#okama island
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inkmizzle · 11 months ago
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🩰 bon bon clay! (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ
"when i die, i want you to get to podium and go like: she ate, honestly... WORK! she is giving dead but she will always SERVE."
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ruyeung · 3 days ago
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zethsdumpster · 1 year ago
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every-sanji · 6 months ago
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psy-ay-ay · 1 year ago
being a one piece viewer is like: 5/5 best anime ever or stop with the fanservice please if i see one more boob bounce i'm going to riot what the fuck am i even watching
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hauntingblue · 7 months ago
I never noticed how boa hancock and sanji fight the same way??? Omg
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onepiecefashion · 7 months ago
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Dress for Tibany/Elizabeth
Valentino Resort 2018
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nerdgirlriot · 1 year ago
once upon a time syfy.com did a weird thing and paid me to write about fannish stuff so please enjoy this essay on why i love One Piece and why I'm always wary about One Piece. Just as a celebration of the story and the influx of new fans thanks to the Netflix series
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sirenemale · 2 years ago
omg u watch one piece..?
I'm such a latent one piece head lmao. I watched it all and caught up to the dressrosa arc when it was airing and then stopped because it felt like the worst slowest thing on the planet.
I'm still really fond of it. it's strange but has a lot of charm and really solid points. It's fun. I'd like to pick up where I dropped at some point, probably via the manga and bc im frothing at the mouth to know more abt the dude wjth the huge transgender boobs and horns I like him. I think it's hysterical how oda can have some of the most genuinely shocking trans caricatures in his media but also make them alarmingly full characters that you do enjoy, while gritting your teeth past the pervert jokes, and then somehow full circle to making trans characters in a shockingly normal way.
Ermm obviously I'm not disastrously keen on how he handles female characters. Robin and Nami both have such fun personalities and backstories and it sucks to see them bimbofied in real time but yk yk yk ykcomplicated thoughts on one piece but I have a lot of fondness for it. Brooke is good I like brooke.
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bobalegsanji · 11 months ago
Sanji's personality is unique and i love him for it
I love how stylish he is. He's well-groomed and cares about his personal hygiene. He's DRAMATIC, the straw hat's unofficial drama queen, always striking poses and rocking them. He's passionate, which is already often seen as a feminine trait, but he's passionate specifically about cooking. He cleans and takes care of domestic jobs on the Sunny; not because he has to but because he values a clean, safe space for his family. He's much more emotionally vulnerable than any other male on board, he's physically unable to control his love around women or his anger and annoyance around Zoro. He's sensitive, he started smoking because he wanted Zeff to see him as an adult. He can't help it but care about his family, even after years and years of torment and abuse. He's also sensitive to beauty, something no other male straw hat ever really shows: he appreciates food, and nature, and people, and animals (the rats, I'm going to cry). Even his fighting style can be seen as feminine (humour me for a second); he doesn't rely on brute strength or straightforward techniques. He fights elegant and fluid and intelligent. Oh god and don't get me started on Okama Island; the confusion and discomfort from seeing other men be so flamboyant and gender-noncomforming and proud. They're everything Sanji is, only a thousand-fold more.
It all gets so much more obvious after WCI. Sanji refuses to conform to the gender-affirming ideas his father put in his head from a young age. He refuses to be anything but a warm, loving, caring person like his mother. He's a perfectly written male character who's feminine traited, and he deserves the absolute world.
It's also why he fits in with the straw hats so well. Every single one of them is just a little bit fucked up. Sanji's never had a family like them: it's always been him VS the world, his personality VS the standards his father set (even at Baratie it was always his feminine traits VS a loving but incredibly male-dominated, masculine environment). I LOVE this man with my whole heart and I'll never shut up about him
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I love the transfem sanji headcanons and fanarts and fanfictions to pieces, but I think there is something so so important about him being a man who has personally suffered because of patriarchy.
Spoilers for whole cake island, and 3D2Y/marineford, under the cut
I’m sure it’s been said before, but Germa as a culture is patriarchy incarnate. The men of germa are expected to be emotionless killing machines, to the point where the king robbed his son’s of their emotions through genetic experimentation. And it’s not lost on me that Reiju still had her emotions in tact, because in Judge’s eyes women are supposed to be emotional. And Reiju had to spend her life suppressing her emotions in order to be seen as competent, for fear of being seen as just an emotional woman.
