#ok perhaps??? past endgame???
forgaeven1 · 10 months
as a general rule, you try not to spar with the avengers. there's a reason, after all, that they're the avengers. but maria can't sleep if she's tired out, and she won't be tired out if she spends the night thinking about natasha, and how she can never save her.
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❛⠀again. ❜ she calls to steve, biting the inside of her cheek at a particular hit that she'll know will bruise. it's fine. it's good. maria gets up from the mat. ❛⠀c'mon rogers. again ! ❜
@peacereflected / maria starter call
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triannel · 13 days
Ok, so I have written on my "Request Rules" post that I Will not write for Gravity Falls AU's but I would just like to experiment a bit by writing this. I was eager about writing this tbh, so here, a little bit of Will Cipher x Reader, I don't fully know the lore of Reverse Falls so bear with me as I wrote this with what I know so far or what I headcannon lol
This will most likely not change the rules though... (Or MAYBE it will..)
Warning: Mentions of Blood, and Hints of Past Abuse
Fluff/Comfort | Will Cipher x Reader
Tredging through the collapsed building, you decided to be a bit more adventurous today as you walk around the halls. Searching through the house, you soon find an amulet that is strangely glowing in the dark. Must be some sort of gadget, you thought to yourself, perhaps you could sell it for a few bucks at the pawnshop...
However you never did take it there. Once you found the amulet, you also found yourself in a very strange situation.
Putting on the accessory, the light emenating from the amulet glows brighter, forcing you to close your eyes. Once you do open your eyes, a blue triangular being has suddenly appeared in front of you.
"Whoa," you say in surprise. At first you thought this was some sort of hallucination or even a joke of some sort but...
"Um...hello?" He responded.
After the greetings you soon found out that you are now in possession of a demon of some kind, his name is Will Cipher. You aren't exactly sure what he is, but he does insist on making a deal though. Even though he does appear innocent, you were a bit skepticle, so you do end up denying his effort though.
After a few days, you both have come to an agreement that you will be the sole owner of the amulet and you can boss him around, although it is tempting to tell him to do your difficult chores, you mostly never do take the chance. Instead, you only do ask him to finish a few simple tasks here and there, only asking on help with difficult task if you really do need to.
He's mostly anxious and nervous, always asking what he can do and if you need help. Will can be easily scared, and would sometimes try to hide it. Trying your best though, you end up becoming quite an interesting and strange person to Will.
A lot of times, when individuals do find him, they would always take the chance to use him in some sort of way, only a very few number of individuals would actually repay him. You though, you're one of the very few who choose to not take advantage. You never hit nor would you ever make an awful remark about him. It's...interesting, but he'd never comment on it though.
It's a little comforting...but at the same time it's anxiety inducing, why are you acting like this? Are you waiting for him to read your mind? What is the endgame here? He just can't seem to understand you at the moment.
One by one, he took out the wilted flowers from the vase, afterwards placing fresh ones to replace it. Just in front of where he's at, you sit there motionless but content as you read a book near the fireplace.
Slowly he fixed the table and gazed at you, his thoughts starting to wonder slowly into the depth of his mind. But suddenly you noticed and looked back.
"!?" He suddenly glowed a bit brighter for a moment before quickly sputtering out an anxious apology. As he does so, he manages to topple the vase on the table, making it fall and crash. The vase breaks into pieces and as soon as it does, Will quickly floats down to clean it up as his mind races. 'Well this is it. Way to go Will...'
Picking up the pieces of glass, he manages to cut himself a few times all the while as he repeatedly apologizes.
Taking action as well, you quickly place down the book somewhere and bent over to where he's at. Listening to his anxious apologies you try your best to calm him down.
"Hey, hey it's okay, it's okay..." You spoke, trying your best to soften your voice as you noticed his frantic movements.
Taking the tissue box placed on top of the table, you pick up the glass shards that were left and slowly took the ones Will gathered on his hands. As you were about to continue comforting him, Will quickly proceeded to pick up the flowers, managing to make another vase appear to place the flowers in as you decided that it may be best to help him clean up first in order to at least lessen his stress on making the place a little messy.
Once you do go back to him, he continues to apologize to you, clasping his hands together with a guilty look on his face.
Glancing at his hands, you could see something slowly starting to drip off it.
He quickly notices your gaze, and tries clasps his hands together in order to force the liquid inside. "I'm sorry..." He mutters once more.
Sighing slightly, you slowly raised your hands closer to him and once your hands held his own, his form slightly jolts, did he expect you to punch him..?
"It's okay...", you spoke in a gentle tone, trying your best to give him comfort, "It's alright... You're not in trouble. I'm not upset."
"But..." He started to speak once more, his voice becoming weak, sounding like he's about weep.
"It was an accident," you spoke, slightly ushering his thoughts. "We all make accidents..."
Warm hands together, silence slowly settles in the room, other than your heartbeat, the crackling of the fire was the only sound left. As your eyes still gazed into his own, you gently pry his hands open and guide him to the sofa.
"Let's get you cleaned up okay, stay here for a moment," quickly, you left and headed to the bathroom to look for the first-aid-kit.
Watching you leave the room, he gazes back at his injured hands that is now slowly dripping out his blood. He never really thought of this happening, he is glad you took it lighty, but there is still a slight lingering feeling you don't really mean it. As you quickly walk back to him, his thoughts get interrupted once more. Opening the kit, you start tending his wounds.
He can patch these up nice and quickly, but seeing that this does manage to make you glad, he let you patch him up.
In a delicate manner you cleaned up his wounds and managed to remove a few glass shards that broke through his skin.
Seeing you in the warm luminosity of the fireplace, he soon finds himself to slowly relax under your careful and gentle movements, perhaps... perhaps for now he'll let himself bask under your comforting light.
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hainethehero · 17 days
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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fabdante · 1 year
Something dumb I wrote an eon and a half ago that is (mostly) compliant with Swan Song/Drafting a Swan
AITA for not telling my girlfriend or brother of my plans to become demon king of hell after killing the previous demon king (not fake!)
This is going to be long, a lot happened that needs explaining I apologize. I (m25, nephilim) was the leader of a mostly human resistance group against the demonic rule that most of you were unaware of until last week. Our main goal as an organization was to kill the previous demon king (m???, demon) so mankind would be free of his rule as he was tyrannical and enslaving humans. Naturally, we all thought this was bad and thus our organization existed. However only I and my twin brother could kill him, which meant we spent many years focused mostly on monitoring the demons and locating my brother which we only managed to do recently.
I had been running my secret organization/resistance group for a few years. I am independently wealthy, which mostly funded the venture. We researched demon kind and figured out the best tactics of taking down the demons and the demon king and even tracked down my estranged twin brother who was needed for the endgame (we were separated at age 7 after our parents were murdered/kidnapped but that’s a whole separate story that is irrelevant right now). So, when we finally found my brother we were able to set our plans into action but I will admit…I don’t think any of us considered the reality of killing a demon king and what would happen after that. We had to take out some other targets first and I began to think that perhaps without anyone to rule over the demons and keep them in line, they would get out of hand. However there were also no demons I trusted to fill that role save for possibly my father. But I also have not seen my father since I was a child and he is impossible to track down and save due to aforementioned kidnapping situation as he is presently in hell being tortured for all eternity. I also was not sure how much I trusted a full demon to be able to rule objectively and not be overthrown or turn to the same tactics as the last, so I figured that would not work out. This is when I began to consider that my brother and I would make better rulers. I deeply care about humanity and I assume my brother does to, so, I began to consider that.
But while all this was happening my brother kept flirting with my girlfriend and she’d gone from hating him to seemingly liking his company I maybe got…unreasonably upset? I have a jealous streak. So I…perhaps…did not tell them because I was a bit angry. But why should I have? It was the logical next step to take over! Someone had to!
My girlfriend (f23, human) was my second in command and co-founder of my organization. We founded the organization together and started dating a little after. We always put the goal first. But she was always my favorite person in the world and I made sure to take time out of our busy schedule to be together. Ok, usually, the past few months have been hectic. But I’ve never kept any secrets from her before in our entire relationship and we only really had one big fight prior to this which mostly was due to her trauma (she had a very bad childhood due to the demons). I’ve always been upfront before, though, so I thought she would understand that this was all in the best interest of everyone.
My twin brother is a wild card and I admittedly did not take him into account. After we were separated he was not adopted into a good home and bounced around a lot, getting into a lot of criminal activity and developing a lot of poor coping mechanisms. I think this is why he kept flirting with my girlfriend and why she began to get along with him (as they both had bad childhoods and could relate to each other). We have only reconnected recently so I don’t know him all that well and I’m not sure how to relate to him as he is much less easy to talk to then my girlfriend. We maybe have not been on the best foot with each other as a result, but I didn’t think our relationship was awful prior to this and I thought he would understand my point of view and that we had a lot of mutual respect. This was a mistake.
When I…maybe abruptly mentioned my intent for us to rule after we defeated the demon king, my brother got upset like I was suggesting we become tyrants or something when all I was saying is that someone has to be in charge. Why not be us? He decided he wanted to pick a fight with me, which caught me off guard as I thought both would surely be into the idea. They had to have considered, of course, that the demons need a king and that we were the only logical choice. Apparently they hadn’t, though, and they did not like the idea. I maybe…did not word myself the best and said some things about humans that were…less then stellar which upset my girlfriend and my brother.
My brother then challenged me to a fight. We are both swordsmen, I classically trained and my brother…not trained at all really but a good fighter. He then proceeded to try and kill me and he almost succeeded but my girlfriend stopped him. Then they made me leave because they (still!!) did not see my way on the matter.
