#olivia x farmer
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dadrgone · 3 months ago
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anyway enjoying playing SDVE+ mods. olivia my beloved
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art-but-only-sometimes · 1 year ago
How your character might react to the sdve bachelors and bachelorettes after they wake up after having a nightmare(s)
just to make sure this is clear this headcanon list is about the farmer (you/ your character) being awoken after the bachelors/ bachelorettes have a nightmare/ nightmares
Spoliers: Victor, Spohia, Olivia Warnings: mentions of death and war-related nightmares/trauma (possibly)
Lance: With working with the Stardew Valley Guild and the First Slash as well it probably does have its unfortunate share of dangerous and scary things. Some of them even make their way into his memories and dreams. There have been a few nights out of the year when he stayed and your house or he stayed at yours. (or maybe you started at the first slash guild hall like you do for his 10 heart event.) When you feel Lance stir in his sleep or completely sit up straight in bed. You can't help but worry and be a bit surprised when it happens. If you don't wake up Lance tries to go back to sleep without you knowing. He doesn't want you to ever see him as weak. Or ruin that image of someone who is very confident that he's worked hard to build. However, if you do catch him waking from a nightmare, he'd be a bit surprised and sorry he woke you up. He might want to talk about it or he might not, depending on the subject of the nightmare. But I don't think he'd be opposed to you hugging him and telling him it'd be alright. Staying up with him and talking about it or something else entirely. Eventually when he feels like going back to bed and trying to get some sleep before you both have to wake up early like you both always do.
Victor: Like his mother Victor had escaped a war back in The Grotto Empire. So that would come with an unfortunate amount of nightmares. That and not being able to find a job or thinking about what could have possibly happened to his cat can sneak up on Victor from time to time. He doesn't seem like the kind to jerk up out of bed Myabe a gasp or sitting up halfway. If you were awakened by Victor's sudden stirring in his sleep he'd be a bit surprised and also apologize for waking you up. He'd try to hide it at first but confess a bit that he's had a nightmare. Trying to blow it off at first that it wasn't that bad and it wasn't something that you need to worry about. But if you press a little bit he might cave and tell you, not everything but enough that he'd be comfortable with. He'd talk about it in a quiet tone as you listened. Not looking directly at you, you might have a hand on his shoulder or on his hand. Moving your thumb ever so slightly back and forth, trying to calm him.
Rasmodius: Being the protector of the valley comes with its own stresses and sometimes they get to him in his dreams. While Rasmodius is a very confident and assured wizard in his nightmares he dreams about what would happen if the magic shields protect the valley fail. If the amount of monsters in the mines grows in uncontrollable sizes, despite knowing that scenario is unlikely (but still terrifying), or if you of all people go into the mines and don't come back out. Those things haunt him despite himself trying to assure himself with facts and logic that it won't. One night though he may stir from his sleep from a particularly bad nightmare. He isn't used to someone being there at night, certainly not sleeping next to him. In the past, he might have used work to distract him from the nightmares he'd had. But now with you, he has someone new. But if may take some convincing to get Magnus to stay in bed with you. He may not want to talk about it or he hasn't had anyone to talk to about nightmares or things that bother/scare him in a very long time. But if he does you two talk about it for a while in a hushed tone. Maybe holding hands if Magnus wants to and slowly drift back to sleep.
Batchelorette's: Sophia: I think that Sophia has nightmares it would be about the day she lost her parents or possibly about losing you. The day she lost both her parents was the worst day of her life and as much as she's tried to move on with her life, with therapy, medication, regular doctor's visits, etc. it's still something she does have nightmares about from time to time. If you're awoken by her suddenly moving. I feel like if she tried to hide it she wouldn't do a very good job. Trying to say it through tears but eventually gave in and gave you a big hug. She'd try and explain what her nightmare was through tears but not get it out as clearly as she'd want it. You'd hold onto her and say that everything is ok. That you're here and you're not going anywhere and that everything will be alright. Maybe rubbing her back or brushing your fingers through her hair.
Olivia: Olivia, along with her son Victor, came from the wartorn Grotto Empire. That alone has its own set of fears and nightmares. If she had any nightmares ever it'd most likely be something like that. She'd also lost her husband due to that war. Olivia is a pretty quiet sleeper I imagine so her making movement in the night doesn't happen that often. She'd try to hide it if she woke you up by accident. It may take a conversation for her to admit she's had a nightmare as well as whether or not she's shaken by it. She knows she's far from any conflict but still, assuring her that she is safe and nothing's going to hurt her definitely is reassuring enough to calm her nerves. Maybe even enough for you two to go back to bed and fall asleep.
Claire: Clare has the kind of nightmares of her being at Joja ( or if you finished the community center then being back at Joja). Endlessly scanning, endlessly working. Never getting a break, never relaxing. Morris hovering over her constantly telling her what to do and how it isn't good enough. She doesn't outright scream when she wakes up from a nightmare but I feel like she does gasp. Sometimes she tries to go back to sleep but other nights she sometimes wakes you. She might talk about her dream and you'd stay awake and listen. Thinking about how you used to work for Joja and how much you didn't like it. How familiar it seems to you. But you both eventually do fall back to sleep, close together or in each other's arms.
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vivillainous · 1 month ago
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i'm like a moth that flies directly into a fucking flame, i'm so predictable with my tastes (who will fight me about it?)
i love a good older woman with repressed sadness and a bit of a superiority complex. i need my women multifaceted. i need just looking at them to take my breath away
my farmer is definitely olivia's controversially young girlfriend. the one that makes her believe that it's okay to love again, she dedicates her life to just... taking care of her. I NEED TO INJECT IT IN MY VEINS
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ladylaviniya · 9 months ago
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Lassoed In Love
Chapter 1 || Masterlist || Chapter 3
Chapter Summary: You and Clark are caught by none other than Miss Lara Clark, the person you had originally come for. You learn the girl has a hidden dream.
Pairing: Farmer!Clark Kent X Teacher!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Adults Caught Kissing (No Sex In This Chapter), Slowburn, Teenage Angst, Mentions of Military Pathways.
Word Count: 3k
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Author Notes: Please leave a comment about your thoughts, it helps me with continuing or adding ideas. I know the ending and main plot but I don't mind hearing theories and new ideas.
I intend to update every Saturday 10am AEST
Inspiring Song: "Brutal" by Olivia Rodrigo
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"I guess I’ll come back later then?” Came a new, young and feminine voice interrupting your blood rushing thoughts, “You could’ve told me you were trying to get laid...I could’ve gone to Jonathan’s house.”
You jerked away from Clark totally at the sound of another person standing at the end of the hallway. She was tall and lean with well rounded muscles on her biceps and calfs, her hair was cut short in a pixie cut, her hair was dark but in the sunlight behind her there was a shimmer of Auburn and reds. Her skin was covered in freckles. She was holding a bucket. It swayed by her side. She wore denim overalls and a collared shirt, around her neck were a pair of headphones connected by wire to a small walkman tucked inside her breast pocket.
She was licking her teeth and scoffed at the look of your surprised expression.
“Anyway...guess I’ll be off shovelling more horse shit.”
She turned to leave before Clark yelled out, “Lara, stay. She came to see you.”
The girls dark brows connected, she sarcastically chuckled and turned back to face you, glancing you up and down, “Why? Does she need a tampon? Got a nose bleed Sweetie?”
Clark cupped your shoulders unexpectedly and seethed over your head, “Don’t be using no sass girl, you know how to properly address a guest. Just cause you’re grounded don’t mean you get to keep acting like a brat.”
You were a guest?
She rolled her eyes. You could hear her father click his tongue. “This here is Miss Y/N Y/L/N, the new schoolteacher. Miss Y/L/N, my daughter, Lara.”
Her mean streak washed away in seconds, “oh...” she put the empty bucket on the floor, she sheepishly asked, “I ugh um...wha-what can I do for you miss?”
Even while battling overwhelming embarrassment of being caught kissing her father, you couldn’t help but be jolted by the way Clark had called you by your last name after that lustful kissing embrace. He was different, instead of being affected by it, he appeared composed and in control as if it hadn’t even happened. Your entire body still quivered with every sensation from the moment, making you want to surrender yourself to the all-enveloping flames that seemed to be licking at every pore of your body.
Instead of succumbing to your desire to fall back into his arms, you remained rigidly still with your arms stiffly at your sides while your face burned. You directed all your attention on Lara Kent instead, reminding yourself that she was the reason you were there. Her resemblance to her father gradually became more apparent as the seconds ticked by.
Her brows, eyes, scowling lip and high cheek bones were a copy paste depiction of his own. Her other features must be that of her mother’s you figured. Lara was also tall like her father, maybe half a foot shorter.
As her pale, gleaming blue eyes met yours, you were struck by something in them unlike anything you’ve ever seen before – a mixture of untamed power and bitter acceptance that gave her a wise yet jaded expression. There was no doubt, she was his daughter.
You extended your hand towards her, eager to have a chat, “I’d really love to chat with you, Lara.”
Her expression remained flushed. She crossed the hallway rug to shake your hand anyway, albeit enthusiastically. “Don’t know why,” she stated bluntly.
“You’re only a sophomore, made it in the top of your KAP and you then you just dropped out of school.” The facts hardly needed to be confirmed by the teenager, but Lara shrugged and nodded. You took a lengthy breath, “Dare I ask why?”
The corner of her lip pulled downwards, she looked at her feet and toed the floor, sweeping invisible dust along, “I just... There ain’t nothing there for me.”
You felt increasingly frustrated by the calm, flat statement the girl made, as you couldn’t discern any hint of uncertainty in her demeanour. It was clear from the way she spoke that Lara had already made up her mind and wouldn’t be swayed. You tried to devise another way to approach her, but Clark’s deep, steady voice cut you off before you could find the words.
“Miss Y/F/N, you can finish talkin’ when you get into some decent clothes. Lara, can you find one of yours or one of my old shirts or coats, something to cover her?”
To your astonishment, the girl looked you over with her old soul eyes. “Why? Where are you goin’ off to?” For a moment amusement sparkled in her blue-diamond gaze, and you chewed your lips together worried about the sinister smirk on her face. Fucking teenagers. Absolutely terrifying.
“Miss Y/L/N crashed her car just out on the roadside, see if I can pull it out of the gulley...get it to the mechanics in town,” Clark added to the list.
“I can look at the car Dad, see what I-”
“Lara,” her father said sternly, “Do as you’re told.”
Your eyes widened, you turn fast and quickly regretted it. You touched your forehead with a soft groan. With a wobbly determination you stated, “Mr. Kent, I really don’t need extra clothes and I am fully capable of calling a tow bar. I really need to speak with your daughter, Miss Kent.”
“No,” he chuffed, “Frankly I don’t trust your expertise in cars or maintenance. I also ain’t lettin’ you leave my damn property covered in blood, and,” his hand snuck around and cupped the small of your back, you could have swooned, “...I’ll gather you need to have a sit down again soon..”