And then there’s Sanji. He’s everything Germa culture believes a man couldn’t be. He’s emotional, weak (by their standards), and soft (kind). To Judge, and Germa as a whole, those are very feminine traits, and that’s considered a bad thing. To them, being a man with feminine traits is worse than being a woman, and that’s why Sanji is abused so horribly.
It’s important to me that despite later developing a rough exterior and bad attitude, he retains these traditionally feminine qualities while still being a man.
Now I wanna talk about Kamabakka kingdom. I don’t know if the okama’s are supposed to be trans or if their drag queens or a combination of both, so forgive me if I get something wrong, but the important thing to note is that the second they meet Sanji, they essentially try to forcefem him. I think to them, his natural personality is like the ideal of femininity. Like in germa, Kamabakka kingdom sees Sanji’s emotionality and kindness as feminine traits, but unlike Germa, they see it as a good thing. Germa tried to force Sanji to give up those traits and beat the femininity out of him. Kamabakka kingdom wanted Sanji to embrace those traits but tried to force Sanji to become a woman because of them. And it works for a couple of weeks (until he sees what happened to Luffy in that one funny scene where the makeup literally melts off his face), but he’s not like them. He is not a woman, doesn’t want to be a woman, and doesn’t want to be perceived as a woman. He can love women and know he is not one.
Sanji isn’t a trans woman (canonically, but I absolutely love all the fanart and fics. This little analysis has no bearing on my love of non canon depictions of Sanji as trans). He is however, gender nonconforming in the context of the culture he was born into. I think in that brief time he went along with the okama’s ideas of him being trans, possibly had a lot to do with the doubts germa’s ideals cast on him about his gender identity. Germa taught him being emotional and kind were woman things, so with the Okama’s trying to convince him that he did feel that way, he might start to think, ‘well maybe I am a woman’, but the second he sees something that reminds him of Luffy, all that confusion goes away and he immediately goes, ‘no I am a man’.
Because Luffy doesn’t try to force Sanji into any kind of gendered box because of the traits that so many people he’s known have seen as feminine. Luffy doesn’t try to force him into traditional masculinity or try to force him to become a woman. To Luffy, Sanji’s kindness and emotionality are his best traits, and those traits are not connected to gender at all. Within the strawhats, Sanji has a freedom of gender expression that he didn’t have anywhere else (the baratie didn’t force anything on him but they were all kind of macho men so I don’t think Sanji would have felt super comfortable expressing his full range of emotions).
I think Sanji as a gender nonconforming man, fits better with his character narratively than sanji being transfem. Everything with Germa is a demonstration of how patriarchy is damaging to both men and women and nonbinary people. I think him being a man is very important to his relationship with the strawhats, and how he found acceptance with them as a man with a lot of traditionally feminine traits (in addition to him being emotional and kind, there’s also the fact that he’s a cook and is the only man on the crew to bathe everyday, specifically, he bathes as often as the girls). With the strawhats he is able to express himself fully without fear of judgment or of a label being forced onto him.
I guess my main point is, Sanji is an example of how patriarchy can hurt men, and how deconstructing traditional ideas of gender norms allows people to live more honest and fulfilling lives.
Sidenote 1: Luffy giving Sanji a space for freedom of expression is perfectly in line with his ideals of freedom.
Sidenote 2: Sanji’s sees woman as naturally emotional (a good thing to him) and kind because the only people he knew with thise characteristics besides himself were his mother and sister.
Sidenote 3: I sometimes see transmasc Sanji headcannons, which I love because they fit so well into his story.
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misqnon · 4 months ago
Thoughts on Sanji enjoying feminine things?