It’s been a week now and I am in hell (physical hell, not emotional or metaphorical hell) having become a demon king and this has given me time to think about the matter more and now I’m starting to worry I overreacted. But then I start to think that my brothers probably made moves on my girlfriend (we never broke up by the way, she is still my girlfriend until she breaks up with me as I would like to make this work and believe we can move past this) and I think that I’m right, actually, and I was just suggesting what the logical next step was and they both just could not accept it.
TLDR: Humankind was ruled by demons until I (and my brother) freed mankind and now my brother and my girlfriend are mad at me because I never told them that I was intending to become the next demon king even if I think I would be a really good demon king, am I the asshole?
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twig-tea · 9 months
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I'm baaaaaack!!!
Hello friends! Omg what is time. How long has it been? A month? More? 😬
Life kicked my ass for the past several weeks. No word of an exaggeration, I recovered from COVID after weeks (and it was difficult to focus on screens during that time) only for three different loved ones in three different countries were in hospital within a week of each other for three different things, and it took a lot of coordination to get everyone healthy and home (they all are, thank goodness). Emergency surgery, oxygen, dealing with pharmacists in languages none of us speak fluently, insurance....it's been A Time. And I did what I do when I get overwhelmed: I isolated. So I am very sorry to everyone who worried and reached out and thank you for thinking of me! I love and appreciate you lots.
I can't wait to catch up on the liminality league, I hope people are enjoying The Sign as much as I am, etc etc, but perhaps most importantly because I abandoned @my-rose-tinted-glasses to being frustrated alone: I am so mad about Absolute Zero. It has moments that are so good. It could have been so, so good. Instead it makes no sense, goes nowhere, and everyone just suffers for no reason. Not even a guarantee from the mystical video rental guy that they'll be able to grow old together now that they've both sacrificed ten years of their lives to loneliness. Also the timeline/memories makes NO SENSE and I remain furious about it. The cinematography was beautiful, the actors were great, I loved adult SuanSoon and Ongsah happy together, but AUGHH I could barely even enjoy it. This is definitely my biggest disappointment of the year.
Also idk how many people are also watching the GL Love Senior but I need you all to know the critical information that though this show has problems (mostly the editing, a little bit the acting, sound, and copyright issues whew) I forgive all of it because the main character has sex with another character who is not endgame! And it's mostly fine! There is drama of course but she doesn't have to apologize for it and she still gets her woman! I am THRILLED that queer protagonists in Thai QL have broken through this ceiling. Purity culture can get fucked, people of consenting age can have consensual sex with someone they're not in love with and it doesn't disqualify them from a future monogamous relationship if that's what they want. The end thank you.
My media consumption has been extremely sporadic so I will be pretty non-linear popping around tumblr as I try to catch up but I just wanted to reassure everyone that I'm ok and get these rants off my chest!
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forcebookish · 11 months
Honestly this whole episode was such a mess and whilst I am annoyed with Mew it seems like every character at some point is being thrown into these situations that do not make any sense so in my eyes it's a lot more forgivable. This is obviously not Top's fault and I understand why he did but Boeing was the wrong person to confide in. He is quite clearly raging that Top dared to dump him and he's been hearing that he loves Mew more than anyone else so he's even more jealous and is purposely messing with them to get revenge. He is literally a copy and paste of Boston. Also, Jojo really isn't helping himself at this point, I don't agree with all the flack that he gets but you can't get fans excited for scenes and then admit to cutting them because "they don't fit the episode" whilst also leaving in the most dull, lacklustre scenes. I'm just hoping that the final two eps will now be focused on them reuniting which in retrospect doesn't look good for the two couples that have had their reunions already.
agreed, anon, this episode was SUCH a mess, both the editing and the writing. i've talked about this on twitter, but it's ridiculous that they'll just... take out scenes, but not think of any way to make something else work? like, a flashback similar to what they did with mew at the bookstore would have worked perfectly: use some other angles and takes of dates and/or love scenes, PERHAPS THIS
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or whatever? mew could have been thinking about it at the pool or something. some kind of indication to remind us why they fell in love? why it's so hard to get over each other? because not only was there a lot of padding and scenes going on for too long, it was hard to tell that mew actually still loves top. every scene he says something to put top down, isn't affectionate, or even goes so far as to sabotage their date by inviting boeing. this is the couple i've been rooting for?
and with p'jojo, he tried to mollify us by teasing some sex scene in the next episode but it is way too little, too late. i agree he gets too much flack, but it's like he doesn't understand why fans are so pissed that this keeps happening. the truth is that people complained that they had "too much" screen time (THE LEAD!!!!!! THAT THE LEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! HAD TOO MUCH SCREEN TIME) and they got what they wanted. it doesn't matter the reason, it doesn't mean that every other scene with every other couple had to go longer, there should be balance! mew is the fucking main character!!!!!!!!! this fandom likes to pretend he isn't - until they want to insult book, of course.
but whatever. fuck our drag, right?
anyway, re: boeing, yeah it's another layer of top that i can't help but read as really sad? like, he has no friends at this point (which, uhhhh, WHY does cheum hate him again? after how chummy they were and saving ray from prison and the hostel project? ok). boeing must be the only person he ended things on relatively good terms, but he's obviously a bad dude? like, he always says something creepy or makes a sly dig at top so it makes me think less that top threw him away like boeing seems to interpret it and more like top got out.
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and i don't know what boeing's endgame is: is he actually interested in mew? does he want to get back with top? or does he just want to ruin top's life? don't we have enough characters who want to ruin top's life? isn't his life fucking hard enough? there has been literally one episode (ep5) where nothing bad happened to him. i'm fucking fatigued.
thanks for stopping by, anon ❤️‍🩹
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hooliganarachnid · 2 years
That reference in endgame….
so, you know, I was thinking of endgame like a normal person does, and I remembered the scene with nat sadly eating a sandwich and she is all stressed about micromanaging the planet and any potential threats, and she talks to okoye about an earthquake on the sea floor, SPECIFICALLY the African tectonic plate.
Namor, sweetheart, honeybuns, the hell were you doing?
let’s try to answer that, shall we? Ok-ok, maybe thanos attacked talokan too during the battle of wakanda. Some ships sent a little off course into the Atlantic. That would explain why we didn’t get talokan revealing themselves during the blip to figure out what was happening—they knew about the aliens and the subsequent dusting that went down.
I imagine some deep sea battles with a dude as strong as the hulk against massive alien ships would cause some damage. Perhaps they take out a few ships—or most of them go down when thanos dips, but they are still there, intact. Five years later some kind of Chitari technology from the alien wrecks goes haywire, causing a massive explosion and subsequent earthquake.
I like to imagine during the final showdown against thanos from the past, the talokani are just reuniting with their unsnapped loved ones, enjoying a miracle after an earthquake rattled their homes.
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Ok i'm going to sleep now. I have been watching 10 and a half episodes today!!
So I just sometimes when I liveblog, or really just talk about SL in general, feel like a real oddball. Of course, I do say a lot of stuff that people agree with, but I at the same time have unpopular opinions, as well as.... well, thoughts no one else really has.
And I mean, that's good! I like being a little out of the box. But I also sometimes just feel like a fool.
Very few people for example, see the potential of Lumon being endgame. But I do!! I really, really do! Ok, in season 3, sure, it's clear they're not endgame. But in season 2 especially, the season I am rewatching right now, I really feel like they could be endgame! If I didn't know how things would go in the show, perhaps if I watched the show when it originally aired, I would have hoped and rooted for them!! (still would have ended up disappointed, but still). I don't know what would have happened with Matteo, or with Ámbar, if Lumon was endgame, and I agree it's hard to see Ámbar with anyone but Simón (my only other options would be Emilia and Ramiro, for her). And I like Simbar, too! I don't know if it's normal to like Simbar and Lumon at the same time? But I win and I suffer at the same time. It's really energy consuming, I'll tell you that. Though, I really don't like feeling all the time like I have to prove that I can like both. So whenever I lovebomb lumon I need to be like "no but simbar <3333 so good <333". I don't know why I feel that. Why can't I just like them both without feeling like I constantly have to compensate talking about the other when I talked about one of them?? It's so strange why I feel that. No one has really made me feel like that, it's all in my head!
I also love analyzing the crap out of Jim and Yam's scenes. While so many can agree they're lesbians, they're in love, etc, I just feel like I just. Am taking it to the next level. They're not just a "haha they're in love" ship for me, I am serious about them. And I think perhaps that, the way no one else really analysed them the way I did, just caused me to do it more. No one else ever wrote Jim/Yam fics, so I did. But sometimes when I do my long analyses, they always get like. One or two notes at most. Sometimes they get none. And I always sit and think like, "I wonder how many people just scroll past like 'ok then?' when they see these posts". So I am a lonely Jam warrior, so be it! What is really crazy btw is that I do these analyses of wlw ships all the time in Violetta, and that's no problem. So I really wonder why I feel more... awkward and a little odd doing it in the SL fandom? I don't know if it's because it's more normal to do that in the Violetta fandom or what's going on.
Then I just make these lowkey Luna/Nina posts, but with that it's really just me being silly. Cause I love them just as besties, they don't have to be more, it's just me being a little "haha but what if".
I'm also weird thoughts and ideas, so people should... you know, expect weird thoughts and ideas. But that’s the thing, too - I constantly jump from ”just write whatever you think without caring what others will think” while at the same time always feeling like I have to defend myself when I write more ”unpopular” opinions. It feels like, if I don’t defend myself, someone will come and question me. I don’t know if that’s because people did do that when I started watching SL for the first time, or if it’s simply that I am like that in general, I don’t know!
