right in front of you, with his stupid goatee and lovely green eyes. Eyes that held nothing, but love for you.
If you reached your hand out toward him, you were sure you would touch him.
“Hey, beautiful,” Oliver began. His voice was soft and gentle, like someone might use to speak to a frightened cat.
He took a step toward you. You immediately took a step backwards.
How did you even know this was really him? Over the years you had made plenty of enemies and if one of them wanted to shatter you, this would absolutely be the way to do so. Or you were dreaming again. You’d had more dreams like this than you cared to count, each one making you wake up in tears. But this didn’t feel like a dream and, as far as you knew, none of your enemies had any idea who you were behind your mask.
You took a shaky breath, as tears started to stream down your face. “You can’t be here,” you stated. “You’re dead.”
“I know. It’s a long story and I promise I will explain absolutely everything…”
You shook your head, backing up more till you hit the counter behind you. “No. They said you had been atomised, there was nothing left to bury! I’m dreaming again. I must be.”
Oliver stepped over the broken glass and cautiously approached you. “You’re not dreaming. I’m really here.” To prove that he was, he took hold of your hands and placed them on his chest, right above his heart. You could feel it beating steadily beneath your palms, pumping blood around his body.
You sobbed. He was right. You weren’t dreaming. He really was there. He really was alive.
“Ollie,” you gasped. Your knees buckled, but he easily caught you. Holding you close to his chest, he lowered you both to the floor. He murmured words of comfort to you as he rubbed your back. You returned his embrace, holding him rather tightly, scared that if you let go of him he might disappear. You were positive that you couldn’t handle losing him twice.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise,” he murmured, like he had somehow gained the ability to read minds.
You nodded, keeping a tight grip on him as you sobbed into his t-shirt. You weren’t sure how long you cried for or how long the two of you stayed on the floor, but even after your tears stopped falling he continued to rub your back and talk to you softly.
After a moment, you pulled away so that you could look at him. He wiped away your tears and gave you a small smile. You returned his smile. The initial shock was starting to wear off and in its place you were starting to feel so unbelievably happy. You didn’t know what you had done to deserve it, but he had been given back to you and you weren’t going to waste another moment with him.
As happy as you were to cuddle with him, you wanted more. You needed more. You needed those stupid clothes off of the both of you so that you could feel his skin against yours. You needed to be one with him.
“Kiss me, Ollie.”
His hand drifted down from your cheeks and he cupped your jaw. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed you, softly and sweetly. Kissing back, you threaded your fingers into his hair. You had greatly missed the feeling of his lips against yours, his goatee lightly scratching your face as he kissed you. For so long you had gone without kissing him, believing that you would never kiss him again until your own time was finally up and you were reunited. But here you both were. Against all odds and nature’s own laws, and you never wanted to stop kissing him.
You removed your hands from his hair and wrapped your arms around his neck as you straddled him. You deepened the kiss, moaning softly as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. His hands slid down your body, hooking behind your knees and pulled you even closer to him. Already you could feel him beginning to strain against his jeans, sending a wave of excitement running through you. You rocked your hips against him, letting him know exactly what you were thinking, drawing a groan from him.
Suddenly, your world was flipped and you found yourself pinned to the floor, making you gasp and your heart skip a beat. Only he could ever take you by surprise. Oliver hovered above you with that cocky smile you had missed so much. You cupped his face with both of your hands, taking a deep breath as pressure started to build behind your eyes again. The tears that were threatening to fall were the result of the overwhelming happiness and joy you were feeling. He turned his head and kissed your palm, humming softly.
“Are you okay?” he asked, speaking your name softly.
You nodded. “Yea, I’m—” you took a deep breath “—I’m just so happy and it’s overwhelming,” you chuckled, feeling your cheek heat up a little. Oliver chuckled with you.
“Do you want me to keep kissing?”
“I’m hoping you’ll do a lot more than just kiss me.”
“Planning on it, beautiful.”
He kissed your lips again, deeply, passionately and with need. You moaned against his lips, heat already building up between your legs. Soon he started to trail kisses from your jaw and down your neck, pausing to gently bite down on the juncture of your neck. He soothed your mark with his tongue and pulled away to marvel at his handy work before taking hold of your tank top and quite literally ripping it off of you. In the past you would have been annoyed, but now you couldn’t care less about it.
What did a scrap of cloth matter when you had the love of your life back in your arms?
As Oliver kissed down the valley of your breasts, the broken glass, that was glinting in the kitchen light, caught your eye. You ran your fingers through his hair as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, your back arching into his touch.
“Dangerous,” you muttered, “doing this so close to broken glass.”
