#//(-bawls her eyes out-)
hercarisntyours · 28 days
transformers go go is reviving me after transformers one tore my heart to shreds, taped it back together, put it in a kiln and threw it off a cliff where those pieces then get destroyed by corrosion and smashed into by a blind shark, WHY ARE THESE SO SOUL SUCKINGLY CUTE
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evellynssocbrainrot · 20 days
Daily reminder that both Kaz and Inej have touch aversion. Not just Kaz.
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slymanner · 11 months
God dude these two scenes and how roxie moves hurt my heart so so bad 🥹
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it's like a mix of anger, feral, emotional breakdown, and complete sadness that just fucks me up soooo fucking bad.
it's like she's a pet who got abandoned by their owner but they see them again after years of sadness and depression of them being gone and leaving them like that and all that anger and sadness just manifest's into one bundle of emotion's towards them they cannot control.
roxie baby ur gonna be okay u deserve better :[
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ask-the-pioneer · 2 months
Out of curiosity why do you bow before eating?
"It's a sign of respect."
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"When I kill to eat, I know I am taking a life. I do it out of necessity. The creature's life moves to me so that I can survive and prosper. With this gesture, I pay tribute to its sacrifice."
"The bow is also to acknowledge the work of a person who brought the food, to feed me and the others. You're not pressured to do that, but even if the meal isn't to your liking, you would still recognize the effort. Our colony was small, with Hunter as the only adult, so any food brought back was celebrated."
"In my later cycles, the ability to craft explosive spears became incredibly useful for hunting and self-defense. I had a natural advantage, but it was to be exercised with caution."
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"Truth is, I can do a lot of damage with my «powers». It's a big, alienating responsibility. And it was an issue in my younger cycles when I couldn't control it well - sometimes people around me would get hurt, but despite that, I was shown kindness and given guidance by my mentor. My adoptive family did not treat me like a freak, and it mattered a lot to me. It still does."
"I feel no need for bloodlust. I am content with my life… for the most part. Whatever grievances I may have, I know it's bad to take it out on others. For the temporary relief it gives, you realize it really is not worth it. To kill for sport, it makes my stomach turn - a sad waste of life. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. Cruel thoughts are the domain of a scared animal. I don't want to live in suffering because of such fear, and most of all I don't want my family to think less of me. Does that make sense? I wouldn’t want to disappoint them, or lose their trust…"
"When I hunt for food, I often think of what my mentor would say. Those thoughts guide my spears, the memories remind me to be kind in the face of the vast, indifferent world. Most of the creatures out there have it considerably worse than me, trying to survive nature day by day. I've been blessed with a mark, I know things that a typical slugcat would never need in their life. I don't think I can ever go back - knowledge, like my «powers», are both a blessing and a curse. And, dare I say, I think it is better that I have those powers… for I know, at the very least, that I trust myself to use them wisely."
"The bow is a sign of respect, and a gentle reminder of the things that I stand for."
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clefaiiiry · 8 months
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holy shit thank god
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forged-in-kaoss · 5 months
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you want it so no one dies in this fight. aren't you being naïve? people die.
The rebel army, the royal army, the people of this kingdom haven't done anything wrong!! So why do people have to die when it's all Crocodile's fault?
then why are you putting your life on the line?!
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trashpocket · 4 months
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vi has my entire heart (another sketch after work vi)
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storgicdealer · 4 months
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msmimundo · 18 days
So Candace against the universe huh
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bloodbruise · 6 months
just. james cursing out anyone who is afraid of his and reg's pit bull at the dog park. voice loud enough for the other pet owners to hear, he's going on and on about how, "just because she's a pit doesn't mean she's aggressive. the only ones who are, end up that way because of pendejos who mistreat them."
regulus is stood by his side, patting his arm, trying to hold back a giggle (because this happens every other time). his voice is gentle, "i know, james," trying to be calming, "but what can we do? sometimes its better to—"
but james is not listening, still barreling on, "i mean, dios mío, look at her love, how could anyone ever see her sweet face and think our girl is mean?"
and the dog is sitting there, just smiling dopily up at them (undoubtedly because james has the ball in his hand and is waving it throughout the air like a loon). and honestly, regulus cant help but sport the same love-dumb smile. because as ridiculous as james is, his heart is so, so big. overflowing with love and fierce protectiveness over his family, their family.
it makes warmth flood through regulus' chest, there's affection soft in his eyes and he's nodding, "yeah, yeah, you're right." he grabs the ball with one hand and drops the other around james' waist, and giving him a quick kiss and a smile. "c'mon, she'll have more fun with the two of us anyways."
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spite-of-the-grifter · 5 months
Every time I see people reduce Franziska von Karma to "haha bitchy immature lady with a whip" I get viscerally angry.
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zer0point5ive · 1 year
the way she’s holding his hand .. i need to lie down for a bit. rn
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only-lonely-star · 5 days
no thoughts, just this picture.
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deadbaguette · 1 month
When the Ithaca Saga comes out and I hear The Challenge, you will never hear from me again
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caramelmochacrow · 4 months
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"Please have your glimmering eyes Reflect nobody but me"
(frameless version under the cut)
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^ floating junna yay! also she's playing peekaboo w nana here dw abt it
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aurezies · 4 months
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🥹🥹 missing her so bad rn.
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