#old demons now haunt these pixels
astravires · 2 months
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i sing in greek, i pray in latin, i ache in a language so old that even the earth no longer remembers; so dead that it has returned to dust....
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ceo-of-daichi · 3 years
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Characters ~ Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Genre ~ Fluff
Word Count ~ 600+
A/N ~ I guess this makes me a multifandom fanfic writer now?👀😂 I know this is very different from what I usually write but I hit Bucky brainrot and just rolled with it! Not gonna tag my taglist because Idk if you like marvel👀 (also i realllyy apologise if this is ooc its my first time writing outside of Hq)
This contains no spoilers to TFATWS, its set between the blip and tfaws!
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Bucky’s hand cradled the door handle as he debated opening it, knowing that the person on the other side would cheer him up, but there was something stopping him. It could be the fact that his nightmare was so bad that night that he hadn’t really gotten much sleep. Not enough to feel in the mood to socialise anyway.
But it was you. And he would always open the door to you no matter the day, it was a promise he made to himself after the blip, after Steve.
You were one of the only people left that he started to yearn to be around if it was too long, even your weekly visits had started to become too little. He wished to see you more, but today really wasn’t the day.
Clenching his metal fist and letting out a shaky breath he finally opened the door, his knuckles now white from how hard he had been holding the handle without realising.
You had been waiting patiently as you always did, hands full with chinese takeaway and a small smile graced your features. He couldn’t help a small upturn of his own lips as he let you in.
‘You okay Bucky? Didn’t even get a text off you this week?’ You asked first and foremost, your tone full of worry. That was the longest it had taken him to answer the door in a couple of months, you thought therapy was helping but he was haunted by so many demons.
He shook his head and let out a low chuckle, still stood by the door and watched you carefully navigate his small apartment as if you lived there. ‘I can’t say I'm any worse than usual honestly [y/n]...’ He answered as he sat himself down on the couch.
You knew not to pry, if he wanted to talk to you he would. Bucky and you had a strange relationship, most would say, neither of you tended to talk. Both of your presences being enough to satisfy you, there was the occasional comment and joke but other than that, you both sat and ate. Watching whatever flashed before you on the painfully old tv screen and the occasional sideways glance admiring the other.
‘You need a new TV… Honestly how can you not get angry watching this?’ You whine as you spot another pixel not working.
‘This is perfectly fine! You know we used to listen to music and dance when I was younger, that was how you spent evenings with people.’ He smiled at the thought, he missed dancing with random girls that he would know and especially trying to set Steve up with them.
You watched as he was clearly lost in thought, it wasn’t often you got to see him smile like this. Biting your lip to hold back a huge smile you quickly shut off the TV and start to play some slow music on your phone. The music snapped him out of it as he gave you a curious look, but all seemed to connect when you got up and offered him your hand.
He hesitated at first, but a chance to dance with you was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. Placing his hand in yours and his other on your waist you both start to sway around the apartment.
You weren’t doing a particular dance, just enjoying each other's presence as you spun and slowly danced around, your head ending up on Bucky’s chest as relaxation hit in each other's blissful company.
Lost in past memories, past friends, his thoughts flooded with images of him and Steve laughing back when neither of them had joined the military. Your mind flashes back to when you first met Steve and how close you, him and Natasha were, missing your awful game nights where a fight would definitely break out over monopoly or uno.
He was the first to shed a tear, burying his face in your neck trying to ground himself. It didn’t take long for you to follow, suddenly there was no music, there was no apartment. Just you and him stood in each other's arms, holding on for dear life.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Lost in the Lightning Storm Ch. 1: Lightning in a Bottle
Summary: Henrik is a naturally curious person, and with there being something between him and Anti, he just wants to know what kind of person he’s dealing with.
Chapter: 1, 2
Henrik had more than a bit of a problem.
Anti had stopped making his presence so apparent, almost like he was trying to avoid Henrik but still watch him. It gave Henrik time to think about a lot of things. About what he wanted, and if even pursuing a relationship with him was even remotely a good idea.
The glitch demon was angry, violent, prone to random fits of destruction, and left gifts outside of Henrik’s office like a deranged cat. But he also saved Henrik from fights, wasn’t attacking him, and it was clear that although he left organs and teeth for Henrik that he meant for Henrik to actually like the gifts.
So Henrik was unsure of what to do about Anti. He was mostly curious about how a relationship like that would progress. But Anti had a history with the Septics that reminded Henrik that this tepid infatuation could end with Henrik’s blood and guts smeared all over the walls.
Henrik had spent a lot of time thinking about it as the gifts and stalking kept coming. So to clear his head, he headed towards the base.
The German doctor meant to find Logic, ask for some surveillance equipment, but when he walked into the comms room the Side wasn’t alone in the room. He was with Tubbo and Nate.
Logic was busy managing several different screens as the situation was calming down as Tubbo was holding some remote and shouting information into a headset. Both of them were on their feet. Nate was next to them, looking braced to rush out of the room.
Henrik paused as Logan fell back into his chair and let out a sigh of relief.
“Holy shit,” Tubbo commented, and started to drive his remote again. He was bringing his little bee drone back to him. What came back faster to him were three little bee familiars which buzzed around his head and settled into his suit. “That was ridiculous.”
“Now do you see why I keep you away from the Duke, his particular breed of unpredictability makes him exceedingly dangerous,” Logan explained.
“Is everything alright?” Henrik asked as he walked in.
“It is now,” Nate answered with a sigh of relief.
“Vat[1] happened?” Henrik looked at the screens.
“The Duke decided to live up to his title of “Intrusive Thoughts” and terrorize a baseball stadium full of people and make them hallucinate,” the logical Side explained. “At the most inopportune time, of course.”
“Of course,” Henrik rolled his eyes. Then he turned to Nate, “Ahhh, Nathan, it is so good to see you. It is a rare thing to see you in ze base zese days.[2]
“Been busy,” Nate commented. “Just wanted to meet the new guys, they seem alright.”
“Damn straight,” Tubbo smiled back at him, before continuing to pilot his bee drone back to him.
“Heard this place was haunted now,” Nate smiled.
“Ahh, yes,” Henrik smiled. “Big Man has a bro’zer currently viz Marvin. He calls himself Ghostbur und can phase z’rough valls.”[3]
“No shit, he like Big Man?” Nate smiled.
“Nein,”[4] Henrik smiled. “He vas[5] much calmer, und[6] quieter.”
“Really? That’s hilarious.” Nate laughed, but he was just staring at Tubbo, he seemed to be studying the young apprentice.
Henrik was about to leave and give up on his questions for another day. But Nate got up.
“Coffee?” Nate smiled.
Shrugging, Henrik followed but they didn’t go to the common room area for coffee, they left the base entirely.
“I like researching demons,” Nate told him, their topic veering to what Nate had been up to since Henrik had last gotten to sit down and talk to him, “and glitches have always been interesting to me. Even more so after I found out that Logic was a demon. I used to think they were all chaos incarnate, and they are, but they’re more than that. Logic is a way different demon than Anti, and both of them are different from the Jims, who I’m fairly certain are just super weird glitches.”
“Really?” Henrik asked, confused.
“Yeah,” Nate smiled as they kept walking down the road to this little coffee shop. “Makes me really glad I started distancing myself from the hunters. The only research they care about is if it makes killing demons easier or safer for them.”
“So you wish to become a university professor on ze[7] demons?” Henrik smiled.
“Dude, if that was possible, I would,” Nate promised. “The process from a human soul to a demon one. What they lose? What they gain? Can you predict who’s actually going to turn into a demon? What type of demon are they going to turn into?”
They took the time to get their coffees and take their seats outside the coffee shop as Henrik thought about Nate’s words. “I assume zat[8] you have taken copious notes about ze[7] demons already in Egoton?”
“Course I have,” Nate smiled. “As much as I was able.”
“Vat[1] do you know about Anti?” Henrik asked. “I know vat he is now, but vat about before. Vho vas he before he vas a demon?”[9]
“Huh,” Nate let out a loud puff of air and tapped his fingers to his coffee mug. “Never tried to look him up that far back.”
The singer looked down at his coffee before looking back up in thought. “I think Mare said something about Anti being a little over a century old. That’s probably just in demon years, so who knows how old he was when he actually died. But he’s a glitch demon so . . .”
Nate let out another pensive breath of air, rubbing the inside corners of his eyes, “He was probably killed by lightning. But that was around the same time as an industrial revolution so he could have died in a factory accident and still turned into a glitch. His turning would have probably been sometime in the early 1900’s, late 1800’s maybe.”
“Und[6] could he be found?” Henrik asked.
Nate looked a little concerned, “Maybe, finding him would definitely be easier than finding Dark or Mare. They’re older than him and Anti is also a glitch so that narrows it down. Even if he did die in a factory accident.”
“I cannot imagine a vorld vere he did not get into some type of trouble viz ze law,”[10] Henrik commented, pushing up his glasses.
“Yeah that might make it easier,” Nate agreed. “Usually a soul doesn’t change too much from how it used to be in life. There’s some drift but not too much.”
“Yes, but—” Henrik thought out loud before Mare seemed to appear out of nowhere and turned over a bag of cookies right into Nate’s lap.
“The fuck are you doing?” Nate shouted.
“Shut up and eat them, you still reek,” Mare spat at him, digging some loose cookies still in the bag and pushing them into Nate’s hands. “Anything’s better than how you smell right now.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Nate tossed the cookies back in Mare’s face so hard they bounced off his face as they crumbled.
“I don’t like that kid’s aura,” Mare crossed his arms. “He smells weird.”
“Which kid?” Nate argued loudly, Henrik was watching Logan leading Tubbo down the street, the two obviously coming from the base and going out on a patrol. When Tubbo spotted Nate and Mare arguing the two stopped to watch them cautiously from across the street.
“The little goat demon with the bee theme,” Mare slapped down a hand to hold it about at Tubbo’s height. “I didn’t know you guys were picking up spawnlings off the street. I thought that was Dark’s shtick.”
“Bomble? What do you mean he smells?” Nate demanded. “What does he smell like?”
“How are you still alive?” Mare let out a frustrated sigh. “You know how toast smells when it gets burnt?”
“Yeah?” Nate agreed.
“Okay so imagine that burnt toast also set the toaster on fire, and that’s pretty much it,” Mare told them. “Anti doesn’t smell anything, but I can. I don’t know why! I checked with Dark, he can smell it too. But he doesn’t think he smells like toast.”
“Vat[1] did Dark say he smells like?” Henrik questioned.
“Death,” Mare told him. “At first I thought he was joking, like he was just being overdramatic, but then he told me he smells like a village that was on the verge of death from illness. Like a household taken over by the Plague. And after thinking about that, I’m inclined to agree. He kinda does smell like sickness. More like the burnt toast and toaster thing, but I get it. Dark is really old and he would go for that explanation. Don’t know how Anti doesn’t smell it, but he smells like bad news.”
“Zat[8] is very interesting,” Henrik hummed, everyone in the Coalition knew that Tubbo was a bomb expert and that the Coalition had some samples of a couple of his projects under lock and key so no one else could use them.
“Doesn’t help that everything he comes into contact with also winds up smelling like him,” Mare complained. “I thought Pixels had had something blow up in his face because he smells like him, all the time now.”
“Did you tell Logic about it?” Nate asked.
Mare huffed out, “Yeah but he had no idea what I was talking about, couldn’t stand to be in the base because the kid’s got the place carpet bombed.”
“King und[6] Host do not seem to have a problem viz[11] it,” Henrik thought out loud.
“Then their noses are broken, or maybe they have a tolerance to it, I don’t know,” Mare threw up his hands in defeat. “Point is the kid reeks, where’d you dig him up from? He die in some kind of explosion or something?”
“Not zat ve know of,”[12] Henrik sighed. “But he does have an affinity for explosives und bombs.”
Nate looked confused, “Does a person’s death influence their aura?”
“Kinda,”[13] Mare shrugged. “Sometimes it’s a little weird in how it manifests. I can tell if a demon was splintered from another demon, or came from a human soul. Wil probably became a demon in some insane asylum. Dark, it wouldn’t surprise me if his ringing is tied to how he died.”
Mare’s nostrils flared as the direction of air changed and the demon turned to glare at Tubbo who was quickly buzzing across the street and Logan yelled after Tubbo and raced to keep up.
The older demon hissed and took a step back. Logan physically put himself in-between Mare and Tubbo, physically baring his arm in front of the young man to keep him back.
Tubbo just nonchalantly hovered in the air as his wings buzzed. Mare wrinkled up his nose and glared at Tubbo, who was looking quite smug.
“Hey,” Tubbo smiled. “Heard yeh we’re talkin’ about me, mate?”[14]
“You smell,” Mare spat.
Tubbo finally touched his feet to the ground and leaned over to smell his arm, but his helmet shield was still down, so all he did was uselessly shrug. “I showered this mornin’[15].”
“Not what I meant, your aura reeks,” Mare told him. “What’d you do to it?”
Shrugging again, “Just me, bossman.”
“I’ve never,” Mare looked personally insulted. “I’ve never smelt a glitch aura like yours, you must have done something to it.”
“Huh,” Tubbo thought on that before he realized something, “interesting, so I don’t smell like honey anymore?”
“How the flying fuck do you smell even remotely similar to honey?” Mare demanded, almost sounding angry.
“Dunno,”[16] Tubbo shrugged. “E’eryone in the Server always said I smelled like honeycombs. Why do yeh think I started goin’ with the bee aesthetic?”[17]
“Yes, I was wondering how you arrived at the theme you did,” Logan commented.
“You’re lucky I’m in your territory or I’d take your face off,” Mare snarled and he disappeared into a puff of dark black-purple smoke.
“Nice ta[18] know I’m a natural demon deterrent,” Tubbo boasted proudly.
“I don’t think you smell bad, you smell like any normal person,” Logan commented.
“Maybe it’s a glitch thing, then,” Tubbo shrugged.
Logan was quiet at that.
“So I was right, you are a glitch then,” Nate commented.
“If I’m not a glitch, then I don’t know what qualifies, big guy,” Tubbo chuckled.
“Fair, but you and Big Man came from the same gang,” Nate was just watching Tubbo, the young man’s wings buzzing nervously. “How many glitches does the Server have?”
“Like, still? Or before me an’[6] Big Man left?” Tubbo’s tone sounded extremely guarded.
“Not including you two,” Nate qualified.
Tubbo paused to think, “Uhmm. Skeppy, Foolish, Sam, Karl . . .” He kept silently counting for a little bit. “Seven? Eight? Dream is really big on collecting glitches an’[6] empaths. There are even more empaths.”