His dark eyes flashed up to his daughter, his voice sharp in authority, “Lara, shirt, now.” Without even glancing at you again, he left your side, put on his broad brim hat stalked out the front door.
With Lara dropping the bucket carefully to the ground, she put her hands on her hips as if ready to draw invincible pistols. She smirked and walked passed you, “This way Miss Y/L/N.”
You continued to follow her into a room down the right at the end of the hallway, passed the stairs.
“Our old clothes are boxed up at the top of my wardrobe, but it won’t take long for me to find something to fit you. You can wait and then change in here though. It’s my room.”
Lara opened the door, and you were surprised by what you’d discovered. You had expected makeup, posters, maybe even a stereo and a messy on the floor or bed...instead you were welcomed by a room you swore was devoid of any teenagers inhabitants.
Just like the living room, the bedroom exuded a old charm with its floral wallpaper and thick wooden walls. The absence of modern music equipment or adolescent clutter served as testament to the maturity of its dweller. A neatly made single bed adorned with a homely quilt stood in one corner, accompanied by a simple straight chair. Next to the bed, a collection of bookshelves stretched upwards to the ceiling, their sturdy construction showcasing expert craftsmanship. The shelves were brimming with books, piquing your curiosity, and you idly glanced over the titles, admiring the interesting collection of reading materials. Maths, mechanical engineering, car model histories, science, and the history of transportation were the biggest themes on Lara’s shelves.
As you perused the shelves, you suddenly realized that most the books had a theme: automobiles. From pioneers like Karl Benz to modern innovators like Tesla, the collection covered the entire spectrum of automobile history. There were books on cars, race cars, motor cycles, military tanks, ambulance vans, and trucks. War-related books detailed battles fought in each conflict since tanks made their debut in World War I. You also noticed books on experimental automobiles and driving techniques, as well as delving into internal design and engine capabilities.
Lara stomped over and shut her curtains, maybe for a sense of privacy in case her father returned and got a peep of something you wished you had shown him before Lara interrupted.
In the centre of the room was a brass metal bed. And before you fell face forward you choice to sit at the edge of the mattress.
Lara glanced over her shoulder, “So whatcha do to your car?” her fingers peaking through the curtains. Perhaps she sore her father and your cat.
Your fingers dug into the blanket on her bed as you awkwardly scratched your chin and mumble, “I accidentally crashed it...in an attempt to avoid hitting a rather big bull.”
She held back a laugh and swayed to the wardrobe, the sound of the rail screeched, “Let me guess...Chief? Odin would’ve ran, he’s a scaredy cat, but Chief is half cow, half dumb brick wall.”
She tore out a thick blue flannel shirt with sleeves that would’ve made you look like a child, it was huge while she held it up on the hanger. She held it out to you.
“Thankyou Lara,” you pawed it close and over your head and torso. You slipped into the oversized flannel shirt, fastening the buttons before rolling up the sleeves that hung past your hands. As the fabric brushed against your skin, you couldn’t help but notice the oversized nature of the garment. It felt as if you were enveloped in a warm embrace, a subtle reminder of Clarks presence even in his absence.
While you struggled to poke your arms through the scratchy material sleeves, you tried to continue the point on why you’d grace the Kent’s doorstep.
The scent of Clark filled your nose as you fiddled with the sleeves. It may have been clean and washed, but his cologne was a powerful scent.
You looked around the room again. On the walls were rows of different family photos. A repeat was of a young girl with a missing tooth smiling pushing a toy truck in the dirt. Another photo for her, she was sitting on a old man’s lap watching a race on a big tar road. And finally one of the same girl bent over, staring at awe at the mechanics of a old ford truck, her face and clothes, covered in grease.
You smiled, the little girl was Lara.
The collection on her shelves was not merely an indication of an interest in cars and the like, but rather, it was a testament to a hyperfixation, an obsession. Obsessions, in general, could either harm or uplift people, as some could lead to ruin, while others could elevate individuals to greater heights and make them shine brighter, burn hotter, and live life more fully. However, when those obsessions were not satisfied, the individual would suffer, their soul starved and their life blighted. If your suspicions were correct, then you might have a way to reach out to Lara and potentially help her return to school.
“So...you like cars?” you asked, then winced at your own pedestrianism.
Lara paused, hesitation in her face. Her eyes glanced at her feet.
“Yea...I like ‘em”
“Have you thought about having driving lessons?”
She blinked at you before snorting with amusement as if you said something truly funny.
“Miss Y/L/N...most kids ‘round here know how to drive by the time they’re ten. I’ve been driving since I was six. Sure, grandpa had to reach the pedals for me but, I grew into them eventually.”
“Oh, right, of course you would...” Where were her grandparents and mother? “Anyway, so why did you decide to quit school?”
She shut the wardrobe harder than you’d like. Her nose flared a little as she breathed. Was she embarrassed? Annoyed? Maybe you weren’t the first teacher to have asked her? Despite this Lara gazed at you pointedly and provided the same stark reply as before.
 “There was nothing for me there.”
Your brows came together, “Nothing else you can learn from or...?”
“Miss Y/L/N, everything I know, I taught myself.”
That shouldn’t have been possible. It sounded unlikely...but...what if..
You paused. “Miss Lang did not-....” you stopped, unsure of how to phrase your own thoughts or inquires.
“I was always ignored,” she stated sourly, “From the first day of grade four I realised that none of the teachers wanted to help me anymore. I wasn’t included. It was like I was outcasted. I wasn’t allowed to ask questions. I am surprised anyone even marked and graded my work.”
It didn’t make any sense to you, “But you were number one in your class? The top KAP. How is that possible?”
“I read, a lot,” Lara explained, her voice filled with passion. “My dad even buys me cassette tapes that are audio books. I’ve learned more here on this farm than I ever did at Smallville middle and high school. Besides, I know the dairy and maize industry better than anyone else around here, perhaps except for my dad. I didn’t learn that in school. This farm will be mine someday, and this is my life. Why should I waste my time in school when it doesn’t involve what I love?”
You took a deep breath and insisted, “Because you love cars more.”
  She couldn’t prevent the avid gleam that shone briefly in her blue eyes, but it was quickly extinguished, “Yea, well, I can’t exactly learn about mechanics and engineering at Smallville High School. Maybe in another life.”
You rubbed the tip of your fingers along the bruise rising on your chin, “How about in this life? Have you thought about taking on an military ASVAB to apply as a diesel mechanic? They can teach you more on hands skills with their vehicles I am sure.”
Lara paled. This time you couldn’t see a gleam of eagerness, but a deep, anguished need so powerful it shook you, as if she’d been shown a glimpse of heaven. Then she turned her head, and abruptly she looked older. “Don’t try to make a fool of me. There’s no way.”
Lara’s face drained of all colour, her eyes widened, replaced by a deep and tortured longing that seemed to consume her entire being. It was as if she had been granted a glimpse of some sort of utopia, something that promised to quench her soul’s desperate thirst. But suddenly, a flicker of doubt crossed her eyes as she turned her head away. She shook her head, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and bitterness. “Please, don’t feed me false hope. I would prefer to be realistic.”
“Why isn’t it realistic Lara? From what I saw in your school folder, the records, your grades are above average. That is more than enough to get you into their programs when you turn eighteen.”
“I dropped out,” she glumly mumbled.
“You can always return.”
“As far behind as I am? I think I would need to repeat this grade, and sorry but, I refuse to sit around and be bullied for it among the other things.”
Other things...it was unclear what those other things were. But every teenager has their own problems and social issues, so you decided not to press any further.
“I doubt you would be that far behind. You will need to catch up and I could tutor you. I’m a licensed teacher, Lara, and I believe I could help you in the classes you need and how to access these supportive programs that could benefit you.”
She chewed her bottom lip and wiped a little sweat from her forehead, “Okay, so, what if I do it?” she muttered. “Dad would be all alone on the farm. What would I do? Join the army and then retire when he croaks?”
You came to her side and touched her shoulder carefully, “Lara, I think your father wants whatever is best for you. If that is your choice, then you can do that. But wouldn’t you like to at least try? Say you tried and gave it a shot, instead of never knowing and always wondering about the ‘what ifs’?”
She straightened, her dark blue eyes fierce, “I guess.”
“Then it’s time to find out, isn’t it?” You smiled.
Lara heaved a sigh, her slender fingers combing through her tousled auburn locks. With a restless energy, she moved to the window, her gaze fixated on the billowing curtains. The rhythmic sway of the fabric seemed to match her inner turmoil. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of longing and resignation, watched the dance of the cloth, as if searching for solace or an answer to an unspoken question.
“Do you really think it’s possible?” she glanced back at you, awkwardly standing in the centre of her bedroom
You nodded, “Of course it’s possible. It isn’t guaranteed, but it’s possible. Can you live with yourself if you don’t try? If we don’t try?”
“If I agreed,” she said, rubbing her hands on her legs, breathing hard, “It would have to be at night. I got my chores around here that have to be done. I can sleep through parts of the day.”
“Night time is fine with me if it will at least get you back in school.”
She gave you a quick look. “You actually mean it, like... You actually cared that I dropped out of school?”
You were dumbfounded, “Of course I care. Lara, teaching is part of my soul,” you began, your voice carried a soft, sombre tone. “When I am unable to teach and know that I’m making a difference, I lose a part of myself. Just as you feel the compulsion to know about vehicles and their inner workings. Isn’t it the same for you? Your fascination with vehicles isn’t just a hobby; it’s a deep-seated need, a part of your identity. If you were to lose that knowledge, to be unable to tinker and understand the machines that you adore, wouldn’t that make you feel like a crucial part of you had died?”
The silence was thick and heavy. And for a shocking moment, you could see the glassy tears gleaming in Lara’s eyes.
“I want it so bad it hurts,” she admitted, her voice raw, her throat bobbed, “so fucking bad Jesus Christ. Sorry for cursing. When can we start?” Her face was blushed and her arms hugged herself.
The bubbling of joy could not be contained. You clapped your hands excitedly, “We can start Monday after school hours. You’ve already wasted enough time.”
You couldn’t help but notice the transformation that was taking place before your eyes, as if the burden of a thousand weights were gradually falling away from Lara’s slender shoulders. She appeared younger, more like the little girl in the photos, and yet, there was an undeniable maturity in her that set her apart from her peers. If working with vehicles truly held such significance for her, you couldn’t help but wonder how it must have felt to have chosen a path that seemingly contradicted her deepest desires.
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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tht0nesimp · 2 months ago
yan!obsessive!charlie walker x reader
summary: in which Charlie betrays Jill, and you become a little piece in the big puzzle.
tw: implied kidnapping, pretty dark, manipulation, abuse of power, mentions/details of murder, Jill is dead, Sidney is dead
not super long sorry!
