#ok tag commentary time
soundsdangeresque · 1 year
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days 3, 4, and 5 of inktowbew!
i couldnt think of anything for day 3 so i mixed it with day 4 and drafted bixby o7
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arvoze · 8 months
[3/3] HHNFLARTAS - what's done is done
hell hath no fury like a rescue team association scorned not a fic or anything, i just ramble a lot about my pmd ocs in a digestible format that's more or less that kind of content. random yearly event for rescue teams. covers no more than like, one week of VV content
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the rescue team association #1, again
there comes a point where it gets complicated. the RTA can't let you pass just because you completed their challenges -- you could cheat to win, and that wouldn't be reliable, after all. there's a million and one technicalities to consider.
yes, keith's team saved the rescue, who came back safe and unharmed. they also secured the item at the end of the dungeon. so what gives?
you never split the team. the rescue takes priority.
but they did the rescue. does it really matter? you can't just go off of stuff like this. there's specifics to it. it's a case-by-case basis.
both parties are right, in their own way. it's not a black and white case.
in the RTA's defense, they aren't wrong. you've got to consider how their actions would come across out of context.
a rescue has been secured. a member has split from their team, taking the rescue with them.
they split from the team. this puts them in immediate danger. they also have the rescue with them, so they're endangering the rescue as well.
if the solo member is incapacitated, the rescue is at incredible risk. the member is also at risk.
team splits can cause multiple problems to arise at once. it may also be seen as a disagreement.
extreme measures had to be taken to ensure the remaining members completed their goal.
the usage of a flood orb is not commonplace. team inventory will not always have this item available. it cannot be considered a reliable solution to a problem.
relying entirely on one item makes you a liability. it can be considered an easy way out.
the monster house was not fully defeated, simply temporarily disposed of. if the orb failed to work, the team would not have survived.
if the rescue was there, they could have been swept up in the confusion.
their general behaviour may be seen as too immature and unreliable.
this only checks out if they're monitored during their dungeon run. the three have a lot of chemistry with eachother, and have a lot of banter together. when you're unaware of how they talk to eachother, it can be seen as constant bickering and arguing.
regardless of how seriously they take the job when it's required (since they don't really like to be tense the whole way through), they have lapses of silliness and tomfoolery. this is because the RTA is incredibly boring and hate fun.
they barely even survived. let's be honest.
this is self-explanatory.
the rescue team association #2
in the defence of keith's team, you'd have to consider the following:
a rescue has been secured. mike has split from the team, taking the rescue with him.
he split from the team, a mutual agreement between all three members. they decided that this was the best way to get the rescue to safety. mike is strong and fast enough to get the rescue out of the dungeon with his remaining energy.
mike didn't become incapacitated. and if he was close to such, he can take matters into his own hands to really save his skin, and, more importantly, the rescue.
there was no disagreement, and mike was going backwards. he wasn't taking any new paths and discovering new things/triggering events. he was simply backtracking, taking the safest routes.
the rescue plant, an undetermined pokemon of undetermined rescue knowledge, agrees that this was the best decision to make given the circumstances.
extreme measures had to be taken to ensure keith's team could complete their goal.
this is because luwel prepared for the worst. when you plan for a rescue, you already know what kind of environment to expect, so you prepare thusly; this is no different. if it were a real job, and keith's team were the only pokemon available, it would be the exact same -- luwel would prepare the very same items as he did for this adventure.
they had the flood orb, which meant it was available to them at the time. a problem was predicted, planned for, and then solved. this is how it should be.
keith's team did not rely on a singular item. instead, luwel took the time into planning out the right items to carry with them, getting a rough estimate on the dungeon size and how difficult the job would be. to say the item is the sole reason they survived is to completely undermine luwel's ability to plan ahead.
a monster house does not have to be defeated in order for either goal to be met. if a third task was to defeat a monster house, then this would apply. but this was not the case, so it does not.
the rescue would have been accounted for. keith's team will make quick decisions, but they will never forgo the rescue to make them. the rescue, had they been present in the room at the time of the orb's use, would have been given a heads-up, and the team would take the initiative to keep the rescue safe before using the orb. additionally, the rescue was not even there at the time.
keith's team communicate with eachother frequently, including having light conversation, as well as constructive discussions about eachother.
