#oisin does a project
oishiin · 5 months
The Crystal Cup: incredibly niche baseball
I visited Japan this year and one of the things that I did while in Tokyo was go to Meiji Jingu stadium to root for the Yakult Swallows vs. the Tokyo Giants. Despite my team ultimately losing on the day (I'm doing the whole "our", "us", "we", thing that sports fans do for the team that they support), we (my gf and I) had a really fun time. We had crammed the rules prior to attending so we could follow along.
What stood out to me was the vibe of the crowd, which is in a way particular to fans in Japan, but also that the overall vibe of it really reminded me of attending sports (hurling) when I was younger. I haven't really been into sports for the last 10+ years, so I was surprised to be coming away with an new adopted team to support in a game that I previously knew only Blaseball about (read nothing). I think a lot of it had to do with the determination of our underdog team. I'm all about that, and I'm pretty sure its directly related to supporting our local county team in hurling (usually the underdog).
Where am I going with this? Yes. My crash course was given to me by my cousin, who follows American baseball. So naturally the thing to do on my return was to get the rules for Deadball, a pen and paper baseball simulator. Long story short, we are working on 8 teams based on various towns (settlements more like) in our surrounding countryside and they will battle it out in a league. We have the intentions of making this a worldbuilding thing as much as it is fun sport themed dice thing, and want to put out game reports in character, along with player interviews/lore etc.
How will these things develop? How many odd irish-baseball names will we come up with? WHO WILL LIFT THE CRYSTAL CUP????
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kindlespark · 5 months
The rat grinders, who does what for a group project presentation?
oh my god great question .
kipperlilly runs that shit like the military but ruben still finds ways to slack off <3 ivy also slacks off but she wouldn't be best friends with oisin if he didn't trust that she'd stay up late doing her part at the last possible minute
kipperlilly and oisin are the talkers. they cannot let mary ann talk and she's ok with that (they all have to edit her paragraphs to be more engaging but she makes the best spreadsheets). i think they also reluctantly let buddy talk because he's got the crazy preacher background and really does get the class engaged but they've banned him from referencing helio at any point after their first presentation ended in prayer circle
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highfiveheroes · 5 months
A normal party, Kipperlilly will think later, wouldn’t go out of their way to torment each other like this. A normal party would be kinder, apologize, laugh a little, and move on. But her party is fucked up in more ways than one. Ruben’s chest and eyes start to glow red, and before they all know it Oisin is down on the floor getting his face fucking pummeled. Kipperlilly is still laughing so hard at the song that she can’t do anything about it, but Ivy makes a halfhearted attempt to throw something at Ruben to get him to stop. She does this by throwing a single piece of paper that floats a foot towards him and then lands, which is so pathetic that Kipperlilly officially falls out of her chair and lands on her knees, pounding the floor. It makes Ivy laugh even harder. If it weren’t so twisted, this would be the best bonding experience they’ve ever had. Something to bring up at a wedding, to reference in birthday cards for years—but Kipperlilly doesn’t give a fuck about their birthdays, doesn’t even know how old most of these fuckers are anymore, and if a single one of these fucks lives long enough to get married she’ll probably kill them out of jealousy and spite.
or: The Rat Grinders vs Junior Year.
(yall this fic. this fic. anyway im very proud of myself)
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omamorens · 1 month
Excuse me, I know it’s been a while since fantasy high junior year, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts or head cannons on Adaine and Oisín as academic rivals in senior year?
OH I HAVE LOTS OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM the lack of content has not stopped my brainrot (a curse or a blessing…. who can tell) but senior high inkblade thoughts coming right up
Nothing beats forced proximity. Wizard classes are notorious for giving out group tasks to mitigate the stereotype of wizard shut-ins
General student population has not taken kindly to TRG’s return… and they’re still pretty much approached with caution
Not TBK though. they dont gaf bout these kids
Especially not Adaine.
So if she happens to be paired/grouped with Oisin Hakinvar for a lot of the projects, she just learns to work with him in relative peace.
“Peace” being doing most of the work herself because duh. Who else can do anything better than she does?
But Adaine’s idea of “peace” hurts Oisin’s draconian sense of pride.
The second time it happens, Oisin finally gets the sense to tell her to knock out of it and include him in the work.
“Why? You’re already getting a free pass because of me. Just say your thanks and take it.”
“This free pass is gonna bite me in the ass.”
“You think I’ll snitch?”
“I just don’t like owing you anything.”
Their argument quickly escalates until the threats of violence have reached their wizard teacher’s radar.
Which was perfect. Now Adaine can actually complain and have her partner changed without whining or sounding like she was being difficult.
Too bad for her…
“I can’t do that, Miss Abernant. Mr. Hakinvar is the only one with comparable capabilities as you that if anyone else were paired with you, it would almost be like handing them a free pass.”
There was a compliment there somewhere but Adaine cannot be bothered to dig for it. Not when she was being compared to Oisin Hakinvar of all people.
In the end, Adaine didn’t get a change of partner and was left to deal with Oisin on her own.
Surprisingly, he was not that difficult to deal with. Misgivings aside, Oisin had common sense and worked on his parts well enough that Adaine had no problem with their output.
Doesn’t mean she won’t complain though.
This rivalry was a battle of wits mostly— who could create the most efficient spell? who could cast more practically? who wrote glyphs more intricately?
Wizard classes were also deeply twined together that it was hard not so be in the same class despite having different wizarding schools.
Which also presented arguments in theory and the nature of magic as they see and interact with it in their perspective.
In short, Oisin Hakinvar was a fucking challenge.
When you’re Adaine Abernant, you’re used to being the smartest person in the room.
Sure her friends were smart in their own ways too (Riz was inquisitively smart, Gorgug practically smart, and all her other friends were brilliantly talented), but all of them mostly did not care to have the scholarly aptitude and arcane awareness to actually challenge Adaine.
And honestly? Being the smartest person in the room was kind of dull.
Oisin just had to exist and change that, and now Adaine is both challenged, uncharistically motivated, and driven to come out as the better wizard.
Being the Elven Oracle does not matter when your opponent is an annoying dragonborn who only had comparable capabilities as you do after he killed some rats—
It was infuriating, honestly insulting, and most of all untrue.
Adaine will just have to prove it to everyone when she eventually graduates top of the wizarding class.
That will happen after she tackles the mysteries surrounding her senior year first because Of Course something had to go wrong and it was up to the Bad Kids to actually do anything about it.
No, she will not be distracted by this. She can solve a mystery AND be academically competent. Who do you take her for?
Oisin will have to pry the top spot from her cold, dead hands—
in my head, theres another pov of this from oisin’s perspective but this has gotten too long and i have uni to tackle first. i hope you enjoyed this hcs because i truly have daydreamed inkblade senior year in its full glory in my head at this point.
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housesunstone · 4 months
Tell me more abt lucy and ruben 👀👀
You dont have to ask me twice!!!