He released your nipple, giving it a light tug with his teeth, smiling when you gasped. “Still safer than that night we spent in that warehouse,” he murmured against your skin, prompting you to laugh softly as you remembered that night. “But you are right. We should move this elsewhere. The kitchen floor isn’t exactly how I pictured tonight going.”
He climbed off of you and offered you his hand so that he could pull you up off of the floor. You removed the remnants of what had been your tank top, letting it fall to the floor, before resting your hands on his shoulders and jumping up, wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands moved quickly to support you and he didn’t waste the opportunity to give your ass a good squeeze.
“Oliver!” you exclaimed, your tone light and a smile on your face.
“Couldn’t resist, beautiful.” He kissed you as he carried you through your apartment and toward your bedroom.
Gently, he laid you down onto the bed and broke the kiss briefly so he could pull his shirt off and chuck it to the side. He was quick to descend on you again, his lips returning to yours. With your legs still wrapped around his waist, using your strength, you flipped your positions so that you were now on top. You began to kiss down his body, but abruptly stopped and sat up, your brow furrowing. His scars were gone.
The feeling of his hand, which you were now extremely aware of being soft and not calloused, covered one of yours, making you look up at him.
“Like I said, it’s a long story, but I’m still me. I’m still your Ollie,” he reassured you. “We can stop…”
You shook your head. “Plenty of time for that tomorrow. Right now I need you.”
He nodded and you began to kiss his chest again. It was weird. Before his death, you had committed the placement of his scars to memory, mapping them out with your lips or fingers almost every time you were in private together. All of them evidence that he was far stronger than what had tried to kill him. Though, with that being said, you imagined that it wouldn’t take long for him to start a new collection of scars. And you would commit those to memories like you had done with his last ones.
You trailed your kisses down his chest and past his naval, stopping when you finally reached his jeans. The outline of his cock was obvious as it strained against his jeans. There was no doubt he was aching to get them off. You rubbed your legs together, your own aching becoming unbearable. You were more than happy to help him out of them, undoing the button and zip and, with his help you pulled them and his boxers down, freeing his cock. Your shorts and panties were quick to follow.
With your clothing now out of the way, you straddled him again. You grasped his cock and rubbed the head through your dripping folds, slicking him up before lowering yourself onto him. You both groaned at the feeling of his cock finally stretching your walls.
Normally the two of you would focus on foreplay first, Oliver eating you out and you sucking on his cock, but there’s no time for any of that. You couldn’t wait anymore, you needed to feel him, to have him deep inside of you so you could make sure that he was really there with you.
You placed your hands on his chest, right where you could feel his heart hammering against his chest already, and you started to ride him. You set a slow and steady pace, revelling in the feeling of the veins of his cock rubbing against the walls of your cunt. His head fell back into the pillow as he moaned your name, his hands gripping your hips as you moved. Fuck, you had missed the sound of your name on his tongue as he lost himself to pleasure.
Once again, you suddenly found your world flipped and you were pinned to the bed. He kept the same steady pace you had started, slowly pulling out, leaving on the head of his cock inside of you before thrusting back in hard, each time harder than the last. Each thrust stole the air from your lungs and moved you up the bed, making your breasts bounce.
He went to kiss you, but it was sloppy and uncoordinated so he focused solely on littering your neck and collarbone with love bites. Between moans you managed to murmur “harder” and “faster” into the crook of his neck. You wrapped your legs around him and you pulled him impossibly closer to your body. Your bodies were so close together now that his body dragged against your nipples and clit, making you gasp with each thrust.
He obliged immediately, quickening his pace until it was almost unbearable. Your nails dug into the meat of his back as you cried out in pleasure, each thrust almost making you see stars. He had always been so good at this, making your toes curl and your voice turn hoarse as he focused on your pleasure, his own coming in second place.
It was almost overwhelming for you, the intense feeling of joy rising up within you, enhancing the pleasure that Oliver was bringing you.
“Ollie, please!” you whined desperately. You moved your hips in sync with his, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you,” he promised you as he slowed down, taking you lovingly. He entwined his fingers with yours, holding your hand by your head, whilst his other gripped your hip. His lips were on you again, swallowing each moan and gasp. You kissed back desperately, that sudden need to never stop kissing him coming back in full force.
Your walls squeezed his cock hard, making him break the kiss as he groaned your name. His thrusts started to grow more desperate and less controlled. He was growing closer to his end, as were you. The coil in your stomach was so close to snapping.
“I love you so much,” he told you. “Never leaving you again.”