“Did he ever say why, specifically?” Nate asked. “Glitches are really territorial, so are empaths for that matter, I wouldn’t think it would be so easy to have so many close together.”
“Well, yeah, it was hell,” Tubbo agreed. “But it helped that a lotta us were turned demons, we always kinda existed in the same type ‘a space e’en before we turned so we would have less reason ta kill each other.”[19]
“Yeah but people don’t just collect demons because they can,” Nate told him. “Do you know why he’s doing it?”
“I dunno[16],” Tubbo shrugged. “I always figured it was some kinda[13] power trip thing.”
“I think we should keep moving,” Logic interjected, he’d been watching Tubbo get more and more fidgety and nervous so he stepped in and whisked the young man away from Nate. They went off to go meet up with the other Core Sides and survey the damage that Remus had caused.
Nate and Henrik watched him go.
“That huge pact Dream has really bothers me,” Nate admitted. “Seven or more glitches all in such a tightly packed area, with that many empaths thrown in as well is a recipe for disaster.”
“How so?” Henrik asked.
“Anti and Dark are at each other’s throats and they’ve got different territories the size of cities,” Nate reminded. “By my research, Dream’s got a couple dozen young demons all in an area the size of three football fields and they haven’t all slaughtered each other. You don’t get that without a lot of coercion. It just . . . I don’t like it.”
Henrik thought about that, “Are you still going to do more research today?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Nate shrugged. “Write some music too.”
“I vill[20] join you,” Henrik offered.
“Sure, but why? If you don’t mind me asking?” Nate gave him an odd look.
“I vish to find Anti, und figure out exactly vat type of person zat I am dealing viz,”[21] Henrik explained.
“If you start knocking on that door, just know that demons don’t like talking about what turned them into demons. Some demons are too traumatized by it, others see their old human selves as weaklings. Anti is probably going to fall into the second category. You are going to start a shitstorm.”
“Zat[8] is alright,” Henrik dared as he stood up. “Anti und I already have been on bad terms, und zis vould be no’zing new.”[22]
Post A/N: Tubbo’s familiars are named Spinz, Spunz, and Spoonz. His bee drone is named: Bee Innit. (Named after the canon bees Tubbo had in his New L’Manberg apiary.)
Tubbo’s aura actually smells like radiation, with a thin honey undercurrent, but demons older than the 1960’s can’t place specifically what his aura smells like and the radiation drowns out his original aura too much.
Accessibility Translations:
1. What
2. Ahhh, Nathan, it’s so good to see you. It’s a rare thing to see you in the base these days.
3. Big Man has a brother currently with Marvin. He calls himself Ghostbur and can phase through walls.
4. No
5. was
6. and
7. the
8. that
9. I know what he is now, but what about before. Who was he before he was a demon?
10. I can’t imagine a world were he didn’t get into some type of trouble with the law
11. with
12. Not that we know of
13. Kind of
14. Heard yeh we’re talkin’ about me, mate?
15. morning
16. Don’t know
17. Everyone in the Server always said I smelled like honeycombs. Why do you think I started going with the bee aesthetic?
18. to
19. But it helped that a lot of us were turned demons, we always kind of existed in the same type of space even before we turned so we would have less reason to kill each other.
20. will
21. I wish to find Anti, and figure out exactly what type of person that I am dealing with
22. Anti and I already have been on bad terms, and this would be nothing new.
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ghostflowerdreams · 5 years
List of Free Horror Games (2019)
This is an updated list of free horror games. The other list is old because some of the links on it are broken or the games are no longer free. This time I’ve included a description with each one. Some of these games you can even play right in your browsers (just make sure you’ve updated your Abode Flash). 
1916 - Der Unbekannte Krieg
Nestled deep inside the deluged trenches of the German frontline, you play as a soldier desperately looking for a way out. Hidden somewhere in the sunken maze of passageways is a ladder, and finding it almost certainly spells freedom. The only thing that stands between you and safety is a pack of dinosaurs.
3 AM
The city has been evacuated, something sinister haunts it at night, only a single path is safe, but to find it you have to lose your soul. A game inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. Specifically the dogs of Tindalos.
5 Days A Stranger
Trilby, a cat burglar, breaks into an supposedly vacated manor of the aristocratic DeFoe family. He quickly finds that things are not that simple. Together with a group of strangers, he finds himself imprisoned by some invisible intelligence. A force prepared to do anything to keep them all there forever.
It's a psychological horror game done in first person perspective. The game has very little plot or background. All you know is that you are a person who wakes up in a bed in a house. Your goal is to to get out of the house, but of course things aren't that simple.
Alice Mare
The game follows an amnesiac young boy named Allen who was placed under the care of a man called Teacher who looks after four other children. One night, Allen investigates the rumor of a mysterious voice on the second floor and when he returns to his room, he finds a strange black cat who leads him into his closet.
Animal Village
It’s a short survival horror game with light dating sim elements made for the Pixel Horror Jam 2016. The game is about exploring the pit in the middle of Animal Village, a quaint little settlement inhabited by talking animals. Don't talk to the bird-headed man, don't acknowledge him and don't trust him.
Ao Oni (青鬼, lit. 'Blue Demon')
The player assumes the role of Hiroshi, a young teenager who enters a haunted mansion with his friends, Takuro, Takeshi, and Mika (Along with Kazuya and Ryota in the original). Shortly after entering the mansion, the doors lock behind them. Hiroshi doubts that the mansion is haunted, but soon finds himself being pursued by an enigmatic blue Oni. Hiroshi must now find a way to save as many of his friends as possible and escape the mansion alive.
It’s a psychological horror game in which you play as Atticus, a groundskeeper who has brought his sick daughter to work on the day of a horrible accident in his building. Separated from his daughter, Atty must survive the hordes of monsters stalking him and make it back to her before something else reaches her first.
Baby Blues
You play as Tommy, a toddler that wakes up to a strange noise in the middle of the night with a bright light shining in his eyes. Realizing his beloved teddies are missing; he climbs down out of bed and start to look for them.
Tom Keller is lost. He has gone astray, and become trapped in a nightmare world that is a twisted mirror image of our own, tormented by horrific aberrations, haunted by shattered memories. He is alone behind the world, and to escape, he must come to terms with all of his sins.
Bad Dream: Series
It’s a series of short point-and-click games. It takes place in a creepy, dark and sad land of dream. Some of games will be a cruel and painful as nightmare, and some will be disturbing and illogical. Gameplay will always look the same, but the dreams will be different.
Project Entities: Blame (originally simply titled Blame)
This is a horror survival game. You have to dig into the game, however, to piece it together. You might also have to uncover a lot of the hidden and secret material. Epileptics, as well as those who are sensitive to light play at their own discretion.
Bunny Man - Lost Souls
It’s a game made in Slender-style where you go around and save people's souls from an urban legend creature called Bunny Man. Your goal is to save as many souls as you can before he catches you.
It’s a 3D game where you have to light up your house, which has been invaded by dangerous imps. 
Corpse Party Zero
It’s a survival horror adventure fan-made game by Noraenu created using RPG Tkool XP. It’s a prequel which stars two sisters mentioned only in passing in Corpse Party, Kaori Hasegawa and Shiho Hasegawa, who try to escape from the cursed school.
Corpse Party -Rebuilt-
It’s the remake of the original survival horror adventure game in the Corpse Party series made by an anonymous member of a Japanese message board with permission from Team GrisGris. A group of friends unknowingly perform an occult ritual that traps them in an otherworldly elementary school. Here, the vengeful spirits of young children threaten their lives and their sanity, and the only hope of survival is to uncover the chilling details behind the murders of those trapped before them...
The Crooked Man
David Hoover decides to move into a new apartment during a rough time in his life. After some odd occurrences, he decides to ask about the room's former owner, but learns little. So he sets off in search of him, strangely compelled to know more about this man...
Cry of Fear
It’s a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness.
Daily Chthonicle
You take on the role of a Supernatural Newspaper Agency boss and editor. The world it takes place in is a dark and haunted one, with ghosts, zombies, monsters and even shapeshifting murderers, pretending to be human after they have stolen their victims' bodies or infiltrated the humanity. It was inspired heavily by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and it builds on the atmosphere of uncertainty and noir of the 1940s.
Dark Deception
It’s a story-driven first-person horror maze game. There's nowhere to hide and nowhere to catch your breath. Run or die -- it's your choice. Trapped in a realm of nightmarish mazes with a mysterious woman, your only hope of survival is to find a way to escape the darkness.
Dark Dread
A missing teenager. An abandoned hospital. You are a detective who has to find out what happened to Helena Greenwood.If you don't go insane while doing so...
Deep Sleep, Deeper Sleep & The Deepest Sleep
You are stuck inside a nightmare dream. Something lurks in the darkness... Something in the depths of your own mind wants to pull you even deeper. Someone will escape this dream for sure. The question is -- who is that going to be?
The Designer's Curse
The first chapter of an unforgettable survival horror experience. Solve puzzles and work your way through this terrifying place. You may be more familiar with it than you initially think.
The Devil Haunts Me
Survive, explore and discover the secrets of the woods. But be careful, there's something else in these woods...
Devil's Tuning Fork
It’s a first-person exploration/puzzle game in which the player must navigate an unknown world using visual sound waves. Inspired by M.C. Escher’s classic optical illusion and the echolocation of dolphins.
Her ex-boyfriend became a shut-in. The girl goes to visit him... then things start to go wrong. They always do, right? Experience two stories about digital gods and loss. And remember -- believe in the net.
Play as a farmer who struggles to manage a failing farm. You come to a point where there is no more hope, and you must do something.
Doorways: Old Prototype
It’s an immersive and twisted adventure created before the official development of the Doorways saga.
Doki Doki Literature Club
The Literature Club is full of cute girls! Will you write the way into their heart? This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.
Don't Escape
I woke up in a room... It is not locked and I remember everything. I'm a werewolf. Tonight I will turn and people will die... unless I find a way to prevent myself from escaping this place.
Don’t Look Now
Don’t look at them. They will drain you of your last sanity if they catch you. Direct your consciousness and reach your happy place.
Erie begins in October 1966, when the Fermi 1 Nuclear Power Generator suffers a partial meltdown, and locals begin disappearing from a sleepy Michigan town. Oliver Victor is a Red Cross Investigator sent to find missing locals, but quickly finds himself trapped underground and being hunted by a product of forced-mutation experiments.
If you like Slender, you'll like this too. You’re to search an old, abandoned house and collect any valuables but be careful -- there are rumors of a ghost haunting the building.
Exmortis & Exmortis 2
You wake up in the woods with no memory of how you got there. Nightmares of blood and screams still echo through your mind. It's late and it's cold - unless you can find shelter fast, you won't last the night. You spot a house in a clearing up ahead and left with no choice - you decide to shelter there for the night. Soon after you begin to realize that death is a welcome choice compared to what lies waiting for you inside...
Fausts Alptraum
It’s an single player, puzzle game created by LabORat Studio, an indie game team from Taiwan. The story is based on Goethe's Faust. Players will play as a troubled girl wandering around in a crayon-drawn world.
Forget Me Not Annie
It’s a first person psychological horror game. You play as a 15 year old girl Annie who is trapped within her own mind and has to use her telekinetic powers with the help of Howard who you are able to summon at any moment to surpass puzzles.
From Next Door
It’s a short mystery-horror game developed for the 2016 Pixel Horror Jam. It draws inspiration from the works of Junji Ito and games like Silent Hill, with the story focused on the eerie and the bizarre. It tells the story of a young woman who moves into a new house, only to experience weird occurrences from the seemingly empty house next door. Depending on your choices the outcome will change and could even grant her safety or not.
The Groundskeeper
After a horrific accident, you find yourself trapped in an unfamiliar place where no one can hear you scream. There's a dark presence... A dark secret that this place holds. Is there any way out? Is HE watching?
Hello? Hell…o?
It’s a Japanese RPG horror game by Ryuuichi Tachibana created with RPG Maker VX Ace. You play as a boy named Kazuki that is going through strain in a relationship with his girlfriend, Akari. It takes place in a strange room where you have to accomplish certain things in order to complete all the endings.
Play hide and seek with someone who hides in the mist. All you have is your ears.
The House & The House 2
It’s a point-and-click flash horror game. Built in 1970, and deserted some time after that, no one has entered the house since the entire family committed suicide due to reasons unknown. Your goal is to search through the house to unfold the mystery of what really happened to that fateful fictitious family.
It’s a short psychological horror game which examines inherent, earthly, and otherworldly evils, and the forces which drive them. As you make your way through an Alaskan auroral research facility in search of employees it quickly becomes very clear that something has become alerted to your presence.
I Can’t Escape
You have fallen into a vast underground maze. Can you find your way out, or will you end up trapped in darkness forever?
I See You
You play as an unnamed protagonist waking up in an empty hospital. However, it soon turns out the hospital is not quite so empty...
A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, she suddenly realizes she is alone. And in her search for others, she finds things awry in the gallery...
In 1935, Mr. Ildefonse was betrayed by his wife who then fled with their children, Mr. Ildefonse lost his head and unleashed a massacre at his home involving employees, then he committed suicide. The rest of the story is completed with letters from tenants who lived in the building, which was later converted into flats but haunted by the things that happened in the past.
In the game, the year 1977, the player is a lawyer hired to collect the testament papers in the house, requested by a family member.
Imscared: A Pixelated Nightmare
The player must find keys, open doors and search for the exit to this nightmare.
Lamia Nox
It’s an indie horror game made with RPG Maker VX Ace. Laura, an 14-year-old who is pretty much a normal young girl. But her life is changed for the worse when she wakes up one day to find that her home is completely different. 
The Last Door: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3 & Episode 4
Free episodic horror game, with original pixel-art visuals and a gorgeous orchestral music score. Surrounded by a thrilling sound atmosphere, player's will experience a really immersive environment thought the stimulation of their imagination, just like classic horror writers like Poe and Lovecraft used to.
The game begins with the protagonist waking up in her bedroom, but it's up to the player to search her house for the backstory.
Lucie, a girl who, after waking up in a strange room realizes that she is stuck in a lucid dream. She encounters evil beings and traps while searching for her body.
It’s a sound-based survival thriller gae, where sound is the only way you see, and they hear your fears.
Mad Father
Aya Drevis is a young girl living in an isolated mansion in northern Germany. Since her mother's passing, she's felt lonely living with just her father and his assistant Maria. What's more, she knows her father's secret...
Mermaid Swamp
Rin Yamazaki and her college friends have their car break down in the mountains on a trip. Fortunately, a kindly old man offers to let them stay at his house. But there's a legend about the swamp outside the mansion...