Again this is all my own personal headcanon as semi-influenced by what we know as canon (this might also be used in a fic i might or might not be working on) I do not speak for official rat grinders lore
Lucy and Ruben first met in middle school (I think that is what it is called, not a thing where I am from). They were both partnered up in some class assignment. Lucy invited Ruben over so they could work on it after school, Ruben, being super chill and laid back, agreed. About half the project got done that night they just talked the rest of the time
After that, it was weird to see Lucy and Ruben without each other; they were a duo: her soft, kind, deeply caring soul and her laid-back, go-with-the-flow, caring best friend. Everyone just knew wherever Lucy was; Ruben wasn't far behind. If Ruben was somewhere, you could be sure Lucy was also there
When Ruben started his band, it was just him playing his ukulele; he was known for making a song out of anything. One day during lunch he just made a song up about Lucy on the spot. The better he got the more people wanted to make music with him, and Lucy was his number one fan since day 1.
Lucy would always go to all of his band practices, hang out in his basement and cheer the band on between songs. All of the others who were allowed to watch band practice shared a bowl and vibe. But it was always Lucy who cheered the loudest. She was the first one to have merch, it may have been just a t-shirt with some sharpie on it, but she wore it proudly and told everyone, "Just you watch; my best friend is going to be a star"
This was their last year in middle school before high school, and the duo became a trio. Kipperlilly came, and Lucy and her became close.
Ruben and Lucy didn't live too far from one another, they would often go to each others house in the middle of the night to just talk
Ruben took a keen interest into Ruvina and based on the conversations he and Lucy had, a lot of that went into his music
Lucy is first caught by Ruben when she brings the rats back, it is at that moment Lucy shares her more intimate beliefs about Runina that mortals were made to keep each other warm
Ruben doesn't tell anyone about this. Not until the bigger monsters get involved
Lucy becomes distant with Ruben towards the end of junior year before they go to the mountains of chaos. When Ruben tries to ask her why, she just brushes it off with faith stuff
Lucy is the last of her friends to be killed for Porter to shatter Star; she watches Ivy go down first, followed by Mary Ann, then Oisin, and Ruben. The horrified look on his face sends fear through her entire body. Before Kipperlilly goes down, she tells Lucy that things are going to be okay they can all be better this way. It's when Kipperlilly drops that Lucy looks at Porter and tells him she won't do this. She refuses to do this. Porter just laughs and tells her he never planned on bringing her back
Ruben is one of the last to wake up. He is met by Kipperlilly, who looks frantic, as Lucy still isn't moving. He runs over and screams and cries and pleads that she wake up. Hours go by, and she never does.
Ruben is the first to take the devil's honey, not to lie to some god but to himself, and no matter what, the devil's honey doesn't take away the anger, sadness, the hurt that he feels about Lucy. The devil's honey may be able to make him lie to himself, but those feelings never leave. Lucy's presence never leaves
Even with her gone and Ruben's new band, traces of the impression Lucy made on Ruben linger in every song. With Lucy gone, Ruben tries to ignore how empty he feels and how much he regrets not telling her his feelings
I think I need to stop here because I will keep going, and i already had to edit this down
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lattehearted · 4 months
[ REST ]  our muses lay on the ground together while it rains.  ( Adaine -- oisin )
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Her heart continues to war with her head, with no end in sight.
The summer had only just started but the Rat Grinders had been trying to make amends. Well, some of them. Two of them, really. Ruben still remembered only bits and pieces - Fig only recently confessing and apologizing for messing with his dreams, in case that was part of his repression. Mary Ann was universally adored, more so after she and Gorgug started to figure their whole deal out. And Lucy, sweet Lucy, was just glad to have friends again, old and new.
Ivy did her part - seeking out Mazey only a couple days after the fight in the gym to address the bad blood. That did a lot of heavy lifting in terms of Fabian becoming civil with the ranger. And no one could argue that Oisin wasn't trying - as much as Adaine wished she could deny it.
He had locked eyes with Adaine as Jawbone had pulled him and Ivy away after the fight, a simple Message of "Sorry," just like that day in the cafeteria. She had frowned in the face of his sheepish smile and soft eyes.
The next day Fabian calls his banker, confused about a substantial deposit he hadn't made; it had been Oisin, Alston had informed, reading a memo that it was for repairs to Seacaster Manor. Adaine frowns, tells Fabian not to take it. He reminds her he's immune to dragon madness and, well, Oisin had wrecked his house. It felt like fair compensation.
At Mazey's graduation party, Mary Ann digs a bandolier out of her backpack. "It's from Oisin," she said, with her typical flat inflection. "Said he needed a new leather working project and saw your artificer thing and wanted to make you a new one." ("That's...that's really nice, I killed him and he's making me things?" Gorgug comments at the same time Fig, ever a German Shepherd, asks, "Be straight with me, Mary Ann. What's his deal?" Mary Ann only shrugs. "Oisin's a dork," she explains, with the same fondness she calls her boyfriend a loser.)
Slowly but surely, he was ingratiating himself into their friend group, like the others before him. Even Riz, begrudgingly, lets him try and prove himself. So should Adaine. She knows this. She knows who she's really mad at is herself. But that doesn't stop her, during a group wide movie night at Mordred Manor, from slipping outside and flopping onto the wet grass with a yell of frustration.
For a couple of blissful minutes, it's just Adaine and the rain. And then Oisin finds her. He always does. He says nothing and that's almost worse. She's grasping at straws and coming up empty and that makes her angrier. At every turn, he was proving himself to be genuine - the same boy who had offered her diamonds and a study partner after one conversation. But she's terrified, bone deep terrified, that just like the night of the storm, she's going to be blindsided by him if she trusts him unduly.
Adaine eventually breaks the silence, eyes aimed skyward and uncaring of the rain splattering against her face. Her magic swirls in the air, a Detect Thoughts seeking his reaction on the surface of his mind. "...That night at Fabian's," she begins. "The first one, not the...not election night." It's difficult to force the words out; what is she supposed to do with what she learns? "The...The diamonds, the...the fluster, the fucked up shots... Was any of that real?"
@trustbutvcriify / the classic romance of a good rainstorm
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serenescribe · 1 year
serenescribe's ao3 fics masterlist!
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here's a collection of all my written works that i've posted to ao3 thus far! listed below the cut in alphabetical fandom order! (had to ditch my orange text for it due to formatting woes...)