Anyway it's 3 AM and I really need to sleep, I just needed to write out my final thoughts for the night. Maybe they make no sense. Maybe I'll wake up in the morning and think this was a really bad post and I'll delete it. Idk.
Either way. I really hope I have entertained you with my liveblogs. Goodnight, see you later <3
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heleneplays · 2 years
You'll remain here (You'll remain dear inside)
anyways this are parts of the besties' pov, because I have unresolved feelings and half baked personifications of them screaming at me to write!!! them!!! down!!! so i am blaming my own issues but also James bc SIR. augh. my love for your goddamn blorbos is terminal and i succumb gladly :(
ok but honestly i was originally just going to write a meta fic of Helene actually becoming a self-aware character, that her choices were all predetermined, that it was a game etc etc on the second part but HEY things happen and next thing i know i wrote like 10k words instead of her choosing to fuck the narrative that good things have a price, and love is always enough in this three (?) part series of the endgame that never is, was, and hopefully never will be!!!!!!
forgot to say but stream GODSENT by BEN&BEN LIKE AUGH PLEASE.
again, María x Helene, but arching POVs from Sam, Cleo, Esme, Rémy, Zhu, and Dominique in the start of it all <3
Helene died, cradled in María's arms. They saw her breathe her last, focused on nothing but the woman who held her.
Sam almost wants to be bitter at that moment, because she'd gone and left, and her eyes never strayed. She didn't notice anyone else, had no other words to say except for María, and then they remember.
("It's always been her, Sam." She whispers, smiling brokenly as she stares straight ahead.)
So instead, they turn that bitterness into one part grief, nine parts wonder because throughout their adventures, the woman they consider their idol-turned-mentor-turned-friend was still as true to their heart, even in the face of broken dreams of the future, in the face of death.
"It feels like i'm playing God, when I hold these things in my hand." She whispers.
Sam remembers the island. Of how the Carxite podium held her, gripped her. The way inhuman rage looked at her, and how she ordered the island's defenses to activate.
Sam remembers the ozone smell, like fresh struck thunder; of vision of half-melted bodies of her enemies, of all the Nazis who set their boots into the shore.
Sam remembers calling out for her, and her cruel reply; remembers the light in her eyes gone, replaced with a dead-eyed imposter in her place sneering with cold contempt.
Of her breaking out of it, as they approached her, and as María, even then, stared at the woman with no ounce of fear.
Then Sam thinks about the silver-eyed goddess who stood in that place just moments ago, radiant with power, untouchable, but alive in the way the first one forgot; of how they snapped their fingers, and used the stone's powers like a familiar extension of their limb—not to kill everyone like she did then—but to delibitate and injure her enemies enough to stop them from interfering.
(Of how María, themselves, Belby, and in extension, the rest of their team shot Heidi Hahn in cold blood as Helene turned her wiles against the slippery snake beforehand.)
And of how they decisively struck down, with no measure of mercy, the other woman who made this endgame happen.
(Because if Sabine Schneider never found about the Archive, never subscribed to the Aryan ideals, never descended into a madness so familiar, then this clash of titans would have perhaps never borne fruit.)
(Atleast, Sam would like to think so.)
"Of all the people you included for this deathride of a mission, I didn't think you'd be the one to die, Helene."
Cleo looks at the woman she just helped lay down the couch, then towards Esme who was looking at Helene with a curious gaze. She looks as heartbreak settles in the woman's eyes, but not grief. She's seen enough people in the entirety of this war mourn and break into grief, but Esme seems to just breeze past that and go straight to acceptance.
Cleo feels discombobulated.
"It doesn't feel right, no?" The blonde's crisp tone shakes her out of stupor. The woman would be embarassed at being caught staring, but she's kind of past that.
"I don't—I mean, She is—" Cleo starts, trying to give words to her thoughts. Esme understands though.
"The first time I met her, I knew she was a star. She burned so fierce and brightly that day that she and my..." Esme shakes her head, voice pained but a broken smile painting her lips. "the day she and I met. Did you know we met during her dig in Jerusalem in '34? We crossed paths outside the Colony, and I felt something was about to happen after a brief moment our gazes met. Not even 10 minutes later, she was running out the Grand Salon, Nazis on her heels after she pissed them off— Next thing I knew, I was out there with the shattered remains of a pot, saving her from certain death by gunshot after she got herself cornered by one."
"I knew Spillane was a bit of a disaster, but to hear that she's just like that since then—"
"Oh no, don't get me wrong, Helene's a great big daredevil, but I was kind of a foolhardy self-proclaimed adventurer then, dragging Abdul all over the place, then it just clicked, you know? I do so hate bullies, and that day... made things clearer. Somehow."
"I kind of get it. She's a trailblazer, with almost 0 regards to conventional boundaries of society, then she drags you along for the ride."
"I went there willingly, i'll have you know!"
"Oh yeah? Well I was the one dragging her through it first!"
Both women look at each other, and laugh. It's painful, and others would say a touch hysterical, but it's something true, a release.
"I did her wrong, kinda a lot. Is it selfish of me to wish she was back, so I can apologize for some of the things I did?"
Esme keeps quiet for a few moments, before she replies.
"Helene got my man killed, you know. In '38, during that quest for that man looking for his ancestor's grave."
Cleo turns to look at her, shocked.
"I'm sorry, that's unkind." Esme sighs, but continues.
"It's just partly her fault. This... cult, they attacked our home because Helene was there, because I missed an adventure and it was a perfect excuse to get to see her. We were down to one floor, trying to survive, and it was a bloodbath, because their members so many, then Sam was clobbered down, and then Helene had to make a choice between me and Abdul."
Cleo wanted to ask so many things, but kept quiet.
"It was a split second, and I saw her looking at Abdul, thinking that my honeybear was going to be the one she saves, because to be quite honest, those two are more alike than I really would like to admit. And I was okay, I was ready for death because I love him, I loved him, I loved Abdul Al-Maliki, and I was alright as long as he lived—"
"But she chose you, instead."
"She did. And I wanted to hate her, because she saved me, instead of him, my light and the reason I loved so freely—And for a while, I did."
A slow smile curls into her face.
"I hated her. For all 10 seconds of it."
Cleo wants to be shocked. But she can't. Helene was, fundamentally, never unlikeable. She may be a clown at times, infuriating and stubborn; but never unlikeable.
(It's like a power of hers, they think. Helene has a great capacity to befriend people, soothe tempers, and charm others.)
(But she also was unflinching, unabashed, and unremorseful, especially against her enemies.)
"Helene has a great capacity for love. I was privelleged to part a small part of her heart, along with Abdul, and it was that part that I think, that gave her the instinct to save me. Love is not quantifiable by any means, but I think, Abdul told her just how far the depths go, and that moment made her choose differently."
Esme clenches her fist.
"I didn't understand then, but looking at how María held her, God, how she broke—She asked for my forgiveness before we left for this, y'know? I said I forgave her then, even if I didn't know why. Because even if his death hurts, he tried, she tried, and that's all I can really ask for."
(Abdul is a kind, good, gentle man. Slow to anger, with an infinite well of love. Helene is a kind, somewhat good, gentle woman. Slow to anger, with an infinite well of love.)
(Demons run when good men go to war.)
(So what would good women make run when they go to war?)
(Everything. Everyone.)
"You're right. Helene being dead feels surreal, because she survived far worse things. Most of which were my fault, because I kept omitting parts of the truth."
Cleo says after a while. She closes her eyes, thinking about every adventure she shared with the woman.
New Orleans. Congo. Romita. Kuzco.
All adventures fraught with deep, heavy things. Goddamned Racists, secret Nazis and murderous Natives, a Cannibalist group, and again, even more Nazis, except this time not-so-secret.
"I should be dead, to be honest. All the way back from Congo."
Cleo takes a deep breath.
"Our story starts in New Orleans, like I told you. She invited me to do a guest lecture in her fine, prissy, whites-only college, because she was like that; and we attracted the attention of the local Ku Klux Klan because of it. Things happened, and I dragged her to solve a mystery, we solved it only to get captured; she got lightly tortured for our troubles, almost maimed by a dog and then a croc. Then I invited her to Congo, she accepted, omitted that the jungle locals were growing more agressive, stumbled to a Nazi conspiracy, got captured, AGAIN, almost got branded as slaves, DID work one shift as one, staged a coup, overthrew the local soldier garrison... THEN HAD TO STAGE ANOTHER BATTLE YET AGAIN, but we survived; hell, we lived!"
Her hands shake, imperceptibly.
"We lived because she sent Sam and our guide, Jeff, with me, and she braved the north side alone with her part of the troops until we had to regroup as one, and then she saved me, while I was lying prone on my back, about to get skewered by their bayonets; but there she was, like an avenging little angel, smoking gun being reloaded faster than I could comprehend. And all I did get to say was thanks, because our adventure wasn't done, and after it all she was just—"
Cleo smiles, thinking about the Helene who literally flopped down on a bed and slept 48 hours straight.
"She went straight to sleep, heedless of everything else, didn't she?"
They both take a second to collect themselves. Then Cleo continues.
"The next time we met was months after that, but she waved me off, getting me a drink 'til we went home drunk, and then I didn't talk to her about it again, and see her in person until Romita. I can't tell you want happened in Kuzco, but God, Romita? That place was a hundred ways more personal and fucked up than the whole back-to-back siege in Congo, because that... the monsters we encountered there? Truly Inhuman."