It's been three months since the mysterious disappearance of Misao. No one has any idea where she could have gone, but many believe she's dead by now. And when paranormal events crop up around the school, rumors spread that she's out for revenge...
In Miserere you explore the dreams of a lonely space station occupant. The unnamed occupant have been on this station for years, all alone. Needless to say, this has taken its toll on our poor protagonists mind. This occasionally shows in the dreams. But there are still glimmers of hope.
Nightmare of the Snow
It’s a RPG Adventure Horror game developed in late 2013. The game centers on Yuuki Shinozaki, a shy middle schooler who is attending a farewell party, but before that, she is taken mysteriously to a lost dimension where a mansion that was supposed to had disappeared for many years exists. 
Ningyo Heart
It’s about a man’s journey through a nightmare, in search for his beloved and finding his true self. The main theme in this horror game is friendship, romance and horror. Game play will focus on puzzle solving & survival horror (run and chase event).
You have a job. That job is to be a security guard during the night shift at a local office complex. You and Marley do it every night. Get decent pay for it too. Enough to keep you going. But Marley's just called in sick, so you gotta do the shift alone. Shouldn't be bad, right? Well, the power's just gone off, and I don't think you're alone anymore...
It’s an 2003 RPGmaker created game. You take control of a mysterious person called “The Batter”, who is described to be on an important mission. The Batter, and yourself as his controller, are dropped off in zone 0, the first of 4 zones in a perplexing, unknown world about which you slowly find out more and more in the process of the game.
One Late Night
It’s a short immersive horror-game experience, starring an unnamed graphic designer employee, working late one night at the office, until strange things start to happen.
Pact With a Demon - Episode 1 & Pack With a Demon - Episode 2
You must survive on an island after a car accident and find a way out, while several demonic creatures try to attack you.
One night, the psychiatrist Sianos B. Sian is requested to counsel a girl called B.D., who has lost her eyesight and memory in an accident. Through conversations with her over the phone, the past that hides in her memories comes to light...
Phantasmal: Survival Horror Roguelike
Experience Terror that is Never the Same Twice with Phantasmal, a Lovecraftian survival horror that evolves every time you play!
Pocket Mirror
It’s a horror game created in RPGMaker VX ACE. You play as a nameless girl in the journey to find her purpose and memories within a mysterious world.
Port of Call
Imagine waking up on a small dock with no recollection of who you are or how you got there. The first person you find is a grumpy, old man who enlists you to work on his ferry boat which seems to have materialized behind you.
[REC] Shutter
It’s a horror game that you must progress through levels while avoiding the paranormal and solving puzzles. You take the role of a reporter named Connor, who will be investigating Pennyhill, a dark hunted asylum.
Third-grader Shunsuke goes to stay over at his grandmother's house. Upon his return home, he finds not his familiar hometown, but a ruined town of death. He meets his surviving friends and some other children their age, but a crueler reality awaits them...
It’s a surreal, psychological horror game. This is an translated version of the German game. Schuld (Guilty) is about a man who finds himself in a dying world, without knowing how he got there and why he is there.
SCP - Containment Breach
It’s a survival horror game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community.
September 1999
Its a free, VHS styled, first-person found footage horror game, which runs exactly for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
It’s a point-and-click adventure horror game. How long has it been? A man sits in a distant getaway cabin waiting for his wife Serena. Where is she? Things in the cabin evoke memories, and the husband comes to a disturbing realization... 
You are woken up by a sudden loud noise in the middle of the night in your recently moved into apartment. Moving boxes are scattered all over the place, still things left to unpack. All the lights in the house are turned on, but you're sure you turned them off. You leave your room to investigate, your trusty camera in hand.
Silent Hill: Room 304
It’s a point-and-click horror game based on the popular video game series, Silent Hill by Konami Digital Entertainment.
Silent Santiago
It’s inspired by the popular Silent Hill survival horror series from Konami. This horror game is developed by students of a Chilean university. The streets in this game are inspired by the reality of the Santiago city, in Chile, going so far as to recreating the plazas and the narrow alleys. The atmosphere, however, is incredibly eerie and similar to the Silent Hill games, with a thick fog covering the entire city. The goal of the game is to navigate the maze-like streets of the city of Santiago and to reach the exit.
Slender: The Eight Pages
The game centers around an unknown character being chased by the Slender Man in the woods while seeking eight pages scattered about various landmarks.
Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion
Can you survive 1000 rooms of cute terror? Or will you break once the cuteness starts to fade off and you're running for your life from the unspeakable hideous beings that shake and writhe in bowels of this house? They wait for you, they wait and hunger for meeting you.
The Night That Speaks
You don't remember how you got to the graveyard, but you know you've been meaning to visit.
The Static Speaks My Name
A dark, sad, weird, and funny first-person exploration game. You play a man on his last night alive as he obsesses over a mysterious painting.
Try to Fall Asleep
John Herrin survived a horrible accident and as a result, he damaged his brain and lost his memory. Only Dr. Rick Norberg and the friendly robot "AB" can help John to recover from his brain damage and restore his broken memory. 
By falling asleep and rediscovering the past in his dreams, John can restore his memory and remember what caused the unfortunate catastrophe in one of the most secretive laboratories of the "Revivel" company. But due to John's brain damage, falling asleep won't be as easy as it seems at first... 
Thrown into a Labyrinth for reasons unknown, you must roam through the darkness to find your escape. Do you have what it takes to get out alive? Or will you be another feast for the walls that seem to live?
It’s a short game in which you look for a way to open the door out of the small house.
The White Chamber
It’s a point-and-click horror adventure game. You play as a trapped young woman from 3rd person perspective as she solves puzzles and overcomes the twisted obstacles in her path.
The Witch’s House
The young Viola visits a mysterious house in the woods. She soon discovers its dangerous nature and must find a way out. But the house is ever-changing, and death could be lurking anywhere...
Within Deep Sorrows
A demon haunts you throughout your nightmares, as it gradually makes its way into the real world. The only way to prevent this from happening is for you, Johnston Barker to destroy your diary, which is hidden within your third dream. Each descending dream makes it harder to avoid the demon, allowing it to become stronger, and more aggressive. The time period is set in the 1990's, though when dreaming, it is set back in the 1950's. You are not alone however, as your conscious speaks to you during the process, giving you guidance as you deeply wonder within your nightmares.
Yume Nikki (ゆめにっき, lit. Dream Diary)
It’s a 32-Bit game created by KIKIYAMA, a mysterious Japanese game designer. It was made using RPG Maker 2003. The players explore the dreams of a hikikomori named Madotsuki, where they encounter a number of surrealistic horror creatures and locations.
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jadenjace · 4 years
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hello hello !! my name is emily and this is jaden --  he’s my little angel bug , a sweet joker of a boy who loves sports & video games and is working part-time at forbidden planet . he’s had time off from working following an unfortunate accident that took most of his right leg but that doesn’t get him down -- him , his wife , their dog buffy and pet frog named legs have all recently uprooted and moved to roswell to start their new life away from any potential triggers . i seriously want connections with everybody and will be reaching out to bother anyone who even sniffs around this intro post , so drop a like and i’ll come a-knockin’ .
TW : car accident , mental illness , amputation , injury .. all that good stuff .
character info –
Name: Jaden Jace Lapointe Age: Twenty-Nine Pronouns: He/Him Hometown: La Fayette, Alabama Time lived in Roswell: Three months Occupation: Employee at Forbidden Planet
biography –
1991 brought the birth of the greatest lapointe child , at least according to jaden himself. he was always a little rocket running excitedly from place to place , high-energy , much to the despair of his parents who were left with the task of keeping up . their lifestyle in the early years suited the little powerhouse – his mother and father loved the travelling life and before he was even old enough to speak they’d state-hopped and explored every hidden nook and crevice that the world had to offer . being that young he didn’t realise that it was due to his father’s native american roots – alabama wasn’t known for their open minds , especially twenty odd years ago , and the idea of his mother marrying a man anything other than white seemed unheard of . circumstances relaxed with the realisation that hilary was pregnant and they settled in maine now things had calmed , the small closed off town that didn’t seem to have enough space for a boy desperate to see it all . thankfully , unlike his rather conservative and old-fashioned grandmother she heard so much about , hilary let jaden do pretty much whatever he wanted ( within reason , of course ) . it started off with semi-permanent hair chalks , washable markers on pale skin , an ear piercing when he was old enough to sign the forms , then another , an impulsive nature taking root and leaving him with some questionable scars and stick ‘n’ poked imagery .
during high school he never fit in , but unlike some of the ‘ loser ‘ kids he didn’t fit the mould for the simple reason that he didn’t fucking want to . he didn’t care if teachers told him to dye his hair a normal color , to take those ‘ foul pieces of metal ‘ out of his face , he was there to have fun and maybe learn along the way .. even if not much of it got through . one passion though was computing class . it was the only textbook that wasn’t filled with doodles of basketballs and surfboards , of little aliens and crazy superheros , simply because the world of pixels didn’t seem so far away when he was learning the facts . if he had been more dedicated maybe he would’ve become an video game developer , a big time sports star maybe ; the dream is still there somewhere at the back of that widened mind of his , and one day he hopes he might actually see his name in lights instead of just staring up at them . alongside the nerdy part of his mind was his sporty nature , gravitating toward the basketball team ( which was the only crumb of street credibility he could get his hands on ) and frequenting the skateboard to try , and fail , complicated tricks until they were finally perfected .
meeting ezra was a turning point in the boy’s life . their relationship began with a fateful meeting , a few awkward encounters across the basketball court and in her previous job at the movie theatre . asking her on a date was something that would impact his future in more ways than one , both positively and detrimentally .. on the drive to the arcade for their first real moment as a couple their car flipped and , in a final moment of sacrifice , tipped over on the driver’s side and in turn crushed the lower half of his right leg . beyond repair , the male was forced to have it  amputated merely a few months ago . with his existence put into perspective the couple decided to uproot and move somewhere with more options , more opportunities to heal , grow and recover from a moment so traumatic it was difficult for the both of them to cope , using money gifted from the lapointe parents ( who had practically adopted ezra at this point ) and some stashed away from savings they managed to find a little apartment to rent between them .
roswell is now their sanctuary , and jaden spends most of his days cooped up playing video games or watching cult movies to distract himself from the ever present demons inside of his head . now that he’s on the mend the male has landed a part-time job at the comic book store in order to help with bills and hospital payments alongside his new wife , the pair having wed just a few weeks ago in the height of the forest , a ceremony that was fit for a fairy tale . the two aren’t very financially stable thanks to the payments from extensive surgeries
personality  –
if there was one word to describe him in the dictionary it would be a GOOFBALL – nothing is taken seriously , which is maybe a downfall when he comes anywhere close to a halfway serious conversation or figuring ‘adult’ things out for himself . everything is a joke , followed by a witty comment or obscure reference , a type of humour that would’ve been suited to a late-night television host if he had half the confidence to execute such a thing . jaden never takes anything seriously , before his accident and after it . jokes have been his coping mechanism and they’d continue to be for the near future at least , the only way he is able to forget about what happened to him and figure out a way to cope is through puns , quips and jokes at his own expense . unfortunately for the boy that attempts to be a ball of sunshine 99% percent of the time he is haunted in flashbacks by his accident , old film reels that play back in his mind at the most inconvenient of times . jaden doesn’t admit to many people that late nights are spent fighting tears or crying so hard his head pounds , hiding from the outside world beneath countless of sheets just for a hint of solace , a sanctuary among the fear .
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ilovetakingsurveys · 5 years
Have you ever seen these movies? Cars The Lizzie McGuire Movie Passport to Paris Legally Blonde The Cheetah Girls Bruce Almighty Monsters, Inc. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Pixel Perfect Good Burger Mean Girls The Kenan and Kel Movie The Rugrats Movie Bring it On
Have you ever listened to… Avril Lavigne Taylor Swift Paramore Casting Crowns Black Eyed Peas Backstreet Boys Spice Girls Kari Jobe Misty Edwards Meredith Andrews Green Day N*Sync Play Newsboys Cascada Britney Spears Rachel Platten A*Teens Aaron Carter Gwen Stefani Lindsay Lohan Emma Roberts Hillsong Jesus Culture Bethel Music Smash Mouth Baha Men Dream Street Carrie Underwood Have you ever played… Truth or Dare Spin the Bottle Never Have I Ever Yoville/Yoworld Candy Crush Saga Cafe World Tic Tac Toe Rummy Go Fish Scrabble Scattergories Life Yahtzee Hide and Seek Two Truths and a Lie Apples to Apples Chutes and Ladders Mario Party MarioKart Pokemon Go Pokemon cards PacMan pinball skee ball Solitaire Mahjong Dimensions Dominoes Tag Roller Coaster Tycoon Have you ever watched… Kenan and Kel Lizzie McGuire All That The Amanda Show American Idol Even Stevens Rugrats Trading Spaces Good Morning America Legends of the Hidden Temple The Simple Life That’s So Raven Two of a Kind Figure it Out Rugrats Rocket Power Spongebob Squarepants Recess As Told By Ginger Taina Caitlin’s Way Cousin Skeeter Zoom Barney and Friends Allegra’s Window Little Bear Global Guts Slime Time Live Nick Jr. with Face Have you ever read… The Cat in the Hat Animal Farm The Great Gatsby 1984 The Little House on the Prairie books The Harry Potter series Twilight The Diary of Anne Frank Mother Goose nursery rhymes Peter Rabbit The Berenstein Bears Little Women The Bible The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis Now for my favorite books! Have you ever read… Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery The Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing Soundless by Richelle Mead The Memory of Light by Francisco X. Stork Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Bfeffer Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid Seriously Wicked by Tina Connolly The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder Jesus Calling by Sarah Young To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han China Dolls by Lisa See Dreams of Joy by Lisa See The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks The Final Quest by Rick Joyner The Call by Rick Joyner The Torch and the Sword by Rick Joyner The Supernatural Ways of Royalty by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton The Normal Supernatural Christian Life by Aliss Cresswell A Diary of Miracles by Aliss Cresswell The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot anything by Gordon Korman Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Darkness Falls by Frank E. Peretti Angels and Demons by Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery Have you ever shopped at… Hot Topic Kmart Goodwill Wet Seal Limited Too/Justice Claire’s JCPenney Walmart Target Sears Payless Shoe Source Rue21 Forever 21 Deb Kohl’s Michael’s Hobby Lobby Toys R Us Barnes and Noble iTunes store Amazon.com Journey’s Icing Sanrio Ross Fred Meyer Monsoon Accessorize Maurices Plato’s Closet Have you ever ate at… Denny’s Pizza Sam’s Applebee’s Arby’s McDonald’s Wendy’s Burger King Sonic Dairy Queen Jade Garden Qdoba KFC Buffalo Wild Wings Steak ‘n’ Shake Rainforest Cafe Hard Rock Cafe The Cheesecake Factory Cold Stone Creamery Krispy Kreme Dougnuts Dunkin’ Donuts Fazzoli’s Olive Garden Old Country Buffet Country Kitchen Auntie Anne’s Panera Bread Panda Express Taco Bell Big Boy Have you ever been to these websites? facebook tumblr myspace PostSecret MaMaMedia nick.com Disney Channel polyvore StumbleUpon Pinterest bored.com blockfrenzy.com PicMonkey meez Have you ever ridden… Millenium Force The Gemini Top Thrill Dragster The Maverick Splash Mountain Space Mountain It’s a Small World Peter Pan’s Flight The Haunted Mansion Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster Goofy’s Barnstormer Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Tower of Terror The Power Tower a ferris wheel a merry-go-round a motorcycle a bicycle in a limousine in a hot air balloon on a boat on a ferry boat on an airplane on a train in a car in a truck a horse an elephant a camel Have you ever collected… rocks stamps dolls journals keychains Beanie Babies pogs Pokemon cards stuffed animals pillows seashells greeting cards stickers bracelets Have you ever watched… a sunset a sunrise falling leaves firefles a star-filled sky a meteor shower a lunar eclipse a solar eclipse the Northern lights a Broadway musical rain fall a thunderstorm snow fall birds Have you ever wished… you were the opposite gender you could run away you were popular you were dead someone would listen to you you were richer you had money to travel anywhere you wanted you were prettier you were older you were younger you could go back to your younger days and live them over again you could disappear you were a different sexuality you were a different person you were loved you were gifted you were nicer you were meaner you were stronger you made less mistakes you could go back in time and change something a certain person would notice you a certain person would ask you out you were accepted by more people you were more outgoing you were more introverted you were more outspoken you were less outspoken you were famous
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Publisher New Blood Interactive and developer Airdorf Games have announced FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, which includes all three chapters of the pixel horror game for consoles and PC. It will launch “soon” for $9.99. A demo for the third chapter is available now Steam.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
On September 21, 1986, two priests arrived at the Martin Family home in rural Connecticut to investigate an apparent case of demonic possession. Only two people would leave the house alive.