sorry that you're too unfamiliar with a good relationship to understand their dynamic. the rescue would state that despite the circumstances, they did feel that keith's team had great communication. this is a non-issue, and exists just to make the cause for failure bigger than it actually was.
there's a lot of back-and-forths. guildmaster rime is not happy with the results.
the rescue team association #3
truth be told, there's… really not a lot that the team can do about the situation. what's done is done. they can fight their case if they really wanted to, but it's just resources wasted. as far as they're aware, at least.
guildmaster rime has always been in keith's team's ballpark. hell, keith is like a son to him, he is a son to him -- keith's going to inherit his guild, for goodness sakes! how can rime be succeeded by someone who failed the master trials for no real good reason? it won't do. it just won't do. the guildmaster is typically in agreement with the RTA when it comes to grading, as a seasoned explorer himself -- but to not consider keith's case? to fault them on technicalities alone? it's not right. it isn't fucking right. he'll do something about it. or at least, try to.
as a guildmaster, rime has some form of contact with the RTA. it's a required system in order to have a guild be truly recognised in the world, and additionally mandatory for any teams to earn ranking points. he drops a line of inquiry into the guild's connection orb, but there's been no response for several days. despite his grievances with the system, rime knows better than to push.
the boys have already forgotten about it, for the most part. they're discouraged, but they know in their hearts what they truly are: a good team who did the right thing. keith tries to distract himself by ranting and raving about the process of getting another flood orb. luwel's been trying to distract himself by writing up varying arguments to plead their case, which isn't really a distraction at all. mike is… unbothered. he cares, but doesn't have enough faith in the system, and settles more on the idea of "we know our truth and that's that, if they can't see it that's on them". every time luwel brings up a possible counter-point, mike gives him a thwap on the head. "best to keep it to yourself," mike says. "i dunno if keith can take it".
they cross paths with team PB&J occasionally, who, against all odds, ranked in the top 100. keith would say it was a total fluke that they did, and truthfully, he's right. it pisses him off further.
it's been about a week. the RTA responded to rime, after sending a rotom drone or two out to survey the boys. none of them noticed. nothing really fun or exciting to report on. the drones were simply just monitoring their day-to-day, to see how they've decided to take the results. it's invasive, and certainly not something they consented to, but the RTA can do whatever they want if you more or less work for them. thankfully, they do not find luwel's musings, as he gave up before the first surveillance.
rime's call is short-lived. there's not much to say, according to the RTA. the final findings were, essentially, "agree to disagree". they'd argued that because the case wasn't black and white, a true, rightful verdict couldn't be settled on; this uncertainty meant it was safer to fail keith's team than it was to pass them.
nobody had the desire to combat the RTA of all people about the decision any further. failing due to just barely missing the mark was better than failing due to sheer ineptitude, which lead to some sort of small victory for the team in the end. at least we aren't total failures, i guess, keith would think to himself.
not that they'd expected things to go their way. they knew that by now.
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emblazons · 2 years
“The duffers are just two straight white guys who want the hero to get the girl, with a slap dash of role reversal because she’s the one with powers”
Counter: The Duffers are two nerdy white guys who have never once been confirmed as straight (one simply happens to be married to a woman) who had a chance taken on them by a big studio who now—by some social deference to nostalgia with thrilling elements—show run one of the most popular shows in the world.
(forewarning for some pettiness & some sarcasm lmao)
They have literally said they are film nerds surprised by their audience because they expected it to appeal only to people like them: fellow nerds and film kids (who went to one of the most well-respected film schools in California, and maybe the states) whose OG pitch was inspired by Denis Villeneuve (director of Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, & Dune to name a few), True Detective (Cary Fukunaga), and the subversive horrors & fantasies of their childhood—and who have shown season over season they are entirely unafraid to vilify homophobia, subvert heteronormativity, and tell queer stories with deference to the emotions of the queer person.
They have also again and again shown that they do not necessarily defer to or even agree with the things their actors say implicitly (making faces when they say things they don’t necessarily agree with) and explicitly (saying “we’re not game of thrones’ when Millie + Noah said they should start killing people off). They have said more than once that they regret leaning into public opinion or fan desires over the story they want to tell, and that they will not be doing so for their final seasons (despite knowing it will upset some of their fans).
