#jewish author
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Hi, Jumblr!
I have been asked by my shul to put a call out on socials for a lecture we have coming up as a part of our adult education programs. It is to honor the 25th yahrzeit of one of our members, and in honor of his love of literature and science fiction, the theme is going to be along those lines.
Ideas floated by the adult education committee have been stories about the Golem and the traditions that have come from it, an author talk by a Jewish sci fi or fantasy author, or subject matter experts in Jewish folklore and storytelling. We're open to suggestions, though, and if you know of someone with expertise in a related area who would be open to speaking to our congregation one Friday this Winter or Spring, please let me know!
If anyone knows someone who would be open to doing a lecture or workshop for us and is qualified in any of these or related areas, please reach out to me! I greatly appreciate it!
#jumblr#jewish#jewish folklore#jewish storytelling#the golem#jewish sci fi#jewish fantasy#jewish author#jewish studies#jewish education
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I'm Noah, and I write queer fantasy books with disabled and/or neurodivergent characters.

The Eternal Machine was my debut book, the first in an epic and dark steampunk fantasy series. ⚔️🏴☠️
Phantom and Rook is a cozy urban fantasy, and the first one I went 'all out' with. I also have special news about this one. 🏳️🌈✨
The Rebel Foxes is the last book I released, and it's the first one under my new trans af pen name, Noah Hawthorne. It's a standalone in an interconnected dark fantasy punk series. 🔥🏳️⚧️
My website is here, and you can subscribe to the Crew of Misfits and get free novellas here.

#aelina isaacs#noah hawthorne#queer books#indie books#my books#fantasy author#phantom and rook#the eternal machine#the rebel foxes#dark fantasy books#cozy fantasy books#indie authors#trans author#jewish author#disabled character#disability pride#disability representation#mental health rep#grumpy gay witches#grumpy x sunshine#fantasy book series#book spine#indie author#trans books#shifter books#steampunk#gay gay gay#queer romance#queer community#trans af
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Fluid Lines
Henry and Joey try to coax some funding from Grant. It does not go very well.
ink demonth - line
Aleph Paradox Rated: G Warnings: None AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58207054 Length: 3000
notes: there's a bit of yiddish usage in the fic; also, jewish themes & characters written by a jewish author.
Equations were only a multitude of lines.
Numbers - easily shown in the form of tallies, in firm, sharp lines. It was the easiest form of speaking, a simple streak, straight and swift. Numbers were lines. Art was lines; be it written or drawn. It was all the same, you see, numbers and words and pictures, all lines in different forms.
Supposedly, according to the two artists who were ganging up against him, that was why he had to sign off on them getting more funding for the next ‘big project’.
Grant stared at them through his hexagonal glasses, though he knew they could not see his eyes with the slight silvery tint. Henry was inching towards Joey, trying to discreetly step on his partner’s foot so he could stop shoving it in his mouth, cluing in on the fact that Grant was entirely unimpressed far sooner than his motormouth companion.

Eventually, though, Grant decided that he had enough of them wasting his valuable time.
“Drew. Stein,” he rumbled. Henry went pink and Joey’s mouth snapped shut. “You two fools have no clue how business works, not a single one. See here,” he wheeled himself over to the revenue chart, his office chair smoothly gliding on the white oak flooring. “You make money, you can get funding. You lose money, you don’t have funding. Khap?”
The looks of dismay on the two men’s faces were enough of an explanation that they very much did understand, but Grant did not like the look on Joey’s face- a cheeky one, hesitant but determined. Grant held his breath as he waited for his boss’ next words, almost certain that they would be nothing good to hear.
“Well, can’t you just… pull it? From somewhere?” Joey asked, raising an eyebrow and giving a lopsided smile. Grant’s expression darkened, eyes narrowing and lips twitching downwards into a frown. Henry, the quicker of the two, grabbed Joey’s arm and began pulling him towards the door. Joey, finally getting the picture, paled slightly as he backed out with his business partner. “Actually, on second thought, can we scrape together abisl of cash? For a fundraising event?”
“Maybe make like Stein,” Grant growled, standing up, and started stalking towards them. “Shut your pisk, and get out of my damn office before you find yourself in deeper drek!”
Henry quickly closed the door behind them.