FAITH is a pixel horror game inspired by the era of classic 8-bit gaming and the “Satanic Scare” of the 1980s. Use your holy crucifix to perform exorcisms, fight back against possessed cultists, and cleanse haunted objects. Discover a world of dread, isolation, and mystery as you explore haunted forests, abandoned churches, and the inner sanctums of a Satanic cult.
Experience All Three Chapters of The Unholy Trinity
FAITH – Haunted by nightmares and searching for answers, a young priest returns to the house where an exorcism went horribly wrong a year before.
FAITH: Chapter II – After confronting unspeakable paranormal entities and narrowly escaping with his life, a young priest descends into a new nightmare.
FAITH: Chapter III – Aided by a mysterious stranger, a young priest travels the dark countryside to stop a Satanic cult from summoning a horrifically powerful demon.
Horror the Old School Way
Wickedly chunky pixels.
Hand-crafted rotoscope animations.
Haunting retro soundtrack.
Multiple / secret endings.
1980s religious paranoia.
Demonic EVPs channeled through abandonware speech synthesizers.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
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cityofreverie · 5 years
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A broadcast has begun across all screens across the City of Reverie. From the television in your living room to your cell phone, you witness a speech from the President herself, standing directly behind a multitude of microphones with cameras flashing behind the camera.
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Live from the President’s Tower...!!
“Citizens of Reverie! I’ve heard your calls and your protests and now, I have decided to take action! As you all know, the new foundation of Reverie stands upon a beacon of equality for everyone. As such, our fellow players that I’ve summoned to participate in my game for our own personal entertainment and to populate our city... have not only abused this right, but also, endangered the lives of innocents for too long!”
“And I too, have made way tooo manyyy mistakes with this whole thing. I’ve let them stomp and shove you all around, haven’t I? Well, today, we’re about to change all of that. I have prepared a solution that’ll not only equalize the playing grounds but also, provide the love and support that my most adoring nobles and fans deserve!”
“Citizens of Reverie! Listen intently and closely! Everyone here will be participating in what I call... THE PRESIDENT’S LOYALTY EXAM! As I repair Reverie and make it into the glorious homeland you’ve all come to love, everyone here will be going into a new world to prove their loyalty as a true Reverian!”
“You will all go to a new playing ground, where you will create a new civilization and arise to the top! Old money will become new money! Those with tactful wit shall beat the strong! A new world where everything has begun anew! And with this, everyone has a chance to become a citizen of the Capital district! Citizens of Reverie! You will all start out as petty little villagers and will rise into multi-billionaire CEOs! That is, if you take this chance to prove how much you truly wish to be a loyal citizen of Reverie! If you slack off, you will end up in the playing grounds, where the players will stomp all over you! Or you will reside in my NEW CAPITAL! Where the nobles will be protected from the wrath of players!”
“As for my players, you will be participating in this as well and will be playing on the same ground as my fellow citizens! No powers! No money! You will be forced to play by MY rules and may only rely on your own wit! Now then, citizens of Reverie, you shall go now and get a headstart before your demons come to haunt you!” And then, almost on cue, the President snaps her fingers.
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A portal emerges from the skies, gazing over the remaining players...
A distorted purple portal emerges from the sky, revealing a space world beyond it. Easily seen from all districts besides the Underworld, citizens of Reverie stare at the sky with awe and fear, only to find themselves turning into small little pixels. The “pixels” then ascend up into the skies, entering the portal to their new destination... Screams and chaos are heard all across the island, yet in a matter of seconds, the island goes completely quiet. Save for the players, who are the only ones remaining on the island of Reverie.
You will all begin your journey in two days.
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- Admin Keaton (expect a post tomorrow about the actual exam / event itself! This is just the beginning of the biggest event yet!)
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{January Collection} #29
Concrete Shoes
Be careful what you wish for, be careful who you choose...
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“Concrete Shoes? Oh my god that sounds dumb as hell.”
Monica laughed, popping a hot chip into her mouth as she nodded. “I know, right? Who comes up with this shit?”
“Idiot edgelords on the internet, I guess.”
The bottom of Monica’s laptop read 3:19AM but it was a time that passed without any acknowledgement from her, as she was focused on the center of her screen; her best friend Dot’s face was plastered on half, the other half of the pixels full of their shared Rabbit room. The girls were falling down a rabbit hole of internet games that no one in their right mind would play, like The Midnight Man or The Bathtub Game, but the deeper they went, the dumber they seemed to get. At least, that was what the girls were convincing themselves of...because it was dark outside and it was easier to laugh at things than imagine something might actually be real.
“Nothing called Concrete Shoes could be real, or even anything I’d be scared of,” Monica continued, shifting to lie more on her back on the couch. In the background, the TV played a Psych rerun and she gave it a half-hearted glance, before turning back to Dot. “What the hell does it even say to do?”
Dot moved the Rabbit cursor over the screen. “Take your favorite pair of shoes and place them on the floor at the foot of your bed, as if you were standing in them and facing your bed. The toes should be one inch under the bed.”
Monica fished out another chip with a crunch, listening.
“Place the highest denomination of silver coin you have on the toe of each shoe--for example, if you only have quarters, place one quarter on the toe of one shoe, and repeat the action with the second shoe.”
“At what point do I light a candle and say my own name backwards six times?” Monica quipped dryly, which earned her a laugh from Dot.
“Uh, I don’t actually think you do either of those things.” Dot continued reading, leaning in a little closer to her screen. “Once you’ve finished with your shoes, go about your normal nightly routine. Concrete Shoes needs time to find his way to you.”
Monica rolled her eyes. “Right.”
“Once you’ve turned off all your lights and gotten into bed, don’t lie down. Sit up and face the foot of your bed, and in the dark, say, ‘I know you’re there.’“
It’s very easy to scoff at a lot of the things you find on the internet, but if you actually take the time to sit and think about some of these games, what some of these things ask you to do is a little creepy. Monica actually pulled her sweater a little closer at the idea of sitting up in her pitch black room, alone, and saying that sentence out loud. She may not believe a word of this ritual, but that seemed like a real bad idea regardless. You never know who or what might be listening to you.
“You’ll know Concrete Shoes has accepted your offer if you hear the coins clink together after you acknowledge him. It means he’s pocketed your offer, and now you may ask him one thing. It can be a question you want answered, or you can even express a wish for him to grant.” Dot cleared her throat, taking a swig from a can before she continued. “As with most paranormal games, do not ask Concrete Shoes about your death, and do not ask him his name.”
“So his name isn’t Concrete Shoes?”
“I don’t think so, it’s probably just what they’re calling the game to prevent from actually saying his name.” Dot shrugged. “It says, after you’ve asked him your question or your wish, he’ll either answer you with a positive that he’s accepted and will grant your wish in due time, or he’ll simply answer your question, but he may deny you. If he does, do not push him. There’s probably a reason. Simply thank him and tell him, ‘I’d like you to leave, now.’“
Monica tried to laugh at the end of his ritual but something about this wasn’t nearly as funny as some of the others they’d read that night. There was something that felt decidedly more...she wasn’t going to say real. Out of the two girls, Monica was the logical one, the one who needed a bit of tangible proof of something’s validity before she was willing to suspend belief and admit it may be real. Instead, her laugh came out short and a little forced.
“Leave the shoes at the foot of your bed overnight; simply lay down and go to sleep. The following morning, if your shoes have returned to your closet, Concrete Shoes has left and the ritual is completed.”
Dot stopped reading and Monica lifted a brow. “What...happens if your shoes aren’t returned to your closet?”
“It doesn’t say.” There was the sound of Dot’s mouse wheel scrolling as she visibly ran through the list from top to bottom again. “It literally doesn’t say, that’s the end of it.”
Well, that was typical of the internet. Detailed instructions on how to summon what was probably a fucking demon, and no mention at all what to do if the demon decides to just take up residence in your house. Monica shook her head, fighting off a sense of the creeps by turning back to her snack. “And again we’ll ask, who the hell tries this sort of thing?”
A few hours later and Monica was back in her bedroom, staring at her bed before shaking her head and moving deeper into her room. She and Dot of course had no answer for who the hell tries these sorts of rituals but they never did. It was fun to read about them, like walking past the haunted house without ever risking going inside. There was just no need to do that to yourself. She changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, running her fingers through her short, dark hair in the mirror before she exited back into her bedroom. Her phone was lighting up on her pillow and she walked past the foot of her bed to grab it...oblivious that a pair of her shoes were facing the foot of her bed, the toes exactly one inch under the bed. The glimmer of two coins on the toes was missed by her, so distracted was she by the shimmer of her phone screen.
It was a text. JAYBIRD 😘 lit up her screen and she swiped to answer it, typing out a message to ask how his night had gone. She’d met Jason Todd on a trip she’d taken with Dot to Gotham City--somewhere Dot had been reluctant to go, but had done for her and it had paid off for Monica in a major way. She’d run into Jason by pure chance of fate and he’d seemed taken with her immediately, asking for her number right then and there. They went on two dates before Monica’s trip to Gotham was over and Jason was already begging her to come back to the city. Right now, they kept in touch via texts, phone calls, and video calls. Sexts and nudes were included there, of course.
Monica got into bed, a smile on her face as she rested against the headboard, typing back and forth with Jason as he text her a puppy-eyed selfie to beg her not to go to sleep just yet, that he missed her and wanted to talk to her. Her smiled deepened and she drew her knees up toward her chest.
« just 1 selfie, beautiful? im dyin here. need 2 c u 😍 »
Monica shook her head with a light laugh. She knew better than to tell Jason she was already in bed, that she’d washed her make-up off, that her hair wasn’t properly brushed--he always told her the same thing. He loved the way she looked, no matter if she was all dolled up for him to undress, or if she was beautifully bare just for him. She swiped to open her camera and lifted it, about to flip it to her front facing camera when the image of someone standing at the foot of her bed was captured on the phone’s screen.
Monica couldn’t help it, she screamed.
The being at the foot of her bed paused, inclining his head as his entire body shuddered at the sound she made. Long horns ran parallel to a face that had born witness to the birth of man, with three sets of eyes that would see the death of man and blink, only curious what would come next. The ancient being didn’t seem to have hair, but rather sharp, bony ridges along his brow and cheeks that complimented his archaic features the way hair might on a marble statue. His skin was pale in some places, in others it was dark as night, and as Monica’s scream died in her throat, all six of his eyes opened and focused on her, a slashing silver that nailed her to the bed she was resting against. Her phone dropped, forgotten, onto the comforter, the screen going dark but Monica couldn’t look away from the creature towering over her bed, and he didn’t seem keen to look away from her, either.
“You did not summon me.”
The voice that spoke to her had once shaken the earth, but rumbled across her bed like a serpent, climbing between her legs to whisper of sin, of stolen souls and eternal damnation that she would enjoy by his side. Monica didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know how to speak to such an ancient voice. She could hardly believe what she was seeing.
“Ah. You did not think I was real.”
The being behind the game Concrete Shoes made a show of inclining his powerful head, his broad shoulders relaxing. He wasn’t going to take offense that this frightened little creature had thought him a myth, a legend, something made-up but he was very real.
“It is lucky, then, that I go where I please.”
He moved, then, a ripple of power not unlike the fabled Gods of old and Monica tried to shrink into herself; his white robes, his jacket and layers whispered against themselves, against powerful legs, as his cloven hooves thundered against her floor.
“Is there nothing you wish for, then, Monica? Nothing I can give you?”
Monica could only shake her head helplessly, wide eyes on him.
“Not even to know my name?”
“I-I,” Monica had to clear her throat twice to work up the courage to speak to him. “I-I’m not supposed t-to ask your name.”
“That is only if you were performing my summoning ritual. I came here of my own free will.” The demon closed the distance between them further with an additional step. “You may ask my name.”
This seemed like a trap, but it also seemed...dangerous to not do what he so obviously wanted her to do. He was standing, towering over her at the side of her bed, those silver eyes of his running over her flesh so that she could feel him everywhere--he was touching her arms, her throat, her chest, her belly, between her thighs. He was everywhere.
“W-What...W-What’s your n-name?”