“Fuck! Ollie!” you cried out as your body went tense, locking up around him, as you came. After several more thrusts, Oliver followed you over the edge, his moan deep and guttural as he stilled deep inside of you. He gave a couple more thrusts, pushing his seed deeper.
Carefully, he rested his body against yours, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He didn’t want to pull out of you just yet and you didn’t want him to either. You needed to feel him inside of you for a while longer. You relaxed into the mattress, combing your fingers through his hair.
“I love you too,” you murmured before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. You felt him smile against your neck, which in turn made you smile.
You laid like that for a while before he rolled onto his side, pulling you with him keeping himself sheathed inside of you. You nuzzled against him, your eyes quickly closing as exhaustion washed over you. Your last conscious thought was of how lucky you were.
When you woke up in the morning, you woke up wrapped in his arms. You snuggled closer to him, inhaling his scent and refusing to let the warm, cosy cocoon you found yourself in to break. You felt Oliver’s chest rumble as he chuckled.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his voice thick with sleep. He hadn’t been awake for long too long then. He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Morning, Ollie,” you mumbled softly, still clinging on to sleep.
“What’s our plans for today?” he asked. His fingers were running random patterns against the skin of your back. It was nice and was quickly sending you back to sleep.
“Mmmm, I think more sleep, sex and then you’re going to tell me about your resurrection whilst we eat something greasy,” you replied. “Not necessarily in that order.”
Since you had woken up, you could feel Oliver’s cock, still deep inside of you, growing hard. Your cunt involuntarily squeezed his cock, making him groan.
“I think I can figure out what order you want those in.” He pushed you onto your back and rolled on top of you.
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halfstayed · 5 months
helloooo here for your top 5 asks:
top 5 Noah Kahan songs!!! (I think I know a few of your favs but not the top few) 👀
top 5 comic pairings besides bucky x nat 😌
top 5 songs on loop lately!! 🎧
top 5 places to travel on your bucket list 🛫
top 5 gif edits?? (now I'm just being nosey boop)
top 5 Noah Kahan songs this fluctuates wildly depending on what mood I'm in when I listen to his songs (essentially in love with all of them) but right now I have to say:
Call Your Mom (with Lizzy McAlpine)
No Complaints
The View Between Villages - Extended
Everywhere, Everything (with Gracie Abrams)
top 5 comic pairings besides bucky x nat fine, fine, I don't talk about them much on here but...
dinah x babs
harley x ivy
dick x babs
steph x cass
dinah x ollie
(in which they all ended up being dc pairings)
top 5 songs on loop lately I had to ask spotify for this, but apparently these were my top songs for May: (do NOT ask me why the first four are all helendale songs)
Crazier Things (with Noah Kahan) by Chelsea Cutler
Please Don't Be by Hazlett (in which I had a 6 day streak listening to this)
Splintered by Aisha Badru (thanks @elialys for the rec <3)
State Lines by Novo Amor
Slow It Down by Benson Boone (we're too young to drown.......)
honourable mention to 余年 but you already know why this song is on loop currently 🫠🫠
top 5 places to travel on your bucket list surprisingly, I don’t have very strong opinions about this. I love travelling but it’s more about the process of taking in the place and being immersed in another culture than the particular destination, and I'm always up for exploring a place I'm not familiar with yet.
top 5 gif edits it's hard to give particular answers to this because there are soooo many amazing gif edits being made on here every single day, but if you're really feeling nosy then have fun in my #insp and #fav tags lol!
ask me my “top 5” anything!
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albatmobile · 1 year
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 24
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for Roy and Jason's child.
𓅪 Rated: M | 4k  includes: morning after w roy, skipping, romeo and juliet kiss
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter 24: Love Story | ao3 - wattpad
The next morning, Roy knocked on your door.
“There’s breakfast down here if you want anything, princess,” his low, morning voice stirred you from your sleep.
When you arrived downstairs, you were met by stacks of burnt pancakes, an assortment of breakfast meats and a heaping pile of over-scrambled eggs. All of this to say it was a far cry from the luxurious food you were used to from Alfred at Wayne Manor.
“Mornin’,” Ollie greeted you with a tip of an invisible hat. Dinah was absent, meaning it’d been Ollie and Roy behind this catastrophe in front of you. “Dig in, there, kid.”
You sat down and Roy quickly set about making a plate for you, shocking both you and his dad. He blushed as he handed the plate back to you. You took it from him with a confused quirk of your brow.
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“Uh, thanks, Roy.” 
“Yeah,” he responded in a restrained manner, bowing his head so that his red locks concealed his face from view.