Joey’s face was pink with the embarrassment, dark brown eyes with little remorse but plenty of regret. Henry shook his head as Joey reached towards the door handle again, and the other man’s hand fell to his side. He gave a sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets and heading away towards the studio’s rotunda library. Henry followed after him, a mite dejected himself.
Joey sat down with a long groan, rubbing his face, adjusting his kippah. Henry seated himself across from his khevruse, silent and lost in thought.
“What are we going to do, Henry?” Joey asked, looking at him like a bit of a lost puppy, eyes big and mouth slightly downturned. “We need the money for funding, yes, but we also need the money to keep this place afloat.”
“Look, I don’t know what to tell you,” Henry crossly replied, folding his arms over his chest. “Grant already gave it to us straight. We don’t have the money for this right now. We really should… should work on getting another episode out.”
“We have one ready!” Joey splayed out his hands, and his arms. Henry blinked, surprised. “You know, the three that we have in backup!”
“Oh, right,” Henry blinked. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Right. But Joey, we shouldn’t use the backups all willy nilly like this. It comes across as… a rush? I don’t know. It’s just… not a good idea.”
“Well, I…” Joey tapered off. Then, he rebounded with a smile as big as Bendy’s, making Henry tense up with what was sure to be a bad idea incoming. “I was thinking that we could make a bigger cartoon. For fundraising. Something… feature length, maybe.”
“Joey, that’s a terrib-” Henry caught himself, blinking twice. “Did you just say to make a longer cartoon? That’s it?”
“Yes, that’s ‘it’,” Joey replied, offended by Henry’s surprise. “What did you think I was going to suggest? A strip show? Khas v’shalom?”
“You would enjoy that, you farze'enish,” Henry grumbled, though with a light in his eye. Joey glared at him with mock offense, calming down from the genuine upset of a moment prior. “Either way… it’s something that could work. The only problem is….”
“Reb Natan,” Joey glumly finished, nodding his head towards Grant’s office. “He’s never going to okay this, not with an episode half finished.”
“So let’s finish this line, and then we can pitch our idea to the almighty check signer,” Henry said with a smile, encouraging him. Joey gave a small smile in return, nodding. “And I’m guessing you want to make it a musical, right?”
“How do you know me so well?” Joey asked, eye twinkling as he winked. Henry laughed a bit and clapped him on the shoulder as he stood up. Joey kissed his own fingers and pressed them briefly to Henry’s hand, standing up himself. “Ach, Chaim sheli. Let’s get to work.”
The pair of them quickly made their way up the stairs, in a comfortable silence as they entered the art department and slipped into seats- Henry into his usual one, and Joey into whichever he pleased. Within a few moments, the soft scritching noise of sketching filled the room, conversation passing between them every now and then. Henry eventually stood up, stretching out his back.
“It’s time for mincha,” he informed Joey. The other man nodded, and stood as well. He gathered up their papers, dropping them off in Norman’s box for the projectionist to synthesize and set up for the film reels. “Be right back. Getting the Broadway trope.”
Joey nodded in acknowledgement as Henry slipped out the door to get the remaining members of their minyan from the theater next door. When he returned with the group, he was glad to see the studio was already gathered and waiting for them. Jack, as their khazn, nodded in greeting. They began shortly after confirming everyone was present, the services adding in aravit. Soon, Joey was thanking everyone for coming, and adding in a small Torah remark- one that made everyone groan, though appreciatively. Then once everyone had filed out, Wally came in with a smile, Joey thanking him personally (as he did every day) for his work. Henry wrapped a hand around Joey’s wrist, tugging him back to the art department. After chugging an entire pot of coffee between the two of them, they sat down and got to work. The pair worked until tikkun chatzot, and after that post-midnight prayer, both of them stumbled up the stairs to the small bedroom and passed out- Henry not even making it to his usual upper bunk and falling asleep next to Joey’s as they chatted quietly.
The sun beaming across his face woke him. Joey was already awake, washing negel vaser in the connected bathroom. He waved at Henry, murmuring the morning prayers after he stepped out, gazing out the window to the sunrise.
“I’ll see you downstairs,” he said in way of good morning. “I’ll see if Susanna brought for us some coffee and bagels.”