“I am Sannok, the Satisfier. The one who grants wishes, the one who answers the questions of mortals. I give, so you may have.” Sannok lifted one of his legs, indenting Monica’s bed with his ancient weight, giving her a taste of how big he truly was. He was not simply taller than she; his entire mass seemed larger, as if he were something not bound by the laws of humans. Something...inhuman. “Tell me, Monica, what else might I give you?”
That question held such a caress in it’s undertone Monica’s head was filled with the wonderful, terrible things Sannok could offer her. Nights so full of him she was swollen with the physicality of his claim, her middle full to the point of pain and still he filled her, claimed her, still he fitted his ancient mouth over hers and spoke to her in a language that knew her intimately, claiming her in the same way a brand sears flesh to scar for all time.
Sannok pressed Monica back against her pillows, forcing her small body to bend to try and avoid him and all he did was smirk, a showing of sharp teeth designed to feed, to mark, and his spaded tail slipped up her leg, pressing against the center of her thighs. The moment she and her friend had begun reading his ritual, Sannok became aware of Monica, aware of this supple, unclaimed body and he burned with a need for her. Humanity does not understand the rules of demons, of who and why they choose to reveal themselves but she will, in time. Every mortal woman who bends, bows, and breaks for her demons learns that in time. One day, her middle will swell with the unholy seed of him, and she will know then she’s forever lost, forever bound to him and him alone. One of his ancient, mighty hands came down upon her phone, crushing it as he bore down on her, a showing of possession that whomever this Jason Todd was would not have her. No one else would ever have her again. Demons mate for eternity, for life beyond life, and Sannok has been waiting longer than most to be...satisfied.
“You needn’t tremble so, my love.” Sannok’s sharp-tipped tail flicked playfully against her covered clit, his words a sharp contrast to his actions. Mindful of his sharp horns, Sannok leaned down to rest his cheek against her temple before turning to inhale her scent, committing it to memory. “In time, my size will not frighten you so. I promise, I will fit.”
It was no secret what he meant by this, and Monica was left with the understanding that Sannok was about to seal some sort of deal in a very permanent, possibly painful way, if all of him was as big as the clothed parts. She tried to shy away from his nuzzling but his large hand came up, cupping the back of her neck and holding her to him.
“Shh, shh.” He soothed, laying her back against her mattress. “Don’t fret, love. I will make you so happy, you’ll see.”
Monica could hardly think with him so close, dwarfing her as his heavy, ancient muscles pinned her effortlessly to the bed. This was something out of a nightmare, and what she was learning now, is what those demonologists, those paranormal experts don’t even know--demons want many things from humans but most important is what they can never have without humanity.
That is why demons are so hard to get rid of, why they cling on so tightly and become violent when attempted to be exorcised. You wouldn’t want to leave your true love either, would you?
“I-I,” Monica struggled to remember, to recall the only thing that could save her, now. What was it she was supposed to say?!
“You what, my beautiful girl?” Sannok’s forked tongue sampled her cheek, a rasp of velvet. “Tell me what it is you want.”
“I-I want you to l-leave n-now.”
Sannok froze, before slowly drawing back, all six of those silver eyes raking over Monica’s face until she turned from him but she could still feel him staring. How could he not? She was...everything, and she seemed so afraid her words had upset him. His rough fingers were soft against her cheek as he stroked lightly, a smile curving dark skin until his sharp teeth caught her room lights.
“My love, I have already told you. You did not summon me.” His fingers flattened against her chest, pushing her fully back against her yielding mattress. “You have no power to banish me, and why would you? When I can give you so much.”
Sannok accented his words with another insistent push of his tail between her legs, earning him a whine that he’d remember for centuries to come.
“All you have to do is say you’re mine.”
Monica clamped her teeth together, knowing that was to give herself up for all time.
“No? Unwilling to give yourself to me so soon, are you?” Sannok did not sound the slightest bit worried as he blanketed her body with his, a heated exhale against her mouth making her whimper. “No matter. I will return to you, night after night, until you give yourself up into my care, for all eternity. I will have you, Monica. It’s only a matter of time.”
Monica wanted to cry out as Sannok kissed her, tasting of raw power and sin, so that her eyes fluttered closed, his tail pushing her pajama shorts to the side to find her weeping core. He fed her shame, drank from it as he did her mouth, as demons are known to do. He took from her mouth enough to hold him over until he could make good on his promise to return the next night, but Monica was made aware almost immediately he was just beginning to know her, to explore her body and lay claim to it, as his fingers joined his tail at the apex of her thighs.
“Allow me to satisfy you this night, my love. To show you what you have to look forward to for the rest of your mortal life.” Sannok spoke against her mouth, that serpent’s tongue caressing the seal of her lips. “And once you trade in this mortal life for the next...well. Who do you think will be waiting for you on the other side?”
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myblueshades · 6 years
1987 be me Saturday morning, sun is blazing Phone around friends houses, I know all their numbers by heart Speak to several milfs or hot sisters; no one is in Get RALEIGH BURNER BMX from back garden Get dog Ride around looking for friends in usual haunts Find them "What shall we do lads" "Let's go to that lake in the Howell wood" It's 10 miles away THUNDERCATS HO! Fuck about in the woods until dehydration kicks in Walk 10 miles home coz puncture Death_march.jpg Arrive home Drink best part of a pint of water before it touches sides Dog drinks for 6 minutes straight as well Rendezvous with bff after teatime "Dad says we can rent a video tonight" Choose from large selection of VHS titles by cover art Schwarzenegger? lel Watch Predator for first time Walk home alone in the dark Read in bed for 5 minutes Pass out
2013 Would you have the whole world become a temple? A hunger acute from lack of the same I count out progressively tinier cons coins* Notch my belt & pocket the metaphor This means nothing Letting go, floating, keep breathing As the trees demand There was paper & charcoal Pixels & dinosaurs re place Still Fruitless Burn more, mitochondria A nuclear response evolves Colder Harder Faster Ask her Yet the silence stretches Sinking roots feeding everyone Telling nothing no one know I patiently wait, all the same
2017 'Yeah, base 12 is easy, you just count off your knuckles. You don't even need thumbs.' (Y)
The young'n has been blowing me the fuck out in maths for years already so even the smallest victory is sweet I spy her turning her hand all nonchalant like while I pretend to look away
We're embracing capitalism and on our way to formerly The largest shopping centre in all of Europe Only the roads and walls are the same In what seems just a few months A horizon replaced with an Ikea Pop-up shops and street furniture re-veneered in the seasons aesthetic
I've fallen out of the habit of carrying cash, and being around people So everyone gets the death stare and a slipped shoulder My Navigator locates the bourgeois soap shop and begins browsing tested on humans toiletries But settles in the end for 3 posters despite only really liking 2.
I'm in the market for new work trousers Seems my old ones can't quite contain all of my power I'm helping a valkyrauntie to lower her lawn 4 inches It's fucking madness but so is paying £150 for a glossy shoebox half full of glittering soap It takes 2 whole fingers worth of sarcastic comments from my copilot before I finally locate the Toolstation Hidden away and boxed in on all sides by other chain stores, restaurants, a multiplex cinema The arena. The red brick workshops on a winding narrow road seem out of place Even their cloak of soot has faded away now I show the assistant a screenshot of FV8333 Fending off requests for my email & offers of quarterly catalogues I score a pair of 65% plastic trousers, foam knee pads and 3 pairs of branded socks with a complementary hot chocolate for £11.50 "I'll take 2, since they're on offer."
The manual labour feels good But not as good as stopping We chat about the cannabis doc on itv the other night Featuring my aunties oldest friends in the form of retired soap stars Crossing America in a huge technicolour RV Getting themselves medicated and wankered and educated in that order "I wonder if it would help me with my Arthritis." I know what's coming, but roll out the interesting facts anyway "I'd never touch it, not after what happened to our Jason."
He was just 26 when he slipped the nurses and swam out to sea The doctors blamed the weed. An open and shut case.
"That's not why he did it Margaret." "Do you think not?" "There's more to it than those cunts know I think he had demons he needed peace from.." She nods slightly, with a somewhat numb expression "Besides, look how much the world has changed since then We're the fools for sticking around for it." I'm glad this raises the chuckle I was aiming for
Tossing the last inch of my coffee onto the lawn I return to heaving the sacks of turf and soil into the car Two at a time for balance
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Sunshine Manor launches you into a blood soaked horror
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Sunshine Manor horror adventure game finally releases on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the brave efforts of developer Fossil Games. Which is available with a discount on Steam. Developer Fossil Games is eager to announce that Camp Sunshine’s prequel, Sunshine Manor, releases. Due to celebrate with new trailer that alludes to the terrors within the walls of the spooky house. This is an 8-bit blood soaked Horror Adventure game that pits you as Ada. Dared to spend the night in the haunted Sunshine Manor. Ada will also encounters ghosts, demons, blood soaked horror, and more. Check out the trailer below.
Sunshine Manor Official Launch Trailer
In game, players adopt the role of Ada McReady. Who now unfortunately and against her will, gets trapped in the Manor whilst out trick or treating. It is not a place where most folks would want to be. Since its long dark corridors are dripping with cobwebs and creaking floor boards. Certainly, an unwelcoming atmosphere hangs heavy in Sunshine Manor. Ada has only one recourse, to get the ‘hell’ out of this nightmare as fast as possible!. Maybe also find out what events unfurled that led to the Camp Sunshine massacre in 1986. As Ada tentatively explores the Manor, you’ll meet ghosts, and battle demons (some more friendly than others). Maybe even attempt to stop whatever is happening in the old Aitken house. As always with good versus evil, Ada has plenty of her own tricks to even things up. Since she has psychic powers that can banish demons for good! Sunshine Manor offers twists, turns, blood, mystery, and lots more. You know, once the door slams behind you.
A dark, involved, and outright weird story that builds to the events of Camp Sunshine!
Beautiful hand-drawn 8 bit-esque pixel art
Inspired by classic horror movies of the 1980s and beyond.
Sunshine Manor is a game of cat and mouse where the nefarious Shadow Man could be waiting for you around any corner.
An original 1hr 22m soundtrack written exclusively for the game
All bundled together with a fantastic 80s inspired soundtrack. This is written just for Sunshine Manor. Along with a fantastic story driven narrative uncovering what happened before the massacre at Big Bear Lake. Sunshine Manor horror adventure game releases on Steam. Priced at $11.04 USD with a 15% discount until November 4th. Along with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
0 notes
maskedpeach · 7 years
RPG Maker Fever Hanged by Four Dwarfs
Warning:This article may contain spoilers and the content inappropriate for children…or may not contain.But get the children away from the screen just in case.
It was the rainy day just like this one. I was in my room watching  porn the stars, when I’ve noticed the body hanging in the opposite window. Neighbor hung himself. While examining the scene I’ve found his laptop with unfinished article. I’ve got the laptop and went home. Later I got arrested for break-in, but before that I managed to post this article on tumblr. Enjoy!
1. Blight Dream
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Blight Dream is an exploration adventure game, where you play as a girl, suffering from memory disorder ( don’t confuse with amnesia ), whose goal is to regain memories from the blank period of her life. But there’s one little problem-it seems that your brother isn’t really excited about you getting back your memories, that’s why he’s watching your every step and prevents all your attempts to remember. So, watch his movements and try not to get caught by him. But is it really your brother, who you should be afraid of? Play and see for yourself. Beside interesting plot, this game has high-quality visuals ( character’s 3D-models are similar to ones in remake of FF3 and CP:Blood Drive ) and wisely chosen soundtrack.
2. 1BeatHeart
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Here goes a sequel-spinoff to 1bitHeart, without friend-making and QTE-scenes though. This time the main character is Misane-chan, who, along with Nanashi, is solving various murder cases in resort hotel. Gameplay is very similar to Ace Attorney games, logic is pretty simple, so, as long as you’ve played any detective games-you’ll be fine even without hints. Like it’s predecessor, 1BeatHeart has wonderful presentation – beautiful art and sprites along with catchy soundtrack and quality voice acting.
3.The Hanged Man
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The Strange Men Series is probably one of most known game series in rpg-horror community, and, no doubt, one of the most interesting. Here goes the last game in the series, which concludes the main plotline, and makes clear some things, that were hanging in the air since the Crooked Man. The Hanged Man  introduces us new protagonist – Will, a bit unstable, but still nice boy with active imagination, who’s searching for his missing friend. Along the way he’ll meet many of our old acquaintances from previous games. Once again, game has fully voiced cutscenes, with quality voice acting for an indie-game. Gameplay, though, is more simple compared to predecessors, most of the game you’ll be exploring various locations and  solving puzzles, there’s no action cut-ins, except for quite complicated final chase. Overall, the Hanged Man  is an interesting game and very decent conclusion of the whole series.
4.Farethere City
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Here goes the game, made by Segawa, the author of our favorite End Roll. Farethere City was her first game, and it’s bit more simple in terms of gameplay ( for example, there’s no rpg-elements and game’s world isn’t that big ). But when it comes to story, City is as good as ER, both sad and moving,-game starts with little kelp  (Mr.Turnip?) named Pigula, who has recently moved to a new city and wishes to open a shop, but something is definitely off with both city and our  hero. Visual part is as bright as one in the End Roll (including a bit of stylish disturbing artwork).So, if you liked End Roll and still want more, I highly suggest playing Farethere City.
5.June Bride Nightmare
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What a beautiful wedding…and how quickly it turned into a nightmare. Our protagonist, Yuno, was so close to finding her happiness with the man she loves, but ended up being the only surviving person on her own wedding, and now she’s forced to play hide and seek with the mysterious maniac in the church, where wedding was held. Every time the maniac appears, you have a choice to sneak past him or to run for it by performing a QTE. Game has an interesting story, good gameplay and wonderful presentation. Even if you are far from  romance ( like myself, heh ), Bride still leaves the strong impression, especially the bittersweet true ending ( there’s also secret ending, but it isn’t that good, really ).
6.Little Red Riding Hood’s Wolf
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Who doesn’t know the tale about Red Riding Hood? Famous tale indeed, and has many various interpretations, in most of them the girl gets eaten by wolf one way or another. But not this time. In this game granny is dead from the very beginning, little Red Riding Hood and the wolf are working together in order to find the murderer. Story is interesting and have some nice plot-twists (personally, I liked how the theme of split personality played in here ) and characters are nice. When it comes to gameplay, LRRHW plays like any other rpg-horror, so if you aren’t new to genre, you’ll easily beat this game in a hour or so. It’ll be quite pleasant hour.