“Well,” Ollie cleared his throat, clearly amused with the hormonal situation unfolding in front of him, “I’ve got to be off for a product review meeting. Would you believe they schedule me meetings on the weekend?” You shook your head ‘no’ at his question to be polite. “Well, they do and they fucking suck for it… But,” he held up a pointed finger, “I’m going anyway because I’m an adult and sometimes I do adult things for money.” He seemed to ponder his statement before retracting it, “No, that came out wrong. I mean, yes, they’re paying me, but the ‘adult things’ in question are strictly businessy…” he trailed off as if realizing that this explanation wasn’t any better. “Never mind. I’m out!” He shot a pointed brow Roy’s way. “Don’t do anything I would do.”
You laughed. Ollie was definitely odd, well, at least odd in a different way than Roy. That was for sure.
With a wave, he was off, leaving just you and Roy alone with enough breakfast to feed the entirety of Wayne Manor. 
Speaking of the manor…
“I’m gonna head over to the manor after this," Roy said, watching as you inhaled your plate with a breathy chuckle. You’d never drank liquor before, only watered-down piss that constituted beer and the cheap Moscato that one time. As such, you were incredibly hungry the day after the college party. “When you’re done choking on that shit, you wanna tag along?” 
Roy at least seemed happy you were enjoying his cooking, though you’d never tell him it was only because you were still slightly tipsy and had gone to bed hungry. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Damian mentioned training today,” you said with a shrug before pushing away your empty plate and rubbing at your full stomach. “I really don’t know how I’m going to get through it when I have this food baby, but I doubt he’ll take it as a viable excuse.”
Roy didn’t laugh at your attempt for humor, only stared at your bloated stomach, then up at your eyes like he was considering something.
“You should hang around him more,” Roy said distractedly. He seemed to ponder his words further because he then nodded like they’d just reminded him of something.
“Not this again,” you could hardly contain the annoyance from leaking out into your tone. “Is it about the kiss?”
He stilled, seeming to stop his breathing at your words. “You were drunk,” he attempted to play it off. “That’s all it was. Promise I won’t hold it against ya, princess.”
This time, it’d been you who blurred the lines of the boundaries you set. Roy was just being a good friend by following through with them.
“I’m sorry,” you said, not knowing what else to say. You’d completely fucked everything up. “I didn’t plan to-”
He suddenly cut you off, “Where’d you get the condom from?”
Why would Roy care?
Last night was blurry, but you still remember the blonde.
Was he seriously jealous of you?
“Uh,” you blinked owlishly at him, “I don’t really remember.”
He bristled, standing up from the table to approach you, “Did someone touch you?” You watched as his hands closed into fists as he peered out from under the tendrils of his greasy locks.
“No, no,” you were quick to reassure him. You placed your hands over his fists to cement your point further. “I don’t think it was anything like that.” He seemed to calm down, though he still seemed tense, becoming even more so at your next choice of words, “You were the, uh, only one.”
“The only one to what?” He appeared concerned again.
“The only one to touch me, Roy.” 
“Shit,” he cursed. “But last night, I thought you said-”
“The kiss, I mean,” you stopped him in his tracks before he could freak out any further. “Just the kiss.”
“Oh,” he stopped for a moment before exhaling, “okay.” 
You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly he did remember. “So, you really don’t remember much of the party?”
He blushed before shrugging. “I always pregame hard,” is all he offered.
“So, you don’t remember ditching me?”
“Listen,” he rubbed sheepishly at the back of his neck, “that was a mistake.” So, he did remember. You squinted your eyes at the table in front of you, feeling jealousy boil back to the surface. His freckled fingers delicately grasped your chin, lifting it to face him dead on. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he looked… pained. “When I start drinking like that, it gets all fuzzy.”
You couldn’t help but quirk a brow as you questioned him further, “How so?”
“It’s like,” he sighed in frustration, allowing his hand to fall from your chin to rub at the crease between his brows as if his hangover had returned. He tried again, “It’s like there are blurry moments and then flashes of clarity where I remember nearly exactly what happened. In the end, though, it all ends up just feeling like some fucked up dream.”
“So,” you trailed off dubiously, “you blacked out and ditched me?”
Roy appeared genuinely sad. “I didn’t mean to.”
“And you’re telling me that your moment of clarity was when you got whiskey dick?”
You watched the way he seemed to internally argue with himself about what to say next. Even though you were hurt, Roy’s concentrated, read: constipated, face still managed to stir some amusement from within you.
“It wasn’t whiskey dick,” he admitted. Roy then looked away as if he was never planning on revealing this information to you. “When I came to, all she was doing was bad-mouthing you,” he sighed, still refusing to make eye contact with you,“and I couldn’t really even remember leaving the dance floor, so I just got up and left to find you and… yeah.”