“Two bagels,” Henry murmured, pulling Joey’s blanket over his head- as, once again, he could not find his kippah. After reciting the brief gratitude of the return of the soul, he got up. Stretching out, he too made his way to the bathroom, noting that Joey had refilled the double handled cup already for him. Soon, he too was downstairs, finding Joey was in fact munching on a bagel. The man pointed at a plate with another two bagels on it, making Henry smile.
There was a third, extra bagel, though.
“Who’s that for?” Henry asked, nudging a hand towards the plate. Joey glanced at him, and then upwards with his eyes closing slightly. Henry fought a snicker. “Grant’s office is down the stairs, Joey.”
“Aye, yes,” Joey nodded ‘sagely’, pinching a few fingers and emphasizing his words with the gesture. “But we must beg haKadosh barukh Hu for the man to sway. For only They know what lies in the mind of a person. And maybe, just maybe, They might give him a nudge. Who knows? Maybe I will put Their name twice in the credits.”
“Are you trying to bribe God, Joey?” Henry questioned teasingly. Joey only smiled. “I don’t think He really goes for stuff like that.”
“Damnit,” Joey sighed in mock defeat. “Maybe She’ll take a cut of the revenue? Our biggest and best investor and fan.”
“We’ll see about that,” Henry smiled, patting Joey’s shoulder. “Let’s finish up this episode, at least.”
Joey, reinvigorated, nodded. First, they went back to the in-studio synagogue. Once shacharit was done, though, Joey beelined to the art department once again, savaged another mug of coffee, and dove back into trying to finish up the episode. Henry joined him soon after, as well as Daniel (their ‘intern’ [Henry was sure that Joey simply liked the kid being around, and was glad to be able to support him]), once he finished up at school. Henry’s head shot up, however, when what that truly meant clicked in his brain.
The head of the studio hummed in response.
“We didn’t eat lunch.”
The other man raised his head, blinking with surprise as he recalled that Henry was in fact correct.
“Ah. Oops.” he stood up, smiling apologetically at Daniel. “Well, little mensch, Henry and I will be right back after we devour some potatoes. Or something. You can keep working on those midframes- you’re doing absolutely fantastic.”
They left the teen glowing with the praise. Joey whistled as they walked to the lunch room, Henry shaking his head at him.
“You like walking on a thin line, on the breg,” Henry nudged Joey, “Stop that whistling.”
“It’s not Wednesday,” Joey replied with a cheeky smile, and promptly resumed the high pitched titter. Henry rolled his eyes, but let the matter drop. The duo scarfed down a soup that Joey had put in the freezer a week ago, discussed the upcoming parsha in brief, and then returned to work. Joey glanced over Daniel’s work, smiling brightly. “Looking good! We’ll be done with this episode in no time!”
Henry rolled his eyes once again at Joey’s positively silly demeanor. Though, it turned out that the dark haired man was absolutely correct when it came to speed. The three of them managed to crank out the remaining panels before the end of the week, beating out the deadline by nearly two weeks.
Tired but exhilarated, Joey gave Daniel a bonus from his own funds, the student practically skipping with joy out of the studio at the end of the day they finished. He was also extremely pleased with the long weekend he had earned for himself.
Deadline- beaten. They now had an episode to air, as well as the three in the archives for backup. There was no way that Grant would reject the feature length idea now, considering how prepared they were for the workload. And, their non-Jewish employees would be available again after their holidays were concluded. Which would mean that the eight empty seats in the animation hall would be filled up once more, and developing the cartoons would be a breeze.
Henry followed Joey up the stairs to the bedroom again, both of them talking excitedly once more. This time, though, Henry was on the bed next to Joey, a paper pinned to the bed above them, Joey sketching ideas as they talked. Henry found himself growing drowsier, slowly tapering off into silence, dozing off. Joey happily curled next to him, doodling until he too felt sleep tugging on his ankles.
He quietly recited shma, and went to sleep feeling extremely hopeful for the next day.
Henry’s eyes widened at the same time Joey’s rapidly moving mouth snapped shut.
Weakly, Joey asked; “Can you repeat that?”
“I said, ‘no’. Beshum oyfn nisht.” Grant repeated, narrowing his eyes. He leaned back in his office chair, steepling his fingers into a small pyramid shape. “Loy v’loy, if you need it in straight Hebrew. No, in plain English.”