Cleo twists her fingers, trying not to remember the way her student flinched away from her, scared and emaciated; of the broken body of the girl, Mina–no, Stefania, flying down to the earth, and the crunch that followed after her self-made descent off the ravine.
(She tries to keep the chilling image of Ariadne Stokes smiling at them beforehand out of her mind, and shivers as she tried to think of what monster Helene faced. Because the ravenette was so silent and withdrawn afterwards, and she wouldn't speak of anything that transpired, even prodded.)
"Alone." Cleo says, and Esme searches her face, trying to understand. Then it clicks.
"You left her alone."
A statement, not a question.
"Yes. I'm not proud of it, but I've left her more times than I should have, all these years."
"...I won't ask why, or tell you what you should feel, because that's yours alone." Esme finally says, after a while. "But I'd like to think she's forgiven you anyways. She did that, kind of a lot."
"...Yeah, I know. I want to think that too."
"You saved... kinda a lot of asses, Spillane. But nobody's ever been able to save you, when it mattered."
"No, someone did."
And their gaze slides towards María, who's still looking out the window and into the empty night sky, looking for something only she could see.
Rémy can count on one hand the times he'd been out of words. As a learned man, he never had a lack of them, loving the way his voice sounds, especially at the throes of passion.
But hearing that his dear friend, the woman who dared him, once upon a time, to fuck one of his paramours in the top of the Eiffel, has been lost. Well, people can forgive him for not gracing them with his presence, right?
("You, you, you fiendish Frenchman!" Helene shakes with indignance, trying to pummel your back with her tiny fists as you carry her on your shoulder.)
(You laugh, real and deep. "Oh yes, I am a fiend, and I am indeed French! Congratulations on your astute observation, chérie." This is one of the many times you've met after a seminar, but the first you've seen the professional woman crack. Who knew all it took was getting her drunk and embarrassed?)
("Augh, damn you. The only person who should be handling me like this is Spanish and she's farrrrrr more cuter than you, Fournier!" She declares, and you almost colide with a post.)
("Well, well, well! Sounds like a juicy tale, Chérie! You should tell me all about it!")
("No." She pouts, and you feel her tense. "Talking about her makes me sad. And I don't like that.")
(You want to press, but it slips your mind, because the next moment, she's out like a light.)
Miles grimaces beside him, bone deep weariness hitting in the moment the news hits.
"—o can you guys come pick everyone here up?"
"Oui, hang on tight. We'll get the island secured."
"How does it go again? Ah, yes. Too rich for use, for Earth too dear."
Zhu feels numb, as he sits quietly on his perch, just back from staring from the corpse of his friend.
("You are better than this, Jian Zhu, and you better listen to someone who knows and believes that there IS a goodness that exists within you, with all that want to be a better man! It starts that this moment, by acknowledging that this is bigger than you, than Kao, than everything else you've planned for revenge; So please—" Her voice is five parts pleading, five parts command, and oh. There it is. "Please stay, and help me finish this once and for all.")
(It's at this precise moment you knew you'd come to the ends of the earth with her, for her.)
("Okay." You whisper. "Okay." You say again, more full, more forceful. Because you know your need is selfish, is stupid, but Helene understands, and she knows better than anyone else a part of your story now, and all she asks for is this time, to help her save the world.)
(And you couldn't disobey, even if you tried. Because she is part of your absolution, and you will be a supplicant for her earnest devotion, the same way you feel her protégé(?) does as they cling to her.)
(Helene Spillane may physically be the smallest woman in the room, but the magnitude of her presence fills her with unnatural grace and strength that she dons on and off as she pleases, like a cloak.)
"...I'm not surprised, because I know how far devotion can run. I... I understand."
Dominique has had some of the shittiest days lately. It nearly tops the moment they uncovered the camps, but—
Helene is still, and if they close their eyes, they could swear the woman was just sleeping, the way she was no less than 48 hours ago, deep in the jungle wilds while in Japan.
It looked deep, you thought, with the way she was so still; but the brief rest didn't last, and she handily opened her eyes to stare towards you, unseeing yet, but her hands flying to the throwing knife hidden in her side at a blink of an eye.
Then awareness fills them, and you shake you head, opting to get her to prepare instead.
(So no, denial is a bad look on you.)
It doesn't feel real, the assault on the fortress taking almost instantaneously after their mission, after a brief hour or two to get ready with tools and wait for the team to be assembled. Then the bloodbath, of fighting the ground troops, teaming up in several pairs because manpower, time, and the path to the end is limited, and you all needed to make sure the assault is fast and efficient for the world, the fate of the world hangs in this one mission, and you loathe to think the end of it fails.
You don't want to fail. Death is inevitable, and you are nonetheless proud for being included in this ragtag bunch of people fighting for a better tomorrow. Included in the imposible last defense of this mystical mumbo-jumbo, because of course alien and magical powers are goddamn real.
(Fires blaze in your heart as Helene makes the final rounds for one last time before the endgame starts. Final goodbyes were already said awhile ago, and everyone tenses in anticipation.)
(In a better world, you think, Helene would have made a great motivational speaker.)
(And then you snort. Because Helene actually hates speaking in front of a crowd, and most, if not all her extroverted tendencies were a front. You'd know, because for all the showmanship you've done for the sake of your career, part of it was just for you to show off your skills in a relatively anonymous manner.)
(Show a clown to the circus, and get your bread and gold, and all that jazz.)
You're going to miss her, you think. You look around and spot Sam cringing on the side, trying their best to patch themselves up with one hand.
And you can't help but sigh, because the woman you observed who'd have patted their head and give them a noogie before doing the patch-up themselves is gone.
(And never coming back...)
"Our time was brief, but hey, we always had fun, didn't we Helene my dear?"
They say death is the end.
Helene is dead.
And then she wakes up.
There are many questions to be answered. But looking into her eyes, even though something inside has fundamentally shifted, something added, something lost; it's still her.
So they hold off, and take the gift as it is.
The word of her death does not spread far. Everyone else agreed to keep it under wraps, the cost of victory still too raw, too dear to talk about.
They settle on half of a lie, that yes, she was briefly gone; but life-saving maneuvers got her back.
But everyone in that island remembers. Her friends; her chosen family— something will forever be changed, because they knew the finality, had lived it, and mourned it, however briefly; before she went and changed all the rules.
(Helene loves to defy expectations. This happening is no other. Everyone is safe, and it's free real estate.)
And because of it, they will all have the chance to talk, really talk, and a chance for a future. Altogether.
Helene sits in a bench under the shade. Silver strands caress her face as the wind shifts, blowing a gentle breeze against her face.
Beside her, María sits, saying nothing aside from quietly slipping her hand into hers, and squeezing it. A stray beam dapples from the trees, making the golden bands on their fingers glint in the fading light.
"Do you have any regrets, Helene?"
"Before? During? or After?"
"In any of them."
Helene is quiet, as she is most days. But María has grown to be patient, because love is kind, and makes better fools of them both.
Short and succinct, with a finality in her tone.
(María, as most of the years that have passed, had grown to understand her new language.)
"Okay. Me either."
And silence reigns.
It’s a loaded but comfortable silence, their two hearts beating as one, and for that moment, everything is enough.
"Hey, María?"
"Yes, Helene?"
"Do you know I love you?"
"Yes. Do you?"
"Know that you love me?"
"Yeah, that."
"I don't need to know. I always felt it."
"Even after all I put you through?"
"Even then. Even now. Forever will, and even then."
"You're a masterful liar, María, but you can't fool someone like me."
The book snaps shut. And she looks down on her lap, where Helene lies as she wants.
"And what is 'like you', huh?"
Helene looks up at her, eyes bright, and ever so full of love.
"Someone who knows. Someone who sees. Someone who percieves."
She says, quietly, but confidently. Then the brunette shifts, bringing herself up, so different in the time she lied there unmoving, craded in the redhead's arms. And she cups her face in her small, warm hands, and brings herself close, close eneough that they can see the flecks in their irises; of the yellow and gold intersped in María's hazel, and the subtle silver that settled in Helene's dark, grey-brown.
"Most importantly, Someone who loves..." she whispers. "you."
(María kisses her, and it's heady, sweet, and everything Helene ever needs.)
"Why did you come back?"
"...Because I wanted to."
"And it's enough?"
You understand that she speaks from a fear, a fear that you'll abandon her for your chase of power. The fear of being left alone, because you already left this mortal coil once, and something hums in you, calling for the void.
You can't explain in words, so you capture her in a kiss. And then try.
"I fought the universe itself to come back here because I believed, María. I believed in humanity, in myself, and the people here I do so love."
"That doesn't answer if it's enough." She answers, her grip tighter at the second.
Am I enough, she what she really asks.
It should hurt, after all these years, this doubt; but instead, it teethers you. And you blink, and everything finally slots into place. So you match her, and hold her close.
You smile.
"I love you, María."
You are enough, is your reply.
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yearninqheart · 2 years
loneliness was built for two
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oh what a tragic way of living it was to be utterly alone during an endless lifespan.
pairing: morpheus x reader
word count: 1.5k
tags: gender-neutral!reader, immortal!reader, unreliable narrator, past lovers, lowkey endgame, pre-sandman series,
warnings: minor implications of physical abuse, my rusty writing (pls its been months im sorry), uploading this at like 9pm so sorry for any errors
notes: yes this was inspired was the bonus calliope episode. no i do not have any original ideas ok i do but i just do not have the time/energy to complete them yet
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You sensed his presence the moment he appeared in the dark corner of your bedroom. You didn’t need to glance towards your left to know that he was standing there, looking at you with an unreadable expression as always as you kept your attention glued to the moon up in the night sky. 