7.Stray Cat Crossing
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If you constantly play rpg-horrors and still haven’t got tired from amnesiac characters, I highly recommend you to play Stray Cat Crossing. First thing, that catches the eye is very detailed sprites and pixel artwork. Other one is dark atmosphere of haunted house with stylish designs and some grotesque well-animated cutscenes. Gameplay is mostly consists from searching the right items and solving simple riddles, but there’s also one frustrating chasing scene at the end of the first section of the house. Story may lack originality, but still good and teaches us to forgive, this time not others, but yourself, since sometimes there’s things that are beyond our control. And despite ending being optimistic, closing credits are a bit creepy.
8.Three Ghostly Roses
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You find yourself in the strange place, greeted by mysterious man in the blue cape, you don’t remember anything about yourself, except for the name. Edmund Brigham. Doesn’t ring a bell? Nope, it doesn’t. To find out about your past and your purpose, you’ll need to carefully explore every corner of the dark and unwelcome world, before it’ll start to fall apart. TGR looks very similar to NES games and has wonderful original soundtrack, which perfectly fits to dark atmosphere of the haunted world. Also game has pretty unique battle system, where you watch the enemy’s movements and try to exploit it’s weakness. And, there’s no healing items, you recover HP by defeating the enemies, but despite that, difficulty level is quite fair.
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Good sleep is important, isn’t it? It definitely is, but not for the people in Dreamfarer, who don’t need to sleep at all. In the society, described in the game, sleep is considered something out of ordinary, since no one’ve slept and seen a dreams for a long time. Yet, little girl, who has an ability to travel between other’s dreams, accidentally gets into a dream of a man, who is currently in comatose state in the hospital. To get back to reality, you’ll need to swap between girl and the man, since both of them see the same things from different perspectives, and help the inhabitants of the dream world. Dreamfarer is one of those games, which start as cute adventure and get darker and darker towards the end. This game has amazing fully redrawn graphics and stunning artwork (there’s literally tons of CGs ).
10.Shirakami-sama to Yon-no-Oni 
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 Our next game is perfect if you are tired from jumpscares, suggestive  content and brain(or heart)-breaking stories. Shirakami is very heartwarming game about friendship between boy and four demons, who help him in search of his cousin, who went missing while preparing to upcoming festival. Game has warm atmosphere of small village, strong with it’s traditions, beautiful illustrations and interesting gameplay, based on main character’s perception. There’s 3 endings in total, to see all of them you’ll need to beat the game 3 times (it’ll take from 3 to 5 hours in total ) and every time story goes the different way. Currently, game ia available only in russian and japanese.
11.From The Next Door
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When you see something extremely cheap-it’s always suspicious. In case of food it might be rotten ( not always though ), in case of newly acquired house-get ready to deal with abomination living next door ( and no, I don’t mean neighbors ). Usually, when you notice paranormal activity in your house-you try to get away from it as far as you can, but in case of our heroine Namie ( who is as “smart” as Ayumi Shinozaki in CP: Blood Drive )- you’ll wait until things will get reeeeally ugly. Despite main heroine’s stupidity ( or thanks to it ), the game came out really creepy and interesting. Additionally I would like to praise game’s stylish visuals reminiscent of GBC-games and good work with setting the right atmosphere. And, once again, if you’re not the sensitive type-I suggest you playing in complete darkness with headphones on.
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Despite the game’s title, you will meet neither Hansel nor Gretel, instead you are playing as twin brothers, one of them is timid and another is sharp-mouthed (oh well, they’re both little rascals, no matter how you look at it). Hansel is nice adventure game with variety of references to famous old fairy tales, good humor, adorable visuals and quite unexpected ending ( two endings, to be exact, since another one is unlocked after beating the game for the second time). Game is relatively short ( 30-40 minutes ) and puzzles can be easily solved without a guide.
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Lavender presents another look on the Rapunzel’s story, in which there’s no prince and evil witch isn’t that evil. Your goal in this game is to descend the tower to retrieve your birthday present, solving various unique puzzles ( from feeding plants to playing chess ) on your way down. Lavender has quality pixel graphics and overall good presentation, which helps to create the feeling that you’re traveling through old storybook. Personally, I really liked the game’s normal ending, but there’s also a secret one for those, who like, when plot starts to turn grim and bloody.
14.Dudley and The Mysterious Tower
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There goes a new title, developed by Sen, but don’t expect second Mad Father or Misao. Dudley is far more simple in terms of both plot and presentation. But it doesn’t mean that the game has nothing to offer. You play as a courier, who has an important delivery to tower’s owner, and his dog. Each floor of the tower is designed as a puzzle, in order to solve which you’ll need to switch between courier and the dog, who can do things courier can’t ( like seeing ghosts and talking to other animals).To climb the tower and see the contents of so-called “delivery”  you’ll need about 40 minutes, so if you have some free time-be my guest.
15.Apocalypse Never
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And once again our closing title belongs to “escape” genre, where you need to leave locked apartments by all means necessary. This time you play as carefree guy, whose drunken older sister has changed all locks in the house. Game is about 30 minutes long and has several endings, which depend on how fast you’ll manage to escape the house and meet up with a friend ( don’t forget to bring “that” with you ).Also game has good humor (some jokes are just hilarious) and nice art style.
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save-jacksepticeye · 7 years
Turning Back Time
A/N: So I wrote this mainly because I was bored, and I figured I’d post it. I’m warning you now that it’s pretty gory, because I’ve wanted to get back to writing horror and gore, so if that’s not your thing, I suggest you move on. 
“Come on, Jack! Let’s hear that mantra of yours again,” Anti taunted. Jack stood in front of him, suspended from wire-thin, iridescent strings. He slumped heavily against them, not even reacting as they dug into his skin, sending rivulets of blood running down his bare arms. “Positive! Mental! Attitude! Isn’t that what you tell your fans to do when they’re feeling down?” He chuckled. There was a sharp burst of static-noise and Anti’s head jerked from side to side, leaving pixelated copies hanging in the air.
Jack drew in a wheezing breath and tried to lift his head, only to drop it as he succumbed to a coughing fit, hacking up a glob of blood and mucus. Anti fiddled with his knife, waiting for Jack to finish before stepping closer. The blade flashed and Jack cried out in agony as it bit into the bare skin of his chest, every muscle in his body tensing against his bonds. He was weak, emaciated, his body stained with his own blood, some old, some new. Scars criss-crossed his skin like some macabre mosaic.
“That’s more like it. That’s the loud Irishman we all know and love!” Another flash of the now-reddened blade, another agonized scream. This time, the blade caught him in the ribs and dug deep. Anti relished the feeling of his knife scraping the bone. Hot blood coursed from the wound and Anti licked his lips, partly in satisfaction, partly in anticipation for what was still to come.
This time, when Anti stepped away, Jack was able to raise his head and look him in the eye. Jack was almost unrecognizable under the bruises and scars and fresh cuts. Nevertheless, the familiar blue eyes gazed out, boring into Anti before shifting to the camera set up to the demon’s left. It was trained on him, red dot blinking, reminding Jack eerily of an eye. And why shouldn’t it? After all, they were watching, no doubt. Time was different in the void than it was on the outside, and he was certain that this video was already up, and his community, his poor community, was watching with not the faintest clue in the world that what they were seeing wasn’t fake.
“Please,” he croaked. His voice was so quiet he wasn’t sure if it would even pick up on the recording. “Please help me. This is not a–” He cut off as Anti pressed the blade of his knife into the soft flesh of his stomach, his breath hitching in his throat. He braced himself for the pain, but he still cried out when Anti drew the blade across his skin, this time agonizingly slow.
“Help,” he said, louder this time, his voice cracking from the strain. “Please, you have to help me, help us!” While he spoke, Anti circled him, planning out his next move, no doubt, or maybe he was enjoying his feeble attempts to cry out. Jack let his head drop, too exhausted and light-headed from the blood loss to do much else. He groaned as the hilt of the knife cracked against the back of his skull, blasting stars across his vision and igniting a painful throbbing in his head.
“We’re not done yet, Jackaboy,” Anti whispered in his ear. “Oh, we are far from finished.” He snapped his fingers and his knife disappeared, replaced with a scalpel. Another snap of his fingers, and a figure came shambling out of the shadows, feet dragging as they lurched forward. Jack’s eyes widened in horror when he saw the iridescent light of the strings wrapped around their limbs. They pulled and tugged, turning the figure into a walking meat puppet.
“Jesus, no,” he breathed. “Not Schneep too. Oh God.” Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, unbidden, as he gazed at what used to be his friend. Now, he stared ahead with sightless, cloudy eyes, his white doctor’s coat and his blue mask stained red with his own blood. There was a blank, slack-jawed expression on his face, and for a minute, Jack wasn’t sure if he was dead or alive.
Schneeplestein’s milky eyes shifted to him as he was brought to a stop directly in front of him. Jack thought he could see a glimmer of life behind the dead eyes, something desperate, calling out to anyone who would listen, and he realized Schneeplestein was still aware. Somewhere deep down, he knew what was happening, but he couldn’t stop it. He was trapped, forced to watch.
A tug of a string, and he held out his hand to Anti. Schneeplestein’s eyes shifted to his hand as Anti placed the scalpel in it. His fingers slowly curled around the scalpel.
“Doctor, your patient is waiting,” Anti crooned. Schneep swung his head around, once again fixing Jack with his dead eyes, and lurched forward, scalpel held out in front of him. Jack squirmed uncomfortably and tugged at his bonds. By then, his wrists were numb, and he felt nothing as fresh blood ran down his arms. Pain still flared in his torso, however, and he grimaced.
“I’m so sorry, Schneep,” Jack croaked, “I–” He broke off as another coughing fit wracked his body. He drew in a wheezing breath and continued. “Whatever you do, I know it’s not you. It’s not your fault.” His voice cracked and darkness pressed at the edges of his vision. He was running out of time. He would die again, and Anti would turn back the clock for another round of torment, continuing the never-ending cycle of pain he’d been enduring since Halloween.
Jack was dragged out of his thoughts as the scalpel sunk into his shoulder and he gave a weak cry. It dragged across his chest, making a thin line from armpit to armpit. Down the middle of his chest.  Scraping bone. Barely avoiding evisceration. Anti frowned, his body flickering like a lightbulb, and took a step towards Schneeplestein.
Then, he started grinning again. “Lost your nerve, eh? We can fix that.” He snapped his fingers and the strings around Schneeplestein’s arms and neck tightened, digging into his skin. Blood oozed from the new wounds.
The scalpel sliced through Jack’s skin again, deeper this time. A deep, throbbing agony flared throughout his body as a torrent of his blood and guts fell to the floor with a wet slap. He didn’t have enough energy left to scream, so he groaned and clenched his fists, making one last, weak attempt to tear at his bonds.
Jack didn’t even register it when the scalpel in Schneeplestein’s hand disappeared, replaced with a bone saw. All he knew was that he was going to die, and then the other egos would be next. Whatever happened to them would be his fault. He wasn’t strong enough to keep Anti at bay, wasn’t strong enough to save them.
He felt his life slipping away, pouring out onto the ground with his insides. He was able to give one last, longing, desperate look at the camera before his vision faded completely and everything went black.
Jack woke with a start in his bed, his skin covered in a fine sheen of sweat. His heart was pounding, threatening to burst out of his chest as he gazed around the room with wide, frightened eyes. With a shaky hand, he felt his torso, and he let out a shaky breath when he found everything intact. Not for the first time, he wondered if it was all nothing more than a terrible nightmare.
“Sean?” He started at the sound of Signe’s voice. “Sean, what’s wrong?” She rolled over and gazed at him, concern in her eyes. He pulled himself up and ran a clammy hand through his hair.
“I…yeah,” he said, “Yeah, just another nightmare. It’s no big deal.” Signe’s brow creased with worry.
“That’s the third one this month. Are you sure you don’t want to go see a doctor or something?” He met her eyes as she propped herself up on one elbow, and instantly felt bad for making her worry.
“I’m fine.” He put as much sincerity into his voice as he could, even though he was far from okay. The nightmares were beginning to get to him, if they even were nightmares. Some part of him deep down knew that these were too vivid, too real to be dreams. But he didn’t want to worry Signe. “You don’t need to worry, I promise.” He took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
Signe didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t argue. “Okay,” she said, “But Sean?”
“Promise you’ll tell me if it gets any worse?” Leaning forward, Jack planted a light kiss on her forehead.
“I promise.” He gave her hand one last squeeze and rolled over. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t fall back asleep. Images haunted him, endless visions of torture, pain, and death, flashing through his mind and jolting him awake when he was almost asleep. He tried hard to convince himself it was just stress, but he found himself unable to believe it.
He tensed when he felt a cold breath on the back of his neck, and a static-laced voice whispered in his ear, “Until next time, my little puppet.”
A/N: One thing you should know is that I love author notes too much. And if you read this whole thing, thank you so much, and please tell me what you think! I’d love feedback.
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for June 2 to 5
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New Xbox One Games for June 2 to 5.
Strawberry Vinegar – June 3
Sakuraba Rie, aged nine, is a cynical and grumpy girl who cares little for her fellow classmates, and does not have a single friend. That is, until a self-proclaimed demon from the deepest, darkest pits of Hell suddenly appears in Rie's kitchen and steals a tray of cookies. What will happen between these two young girls? Will friendship blossom between them, or perhaps something more? Features: Succulent, mouth-watering art of food80,000 words long with 6 different endingsA unique tale of friendship between a young girl and a demonUpdated blinking sprites and UI
Depth of Extinction – June 3
In a flooded future world, killer machines are plotting mankind's demise. As the sole defender of humanity's last government, only you can create the ultimate squad and save humanity in this turn based, tactical RPG with roguelike elements. Features: Explore a sunken world and build your own storyFamiliar tactical options with a few new twists including action refunds, stealth positioning and ambushesCreate the ultimate squad from 10 different character classesOutfit your team with 115 different weapons, armor, and itemsFight 30+ unique enemies from 5 factionsPosition your team and then get the kill with stealthControl the leader and the other characters will follow (and pick up loot) using an advanced AI
Awesome Pea 2 – June 3
Awesome Pea 2 - next chapter of classic platformer game. Greedy Pea is back in the game! Now with even more dark dungeons, deadly traps and gold! What you will definitely find in this game (again): Pixel gameboy-style graphics (when everything is green)25 different levelsRetro soundtrack (sounds like your old computer)Lots of shiny coins
Tour de France 2020 – June 4
Experience the intensity of the Tour de France! Compete against the peloton in all 21 official stages of the Tour de France 2020. To wear the yellow jersey on the Champs-Elysées, you will need to take risks, attack, sprint and perfect your race tactics. New features: • All 21 official stages of the Tour de France 2020 • The classic Liège-Bastogne-Liège race for the first time in Tour de France • Redesigned, more realistic time-trials. You must manage your stamina and riding position to improve your aerodynamics and achieve the best time • New first-person camera for greater immersion • More attacking and opportunistic peloton • Improved race interface with more details about your surroundings (competitors, route, descents, etc.) • Online mode: redesigned matchmaking system
Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio – June 5
Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio is an 8-bit, 2D platformer. It’s a challenging, non stop action experience that incentivizes quick thinking, platforming precision and memorization. Like older 8-bit games, it’s a game that’s meant to be replayed over and over again until mastered. Quick reactions and timing are necessary for success in the game. Levels – which are in the form of rooms – are short and require you to quickly scan to find a way to get to the next room, which is either a doorway that requires a key found within that room or a black hole Visually and from an auditory standpoint, everything about the game is designed to look and feel like an old school 8-bit game. Features: 2D platform game, perfect for classic Famicom/NES game fans!Graphics and sounds inspired by 8-bit aesthetics.2 game modes, "Classic" and the brand new "Try harder".65 rooms of progressive difficulty.Easy to learn, simple gameplay.