“But- why not?” Joey struggled to keep himself from whining, forcing his mouth into a smile. Surely Grant was mistaken. “The studio is completely ready for a big project- and we finished the current one way ahead of schedule-!”
“What Joey means to say,” Henry cut him off, trying to salvage the situation as well. “Is that we’re confident in our ability to pull this off. And there have been funds coming in. And there will be more funds coming in as well. So-”
“Not in a thousand years,” Grant denied, stamping the request for funding with his red rejection. “Tsvey mol di tsores when you’re together! No means no! Maybe after you have ten episodes in the vault, then we can talk!”
“I’m not nearly as bad as he is!” Henry protested. Joey looked at him, wounded by the other animator’s attempt to distance himself. Grant rolled his eyes, and replied; “You’re seventy, and he’s one hundred and thirty. That makes two hundred percent!”
Thoroughly chastised, Henry’s mouth turned into a thin line. His ears turned slightly pink. Joey did not say anything, shoulders raising slightly as he tried not to dwell on the unfairness. Henry noticed that he was biting the inside of his lip, a nervous tick of his when he was attempting not to say anything negative or upset. Henry felt bad for a brief moment, but then he snapped to attention when Grant knocked his nail on the desk twice.
“Times ticking, nu?” he waved them out of his office again, shaking his head. “Shoyn!”
Joey’s face burned with an indignant shame as he, this time, pulled Henry from the office. What really was getting under his nails, though, was the slight gaze of satisfaction he caught on Grant's face. The jerk! Henry, still dismayed, was yet to see the look on Joey's own visage, but when he did, his down put expression faded somewhat as he tried to cheer up his friend.
“Well, let's get to pouring more of our hearts and souls into making those moving pictures,” he told Joey, but Joey's scowl only deepened at the suggestion. “Joey? Is something… wrong?”
“Of course something is wrong!” Joey snapped, though he tried to keep his voice low. “That farssiener! I'll wipe that look off his face!”
Joey whipped out his turquoise eye liner, marching over to the bathroom to apply it. Immediately comprehending what his friend intended to do, Henry reached desperately to stop him, but missed the man's waistcoat by a fraction of an inch. Still, he caught the dark haired man on his way out of the restroom, slinging his arm around his waist and pulling him swiftly into the spare room before Grant's office, a small, tight smile on his face for anyone who saw him drag Joey off. To Joey's credit, he did not make a word nor sound of protestation, letting the other twirl him away.
“Joey. Iyov. My friend, balibter, do not do this,” Henry pleaded with him. “Grant will not take well to it. He will not. Being… quirky will not go over well. Please.”
“It's not a big deal,” Joey, still upset, replied. Henry pursed his lips as he looked into his eyes- the blue-green makeup brought out the brighter colors in Joey’s typically dark eyes, like an aurora borealis with exposure. “I'll break his brain a little. Then we'll get the checked line.”
Henry pursed his lips, brow furrowing.
“Fine,” he sighed. Joey's unhappy little scowl turned into a hopeful half smile. Henry pointed a finger in his face. “but I'm coming with you.”
“Works with me,” Joey beamed brightly, leaning over and pecking Henry’s cheek. He slipped out of the door, Henry following his swagger infused gait. The two of them silently approached Grant’s office, Joey turning his head towards Henry- checking to see the reaction of the other man. A slight, half lidded smile met his gaze, assuring him that he looked enticing and alluring- as much as he could, being so goofy as he was. He knocked on Grant’s office door, and without waiting for a yes or no, entered the room. “Cohen… maybe I could… convince you that we deserve the funds.”
Grant had not moved from furiously scribbling on papers, and sharply shook his head.
“No.” he snapped, not looking up. “Get it into your head, tumpik. You’re not getting it.”
“Cohen,” Joey said, his voice low and chiding, almost amused. He carefully moved to lean against Grant’s desk, striking a flirtatious pose. “Look at me.”
Grant, about to tell Joey off, only stared as his gaze landed on the other man.
Henry could feel the tensity growing, thick and slow.
Joey’s fingers slid under Grant’s jaw, making their gazes align.
“I can guarantee,” Joey murmured, “That we will be successful. Emet.”
“‘Truth’, you say, you promise,” Grant was slow and uncertain in responding. “But we all know you to be a big promiser, Joey.”