Now….with all of this in mind—you want to bet that these two men are planning on “subverting the trope” by doing…the same shit every show you’ve ever seen do to their queer characters? To undermine an entire season of romantic tension they placed between two of the male leads in an ensemble cast, INCLUDING confirming that one of them is in fact gay and in love with the other one, despite knowing how important good storytelling is to them based on their words and inspirations? To internalize the words of one of their actors at a fan con (who merely said he “doesn’t think” something, and then said “we’ll see”) as law over 6.5 years of evidence proving they are literally just going to do what they want, actors and audience be damned?
Lmao. Just…lmao.
I don’t worship the duffers by any stretch of the imagination (and in fact have a fair amount of critique for how certain things were handled) but…even I know believing their idea of a good story is 1) gonna do the same shit everyone else has before them to queer characters they’ve already shown more respect to than not and 2) going to be dictated by the whims of people upset at them for simultaneously being too heteronormative and not heteronormative enough is…laughable, to say the least.
Please realize that actors and fans are not the central drivers of story in this show (unlike so many others) and rest from the constant emotional rollercoaster of believing everyone but the people who run the story. I promise you will know a lot more peace, in life and on the internet lmaooooo
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szappan · 1 month
im also increasingly sure that im autistic but we'll never ever confirm that </3
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me? watching dhmis for the 'nth time? its more likely than you think
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house-of-tales · 8 months
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"The Honorary Knight is going to give Klee some siblings?"
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opaleyedprince · 7 months
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i was inspired to make some ocs in this picrew!
aleksandr (fear and hunger: termina) || hokuto gojo (jjk) doll (elden ring/soulsborne) || donatello of the turks (ff7) sakuya kamo (jjk) || oneiros (hades game)
tagging @riikugan, @devilbrakers, @the-dark-urge, @strixhaven and YOU if you see this and want to do it - tag me so i can see!
divider is from here.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
It is very tiring trying to be like "shadowgast cute and soft, make brain go brrr" while simultaneously feeling still that, even a year and a half later, to a loud portion of the fandom, their relationship through the last ten-ish episodes of the campaign didn't "count" because there was not a (mouth-to-mouth) kiss involved, even though their interactions throughout that last arc were absolutely crucial to Caleb's storyline, and gave the impression of prioritizing each other even while focused on averting an apocalypse.
And in particular, the moments they had at the Blooming Grove were very sweet and spoke of the importance they placed on each other and the grace they were willing to extend to themselves in settling what they both still needed to settle before another step could be taken. But evidently that doesn't actually matter because it didn't result in a traditional domestic relationship (ignoring that, clearly, that isn't even really a possibility regardless of their interest, per the two-shot).
If the feeling had not persisted so insidiously among the fandom, I really would not be so persnickety about it, but it has never felt like that subsided and it is simply rearing its head in a far more noticeable way now that those folks can claim there's actually something to "celebrate" to their standards, as though a relationship cannot possibly be real unless you've watched two people stick their tongues down each other's throats.
Like, do people not realize how exclusionary (and, frankly, pretty invasive) that sounds, or do they simply not give a fuck?
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
ive been reading too much wuwa hate cannot tell if it's unnecessary doom and gloom or genuinely like terrible storywise
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arvoze · 2 years
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grassy terrain
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supermarketcrush · 1 year
heyyyy phoenix🫶 have you read or watched anything good recently? would really like some recs! hope you're doing well<3
hiiii jess💕💕💕💕💕 i could lie to seem cool but sadly i haven't been watching or reading anything cool lately, im trying to finish the vampire lestat but i cannot in good conscience call it good 💔 but my most recent movie was the devil wears prada and i enjoyed it plenty!!
hope u have a stella day too x)
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soulesplinters · 2 years
The Dragon and the adventurer
Most, if not all, were hapless victims to the twisted dark woods of the Crumbling Castle.
Whether it were for pride or innocent curiosity, the reason for these travelers' venture into the forest never mattered in the end, as it always ended in the same fate: disappearance.
Eventually... there was one who came that proved to be "quite" different than the others before them.
They had a playful happy go lucky attitude, treating the dangerous woods as if it were a mere sports obstacle. An attitude that could've been easily mistaken for foolish ignorance.
Despite this, they've shown to be clever- clearly having experienced similar feats beforehand.
And despite the dragon's efforts... the adventurer still remained.