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The duct tape hurt, although the impending doom from outside the closet you were shoved in blinded most other sensations. They were all dead, part of you almost envied Olivia for getting to skip all of this horrific terror from the wonder of who’s next. None of it even mattered, your final thoughts whether they were about Sidney or Charlie or your own parents—all of it was useless, just the bleating of the lamb of slaughter before the farmer drags it along, its fate undeniable and absolute.
Glass shatters, and you hear Jill shriek from outside the closet, a loud thunk comes against the closet door before the thing pressing on the door scrambles away. Moments pass, and you can hear the unmistakable sound of knife on flesh.
Light floods the closet and before anything else, you’re being dragged by your legs and placed on the couch by familiar arms “Hello, look at me? Come on, focus” a hand snaps and waves, the tears welling in your eyes evaporating as you try to comprehend your surroundings, you see Charlie’s eyes bore into your own.
He rubs his hand on your hair, the strange movement meant to be soothing only resulting in you pulling away, Charlie frowns and fake pouts a bit “Aren’t we lucky! I’m the sole survivor! But you, oh boy, your my real reward” he backs up, pacing and motioning in his typical fanboy fashion. “See my plan here is—while a bit tricky—if I do this right, no one will really care your gone!” He winces a little “Not like that but rather, I’ll be the star and everybody will care so much about the sole survivor, that in the midst of all the victims who will care they can’t find one body?”
In all honesty, you probably should have seen this coming. The horror obsessed boy was always ranting on about how stupid most movie killers were and how he could have done better than them! If he were the one chasing that girl he would’ve won! He could have made the group split up- and yet the long one sided conversations never clicked as a warning but rather a telling of how naive and adorable he had been since he started his hobby. Even as you both got to the age where you started drinking at parties or driving around town, he always seemed to keep that boyish anxiety around him.
Even in your panicked state, you can picture the menagerie of horror movies lining bookshelves in his room, each one he’d sat down and watched with you at least once. An attempt to make you as big of a fan as he was, face always being adorned with a giddy smile when you’d laugh or scream at one of the movies playing on his TV.
he sits on the couch across from you, fingers running through his hair “I’m beat, all these teens, and my damned parents! Had to kill em so I’d have the house to myself, plan on keeping you in the basement till it all blows over, y’know? Then I’ll graduate early due to sympathy, use my fame to essentially free ride college and manage to buy some pretty little estate so we can just live our dreams on a couple dozen acres” he smiles dreamily, head so far in the clouds even if you could respond your sure it wouldn’t matter.
“But that might have to wait a bit till you get used to this all, you’ve been so good so far I really can’t see you causing much trouble!” He gets up and moves over to you, sitting next to you and nuzzling up to you “Your just perfect, and I really mean it when I say I love you!”
after a few minutes he gets up and you watch him cut himself and even break a bottle over his head. “Alright babe, I have slightly bad news, you’ve gotta get a bit of sleep for while, I’m gonna put you somewhere they’ll never find you so don’t worry!” He smiles and prances around the kitchen, gathering a cloth and a small vial of liquid “I’m gonna put this over your mouth, just take a deep breath” he gently presses it onto your lower face, waiting for your oxygen to run out, your eventual failure to resist leading to attempts to take in heaps of air, only to met with the repulsively sweet taste of whatever he’s covered it in.
He leans you down on the couch, watching the fight leave your eyes. “When you wake up, everything will be better, I promise”
and for once his voice made less of butterflies in your stomach—and more of spiders.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 11 months ago
may i request sve bachelors x a masc reader who is not human? idk like a dragon or some other magical being? just snippets of their chaotic lives together and the bachelors reactions to finding out what the farmer is? thanks!
Of course, dear anon! ☺️ Thanks for the ask! 🫰💕
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Well... That explains a lot." Magnus was still in shock, because it wasn't every day that you saw your friend and apprentice turn into a dragon right in front of your own to knock out the Witch with a single spit of fire and make her fly away. The wizard was so struck by this fact of seeing a mythical creature that he forgot about his ex-wife and her intentions to once again try to ruin his garden.
"And what exactly is that?" Their voice hasn't changed in any way, it's still the same Farmer. The huge reptile didn't seem to be worried about hiding at all anymore.
"Such a powerful flow of magic within you that I felt when we first met."
Magnus stepped a little closer, never stopping to gaze into the ruby-red scales that glistened under the moonlight.
"I’m just wondering: why didn’t you introduce yourself from the very beginning that you are not entirely human?"
"Well, how did you imagine that? 'Hello Mr. Wizard, I am a dragon. Nice to meet ya', or something like that?" In a second, Farmer turned back into his human form, and for some reason he scratched the back of his head nervously.
"You're not going to turn me in to the Ministry, are you?"
"If you promise not to scorch my tower and whole Pelican Town all over. And no flying with Morgan," like a child, Magnus threatened the Farmer with a finger, to which the 'not quite human' snorted a little defiantly, but after a moment nodded to the wizard in agreement.
Lance had seen many wonders in his adventurous life, but climbing on the dragon's back while waiting to fly was an indescribable sensation. To be honest, the pink-haired man never realised how he had immediately agreed to Farmer's invitation to fly in the Highlands.
*Chuckle* Yesterday, his spouse announces that he is a dragon, and today they already offered to fly together.
Spreading his mighty wings, the Farmer spread out and soared into the sky, cutting through the wind and laughing loudly.
"Hold on tight, Lance."
And he did - wrapped his arms around the dragon's massive neck and held on as tightly as he could, preparing to fly.
"One flight and you'll be forever the envy of everyone who can soar in the sky!" Rejoicing and flapping hid wings louder, Farmer flew higher and higher as Lance looked at the clouds up close and marvelled at how quickly they had gotten off the ground.
It was definitely a day he would never forget.
"Dear, c'mon, this is ridiculous! You took the news quite ok, so what makes you think your mom would react any differently?" Farmer would never have thought that his lover would push them through the window of his house like that. As if they were both some teenagers!
"Because - ugh, you're heavy! - Because my mother and I are different people! I want to bring her to the truth that you're not human step by step. So you need to fly away before she sees you."
"Hey, what do you mean, heavy? You hurt my feelings! Besides, Olivia's gonna be fine with it. It's not like I'm a thief or a murderer or... anything bad."
Victor exhaled tiredly and and gave up on trying to push the Farmer further into the window, as Farmer's scaly wings were just getting in the way.
"Let's take it slow. Please, love..." Here we go, Victor's puppy dog eyes again, Farmer thought. After all, this spaghetti lover knows perfectly well that this is Farmer's weakness.
"All right, have it your way, but I can just transfo..." Before Farmer could finish speaking, there was a knock at the door of the room.
"Victor! I heard some noise. What happened there?"
"Oh, Mother is here! Quick, you need to leave-" in a flash the Farmer took on human form again, just as Olivia came in.
"Victor Jenkins! Why is your room such a mess- Oh, Farmer! I didn't realise you had stopped by for a visit! Come on downstairs, I'll make jasmine tea for everyone."
Victor's heart was pounding frantically. His mother would have had to take a sedative instead of tea if she had seen Farmer in his dragon form. At least Farmer had listened to him in time, phew.
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laurenlovesmitski · 1 year ago
Farmer!Ellie x Fem!reader
CW: SMUT!! Oral (R rec.), Strapon (R rec.), biting, marking, soft!dom!Ellie, fingering (both rec.), doggystyle, missionary, eagle, wheelbarrow (everything basically)
An: aaa I'm so proud of thiss!
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You walk in to Ellie petting a strange creature. You look closer at the strange fellow.
It's a... It's a.... It's a bread cat... A bluberrry cut and a corn cat.
"Hey uh these are my pussies.." Says Williams
"What the hell are you talking a about?" Says y/n
"Wanna touch it..." Says Ellie Olivia Williams, with a huge teethy grin.
"Ok" says y/n
when you guys start instead of moaning your name she yells out,
"Yeah I harvested these coochies all by myself. " says ava I mean Ellie's queef.
"Girl what are you talking about.. " exclaims y/n before trying to walk away suddenly, fearing what's after her.
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An: sorry idk how to delete the other lace
All of a sudden, each breadcuy starts defusing off of each pussy lip.
"ANGELA." exclaims Ms Williams. "QUEEF.. AT, ME."
"Sudden you all of them start! Farmers 👳👳👳💦" 😘😘 ah you ok Willis did you fall?
Hit your wheat
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(This is how you look btw)
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This the bg
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whataboutsimple · 5 months ago
You want to hear about… rarepairs…?
*clears throat*
So I for some reason enjoy the headcanon that Stella is Petra’s ex AND that Olivia has a crush on Petra AND that Petra and Jesse are in love, leaving Olivia with her unrequited love.
And then she meets Stella, and the two of them start bonding until they eventually become a couple. I like to think this is before season 2. Olivia knows that a Stella is kinda like Jesse’s rival, so she tries to keep her relationship a secret.
The rest of the group (except Axel cuz I think Olivia could have told him because platonic Axlivia >>>>>) only found out when Romeo blew up Champion City, which happened right in front of Olivia. Stella had a breakdown and Olivia was ANGERY and she started screaming at Jesse (AKA Romeo) about why she did that and stuff and eventually revealed they were girlfriends and the rest of the group who were spying yk were like “Wait WHAT”
But after they defeat Romeo they accept the girlfriends and let them be what they wanna be because love is love and Jesse doesn’t consider Stella a rival, at least, not anymore.
Olivia then helps Stella rebuild Champion City and then they live happily ever after <3
Anyway I’m so glad this ship is becoming more popular
I SAW you talking about them in your posts!
Stardust, hehe..
Love that angst, love that you added the Petra X Olivia and Petra X Stella thingie to the backstory, that makes it so much better.
Sometimes I think abt Petra X Olivia X Stella with both Stella and Petra focused on Olivia..👉👈
But uhg, I love the lesbians so much.
Wanna imagine how Stella Always goes around Redstonia like "This girl is smart, this girl is fine, this girl is MINE" with smuggiest smile ever. Olivia's kind of embarrassed but also feels loved so it's not a problem.
Maybe Petra and Stella would have small arguments like "Mine girlfriend is better!", "Nuh uh, mine is!" while Jesse and Olivia are drinking tea in the corner admiring their gfs.
Also Stella tries to spoil Olivia, but she refuses each time because c'mon, she lived in a TREEHOUSE with her two friends. She is NOT used to fancy stuff.
Olivia vice versa tries to show Stella how good it actually is to have simple baked potatoes for dinner or to play with fluffy sheeps. ("No, Stella, Lluna ain't getting any sickness from them. Those are farmer's ships, they are perfectly clean and healthy" "But- but-" "Just touch the fluff.")
Love the sillies.