Neither of you knew what to say, so you simply remained quiet. For the next few moments, the two of you appeared to remain frozen in place as you raked your minds for absolutely anything to say. Surely there was something that could be said to break the awkward silence neither of you could ever recall experiencing in the past. Has things really changed that much?
It had been years–centuries to be exact– since you’ve both last seen each other but of all things that could be said to break the silence, the line Morpheus decided to go with was: “Hi.” 
You bit back a smile at his awkward greeting and for a moment, you almost considered removing your lip from your teeth. He always used to hate whenever you’d try to hide your smile. 
He also used to hate you. Or at least that's how he made you feel.
“I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have bothered you.” You mentally cursed at yourself for stumbling over your words. And for calling out to him. “You didn’t have to come really. I just-”
“You could never be a bother.” His voice was soft. Much softer than the last time you spoke—or fought, rather—and for a moment the tenderness almost made you forget how harsh he last sounded. Almost. 
“Well then I apologize for wasting your time, My Lord.” You said dismissively, finally turning your head to face him. 
You quickly regretted that decision when you watched his eyes widen in a mix of shock, horror, and worry as the bruise blossoming on the right side of your neck was now clearly shown to him. Quickly turning your head around you hoped that he somehow wouldn’t have noticed but you knew it was no use. 
“You’re hurt.” He pointed out the obvious. You refrained yourself from scoffing at the observation and instead decide to gnaw on the inside of your cheek. 
You wondered if a part of his reaction was due to your formalities when you addressed him. Back then he was always ‘Morpheus’ or ‘Dear’ to you while ‘My Lord’ was for those who kneeled at his throne. He would have never let the day come that you stood in front of the throne rather than beside or on it. Even now he would still stand before you—even after all that's been said and done between you two and the centuries you’ve been apart. 
“I am fine.” There’s not much left that you could do anyways. 
“Who did this to you?” 
“I said that I am fine-”
“Then why did you call out for me?” 
Silence blanketed the air of your bedroom as you found yourself unable to respond to his question. Not because you didn’t know how to but rather, because your pride would never let you say that the reason you had called upon the Lord of Dreams was because you were scared. 
He had made you feel safe for so long when you were his and even after everything that’s happened, you’ve yet to find anyone else who gave you that same sense of security that you would call out for them after such a bitter parting. Perhaps that was why you didn’t hesitate to call out for him. Afterall he did vow to always be there for you, even if your relationship wasn’t in the same place as when he first made that promise to you. Morpheus was a man of his words. 
“It was Jesse.” You quietly admitted, shifting your gaze to your ankles while you ignored his stare. “They got into some fight, again, and I was just caught in the crossfire of it all.” 
It was only partly a lie what you told him but it was for the sake of your friend, even after what they had done to you. Yes your friend did get into another fight after another long night of drinking that almost led them to getting kicked out but it wasn’t the crossfire that resulted in your injury but rather, Jesse themselves. The fight was between the two of you anyways but you knew the lengths that Morpheus would go to get revenge so you acted like your heart didn’t ache at the fact that you had probably lost another friend over something stupid. It appeared that losing those you loved the most in your immortal life was the downside to your blessing of an immortal life. Or was it actually a curse?
“What do you want me to do?” He asked softly. Genuinely. No biting tone or malice intent behind any of his words. He just wanted to be here. As he once vowed to do so long ago. 
You hadn’t considered his question prior to calling him however. In the heat of the moment when their hands were still wrapped around your throat you had used up the last of your oxygen to call for him before darkness wrapped around your eyes and you collapsed, or so you led yourself to believe. 
What happened after you lost consciousness was still a mystery to you. A kind stranger who claimed to pried Jesse off of you a second after you hit the ground had stayed with you until you regained consciousness—which according to them, was just a few seconds later—and offered to drive you back to your apartment which led you both now here. 
“I could leave if you truly want?” Morpheus had begun to walk towards the door but you quickly shut him down, shocking not only him but yourself when your hand flew out to grab his own as a response.
“Please don’t.” He stiffened in shock at the unexpected action but obliged to your request nonetheless. His response came a nod as he stood there awkwardly by your bed as you held his hand. Your hold on him was loose, almost as if you were scared reality would ruin the moment and you realized this was all a dream. But you had refused to return to the Dreaming since the night you left and in turn, Morpheus hadn’t paid you any dreams ever since. Or nightmares, thankfully.
He squeezed your hand then bit back a smile when your grip on him tightened. He desperately wanted to pull you into him and wrap himself around you like he used to do so many years ago but times have changed. People change and he told himself his feelings have as well given the centuries you spent apart but tonight only proved his thoughts wrong. 
“Can I go back?” Morpheus turned to look at you confusingly. “To the Dreaming I mean, can I return to it one day?”
It was odd to see the Dream Lord unable to respond. Oftentimes than not he usually knew exactly what to say or do in any given situation except for when it was with you. 
Desire had once called you a liability due to your unpredictable nature during a family gathering of the Endless siblings and Dream just almost reached their seat at the table before Death grabbed his arm to stop him. She may have managed to save the gathering from becoming a bloodbath but the stares as sharp as daggers being thrown across the table did little to ease the new tension that Desire seemed to love whenever he was near. 
Perhaps in some ways they were right. There definitely had been situations where you were pulled into his messes due to your affiliation with the Dreaming and its ruler but you knew what you were getting yourself into when you first began seeking him out in his realm. And he knew what he was getting himself into when he began to let you. Or at least, to some extent he did. 
He wondered if you noticed the way he almost stumbled upon his words and nearly replied with, ‘Yes, dearest?’. 
You wondered if he noticed how you were almost expecting it and the pang of pain that struck you when it didn’t come.
“You can visit anytime you’d like.” 
You didn’t reply after that. Instead, you glanced up at him with a smile he hasn’t been able to see in such a long time and he understood what it was that you were trying to say. You almost forgot that you were still holding his hand until he gave it another reassuring squeeze and reached for his leather pouch. 
Sand was sprinkled over your eyes and you felt as if the world around you was spinning violently as your vision turned to dark. You briefly felt strong arms wrap around your shoulders as your back met with the familiar surface of the bed before you finally felt yourself let go, your consciousness going to a place you had dared not enter for centuries until now. 
I’ll see you back home. 
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magicdonuts-supreme · 2 years
TW: past abuse. abandonment issues. self-doubt. intrusive thoughts. self-hate statments that S/I believes but are not true. trust issues (kinda). 750+ words.
— - + - —
You had exposed yourself to your F/O. You showed them your raw, emotional, troubled self… but they were still here. Something in your mind doesn’t fit right, panic rising as it washes over the euphoria you had experienced alongside your beloved under their tender care.
Because they were there.
Why hadn’t your F/O left? Why had they stayed so long? So many had abandoned you by this point, why don’t they? Is there an endgame to this? You are a freak, a horror, a traumatized lump of human flesh… You’ll poison them… Why can’t they just see that and leave already? (Not to mention the other side of your raging mind: the one on its knees, the one that grovels and begs and dehumanizes itself into a living joke just to have another person give you a second of attention…)
Deep down, you know why the thoughts are there.
You are expecting abandonment.
Every moment your F/O welcomes you into their warm embrace oh-so cruelly, you know you’re falling further and further for them. But you can’t allow yourself to do that.
You are expecting abandonment.
So much so that you make a fool of yourself and show your most vulnerable sides to them and hope it wards your F/O off… because it’s easier to say that they left because of your actions than to wait a lifetime for them only to realize their absence is the only answer you’ll ever get.
You are expecting a—
You dry your tears against your shirt as discreetly as possible, red eyes darting to and fro—  anywhere away from your F/O’s. “…Yeah?” You cringe at the cracks in your own voice, How dare you not be able to hide this better? How dare you burden them?
Your F/O leans closer just the tiniest bit. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine,” you say, lips pressed tight.
“C’mon, S/I, you’re underestimating me if you think I can’t notice when you’re upset.” They offer a reassuring smile, although it wavers as your guilty lack of response hangs in the still air. “… Just… I won’t force you, okay? But I know you aren’t feeling well, and that it’s not healthy to keep it all in like this.”
Your voice doesn’t disrupt the silence. A single syllable could break down the dam holding back your sobs, God, you’re a crybaby. You’re weak, pathetic.
“Hey, love, could you please look at me?”
Your line of sight wavers, yet it’s your F/O’s gentle hold and their warm gaze that attracts your own like a magnet’s fated pull.
“There you are,” they utter. “You never were, never are, and never will be a burden, S/I, I love you just as you are. This isn’t a punishment and I will never use it against you. I just want to make sure you’re alright… Like all of those times you did the same to me, ok?”
As calm and tender as they are, there are still signs of breakage in your F/O’s voice. They want to banish — perhaps even worse — whoever taught you those self-damaging beliefs in the first place, but your health comes first. When you’re tangled up in barbs of false promises and toxic love, all your F/O wishes to do is untangle you with a touch of silk and show you what warmth is like. They want to chase those swarms of bad thoughts away and kiss your forehead at night when they’re sure the only thing in your mind is soft dreams of carelessness when you finally let yourself feel safe in their arms.
Some time after their reassurances, your walls break— perhaps for the first time in front of them. Maybe it’s loud and messy whilst your F/O gathers you in their arms, or maybe your tears are silent until you succumb and press yourself against their chest.
And by the end?
“Can I ask you… something…?” You hesitate, doubt still plaguing that one place in your mind.
Your F/O places a kiss against your temple. “Always, love.”