Outbuddies DX – June 5
Experience real non-linear Metroidvania gameplay and uncover five distinct areas, all with remarkable puzzles, environmental hazards, epic boss encounters and captured Wozan to uncage. Your Buddy unit will procedurally map the area and function as a handy quality of life tool that can be controlled at will to manipulate your surroundings using various abilities like hacking, scanning, and telekinesis. Enter Bahlam, a sunken city of the Old Gods, located deep in the South Atlantic Ocean. Following a shipwreck, adventurer and maritime archaeologist Nikolay Bernstein regains consciousness 36.000 feet under the sea. He's severely wounded and unwillingly connected to a supernatural Buddy-unit. Searching for answers about his displacement our main protagonist digs deep into the lost undercity, gradually realizing an ominous presence hollowing in its shadowed caverns. On your journey home you will share your fate with a friendly tribe of mining creatures, the Wozan, who fear the Old Gods and strive to get back to the surface since their ancestors had been enslaved 5000 years ago. Some of them were able to flee and founded secret colonies deep inside the sunken ruins, others are still exploited by the hostile creatures that have overtaken the city since the Old Gods suddenly disappeared. Explore Bahlam with high freedom of movement like climbing, crawling and diving right from the start. As you progress your set of options will expand by discovering ancient weapon systems, suit upgrades and hacking protocols for your droid. All gear will be carefully balanced in terms of combat abilities and has to be used selectively to overcome specific hazards and puzzles. The local Co-Op option invites a second player to explore and experience this adventure together by taking control over the invincible Buddy unit. Support each other on your journey home, solve puzzles and overcome Bahlam's hostile maze. This will also provide an opportunity for team-speedrunning as a very unique take on the scene. Features: Explore an open vibrant fantasy worldReal Metroidvania gameplay with lots of gear, puzzles and Easter eggsUnique dual-hero scheme with local Co-Op supportEpic boss battles & believable enemy AIsIntriguing narrative and memorable charactersHigh freedom of movement @ 60 FPSHandcrafted pixel artOriginal soundtrack by OGRE music
The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle – June 5
Play to change and make a difference in The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle expansion pack! Move into a community of fellow collaborative makers to help your new neighbors decide on a Community Space Project, reduce your eco footprint, and watch your neighborhood transform. Ready for your Sims to impact their world? Requires The Sims 4 base game to play.
We Were Here Together – June 5
Embark on a puzzle solving adventure in which you and a partner must prove you can communicate and work together to escape the haunted Castle Rock. It all begins with an emergency flare lighting up the sky and a distress call waking you from uneasy dreams. Your fellow Antarctic explorers are in trouble, and the two of you left at base camp must work together to launch a rescue mission. If only you knew what you were getting into… From the research base camp you’ll need to figure out a way to get to the source of the distress flare. Once you’re through the frozen Antarctic wastes, you'll find yourselves separated inside a medieval castle, facing puzzles, secrets, and dangers! You and your partner start out with nothing but your wits and a walkie-talkie each. Observation, smart communication and teamwork will be the only way to escape from the sinister Castle Rock. Your voice will have to lead the way. You and your expedition partner must traverse the Antarctic wasteland and infiltrate a sinister medieval castle. All you start with is a pair of walkie-talkies – will you be able to work together on the same wavelength? Two minds will have to think alike. Immerse yourself in an intriguing cooperative experience as you and your partner puzzle your way through a series of thrilling situations. Discover brand new environments and mysteries, together. We were not alone… Darkness has engulfed the once magnificent Castle Rock and its surroundings. Can you discover the truth behind the grim fate of the fallen citadel and make it out alive… or will the original inhabitants catch you on your way out? PLAY MORE WE WERE HERE GAMES! If you enjoy We Were Here Together, don’t forget to check out the earlier entries: We Were Here and We Were Here Too. Features: Spine-tingling story: uncover a dark history, and become closer acquainted with the malevolent being known only as ‘the Jester’. Who, or what, is he?Walkie-talkie: you must communicate to progress – find out just how good you are at describing and explaining thingsPuzzle packed: work together to solve this captivating digital escape roomMysterious locales: explore the expedition base camp, frozen Antarctic valleys, and the sinister Castle Rock itself https://youtu.be/XhE5mPCHdY4
Rigid Force Redux – June 5
CLASSIC SHOOT’EM UP ACTION IS BACK! Rigid Force Redux breathes new life into the classic side-scrolling shooter genre with its lovingly hand-crafted 3D models, stunning environments, detailed effects and an electrifying Synthwave soundtrack. DEVASTATING FIREPOWER! Arm your fighter with numerous upgradeable weapon systems and supplemental Force Shards! Collect Energy Orbs to fill up your energy supply and eventually unleash an extremely powerful blast against your foes! CONFRONT AN OVERPOWERING ARMADA! Battle it out against huge swarms of enemies, heavy gunships, laser wielding mechs and giant alien creatures. Every enemy has its own unique and challenging strategy, from the tiniest creature up to the largest boss. LOTS OF EXTRAS! Just in case the extensive, action-packed Main Mission is not enough for you, try the challenging Arcade and Boss Rush Modes, defend your ranking in the global leaderboards and grab all 40 achievements. Everything is prepared for countless hours of shooting fun! Features: Classic side-scrolling shoot’em up action with modern 3D graphicsUnique weapon and power-up systemsLots of different enemies, challenging mid-bosses and huge end bossesExciting story mode with animated cutscenes and full voice-oversAdditional Arcade and Boss Rush game modesSix different action-packed stagesChallenging but fair gameplayAdjustable difficulty level - for beginners to experienced playersOnline LeaderboardsOriginal synthwave soundtrack by Dreamtime featuring Michael Chait https://youtu.be/QazNCNWV04Q
Cyber Protocol – June 5
All of the android G0X6’s life processes were shut down. The only way to bring him back is to hack his security system and manually start the recovery protocol. But it’s one hitch… So far, even the largest corporations haven’t accomplished this challenge. Can you save your friend and prove you’re the best hacker in this lawless city? Cyber Protocol is an arcade puzzle game set in a Cyberpunk scenario with a strong and dynamic gameplay. If you want to test your logical skills and reflex, you love the retro style and good energetic music, just grab a gamepad. What can you expect? ABSORBING GAMEPLAY Fast-paced, difficult and fun. You will need to plan carefully but also often think on your feet. VARIOUS CHALLENGES Each of 100 levels brings a new, original challenge. You will face new setups, obstacles and traps with different mechanics, so don’t feel too confident. DIFFICULT: OVER 9000 Still looking for more adrenaline? Try hacking the system in the arcade mode at an increased pace and with limited lives. You can get your place in the top 20 global ranking of cyber hackers, if you good enough. Wish you survive! COMPETITION If playing with deadly AI is not enough, you always can invite your family and friends. Cyber Protocol supports local challenges for even 4 players, but remember—the title of the best hacker can reach only one. RETRO VIBE Miss retro games style? Don’t worry—we got you covered! Travel back in time to the 80’s by changing Cyber Protocol themes and sounds. BEST 8BITS Just sit, relax and listen to the Cyber Protocol’s Syntwave and 8bit soundtracks. You will deserve it. You will need it. Are you ready for the challenge? Read the full article
0 notes
flying-guinea-pig · 7 years
Season Finale 4/7
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The previous chapters.
Chapter 4: The Upper Levels
Don't split up. That was the first rule of horror movies. And what did they do? They split up.
She kept her eyes open for anything strange. What did a regular oil rig look like, anyway? Maybe they all had those bands of spidery runes crawling over the ceiling, could be part of the stabilisation spells, right?
Oh. False alarm. It was just cracked paint.
“According to the blueprints, the main computer room should be this way,” Tenney said.
[Ooh!] the Alcor Virus perked up. [Yes, let’s go there!]
Tenney glanced at her over his shoulder. “If you insist on playing with your phone, Ms Adams, at least have the decency to turn off the sound.”
“Apologies,” she said, turning down the volume.
[Did you really expect that to work on me?] The pixelated Alcor asked. He tapped a finger on his chin, then nodded. [But okay. I’ll allow it.]
“How gracious of you,” she muttered, as the words crawled across her screen without those annoying noises.
"Do you think the computers will still work?" April asked.
"Perhaps," Tenney said. "I doubt they will be very informative, however. According to the official report, what little data they could get from them was all scrambled beyond understanding."
"Oh," April said. She hesistated. "Too bad. It would have been nice to have, I don't know, some camera footage perhaps? Old pictures?"
Tenney patted her shoulder, his smile compassionate and heartening. It didn't escape Elisabeth's notice how he made sure to keep his face in full view of the camera guy.
"We can always try," he said. "Perhaps they didn't put much effort in it, since there was already enough evidence of a cult gone wrong. And a lot of progress has been made in sixty years."
[Challenge accepted,] her phone added, vibrating to catch her attention.
"But I have another motive to go this way," Tenney said. "Ah, there it is. Steve, if you will?"
He led them to a room that was barely worth the name. Three massive mechanical things filled it from wall to wall, leaving barely enough room for Steve to squeeze past them. He put the camera down and fiddled for a moment with the machines. They started to hum.
"Voila," Tenney said, and flipped the light switch with flair. Light, cold white and buzzing faintly, flooded the corridor.
"Generators," April laughed, just as Elisabeth realised the same. "That will make exploring the lower levels a lot easier. If all the lights still work down there."
The room next to this one had windows, looking out over the platform and the growing waves. It also had computers, dusty and old-fashioned.
[Put me on top of one,] the Alcor Virus asked, jumping up and down on the screen with excitement.
"Why?" she said. Whispering, since the others were distracted by the view through the windows, but maybe not distracted enough to miss how she was arguing with her phone again.
[No connection, wireless or otherwise,] the chibi Alcor said. [Hasn't been one in ages, I bet. Feels a bit like gravedigging, doesn't it? This is so cool.]
"No, I meant why as in why should I?" The last thing they needed was a demonic virus playing around with the electronics. This place was haunted already, let's not make it any worse.
[I could just jump there anyway, if you don't mind the showy fireworks when I do. You don't mind, right? Fireworks are awesome.]
She glared at his smug smile. Oh look, this room had windows. Open window. Drop phone. Probably wouldn't get rid of him for long, but it would make her feel better...
[Aw, come on... please?]
Those pixelated puppy eyes were truly ridiculous.
The computer started booting up the second she put her phone down on the bulky screen. There was a gasp from behind her.
"Look!" April was staring at the screen. Strings of numbers were scrolling past. "It just... started, all on its own."
"Ah, yes," Tenney said. "This place knows you, my dear. This is clearly the work of a spirit."
"Clearly," Elisabeth muttered.
The screen switched to a desktop. It was relatively empty, with only a few files and a calender sidebar. The background didn't offer much of a clue either, being a random picture of the sea.
Seriously now, what kind of cult didn't even use their demon's symbol as a background? It had to be somewhere!
April made an hesistant movement towards the computer. “Should I- ?”
At Tenney’s nod she sat down. A speck of white pixels appeared in the center of the screen, a blob that grew until it overtook the entire desktop.
[Hello April,] black letters crawled across the white screen.
April gasped.
[We're so glad to finally meet you.]
[There is much you need to know.]
Text and graphs started flashing on the screen, so many it was just a blur of data, before the acrid smell of burned plastic drifted from the computer case and the screen went black again.
Tenney pressed the power button, to no avail.
“Interesting,” he said. “Steve, you got a good view of the screen, I hope? Make sure Monifa gets it and decrypts it.”
“Will do, sir. I’m sending it right now.”
“It looked like… mathematical formulas,” April said, still blinking at the screen. “All those symbols and numbers… Why would they show this to me?”
Tenney patted her back. “I don’t know, Ms Merrick, but if your ancestors go to such lenghts to share it with you, it must be important.”
“Or it’s gibberish,” Elisabeth said. “It could be anything. Your great-grandmothers recipe for stuffed turkey or something.”
“Ghosts don’t expend their strenght sending meaningless messages, Ms Adams,” Tenney said.
Sure, maybe ghosts didn’t. But the Alcor Virus?
She gave Tenney a curt nod – no use in arguing about this, especially since she really didn’t want anyone to know about her possessed phone – and shot the latter a suspicious look as they left the control room.
"That was you, wasn't it?"
[You’ll have to be more specific. What are you talking about?]
"I swear, I'm this close to throwing you overboard."
[Go ahead,] the chibi Alcor grinned. [I'm already in the building. See?]
The lights flickered on and off, in a regular pattern, like heartbeats.
[Whoever these cultists were, they really liked their electronics! Can’t really go deeper than the seventh floor down, though. There’s something blocking me.]
Elisabeth nearly bumped into the others, who’d slowed down when the lights flickered.
April was pale as a ghost herself, clearly rethinking this whole plan to go hunting for her dead relatives’ spirits.
“Have no fear,” Tenney said. He patted April’s shoulder. “This place is watching you, my dear. But you are safe with me.”
Elisabeth made a face as she followed them. An abandoned, probably leaky metal contraption in the middle of a raging sea, with a demonic computer virus and a bunch of ghosts for company. Sure. Safe.
The ‘raging sea’ bit was no exaggeration, unfortunately. A glance out of the portholes showed white-tipped waves under a sky that fit pretty well with Elisabeth’s current mood.
"I don't like the look of those clouds," Steve said, pausing to stand next to her.
She shrugged. Between ghosts and a demon, the weather was the least of her concerns.
"You don't talk much, do you?"
She frowned. "Neither do you."
Steve shrugged, his smile rueful. "It's Tenney's show. I just hold the camera."