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trip-the-cal-fantastic · 5 months ago
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Sick Day
Sam Kiszka x F!OC (Olivia Reynolds)
Genre: Fluff and sickfic
Word Count ~ 3.6k
Warnings: Swearing, use of pet-names (Baby, sweetie, sweetheart, sugar, and honey), they refer to each other as mom and dad to Rosebud, use of medication (Tylenol), Sammy is sick :(
Olivia had been out on the town with Sam’s beloved dog, Rosebud, exploring farmer’s markets, vintage antique shops, and thrift stores since 9 a.m. She was up way before Sam that morning and didn’t dare try to wake him. That man could sleep through a freight train passing a foot away from his head. Olivia made the better decision to let him sleep as long as he wanted, this being the first full day of him being home from tour. So, she and Rosie left the house to give him as much quiet as he needed this Saturday. Sam was exhausted when he came in from the airport the night before, the leftover eyeliner from the last show still smudged around his beautiful, tired eyes. Before she took off, Olivia left him a note on the counter that read: 
Took Rose out for a girls day
Get some rest, sweetheart
Love you!
Olivia ended up running into a friend from high school and having lunch at an outdoor café with her. They visited for a long time, and when Olivia and Rose had returned home, the sun had set and Sam had dragged himself from the bedroom. Olivia walked through the front door, hung her keys on their designated hook, and gently kicked her shoes off, placing them against the wall where they belonged. She unclipped Rose’s leash from her collar and set her service dog vest on the small table by the door.
Sam’s shoes were still haphazardly discarded in the middle of the entryway from the night before. Olivia pushed the big, oak door closed and flipped the deadbolt, nearly tripping over Sam’s abandoned sandals. “Samuel Francis. How many times do I have to ask you not to leave your shoes in the walkway?” Her voice carried through the walls, gaining nothing in response. The only light in the house was the little bit of moonlight shining through the window curtains and the sporadic flashes of color coming from the television, the sound of Robin Hood: Men in Tights droning on in the background. 
“Sammy?” Olivia made her way into the kitchen, setting the various bags from her adventures on the island counter. Rose followed close behind, heading straight for her water bowl. Olivia turned the kitchen lights on and put everything that needed refrigerated away, repeating the same routine with things that needed put into the cabinets. She left the clothing items she had purchased on the counter to deal with them later, finally noticing Sam’s feet hanging over the end of the sofa. “Rosie. Go get dad.” Rose immediately ran into the living room and sat next to the couch, nudging Sam’s hand with her nose and licking his fingers. He lightly stirred at the feeling, but didn’t wake. 
Olivia stood in the doorway of the family room, leaning against the wall and admiring Sam’s lanky form sprawled on the couch. He was on his back, his right arm hanging off the edge, and his left arm thrown over his eyes. He had a pair of gray and white striped sweatpants on, but his torso was bare. His lips were slightly parted, and his eyelids scrunched every so often. Olivia moved to sit next to Sam’s hip, lightly tracing the shape of his birthmark under his left arm. She lightly pushed his arm off of his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead, noting how warm he felt to the touch. 
Sam let out a small huff of air before his eyes fluttered open, a small smile forming on his lips when he realized Olivia was there. “Livvie. Hey. You’re home.” His voice was rough and gravelly. He sat up with a small wince, his brows pinched together as he cleared his throat. 
Olivia leaned forward, gently cupping Sam’s cheek in her palm and pressing her lips to his. He felt a little too warm for Olivia’s comfort. Now that there was extra light pooling in from the kitchen, she could see how flushed his skin was. “Hi, baby.”
Rose jumped onto the couch with her tail wagging and licked the side of his face. Sam gave a crackley chuckle and scratched her head. “Hi, Rosie. I missed you, too. Did you have fun with mom today?” Rose shook herself out, eliciting laughs from both Sam and Olivia. He reached out and gently slipped his hand under Olivia’s self-cropped shirt, brushing his fingertips over her ribcage. “How was your girl's day, sugar?” 
“Great! We found so many little cute markets and antique shops. Rosie got plenty of treats today. Everyone loved her.” Olivia giggled and tapped Rose’s nose. “I ran into an old friend from high school, too. We grabbed lunch at this café on the corner of 5th and Madison. It was adorable and the food was fantastic. We’ve gotta go sometime. I got a few new sweaters from a thrift store and got you a jacket I think you’re gonna like.” As she spoke, Sam slowly leaned back, resting his head against the arm of the couch again. His eyes fluttered shut as his hand on Olivia’s side gradually slid down to her hip. He cleared his throat again, but the sound was rougher this time.
She breathed a laugh through her nose and leaned down, resting her chin on Sam’s chest. She reached up and poked his cheek, making his lips turn up in a small, tired smirk. “Am I boring you, Sammy?”
“Hm? Oh. No, Livvie.” His eyes blinked open as he looked down at her. Rose, wanting to take part in the family cuddle party, laid her head next to Olivia, who laid her arm over Rose and tilted her head to rest against the dog’s. Sam rubbed his hand over Olivia’s shoulder. “I’m listening, sweetie. I promise. I just don’t feel very good.”
This made Olivia sit up, not expecting him to admit that he felt sick, but she was grateful that he did. Normally, she would have to pry at Sam if she even thought he was ill. Olivia rested her palm flat on his forehead, trying to gauge his temperature. “Poor thing. I thought you felt warm, but I didn’t want to say anything, sweetheart.”
Sam nuzzled his face against her hand. “Your hands are so cold. Feels good, honey.” Olivia brought her left hand up, cupping both sides of his face and brushing her thumbs over his flushed cheeks. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip, earning another smirk from Sam. He brought his hands up to her wrists, tracing his thumbs over the backs of her hands. “Will you lay with me, sugar? I feel like I haven’t seen you since the seventies.”
Olivia snorted a laugh through her nose. “Seventies seems a bit dramatic, baby.”
“Okay, fine. The eighties.” This pulled another laugh from Olivia. Sam tried to laugh along, but it quickly turned into a harsh cough that ripped through his throat followed by a groan. He rubbed a hand over his chest as he swallowed and let his head fall back against the arm of the couch. “Ow.”
Olivia rested her hand over Sam’s on his chest. “Oh, honey. Let me get you to the bedroom and I’ll take your temperature.” She stood from the couch and took both of Sam’s hands in hers, carefully hauling him up to his feet. Rose jumped off of the couch and followed them down the hall, her little nails clacking on the wood. It was like she knew Sam was sick.
Sam sat down heavily on the edge of the bed and then laid back across the mattress horizontally. He coughed into his elbow and splayed his arms out to either side. Rose jumped onto the bed next to him, trying to lick his face. “Quit that, Rosebud.” Sam let out a raspy laugh, followed by a sharp cough. “I feel like shit, sweetie.” 
Olivia disappeared into the bathroom, digging through the medicine cabinet. “I know, baby. I’m sorry. Does anything hurt?” She stepped back into the bedroom, holding the thermometer and a bottle of Tylenol in her hands.
Sam took a moment to assess his body. “Nothing hurts, necessarily. My head, a little. I just feel achy. And hot and cold at the same time.” He rested his hand on Olivia’s hip as she sat next to him. He closed his eyes when the thermometer was pressed against his forehead. The device beeped twice, the number flashing on the small, LED screen. “What’s the verdict, sugar?”
“101.2. That’s a fever, sweetheart.” Olivia leaned down and pressed her lips to the tip of Sam’s nose. She helped him sit up and laid him back against the pillows, pulling the comforter out from under his legs and laying it over him. “I’m gonna go get your water bottle. Do you need anything else?”
Sam shook his head and closed his eyes as Olivia left the room. She found Sam’s metal water bottle in the living room and brought it to the kitchen, filling it from the spout in the fridge. Olivia grabbed her phone from where it sat on the island counter and opened her contacts, pressing Sam’s mom’s name and holding the phone to her ear while it rang.
“Hello?” Karen’s voice cut through on the other line.
“Hey, Mama Kay. How are you?” Olivia screwed the lid back onto the bottle and turned to the one of the cabinets with the phone tucked between her ear and shoulder. 
“I’m good, babydoll. How are you and Sammy?”
“I am doing great. Sam’s a little under the weather, which is actually why I called.”
Karen frowned slightly. “Oh no. Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s alright. Cough and a fever. I think it’s a mix of jet lag and constantly being in different cities.” 
“My poor boy. Make sure he’s resting and drinking water or tea.”
Olivia nodded even though Karen couldn’t see her. “He is. I just filled his bottle and I’m gonna have him take Tylenol to bring the fever down. I wanted to make him some soup tomorrow and he mentioned one time that your chicken noodle recipe was his favorite. Is there any way you could send it to me?”
“Oh, absolutely! I’ll take a picture of the recipe card and send it to you. And, by the way, when he’s sick, he likes to watch that stupid Robin Hood movie with Cary Elwes and Richard Lewis. Says the laughter makes him feel better.”
 “That explains it. He fell asleep on the couch watching that when I got home.” Olivia softly giggled. “I love that dork.”
Karen let out a hearty chuckle. “I’ll get that recipe to you, dear. Give Sammy a hug for me, okay?”
Olivia smiled. “Of course, Mama Kay. Thank you so much.” 
“You’re welcome, sweet girl. See you later, Olivia.”
“Bye, Karen.” Olivia set her phone back down on the counter after she hung up. She took Sam’s water bottle back to the bedroom, pushing the door open quietly to find Sam slumped against the pillows with his eyes half opened. “Hey, baby.”
Sam groaned in response. Rose was sprawled out next to him with her head resting on his lap. She shifted slightly and let out a sigh.
Olivia sat next to Sam’s hip, giving him a sympathetic pout, reaching out and scratching Rose’s head. She handed the water bottle to Sam and grabbed the Tylenol, shaking out two pills into his hand. “Take these and drink your water. Do you want to finish your movie?”
Sam nodded and downed the pills, chasing them with his water. Olivia found the remote to the bedroom tv and opened one of the streaming services she and Sam had. She found Robin Hood: Men in Tights and pressed play, fast forwarding to where Sam had left off earlier in the living room. Sam smiled softly and took Olivia’s hand in his. “I watch this movie every time I don’t feel good. The laughter makes me feel better.” Olivia traced her thumb over Sam’s knuckles, stifling a laugh. Sam shot her a confused glance. “What’s so funny over there?”
Olivia let out a soft giggle. “Nothing. That’s exactly what your mom said, but she called the movie stupid.” She watched Sam’s face as a look of slight hurt crossed his features. “Oh, honey.” Olivia cupped his face in her hands, making him look at her. “It’s not stupid. She didn’t mean it like that, sweetheart.” She leaned down and pulled Sam into a warm hug. “That’s from her. She wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings, Sammy. Especially not when you’re sick.”
Sam returned the hug, burying his flushed and sweaty face into Olivia’s neck, his light chuckle muffled by her skin. “The hug makes it a little better.” He slowly pulled away, laying back against his pillow with a soft groan. He coughed harshly into his elbow and turned his attention back to the movie. 
Olivia pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead and stood from the bed. “I’ve got some papers to grade in the office for Monday.” She nodded towards Sam’s phone on the nightstand. “Text me if you need something. Get some rest, okay, sweetheart? I love you.”