total number of works: 28 last updated: 4/7/24
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blaseball: ✤ — in the truly gruesome do we trust —> during the chaos of earlsiesta, parker macmillan iiiii takes a stand. [ao3]
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cookie run: ✤ — we've got history —> espresseleine. espresso hates madeleine. madeleine is obsessed with espresso. somehow, everything comes together for better or worse. [ao3*]
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danganronpa: ✤ — a beginner's guide to breaking your (apparently requited) crush out of a time loop —> saiouma + non-despair. shuichi gets stuck in a time loop. kokichi helps him out. [ao3]
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danganronpa 54 series: ✤ — nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy —> when shuichi saihara fails to connect rantaro's presence in drv3 to the survivors' sacrifice, maki harukawa is forced to join another killing game. [ao3] [ongoing + on hiatus] ✤ — cause for concern —> set during intermission 1 of the main fic. the morning before dr54's premiere, shuichi, tenko and himiko go grocery shopping. [ao3]
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eastward: ✤ — for you, the world —> isabel/alva. a retelling of chapter 4's bar scene with an in-depth look at isabel's perspective. [ao3] ✤ — do not stand at my grave and weep —> post-canon. john copes with life and learns how to move on. [ao3]
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fantasy high: ✤ — dear gravity (you held me down in this starless city) —> fig punches a mirror. somehow it's a metaphor for teenage rebellion. [ao3] ✤ — the pied piper (of a singular rat) —> in a determined bid to prove to himself that he is not, in fact, a coward, fabian tries adaine’s secret sylvan gift again. [ao3] ✤ — something borrowed, something blue —> after a plane shift spell gone wrong following the last stand, kristen finds herself in a dreamscape modelled after her goddess' wedding. [ao3] ✤ — glaciers melting in the dead of night —> in another universe a step to the left, adaine and oisin are paired together for a project in the first week of freshman year. this doesn’t change everything — but it changes just enough. [ao3] [ongoing]
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fire emblem: engage: ✤ — "would you care for a cup of tea?" —> céline, princess of firene, seeks out three potential partners for tea time. [ao3]
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fire emblem: three houses: ✤ — tower of withering hearts —> sylvix + fairytale au. felix has been stuck in a tower guarded by dragons for ten years. one day, sylvain finally finds him. [ao3] ✤ — dancing with a star —> doropetra. dorothea teaches petra how to dance fódlan-style. she gets more than she expected out of it. [ao3] ✤ — and no one saw and no one heard —> a short drabble studying felix's character. [ao3]
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inside job: ✤ — i miss the thought of what we were —> post-season 1 part 2. reagan keeps a close eye on ron staedtler martin higgins. gigi and brett find out, one after the other. [ao3]
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night in the woods: ✤ — longest night —> a retelling of the longest night supplement, with a heavier focus on mae's psyche and the unreality of her dreams. [ao3]
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persona 5: ✤ — but they don't give a flying fuck about us —> a retelling of the first few days of persona 5. akira kurusu moves to tokyo, befriends a blond boy, and fights the urge to throttle a volleyball coach. [ao3]
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twisted wonderland: ✤ — two for nero —> when silver falls to a sleeping curse, lilia resolves to do anything to wake him up. [ao3] ✤ — everything goes dark —> silver is a dream fairy in the realm of nightmares, suffering from sleep-spells and knowing he doesn't belong. [ao3] ✤ — hollow moon —> don't fall asleep in the light of the full moon. except one day, silver does. things go... very badly. [ao3] ✤ — true love feeds on absences (like pleasure feeds on pain) —> a departure, a reunion, and everything in-between. chapter 7 spoilers. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — rhapsody in green —> a mirror, a comb, and the differences between a knight and a king. [ao3] [Collab with @olivebranch311] ✤ — garden in the ceiling —> malleus steals his family away into a dreamscape, content to take care of them for all of eternity. [ao3] ✤ — the snow prince —> a mysterious spell afflicts one lilia vanrouge, encasing his heart in frigid cold. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — pénthos —> silver is dead, and everything is wrong. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — the prince's physician —> malleus is the physician of an eternally reincarnating prince. he reflects on all that entails. [tumblr link] [ao3] [collab with @ohsleepie] ✤ — the once (and many) prince(s) —> silver is, has always been, and will always be, the crown prince of his kingdom. [tumblr link] [ao3] [collab with @ohsleepie]
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(asterisk* —> archive-locked)
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acehigh-oddsnends · 2 years
Welcome to Ace High Odds n' Ends, whatever you want is here my friend!
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Aesthetic/character development/writing resource blog for a project I call Ace's High. Mainly focused around Ace, others in the main cast also tagged.
list of tagged characters so far;
Ace (they/them) // Proprietor of the Ace's High, the thing in the profile picture
Derwyn/Darlin (he/she) // Bigender EMT, suffered a spinal injury and has pre-existing conditions that cause extreme chronic pain
Gale (he/they) // A folk hero, touched by the light and given fantastic powers due to it. Religious imagery related to angels, fire-themed.
Breeze (she/xe) // A folk hero, touched by the light and given fantastic powers due to it. Imagery related to dragonflies and butterflies, lightning-themed.
Delilah Noir (she/her) // A private eye, your classic noir detective, butch fatale.
Prism (it/its) // A robot, powered by diesel, whose creator was murdered in cold blood. It's hot on the trail of the perpetrator.
Hylte (they/them) // A robot, powered by biofuel, made to be a weapon, but choosing to be a medic instead.
Charlotte (she/they) // Cowgirl, highway robber, very tired.
Oisin (they/he) // Farmboy accidentally kidnapped by Charlotte, now on the run with her.
Leland (he/him) // A ghost, specifically a Lady In Red. Runs the gang Charlotte is a part of.
Penn (they/them) // Half human, half alien, then quarter robot on top of that. A mercenary for hire, with a passion for bloodshed.
Ethel (she/her) // CEO of a powerful company, nicknamed the Last Ethical Businesswoman despite...everything she does, because she's at least one percent better than the rest of them.
Jessica (she/her) // A college student, currently head of the cheerleading team, used to be star Quarterback before an injury, in college on a sport scholarship studying calculus.
Swashplate (he/him) // A robot, made to grease the gears of an old war, who defected and is now the leader of a mafia family in a large city.
FL1NCH (he/him) // A self-described hacktivist, when really all he does is steal from the rich for himself and only himself.
Dalton (he/him) // Derwyn's big brother, just a humble butcher.
Thurkear (they/he) // Lizan, former adventurer, now settled down as a mechanic.
Kane (he/him) // A folk hero, touched by the light and given fantastic powers due to it. Actually a manipulative abusive piece of shit, but he controls the stories. Imagery related to dragons and thorned plants.
Crescendo (it/its) // A mech pilot. Nothing more. (theres so much wrong with it holy shit)
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shoeshineyboy · 3 years
Finian Dara Nye?
:O THREE!!! I will put them under a readmore thing:
Full Name: Finian Oisin Murphy Gender and Sexuality: bi man Pronouns: he/him Ethnicity/Species: human, Irish Birthplace and Birthdate: County Kilkenny, the exact time and date is unknown to me! Guilty Pleasures: it sounds strange but he loves balloons. balloon animals specifically. every time he sees a balloon salesman he has to say to himself "Finian. you are a grown adult. these are not for you" Phobias: break-ins and carbon monoxide poisoning What They Would Be Famous For: his alchemy, and his poker playing What They Would Get Arrested For: his alchemy, if the wrong people found out about it OC You Ship Them With: your OC, Deva <3 OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Dara, probably, or any of his in-laws Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he likes historical dramas! Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: anything that makes the mob look cool, he doesn't like the Cool Mob thing Talents and/or Powers: he knows how to use magic and is pretty good at it! he's also very very good at poker, in as much as someone can be Why Someone Might Love Them: he's passionate about what he believes in, he's funny, straightforward, and has very soft hair Why Someone Might Hate Them: well he does marry a prince. hatred of the monarchy is hatred of him! How They Change: well, he (usually) stops going out and starting bar brawls! he learns a lot about how to be a prince, and sorts himself out a bit, kind of like in Cinderella 3, and he gets more involved in the politics of the country, that sort of thing, Why You Love Them: I have a lot of fun writing him and his screwed up family dynamic! also I really enjoy his personality and thinking about him learning the royal stuff!