Through the lingering dregs of pain from the party, your heart swelled after hearing he chose you. No, even better, he didn’t even remember that rude bitch. 
The walk to Wayne Manor was odd, to say the least.
For some reason, Roy seemed completely shy when it was just the two of you and you couldn’t help but find it cute. Either it was shyness or his hangover, but you were determined to think it was the latter. The last thing you wanted to allow yourself to think was that this was all because of the kiss…
Roy was quick to split away from you once you reached the gym, not even bothering with a goodbye before leaving you with Damian.
Even he noticed.
“What’s wrong with Harper?” You and Damian stared after his hastily retreating form.
You met his questioning look with a confused one of your own. “Probably nothing,” you said.
“Well,” Damian tapped the tip of a wooden practice sword on the ground twice, “I need you fully present for our lesson today.” With this, he drew you toward the center of the mat, where a tiny satchel sat in the middle. 
“Am I finally learning how to use weapons?”
Damian scoffed, “Your body and mind are the only weapons you’ll ever need.” 
“Why?” you questioned him.
“Because,” he rolled his eyes as if it were obvious, “they’re the only ones you’ll always have in your arsenal.”
You snorted, “Deep.” 
You were circling each other at this point, though he still seemed like he wasn’t ready to make a move quite just yet.
“Shut up,” he said, smirking at you. “I’m going to show you your strength through the art of illusion.” 
Damian then used the remote to turn on a lighting function in the room. 
The entire room was cast in darkness until, suddenly, bursts of blinding strobe lights affronted your vision, leaving a filmy glare over your sight. Your eyes winced at the harsh lighting effects going on, but Damian appeared entirely unperturbed.
He advanced on you easily through the pitch-black. 
The sporadic flashes of light stunned your vision, leaving you feeling off-kilter. You definitely weren’t prepared for an attack like the one he dealt you.
“Dami!” you exclaimed as he got another swipe at your head. Panic began to set in. “I don’t think I’m ready for this.” You attempted to dodge the wooden blade by rolling to the side, but he still ended up smacking it against your back. “I need more training,” you tried to barter with him, feeling the dregs of a panic seizing around your throat, “Damian, please!”
“Training means nothing,” another slash from his sword, “but will is everything.”
“Will?” you questioned frantically as he made to hit you again.
“The will to act,” he swiped at you. This time, however, it merely grazed you. “My grandfather taught me that.”
This time, you pushed down your anxiety as you allowed yourself to feel the atmosphere around you.
You felt him behind you and readied yourself for his attack pattern. When the attack inevitably came, you dodged and pushed against his body, sending him rolling backward into a tumble. Or, at least, you think he tumbled. The strobing lights made it so you were only ever able to see a flash of random colors every few seconds or so.
He let you catch your breath for a second, allowing you to finally ask what you’d been thinking, “What do these seizure-causing lights have to do with ‘the art of illusion?’”
“Illusion is wanting your enemies,” he cleared his throat, “attackers to think one thing when it’s actually another. Every plan incorporates this art.” He started toward you again. “Well,” he corrected himself, “every good plan, at least.”
A plan?
Your mind raced back to the bag in the center, wondering if that was how you could gain the upper hand.
It was worth a try.
“Sort of like Batman?” you asked, trying to distract him while you looked for a way to get back over to it.
“Sure,” Damian lunged with his wooden sword poised toward your stomach, “whatever works for you in that weird brain of yours.” 
You leapt up from the floor, landing on the sword and breaking it upon the impact of your full weight. The pieces of the sword clattered uselessly to the ground just as the lights fully came on for a few seconds.
You used the clarity to race to the center for a bag and tossed the powder inside to the ground. All around you, small explosions and smoke scattered across the room, coating it in a mist of smog that allowed you to sneak up behind Damian and finally manage to tackle him to the floor.
“Woah,” Dick’s voice sounded from deep outside the fog, “what kind of rave’s going on in here?”
A heavy body bounded into yours, throwing you off Damian before being assaulted by slobbery kisses from Titus. 
“You recovering alright?” Babs smiled at you.
“For the most part,” you nodded, putting a tentative hand to your head as the lights came back on for good. “What’ve you two up to?” you asked, ushering Titus over to his owner before getting off the ground to greet them.
“We just got back from chasing Titus around the back lawn,” she nudged you. “Had to find a way to work off these hangovers and all that good stuff now that we’re fucking old.”
You laughed. If 23 was considered old, you weren’t far off from being just as ancient as them.