“Shouldn’t you go and do that, then, instead of bothering me about the weather?”
He held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m just saying. We’re not just here to look around. We’re here to make television. So, you know. At least try to participate.”
“I have nothing to add yet,” she said, a bit prickly. “There is nothing demonic going on here.” Her phone vibrated in her pocket. “Nothing demonic at all.”
Steve shook his head. “Fine. Be that way. It’s your job on the line, not mine.”
What was that supposed to mean? Hugh wouldn’t fire her for something like this! Would he? She hadn’t signed up for being an actress, she was an exorcist! And if her boss dared to hold this against her, well –
She took a deep breath. That camera guy was just trying to push her buttons. These kind of reality shows always hungered for drama, didn’t they? And if there wasn’t any, they’d cut and paste their footage enough to manufacture some. She wasn’t going to take this bait, damn it.
[I’m deciphering those files from the computer,] the chibi Alcor said. [They’re encrypted in so many ways! These guys were really paranoid.]
Not paranoid enough to stay alive, it seemed.
Steve was still watching her. Elisabeth kept her eyes on her phone and typed: ‘Anything I need to know? Re: demon?’
Typing worked. That was good to know. Now she could look a little less crazy.
[Nothing yet. This symbol does pop up a lot, but it could be part of the encryption. Still working that one out!]
The screen flashed her an image of something that resembled a flattened X.
[I’m running a few dozen decoder programs right now, just need to find what key they used.]
The pixelated face beamed at her. It seemed just as excited as Alcor was, whenever he was faced with some kind of mystery to unravel.
‘Try Xuerus,’ she suggested.
[… You really have no high regard of cultists, do you?] the Alcor Virus said. [Usually I would agree, but these guys were clever! I never had trouble with deciphering stuff before.]
She slid her phone back into her pocket. At least the Alcor Virus wouldn’t bother her too much, if he was busy with those files. And who knew? Maybe he would find something useful.
“Ah, the mess hall,” Tenney said, at an open doorway at the end of the corridor. “Steve, up front please.”
They waited for Steve to take some shots of the room before entering themselves. The place was a mess, indeed. Benches and long tables. Rotted scraps of cloth littering the floor, the remains of napkins or table cloth or who knew what else.
“Oh,” April said, touching the cracked sheet of plastic on the wall. "There's a bulletin board.”
Age had faded most of the messages. She could make out some numbers and dates - a calender of some kind, probably. In the lower left corner there were two drawings, faded as everything else, but still recognizably made by children. One was just a mass of scribbles. The other depicted blue curls and a black blob in the middle, stick figures on top of it, blue clouds in the sky.
"People lived here," April said, softly. She reached out and touched the drawings. "Children lived here. And then everyone died."
"Your grandmother survived," Tenney said.
"Yes. But by pure coincidence." April took a trembling breath. “I’m sorry, I knew this was going to be difficult but I thought I’d be stronger than this...”
Tenney slid an arm over her shoulders. “Completely understandable, my dear. These people were your family. Do you need a moment to collect yourself?”
April wordlessly shook her head, and Tenney let her be.
They found the kitchen - as deserted as everything else, and with the musty, dusty smell of food that had rotted away a long time ago. From there they went on to old living quarters, tiny bedrooms and communal break rooms.
It was hard to miss the little touches of life, here. The pictures on the walls, the dusty music player. A book had been left on a sitting table, its spine cracked, open and waiting for its reader to return.
Elisabeth carefully removed some of the dust on it. You never know, maybe it was some book on demons, anything that could give a clue about this Xuerus they worshipped.
But no, it was a novel. Just some old romance novel she'd never heard of. Someone had been reading this before leaving it behind, too hurried to put a proper bookmark inside.
"Can I ask you a question?" April said, breaking the silence that followed them into the abandoned rooms.
"Depends," Elisabeth said. "What do you want to ask?"
"Why did you decide to go into demonology?"
She shrugged. Why indeed? No one in her family had meddled with demons, and she had no traumatic tales or - god forbid - Twin Souls obsession to blame for her choice.
"I guess, because I was tired of people being stupid," she said.
April smiled. "You wanted to help people."
Well, yes. Wasn't that the point of everything? "Obviously. Even ignoring cults for a minute, there are way too many demon summonings performed by idiots. They set things loose in this world that are a danger to everyone. We can't let those run around freely." She frowned. "Why do you ask?"
"I'm just wondering," April said, her smile turning bittersweet. "What would bring someone to think demon summoning is a good idea."
"Don't compare me to a cult."
"I'm not, I swear. I know it's different. But don't you think... could this be how they got started? Good intentions, that somehow spiralled out of control?"
"Maybe." Elisabeth didn't really believe it though. You had to be pretty crazy to start a cult. "You know what they say about the road to Hell."
"Paved with good intentions," April said, quietly.
A bit like trying to save your classmate-slash-rival from a demonic possession by revealing it on stage. She cringed at the memory. That had been a bad move. Good intentions, but... not the brightest thing she could've done.
On the other hand, her exorcism had worked, even if only for a second. On the Dreambender himself! It had been a good lesson for her - shows you can get the upper hand on even the most powerful of beings - if you could manage to catch them off guard.
It had also taught her that a large room full of everyone's loved ones probably wasn't the best place to mess around with demons, but to be fair, she wasn't the only one to make that mistake and at least no one had died in her case. These cultists had been less lucky.
Well, there hadn't been any proof yet that these cultists had been murdered by their demon, but really, how big were the odds they all mysteriously died by some other, unrelated cause?
As she looked around though, she noticed more and more signs that whatever had happened, hadn't been part of the plans. There was a bowl of something fuzzy and grey on the table, overgrowing the spoon next to it. A chair had been tipped back. In one of the bathrooms a towel was abandoned haphazardly on the floor, moldy clothes stacked next to the sink.
The current theory seemed more and more unlikely. If the cult had died because of some big summoning that went wrong… well, big summonings didn’t just happen. They needed preparation. you’d expect everyone in the cult to be present for an event like that, wouldn’t you?
Unless something had come through before they were ready for it. In which case it could have been any demon, not necessarily this mysterious Xuerus no one knew about.
Great. This wasn’t confusing enough already. Not that it really mattered, of course. It had been sixty years. Whichever demon was responsible, it would be long gone by now.
They took a short break in the mess hall, where Steve cleared a table to do some light maintenance on his camera. The image turned fuzzy sometimes, which really shouldn’t happen. Maybe some settings were off…
“Some flickering lights and a mysterious computer message,” Tenney filled in Francesca on the other end of the phone. “Monifa should be deciphering it now. I expect there’s been some progress with programs like that… How about on your end, anything? Disappointing. Very well, we’ll - no, no, I was actually thinking we’d head down and meet you there. Steve needs to fix his camera – can you repeat that? The line’s breaking up – Wonderful. I lost the connection. Steve, you need to get this fixed.”
“I’ll do my best, sir.” Steve hesitated. “What are the plans? Are we going to reconvene with Francesca’s team?”
“Not yet,” Tenney said. “I told her to go ahead and wait for us on the sixth level down. Smaller groups, that’s the key. There’s so little spiritual activity here, they might get spooked and remain quiet if we’re all together.” He glanced at April. “I doubt they’ll get more than ambiance shots, actually. They don’t have you, my dear, and you seem to be the trigger.”
“Oh,” April said. “I, um, was just wondering if I could use the bathroom, but maybe I shouldn’t go alone then…”
“I’ll go with you,” Adams said. “There should be one next to the kitchen here.”
“Of course, of course,” Tenney waved them away. “But be careful, and don’t wander.”
Adams gave him a deadpan look. “I doubt there’ll be many ghosts haunting bathrooms. But don’t worry, we’ll scream if anything happens.”
As soon as the door fell closed behind them, Tenney turned to Steve and gave the suble hand signal to turn off their cameras.
That never boded well.
Tenney started pacing between the tables, keeping a wary eye on the door towards the bathroom.
"We've been burned on this arrangement," he said.
"We have, sir?"
"We were promised a strong haunting. But there's barely anything here."
Yes, that sinking feeling in his stomach was very familiar. "Are you sure, sir? We’ve come across a spirit already -"
"A mere category one!" Tenney said, with an angry gesture. "Playing around with the lights - that's not the material we need. This is our season finale, Steve. We need something big! Something impressive!"
"We haven't gone very deep yet, sir, maybe in the lower levels, where the bodies are -"
"Yes, yes, I know. There could be stronger spirits there," Tenney said, impatiently. "But if there are category ones hanging around... You know the odds as well as I do. I doubt we will find anything higher than a four, maybe a five if we're lucky. Nearly a hundred and fifty people died here. That kind of brutal murder should have at least spawned a category nine!"
Tenney bared his teeth, his famous smile now a dark grimace. "No, we've been duped. We should have known this would be the case. It's the demon's fault. It must have eaten the souls. And what's left is just echoes. Easily removed. And perhaps a handful of category ones, up here."
That possibility had crossed their minds before, of course. Eating souls was what demons did, and without a soul - or at least a fragment of a soul - it was very difficult to get ghosts of an impressive power level. But with such a large number of deaths, and the fact no one had heard about Xuerus afterwards, which definitely should have happened if the demon had gotten such a power boost... And the malfunctioning drones, of course... Well, it all pointed to a powerful haunting. It should have been.
"And this will not do," Tenney said, determination clouding his face. "It will not do at all."
Steve knew where this was going. And it was really, really illegal. "Sir, perhaps we should take a look in the lower levels before making any hasty conclusions.”
It wouldn't work - he knew his boss - but he had to try.
"I can't sense anything from down below, Steve."
"Maybe -"
"Are you telling me my senses are wrong?"
Oh boy. That sweet tone was usually only aimed at Francesca these days. "Of course not, sir."
"Good," Tenney said. "I've been in this business longer than you can imagine, my boy. If there was something above category five down there, I would know."
He clasped his hands behind his back as he turned to the porthole, to the grey sky and foam-flecked waves. "You have the equipment?"
"We need at least a category eight if we want our ratings to hold. You know what low ratings mean. No season three."
Steve nodded. He had the equipment. He always did, even if some of it could land him in jail. Preternaturals didn't like it if you walked around with powdered banshee tongue and ingredients like that. That's why Tenney didn't keep it on his own person.
"Good," Tenney said, when Steve took the little container with highly illegal things out of the hidden compartment in his camera bag. "Distract the girls for a few minutes, will you? This episode is going to be talked about for years."
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strawberryspeachy · 7 years
ok I bitch about my family A LOT. but I’m just gonna share some things my mother has done in the past few months and you lmk if she’s not crazy trilogy of the box: she buys stuff off witch sites - she bought some box. for the past 5 months shes been complaining that: 1) it released demons into the house 2) it trapped her soul inside 3) she has shards of metal in her neck that wont come out (these are spiritual metal btw) 4) she buried the box then complained it opened a portal in the backyard and she can see scary things coming out of the portal all the time and they’re watching her 5) she burned the box but it didn’t help anything she found some dude on the internet (she found many people on the internet) who tell her what is happening through pictures she takes on her shitty old android phone that are always blurry OK ONE 1) she pays this dude $60 an hour for sessions where he over the phone cleanses our house and unpossesses my family AND closes and opens portals  OK SIDE NOTE she thinks the cat is a spirit cat and that she goes through portals and thats why she can’t find her sometimes. the cat is crying from another dimension not hiding in the corner. 2) the people told her there’s pieces of bad energy in the house trying to form and tell her Indians died here and the whole property is just a whole bunch of death and some black guy was hung in the backyard and the trees are dying from his wrath (we don’t have a bunch of dying trees except for the ones the goats stripped the bark from) also theres some woman with a name who was killed here and haunting the place im sick and my throat hurts, she keeps giving my a ‘potion’ to put on my neck because the spirits are made she’s cleaning my moms room  my moms room is super haunted... because she has dementia ----- MY MOMS DEMENTIA IS HER BEING POSSESSED  .5) she curing my mom by talking to the internet dude and getting him to unpocess her without her permission  1) her dementia took a nose dive to keep her from going to texas because the spirits wanted her to say in her room and protect 2) haunted magazines from 1959 that are ‘mysteriously’ brand new looking  3) said magazines bring themselves back into the house and it’s not my mom hoarding them (well maybe it is her being possessed)  while cleaning my moms room today she put a box on the side of the dresser... with a bunch of stuff on it.. and when it fell she yelled into the air “OH NOW YOU’RE GONNA THROW SHIT AT ME IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP” (they’re mad at her for throwing the magazines away) she can’t clean the room for more than 3 minutes at a time because the energy is too strong for her and her newfound powers to handle I shouldn’t fight her because my mom can feel it down in texas she’s extra psychic no she takes pictures of people on her shitty phone then zooms in 100% to pixels and goes “isn't that gross. they shouldn’t look that way. its the spirits” in order to stop people from doing things she puts spells on them to cage them or some shit..  her bird keeps the spirits away from her and is her spirit animal... she tells her whey they’re trying to attack  heard her going “GET OUT. GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU ARE NOT INVITED HERE! GET OUT” went to her room and she told me im breaking her concentration there is a pink dot trying to get in her and because i just broke her concentration it got in and shes probably gonna be blind or something everything in life can be cured with salt baths, sage, essential oils, holly water, crystals, candles, and positive thoughts she takes pictures of her room goes “that shadow wasn’t there in real life”  she took down a mirror because it was casting a “weird shadow”  she texted my family when she first found these people online something about the house being possessed and she “HAS TO SAVE EVERYONE” (if my family weren’t assholes they would have called the cops on that shit like wtf) if im mad when she doesn’t think i should me or if im happy when she doesn’t think i should be - she looks at me perturbed and tells me im possessed and to let her help me ----- today i told her i can hear her outside my room even if im asleep (because im a light sleeper) she said “yeah cause you’re probably possessed too (in addition to my mom)” shes always talking  about moon shit like blood moons and blaming everything that happens on those days on the moon  how dare i wanna go out on a full moon! it makes people crazy - bad night!! when the spirits dont like something she found on the internet they dont let her share it on facebook  she burned sage for three weeks straight and when i got annoyed of smelling it constantly she said it was working and she was driving the spirits out of me  I made her watch DBZ Battle of Gods with me and she asked me if i think that stuff is real (because she started thinking it was) like bro it’s a world phenomenon i can tell you too many of us have tried it out and been very disappointed.... when we were 10... you are 45. she proudly declares she is a powerful witch disclaimer: my house is over 200 years old and weird shit totally happens here. she has been diagnosed with bipolar and borderline personality disorder - and she fits 95% of narcissistic disorder signs
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