Full Name: Dara Seamus Murphy Gender and Sexuality: bi man (just like Finian) Pronouns: he/him Ethnicity/Species: originally an Irish human, later vampire Birthplace and Birthdate: County Kilkenny, 5 years after whenever Finian is born! Guilty Pleasures: folk dancing - it's only a guilty one because it isn't what his in-laws or mafia associates expect from him, he thinks, Phobias: clowns, and the dark, when he was younger What They Would Be Famous For: he married the Head of the Family's daughter, so he's pretty well-known as is! What They Would Get Arrested For: one of the many, many crimes he's committed OC You Ship Them With: Eufemia, his wife who genuinely loves him very much!! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: honestly, Finian Favorite Movie/Book Genre: gothic literature, whatever that is. stuff like Wuthering Heights Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: where the fancy parties get broken into and things get destroyed Talents and/or Powers: standard vampire fare, plus he's a genuinely good dancer Why Someone Might Love Them: he's sweet and kind when he wants to be, though he's also assertive enough and stands up for people he cares about, and he's always been that way Why Someone Might Hate Them: he has done a lot of objectively Not Good things How They Change: he's probably the definition of "I can make him worse" because that is literally very much what happened! he joins the mob yes but he's much, much happier that way, too, and he genuinely believes in the projects they fund Why You Love Them: his entire character is just very enjoyable to me, and I also love how much he loves his wife,,
Full Name: Aneurin Gwyn Rhys Gender and Sexuality: gay man Pronouns: he/they Ethnicity/Species: welsh human Birthplace and Birthdate: November 1st 1884, I think Guilty Pleasures: he actually doesn't feel guilty about any of the things he enjoys - he did, as a child, because he was never into particularly masculine activities, but he grew out of the shame Phobias: the dark, spiders (though he'd never kill them), driving, being killed by the vengeful spirits on Calan Gaeaf What They Would Be Famous For: in a modern verse I could see him as one of those cottagecore-aesthetic influencers What They Would Get Arrested For: accidentally poisoning someone, probably OC You Ship Them With: your Rafaäl, his beloved husband! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: ...two of his own brothers, Gareth and Dylan, Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he loves a romance, like a proper soft and sweet one, Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: ..."does the dog die" is his go-to website in modern verses Talents and/or Powers: he's a very very talented baker, he's fantastic at embroidery and needlecraft, and he knows so much about plants and gardening, Why Someone Might Love Them: he's a genuinely gentle, kind and sweet person, and he's very good with children and animals, Why Someone Might Hate Them: his brothers hate him because he's inherited their grandmother's house How They Change: he becomes more confident in himself, and doing things that make him happy, regardless of what other people think. he also learns to ask for help when he needs it, without feeling bad, Why You Love Them: I love him because he's so sweet and peaceful and calming and I want his life tbh
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! melissa’s daughter gets hurt on set
maybe a oneshot where Mel's daughter gets hurt on set in an accident?
Hi, so I was meant to get this out a few days ago but everything kept going wrong. Now Naya and I just am exhausted. This probably sucks so so much because I can’t comprehend anything but I hope it’ll do. Im so sorry
Word Count: 509
Today was one of the days where you did school online so you could be with your mom on set. It was your favourite thing to do; sometimes you got to shoot on location and watch as your mom was the coolest superhero, sometimes you got to hang out on the CatCo set and between takes, pretend you were the boss!
Melissa had an extremely full day of filming today, which while it bummed you out that she didn’t have much free time to show you things, you still were excited. The morning consisted of you doing as much school work as you could, catching up on a few things and starting on a project that was due soon.
“Hey y/n!” Nicole popped her head into the trailer, knowing you’d been stuck in here alone and said to Melissa that she’d hang out with you.
“Nicole!!!” you jumped up and gave her a hug, both of you laughing.
“Wanna go bug Katie and hang out with Oisin?” You nodded, Mom didn’t bring Farley to work today since she didn’t want to task you with looking after her and doing your schoolwork, so you were more than happy to get some doggy cuddles.
You and Nicole chatted and skipped along to where Katie was standing talking to someone, Oisin on his leash. You ran up to him and gave him some pets.
“You wanna take him?” Katie asks looking down at you,
“Can i?!”
“Sure sweetheart, just be careful and stay where we can see you.” She and Nicole then began talking and you ran off with Oisin, playing with him and jumping around.
What you failed to see was a piece of equipment that had fallen. By the time you realised, you had tripped and fell hard onto your knee.
You cried out and let go of the leash, Oisin luckily running to Katie. Both Nicole and her came rushing over to you, Nicole taking Oisin’s leash as Katie attended to you.
“Y/n, hey, shh, what happened, where does it hurt?” You sobbed, and showed her your knee, a large gash across it. “Want mommy!” Katie shushed you gently and lifted you into her arms. She took you down to the medics on set, Nicole having gone to find Melissa.
You whined and cried as your cut was cleaned and it was determined you would need stitches.
“Y/n?” Melissa came running in, still in her supersuit. “Babygirl, hi, hi honey. It’s alright, mommy’s right here.” She took over from Katie and held you tight as you got stitches in your knee.
You were hoisted onto her hip once it was all done. Although too old to be held like this, you loved it and snuggled close.
“Can we go back to your trailer mom?” Melissa brushed your hair back and pressed a kiss to your temble,
“Sure baby, we’ll go right there and then I’ll see how quickly we can go home.”
“I love you mommy,” You cried, gripping onto her cape.
“I love you too sweetgirl, so much.”
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Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Gerard Butler as Stoick) https://youtu.be/JubX9ybyjHs?t=25 (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Cathriona Breannna McKinney (Pictured here)   Parents: Niamh McKinney (mom born Niamh, no surname) Conlaoch Belphegor Oisin McKinney (dad) Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: Ancient. Height: 195cm Body type: Big cuddly bear. Eye color: Gray/Auburn. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Invisibility, Invisibility Awareness (The power to detect invisibility) Healing, Unhealing, Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between) Shapeshifting (The power to transform and reshape the form of one’s body.) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Torment Inducement (the power to inflict torment and suffering upon others) Mental Manipulation (The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others.) Pain Inducement (The ability to inflict agonizing pain by varying means.) Empathic Masochism (The ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one’s own body.) Psychic Navigation (The power to track people/objects with one’s mind and/or create mental maps of an area) Visual Linking (The power to link one’s vision to others.) Accelerated Perception (The power to perceive everything at accelerated rate.) Enhanced Senses (The power to possess extremely accurate senses.) Illusion Awareness (The power to be aware if one’s surroundings are false.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Soul Removal (The power to remove souls from oneself and others) Necromancy (The power to utilize magic involving the dead, life-force and/or souls.)  Tracking Evasion (The power to hide from followers and pursuers and avoid total detection/discovery.) Will Breaking (The power to shatter the will of others.) Corruption Inducement (The power to erode a person’s morality to the point of being evil.)