“Don’t worry. Next time, we’ll throw our rager on a Thursday or something so you can come too, Dami.”
“Why can’t you do the weekend?” you asked, looking at him curiously. Instead of meeting your gaze, he busied himself with shooting a sheepish-looking Dick his signature death glare.
You had noticed Damian was usually busy during the weekends, especially at night, but it was always because he was with Bruce. You’d never thought too much about it until now.
“Previous obligations with father,” was all he said. “I do not need to go to college functions to get my thrills, though, anyway,” he nodded at you. “Good work today.”
Then, he was off.
“Dami’s a tough nut to crack,” Dick sighed and rubbed at the back of his head diffidently. “But it seems like you’re really getting through to him.”
“Maybe it’s the other way around,” you offered.
Babs laughed, but Dick looked genuinely pleased by your answer.
“Maybe it is.”
“I need two people to volunteer for Act I Scene 4,” your English teacher said as he scoured across the room at all the avoidant faces. “Anyone? Anyone?” His face landed on you and Jason, who was determined to stare out the window to avoid his fate. “You, you,” he said, pointing between the two of you. “It’s a short scene. Make haste!” He clapped his hands together dramatically to silence the whispers that began to circulate throughout the room. “I won’t hesitate to hand you a one-way ticket to detention, guys. Try me.”
Hushed murmurs of annoyance swept across the classroom, though they soon died down when he went around his desk to pull out the hall pass. 
You ignored all of this and opened to the beginning of the sonnet, looking down in disbelief. “But this is a kissing scene,” you protested. 
Not to mention the first time they’re meeting… You know… at a ball.
The gala stung painfully into your mind.
Regardless, your complaint landed on deaf ears. “A bit of a spoiler,” your teacher seemed amused with you, “but go ahead.”
You turned to Jason, who’d yet to so much as open his book, let alone look away from the window.
“Someone else should take my part,” you insisted with a shake your head. You couldn’t embarrass yourself in front of these upperclassmen who already had enough to say about your involvement with the various Wayne boys.
Nope. Not doing it.
“Jason,” the teacher silently warned him to begin.
He sighed beside you, taking an obnoxiously long time to open his book to the right page and even longer to actually begin reading. 
“If I profane with my unworthiest hand  This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand  To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” 
His voice was like silk, suffocating every part of your being.
As you listen, you realize Romeo is essentially convincing Juliet of the purity of his intentions. The whole scene is a balance between sex and religion. Sex being the want; religion being what ultimately stops them from going further.
You couldn’t help but relate. Excuses based on quite literally all of the above, boiling down to social constructs coming between you and… 
You were so enraptured you nearly forgot it was your turn to speak.
“Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,  Which mannerly devotion shows in this;  For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.” 
Juliet coyly responded to Romeo with a metaphor of her own, assuring she knew exactly what he was insinuating.
You could feel Jason’s stare on the side of your face, but you were blushing far too hard to ever be able to meet it.
“Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?” 
You had to remind yourself he was reading. He wasn’t actually fucking speaking to you.
You began, gulping as you did.
“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.” 
Jason hesitated, seeming to read, then reread the words in front of him as if they’d somehow magically change.
“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.” 
If prayers were a kiss, then their want and what was stopping them were one and the same. 
You’d always considered Romeo and Juliet to be trite, but reading this scene now, you saw it in a new light. Their love was serious to them, regardless of their age, regardless of their families- regardless of everything, even life itself.
“Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.” 
His eyes seared into every fiber of your being. This time, you met his gaze head-on as he delivered the final line.
“Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.” 
The obnoxious group of jocks in the front began to tease the two of you, chanting, “Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
Soon, everyone was joining in, laughing obnoxiously as they pointed at the two of you.
You’d been a punching bag this whole school year, but for some reason, this was all too much. The walls began to close in and, ultimately, your fight or flight instincts kicked in.
You stood up abruptly and left, refusing to be the butt of a joke.
Before you made it out into the hallway, you chanced a look back as if subconsciously seeking out Jason’s reaction. The sight that met you was Jason’s usual RBF, though, you noted guiltily, that underneath his typical scowl was evident hurt.
You didn’t want him to think you were abandoning him, so you swiftly nodded at him to follow.
He did.
You didn’t stop walking until you reached the art wing on the complete opposite side of the school. If you’d stopped any sooner, you were sure that the tears of embarrassment you’d been holding back so meticulously would betray you.
When you finally did stop, Jason silently followed suit, dropping both of your bags to the ground as he did so.
You slumped against a wall, sliding to the ground with a pout.
Jason had yet to speak, only continued to analyze your every move.