(continued in link below)
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torchickentacos · 1 year
ok i've been feeling under the weather (chronic, not covid) and i've been binge watching warrior cats infodumps/video essays and.... hhhhhh do I REALLY want to reread half the series to make a post about my leopardstar apologism?? becuse girlie deserved better and if she was written better she'd be everyone's favorite literal wet cat pathetic girlfail girlboss tragic character but nope. got vriska'd but like in a 'shallow without redeeming qualities' kinda way
#like ok let me go down the list of my unorganized opinions about her#<<long tags. also edit i talk about pokemon paul too i guess#this is barely even canon commentary because in canon she was a bitch who died of diabetes. this is me exploring her canon potential#first off. i just like her unique pattern#and i'm a riverclan stan#second. orphan who was raised by the village and adored and doted on#would inevitably lead to her feeling like she had to fulfill those expectations and setting high goals for herself#AND SHE REACHES THEM!!!!! she is motivated and strong and determined#but she's also iirc pretty young as a leader but age in wc is more of a crapshoot than even pokemon which. yikes lol#so. very young leader who has high expectations on her and also high expectations of herself#desperate to prove herself#and so. strong and iirc described as handsome tom comes along and manipulates her into joining his new megaclan#SHE IS YOUNG AND WANTS TO DO WHAT'S BEST#FOR HER CLAN#also tigerstar is like. top manipulator supreme. apologism and all but leopardstar was a victim idc#that turns out to be. you know. bad. tiger is trying to kill her clanmates which she did NOT sign off on#so she has to deal with that SUPER EARLY in her leadership#so we come out of arc 1 with a new leader who's seen more in her first like what. year. than many leaders do in a long time#so after joining tigerclan of COURSE riverclan secludes themselves more#it's a protective measure!!!!!#riverclan is going THROUGH it in series 1#and ngl i barely remember the rest of the series with ehr because they kinda forget she exists#except to have her go crazy and die#which. hm. a choice.#but wc is known for their. choices. of the odd variety.#and for ignoring character potential#i dub this the paul problem (pokemon).#where they will not commit to making a character a true villain OR to redeeming them#and isntead just placing them in 'annoying bitch who is just kinda eh' territory for the msot part#i do like paul do not get me wrong. i could fix him
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torchflame · 1 year
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*giggles and kicks my legs and twirls my fingers around my hair* first torchflame post on this acc 💪time to get consumed in brainrot
their absolutely gorgeous design was by @almighty-shortest (look look look I drew them 😎)
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bronanlynch · 10 months
obsessed w the choice to have reinhard & hilda hook up for the first time in the context of. reinhard is having a breakdown over his guilt at the death of his boy best friend like. very heterosexual of him, I'm sure
#also like. it is so funny to me that people ship this as like. them being In Love and fluffy etc etc like. the vibes are extremely Not That#they fuck bc he's having a breakdown. she leaves before he wakes up and looks terrified when he comes to see her#he gave her a military position and wanted to make her prime minister and every time she correctly disagrees with him he hates her for it#she's the closest thing he has to a friend but he can't forgive her for not being kircheis so he marries her instead#he brings flowers bc it's what mittermeyer did bc he's following a script bc he doesn't know how to do any of this#(this being. heterosexuality. having any kind of normal relationships with people. functioning in society)#she canonically doesn't feel like she understands how to be a woman#oh my god are they the 'he's gay she's a lesbian their marriage will change your perception of love' couple#wait no also. his reason for proposing. jesus christ his entire concept of gender & relationships is So shaped by what happened to annerose#he feels obligated to marry her now but also. as if marrying her isn't just another way of trapping her into that kind of role#like she's can't be ur official military advisor or ur prime minister. she has to be Your Wife. and i cannot see her being happy w that#like it would get her what she wants (advancement for her family) but oh my god at what cost#sorry these tags are just. my running commentary of the ep now anyway losing it at reinhard saying “can kircheis forgive me for marrying”#ok i was gonna make fun of him being like “he never got to marry before he died :/” like. i really don't think that was a priority for him#but i do also think given the opportunity he would've married annerose. mediated desire and all that#dreaming.txt#e watches logh
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tooies · 2 years
fm funk fursday: jan 5th 2023
ok yeah its fm funk fursday now. ive decided because i can decide these things and what the hell am i supposed to do. not be insane about the new album i found yesterday? i am transfem; it's vital to my mental health that i do this. also im still on the initial wave of energy i get from my adderall. either way here's the song
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