Sam nodded and coughed again. “Okay. I love you, sugar.”
Olivia gave him a small smile and made her way out of the room, flicking the light switch off and leaving the door slightly ajar so she could hear, just in case. She stepped into the home office that was directly across the hall from the bedroom, leaving the door open all the way. She turned the vintage floor lamp that stood in the corner on and sat at the desk, starting to grade the stack of papers. Olivia was a second grade teacher and her class had just started learning to add two digit numbers. She went through each paper, marking them with a different colored pen for each student.  
After an excruciating two hours of grading, Olivia stood from the desk chair, stretching her back and rolling her neck from side to side. She gathered the pile of papers and gently shoved them into a filing folder, which was then stuffed into her work backpack. “Those little heathens.” Olivia smiled to herself as she zipped the bag closed and set it on the desk for Monday morning. She glanced at the clock on the wall, just now noticing how late it had become while she was working. “Jesus. 11:52? Really?” She muttered to herself as she checked the time on her phone, just to check if that was right. Unfortunately, it was in fact 11:52 p.m. Olivia ran her hand over her face and yawned, taking the time to realize just how tired she was. 
She switched the floor lamp off and crossed the hall into the bedroom, quietly pushing the door open so she didn’t wake Sam. He was still on his back, his head lolled to the left and his right arm holding the comforter up to his nose. His right leg was the only part of him uncovered, the limb thrown on top of the blanket. Sam’s lips were slightly parted, the quietest of snores and tired mumbles escaping them. Rose was upside down next to him, fast asleep with her paws in the air. Olivia had to stifle her laughter as pulled out her phone to take a picture of Sam and Rosie. She quickly and quietly changed out of her day clothes and into a pair of short-shorts and one of Sam’s old t-shirts. She found the remote to the TV and pressed the power button, bathing the room in complete darkness.
Olivia made her way to the door, stopping and whispering, despite Sam being practically dead to the world. “Goodnight, Samuel. Feel better, sweetheart.” She walked out to the living room, tossing a throw pillow into the corner of the couch and grabbing a quilt from the basket next to the recliner. She made herself as comfortable as possible, curling up on the cushions and letting her exhaustion from the day wash over her as her eyes closed on their own.
Olivia woke up feeling rejuvenated somehow. She sat up and stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. She grabbed her phone from the end table, seeing a notification that Karen had sent the recipe for her chicken noodle soup. Olivia threw the quilt back, the morning air chilling her body. She made her way to the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker and grabbing her mug that hung on the small rack next to the machine. She checked the time on the stove. 10:18 a.m., and no sign of Sam. As the coffee brewed, Olivia dug around the cabinets, breathing out a sigh of relief when she found that she had everything she needed for the soup. 
She padded down the hall, gently pushing the bedroom door open. Sam was lying diagonally on the bed on his stomach in arguably the most comfortable position to sleep in. His left leg was straight, but his right was bent, his legs forming the shape of a 4. His right hand was tangled in his hair and his left arm was extended out to his side. At the sound of the door opening, Rosebud perked her head up. “Come on, Rosie girl. Let’s go outside.” Rose leaped off of the bed and followed Olivia back down the hallway to the back door. After she finished her business, Olivia let her back inside, the coffee machine beeping as they reached the kitchen.
Olivia poured the coffee into her mug, adding in milk and creamer before stirring it and taking a sip. She closed her eyes as the warmth spread through her. She set her mug down, grabbing a large pot from the cabinet under the island and beginning to follow the directions on Karen’s recipe. Rose sat at Olivia’s feet, looking up at her and wagging her tail expectantly. Olivia scratched her head and laughed. “You’re probably hungry, huh?” Rose barked and Olivia giggled again. “Shh, Rosebud. Dad’s sleeping.” She grabbed the dog’s food bowl and gave her a generous scoop of the kibble. “Here you go, sweet girl.” Olivia went back to making the soup, the butter, vegetables, and chicken in the pot now ready for the broth to be added. She followed Karen’s recipe to a tee, adding in all of the ingredients as written.
An hour later, the soup was almost ready and Sam groggily shuffled into the kitchen. “G’morning, sugar. Whatever that is smells fantastic.” His hoarse voice filled the air as he slipped his arms around Olivia’s waist, placing tiny kisses on her neck. She hummed and leaned back into him as he spoke quietly. “Is it even still morning?”
Olivia giggled, checking the clock. “You’ve got 6 minutes. Good morning, honey.” She turned her head, lightly pecking his cheek, and then turning back to the pot that she was stirring. Sam swayed her back and forth slightly, resting his chin on her shoulder, his arms holding her against him. Olivia felt the weight of his head on her shoulder slowly grow heavier. “Here. Try this, Sammy.” She held the spoon up to his mouth, turning to face him when he didn’t move. His eyes were closed, light and even breaths leaving his slightly parted lips. 
Olivia smiled and giggled to herself, careful not to move too much. “Sam…” She whispered into his ear, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. She lightly tapped the tip of his nose, causing his eyes to flutter open. Sam blinked a couple of times and sighed. “You can go back to bed if you want, baby.”
Sam shook his head, slowly pulling away from Olivia as he coughed into his elbow. He moved to sit in one of the barstools at the island, resting his head against his fist. He watched as Olivia dished up a bowl of the soup and placed it in front of him. “Thank you, sweetie. This looks delicious.” Sam dipped his spoon into the soup and blew on it before taking a bite. He closed his eyes, letting the warmth of the soup wash over him with a small hum. “Oh, my god. Livvie.” He looked up to her with a watery-eyed smile. “This is… amazing. It tastes just like mom’s. She used to make this for me, Josh, Jake, and Ronnie when we would get sick.”
Olivia smiled and tucked her hands under her chin. “Really? I tried my best. It’s her recipe. I called her last night because you said it was your favorite one time and I wanted to make it for you.” Sam stood from the barstool, softly cupping her face with both hands and smashing his lips to hers. Olivia smiled into the kiss before gently pulling away, lacing her arms around his waist. “Does it really taste okay, Sammy? I wanted to help you feel better.”
“Oh, sweetheart. It’s perfect. It’s… just perfect.” Sam stroked his thumbs over her cheekbones and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thank you so much, sugar.”
“You’re welcome, honey.” Olivia made herself a bowl of the soup as Sam sat back down at the island. She took the spot to the left of him, letting her leg rest against his. He placed his hand on top of her knee, his thumb idly rubbing circles into her skin. Olivia laid her hand over his. “I love you, Sam.”
“I love you, Olivia.”
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driversatellite · 2 years ago
cruel summer | r.c | part five
synopsis: after she had been left heartbroken by jj maybank, y/n had felt herself feeling withdrawn from everything around her, it seemed that nothing could make her feel better, except for maybe her best friend sarah’s older brother, rafe cameron. the two had a rivalry that began before either of them could remember but after her heart was broken y/n found herself enjoying rafe’s presence more and more, maybe he wasn’t who she thought he was.
rafe cameron x desi!reader  
part five: you know that i bought it
word count: 4.4k
a/n: hiiii!! omg guys olivia’s new album out in september and vampire out in 2 days, i’m so excited!!!! there’s some cute scenes in this part, i was inspired by going to my local farmer’s market and i suggest if you can you all should, they’re so much fun!!! hope you guys enjoy!!!! (likes, comments, and reblogs are very much appreciate <3!!!)
series masterlist | main masterlist | last part | next part 
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It had been a few days since the party and Y/N was languidly lying poolside at Taneyhill. She had set her book down as she listened to Sarah ramble about what she had done at the party. 
“Kie told me she saw you talking to someone at the party.” 
Y/N shook her head, “It’s not like that.”  
“Fine, don’t tell me.” Sarah said. 
“No, I mean we were just talking, nothing else.” Y/N told her.
Sarah narrowed her eyes and looked at Y/N’s face trying to decipher if she was lying to her, “Really?” 
Y/N nodded, but before she could respond Neal and Rafe made their way out. Rafe looked and saw that the two girls were definitely talking about something interesting. He could tell from the looks on their faces and the fact that Y/N’s book was now face down, “What are you two gossiping about?”
“Y/N’s rebound.” Sarah replied and Y/N shot her best friend an exasperated look. 
“Rebound?” Neal questioned. 
“It’s nothing, nothing happened.” Y/N stated. She didn’t know why, but she wanted to make sure that Rafe knew nothing happened, “Ryan’s a friend, I was giving him advice about his problems with his boyfriend.” 
The realization of Y/N’s statement settled across the group and she relaxed and so did Rafe. She glanced at Rafe who was already looking at her and she started to question everything. Was Ryan right, did she like Rafe? That question just sent her down another wormhole and she shook all of those thoughts away, because she couldn���t like Rafe, he was Sarah’s brother, he was off limits. It didn’t matter that he was funny and had made her laugh countless times after her break up and was always there for a pick me up, she just couldn’t like him. It was Sarah’s one rule, don’t get with her brother. 
“What are you guys doing out here anyways?” Sarah’s question snapped Y/N out of her thoughts and she was more than thankful for it. 
“This is my house too Sarah.” Rafe remarked and Sarah just rolled her eyes at her brother, the boys settled on their pool chairs. 
A few minutes later Neal broke the silence, “Top and Kelce are coming over.” Neal told them and Sarah nodded. 
“What are we supposed to do with that information?” Y/N asked and it was Neal’s turn to roll his eyes at his sibling. 
“Nothing, just thought you guys would want to know.” Neal told her. She just sighed and picked her book back up and Sarah grabbed her phone, presumably to text John B. 
It wasn’t too much later when Kelce and Top made their way through the back gate, a few other guys and girls trailing behind them. 
“I didn’t know we’d have other guests.” Sarah noted and Rafe just shrugged before going over and acting as a host. 
As much as Y/N wanted to concentrate on her book or what Sarah was saying, she could do neither, all she could concentrate on was Rafe and Claire. Claire was a girl that they’d gone to school with and before this night Y/N had no ill will to the girl, but seeing her animatedly talking to Rafe and laughing the entire night might have changed Y/N’s mind. She was glaring daggers at the pair, she couldn’t believe that she felt this way, she had never felt this way about a girl and Rafe. 
She was trying to make her staring discreetly, but Rafe’s eyes were quick enough to catch her staring and he couldn’t help but smirk proudly. At the sight of Rafe’s smug smirk, Y/N let out a huff and turned to Sarah, “I’m gonna go inside and grab a snack.” Sarah nodded and Y/N stalked off into the house and into the kitchen. 
She opened the fridge and grabbed out a mineral water and was looking for the fruit that they had cut up earlier when she heard footsteps. She didn’t have to turn around to see who it was, she could tell exactly who had walked in from the scent of his expensive cologne. 
“What do you want Rafael?” She questioned as she grabbed the bowl of cut fruit. 
“I can’t come into my own kitchen?” Rafe questioned as he moved closer to where she was stood, glaring daggers at him. 