“That whole thing was so dumb,” you sighed, knowing he was waiting for your explanation. “I don’t even know why he picked me for the part, anyway.” 
Jason seemed to consider your words before responding, moving to sit right beside you, “Probably because you’re the only one who can read with an ounce of inflection to make that shit tolerable enough to listen to.” 
You snorted. 
Of course Jason would take issue with something as classic as Romeo and Juliet.
“And what Shakespeare play would you recommend reading instead?” you rolled your eyes. “Don’t tell me King Lear or Much Ado About Nothing, Jason.” 
The bell rang and you hurriedly motioned for Jason to follow after you.
Luckily, he didn’t question anything. Instead, he picked up the conversation right where you’d left off as you dodged in and out of pedestrian traffic.
“You know, you’re never going to impress me no matter how many classic titles you pull out of your ass.” 
“So,” you turned around, flashing him a shit-eating grin, “you were thinking The Tempest, then.” 
He laughed lightly, “Where are we going, anyway?” 
“Anywhere but here,” you said, dodging a rogue group of stragglers as you made your way into the back courtyard. “If I’m going to kiss you, it won’t be in front of any of these heathens.” 
“Oh?” You searched Jason’s eyes for any further indication that he was into the idea, but he offered none. 
Instead, he merely helped lift you over the ivy-covered wall before joining you on top of it. He dropped down first, probably assuming you’d need help, but you shocked him by standing up fully on the wall.
“Watch this!” you suddenly exclaimed.
“What are you doing?!” Jason hissed, looking at you like you were crazy. “We’re both going to be stuck in detention if you keep being obvious like this, dumbass.”
“You worried about me, Jay?” you teased with a smirk, turning around to backflip off of the wall just as Dick had shown you. You beamed when you realized you’d landed perfectly on your feet.
His mouth was on the floor, though he quickly schooled his expression. “Come on,” he turned around with sharp eyes, “and don’t call me that shit.”
He pushed past all the prickly bushes until you finally reached the tree line next to the parking lot. Here, the melodic chips of birds, complete with the serene sound and smell of trees blowing in the growing heat, overtook your senses.
You tried to gauge his reaction as you followed behind him. 
You were definitely beyond the sight of, well, anyone, but he seemed as put together and unaffected as ever, leaving you to falter a bit. 
Had you entirely misread the situation? 
“So,” you cleared your throat, kicking lightly at the ground as you continued along, “do you believe all that stuff?”
“What stuff?”
“About, you know, purity and all that,” you trail off, refusing to maintain his eye contact.
Your vulnerable question seems to catch him off guard. “Why?”
Your kiss with Roy, no… your night with Damian. 
You were proving the rumors spread about you to be true and you hated how you cared what Jason thought about you.
Would he still want to kiss you if he knew?
“As much as that shit was about religion, it was just as much about their love overcoming all of it, regardless. Purity’s all bullshit, anyway,” he shrugged as if he hadn’t completely bestilled your beating heart. 
“Jason,” you turned to him, taking his hands within your own.
“What?” he asked breathlessly like he didn’t already know exactly what you were about to ask of him.
“Kiss me.”
He didn’t respond, only took a step toward you. His hand cradled your cheek as his eyes took in every inch of your face, giving you the chance to back out.
Blurred lines be damned.
He leaned down and planted a chaste kiss against your expectant lips, “Always.”
“You’re graduating in three weeks,” you sighed, plopping down next to Roy on one of the couches in the game room. “It’s not fair that you’re going to leave me all alone with Jason.”
They shared a look that left you internally panicking.
Had they seriously already told each other about the kisses?
Oh, fuck. 
“Try not to sound too excited, princess,” Roy said with a wink. “You’ll break my heart and all.” He threw his arm around the back of the couch and, coincidentally, around your shoulder. “‘Sides, we at least have to have one last rager.”
You shifted excitedly beside him. 
“And what does this 'rager’ include?” you said with air quotes around the word, causing Jason to roll his eyes.
“You’re not invited if that’s how you’re going to act,” Jason drawled, you pouted, looking to Roy for backup, but his eyes were on Jason. “I’m just kidding, babe.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, leaving both of them to laugh at your annoyance. You knew you’d miss this banter once Roy went away to… “Wait, where exactly are you going again?”
You remembered that he’d said he wasn’t going to college right away, but his plan always seemed to be changing.
“Taking a sabbatical to stay with my old tribe for a bit in Arizona. After that, well, who knows what,” he beamed widely. “World’s pretty much wide open for me, beautiful.”