About: Leader, Stubborn, Resourceful, Determined, Authoritarian, Strong, Serious, Alert, Old-Fashioned, Responsible, Organized, Decisive, Principled, Intuitive, Confident, Intelligent, Strong-willed, Stoic, Admirable, Family-Oriented, Calm, Proud, Loyal, Rustic, Stern, Courageous, Firm, Generous, Honest, Private, Logical, Observant, Perceptive, Rational, Protective and Respectful . ~ Sexuality Straight. But doesn’t completely deny anything gay. ~ Is a very high regarded form of demonic Knight. Or a Knight of hell, so to speak. ~ Always wears a special pointy ring on his finger to show he’s one of the first generations of McKinney males. Only he, his younger brother, and their father has one. ~ Irish ~ His name means ‘ Red haired’. ~ Talks with a thick accent. ~ Is the head of the McKinney clan, only outranked by his father. ~ Smells of Leather, Pine and Cedar wood. ~ Into Alchemy and very good at it. ~ Has a rocky relationship with Brandubh/Raven, cause he tends to bend rules of their clan. ~ Has a couple of huge scars from where a demonic creature once hit him, while trying to kill his wife. Roy killed the beast and saved the maiden. ~ Can play flute and harmonica very well. ~ Is very into blond virgins. Don’t care if they are male or female. ~ Hates honey. ~ Is very warm-hearted although mostly he comes of as stern authority. ~ Gets very irritated with people who doesn’t follow rules. ~ Is a bit of a loner. ~ Is a wonderful cook. ~ Is actually quite handy with a needle and threat. ~ Very skilled at sword fighting and swinging a battle ax or battle hammer. ~ Loves his huge family/clan deeply and would do anything for them, his wife, nature and spends as much time in it as possible, horses, deer, owls, falcons, food, honor, rules, integrity, traditions, when people obeys him or the McKinney clan rules, mead, sea, battles and duty. ~ Does not understand peanutbutter? Why is it so sticky???? ~ Style: Pirate King? *Snort*
One gif to describe him:
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Cathriona Breannna ‘Bree’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/R8k6siLmtA4?t=27s Singing voice: (Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/11FmCcUCS5A?t=47s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney (pictured here) Parents: Diseased. Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: At least 4000+ years. Height: 178cm Body type: Average, big boobs, juicy butt. Eye color: Light gray/green tones. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Healing, Empathic Healing (The power to heal others’ emotional wounds and/or burdens.) Sleep Inducement (The power to make someone sleep by touch) Multipresence (The ability to be in more than one place at once.) Truth Inducement (The ability to force a person to tell the truth.) Astral Projection (The power to separate one’s spirit from one’s body.) Astral Trapping (The ability to restrain/trap astral beings.) Psychic Shield (The power to be highly resistant to psychic attacks.) Curse Inducement (The ability to place a curse on anyone or anything.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Sensing (the ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them)
About: Warm, Loving, Kind, Friendly, Caring, Sociable, Compassionate, Positive, Gentle, Honest, Sentimental, Helpful, Persuasive,  Cooperative, Romantic, Selfless, Patient, Respectful, Sensitive, Forgiving, Tolerant, Earthy, Contemplative, Appreciative, Understanding, Open-Minded, Family-Oriented, Considerate, Nurturing, Charismatic, High-Spirited, Maternal,  Adaptable, Balanced, Cheerful, Curious, Practical, Fair, Intelligent, Protective and Passionate. ~ Sexuality Straight. ~ Irish ~ Speaks with a sometimes thick accent, but for the most she tones it down. ~ Always wears a medallion her husband gave her as an engagement gift. ~ Always tried her best to help everyone around her. ~ Has a hard time accepting no for an answer when she wants to serve food. ~ Is very motherly towards everyone she meets. ~ Smells of warm Bergamot and whatever is cooking in the kitchen. ~ Is very into poetry. ~ Very skilled cook. ~ Even more skilled at baking. ~ Dislikes rudeness. ~ Talks a a lot. ~ Insists people call her Bree. ~ Is very close to her youngest son, Brandubh/Raven, whom she tends to pamper a lot, even if he kinda dislikes her being so sticky. He’s still very much her baby boy. ~ Enjoys walks in the rain. ~ Very skilled with a sword and bow/arrow. ~ Sometimes has a bit of a bar-maiden attitude. ~ Loves her kids, husband, her huge family/clan, animals. helping, supporting, dancing, nature, cooking/baking, Irish traditions, family gatherings, parties, protecting the ones she love, poetry, reading, picking flowers, making everyone feel welcome, cleaning, mead and slow roasted meat. ~ Can swear like a sailor. ~ Do not for one second think she wont kick your ass if you deserve it! ~ Style: Bar maiden?
One gif to describe her:
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petermorwood · 5 years
My Dublin 2019 Schedule
@dduane‘s schedule is much, much busier, but then she IS one of the GoHs. :->
Thursday 15th August
Opening Ceremonies, featuring the 1944 Retro Hugo Awards
20:00 - 21:50, Auditorium (Convention Centre Dublin)
Join us on Thursday evening for the official opening of the convention! Hosted by Ellen Klages and Dave Rudden, this evening of surprises will introduce you to our Guests of Honour, present the Big Heart and First Fandom Awards, and pay tribute to science fiction’s illustrious past with the 1944 Retro Hugo Awards. Plus a preview of the many exciting performances that await you over the weekend!
Ellen Klages, Dave Rudden
Friday 16th August
10:30 - 10:50, Liffey Room-3 (CCD)
Peter Morwood
Sharp Storytelling
13:00 - 13:50, Wicklow Room-3 (CCD)
Remember the "Greatest swordfight" from the "The Princess Bride"? Or Darth Vader's duel with Obi-Wan? How about Aragon versus the Nazgûl? There can be only one! Bob Anderson was an Olympic competitor turned swordmaster/fight choreographer who knew how to tell a story with weapons. Our panellists will analyse how he did it.
Thomas Årnfelt (Moderator), Rachel Hartman, Zoë Sumra, Ingvar Mattsson, Peter Morwood
Kaffeeklatsch: Peter Morwood
Format: Kaffeeklatsch
16 Aug 2019, Friday 14:00 - 14:50, Level 3 Foyer (KK/LB) (CCD)
Peter Morwood
Saturday 17th August
(free day; I can go to other panels)
Sunday 18th August
Octocon presents: The Monster’s Perspective
11:00 - 11:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)
Often fiction is an exploration of the human condition as written from the perspective of the monster, the outsider, the other - the one who is different and so questions things which we may have taken for granted. But who defines who is the monster? Previous Octocon Guests of Honour and guests revisit a discussion from Octocon 2018.
Janet O'Sullivan (Moderator), Peter Morwood, Emma Newman, Pat Cadigan, Oisin McGann.
Independent Authors and Book covers
15:00 - 15:50, Liffey Hall-2 (CCD)
Standing out in the crowd is always a challenge even for conventionally-published novels in a busy marketplace. It's even more of a challenge for an independent author attempting to present competitively and professionally in a field where readers decide to purchase your book (or not) based on a scrap of imagery usually no bigger than a postage stamp. Diane Duane discusses the challenges of adapting novel-cover design to leverage current trends, including examples of hardware / software pairings that have proven useful in creating new, fresh-looking covers on the fly.
Diane Duane, Peter Morwood
The 2019 Hugo Awards Ceremony
20:00 - 22:00, Auditorium (CCD)
The premiere event of the Worldcon will take place on Sunday evening, as we celebrate the best science fiction and fantasy of 2018. Hosted by Afua Richardson and Michael Scott, we invite you to join us in congratulating this year’s finalists and winners of the prestigious Hugo Awards.
Afua Richardson (co-Moderator), Michael Scott (co-Moderator)
Monday 19th August
Creative couples
11:00 - 11:50, Wicklow Hall-1 (CCD)
C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner; Kate Wilhelm and Damon Knight; Kelly Link and Gavin Grant. The histories of science fiction and fantasy are studded with examples of couples who are notable as partnerships as well as individuals. But what is it really like to combine art, work, and life? When, why, and how does a project become a collaboration? In this panel, two creative couples will discuss their experiences.