“I mean…” Your gaze wanders off. “It’s a bit unnecessary, maybe even childish…”
“As long as it’s you? As long as you think it’s important and it matters to making you feel safe? It’ll never be unnecessary.”
“… Could you promise…?”
They nod and a small, wonderful smile graces their features. “You don’t ever have to worry about me leaving, S/I. I promise that I’ll always be here for you, that you’ll always be worth waiting for.”
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anatolypilled · 3 years
ok. dont wanna sound insane but i genuinely believe there is a chance that s3 ted lasso is gonna explore trent/ted in some way.
like... okay, we know that everything in ted lasso is on purpose. usually things that feel as if they don't serve any emotional purpose subsequently show up again (there's so many examples of this, my fav is the scene where nate hits the glass of the door and ted is there—backstabbing him).
trent's arc over the course of s1/2 is him slowly warming up to ted and slowly becoming more tolerant of him... the way trent speaks to him during 1x01 is WAY different from the way trent speaks to him in 2x12, even throughout s2. and all of that culminates into that scene from 2x12. like... all the tension there, trent offering ted a ride, the way he, personally, tells ted that he quit his job for something deeper. trent and that Man in 1x07, him giving up an ANONYMOUS SOURCE for ted, (not to mention literally all of ted's seemingly off-hand comments about men) ... and the locked keys scene? i am 99.9% sure that was done on purpose. right now, he is "locked in" at richmond—and given the fact that it's ALREADY BEEN CONFIRMED that he has a significant role next season, i think it's safe to assume he is going to be either working for richmond, or doing something in relation with richmond.
also... we can look at trent/ted the way we can look at ted/sassy or sam/rebecca. i don't think anyone expected sam/rebecca or ted/sassy... yet it happened anyway. trent/ted already has some leverage built up from the past 2 seasons that at this point? it's not completely far-fetched for something to happen there. whether feelings are reciprocated or one-sided (aka trent pining for 12 episodes straight) is the question. (probably the latter tho 😭even though i think that trent/ted might happen it's definitely not endgame)
i'd love to see trent/ted and what the writers can do with it... because there's so much to explore! ted discovering he's bisexual at middle age! tackling exploring your identity even though you're middle aged! it's never too late to figure out who you are! it's never too late to be happy with whoever you wanna be with! being queer in an extremely hyper masculine sport + within the sports world! and considering that ted lasso is a comedy... why not give trent/ted rom-com esque tropes usually reserved for m/f couples? the pureblooded englishman, who, is normally calm/cool/collected acting just STUPID around the american football coach who calls tea garbage water.
to conclude... perhaps it's not too farfetched to believe that trent becoming a significant character + his arc over these past 2 seasons has a purpose and that one of those purposes may be the fact that he is Falling for ted lasso. the lasso writers have the chance to explore a plot/subject/whatever that hasn't been explored often in mainstream tv and i really do hope they take it. :O
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I’ve always thought Kiel was pretty, but he felt so white Knight-ish but at the same time having this conniving vibe about him and I adore Lucathy and Lucas in general, so I could never buy into him as Athy’s endgame…
But edgy Kiel???
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Smeared in blood and covered in magic runes glaring at the man who has destroyed his family? Kinda hot. One good time I wanna see Lucas and Kiel duelling for blood but I guess we’re past the point of that as a possibility… but sort of friendly clash that gets a bit too heated as a culmination perhaps of their feelings for Athy, as well as their praise as respectively talented young men… yeah I’d be down for that if it meant I could see Kiel smirking with a slight grin whilst glaring at Lucas and wiping blood from his mouth…
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This panel is too much for my heart. Athy how can you stand within a metre of all this and not have your 14 yo heart palpitate to death???
This whole chap was just all Lucas and Kiel vs Aeternitas and I loved it.
Our resident baddie prolly won’t go down so easily but it’s good to see Lucas at full power smiting the kid he’d once declared as not worth his time…
Also I just want some Claude and Athy down time after they sort things out… let’s see them have another tea time where neither feel like the other is a stranger or may potentially turn or them nor think they may be in danger or get sick but just relax and enjoy each other’s company for the first time in a long time…
feel kinda bad for Kiel’s dad… he schemed in ways very much harmful to Athy but he wasn’t out here to murk and dismantle the whole royal family… but do fully expect him to be stripped of his title and for it to be passed down to Kiel…
And I hope Jeanette is ok! Also more Lily and Felix action please!!!
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istumpysk · 3 years
I really like your take about the Starks endgame being in the line:
sit on the king’s council. He might raise castles like Brandon the Builder, or sail a ship across the Sunset Sea, or enter your mother’s Faith and become the High Septon ... “You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon.”
Obviously the marrying king and ruling his castle is so Sansa and sail a ship across the sunset sea hints at adventurer Arya, but I am a little stuck on the other ones. Who is to sit on a King's Council? Jon? And raising castles like Brandon the Builder is likely Bran. But what I love the most is High Septon Rickon. Damn I want that so bad. Lately I have bitterly resigned myself to him dying, but him becoming High Septon would make me so happy. George you better not kill that poor child 😭
Au contraire, anon! You have it slightly backwards. Let’s take another look.
sit on the king's council -> Bran.
Here’s George R. R. Martin being a little cheeky when hinting Bran may sit on the King’s council. Naturally he’ll be the head of that council... hardy har har. Funny guy.
He might raise castles like Brandon the Builder -> Jon.
Good old Jon the Builder. Anon, it is actually Jon Snow (I) with all the foreshadowing (II) of restoring (III) The Gift and its natural resources (IV), creating and settling new noble houses (V), and raising new castles there (VI).
King Bran Stark will likely be regifting The Gift back to the Starks, who used to hold dominion over it, undoing a Targaryen order of the past. You might call that Brandon’s Gift.
sail a ship across the Sunset Sea -> Arya.
Next up, Captain Stark. Anyone still doubting this is delusional, and we don’t need to expand on it any further.
marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon -> Sansa.
Who is that Arya? Right, that’s Sansa. Marrying a King, ruling his castle, having his princes, and continuing the line of succession of what must be a very important integral house to the story. Small problem, can anyone think of a spare King that’s lying around? Can’t be Bran, that doesn’t make sense. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how this mystery plays out.
enter your mother's Faith and become the High Septon -> ???
Um, I’m not sure what the hell to make of that, to be honest. The other four are undoubtedly being directly referenced (the Sunset Sea being the dead giveaway), so this is either Rickon or it was added to dilute the foreshadowing a touch. Your guess is as good as mine.
Of course if he does survive the series, travels South to stay close to Bran (aww!), and eventually join his mother’s Faith and become the High Septon in an epilogue, I will scream from the mountains that I’m a genius and predicted it from the very beginning.
And if he dies, I will claim that it was a foregone conclusion. I don’t make the rules, ok?
Anyway, that’s the story of how one conversation between father and daughter, spoiled the whole gosh darn ending in the very first book.
“He was going to be a knight,” Arya was saying now. “A knight of the Kingsguard. Can he still be a knight?”
“No,” Ned said. He saw no use in lying to her. “Yet someday he may be the lord of a great holdfast and sit on the king’s council. He might raise castles like Brandon the Builder, or sail a ship across the Sunset Sea, or enter your mother’s Faith and become the High Septon.” But he will never run beside his wolf again, he thought with a sadness too deep for words, or lie with a woman, or hold his own son in his arms.
Arya cocked her head to one side. “Can I be a king’s councillor and build castles and become the High Septon?”
“You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon.”
Arya screwed up her face. “No,” she said, “that’s Sansa.” – Eddard V, AGOT
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Day by Day
Shangqi x Reader 
A/N: My love for this man has hit an all time high so let me capitalize on it while I still can! If you read everything, I sincerely thank you for doing so!!! And holy cow 2 fics in 2 days have I gone back into my prime days? 
Genre: PG-13
Notes: As the title mentioned, I’ll probably set it some time after endgame. You could see it as a prequel to my first post! Reader is a social worker and she’s just dealing with all the mess that the snap bought back. The reader’s name as Jen Lee. I also apologize in advance for the potentially long fic. 
‘Excuse me, I’m looking for my child? Her name’s Wang Yiman and she’s seven.’ Another frazzled-looking parent fought her way to the front of the receptionist, approaching the helpless intern who looked like she was going to be on the verge of tears if another request came in. 
‘I got this,’ a hand calmly reassured the young intern as she beckoned the relief parent. ‘Mrs Wang? My name is Jen Lee and I’m the social worker here.’ I offered my hand for the anxious mother. ‘Oh thank god! Is Yiman ok? She must have been so scared!’ I slowed to a stop outside the room at the end of the corridor, gently sitting her down. 
‘Yiman has been a very brave girl Mrs Wang, but I will not lie to you. The sudden disappearance of their parents has traumatized a lot of kids. We’ve managed to explain to them what was going on but they will need a lot of support.’ I gave a glance over Mrs Wang’s shoulder, nodding to my colleague, Tammy who was holding the hand of a little girl in pigtails and a floral dress. 
妈妈! mā ma (mommy!)
The young girl ran into her mother’s open arms, allowing the floodgates to open from both ends. I turn to Tammy as we shared a silent agreement to leave the area. ‘That’s the last one for the day,’ Tammy unceremoniously plops herself onto the chair, letting out a groan. ‘Thanks for your hard work Jen.’ 