“I didn’t say that.” She said. Rafe just shrugged and smirked and Y/N wished she could keep her mouth shut around him, but it was like he had this effect on her, she always had to have the last word in with him, “Claire’s nice.” 
Rafe’s smirk turned into a grin, “Yeah she is.” His grin grew even wider once he saw how agitated his statement had made her. Though their rivalry had been put on a pause while she was getting over her break up, she was clearly feeling much better so Rafe decided to unpause, so he decided to stoke the fire a bit more, “You know you’re more than welcome to invite your friend.” Rafe paused for a moment, pretending to think, “What was his name again?” 
Y/N just gave him a deadpan look, “Ryan.” 
“Right, Ryan.” 
“Maybe I will invite him.” She stated. 
Rafe just smirked, “Be my guest.” He told her with his stupid smug grin on his face before walking back out to the pool. 
Y/N felt angrier now, how was it possible that he was able to make her this agitated? She thought that they had made progress and put their rivalry to bed, but it turned out Rafe had other plans. But it wasn’t only the rivalry between them that was making her agitated, it was the fact that she was annoyed about Rafe talking about another girl. She didn’t want to even think about why she was feeling that way, she couldn’t think about it. So as a means to cool off, she stalked in the opposite direction and almost ran into Wheezie, but caught herself just in time, “Hey Wheeze.” 
“Where are you going? I thought everyone was out by the pool.” Wheezie asked and Y/N cursed internally.
“I just wanted to grab a sweater from Sarah’s room. It’s getting a bit chilly.” She lied, she hoped it sounded believable. 
Wheezie nodded, thankfully buying her lie, “Do you want to come with me to go to my fitting appointment for my dress?” 
“Of course I’ll come Wheeze.” She told her, “I guess I should start looking for dresses too.”  
Wheezie nodded excitedly, “Yeah, I can help you, like you helped me.” 
“Just text me all the details and I’ll be there.” Y/N said and Wheezie smiled and nodded. With Wheezie standing there and watching her, Y/N had to follow through on her lie, so she headed up to Sarah’s room and grabbed a random thin sweater of hers before heading back to the pool. She had calmed down and now she had a legitimate excuse on why she had been gone so long. She slipped the sweater on and headed outside and straight to Sarah, not bothering to look at the rest of the group. 
Sarah perked up once she saw Y/N, “There you are, I thought you disappeared.” 
Y/N pulled at the sweater, “I just wanted a sweater.” 
“Well, I hate to be a party pooper, but John B texted saying that he’s got the chateau all to himself so…” Sarah trailed off and Y/N rolled her eyes, but nodded. 
“Go have fun and use protection, I’m too young to be a godmother.” Y/N said and Sarah scoffed. 
“I could be going to watch a movie with him. Not everything is about sex.” Sarah stated. 
“But we both know you guys won’t be watching a movie.” Y/N pointed out and Sarah huffed. 
“I promise to use protection mom.” She said and Y/N smiled. 
“I was thinking of heading back home anyways, I’m tired.” Y/N told her. 
Even though she wasn’t talking very loudly, Rafe had somehow overheard her, “Don’t tell me you’re leaving already.” 
“I’m tired.” She snapped before grabbing her things and heading over to her house. 
Wheezie had texted Y/N to meet her at Taneyhill and that they’d go to the boutique from there, which is why she found herself standing in the foyer of Taneyhill bright and early that morning. Rafe strolled down the stairs, keys swinging in his hand, but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw her standing in the foyer, “Sarah’s not here.” 
Y/N crossed her arms against her chest, “I know, I’m here for Wheezie. She has her fitting appointment today.” 
“I’m taking her to that.” Rafe said in confusion. 
“No, I’m taking her.” Y/N stated. 
Before the two could start arguing, Wheezie made her way into the foyer ready to go, “You both are taking me.” She turned to look at Y/N, “I know you don’t like to drive to the mainland, so I asked Rafe to come.” 
Wheezie was right, she didn’t like to drive long distances like going to the mainland, but if it meant she didn’t have to put up with Rafe, she’d drive. But then she saw the look on Wheezie’s face, she was clearly excited to go with both of them and she didn’t want to ruin Wheezie’s day, so she decided to toughen up, she could make it through the day. It didn’t matter that she was utterly confused about her feelings about Rafe and it didn’t matter that she was so pissed about him for flirting so openly with Claire the other night, she could put that to the side for now. 
The car ride had started pretty tame, it was just Wheezie rambling, but then when it came time to decide what music to play, that’s when the fight broke out. They usually bickered a bit about music, but nothing too crazy happened, they would usually end up compromising without much fighting, but this time was different.
“You have the worst taste in music.” Y/N snapped. 
If Rafe wasn’t driving, he would have completely turned his body to face Y/N and would have used a lot of hand gestures, but he was driving and had to keep his eyes one the road, so he just glanced at her through the side of his eye and tightened his grip on the wheel, “Me? I have the worst taste in music? That’s you.” 
“I do not have bad taste in music. Everyone loves my music.” Y/N jeered, she then turned around to face Wheezie who was sitting in the back, “You like my music right, Wheeze?” Wheezie nodded, she didn’t particularly like when she was dragged into their bickering, but they were her two favorite people, so she’d put up with it. Y/N smiled and looked back to Rafe, “See, Wheezie likes my music.” 
Rafe scoffed, “Yeah, okay, you and Wheezie are like the biggest Harry Styles and Taylor Swift fans, of course she’s gonna agree with you.” 
“Well, maybe it’s because we have taste, just let me play my music.” Y/N snapped, reaching for the car’s touchscreen, but Rafe was quick to push her hand away, “What the hell Rafe?” 
“Driver controls the music, not the passenger.” He stated. 
Y/N folded her arms against her chest, “Fine, pull over, I’ll drive the rest of the way.”
Rafe let out a humorless laugh, “No way, I’m not letting you drive my truck. You’d ruin her.” 
“Her? Your truck is a girl?” Y/N asked before scoffing and slumping into her seat, “Let me at least change the song, I don’t like this song. I’ll stay on your playlist.” 
Rafe let out a heavy sigh but nodded and moved his hand from the touchscreen and Y/N was quick to click on the spotify icon and she started to skip through the songs, but she finally came to a stop on a song that she loved. She happily leaned back into her seat and started to hum along. 
Rafe recognized the song immediately and glanced at Y/N before looking back on the road, “You like Frank Ocean?” 
She nodded, “I like a few of his songs, I love this one especially.” 
Rafe hummed in agreement, “Maybe your taste isn't complete shit.” 
The rest of the drive to the boutique wasn’t as eventful as the first half, but Wheezie was more than happy as she stepped out of the car. She really wished she had brought her headphones so she could drown out their bickering, but at least they had agreed on one thing. 
Once they stepped into the boutique the attendant that had helped Wheezie the last time immediately grabbed her and led her to the back to try on her dress, which left Y/N and Rafe alone. She decided to ignore Rafe remembering his flirting antics with Claire. She thought maybe if she’d ignored him and went back to despising she could kill the butterflies she got in her stomach whenever he looked at her. Ignoring him was easy to do as she looked through all the dresses. 
It had been almost half an hour and she still hadn’t said a word to Rafe and it was starting to bother him, “Why are you being so quiet? Did I do something to piss you off?” 
“No, you didn’t piss me off.” She lied and Rafe had to hold in his scoff, he could read her like a book and he knew that he was talking to a pissed off Y/N. 
“Then why are you ignoring me?” Rafe questioned. 
She mindlessly looked through the racks of dress as she shrugged, “I’m not. I’m just not in the mood to talk.” 
Rafe rolled his eyes, “Bullshit, you always like to talk.” 
She shrugged her shoulders again, “I just don’t want to talk Rafael.” She was getting more agitated and Rafe liked that, an agitated Y/N is better than a silent one. 
Then a lightbulb went off in his head, “Is this about last night? Cause nothing happened between me and Claire.” 
Y/N scoffed, “Wha-No! I don’t care about that. I don’t know why you would think I care about that.” The lie slipped out of her mouth so easily, maybe she was getting better at this lying thing. 
“Then why are you ignoring me?” Rafe questioned. 
“I already told you, I just don’t want to talk.” She snapped and Rafe decided to back off. 
He held his hands up in surrender, “Fine, fine. I’ll be quiet.” 
She didn’t acknowledge him and continued to sift through the racks of dresses, pulling a few that she liked. Rafe was looking through the racks of dresses as well and spotted one that he knew she would like, he knew her taste by now, “Hey y/n/n, look at this.” She turned around and saw Rafe holding a beautiful embroidered pastel pink dress, Rafe grinned seeing the way her eyes lit up, “You should try this one on.” 
She was surprised that she liked the dress that he chose as much as she did. She was stubborn and didn’t want to tell him that he made a good choice, but she couldn’t turn that dress down, so she begrudgingly held her hand out, “Fine, I’ll try it on. I mean it’s okay.” 
Rafe rolled his eyes at her statement but handed her the dress and she added it to her stack. It wasn’t too much later when Wheezie had finished her fitting, they just needed one more to make sure that everything would fit perfectly. She happily skipped towards them and spotted Y/N’s growing stack of dresses, “Are you going to try those on?”
“Yeah, are you all done? I wanted to wait for you.” Y/N asked and Wheezie nodded and called the attendant over. She took all of the dresses Y/N had picked out and led the trio to the fitting room area and helped Y/N get situated in a dressing room. 
Rafe and Wheezie situated themselves on the sofa and Wheezie dug into the finger foods they had set out as they waited for Y/N to come out. 
She first came out in a silky blue dress, it was beautiful, but too simple, it wasn’t right for midsummers. Rafe was mesmerized by her as she stepped out, to him anything she put on was beautiful, but he really wanted to see her in his choice, “Try on the one I picked out.” 
“I will, just be patient.” Y/N told him as she stepped back into the dressing room. She tried on some of the other dresses she had picked out, they were all beautiful, but none of them spoke to her, they weren’t right for midsummers. Like Rafe had said before, Y/N was picky. 
She had finally gotten to the last dress and it was Rafe’s choice, she begrudgingly slipped the dress on and as soon as she looked in the mirror she fell in love. It was absolutely perfect. But then she cursed internally, why did he have to win at everything.
As she stepped out of the dressing room Rafe’s eyes widened and Wheezie squealed excitedly, “You have to get it Y/N, you look stunning.” 
Y/N twirled in the dress and looked at herself in the mirror once more, she really loved this dress, “Really?” 
Wheezie excitedly nodded, “It’s perfect for you. It’s like it was made for you.” At Wheezie words Rafe smirked.
Y/N could see his smirk through the mirror and she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of winning, so she turned around and painted a small frown on her face, “It’s nice, but I think I want to try some more stores, just to keep my options open.” 