“Tsuzogn aun lib hobn kost gornisht,” Joey replied, the silver tongued bastard. There was that slight smile on his face again, eyes twinkling beneath the blued eyeliner. The expression was a cross between desperate and determined, and Henry sympathized with the mixed feelings in poor Grant. He had gotten that look frequently. Joey’s fingers found Grant’s hand, giving a light squeeze, still looking in his eyes. “Zay azoy gut.”
“Fine. Fine, you glatiker,” Grant gave up, tearing his gaze away. His eyes landed briefly on Henry, shaking his head with exasperation. “Take it and go.”
Joey triumphantly presented Henry with the blank check.
#jewish characters#jewish author#jewish writing#aleph paradox#joey drew#henry stein#grant cohen#batim#control art#control draws#bendy and the ink machine#traditional art#batim au#bendy and the dark revival#batdr#joey/grant/henry#implied#vague relationships#ink demonth#the ink demonth#control writes
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Natalia Petrova-Lopez x Alex Petrova-Lopez
#golemuniverse#jewish artist#jewish author#queer artist#queer author#trans artist#trans author#original character#natalia petrova-lopez#alex petrova lopez#natalia x alex#drawing#illustration#digital art#digital drawing#digital illustration#my art#lgbtq#jumblr
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It’s Cyber Monday, so here is a reminder that THE WALL is available as an ebook too! You can get it from Amazon or B&N via my linktree!
#cyber monday#queer fiction#fantasy fiction#jewish fiction#queer author#fantasy author#Jewish author#book rec
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Jean Hanff Korelitz | THE SEQUEL Spoilers
The Book: The Sequel by Jean Hanff Korelitz Published October 1, 2024 by Celadon BooksDate read: July 28, 2024 Find more October 2024 new releases here. The Sequel spoilers can be found below, but they’re hidden under a spoiler tag so you’re safe to keep scrolling if you’d just like to read my review. The Characters: Anna ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Buy it on Bookshop.org | Amazon This…
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Someday I’ll write a deeply allegorical B-horror movie about a pernicious rot turning people into horrific monsters. And everyone one will laud it as great queer horror cinema completely ignoring my Judaism (and that the experiences portrayed work much better as representations of Jew-hatred) like they do with Kafka and X-men. Then when I make a clarification about my motivations they will call me an evil Zionist and Philosophy Tube will make feature length video on me death if the author and it will get 1k upvotes on the Breadtube subreddit and self righteous lefty assholes will host screenings of my movie “in support of Palestine” where they talk about “reclaiming it” and how I don’t get the point of my own movie.
And I will sit back and laugh at the irony of it all
#jumblr#frumblr#antisemitism#antizionisim#queer antisemitism#sorry it just pisses me off when someone goes on and on about the queer subtext of something clearly about being Jewish created by straight#Jewish men#and then they turn around and act all queers for Palestine#I feel like an authors or creators Jewishness only matters to these people when we’re completely helpless victims or evil Zios
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By Ilan Pappe, published 5th of November 2023.
On October 24, a statement by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres caused a sharp reaction by Israel. While addressing the UN Security Council, the UN chief said that while he condemned in the strongest terms the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7, he wished to remind the world that it did not take place in a vacuum. He explained that one cannot dissociate 56 years of occupation from our engagement with the tragedy that unfolded on that day. The Israeli government was quick to condemn the statement. Israeli officials demanded Guterres’s resignation, claiming that he supported Hamas and justified the massacre it carried out. The Israeli media also jumped on the bandwagon, asserting among other things that the UN chief “has demonstrated a stunning degree of moral bankruptcy”. This reaction suggests that a new type of allegation of anti-Semitism may now be on the table. Until October 7, Israel had pushed for the definition of anti-Semitism to be expanded to include criticism of the Israeli state and questioning the moral basis of Zionism. Now, contextualising and historicising what is going on could also trigger an accusation of anti-Semitism.
. . . article continues on Al Jazeera
#palestine#gaza#israel#ilan pappe#he's an israeli-born jewish historian and the author of 'the ethnic cleansing of palestine' and 'ten myths about israel'#the first one i've shared several passages from on this blog
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Working on the sequel to this beauty today, and I have some news! ✍️📚

The cover for Matsdotter and Adrastus is ready for lettering and I'm hoping to reveal it in the next couple weeks ! It is GORGEOUS, and I am so grateful to @foxglovefaun for bringing it to life. If you aren't following her yet, you really should be, her OC Ross is my beloved, that's all there is to it. ✨❤️🎨
Also, we have a full title, but I'll be saving that for the cover reveal. 😉
I do have some unfortunate news, but I've been doing a lot of thinking and decided to be kind to myself. I'm pushing the release date back one month, to January 2nd 2024. With that being said, I will be still using the original date of December 5th to send out ARCS.