short thoughts: i love it and think he should do it more often esp because i feel like he definitely does in canon and just won't actually let himself do so. i don't draw him in drag all the time for no reason
long thoughts: [breathes in]
i could write an entire essay on sanji's character in terms of femininity, queerness, and misogny BUT we don't have time for all that so let's just focus on the fact i feel like there's actual evidence he enjoys traditionally non-masculine things and oda actually puts him in situations to highlight this pretty frequently
-i am guilty of calling sanji a metrosexual . it's a stupid word but it fits him. he's the only guy on the ship that showers every day and the only other ppl on the ship who do this are the two girls. man also wears suits like mad and has a fairly...daring fashion sense outside of that (granted, most ppl in one piece do.) but he just cares about these things more than most guys! and that doesn't even seem like something that came from his upbringing at baratie bc...no one else dressed like that. he just does that himself. i also can't stop thinking about the sbs where someone suggested sanji would be a stylist in real life and oda went "yes agreed"
-the kamabakka moment...okay terribly offensive and transmisogynistic (won't get into it bc i have several times before) BUT if we can take one thing from that it's that sanji *did* dress up in makeup and a dress and like. frolic with the okama. it's framed as "against his will" but he definitely could have torn that shit off quickly and easily enough, yet oda decided to imply sanji enjoyed it for at least a time before he chickened back out and called the place hell for 2 years. yea, it was probably for oda's idea of 'comedic effect' but this is, once again, one piece. sometimes the humor is part of the plot. sometimes very real information is given through the guise of humor. going off of this u could mention that (also offensive but meant to be funny) joke with the blood donation scene from fishman island
-idk just something about the way oda writes him fighting lots of queer or non-conventionally masculine characters. i feel like it says something about sanji having his own internal struggle about his masculinity- which we know must be true bc of his whole list of virtues he never breaks a la women because of his upbringing with good ol' fashioned zeff and uh. "men should be war machines" germa over here. he fights bon clay and queen for christ sake.
-the scene where he's like happy as a clam to be in nami's body in punk hazard is another comedy gag that's also a little . interesting. I could say oda just keeps accidentally coding him but I feel like oda's very intentionally with his characterization and the subtlety of it
-overall he's just clearly so interested in masculinity since zeff raised him to be that way and he holds zeff in such high regards in combination with his background with germa, his mother and his sister, leading to a I Have To Be A Perfect Gentlemen And Also Respect Women by Putting Them On the Highest of Pedestals. and this in turn has made him reluctant to engage with femininity in any way that could be perceived as Not fitting this manly persona he's made for himself, yet he keeps getting put up against it in various small moments in the series whether comedic or not. I don't think oda frames sanji's relationship with masculinity entirely as a character flaw or weakness to be fixed, bc oda seems to respect sanji's views/they align with oda's own views. BUT I do think he knows it's partially susceptible to change and....he makes Sanji encounter these things so often for a reason. does that make sense?
in my ideal world sanji 20 years in the future is a bit more feminine even if he's still a casanova ladies man. like he accepted the okama influence in his life, he's just more quiet about it, lmao. I mean did u see his hair for oda's 40 yr old design
so yeah. he does, I think. quietly and deep down.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months ago
I'm glad you liked my AU! I think Akainu calling her princess has to do with her family wanting to find her and to use her for their own greed (like marrying her off). So they have informed the marines and given them a photo of young Sanji. Sanji is easily recognazible, even when she is older. With her sun blond hair and twirly eyebrows, she's clearly the second princess of Germa.
She's protected by the Strawhats and Ace who sails with them. I think Sanji would have learned many more things and wouldn't be so feral, only when needed to. And she can be an evil thing when she's angry.
But then all that happens, blah, blah, blah. And the same thing happens and Sanji has to go back to her family. I actually don't have an idea how her family would react to a grown up Sanji who looks exactly like Sora and isn't the sweet docile kid she was when she was younger but a feral, confident and strong woman.
And you can call me Mika, you will surely see me more.
Hi Mika, welcome to the blog! I loved the au. I'm curious what you mean when you say Sanji wouldn't be so feral if she's been alone on an island for years with no contact other than newspapers. I feel like Sanji lost all sense propriety over the years of being alone outside of animals. I think she would have been assimilated into at least three different animal families.
I do think that's what's going on with Akainu and the Navy and Sanji. Sanji doesn't know why they're after her but I think Ivankov still takes her and tries to get her into maiden training but Sanji probably keeps attacking the Okama to the point they just toss clothes at her and slowly gain her trust. I think it also reminds her too much of Germa to take it but she still learns the attack cuisine because she's passionate. She likes the clothes though, they're softer than what she came in. I feel like shoes might be a long work in progress, because they want to help but I feel like it's that scene from ATLA when they're scrubbing Toph's feet but Sanji and them trying to put a pair of tennis shoes on her. Someone also introduces her to cigarettes and she loves them.
And when she's dropped off with Ace and the Strawhat crew, with Marco watching over them and getting to know the crew properly. Marco thanks her for her help as Ace just wraps around her and holds her close and she just leans in, just like that first time she murmurs about how warm he is into his chest. Marco takes a picture to take back to the remnants of the fleet, of those who haven't met her but saw what she did for Ace. Marco also mentions she's absolutely feral, she kicked molten glass the first time they met and Sanji growls at him making him laugh. Luffy talks about how cool she is, what she did during the war. Sanji thinks she might fall asleep from how warm Ace is. She's TOUCH STARVED OKAY?