Rafe had to hold in his eye roll, he knew that she was being stubborn on purpose, but he didn’t want to push it, he had his own plan. She stepped back into the dressing room and took the dress off, and slipped her clothes on before stepping out. She spotted Rafe talking up the attendant who was working the register and saw them laughing at something and felt a lump in her throat, of course he was flirting with her, it seemed like he flirted with everyone but Y/N. 
Once they stepped out of the boutique, Wheezie spotted a sign saying that there was a farmer’s market being held there and she begged Rafe to let them go to it. He glanced down at his watch and back to Wheezie’s pleading face before sighing and nodding. Wheezie let out an excited squeal and grabbed Y/N’s hand and tugged her along to where all of the stands were set up, Rafe trailing behind them. 
The girls were having a great time going in and out of the different stands, there were so many things there, that it was a bit overwhelming. They had so far stopped in a bakery stand, where the trio purchased an assortment of baked goods, and of course Rafe had paid for all of them, even after Y/N’s insistence on paying. They then made their way to a handmade jewelry booth and Y/N fell in love with some pearl earrings she spotted and saw Wheezie fawning over the bracelets they had on display. She even spotted Rafe eyeing some of the vintage watches they had on display. 
“Are you gonna get it?” She asked and Rafe turned to look at her.
He shook his head, “I don’t think so, I already have this one from dad.” He nodded towards the Rolex that sat on his wrist. She hadn’t seen him ever take it off after his 16th birthday when Ward had gifted it to him. She remembered Sarah telling her that it was one of the first really expensive things that Ward had gotten Rafe, so she understood the sentimental feeling of the gift. 
“I mean you can get it, I’m sure Ward wouldn’t mind.” She said and Rafe shook his head. 
“He’d be mad, tell me that I’m an idiot for choosing some watch that I got at a farmer’s market instead of a Rolex.” Rafe told her. 
She shrugged, “Well these are vintage watches.”
“I’m not gonna get it.” Rafe stated and she could see the look on his face and decided to not push it. She then glanced over to where the necklaces were hung and saw Rafe eyeing one of the gold ones with a small north star pendant. She watched him look at it for a moment, before turning back to his phone. She knew that the only jewelry Rafe seemed to wear was the ones that his loved ones gifted him. He wore a signet ring that was gifted to him by his maternal grandparents and the watch that was gifted to him by his dad, nothing else.  
Once she had finished looking at the necklaces, she went over to where Wheezie was and Wheezie turned to her with a smile, “Look how pretty these anklets are.” 
Y/N nodded as she took in the gold anklets, they really were pretty, “I can get you one if you want.” 
“You should get one too,” Wheezie told her, then a grin spread across her face, “We should get matching ones.” 
Y/N smiled and nodded, and Wheezie excitedly started pointing to the anklets that she liked. The two finally came to a decision and started making their way to where the vendor was sitting, but Rafe came out of nowhere, already digging his wallet out of his pocket. Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to step in front of him, but Rafe easily side stepped her and beat her to the vendor. 
“I can pay Rafael.” Y/N grumbled.
Rafe shot her a look over his shoulder, as he tapped his card onto the card reader, “Okay.” 
She rolled her eyes, “You’re incorrigible.” 
After exiting from the jewelry stand, they went to a few produce stands and finally found themselves at a florist stand. Y/N was someone who loved flowers, her mother had always made sure their garden was colorful and beautiful and Y/N had helped her tend to it. She always had fresh flowers in her room, there was something about them that just made her incredibly happy. 
Y/N was looking at all of the different premade bouquets and glanced to the side to see Wheezie admiring some of hydrangeas, she looked over to see Rafe standing outside of the stand texting on his phone and took her opportunity. She subtly made her way to where the vendor was and discreetly asked her for a bouquet of hydrangeas. The vendor asked her a few more questions about the bouquet before getting started. She tapped her foot in anticipation as she watched the vendor make the bouquet and soon enough she was handed a beautifully arranged bouquet of hydrangeas with some baby’s breath sprinkled in, it was all wrapped in brown paper and tied together with some delicate lace. 
She grinned at the bouquet marveling how beautiful it had turned out, she glanced over her shoulder once more to make sure she wasn’t being watched and once she saw that Rafe and Wheezie had wandered over to the stand across from them, she quickly turned around and paid for the flowers. She thanked the vendor once more and headed towards where the Cameron siblings were. 
Wheezie had been looking at the different types of honey, when Y/N approached her. She tapped on her shoulder and Wheezie whipped around, before she could say anything Y/N held the bouquet up and handed it to her. 
Wheezie’s eyes lit up as she took the bouquet, “For me?” 
Y/N nodded, “I saw you looking at them.” 
Wheezie grinned, “Dad said that they used to be mom’s favorites.” Y/N smiled remembering when Taneyhill’s front yard had been full of hydrangeas courtesy of Lillian Cameron. She remembered her and Sarah helping the Lilly plant the hydrangeas. After Lilly had passed away Y/N hadn’t seen hydrangeas at Taneyhill.  
“I’m glad you like them.” She told Wheezie, and Wheezie just smiled before pulling the older girl into a hug, being careful not to smush the flowers. 
Rafe had been watching the whole interaction going down and he couldn’t help but smile, he liked how attentive Y/N was to Wheezie, none of Sarah’s other friends were like Y/N, but she was different than Sarah’s other friends. 
It was like Y/N could feel Rafe’s eyes on her and she looked over to him, meeting his eyes. He made his way to her and Wheezie, who excitedly held up the bouquet, “Look what Y/N got me.” 
Rafe nodded, “It’s pretty. Mom’s favorite.” 
Wheezie smiled and skipped ahead to the next stand, Rafe and Y/N trailed behind her walking slowly, Rafe looked over to Y/N, who had her eyes on Wheezie, “You know you didn’t have to buy the flowers for her.” 
She glanced up at him, “I know, but I wanted to.” 
“She seems to like them.” Rafe pointed out. 
She nodded and gave Rafe a playful smile, “Don’t you know that girls love flowers Rafael?”
Rafe shrugged, “Not all girls.” 
She hummed, “But most girls. If you know a girl’s favorite flower, that’s a way into her heart.” 
“So if a guy got you peonies and tulips, you’d love him?” Rafe asked and she looked at him with confusion. 
“How’d you know those are my favorite flowers?” She questioned. 
“We’ve been getting you peonies and tulips for every single dance recital you’ve had, I guessed.” Rafe said. It was true, the only flowers people got her were tulips and peonies. Well except JJ, he got her roses, maybe that should have been the first clue that he didn’t know her or care to know her. 
The two walked in silence after that, but she couldn’t help but smile. The fact that Rafe knew such a small detail about her made the butterflies in her stomach grow. She knew she should have been killing the butterflies, but maybe she’d let them live for another day, because she felt good for once, she felt happy. 
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marcmarcmomarc · 10 months ago
Return to Amphibia
Tumblr media
Brenda Song
Anna Akana
Haley Tju
Justin Felbinger
Bill Farmer
Amanda Leighton
Troy Baker
Keith David
Michelle Dockery
Zehra Fazal
On Braly
Brian Sounalath
Anika Noni Rose
Wallace Shawn
Kate Micucci
Melissa Villaseñor
Dana Davis
Cassie Glow
Lakkhana Narksiri
…with Matt Braly
…and Dee Bradley Baker
Sheriff Buck Leatherleaf: JAMES ADOMIAN
Sasha Waybright: ANNA AKANA
Ginger Flour: ELLA ALLAN
Lavender Flour: MIA ALLAN
Bessie, Joe Sparrow, MicroAngelo, & Archie: DEE BRADLEY BAKER
Captain Grime, Mall Cop Mark, Rodney, & FBI Agents: TROY BAKER
Rosemary Flour: MARLOW BARKLEY
Captain Beatrix: AISLING BEA
Sadie Croaker & Lysil: LAILA BERZINS
Frobo & Chuck Gardener: MATT BRALY
Oum Boonchuy: ON BRALY
Principal Murphy & Mitchell: KIMBERLY BROOKS
Tritonio Espada: MATT CHAPMAN
Andrias Leviathan: KEITH DAVID
Hop Pop Plantar & FBI Agents: BILL FARMER
General Yunan Longclaw: ZEHRA FAZAL
Sasha’s Stepmother: MARISSA LENTI
Leopold Loggle & FBI Agents: BRIAN MAILLARD
Sylvia Sundew: MONA MARSHALL
Mayor Toadie: JACK McBRAYER
Albus Duckweed: KEVIN McDONALD
Gabby Williams: JESSICA McKENNA
Papu Boonchuy, Thai Woman, & Anne’s Grandmother: LAKKHANA NARKSIRI
Mr. Waybright: CHRIS PARNELL
Mitch Harbor: SAM RIEGEL
Frodrick Toadstool: STEPHEN ROOT
Humphrey Westwood: WALLACE SHAWN
Tyler’s Husband: ROGER CRAIG SMITH
Anne Boonchuy: BRENDA SONG
Soggy Joe & Horace: FRED TATASCIORE
Tuti, Braddock, & Fens: APRIL WINCHELL
Angwin & FBI Director: CHRIS WYLDE
Mrs. Waybright: CRISTINA VEE
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caelwynn · 7 months ago
Olivia from Ridgeside Valley x fem!farmer pls! (I hope two asks are ok lol) ur choice for NSFW or not, I’m just so enamored with Olivia and her milf vibes 😭😭
I had a surprising amount of fun writing this one! Olivia's a character I haven't really done before, and this dynamic is so fascinating to me. Hopefully it hits a sweet spot.
Fearful of losing or damaging the Jenkins' books, Nettie refuses to take any home with her. Instead, night after night, she returns to their home to share wine, books, and companionship. She wonders if Victor realizes just why she lingers so late.