Heide Goody (Moderator) Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, Ellen Kushner, Delia Sherman.
Closing Ceremonies
16:30 - 17:20, Auditorium (CCD)
All good things must come to an end – and for Dublin 2019, an Irish Worldcon, that ending will come on Monday at 16:30. We will take a look back at the weekend that was, say farewell to our Guests of Honour, and get a sneak preview of what awaits us at the 2020 Worldcon, CoNZealand.
Eoin Colfer (Moderator)
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scurvgirl · 6 years
Merry Christmas! I went into Lush the other day and was struck by the inspiration fairy! I think it was all the nice soaps. 
Oisin belongs to @lillotte17
Mana’din (mention) and Tasallir (mention) belong to @feynites
Note: Starting with this, all works posted here will be cross-posted to Pillowfort. Also, I am thinking that all works including smut will be exclusively available on Pillowfort. I’m scurv over there. 
For the past eight months, Oisin and her instructor have been working on a rather large mural that is to accompany the installation of a new ceiling on the Daran “Town Hall”. Several other artists have also been brought into the labor intensive project just to ensure the project is completed in the allotted time. Most days, from what Tonlen can tell, Oisin staggers home through the Eluvians, covered in paint and exceptionally sore from the meticulous detail work.
Tonlen understands the pain from his own work. And the poor thing hasn’t had a rest day in ages due to the demanding timeline. They only have two more months before completion, but it seems Mana’din herself has gotten word of how overworked the artists are and issues a decree that they all receive not one, not two, but three consecutive rest days. She cannot grant more without severely upsetting the timeline.
When he receives word that she will be granted these rest days, he sets to work. He knows the first day, or perhaps two days, will be spent at home with her family. Sleeping and recuperating. But he sends a missive requesting the third day, even if it is only for an afternoon. He promises nothing strenuous, and in fact, he plans to pamper her.
Oisin’s reply is short but sweet, clearly written by someone else to give her fingers a rest. He suspects the neat script belongs to Einin, explaining the lack of normal endearments in the reply. Still, it says love at the bottom and it fills him with a reciprocating warmth as she agrees to the day.
He awaits her at the Eluvian, dressed in a looser fitting tunic and flowing pants. She arrives rested and beautiful as always. Her hair is in a simple braided bun, and the paint upon her face is minimal.
“Darling,” Tonlen says, striding to her. He takes her face gently in his hands and kisses her softly.
“Oh, I’ve missed you so,” she sighs, leaning her forehead against his. He suppresses the desire to kiss her all over. They are in public and today is not about his desires, but rather her comforts.
“As I have missed you. Come, I have arranged something for you.” He takes her hand and they start their walk through Daran to the baths. She leans against him, her aura soft and tired but vibrating with happiness. He does not hide his affection or love, instead surrounding her with it even though they are in public. Passerby give them a wide berth, and normally he would not be so unrestrained, but he cannot find the ability to care when this is the first time in several months they have stolen a moment together.
They arrive at the baths and she sighs.
“A bath?”
“A private bath,” he corrects, “well, not entirely, I will be there unless you do not want me to - though that would prevent some of the surprises I planned.” The baths have rooms that can be rented for privacy. It requires some forethought, but it’s not exactly difficult to reserve a bath.
Oisin turns to him and presses her lips to his temple, “Of course I want you there, though I do not think I am up for...certain activities.”
“Darling, if I wished to make love to you, I would not bring you here. Not to worry.” He squeezes her hand then guides her into the bathing hall. Their private bath is in a room along the west wall. It is a nice room with bath centered in the middle, rectangular in shape the corners are rounded. Nothing in the room has a hard edge - not even the windows, which are circular and angled high with stained glass to prevent any would-be peeping toms from looking into the room.
The room itself is a warm off-white with accents of turquoise and brass. There are towels and special ordered bathing products he’d ordered placed by the bath. Lit candles provide a gentle scent of a sea breeze.
Oisin sighs, tension quickly leaving her shoulders.
“It’s lovely, Tonlen,” she murmurs. He kisses her cheek then sets to slowly divest her of her clothing. He leaves her hair up, hair will come later. First, Tonlen wishes to tend to the body. Once naked, she steps into the warm water, giving a sigh of comfort. She settles into a rounded corner while Tonlen fetches a small sphere of salts and soaps baked together. He plops it into the water where it sizzles then sinks, radiant blues and whites sputtering up from it, turning the water into a beautiful mosaic.
“Oh!” Oisin gasps, “oooh.” She sinks further into the pool when the enchanted soaps begin to coil around her.
“It is enchanted to relax the muscles and to soften the skin - it is rumored to be exceptionally relaxing.”
“It is. Join me?” She asks, batting heavy eyelids at him. Who is he to deny her this?
Tonlen quickly disrobes, his loose clothing picked strategically for this. He steps into the water and lets out a sigh himself. It does feel incredible, his own worn body seems to melt into the ease of the water. It is tempting to simply relax with her, enjoying the warmth and the soap - but he has a plan, and he very much wants to fulfill it.
He knew that sex was likely not happening, which he doesn’t mind. But he did miss touching her, and he thinks she missed the touching as well. Add that to her sore muscles and the conclusion was logical.
Tonlen leans over the edge of the bath and picks up a bottle. He bought it at the same shop as the bath bomb and the enchantment is similar.
“What do you have there?” Oisin asks, her voice lower and raspier as the magic relaxes her. Tonlen smiles and gestures for her to turn around.
“Turn around and I will demonstrate.” She flushes slightly but does as he requests, giving him her back. He pours some of the lotion into his palms and works it into a lather before placing his hands on her shoulders.
Slowly and gently, he works the oil into her skin. His thumbs make gentle circles into her skin and muscles, slowly working them to further relaxation.
“Oooh,” she breathes, melting under his touch. He leans forward and kisses the tip of an ear.
“You have been working so hard, I know. You deserve rest.” Inch by inch he works his way down from her neck to her shoulders. He works at her right shoulder first, feeling the muscles bunched and aching for some sort of release.
She makes little noises of shock and pleasure, and sometimes in pain at the massage. But he knows it is a good pain, the kind that is working a pain out and not setting one. Down her arm he massages, carefully tending to the muscles of her biceps and triceps, then the tired muscles of her forearm. He pays special attention to her wrist, rotating it and murmuring soft healing spells as he brings it to his lips for a kiss. He works at her palm and fingers, pressing in similar spells to ease the pain of overuse.
He repeats the same process with her other arm, slowly pulling apart the tension. He only pauses the massage to hold her, kissing her neck and murmuring sweet things to her. How he missed her, how he loves her, how he wants to make her feel good.
There are tears upon her cheeks but a soft smile too and he knows that there are no tears of pain. The emotion is much and he is accustomed to her displays by now. He kisses the tears on her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose, before settling at her mouth. They share a long passionate but unhurried kiss that nearly completely distracts him from the rest of the pampering.
But he remembers and pulls away, “I’m not done yet,” he says softly before returning to the bottle of oil. He shifts so that he is at her back again and resumes the massage, moving lower this time. She presses into his hands, eyes fluttering closed as his hands move to undo the knots in the center of her spine from bending and twisting so much. His fingers drift to her sides, skimming to the soft skin of her stomach before returning the muscle of her back.