In the past few months I've suffered a few bouts with depression along with other things, and it really set me back. I don't want to rush through this story, as I've done that before and regretted it. I always felt like I was falling behind, losing in a competition that doesn't really exist. But the indie author community, and the readers who read indie, are nothing but supportive, and understanding. We hold each other up, and recognize that we are in fact humans.
I want to provide the best story as possible, and I'm so excited. This is really a deep dive into Levena, and we're going to see different sides of the characters we know and love, meet new ones, and answer questions from the first book.
Thank you for being here, and for listening.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Phantom and Rook cover art by @crossroadart-seabear
#aelina isaacs#phantom and rook#matsdotter and adrastus#queer books#indie books#cozy fantasy#cosy fantasy#fantasy author#indie author#writeblr#writing fantasy#dark academia#author thoughts#trans author#jewish author#gay romance#gay books#writers on tumblr
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#jews on tumblr#jewish life#jewblr#jews of tumblr#jewish tradition#jews#jewish mythology#jew#jewish history#jewish heritage#jewish#dogma#judaism#israel 🇮🇱#israel#jumblr#judaic#jew converts#jew in progress#dogma lilith#dogmalilith#jewish authors#art
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#bagel poll#🥯#poll#please answer#bagel#jumblr#jewish tumblr#obviously anyone can answer but Jews obviously have the authority here
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Welcome to the Golem Universe!
(Previously known as Golem Comics)
Welcome back! Take a seat and immerse yourself into a new and exciting world of superhero stories that heavily focuses on: queer, trans, POC, disabled, neurodivergent, jewish, and muslim characters (because we honestly need more representation of them).
The Golem Universe does not and will never tolerate any forms of hate. This is a safe place for everyone. So please respect that.
I hope y’all enjoy this new universe! Have a wonderful day and stay safe out there : )
Upcoming stories to keep an eye out for:
- Haunt PI: Cold Case Files
- Whisper
- Whisper and Haunt in…
- The Mysterious Pauk
- The Night Hawk
- Ronin
- Ronin Returns
- Night Hawk and Pauk in…
- The Bullseye Squad
- The Silencer
- Lady Grimm
- Children of the Moon
- The werewolf of Driftwood
- The Coven of Death
- Asher’s Tavern
- The Red Queen and her Knight
All stories will be posted on wattpad and on tumblr
#golemuniverse#jewish author#jewish artist#queer author#queer artist#trans author#trans artist#original story#storytelling#superhero’s#fantasy#supernatural#jumblr#lgbtq#i’m back#introduction
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Comment if you learned something new, or if you know any other stories! 😊⬇️✍️ These stories live on, as do the resilience of the Jewish people! Am Yisrael Chai ✡️💪
#Childrens Books#Jewish Authors#AmYisraelChai#CuriousGeorge#PaddingtonBear#Bambi#Jewish#JewishAndProud#JewishResistance#JewishPerseverance#JewishPrideAlways
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from rabbi halevy donin’s to pray as a jew.
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Need a Jewish sensitivity reader, particularly for fantasy?
With a degree in English (with a specialization in fiction) and a wealth of knowledge on antisemitism (including topics like historic antisemitism, blood libel, and mythologizing of Jews), we’re happy to consult and provide feedback.
Feel free to reach out via our website! Feel free to send this to your author friends.
#jewish#jewitches#judaism#jumblr#jewitch#jewish magic#witchy#fiction#authors#sensitivity reader#editing#research#fantasy fiction#author
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Elyssa Friedland | Jackpot Summer
The Book: Jackpot Summer by Elyssa FriedlandPublished: June 11, 2024 by BerkleyDate read: May 5, 2024 Find more June 2024 releases here. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. The Characters: Leo JacobsonMatthew, Laura, Noah, and Sophie Buy it on Bookshop.org | Amazon This page contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through links on this site. The Plot…
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