Pairing: Olivia/Fem!Farmer
Word count: 1.2k
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Nothing too risqué, just a lot of... tension
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vivillainous · 1 month ago
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roguelesbian-writes · 1 year ago
You Can Travel The World A Million Times Just To Learn It Never Mattered
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Sophia/Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
Female Player & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
OFC farmer
OMC farmer
Jameson Walsh
Ophelia Walsh
Sophia (Stardew Valley)
Shane (Stardew Valley)
Marnie (Stardew Valley)
Jas (Stardew Valley)
Zinnia - Character
Leah (Stardew Valley)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Haley (Stardew Valley)
Emily (Stardew Valley)
Lewis (Stardew Valley)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Alex (Stardew Valley)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Victor (Stardew Valley)
Vincent (Stardew Valley)
Olivia (Stardew Valley)
Maru (Stardew Valley)
Robin (Stardew Valley)
Demetrius (Stardew Valley)
Jodi (Stardew Valley)
Kent (Stardew Valley)
Junimo(s) (Stardew Valley)
i'll add more later probably
Additional Tags:
This is a lot more than ofc farmer x sophia
this is everyone in the valley being a mess and sorting theirs bs out
Romani Haley
Hard of Hearing Haley
Black Emily
Latina Marnie
Latino Shane
Afro-Latina Jas
Hijabi Jodi
Native American Leah
Black Elliott
Jewish Elliot
All the Mulners are Samoan
All the Mulners are Jewish
Plus-Size Abigail
Legit just DSV races
and ethnicities
except for Lewis
He's still white
Trans Sam
Trans Penny
This is the set up for a lore fic
be prepared for some fluff
and most of all
character developement
no beta we die like my sister's will to read this fic
she actually came up with that tag
We hate Lewis in this house
Marnie is gonna dump him in this series
Working title
Ophelia and Jameson Walsh moved to town to take over their late grandfather's farm a season ago, it's going great. Totally not stressed out over literally anything at all. Sam and Sebastion have been friends for as long as either of them can remember, this new feeling building between them doesn't have to change that, right? Abigail just wants to go on adventures and prove she's not weak or just that one weird chick, why can't her parents chill out for five seconds? Haley is living her semi-best life, she just wishes her parents could pretend to care about them sometimes. Emily feels something has shifted since the new farmers' came to town. Harvey is tired and wants to be able to nap for the first time since the farmers started going down to the caves. Alex is trying to build himself up to try to go pro, while dealing with a lot of self-doubt. Marnie is getting tired of Lewis' excuses, Shane's lack of self-care, and trying to balance everything. Zinnia wants to know more about her mother and her research and Gabriel just wishes she would stay safe. Penny's life is a mess but at least she has the kids and Maru. Leah and Elliott are tortured artist gays.
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hmlegacy · 2 years ago
So we won’t fully address how long ago I was tagged in this, but shout out to @friendofbats.
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships
So I try to be balanced in all things but, most of my ships, I’m either all in or all out once they don’t happen, lol. I cannot say I have a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons ride or die ship, unfortunately (the farmer and my wifey, Popuri). But bring back rival marriage, damn it.
It’ll be tough to dwindle it to four, honestly, I have a lot of genres I enjoy.
Zelda/Link (Legend of Zelda): Yea, I know, BASIC, but man--the fact that their destinies bring them together through even like ancestry. That type of gig is my jam.
Takeru “T.K”/Hikari “Kari” (Digimon): This one...this is the ‘you just had to be there’ era. The wars between Dakari and Takari fans were the things of legend. People had WHOLE SITES dedicated to this and would list the reasons why one coupling worked and why the other wouldn’t--it’s epically crazy to even think about. Alas, Takari...before I got deeply involved in my long-ass Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, I was writing a series for them that kind of shaped how I wrote for Legacy. I don’t instantly go for the ‘old friends’ relationships but I loved them together and, while I thought I got ‘meh’, I was excited to see all the small hints in what I did watch of Tri.
Tommy/Kimberly (Power Rangers): It’s so silly to even talk about but it’s so funny since I can’t deny this is my first ship--imagine it’s 1994, I’m four-years-old, in kindergarten, with no grasp on anything remotely...and these two were my ride or die.  I was six and PISSED they replaced Kimberly with Kat. I’ll even roll my eyes now that they suggest those two married and have kids. RIP Jason David Frank.
Jay Halstead/Erin Lindsay (Chicago PD): See the trend? None of my ships work out! But this is probably the only modern one i have, lol. These two though, I just loved how they worked together and had each other’s back. I think it’s super tragic how both of their story lines ended given how strong their histories were but that’s how live-actions have to go, I reckon.
Look, I’m too indecisive to not have honorable mentions. Chrom x Robin, Stahl x Panne, Kellam x Olivia, Lissa x Lon’qu, Frederick x Nowi, Tharja x Libra, Lucina x Gerome (Fire Emblem Awakening, meaning the marriages I would struggle to deviate from), Dimitri x Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses), Yor x Loid (Spy x Family), Ichigo x Rukia (Screw you, BLEACH)
Last Song: Lol, oh, “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. I was just listening to a 2000s metal playlist on Spotify, that’s where I left off.
Currently Reading: I need to get better at reading...anything. I write and edit my writing by reading it?
Last Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3. Bittersweet but definitely good compared to where the MCU is now.
Craving: Hu Tieu Tom Thit (Pork and Shrimp Clear Noodle Soup) and a Sea Angel Roll would be awesome!
Tagging: My infinite anxiety over the strangest of things will keep me from tagging, lol. But please tag me if you do this, I love reading these.
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golemuniverse · 17 days ago
Welcome Home (part 1)
(Natalia Petrova-Lopez x Alex Petrova-Lopez)
It was late at night when Natalia Petrova-Lopez finally made it home. The red-haired woman let out a small hiss as she slowly made her way up the narrow stairs to her small apartment. The soft sound of music coming from above made her smile, and it meant one thing- her partner, Alex Petrova-Lopez, was home. She tightly clutched the strap of her beat-up duffle bag, which rested heavily against her aching shoulder, and thought back to what had happened earlier that day. 
Today was supposed to be an easy day for Natalia. She had the day off, which was now rare for her, and so she was going to spend her free day relaxing and possibly going to the farmers market to pick up some treats for tonight. But that did not happen. Instead, she received an urgent phone call from her boss- Olivia Nolan. Olivia informed Natalia that there was some unusual activity happening near the old warehouses over in the Bronx that needed to be investigated. 
Natalia tried to argue with Olivia about it, but the older woman stood firm on her orders. So in the end, Natalia reluctantly suited up and made her way over to the warehouses. But before she left, the redhead left a message for her partner- letting them know that she would be out for a while and to call her if they needed anything while she was away.
What was supposed to be a quick and easy mission turned out to be very long and hellish. A few of De Lucas's henchmen had decided that they were going to go after some cargo ships that contained highly expensive and valuable goods so that they could sell them on the black market. Only their plan backfired big time. The explosives that they were using to scare off the workers did not go off correctly and were stupidly placed near tanks full of gasoline, oil, and other flammables. 
Natalia’s body flew backwards like a rag doll after the ship exploded, and she landed hard against a shipping container. The heat coming from the flames was so intense that it felt like Natalia was standing in the middle of a live volcano. Her ears were throbbing and ringing loudly as she slowly sat up. The redhead- still in a daze, leaned her back against the shipping container and stifled a painful groan. 
The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. Natalia choked out a gasp as she stood up. She needed to get out of there before the police showed up. If she got caught again- Olivia was going to kill her. Or worse- she was going to have to endure another painfully long lecture from the older woman about being more careful. 
Thankfully, she did make it out without getting caught by the police. Natalia slowly limped over to her car, which was parked three blocks away from the warehouses. When she arrived, she was surprised to see Olivia and her best friend- Clark Kaplin, leaning casually against it, sharing a large soda. “You smell like smoke and gasoline,” was Olivia’s greeting to the redhead. The young woman replied by sticking her tongue out at her boss, causing Clark to snort out his drink.
After six long hours of debriefing with the team, listening to Olivia’s lecture, and getting patched up by the nurses- Natalia was allowed to go home. Natalia sighed with relief when she finally arrived at the front door of her apartment. The music was louder now, and the redhead could hear The Spice Girls playing on the radio, along with the sound of Alex singing along. She opened the front door and silently slid inside. 
The smell of warm and spicy seasonings happily greeted Natalia’s nose when she entered the apartment. Alex was in the kitchen, wearing just a pair of boxers, fuzzy socks, and one of the redhead's baggy sweatshirts- dancing along to the music. When Alex noticed that their lover was home, they smiled brightly but then the smile dimmed when they noticed the state that Natalia was in. 
“Tinok, are you okay? What happened?” Alex asked worriedly as they made their way over to Natalia, who was now leaning tiredly against the front door. The duffle bag that she was holding earlier- that contained her ruined suit- now lay on the floor, near the pile of shoes. The redhead let out a small moan when Alex gently cupped her cheeks in their soft hands. 
“I’m okay now, ahava. I just had a rough day at work,” Natalia said as she nuzzled into the hands that were holding her face. Alex's lips quirked up in a small, grim smile. “Yeah, I heard about that. Those fuckers did not use their brains, huh?” Alex asked as they placed a soft kiss on their lover's forehead. Natalia hummed as she closed her eyes. She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through Alex’s soft, curly black hair. “No, they really didn’t.” Alex placed another kiss on the redhead's nose.
“How injured are you? Do you need to lie down or take some meds?” her black-haired lover asked. Their dark brown eyes scanned Natalia’s face and body- taking note of all the injuries that they could see. Natalia smiled softly and shook her head. “I’m good on the meds right now. All I want is to eat dinner with you, and maybe you can run us a hot bath afterwards?” 
Alex smiled brightly. “That sounds like a lovely plan!  Dinner is almost ready- we’re having shakshuka! Come- take a seat on the couch. I’ll plate us some food, and we can watch some TV while we eat before I start running the bath.” Natalia leaned her head forward so that her forehead was resting against Alex’s collarbone. “I knew that I kept you for a reason,” the redhead joked before nipping softly at the soft skin. 
Natalia moaned in contentment as she submerged herself into the hot bath that her lover had drawn for her. The soft scents of lavender and rosemary filled the bathroom. “Is the water hot enough for you?” Alex asked as they began to strip their clothes off. Tossing them into the dirty clothes hamper. The redhead smiled and nodded her head. “It is; thank you, milyy,” she said.  Alex smiled brightly. “Anything for you! Do you want me to sit behind you or in front?” Alex asked as they moved closer to the deep tub.
The redhead thought for a moment before scooting forward. “Behind- I just want you to hold me for a bit,” she shyly replied. Alex carefully stepped into the tub, shivering at the drastic temperature change. Once they were settled in, Natalia leaned backward so that her naked back was pressed flush against her lover's equally naked front. Her head rested against Alex’s broad shoulder while her lover wrapped their arms around her in a loving embrace. 
“This feels nice,” Natalia softly moaned out. Alex nuzzled their face into the side of the redhead’s bare neck. Pressing soft kisses to the skin. “It is.” One of Alex’s hands started to trace soft and soothing circles over Natalia’s stomach and side- being mindful of their lover's injuries, while their other hand mapped out all of the redhead’s scars, bruises, and stretch marks. “You are so beautiful,” Alex muttered into Natalia’s neck. “So fucking beautiful. And so fucking smart- and one fucking amazing badass. I can’t believe that I’m yours.”
The redhead sighed in happiness and curled herself closer to Alex. Her black-haired lover hummed in contentment as they drew Natalia closer. Their hand, which was tracing an old and angry scar on the redhead's right side, slid lower until their hand lightly brushed against the curls of hair that covered their lover's center. Natalia gasped in surprise, her hips buckled upwards. 
“Fuck…” Natalia hissed with want. Her hands now gripping onto Alex’s thighs. “Do you want me to continue?” Alex husked out. The redhead replied by grabbing Alex’s hand and firmly placing it against her aching core. “What do you think, detka?” she moaned while grinding into their hand. Alex placed a hard kiss on the redhead’s shoulder before softly nipping a trail of love bites up to the side of her neck. “Your wish is my command, mi amor.”
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