‘Right back at you.’ I entered the last bit of paperwork before uploading Yiman’s case file onto the portal. Yiman’s reunion with her parents meant the Children and Youth Centre were halfway in getting every displaced child back to their parents. Looking at the dingy television that was hung on the walls at the waiting room, despite not being able to hear anything, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on. S.W.O.R.D was apparently in a stand-off against Wanda Maximoff? Reported rumors that Sam Wilson didn’t want anything to do with the shield? It’s been a crazy few weeks but that was utter- 
‘Bullshit! If anything it’s the government. They must have psyched him into giving up the shield.’ My chair swiveled to face Tammy who returned a nonchalant shrug. ‘What? You know I’m right. Doesn’t matter if half the world’s gone or our universe gets split into two - they’re the true evil here. I’m still struggling to find a place after I found a couple making out in my apartment! And you know what the global repatriation council told me? We’re only dealing with urgent cases right now. Well I say f-’
The incessant ringing of the bell interrupted our conversation, replacing Tammy’s tirade into a cheeky grin. ‘Look who’s here!’ 
Shangqi stands behind the counter, dressed in his usual red varsity jacket and jeans, holding bags of what I could only make out as takeout from the Chinese restaurant that was run by a friendly Singaporean couple. ‘Did I interrupt something?’ He scratches his head nervously. ‘Nope, in fact you just saved me from Tammy’s monologue, any further and she’ll explicitly tell me what she saw in her apartment when she got dusted back that day,’ I shivered in mock fear. ‘Still haunts me up till today.’ Tammy meets us by the door, bag in her hand. 
‘I thought you were staying? We got fried dumplings and 泡饭  pào fàn (poached rice).’ 
‘Last minute duty - A parent called, gotta run! Enjoy your dinner date.’ She waggles her eyebrows suggestively, much to our embarrassment. ‘What? It’s not...’ Shangqi stutters, trying to form intelligible sentences. ‘Get out before I throw a fried dumpling at your face Tammy!’ She winks at me, before darting out of the door. Once my nosy colleague was out, I turn towards a red-faced Shangqi. ‘I’m so sorry... just don’t mind her.’ 
‘Huh?’ The man was knocked out of his stupor. ‘Oh yeah... sure,’ in an attempt to forget everything that had just happened, he opened the packets of fried dumplings. ‘Ready for war?’ 
‘I was born ready.’ 
Thirty-five minutes later, all that was left were the remnants of fried dumplings and three empty containers. 
‘This should be illegal,’ I patted my stomach in satisfaction to his amusement. ‘Laugh at yourself! You lost track of how many dumplings you had and ended up taking my share!’ 
Raising his hands in defeat, Shangqi starts to clear the table up. ‘So how’s the center? Everything alright?’ I nodded numbly. 
The past five years had been a blur. Hazy, even. All I remembered was a kid running into the office telling me that half of the staff disappeared during a school holiday program that we were running with a dozen other kids. Parents who survived the snap rushed to our center, demanding to see their children. We couldn’t give them any answer as we too, were equally perplexed. Maybe the only thing that made sense was Shangqi and Katy bursting into the center to help us with the chaos. 
Coming back from what could be the 1000th phone call, I got a glimpse in the children’s playroom where the five years old kids were at, treating myself to an amusing sight. They all had red cloths draped around their neck, each holding a stick that was from the abandoned prop box. Katy wasn’t spared to as she was wearing her own red cloth that seemed a few sizes to small for her. Not that she didn’t seem to mind. 
‘Alright my warriors! Chargeeeeee!!!!!!’ 
In unison, little pairs of feet pattered across the room towards their ‘enemy’, a cardboard cutout of a monstrous creature who was really just Shangqi in disguise. 
‘RAWR! I’ll eat anyone who stands in my way!’ He stands up, mimicking a dinosaur that was about to trample an entire city. I decided that the paperwork could wait, standing near the door to watch an Oscar-worthy performance. With great effort and bravery from the kids, they finally managed to take down 5 foot 10 worth of muscle. 
‘Again! Again!’ 
I chuckled upon seeing Shangqi on the floor, about to drift off into wonderland. It was time for me to step in. ‘Alright kids that’s enough for today! Dinner’s here.’  As the kids dispersed with the help of Katy, it was just the two of us left to clear up the mess. ‘Thank you so much, both of you. I honestly can’t think of what would happen if you guys didn’t come to help.’ 
Perhaps my body language was screaming ‘I’m dead tired, please just knock me out’ as Shangqi takes a cloth from me, folding it back into the box. ‘It’s what we would have done, this place, it means a lot to us - to me.’ 
A small knock on the door diverts our attention away from the trash. Little Yiman stands at the door, as she stares at the both of us with big round eyes. 
‘Yiman, it’s late, what are you doing here?’ I squat down to her eye level. The little girl beams, ‘ 妈妈 said that I could give this to you!’ She passes me a juice box together with a handmade card with colorful scribbles. Maybe I was carrying too much on my shoulders, as I suddenly felt a boulder lifted off me. ‘Thank you,’ I smile at her sweetly, ‘I love apple juice.’ Happy with the response, she runs to Shangqi. ‘Shangqi 哥哥 gē ge (brother)!’ 
He breaks out into a smile, opening his arms wide. Yiman nuzzles her head into his shoulder before breaking out into uncontrollable giggles from his sudden attack of tickles. ‘Are you hear to help Miss Jen?’ I took the trash from his hands, giving him some time with the girl. 
‘Yes I am. Miss Jen needs some help so I’m here today!’ 
‘Are you her boyfriend?’ 
Shangqi freezes on the spot. He had undergone what could be the toughest training by his father, fought the greatest assassins in the world and here he was - stumped by a question from a seven year old. ‘Well... I’m her close friend since when we were very young,’ Yiman looks at him expectantly. ‘She helped me when I was in trouble so I had to be a good friend when she was in trouble too.’ 
‘Like how Ningning helped me when I injured my knee?’ 
‘Yeah... something like that.’ He breathes a sigh of relief, thankful to escape his first crisis. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure if he was telling himself the truth. 
‘Yiman! Your mother’s here!’ The little girl gives him one last hug before running to the waiting room. Shangqi takes a moment to recollect himself. ‘Here I am thinking that you finally managed to have some stamina while interacting with young children, maybe I was wrong.’ I teased as I sat beside him. 
‘Har har, hilarious.’ He tosses me a straw for our peach teas, as we were greeted by the amazing night view of San Francisco. ‘Enough about me, you good though?’ Looks like he didn’t forget the conversation that was cut off earlier. My mind goes back to a few minutes earlier, eavesdropping on the conversation.
‘I had to be a good friend when she was in trouble too.’
Life has been so unpredictable, I don’t even want to think too far into the future. With appearances from more superpowered beings, I don’t know what’s real anymore.
‘Yeah. To be honest, it’s been so crazy and overwhelming but I’ll get through it. I have you don’t I?’ Giving him a wink, I slowly sipped on the sweetness of the tea, savoring the pearls. He pauses for a moment, nodding thoughtfully. 
Life isn’t the same as it was before. But maybe, just maybe... if I had Shangqi, I’ll take each day on one at a time. Day by day. 
A/N: Hoho! I literally spent the whole afternoon writing because I just had to get this idea out and also because work was pretty slow today. I have no idea what is up with my first two fics hinting at unrequited love? I guess I got inspired by Shangqi’s and Katy’s platonic relationship because I thought it was so well written but I also love Shangqi so I guess is a compromise kinda thing. Again, do like and comment if you wish! Really thankful that y’all have been so kind to me so far! 
Perhaps I’ll try my hand at shorter ones like headcannons before this girl exhausts herself out and I don’t want to do that because I believe I have more to show! 
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echoeternally · 3 years
Hi there! I have a bit of a strange request for you, if that's okay. I'm currently in the process of planning/writing a longer Star Fox fic that prominently features Panther, and by extension, the FoxPanth ship, and I was wondering if you could give any pointers on writing Panther and/or him and Fox together?
This isn't strange at all! I'm even delighted, like, someone asking me about a pairing that I originally thought almost no one else would enjoy, and so they can write it too? It's like a dream, my gosh!
Give me one more second, like, I'm so amazed that this happened with my rare pair for Fox/Panther. FOXPAN! Of all pairs, I'm thrilled!
Ok, ok! Let's see what advice I can scrounge up for you.
A lot of people are under the impression that Panther is a pretty clear cut character in one regard or the other, but he actually offers a lot of flexibility to write about. That's probably why I gravitate to using him so often for Star Fox content.
Writing him playing off of Fox has a surprisingly enjoyable kind of chemistry, but it depends on what you go for with them. Coming to me means that you're in for the shipping, so, that I can help with!
Kind of prefacing that a bit because I know this is going under a cut, which I'm adding in here. More below, of course! Also, it's going to be a lot longer than you're expecting, so...I'm hoping that helps!
~Panther's Background~
Ok, I'll start with Panther as a character, since understanding how you want to portray him is the first part to nail down right.
People kind of mistake Panther to be a flat villain and a basically a pervy flirt, nothing more needed to build his character. It's easy to write him off as such, given how little canon support the games give.
There are some very, very crucial elements that he's given with his appearances, however, and they tend to be overlooked.
First and foremost, a lot of folks like to lump Panther in as "just another Star Wolf crony," which is fair if you don't focus on him.
However! What's critical that too many people ignore is that, in Panther's debut appearance, that's a brand new Star Wolf too. With the story for Star Fox: Assault being what it was, Panther is part of the Star Wolf team that no longer operates as mere mercenaries for the main villain and the obvious rival team, but he's part of a team that becomes allies to Fox and friends by the endgame.