“Oh, Tonlen,” she moans when he reaches the base of her spine, right before the curve of her ass. He presses his thumbs into the dimples right above her bum then moves them in small circles. She makes a sound that is halfway between a moan and a whine. Taking a hint, he continues to work that spot, only venturing out to give the muscles bunched around her hips similar treatment.
Oisin’s breath hitches and her head lolls. He spends a long time with her lower back, working it slowly until he worries that too much will actually cause more harm than good. Instead, Tonlen’s hands drift lower to the soft muscle and flesh of Oisin’s ass.
“Oh!” She says as she feels his hands.
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want,” he clarifies as he keeps his touches consistent with what he was doing, “these are muscles like all the rest.” Tonlen presses a kiss to the nape of her neck and she settles once more.
“A-alright.” He kisses her shoulders in thanks before continuing. This angle is not the best to massage her here, but he makes do. He does not venture towards her cleft like he would during sex. Instead, his hands remain with the soft muscles, pushing and rubbing them until she is moaning softly once more.
“I had no...idea,” she murmurs and he grins. He loves showing her new ways to love and to be loved. He loves that he is the one to show her this. Her reactions are so beautiful and honest that have him radiating love and affection in return.
Like he worked on her shoulders to her arms, Tonlen gradually shifts his hands down to her right thigh. He coaxes her to sit while he tends to her legs. He ignores the slight arousal in the air and the response to all the touching, focusing on his task. This isn’t for sex, this is for her to relax.
She bites her lip and moans when he makes it to her foot. He presses into her arch and works some of the lotion into the heel of her foot. When he touches her toes she starts to giggle, making him smile in return.
The left leg has much of the same effect. Her feet are sore and he takes all the care to ease some of the tension from them.
All that is left after the massage is her hair, but her eyes are hooded and she is beckoning him to her.
“Love,” she calls. He sits next to her and she quickly moves to him, wrapping her arms around him and tucking her head against his chest. From this angle, he can see that the lotion has soaked into her skin and it makes her look radiant. Resplendent and golden, absolutely gorgeous.
“I want to do this to you too,” she says after a long while.
“Mmm, I would love that. Another time, though, today is about you.” He adores spoiling her, he would do it constantly if funds or time were of no concern. He would have her bedecked in the best finery, smelling of her favorite flowers and perfumes. She would have everything her heart desires - from the halla she loves to clothes to her dream home. He wants these things for her, wants to help her achieve them.
She looks up at him and he down at her. Their lips meet in another kiss, moving against each other unhurried and loving. His hands drift to her hair, unpinning the bun and slowly undoing the braid so that her hair is spilling down her back into the water like a golden waterfall.
He breaks the kiss with a sweeter kiss to her nose.
“Time for your hair, darling,” he whispers, not wanting to break the soft atmosphere with a loud voice. Oisin sighs and nods, turning so he has full access to her long locks. He pours water over her hair then works a comb gently through. Her hair is so lovely, like the rest of her, it’s thick and catches the light with the different hues of blondes. It is hair that would make anyone envious, thick and heavy without being frizzy and overwhelming. She wears it so well, with just the littlest bit of fringe in the front to frame her lovely face.
Such long hair takes time to wash, however. He works from the top down with the shampoo until it is time to rinse. Afterwards, he starts up again with the conditioner. He takes care to massage her scalp while the conditioner sits, moving around the base of her skull all the way up to forehead and then back to around her ears. She flushes at the ear touches even as he tries his best not to touch the sensitive tips.
His name is a breathless sigh on her lips.
With her hair finished, his plan comes to a simmering close. She turns to him in the water, fresh face covered in freckles that he has kissed more times than he can count. Love washes over him.
“Let me wash you, love,” she beseeches. Satisfied with his own plan, he nods. She grabs a washcloth and grabs the soap and begins to lovingly wash him in turn. Her hands linger over his skin, pausing over the still sensitive skin on the back of his shoulder.
“This one is new,” she says, tracing the outline of a new flower - a pretty red amaryllis with petals outlined in gold. She presses a soft kiss to it, making him shiver.
“I got it two weeks ago on a visit to my family,” he says once she resumes washing him. She follows a path similar to his own, flowing down to his arms and hands.
“Oh? And how are they? And little Asarla! How is she?”
“They’re well! Asarla is very smart for her age from what I gather. Only three but solving puzzles made for five year olds. She told me that she wants more pretty shoes.” He laughs, his little sister is so much like him and their mother. She is so gloriously stubborn and adorable, he loves her to bits.
“That’s wonderful, perhaps we can arrange for a large dinner between our families again, soon?”
Tonlen sighs and turns to her, “Darling, this is supposed to be a relaxing time.” She chuckles.
“I concede your point. What made you think of this anyways?”
He shrugs, her hands slipping around his shoulders, hands cleaning him but also gripping in what he thinks he is appreciation. Her form is also deeply pleasing to him and he would be lying if he said that he did not greatly appreciate getting to touch her so much with the massage.
“When I was an apprentice, there was a commission that took months to complete alongside my master. It was this elaborate leather, gold, and gems. I was tasked with assisting with the leather embossing and some of the metalwork. By the end of the commission, my body felt like it was destroyed. My back ached, my hands were torn up, it hurt to move my neck. My uncle Tasallir saw how in poor shape I was, so he had it arranged for me to spend the day with a massage healer. I am not as good as a massage healer, but I thought this might help ease some of the pain.” She pauses in her ministrations and turns around to face him.
“You’re right, you’re better. I can’t think of anything more perfect than this, thank you.” His heart clenches. She is wonderful and good and he loves her dearly. He swells with happiness that she has so enjoyed his gift.
“You are very welcome, my darling.”
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highfiveheroes · 3 months
installment four of "they're best friends your honor" is here if you love kristen and gorgug :)
"Did you miss me?" she teases, kneeling on the edge of the pile instead of collapsing like normal. He raises an eyebrow at her. The corner of his mouth looks like he’s been gnawing on it, the way he usually does when he tries to focus on reading. "I have something for you."
"Oh, goodie," he says dryly, but he tilts his head to the shoulder closest to her and smiles anyway. "What is it, Madame President?"
She passes him the package. It looks really dreadful, and Oisin had told her as much. She didn’t care what Oisin thought at the moment. Now, though, she wishes she’d taken him up on the offer to call Ivy and have her wrap it with a nice Moonar Yulenear bow.
"Did I miss a birthday?"
"Take it."
He snatches it from her playfully. "No."
or: Kristen tries to be a good friend. Emotionally, it sort of backfires.
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feynites · 6 years
*flings some more Tonlen x Oisin snuggles at @scurvgirl and @lillotte17 because I WANTED MORE THAT WAS TOO CUTE*
Also this is more NSFW-y. 
Tonlen’s skin is tattooed in flowers.
 He shivers when Oisin tastes them with their tongue. Although the texture of the skin doesn’t feel any different from anywhere else. They still indulge in the impulse, peppering ‘tastes’ with kisses, and letting their hands wander.