She doesn't really trust her new crew yet but does one hundred percent, after a talk with Ace after they leave Sabaody and start sailing, try her best to be "nice" and "get to know them". Ace is there to help, usually. Sometimes he's not though and Zoro is goading her into fights a lot, good training he says, and when Ace isn't there Sanji will definitely fall for it. She kicks hard because she hasn't really gotten out of the win or die mentality. Luckily Zoro is tough, even if he seems surprised every time he has to swim back to the ship.
Then in Punk Hazard Ace is doing his best to convince her to put on snow boots. She claims her shoes are fine and Robin, ever so motherly and sweet, says they don't want Sanji to lose her toes to frost bite, it is awfully painful after all. Sanji sets her legs on fire in response. Ace packs boots into a backpack, just in case. Thank God because bodies get swapped as they're saving the kids they find that weird surgeon guy from the Summit War. Nami puts the boots on and glares at Sanji in her body who is pulling at the clothes. Ace is taking several deep breaths and explaining to Sanji she can't risk Nami's body, just like Nami is not risking hers. Law fully stops to ask what the fuck is wrong with her and Ace is looking at him just so very tired and tells him to fuck off for the moment, if Sanji's okay with it they can talk about it later. Law shrugs, switches them again, and leaves. Ace yells at him. When they're leaving, after Sanji has fed all of them and the marines. Smoker keeps looking at Sanji, as is Law but they're looking in different ways and Smoker has been around long enough to know what's going on and Sanji and knows too well. Smoker pulls Sanji away and lets her know, whether it be pity or kindness or some kind or a mixture of the two, he warns her. About what the Vinsmokes are doing and Sanji nods. Smoker pats her head and notices she's smoking now and lights her cigarette. The glare from Ace is fully ignored.
Between Punk Hazard and Dressrosa Sanji lets Law look her over ( @mcnana did this to me) and Law definitely getting his answers to what the fuck is going on. Sanji's been isolated for a while before meeting Ace and the others before going back to only having animals for company. Her reading skills are truly remarkable, she doesn't like talking or shoes. She doesn't like the infirmary and will hide behind Ace. Ace looks unimpressed at Law and Chopper whenever this happens. Robin is giggling at them, Brook is cracking skull jokes, Franky is crying and saying how cute they are, Ace is done. So done. He tells Law to quit studying his girlfriend because he's upsetting her. Law swallows his pride and apologizes. Surprisingly. He does still ask about why Smoker had pulled her aside and she wrinkles her nose at him and walks away. Ace sighs and follows her but Law just frowns. That's just a genuine question because if she has an in with the marines it could be useful. Nami agrees and Usopp says it seemed far more personal than that. Luffy mentions Akainu called her a princess during the war and no one knows what that means and shrug it off for the time being.
Ace doesn't go with her when the crew splits in Dressrosa, instead he sees Sabo for the first time in years and when all the fighting is done Zoro is begging Sabo to not get Ace started on his girlfriend. Sabo grins and tells them all about Koala and Robin giggles every now and then. Ace in turns tells him about Sanji and finding a girl wrapped in a sail and kicking molten glass at him. Sabo says only he could fall in love with a girl like that with the most dead pan expression possible. Ace shrugs, he loves her, and Sabo says he can't wait to meet her before wishing them all well and leaving. When they're leaving and seeing the bounties it's weird because Sanji's first bounty, her first one ever shows an impressive size but also that she's wanted only alive. Ace isn't fucking panicking okay, no matter what anyone says. He's not.