Anyone can take that any way they want, but Panther is basically part of the lightest and kindest, perhaps even the most fleshed out version of Star Wolf. So, people that gleefully like pairing Fox off with Wolf because he has those "hey pup" lines? They should very well like the roster from Assault, because that's the installment that gave the most credibility to Wolf even being capable of defecting.
There's a lot of ways that it could be explained, but notably, Panther is the new big member on the main roster. Sure, they could fill a seat with anyone, but look at who they chose: this lighthearted goofball that enjoys playing with his rivals as much as he does causing trouble. A far cry from the likes of Leon, Pigma, and Andrew, who were on the more ruthless side of Star Wolf.
Many like Panther to be along that side too, and depending on how you want to characterize him, that could work out.
My personal preference, however, is that Panther is part of the catalysts that helps Wolf defect from being fully evil.
He's less interested in hurting civilians and being some kind of hotshot assassin. There's no hard support that Panther's criminal record involves heavy war crimes and murder, and canon biographies about him state him to be an elusive criminal that troubled Cornerian army officials.
Rather, Panther is entertained by causing mischief and enjoys playing around. He's cunning, but in ways to further his goals and those of his allies, not to play as a pawn in another's schemes.
I like to create the background that Wolf and Leon got low and desperate when searching for new recruits, and after meeting up with Panther, they adopt similar traits from him, easing up on their rougher traits in favor of getting their work done.
Basically, I favor the idea that Panther helped make Wolf better. (Which is totally a fun basis for Wolf/Panther, something that I've wanted to write for a few years too, lol.)
~Characterizing Panther~
It really depends on what you're doing with writing him, because you can make him a criminal even still and have that work nicely. However, I tend to give him ways out of being locked into a shadier background, focusing on his lighter traits, and making him more of a "gentleman thief" type of character foremost.
(For reference, I made him that kind of a thief in my fanfic, "Your Thieving Heart," because I really enjoy the idea that Panther's a cat burglar, as opposed to...well, whatever other people prefer.)
If you're focusing on an action or adventure story, I'd recommend using his craftier traits to help him stand out. Panther likes to play head games, because he'll tease and taunt his opponents, baffling them silly until they're clueless to his true motives.
He's also a skillful shot; in Star Fox: Command, Panther is the only playable character that does not use a Lock system for his Wolfen, which means that he makes a single shot that pierces most opponents. And in Assault, he makes a good support to both Star Wolf, and later on, Star Fox, so he can coordinate well in dogfights and combat too.
A story that's geared less to fighting, such as a drama or a comedy, would focus more on Panther's playful traits. Obviously his flirting, which I'll get to in a moment, but also, tweak the way that his playful and cunning manifests.
His teasing can be used to hide other facets of his character (maybe he's actually hurting and lonely deep down) or otherwise his goals (maybe he wants to get flowers for a partner and jokes about missing a meeting to do so).
His smarts can be used to show a more analytic or thoughtful side to him; while Panther isn't the type that would be the smartest in the room, he's absolutely underestimated by everyone, and can get away with a lot of surprises as a result.
Character flaws are pretty simple. Panther can be arrogant, so he can go a little too far touting his prowess and skill, as well as take his joking a little overboard without realizing when to back down. Since he is a criminal, he definitely has a less than luster past, which can hold him back, depending on how you want to write his criminal history. Also, I tend to think of him as a type that comes across charismatic and social, but in reality wants something quieter.
That last bit has support from a profile description in Command, which states that while Panther proclaims himself to be a "ladies' cat," he actually is known to fall "totally and completely in love" with his partner.
So, where people tend to limit him to being confident and flirty, that's the short and simple version to Panther. The deeper way to flesh his character out is to make him a hopeless romantic type, who craves and wants to find someone special to help fulfill his life.
Because a large portion of Panther's character gets limited to flirting with Krystal in his two major appearances, he's not given time to really show off the depths of his feelings. (I think Command tried, but that story got botched in a few too many places.)
He's not a misogynistic type, if I remember correctly, because he doesn't make any crude comments to berate or belittle Krystal's character, but rather, makes strong efforts to prime up his character instead, doing his best to come across as enticing and viable to her as possible.
Panther is super desperate and longing for love, and he's not above trying whatever methods he can to get there.
~Shipping With...Fox!~
So, how does Fox come into play on that? It's pretty easy, since Fox is also a flexible character as virtue of being the main player controlled character for the franchise. In other words, you can project a lot onto Fox in manners however you might like.
There are specific traits to Fox that remain part of his core character, however. He's obviously a strong leader, leading the legendary Star Fox team. If we go by Star Fox 64's ending, he's pretty humble, given that he turns down joining military ranks (presumably greater glory) to keep his life in a freer style with his contract work. (This gets played up as the series goes along, though Fox was actually pretty cocky in Star Fox 64, and somewhat so in Star Fox: Adventures as well.)
Given how his personality matures by the time of Star Fox: Assault and whatever went on with Star Fox: Command, Fox is something of a type that does abide by rules and doing the greater good type of work, but still retains some of his "off the books" or "go it alone" type of work.
So, since he's a hero that dances close to more lawful work, though still manages to find ways to slide around for what his objectives desire, that does make him a mostly "no nonsense" type, though on the friendlier and nicer side, of course. Fox can be portrayed as pretty orderly, in other words, and doesn't favor causing more trouble than he can handle, even if he's not above it.
Does that sound like something of an inverse to Panther, who tends to get into trouble and be mischievous? I should hope so!
Because they have foiled personalities from one another, that gives Fox and Panther elements of "opposites attract," since Panther can be silly and troublesome, while Fox tries to be serious and respectful. Panther has a shadier history with the Cornerian Army and his past is riddled with mystery and lack of depth. Fox, meanwhile, has staunchly strong and heroic ties with the Cornerian Army, who rely and count on his efforts to help them out. Additionally, he has a fair amount of his background explored as well, especially so compared to the enigma that is Panther.
Going by how flustered Fox gets in Star Fox: Adventures, Assault, and Command, he's also a bit sloppier in the romance department. He's seen as a stammering type, and shier around those that show interest in him, namely how Krystal does in the former two installments. He ends up being too protective of her in the last game included for that group, and kicks her from the team thinking that it was the safer option, when it really did nothing to stop her.
Those that ship Fox with Falco can also write him in angles to being oblivious to love, since Falco tends to be a bit harsh with Fox, which many like to write as him being guarded with his true feelings. So, combined with the information above, Fox is something of a romantic novice or rather inept at it.
Panther, whether he's actually good at romance or just likes to think he is, still comes across as an opposite to Fox on that level too. Whereas Fox falters and hesitates in romantic matters, Panther boldly strides forward to do his best in a quest for love.
There are some tricks to helping Fox and Panther work even better than just playing off of their foil traits however.
For starters: Both can be portrayed as very lonely souls.
Fox is a character that lost his parents at a young age, with his mother being out of the picture in every game installment, and his father dead before he's even 18. That's rough stuff, at least in my book. So, I'd consider that Fox has some isolated sides to his character that not everyone knows about, and that he has a side that grieves for his loved ones, and a side that longs to find a way to be loved and cherished in some manner once more.
Huh, does that sound familiar again? Someone that desperately wants to find love to fill a void in his life?
Oh wait, that's literally part of Panther's core too!
See, both Fox and Panther are seekers of love. While Fox may not be as forward with his intentions, he cares deeply for his team, his allies, and his planet, if not the entire Lylat galaxy. While Panther may not have such grand showings for compassion, he'd be the type that would be impressed, if not charmed, by someone so compassionate and caring.
If you take the idea that Panther helped make Wolf and Leon better, then it's likely that he also has a good deal of compassion in him too, seeing the best in people that the rest of Corneria and Lylat write off as the worst out there. Finding the light in the darkness is a kind of hopeful trait that Fox would absolutely be drawn to, since he can struggle to do the same.
Of course, both Panther and Fox are also skilled pilots, so, they have at least that much in common. Fox's skills are something that have outright impressed Panther in canon, and he compliments Fox a few times in both Star Fox: Assault and Star Fox: Command, commending Fox as his personal rival. It's not hard at all to shift that from mere respect to a deeper admiration.
Both are also very loyal and willing to see their goals through to the end. Fox proves this repeatedly in the games, but Panther shows such qualities in his appearances too, sticking by Wolf's side in spite of the challenges they face, and committing to his goals until they either are toppled enough to stop him, or until they are fully realized in a capacity that satisfies Panther well enough.
Typically, I like to mix things between "opposites attract" and "like attracts likes," to balance them out. Both Fox and Panther want to not be lonely and fall in love, to share their lives with someone. They're both also types that would be lonely in a crowd, though none are likely to suspect so, since they both come across confident and social enough to prove otherwise. Fox may find Panther's slippery side somewhat alluring, since he follows a freedom that Fox may sometimes wish he had from his more uptight and legacied life. Panther, meanwhile, might find Fox's loyalty and noble traits very endearing, because that means he'd firmly stand beside anyone that he committed himself to, something that Panther absolutely wants.
Naturally, you can play around with how you might like to portray them, based on the choices you'd make with your story, but those are some elements that I noticed and liked to help build it up.
While a lot of it is fairly made up with loose ties to canon, that's kind of the point to many fanfics. And even still, there is enough canon support to characterize Panther and Fox in a way that could make them a harmonized duo, to the point of romantic involvement.
Phew! Even I didn't realize how much I'd have to write about them until I actually put it all down, lol.
I do hope that you find this helpful. If you want any more information with building the pairing up for writing, please let me know! I'd love to increase the support that FoxPan gets out there, haha!
Thank you for asking too! This was a lot of fun to write out.
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