Your eyes flicked across his verdant ones, inadvertently leaning into his earthy scent. Roy let you get close and was about to tease you when Jason cut in.
“Back to the rager,” Jason interrupted the steady building tension between you and Roy. “I really want to go to this one club, but I need to make sure the paps can’t see me.”
Paparazzi had been an unexpected byproduct of hanging around the Wayne’s. 
The first time it happened, it’d been with Jason and Roy at the diner while you’d been skipping.
 At first, you thought it was lightning until the unexpected questions started.
“Jason, how do you feel about the allegations that this mystery girl has moved on from one Wayne brother to the next?” 
“What do you have to say about the comments that this mystery woman is a gold digger for hanging around both the Wayne and Queen heirs?” 
Roy muttered something under his breath and the three of you left before you could be flanked by three other reporters.
After that, it was like some sort of Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.
Weeks later, you were getting snacks with Damian and Tim at 7/11, quite literally in the middle of the night, when they showed up.
The now familiar flashes burned your retinas, though this time, you were at least aware that it was a media ambush.
“Damian, are you hoping to fill your father’s big shoes one day and follow in his footsteps?” 
“Tim, are you and Stephanie back on, or have you really moved on to Bernard?” 
“Follow-up question: how does Bernard feel about you hanging around a girl with her reputation?” 
You then understood why Bruce had you media prepped for the gala, insisting you feel confident should you be approached. And, boy, had you been approached.
“Who are you wearing?”  
“Who’s your date for tonight?” 
“Better question, will they still be your date next week? Are the rumors true that you’re a homewrecker?” 
You could definitely understand why Jason wouldn’t want to put up with that if you were going out to celebrate.
“So, what are you going to do?” you pondered how Jason could get out of being seen. “Dress in drag and do the hula?” Apparently, neither of them had seen Lion King because the reference went straight over their heads.
“Honestly,” Jason nodded his head, staring up at the ceiling as if considering your idea seriously, “that’s not such a bad idea.”
“Seriously?” you looked at him incredulously.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Well, not the hula part, but the drag part seems like it could work.” The raven looked up at you somewhat timidly. “Do my makeup?”
Meanwhile, Roy remained completely stunned by recent revelations.
His eyes twinkled at your response, “Cool.”
“Cool,” you replied with a smile, ignoring how Roy’s eyes seemed to analyze the entire situation.
And thus, your plans for a dragged-out gay club rager were born.
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A/N: this is the last 'then' chap. it's supposed to loop back to the description of the gay club in the first chap :D
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thecreativeforge-a · 3 months
continued from x | @therebetterbepie
Roy knew this job came with a lot of burdens. He used to pride himself in having dealt with plenty that came with or without this position he willingly put himself in since he was young, as if it was some badge of honor others would be jealous to wear. He only came to realize how wrong he was when he grew older, baring witness to so many things, having his hands dipped in first hand experiences that probably carved more scars on the inside than they did on the outside. Bright light like the one that shines through the good deeds he keeps doing every night also casts long shadows, until they become too much and manifest in other ways.
Tonight was no exception. With a mission gone wrong, though luckily no one was hurt, something triggered a chain reaction inside of him that made his psyche snap. Dean was there to see it, the way he froze, the way his body shut down on him and the world spun out of control. How his body started shaking, his breathing becoming erratic, Roy felt his heart stuck in the very thick of his throat.
When he was an addict, the drugs and the alcohol would make it all go away, along with so many other things. It was one of the hardest parts when he kicked the stuff - having to deal with all the mental trauma that resurfaced like a high tide every once in a while by himself, testing his fortitude. He fought with his bare teeth, and was one of the very lucky few to make it to the other end. Nowadays? He had no one but himself. Ollie, Dinah and the others Arrows were a phone call away, sure, but no one was really there. And bless his little princess Lian, he would never let her see him break like this, even if she could read him like an open book. He was, at the end of the day, all alone with himself in this.
No, that wasn't true.
It took him a moment to register Dean's voice. The apology was so automatic, because he never wanted to be anyone's burden. The touch was gentle, familiar fingers grounding him as he they touched his face, brushed his hair aside. They eventually wrapped around his hand, and then he was pulled into a secure, loving embrace.
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I'll hold you together.
Roy's fingers curled, holding onto Dean like he was his safe line. He buried his face in his shoulder, pressed to the crook of his neck, trembling breathes evening out slowly as he listened to Dean's.
He wanted to say he was sorry again, but he knew Dean wouldn't have it. He wanted to be strong, but he also knew how precious it was to be able to be this vulnerable with someone.
So he stayed silent, and hugged Dean tighter.
Thank you.
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