Sanji, meanwhile, is staring at Judge with the recollection of being a child and what happened but he seems taken aback by her appearance. All of them do, but especially Reiju and Judge. Her brothers look like they're seeing a ghost. She's looking at them cautiously and with curiosity. Having escaped so long ago and then living on that isolated island then becoming a pirate, she's forgotten royal standards. One of the boys spooks her and she snarls and she throws him into a wall hard enough to crack it. She sets herself on fire trying to get away when they're sticking the cuffs on her and screaming. She's cursing them and Reiju is remembering her mother yelling at Judge for what he did to the quadruplets, for what he did to her children. Her illness took much from her, including her kids. Seeing Sanji, a carbon copy of the dead queen is upsetting and freeing and so many things that makes Reiju's heart clench and sing and cry and cheer. Then she meets her supposed fiance despite her dating Ace and saying so. The Charlottes are confused, the Vinsmokes are confused, when the Strawhat Pirates show up with Ace and she's trying to get back to them but the cuffs start beeping Sanji is confused. Nami says something about the collars from Sabaody and Sanji doesn't know what that means but she knows they'll blow up her hands. Niji yells 'Mom, you gotta come back!' before realizing what he yelled as the beeping continues and Judge is growing angry. So angry and wrathful and threatens her and she looks so heartbroken as she goes back. They scream for her and when Sanji sneaks out later she says she wants to go home and Ace is promising they'll get her home, get her back to the Sunny and Luffy says he's going to beat up her dad. Sanji says she would like to save her brothers and sister, but Judge is free game.
I think Sanji doesn't really know about the assassination plot, mostly because she's dead set on getting back out. The plan made and at the wedding it kicks off. Ace fully just goes after Judge and Luffy is fighting Katakuri. Pudding's nose is actively bleeding and Chopper is worried about her. It's Yonji who grabs Sanji and carries her away like 'we'll protect you this time, Mom' and Sanji's absolutely not sobbing about that. Nope. She does fire kick him in the face though. And that counts for something. Ichiji is the one who helps her fight after being freed from Yonji. He doesn't call her 'Mom' but he does apologize for the way she was treated as a child. She's staring at him and trying to decide whether or not to bite him. She almost breaks several teeth and Ichiji looks nonplussed by this reaction. Reiju would be laughing if it didn't mean dying. During the escape Ichiji and Reiju slip her their dendens and her raid suit before the crew heads off to Wano.
Upon seeing the rest of the crew and teary hugs in the reunion she even hugs Law because he is her friend. He's been around enough to consider him a friend and he listens. Law's crew loses it at that and Ace fully takes a picture to give to Marco. If Law is beet red no one mentions it, except everyone. Everyone mentions it. Ace nods in solidarity with the captain of the Heart Pirates. Sanji is something feral and special and it's clear everyone meets her falls a little in love with her in their own way.
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stars-mars13 · 9 months ago
One Piece Character Angst/Angst HC's
(some are a mix of my random typed out thoughts and others I've heard from ppl)
Thinking about how Law has probably slowly started to forget Cora's face, how he has so many medicinal books about the frontal lobe and memories and how to regain memories just to be able to remember Cora's face.He'll break down in tears and the other heart Pirates have to comfort him but every time they wrap their hands around him the only one he can think of is Cora and his warmth and how much he misses it. Thinking about how the main three Heart Pirates, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all remind him of Cora in some way. How some days it'll be too hard to even look at any of the Heart Pirates because every time he does he catches glimpses of Cora. How meeting the first three Heart Pirates and remembering how he met them always brings him back to remembering Cora. How he probably blocks out memories from that time and anytime they try to reference that period of time, he'll tell them in a bit of a panic that he can't remember and so they'll have to help him. They tell him over and over so he can't forget again. Thinking about how those three are probably the ones who bought Law the material and the sewing kit that he would later use to make his clothes that he incorporates Cora into.
Thinking about how the reason Law hated the female version of himself is because it just reminded him of his little sister. Sweet Lami, who if she had the chance to grow up, would probably look something like how he did. That's why he was so quick to change back, cuz he couldn't and wouldn't think of her. He couldn't think of seeing her empty eyes, her cold, empty eyes. He couldn't think of how he couldn't save her. And during Lami's last seconds all she could think of was her brother, all she could think of was going with him and getting ice cream and playing and doing all the things he promised. And actually thought of these things a smile made its way onto her face. And that's how he found her smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, always smiling. And that's why seeing Cora's dead body with that same smile made it all the more worse. He hated it. What were they smiling about? Were they really so happy to leave him? Did they feel at peace? Why couldn't he save them? Why couldn't he take their place? If he had even a sliver of a chance to do so, he would.
Thinking about how Sanji pulls that his hair when stressed, because he just has to reassure himself that he's no longer in that helmet, no longer in that cell, that cold dark desolate cell with no one but himself. How whenever it gets too quiet he has to go outside on the deck, go around the other straw hats, because if it's too quiet he's back in that cell again.