 The two of them do not always have sex when they are intimate. They go at their own pace, and Oisin has discovered that this sometimes means indulging in a wide range of activities that are not intercourse. Or that straddle a sort of borderline with it. Today, a shared rest day, they have spent the better part of the morning just… admiring one another. Trading touches and kisses, but also conversation, and grooming. Bathing. Primping. Oisin’s nails are freshly painted, toes and fingers alike. Tonlen’s skin has been treated with a new lotion he has been meaning to try; exfoliated and then lavished. It has left him feeling very soft, now that it has all set in. But he says he still does not think he likes it as much as his usual kind.
 They took a break around lunch, to eat and sort of dress, and work on a few projects. Tonlen had receipts to file and Oisin brought a book to read. The sun had been hidden by clouds for the morning, and by then, the sky broke into a gentle rain. It felt as though the air let out a breath of relief over it. The sound of droplets hitting the ceiling had provided a sweet ambiance, that eventually drew the two of them back into bed together.
 Tonlen recited poetry.
 Oisin hadn’t thought to bring any, but they can imagine a few other ways to express their appreciation.
 Just because they do not always have sex does not mean they do not frequently have sex.
 Their tongue finds a nipple, which draws a pleasant sound. And then they pepper kisses down Tonlen’s ribs, before stopping midway on their journey to lavish attention on his navel. The skin around it is even softer than the rest. They like the way that Tonlen’s hips twist when they press their tongue into it. But they know how to get an even better reaction, and as the desire thickens in the air between them, they find themselves impatient for it.
 “Come back up here,” Tonlen requests. Brushing fingers through their hair, and then pressing behind their ears in a manner meant to coax them upwards. Probably to steal another kiss.
 But so is the blushing cock waiting below.
 “In a bit,” they say, and make their way south instead. Tonlen’s breath catches a little when they do not even bother to use their hands. Instead they nuzzle at his thigh for a moment, and breathe in the scent of his new lotion - they think they might prefer the regular one too, actually, it smells more Tonlen-y - before applying their tongue to his flushed skin.
 The hitch of his breath and the way his fingers curl in their hair is intoxicating.
 Oisin likes all parts of being loved and loving, they think. They like it when Tonlen pleases them; and they like it just as much when they please Tonlen. They like how pliant he becomes when they hold his hips down. They like the feel of his nails scraping against their scalp. They like the way his breaths speed up, and the air flutters with arousal, as he stares down at them there. Between his legs.
 They lick at him, drawing their tongue up and down his length, until they have coaxed into standing at full attention. Tonlen’s hair is a dark fan against the pillows, and his pulse seems like it is thundering beneath his skin, as they finally start to take him into their mouth. Licking and teasing, taking their time to fit him between their lips. He gets almost flustered when they do this, somehow.
 Oisin likes it. It makes them feel powerful. Makes them feel gentle, too.
 When they finally fit Tonlen’s cock into their mouth, successfully fending off their gag reflex for only the third time, their lover’s hips strain in their grasp and his the arousal in the air briefly becomes more intense than any other feeling. It drowns out the heat of his cock in Oisin’s mouth, and the feel of his skin against his palms, and the scent of him. The taste of him, and even the sight of him. Just for a few seconds, that leave both of them tingling with the rust.
 OIsin rather thinks a spirit was just born.
 They slide Tonlen’s cock from their mouth, and offer him a rare, cocky grin, before taking him down again. Letting their focus turn back to the task at hand; though looking away from that full-body blush is a challenge, too.
 It is well worth it, though, to hear him pant and feel him strain. To draw as much pleasure from him as they can, intent and just shy of possessive.
 Maybe not actually shy of it, they concede, as they tighten their grip a little and let some of their greed for him bleed into the atmosphere between them, too. They whirl their tongue over the head of his cock, and swallow him down one last time; letting go of one hip to stroke at the base of his shaft, until he comes with a choked sound and a twist to his hips. His cock pressing against their cheek, his seed spilling into their mouth.
 For all that they love making love, Oisin has found that they are not overfond of the taste of that. They spit it discreetly into a basin beside the bed - something their lover began making handy after their first few times together - before climbing up to claim that kiss of theirs.
 Tonlen pants just a little, his pleasure tingling in the air, buzzing in their fingers when they get their arms around him. It tickles their mouth as they kiss him.
 “You are so wonderful,” they murmur. “Blooming with desire at a touch. My sweet flower.”
 They rather like the way he squirms at the compliment. And then snorts a laugh at them, before brushing their cheek.
 “That is a new one,” he notes.
 Oisin grins.
 They like finding new endearments for him. The more tender and romantic the better, they think, as they rest their throat and nuzzle his cheek for a moment instead. But they only ever bring them out when it is just the two of them.
 It is another kind of intimacy, really.
 Maybe even one of their favourites.
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lukaswittorf · 6 years
Cinematography Session04
In the next 2-3 weeks, we will be working in a team to shoot a practice project in the Green-Screen Room including scripting, planing and being assigned to each job on set. At first, we had to find a suitable script that does not require many actors or special locations. The task was to find a royalty free script online to shoot an odd or interesting conversation between two actors.  In the end, we agreed on a script about a card duel in a terrorist hideout written by Luqman and Oisin.  Before we took the equipment down to the Green-Screen-Room, we decided who has to do which job on set and what look and feel we wanted in our scenes. I was assigned to be gaffer together with my lighting assistant Jerry and the look and feel of our short film has to be rather dark and high-contrast.
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Setting up the location worked pretty easy, because the set only consisted of a desk, a couch and a chair with two actors playing cards against each other. 
Next, we started blocking the scene to find out, where the camera department should set up the camera. At first, we wanted to show how Luqman enters the room through a a heavy door in the back. 
We, the lighting crew used a 1200 Watt daylight spot-light to simulate sunlight shining through the opened door as Luqman goes inside the darker room.
Besides that, we only used tungsten light in our three-point lighting set-up to expose the actors realistically. 
We used the strong blondie spot light as our key-light. For learning reasons, we took a lot of time to observe different influences on the spot lights. At first, we positioned the spot light directly on the actors, what lead to a very bright exposure. Then, we tried a diffuser panel in front of the light source. The result is soft light on the actors, but the wall was bright as well, what stood in contrast to our look and feel parameters. 
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Source: Lukas Wittorf in SIT - Blondie-Spotlight with a diffuse panel and a flag
So, we used a flag, tilt in the same angle like the diffuser panel to get rid of the light in the back. 
The fill-light was used to create a softer gradient from bright to dark on Luqman’s left side of face without increasing the exposure on Oisin’s face. 
This time, we used a smaller Redhead spotlight with a diffuse-gel and a flag to hit only the parts of Luqman’s face. 
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Finally, we only had to separate Oisin from the wall behind him by using a lower prolight as our back-light.
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To remember the lighting set up in the following session, we had to draw a plan of the positions and documented each adjustment. 
Unfortunately, we realized just after lunch that  set our camera’s white balance and shot the first shots with the lights on the ceiling turned on, what had a slight influence on our exposure. I learned that you really have to take care of your environment on a set, because of the many different things that could influence your final picture. 
After the lights have been set up, we started shooting the first perspectives of the scene. To have the possibility in post, we blocked the whole scene from each angle except for the opening scene when Luqman enters the room. 
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After lunch, we set up the dolly rails to shoot a smooth tracking shot on Oisin as he stands up and beats Luqman at the end of the game. 
The rails have to be even all the time to avoid losing control in the shot. Besides we have to remember to use safety brakes at the end of the rails to prevent a turning over of the dolly including the DOP and the camera gear. 
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