Thinking about how one of the main reasons Sanji hated being on Okama Island was the dressing up. Because when he went back to his room one those nights and saw himself, he would spiral into a panic attack because he hadn't seen HER in so long and- GOD, he really does have her eyes, and- and her nose and her mouth. And he just looks so much like her and he HATES it. He's reminded of it every time they succeed in getting him in a dress and putting makeup on him. He feels his hands shake and his breath quickens and eventually the Queens notice. At first they think it's because he just doesn't want to accept this version of himself, but they then realize that's not the case. Sanji hates it because it reminds him of his mother, the one person who showed care and loved freely, even though she would never be free. It haunts him. He hates it even more during WCI, when Reiju mentions how much he looks like her. He can see it in her eyes that whenever she looks at him, all she sees is their mother. He learns to love it eventually, to realize that looking like her means he has another piece of her with him. How it made him look more human. Even though, with the modifications coming in, he no longer felt like he was.
Thinking about how whenever Doffy's left alone he'll get that voice in the back of his head, the one he hears whatever he thinks of Rosi, the one that just yearns for his younger brother. The voice in the back of his head screaming and crying for his baby brother. The one that doesn't understand why or how he's gone. The one that doesn't understand that HE'S the reason why his precious baby brother whom he loves so much is dead.It increased ever since he went to Impel Down. It cries and screams and begs for it's little brother. But he pushes it down, he doesn't acknowledge that the reason that he can't see or have his little brother in his arms is because of himself. He doesn't comprehend that all of this is his fault. The voice screams at him that it's all his fault, that he's a monster, that he needs to burn. But he doesn't listen, why should he? His precious baby brother's dead now, after all.
Thinking about how Uta probably kept singing because she hated how quiet it was in that house. She had no one to talk to. Her father, the man she trusted with her entire being had thrown her away. She still hears his voice when she sings, complimenting her when she hits the correct notes and reassuring her when she doesn't. She lies awake at night wondering why he left her. Maybe she wasn't a good musician, that's okay, she'll just practice more and maybe he'll come back for her.
Or maybe, just maybe, she was a bad daughter. Maybe he was just tired of her. Maybe he got tired of her being bad. Maybe he didn't like her playing around and being loud. But she and Luffy played around and he never said anything bad. Then again, he always seemed to like Luffy more. She could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at Luffy. She doesn't blame him, Luffy shines brighter than the Sun. Her jealousy of him would never burn brighter than Luffy himself. That's probably it. He doesn't want her because he has Luffy. He probably didn't want her in the first place. She was just dull copper in that pile of shining gold in the treasure chest which he found her. But at least she had Ben! But then, why didn't Ben help her? Did Ben not like her either?
...Did any of them?
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holliday-is-holligay · 7 months ago
Yamato and Kiku
Okay so I just adore that Wano's given us two trans characters with completely different approaches to gender expression.
First we meet Kiku, who presents so typically femme that she would not stand out from the crowd of the rest of One Piece's female characters in Wano. The reveal of her as trans is actually a twist that catches us off-guard. None of the straw hats travelling with her realise until they're told by someone else, and they never make a big deal of it again.
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And then there's Yamato, our transmasc king whom I love and who I blorbo blorbo something blorbo. I'm sorry, I'm trying to write well but my guy entered the manga by fucking up a dinosaur with a club he stole from his dad, ran away with Luffy, and announced that he kins Oden and that he's a guy whilst also revealing the single best pair of tits and one of the COOLEST designs in all of One Piece in the course of a single chapter... Yamato's introduction is so sick.
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But that's kinda my point on Yamato? Like, he doesn't try to make himself look more masculine. And he doesn't NEED to make himself look more masculine for other characters to accept him as a man. He just says "I'm a man" and outside of the literal child who needs a little more explaining in order to understand, everyone basically picks it up and accepts it immediately.
One Piece has NOT always been perfect when it comes to gender identity and presentation. Obviously Bon Clay was a fucking legend, Queers Never Die, and we stan Ivankov in this house, but it's also clear that Oda was on some shakey ground as he was trying to balance telling compelling stories with queer characters and trying to mine queerness for comedy like he does with everything else and then tripping into some really sensitive territory which he probably should have known better about.
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I'm not going to forget Okama Island, or the Transphobic Sanji storyline. That happened. It was bad. It was insensitive.
But I'd be foolish to say that Oda hasn't grown and learned over the years. Cause he gave us Kiku and Yamato, and I love them, they're wonderfully handled.
Hell, I've done this entire ramble here and I never even touched on Luffy's very much highlighted asexuality/aromanticism! But maybe that's not my conversation to have.
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snowywolf1005 · 10 months ago
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Sorry it took so long to write this.
"MOM?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Luffy, ask, you smile. "Oh, to spend time with you and your crew." You said. Luffy jaw dropped to a surprise, and the whole crew drop.
Luffy introduced to you, his crew, and let say the straw hat crew we're pretty shocked. And whole crew will ask you so many questions.
Asking how you're luffy mother? How did you rise him? There is no way you rise a idiot?! Yeah... you told them that you rise Luffy and his brothers. Ace and sabo.
And your sister joins in too, luffy decided to give you some breakfast. He will just yell at sanji to bake food for you, "this tastes really good," you said.
"See! Sanji is the best cook!" Said luffy, luffy will tell you all the story he and his crew went, beat some bad guys. "Excuse me, luffy mom, can I ask you a question?" Nami asked.
(Luffy and your sister We're fighting about he took her lunch)
"Just call me Mrs. (Y/N) and you will call my sister Mrs. (S/N)," you said with a kind soft voice. "Mrs. (Y/N), how do you manage to sail across here?" She asked.
"Yeah, how do you and aunt (S/N) sail all the way here?" Luffy asks, you look at your sister. "Well, we didn't sail all the way to your ship. We flew." Said (S/N), "WHAT!?" The crew yelled.
"YOU CAN FLY!?" Chopper asks, with joy. (S/N) Look at Chooper with a confused look, "Who said, we can fly?" She questioned. Everyone was frozen thinking, if you and your sister didn't fly, then how did you fly.
Then, a loud noise sounded like a bird scream. The crew went out to see this bird creature:
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"WHAT IS THAT!?" Nami yelled, "TAMA!!"Luffy yelled, hugging the creature name tama. The crew was frozen in shock, and zoro almost attacked tama.
Robin was curious about tama. You told them tama is a mountain banshee, and the strawhat crew never heard about the mountain banshee.
Yeah... so, you let luffy ride tama for a bit. You show some baby pictures book of your boys, luffy kinda embarrassed.
"MOM!?" Ace question, seeing you riding on tama. You told him you came here to have more time with him. And you meet whitebeard, "it been in a long time (S/N),(Y/N)" he said.
"I see you grown old, whitebeard," said (S/N), Edward laugh. "I see you become a mother. How was shank? Is he still flirting with you?" He asked, you chulked.
"Think again. He still hasn't given up," you said, shook your head. "Well, it been a long time, (Y/N)," said marco, and your siblings are here too, your brother. He was with whitebeard crew.
"(B/N)!" You smile, hug your brother, "you be pretty hungry, we have food here," said Ace. "And I won't forget tama," he said. (marco and your sister are having a fight cause in the past they promised if they met up again. And continue the fight)
You watch Ace eating some meat and talk about the adventures he had, and then he falls asleep. You laughed, and the whole crew started to laugh, too.
Ace shows you his fire skill and his sticker. You were amazed by his life he had, being a show off. But... you did bring a baby photo book of Ace when he was baby.
The crew tries not to laugh so hard, and ace is still kinda embarrassed. He wants to tell you not to show more baby photos of him, but you couldn't resist.
Whitebeard ask you and your sister to join them, but you can't. Cause you came here to see your son, it really hurt ace, but he understands.
You and your sister arrived at okama Island, where sabo is at, and you met Dragon, luffy Real Father. He thanked you for rising luffy as a mother.
"Mother! Is nice to meet you here! And you too, as well auntie (S/N)!" Said sabo, he hugs you tight, knowing that how much he misses his mother so much. You meet sabo friends, they pepper dinner.
Sabo eats quite normal. You remember he went crazy when he was a kid, he changed a lot. Your sister train sabo, how trust the creature from your hometown.
And she teaches him how to fly with tama, even though tama doesn't quite remember sabo, but she still remembers him when he was a kid. And guess what? You show them the baby photos book!
It was quickly when sabo remembered the photos. You're glad to see sabo again, and sabo told you how it happened. How he didn't die.
You teach sabo how to communicate with other animals from your country. You remember it was yesterday when you taught your sons about your hometown.
"Hey, mom... do you remember the lullaby? When you sang for us?" Said sabo, you smiles. "Hush, hush... Baby rabbit on the hillside... Why are your eyes so red? When I was small... mother ate the fruit of the red tree... and that's why my eyes are red" you sang
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